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WWF 2001: The InVasion Done Right

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Edge and Christian vs. Kaientai


WWF Women's Title Match: Chyna defends vs. Trish Stratus


Albert vs. Raven


WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match: Jerry Lynn defends vs. Jeff Hardy


Tables Match: Right To Censor vs. Dudley Boyz

I think this is where an extra twist might be as everyone is expecting the Dudleys to win, so i'm going to go the opposite as think there will be more to this than a normal tables match


Grand Master Sexay vs. Kane


WWF World Tag Team Titles Match: The Two Man Power Trip defend vs.

Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho


Thanks for the tips!




guess he just did his last job...to death


It IS sad about Barry Horowitz. I had thought about grabbing him up when I started this diary. Kinda glad I didn't now.




More news and rumors from the WWF front. It appears that some roster changes are going to be made within the first month of the new WWF/WCW war. It seems that the company wants to make the two seperate brands a little more equal. This means wrestlers from the WWF brand moving over to the WCW brand. Who are these wrestlers? No one seems to know for sure as tight lips are being kept on all fronts. However, we can report that certain signings have been made. Those signings may or may not include such wrestlers as Rob Van Dam, Roddy Piper, Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig and Jerry 'The King' Lawler. Where these men will turn up, though, is anyone's guess. Also, expect the Nitro commentary team to be switched up at least two more times within the coming month as WCW experiments with who will do the best job for them. As of this writing, it's Michael Cole, Tazz and Scott Hudson.


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I'm on the fence over Flair - I can see why you've done it but I've always preferred Ric on the chase and there's a great 'One more run' story there. As I say though, I can see why you've done it and will await the hinted at twists before making a decision on how I feel on it! Good Nitro though which highlighted all of the things that made the show unmissable.


Edge and Christian vs. Kaientai -

A little momentum back for WWF's top regular heel team.


WWF Women's Title Match: Chyna defends vs. Trish Stratus

Can't see Trish taking the title at this stage, maybe the first step in a proper feud that sees her overcome the odds but not at the moment.


Albert vs. Raven

The future Giant Bernard is a diamond in the rough - but he's still green around the edges here. Raven could be an integral part of any ECW faction that may crop up. It's a toss up.


WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match: Jerry Lynn defends vs. Jeff Hardy

A great match-up looming. I call RVD debut interference for a double DQ and a killer three way dance at the next PPV.


Tables Match: Right To Censor vs. Dudley Boyz

It's the Dudleyz home match - they'll be kept strong against JTTS Val Venis & The Goodfather


Grand Master Sexay vs. Kane

I call no contest. I predict the match doesn't happen after the nWo jump Kane & Sexay. Kane to get demolished with no Undertaker support breeding discontent between the BOD. I'm calling a disrupted BOD v Outsiders at an upcoming PPV.


WWF World Tag Team Titles Match: The Two Man Power Trip defend vs.

Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho

Benoit and Jericho take the straps after HHH and Austin can't see eye to eye.

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I'm on the fence over Flair - I can see why you've done it but I've always preferred Ric on the chase and there's a great 'One more run' story there. As I say though, I can see why you've done it and will await the hinted at twists before making a decision on how I feel on it! Good Nitro though which highlighted all of the things that made the show unmissable.


Glad that you enjoyed the Nitro overall. I tried to give it that anything can happen feel that it always had IMO.


As for the Ric Flair situation, I can only wait and see if I can win everyone over with my decision to put the belt on Flair this early. One of the bigger twists and surprises will occur at the very next Nitro.

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Edge and Christian vs. Kaientai

Nothing against Kaientai but they're nowhere near the popularity level of E&C.

WWF Women's Title Match: Chyna defends vs. Trish Stratus

Feud starter perhaps? Expecting to see Ivory get involved in this match one way or another.

Albert vs. Raven

This is not going to be a classic...

WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match: Jerry Lynn defends vs. Jeff Hardy

Too early for a title change? Perhaps, but I think Jeff would be more use with Matt and Lita at this time.

Tables Match: Right To Censor vs. Dudley Boyz

I chose this and went back to check everyone elses picks - glad to see nick agree with me! I think a shock win for RTC is on the cards, especially with a table match being so easy to lose by accident.

Grand Master Sexay vs. Kane


WWF World Tag Team Titles Match: The Two Man Power Trip defend vs. Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho

Tough one. I don't think the Chrises will take the belts but maybe you'll sow the seeds of dissention between Austin and The Game.

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Edge and Christian vs. Kaientai

WWF Women's Title Match: Chyna defends vs. Trish Stratus

Albert vs. Raven

WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match: Jerry Lynn defends vs. Jeff Hardy

Tables Match: Right To Censor vs. Dudley Boyz

Grand Master Sexay vs. Kane

WWF World Tag Team Titles Match: The Two Man Power Trip defend vs. Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho

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Monday Week 2 May 2001

Location: The Palace of Auburn Hills MI (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 24,276

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 14.57


[The show begins with a somber mood taking place as all of the WWF wrestlers stand at the top of the entrance ramp. On the Titan-Tron is a picture...]




[...of the recently passed away Barry Horowitz. All of the wrestlers stand tall and bow their heads as the bell is rung ten times in memory of this former WWF superstar.]




[Following a commercial break, fireworks explode at the top of the ramp to welcome everyone to Raw is War!


"Keep rollin, rollin, rollin, rollin, Yeah!

Keep rollin, rollin, rollin, rollin, What?

Keep rollin, rollin, rollin, rollin, Come on!

Keep rollin, rollin, rollin, rollin!"...]




[...The crowd goes wild as the sounds of the motorcycle drown out just about everything in the arena. The Undertaker rides down toward the ring and parks at ringside. He steps off the motorcycle and slides into the ring, reaching out and being handed a microphone...]


The Undertaker

"Last week, three men made the biggest mistakes of their lives when they stepped into the ring and attacked me from behind and cost me the World Wrestling Federation title. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Scott Steiner. You stepped into my ring last week, you stepped into my yard and attacked the biggest dog in the yard. Well, now, the chain has come off the dog. I snapped the little collar that was around my neck and you're going to see why you don't step into my yard without my permission. I don't care if it's one of you, two of you, three of you or, hell, let's add in Eric Bischoff just for the amusement of it. But tonight by the end of the show I am going to show you why you need to respect the Undertaker. Then at Judgement Day I have a match scheduled against Triple H for the Intercontinental title."


[...The crowd cheered that announcement! What a match!...]


The Undertaker

"Hunter, enjoy every moment that you have with that belt because after Judgement Day it is coming to the big dog within the yard."


[...The Undertaker raised a fist and his music kicked in. Undertaker has called out the nWo! Plus he has a match against Triple H at Judgement Day for the Intercontinental title?]




[Jim Ross and Paul Heyman welcomed everyone to WWF Raw is War live from the Palace of Auburn Hills in Michigan. Tonight, we have a great main event in store for everyone...]




[...The Two Man Power Trip defend the WWF World Tag Team titles against the team of Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho! Can The Two Man Power Trip walk away with the belts?]




Match #1


Edge and Christian vs. Kaientai


[Edge and Christian came out wearing Los Angeles Lakers jerseys, which got them a solid round of boos! This match was solidly dminated by the E&C duo, which came as a surprise to just about no one. TAKA got in a kick to the head midway through the match but that's about the extent of the offense of Kaientai. Christian caught TAKA with the inverted DDT and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Edge and Christian (Via Pinfall @ 7:51)

Match Rating: C+




[The crowd was definitely upset about the win by Edge and Christian and with good reason, right?



That's what you've got!

Go up against a machine too strong

Pretty politicans buying souls for us all



The crowd within the arena stirs at the sound of this very familiar music. All the attention turns toward the entrance while a picture is shown on the Titantron...]




[...It's Vince McMahon! The owner of the WWF will be returning to Raw is War next week! You can bet that he will have certain things to say about the formation of WCW Thursday Nitro and the Two Man Power Trip!]




[The Titantron switches over to the backstage area, the locker room in particular. The two members of the Two Man Power Trip are seen going nose to nose!...]




[...Triple H and Steve Austin look like they're both about to explode...]


Steve Austin

"Where were you last week, son? I got attacked by three people plus The Undertaker and you were nowhere to be found?"


Triple H

"I already left the building, Steve. I figured you could handle it. I guess I've seen what you can handle."


Steve Austin

"What? Tonight, you're going to see what I can handle when we open up a can of whoopass on those two little vanilla midgets: Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho."


Triple H

"You sure you're not going to need a little help getting that can open?"


Steve Austin

"You should know better than most that Stone Cold can whoop some ass."


[...Triple H smirks and the two continue to stare each other down as we head elsewhere.]




[The Titantron switches over to another location. It looks like we are somewhere backstage within the Palace. A hallway can be seen leading to blackness in the background, the lights are dim and the camera focuses on the lone person sitting within the area...]




[...That lone person is Raven. Raven looks up toward the camera with a saddened, depressed look on his face and in his eyes...]



"Alone. Always alone. That is how we are all going to end up, isn't it? That is how each and every one of us lives our lives whether we want to believe it or not. But I am offering salvation. I am offering a chance for certain superstars in the WWF to not feel alone anymore. You can join me. You can join my Flock. I will feel your pain. I will take it on myself and be a martyr for your salvation. If you choose to come to me. I will be your solace. I will be your rock on a stormy shore. So it is written, so it shall come to pass. Quote the Raven...Nevermore."


[...Raven extends his arms in the cross formation and we head back to the ring.]




Match #2


WWF Women's Title Match

Chyna defends vs. Trish Stratus


[This was a definite mismatch of size and strength as Chyna defends the title against Trish Stratus. Trish tried to use speed in this match to keep herself away from Chyna. But once Chyna caught her, she dominated the smaller Trish. She lifted Trish easily and press slammed her to the mat. Then she got her set up -- Power Bomb! Chyna made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Chyna (Via Pinfall @ 7:45)

Match Rating: D+




[Jim Ross lets everyone know that he is receiving word that something is happening backstage! We head backstage to see a man lying on the ground being stomped by two other men...]




[...The Two Man Power Trip has Kane down! Triple H has the Sledgehammer in hand and he is choking the Big Red Monster with it! Austin puts the boots to Kane while he tries to fight off the assault but the two men have him down and out. Triple H lets go of the chokehold and Austin raises Kane slightly while Triple H backs up -- sledgehammer shot to the skull! It looks like the Two Man Power Trip are back on the same page. We need some medical attention for the Big Red Monster!]




Match #3


Albert vs. Raven


[Despite the interview given by Raven earlier in the evening, the fans really didn't seem to care about this brawl between Albert and Raven. It was a definite hard-hitting matchup that saw Albert gain a near-fall following a bicycle kick. Albert went for the Baldo Bomb but Raven managed to get out and take the upper hand. Raven caught Albert with three straight kneelifts and then pulled him in -- Piledriver! Raven made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Raven (Via Pinfall @ 5:27)

Match Rating: D






The crowd went wild when the music kicked on and they all looked to the entrance to see the Titantron showing highlights of the People's Champ!...]




[...The Rock! The Rock will be returning to the World Wrestling Federation at Judgement Day! What a major announcement and another reason to stay tuned to the WWF and to purchase Judgement Day!]




[We head backstage once again as the scene comes up this time on a fight...]




[...Steven Richards is standing back yelling as The Goodfather and Val Venis battle with the Dudley Boyz! Bubba Ray starts to get the upper hand -- Superkick by Richards! Bubba Ray is dropped and Richards puts the boots to him along with The Goodfather! Val Venis and Ivory work on D-Von Dudley as road agents finally file in to break things up.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/Invasion/JerryLynn.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/Invasion/VS.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/Invasion/JeffHardy.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/Invasion/Lita_alt.jpg

WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match

Jerry Lynn defends vs. Jeff Hardy


[The fans were a little more excited to see the WWF Light Heavyweight title defended by Jerry Lynn against the exciting Jeff Hardy with Lita in his corner. The crowd was solidly behind Hardy during this match though there were a few chants of 'New F'N Show' when Lynn hit Hardy with a Tornado DDT for a two count. Hardy fought back and caught Lynn with a Whisper In The Wind. Hardy motioned toward the turnbuckles and began to climb when the crowd began to boo as two men came walking down toward the ring...]




[...It's Edge and Christian! E&C walk down, distracting Hardy for long enough for Lynn to get up and crotch Hardy on the turnbuckle. Edge walks over to Lita and she slaps him! Edge shoves her down to the ground as inside the ring Hardy has pushed Lynn off the turnbuckle as Lynn was going for a Superplex. Hardy leaps -- Swanton Bomb! Hardy makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Christian breaks it up! The referee calls for the immediate DQ!]


Winner: Jeff Hardy (Via Disqualification @ 8:18; Jerry Lynn retains the WWF Light Heavyweight title)

Match Rating: C


[...Christian picks up Hardy -- Unprettier! Edge enters the ring and motions to Christian. They each stand in adjacent corners waiting for Jeff Hardy to get up. The crowd yells at Hardy to stay down but he begins pushing his way toward his feet. Suddenly, Christian is tripped from behind and crotched on the ring post!...]




[...It's Matt Hardy! Matt checks on Lita and then enters the ring, exchanging punches with Edge! Matt starts to get the advantage as Lita enters the ring -- Twist of Fate by Matt Hardy! Team Xtreme stands tall in the middle of the ring!]




[The crowd was definitely happy to see Team Xtreme standing tall within the middle of the ring. The crowd was not so happy when the Titantron turned on to show the backstage area and this man...]




[...Kurt Angle! Boos fill the arena along with a 'You tapped out' chant. Kurt walks down a hallway and stops a production assistant...]


Kurt Angle

"Hey, you, you don't think I tapped out to Chris Benoit, do you?"


Production Assistant

"Well, Mr. Angle, I..."


Kurt Angle

"Of course you don't. You're smarter than all these fans here in Michigan. Oh, it's true, it's true. But because I need to educate these fans here and around the world I am going to give Chris Benoit a chance to step into the ring with an Olympic gold medalist once again. I am going to step inside the ring with him at Judgement Day one on one. And I am the one who is going to win and do you know why? I'll tell you why: Because I exhibit the three I's: intelligence, integrity and intensity. Oh, it's true. It's true!"


[...Kurt smacks the man on the back and turns and continues down the hallway as we head back to the ring.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/Invasion/ValVenis.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/Invasion/TheGoodfather.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/Invasion/StevenRichards.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/Invasion/Ivory.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/Invasion/VS.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/Invasion/DudleyBoys_alt.jpg

Tables Match

Right To Censor vs. Dudley Boyz


[Let's get this straight from the beginning, this match was a four on one encounter from the get-go. Since referee Mike Chioda couldn't disqualify Right To Censor for their tactics, he had to just let certain things go on. This brought the Dudley Boyz to a distinct disadvantage. Steven Richards brought a table into play early on into the match and there were several near-finishes with the table in play. The Dudley Boyz did start a comeback where they took The Goodfather down with a double flapjack. That got the crowd excited. Bubba shoved D-Von and told him to get the tables! More tables were brought inside the ring. Val Venis was set up -- 3D through the table! The referee called for the bell as this match was over!]


Winners: Dudley Boyz (Via Table Breakage @ 8:59)

Match Rating: C




[The Titantron lights up to show the backstage locker room area once again...]




[...This time, it's the two men who will be competing for the WWF World Tag Team Titles! Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit! Jericho turns his eyes to Benoit...]


Chris Jericho

"Listen up, junior, you better not let Kurt Angle distract you from what we want to have happen tonight. We are going to be the WWF World Tag Team Champions. Every Jerichoholic in this arena wants to see it, Chris. Every Jerichoholic in the world wants to see Chris Jericho pin Triple H or Steve Austin or make one of them submit to the Walls of Jericho!"


Chris Benoit

"I'll hold up my part, Chris. You just make sure you hold up yours."


[...The two men nod to each other and we head back to the ring.]




Match #6


Grand Master Sexay vs. Kane


[This match was a dominant affair by the Big Red Monster. The masked wrestler was definitely upset about the attack that took place earlier in the night by the Two Man Power Trip and he took out his aggression on Grand Master Sexay. Kane took Sexay down with a spinning side slam and rose to his feet. He sent Sexay to the ropes -- big boot! He lifted Sexay by the throat and raised him up before tossing him with ease into the turnbuckles and then bringing him down to the mat by jacking him up with an uppercut. Kane finally decided to end the match, picking up Sexay and wrapping his hand around his throat -- Choke Slam! Kane made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Kane (Via Pinfall @ 5:30)

Match Rating: C+




Match #7


WWF World Tag Team Titles Match:

The Two Man Power Trip defend vs. Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho


[Our main event for this evening and what a matchup it should be as two top teams within the WWF square off for their ultimate prize: the WWF World Tag Team Titles! Benoit and Jericho came out first as they are the challengers and then out came The Two Man Power Trip. A brawl started the encounter between all four men with Jericho and Triple H spilling outside. Chris Benoit sent Steve Austin into a corner and laced his chest with three straight chops. Austin staggered out of the corner following the chops and Benoit took him down with a lariat! Benoit made the cover: 1 -- Kickout! Everything calmed down outside the ring with Chris Jericho and Triple H moving into their respective corners. Benoit tagged out to Jericho and held Austin open so Jericho could kick him in the ribs. Jericho picked up Austin -- backbreaker! Jericho holds it into a submission hold but Austin rakes the eyes and face of Jericho to get the hold broken. Austin pushes to his feet and grabs Jericho -- Stun Gun! Jericho falls to the mat and Austin makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Broken up by Benoit! Austin crawls over and makes the tag to the Game Triple H...]


[...Triple H catches Jericho with a clothesline and then plays to the crowd for a moment, absorbing in the boos. Triple H locks Jericho into an abdominal stretch near the ropes and referee Earl Hebner asks Jericho if he wants to give but Y2J is nowhere near that point. Triple H uses the ropes for leverage and referee Earl Hebner catches him in the act! He makes Triple H break the hold and Hunter does at the four count. Triple H and Steve Austin tag in and out for the next few minutes, keeping Jericho within their corner and away from Chris Benoit, who is seeming more and more agitated at being kept within the corner and not being tagged into the match. A turning point came when Triple H went for the Pedigree but Jericho pushed him off. Hunter bounced off the ropes and was caught in a one handed bulldog by Jericho! Both men began crawling toward their corners. Austin was tagged in first but then so was Benoit! Austin threw a punch -- Benoit ducked -- waistlock -- German Suplex! Triple H came in and Jericho cut him off!...]




[...As the four men battled inside the ring, Kurt Angle came walking out showing off his Olympic gold medal to the fans at ringside. Benoit exited the ring and climbed to the top turnbuckle. Austin got the referee's attention as Kurt Angle slid into the ring! Angle grabbed Benoit -- Olympic Slam off the top turnbuckle! Angle slid out of the ring and Austin crawled over, making the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! The Two Man Power Trip somehow come out of this as the winners!]


Winners: The Two Man Power Trip (Via Pinfall @ 13:31; The Two Man Power Trip retain the WWF World Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: B




[The Titantron lights up following the victory and the crowd cheers when they see who is there...]




[...It's The Undertaker! He is walking backstage and it looks like he is headed to the ring, folks! He called out the nWo earlier in the night. Will he be doing so again? As The Undertaker nearly reaches the curtain he gets nailed from behind by a swinging steel chair...]




[...Eric Bischoff leads the nWo assault on The Undertaker! Scott Steiner grabs him -- Steiner Recliner! The Undertaker cries out in pain as Kevin Nash and Scott Hall put the boots to him! Scott Steiner stretches him in that Steiner Recliner. Eric Bischoff just smiles as he stands there, shaking his head. We'll see you next week on WWF Raw is War!]

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We had one person to get a 7/7 this time! Congratulations to JudgeJuryExecutioner!




1. JudgeJuryExecutioner=13 Wins

2. Jingo=12 Wins

3. nick21985=11 Wins

Rayelek=11 Wins

5. jhd1=10 Wins

Ritchardo=10 Wins

7. Zergon=6 Wins

8. bgbuff=5 Wins

9. Eisen-verse=4 Wins

Mattitude90=4 Wins

11. Chikbot=3 Wins

Arogue=3 Wins

13. Beejus=1 Win


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to jhd1 for the graphics used so far on this diary!


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Last week, WCW presented the first-ever Thursday Nitro and it was a definite success, showing everyone just what they missed from WCW going off the air. This week will be no exceptions as this can be labeled the night of returns. Several former WCW wrestlers return this week to do battle on Thursday Nights.


As a matter of fact, our opening battle of the night will feature two such returns. On one side, you've got the man, the athlete, the tradition in Eddie Guerrero. On the other side, you've got the man who calls himself the Whole F'N Show and Mr. Thursday Night: Rob Van Dam! What a way to open Nitro this week, right?


But that's not all. Last week, you saw Bryan Clark take on Sean O'Haire and beat one half of the WCW World Tag Team Champions by DQ when Chuck Palumbo interfered. This week, Chuck Palumbo will step into the ring with the other half of the team known as KroniK: Brian Adams.


You will also see the WCW return of the man known as the Career Killer. Other people just call him Awesome: Mike Awesome takes on the WCW Cruiserweight Champion Gregory Helms, who is no slouch in his own right!


And in our main event, Booker T has promised a major surprise for Ric Flair. We will be having a tag team encounter where Ric Flair teams up with former Horsemen partner Dean Malenko to take on Booker T and a mystery partner. Who will this mystery partner be? Tune in to UPN on Thursday night to find out!


Short Match Listings:


Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam

Chuck Palumbo vs. Brian Adams

Non Title: Mike Awesome vs. Gregory Helms

Hugh Morrus vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Shawn Stasiak vs. Bill Goldberg

Booker T and a mystery partner vs. Ric Flair and Dean Malenko


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Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam

I love RVD, especially at this time in history (early 2k), but I'm thinking that Eddie walks away with the win. Either way, between the two, this is shaping up to be one hell of a match grade-wise.


Chuck Palumbo vs. Brian Adams

Interference last week. This week, Adams gets the upperhand for his team by defeating Palumbo.


Non Title: Mike Awesome vs. Gregory Helms

The man who was 'awesome' before the Miz could stink his way onto the screen (then again, I do like him. ha), Mike Awesome looks unstoppable as he throws Helms through a table at ringside. ha. I wish.


Hugh Morrus vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Diamond cutter all the way...


Shawn Stasiak vs. Bill Goldberg

Complete squash; possibly under a minute.


Booker T and a mystery partner vs. Ric Flair and Dean Malenko

Although it pains me to vote against horsemen members (even if they aren't currently the horsemen), you can never vote against the infamous 'mystery partner'. Who will it be? It'd be awesome if it were Vince McMahon or something; coming onto WCW TV in which to destroy it. Almost as if he kept their programming, their wrestlers, around so he could do his best to dismantle his enemies on a weekly basis.

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Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam

I just like RVD too much to vote against him here


Chuck Palumbo vs. Brian Adams

Palumbo takes the win here


Non Title: Mike Awesome vs. Gregory Helms

Keep champ strong here


Hugh Morrus vs. Diamond Dallas Page

It´s DDP


Shawn Stasiak vs. Bill Goldberg

Sorry Stasiak but you should have stayed on your own planet.


Booker T and a mystery partner vs. Ric Flair and Dean Malenko

Booker gets some momentum back and mystery guy is always good bet.

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Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam

Chuck Palumbo vs. Brian Adams

I just like Kronik

Non Title: Mike Awesome vs. Gregory Helms

Hugh Morrus vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Shawn Stasiak vs. Bill Goldberg

Booker T and a mystery partner vs. Ric Flair and Dean Malenko

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Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam

Chuck Palumbo vs. Brian Adams

Non Title: Mike Awesome vs. Gregory Helms

Hugh Morrus vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Shawn Stasiak vs. Bill Goldberg

Booker T and a mystery partner vs. Ric Flair and Dean Malenko

The mystery partner is Stevie Ray

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WWF is announcing the release of long-time WWF employee Howard Finkel and Jonathan Coachman. We wish them both the best in their future endeavors.




WCW is announcing the release of announcer Scott Hudson. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.




One of the biggest surprises of the day has to come from the World Wrestling Federation website. They have announced the release of longtime announcer Howard Finkel. Finkel has been around the WWF for many, many years. It had gotten to the point of where some believed he had a lifetime contract with the WWF. But anything can and does happen.


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One of the biggest surprises of the day has to come from the World Wrestling Federation website. They have announced the release of longtime announcer Howard Finkel. Finkel has been around the WWF for many, many years. It had gotten to the point of where some believed he had a lifetime contract with the WWF. But anything can and does happen.


The Fink!!!!! Whhhyyyyyy???


Realistically, his schtick was getting old around that time anyways. That said, maybe he can resurface as the second coming of the 'higher power'. haha. God, I would love that. ;)


Great work so far, Angel. Keep errrr up.

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Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam

This is a stellar match and really hard to call - in reality I'd definitely be tuning in to Nitro to see this. Eddie to shade it.


Chuck Palumbo vs. Brian Adams

I got last week's wrong but I can't see past Taker's buddy here.

Non Title: Mike Awesome vs. Gregory Helms

Sugar Shane's gonna get hurted!


Hugh Morrus vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Morrus settles back into his traditional JTTS role


Shawn Stasiak vs. Bill Goldberg

Goldberg. Goldberg. Goldberg.


Booker T and a mystery partner vs. Ric Flair and Dean Malenko

Never bet against a mystery partner... I call Malenko turning on the champ... Could it be the real world champion? Only thing putting me off is his programme with Angle on RAW, could be a smokescreen though!


Sign of the week: "The Crippler is the Real World Champion!"

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Alright, I have come to a decision that I am sure is not going to be a popular one. While I am enjoying the storylines and all that I am making and moving forward with, I am not enjoying the in-game portion of the game. There are several things that are making this not fun for me, including but not limited to the product and, honestly, the WWF side of things for this. I am having a hard time even getting a card together for the next Raw show. This tells me a lot about the real world games I need to look into. This time period definitely seems to be not for me, though. I will be making one more post here to let everyone know where I was going with things storyline-wise.


Do I still want to do a real-world diary? Yes, I do. But this one is definitely not for me and it's better that I find that out now than 4 months from now or something where people have invested a lot more into the diary. I apologize to those who have gotten interested in this. I am sure this will just add fuel to the fire for people who are just getting more and more upset at my starts and stops. I hope that you all will have an interest when I decide what I want to do moving forward with the real world. Also, I hope you will all check out my USPW diary as that is not going anywhere.

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WCW Brand


-To open the next Thursday Nitro, Ric Flair was to come out and introduce the brand new Horsemen. He would call out Arn Anderson and Dean Malenko. Anderson would speak about the fact that he can only be a consultant due to not being able to wrestle. However, he has found two men to step in and be Horsemen. Those two men would be introduced as 'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz and 'The Career Killer' Mike Awesome. This would be Ric Flair's group to battle with the nWo.


-Eddie Guerrero would beat Rob Van Dam on Nitro. Then Van Dam would ask for a handshake but Guerrero wouldn't give it to him. This would lead to a feud between Guerrero and Van Dam where Van Dam is looking for respect.


-Bill Goldberg would be looking to go back on his winning streak but at Judgement Day he would come face to face with the Human Suplex Machine Taz. This would lead to a constant feud for several months.


-Several people would be making Returns/Debuts to WCW. Booker T's mystery partner was The Giant. Others coming in would have been Chris Jericho, Curt Hennig, Rey Misterio, Jr., X-Pac, Justin Credible, Bill Alfonso, Roddy Piper, Jerry Lawler, Bobby Heenan and Tony Schiavone.


-X-Pac would try to join up with the nWo but they would reject him and beat him down. This would lead to X-Pac's transformation into 'The Heatseeker' Sean Waltman as he battles with his former nWo buddies.


-KroniK would battle for several months with O'Haire and Palumbo over the WCW World Tag Team titles.


-Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon would renew their feud as well.


WWF Brand


-Tensions would continue between Triple H and Steve Austin heading toward Judgement Day where Triple H would defeat The Undertaker to retain the WWF Intercontinental title. Steve Austin would retain the WWF World Heavyweight title against Kane. However, Kane would continue to be built up and eventually take the WWF World Heavyweight title from Steve Austin.


-The Rock would make his return at Judgement Day and become a constant thorn in the side of the nWo, leading to a pay-per-view match between him and Scott Steiner.


-Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle would continue their feud for the next several months, including Benoit stealing Angle's gold medals.


-The Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian will battle for a couple of months, ending in a ladder match between the two teams.


-John Kronus would make his debut, teaming with Perry Saturn and bringing back The Eliminators.


-Raven would start making a new Flock consisting of former ECW wrestlers.

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Sorry to see this go so soon. This was so cool, you've inspired me to start a May 2001 game :D


And it was cool of you to at least post your ideas. lol I'd like to know more actually... that possible?


Always glad to be an inspiration. :D Maybe we'll see a diary out of that game sometime?


As far as ideas go, the ones listed were the top ones that I had in mind. However, if you're looking for advice or ideas, I am always willing to talk and listen.

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