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NYCW 2012: Gotham Unleashed

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About this dynasty/diary, in brief:


Well, I've wanted to do a NYCW diary since '08, but I either didn't have the time or I was away from the computer for too long to even play TEW. However, things are a little bit different for me now, so I figure I can start one up.


Ah, but there's already a couple of really good NYCW diaries out there. So I had an idea. In a bid to differentiate myself from the other NYCW stories (do you really need another person telling you how much Land Mass stunk up their shows early on?), I decided I wanted to build myself up until I got a TV deal, no matter how crappy it was, and THEN start the diary, presenting each episode of the new show. Thus, we begin our tale in June of 2012 - in a game world where TCW squashed SWF down to cult only for the SWF to bounce back up to global in no time at all, where NOTBPW keeps churning out five star main events like a soulless machine, where... stuff is presumably happening in Japan (you can tell I play Japan a lot...), where the only booming wrestling industry is in Mexico of all places, and where nobody has died yet despite the Kenny deaths being turned on all the way (shucks).


Backstory? There is no backstory. I don't care for 'em, so I'm not doing one. This will be a mostly kayfabe diary that follows the NYCW's new television show, Empire TV, from week to week. As far as non-kayfabe goes, I believe my goal is to try and lead the NYCW to the promised land of pay-per-view without bankrupting us. That one might take a while though...

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A look at the NYCW roster at the start of June, 2012...


The Champ:


Dean McWade with Vita


A veteran who has held multiple championships the world-over, the self-proclaimed 'Canadian hillbilly' Dean McWade made his shock return to the ring in October 2010, defeating Black Hat Bailey in an impromptu match. McWade became a staple of the NYCW main event scene thereafter.


Last summer, McWade formed an unlikely alliance with then-current NYCW Empire Champion, Dazzling Dave Diamond and his manager Vita. The trio tasked themselves with capturing the NYCW Tag Team Titles away from Randall Hopkirk and Billy Jack Shearer, otherwise known as Painful Procedure, whose anarchic ways threatened to destroy NYCW from within. McWade and Diamond won the titles in a brutal cage match, which led to the eventual demise of Painful Procedure in NYCW. However, the alliance was short-lived. Dave Diamond became increasingly paranoid that his girl Vita was sneaking around behind his back with McWade, and shockingly turned on his partner as a result, abandoning McWade during a title defense against The Nation of Filth. Diamond would also ditch Vita in the aftermath of his heel turn.


The first encounter between the two friends turned rivals went to Diamond, thanks to some help from his returning manager, Cheerleader Nicki, but McWade eventually got the upper hand on Dave Diamond in an Empire Title match at NYCW's Collision Course event back in April. Accompanied to the ring by Diamond's former valet Vita, Cheerleader Nicki was neutralized, and McWade was simply unstoppable, capturing his first Empire Title in a classic match.



The Dazzling One:


Dazzling Dave Diamond with Cheerleader Nicki


The rough 'n tumble brawler from Texas was a fan favorite for a long time, the apex of his adulation from the crowds came when he defeated Black Hat Bailey for the NYCW Empire Title in December 2010. His reign as champion was long and successful, until a massive wave of paranoia caused Diamond to stab his former love interest Vita and his partner Dean McWade in the back. It was later revealed that some of this paranoia was the result of Diamond's former manager Cheerleader Nicki whispering in his ear. Diamond reappeared shortly thereafter with a new arrogant persona, much to the chagrin of his longtime fans.



The Brown Family:


Rick Sanders, The Masked Mauler, Tribal Warrior, and Streetz Brown


The Old School Principals, Sanders and Mauler, had been floundering slightly in tag competition at the time, but that would soon change when they were signed up by the savvy and streetwise manager Streetz Brown, who was intent on building his own 'family of wrestling' to take to the top. Sanders and Mauler have had an on again/off again feud with the unlikely pairing of Marv Statler and the 'gentle giant of NYCW', Avalanche.


Streetz finally managed to sign up a third member of his entourage when he snagged the contract of the savage Samoan known as Tribal Warrior.


More recently, the guidance of Streetz has led Rick Sanders to the Tri-State Regional Championship.



Lone Star Badasses:


Cowboy Buck Winchester and Marshall Dillon, The Texas Outlaws


The relatively new team known as the Texas Outlaws have smashed their way through the competition in recent months, capturing the Tag Team Titles in a four-team 'Tag Turmoil' contest. Although they are clearly rulebreakers, some of the fans seem to appreciate Winchester and Dillon's hard nosed, smash mouth style of 'rasslin.



The Newcomer:


Ford Gumble


NYCW's newest grappler, Ford Gumble has set his sights on the Empire Title, but a mini-feud with The Nation of Filth has sidetracked the former star of the big league wrestling companies.



Maniac Biker:


Billy Jack Shearer


BJ Shearer came into NYCW as one-half of Painful Procedure alongside partner Randall Hopkirk. In no time at all the duo had captured the Tag Team Titles and enjoyed an amazing reign that lasted a year and a half. When they finally lost the belts to Dean McWade and Dave Diamond, Hopkirk blamed Shearer for the loss and turned on him. Shearer fought back, and after a series of blood matches, ran Hopkirk out of NYCW for good after winning a loser-leaves-town match. Soon after the now fan-favorite Shearer began entering the arena on a Harley, after discovering a newfound love of motorcycle riding thanks to his former rival Dean McWade.



Those Filthy Bastards:


Grunt and Stink, The Nation of Filth


The Nation of Filth debuted the same night that Painful Procedure crumbled, one well-known veteran tag team replacing another. Grunt and Stink quickly made an impact by assaulting the then-current tag champions Dean McWade and Dave Diamond, and would eventually capture the titles when Diamond turned on his partner in a main event title match. The Nation of Filth enjoyed a few months on top of the tag team rankings, but recently lost the belts in a 'Tag Turmoil' contest. The duo were aggrieved that neither one of them were actually pinned in the match, and this has resulted in a slight bit of dissention between the two partners.



The Unlikely Trio:


Avalanche and Marv Statler with Katie Cameron


It all started when Streetz Brown, upon witnessing Marv Statler go on a terrible losing streak, attempted to sign the young grappler up with his 'family' of rulebreakers. Statler considered the offer, but ultimately turned Streetz down, which brought the wrath of Brown's charges (Rick Sanders and The Masked Mauler) upon him.


Meanwhile, a new powerhouse had debuted in NYCW, the massive athlete known as Avalanche. Brown once again waved a lucrative deal under the nose of a promising youngster, but NYCW's gentle giant ultimately rejected the offer, which also made him a target of Sanders and the Mauler. Out of necessity more than anything else, Statler and Avalanche teamed up in an effort to combat the 2-on-1 disadvantage each was up against every week. The oddball pairing was a surprise success. In a further effort to frustrate and thwart Streetz Brown, the team of Statler and Avalanche brought in their own manager, the lovely Katie Cameron, who is perhaps the antithesis of the slimy Brown.



The Degenerate:


The New York Doll


The former Tri-State Regional champion was already well on his way to making a name for himself in NYCW, but in September of 2010 the unpredictable youngster shocked fans by brutalizing beloved veteran Larry Vessey after a match. The New York Doll eventually drove Vessey out of the promotion, and proclaimed himself the new killer of legends. He next targeted the owner of NYCW, The Stomper, who came out of retirement briefly to answer the Doll's challenge. The New York Doll also brought Sheik Mustafa out of retirement for a short feud, which ended with the Doll standing tall over Mustafa's battered and bloodied body.



...And the rest of our stars



Island Boy Apollo


Shocked the wrestling world when he defeated the New York Doll for the Tri-State Regional Championship. Recently lost his title to Rick Sanders, thanks to some major interference from The Masked Mauler.




The Heavenly Bodies - Richie Riggins, Steve Steel, and Sienna DeVille


These two young studs have phenominal physiques... but sadly no brains. Luckily, they have the conniving Sienna DeVille on their side, who has vowed to take them to the top of the tag team division.




Syd Collier with Julie Forletta


Syd is a brash but inexperienced young man trying to make a name for himself. He's made more waves in the locker room than in the ring thus far, if only because no one can quite figure out how the guy managed to get a looker like Julie Forletta on his arm.






A powerful rookie from Amish country, the fans are fond of Jebediah even though he hasn't yet found any winning form in NYCW.




The Voices of NYCW



Rock Downpour and Sue Danes



Backstage Staff



Black Hat Bailey (road agent extraordinaire)



The Stomper (owner, road agent, and occasional trainer/torturer of young rookies)



The Grand Avatar (Who? It's rumored this person has been the mysterious BOOKERMAN of NYCW since January 2010, but no one outside of the promotion has yet to lay eyes on the guy... gal... whoever it is.)



The In-Ring Authority



Michael Bull (he don't take no BS)

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NYCW Empire TV (Episode #1) Aired on National Pride TV in the late night timeslot on Friday, Week 2, June 2012


Held in front of 2,000 people at Pennsylvania Park (SELL-OUT)

Taped on Saturday, Week 1, June 2012

-Show Open



ROCK DOWNPOUR: "Hello folks, and WELCOME to the premier episode of New York City Wrestling's Empire TV! I'm Rock Downpour, alongside the lovely Sue Danes, and what a show we have for you tonight. To celebrate our television debut, the NYCW board of directors have decreed that all three major championships in NYCW will be defended this evening."


SUE DANES: "That's right, Rock. Our main event of the evening will feature current Empire Champion, Dean McWade, defending his newly won belt against the man he took it from, Dazzling Dave Diamond. And as much as it pains me to say this, I'm predicting Diamond to come out on top tonight."


ROCK DOWNPOUR: "It could very well happen, Sue, especially with Diamond's former manager, Cheerleader Nicki, whispering advice in his ear once again. But that's not all, folks. You'll also see the NYCW Tag Team Champions, The Texas Outlaws, defend their titles against the oddball pairing of Marv Statler and Avalanche!"


SUE DANES: "Oddball is right. But the little 'n large combination of Statler and Avalanche has been successful thus far. It'll be interesting to see how they fare against the fisticuffs of the tag champs."


ROCK DOWNPOUR: "Finally, the Tri-State Regional Title is also being defended in a rematch. Recently crowned champ Rick Sanders defends against the former holder Island Boy Apollo."


SUE DANES: "Sanders was a man on a mission. He said Apollo was a joke, an undeserving champion, too cartoony to take seriously in the ring... and Sanders stopped at nothing until he got his hands on the Tri-State Regional Title. But has the veteran expended too much energy in his chase for the title? We'll find out later on."


ROCK DOWNPOUR: "But first, a special attraction..."



(segment rating: E+)





Match 1:


10 Man 'Opportunity Knocks' Battle Royal featuring Billy Jack Shearer, Tribal Warrior, the Nation of Filth (Grunt and Stink), The New York Doll, Syd Collier, Jebediah, Ford Gumble, and the Heavenly Bodies (Richie Riggins and Steve Steel)


We cut to the ring with all 10 competitors rearing to go. The announcers put over the 'Opportunity Knocks' aspect of the match - that the winner of the battle royal will earn a contract for a title shot that they can cash in whenever they desire. Most would expect the holder of the contract to go after the Empire Title, but there are two different tag teams active in this match, with the Nation of Filth in particular hoping to get the Tag Team Titles back at some point.


The bell rings and it's, as one would expect, an all out war. Grunt and Stink stick together to work over Ford Gumble, whilst the other tag team, the Heavenly Bodies, have trapped Billy Jack Shearer in one corner of the ring. Tribal Warrior was going off on the two rookies in the match, Syd Collier and Jebediah, while the brash young punk known as The New York Doll had somehow managed to evade any and all confrontation and rested against the ropes, doing an exaggerated yawn to draw the ire of the fans at ringside.


Richie Riggins of the Heavenly Bodies was the first elimination when both he and his partner Steve Steel turned away from BJ Shearer to do some ridiculous muscle poses for the crowd. Shearer quickly cleared the cobwebs and flung himself at the musclebound nitwits, nailing Riggins with a vicious clothesline that sent him straight to the arena floor. Shearer hit Steel with a clothesline too, but the big man had the good fortune to land on the ring apron and quickly rolled back into the ring.


Not so lucky was the young Amish grappler Jebediah, who was unceremoniously dumped by Tribal Warrior after a wicked chop to the throat. Tribal Warrior had to be a favorite to win this thing going into the match, but the sneaky Syd Collier came up from behind and immobilized the savage Samoan with a simple but effective thumb jab to the eye. Collier smashed Warrior across the back with some forearm shots and then tried to dump him over the top rope, but the Samoan wasn't budging. Help arrived in the form of the New York Doll, who assisted Collier in tossing Warrior over the top, a shock early elimination. The rookie Collier was so elated at his achievement that he failed to see the betrayal from the New York Doll coming, the former Tri-State Regional Champion bringing their short-lived alliance to an end as he side kicked Collier in the jaw and sent him to the floor... where an enraged Tribal Warrior was waiting to pound on him. Warrior beat on poor Syd all the way back to the locker rooms...


The remaining six battled it out for a few minutes with no further eliminations. Billy Jack Shearer and Ford Gumble had formed a loose alliance to combat the double teaming from the Nation of Filth, while Steve Steel had managed to get the upper hand on the New York Doll by using his superior strength to his advantage. A faux-pas from the Nation of Filth finally led to the fifth elimination, as Stink held Ford Gumble in place, Grunt ran the ropes to build momentum and went for a diving headbutt into Gumble's exposed midsection... but the wily vet slipped out of Stink's hold just in time. Grunt's devastating headbutt sent his own tag partner pinwheeling backwards over the top rope and to the arena floor. As Grunt looked on in shock, BJ Shearer moved in from behind and tossed the former co-holder of the Tag Team Titles over the top rope. The Nation of Filth stood outside the ring arguing with one another for a few moments before deciding that if neither of them were going to win the battle royal, those responsible for their eliminations certainly weren't going to win either. Grunt hopped back up onto the ring apron and grabbed BJ Shearer from behind. While Shearer struggled to break free, Steve Steel hastily made his way across the ring to dump Shearer over the top rope. An incensed Shearer started a ringside brawl with Grunt, which continued all the way back to the locker rooms.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the ring, Stink had stuck an arm under the bottom rope to grab Ford Gumble by the ankle. Gumble stomped his way free of Stink's grasp, but was again caught by the opportunistic Steel, who sucker punched Gumble and shoved him over the top to the unforgiving concrete below. Steve Steel celebrated in the ring as if he had just pitched the winning game of the World Series... completely forgetting about the New York Doll, who erased the goofy grin on Steel's face by calmly walking up behind the muscular young man and chucking him headfirst over the top rope. We had a winner!


Winner in 10:27, The New York Doll (match rating: E+)


The New York Doll had a sick grin on his face as his hand was raised victoriously by referee Michael Bull. When would he cash in his title opportunity, and against who?




A video recap of the feud between Dazzling Dave Diamond and Dean McWade played next. Fans saw how Diamond and McWade had formed an alliance to take down former NCYW Tag Team Champions Painful Procedure and how they sucessfully defended their newly won titles over the next few months. Then we saw friction between the two, as Diamond grew paranoid that his 'main squeeze' Vita was fooling around with McWade behind his back. Several backstage confrontations followed, but things really boiled over during a Tag Team Title defense against The Nation of Filth, where Diamond abandoned McWade during the match and turned his back on Vita. An enraged McWade demanded a match against Diamond, which was eventually signed. However, Diamond won the match with the help of his former valet, Cheerleader Nicki, who returned to NYCW after a year and a half absence. A rematch was ordered, and this time McWade brought his own equalizer to the ring with him in the form of Vita. McWade went on to defeat Diamond in the second match and capture the NYCW Empire Title. Tonight - it's the rubber match.



(segment rating: D+)




Match 2: NYCW Tag Team Title Match


The Texas Outlaws ©



Marv Statler & Avalanche w/Katie Cameron


Things got off to a rocky start for the challengers when Winchester and Dillon jumped them before the bell even rang. Winchester and Dillon then spent several minutes isolating Marv Statler in their own corner. Statler, a former co-holder of the Tag Team Titles himself, was no stranger to tag wrestling, but he had a hard time escaping the stiff lariats and slams from the Outlaws. Statler finally made a hot tag out to the massive Avalanche, who cleaned house and almost won the belts after a ring-shaking running powerslam on Marshall Dillon. Avalanche made a rookie mistake though, when he moved too close to the champions' corner. Buck Winchester slapped the big man in the back of the head, which caused Avalanche to turn around in a rage and send Winchester flying off the ring apron with a devastating right hand. However, the distraction was enough for Marshall Dillon to sneak up behind Avalanche and roll him up in a schoolboy pinning predicament. Michael Bull missed Dillon giving himself an assist with a handful of tights, and three seconds later the champs had retained their belts.


Winners and still NYCW Tag Team Champions in 07:57, The Texas Outlaws (match rating: D-)






Backstage, Sue Danes was standing by with manager Streetz Brown and his 'family' - The Masked Mauler, an aggrieved looking Tribal Warrior, and the NYCW Tri-State Regional Champion, Rick Sanders.




DANES: "Streetz Brown, tonight your client Rick Sanders will have to defend the Tri-State Regional Championship against the former champion, Island Boy Apollo. Some would say Apollo was robbed of the belt the last time he squared off against Sanders..."


STREETZ: "Ey, girl! You watch your mouth or I'll have the Masked Mauler give ya a fat lip. And don't think I'll feel bad about smacking a woman around. You imply that my main man slick Rick Sanders broke the rules to win his title, but that just ain't the case. You see, it was that no good cartoon character Island Boy Apollo I caught cheatin'. Pullin' the tights, applyin' choke holds, and usin' the closed fist against my man here... so I took it upon myself to hop up on the apron and educate that redneck fool Michael Bull on the rules and regs here in the NYCW."


DANES: "And how do you explain the Masked Mauler getting involved in the match when the ref's back was turned?"


STREETZ: "The Masked Mauler was minding his own at ringside, ya dig? Apollo, the clutz that he is, just happened to trip and fall onto the Mauler... who fought back. Man's got a right to self-defense, no?"


DANES: "That's a very... interesting view on what happened."


STREETZ: "Ey... the past is the past, girlie. All that matters is tonight, Rick Sanders is gonna stretch you out and give you the beatin' of a lifetime, Apollo. We're gonna send you back to whatever island you came from black and blue."



(segment rating: D)




Match 3: NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match


Rick Sanders © w/Streetz Brown & The Masked Mauler



Island Boy Apollo


Apollo is usually the epitome of fun-loving babyface, but tonight he was all business as he went after Rick Sanders with aggressive intent. He rocked Sanders with a series of clotheslines and deep armdrags that sent Sanders scuttling to the outside to rethink his strategy. Apollo wouldn't give Sanders any time to recover though, as he nailed the champion with a baseball slide and tossed him back in the ring, climbing the turnbuckles and dropping a flying elbow on the wily veteran. A cover brought only a two count though, so Apollo went back to work on Sanders - a scoop slam followed by a senton splash brought another two count. Sanders was in trouble here, but he managed to reverse an Irish whip into the turnbuckles and quickly followed up with a charging knee lift which bought the champion a precious few seconds to catch his breath. He took the challenger down with a headlock takeover and started working the mat-based submission game, applying a series of leglocks to wear down the speedy Apollo and prevent him from climbing the turnbuckles.


The fans were getting behind Apollo though, trying to will the challenger on to rally and get back in the match. Apollo worked his way back to a vertical base and shot Sanders off into the ropes, but Sanders came back with a stiff shoulderblock. Sanders took a moment to jawjack some vocal fans in the front row, which gave Apollo the time to kippup to his feet and rock the champ with a flying forearm. Apollo made the cover...






......Thr... kickout!


Sensing his man was in danger, Streetz Brown once again took it upon himself to hop up on the ring apron and get involved in the match, but Apollo wasn't going to stand for it. He grabbed Streetz by the collar of his $500 suit and leveled him with a right hand to the mush. The Masked Mauler, who had accompanied his teammate to ringside, took objection to this and also jumped on the apron, but Apollo clotheslined him to the floor. Apollo was fired up, but he didn't see the chop block from Sanders coming. Sanders stomped away on the injured leg of Apollo and then quickly applied the figure-four leglock. It was all over for the challenger.


Winner and still NYCW Tri-State Regional Champion in 09:02, Rick Sanders (match rating: D)





Match 4: NYCW Empire Title Match


Dean McWade © w/Vita



Dazzling Dave Diamond w/Cheerleader Nicki


It looked like the rubber match between these two friends turned rivals was going to get started with a brawl, but Dave Diamond instantly rolled under the bottom rope and started strutting around ringside, much to the ire of the fans. He and Nicki then started to make out right in front of Vita, which brought McWade out of the ring and after Diamond. This played into the challenger's plan however, as he cold****ed McWade and whipped him into the steel ring steps. The bell hadn't even rung yet, so Diamond took further advantage by ramming McWade, ribs first, into the guardrail at ringside. He then shoved the champion into the ring and made the cover just as Michael Bull called for the bell - would the opportunistic Diamond capture his second Empire Championship already? Not like this!






...... KICKOUT!


McWade looked extremely pissed, but Diamond wasn't about to rest on his laurels. He whipped the champ into the turnbuckles, came at him with a flying forearm, and then took him down with a bulldog out of the corner. Diamond made another quick cover, but only came up with two again. He wrenched a side headlock on McWade, but the big Canadian shoved Diamond off into the ropes and flattened the challenger with a flapjack. Diamond once more rolled out of the ring, this time trying to call for a time-out, but McWade wasn't about to let the challenger catch his breath. He hopped out of the ring and came at Diamond with a flurry of fists, then pushing the challenger up against the ring post and lighting him up with a series of knife-edged chops. Now Diamond was sliding back into the ring to try and reach safety, but McWade stayed on him. He picked Diamond up with a handful of hair and sent him into the ropes. McWade lowered his head for a backdrop, but Diamond countered with a kick to the face which staggered the champion. Diamond seized the opportunity and brought McWade's shoulders down to the mat with a sunset flip...






......Thr... shoulder up!


Both men were on their feet at roughly the same time and traded punches, but Diamond gained the upper hand with an eyerake. Michael Bull started reading Diamond the riot act, but the challenger wasn't listening - instead he slammed McWade's head into the turnbuckle repeatedly, then hoisted the bigger man up onto the turnbuckle itself. He climbed up after McWade and took the champ down with a top rope belly-to-back suplex. McWade was out of it!






......Three... no! McWade kicks out!


Cheerleader Nicki got up in Michael Bull's face about a slow count, when Vita pulled Nicki's legs out from under her and then we had a... 'CATFIGHT! CATFIGHT! CATFIGHT!' at ringside. Dazzling Dave could see the carnage happening outside the ring, but he had bigger fish to fry at the moment. He dragged Dean McWade up and looked to be setting up for the Dazzle Driver, but McWade backdropped Diamond and escaped the hold. Diamond immediately got back up but walked right into an inverted atomic drop from McWade, followed by a powerful gutwrench suplex. Now the champion was making the cover...






......Diamond escapes!


McWade pulled a lifeless Dave Diamond up and looked to be setting up for a DDT, but Diamond was playing possum and executed a simple leg trip to buy himself some time. McWade got back up, but Diamond had a headful of steam and took the champion down with a football tackle. The match was seesawing back and forth, but Diamond now was calling for the end. He dragged McWade up and Irish whipped him into the ropes. Diamond went for a big clothesline, but McWade ducked underneath and came off the opposite side of the ring with the CANADIAN LARIAT! Out of nowhere!








Winner, and still NYCW Empire Champion in 11:07, Dean McWade (match rating: D+)


Vita jumped in the ring to celebrate with her new client, while a clearly frazzled Cheerleader Nicki was moaning to the referee about his poor officiating skills. Dean McWade climbed up on the second turnbuckle and held his title aloft in celebration as the first episode of Empire TV went off the air.




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I really miss Georgia Championship Wrestling...


You make me realise that.


Thanks! I'm definitely going to be channeling that old school Georgia/Memphis vibe (while attempting to inject a little bit of the modern sensibility into the promotion, not easy with the trad-loving NYCW fans).

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Very interesting beginning. While I have ( or had ) several of the same people in my dynasty, you have enough different people, or different focuses or pushes of the same people, that it doesn't come across as similiar to the other two NYCW diaries running.


It stands out as its own unique take and direction for NYCW and I will be following along to see where it leads. About the only thing I see lacking is I don't really see that one person on the roster who can guarantee good in ring matches though. In my dynasty it is obviously my user character David Mack, in IPWFan's it is Steve Flash and Cameron Vessey, but you don't really seem to have that guy who has both overness and actual in ring skill to cement your main events.

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Looking forward to seeing more NYCW love. I was going to retry my hand at a NYCW diary but seems you got to it first, gives me more time to practice writing shows I suppose. Good luck on this you I'll definitely be reading.


Always room for another NYCW diary. Afterall, look how many USPW diaries have been up at the same time! :)

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Preview for the next episode of NYCW Empire TV...


-Our main event will feature a special attraction 'clash of champions' match, as Empire Champion Dean McWade goes one on one with Tri-State Regional Champion Rick Sanders. Although a non-title match, a win for Rick Sanders would theoretically put him right in the Empire Title picture. For McWade, it's all about the pride of a champion.


-After the events of the 'Opportunity Knocks' battle royal this past week, both Billy Jack Shearer and Ford Gumble have DEMANDED a match against the Nation of Filth. Their request has been duly granted by the NYCW board... but Shearer and Gumble have never teamed together before. Will they be able to hold their own against a seasoned pairing like the Nation of Filth?


-Also in action, Dazzling Dave Diamond takes on Island Boy Apollo.


-Plus appearances from the Texas Outlaws, the New York Doll, and more!

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Always room for another NYCW diary. Afterall, look how many USPW diaries have been up at the same time! :)


Yeah, why not.

Got to love a little NYCW!

I'm in!


I wasn't sold on retrying but maybe in the near future.


Dean McWade vs Rick Sanders


Billy Jack Shearer and Ford Gumble vs Nation of Filth


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Island Boy Apollo

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Number_Six you might be better off if you do a pick box like so:


Dean McWade vs Rick Sanders

Billy Jack Shearer and Ford Gumble vs Nation of Filth

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Island Boy Apollo


I think that more people would be apt to pick. Because most people are lazy (I know I am).:D



Dean McWade vs Rick Sanders


Billy Jack Shearer and Ford Gumble vs Nation of Filth


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Island Boy Apollo

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Number_Six you might be better off if you do a pick box like so:




I think that more people would be apt to pick. Because most people are lazy (I know I am).:D


I was actually thinking I shouldn't do pick boxes at all because... well, it's a TV show, so I'm not going to be announcing every single match each time, just the 'featured' matches. Plus I figured not having an easy copy and paste deal would weed out anyone who didn't actually give a crap. Does that make sense?


No, probably not. I'm being silly again. I'll probably throw a pick box in for episode 3's preview.


By the way... Roger Delgado... that's a class icon.

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I was actually thinking I shouldn't do pick boxes at all. Plus I figured not having an easy copy and paste deal would weed out anyone who didn't actually give a crap.


It makes perfect sense. Depends on whats more important to you - writing the story and enjoying it or having people interact...


In the interests of being different Im not predicting - just offering thoughts.


McWade needs to stay strong here. I know he is for you 2 years in but for us its the second show. Is he a top champ? Is he shaking with the pressure? Im guessing A).


I'd like to see the Nation of Filth go over. As a big punk fan then them and the NY Doll are a dream stable. Maybe with Thug and Bruiser brought over too.


Dont know Dazzler or Apollo very well but Diamond looks like an amateur out of his league whilst Apollo is so awesome he could get a job in HIW! Im hoping for a rapid rise up the ranks for the Puerto Rican.

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NYCW Empire TV (Episode #2) Aired on National Pride TV in the late night timeslot on Friday, Week 3, June 2012


Held in front of 1,942 people at Pennsylvania Park

Taped on Saturday, Week 2, June 2012


-Dark Matches:

Marv Statler def. Syd Collier (E+)

Tribal Warrior def. Richie Riggins (E)


-Show Open


A video recap of the 'Opportunity Knocks' battle royal from last week opens up the show. We get footage of the New York Doll truly seizing the opportunity, as he dumped one half of the Heavenly Bodies, Steve Steel, over the top rope to win the match and earn a contract for a title opportunity - anytime, anywhere. However, the recap also focused on how the Nation of Filth were eliminated from the battle royal, and how they took out their frustrations on both Billy Jack Shearer and Ford Gumble, who were still involved in the match. Tonight, Gumble and Shearer will join forces in a bid to gain a measure of revenge against the Nation of Filth.


(segment rating: D)




Match 1: non-title match


The Texas Outlaws



Jebediah & Running Wolf


The announce team of Rock Downpour and Sue Danes welcomed us to another episode of Empire TV as we joined the competitors already in the ring. The impromptu team of Jebediah and NYCW newcomer Running Wolf may be the biggest pairing in the promotion's history, with Jebediah measuring in at 6'11", 300 pounds and Running Wolf not far behind at 6'6", 290 pounds.


However, all the size and power in the world wasn't going to make up for in-ring experience, as the Tag Team Champions of Marshall Dillon and Cowboy Buck Winchester systematically took apart the rookies in what was more or less an old-fashioned squash match. If either Wolf or Jebediah can hone their skills they could be a formidable force in the future, but tonight the Texas Outlaws were just too much for them.


Winners in 03:44, The Texas Outlaws (match rating: E+)






The Heavenly Bodies, Richie Riggins and Steve Steel, were backstage with their manager Sienna DeVille. Sienna appears to be attempting to impart some words of wisdom upon her charges, but the Bodies seem more interested in having a pose-down against one another.


RIGGINS: "Ohhh yeah! Check out the guns!" (Riggins does a ridiculous looking flex with a goofy grin on his face.)


STEEL: "Ha! You got nuthin'! Watch the pythons in action!" (Steel performs a very familiar looking pose with his arms.)


SIENNA: "Boys, will you listen to me for five minutes? When I took you under my tutelage I said I could take you to the very top, but you've got to listen to my advice for that to start happening."


RIGGINS: "What?! Dude, you totally ripped that move off Sam Strong!" (Riggins then proceeds to do a Jim Force flex.)


STEEL: "You ain't got skronk on me, little man!" (Steel does the ever-popular pectoral flex.)


SIENNA: (sighs) "Forget it. My career is sinking to a new low..." (Sienna storms off.)


RIGGINS: "Huh? Hey, what's with Sienna?"


STEEL: "What? Was she saying something? Hey! Check out this move..."


Steve Steel windmills his arms back and forth in preparation for some absurd pose that most certainly wouldn't be seen in a bodybuilding competition. He takes a few steps backwards... and backs right into someone else in the locker rooms.


"Hey, watch where you're going, man."


Steel turns around and comes face to chest with the massive Avalanche!




STEEL: "Hey, Richie... check this freak out! I didn't know it actually talked!"


RIGGINS: "Wow, I bet this dude's body mass index is off the chart!"


Steel looks up at Avalanche.


STEEL: "Hey, fatboy! Can you hear me up there? When's the last time you tried a diet?"


RIGGINS: "Haha! Have you ever heard of muscle milk, fattie? You should try it after you work out!" (Flexes) "It might help melt some of that chub away."


Both of the Heavenly Bodies laugh stupidly and then proceed to high five each other right in front of Avalanche.


STEEL and RIGGINS: "Eiffel Tower!"


Any fool could predict what was going to happen next, but the Bodies both seem to transcend the very definition of 'fool', thus they had no idea that Avalanche was about to grab both of them and knock them senseless with a vicious double noggin knocker. The crowd watching this on the large video screen in the arena popped for that one, as Avalanche nonchalantly stepped over the lifeless Bodies and continued on his way...


(segment rating: E+)




Match 2:


Dazzling Dave Diamond w/Cheerleader Nicki



Island Boy Apollo


Dave Diamond appeared to be in quite the sour mood tonight after coming up short in the Empire Title match last week. He wasted no time in going after Apollo with some good old-fashioned fisticuffs. The ref called for a break when Diamond backed Apollo into the corner and started choking the life out of him. Diamond took issue with Michael Bull getting up in his face, and this gave Apollo enough time to clear the cobwebs and come out of the corner with an attack of his own. Apollo uncharacteristically walloped on Diamond with a series of straight lefts and rights, which caused the former Empire Champ to duck out of the ring for a breather. Cheerleader Nicki tried to warn her man of the impending danger, but Diamond didn't see it coming until it was too late, as Apollo landed on Diamond with a hard-hitting plancha!


Apollo rolled the former champ back in the ring and went for the cover, but Diamond was out at two. Apollo quickly whipped Diamond into the turnbuckles and took him out of the corner with an acrobatic monkey flip... but Diamond displayed a feat of dexterity of his own as he landed on his feet and nearly clotheslined Apollo's head off! Diamond himself went for a lateral press, but the high flyin' islander escaped just before three.


Diamond dragged Apollo over to the turnbuckles, looking for his top rope belly-to-back suplex, but Apollo shoved the Dazzling one off and surprised Diamond with a cross body off the top rope... but Diamond rolls through!






......he's got a handful of tights! Three!


Winner in 0:06:06, Dazzling Dave Diamond (match rating: D)


Island Boy Apollo complained to Michael Bull about a pull of the tights, but the ref never saw it. Dave Diamond and his squeeze Cheerleader Nicki celebrated outside the ring, much to the annoyance of the fans at ringside.




Rock Downpour was backstage with a special guest...




ROCK: "Folks, I have the privilege of announcing to you the newest star to sign with New York City Wrestling - he's the unorthodox and unpredictable clown prince of wrestling -






The camera pans back to reveal, well, a clown! An athletic looking clown, but a clown nonetheless. The fans in attendance familiar with Whippy's work with other promotions cheered a little.


WHIPPY: "Haha! Well, thanks for that lovely introduction, Mr. Downpour. Hey! Speaking of downpours, I've got this bucket of water here..."


Whippy hefts a bucket overflowing with water and moves to dump it over Rock's head.


ROCK: "Hey now, wait just a minute!"


Rock is flabbergasted as Whippy dumps the bucket over his head and nothing more than a burst of confetti comes pouring out over him.


WHIPPY: "Heehee! Hahaaa! Gotcha!"


The jocularity is interrupted by the Brown family - Streetz Brown, The Masked Mauler, Tribal Warrior, and leading the pack this time is Tri-State Regional Champion Rick Sanders, who shoves Downpour out of the way and gets in Whippy's face.




SANDERS: "This is ridiculous! Absurd! I'm a serious competitor. I worked hard to get this title belt away from one cartoon character, and now I see before my very eyes the NYCW, in its infinite wisdom, has decided to hire more cartoon characters to fill the ranks. That's just great! We've got a dumb Amish kid curtain jerking around here every week, he's found some war chief straight off a cigar package to tag with him, and speaking of tag teams - our former Tag Team Champions have GREEN HAIR and smell like motor oil and rotten eggs. And don't even get me started on that goof with the handlebar mustache and the bowler hat who now works behind the scenes here in the NYCW. It's a joke! It's all a joke! I want serious competition! I DEMAND serious competition!"


WHIPPY: "Oooh nooo! You need to turn that frown upside down, Mr. Sanders. Would you like to see a magic trick?"


SANDERS: "Say what?"


WHIPPY: "How about I make your precious title belt - DISAPPEAR - from around your waist and appear on mine!"


Sanders looks incensed. Streetz Brown intervenes.


STREETZ: "Eyyy man! You ain't got the right to be makin' challenges like that. You ain't even had a match in the NYCW yet and you think you've got the right to a title opportunity?! It don't work like that, man. But since you seem to be in the mood for fightin', how about next week you go one on one with the Masked Mauler. He can do my main man slick Rick a favor and send you packin' before you even get started, ya dig?"


WHIPPY: "Hmmmm.... well... okay, but only if you and the big guy with the nice tattoos on his face agree not to get involved."


Tribal Warrior snarls at Whippy, but Mauler places a soothing hand on his shoulder.


STREETZ: "Hey, I'm a man of my word. I swear there won't be any foul play in your match. The Mauler don't need any help stretching out his opponents anyway."


WHIPPY: "Hmmmm.... well... okay, you've got a deal. Will you shake on it?" (Whippy extends his hand.)


STREETZ: "Haha! You know it... ahhhhh!"


Streetz shook hands with Whippy the Clown, only to receive a nasty shock from the joy buzzer palmed in the clown's hand. Whippy makes a hasty retreat from the interview area, laughing all the way, as the rest of the family tend to Streetz.


STREETZ: "Argh! That clown gonna DIE!"


(segment rating: D+)




Match 3:


Billy Jack Shearer & Ford Gumble



The Nation of Filth


Questions remained as to whether or not Gumble and Shearer would work as a team tonight. Both had ample tag team wrestling experience, but tonight is the first time they've ever worked as partners. The match started with Billy Jack Shearer and Grunt circling one another. A tie-up resulted in Shearer backing Grunt into a neutral corner. Michael Bull called for a clean break and Shearer reluctantly gave it, only to receive a rake of the eyes from Grunt as a reward. Grunt then started *biting* into Shearer's forehead, a common tactic employed by the Nation of Filth. Shearer shoved Grunt off and went for a right hand, but Grunt ducked out of the way and rammed a shoulder into Shearer's midsection. Grunt sent Shearer into the opposite turnbuckle with an Irish whip, but the big man immediately came back out of the corner with a huge clothesline that nearly took Grunt out of his boots. Grunt eventually got back to a vertical base but walked into a headbutt from Shearer, which sent Grunt flopping around on the mat trying to figure out which direction up was. Shearer dragged Grunt over to his corner with an armlock applied and tagged Ford Gumble into the match.


Gumble took over Shearer's armlock and turned the move into a short-arm clothesline. Gumble went for a quick cover but to his credit Grunt was out at only one and a half. Gumble brought Grunt up to a vertical base with a side headlock applied, but Grunt shoved Gumble off into the ropes and caught him by surprise with a butt bump. Grunt hastily made the tag out to Stink while Gumble was down and the stinky one slithered over to Gumble and applied an illegal chokehold, much to the dismay of the fans at ringside. Michael Bull seemed reluctant to get too near to Stink to force the clean break, but Stink released the hold before five anyway, yanking Gumble up by a handful of hair and thrusting him into his own corner with a series of boots to the midsection. Stink bodyslammed Gumble out of the corner and tagged Grunt back in, who went up to the second turnbuckle and dropped a diving elbow onto Gumble's chest. Quick lateral press...








Grunt snorted at the referee in annoyance before turning his attention back to Gumble. He applied a front facelock on Gumble and then dragged him over to the Nation's corner, where Stink made the blind tag into the match. Stink then started peppering Gumble's exposed midsection with closed fists until the ref's count closed in on five again. Stink took Gumble down with a hiptoss and hit him with a legdrop right across the throat. Another cover.






......shoulder up!


Stink worked in a reverse chinlock, wrenching his arm across Gumble's throat, causing Gumble to fight for oxygen. Michael Bull eventually figured out Stink was choking Gumble again and forced another break, but now Ford was in a bad way. Stink dragged his lifeless opponent up and tagged Grunt in again. Grunt hit Gumble with a fierce forearm shot and then took him down with a hooking clothesline. Both members of the Nation of Filth then took the time to play to the crowd, drawing a considerable amount of heel heat. Grunt lifted Gumble up and whipped him into ropes. Grunt went for a backdrop, but Gumble had enough wherewithal to leap over and hit the ropes on the other side of the ring. Grunt turned around just in time to receive a diving forearm shot from Gumble! Both men lay on the canvas in a heap, both in need of a tag. Grunt was the first to his corner, tagging Stink in, who desperately tried to prevent Gumble from making a tag, but Ford managed to slip out of Stink's grasp and made a diving hot tag to the fresh BJ Shearer, who had been aching to get back into the match.


Shearer unloaded with a series of clotheslines on both Stink and Grunt, the last of which was so strong it sent Grunt flying off the ring apron and into the steel guardrail below. Shearer then booted Stink in the midsection and flattened him with a pumphandle slam. A cover!






......Thr... no!


But Shearer was undeterred. He picked Stink back up, whipped him into the ropes and squashed him against the mat once more, this time with a spinebuster. The Nation of Filth were in big trouble now. Shearer tagged Gumble back in, who waited for Stink to get back up and nailed him with the savate kick! Grunt tried to slide back into the ring to break up the pinfall, but BJ Shearer was ready for him, and dropped Grunt from the apron once again with a big kneelift.








Winners in 10:59, Billy Jack Shearer & Ford Gumble (match rating: D)




Some revenge for Shearer and Gumble, who celebrated their victory with the fans at ringside. Meanwhile, the Nation of Filth were not having such a good time. Stink, who was nursing a very sore jaw, was up in Grunt's face, asking where Grunt was he needed him to break up the pinfall. Grunt responded by shoving Stink away, and Stink fired back with a shove of his own!


The two eventually got over it and walked back to the locker rooms together, but it looks like the seams are starting to come undone for these two at the moment.


(segment rating: D)




We see the entrances for the main event of the evening - first up was Tri-State Regional Champion Rick Sanders, accompanied by his manager Streetz Brown, looking a little frazzled after his mild shock earlier. Next was the Empire Champion Dean McWade, accompanied by the lovely Vita. Our ring announcer was prepared to do the introductions when...




"Personality Crisis" kicked in on the P.A. system, and out marched The New York Doll! NYD had a perverse smirk on his face as he grabbed a folding chair from the ringside area, calmly unfolded it, and took a seat right outside the ring. In his hands we could clearly see the contract for the title match he earned in the big battle royal last week - but which champion did the Doll come to scout tonight?


(segment rating: D-)





Match 4: Non-Title Clash of Champions Special Attraction



NYCW Empire Champion Dean McWade w/Vita



NYCW Tri-State Regional Champion Rick Sanders w/Streetz Brown


Both Dean McWade and Rick Sanders stared down the New York Doll at ringside. McWade looked a little bit more measured about the whole situation, whilst Rick Sanders had a very annoyed expression on his face. Naturally, his manager Streetz was about to have a coronary at ringside due to the New York Doll's presence. Vita simply steered clear of both men on the outside.


Eventually the match proper got underway with a collar-and-elbow tieup. McWade, definitely the superior brawler, was immediately taken over in a side headlock and then a hammerlock by Sanders, the superior technician. McWade elbowed his way out and sent Sanders into the ropes, taking the Tri-State Champ down with a hard shoulderblock. This seemed to ruffle Sanders' feathers a little, as he immediately jumped back up but walked right into a haymaker from the Empire Champion. The stiff shot sent Sanders reeling and he immediately ducked out of the ring between the bottom and middle ropes and called Streetz over for a conference.


McWade, with one eye on the New York Doll at ringside, reached over the top rope and yanked Sanders up onto the apron with a handful of hair, but Sanders seemed to be ready for this, as he gouged McWade in the eye and then rammed a knee through the ropes into the Empire Champ's gut. Sanders used the top rope to launch himself over McWade's back for a sunset flip pinning predicament, but McWade escaped at only one and a half. Sanders was quickly up though, putting the boots to McWade, who was attempting to retreat to a corner. Sanders hoisted McWade up and ripped into him with a pair of knife-edge chops before attempting an Irish whip to the opposite corner - but McWade reversed and splattered Sanders against the turnbuckles with a charging clothesline. He took Sanders down with a big powerslam out of the corner and went for a cover of his own...








McWade hoisted Sanders back up again, but was momentarily distracted by the New York Doll, who appeared to be simply applauding Dean McWade's strength. This gave Sanders an opportunity though, and he quickly socked McWade in the ribs, dropped him to the mat with a snap mare takedown, and hit the Empire Champion with a low dropkick square between the shoulder blades. Sanders dragged McWade over to the ropes and hung him throat first over the middle rope, using it to illegally choke the life out of his opponent. This went unnoticed by referee Michael Bull, who was being detained by Streetz Brown up on the ring apron, still bellyaching about McWade's pulling of Sanders' hair a few moments ago. You'd think referees would be immune to these classic distraction plays nowadays, but no dice. Vita eventually managed to get the ref's attention back on the action in the ring, and he admonished Sanders and forced the Tri-State Champion to relinquish the choke.


The Empire Champion was in a bad way now. Sanders turned an arm wrench into a scissored armbar, causing McWade to writhe around the canvas in pain for several moments. What a feather in the cap of Rick Sanders it would be if he could make the NYCW Empire Champion tap out here tonight. After the crowd rallied behind him, McWade was somehow able to scuttle his way to the ropes to force a break, but the damage may have been done already. By targeting the arm, Sanders was hoping that McWade wouldn't be able to execute his Canadian Lariat finisher in this match.


As smart as targeting the arm was, Sanders made a terribly stupid mistake right after that, as he pulled McWade up to his knees and disrespected the Empire Champion with a nasty (and stiff) slap to the side of the head. McWade's eyes buldged in a rage, and he took Sanders down with a double leg trip and started wailing away on him with vicious rights and lefts. The ref forced a break, but it was clear that this faux pas by Sanders had shifted the momentum back in McWade's favor. McWade sent Sanders into the ropes and leveled him with a sidewalk slam, fighting through any tenderness he was feeling in his arm. McWade scooped Sanders up with his good arm and dumped the Tri-State Champ face-first onto the top turnbuckle with the snake eyes manuever. Sanders was on dream street as McWade launched himself into the ropes and winded up for the Canadian Lariat... but Streetz Brown reached into the ring and yanked his man Sanders out of harm's way before McWade could finish the match off.


McWade looked suitably pissed at this, but from the other side of the ring came Rick Sanders' buddy, the Masked Mauler! He spun McWade around and started laying into the champion with a series of cheap shots to the face. Sanders rolled back into the ring and the double team was on! The Old School Principals started putting the boots to Dean McWade. If he couldn't win fair and square, Sanders certainly wasn't going to let McWade win clean either. Michael Bull threw the match out.


Winner by disqualification in 12:02, Dean McWade (match rating: D+)




It looked like the Old School Principals were now going to give Dean McWade the beating of a lifetime, but aid came from an unlikely source, as the New York Doll slid into the ring, steel chair in hand. Sanders and the Mauler hastily cleared out of there before any chair swinging occured and powdered back to the locker rooms. Vita was quickly in there to check on McWade, who was dazed and confused from the attack. She looked up at the New York Doll with a confused look herself - to which NYD simply smiled back and slipped out of the ring. What the hell is NYD up to? What's his game? These questions hung in the air as Empire TV went off the air.


(segment rating: D)




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Loved the Whippy the Clown and Heavenly Bodies segments. Just screams awesome regional fed. And not to downplay Dragonmack's comment about having a 'go-to' main eventer, but I enjoy the fact that you've elevated slightly less talented workers instead of relying on indy darlings!
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Loved the Whippy the Clown and Heavenly Bodies segments. Just screams awesome regional fed. And not to downplay Dragonmack's comment about having a 'go-to' main eventer, but I enjoy the fact that you've elevated slightly less talented workers instead of relying on indy darlings!


Yeah, that's how I prefer to play to be honest. I'd rather have interesting characters and some good old-fashioned blood feuds than the indy darlings as you put it. Those guys who seem to be able to pull five star matches out of their butts on a whim have just never captured my attention (fun fact: I've played the various TEW games since 05 and never once used Dan Stone Jr or any of the DeColts). When I do find those highly technical guys, I struggle to find things to do with them. Thus, when I'm scouting for new talent, I'll look at things like brawling or entertainment before I'll look at technical skills. I figure a regional fed would be more likely to go for guys like that, especially one whose fans are so steeped in the old-school mentality like the NYCW.


As far as overness goes, I have worked on building up some of my upper tier guys, so a worker like Dave Diamond, who starts the game at something like E/E+ pop is around the D+/C- area two and a half years into my NYCW game. I've also slowly built up some entertainment and performance skills on a number of workers, thanks to me using (abusing?) post show angles/matches as training sessions.

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