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Might be some bug. You should signal it. I never had AI workers debut actually so I wouldn't know. Earlier the AI fighters all had exoting striking (or whatever it's called), which would have the entire MMA population trying flying knees etc (fixed now). Would be funny in theory, but lame. :)
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Is there a way that I can sim the events of the game world up until a certain point (say 2002) and then begin a game at that point with a created company?


In a way yes. If you set a database to start earlier than 2002, say 1993, you can sim to the entire thing year by year up to 2002. To play with a created company, you have to set that company to debut in, say, January 2002. However you will have to apply for the company first in game time.

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Well, you and the fighters gain popularity, obviously, which in turn leads to financial gain, which - in the end - doesn't really matter at that stage of the game, since you're basically already making huge $.


To reapply, I suggests you wait a full year at least, or perhaps 18 months. After that I think it's all right. I would advise against switching companies though. The game world is not as diverse and alive as in TEW. You're basically all MMA companies with the same stuff. If you want something new, I'd just start a new division or something.

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I agree. In TEW you can go from one company to another with a drastically different style. But in WMMA, you're basically going from one thing to the same exact thing. I remember in WMMA2, I was GAMMA and I had all the best guys; then I went to BCF and you know what happened? I ended up hiring those SAME guys.
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Are there any renamed fighters from WMMA2 to WMMA3? Atep is the only one I've found, I was just curious since a WMMA 3 mod mentioned someone changing the WMMA3 names back to what they had them in the previous game. I haven't been able to find any so far.
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Guest Asaemon
Are there any renamed fighters from WMMA2 to WMMA3? Atep is the only one I've found, I was just curious since a WMMA 3 mod mentioned someone changing the WMMA3 names back to what they had them in the previous game. I haven't been able to find any so far.


I'm not sure since i have the games on a other computer, but i think that Vic Millican could be one of the fighters. He could have been named Vic Timms or something like that earlier, but i'm not sure if it was in WMMA or WMMA2.


The can that looks so sad could also have been renamed, but i don't remember his name. But this could also have been from WMMA to WMMA2.

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I agree. In TEW you can go from one company to another with a drastically different style. But in WMMA, you're basically going from one thing to the same exact thing. I remember in WMMA2, I was GAMMA and I had all the best guys; then I went to BCF and you know what happened? I ended up hiring those SAME guys.


To be fair, there's tons of wrestlers in TEW that are go-to signings no matter the product.


WMMA's gameplay is definitely the same, as in fighters just fight, but there's a lot of circumstances that make it different. It's the opposite of TEW, where you could pretty much always count on certain guys to make it big.

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To be fair, there's tons of wrestlers in TEW that are go-to signings no matter the product.


WMMA's gameplay is definitely the same, as in fighters just fight, but there's a lot of circumstances that make it different. It's the opposite of TEW, where you could pretty much always count on certain guys to make it big.


That's not really the point. The experience of booking DAVE is different then PGHW or SWF. It's totally different, so a change would make sense. Changing promotions in WMMA doesn't. (but you were probably responding on the second part of the comment? :p)

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Yeah. What I'm saying is that TEW and WMMA are pretty much the exact opposites. Playing each promotion in TEW is different, but you can pretty much mold your promotion with the same ordinary good workers. WMMA's gameplay is the same for each promotion, but the circumstances of the fights ensure that every game is unique.
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I didn't know if I should post this here or in the Dawn of MMA thread,but since it is a question I suppose I will post it here.I was thinking about doing an alternate reality where instead of Royce Gracie being one to fight in the UFC it was John McCarthy.So what do you think his stats should be.Oviously this up to interpretation.I would assume good jiu jitsu and probably good wrestling clinch with police training backround.Maybe hard punch with low tech,I would like to hear some opinions.
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@abaker: I just play on the default 800x600 window, with a lot of the screen being unutilized. I don't think you can change that. Try playing with your desktop resolution, setting it to different levels will make the screen bigger. In any way it's not meant to be maximised, hence the option being unavailable apart from right-clicking.


As for John McCarthy. That is a great idea. As far as I remember him from his cameo in the original UFC game way back on the dreamcast (awesome game btw), his skill set was pretty sick. In there he would pretty much dominate everyone, using triple kicks and awesome G&P. Submission skills about par though. No clinch in that game so I would'nt know, but as it's a fictional mod it would'nt really matter. You could google it I guess. But I'd set him to be a power kickboxer with good G&P.

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I will post the stats I used later,but for now I have to say that this is awesome.Big John won the UFC 1 tournament TKOing Art Jimmerson,Ken Shamrock and Gerard Gordeau.Then went on to win the UFC 2 tournament beating Robert Lucarelli,Remco Pardoel and Minoki Ichihara.UFC 3 he beat Kimo and Harold Howard,but lost in the finals to Ken Shamrock.He won the UFC 4 tournament beating Marcus Bossett,Sean Daugherty and Dan Severn.This now sets up the Super Fight rubber match in April against Shamrock.I actually can't wait to see what happens.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kalmah" data-cite="Kalmah" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29647" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Probably a stupid question, but is there anyway to do 16 man tournaments on one event? Like UFC 2. I only see the option to do 8 or 4 man tournaments.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nope</p>
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The best way to do it, in my opinion, is to hold two eight-man tournaments, one after the other (like 1-2 days apart) and hold the finals at a separate event. Generally when I do Grand Prixs, I'll do something like that. A 32-man, for example, would be 4 8-eight man tournaments and then a final four tournament as a 'finale.'
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You hold 2 8-men tournaments like Rebby says. I think it's even better as I often pair up the losers of the 'final' matches (in other words: that went 2-1) against each other on the card of that finals match. The winner could go on to be the first challenger to the title. What you also could do (real world-style) is pair all losers of the eventual finalists against each other in another 8-man tournament on the same card as the finals. The winner of that should be the equivalent of the bronze medal winner in real life judo or wrestling tournaments, and should face the champ next.


I would feel bad hosting 16-man tourneys in one night because it could potentially be hazardous to health or something. Kinda unethical even. :p

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