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The Minor Questions Thread

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Yea, it could. Depends on the importance level of the area - for example, Nevada is like 95% importance (or popularity, or whatever it's called). But regardless, you can still grow a sport in any location.
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I haven't played enough as a feeder company to know for sure, but I don't believe the parent company, as an AI, will perform those functions.


I think you may be right, I've played 2 months of Strikeforce and nothing.


Next I'll be keeping my eye out for what happens when and if the UFC wants to negotiate for the same fighter.......?

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If I play as a ''feeder'' or owned organisation like Strikeforce, will the UFC AI take and give me fighters, or is this only a player controlled option when running the mother company?


Rebby is right. There's no AI for it. I wasn't even aware you could play as a feeder promotion (there is none default in the C-Verse), given the fact that they have no financial output. But I guess it makes little difference if there's no AI.


If UFC wants someone you'll have to outbid them I guess, as silly as it sounds (it's their money, after all :p)

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Rebby is right. There's no AI for it. I wasn't even aware you could play as a feeder promotion (there is none default in the C-Verse), given the fact that they have no financial output. But I guess it makes little difference if there's no AI.


If UFC wants someone you'll have to outbid them I guess, as silly as it sounds (it's their money, after all :p)


Thanks for the response.:)


I think it would be a nice option in future versions (if there are any) for the mother org to strip you of your best fighters or give you a few cans once in a while. It would add a new degree of uncertainty to the game. Maybe it should be a toggleable option, as I'm sure it would piss a few people off LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Small question regarding Fight Teams:




I'm currently toying with the trial version of WMMA3 and wanted to ask if there is a way to 'force' a fighter to join or leave a certain fight team (using the editor if necessary).

The idea behind this is that I'm thinking about starting an interactive game (on another board), using WMMA3 where players would own a fight team, sign and trade fighters, earn money by having them win fights and use that money to improve things like "Team Training Strenghts" and build a real stable.

Most of the features I'm thinking about seem to be doable except this one. Unfortunately this one is quite essential.


First I wanted to do this in TEW2010 (psyched about 2013 btw) but even after quite an amount of testing, I'm am not entirely sure who will win a fight, if I don't determine a winner when booking the match. I know this isn't the best thread for this particular question, but if someone has some insights about the mechanics behind that, I'd be grateful if you could share them with me (e.g. via PN)




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QUESTION: When a fighter sits on his stool between rounds and rips off a burp, is this indicative of anything, such as having taken body shots, or just a light-hearted description to break up the rounds?


@Koragon you can't do it through the in-game editor directly, only in the database editor prior to starting your game. However, you might be able to try copying your game database, making the alterations in the editor there, and then in your main game importing the team or fighter data from the copy via the options screen.


EDIT: I just tried it in my current game, and it doesn't work because the Team name is already in use and it won't overwrite. Closing the team makes no difference. Not sure if there is any other way. The only thing I can think of is maybe you can delete all Teams in your current database and import the Teams from the copy when required, however you would couldn't change memberships later on. Alternatively maybe you could change 1 letter in the Team name or add a digit or something and import it that way, and close the original team. You may have to make sure all fighters have no team membership to begin with to avoid database conflicts, or import the fighter as well, which would suck. Team memberships seem to be one of the more fully automated facets of WMMA3, and routinely doing this would turn into a big pain in the ass.


I'm no expert, maybe someone else has some ideas.

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i think it's just coded into the game for Guida to do that, as i can't recall seeing anyone else do that in all my time playing


I would find that very hard to believe (since Guida can only appear in user mods), if not for the fact that I haven't seen a single person mention anyone else doing it, and this is the third or fourth time I've seen it mentioned that Guida did it.


It seems entirely possible that Adam added a script where any fighter with the exact name "Clay Guida" will do it, just for a laugh. If so, that's just awesome, and hats off to him. I might test it at some point in the C-Verse data, because now I'm curious.


I've also had a few other real-world fighters acting oddly similar to the real life guys. Specifically the Diaz brothers seem to do a ton of in-fight taunting, but of course it's probably just the personality settings, since that seems to be the factor that makes other fighters more likely to do it. I have Nick and Nate set to 'Moody' and 'Short-Tempered', respectively, so that's probably the only reason they taunt and trash talk so much, but they seem to do it much more often than any C-Verse fighters, regardless of personality.


EDIT: Okay, first fight I simulated with a C-Verse guy renamed "Clay Guida", he did the stool burp. I'd say that's confirmation, at least that Guida is programmed to do it. That's amazing. Nice one, Adam.

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  • 1 month later...
What level do you have to be to have two TV shows?


As far as I know (and I definitely could be wrong), there isn't a specific level where the option becomes available to you. It just depends on the individual requirements of the TV stations. As soon as you meet the popularity requirements for two stations (or, I assume, one station that allows multiple shows at a time), you can go for it. Just check the stations in the editor to see where you need to be.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've read through several pages of this thread and couldn't find an answer, even searched google so sorry if this is a repeat. I'm using the MW12 and have noticed that the fighters never request matches or request a different weight class. Anybody know why and is there a fix?
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