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does anyone know how long it takes for a fighter to regen when he retires? I've got several guys in my BW who are just total cans and are on 5 6 7 fight losing streaks. currently I just match them up against each other but eventually I want to retire them if its a set time than i'll do it gradally so new regens debut slowly. but if its just random than that could be tricky. and are there a certain amount of fighters that can debut at one time?
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does anyone know how long it takes for a fighter to regen when he retires?


I think that's about a year, but I'm unsure as it's been ages since I had it turned on. Retirement dates are influenced by a hidden value that's assigned at the beginning of the game. Furthermore, if a fighter is unemployed for too long, they might consider retiring earlier, especially on losing streaks (too I can't know that for sure; it's an impression I got while playing).

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Never tested it, but looking at my current games, I can at least confirm that regeneration can happen about 2 months after they officially retire (if not sooner), but it's either based on certain conditions or it's entirely random. Either way, you won't have much luck trying to predict those debut dates.





It's a small sample size, but enough to show that it's not a set amount of time or anything. I do have a handful of people set to debut each month, but based solely on casual observation, I don't think that makes any difference. The amount of original fighters debuting each month is very consistent in my data, and the regens just seem to show up whenever on top of that. It does look like there might be a limit of 3 regens a month if that helps, but again, it's a small sample size. You might want to test that before making any assumptions.


Anyway, looking at the news archive, the first six guys were the first six to retire, but there was one more who retired a few weeks before Richard Smith, and he didn't regenerate in December of '98 or in January of '99. He's definitely set to regenerate, too.


In other words, I only know just enough to say that your plan won't work out. :p

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Okay, what the hell. My undefeated champion just left because another promotion put a better offer on the table... even though my offer had everything maxed! Max bonus, a million dollars a fight/sign on bonus, whatever, it was maxed. Does the game just screw you and take away your top fighters by allowing promotions to offer them more than you can?
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Okay, what the hell. My undefeated champion just left because another promotion put a better offer on the table... even though my offer had everything maxed! Max bonus, a million dollars a fight/sign on bonus, whatever, it was maxed. Does the game just screw you and take away your top fighters by allowing promotions to offer them more than you can?


Was he more well known in the other promotions home country? Either that or the other promotion was bigger than yours?

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One thing i've been curious about for a while is, why are there so many Indonesian fighters in the Cornellverse? I've never even seen a single professional fighter from Indonesia in my life, and yet the game has at least a dozen of them, half of which are top level competitors, has this ever been explained or anything?
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I don't think it has been specifically addressed, but Adam Ryland has made it clear that the C-Verse isn't necessarily designed to reflect real world MMA, even if it does in some ways. Considering that, I think it's pretty cool that some regions are more important than they are in real life. Sukarno, Li-Kong Ho and Atep are three of my favorite default fighters.


KDM FC being located in Asia might have something to do with it, particularly for the three fighters I mentioned, or maybe it just happened to work out that way. I guess it depends on how carefully Ryland planned out the demographics when he was creating characters. Maybe he said "I want X amount of fighters from Indonesia", or maybe he just worried more about making interesting characters and then filled in the gaps for regions that he wanted to be more populated than they turned out. Either way works, and either could result in more fighters from certain regions than you'd expect.

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I'm having trouble conceptualising how MP works in this game. Never tried it in TEW2013 (still need to properly play the game), but the way it seems to work is that you schedule your event, send the savegame to your co-player, and wait until he made his moves and sends it back. Is the playtime arbitrary then? I assume you don't just finish the day and send it over every damn time, as it would take a tremendous amount of time. :p You can just play until the co-player receives a critical message that stops the flow of time? Does someone have experience with MP in Adam's games? I might be inclined to try it.
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I've played several multiplayer games by myself in TEW, and each player does get a turn for each day. No idea if (or how) fast advance works for multiplayer, though. Like I said, I just use it to play multiple companies in the same game, so it never came up for me.


I'm guessing it wouldn't be so bad if you set up a dropbox account or something similar, and if all of the players involved can agree to check back frequently and keep things moving as quickly as possible.

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I'm having trouble conceptualising how MP works in this game. Never tried it in TEW2013 (still need to properly play the game), but the way it seems to work is that you schedule your event, send the savegame to your co-player, and wait until he made his moves and sends it back. Is the playtime arbitrary then? I assume you don't just finish the day and send it over every damn time, as it would take a tremendous amount of time. :p You can just play until the co-player receives a critical message that stops the flow of time? Does someone have experience with MP in Adam's games? I might be inclined to try it.


that is how it works. You can either exchange games each turn of tell the other players to skip their turn until something critical is needed. It does take some tremendous time to play which is why they usually fail.


Although with MMA you don't have to deal with bigger companies running 5 events a month so that would help a little.

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Ok thanks. I take it you can make an arrangement where you send the dates where you want to plan events and your partner can just skip two weeks ahead before sending the file over (unless a critical event occurs).


If it turns out to be a doable thing, I'm planning to 'mod'ify my mod to optimize it for 2-player gameplay. Anyhow, we'll see what happens. :D

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I don't think it has been specifically addressed, but Adam Ryland has made it clear that the C-Verse isn't necessarily designed to reflect real world MMA, even if it does in some ways. Considering that, I think it's pretty cool that some regions are more important than they are in real life. Sukarno, Li-Kong Ho and Atep are three of my favorite default fighters.


KDM FC being located in Asia might have something to do with it, particularly for the three fighters I mentioned, or maybe it just happened to work out that way. I guess it depends on how carefully Ryland planned out the demographics when he was creating characters. Maybe he said "I want X amount of fighters from Indonesia", or maybe he just worried more about making interesting characters and then filled in the gaps for regions that he wanted to be more populated than they turned out. Either way works, and either could result in more fighters from certain regions than you'd expect.


I guess so, but even besides the real world number of indonesian fighters being incredibly low, there is a huge disparity in the number of them who are high level competitors, more than half being in the top 25 in their respective weight classes. i love the way the game plays and the amount of detail in the universe, but i find the abundance of fighters from a country with as far as i know, little to no involvement in organized combat sports to be so jarring that i pretty much delete all said fighters from the game before i play through. I do concede that is a rather strange thing to do, but it became such a niggling thing with me i caved in to my foibles for the sake of immersion.

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I agree. The Indonesians make the C-verse so interesting for me. If you delete the ones with the best stats, you're creating a world that is too variable each game for my liking. There need to be a certain consistency (titles changing hands every time is boring), and you get that from the top fighters. And they add the personality. If you're a purist who wants a certain amount of realism, feel free to change it at will and share your work on the mod section. Maybe there are others who feel the same way.
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I agree. The Indonesians make the C-verse so interesting for me. If you delete the ones with the best stats, you're creating a world that is too variable each game for my liking. There need to be a certain consistency (titles changing hands every time is boring), and you get that from the top fighters. And they add the personality. If you're a purist who wants a certain amount of realism, feel free to change it at will and share your work on the mod section. Maybe there are others who feel the same way.


I am not really a purist at all, and given the mod i'm currently starting work on, realism is the last thing i'm interested in. I just found that that one group was inexplicably large and further more inexplicably talented per capita, but i will say that i find the chaos you speak of to be rather entertaining, i like having to work out where in the hell i am trying to go with something when a dark horse ends up taking out a fighter i've put a solid investment into.

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Yeah, he usually doesn't do well for me either. He has great kicks that can score the occasional upset, but even a lot of strikers seem to have no trouble taking him down at will or simply outgrappling him against the cage, so he's more reliable as a can than a prospect. With the Fezzik hero worship, you'd think he would have worked on his grappling a bit.
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