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Christmas competition time!


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The majority of you wont know this, but when Christmas comes around I usually choose a forum member and give them a gift. It's never anything fancy, as i'm no millionaire, but in the spirit of Christmas it hopefully puts a smile on their face. This year will be a bit different...


Christmas is the season of giving and good will to your fellow man (or at least it should be). So with that in mind, i'm going to give away a free game. Don't get too excited, it isn't going to be a new release. Instead it will be a "Good Old Game" from http://www.gog.com.


To win the game all you've got to do is identify what games these screenshots are from.






1. Only one entry per person, only your first post will be accepted.

2. Edited posts are not permitted, so don't post anything until you're sure of the answers. If I see that you've edited your post, you're instantly disqualified. No exceptions. (and don't try deleting your posts and posting again either because I will know)

3. If no-one gets all of the answers, the person who got the most correct answers first will get the game of their choice.

4. Your choice of game must be from this list.

5. Obviously we have a lot of people from different countries on the forum, but keep in mind that i'm from the UK and some games are titled differently from country to country. Try and get the UK name, otherwise I may say you're wrong when you're actually not. (I don't think any of the games in question are named differently, but you never know)

6. If the game is a sequel, and i'm not saying any of them are, you must get the correct version of the game.

7. If there's a tie... i'll decide what happens then. :p

8. Once decided, i'll contact the winner via pm so they can give me their email address.

9. If you win, check the system requirements before you choose your game.


I'll let the competition run until Wednesday 22nd December, 8pm GMT/3pm EST, or until someone guesses all of the correct answers.


Have fun, and good luck! :)

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3 The Last Ninja

4 Shadow Dancer

5 Desert Strike (Subtitled "Return to the Gulf" if you need that.)

6 Sonic CD

7 James Pond 2 (The UK version may be Super James Pond II)

8 Star Wars: Dark Forces

9 Duke Nukem 3D

10 Full Throttle

11 Discworld

12 Master of Orion

13 International Karate +


15 Decap Attack

16 Mega lo Mania

17 Chuck Rock

18 Rock n' Roll Racing


20 Road Rash 2

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mjdgoldeneye has won!





As the winner, he chose the Total Annihilation: Commander Pack.


Congratulations mjd, and a merry Christmas to you! :)




As a side note, i'm highly disappointed in how many people actually participated. What you see above is everyone who took part.


I didn't have to do this competition, it's coming out of my wallet and no-one elses. It may not be a great deal of money, merely something in the spirit of the season. But when hardly anyone takes part, it makes me wonder why I bothered in the first place.


Anyway, merry Christmas all. Bah humbug an' all that. :rolleyes:

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Contests MJ.


I honestly played ONE of those games, and I was wrong about the title and I don't know why I thought super hang on when I had road rash 1and 2 on the computer. :(


Anyway that was pretty awesome of you to do. The cost doesn't matter. The fact you wanted to spread holiday cheer was awesome. Too bad I hate this time of year. :p

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I honestly played ONE of those games, and I was wrong about the title and I don't know why I thought super hang on when I had road rash 1and 2 on the computer. :(


Silly MLT...


Too bad I hate this time of year. :p


Bah humbug.


Its a shame that we didn't have more entrants, maybe Christmas 2011?


At one point I thought you were going to be the only contestant and would win by default. :p

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Silly MLT...




Bah humbug.


I've been called silly many times. Thanks, keeps me young, old man. :p


I was hoping I'd win by default too, there should have been a copy of some GOG going my way. Ah well, they're not particularly pricey games, I'm sure I can buy a few more at some point.


Ahem! There is one I'm fighting with myself over. May have to get it as a birthday gift to myself. :p


Yeah if this is up next year I may have to play more games just so I have a chance.

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Congratulations MJ, enjoy Total Annihilation, its a very good game :)!


Its a shame that we didn't have more entrants, maybe Christmas 2011?


I had TA, but the discs have been lost forever. Also, I never played any of the expansions.


Congrats, mjd!


I was going to enter as well, but I figured with the amazing(ly low) amount I would've gotten, it was better left to the pros. :p


I just waited until everyone else entered and combined my list and their lists.


I be tricky. It's like being the last person to bid on The Price is Right. :D


I made sure UT knew that sort of thing was possible days ahead and he quoted me the trusty ol' risk vs. reward. :cool:


I know my Sonic, so even if someone else combined all the lists before me, I'd know to make the change to Sonic CD.


It's unfortunate more people didn't try. I spent a long time on Google Image search trying to guess and remember names. Only Sonic CD, Duke Nukem 3D, Road Rash 2, and Desert Strike were immediately clear to me.


I graciously thank you for the prize, UT. I was missing playing TA and I'm glad I can blow up robots again. :)

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I was hoping I'd win by default too, there should have been a copy of some GOG going my way. Ah well, they're not particularly pricey games, I'm sure I can buy a few more at some point.


You never know, I may get drunk over Christmas and gift some more "GOG's"... maybe.


Thanks, keeps me young, old man. :p


If i'm old then you must be ancient, you giant Giraffe you. :cool:


Yeah if this is up next year I may have to play more games just so I have a chance.


If it does happen then it'll still be old games.


The reason being is that Christmas just isn't the same when you're a grown up. The reason I chose GOG is so that someone could play an old game from their younger years, giving them that big grin that they used to have on Christmas day.


(last year I got a balloon modelling kit so I could make balloon animals... who wants that for Christmas?!) (no, i'm not joking, I really was given that)


I just waited until everyone else entered and combined my list and their lists.


You're disqualified... ;)


I made sure UT knew that sort of thing was possible days ahead and he quoted me the trusty ol' risk vs. reward. :cool:


And such was the risk. Had someone guessed all of them before you then you wouldn't have won.


I know my Sonic, so even if someone else combined all the lists before me, I'd know to make the change to Sonic CD.


I didn't think anyone was going to guess the right Sonic game. The "Future" sign was in there as a clue, but I guess most people just looked at Sonic himself.


I graciously thank you for the prize, UT. I was missing playing TA and I'm glad I can blow up robots again. :)


You're welcome... to your uber expensive choice that wasn't part of the sale... :eek:;)




Disappointed no-one exactly got The Last Ninja 2... quite possibly the greatest game on the Commodore 64!

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I am not a giraffe!


How tall are you again...? Tell the rest of the class. :cool:


Seriously a balloon kit is awesome. Can you make me a pony? :p


I can make two things: A really round balloon, and a really long balloon.


I never played Sonic CD. One was my favorite.


Sonic CD was first released on the ill conceived Mega CD platform. Most people think Sonic 2 is the best of the Sonic series, primarily because not many people played Sonic CD. :p

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But... But... I like TV...






*goes back to playing WoW*


Does that count?




Ok... :p


Please tell me you're joking about being a WoW player...? Please.


If not, I think I need to write an article about gaming. An article so mind blowing that everyone will realise they need to step away from such *ahem* games...

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Please tell me you're joking about being a WoW player...? Please.


If not, I think I need to write an article about gaming. An article so mind blowing that everyone will realise they need to step away from such *ahem* games...


Incidentally, I had been gone from WoW for several years, but my friends at work all played it all the time, so with a reluctant sigh I have returned to the evil that is WoW, but yes, I have returned there.


I play it much more casually then they do, though.

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As a side note, i'm highly disappointed in how many people actually participated. What you see above is everyone who took part.


I didn't have to do this competition, it's coming out of my wallet and no-one elses. It may not be a great deal of money, merely something in the spirit of the season. But when hardly anyone takes part, it makes me wonder why I bothered in the first place.


Anyway, merry Christmas all. Bah humbug an' all that. :rolleyes:


I tried to give this a go on Saturday morning, gave the pictures a quick glance, tried Googling a few, and only recognized Sonic CD and Duke Nukem 3D. That 'Future' sign was helpful in Googling and narrowing it down to the right Sonic game. So, I ended up with two. I had no idea about the rest. And I only played Duke Nukem 3D from that list. What can I say, I'm an Enhancement Talent when it comes to these good 'ol games, but I certainly do appreciate the memories created from spending my youth playing all those games -- from the PC games like the Wolfenstein 3Ds, the Ultimas, and the Magic Candles and the NES games like Battletoads, Little Nemos, and Startropics. And so forth with the newer games. Additionally, I have no experience with the Commodore 64, only played SNES/Genesis in a friend's house, and so on and so forth, so a vast amount of these screenshots were new and unfamiliar territory to me.


Anyway, after spending about three hours of Googling, I decided to take a break, got distracted watching TV, did a few errands, etc. and just sorta forgot :o about this contest until today, and with only one hour to gather information, I thought that I did not have enough time to make a decent showing.


It's great that you try to spread a little Christmas cheer during the holidays when this time can be stressful for some, so don't think that the sentiment is lost. Spreading a little joy can't be a bad thing (I think...)

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