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SWF: The Supremacist Era

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Ahh...*cracks knuckles* Something to bide my time while I anxiously await a possible Auburn BCS title win tonight. Can't wait for this, Eisen-verse.


And the first episode of SupremeTV. I'm sorry, but this game's been on my mind for a month...and now it's here. I'll try to clear my head and predict.


Given tonight's outcome, I'm sure you're a very happy man. :D I only caught the ending, as I was at work, but it was one hell of a game.


All in all, thank you for taking some time out to predict before diving into your title win tonight.


As for SupremeTV...

I have booked the show & now am starting to write the results as we speak. Overall, given that I have some 11 segments left, I'm sure it'll be a few days before you see them up. I'm trying my best to be more concise with my writing, while still having the kind of depth that I like, so that it's easier for you to read (and for me to write long-term). So far, I'm pretty happy with how it's coming together.


As for the show itself, I could have gone for a better grade (without giving anything away) but the show itself seems pretty well put together; working with the storylines pre-set when the game starts. That said, I've been able to create the possibility of some future storylines at the same time (ie: the North American Championship #1 contendership match).


Hope to have you all on board going forward!


The one, or ones, who come away with the most right, as it pertains to predicting, for the first broadcast will go home 'with a prize' (thanks to the great work of SeanMcFly).





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Randy Bumfhole vs. Remo


Bumfholes are still trying to break out and Remo will be too strong and powerful for Randy.


Marc DuBois vs. Steve Frehley


DuBois a rising star, but at this stage i've got to go with the established star in Frehley. Wouldn't be surprised to see Vengeance attack Frehley post match.


Angry Gilmore vs. Jungle Jack vs. Lobster Warrior vs. Robbie Retro vs. Runaway Train vs. Squeeky McClean


Jungle Jack, Lobster Warrior and Robbie Retro are the faces and out of those three the man in the Lobster suit is the most credible challenger.


Christian Faith and Joe Sexy vs. Brandon James and Marat Khoklov


Big Money and Khoklov will be too strong and powerful for the faces.


Main Event: Unknown; To be Announced on SupremeTV

Question: Will we witness Eric Eisen’s first SWF Championship defense of 2010?


I see the main event being a contenders match between Jack Bruce and Rich Money, Eric Eisen interferes resulting in the match finishing as a schmozz draw.

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Randy Bumfhole vs. Remo

[singles Match]

Question: Blinding speed vs. Stiff Brutality; what will prove to be the better onslaught?





Marc DuBois vs. Steve Frehley

[singles Match]

Question: With Vengeance lurking, and Paul Huntingdon peering from outside of the ring, can Steve Frehley overcome the “Can’t Miss Superstar”?


I don't see Dubois being subject of the sort of push beating Frehley would propel him to.



Angry Gilmore vs. Jungle Jack vs. Lobster Warrior vs. Robbie Retro vs. Runaway Train vs. Squeeky McClean

[six-way, over-the-top, battle royal]

[The Winner will be the new #1 Contender to the SWF North American Championship AFTER “When Hell Freezes Over”]

Question: Who will start 2010 with a guaranteed right to via for the North American Championship?


This could go to anyone, but I think the former champ (Lobster) is in with a good chance, only to fall to Brandon James at a later date, but for someone reason, I'm going to plump for McClean.



Christian Faith and Joe Sexy vs. Brandon James and Marat Khoklov

[Tag Team Match]

Question: With “When Hell Freezes Over” looming in the distance, who will walk away with initial bragging rights?


Hmmm, could almost flip a coin on this one. Going on your past-booking of Marat however...


Main Event: Unknown; To be Announced on SupremeTV

Question: Will we witness Eric Eisen’s first SWF Championship defense of 2010?


Yes - but I'm going on a screwy/cheap one. Maybe Eisen grants the winner (or even one of the losers) of one of the above matches a shot and capitalises on their weakened state. Christmas all over again.

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Given tonight's outcome, I'm sure you're a very happy man. :D I only caught the ending, as I was at work, but it was one hell of a game.


All in all, thank you for taking some time out to predict before diving into your title win tonight.

Very, very, VERY happy man. I'm so excited that I might just pull the trigger and get my KANZEN Pro dynasty rolling as a result of my joy.


Hopefully it'll share some of your huge spotlight here, E-V.


War Eagle.

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Randy Bumfhole vs. Remo

[singles Match]

Question: Blinding speed vs. Stiff Brutality; what will prove to be the better onslaught?


Stiff Brutality wins here... REMO SMASH!!!


Marc DuBois vs. Steve Frehley

[singles Match]

Question: With Vengeance lurking, and Paul Huntingdon peering from outside of the ring, can Steve Frehley overcome the “Can’t Miss Superstar”?


Yep, he sure can.


Angry Gilmore vs. Jungle Jack vs. Lobster Warrior vs. Robbie Retro vs. Runaway Train vs. Squeeky McClean

[six-way, over-the-top, battle royal]

[The Winner will be the new #1 Contender to the SWF North American Championship AFTER “When Hell Freezes Over”]

Question: Who will start 2010 with a guaranteed right to via for the North American Championship?


I can't even begin to tell you why, but I think it's Retro time.


Christian Faith and Joe Sexy vs. Brandon James and Marat Khoklov

[Tag Team Match]

Question: With “When Hell Freezes Over” looming in the distance, who will walk away with initial bragging rights?


I say the heels pick up the win to set up an eventual face pummeling.


Main Event: Unknown; To be Announced on SupremeTV

Question: Will we witness Eric Eisen’s first SWF Championship defense of 2010?


Perhaps... With a Jack Bruce rematch clause put into effect.


As always sir, I will do my best to follow along, and predict like all the rest. Lets make this retirement dynasty one for the ages.

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As always sir, I will do my best to follow along, and predict like all the rest. Lets make this retirement dynasty one for the ages.


Thank you, QFresh. :D I know how hard it is to keep up with others projects when you have your own running along. That said, I'd love to hear from you as time goes on!



Just as a note, those who are looking to predict, I'm relaying a 24 hour thinger; or whatever you call it. ha. With the rate I'm going right now, SupremeTV should be up sometime, late, tomorrow night (Thursday). I've put a lot of work into this one, and am still formulating the look of things in the final hour; however, I'm coming down to only a few more segments in which to write.


Just thought I'd let you all know.





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Peter Michaels:
It’s a new year. A time for new faces. A moment for all to step into tha’ ‘spotlight’. Folks, this is SupremeTV and we’re breakin’ in 2010 with one HELL of a show for ya…

Jerry Eisen:
That’s right, Peter. We have a #1 Contendership match, and a hellacious tag team match, planned for you, here, tonight! Not to mention, it’s been said that my brother, the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Eric Eisen, has some ‘big news’ in-store for the ENTIRE SWF!

Peter Michaels:
If I heard correctly, Jerry, it sounds like this ‘big news’ should impact SupremeTV here tonight; as well…

Jerry Eisen:
That’s what I…
[Jerry presses his right hand down upon his ear as if he’s listening to something]
I guess we’re wasting no time tonight, ladies and gentlemen. The World Champion is on his way out as we speak…




Eric Eisen ©

… Self-hype promo …


[The SWF Faithful quickly overwhelm “Clover Fields” with a momentous wave of disdain as the newfound SWF World Heavyweight Champion himself, Eric Eisen, slowly shuffles his way out of the back in overtly arrogant fashion. The half snarl, half smirk, placed upon his face tells of a man cemented in, what he perceives to be, his own personal dominance; hugging the top championship prize close to his chest as it overhangs from his right shoulder. With every passing step, “The Supremacist” projects a sense of command; even if, that is, the fans don’t really believe him to be all that ‘great’.


[Once he infiltrates the ring, Eric is shown lashing out in a burst of small aggression; barking orders for a nearby ring attendant to hand him a microphone in the process. While rather short in nature, it tells of the narrative that Eric believes himself to be the one, and only, man in charge here in the SWF. More or less, as his newly developed theme comes to a close, and the SWF World Heavyweight Championship gleams in the lights from above, “The Supremacist” stands firmly in the center of the ring; his left hand seen interjected into his pocket as the other cradles the bottom of his championship belt. An image that tells of an extreme sense of arrogance that he feels entirely comfortable at this present moment; even with the notion that EVERYONE is hunting for his head (as he carries what all in the SWF pine for.)]


Eric Eisen:
Booing me can’t change reality… No matter how much you hate me, no matter how much you loathe the sight of me, the truth of the matter is… you
respect me.


[The crowd erupts into a state of absolute fury as Eric simply stands in silence; looking out upon the crowd with a lofty, “I’m better than you”, look upon his face. None the less, after doing his best ‘heel duties’ by allowing the fans to grow in hatred of him, “The Supremacist” begins to speak once again; interjecting a mood as if he had been interrupted.]


Eric Eisen:
Christian Faith, Runaway Train, Rip Chord, Micky Starr, the Crippler Kingman, and now… Eric Eisen.
[Crowd boo’s]
What do all of these great men have in common? It’s really quite simple. We have all been, at one point in our careers, World Champions.
[Pauses; sternly looks out upon the crowd]
Again, while you may hate me, this truth, this fraternity for which I belong, grants me the
for consummate respect.


[The crowd erupts one again as small pockets within the SWF Faithful ignite a chant of “You’re a joke” from the rafters above. Regardless of this, Eric continues to stand proudly in the center of the ring; deflecting everything in the process and standing as if it was another day in the office.]


Eric Eisen:
Is this how you treat an Icon?
[Crowd boos louder]
Is this what you sad-excuses for fans call a response fit for a Legend?
[shakes his head in disgust]
You people make me sick…


[Just as it seems like Eric is only out here to rile up the crowd, a fact that he’s doing quite well thus far, the situation at hand takes a drastic twist as the sound of a roaring electric guitar fills “Clover Fields” like a resounding war-horn. Within seconds, the SWF Faithful have done a complete 180; cheering wildly as their beloved “Rock Star” has, seemingly, heard enough of Eric’s singular hype.]



Jack Bruce

… Raining on Eric’s parade …


[standing atop the ramp way, Jack Bruce looks down upon the ringside area with a playful smirk running from ear-to-ear; one that, without words, relays a ‘cool guy’ mentality for all who watch. From head to toe, Bruce oozes with the aura of ‘dirty sex’; that being a gritty, scraggily, raw, sense of sexuality wrapped in a ‘hardened shell’. His arms are heavily tattooed, a sight most label as a ‘sleeve’, as his attire appears to border on eccentric; a fact that comes with most ‘rock stars’ none the less. All in all, the reason for such description is because, at first sight, it’s quite obvious that Bruce and Eisen come from two TOTALLY different worlds. With that in mind, as the crowd roars in his favor in the background, Bruce is heard peering over the noise; centering his focus squarely on the man who, some say, STOLE the SWF World Heavyweight Championship from him a few weeks earlier.]


Jack Bruce:
You know what makes me sick, Eric?
[Pauses; staring down Eisen from afar]
No, it’s not your ugly-mug in HD; that thing on your face looks like a dead squirrel. Not going to lie.
[smirks as the crowd collectively laughs]
It’s seeing you parade around “Clover Fields” with the World Heavyweight Championship; a belt that, as far as I know, you STOLE from me!


[The crowd erupts once again as Jack Bruce continues to pace atop the ramp way; acting out in an overtly dramatic fashion as if he were in the middle of a set right now. Meanwhile, Eric stands as a start contrast to his ’larger than life’ ways; simply standing in the ring in a stoic kind of fashion as he rolls his eyes in defiance.]


Eric Eisen:
Stole? You think that I STOLE this from you?
[He taps the World Heavyweight Title]


Jack Bruce:
Let’s see here, you spent close to a year trying to destroy me from afar, hiding in the shadows, and then, after you showed yourself to be a damned coward all this time, you play the ‘daddy card’ and force the board into giving you a title match AFTER I had already gone to war with Rich Money?
[Laughs to himself]
Yea, that sounds like some grade-A bull…shhhhh-abazzz to me!


[The crowd erupts one again as Jack Bruce smirks playfully; the ultimate showman]


Jack Bruce:
Prove me wrong, Eric. Prove all of these wonderful people wrong.
[Pauses; smirks]
You… Me… World Heavyweight Championship… TONIGHT!!


[As you can expect, such a challenge sends “Clover Fields” shaking with excitement; the thought of an overdue re-match coming tonight. That said, Eric Eisen doesn’t appear to be all that interested in what Jack’s saying. Instead, after rolling his eyes continually for quite some time, scoffing at the idea, “The Supremacist” is heard responding with his typical condescending, “I’m holier than thou”, tone.]


Eric Eisen:
You’d like that wouldn’t you?


[He looks out to the crowd; in which, they cheer louder at the idea.]


Eric Eisen:
Well too bad; it ‘aint happenin’.
[Pauses; smirks]
I DO have something for you, though, Jack-ie.
Just before SupremeTV came on the air, I had a LONG conversation with the ‘board’.
While they agreed that a title match tonight wouldn’t be prudent, given such close proximity to “When Hell Freezes Over”, they did come to a conclusion in which to give you the next best thing…


[The SWF Faithful, even Jack Bruce, watch on with confusion as Eric takes a slight break in which to administer that trademark ‘devil grin’ that comes with any Eisen family member. That said, after such a break, Eric, once again, kicks in; a fact that is preceded by Bruce checking his watch in a dramatic fashion as if to say “anytime now!”]


Eric Eisen:
Tonight, you will NOT receive a World Heavyweight Title match but you WILL receive something you’ve been pining for quite some time now. Arguably, it’s probably been on your mind ever since I came from the shadows; forcing you down a road less traveled.
Alright, let’s be frank, I put you through ‘hell’… and I’d do it again in a heartbeat if it meant that same outcome would arise.
[Evil grin]
Either way, ‘the board’ is giving you an opportunity to quench the ugly thirst that plagues you deep within your soul; to subdue the hatred that you’ve, certainly, compiled over the last 10 months.
[Crowd slightly pops; thinking it means a non-title match]
No, it’s not me.
[Crowd boos; he smirks]
Tonight, in this very ring, you will have an opportunity… for vengeance…


[Leaving the scenario open-ended, Eric slowly drops the microphone down upon his feet; staring in Jack’s direction with a wide, sadistic, grin plastered on his face. In return, as all in “Clover Fields”, outside of Eric, stand in confusion, the former World Heavyweight Champion leans back on his heels; smirking, as well, in a defiant nature to Eric’s news. None the less, despite the mysterious nature that comes with the message levied his way, it seems that Jack Bruce is ready for anything here tonight; a fact that is further evident in the way that he simply laughs off the situation at hand. In the end, even such a lofty scenario as this cannot break the consummate ‘cool guy’ demeanor flowing like a river from Bruce.]




Peter Michaels:
What tha’ hell is that ‘spose to mean? Jack Bruce will get ‘vengeance’ tonight?
[Light bulb goes off]
You don’t think he means…

Jerry Eisen:
There’s no need to read too much into it right now, Peter. Honestly, I don’t think anyone outside of Eric, and the board, really knows what is in store for Jack Bruce here tonight. We could throw around names, some more realistic than others, but there is a lot of ambiguity circulating right now.

Peter Michaels:
Ambiguity? Are ya’ kiddin’ me? It HAS to be him…

Jerry Eisen:
We don’t know that. Plus, we haven’t seen HIM since “Christmas Clash”. Why now? What about tonight means HE is coming back?

Peter Michaels:
I don’t know, Jerry. What I do know, though, is that Eric Eisen ‘aint smart enough to create anything else from this. He wants Jack Bruce ‘DOA’, what better way to get him out of tha’ picture than to force tha’ board into bringing tha’ most vile, tha’ most diabolical, monster this company has EVER seen! I tell ya, Jerry, if I’m right, may GOD have mercy on Bruce’s soul…

Jerry Eisen:
I guess we’ll have to see what takes place later tonight…




Remo vs. Randy Bumfhole

[singles Match]


The “Alpha Dog” himself looks as if he’s salivating for a fight; sternly shuffling toward the ringside area in a psychological zone often associated with the most brutal MMA fighters of the world. While his presence, alone, would strike fear deep into the hearts of most, Randy, shockingly, appears rather unfazed; displaying his, traditional, babyface charm to the masses in the process. Needless to say, it’s quite obvious to see the overt contrast between these two ‘Supreme Superstars’ as the roaring crowd is heard cemented in the lovable Bumfhole’s corner straight away.


The altercation itself stands as continuous challenge for the bouncy Bumfhole as his sheer athleticism is not only matched by the vicious Remo but also squandered at all costs as well; often forced to the canvas with an array of powerhouse moves from the bigger, and obviously badder, “Alpha Dog”. In a way, while showing shades of a high impact pace, the overall match continues to feel more in-line with Remo’s, typical, ‘ground-and-pound’ mentality; a fact that doesn’t bode well for the former Tag Team Champion (Randy).


With his partner watching at ringside, often seen slamming his hands upon the canvas in which to help inspire his brother into action, Randy inevitably collides violently into the unforgiving canvas below; the victim of a thunderous “Destroyer” (X Tornado DDT) maneuver administered by his, equally, unforgiving opponent. Within seconds, as Randy lay unconscious, recently folded in half physically, Remo is declared as the ultimate victor as Darren Smith is shown raising his hand as so.


Remo defeats Randy Bumfhole in 10:24 via a “Destroyer” (X Tornado DDT).



Jerry Eisen:
I don’t know if Randy Bumfhole is conscious at this point. The way his head in the canvas, that sickening thud heard after colliding with the ground, may have knocked him straight into ‘next week’.
Someone should come out and check on him…

Peter Michaels:
That may be the best decision right now. Good Golly, no man, not even the toughest men in our industry, could withstand such a powerful maneuver. Certainly one of it’s kind.

Jerry Eisen:
Certainly is, Peter. With all of that said, it looks like Remo is starting where he left off in 2009: steam-rolling through the SWF one wrestler at a time! Can ANYONE stop this man?

[They both pause; watching the action unfold before them.]

Peter Michaels:
Wait a minute…

Jerry Eisen:
This doesn’t feel right…




Remo and Zimmy Bumfhole

... Post-match beatdown ...


[As Zimmy kneels at his brother’s side, painfully attempting to revive his unconscious confidant, Remo is seen deterring his original plans of leaving the squared circle; instead, stepping back through the ring ropes with nothing short of ‘evil intent’ brewing within. Without hesitation, the “Alpha Dog” quickly ignites into action; forcibly springing upon the unsuspecting Zimmy Bumfhole in the process.]


[With the SWF faithful booing aggressively in the background, showing their obvious disdain for the vile scenario taking place currently, Remo continues his assault; however, this time, it’s centered on his former opponent’s brother:


[After a barrage of heavy-handed strikes, Zimmy is eventually forced into the same unconscious reality; Remo’s “Destroyer” (X Tornado DDT) being the ultimate culprit of such a jarring visual. More or less, as the crowd’s bitter hatred turns to a lazy buzz, fighting internally with themselves as they continually dislike Remo yet also feel the ‘tug’ of coolness as it pertains to his ‘bad ass’ mentality, the “Alpha Dog” is shown coldly exiting the squared circle; leaving behind a mess that consists of two Bumfhole brothers struggling to stay conscious.]




Peter Michaels:
What tha’ Hell was that all about, Remo?
[silence; pauses]
Was that to prove something? To show that you can attack an innocent man grieving at his fallen brother’s side? Jesus H Krimminey. What the HELL is this kid comin’ too?

Jerry Eisen:
He’s a bad, bad, man, Peter.
[shakes his head; tisking]
I can’t even say that I’m shocked really; though. I mean, Remo’s brand of violence has been on display for much of the last 6 months. This transformation of his, this new ‘cold fighter’ mentality, has proven to be a deadly development. I agree though. Something needs to be done; before someone REALLY gets hurt.

Peter Michaels:
How about you tell them boys in the ring that they didn’t get ‘REALLY’ hurt!
[shakes his head; wipes his forehead with a handkerchief]
That ain’t right…

Jerry Eisen:
I agree. It isn’t right.




Christian Faith

… On a steel horse he rides …


[The overwhelming sound of a faded, weathered, hog encompasses the scene as the “Iron Man” himself, Christian Faith, is shown rolling into the dock-area of the architectural masterpiece that is “Clover Fields”. His mannerisms are rather cold, overtly rugged, as his flowing, graying, hair whips slightly in the background; furthering the ‘road warrior’ narrative that comes with his timeless persona. As expected, the sight of his arrival ignites the SWF faithful, watching this intently unfold on the large video-display centered over the entrance ramp, to erupt with absolute excitement. Without a word even being said, or simply being on screen for more than a few seconds, Faith has already gripped the total focus of the scenario at hand.]


[As the grizzled SWF Icon dismounts his classic steel steed, a familiar voice arrogantly peers from off camera.]



Joe Sexy

… Interjecting as his ‘ally’ enters …


Joe Sexy:
You know, Christian, I admire you.
[Chuckles to himself]
The bike, the rugged mug; you have to be a ‘chick-magnet’. Right? All the 20-something’s with ‘daddy-issues’ have to be throwing themselves at a grizzled man like you…


[Despite Joe’s polarizing interjection, the celebrated “Iron Man” continues his journey deeper into the backstage area; completely ignoring his one-time tag partner for tonight’s secondary main event. Without even the slightest acknowledgement, Christian Faith is shown shuffling past the “Sex Machine” himself; continually projecting the aged ‘bad-ass’ persona that’s become unquestionably associated with the 4-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion.]


Joe Sexy:
What, did I say something wrong?


[Joe is shown arrogantly smirking, playfully antagonizing his newfound ally for the night, as Faith does little to return in the polarizing banter. That said, the “Iron Man” is heard muttering a stern, somewhat unrelated, response under his breathe; delivered within his trademark, overtly rugged, fashion.]


Christian Faith:
Quit your jackin’, Boy.


[With that, the heralded SWF Icon coldly steps past his counter-opposite confidant; fixating his sunken eyes off into the distance. Meanwhile, Sexy is seen stepping back slightly; smirking to himself as he runs his right hand across his jaw in a “oooo” kind of fashion. None the less, the overall narrative seems to be quite prevalent: Can these two co-exist when faced against obvious danger?]




Jerry Eisen:
In all honesty, Is there ANYWAY that these two can co-exist tonight?
[Laughs to himself]
You couldn’t throw two more polar opposites together than Joe Sexy and Christian Faith!

Peter Michaels:
I reckon’ there’s a good chance they are doomed to fail, Jerry.
[shakes his head]
These boys ‘aint anywhere near the same page right now. How can they expect to beat two hosses like Khoklov and James?

Jerry Eisen:
I don’t really know, Peter? All we can hope is, when push comes to shove, and the lights are most brightest, Christian Faith ALWAYS finds a way to deliver!
Hopefully that fact will push Sexy to the max as well; one great inspiring another to act?

Peter Michaels:
I guess we’ll see, Jerry. I guess we’ll see.




Marc DuBois
w/ Paul Huntingdon
vs. Steve Frehley

[singles Match]


Despite the ‘numbers game’ being firmly in Marc DuBois’s corner, given the fact that his fellow ally, and “Destined for Greatness…” tag team member, Paul Huntingdon, is at his side, such a lofty scenario doesn’t seem to phase “The Dark Destroyer” one bit. Regardless of the challenge before him, small or large, Frehley storms toward the ringside area with purpose; commanding the environment during his entire trek. With this in mind, coming in with such a hardened mentality, Frehley is seen putting his internal aggression straight into action: Slamming a round of haymaker like punches square across DuBois’s jaw just as he initially enters the ring. In a sense, leaving no time for cordial introductions.


As expected, such a fiery start practically guides the SWF Faithful to roar with excitement; a fact that quickly cultivates a “F*ck him up” chant from within the crowd (one that, as you may have already guessed, is censored rather quickly after it starts by network officials). DuBois does his best to eventually regain a sense of composure, utilizing a round of cheap-handed tactics in which to do so; however, with time, the momentum almost always swings back in Frehley’s direction. Why? Sometimes pure talent, by which DuBois has, stands as no match to a wild, unruly, brawler with internal demons to silence.


As the match continued to progress DuBois did his best to ‘keep up’, even gaining control at various aspects, but, in the end, Frehley’s physical style stands as no match to Dubois’s ‘high impact’ onslaught. All looked like a smooth, pretty standard, victory when all of a sudden the lights begin to flicker. The sound of chains dragging against a cement floor are heard soon thereafter as an occasional interjection of a low, raspy, ultra menacing, sense of laughter is heard resonating over the PA system. While this distraction is most certainly directed toward Frehley, given the fact that most believe this to be
carrying out such a ‘show’, it actually ends up distracting DuBois more so.


Creeped out, and turning to his partner outside of the ring, DuBois allows his focus to slip slightly for the moment; wondering what may come next following the flickering lights, chain dragging audio, and the occasional laughter burrowing through. In the end, it was this momentary lapse of judgment, this ability to allow another to dive under his skin, that ultimately stands as his downfall. With his attention turned, DuBois walks right into a “Frehley’s Comet” (Running haymaker punch across the jaw). The hefty impact sends DuBois’s body completely limp; forcing him to crash upon the canvas below in a thunderous fashion. All in all, as the lights continue to flicker so, creating a truly unsettling scenario, Frehley aggressively lifts his opponents leg upward; administering a pinfall that would, seconds later, give him the victory.


Steve Frehley defeats Marc Dubois in 9:14 via a “Frehley’s Comet” (Running haymaker punch across the jaw).



Peter Michaels:
No matter where you run, where you hide, or, hell, even if you’re standing in broad day light,
will ALWAYS find ya‘…

Jerry Eisen:
We, still, have yet to find out why these two have been conjoined recently; why they’ve waged such an epic battle in the last few weeks?
Either way, it looks like Vengeance’s attempt to distract “The Dark Destroyer” was unsuccessful tonight. Actually, it looks like it did more to deter Marc DuBois than anything…

Peter Michaels:
It just goes to show ya’ why Steve Frehley is a former SWF World Champion and why Marc DuBois has YET to get to that point. It’s outcomes like tonight, allowing others to distract you from victory, that’s tha’ sign that you ’aint ready for the “bright lights”. Maybe, someday, DuBois, and his “Destined for Greatness…” partner, Paul Huntingdon, will know true fame. That said, first, ya’ have to DO something to gain that fame.

Jerry Eisen:
oh wait, Peter, this may not be over yet…




Steve Frehley

… Post-match Haunting …


[shortly following his victory, Steve Frehley is shown rising to his feet; fortifying himself for a potential battle any second now. Unlike others, “The Dark Destroyer” doesn’t really appear all that afraid. Instead, he looks more like a hardened brawler on the verge of swinging like a mad-man; unafraid of what may be on the other end of this menacing ‘show’.]


[While the lights continue to flicker in the background, accompanied by the continual audio of steel chains dragging across cement, we are now presented with the burly voice of Vengeance peering above the crazy scenario we find ourselves entrenched within. Gone, now, is the random spurts of raspy, unsettling, laughter, as we now hear straight from the Evil Incarnate’s mouth.]


Steve Frehley… Long have you staved-off the judgment of your horrors. While others may forgive you for your wickedness,
knows no sympathy.
Suffering comes to those who make it’s bed… Now, you will lay in it… mangled and bloodied…


[As his final phrase resonates, exuding violently from his mouth like a fire-breathing dragon releasing a robust flame, the lights shockingly extinguish all together. In complete darkness, the SWF Faithful systematically cry out with fear; flashing their cameras in which to create a semblance of light in the process. In turn, as the lights come back up, we now view Vengeance standing in the center of the ring in a towering fashion; clasping his right hand across the throat of his newfound enemy, Steve Frehley.]




… Supernatural Attack …


[Frehley attempts to break free from his captor, throwing fists of fury in the process, but such an advance proves to be unsuccessful as, if from a supernatural source, Vengeance is shown forcing “The Dark Destroyer” into the air; chokeslamming him violently upon the canvas below. The chain of steel links around his neck rumble upon impact as the ‘Evil Incarnate’ stands like a gothic-roman statue looking down upon his motionless victim.]


[in the end, as the crowd boos like crazy, “Clover Fields”, again, returns to a state of absolute darkness. The very same hysteria forms within the huddled masses within it’s confines; however, comes to somewhat of a halt as the lights, once again, restore to full capacity. At that point, all that is left is a, shockingly, lifeless Steve Frehley laying in the middle of the squared circle; obviously struggling to remain conscious following such a ‘supernatural-like’ attack from his newfound enemy, Vengeance. With that, as such an image is shown, depicting Frehley in a weakened fashion for the first time in awhile, the scenario comes to a close with the sound of Vengeance, once again, laughing in an unsettling manner over the PA system; much like any GOD-like demon.]




Peter Michaels:
Well all be damned…
[Tisks; shaking his head in disbelief]
That freak-of-nature just steamrolled “The Dark Destroyer” in a manner of one move. BAM! He’s down and out…

Jerry Eisen:
Freak-of-nature or not even of this nature?
[laughs in disbelief]
I don’t even know if he’s ‘one of us’ anymore, Peter.
[slight pause]
As you said, it only took one move, “Six feet under”, to immobilize a former SWF Champion in Steve Frehley. Good god, how can ANYONE stop ANYTHING like that? If it only takes one strike, HOW does anyone stand-up to such a mountainous challenge?

Peter Michaels:
Not to mention, what was with tha’ ’laying in the bed he made’? Does Vengeance know somethin’ we don’t?

Jerry Eisen:
Whatever it’s about, it seems that Vengeance wants him to ‘suffer’ from it…




Rich Money

… Backstage promo …


[After witnessing Steve Frehley being floored by the Evil Incarnate himself, we now transition backstage in which to see, the embattled, Rich Money standing before an SWF camera lens in the comfort of his own locker room. The dashing, muscle-bound, ‘money-man’ appears to be slightly more agitated than normal; staring into the camera like a man on a mission. Never the less, despite the slightly new light, Money still exudes the very same debonair presence we’ve come to expect from the former 2-time SWF North American Champion.]


Rich Money:
If there’s one thing I can’t stand…
[slight; quick pause]
it’s losing a bet.
[Longer pause; stares into lens]
A month ago, I placed a wager that, I felt, was nothing short of a lock. While it started out as an accusation, it ended as a ‘golden’ proposition; one that could have permanently shifted my professional-stock in a matter of an instant. Sadly, the wager I felt was mine to cash-in-on, ended in a folding-fashion; leaving me without the very thing I covet most. The ultimate prize that has alluded my grasp thus far: The SWF World Heavyweight Championship.
Now, while I find myself tampering on unfavorable ground, coming off such a crushing loss, I know that it’s only a matter of time…
Only a matter of time before I finally obtain what I value the most; before I make-good on the bet I’ve made with myself…


[before Rich can continue forth with his message dripping with a hefty sense of determination, the ‘Money-Man’ is abruptly interrupted by a weasely, yet familiar, voice peering from afar.]


Squeeky McClean:
Betting is a nasty habit, Rich…



… Interjecting upon Rich Money …


[With that, the camera lens slowly pans out in which to show that Squeeky McClean has now infiltrated Rich Money’s locker room. With a snarky smirk running across his face, one that portrays the arrogant competitor as nothing short of a true weasel of a man, McClean is shown with his hands resting comfortably in his front/side khaki pant pockets. All in all, In a state of self-confident rest, McClean awaits Money’s response; all the while projecting a sly smirk upon his face.]


Rich Money:
Look what the dogs dragged in…


[Rich glances back upon Squeeky; obviously annoyed as he touches upon the common perception of Mr. McClean in the process.]


Squeeky McClean:
[Dramatically looking as if he’s shivering]
Such harsh words coming from a failure…


[squeeky chuckles to himself as Rich quickly interjects with slightly more fury to his tone.]


Rich Money:
Failure? YOU’RE Calling ME a failure?
[Laughs to himself; shakes his head in disbelief]
At least I’ve actually stood in the spotlight in recent months. Where have you been? Oh yes, that’s right, slumming it in the depths of the SWF.


Squeeky McClean:
Slumming it?
[Chuckles to himself]
Not exactly. That said, I’d rather be earning my spot instead of having it handed to me, like… well… like you.


[squeeky smirks in Rich’s direction as the two have no fixated their focus entirely on one another; a fact that may, just, create a sense of violence soon enough given their rising disdain.]


Rich Money:
Enough with the games, Squeeky. My time is far to valuable to be held up in this manner.
[stares into McClean’s snarky face]
What the HELL do you want?


[For a split second, Squeeky does nothing to respond verbally. Instead, he’s shown staring back upon his newfound enemy with a look that could only be classified as ‘arrogantly dismissive of another’. That said, with time, Squeeky finally finds his voice once again; responding in his typical, high-pitched, weasel-like, way.]


Squeeky McClean:
Oh, nothing really, Rich. Just thought I’d… comfort you in your time of need. I mean, the first SupremeTV episode of the year and you’re not even taking part. That has to just eat away at you… right?


[it appears that Squeeky has struck a chord with the former 2-time SWF North American Champion. At least, so says the look on Rich’s face.]


Rich Money:
I don’t need any comfort; especially from you.
I make my own way…


[He responds in a condescending fashion.]


Rich Money:
Run along like the rodent that you are; infest someone else’s locker room.
[Turns away; continues to unpack a nearby bag.]
I have work to do.


Squeeky McClean:
Of course you do…
[Evil grin forms upon his face]
‘work’… Well, since I know you have some time on your hands , you may as well pay attention to tonight’s #1 Contendership match for the North American Championship.
[Pauses; smirks]
In case you get confused at the end, I’ll be the one having my hand raised in victory… Something you haven’t experienced much lately…


[With that, Squeeky slowly back peddles out of the scene in a creepy fashion; holding the very same weasely smirk upon his face in the process. Meanwhile, Rich Money is shown slowly unpacking his Gucci leather bag as he continues to focus his mind elsewhere. That is, until Squeeky finally exit’s the room entirely. Once the final settling of the door is heard, Money slowly brings his head back upward; removing his thoughts from his unpacking process in which to stare in the direction where Squeeky once stood. In a way, it appears that he may be rifling through something internally.]




Jerry Eisen:
What was THAT all about?

Peter Michaels:
I’m ‘aint sure, Jerry. That Squeeky is crazier than a pet raccoon…

Jerry Eisen:
What was the point behind all of that even?

Peter Michaels:
At my best guess, that boy was lookin’ to get under Money’s skin. Did it work? Seems so.

Jerry Eisen:
I guess we’ll have to monitor this going forward…




Angry Gilmore vs. Jungle Lord vs. The Lobster Warrior vs. Robbie Retro vs. Runaway Train vs. Squeeky McClean

[six-way, over-the-top, battle royal]

[Winner is the new #1 Contender to the NA Title; after “When Hell Freezes Over”]


As the squared circle fills with the bodies of those looking to, eventually, via for the North American Championship, the overall environment surrounding the ringside area feels quite tense in nature. In reality, all six of these men would give close to anything for such a ‘golden opportunity’; so, with this in mind, it should come as no shock that the match practically explodes into existence. Within a matter of a few seconds, no longer delegated to their corners, an all-out brawl ensues from pillar-to-post; one that threatens the very foundation of the squared circle in the process.


From a power standpoint, Runaway Train quickly separates himself from the pack; bulldozing everyone in his path. While many have come to accept his diminished dominance, mostly due to his age, the overall narrative begins to form that Train still has ’something left in the tank’. This becomes rather evident as the towering powerhouse is shown muscling his way through pockets of challengers too-and-fro.


Luckily for those competing, Power isn’t everything.


While Runaway Train does stand alone as the strongest physical specimen, the other 5 competitors do their best to prove that their own, unique, approach is just as beneficial:


Gilmore utilizes his inexhaustible, overtly combustible, aggression in which to overload all those who dare temper his success.


Jungle Lord practically speeds into a primal-based explosion of heavy-handed offense.


Warrior mixes masterful mat wrestling abilities with the joyful excitement that follows him wherever he goes.


Retro, literally, throws his weight around as if to ‘boogie’ his way through the challenges set forth.


Finally, Squeeky picks, prods, and interjects, from afar; much like a weasely vulture awaiting the scraps in the wings.


With all of this in mind, one could only expect absolute chaos from start to finish. Either way, as we all watch on, one man goes through the cast of characters in which to finally have his hand raised victorious. That man is none other than, Angry Gilmore.


With Squeeky McClean standing as the last man before him, Gilmore is shown flipping his last challenger over the top rope with a belly-to-belly overhead suplex. The maneuver is so shocking, so out of nowhere, that many stand along confused; wondering what had just happened as they come to grips with the idea that Gilmore is now the NEW #1 contender to the North American Championship. So, in turn, after “When Hell Freezes Over”, he will compete against either Brandon James or Joe Sexy for said title.


Angry Gilmore is the new #1 contender to the SWF North American Championship after being victorious in 12:43.



Peter Michaels:
When it’s all said and done, after the smoke has cleared, it’s Angry Gilmore who now stands as the new #1 contender to the North American Championship! While I can’t say that I’m a fan, I’ll give credit where credit is due.

Jerry Eisen:
I have to agree with you there, Peter. Angry Gilmore is not the most lovable person we’ve ever seen in the SWF. Hell, in a lot of cases, he’s probably the most irritable punk we’ve ever seen on SupremeTV. However, no one can deny the fact that he’s one hell of a fighter. Now, it’s not only that, as he is, again, back in the spotlight!

Peter Michaels:
I guess, in the end, we’ll see if Gilmore can get the job done after the PPV…

Jerry Eisen:
Should be one hell of a showdown; regardless of who it is he goes up against!




Marat Khoklov, Brandon James ©, and Emma Chase

… Creating cohesion; the Chase way …


[A gradual camera pan appears to climb the mountainous challenge of scaling the backside of, who is expected to be, the snarling behemoth, Marat Khoklov, and the SWF North American Champion, Brandon James; ultimately gliding above their collective, lofty, shoulder level. Once said climb is finished, ultimately perpetuating the narrative that these two men are true ‘monsters’ in size, the camera lens now dips downward slightly; showing Emma Chase to be standing before them in the process. With this vision now set-up, Chase is heard attempting to ‘rally the troops’ for tonight’s main event.]


Emma Chase:
I know you have no familiarity with me, Marat, and, in an industry full of backstabbers, politicians, and manipulators, such inexperience is enough to sound any alarm. That said, tonight’s match-up doesn’t call for an ‘iron-gripped’ sense of cohesion. In reality, you stand to benefit just as much as my client does.
[Pauses; looks Marat in the eyes from her lowered vantage point]
So, trust is not something we really need at this point. Honestly, what we need is for the both of you to rise to the occasion; to overcome the enemies who want to see you flounder.
[smirks devilishly]
That defining moment just so happens to be tonight…


[Emma continues to project her devilish smirk as Brandon James follows suit soon thereafter; holding the SWF North American Championship loosely over his right shoulder in the process. Meanwhile, showing initial signs that he may not be comprehending what’s being said, Marat is shown snarling like a rabid-dog; obviously detached from the scenario at hand. All in all, there appears to be a valid fear that, despite having a common stake in tonight‘s match, these two men won‘t really be able to work as one; language, or lack there of, being the ultimate culprit of such inability.]


Emma Chase:
stake our claim tonight! Whether it’s for selfish needs, or some small sense of cohesion, we
crush the competition!
[Pauses; smirks]
You two are, easily, THE most fear-driving men this company has
seen. Go out there tonight & prove this to be true; squash these men like the ants that they are!


[With that, Emma Chase is seen projecting an extreme sense of arrogance; smirking like one who appears to be drinking her own kool-aid. Regardless though, even if she is polarizing to some, it seem as though her theoretical ‘call to arms’ has worked masterfully. With one simple speech, Ms. Chase has inspired two monstrous men to work as one; or at least we think that to be so.]




Jerry Eisen:
I don’t like the look of this, Peter…

Peter Michaels:
I reckon you’re right, Jerry. Emma Chase is one tough broad; she has these boys wrapped firmly around her finger.

Jerry Eisen:
I don’t think you can classify these guys as boys, Peter.
Plus, I’m not really sure Marat is even on the same page as the rest of them. Doe anyone know if he actually understands English?

Peter Michaels:
I guess we’ll find out, Jerry. I guess we’ll find out.




Brandon James and Marat Khoklov vs. Christian Faith and Joe Sexy

[Tag Team Match]


Two momentary factions, of men never thought to be allies before, stand across from one another; staring upon the other with the knowledge that tonight may be their last. While it sounds rather sensationalized, overly hyped without much reason, such a menacing truth is entirely possible when someone like Marat Khoklov is involved. Standing well over 7 feet tall, and weighting somewhere in the 300’s, this gigantic comrade is something of a world wonder vs. a typical pro wrestler. When you factor in his blind sense of unresolved rage, there’s a good chance that someone of his stature could literally KILL someone; especially when one who dare never ‘give up’ stands across from him…


With “Big Money” at his side, Khoklov practically owns the entire match; utilizing his brute sense of strength as the ultimate oppressing force. Regardless of what others may attempt to accomplish at his expense, the towering behemoth often thwarts such an approach soon thereafter; violently flooring everyone, and anyone, with an array of club-like strikes. Even the SWF North American Champion himself, his own tag partner, almost falls victim to his thunderous wrath at one point; as Khoklov is shown grabbing James by the throat following an inadvertent scenario of running into one another. While the crowd cheers aggressively for Khoklov to spike his own partner, cooler heads seemingly prevail as Emma Chase works her typical ‘magic’; inspiring, if not through dubious means, Khoklov to release her top client.


ON the other side of the ring stands a team struggling to find an identity. While Christian Faith does his very best to carry his temporary faction, Joe Sexy does all he can to seemingly hinder their own chances. It’s not that the “Sex Machine” is purposely hurting their chance, or that he’s even a un-skilled wrestler, but rather the fact that Joe is, entirely, unable to remove himself from the ‘pitfalls of the flesh’. In a way, he has wandering eyes; a fact that often takes him out of focus which, always, places him in a bad way.


When you factor this in with James’s absolute hunger for success, it seems pretty obvious where this one is going; even if the fans continually cheer for the babyface faction at every turn.




At one point, to add some mystery to the proceedings,
Angry Gilmore
, the new #1 contender to the North American Championship after “When Hell Freezes Over”, is shown walking out of the back in a frumpy fashion; standing atop the ramp way as he leers like an irritable mad-man from afar. In no way does he EVER show who he’s really watching but one could expect that he’s keeping an eye on both James and Sexy; as these two will eventually via for the NA Title at our upcoming PPV.


In the end, as Khoklov stands ferociously in the ring, Christian Faith is shown stepping into the squared circle in a fearless kind of fashion; re-entering the ring following a wild, chaotic, brawl that took over the last 2 minutes of the match. While clenching his fists tighter, locking eyes with Khoklov in the process, Faith is seen speeding toward his hated enemy; preparing to do battle as the SWF faithful roar with excitement. Sadly, such an altercation never came to pass as, just as Faith was speeding forward, Brandon James quickly infiltrates the squared circle as well; cutting the “Iron Man” off at the pass with a massive big boot to the side of the SWF Icon’s head. The strike resonates throughout “Clover Fields” as Faith flops to the canvas in a sickening fashion; obviously coming in, and out of, consciousness soon thereafter.


From there, Joe Sexy would try to avenge his newfound ‘ally’; however, as he runs full-speed toward James, Khoklov is now the one cutting off someone at the pass; this time, flipping the heavyweight completely onto his back with a steamrolling ‘Moscow Lariat’ (Running closeline). Again, the impact is so unsettling, so destructive, that Joe Sexy looks as if he’s suffered through a recent car accident; his body mangled on the canvas below. It didn’t take long from here for the towering behemoth to slam his enormous shoe square upon Sexy’s chest; lazily pinning him for a 1..2..3.


Marat Khoklov and Brandon James defeats Christian Faith and Joe Sexy in 12:33 when Khoklov executed a “Moscow Lariat” (running closeline) upon Joe Sexy.



Jerry Eisen:
I think Joe Sexy may be dead…
Good God, did you see that? The way he folded on the canvas? After a strike like that, I don’t even know if he’ll be ready for “When Hell Freezes Over”? Angry Gilmore may just step into his place at the PPV!

Peter Michaels:
It’s a possibility, Jerry. Won’t deny you there.
In the same breath, the “Iron Man” just took a gigantic boot to the head; yet, it looks like he’s tryin’ to get back to his feet. Heavens to Betsy, I reckon that may be a bad idea. Stay down, Faith, you have nothing to prove right now. Save yaself for the PPV! You’ve got Khoklov all to yaself then!

Jerry Eisen:
Such a crazy outcome… but you know… This isn’t the end with these four! Sure, they may not be teaming up much from here on out but you know these rivalries will live on! Honestly, at least with Khoklov and Faith, I don’t know if this one will EVER end. The only way it can is if one of them is no longer breathing…
[shakes his head]
That’s a fact that haunts me…

Peter Michaels:
Ya’ right, Jerry. One of these guys may lose a career over this one…



Eric Eisen © and Jack Bruce

… Walking to the ring; separately …


[in a split-screen scenario, both Jack Bruce and the new SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Eric Eisen, are shown walking through a backstage hallway on their way, separately, toward the ringside area. While their differentiating personas frame their given footage in their own light, the ultimate perception to take away is that they are BOTH on their way toward the squared circle. What does this all mean? What will be the ultimate outcome of tonight‘s earlier altercation? What ‘vengeance‘ does Eisen speak of? All of these questions will arrive upon an answer very shortly…]




Peter Michaels:
We’re in the final hour, Jerry. What does ‘the board’ have in store for Jack Bruce tonight?

Jerry Eisen:
I’m not quite sure, Peter; I haven’t been briefed of anything. That said, it seems that Eric has an idea of what may be coming…

Peter Michaels:
Jack Bruce… Eric Eisen… What will constitute as vengeance for tha’ former Champion and how has Eric played a role in this show’s outcome? I guess we’ll have to see…Right… NOW!




Jack Bruce vs. Vengeance

[singles Match]


With Eric Eisen seated behind the SupremeTV commentary desk, throwing theoretical rocks toward his long-time rival from afar, the scenario at hand seems to have a ‘stacked-deck’ mentality against our resident “Rock Star”, Jack Bruce. In reality, Eisen’s mischievous presence alone is enough to create anxiety; however, what awaits the former SWF World Heavyweight Champion, round the corner, is far more menacing of a situation.


With the lights flickering incessantly, fire spewing from every which way like a true depiction of the depths of hell, and a palpable sense of fog filling the ringside area, only one being could possibly be on his way to the squared circle; that being Vengeance.


The sizeable difference between these two men is overtly obvious straight away. While Bruce has never really been classified as a ‘big man’ in any sense of the word, very seldom has he EVER seemed as small as he does tonight. When standing across from a towering Demon such as Vengeance, even Heavyweight’s (which Jack Bruce is not) tend to look rather minute. Either way, with this in mind, the overall narrative from the onset of tonight’s altercation tells of a true up-hill-battle for Bruce.


If the image of their differentiating size isn’t enough to sell a ‘david and goliath’ mentality, the, almost, impossible, one-sided, warfare fills in any sense of cracks that there may be. In most cases, Bruce is able to administer a flashy adaptation of an age-old brawler adage. Tonight, such an approach, or really any approach he could use, proves to be ineffective. With every strike, with every running closeline, every chance at an impact, Bruce is simply shrugged off. In turn, not only is he shrugged off, seeming as if the towering Vengeance feels no pain whatsoever, the true horror for Bruce comes in the form that one strike, one single punch itself, from Vengeance is enough to send the former World Champion flying across the ring. In a way, it looks, feels, and sounds, like the ‘Evil Incarnate’ himself is truly not of this world; a supernatural being with immense powers never seen before by man.


With time, it becomes rather obvious that Jack Bruce was not 100% coming into tonight’s match-up. After months of waging a war with, what was then perceived to be, a mysterious ‘bounty setter’, Bruce looks as if he’s personally endured absolute hell. His spring is less bouncy, his strikes are less heavy, and his overall abilities in the ring start to show signs of cracking; as his overall health appears to be severely in danger. With that in mind, Jack ends up as the victim of a one-sided assault from the supernatural big-man; often being flung around the ring like a rag-doll during the proceedings.


Eric Eisen:
Look at him, THIS is who the SWF Faithful feel is a proper Champion?
[shakes his head; disgusted]
He can barely even stand. SupremeTV needs a real champion; not a weakling like Jack Bruce.

Jerry Eisen:
Weakling? He withstood your constant meddling for almost a year! Everything you threw at him, all the little traps you set for him, were unsuccessful; until you snuck in last month, waited for Rich Money to push him to his wits end, and then stole the Title straight from underneath his grasp.

Eric Eisen:
What of it? To be a Champion is to have your guard always ready. Everyone is gunning for you, everyone wants what you have; so, why should I have gone any easier on him? To carry this strap, you must always be prepared for battle. Jack Bruce wasn’t prepared; so, It’s not my fault he was unable to defend himself last month.

Jerry Eisen:
Right, and that’s why you put him into a match with Vengeance tonight; right? Because you ‘wanted’ to prove how unworthy he was to be Champion?
[Chuckles in disbelief]
Jack Bruce is more of a man than you’ll EVER be, Eric…


While seeming like family bickering to most, the overall message appears to be rather prudent to the matters at hand. Jack Bruce is obviously physically depleted, barely showing signs of being able to stand at the 15 minute mark, but he continues to pull himself back to his feet; fighting despite having little energy left all together (The true sign of a champion). Meanwhile, Eric Eisen sits comfortably behind a commentary desk; surveying the action much like the ancient Romans did at the Coliseum. Removed from the action at hand, the SWF World Heavyweight Champion continues to ‘nit-pick’ against the title’s former holder; continually setting distance between the two of them in the process.


As we gravitate toward the end of tonight’s main event, Jack Bruce is seen catapulted out of the ring by a thunderous closeline from his unstoppable opponent. Upon impact, Bruce is violently expelled from the squared circle; flipping over the top rope and crashing into the nearby commentary table in the process. Slowly, very slowly, the former Champion pulls himself back up to his feet; utilizing the commentary desk as a crutch in a way for his ascent. Meanwhile, while this happens, Eisen is heard sending a message straight to Bruce; doing so as Jack struggles to regain to his feet in the process.


Eric Eisen:
You’re nothing, Jack! Nothing at all!
No matter how hard you try, you can escape reality, Jack. I… AM… The… WORLD CHAMPION! You,
, you’re just a damn clown on the verge of being forced six-feet-under!


With that Bruce attempts to swing at Eisen; however, misses as he’s barely able to stand at this point. Needless to say, such a swing only ignites Eisen’s fury that much more; pushing him to leave the commentary desk in the process. With his brother demanding that he ‘stay put’ in the background, the newly dubbed “Supremacist” is shown folding the steel chair he had just been seated upon.




With vile intent in his eyes, and his championship laying safely on the table, Eisen quickly runs up behind on Jack; as he attempts to struggle back toward the squared circle. With one swing, one heavy-handed strike, Eric is shown slamming said unforgiving steel into the side of Jack’s right leg; forcing him to crash upon the cement floor once again. While wincing for pain, holding his knee as if massive damage had just been inflicted by his newfound, mortal, enemy, Bruce is shown as, finally, a truly broken man; not by his own accord really. Seconds later, seeing such a strike, SWF referee, Darren Smith, is shown incessantly calling for the bell; swinging his hands around like a mad-man as he attempts to bring an end to this brutality in the process.


Jack Bruce defeats Vengeance in 20:12 via DQ as Eric Eisen strikes Jack Bruce, in the leg, with a steel chair.



Jerry Eisen:
Come on!!! What the HELL Eric? What the HELL was that all about?

[The two brothers lock eyes for a second as the Champ stands over an injured Bruce]

Jerry Eisen:
Is THIS how it’s going to be? Is THIS how you’re going to carry yourself as Champion?
[Fiery in nature]
You’re a disgrace, Eric. A disgrace to the Eisen-name!




Vengeance, Eric Eisen ©, and Jack Bruce

… Post-match attacks …


[seconds after Mr. Smith has called for the bell, inspiring said scenario to take place, he finds himself within the strangling grasp of one, Vengeance. Facing sheer violence, Mr. Smith attempts to reason with his captor; however, no such tempering takes place. Instead, Vengeance forcibly lifts Darren off of his feet; slamming him violently upon the canvas below with his trademark “Six Feet Under” (Chokeslam) maneuver. Snarling in a creepily awkward fashion, Vengeance looks down upon his victim; stoically peering through his ’soul’ in the process. More or less, it seems as though the outcome, perpetuated by Mr. Smith’s call, has inspired the ’Evil Incarnate’ into a state of unrivaled fury; made evident by said Chokeslam soon after the match’s end.]


[seconds later, a large crowd of EMT’s, and security officers, are shown back-peddling out of the backstage area; seeming as if they are keeping someone from making their way out as well. Sadly, for their cause, such a halt is not entirely accomplished.]



Steve Frehley

… Wanting revenge; held back …


[Obviously reeling from an earlier attack by Vengeance, “The Dark Destroyer” is shown staggering out of the backstage area; doing his best to hide any sort of discomfort raging throughout his body. That said, the revenge-inspired brawler appears to be hell-bent on getting his hands on the ‘Evil Incarnate’; a fact that, most, would deem as entirely stupid given what has happened tonight. All in all, as Frehley is forcibly being held back for his own good, Vengeance is shown forcibly pointing in the same direction for which Steve stands; inciting a massive lighting bolt to, seemingly, fall from the sky as it lands inches before Frehley’s feet. While overtly showy, it furthers the narrative that Vengeance is truly in-line with some sort of ‘black magic’; something that cannot be explained (especially given the fact that he just made a lightning bolt appear as if from nowhere).]


Peter Michaels:
Well I’ll be damned… That… that… THING, Vengeance, just created a lightning bolt out of nowhere. I’ve seen some things in this industry but… I don’t think I’ve eva’ seen that!

Jerry Eisen:
I don’t believe my eyes…


[in the end, as Frehley stands for revenge, unshaken by the bolt as others around him have, the final image of the night stands as another camera angle is finally shown. At this vantage point, we see Eric Eisen still standing over an injured Jack Bruce; arrogantly smirking as if he had just ruined another’s career in a malicious fashion (something that could entirely be true at this point). None the less, as his brother continues to chastise him for what has just happened in the background, SupremeTV finally comes to a close with the sight of the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, holding a steel chair still in his hand, as he stands proudly above another, Jack Bruce, who is obviously injured; wincing aggressively as he holds his right knee in an immense show of pain.]


[Two equally destructive ‘wars‘ being waged within the same confines of the ringside area; a fact that brings the close of the show to a truly chaotic tone.]




Jerry Eisen:
If this is how we should expect Eric’s legacy as the World Champion, we’re in store for an era built upon dubious nature!
[shakes his head; in disgust]
After what he forced Jack Bruce into for most of 2009, it seems like 2010 won’t be too far removed from what we’ve come to expect from the, so-called, “Supremacist”. Honestly, ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Eisen family, I apologize for Eric’s polarizing meddling. The SWF would be a better place without his constant, self-indulgent, interjections.

Peter Michaels:
Hell, Son, sounds like there’s a family feud a-growin’ here on SurpemeTV?

[Jerry stops for a second; looks straight into the camera with a sense of fury unseen before]

Jerry Eisen:
Call it what you will, Peter. I’m just sick and tired of this ‘me-me-me’ mantra he’s carried since birth.
[Pauses; looks bewildered in a way]
How can someone continually show little remorse for anyone but themselves? I saw it when he was 8 and we, sadly, continue to see it now. All I can hope, at the end of the day, is that Jack Bruce is okay…

Peter Michaels:
I don’t know, Jerry. His leg bent pretty awkwardly when the chair swung in. I wouldn’t be surprised if we found that Jack will be out for quite some time…

[Jerry is still shown angered]

Jerry Eisen:
I won’t stand for this; we shouldn’t stand for this. The SWF is too great for such a virus as my brother…






<hr color="black">
Overall Show Grade




15,000 people; sold out


TV Rating

7.53 on C.A.N.N.
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Post-Show Notes

  • Writing for each character was actually much easier than I first thought it to be. The reason for this? I think it’s because, this time around, I’m really playing close to building characters based upon their given niche. (ie: Money’s speech being centered around financial lingo, Jack Bruce as an ‘over the top’ showman, and Squeeky McClean speaking with a smug demeanor centered around what’s right). I know this doesn’t sound like rocket science but it certainly made it much easier to dive right into such lofty characters (as EVERYONE has a perception about these guys to start with). I’m sure, going forward, I’ll have a better hold of them but, for now, I’m pretty happy with how it all came out.

  • An overall show grade of a “B” is a little sad but it’s not too far off of what I was expecting; to be honest. For some reason, I’ve never been able to really create great ‘grade-based’ diaries. I’m sure there is reasoning to this, and I plan on trying to toy around with certain aspects to make it better, but, I guess, most of my readers are less interested in what grade the scene garnered and more interested in how it’s written; or, at least, that’s what I’m thinking.

  • It was rough to only pull a “C+” in the pre-main event tag match but, again, I was expecting a lower grade; to be honest. The match may have been a little too long given Marat being in it but, I guess, you live and you learn. Plus, I wanted to give the match enough spotlight in which to build both Khoklov/Faith and James/Sexy for “When Hell Freezes Over”. In the end, I think it did pretty well in that manner (plus, throwing in the overhanging notion that Angry Gilmore is now in the middle of the NA title hung as well).

  • I know some may think the main event was too long for TV, or for being a match that had Vengeance in it for that matter, but I really wanted to give it a ‘big fight’ feel. To be honest, I’m really high on Vengeance, almost more so than any other character in the SWF, so it was great to temporarily factor him into the Eisen/Bruce storyline without taking away from his continual altercation with Steve Frehley. Now, Vengeance looks supernatural in nature, Eisen looks like the scheming manipulator that he is, Jack Bruce continues to get the ‘hell-like’ treatment from Eisen (giving him a ‘victim’ feel to him despite being so beloved and over the top), and Steve Frehley has a reason to want to knock, or at least attempt to knock, Vengeance’s block off. I think that’s pretty much a win-win; even if the overall grade was only a “B-“.

  • Yay! Squeeky gained in popularity from a loss in the NA #1 contendership match & his segment with Rich Money. Just like Vengeance, as a writer, I love Squeeky.




Prediction Contest #1

Congratulations to the winners of the very first SupremeTV prediction challenge.
They are as so
20Legend, jdh1, and Smurphy1014.
For your victory, You've received the very first promotional T-shirt created for one of our 'Supreme Superstars'. Thank you to SeanMcFly for creating such a masterpiece.




I'll be honest, I'm not really sure if EVERY prediction challenge will end in such a beautiful creation but there's a chance of it? In the end, it all depends on what comes to mind & how willing SeanMcFly is to continually make such great work. Again, thank you to him for this one. Great, isn't it?


Also, from there, this is how the standings look, thus far, for the 1st Prediction Contest leading into “When Hell Freezes Over”. There is no rhyme or reason to where people fall within their bracket (credited by how many decisions were right).


20Legend: 4/4

Jdh1: 4/4

Smurphy1014: 4/4

SeanMcFly: 3/4

LordJaguar: 3/4

LiquidSwords: 3/4

Angeldelayette: 3/4

Midnightnick: 3/4

SWF Fan: 3/4

Tommyb: 3/4

Rayelek: 3/4

Mikemelling: 3/4

TheLeveticalLawKid3: 3/4

Tigerkinney: 3/4

Sebsplex: 3/4

QFresh: 3/4

BHK1978: 2/4

Shutout28: 2/4
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Yo yo yo!!! I know the main question: "Where ya been?!?!?!?!" Well, have you seen that one guy that pinned Steve Flash to the mat to earn the title "Prince of the Indies" over in MAW?! Yessir, that's me! And here it is 2011 which means new beginnings for your truly. But I ain't posting a "get to know me" blog--that's tomorrow! Right now I am bringing back. . . .


Critical-23's Awesome-Megatastic Review of SWF Supreme TV!!!


Oh I hear you smarks out there: "Critical-23, you're indy, not mainstream!! Sellout!" Ingrates, I don't get paid for this. I do these blogs to voice my opinion on WRESTLING, not the hottest thing going right now but WRESTLING!!! You cannot tell me seeing Jack Bruce live and in person ain't a spectacle, or watching Vengeance appear from "nowhere" causes some of you to change your underwear! On with the show!!


Remo defeats Randy Bumfhole in 10:24 via a “Destroyer”

Wow. . .Remo seems to get more brutal each time he steps in the ring. Randy could barely move around the ring, Remo is a man-ster, Randy couldn't find his rhythym, Remo is a man-ster, and Randy didn't have an answer for Remo. . .oh and Remo is a man-ster. 3 outta 5 stars for this beatdown. Next!!

Steve Frehley defeats Marc Dubois in 9:14 via a “Frehley’s Comet”

1,2,3,4,5,6...oh! Sorry, I was counting Dubios' teeth that hit me in the face up in the 20th-something row! I still consider myself a "can't-miss prospect", but I see why Marc has that name as he has the skills of someone years ahead of him. Frehley? Imagine a tag team with Remo and that would be THE tag team of brute force. The man that derailed Runaway Train seems to have lost a little bit of a step but with Vengeance on his hind parts, expect Frehley to unleash the beast. 4 outta 5 trips the dentist. Next!


Angry Gilmore is the new #1 contender to the SWF North American Championship after being victorious in 12:43.

Entertaining six man bout here with all men getting just enough exposure to look good in my opinion. Gilmore winning makes sense as I'd like to see the Angry One topple Brandon for the title. 3 outta 5 pairs of fingers crossed, hoping Gilmore will be victorious in his title match. Next!!


Marat Khoklov and Brandon James defeats Christian Faith and Joe Sexy in 12:33 when Khoklov executed a “Moscow Lariat” (running closeline) upon Joe Sexy.

Khoklov is inhuman, James is an athletic d*ck, Christian Faith can do no wrong, and Joe Sexy. . .is old. Hah, I kid Joe, he's awesome but he was overshadowed by the other three men in this match. Glad to see Gilmore show his mug but not so glad to see Khoklov commit murder on poor ol' Joe-Joe. . .may he rest in peace. (S/N: This will probably get me killed, but for those of us who know what really goes on in wrestling--Khoklov's is one of the nicest guys ever for a giant!) 3 outta 5 roses for Sexy! What's next!


Jack Bruce defeats Vengeance in 20:12 via DQ as Eric Eisen strikes Jack Bruce, in the leg, with a steel chair.

Wow (again). Bruce can play a crowd like a fiddle and Vengeance is too scary for words (even after the show, Vengeance had people scared to ask for autographs!!), and Eric Eisen is a complex pr*ck. Say what you will about the guy, he gets his point across that he's a pr*ck and could care less about what the masses thinks about him. Gotta respect that. What I DON'T respect however, is his interfering in a really cool match that was on free TV! Ugh! 4 outta 5 daggers that I would stab Eisen with. G'night everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Gorgeous, just gorgeous. You haven't lost it, not one bit. Now let's see what's in the shopzone ;)


Thank you, again, for your Remo "Alpha Dog" creation. It's amazing to see an idea, such as this, come to life; as I've never been able to do anything like this in a previous dynasty.


Also, thank you for the kind words on the show. It took quite some time to craft but was much fun in doing so.


Echoing what SeanMcFly there said. Great show, E-V! Definitely enjoy the way you make those characters come to life as though they were wrestlers we watch every day. Eric Eisen and Vengeance definitely stand out for me.


Thank you, Angel! I tried to really create unique personas for the entire cast of wrestlers; something that was quite tough at times as there are some who are pretty much mirror images of eachother. That said, I think I've got a good basis for going forward with these guys.


Vengeance is going to be a lot of fun to write for, all in all, I've come to find.... ;)


Critical-23's Awesome-Megatastic Review of SWF Supreme TV!!!


Your work on these blogs are awesome, Critical-23! Honestly, thank you for swinging through and taking the time to dive into the last show. Honestly, it's posts like these that make a writer giddy; to see what others think about your work. :D It's much, much, appreciated.





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Quote from TotalExtemeWrestling.com…


“The highly sensationalized ‘Tuesday night War’ took a drastic turn just a few days ago as the SWF’s flagship program, SupremeTV, scored a momentous 7.53 TV rating amongst American viewers. In turn, TCW scored an abysmal 5.03 TV rating amongst the very same population set. As many of you may already know, while SupremeTV had seen a recent climb due to the culmination of the “Jack Bruce; man under pressure” storyline coming to climactic point, fortunes have often teetered toward Total Wrestling for most of the last quarter. All in all, if this is a sign about what may come in 2010, there’s a good chance that the SWF will stave off any sort of ‘overthrow’; as it pertains to the top spot in American Pro Wrestling.”


Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available…





The corporate office was ecstatic over the recent TV ratings; dubbing our previous episode of SupremeTV as the ‘launching point’ for staying head-strong against our many competitors. That said, as you may have already guessed, Pete [Michaels] is currently being praised for such a momentous return to the top of Tuesday night primetime Wrestling.


“He really IS the man for the job”.


That’s what I continually heard rumbling through the grapevine; often said over their shoulders in which to make sure I heard their line of conversation. You see, as the days passed from our last creative meeting, word had begun to spread like wildfire. At this point, it was common knowledge that Pete [Michaels] and I were not necessarily seeing eye-to-eye. As always, most threw the blame on my shoulders; throwing insults at my back in the process. Does it bother me? Not in the slightest.


I’ve been called a punk, a greedy bastard, a manipulator, a master politician, and every combination of a four-letter-word you could ever conceive. It’s been that way since day-one; so, why would it change now? Sure, I’m outspoken, a fact that often riles people against you, but why shouldn’t I be? This company, the SWF, is an Eisen-made Empire. As a member of the Eisen family, It’s my
to be vocal; to voice my opinion.


Regardless of our success, something that can more realistically be attributed to ‘the boys’ performances versus Pete’s, supposed, ‘masterful booking’, It is imperative that I weasel my way into my Father’s ear. It won’t be easy; I know that to be true. However, at the end of the day, I don’t trust my career in the hands of someone like Pete [Michaels]. I only entrust my legacy within my own grasp.


With this thought, my goal remains:


To ensure Pete’s [Michaels] dismissal.

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Quote from TotalExtremeWrestling.com…




“Rumors out of the SWF is that Barry Bowen (Runaway Train) has recently transitioned into a new phase of his career; one of a mentor. With his own in-ring career slowly chugging toward an inevitable standstill, it’s been reported that Bowen has secured a protégé in the 23 year-old heavyweight, Robbie Retro.


It’s expected that Retro may ultimately benefit from such a relationship; given Bowen’s stature within the company.”







Is this was passes for actual journalism these days; a no-name, lard of a, man gets press for shaking up with an equally irrelevant has-been? Great cover story, TEW.com; bravo on the ‘big scoop’.


In reality, this means very little to anyone of my stature. Robbie is nothing more than a potentially strong midcarder; at best. So, such a relationship really only floats one thing:
Bowen’s ego; not Robbie’s career.


At the end of the day, this may pass as news to those wrestling enthusiasts who ‘just can’t get enough’ but, to others in the know, it’s just another pointless combination that won’t do much to really further anything.


Enjoy your mentoring, Robbie. Maybe Bowen can teach you how to wrestle far past your prime; it’s the only sense of insight he still has…


… Staving off his professional reaper.

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I know its not actually you theoretically writing this but right now I do wish to just punt you in the face :p


You've made Eisen out to be what everyone always thought he was but never seen beyond a 'ring character'. Your portrayal of him appears spot on as I really hate this guy who seems to just be there inflating his own ego. Hell his discontent for Bowen and Retro p***es me off too, Train for me is one of the best big men of all time, a SWF legend and Eisen is too wrapped up in himself, thinking Train is the one boosting his own ego and that he is trying to stave off being fired. If it wasn't for being Daddy's company, Eric would be mid carding in New York by now and being Land Mass's whipping boy.


Retro has the potential to be better than him; jealousy reigns supreme.


And without Peter Michaels, Eisen wouldn't even be champion, as if Richard is really willing to put his company's future in Eric's hands if it was his idea too. Peter got the belt on Eric and he should be freaking greatful.




All in all; you've made me hate someone who isn't real.


That therefore makes you an utter legend :)


Great read man.



Also to Sean McFly; sweet work on the Remo shirt, I actually want one of those :)

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I know its not actually you theoretically writing this but right now I do wish to just punt you in the face :p


You've made Eisen out to be what everyone always thought he was but never seen beyond a 'ring character'. Your portrayal of him appears spot on as I really hate this guy who seems to just be there inflating his own ego. Hell his discontent for Bowen and Retro p***es me off too, Train for me is one of the best big men of all time, a SWF legend and Eisen is too wrapped up in himself, thinking Train is the one boosting his own ego and that he is trying to stave off being fired. If it wasn't for being Daddy's company, Eric would be mid carding in New York by now and being Land Mass's whipping boy.


Retro has the potential to be better than him; jealousy reigns supreme.


And without Peter Michaels, Eisen wouldn't even be champion, as if Richard is really willing to put his company's future in Eric's hands if it was his idea too. Peter got the belt on Eric and he should be freaking greatful.




All in all; you've made me hate someone who isn't real.


That therefore makes you an utter legend :)


Great read man.



Also to Sean McFly; sweet work on the Remo shirt, I actually want one of those :)


What you just wrote is simply awesome to hear, SWF Fan. Honestly, as a writer, it’s great to know that your overall message is being heard/read as you had originally planned. Thus far, while fun, it’s been a major challenge to dive into the mind of Eric Eisen. John Greed was, and always will be in a way, me on a persona level (outside of the addiction; which I guess is a major part of him). With Eric, I had to tap into a whole other area that I haven’t known for a good decade or so; that being extreme arrogance.


He does have redeeming qualities, which I hope to portray as time goes on, but, for a lack of a better word, Eric is pretty much a d*ck. He’s self-serving, self-indulgent, and self-obsessed. See the common trend there… Self? Ha. When looking over the SWF, he intrigued me most as I felt there was truly a story there left to be told. All in all, there has been MANY SWF projects in the past (a lot of them amazing; ie. JamesCasey, NoNeck, and BigPapa42, to name a few); however, I still felt there was a narrative left to be told. Then, factoring in that Eric had done a complete 180 since the last game, bulking up/winning the title, I felt there was even more to his overall sense of mind that was seriously dripping with reality.


I couldn’t pass it up.


From a personal perspective, as a fan of this game, I actually LOVE Runaway Train; I always have. As you said, he’s the perfect monster heel; however, with the roster as it is right now, he does stand on the outside looking in with Vengeance, Marat Khoklov, and even Bear coming up. So, in a way, his character has been forced to evolve with the addition of age. Does that mean he won’t be main eventing PPV’s? Probably. That said, I still plan on booking him as well as I can; given my like for him (especially since Eric isn’t the one booking the SWF; it’s Peter Michaels). If it were up to Eric, then Train would either be unemployed or slumming on “Uprising”; away from those who matter (as he feels; himself).


I guess that’s the fun thing about this project, Eric Eisen is 100% the person I am not. While he’s ultra arrogant, I’m almost too willing to deter focus from myself. As he’s brash, and willing to do whatever he must to succeed; not caring about others in the process. I often find myself looking more to help others with their passions in life; stepping back in which to give them that moment. I guess that’s why Eric has been, as I said, so much fun: Simply put, It’s fun to write as a d*uche-bag! Ha.


As I said, he WILL show redeeming qualities from time to time (those that I will not touch upon quite yet) but, for more or less, he’s pretty much your standard, nepotistic, self-absorbed, career-first, success at all costs, kind of guy. Sadly, as we’ve seen in society, it’s those who typically succeed…


Thanks for such thoughtful reading, SWF Fan. It’s much appreciated.

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Program Details

Episode #:

60 minutes

Shown on:
Saturday Late Evening, LIVE on C.A.N.N.

Main Event:
15-man Battle Royal for the SWF Uprising Championship


Episode Preview



As waves of Evolution have come before, cleaning up the ‘mess’ left by the fading entities present, so too will the SWF’s new venture, “Uprising”, deliver on such an overthrow. For close to a decade now the “Land of Supreme” has weathered the continuous storm of their adversaries. Hollywood came with a challenge only to stutter out of the gate. The Tri-state sought to destroy all that dare stand in it’s path yet faltered under the intense weight that comes with overt hardcore action. Now, still standing tall despite such a ferocious climate, the SWF dares to survive another revolution of sorts; that being the newfound “Uprising”.


In the show’s series debut, we will witness the historic crowning of our first Uprising Champion; a feat that is bound to be a chaotic scenario none the less. In the end, who will walk away with the program’s top prize; cementing an enduring legacy for being the FIRST EVER revolutionary to withhold the ‘golden torch’.


Can the SWF survive such a revolution? Only time will tell. Either way, though, an uprising is on it’s way toward the “Land of Supreme”; whether we like it or not.


Card Preview

Greg Black vs. Marc DuBois

[singles Match]

Who will usher in the Uprising with a victory?


The Knights of Fury © vs. The Biggz Boyz

[sWF Tag Team Championship Match]

Can a newfound Fury overtake an established brotherhood?


15-man Battle Royal

[sWF Uprising Championship Match]

Who will define the Uprising movement in the “Land of Supreme”?

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Greg Black vs. Marc DuBois

[singles Match]

Question: Who will usher in the Uprising with a victory?


The Knights of Fury © vs. The Biggz Boyz

[sWF Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Can a newfound Fury overtake an established brotherhood?


15-man Battle Royal Paul Huntingdon?

[sWF Uprising Championship Match]

Question: Who will define the Uprising movement in the “Land of Supreme”

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Greg Black vs. Marc DuBois

[singles Match]

Question: Who will usher in the Uprising with a victory?

Marc DuBois

The Knights of Fury © vs. The Biggz Boyz

[sWF Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Can a newfound Fury overtake an established brotherhood?

Yep, The Knights of Fury

15-man Battle Royal

[sWF Uprising Championship Match]

Question: Who will define the Uprising movement in the “Land of Supreme”?


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Greg Black vs. Marc DuBois [singles Match]

Question: Who will usher in the Uprising with a victory?

My answer would have to be Black. He just has so much potential since the less talented Concept member bolted for TCW. Black can easily be a future challenger or even North American Champion, natural face and heel for me, so easy to write for, so easy to have plans for...so do it ;)


The Knights of Fury © vs. The Biggz Boyz [sWF Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Can a newfound Fury overtake an established brotherhood?

Biggz are old news, more so with newer teams like the Bumfholes there to be cute for the girls to drool over (see James Casey for reference there :p ) the way I see it this should be a routine victory for the Knights and show that they are the future of this division by overtaking the past.


15-man Battle Royal [sWF Uprising Championship Match]

Question: Who will define the Uprising movement in the “Land of Supreme”?


Its not gonna be a tag team wrestler, what would be the point in already making one seem better than the other less than a week in? That's just me, so who's really left in the undercard to make a difference. You can't put an enhancement talent in the title frame so early, it'd make no sense and the small pop gain would still mean needing to 'bury' some more guys to push them up, so that takes my original theory of Bear out the picture.


However Captain Atomic for a change is not in a tag team, is young and is a guy for the future. Always wish he'd stayed as Nevada Nuclear as it was so much less of a superhero name, but Atomic is a big guy with 'freakish' strength and able to go Nuclear on anyone's ass. I see him eliminating someone like Huntingdon or DuBois last, maybe both at the same time, starting a feud with the two ego guys over the belt.


Atomic is the future, time to watch him explode

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Greg Black vs. Marc DuBois

[singles Match]

Question: Who will usher in the Uprising with a victory?


The Knights of Fury © vs. The Biggz Boyz

[sWF Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Can a newfound Fury overtake an established brotherhood?


15-man Battle Royal: Everest

[sWF Uprising Championship Match]

Question: Who will define the Uprising movement in the “Land of Supreme”?

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Greg Black vs. Marc DuBois

[singles Match]

Question: Who will usher in the Uprising with a victory?


The Knights of Fury © vs. The Biggz Boyz

[sWF Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Can a newfound Fury overtake an established brotherhood?


15-man Battle Royal-Robbie Retro

[sWF Uprising Championship Match]

Question: Who will define the Uprising movement in the “Land of Supreme”?


As always E-V looking great. While I enjoyed the Greed stories, I think you may have hit your stride with this one. Very Entertaining.



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Greg Black vs. Marc DuBois

[singles Match]

Question: Who will usher in the Uprising with a victory?


The Knights of Fury © vs. The Biggz Boyz

[sWF Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Can a newfound Fury overtake an established brotherhood?


15-man Battle Royal

[sWF Uprising Championship Match]

Question: Who will define the Uprising movement in the “Land of Supreme”?


This is a tough one, because you could surprise everybody with a new wrestler or someone from development. That would be the true "Uprising" moment. But I think that Frederique Antonio Garcia will get his moment here. Only because he has been lost in the midcard with his old tag team partner, and this is his first step to singles greatness.

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Greg Black vs. Marc DuBois

[singles Match]

Question: Who will usher in the Uprising with a victory?


The Knights of Fury © vs. The Biggz Boyz

[sWF Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Can a newfound Fury overtake an established brotherhood?


15-man Battle Royal - John Greed - Your love of Mr. Greed is well documented. Honestly, it could be anybody, I'm just trying to not pick an obvious Midcard victor.

[sWF Uprising Championship Match]

Question: Who will define the Uprising movement in the “Land of Supreme”?

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