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SWF: The Supremacist Era

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Greg Black vs. Marc DuBois

[singles Match]

Question: Who will usher in the Uprising with a victory?


The Knights of Fury © vs. The Biggz Boyz

[sWF Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Can a newfound Fury overtake an established brotherhood?


15-man Battle Royal - Squeeky McClean

[sWF Uprising Championship Match]

Question: Who will define the Uprising movement in the “Land of Supreme”?

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Greg Black vs. Marc DuBois

[singles Match]

Question: Who will usher in the Uprising with a victory?

The Can't Miss Prospect misses again.


The Knights of Fury © vs. The Biggz Boyz

[sWF Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Can a newfound Fury overtake an established brotherhood?

No need to change the titles here.


15-man Battle Royal Runaway Train

[sWF Uprising Championship Match]

Question: Who will define the Uprising movement in the “Land of Supreme”?

Push the Train! Choochoo!

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Greg Black vs. Marc DuBois

[singles Match]

Question: Who will usher in the Uprising with a victory?

Answer: Gregory Black!


The Knights of Fury © vs. The Biggz Boyz

[sWF Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Can a newfound Fury overtake an established brotherhood?

Answer: no need for a title change


15-man Battle Royal: Vengeance

[sWF Uprising Championship Match]

Question: Who will define the Uprising movement in the “Land of Supreme”?

Answer: Vengeance will if he is in it.

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As always E-V looking great. While I enjoyed the Greed stories, I think you may have hit your stride with this one. Very Entertaining.




Thank you, Trevor!


You've been along for the ride for quite some time now, I think you were in for the original PSW project many eons ago, and it's great to know you're still interested in what I'm doing/writing.


While I will always have a soft spot for John Greed, and I know it will take a bit for me to feel as if he's really 'mine', I'm quite happy with how he's coming together thus far (both in, and out of, the ring).





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As what's become custom as of late, I'm giving a 24 hour notice; as the 1st ever episode of SWF "Uprising" should be up sometime tomorrow night (Sunday).


Since it's my B-Show, I'm stripping down the amount of detail that goes into the write-up as a whole (leaving SupremeTV to look, and feel, more robust in nature; given that it's the flagship program). That said, the writing process goes MUCH quicker as It's pretty much to the point; with a little fleshing out making it's way through.


At this point (2:30 AM CST), I am halfway through writing the show with only 4 more segments in which to write. Therefore, I expect to have it up, and out, by sometime later tomorrow night.


All in all, this serves as a 'last call' for those who still want to keep up with their first predictions (or start a new one if they didn't predict on SupremeTV). As you know, the winner of this short prediction contest (2 SupremeTV's and 1 Uprising) will go onto declare who will challenge the Uprising Champion (which will be declared in this show I'm doing now) at "When Hell Freezes Over".





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Greg Black vs. Marc DuBois

[singles Match]

Question: Who will usher in the Uprising with a victory?


The Knights of Fury © vs. The Biggz Boyz

[sWF Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Can a newfound Fury overtake an established brotherhood?


15-man Battle Royal: Robbie Retro

[sWF Uprising Championship Match]

Question: Who will define the Uprising movement in the “Land of Supreme”?

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Greg Black vs. Marc DuBois

[singles Match]

Question: Who will usher in the Uprising with a victory?


Marc is going to be huge in the future. I just am not sure if the future is now.


The Knights of Fury © vs. The Biggz Boyz

[sWF Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Can a newfound Fury overtake an established brotherhood?


The Biggz suck, sorry I can't get more insightful on this topic but the truth is the truth. They are the Savage Jobbers of SWF.:D


15-man Battle Royal: Bruiser Brody (That is my standard answer no matter what diary.)

[sWF Uprising Championship Match]

Question: Who will define the Uprising movement in the “Land of Supreme”?

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Greg Black vs. Marc DuBois


As others have said it might be an idea to keep DuBois ego in check, plus Black needs to establish himself as a singles talent.


The Knights of Fury © vs. The Biggz Boyz


Routine defence for the champs, the Biggz are little more than glorified jobbers these days.


15-man Battle Royal


I'm guessing this Up-Rising belt is for lower to low end midcarders and not anyone in the upper tier of the roster, so that would rule out someone like Remo or even Lobster Warrior. Someone else has picked him before, but I'll stump for Robbie Retro on this one.

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15-man Battle Royal: Bruiser Brody (That is my standard answer no matter what diary.)

[sWF Uprising Championship Match]

Question: Who will define the Uprising movement in the “Land of Supreme”?


It pops up again, and every time I laugh, one of these days BHK, you'll be the one laughing:D

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15-man Battle Royal: Bruiser Brody (That is my standard answer no matter what diary.)

[sWF Uprising Championship Match]

Question: Who will define the Uprising movement in the “Land of Supreme”?

It pops up again, and every time I laugh, one of these days BHK, you'll be the one laughing:D


Maybe, if a universe-shifting, fringe-like, portal opens between the Cornellverse and back when Bruiser was in his hay-day, in our reality, then maybe.... just maybe... He'll find his way to the SWF.


Sounds like a great sci-fi dynasty. ha. ;)

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Greg Black vs. Marc DuBois

[singles Match]

Question: Who will usher in the Uprising with a victory? Greg Black. Much more of a threat right now, in my opinion, and humbling DuBois is probably a good idea.


The Knights of Fury © vs. The Biggz Boyz

[sWF Tag Team Championship Match]

Question: Can a newfound Fury overtake an established brotherhood? Title change on a B-show...that's only something I would do.


15-man Battle Royal

[sWF Uprising Championship Match]

Question: Who will define the Uprising movement in the “Land of Supreme”? I got three words for you: Big. Smack. Scott. Listen, no one else in the entire history of TEW-dom would ever do this. I mean, if you're gonna go out, go out with a bang. End your writing career with a B-show title reign of BSS...it would be so fun to write, and would cause for some fun backstage. Come on, give the strap to him!

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Duane Fry:
Ladies and gentlemen, a revolution is upon us. After standing as
most dominant force in Global Wrestling Entertainment, the Supreme Wrestling Federation has found itself overrun by a, youth-driven, guerilla regime; one that, while loosely organized, appears to absolutely resent the ‘status-quo’ that dare keep them, as they say, oppressed.

Eric Tyler:
Oppressed? Is that what they call ‘paying your dues’ these days?
[shakes his head; disgusted]
This generation is too quick to sensationalize everything; to turn each scenario into an over-sold, over-dramatic, notion. What they call Oppression, I call ‘proving your worth’.

Duane Fry:
Eric, you touch upon a good point as much of the veterans with the SWF believe the same sentiment. With that said; however, it doesn’t seem to phase those who believe to be part of the uprising all that much. To them, this is their chance to step out of the ‘dark’; to defy those who keep them off of SupremeTV on a weekly basis.

Eric Tyler:
Instead of whining like a bunch of babies maybe these guys should actually SHOW that they’re worthy enough to be on SupremeTV; instead of crying about it?

Duane Fry:
With respect, I think that’s what a lot of these guys are thinking; to use “Uprising” as a way to step into the ‘bright lights’ of Tuesday night Primetime!

Eric Tyler:
I’ll believe it when I see it.

Duane Fry:
Luckily for you, and for the rest of our viewers, there won’t be much time to wait. We’ve got the “Arial Ambassador” himself, Greg Black, squaring off against the “Can’t miss Prospect”, Marc DuBois, in our very first match in “Uprising” history!! Let’s get into the action… This is going to be a barn-stormer!




Greg Black vs. Marc DuBois
w/ Paul Huntingdon

[singles Match]


The very first match in “Uprising” history portrays the overall narrative of the program quite perfectly: two men, deemed as on the cuff of potential superstardom, able to have a ‘stage’ in which to impress. Luckily for the SWF Faithful, that’s exactly what they got. While back-and-forth in nature, utilizing a high-speed, modern-based, style of in-ring action, the overall feel felt intensely contested. In the end, despite the constant distraction that is Dubois’s ‘blue-blood‘ ally, and fellow “Destined for Greatness…” member, Paul Huntingdon, “the can’t miss prospect” eventually misses; being caught off guard following a botched missile dropkick. Seconds later, grabbing at his face in pain, DuBois is rolled up in a flash kind of way with “the Arial Ambassador” picking up the victory in a shocking fashion.


Greg Black defeats Marc DuBois in 12:21 via a flash-pinfall roll-up.



Duane Fry:
Greg Black!! Greg Black!! The “Arial Ambassador” opens “Uprising” with a big-time victory over the “Can’t miss Prospect”! If you can’t ‘get up’ for a match like that then you may want to check your pulse for life!

[Eric Tyler is shown rolling his eyes]

Eric Tyler:
It’s a simple win; a boring one that that.

Duane Fry:
Boring? Did you just have your eyes closed for the last 12 minutes?

Eric Tyler:
I wish I would have…




Duane Fry, Eric Tyler, Greg Black, and Marc DuBois

… By decree of ‘the board’ …


[shortly following the match, a relatively tight camera angle is presented of both commentators for SWF “Uprising”; seated behind a stark black table.]


Duane Fry:
I’m getting word…
[Duane presses his right hand next to his ear]
wow! Now THIS is news…

Eric Tyler:
[Obviously Annoyed]
I don’t know why you’re the one getting the updates…

Duane Fry:
It seems that the ‘board’ has decided to solidify TWO of tonight’s entrants in the 15-man Uprising Championship battle royal.
[shakes his head; shocked with happiness]
After their showstoppin affair, both, Marc DuBois and Greg Black have been named as two, of the 15, vying for the Championship tonight!
[in disbelief; happy]
wow, I can’t wait to see this one unfold!

Eric Tyler:
For the sake of this show, I must caution the ‘board’ in their decision to mindlessly throw every tom, d*ck, and harry, into tonight’s battle royal. Honestly, if you want a prestigious championship then you must find those who can actually deliver!

Duane Fry:
After all of this, you still don’t’ think either of these two deserve a shot tonight?

Eric Tyler:
Marc DuBois; yes. Greg Black? He got lucky in this one.

Duane Fry:
I don’t get it with you…

Eric Tyler:
You wouldn’t…




[Duane is seen re-settling his notes as Eric Tyler looks off camera; shaking his head in an overt showing of annoyance.]




Robbie Retro and Jessie

… Celebrating with a lovely woman …


[We transition backstage to see the slightly pudgy “Disco Stud” standing near the ‘Supreme Beauty’ herself, Jessie, as it appears they are in the middle of a conversation with one another. Whatever it is they are talking about, It seems like Retro is currently on ‘cloud-nine’; as it pertains to his level of excitement.]


Robbie Retro:
I got the call, baby-love! The ‘stud’ is on his way to the Main Event tonight…
[Claps his hands once; sliding to the side while dancing slightly]


[Jessie laughs; in a lovable fashion.]


That’s great, Robbie. Honestly, I’m sure you’ll do wonderful tonight!


[Robbie continues to dance in a circle around Jessie, utilizing stereotypical disco maneuvers, as the ‘Supreme Beauty’ is shown brightening the room with a dainty smile of her own; laughing in a celebratory fashion in the process.]


Robbie Retro:
There ‘aint no stoppin’ me now, suga! The Retro-train is steamrollin’ ahead; AAAAAAALLL ON BOAAAARDD!!!
[Laughs in a celebratory fashion]


[Just when the segment appears to be winding down, thinking it was created just to relay the notion that Robbie Retro would ALSO be in tonight’s battle royal, an unexpected assault rears it’s ugly head.]




… The grizzly attacks …


[Jessie screams out in horror as Bear is shown ferociously mauling Retro in a volcanic fashion; bum-rushing him from the side with a spear-like takedown. Luckily, for Retro, Jessie’s abrupt scream brings forth a slew of security members ready to act; however, before they are able to break-up the altercation, it looks as if Bear had inflicted enough damage in his short-burst of aggression. Following the sight of a few security members being thrown around the hallway as well, Bear eventually shuffles his way off camera; snarling like a rabid predator in the process. In the end, the final image is shown of Retro wincing in pain as he holds his stomach tightly; a fact that doesn’t prove well for his match-up tonight.]




Duane Fry:
What the HELL was that all about? Robbie Retro was simply celebrating the news that he would be in tonight’s Main Event when all of a sudden… BAM… Bear came out of nowhere in which to maul him like a violence-hungry grizzly!

Eric Tyler:
Never let your guard down, Duane. Robbie Retro made the mistake by doing exactly that. Kudos to Bear for taking charge of the moment; for leveling that sorry excuse for a wrestler. Honestly, Robbie Retro? That’s his name?
This industry has become a seaspool for a bunch of clowns!

Duane Fry:
I, for one, condemn Bear for his actions. Attacking Retro is reprehensible as it is but he was inches from hitting Jessie in the process! She’s, in no way, to be roughed up like that!

Eric Tyler:
She would have been in the line of fire. Sometimes there are casualties of war. If she want’s to be safe then maybe she should stop hanging around jokers like Retro; find a real man. Like Bear.

Duane Fry:
You’re a monster. Do you know that?

Eric Tyler:
If a monster is one who tells the truth then so be it.





The Knights of Fury © vs. The Biggz Boyz

[Tag Team Match]



The first championship match of 2010 came as the Kings of Fury looked to subdue their critics by overwhelming the long-time fan favorites, and former tag champions in their own right, The Biggz Boyz. With Hannah and Dawn at their side, quietly pining for their beloved Knights, Jack Giedroyc and Valiant are shown practically bulldozing the competition. While the Biggz Boyz do make things interesting from time to time, adding their own flare of celebratory offense in the process, their overall approach appears to falter when stacked against such a collectively intense opponent. None the less, in the end, Brett Biggz eventually falls victim to Valiant’s signature “V-Split” (Flatliner); a sight that is followed by a standard three count in the Champs favor.


The Knights of Fury retain the SWF Tag Team Championships by defeating The Biggz Brothers in 5:14 via a “V-Split” (Flatliner) from Valiant upon Brett Biggz.



Duane Fry:
I tell ya, Eric, these guys, The Knights of Fury, are really shaping up to be one hell of a tag team here in the SWF! Back when they first won the gold, many questioned whether or not they would be able to beat the big-time tag teams in our industry today. I guess, tonight, they’ve shown that they MAY have the ability to do exactly that!

Eric Tyler:
Because they beat the Biggz Boyz? These guys haven’t been relevant since the early 2000’s; if ever, Duane. This is hardly a big-time win for the Knights of Fury.

Duane Fry:
I have to disagree with you there. They may not be on top of their game recently but the Biggz Boyz are still a force to be reckoned with. All it takes is one good night and these guys could have been the SWF Tag Team Champions!

Eric Tyler:
But they are not.
[Pauses; stares down Duane]
It’s only a matter of time before the Knights lose the titles. They haven’t proved much yet and, to be honest, I don’t think they have what it takes. Stack them up against the Samoan Wildboyz, for one, and I promise the outcome won’t be the same.

Duane Fry:
That’s entirely possible, Eric. The Wildboyz are defiantly a ‘deadly’ tandem. That said, for tonight, the Knights of Fury have, at least to me, proved that they, could, be on their way toward becoming a strong unit!

Eric Tyler:
Again, I’ll believe it when I see it…




The Knights of Fury©, Hannah, and Dawn

… Post match celebration …


[As the match comes to a close, Hannah and Dawn are seen entering the ring in which to celebrate with their celebrated Knights. That said, despite their happiness, the SWF Tag Champions look less than thrilled. It’s not that they aren’t happy to retain, or unhappy with each other, but it seems that they are exactly what you would expect from people under such a tandem name. With that in mind, with a stern sharpness to their demeanors, the four of them are seen joining in the ring in which to celebrate in a subdued, yet underlying intense, manner. That was until they showed up.]



The Fabulous Friends

… A Challenge is levied …


[The Fabulous Friends (made up of Frederique Antonio Garcia and Big Daddy) slowly shuffle out of the back in pink boas, frill, and skimpy, fishnet, attire, as the SWF Tag Champions quickly turn their heads toward them with blatant disdain for their interruption. Regardless of this, or how rude one could think such an interjection is, Frederique quickly begins to speak on the mic as his partner-in-crime, the ginormous, Big Daddy, stands at his side; glistening from head-to-toe with baby oil.]


Frederique Antonio Garcia:
Hey boooooooys.
[smirks; curls his lip]
Is this how you treat ALL of your guests? Didn’t your momma tell you that a SMILE can go a long way?


[Frederique smirks in a big fashion. The Knights of Fury stare back upon them with an intense sense of aggression; snarling even]


Frederique Antonio Garcia:
Fine, grumpy pants, I won’t take up too much of your time.
[Pauses; smirks]
You see, those pretty little gold straps you carry around this place, we want them.
They would be the very BEST accessory a man could ask for…
[Turns to Big Daddy, who stands with his arms crossed in which to talk off the mic; but still heard]
Wouldn’t they look fierce with my gold sequence skinny jeans?


[Frederique turns back to the Champs; continues to speak with a sense of arrogance unseen.]


Federique Antonio Garcia:
Now, these lard-eating, scale-breaking, slobber-expelling, fans even know, despite their obvious stupidity, that WE deserve a shot at those pretty little belts of yours.


[After saying such a thing, Frederique looks over at Big Daddy in which to see him agree; however, he’s met with a look that can only be described as Everest coming back through his new character. For a second, Frederique raises his shoulders up, extending his face, and ensuring to Big Daddy that he doesn’t mean him when he says what he said.]


Frederique Antonio Garcia:
Oh sugar, I would never say those things about you.
You’re my rowlie-powlie polar bear!
[After a second; Frederique turns back to the Champs who are STILL in the ring; unhappy they are even here.]
Back to the point, we want YOU at “When Hell Freezes Over” but know you’ll probably whine like baby-girls to brush us away. So, Big Daddy and I, devised a plan; a fool-proof way to ensure that we’ll be your challengers for the PPV.
[snyde smile forms upon his face]
We just got done talking with “the board” and after they hung up a couple of times, we persuaded them, as only we know how, to grant us a title shot at “When Hell Freezes Over”.
[big smile forms now; he prances around slightly]
So, in a week or so, it will be you, and us, for those pretty little straps of yours… I hope you come… prepared!
We’ll be fabulous as always!!!


[With that the segment comes to a close with the sight of the SWF Tag Champions, the Knights of Fury, practically exploding with absolute rage; motioning for their challengers to enter the ring and put up a fight right now. That said, keeping in line with their normal undermining heel tactics, the Fabulous Friends are, instead, seen strutting around the entrance way as if we were in the middle of a fashion show. Well, Frederique is doing so. Big Daddy just continues to stand there with his arms crossed; almost as if he is trying to remain menacing, and an ultra male, despite looking like a cross-dressing street walker.]




Duane Fry:
You heard it here, ladies and gentlemen, after a round of persuasion, it seems that The Fabulous Friends will be challenging for the SWF Tag Team Championship against the enraged Knights of Fury! Man-o-man, that’s bound to be a barn-stormer!

Eric Tyler:
That? That’s an interesting match to you?
You’re just as bad as these nimrodic fans. THAT shouldn’t even be anywhere NEAR a PPV event; let alone an SWF PPV event. I hope that the board reconsiders. They shouldn’t taint such a class broadcast with… with… THAT!

Duane Fry:
Oh, Eric. Is there anyone you HAVE liked tonight?

Eric Tyler:
No. I especially am growing tired of your screeching voice; don’t you ever shut-up?

Duane Fry:
That’s not my job, Eric. My job calls for talking.

Eric Tyler:
You should look into a new line of work.




Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole

… Backstage conversation of Unity …


[We transition backstage in which to see Zimmy and Randy standing as one within the locker room area; a fact that inspires many of the female SWF fan base to scream with excitement. While they continue to get ready, adjusting their ring attire in the process, we focus in on their conversation as if the camera lens were a fly on the wall.]


Zimmy Bumfhole:
We need to make a pact, Rand. No matter what happens tonight, nothing can break the Bumfhole bond. You’re my brother and I can’t imagine ANYTHING that would ever strain that; Uprising Championship or not.


[The two of them embrace; high fiving each other as they end it with a quasi, bro-like, hug.]


Randy Bumfhole:
Mom raised us better than that; gold won’t get in the way of our family.
[Pauses; looks into Zimmy’s eyes with a warm smile upon his face]
Good luck tonight, Zim. I know you’ll deliver as you always do!


Zimmy Bumfhole:
Same to you, Rand; and if we meet up at the end, may the best Bumfhole win!


[Again, the two brothers embrace in a loving family kind of fashion; patting each other on the back as it’s obvious that they both project a sense of pride for one another. Sadly, this picture perfect scenario isn’t how this segment ends. As the female-population within the SWF Faithful continue to scream with passion for the brotherly duo, a familiar, raspy, voice is heard peering from off camera.]



Big Smack Scott

… Interjecting on a Bumfhole family moment …


Big Smack Scott:
Get a room you pansies…


[With a heavy-footed step, BSS walks onto the scene; igniting much of the SWF Faithful to boo like crazy. That said, the brashly arrogant muscle-man storms into the room with a volcanic feel to his presence. In return, the Bumfhole’s don’t look all that happy to see him there; turning from a state of love to a projection of defense.]


Zimmy Bumfhole:
What do YOU want?


Randy Bumfhole:


Big Smack Scott:
You nimrods think you actually have a chance to win tonight?
Smilin’ into a camera like a sissy doesn’t mean you have what it takes to carry gold here.
[shakes his head; dismissive]
“Uprising” doesn’t reward those who are weak…


[The Bumfhole’s seem to be riled up as Zimmy looks to physically challenge the much larger BSS; however, is held back by his brother, Randy, as cooler heads prevail for at least one of them.]


Zimmy Bumfhole:
You know, Rand, sometimes you’ve got to sock a bully square in the mouth; prove to him that he’s a punk!


[bSS laughs in a raspy fashion as Randy continues to hold Zimmy back; in a lazy fashion]


Big Smack Scott:
You want a shot at me?
[Laughs; raspy]
[Laughs louder; dismissive]
You’ll get your chance tonight; the both of you will. ‘The Board’ just told me that I’m in.
[Gruff smirk]
I’ll see you two girls later…


[With that, the segment comes to a close with the sight of BSS walking off scene again; laughing in a raspy, dismissive, fashion the entire way. Meanwhile, Randy finally releases his brother; however, Zimmy does little to follow after their newfound rival. Instead, the two look at each other in a state of annoyance; creating a non-verbal pact to go after BSS in tonight’s main event battle royal.]




Duane Fry:
Big Smack Scott is nothing but a Bully! Someone needs to finally put him in his place. Hopefully, tonight, the Bumfhole’s can do exactly that in our Main Event!

Eric Tyler:
The Bumfhole’s, as Scott said so eloquently, are too weak to do anything grand here in the SWF. If they step toe-to-toe with BSS, they’ll certainly fall flat on their faces. I would advise them to stay away; if they know what’s best for them.

Duane Fry:
I can’t wait til they prove you wrong, Eric.

Eric Tyler:
I don’t see that happening; I’m





15-Man Battle Royal

[Over the top rope, elimination, match]



The squared circle seems a little overcrowded as, what seems like, a plethora of attention-hungry ‘Supreme Superstars’ wage a war; rooted in the tone of an “Uprising”. With this in mind, the overall action appears to follow such a convoluted feel. Bodies fly every which way, as if to create a sense of mass combat, while the in-ring pace feels much like a continuous flow of action; so much so that, as people are eliminated one-by-one, it almost feels as if anything could happen. In the end, with the final four standing, made up of Randy Bumfhole, Robbie Retro, Greg Black, and Marc DuBois, the youth-driven revolution appears to be in full-swing. Despite all putting forth amazing efforts in their own right, Robbie Retro & Randy Bumfhole are both seen eliminated a good 12 minutes into the match; leaving tonight’s opening competitors, Greg Black and Marc DuBois, as the final two standing. For the next 4 minutes, both men entrench themselves into a state of fixated warfare; neither wanting to give way to the other. In the end, just as it looks like Greg Black may be on his way toward a 2nd victory in one night, Marc DuBois is shown springing back into action; utilizing a 3rd wind as his inspiration. Back and forth they brawl, flinging their bodies too-and-fro; however, when it’s all said and done, ½ of “Destined For Greatness”, Marc DuBois, eventually overcomes the man who beat him just an hour earlier; forcing him over the top-rope with a powerbomb reversal as he pulls “The Arial Ambassador” over with a modified Hurricanrana. While as if from nowhere, Marc DuBois stands as the only one still un-eliminated; even if he is, currently, seated on the apron, following said Hurricanrana, instead of standing tall within the ring.


Marc DuBois wins the SWF Uprising Championship in 16:07.



Duane Fry:
You may as well call him the ‘one man militia’ as Marc DuBois, the “Can’t miss prospect”, and one half of “Destined for Greatness”, is now the first-ever SWF Uprising Champion! I can’t say that I’m a huge fan of the guy but you can’t deny what he just did there; outlasting 14 other men in which to claim the cornerstone of a revolution!

Eric Tyler:
Despite having a, seemingly, worthy champion, I still don’t believe we really have a ‘revolution’ on our hands. I’ve lived through uprisings. I’ve fought within Revolutions. This, Duane, is not any of those. That said, hats off to Marc Dubois; the man of the hour. Now, young man, it’s up to you to keep the momentum going. If you really want to make something of your career, now is the time to do so.

Duane Fry:
15 men savagely fought for the right to carry the gold; however, at the end of the night, only one man was fortunate enough to walk away with the top prize. What will this mean for “Destined for Greatness…”? Will we see their tandem take a back seat now that Marc has found singles success?

Eric Tyler:
It should. Paul Huntingdon should ‘fall in line’ behind his Champion; if he really is a proper ally. If not, it’s best that DuBois kick him to the curb instantaneously. A champion’s worst enemy is often the ones he thinks are his allies.




Marc DuBois ©, Paul Huntingdon, and Greg Black

… Post-match celebration; rubbing it in …


[As Greg Black lay on his side, outside of the ring, still in shock over what has just transpired, the newly crowned Uprising Champion himself, Marc DuBois, is seen re-entering the ring in which to receive the recently pressed championship belt. In the end, with his fellow tag partner at his side, DuBois is shown extending the SWF Uprising Championship high over his head in an arrogantly triumphant manner; holding said title up with one hand which leaves the back end dangling behind his extended arm. As the show comes to a close, we witness DuBois smack in the middle of a smug celebration, lazily opening his eyes as if he were on a heavy dose of medication; meanwhile, Greg Black continues to look up upon the newly crowned Champion; sternly unhappy about what has just happened.]




Duane Fry:
Something tells me that this brewing battle between Black and the newly crowned Uprising Champion, DuBois, is nowhere near done.

Eric Tyler:
The “Annoying Ambassador”, or whatever you called him earlier, did come out on top; however, when it mattered most, he fall flat on his back; over the top rope, and onto his back, to be realistic. Does he deserve a title shot? Maybe. First, though, he’ll have to prove to the world that he’s worthy of such an opportunity…

Duane Fry:
Wasn’t the opening bout, a match that he won, enough to prove something like that?

Eric Tyler:
People get lucky; Greg Black got lucky at the show’s open. Now, he must get back in line & wait his turn; it’s as simple as that.

Duane Fry:
While I don’t agree with Eric Tyler, I don’t have much time to challenge his thoughts on the matter. We, here, on “Uprising” would like to thank you for tuning it! Join us next week as the revolution continues… Good Night!!






<hr color="black">
Overall Show Grade




2,000 people; sold out


TV Rating

0.76 on C.A.N.N.
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Post-Show Notes

  • While some may question my want to put the Uprising Championship on someone like DuBois (given his immense ego straight away), at the end of the day, I felt there was no one better to carry the torch of my B-Show. As you’ll come to find, “Uprising” is not going to be your typical B-Show for that matter; this played into the fact as to why I placed the title on him straight away. With that said, I’m really excited to start fleshing that story, and the narrative of the show, out. Should be a lot of fun.

  • I mulled around a few other potential champions; to be honest. At one point, I was leaning pretty heavily toward Captain Atomic. That said, He has a storyline coming up really soon that will make up for such a loss. Sure, he didn’t win the Uprising Championship, something that would cement him as a big time player right now, but what’s around the bend will give him some interesting situations ahead.

  • The Fabulous friends are too much fun to write for…

  • I love the image I get in my head with the Knights of Fury. This noble, honor-based, yet ultra aggressive, tandem with two lovely ladies at their sides. In a way, they are probably my favorite tag team on the roster right now; which is, probably, good seeing how they are the champs. Ha.

  • I was really happy to see Bear score so high in his first segment (even though it was probably Retro and Jessie that carried it). None the less, a “C-” for a guy who, I believe, is around an “F” in popularity is great to see. Especially when he’s a great character on the horizon.

  • Black/DuBois = “B”. Great way to kick off the show.




Prediction Contest #2

Congratulations to the bevy of winners for the series premiere of SWF "Uprising".
They are as so
SWF Fan, Midnightnick, Shutout28, Smurphy1014, Angeldelayette, Liquidswords, BHK1978, TigerKinney, TheLeviticalLawKid3.
For your victory, You all must share the latest addition to the Shop SWF.com website; an official t-shirt for the "Dark Destroyer" himself, Steve Frehley. Beautiful, isn't it? Again, I must thank the amazing SeanMcFly for his rendering abilities. You truly did a drag-out job with this one. Really personifies the big-fight, street-brawler, mentality that comes with the rugged thrower.





Also, from there, this is how the standings look, thus far, for the 1st Prediction Contest leading into “When Hell Freezes Over”. There is no rhyme or reason to where people fall within their bracket (credited by how many decisions were right).


Smurphy1014: 6/7

20Legend: 5/7

SeanMcFly: 5/7

LiquidSwords: 5/7

Angeldelayette: 5/7

Midnightnick: 5/7

SWF Fan: 5/7

TheLeveticalLawKid3: 5/7

Tigerkinney: 5/7

QFresh: 4/7

BHK1978: 4/7

Shutout28: 4/7

Jdh1: 4/7

QFresh: 4/7

LordJaguar: 3/7

Tommyb: 3/7

Rayelek: 3/7

Mikemelling: 3/7

Sebsplex: 3/7

TakerNGN74: 2/7

Jtnlange: 1/7

ChrisKid: 1/7


As you may have already noticed, Smurphy1014 is currently in the lead; however, not by much. At this point, there are a number of people who could swing back toward the top given a strong prediction showing for this upcoming episode of SupremeTV. In the end, there is only one more show (this upcoming episode of SupremeTV) left before the final votes are tallied and an initial 'Prediction Champion' is born! (Thus getting to choose the challenger for Marc DuBois, and the SWF Uprising Championship) for "When Hell Freezes Over"!
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Lovely shirt again folks, glad to be in possession of it :p


Good show man, loved it and DuBois does make sense, I had him in my 'final two' so yah works for me :) Love the Fabulous Friends segment too :)


o did you know...



There's a bear on the loose...

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Quote from TotalExtemeWrestling.com…


"Something that won’t come as much of a shock, Rumor has it that Scott Sinclair (Big Smack Scott) is up to his old tricks again. At a recent taping of SWF “Uprising”, Sinclair was overheard arguing with many prominent figures backstage; one being the headbooker himself, Peter Michaels. At the end of the night, Sinclair was rumored to have stormed out of the arena following a brief altercation with another prominent member of the SWF Empire; that being the SWF Champion, and 2nd generation Eisen, Eric Eisen. That said, there’s said to be a sense of ‘simmering tension’ forming between Scott Sinclair and Eric Eisen these days; most touching upon Scott’s, apparent, jealously of the Eisen’s impromptu rise."


Stay tuned as more information becomes available…





Jealous; that’s just the truth.


He sees me, successful, talented, respected, and he cries out in sadness; knowing that he can, never, obtain the status I’ve achieved. In turn, I look at him and all I see is a washed up, talentless, psychopath of a raging ‘roider.


Yep, I said it.


While the smarks have debated his usage for years, it’s common knowledge backstage that Scotty is juiced to the max. Hell, some of the ‘boys’ even claim to have seen him shoot up in person. Now, I’m not going to chastise the man for wanting to get ahead, sometimes you’ve got to take extreme risks in which to succeed, but if it were to ever leave these walls… The SWF would certainly falter in the press.


That’s all I brought up to him; to keep his sh*t in check.


I guess he didn’t really care for that all that much. Honestly, I don’t really give a crap either way. My father has been looking for a way to fire the guy for the last year or so, afraid of this very backlash; so, it may only be a matter of time before he’s ‘thrown to the wolves’; branded with a Scarlett letter in which to diminish his credibility if he were to ever turn into a weasel (a whistle blower).


At the end of the day, we’re entertainers; not professional athletes. We shouldn’t be held down by the same rigid framework that baseball, basketball, and football currently suffer within. Honestly, pops doesn’t even care whether or not you juice up. What he DOES care about is that you keep that sh*t to yourself; and, sadly, Scotty is enough of a ‘hot-head’ to blow his cover.


We can’t risk that happening…


Maybe it’s time I plant something on him; inspire my Father to fire his a$$…

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Program Details

Episode #:

120 minutes

Shown on:
Tuesday Night, LIVE on C.A.N.N.

Main Event:
Eric Eisen vs. ????


Episode Preview




Now in the home-stretch toward “When Hell Freezes Over”, broadcasting LIVE on PPV this Thursday night, SupremeTV finds itself in a state of frenzied warfare. While diplomacy was once considered to be a viable option for most, the overall thought of civility appears to be circling the drain; laying upon it’s theoretical ‘death-bed’ none the less.


As tensions rages forward, bodies are pushed to the brink of destruction, and the collective psyche of the SWF as a whole continues to weaken with pressure, the overall narrative seems to become the only constant amongst such upheaval; that being the unquestioned grandeur that comes with a, potential, PPV victory. With this in mind, several ‘Supreme Superstar’s’ are jockeying for positioning as the days grow closer, and closer, to the inevitable grand stage; “When Hell Freezes Over”.


While the temperatures drop, and the fiery pits of ‘Hell’ begin to temper with extreme frigidity, WHO will take a giant leap toward ensuring a win this Thursday night; live on PPV?


In turn, who will falter; falling victim to their adversaries and, quite possibly, setting the course for a less than stellar showing in just a few days.


Regardless, the only remaining question stands…
will be the instigator of such a polarizing shift in the “Land of Supreme”?


Card Preview

Angry Gilmore vs. Joe Sexy

[singles Match]

[special Guest Referee: Emma Chase]

Has Emma Chase negotiated herself into a win-win situation for her client, Brandon James?


Frederique Antonio Garcia
w/ Big Daddy
vs. Jack Giedroyc
w/ Dawn, Hannah, and Valiant

[singles Match]

With the ‘fabulous friends’ on their way to challenge the Knights of Fury for the SWF Tag team Championships at “When Hell Freezes Over”, which tandem will get the upper-hand moving into Thursday night?


Lobster Warrior vs. Runaway Train

[singles Match]

After waging war within a six-way match last week, who will prevail; the lovable comic-book hero or the brutal, unforgiving, powerhouse?


Enforcer Roberts vs. Rich Money

[singles Match]

Can Rich Money open 2010 with a victory over the hardened technition?


Jack Bruce vs. ????

What does the SWF board have in-store for the ‘Radical Rock Star’?


Eric Eisen vs. ????

In the same tone, what does the SWF board have in-store for the SWF Champion?

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Angry Gilmore vs. Joe Sexy

[singles Match]

[special Guest Referee: Emma Chase]

Question: Has Emma Chase negotiated herself into a win-win situation for her client, Brandon James?


Frederique Antonio Garcia w/ Big Daddy vs. Jack Giedroyc w/ Dawn, Hannah, and Valiant

[singles Match]

Question: With the ‘fabulous friends’ on their way to challenge the Knights of Fury for the SWF Tag team Championships at “When Hell Freezes Over”, which tandem will get the upper-hand moving into Thursday night?


Lobster Warrior vs. Runaway Train

[singles Match]

Question: After waging war within a six-way match last week, who will prevail; the lovable comic-book hero or the brutal, unforgiving, powerhouse?


Enforcer Roberts vs. Rich Money

[singles Match]

Question: Can Rich Money open 2010 with a victory over the hardened technition?


Jack Bruce vs. ????

Question: What does the SWF board have in-store for the ‘Radical Rock Star’?


Eric Eisen vs. ????

Question: In the same tone, what does the SWF board have in-store for the SWF Champion?

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Angry Gilmore vs. Joe Sexy [singles Match]

[special Guest Referee: Emma Chase]

Gilmore's anger will prove costly, Sexy has a chance this Thursday, Gilmore has a month to regain some momentum


Frederique Antonio Garcia w/ Big Daddy vs. Jack Giedroyc w/ Dawn, Hannah, and Valiant [singles Match]

It seems rather simple, the heels cheat to win and it gives them a reason to be going for the belt. Whats the point in going for it if they get beaten in singles action by the champs?


Lobster Warrior vs. Runaway Train [singles Match]

Warrior could still be a challenger to Angry or to James, Train is there to boost guys, sadly, but I can't see Train getting any real feuds anytime soon.


Enforcer Roberts vs. Rich Money [singles Match]

Roberts is there to make Money look good, to give him a reason to be on the show. Maybe a post match attack by Remo, leading up to a match on Pay Per View Thursday, gives him something to do, maybe in this diary with Money turning face Remo feels betrayed? Eisen's wealth too could play a part. I'm starting to think maybe a DQ win


Jack Bruce vs. ????

Bruce has to win, no matter who its against. Maybe a Khoklov match with Bruce winning by DQ after Eisen interupts, two on one beatdown leading into...


Eric Eisen vs. ????

Eisen vs Faith, Khoklov returns the invitation and helps Eisen win.

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Angry Gilmore vs. Joe Sexy

[singles Match]

[special Guest Referee: Emma Chase]

Question: Has Emma Chase negotiated herself into a win-win situation for her client, Brandon James?


Frederique Antonio Garcia w/ Big Daddy vs. Jack Giedroyc w/ Dawn, Hannah, and Valiant

[singles Match]

Question: With the ‘fabulous friends’ on their way to challenge the Knights of Fury for the SWF Tag team Championships at “When Hell Freezes Over”, which tandem will get the upper-hand moving into Thursday night?


Lobster Warrior vs. Runaway Train

[singles Match]

Question: After waging war within a six-way match last week, who will prevail; the lovable comic-book hero or the brutal, unforgiving, powerhouse?


Enforcer Roberts vs. Rich Money

[singles Match]

Question: Can Rich Money open 2010 with a victory over the hardened technition?


Jack Bruce vs. ????

Question: What does the SWF board have in-store for the ‘Radical Rock Star’?


Eric Eisen vs. ????

Question: In the same tone, what does the SWF board have in-store for the SWF Champion?

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Angry Gilmore vs. Joe Sexy


Frederique Antonio Garcia w/ Big Daddy vs. Jack Giedroyc w/ Dawn, Hannah, and Valiant


For the reasons that SWF Fan gave.


Lobster Warrior vs. Runaway Train


I just think there is more overall upside in LW winning this match.


Enforcer Roberts vs. Rich Money


Jack Bruce vs. ????


Eric Eisen vs. ????

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Little late with my feedback, but late is better than never, right?


I thought you'd struggle to outdo your first episode of Supreme TV from "The Incessant Need for Supremacy", but you still put out a strong show, although if I'm brutally honest, I think I hold the latter in slightly higher regard in terms of my own personal enjoyment. That show held one of my favourite gimmicky main event finishes with Eric Eisen forcing the techs to sabotage the match with pyro and lights, just to prevent himself from having a challenger at WHFO and had some awesome characterisation for Faith and Khoklov, plus strong encounters with Gilmore/Roberts and Black/Remo. For instance, seeing Khoklov standing so passively with Chase and James seemed 'off' to me given that the last time your version of him appeared, he was brutalising security personnel is near-homicidal fashion. Your focus this time, seemed on a couple of characters you neglected rather more that time around, with Vengeance and Frehley being the most obvious examples. I do like that you put more of an emphasis on the Bruce/Eisen dynamic this time around, given how monumental their storyline was for the SWF, especially given how Eisen especially is already coming more to the fore. Pitting Bruce against Vengeance was a great douche-heel move. Also it's nice to see that Faith is still riding his steel hog straight into Supreme TV.


That probably seems rather critical, but don't get the impression that I didn't enjoy the show, because I did and I suspect given this is likely your final project here, the pacing in this SWF outing is going to be somewhat different. Either way, I'll go with the flow.


Now to get to Uprising and catch up some more. It's nice to see Everest-meets-Queer Eye sctick is alive and well your new version of the SWF. That's an awesome alt and gimmick. :p

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Angry Gilmore vs. Joe Sexy

[singles Match]

[special Guest Referee: Emma Chase]

Question: Has Emma Chase negotiated herself into a win-win situation for her client, Brandon James? I think so. Going against everyone else and saying that Gilmore will win here, setting himself up for a "better" title contender down the road. Chase will probably allow anything and everything so Joe won't be 100% for the title match against James.


Frederique Antonio Garcia w/ Big Daddy vs. Jack Giedroyc w/ Dawn, Hannah, and Valiant

[singles Match]

Question: With the ‘fabulous friends’ on their way to challenge the Knights of Fury for the SWF Tag team Championships at “When Hell Freezes Over”, which tandem will get the upper-hand moving into Thursday night? The Fabulous Friends, because they need some momentum heading into a los--I mean, match Thursday night.

Lobster Warrior vs. Runaway Train

[singles Match]

Question: After waging war within a six-way match last week, who will prevail; the lovable comic-book hero or the brutal, unforgiving, powerhouse? A vote for Lobby is a vote for the future! A vote for Train is a vote wasted.


Enforcer Roberts vs. Rich Money

[singles Match]

Question: Can Rich Money open 2010 with a victory over the hardened technition? Don't mind Roberts, Rich. He's just keeping the gate.


Jack Bruce vs. ???? (I think it'll be a monster like Marat after the Vengeance episode last week)

Question: What does the SWF board have in-store for the ‘Radical Rock Star’? Marat's gonna kill you...Marat's gonna kill you.


Eric Eisen vs. ????

Question: In the same tone, what does the SWF board have in-store for the SWF Champion? Let's be a real big arrogant champ here, Eisen...use your position to resurrect Flyin' Ryan O'Brien of 70's SWF jobberhood to get squashed. It'll be an instant classic!


And, Eric Eisen, we all know why Big Smack Scott is jealous. Not of your belt or your name or your "prestige"...but because of you not letting him take the Uprising Title! He deserved that belt more than anyone else! If BSS isn't wearing a title belt by the end of this dynasty, it'll be a complete FAILURE, Eisen-verse.




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Angry Gilmore vs. Joe Sexy

[singles Match]

[special Guest Referee: Emma Chase]

Question: Has Emma Chase negotiated herself into a win-win situation for her client, Brandon James?


Frederique Antonio Garcia w/ Big Daddy vs. Jack Giedroyc w/ Dawn, Hannah, and Valiant[singles Match]

Question: With the ‘fabulous friends’ on their way to challenge the Knights of Fury for the SWF Tag team Championships at “When Hell Freezes Over”, which tandem will get the upper-hand moving into Thursday night?


Lobster Warrior vs. Runaway Train

[singles Match]

Question: After waging war within a six-way match last week, who will prevail; the lovable comic-book hero or the brutal, unforgiving, powerhouse?


Enforcer Roberts vs. Rich Money

[singles Match]

Question: Can Rich Money open 2010 with a victory over the hardened technition?


Jack Bruce vs. ????

Question: What does the SWF board have in-store for the ‘Radical Rock Star’?


Eric Eisen vs. ????

Question: In the same tone, what does the SWF board have in-store for the SWF Champion?

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Angry Gilmore vs. Joe Sexy [singles Match]

[special Guest Referee: Emma Chase]

Gilmore's anger will prove costly, Sexy has a chance this Thursday, Gilmore has a month to regain some momentum


Frederique Antonio Garcia w/ Big Daddy vs. Jack Giedroyc w/ Dawn, Hannah, and Valiant [singles Match]

It seems rather simple, the heels cheat to win and it gives them a reason to be going for the belt. Whats the point in going for it if they get beaten in singles action by the champs?


Lobster Warrior vs. Runaway Train [singles Match]

Warrior could still be a challenger to Angry or to James, Train is there to boost guys, sadly, but I can't see Train getting any real feuds anytime soon.


Enforcer Roberts vs. Rich Money [singles Match]

Roberts is there to make Money look good, to give him a reason to be on the show. Maybe a post match attack by Remo, leading up to a match on Pay Per View Thursday, gives him something to do, maybe in this diary with Money turning face Remo feels betrayed? Eisen's wealth too could play a part. I'm starting to think maybe a DQ win


Jack Bruce vs. ????

Bruce has to win, no matter who its against. Maybe a Khoklov match with Bruce winning by DQ after Eisen interupts, two on one beatdown leading into...


Eric Eisen vs. ????

Eisen vs Faith, Khoklov returns the invitation and helps Eisen win.


OK a bit lazy this time round, but I'll go with SWF fans picks as I don't just agree with them as picks, I also like his reason behind them.

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