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I don’t know what it is that’s always held me to the APW. I’m not an Aussie, and as my first APW diary thread was called – it is a country designed purely to kill you. There are no ties between me and Australia – but I love no other promotion in the Cornellverse like I enjoy APW. My ACPW game was my most successful of all time – but I kept thinking “what if?”. It’s time to indulge that curiosity.


This diary will likely be my last TEW one, for a variety of reasons not worth going into here. I felt that my original APW diary let me try some new ideas and storylines, and if you followed that on you may see some influences here – and possibly even some direct stealing.


The format is pretty much set in stone, and won’t take the form of one big PNG but an in-line forum image. I’ll also be including theme music for the first time – I loved FINisher’s diary that did these, and it really adds something to the characters if I know what kind of energy and tempo they’re coming out to.


I loved Self’s approach to his FCK diary, with the strict times for updates. I’m afraid I’m going to steal that – we will have APW events published every Sunday, and a column entitled “Out in the Wilderness” appearing every Wednesday. This column will announce the card for the upcoming event, and will be written by my user character Lucien Wilder. Please feel free to send some questions in for him to answer as a newcomer to the promotion and the continent.


My vision of APW differs a little to the product, I think. I invision hard hitting matches, with some daft stuff thrown in occasionally. When things get heated, the weapons come out, and they don’t hold back. But it’s not PSW level violence by any means. There will be angles, interviews and storylines. There won’t be Nathan Mackenzie death faking like last time, however (although I loved that one).


Diaries live and die on feedback, predictions and hype from others. I hope you’ll enjoy this one with me. I will run a prediction competition, so get in on the ground floor!




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<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFxFibVHy-w?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


APW Ozfest 2010


Swoop McCarthy vs. Stan Standish (Championship Showcase Non Title Match)


Harry “The Hitman” Simonson vs. Nate “Killdozer”Mackenzie


Big Daddy Horne vs. Rick Stantz


Alyx “The Anarchist” Maquarie vs. Blake Belushi


The Masters vs. The Rising Sons


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Hurray for this we need a good down under diary :D and from what I've heard theres no one better to do it



APW Ozfest 2010


Swoop McCarthy vs. Stan Standish (Championship Showcase Non Title Match)


Harry “The Hitman” Simonson vs. Nate “Killdozer”Mackenzie


Big Daddy Horne vs. Rick Stantz


Alyx “The Anarchist” Maquarie vs. Blake Belushi


The Masters vs. The Rising Sons


Edit: Whilst lostening to the theme tune for the show I could see Midnightnick's avatar dancing, I found it a bit too amusing I think :p

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Great to see you back "home", so to speak.


Swoop McCarthy vs. Stan Standish (Championship Showcase Non Title Match)


Harry “The Hitman” Simonson vs. Nate “Killdozer”Mackenzie


Big Daddy Horne vs. Rick Stantz


Alyx “The Anarchist” Maquarie vs. Blake Belushi


The Masters vs. The Rising Sons

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Very cool to see you rocking APW again, Rathen. I'm looking forward to what follows.



Swoop McCarthy vs. Stan Standish (Championship Showcase Non Title Match)



Harry “The Hitman” Simonson vs. Nate “Killdozer”Mackenzie


Big Daddy Horne vs. Rick Stantz


Alyx “The Anarchist” Maquarie vs. Blake Belushi


The Masters vs. The Rising Sons

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Thank you guys. I've just started putting it all together, and although there may be some things that seem the same, this could end up very different. And interesting. Hopefully interesting.


And if you don't listen to anyone's music, please just have a go at Daddy Horne's. I usually just cut him, but I think I've struck gold with this particular incarnation of him..

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Good to see you back in APW Rathen loved your last go here ...


Swoop McCarthy vs. Stan Standish (Championship Showcase Non Title Match)


Harry “The Hitman” Simonson vs. Nate “Killdozer” Mackenzie

Familier nickname ... :)

Big Daddy Horne vs. Rick Stantz

What the hell.

Alyx “The Anarchist” Maquarie vs. Blake Belushi


The Masters vs. The Rising Sons

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Swoop McCarthy vs. Stan Standish (Championship Showcase Non Title Match)


Harry “The Hitman” Simonson vs. Nate “Killdozer”Mackenzie


Big Daddy Horne vs. Rick Stantz - It seems suicidal but you've mentioned him already!


Alyx “The Anarchist” Maquarie vs. Blake Belushi


The Masters vs. The Rising Sons


I was onboard for your last APW diary and enjoyed it immensely, so I'm glad to see it back. :)

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Swoop McCarthy vs. Stan Standish (Championship Showcase Non Title Match)


Harry “The Hitman” Simonson vs. Nate “Killdozer”Mackenzie


Big Daddy Horne vs. Rick Stantz


Alyx “The Anarchist” Maquarie vs. Blake Belushi


The Masters vs. The Rising Sons

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Australian Pro Wrestling

APW Ozfest

Saturday Week 3 January 2010

589 in attendance

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<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFxFibVHy-w?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>

The show begins with a New Year style countdown, which the crowd have been informed is the cue to the show going live on the internet stream. The noise ramps up as they count down, and as it hits zero, green, yellow and red fireworks stream up and out to celebrate the marquee event of the APW.








Mitch Y. Bryson: A belated happy new year to everyone in the building, and to everyone who is watching this on APWrestling.com as well.


Frank Mucciolo: Are we on? Is that camera working? Oh, brave new world!


MB: I’m Mitch Bryson and with me is my rather shy and retiring colleague, Frank Mucciolo. Frank, the wonders of technology never cease to amaze me. Just think of all the people watching at home for the first time.


FM: Why aren’t you here, you damned cheapskates?


MB: Brilliant. We’re off to a great start as ever. Thanks Frank. Coming up tonight is our most star studded event yet, and we’ve got two main events for you. The first features the behemoth who has recently rebranded himself Killdozer, and refused to tell us why.


FM: All we know is that he has a tremendous love of tables.. and I can’t imagine the terror going through Harry Simonson’s head right now.


MB: Our other main event pits our two champions against each other to show just what they can do. Swoop McCarthy and Stan Standish will go toe to toe in a non title match in a showcase for our new fans.


FM: But now, we’ve got a match featuring a tag team with a combined age of 108. Well, not quite, but that’s damned close. Surely arthritis has to play a feature here?


Rating: 46 / D








The Masters vs. The Rising Sons


<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z-hEyVQDRA?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSYxT9GM0fQ?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


FM: The Masters just ooze confidence, Mitch. When you’ve been in the game this long, two little flippy kids from the islands just aren’t going to cut it.


MB: “From the islands”? Are we back in the 50s?


FM: The Masters probably wish we were.

The Action: A pretty solid match all round and a good way to start off the evening. The Masters show their credentials, but have their work cut out for them with the Rising Sons being horribly flippy and difficult to lock down. However, they eventually make an inexperienced mistake, and Lanny Williams catches Kuroda and drops him on his head for his Shiv finisher. The Masters take the win.


Rating: 45 / D


MB: A solid victory there for the Masters. Lanny probably hasn’t been too thrilled with being left out of the main events tonight, but with the skills these guys have they have got to be one of the best tag tea-



<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPnel7P8jek?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


MB: Oh god..










FM: The Rebels! The East Coast Rebels!


MB: Folks, in recent weeks the Rebels have turned up the jets a little on anyone showing any kind of authority position, and with Sean Quartermainne being one of the big bosses of the company, anyone friends with him has been a target.


FM: And tonight Peterson gets his!


A pretty standard beat down by the Rebels, who almost get chased off by the wily veterans but are just a little too fresh to be stopped. The Masters are beaten and chased off, leaving Alyx in the ring ready for his match.


Rating: 32 / E+








Alyx Macquarie vs. Blake Belushi

<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPnel7P8jek?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1sYomH-gkA?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


MB: High energy from Belushi on his entrance there, he’s raring to go!


FM: Well, let’s hope that Alyx is all tired out after his repeated punching of a pensioner.


MB: I’m not sure he is, and let’s face facts – even if Alyx is tired, Cole is there at ringside ready to leap in at a moment’s provocation.


FM: Well, where’s Rick?


MB: Getting ready for his match, I would pre-


FM: If Taylor is out here, Stantz should be too. This is a match that could have serious implications on our tag team title scene.

The Action: Well, the commentators were right. Belushi is a talent and took this one down to the wire, but as he bounced off the ropes for his finishing Axe Kick on Macquarie, Cole Taylor pulled the rope down and dumped Blake to ringside. Somehow the official missed it, and the momentum completely shifted. Macquarie pelted Blake around the ring, finally catching him with a schoolboy and some tights holding for a flash pin.


FM: A huge night for the East Coast Rebels. They’ve really started 2010 with a message to the rest of the APW.


MB: But I’m not sure it’s wise to have pissed off both The Masters and The Blondes..


FM: Oh god, have you seen what’s up next?


MB: In all the changes we’ve had in the past few months, there has been nothing as harrowing as what has happened to our next competitor. After that blow to the head from a packing crate backstage in October, Big Daddy Horne hasn’t been himself, but continues to try to destroy things in a very.. unique way.








Big Daddy Horne vs. Rick Stantz

<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZbTpANdI54?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1sYomH-gkA?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


MB: I’ve just had a note passed to me. Big Daddy Horne would now prefer that his surname is pronounced as “Hornee”, rather than “Horne”.


FM: This is horrendous.

The Action: Yes, this is not what you expected to see from Big Daddy Horne. Or maybe it was, you sick puppy. Happily, this is over very quickly, Stantz staying well out of Horne’s embraces and attention, and chopping the big man down with a barrage of leg kicks. Once Horne’s down, Stantz manages to keep him down, and eventually hits a flying elbow drop for the pin.


Rating: 35 / E+


MB: It’s over. Thank god it’s over.


FM: And no sign of the Rebels. Maybe they realise that Rick is absolutely the better Blonde.


MB: I think that’s rather unfounded, Frank. But it is a surprise that they didn’t appear in this match.


FM: Maybe it was the fear of a rampant Horne. I know something of mine retracted and hid during that match.


MB: Some good news for you, Frank. We are heading backstage now, where our new backstage interviewer Lucien Wilder has managed to snare APW Commonwealth champion, Swoop McCarthy.








Lucien Wilder: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Swoop McCarthy.


The camera pans out and there is an audible squeal from almost every fan at the sight of the champ. The champ just grins, and stands there quite relaxed, title over his shoulder.


LW: Champ, it’s a new year. And you’re not being forced to defend your title on the first show of the year. That’s got to feel good, right?


Swoop McCarthy: No-one told me this interview would be with a bloody pom! The first person to interview me and it’s a Brit!


LW: I’m sorry.. I know Frank Darling is here, I can go and get him inst-


Swoop breaks into a laugh and slaps Lucien on the back. Wilder, being considerably smaller, is staggered by the blow, but the tension eases out of the room quickly.


SM: Mate, if you can’t take a joke, you ain’t going to last long around me! It’s fine, you guys are crap at everything you invented anyway. Welcome to the APW. You enjoying it so far?


LW: Well, my job so far has been to be slapped on the back by the Commonwealth champ..


SM: Great, isn’t it? Look, let’s not beat around the bush. I decided I would gloss over your question, which I thought was a little insulting to be honest. I can defend my title against anyone in the building at any point, and I’d hoped to start the new year off as I’ll see it out – standing over my opponent holding my belt in the air.


LW: You wouldn’t be concerned about defending your title against Killdozer? Or Big Daddy Horne?


SM: They’re big, they’re mean, and one of them wants to touch you in your special area. I’ll let you decide which one of them that is. But Killdozer is attracted to more than one kind of wood, and that’s dangerous. Tonight, Simonson is going to have his work cut out. But Nathan’s been on this rampage since August. Same old same old. He’ll come my way eventually, and I’ll be ready for him.


Swoop grins, admires himself in the title, and holds it up to look at Lucien’s reflection in the belt.


SM: Nah, not as good.

Swoop walks off, leaving Wilder dumbfounded.


Rating: 44 / D








Harry “The Hitman” Simonson vs. Nate “Killdozer” Mackenzie

<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btjVnTLn6og?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDJh6Ofkduw?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


FM: Another huge match. Huge. Mackenzie is 300lb and a walking tank.


MB: And he wants nothing more than to destroy Simonson. Some would say Simonson is the unofficial #1 contender for the Commonwealth championship – and a win here would put Nate firmly in line.


FM: Breaking Harry’s neck on a table would do the same.


The Action: A really, really good match. Back and forth action throughout, with Harry dominating in the early build up as he let Mackenzie roar and run around. The Hitman is a master of taking an opponent apart bit by bit, and worked on the tree trunk like legs of the Killdozer, trying to take him down. Mackenzie built up a head of steam, and managed to get hold of Simonson. From there, he treated Harry like a rag doll and hurled him around the ring. Simonson, increasingly desperate, went for a Headshot Superkick out of nowhere, but got 300lb Speared at the same time, and Killdozer placed his foot on the Hitman’s chest for a three count.


Rating: 60 / C


MB: Mackenzie is leaving. Mackenzie ISN’T going to punish Simonson further.


FM: He’s making a mistake.. this will come back to haunt him.








Swoop McCarthy vs. Stan Standish


<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS0hAokxDSA?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DyUkEmAruA?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


MB: SWooooop! THE best theme music in the APW.


FM: Horne’s is better. Even if all it stands for makes my skin crawl.


MB: Can you imagine if Standish took this win? It would make his career then and there.


The Action: There’s no real surprise here. Standish is a capable champion, and shows why with some sniping, cynical work – but Swoop quickly gets fed up with it and turns on his energy. McCarthy toys with Standish for a while, before hurling him off the ropes and hitting him with a Swoop DDT. Swoop McCarthy wins.


Rating: 54 C-


MB: Swoop McCarthy cements his place as APW’s #1 at the start of 2010.


FM: Standish was pretty much outmatched there – shame on the APW management for letting him become the laughing stock.


MB: Well, that’s the end of APW’s Ozfest. Ladies and gentlemen in attendance and at watching live on APWrestling.com, we hope you enjoye-


<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDJh6Ofkduw?fs=1&hl=en_GB " type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>









MB: No, no no..


Killdozer comes haring down the ramp, as fast as his massive frame can carry him. He catches McCarthy on the ramp, hurls him to the floor, and selects a table from under the ring as Frank dryly questions why the tables are STILL being kept under there. Standish wobbles to his feet in the ring and watches with a smirk as McCarthy is picked up onto Mackenzie’s shoulders... and Samoan Dropped through the table. A vision of a broken Swoop and an even more broken table is what viewers are treated to as the internet cast ends.


Rating: 54 / C-


Show rating: 50 / D



APW Ozfest 2010 – An APW Production

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Excellent show all round really like the rebels and the Horne/ Hornee character and music is a master stroke, Swoop O'Mac's promo was really good as well. And I really underestimated Nathan McKenzie.


Thanks a lot :) Mackenzie is a massive force, and I began the Killdozer character in my last diary but ran out of steam for that one before he really got going. He is not to be underestimated - but he does have his flaws.



What needs to happen now:


~ Stan Standish needs new music.

~ Need a better interview icon.

~ Out in the Wilderness will go up on WEDNESDAY. Each week it will deal with a question hopefully sent in by someone reading this diary. If not, I'll come up with one - this week the question will be "What's the deal with Big Daddy Horne?". If anyone else wants to shoot some my way either in here or via PM, I can build up some ideas for it.


Prediction competition will also feature in the Wednesday update, and that's when the card for next Sunday will go up etcetc. Deadlines are a good thing.

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"What is the deal with Big Daddy Horne?"


I knew moving down here would be interesting. Nevermind the 24 hour flight, even with a massive phobia of flying. We would have wings if we were meant to be up there. Nevermind the fact that every single bit of wildlife and flora in this continent is designed to be bad news to a human. Nevermind the fact that wrestling in one of the hottest, driest countries around is murder.


Nothing can compare to the oddity that is Big Daddy Horne.


It all started back in October. I'd been with APW a month, and was just being a general dogsbody backstage. Yes Mr. McCarthy, no Mr. Killdozer. Don't put me through a table, please. Horne was pacing around backstage, like he used to do before a match. It helped the big guy with his nerves, and he was going up against the Hitman. I'm not sure of the exact circumstance; all I heard was the roar of pain; but when we got to him there was a giant metal air packing crate laying next to him, and a massive dent in his skull.


It was just like I imagined it to be when Stalin died. Everyone hung back because they were too afraid that they'd be bothering him to help. Baz is a big beast and had an awful temper. I remember Lanny Williams and Dave Peterson just lurking, content that he wasn't dead and thinking that actually the whole thing was pretty funny. It took Harry Simonson to actually go over to him and see what was going on. And Big Daddy sat up - just like you see Vengeance do over in the SWF sometimes. He just sat right up as if nothing had happened.


And wrapped his arms around Harry. Squeezing him, embracing him. Simonson was likely relieved that Baz wasn't y'know, dead - but he was steadily going purple. Horne realised what he was doing and put him down, but then went for more hugs elsewhere.


A month later, he turned up to the show with his new music on a CD, saying that it encompassed everything about him. Everyone laughed, thinking he was just being a difficult jerk - but he stood in the gorilla position before the match and refused to walk out until his CD was played.


The rest is history. Maybe he wasn't loved as a child? Maybe he was loved TOO much as a child and it's been saved up inside him? I won't make a "flowing out" joke.


All we know for sure is one thing.


There is something terribly wrong with Big Daddy Horne.


~ Lucien Wilder, January 2010.




Predictions competition!


sebsplex 5/5

Midnightnick 4/5

Jingo 4/5

hrdcoresidebrns 4/5

20LEgend 3/5

Bigpapa42 3/5

Michiganhero 3/5

TheKenwyne 3/5

Eidenhoek 2/5


It's up to you guys - I can either mock up some fake merchandise graphics, or after a few shows I can give a creative decision to someone. It's up to you guys!


I just wanted to say thank you for all the Ozfest predictions. This was my most predicted show ever and I hope I didn't let anyone down!






Card for APW's Big Night Out


Big Daddy Horne vs. Swoop McCarthy - The APW's most odd figure goes against the APW's most awesome. Can Horne put McCarthy off his A-Game with his antics?


Killdozer vs. The Rising Sons - In an attempt to reign in Killdozer, he has been matched up with two speedy high flyers. Can he show enough athleticism to keep them at bay so he can use his incredible power?


Debonair David Peterson vs. Rick Stantz - Both men picked up wins next week, and there are rumours of a tag team title match in their future. Who will come out of this match with bragging rights?


Lanny Williams vs. Blake Belushi - The Rebels spoiled Ozfest for both of these men, and it'd be foolish to not think that Macquarie and Taylor will get involved in this one too. But on which side?


Dingo & Boo vs. Crime Wave - The 2010 debut of these teams see them pitted in what could be an even match - but can Crime Wave avoid getting bent into pieces by Boo Smithson, the World's Most Technical Hobo?


Thanks so much for the support so far, I doubt I'll get so many people predicting this time but a guy can dream!


[[Quick picks for copy and pasting]]


Big Daddy Horne vs. Swoop McCarthy

Killdozer vs. The Rising Sons

Debonair David Peterson vs. Rick Stantz

Lanny Williams vs. Blake Belushi

Dingo & Boo vs. Crime Wave

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Big Daddy Horne vs. Swoop McCarthy - Haha, funny.

Killdozer vs. The Rising Sons - I don't approve of this but it looks like it's gonna happen :(

Debonair David Peterson vs. Rick Stantz - Uppercarder vs. Tag Guy.

Lanny Williams vs. Blake Belushi - See above

Dingo & Boo vs. Crime Wave - coin flip. Don't like taking two singles guys over regular tag teams but Dingo and Boo are good workers.


I'll second the creative decision offer. :)

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Liking this, had my most interesting run as RAW booker, good to read the 'enemy's' side :)


Big Daddy Horne vs. Swoop McCarthy

Killdozer vs. The Rising Sons

Debonair David Peterson vs. Rick Stantz

Lanny Williams vs. Blake Belushi

Dingo & Boo vs. Crime Wave

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Big Daddy Horne vs. Swoop McCarthy

The cool character is enough for Horne(e) he doesn't need a push on top of that, he's comic relief IMO at this point

Killdozer vs. The Rising Sons

Misjudged the big guy last time, never again. Rebels something to do with this possibly

Debonair David Peterson vs. Rick Stantz

His initials are DDP need I say more?

Lanny Williams vs. Blake Belushi

Better character to me

Dingo & Boo vs. Crime Wave

Big fan of Boo and Dingo is pretty good


This diary is REALLY making me want to go back and play CVerse Aussie if only to push the CVerse's DDP

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Don't like taking two singles guys over regular tag teams but Dingo and Boo are good workers.


They are actually a named tag team ingame (on the teams screen), with 36 experience together. They're actually more experienced than The Rebels and The Masters! They just don't have a snappy name, apparently.


Liking this, had my most interesting run as RAW booker, good to read the 'enemy's' side :)


Have never done that but have always wanted to, and it's great to have you on board. Thanks :)


This diary is REALLY making me want to go back and play CVerse Aussie if only to push the CVerse's DDP


Do it! I always tend to job him out because he's a poisonous prescence backstage, but this time I have some plans that involve him..



Thanks for all the predictions, guys! Don't forget, Out in the Wilderness questions will be accepted at any time, so if you have a possible area of my APW you'd like investigated or expanded on, let me know!

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