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Music appears to possibly be on the wonk, but might be working now.






Australian Pro Wrestling

APW’s Longest Night

Saturday Week 3 November 2011

Eastern Australia

1612 in attendance


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Mitch Y. Bryson: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to APW's Longest Night! We are rapidly approaching the end of the year, but the events are getting hotter and hotter and no-one is feeling the heat quite like APW champion Killdozer. We've had random psychological attacks over the last few months, with claims of a prophecy.


Frank Mucciolo: The only prophecy we'll be seeing is Killdozer going into 2012 as the most dominant champion in history - this has all been a little blip for him. And you know who's going to have a long night tonight? The New Blondes - and they're defending their titles up next!





<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1sYomH-gkA?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z-hEyVQDRA?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="

type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqlm5w37xiY" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


The New Blondes (with Steph Drucker) vs. The Masters (with Sean Quartermainne) vs. Technical Excellence vs. Samoan Demolition

World Tag Team Titles Ladder Match



THE ACTION: A fantastic opener, with utter chaos at times. The Demolition looked awesome and crunched through everyone, and it tooked a combined barrage of weapons from all three other team to finally get the Samoans down and out at ringside. The Masters were then easily dealt with and trapped with the wreckage of three separate ladders, and Technical Excellence and The New Blondes stared each other down. With their foes unmoving, the two teams showed us what they can do in a fair fight, and the New Blondes had the upper hand. That is until Rick Stantz’s music began to play, and he appeared on the ramp, both arms covered in bloody puncture marks. He made slashing motions at his arm as he walked down to the ring, and the cameras picked up the fact that he appeared to be holding a shard of glass. He chases and traps Steph Drucker, and Blake bails from the ring. The two end in a stare down, while Lexley finds himself locked in Harry’s boston crab. Almost no-one notices Jimmy Stratosphere climb the ladder and unbuckle the tag titles, therefore winning them for Technical Excellence! All eyes are simply on ringside..


Rating: 55 / C-




Rick Stantz with Steph Drucker and Blake Belushi


Stantz continues his tomfoolery, still toying and grabbing at Steph, holding that broken little shard of glass to her like some form of hostage. Blake seems nonplussed about losing the tag belts – he just needs to get Steph back.


Rick edges up the ramp, checking behind him in case anyone feels the need to try and come running down to help Steph out. His face tics and shakes occasionally, as if his body and mind is trying to fight him. The shard stays present, Blake is just pleading and begging, and the other men in the ring are just staring, astonished.


It all climaxes in one swift movement. As the commentators scream, Rick hurls the glass at Blake, who ducks out of the way. That gives Stantz the separation he needs, and he grabs Drucker by the head, twisting and crashing her to the mat using what Frank describes as a “Stantz Cutter”. He sprints off at full speed as Blake kneels by her fallen body, and the show cuts to black for a few minutes.


Rating: 65 / C




MB: We’re back, and we can assure you that Steph Drucker is receiving the best medical care money can buy, and we’ll update you if we get any news at all. What the hell is wrong with Rick Stantz that he feels that that’s acceptable?


FM: I don’t think that’s an answer anyone here can give, and even though I’m not a fan of the Blondes, you don’t like to see that happen, ever.


MB: The show must go on, Frank, but god. What the hell? I mean, congratulations to Technical Excellence, capturing the belts so soon in their team history, but that’s rather been overshadowed.


FM: Look, it’s Standish up next. Let’s see the streak continue and then we can talk more about Harry and his rent boy.




Stan Standish with Sean Quartermainne vs. Lynx


<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DyUkEmAruA?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SyrQGYc-IQ?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


THE ACTION: Stan’s fired up again, having been taken to task by Blitz Simpson last month, and almost losing his streak. This goes almost completely to plan, with him keeping Lynx down and suffering throughout. Stan goes up to the second rope, shouting for the High Breed, but as he comes down he’s met with a MMA style upkick to the chin that has him taking a step back, stunned. Lynx kips up, springing to his feet, grabs Stan, and locks him into a Dragon Sleeper. To his credit, Stan fights, and fights, and fights, but eventually it gets too much, and despite the pleas from Quartermainne at ringside, he taps out.


MB: The streak is over! The streak is over! Lynx is our newest APW star – and he has ended Standish’s record breaking streak at 10 wins! Lynx has earned himself an APW contract and will join us permanently – and just look at how furious Standish looks!


FM: I just-


Rating: 42 / D




Dingo Devine with Stan Standish and Sean Quartermainne

<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18C8Wr1eUdE?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


A familiar rock music hits, and out strolls Dingo Devine, with surprisingly a microphone in hand. Again, he's alone, as he seems to prefer to be when conducting parts of his own career, rather than Alex's.


Dingo Devine: Stan, Stan. This has gotta stop. Every week you come out here, beating up on these new kids, and celebrating as if you just toppled the greatest wrestlers in the world. ****, look at me Stan. Look at the best example of a mentor anyone has ever seen in the APW. I cut that retard Smithson adrift, and took on someone talented. Banks has been awesome ever since, and even main evented Shot at the Top. Did you, Stan? Like hell you did. So here’s my plan, Standish. You’ve lost your streak, you’ve lost your aura. Which means it’s time for you to lose your title. Next month, Stan – next month I get myself an early Christmas present as I capture your Australian title.


Standish is furious – Lynx damaged him but it wasn’t quite enough to keep the Australian champ in check, and he beckons for a microphone from ringside.


Stan Standish: Devine, you are a piece of work. Just because you’ve taken a liking to a young boy in the back, doesn’t make you champion material! You’re washed up, Dingo! A wash up! An old, tired, beaten up waste of time! And you know what –


Sean Quartermainne springs up on to the apron, knowing what comes next but completely unable to stop it in time. Standish ignores his cries of “No!”

Stan Standish: I accept your goddamn challenge, Devine. It’s about time someone put you out to pasture!


Rating: 57 / C-




MB: And to me, Frank, Stan just put himself in a damned foolish position.


FM: Nonsense. He’ll go out there next month and absolutely wreck Dingo Devine – and if he needs The Masters to help him out, they’ll be there to punish that fool for challenging him.


MB: Why would he need help, Frank?


FM: I didn’t say he needed help. I just said they’d be happy to.


MB: We’ll look at the tape afterwards, shall we? Well folks, it’s our penultimate matchup of the night next. Maurice Mackenzie will take on Boo Smithson and Alyx Macquarie in a three way dance – each man will be desperate for bragging rights here.




Maurice Mackenzie vs. Alyx Macquarie vs. Boo Smithson


<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4hgirqmPWo?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPnel7P8jek?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nI8R8fIPH28?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


THE ACTION: Boo and Shot at the Top Winner Alyx go at it, Maurice happy to watch for a while but contributes some shoulder tackles and spears wherever he can. Smithson looks solid and alert out there, keeping both of the others at bay and eventually locking in a Chickenwing Crossface on Maurice Mackenzie when the big man misses yet another tackle. Alyx breaks it up, but Maurice has had enough and drops out of the ring and up the ramp. This leaves Boo at the mercy of Macquarie, and although Boo can defeat anyone in the continent on the mat, Alyx keeps it standing; and we saw what we always see – a Carcano kick! It connects flush with Boo’s mouth, and the technical wizard goes down hard. Alyx hooks the leg – a big win and he continues to look good.


Rating: 49 / D+


MB: A great win for Macquarie - and look at him showing off that glorious Shot at the Top belt! The question remains - when will he cash that in?


FM: Not with Killdozer as champ, if he's sensible.


MB: And what about Mackenzie - again walking out on a match that wasn't going his way.


FM: Just pure, basic common sense. The guy knows when he's on to a winner, and vice versa. Why exert yourself and risk injury in a match that means nothing.




Almost immediately after the climax of the match, we cut to a feed backstage. Maurice Mackenzie is still walking back to the locker room after abandoning his match, and Swoop McCarthy is walking to the ring ready to take on the Killdozer. The two see each other, and stop. The staredown is particularly strong, and there’s a pregnant silence. Maurice breaks the silence, glistening with sweat as he speaks simply.


Maurice Mackenzie: Sooner or later, one of us going to hold the Commonwealth belt. And when it’s time, it’s going to be bloody. You do realise that, don’t you Swoop? One of us simply won’t survive.


Swoop grins, leans back and is a millisecond from ****ing an eyebrow at Maurice. Instead, he raises a fist, and loudly and dramatically cracks his knuckles. He walks off, leaving Maurice alone – and who then smiles after McCarthy.


Rating: 55 / C-


MB: You know, I'm inclined to agree with him, Frank. When the Commonwealth belt is at stake, those two will simply tear each other apart. Careers could end.


FM: And I'll have a front row seat!







Killdozer vs. Swoop McCarthy


<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDJh6Ofkduw?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS0hAokxDSA?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


THE ACTION: Killdozer is an animal unleashed after the torment of recent events, but still doesn’t look himself. He immediately goes on the offensive and has Swoop reeling, but the crowd are behind the enigmatic McCarthy and he stages a superb fightback which shocks the 300lb behemoth. Mackenzie just becomes more and more enraged – but rather than him using this to his advantage as we’re used to, he gets sloppy. He throws Swoop with one arm rather than two, not getting the full force in. He doesn’t completely leave his feet for a clothesline. He badly telegraphs the 300lb Spear, and is unceremoniously dumped on his face instead. It just keeps getting worse for Dozer, and Swoop knows he’s on to a winner. He taunts the big man again, playing possum a few times and rolling Dozer up. In the end, Dozer is as red as a man with skin as dark as his can get, and Swoop baits him into yet another 300lb Spear attempt. McCarthy is waiting for him, stepping slightly to the side, and using Mackenzie’s momentum to carry him over and plant him on his head. Swoop DDT! Swoop DDT! As the fans go nuts, McCarthy hooks the leg – and the referee counts one of the most glorious three counts we’ve heard in a long while.


Rating: 65 / C (Second best match ever)


Swoop is celebrating in the ring, and makes a big show of grabbing Dozer’s title and strapping it around himself before climbing up the turnbuckle. As Dozer gets up, outraged, Swoop looks ready to defend himself – when it’s that time again..


This week, the arena is bathed in a yellow light and electricity crackles around the room and across the video screens. An unearthly voice speaks, whether it is the same we’ve heard before or not it’s hard to tell due to the distortion. Dozer stumbles and ends up sat down in the corner against the turnbuckle, trembling and whimpering to himself.


??: A night that unites a nation, where it all begins again,

A fall of a tyrant, whose abuse will not be tolerated,

A brain in disarray, where actions will be regretted,

A young upstart celebrating, as it all falls into place,

A prize finally returned to the rightful owner,

A start of something far, far bigger.


There is a pause. The crowd is silent. Dozer makes a weird snorting sound as he tries to catch his breath.


??: The Prophecy will be fulfilled.


The turnbuckles explode.


Rating: 72 / B-


Final Event Rating: 62 / C – Our best ever, up a full 5 points from our previous best.



APW's Longest Night – An APW Production

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"Song Analysis: Week 1"


A fair amount of thought goes into every APW theme tune, and it is key that we attribute the correct music to the correct worker. Over the next few weeks, we’ll chronicle a few of the more popular workers and elaborate on why the music was chosen for them.


Week 1: Maurice Mackenzie


Mo smashed onto the scene earlier in the year and has thrown people around since. Sure, being a blood relative of Nathan Mackenzie will always help you out, but he’s held his own. His music is quickly becoming iconic and an immediate hint that something awesome this way comes. But why was it chosen for him?


The song is “Guilt”, by an artist called Nero who has also sprung onto the scene and gone massive quickly. The song itself is gutsy and solid with a booming baseline and numerous fakeouts. The lyrics of the song, sung by a female, can be interpreted as both Maurice talking, and someone else talking to him.


The initial line of “Sometimes I don’t know where we’re going” shows that Maurice has potential, but no-one knows quite how far he’ll go in his career. The double punch of “You keep on talking but it makes no sense at all”, followed by “You try to fake it but you’re breaking every rule” sum up what some may feel about Maurice, especially his machine gun delivery of words. Mo has proven himself to be above the law, often walking out on matches that don’t seem to be going his way. “Right from the start you’ve always made me feel the fool” sums up how he’s made some other workers look in the promotion, as he runs rings around them.


The repetition of the lyrics hammers home the original messages that we intend to get across about Maurice. He’s a rule breaker, he’s determined and he can tie you up in words that make you feel as if he’s said absolute nonsense. We feel Mo has the potential to be a star, and chose one of the best songs of the current day to accompany him.


~ Lucien Wilder, November 2011.




Predictions competition:


Still VERY winnable - good luck guys!

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Championship Carnival

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Super Saturday

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Longest Night

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Early Christmas Bash

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Card for APW's Early Christmas Bash:


Swoop McCarthy vs. Harry Simonson vs. Lexley Robbins vs. Maurice Mackenzie - For a Commonwealth title shot at APW's Ozfest - Lexley lost the tag titles last month but has been rewarded for good performances with this shot. Harry and Swoop famously hate each other, and Maurice has shown no desire to take the title from his brother - but a big wish to take down those who want to do so. This could cause fireworks.


Blake Belushi vs. Alyx Macquarie - Alyx currently parades around the Shot at the Top title like he's beaten Sean McFly in a submission match, but he has looked pretty solid. Blake lost the tag titles last month and will look for some momentum going ahead. Can he stop Alyx from unleashing the devastating Carcano Kick?


Lyxn vs. Big Daddy Horne - Well, you don't get much tougher opening matches than this. Lynx is our newest APW star, winning a contract through making Stan Standish tap out last month. Horne has often been over familiar with those he's in the ring with - will Lynx be able to stomach getting close enough to submit him?


Stan Standish vs. Dingo Devine - APW Australian title match - Stan was almost put to sleep by newcomer Lynx last month, and Devine seized the opportunity. Can Dingo capture the gold, and will his protege Alex Banks get involved? Or will the might of Sean Quartermainne and The Masters keep them at bay and keep the title on Stan?


APW's Christmas present to the fans - Lanny Williams vs. Boo Smithson - The two put on a masterclass every time they meet, and they will compete in a submission match here which should set the arena alight. Merry Christmas!





Quick Picks for APW's Early Christmas Bash


Lanny Williams vs. Boo Smithson - Submission match

Stan Standish vs. Dingo Devine - APW Australian title match

Lynx vs. Big Daddy Horne

Blake Belushi vs. Alyx Macquarie

Swoop McCarthy vs. Harry Simonson vs. Lexley Robbins vs. Maurice Mackenzie - the winner gets a title shot at APW's Ozfest.

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Loved your 'song analysis' interesting to read your reasons for picking theme music,


Lanny Williams vs. Boo Smithson - Submission match

Stan Standish vs. Dingo Devine - APW Australian title match

Lynx vs. Big Daddy Horne

Continues his good start

Blake Belushi vs. Alyx Macquarie

Needs to look strong now hes gunning for the big strap.

Swoop McCarthy vs. Harry Simonson vs. Lexley Robbins vs. Maurice Mackenzie - the winner gets a title shot at APW's Ozfest.

Swoops had his shots, MoMac wont fight his 'brother' so i'm flipping a coin between the Hitman and Loxley ...

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Lanny Williams vs. Boo Smithson - Submission match

Personally I like Lanny more but I assume that Boo will be more important in a long run.


Stan Standish vs. Dingo Devine - APW Australian title match

I could see a title change happening here but I still go with Stan retaining


Lynx vs. Big Daddy Horne

I would be surprised if Horne gets win here, actually I would probably be surprised if he gets a win in any match.


Blake Belushi vs. Alyx Macquarie

You have been building Alyx up while Belushi is mainly a tag guy who won´t really be hurt by losing here.


Swoop McCarthy vs. Harry Simonson vs. Lexley Robbins vs. Maurice Mackenzie - the winner gets a title shot at APW's Ozfest.

Swoop and Simonson have had their shots already and not sure how well heel vs. heel could do so I give this one to Robbins even though at the first glance he is probably least likely to win here.

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Lanny Williams vs. Boo Smithson - Submission match

Stan Standish vs. Dingo Devine - APW Australian title match

Lynx vs. Big Daddy Horne

Blake Belushi vs. Alyx Macquarie

Swoop McCarthy vs. Harry Simonson vs. Lexley Robbins vs. Maurice Mackenzie - the winner gets a title shot at APW's Ozfest.

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Lanny Williams vs. Boo Smithson - Submission match

Gonna go against normal logic and take Lanny because 1) I'm a Lanny Williams mark and 2) Boo's been off his game ever since Ceri Dordevich left.


Stan Standish vs. Dingo Devine - APW Australian title match

Has Standish gotten a clean win over anyone under contract with APW at the time yet?


Lynx vs. Big Daddy Horne

Another Big Daddy Horne sighting. Makes me want to push the guy next time I run an APW game. :cool:


Blake Belushi vs. Alyx Macquarie

Keep building Macquarie up.


Swoop McCarthy vs. Harry Simonson vs. Lexley Robbins vs. Maurice Mackenzie - the winner gets a title shot at APW's Ozfest.

I dont think anyone not named Maurice MacKenzie can get the belt off Dozer, but I dont see that match happening under normal circumstances. Mo isn't just gonna win a #1 Contender's match just to not face his brother. So, I'm gonna go back to the big money match, Dozer vs. Swoop for the big Ozfest show.

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Music is again not showing up properly, not sure what's going on with it as it waits for me to publish the show for them to appear. Fingers crossed but I don't suppose you're missing out much without it working this month :)






Australian Pro Wrestling

APW’s Early Christmas Bash

Saturday Week 3 December 2011

Eastern Australia

1369 in attendance


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type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>




Mitch Y. Bryson: We are just five days away from Christmas - and we have the best present you'll get all year tonight! Welcome to APW's Early Christmas Bash!


Frank Mucciolo: We're not far off saying goodbye to what has been an excellent 2011, and what better way to finish the year than with the blockbuster main event that we have coming up later!


MB: One man will go through to face Killdozer for the APW Commonwealth title - and we all know that the big man hasn't been the same since the beginning of all this "Prophecy" talk, several months ago. Time will tell whether this being will ever actually manifest within the APW arena - but for now he seems content to just mess with the brain of the champion.


FM: Dozer can beat anyone one on one - but there's something about this "Prophecy" that has ruined him mentally.


MB: Well, we've got a lot of wrestling action tonight for you all - and first is a present to our fans. A technical workshop awaits for you all as Lanny Williams takes on Boo Smithson in a submission match!




Lanny Williams with Sean Quartermainne vs. Boo Smithson


<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z-hEyVQDRA" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nI8R8fIPH28" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


THE ACTION: Since the discovery of the awesome chemistry these two have together, they've been a go to where we want good ratings. Indeed, they'll face off next month at Ozfest too to decide the #1 contender for the APW Australian title, with whoever loses tonight's contest. A real match of technical wizardry that got the fans up and going, and Lanny Williams sneaks the win from Smithson via a Figure Four after Sean Quartermainne spat in the hobo's face and distracted him.


MB: Thoroughly unpleasant from Quartermainne, who has always marketed himself as a true gentleman. And yet he goes and spits at Boo?


FM: He's had a cold recently Mitch, I imagine it was just an unfortunately timed sneeze.


MB: We'll see who comes out on top in the three way bout at Ozfest next month then, Frank. We are heading backstage where I'm told that a, very brave, camera man, has managed to find and film Maurice Mackenzie and Commonwealth champion - Killdozer.







Maurice Mackenzie with Killdozer


The two men are hunkered down behind some gym apparatus which has been arranged to give them some privacy. The camera work is nervous and behind them at all times, but you can hear that Maurice's voice is very different to what we're used to. It's almost soothing and placating.

Maurice Mackenzie: I know this Prophecy **** has put you off, Nate. I know it's put you more off your game than you've ever been before, but I need you to relax and to be calm..


There is just a grunt and a snort from Big Mac.

MM: You know our agreement. I ain't coming after that belt when you have it. My career can be on hold until you've decided you've had enough of it. That's the deal we made when I signed my contract, and I'm a man of my word. When it's time and you don't want to deal with it any more, then I step in. But until then, this is the Killdozer show. When-


Another snort.

MM: Yes, you jerk. When I win tonight, I'll be #1 contender and will be meant to face you next month. But that match won't happen, brother. I'll climb in the ring, lay down, and you defend your title. Easy.


Dozer's shoulders seem to relax a little, easing some of the tension out of him.

MM: And then we'll find and disembowel that Prophecy ************.


Dozer starts to laugh, a strange, sucking sound. Maurice joins in, and the cameraman makes a very calm and quiet retreat.


Rating: 60 / C




MB: Next up is our Australian title match! Dingo Devine made this challenge last month, and Standish rather rashly accepted it. Will it prove to be a stupid move on his part?




Stan Standish with Sean Quartermainne vs. Dingo Devine


<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z-hEyVQDRA" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18C8Wr1eUdE?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


Australian Title Match



THE ACTION: Interestingly, Standish comes out to the music we associate with Lanny Williams - "Master of Puppets". Whether this is a wholesale change for all of SQ's clients remains to be seen, but it's an interesting change nonetheless. The match is sold enough considering it's had little to no buildup, and the two look very evenly matched. Quartermainne tries to get involved but Dingo Devine has him scouted, and eventually Alex Banks appears through the crowd and cleans out the APW GM with a snap suplex onto the concrete outside! A huge bump which has Standish completely rattled, and sets him for a quartet of suplexes from Devine - Hanging suplex, rotate the hips and up, slingshot off the ropes, german suplex, rotate hips and up, arched backdrop, rotate the hips and up - and blam! Fisherman's Suplex with the leg hooked! One, two, three - we have a new Australian champion!


Rating: 51 / D+


MB: A hugely impressive win for Dingo Devine - a clean and clear win over the GM!


FM: Expect sanctions after that assault on our GM, Mitch. Uncalled for from Alex Banks, and a real sour note on a good match.




MB: Our next match is the end of an era - Big Daddy Horne will leave his APW contract at the end of this month, and will be retiring from in-ring competition after a long career. We wish him well - how will the APW's newest star, Lynx, deal with the mentally warped giant? What an opponent to debut against!




Lynx vs. Big Daddy Horne


<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvmg0q-KHRs" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZbTpANdI54?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


THE ACTION: A really poor match, but one that sums up Baz's career really. Lynx picks up the win after a short bout with a Lynx Effect Sleeper, which is what he made Standish tap out to last month. Lynx showed impressive athleticism to lock that in on someone so much bigger than he is, and the commentators put this over. Horne leaves the arena to slight applause, and his mostly amusing (to me, anyway) run in the APW comes to an end.


Rating: 26 / E


MB: Farewell, Big Daddy Horne.


FM: We did it Mitch - we managed to avoid his affections. Whew.







Blake Belushi with ???


We cut abruptly backstage where Blake Belushi has been left on the floor, his forehead split open by an unknown assailant. Steph Drucker is still recovering from the assault last week and not here tonight - and Blake appears to have been isolated and flattened. Help arrives as the commentators appear concerned - Blake has a match up next!


MB: Only a fool would claim anyone other than Rick Stantz is responsible for this. Only a fool.


Rating: 54 / C-




Alyx Macquarie vs. Blake Belushi


<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPnel7P8jek?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1sYomH-gkA?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


THE ACTION: Alyx is waiting in the ring, a devilish grin on his face after seeing Blake put down backstage. Blake's music plays once, twice, three times, but he doesn't appear. Alyx pesters the ref to ring the bell and start counting out Blake, and stamps his foot a couple of times as if to warn that a Carcano Kick could be coming if the official doesn't listen. The ref starts to count, and gets up to seven before Blake appears, staggering down the ramp. He's bandaged up and clearly not in a fit state to compete, but beats the ten count. The match is a formality, Alyx toying with him rather sickeningly, and it's just a matter of time before the Carcano Kick connects and finishes Blake off for the night.


Rating: 47 / D


MB: Top marks for heart, but a solid zero for common sense. What was Blake doing out there?


FM: Losing, mostly! The Shot at the Top winner looking as great as ever - when is he going to cash in that title?




MB: We are beginning to prepare for our main event tonight, and we remind you that the winner will go ahead to face down Killdozer for the APW Commonwealth championship next month at Ozfest!




Swoop McCarthy


McCarthy's music hits, and he explodes through the curtain to greet the fans. He makes a big show of handslapping and talking to them, before sliding into the ring and calling for the microphone.


Swoop McCarthy: G'day, everyone! Good, bloody day!


The crowd are hot and very excited, as you would expect for a McCarthy promo.


SM: But why is it such a good day? Well, first of all, it's awesome to be here in the JDM Arena, the new spiritual home of the APW!


A cheap pop as Frank sighs.


SM: But it's also a good day because tonight I book my own match at APW's Ozfest! And I promise you, folks - that title will be mine. I've had a ****load of detractors recently, pissing and moaning that "He's had his shots", "He's got no chance", "No-one but Maurice will ever win the title".


The fans boo.


SM: You're all sensible people. My kind of people! Folks, this is my destiny! I'll do it for every single one of you in this building tonight. When we return here in a month for Ozfest, I will be taking down Killdozer, and I will be showing all those critics that I am the most gifted wrestler in the Southern Hemisphere!


There's a big cheer as the crowd get behind Swoop, and a chant begins which he encourages before calming them down.


SM: You know it, guys. You know it. And I know it too - because I'm Swoop McCarthy - and I keep my word.


The crowd scream along with the "I'm Swoop McCarthy" part, and it's game time. Or.. it would be.


Rating: 65 / C




Sean Quartermainne with The Masters


Sean has had a mixed night, but looks thoroughly pissed off at Swoop, as usual. He has a microphone and stands at the top of the ramp, flanked by The Masters the whole time.


SQ: You are a horrendous little idiot, McCarthy. But seeing as you're so sure - if - IF - you can win tonight, then you will fight Dozer. Sure. But rather than a simple little match where all your stupid APW friends can interfere, I'm going to isolate you. If you can earn the shot, you will compete in a first blood match - inside a STEEL CELL. And there's nothing you can do about it.


Swoop doesn't look particularly crestfallen, but there is a slight frown on his face. Enough of that, though, as The Masters and SQ leave, and Harry Simonson's music hits.


Rating: 41 / D-




Swoop McCarthy vs. Harry Simonson vs. Lexley Robbins vs. Maurice Mackenzie


<object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS0hAokxDSA?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btjVnTLn6og?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1sYomH-gkA?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/2010/roster/space.png <object width="27" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4hgirqmPWo?fs=1&hl=en_GB

" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="27" height="25"></object>


THE ACTION: A really pleasing match, with all four men tearing into each other and Lex seeming to really enjoy his chance to shine in the main event. Swoop and Harry still seem to detest each other, and made it very clear. Maurice looked very impressive throughout again, despite still being very much an unfinished product, and Lexley slingshotted himself around like a hyperactive bunnyrabbit. There was no sign of Killdozer, as Mitch put forward the idea that the big man was seen to leave the arena earlier on, and eventually Swoop's class showed through. He bundled Lex to the outside, who smashed against the guard rail, then he Swoop DDTed Simonson. Maurice attempted a spear, but was met with a big boot, and McCarthy busted open Mo's eyebrow with an elbow as a taster of what his brother will get next month. Scooping up the stunned Mo, Swoop slams him to the ground headfirst - and books his place in the Ozfest main event.


Rating: 61 / C


With no Killdozer in the arena, there is no signing of the monstrous Prophecy that we have had of recent. Instead, a recap video plays, hyping up McCarthy and Dozer next month, and also replaying the small verse that we heard spoken last month at the climax of the event.


??: A night that unites a nation, where it all begins again,

A fall of a tyrant, whose abuse will not be tolerated,

A brain in disarray, where actions will be regretted,

A young upstart celebrating, as it all falls into place,

A prize finally returned to the rightful owner,

A start of something far, far bigger.


The commentators, again, debate what each line could possibly mean, and the broadcast goes offline.


Rating: 68 / C+


Final Event Rating: 57 / C-



APW's Early Christmas Bash – An APW Production

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"2011: A Year in Review"

Well, another year goes past. We always look forward Ozfest, but what an incredible few months it's been to warm up for it. But how are the storylines looking within the promotion? I apologise for the names. Sometimes we're just not creative.


"The Australian Title"


A decent storyline, sitting at 52 / D+ heat. This has raged since the start of the year and has seen Standish padding his wins, before challenging and capturing the title from the rapidly deteriorating Rick Stantz. We did, however, see Stan get his comeuppance last month, at the hands of Dingo Devine. Where will the storyline go from here?


"Tag titles"


This one has been very pleasing for us and is rated 56 / C-. This particular branch of the storyline only really began in earnest with the introduction of Technical Excellence, but has done great business up to this point. The emergence of the Samoan Demolition, despite not having done a great deal at the point, adds further fuel to the fire and we have high hopes for our tag division in 2012.


"The Tragedy of Rick Stantz"


One of our more emotive storylines that we've ever run, as well as being one of the more controversial. Rick has gone from tag champion to Australian champion to a self harming mental case who should probably be institutionalised. Sure, there have been complaints, but we feel the storyline has also heightened the plight of those who do suffer from this particular problem. However, we suspect that worse is yet to come from someone as mentally deranged as Rick, and it's looking like great ratings at this point. 54 / C- heat.


"Commonwealth Title"


You're always going to want a premier storyline behind your main title, and this is doing very well for us with heat of 68 / C+. Killdozer has been a dominant champion for over a year and a half, but has shown a major achilles recently. With Harry Simonson, Maurice Mackenzie and Swoop McCarthy all in contention recently, and Alyx Macquarie lurking and just waiting to cash in that Shot at the Top title, we're hoping this could get even better.


"Prophecy vs. Killdozer"


The promos behind this have been nothing but astonishing, gaining applause from all corners of the wrestling community, and outstripping every single angle that RAW have ever run. Seriously. We are still yet to see whether the "Prophecy will be fulfilled", but we can't wait to see it. 72 / B- - yes, seriously.


~ Lucien Wilder, January 2011.




Predictions competition:


<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="683"><col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:3986;width:82pt" width="109"> <col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:5558;width:114pt" width="152"> <col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:3693;width:76pt" width="101"> <col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:3401;width:70pt" width="93"> <col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:4937;width:101pt" width="135"> <col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:3401;width:70pt" width="93"> <tbody><tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td class="xl64" style="height:15.0pt;width:82pt" align="center" height="20" width="109">

</td> <td class="xl64" style="width:114pt" align="center" width="152">Championship Carnival</td> <td class="xl64" style="width:76pt" align="center" width="101">Super Saturday</td> <td class="xl64" style="width:70pt" align="center" width="93">Longest Night</td> <td class="xl64" style="width:101pt" align="center" width="135">Early Christmas Bash</td> <td class="xl64" style="width:70pt" align="center" width="93">Total</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td class="xl64" style="height:15.0pt" align="center" height="20">borman_48</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">2</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">5</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">3</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">5</td> <td class="xl65" align="center">15</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td class="xl64" style="height:15.0pt" align="center" height="20">Zergon</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">3</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">4</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">3</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">2</td> <td class="xl65" align="center">12</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td class="xl64" style="height:15.0pt" align="center" height="20">Jingo</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">2</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">3</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">2</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">3</td> <td class="xl65" align="center">10</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td class="xl64" style="height:15.0pt" align="center" height="20">Midnightnick</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">2</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">1</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">1</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">2</td> <td class="xl65" align="center">6</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td class="xl64" style="height:15.0pt" align="center" height="20">Rayelek</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">4</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">0</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">0</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">0</td> <td class="xl65" align="center">4</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td class="xl64" style="height:15.0pt" align="center" height="20">Boltinho</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">0</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">2</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">0</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">0</td> <td class="xl65" align="center">2</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

I don't know how he's done it, but borman_48 goes 5/5 on the last event. Wow. Thanks again for all the predictions guys - my little group seems to get smaller but I hope I can hang on to the rest of you!


Creative choice in your inbox soon borman :)




Card for APW's Ozfest:


Killdozer vs. Swoop McCarthy - Crimson Cell match for the APW Commonwealth title - Possibly the most brutal match we've ever had, and who better than to compete in it. McCarthy had the title taken from him in dubious circumstances over a year and a half ago, and could seek revenge here. Both men will be locked into the forboding steel cell - and the first man to make the other bleed will be our champion.


Technical Excellence vs. The Masters - APW Tag Team titles match - Well, hands up if you saw this coming. Sean Quartermainne is pulling the strings again, and Technical Excellence will have their work cut out for them if they want to remain champions.



Samoan Demolition vs. The New Blondes - The Samoans burst onto the scene with a beatdown, and then looked fairly solid in the four way tag match. Can they capture their first win here, or will The New Blondes regroup from losing their titles?




Alyx Macquarie vs. Motoichi Kuroda - A new name and serious persona for Motty Kuroda, but that's unlikely to fool Alyx Macquarie, who has a hot head and an even hotter Carcano Kick.


Boo Smithson vs. Stan Standish - For #1 Contendership of the APW Australian title - Both men have held the strap in the past, and both men have their reasons for wanting a pop at new champion Dingo Devine.






Quick Picks for APW's Ozfest:


Killdozer vs. Swoop McCarthy - Crimson Cell match for the APW Commonwealth title

Technical Excellence vs. The Masters - APW Tag Team titles match

Samoan Demolition vs. The New Blondes

Alyx Macquarie vs. Motoichi Kuroda

Boo Smithson vs. Stan Standish

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Killdozer vs. Swoop McCarthy - Crimson Cell match for the APW Commonwealth title

Swoop could well win here but I still say that someone else will eventually get the title off from Killdozer, likely that mystery man.


Technical Excellence vs. The Masters - APW Tag Team titles match

Too early for a title change


Samoan Demolition vs. The New Blondes

Demolition wins and gets a title shot sowhere down the road while Blondes or at least Belushi will be feuding with Stantz who might make an appearance here.


Alyx Macquarie vs. Motoichi Kuroda

Alyx is getting a push while Kuroda is totally lost in the shuffle now that Jimmy is teaming up with Simonson instead of him.


Boo Smithson vs. Stan Standish

Both guys have bone to pick with Dingo so I go with draw after Dingo attacks both guys and causes a double DQ which then leads to three way match with the title on the line.

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"Prophecy vs. Killdozer"

The promos behind this have been nothing but astonishing, gaining applause from all corners of the wrestling community, and outstripping every single angle that RAW have ever run. Seriously. We are still yet to see whether the "Prophecy will be fulfilled", but we can't wait to see it. 72 / B- - yes, seriously.


If RAW had someone better in charge you wouldn't beat their angles ... :p


Killdozer vs. Swoop McCarthy - Crimson Cell match for the APW Commonwealth title

What the hell i'm calling it the prophecy begins here ... And Swoop takes the gold!!

Technical Excellence vs. The Masters - APW Tag Team titles match

Samoan Demolition vs. The New Blondes

Shenanigans and Samoan power are the name of the game here.

Alyx Macquarie vs. Motoichi Kuroda

Just no way Alyx loses here .. Sorry Motty.

Boo Smithson vs. Stan Standish

I almost went with Boo, could be a shenanigan filled draw .. No i'm going Stan ... Wait .. No sticking with Stan.

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Whoa, I almost missed one there.


Killdozer vs. Swoop McCarthy - Crimson Cell match for the APW Commonwealth title

Now is the time, for the prophecy to be fulfilled.....


Technical Excellence vs. The Masters - APW Tag Team titles match

Early in the reign for Technical Excellence, not time for them to drop the belts yet.


Samoan Demolition vs. The New Blondes

The Samoans arent quite ready to go over the Blondes yet.


Alyx Macquarie vs. Motoichi Kuroda

Poor Motiochi.


Boo Smithson vs. Stan Standish

So hard to pick this one... Dingo gets involved somehow, but I'm going with Boo because... I dont know if him and Dingo really had a proper blowoff and it would be a good match for early in Dingo's title reign.

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I've decided to strip out the music for the time being, as I'm not sure it adds a great deal to the diary and it adds a great deal of time to how long it takes to do this. If you want it back, let me know and I'll reconsider!


Music appears to possibly be on the wonk, but might be working now.






Australian Pro Wrestling

APW’s Ozfest

Saturday Week 3 January 2012

Eastern Australia

1408 in attendance


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Swoop McCarthy


The show opens with a pre-taped video, showing Swoop McCarthy all ready to go backstage. His hands and wrists are taped and he’s got a towel draped over his head like a boxer. His voice is untypically low and gravelly, and there’s an intensity behind every word.


Swoop McCarthy: Tonight... tonight is everything. Tonight is my destiny. Tonight, I reclaim the prize that Killdozer stole from me all that time ago. Tonight, I enact my revenge for him putting me in hospital. Tonight, I destroy all the **** that he’s done to our promotion since he stole that belt. Tonight, I put the big dog down once and for all. And tonight, I’ll do it all by myself.


Rating: 64 / C




Mitch Y. Bryson: It's a new year and a fresh start for some - but not for some of the rivalries that are fired up here in the APW. Welcome to APW's Ozfest - we are your commentary team of Mitch Bryson and with me is Frank Mucciolio. Frank, any New Years resolutions?


Frank Mucciolio: Absolutely, Mitch. It's going to be a great year, and my plan is to only get married and divorced once this year!


MB: Well, isn't that something. Up first tonight are our new tag team champions, Technical Excellence. They've been almost immediately thrown into the fire, and are set to try to defend their titles against Sean Quartermainne's bully boys, The Masters.




Technical Excellence vs. The Masters (with Sean Quartermainne)

World Tag Team Titles Match



THE ACTION: Another great start to an event. Obviously opening with the tag division is a good idea, as both these teams went to town on each other. Stratosphere was knocked down and split open by a blow from Lanny Williams, who we suspect was using brass knuckles, but after the referee ejected Sean Quartermainne for trying to get involved yet again, Harry took control. He showed himself to have not lost a step, despite almost being "relegated" to the tag division, and locked old foe Williams into the Boston Crab, which forced him to tap. Technical Excellence retain!


Rating: 56 / C-




MB: That was quite the opener, and we're straight into our second match of the evening. Alyx Macquarie, Shot at the Top winner, appears to be quite content biding his time with that belt - but he's not to be discounted. But also, don't underestimate his opponent tonight. Since being unceremoniously ditched by partner Jimmy Stratosphere, Motoichi has re-branded himself and could be set for something great.




Alyx Macquarie vs. Motoichi Kuroda


THE ACTION: Well, he might be on the verge of a push, but that wasn't here. The match was designed to be a further showcase for Macquarie, and he impressed with his increased speed and technical ability throughout. Considering how quick Motty really is, this was quite a surprise to all involved, but I don't think anyone was shocked when Alyx smashed him in the jaw with a Carcano Kick and hooked the leg, with a massive grin on his face. Macquarie wins, fairly easily.


Rating: 40 / D-




MB: A dominant win for Macquarie there - he made that look easy, Frank.


FM: The boy is pure class, but we already knew that. He's gone from strength to strength since winning Shot at the Top - and who knows when he'll cash in that belt?


MB: No let up here folks, on one of the most intense cards we've ever had - now we're heading straight for some tag team action as The New Blondes take on the devastating Samoan Demolition.




Samoan Demolition vs. The New Blondes (with Steph Drucker)


THE ACTION: The two teams immediately rumbled into each other, and the Demolition impressed with how they bodily threw the more lithe Blondes around the ring. However, Lexley showed his experience and class, and began to dominate. He put The Brisbane Devil down with a very stiff looking DDT, and tagged Blake in. In came King Malietoa, who looked absolutely enraged, and he managed to catch Belushi up on the ropes. He twisted and twisted the ropes around Blake's next, causing his victim to pass out and turn blue - and the referee had no choice to disqualify the Demolition as he failed to release the hold.


Rating: 41 / D-


The camera feed switches from the usual hard cam to a lower quality portable as Rick Stantz emerges from behind the commentator desk. We see him sneak up behind Steph Drucker and grab her in a chokehold.


MB: Jesus Christ, has he got a blade?


FM: Good god – Rick Stantz is at ringside, and he’s holding something to Drucker’s throat.


Steph starts to struggle, but ultimately gets nowhere as she realises quite how much danger she’s in. Rick manouevers her up and around the ring, backing up the ramp, as Lexley is torn between trying to revive Blake from the choke, and getting out and after him. Robbins dallies a little too long, and Rick is gone, after screaming that if the cameraman comes any closer, he’ll slice Steph open. The two disappear behind the curtain together, and the commentators are left stunned as the unconscious (and by now bleeding from the garrotte wound) Belushi is carried out of the arena by emergency personnel.


Rating: 55 / C-







Boo Smithson vs. Stan Standish (with Sean Quartermainne)


THE ACTION: The absence of the commentary was very noticeable throughout this match, with only the odd comment and mumble thrown in after the events that just transpired. That said, it was a very solid match, with the winner set to receive #1 contendership for Dingo Devine's APW Australian title. Standish was harangued by Quartermainne from ringside and this seemed to put him off a little, and Boo simply had his number. Now that Stantz's streak is over, he hasn't had much luck - and a Chickenwing Crossface after sixteen minutes of action made Boo Smithson our new #1 contender!


Rating: 52 / D+




MB: Massive congratulations to Boo Smithson on his victory - and now he's on another collision course with former best friend Dingo Devine. Folks, we still have no word on where Steph Drucker may be, nor Rick Stantz, but if we hear anything we'll inform you. But I'm hearing rumours that they may have already left the building and be long gone.


FM: Massively concerning, Mitch. There's no telling what that deranged lunatic will get up to now that he's got a hostage. However, there's no time to dwell on that for now - we're about to see absolute carnage in our main event. Swoop McCarthy takes on Killdozer in the very first Crimson Cell match - the first to make the other bleed will be our Commonwealth champion.




Killdozer vs. Swoop McCarthy

Commonwealth Title Crimson Cell Match



The Crimson Cage has lowered, and Swoop and Dozer are ready. Suddenly, the lights go out. The turnbuckles flare, briefly, causing many in the crowd to jump. We hear the voice again, recounting the prophecy that was foretold several months ago.


??: A night that unites a nation, where it all begins again,

A fall of a tyrant, whose abuse will not be tolerated,

A brain in disarray, where actions will be regretted,

A young upstart celebrating, as it all falls into place,

A prize finally returned to the rightful owner,

A start of something far, far bigger.


MB: There it is again, Frank. But what the hell does it mean?


The voice rings out again, amplified and distorted somehow.


??: The Prophecy has been fulfilled.

















There is a massive explosion which takes everyone off guard, as pyro is very rarely used over here. The arena fills with blue, with red, with yellow, and then just a solid white, pure glow. A massive figure is stood on the top of the ramp, with a black leather trenchcoat and a thick hat. Dozer catches sight of him and whimpers loudly, pointing out the man to the referee.


MB: Look at Dozer! Actively getting the referee involved? Folks, this is a side to Mackenzie we have never seen before.


Prophecy lifts out his arms in a crucifix position, and we can see a faint smile under the shadow of his hat. He nods, almost imperceptively, and the lights go out. When they come back on, he’s gone.


FM: What in the **** just happened?


Rating: 64 / C


THE ACTION: Yup, there's still a match to be had here, and Dozer manages to shake off his fear after just a few moments. It's a riotous match that truly lives up to the billing, and is helped by a wide range of weaponry contained underneath the ring. Each takes shots with a chair and then what looks to be a wooden bannister pole, and the crowd are lapping it up. However, Mackenzie doesn't look his usual self, whereas Swoop is an avenging fury for all the pain and wrongs that Dozer has inflicted on the roster during his very lengthy title reign. Swoop truly has Dozer reeling, and takes time to work Nate's forehead to try to weaken it and loosen him up. Swoop lays down two chairs, one on top of the other, and whips Nate off the ropes. Mackenzie comes off them full speed, looking to counter it to a 300lb Spear, but McCarthy sees it coming and drops Nathan head first onto the piled chairs - Swoop DDT! He rolls Mackenzie over, and points at Nathan's head to the referee. The ref immediately spots what McCarthy has seen - and calls for the bell. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a NEW Commonwealth champion!


MB: McCarthy wins! McCarthy wins! This is it! McCarthy starts off 2012 with the greatest feeling any Australian can ever have - holding the Commonwealth gold!


Rating: 65 / C


McCarthy is stood, triumphant on the turnbuckle, and the camera zooms out and switches feed to another poor quality camera. It’s our intrepid and anonymous camera friend again, looking over a small partition wall.












Alyx Macquarie


Alyx Macquarie is standing, watching a broadcast on a laptop. We can’t see what he’s watching, but it sounds awfully like a time delayed version of the Crimson Cage match we’ve just seen. The camera fixes on his face, and he’s grinning as Swoop is declared the winner.


Alyx Macquarie: Looking good, mate. You said it'd go down like this, and now it looks like the path is clear. I gotta say, I thought you'd be a lying little snake, but you've come good for me.














Sean Quartermainne


Out of the shadows steps Sean Quartermainne. He claps Alyx on the shoulder, and grins.


Sean Quartermainne: I told you, boy. Stick me with, and that belt is as good as yours.


The two gasp as they spot themselves on the time delayed broadcast, and turn in fury on the cameraman as the show goes off air.


Rating: 54 / C-


Final Show Rating: 60 / C - #2 of all time.



APW's Ozfest – An APW Production

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"Song Analysis: Week 2"

Week 2: Rick Stantz


With Rick's shock abduction of Steph Drucker at Ozfest, he has yet again been thrown into the spotlight. Originally coming in to the fast paced Fame/Infamy, Rick's split from best friend Blake prompted a change to Chase and Status' "Hypest Hype".


Firstly, the reason is in the name. Rick has the potential to be one of the biggest stars on the Australian scene given the right push, and if he stays out of trouble. However, you could say that the hype he's recieved is a major contribution to the mental state that we currently see him in.


Secondly, listen to the song itself. The song is a barrage of noise and voices layered one over each other. To us, this represents the constant clash of voices we suspect he has within his own skull, and there's no one true voice appearing through. The noises are often animalistic and utilising guttural throat sounds - all of which we've seen from Rick in recent times.


Thirdly, the lyrics. The main hook is a "Been out so god damn long on my own". This, at first glance, is an odd choice. Rick was in a tag team which was well managed for the first years of his career. Alone was something he wasn't. But think about it. Blake was always with Steph, and although he and Rick are childhood friends, it had become clearer and clearer that there was a void happening. However, because of his abrasive nature, Rick often found himself alone in the locker room, and this isolation can't have helped him.


Now Rick finds himself truly alone in the world - and the only person that we know that is currently close to him is held against her own will, as a police search goes on for her.

~ Lucien Wilder, January 2012.




Predictions competition:


<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="683"><col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:3986;width:82pt" width="109"> <col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:5558;width:114pt" width="152"> <col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:3693;width:76pt" width="101"> <col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:3401;width:70pt" width="93"> <col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:4937;width:101pt" width="135"> <col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:3401;width:70pt" width="93"> <tbody><tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td style="height:15.0pt;width:82pt" height="20" align="center" width="109">

</td> <td style="width:114pt" align="center" width="152">Ozfest</td> <td style="width:76pt" align="center" width="101">Big Night Out</td> <td style="width:70pt" align="center" width="93">Fight Night</td> <td style="width:101pt" align="center" width="135">Beachfront</td> <td style="width:70pt" align="center" width="93">Total</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td style="height:15.0pt" height="20" align="center">borman_48</td> <td align="center">5</td> <td align="center">

</td> <td align="center">

</td> <td align="center">

</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">5</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td style="height:15.0pt" height="20" align="center">Jingo</td> <td align="center">3</td> <td align="center">

</td> <td align="center">

</td> <td align="center">

</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">3</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td style="height:15.0pt" height="20" align="center">Zergon</td> <td align="center">2</td> <td align="center">

</td> <td align="center">

</td> <td align="center">

</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">2</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td style="height:15.0pt" height="20" align="center">Midnightnick</td> <td align="center">2</td> <td align="center">

</td> <td align="center">

</td> <td align="center">

</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">2</td> </tr> </tbody></table>



The first round of a new competition is always fun, and honestly I'm not feeding borman information. Seriously. He's just somehow inside my brain..



Card for APW's Big Night Out

Swoop McCarthy vs. Samoan Demolition - The shock reveal of Sean Quartermainne being the backer of yet another young starlet has already looked to be a problem for new Commonwealth champion Swoop McCarthy, as he's placed in a handicap match with the savage fury of the Samoan Demolition.


The Brothers Mackenzie vs. The Masters - This should be a brutal match as both teams haven't had the best of times recently, and will be looking to take their anger out on somebody!

Lynx vs. Alyx Macquarie - Lynx has had a good start to his career here, but will Shot at the Top winner Macquarie derail him; or will Alyx be too focused on the outcome of the main event?

Boo Smithson vs. Harry Simonson - Smithson has secured his spot as #1 contender for the Australian championship, and will look to go 2-0 in 2012 against tag champion Harry Simonson. Both are very talented competitors, and this should be an exciting contest.


Dingo Devine vs. Lexley Robbins - Robbins is one of the ex-tag team champions, and couldn't secure a title match at Ozfest either. Is this really what he jumped ship from RAW to do? Devine will look to keep strong now that he's got a contender after his championship, but is defeating Lexley a step too far?



Quick Picks for APW's Big Night Out


Swoop McCarthy vs. Samoan Demolition

The Brothers Mackenzie vs. The Masters

Lynx vs. Alyx Macquarie

Boo Smithson vs. Harry Simonson

Dingo Devine vs. Lexley Robbins

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Swoop McCarthy vs. Samoan Demolition

A DQ win for Swoop seems likely here.


The Brothers Mackenzie vs. The Masters

This one obviously depends about whatever mystery man will mess up Dozer´s head once again or not. I´d say that it will happen but only after the match.


Lynx vs. Alyx Macquarie

Alyx stays strong


Boo Smithson vs. Harry Simonson

Boo is numbe one contender so he is kept strong here.


Dingo Devine vs. Lexley Robbins

Blondes are having troubles with Stantz right now and Dingo takes the advantage on that.

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Swoop McCarthy vs. Samoan Demolition

The Samoans get over by losing to a guy like Swoop, so there it is.


The Brothers Mackenzie vs. The Masters

With whatever that "Prophecy" guy is hanging around, showing his face, somthing is bound to happen here.


Lynx vs. Alyx Macquarie

Good luck Lynx


Boo Smithson vs. Harry Simonson

Hitman is nothing more than a tag guy at this time, Boo might as well look good in the win.


Dingo Devine vs. Lexley Robbins

Non-title + Lexleys sheer overness (I suspect) = I'm picking Lexley.

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Swoop McCarthy vs. Samoan Demolition

Can't see this going any other way. But i do see shenanigans ..

The Brothers Mackenzie vs. The Masters

I like Zergons logic, a MacKenzie victory party spoilt by Mr. Prophecy

Lynx vs. Alyx Macquarie

Alyx is going to win isn't he but .. I like Lynx and am going to ... Erm wait .. i'm only 2 off borman sorry Lynx ..

Boo Smithson vs. Harry Simonson

Continue pushing that Boo

Dingo Devine vs. Lexley Robbins

Fan of both guys .. Dingo this time.

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Sorry guys, again with the delayed show. This'll be up in a few hours along with the card for next Sunday. Should have plenty of time now this summer so should be the last delayed update that exists :)


Thanks for all the predictions, good to see some new / returning faces!

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A few new renders this month - you might want to press control+F5 to refresh the images!






Australian Pro Wrestling

APW’s Big Night Out

Saturday Week 3 February 2012

Eastern Australia

1487 in attendance


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Mitch Y. Bryson: Welcome, one and all, to APW's Big Night Out! I'm Mitch Bryson and with me is Frank Mucciolio, and we are still very much reeling from the end of Ozfest. Not only did the Prophecy come true, and Dozer was finally humbled, but we also revealed the treacher-


Frank Mucciolio: The genius, Mitch. The absolute genius of Sean Quartermainne. He's built up an awesome little group of like minded men, and Alyx Macquarie is truly the cherry on the top.


MB: We also saw the very disturbing antics of Rick Stantz, who abducted Steph Drucker at the end of the tag match. Word is that neither have been seen since, and neither Rick, Steph or Blake have reported for duty tonight.


FM: I don't know about all this stuff with Rick, Mitch. He's clearly dangerously unhinged and should probably be committed - if they can find him.


MB: Well, speaking of being committed, there's one man furious at his loss last month in the Crimson Cell, and he's up next.




The Brothers Mackenzie vs. The Masters (with Sean Quartermainne)


THE ACTION: Dozer was clearly still seeing red after his loss last month, but he looked all healed up from the wound inflicted on him that lost him the title. You really have to feel sorry for the Masters, here. Well, you would, if they weren't such tremendous dicks. Quartermainne kept trying to stick his oar in, but Maurice is smart enough to keep him out, and the match essentially devolved into Killdozer mauling the hapless Masters. Both got a 300lb Spear, and Dozer pinned Peterson for a fairly simple win.


Rating: 56 / C-


The Masters are down, and it’s time for Dozer to blow off even more steam after his loss last month. Maurice lifts up Peterson, holding him up for yet another 300lb Spear, but the lights go off.


MB: Is it Prophecy?


The lights come back on, and Dozer is down, and Maurice is left holding Peterson. He lets the injured man drop to the floor and helps his brother up. He helps the limping Dozer backstage.


FM: That’s just incredibly odd. There’s no way Prophecy can see in the dark, nor can he move quick enough to get in and lay out Dozer in that time frame. I just don’t get what’s going on here.


Rating: 54 / C-







Lynx vs. Alyx Macquarie


THE ACTION: It's clearly time for payback on Lynx, who if you remember ended Stan Standish's winning streak. Quartermainne seemed to enjoy watching the APW youngster get ripped apart by the talented Macquarie, and this match was overly pretty simply following a leaping Carcano Kick right to the face.


Rating: 34 / E+


FM: Far too simple for Alyx there - you're looking at the next Commonwealth champion, Mitch. Especially with our glorious GM backing him up!




MB: Next up is our Australian champion competing against Lexley Robbins, who famously left RAW to come to better pastures here. Now, this is a non title match - Frank, what do you think the odds are that Lex would like to have the Australian title around his waist?


FM: Thing is, Lex is a different breed. As much as I hate to admit it, he's a talented guy, and I think the Australian title is a little too low in his estimations.




Dingo Devine vs. Lexley Robbins


THE ACTION: The commentators may have trashed the Australian title beforehand, but Dingo showed it off proudly. Lexley seemed undaunted by the fact that he was competing on his own - after all, he'd always been a solo competitor in RAW before he joined forces with Belushi. This was a decent match, with plenty of back and forth action to make Devine look good. However, as Mitch and Frank said, Lex is a cut above, and slipped out of a brainbuster, delivering a huge Butterfly Powerbomb Pin as a result. He hooked the leg - Lexley Robbins takes the win.


Rating: 56 / C-


As soon as Lexley releases the pin and the bell rings, a video starts to play. It’s Rick Stantz, and he’s got Steph Drucker tied up and gagged behind him on a chair.




Rick Stantz: Hey, Lex. Lex. Blake? Lex.


MB: Stantz obviously expecting Blake to be out here at this point – this isn’t a live video I don’t imagine.


RS: She’s mine now, Lex. Blake’s probably worried sick about poor darling Drucker, but she’s all mine now. God, she goes like a racecar, doesn’t she boys? But Lexxy, you’d know all about that.


Lexley is standing in the ring, looking more bemused than annoyed. The crowd are solidly defending their golden girl, though.


RS: You see, you can look wherever you like, Blake. You’re not going to get Stepphy back, and to be honest Blake she doesn’t want to come back to you! She’s much happier with me. She said that I’m the only Blonde she wants to be with!


Steph struggles a little.

RS: I’d release that gag, so she could tell you, but she’s just got this terrible habit of screaming. Screaming, screaming, screaming. And not the good kind, either.


Rick drags the camera over to her face. Her eyes are pleading.

RS: Still, you love it when I gag you with something else, don’t you, sweetie?


The video cuts off, and Lex sprints to the back. There is a pause.


MB: That is just... sick. A big apology to everyone at home for that weak attempt at humour - if indeed that was intended to be humour. If not... I feel grubby just watching that crap.


Rating: 66 / C+







Boo Smithson vs. Harry Simonson


THE ACTION: The two former members of The Alliance shake hands before they get going, and this is an excellent traditional match, with no backstabbing, dirty tricks or foreign objects. Good, honest wrestling, both men trying to find a weakness somewhere. Harry desperately avoids two attempts at a Chickenwing Crossface, but finds himself locked in a third. He just manages to get out of it by getting to the ropes, and Boo is a little slow getting up, as Harry leaves his feet for a tremendous Headshot - the impact of which is heard around the arena! Boo goes down, hard, and Harry covers him for the three.


Rating: 59 / C-


MB: Interesting that both the Australian champion and his #1 contender have picked up losses tonight, Frank. But, I suppose, look at the quality they've been competing against.


Harry is celebrating the win, and helps Boo to his feet. The two former stablemates mug it up a little for the crowd.





The Masters


Master of Puppets hits, and out comes Sean Quartermainne and his newly expanded crew. Macquarie has his Shot at the Top title out and proud.


Sean Quartermainne: Harry, congratulations on the win. It’s a shame you feel the need to help that disgusting being off the canvas rather than kicking him through it, but I suppose that’s why you’ve never been a winner.


Harry shouts something, but without a microphone he’s incoherent.


SQ: But let me try and change that for you. Tonight, the Samoan Demolition will destroy Swoop McCarthy. And then my client, Alyx Macquarie, will cash in his belt and become APW Commonwealth champion for the first time. But I will need someone to legitimise his reign. So, Harry – next month at APW’s Fight Night – you will compete against Alyx Macquarie for the APW Commonwealth title.


Boo Smithson, of all people, has found a microphone, and his off-tone voice booms out as it’s clearly turned up too loud.


Boo Smithson: W-wh-what about wh-wh-when S-s-s-s-swoop beats th-the D-dd-demolition?


Harry nods, and takes the microphone from Boo.


Harry Simonson: Boo has a point, Sean. What about if that blowhard takes down those bruisers? Do I still get a title shot?


MB: Don’t forget, folks – Swoop and Harry have quite some history from last year.


Sean looks delighted at the idea, as if it hadn’t occurred to him.


SQ: Harry, I guarantee that the Demolition will win tonight. But I’m a gambling man, and I like a game or two. So sure, if the Demolition don’t manage to put McCarthy down tonight, you get him next month. But I’d scout out Alyx rather than Swoop, if I were you.


Laughing, Sean and his mob disappear through the curtain and leave Harry and Boo to celebrate just a little longer.


Rating: 55 / C-




MB: Huge implications for our main event now then, Frank. Quartermainne has all but guaranteed that Alyx will leave here as Commonwealth champion, and has given Harry Simonson a free shot at the title next month.


FM: Confidence is huge at the moment for Sean, and when you look at who he's got backing him, he may not be far wrong.




Swoop McCarthy vs. Samoan Demolition (with Mac Guffin)


THE ACTION: Swoop came out to a rapturous applause, with the Commonwealth belt proudly on display. The Demolition looked ready to go, and what followed was a fairly entertaining brawl - but one that was rather one dimensional due to the relative greeness of the tag team. Their manager, Mac Guffin, tried to get involved at various points, usually with a cane that he carries with him, but Swoop obviously had them scouted and nullified any attempts. The Demolition pushed Swoop around, but when he was able to isolate them he looked like the champ we all know and love, and he sealed the deal with a Swoop DDT to The Brisbane Devil after sixteen minutes.


Rating: 49 / D+


Master! Master!





The music is amplified to a huge level, which takes everyone off guard. Down spills the entire crew of The Masters, and Swoop meets them one at a time, using the ringside to his advantage and cutting down their angles of attack. Down goes Lanny Williams, his head banging off the ring steps. Stan Standish tries it, and is catapulted over the guard rail into the crowd. Swoop slides back inside the ring, and Peterson is there to meet him, and is planted on his skull courtesy of a Swoop Powerslam (Scoop Powerslam)! Alyx Macquarie debates stepping into the ring.. but backs out, walking away with Quartermainne, both shaking their heads.


McCarthy stands supreme above all others in the ring, surrounded by the prone figures of The Brisbane Devil and all of Quartermainne’s hired thugs, and stands on the turnbuckle with his title aloft.




Maurice Mackenzie steps out onto the stage, with his trademark smug smile firmly fixed on his face. He makes a title belt motion around his waist, and Swoop hops down from the turnbuckle, still holding the title up.

MB: Swoop McCarthy is a hunted man, folks. And the title chase is only going to hot up next month, at APW's Fight Night! We'll see you there!


Rating: 42 / D


Final Rating: 53 / D+



APW's Big Night Out – An APW Production

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"APW's Australian Action to debut this Friday!"


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mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} </style> <![endif]--> Well, it’s been a pretty well kept secret, but it’s time to go public. At the beginning of February, we signed a deal with Oz broadcaster The Bloke Channel, to premier a new kind of TV experience.<o>


</o> We have been keen to expand to TV for a few months now, and found a perfect deal that would allow us to show our unique talent. APW Commonwealth champion Swoop McCarthy was said to be delighted with the announcement, overjoyed that his fans all over Australia could finally see the true prince of the promotion every single week. Some also feel that this signing is a big step towards competing with RAW, our only other televisiual rival.<o>


</o> General manager Sean Quartermainne went on record to thank The Bloke Channel for the chance to show what the APW can do, and promised that all the action you see through our monthly iPPVs would continue week in, week out. “It’s going to be difficult financially,” he said, “But the guys are one hundred percent committed to the new arrangement, and I can’t wait to get started”. Owner James McMinister declined to comment, but this is likely due to his reclusive nature out of the spotlight. Sean was quick to comment on the fact that the show is only an hour long. "Yes, an hour isn't a great deal of time, considering our iPPVs run from two to three hours - but you'll still see awesome action - maybe just in smaller portions".<o>


</o> If you want hard hitting action, intriguing storylines and a sense of legitimacy that you simply can’t get anywhere else Down Under, then Australian Action is the place to be. <o></o>


APW’s Australian Action debuts this Friday at 11.35pm, only on The Bloke Channel. <o></o>


~ Lucien Wilder, February 2012.




Predictions competition:



<table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 453pt;" width="603" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><col style="width: 82pt;" width="109"> <col style="width: 54pt;" width="72"> <col style="width: 76pt;" width="101"> <col style="width: 70pt;" width="93"> <col style="width: 101pt;" width="135"> <col style="width: 70pt;" width="93"> <tbody><tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td class="xl64" style="height: 15pt; width: 82pt;" width="109" height="20">

</td> <td class="xl64" style="width: 54pt;" width="72" align="center">Ozfest</td> <td class="xl64" style="width: 76pt;" width="101" align="center">Big Night Out</td> <td class="xl64" style="width: 70pt;" width="93" align="center">Fight Night</td> <td class="xl64" style="width: 101pt;" width="135" align="center">Beachfront</td> <td class="xl64" style="width: 70pt;" width="93" align="center">Total</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td class="xl64" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">borman_48</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">5</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">3</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">

</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">

</td> <td class="xl65" align="center">8</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td class="xl64" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Jingo</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">3</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">3</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">

</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">

</td> <td class="xl65" align="center">6</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td class="xl64" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Zergon</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">2</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">3</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">

</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">

</td> <td class="xl65" align="center">5</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td class="xl64" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Midnightnick</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">2</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">3</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">

</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">

</td> <td class="xl65" align="center">5</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td class="xl64" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Bigpapa42</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">0</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">5</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">

</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">

</td> <td class="xl65" align="center">5</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td class="xl64" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Boltinho</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">0</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">3</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">

</td> <td class="xl64" align="center">

</td> <td class="xl65" align="center">3</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

Well, a loss for Boo Smithson seems to have thrown a few people, but I'm really pleased to see my number of predictors creep up, so hopefully we'll have more of the same this week!


I'm going to have to mess with this table a little, but I'm going to turn the prediction competition to MONTHLY, so that's 5 APW events per "competition". However, I will count the two events we've had so far in March's totals. You'll see what I mean next Wednesday, but trust me for now (and keep predicting!)



Card for APW's Australian Action Episode 1


Swoop McCarthy vs. Harry Simonson (APW Commonwealth championship) - Well, we couldn't debut live on TV without the championship on the line. As a preview of their match at Fight Night, Harry Simonson and Swoop McCarthy will go toe to toe - for the first time EVER in singles competition!

Lanny Williams and Alyx Macquarie vs. Boo Smithson and Lexley Robbins - A group of close contenders for the APW Commonwealth title, plus Boo who is the #1 contender for the Australian title. What a tag match this should be.

Maurice Mackenzie vs. Blake Belushi - Blake has been very distracted recently, and Maurice showed intensity last month at Big Night Out, openly declaring himself next in line to the title. Who will come out on top here?

Quick Picks for APW's Australian Action Episode 1


Swoop McCarthy vs. Harry Simonson (APW Commonwealth title)

Lanny Williams and Alyx Macquarie vs. Boo Smithson and Lexley Robbins

Maurice Mackenzie vs. Blake Belushi


Bonus point competition: Explain which APW storyline has been your favourite, or which you have disliked - and why. I will pick one name at random who has participated in this, and give them a bonus point. Sucking up will get you nowhere! I'm just after some feedback on the stories.

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