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KANZEN Pro Wrestling: Seriously Entertaining

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Very cool show. From the opening segment with Mr Electricity hijacking the opening with his own-bought pyro, I was sold on your vision of KANZEN. All most a sweep of picks, but I should have known not to bet against Acid though. Strong start, loving the early developments with the Brotherhood of the Wedgec... er, Perfection. Nice match write-ups too, they read really well/easily. Loved the ending too. Evil stables, smoke and destruction work for me. ;)
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Now for some reader mail...wow, what responses!

Can't sleep; call it jitters.


That said, I just read over your first show and had to post following it all. You're well on your way with this one, Levitical. Honestly, great work on your first show! The images, the feel, the outcomes, it all tells a great tale straight away. Also, with that in mind, I love the Brotherhood faction. What a perfect way to play off how close their renders look. I especially love, how in their promo, they all spoke; making it so it seems like their equals vs. having a leader.


I often find myself creating a central focus for one wrestler and forming a stable around them. In this case, the brotherhood feels much like the name depicts; they are all one.


Another point, good to see Acid win. :D I have a soft spot for the man (as a few of my projects he became a central focus; ie. DOA and X-WA).


Keep up the great work. That 'status' you've said you want to reach, you obtain that by creating great shows like this.





Why thank you, E-V. I know my work's not satisfactory until you put your stamp of approval on it.


I'm glad the "feel" of the dynasty that I wanted to portray "got out there" to you and the other readers here. The comic book-style images helped, I'm sure. I just want people to get the idea that KANZEN is a serious competition wrestling promotion that still has a bit of lightheartedness to it. That is, until that heart gets ripped out by The Ever-Present Darkness.


As for The Brotherhood of the Perfect Wedgecut, that's also the idea I want you to get. These men haven't really accomplished a whole lot to date in the world of wrestling (but will in the future, I'm sure), so having a superior just wouldn't make sense. All of them are gifted in cutting promos and wrestling equally, so there wouldn't be any real point of giving them a leader. That's different from The Skye Club, who obviously have a single main man in the stable. The Ever-Present Darkness is like The Brotherhood, though, in having no clear-cut leader. And just wait until you meet their fourth member...


And good ol' Acid. Most popular wrestler in the promotion needs to get the belt early, I think, so his amount of tag experience with Black Reign (UK Dragon) gave them an advantage booking-wise in that match. And after Kam's brilliant re-render of him, I find myself going after Acid in about every game I play. He's just that cool, even though he is a heartless demon.


Once again, thanks for all the great comments, especially that part about the (E-V-like) status I want to reach on these boards as a writer. This is one of my favorite hobbies, and I want to do my best every time I post something. Thanks again.


Coming from one Kanzen-er to another, excellent show. Really looking forward to seeing how everything works out for you.

Thanks, Q. You know, it's interesting reading that from you, because you kinda were the first to put KANZEN on these boards as of late, and our visions of the company are, well, totally different.


You pour on the comedy and zaniness with yours, while I like to focus on a more Chikara-style one with subtle humor. Both seem to be working great here on the boards, so keep up the great work and I shall try to match it!


Very cool show. From the opening segment with Mr Electricity hijacking the opening with his own-bought pyro, I was sold on your vision of KANZEN. All most a sweep of picks, but I should have known not to bet against Acid though. Strong start, loving the early developments with the Brotherhood of the Wedgec... er, Perfection. Nice match write-ups too, they read really well/easily. Loved the ending too. Evil stables, smoke and destruction work for me. ;)

Much appreciated, sebs. You know, even without any more cookies from you and DaVE 2.0, I still might start reading your work again because of the great comments like that.


I'm glad Mr. Electricity's opening promo got a good review from ya. I want people to laugh at him while still hating him. Those are my favorite heels by far and places like Chikara are chock full of them.


Also glad to see that the match writeups work for you. I wonder if you'll still be saying that after the podcast, when full play-by-play takes over...it'll be fun, no doubt. Popular? We'll see...


And who doesn't like destruction?


Let me be one to add a huge slice of praise, very impressive first show :)

Thanks for the slice, sir. Getting awesome comments like these from some prolific writers on here makes my day, man. Be sure to check out the next podcast when it gets posted in the near future...I've read your Burning Hammer stuff, and love your match writeups. I wonder how you'll like the detailed excerpts from the matches that I'll throw in there.



A huge thanks once more to everyone who's given me feedback. Makes this all worthwhile.


So, go grab that Snap Dragon t-shirt out of the dryer and make your way to wherever you get your podcasts, because The Flying Podcast will drop sometime soon, recapping some highlights from "Bring Out Your Dead!" and giving you the MAIN EVENT for "Ohio Is For Wrestlers"!



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Hello all. This is a little later than I would've liked, but I was in Auburn this weekend, celebrating a BCS championship with 75,000 other fans and watching a women's basketball team get destroyed by Tennessee. This podcast will reveal the main event, plus give you a scoop on the play-by-play style you'll see throughout the episodes.


There is only one match this episode, because I want to hear some feedback about the play-by-play (blow-by-blow, grapple-by-grapple...whatever) before I do too much of it. I mean, if no one is gonna like it...


Anyways, enjoy.


Episode 2.2

“Because my heart is in Ohio…”


The KANZEN theme song blares through your speakers/headphones, a rocking tune by Monty Walker’s band, The Pythons (yes, this man can do EVERYTHING) and the podcast opens with some in-ring action and the mystic Ever-Present Darkness entrance from “Bring Out Your Dead!” As the song winds down and the comic book-style event poster from B.O.Y.D. fades out, the camera focuses on your two favorite podcast hosts, inside the Podcast-a-tron 9000.




Remmington Remus: Hello once again ladies and gentlemen to KANZEN Pro and Monty Walker’s Flying Podcast, your recommended weekly value of Vitamin Awesome. I’m Remmy, (points at Walker) that’s Monty. Mr. Walker, please tell the viewers at home what we shall be treating them to this week.


Monty “The Python” Walker: Awesome 2010 opener in Columbus a few days ago as we saw the “Bollywood Big Shot” Mr. Electricity take on the SoCal sensation AND Skye Club member Mainstream in singles action at a little show we called…(pauses and looks at Remmy, waiting for those Brit-inspired words)


Remmington Remus: (locked into the camera, smiling, unaware of Monty’s waiting…still smiling…finally realizes what Monty is waiting on him to say) Oh! “Bring Out Your Dead!” Man, that never gets old…


(fading) Yeah, but you just added twenty more seconds to their download time with that. I set you up and everything…


Mainstream vs. Mr. Electricity

“Bring Out Your Dead!” January 2010

Columbus, Ohio


Remmington Remus: …Mr. Electricity is back on his feet, having gained an upper hand in this match by using less-than-spectacular means.


Monty “The Python” Walker: We used to call that cheating where I come from, Remmy.


Remmington Remus: But we are where you’re from!


Monty “The Python” Walker: Then call it cheating, man!


Honey Golightly: (laughs) You two…


Remmington Remus: Mr. Electricity is delivering some hard shots to Mainstream right now, as the youngster is having a hard time staying on his feet…ooh, another tough Russian leg sweep from Electricity!


Monty “The Python” Walker: I’m sure he’s got a new name for it somewhere…as if Russian isn’t bad enough…


Honey Golightly: I bet it’s like the Mumbai leg sweep or something like that.


Remmington Remus: Make that two…”Mumbai” …leg sweeps from the Indian star, and he’s picking up a ton of momentum right now.


Monty “The Python” Walker: Yeah, Mainstream’s in trouble right here. He’s kicked out of four or five quick pins here, so he better be on his toes…ok, make that huge trouble.


Remmington Remus: Mr. Electricity’s got Mainstream in a devastating armbar right now, Mainstream fighting to get to the ropes! Electricity locks it in tighter, still yelling at the fans here in Columbus!


Honey Golightly: The guy got blasted with some chick’s shoe just a few minutes ago, so I bet he’s getting pretty anti-American.


Remmington Remus: More pressure from Electricity, more words from him as well. Mainstream, fighting hard to get near the ropes…


Monty “The Python” Walker: This isn’t his type of game; he needs to get on his feet.


Honey Golightly: Come on, Mainstream! Get the ropes!


Remmington Remus: On the verge of tapping out…no! He got them! Grazes his free hand on the bottom rope, and referee Wilson Carlisle breaks up the armbar!


Monty “The Python” Walker: Mr. Electricity’s not taking that too kindly, and is arguing with Carlisle…Mainstream needs to take advantage of this situation…


Remmington Remus: Too late! Mr. Electricity kicks him while he’s down! He’s got him under control…NEW DELHI DRIVER! Head right into the canvas here in the Columbus…deflating feeling throughout the crowd.


Honey Golightly: And here at the Commentation Station, too…


Remmington Remus: Mr. Electricity going for yet another pinfall…one, two…NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!! HE KICKED OUT!


Monty “The Python” Walker: Very few people can kick out after a devastating piledriver, but Mainstream has done it!


Remmington Remus: This place is going wild!


Honey Golightly: Look here, Mr. Electricity is still in Wilson Carlisle’s ear, debating that count. Throw him OUT, Wilson! You don’t have to put up with that!


Remmington Remus: He’s not gonna have to! Mainstream bounces off the top rope, going for the…APPARITION #14! Here’s the cover…one, two, and three!


Monty “The Python” Walker: What a comeback by the young prospect from The Skye Club! What a win to start off 2010…



Remmington Remus: Ah, what memories from “Bring Out Your Dead!”


Monty “The Python” Walker: It was a great time, Remmy, a great time. (dramatically points at camera) And YOU can relive all of those great memories from Columbus by purchasing the DVD, where you can see all the action like the match you just watched.


Remmington Remus: And you can only get that piping hot slice of KANZEN Pro goodness from the official video home of KANZEN Pro Wrestling, Mark Smart Video. Go to their website or link up from the KANZEN Store and purchase your copy…and, by the way, it comes AUTOGRAPHED by some of your favorite stars!


Monty “The Python” Walker: That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. And now, we bring you our big announcement of the podcast…the main event for our Valentine’s Day weekend showdown, “Ohio Is For Wrestlers”…


A comic book-style event poster pops up, showing the entire roster, lined up by tecnico and rudo on each side. All members of the roster are drawn like comic book heroes and villains, with “The Python” standing in the middle, clad in his Ohio State football jersey and waving his KANZEN Pro flag. The main event listing pops up soon after.


Remmington Remus: Mason, Ohio…two weeks from Friday… “Ohio Is For Wrestlers”…we’ll see a three-on-three elimination battle between The Ever-Present Darkness, featuring new Campeones de Parejas Acid Reign and OTA, taking on the fan-favorite stable, The Skye Club!


Monty “The Python” Walker: Who will get another step closer to total stable supremacy in the KANZEN Pro world? (strokes fingers on chin) We’ll find out in two weeks!


Remmington Remus: Can’t wait, Monty, can’t wait. By the way, nice OSU shoutout in that event poster.


Monty “The Python” Walker: Gotta represent my Buckeyes, man…Terrell Pryor for Heisman.


Remmington Remus: Exactly. That’s all the time and subliminal promoting several months too early for football season that we have for today, KANZEN maniacs. Tune in next week…same time, same channel or download link. For The Eighth Shade of Awesome, I’m Remmington Remus…adios, amigos.



©2010, KANZEN Pro

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Very entertaining work so far.


As for the play by play, just make sure you don't wear yourself out with them. While they are fun to read, you could get really burnt out and that wouldn't be any fun.


Also, Buckeyes are Iowa, not Ohio...correct?


The Buckeyes are definitely Ohio, and I'm not even American :D

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The PBP style write-up does what it says on the tin, but personally, I think I'd find myself a bit limited if I were using just pbp lines and it's harder to avoid being repetitive the more and more matches you hold. Plus it's more difficult to 'paint the picture' with just raw dialogue alone. I thought your previous write-up style was really sound. Maybe you could mix the two up a bit?
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Thanks for answering that for me, sir. Wow, guys from England know that?

May I ask YOUR opinion of the play-by-play, oh great match write-upper?


I'm a Baseball fan, a Seattle Mariners fan to be exact (yeah call me a sadist), but I have a general passing interest in American Sport in general. I'm not big on College Sports but having ESPN America (which is a UK channel that shows what ESPN shows in erm...America) we also get Sports Center and mentions of such college institutions as Ohio Buckeyes, North Carolina Tar Heels and Oregon Ducks. It's not a massive thing over the UK, it's just American Sports geeks like me who seem to care about such things.


Anyway as for your play by play write up, I enjoyed it but your original style was good too. As Sebs said you may want to mix the two up, but I have a feeling this is where you are going anyway with a match from each show featuring on the 'podcast' with the PBP/Commentary style as opposed to what I would call the detailed summary style for the actual live show write-ups.

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Episode 2.3

“I’m Positive That Buckeyes Are From Ohio…”


The podcast rocks and rolls its way through a barrage of clips from past KANZEN shows, including a couple of new shots, previously unseen: Skye diving headfirst off of the top of a steel cage and landing on Roboto Loco, and Matthew Keith using the Proton Lock to make one of The Parasites tap out. The last line of Monty Walker’s theme song echoes, and we are taken to the Podcast-a-tron 9000!



Remmington Remus: Helllooooo once again, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Monty Walker’s Flying Podcast, aka the reason you bought that iPod. That’s Monty, and my name is Remmington Remus, keeping you up-to-date on the world of KANZEN Pro Wrestling. Monty, let’s let the boys and girls find out what we shall bring them today.


Monty “The Python” Walker: (snaps his fingers) Wrapping up coverage of “Bring Out Your Dead!” back in Columbus, which, by the way, are where the Buckeyes are from…(points at his Terrelle Pryor jersey), where we saw a MONSTER elimination tag team match for the title of Campeones de Parejas here in K-Pro. It was Jett and Skye, Fists of Furry, Greg and Matthew Keith of the Brotherhood, and Acid Reign.


Remmington Remus: And it’s coming up…right now.





Acid Reign vs. Fists of Furry vs. Greg and Matthew Keith w/Krissy Angelle vs. Jett and Skye w/Dharma

KANZEN Campeones de Parejas

“Bring Out Your Dead!” January 2010

Columbus, Ohio


Remmington Remus: …almost fifteen minutes into this match, and we still haven’t had a single elimination!


Monty “The Python” Walker: Just rock solid, completely insane combat going on here in our main event…what a match!


Honey Golightly: It will be survival of the fittest…who will wear out last?


Remmington Remus: Black Reign, the legal man for The Ever-Present Darkness’ tag team, is in the ring now, working on that arm again of Skye. On the other side of the ring we have Fox Mask trying to get out of a, let’s see…


Monty “The Python” Walker: An inverted figure four, it seems.


Remmington Remus: He’s the expert. Inverted figure four leglock used by Greg Keith, near his original corner. Fox Mask trying to worm his way out…he did it! Fox Mask gets out of the leglock to the bewilderment of Greg Keith…dropkick by Fox! Now for some ground and pound!


Monty “The Python” Walker: Matthew Keith trying to get the tag, but Fox Mask has got his brother completely trapped in the middle of the ring, great work from the masked veteran.


Remmington Remus: His partner Masked Cougar is trying to pump the crowd up here in Columbus…over on the other side, textbook limb torture from Black Reign on Skye, slowing the high risk hero down…WHOA! Fox Mask, leaping high off the top rope…MISSES THE HURACANRANA!


Honey Golightly: Now he’s all alone in the Keiths’ corner…he’s in trouble now…


Remmington Remus: Exactly what I was going to say, Honey. Now, the tag made by Greg Keith, referee Ryan Holland near them. They’ve got Fox Mask sized up…tosses him straight up in the air…and down on the canvas hard! Ooh, what damage has been done here!


Monty “The Python” Walker: “The Sons of Sam Slam”, they call it. Classic tag team move that left poor Fox hanging out to dry.


Remmington Remus: Cougar can’t bear to see it…one, two, three. Fists of Furry are the first elimination of the match! Over on the other side of the ring, we see Acid now squaring up with Jett.


Monty “The Python” Walker: Both exchanging some quick strikes right here, really dazzling display of offense by both of these men.


Remmington Remus: Still trying to gain an advantage in this battle…Acid connects with a vicious roundhouse! Jett’s in trouble, Acid has got his arm lifted…


Monty “The Python” Walker: Here comes the Heart Punch…


Remmington Remus: No! Jett stops Acid dead in his tracks by stomping on his foot…Jett shooting to the turnbuckle…ENGINE FAILURE! What a move by the speedy youngster from Canada!


Monty “The Python” Walker: Jett needs to take advantage of that move now, get a quick pin on Acid.


Remmington Remus: He will roll Acid up…one…two..thr—NO! NO! NO! Acid kicked out! Acid kicked out! Ryan Holland saying he broke up Jett’s pinfall, that had to be a kickout at 2 95/96ths, man.


Honey Golightly: Where did you come up with that number?


Remmington Remus: I call it like I see it, ma’am…now Acid is trying to make his way over, no; he’s rolling out of the ring! Black Reign’s the legal man! Turn around, Jett! Reign leaps high from his perch on the top turnbuckle…DEATH DROP! DEATH DROP! DEATH DROP!


Honey Golightly: Crazy, flipping INSANE move by Black Reign…and Jett never saw it coming, man!


Remmington Remus: Black Reign covers a lifeless Jett…one, two…three! Both fan-favorite teams are out!


Honey Golightly: It’ll be between The Brotherhood of Perfection and The Ever-Present Darkness for stable supremacy tonight…



Remmington Remus: (with a British accent, of course) Jolly good show there in Columbus, eh?


Monty “The Python” Walker: I thought we were done doing that.


Remmington Remus: That’s right! We are done with that, because we are gearing up for Friday night! Gotta get my Hawthorne Heights going on, man! “Ohio Is For Wrestlers” will be another action-packed free-for-all, LIVE from Mason in the great state of…


Monty “The Python” Walker: Ohio! (smiles big) Where the Buckeyes are from!


Remmington Remus: That’s right, details at KANZENPro.com, directions to the venue in Mason and more. We’ll be at the Wall2Wall Soccer Complex’s main, uh, field…and you won’t want to miss it! Doors open at 6, bell time at 7!


Monty “The Python” Walker: And now, for one of my favorite parts of the podcast…unveiling the official card for the event!


Promotional graphics for each match, like the ones you would see on a SWF or TCW broadcast, pop up as our two hosts continue.


Remmington Remus: Main event, as many of you already know, will be a 3-on-3 elimination tag match between The Ever-Present Darkness, consisting of new Campeones de Parejas Acid and Black Reign plus OTA, against the always popular stable, The Skye Club.


Monty “The Python” Walker: Also, a bunch of mystery shrouds the big KANZEN Young Guns Cup match, as we are scheduled to see The Brotherhood of Perfection’s Davis Wayne Newton, Nelson Callum, and Steven Parker go up AGAINST EACH OTHER for the prized Cup.


Remmington Remus: But, when The Brotherhood is involved, there is always room for shenanigans…just like whenever Roboto Loco is in the ring! The escaped lucha libre experiment is set to do battle against the enigmatic Snap Dragon, who is coming off of a tough loss against OTA last month in a classic battle.


Monty “The Python” Walker: The Brotherhood of Perfection will also bring out one of their toughest competitors, Greg Keith, to the table when he faces Fire Monkey. Fire Monkey has a huge score to settle with The Brotherhood following the mock finisher they laid on him with the use of brass knuckles last month.


Remmington Remus: And, I’m also hearing that you (pointing to Walker) will be in competition for the first time this year at “Ohio Is For Wrestlers”.


Monty “The Python” Walker: That’s right, man. (rubs hands together and grins) “The Python” can’t wait to get back in the ring! Going for the win in my home state…that’s what it’s all about!


Remmington Remus: Any word on who you’ll face?


Monty “The Python” Walker: Not sure yet, but it’ll be a current roster member, for sure. No debuting wrestlers this month. We’ll find out for sure who it is on Friday night, and it will be a phenomenal match, I’m telling ya.


Remmington Remus: We know it will be, big guy. (slaps Walker on the shoulder) And, fans, head on over to the DVD gurus at MarkSmartVideo.com, where you can pre-order your very own AUTOGRAPHED copy of “Ohio Is For Wrestlers”! Do it!


Monty “The Python” Walker: (pulls out a pen) Yeah, I can’t wait to get my Sharpie on for the KAN-base. Don’t miss the show and make sure you get a DVD, fans!


Remmington Remus: That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. Well, partner, that’s all the time we’ve got for today. For my partner Monty “The Python” Walker, I’m Remmington Remus…good night, everybody. (winks at camera)



©2010, KANZEN Pro


First off, I want to thank everyone once more for their feedback and continued interest in this project. Second, I want everyone to know that the PBP thing going on WILL NOT be in the shows. It will be featured in the podcast as a recap/review of the show (and let me have a little fun with the announcers/commentators characters, because they don't get a whole lot of respect character-wise in most dynasties), to help give off the whole Flying Podcast equals Podcast-a-Go-Go thing I'm trying to do.


So, here we go, prediction time!


"Ohio Is For Wrestlers"

Prediction Key


Who do you think will walk away with the KANZEN Young Guns Cup?


Fire Monkey vs. Greg Keith


Roboto Loco vs. Snap Dragon


The Ever-Present Darkness (Acid, Black Reign, OTA) vs. The Skye Club (Skye, Jett, Mainstream)


Monty "The Python" Walker vs. ?????

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Who do you think will walk away with the KANZEN Young Guns Cup? I am a DWN man myself so that is my bet. I think this match will steal the show unless their shennanigans get in the way.


Fire Monkey vs. Greg Keith He is a Keith...seems like a safe bet.


Roboto Loco vs. Snap Dragon Oh Snap!


The Ever-Present Darkness (Acid, Black Reign, OTA) vs. The Skye Club (Skye, Jett, Mainstream) I think here the champs keep up the momentum. An impending singles loss for them will single out their next challengers.


Monty "The Python" Walker vs. ????? Have you ever out wrestled a snake? I didn't think so.

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Who do you think will walk away with the KANZEN Young Guns Cup? Nelson Callum - Seems like a good bet.


Fire Monkey vs. Greg Keith


Roboto Loco vs. Snap Dragon


The Ever-Present Darkness (Acid, Black Reign, OTA) vs. The Skye Club (Skye, Jett, Mainstream)


Monty "The Python" Walker vs. ?????

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Who do you think will walk away with the KANZEN Young Guns Cup?


My pick here would be Steven Parker. Nelson's improved from 08 but is still the weakest link of the bunch, DWN has the most in-ring talent but Parker has that combination of having just a little more experience, and combination of wrestling talent/entertainment skills to be the first one to carry the cup.


Fire Monkey vs. Greg Keith


Brotherhood of the wedgecut continue to get one over on the Monkey.


Roboto Loco vs. Snap Dragon


The mysterious tweener that is Snap Dragon remains strong.


The Ever-Present Darkness (Acid, Black Reign, OTA) vs. The Skye Club (Skye, Jett, Mainstream)


Need to make the EPD look like dominant heels at this point, the storyline arc you have going on here.


Monty "The Python" Walker vs. ?????


Debutant comes in and beats the veteran, who's job these days is to put others over whilst splitting his time in the announce booth.

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Who do you think will walk away with the KANZEN Young Guns Cup?

Steven Parker gets my vote.


Fire Monkey vs. Greg Keith


Roboto Loco vs. Snap Dragon

Livin' La Vida Loco! Calm down Ricky, he won't win.


The Ever-Present Darkness (Acid, Black Reign, OTA) vs. The Skye Club (Skye, Jett, Mainstream)

Part of me things the Skye Club get some momentum back, but TEPD are just too strong of a combo to go against in this one.



Monty "The Python" Walker vs. ?????

It seems unlikey you'd bring in someone just to put The Python over them, considering where he's at in his career.

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Who do you think will walk away with the KANZEN Young Guns Cup? Steven Parker

Fire Monkey vs. Greg Keith


Roboto Loco vs. Snap Dragon

The Ever-Present Darkness (Acid, Black Reign, OTA) vs. The Skye Club (Skye, Jett, Mainstream)


Monty "The Python" Walker vs. ?????

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"Ohio Is For Wrestlers"

Prediction Key


Who do you think will walk away with the KANZEN Young Guns Cup? Steven Parker!


Fire Monkey vs. Greg Keith


Roboto Loco vs. Snap Dragon


The Ever-Present Darkness (Acid, Black Reign, OTA) vs. The Skye Club (Skye, Jett, Mainstream)


Monty "The Python" Walker vs. ?????

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"Ohio Is For Wrestlers"

Prediction Key


Who do you think will walk away with the KANZEN Young Guns Cup? Lets see it on Mr. Parker.


Fire Monkey vs. Greg Keith


Roboto Loco vs. Snap Dragon


The Ever-Present Darkness (Acid, Black Reign, OTA) vs. The Skye Club (Skye, Jett, Mainstream)


Monty "The Python" Walker vs. ?????

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Hello all.


A little update on what's going on writing-wise, just to give you a heads up. Writing's going steady right now, already have gotten half of the show written by now, including its largest angle...and it'll be a bombshell.


I realistically expect the show to go up Wednesday or Thursday, depending on some scheduling stuff in real life.


So this is just a little bump to tell those of you to get to predicting! Don't monkey around, because you won't want to miss this t-shirt design for "Ohio Is For Wrestlers!"



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