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KANZEN Pro Wrestling: Seriously Entertaining

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Sucks about losing the Monkey, but I guess this is what happens when you have such a big name in such a smaller company I guess it was bound to happen :(


Bumping this as well for others to predict, page 3 of the dynasty thread isn't cool :p this is awesome and needs to be seen by more people for sure. Pure Kanzen-army goodness :)

Ah, Mr. KANZEN...thanks for the bumpage. Your check/gift certificate to the Shop page at KANZENPro.com/all-access pass to Best of the Super Trios is in the mail.


Seriously, though, I just finished all of those major school projects today...so I'm finally gonna get to start writing this bad boy. It'll be a while before April Showers is posted, so that'll give any new readers time to catch up and predict!



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Ah, Mr. KANZEN...thanks for the bumpage. Your check/gift certificate to the Shop page at KANZENPro.com/all-access pass to Best of the Super Trios is in the mail.


Seriously, though, I just finished all of those major school projects today...so I'm finally gonna get to start writing this bad boy. It'll be a while before April Showers is posted, so that'll give any new readers time to catch up and predict!




You hear that predict you fools....someone has to beat the evangelical god that is MRRRRRRRRRRR KANZENNNNNNNNNNNNNNN....





but yeah guys predict, its a fun diary and something you can really participate in.


Maybe we can have our own create-a-wrestler prize competition at some stage in the future as a prize for most wins in a 12 month period of game time or summit

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Always tough to lose someone as talented as Hell Monkey; however, that's the fun about booking smaller companies I suppose. I've always walked into companies like this, given your size, with the obvious knowledge that people would leave me with time. Even now, with USPW, i'm half expecting my big-names to leave once their contracts are up as it only seems realistic.


Either way, you're doing a great job with this Levitical.


Keep pushing, keep creating your tone, and keep enjoying the process, and I'm sure you'll make this one an epic piece for others to continually read in the future!





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Always tough to lose someone as talented as Hell Monkey; however, that's the fun about booking smaller companies I suppose. I've always walked into companies like this, given your size, with the obvious knowledge that people would leave me with time. Even now, with USPW, i'm half expecting my big-names to leave once their contracts are up as it only seems realistic.


Either way, you're doing a great job with this Levitical.


Keep pushing, keep creating your tone, and keep enjoying the process, and I'm sure you'll make this one an epic piece for others to continually read in the future!





Thanks, E-V. By the way, that was an excellently-written last show you just posted. Not the best by grade standards, but we all know we don't read for how well a show turns out in-game.


Yeah, the Monkey's gone. TCW soullessly picked him up, and a couple of my other guys (including one really odd signing), but Monkey was the only one to leave. He's about to kill himself in-game fatigue-wise, with strenuous booking from TCW and Burning Hammer. Hopefully when the Hammer's current tour ends, he'll be able to tend to his wounds a bit more.


Still writing this show, sorry, fellas. While I know the long breaks in-between shows might kill this dynasty's momentum, real life has been getting in the way. But help is on the way, got a break from the books for the next week or so.


Until next time,



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So...uh...finally. The show's coming either tomorrow or Saturday. It's felt good to get back to writing this thing. Forget writing boring stuff like lit papers or research presentations.


If you haven't gotten the chance to predict...do it!



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So...uh...finally. The show's coming either tomorrow or Saturday. It's felt good to get back to writing this thing. Forget writing boring stuff like lit papers or research presentations.


If you haven't gotten the chance to predict...do it!






very good news :)

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Hallelujah! It's finally here!



KANZEN April Showers Bring Indoor Wrestling

Taylor, Michigan (300 In Attendance)

DVD AVAILABLE NOW From Mark Smart Video™


The SELL OUT! town hall in Taylor, Michigan makes for an extremely intimate setting for KANZEN’s first show outside of Ohio. The word about KANZEN through the podcast and Pro Wrestling Insider’s Jay Danielson, who has added a section on their worldwide site for the company, apart from other American indy promotions, has spread past the borders of The Buckeye State. Monty “The Python” Walker’s small, fun promotion was picking up steam throughout the entire Great Lakes area and the indy wrestling community. Those SWF and TCW internet wrestling fans have looked up Steven Parker’s epic match with Walker and have seen Fire Monkey’s fun-loving side via YouTube. Some of those fans have bought the DVDs and downloaded the podcasts. And some of them were lined along the barricades in Taylor for this event.


Since KANZEN has never been to Michigan before, a “KANZEN 101” video lights up the two screens on each end of the entrance area—and is shown for those at home on the DVD from Mark Smart. After some highlights of matches and brief testimonials from the roster about what KANZEN truly is, the clock strikes 7:00 PM and we are ready for the show!


Remmington Remus: Ladies and gentlemen of the KAN-base, we are so glad you have gotten out of the rainy weather here in Taylor, Michigan, and have decided to join us for KANZEN’s first trip outside of the Ohio borders! (a small cheer pops up) The fans here in Taylor are wild about KANZEN’s stop here on The Road to The Best of the Super Trios 2010! Remmington Remus here alongside my esteemed colleagues, Honey Golightly and Monty “The Python” Walker. What a night we have set up, right before the biggest American wrestling tournament, right?


Monty “The Python” Walker: You said it, Remmy. We’ve got representatives of two brand spanking new trios that will be in action tonight, a Campeones de Parejas title match, a mysterious debut—


Honey Golightly: — and Mr. Walker himself will be in action against Matthew Keith in what is sure to be a classic!


Monty “The Python” Walker: (grins sheepishly) Yeah, that too.


Remmington Remus: Stacked night, ladies and gentlemen…STACKED! And we will begin our night with a little Champion’s Challenge match, as…(hears Nelson Callum’s music start up) Well, here he is now! KANZEN’s first-ever Young Guns Cup champion, Nelson Callum, will open tonight’s card with an open challenge!


Monty “The Python” Walker: Since that crazy double submission win over Extraordinario Jr. and some careful orchestrating with Davis Wayne Newton, Nelson Callum has held the Cup and his head high around here. Who will rise to this Young Gun’s challenge?



Nelson Callum and Krissy Angelle

Ready To Make A Champ's Challenge

Callum strides down the aisle, Krissy Angelle close behind and holding up the Young Guns Cup. Both of them have their arrogant smiles that always seem to be plastered on each member of The Brotherhood of Perfection. Callum mistakes some mock bowing by a few fans on the front row for the real thing, and he nods at them. Laughter starts to spread throughout the entire venue because of this, infuriating Callum. He angrily takes a microphone from Angelle and slides into the ring, barely even getting up before starting his rant.


Nelson Callum: Ya see, that’s pathetic. Pathetic of all of ya. When ya got the only true champion in this whole entire freak show of a company coming down the ramp, and ya start laughin’…there’s something wrong with that. (shakes his head furiously) Insane, really. Do ya treat any of the other “fake” champions in this place like that? Heck no. (begins to list the other KANZEN titleholders, counting them on his fingers) Strike One: ya got this mystic freak who likes to scare all of ya into submission with his storm-making junk…Strike Two: he’s teamed up with a messed up IDIOT who’s name comes from the stuff he must be takin’ backstage, because that emo-lookin’ sideshow has made a career outta wearin’ makeup and playin’ with smoke machines and strobe lights…and speakin’ of those “under the influence”…we’ve got Strike Three: a recently crowned “King” who’s so freakin’ out there, slingin’ himself off of ladders and whatnot, and ya call that a champion?!?!?


So when I get into the ring, ya mock someone who has EARNED the title of the best young wrestler…basically in the whole world! A guy who has aligned himself with the most powerful and dominating group this business has ever seen...(stops and turns towards Angelle) A guy who has the PERFECT woman in his corner, someone that losers like the guys in the front row will NEVER, EVER have a chance with…EVER!!! (pauses as Angelle lifts her nose up in an uppity fashion) Ya disrespect that champion. The TRUE champion. Ya rather sit around and get scared by some masked lunatics in mascara with tag team title straps, and praise this good-for-nothing, freak of nature…


Skye: Totally awesome KING…OF…THE…LADDER MATCH, bro!




Get High Like Skye, Bro.

A good-sized pop for the recently-crowned King of the Ladder Match. Skye, who risked life and limb for the KAN-base and the glory of the ladder match title, is standing on the entrance ramp with his beautiful manager, Dharma. The hazed Skye slowly shakes his head and rubs his eyes as he dramatically moves down the ramp, seemingly floating, that hypnotic man.


Nelson Callum: (not impressed at all by the champ) Well, if it isn’t the sky-high one himself. What do ya think ya doin’ here, man? Only real champs are in the ring right now.


Skye: Well, then…(amazes the crowd with a backflip into the ring) That means you probably need to get out, dude. ‘Cause you don’t have a single clue about being a real champ…you played Ex like a bad guitar, then threw him out into the streets of knee damage, man. And you wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for your buddy Davie…nah, you ain’t a real champion. (steps toe-to-toe with Callum, whose blood is boiling at this point) You’re just a poser, bro.


Nelson Callum: Poser, huh? Poser? (nods his head sarcastically before head-butting Skye) Yeah, I’m a poser, ya freak. I guess by ya walkin’ down here and talkin’ big like that, ya must be having a hallucination. ‘Cause no one in their right mind would talk to the Pittsburgh Punisher like that. (kicks a knocked-down Skye in the ribs) But it doesn’t really matter…you asked for this, Skye. (yells) Somebody ring the freakin’ bell, it looks like we’ve got a Champ vs. Chump match on our hands…I’ve always wanted to see what a guy as messed up as you would look like in the Proton Lock…


Wilson Carlisle scrambles into the ring as Callum begins some good, old-fashioned ground n’ pound on the King of the Ladder Match. Dharma shouts at Angelle about being a cheating you-know-what, and Angelle acts like she doesn’t care, too busy checking her nails and ignoring the catcalls from the town of Taylor, Michigan’s male population. The bell finally rings and we’ve got an opening match on our hands!



Nelson Callum w/Krissy Angelle vs. Skye w/Dharma


Callum’s head start was eventually starved off by Skye, as the King of the Ladder Match wormed his way out of the clinch and back onto his feet. Skye’s aerial attack seemed a little grounded from the beginning of this match, as Callum kept wanting to go to the ground, technical-style. Skye had to resort to solid kicks and more innovative stand-up moves to turn the tables in his favor, but Callum was persistent. “The Pittsburgh Punisher”, even in a non-Cup match, refused to let up—he was going all-out for The Brotherhood.


An interesting feature in this match was the war outside the ring, as Krissy Angelle and Dharma continued some back-and-forth verbal warfare to the delight of the crowd. Those in the Commentation Station made mention of it several times throughout the contest, and the cameras from Mark Smart Video™ caught the action going on a few occasions. The action turned abruptly into an all-out chick fight, though, when Angelle said some not-so-angelic things towards The Skye Club’s manager.


The action outside the ring caught the attention of referee Wilson Carlisle, who went over and threatened to kick both managers out of the match if they didn’t stop. Angelle immediately rattled Dharma’s jaw with a loud slap, and then climbed up on the ring apron, getting in the face of Carlisle. In the ring, Skye and Callum were still wrestling as if nothing was going on with their respective managers. When Skye lined up for a roundhouse kick, Callum was quickly ripped off of his feet and under the ropes by…


Davis Wayne Newton, of course! Callum’s partner took advantage of Carlisle breaking up the chick fight outside the ring to save his buddy from a devastating roundhouse. Skye, stunned, went over to get the ref’s attention when suddenly…



Extraordinario Jr.

Revenge is the Name of the Game


Extraordinario Jr. came roaring down the ramp, wanting revenge for Newton blatantly going after him only in a ladder match at the Grand Prix last month. He clotheslined the cheating Newton from behind and whipped a shocked Callum around, hitting him with the Siempre Peleanado! Skye, smiling at his masked Mexican friend, leaped onto the top turnbuckle as Extraordinario threw Callum back into the ring. Skye whistled loudly at Carlisle, who turned around to see him flatten Callum with a Skye Diver!


Angelle tried to stop Carlisle once more as Skye went for the pin, but to no avail. Dharma winked at her managerial counterpart, knowing that even though Angelle probably won the chick fight, Skye won the match over his cheating opponent(s)—and that was the only match that really counted.


Skye wins at 9:31 by pinfall via “Skye Diver” (Swanton Bomb)




Remmington Remus: The Brotherhood gets stunned by Skye and their favorite target, Extraordinario Jr.!


Monty “The Python” Walker: Great win for Skye AND some great revenge for Extraordinario Jr. (continues as the camera focuses on a stern but smiling Extraordinario, standing over a fallen Davis Wayne Newton) But I have a feeling that this war between these two young guns and Extraordinario is not over yet…he might want more revenge, or those two might have some more shenanigans coming. Either way, this war isn’t over. But the battle belongs to the second-generation luchador tonight!


Honey Golightly: Good to see Extraordinario get a win tonight. (smiles) After all he’s been through already, it was about time for him to get this.


Monty “The Python” Walker: And how about Skye, coming off of a strenuous King of the Ladder Match victory last month, answering Callum’s arrogant challenge and winning, despite the craziness outside the ring and the interference from Newton!


Honey Golightly: Yep, the King is truly on top of the world…as high as he could be…but, heck, he stays that way!


Remmington Remus: True that, true that. (shakes his head, grinning) And now, ladies and gentlemen, we’re getting right back to the ring for some more KANZEN action, as the fan favorites Mighty Mite and Ultra Flea, AKA The Parasites, do battle with Mr. Electricity’s UnStable.


Monty “The Python” Walker: Electricity is debuting a new member of his UnStable tonight, “Birdman” Matt Sparrow! Sparrow, a bizarre one indeed, can truly “take to the skies”, Electricity tells us.


Honey Golightly: Backstage, Sparrow’s a pretty big talker. He squawks loudly and rambles about odd things…and Electricity seems to love this guy. Also of note, I received word backstage from the Electric One that he has not seen Snap Dragon tonight, and it seems that no one on the roster has.


Monty “The Python” Walker: Looks like he might be getting ready for The Best of the Super Trios next month…who knows?


Remmington Remus: What I do know, folks, is that we’re about to see KANZEN tag team action: The Parasites vs. The UnStable…right now!






The Parasites vs. The UnStable (“Birdman” Matt Sparrow and Mr. Electricity)


A solid tag team affair was delivered to the KAN-base in this second match, featuring none of the shenanigans of the opener. Mr. Electricity kept talking big throughout the match about his prized bird Sparrow, although Electricity didn’t tag him in for a good while to begin with. The Parasites, known for their quick tags and fantastic blend of above and below combat, had the KAN-base behind them from the get go.


After Mighty Mite planted Mr. Electricity in the canvas with a Running Powerslam, Mr. Electricity leapt to his feet and told Mite, “You are gonna wish you did not do that, bug boy!” With a dramatic flair to it—I mean, the guy is dramatic about mowing the lawn, checking the mail, and toasting Pop-Tarts—Mr. Electricity dove across to The UnStable’s corner and tagged in Sparrow.


Sparrow let out a hair-raising squawk and literally flew into the ring, off of the top turnbuckle. Like, he flapped his arms and everything. Pretty odd bird, that Sparrow.


Sparrow seemed like he couldn’t stay on his feet for more than a few seconds once he was in the ring. Springboard dives, top turnbuckle moves, even jumping strikes…he couldn’t stay still. Whenever he wanted to recover from a Parasite move, he would just make short little hops in circles, waiting to take flight again.


Sparrow’s weird behavior was gold for Mr. Electricity. He had a money maker on his hands, and someone who would wear down even the speediest of foes, like Ultra Flea. Sparrow made a final tag to put Electricity back in, and it was all over for The Parasites. Mr. Electricity got his revenge on Mighty Mite for the powerslam with the Indian trifecta: the Bombay Duck, the Cal-Cutter, and a devastating and final New Delhi Driver. As Mr. Electricity picked up the win and some momentum for his UnStable, Sparrow was seen sitting on the top rope like a power line, flapping his “wings”.


The UnStable wins at 8:46 by pinfall via Mr. Electricity’s “New Delhi Driver” (Double Underhook Piledriver)




"Birdman" Matt Sparrow and Mr. Electricity

Celebrating In Their Own...Unique...Ways


After the match, as The Parasites humbly exit the venue in Taylor, Mr. Electricity is rolling in the glory. He starts running around the ring, hopping up and down, thrilled that he won a match thanks to his new found pet—I mean, partner.


Sparrow, who had now made his way to the “perch” in a turnbuckle, let out some celebratory squawks. He was handed a microphone by Mr. Electricity, who was still prancing around the ring, making the tassels on his bedazzled pants seem to dance. “The Bollywood Big Shot” continues dancing until it becomes half-comical/half-awkward, and addresses the crowd.


Mr. Electricity: Michiganders of all ages, listen to what I say! (met with some boos and a couple of “What?”-s) Tonight, you have all seen real wrestling action in this very ring! While most of you will remember this night from some match between a snake and a spoiled brat, or two teams of masked fools fighting for a belt, you should remember this night for one thing, and that is—


“Birdman” Matt Sparrow: Birrrrrrrrrrrrrrrdseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!!!


While the crowd does not understand this random birdie outburst, Mr. Electricity acts like this is normal. He reaches into the briefcase that he brings down to the ring (he is a business-minded superstar, after all) and pulls out a small bag of…birdseed. He tosses some in the direction of his perched friend, who hops down and pecks at it. Mr. Electricity continues:


Mr. Electricity: You should remember this night for the beginning of a new era in KANZEN Pro Wrestling. It will mark the time when Mr. Electricity’s UnStable began its rise to the top of the company! The top of the world! Now, with Mr. Sparrow, the UnStable is now a three-part machine! We will head to Columbus of the state of Ohio next month and become the first to win the Best of the Super Trios tournament, cementing our legacy and position as the GREATEST OF ALL-TIME!!!


“Birdman” Matt Sparrow: SQUAWK! The time is coming, the time is coming! UnStable forever! Like the flight patterns of my kind during the winter, you cannot stop what is coming to you—UnStable! UnStable! UnStable! All the way! SQUAWK!


Mr. Electricity: Well put, birdbrain. So, next month, along with our compatriot the Snapping Dragon—who is diligently preparing for trios action next month, (softly) I guess—and you ignorant Americans will have to bow to the awesomeness of the Bollywood Big Shot, his trusted bird sidekick, and a killer dragon! No one can touch us! (dramatically shouting into the mic) CAN YOU FEEL THE ELECTRICITY, TAYLOR?!?!?!?


While most in the crowd shout “No!” emphatically, Mr. Electricity smiles and chunks the microphone into the seats, nailing a 75 year-old woman who still wrestles indy shows in the state of Michigan as “The Maw-Maw of Pain” Ethel Johansson. She slowly charges towards the barricades at Mr. Electricity, but, by the time she gets there (after two naps and a bathroom break), there was four minutes left in the Walker/Keith Ultimate Submission match. Electricity was in no danger, dropping birdseed down the entrance up to the ramp as Sparrow followed him, rambling about the importance of brushing your beak.



Remmington Remus: That was…bizarre. A man who thinks he’s a bird in this company? Now I’ve seen it all!


Monty “The Python” Walker: Between that and Mr. Electricity guaranteeing a BotST tournament victory for The UnStable, despite not knowing where his most valued and emotionally-distressed partner is, and trying to pick a fight with Michigan wrestling legend Ethel Johansson, there’s no telling what’s in store for this crew! (turns towards Golightly) Really… “trusted bird sidekick?”


Honey Golightly: Perfect match for a guy who dresses like a Vegas showgirl…and believe me, some of them wouldn’t wear that loud of a costume at all!


Remmington Remus: Well, we go from birds and Bollywood to headbanging and Halifax…the Maple Leaf Mosh Pit is set to go up against The Ever-Present Darkness’s OTA and Roboto Loco in just a few moments!


Monty “The Python” Walker: We saw Mimic last month, and now we’ll see his two fellow metalheads that he will team with next month at Best of the Super Trios…Jamie Lightning and Thrash Diablo. Two high fliers from north of the border, Lightning and Thrash are just like Mimic, from what I’ve seen. They’re gonna be pretty dangerous down here, I would guess.


Honey Golightly: But don’t forget their opponents tonight: OTA and Roboto Loco. Now, Loco lost last month to The Darkness’s newest target of psychological warfare, Snap Dragon…so OTA will team with Acid Reign in trios action next month.


Monty “The Python” Walker: Roboto Loco may not have realized it, but that was the first loss for The Darkness in quite some time. If that crazy machine can realize the situation and pick up momentum with a win here tonight, he’ll be back to being the destructive chaos behind The Darkness.


Remmington Remus: Mosh Pit vs. Darkness; some more tag action is set, let’s get to the introductions!




Maple Leaf Mosh Pit (Jamie Lightning and Thrash Diablo) vs. The Ever-Present Darkness (OTA and Roboto Loco)


Lightning and Diablo, previously unseen by any members of the KAN-base, save their little bit in the Best of the Super Trios hype video from jhd1 Studios, served as the dark fan-favorites in this match. OTA and Loco had some issues throughout the match, silently conflicting over tag timing and the flow of the match. The Mosh Pit took advantage of this situation and got out to an early lead to the delight of the crowd.


The metal-loving team hit an excellent spot during the middle of the match with a headbanging tag team specialty: as OTA stealthily maneuvered his way for a better strike on Lightning near the Mosh Pit’s corner, Diablo quickly grabbed OTA in-between the ropes. With OTA trapped in the corner, Lightning grabbed both of the ninja’s shoulders and fired off some rapid headbutts, headbanger-style, finishing them off with a flying knee and a tag to Diablo. Diablo, with the crowd still ooh and ahhing over the Lightning headbutts, crushed OTA with a Diablo Driver. Thrash put up the devil horns sign and went for the pin…but only got a two count.


The Ever-Present Darkness did make a comeback, though, on OTA’s next trip into the ring. The ninja flew around the ring, crushing the members of The Pit with stiff strikes. After a couple of Ninja Strikes, OTA tagged in Roboto Loco. Loco started his usual insane warfare, hyped up and crazily pounding Lightning into the mat, but something was different this time. Loco would often go and try to do something illegal, such as taking of the cover to a turnbuckle or continue a hold after a rope break, and OTA had to break up the potential disqualification multiple times.


Following a Termination Kick, Loco screamed and looked like he was going for a low blow—something that would have disqualified him as well, under the rules of normal KANZEN matches. OTA leapt off of the top turnbuckle and stopped the blow, causing a little brawl between the two partners! Roboto Loco could not be controlled! After successfully beating down his partner, Loco turned to Thrash Diablo…who hit the escaped lucha libre machine with some head scissors, turning into a quick pin…and a huge upset win for the Maple Leaf Mosh Pit!


Maple Leaf Mosh Pit win at 9:06 by flash pinfall



Not wanting any of a possible Roboto Loco rampage, Thrash and Jamie roll out of the ring and make their way up the ramp as their metal entrance music blares. When they get to the entrance, though, blinding pyros go off and that eerie music creeps in…



Acid Reign

The Champs Aren't Pleased With Recent Efforts...

Out from the smoke enters the remaining two members of The Ever-Present Darkness, Acid and Black Reign. Even though Acid Reign has a title match against Fists of Furry later on in the card, they are clearly not pleased with this loss…


The second for Roboto Loco.


The two masked nightmares make their way into the ring and approach OTA and Roboto Loco. Acid nods at OTA, and The Warrior of Darkness slips out of the ring. This is just for Roboto Loco only.


The mad one stomps around the ring, furious over the loss, slamming his head into the turnbuckle pads and continuing his incoherent ramblings. Acid stops this nonsense (literally) by blindsiding the machine with a hard right, knocking him to the floor. Acid stands over the fallen one, eyes flashing pure anger. He turns towards OTA, who slips back into the ring with a cane.


Roboto Loco, knowing of the punishment to come, scrambles to his feet. He turns to escape the ring and runs into a hooded figure. The figure clinches Loco and hits him with an all-too familiar piledriver.


Knocked out in the ring, Roboto Loco cannot escape his fate: OTA comes over and begins tearing him apart with the cane, each smack reverberating throughout the venue. After about a dozen ripping shots, the masked figure rips Loco up to his feet and hits him with another piledriver. Another one that verifies who this man is…



Snap Dragon

The Darkness Has FULLY Taken Over

Snap Dragon, dark mask, takes off the hood, and the crowd is stunned. It seems that the beloved tweener has fallen to the hands of The Ever-Present Darkness.


Acid looks over at Black Reign, who nods silently. The lights in the venue begin to dim as thunder starts to rumble, Black Reign conjuring up another storm. Acid, OTA, and the turned Snap Dragon’s eyes are filled with pure evil as Roboto Loco, the shame of The Darkness, begins to freak out even more. When the lights are completely go out, a crack of lightning is heard and the lights flash.


When they come back on, Roboto Loco is no more.

Remmington Remus: What have we just witnessed here in Taylor? (stammers) Is…is…Roboto Loco gone? And…and…what about Snap? No, it can’t be!


Monty “The Python” Walker: (shudders) The Ever-Present Darkness has replaced him, it seems…with Snap Dragon. The dark has fully taken him over, it seems.


Honey Golightly: But what does this mean for Mr. Electricity’s UnStable? No one had seen him all night…is he still going to be part of their trio for next month’s tournament?


Monty “The Python” Walker: That…was mind-blowing. Forget those two losses they’ve had back-to-back…The Darkness has crept back to the front of our minds…and our nightmares.


Remmington Remus: Well…after that insanity, we’ve got to get back to the ring for another match. The Brotherhood of Perfection has promised a new member, following Steven Parker’s departure. He will face Steve Flash, who, like Monty over there, has some bad blood for the crew following their cheap win last month at the Grand Prix.


Monty “The Python” Walker: Who will it be? (hearing Flash’s entrance music) Steve Flash is on his way down to the ring, ready to find out which member of The Brotherhood he will seek revenge on this time!


As Flash climbs into the ring, a rocking “Southern metal” song rings out. The newest member of The Brotherhood starts down the ramp, a protégé of the technical legend Johnny Bloodstone…



Jared Johnson

The Newest Member of The Brotherhood of Perfection


Remmington Remus: A Brother without the trademark wedgecut? Man, this night keeps getting more and more odd!




Jared Johnson vs. Steve Flash


Jared Johnson, even though he is the newest member of the hated Brotherhood of Perfection, was praised by Monty “The Python” Walker in the Commentation Station. Walker praised Johnson’s in-ring ability, showing that quick technical prowess made famous by his mentor Johnny Bloodstone. A rookie from North Carolina, Walker said, he has the potential to be a star in the future. “It just sucks that he is the newest Brother.” Honey Golightly fearfully mentioned the fact that “The Submission Demon” has a protégé…that now knows the Proton Lock. No one really wanted to think about that.


In the ring, Steve Flash had his hands full. Although smaller than most technicians, Johnson packed a ton of power in this match. Flash couldn’t really get a good hold of Johnson, as the North Carolina native was always reversing or powering out of any move from the King of the Indys. Flash was getting run out of the building, and there was nothing he could do about it.


In addition to being basically “on fire” during this match, Johnson also exhibited that Brotherhood sneer and self-righteous way of working. Despite not having the traditional wedgecut, Johnson cemented himself as a true member of The Brotherhood of Perfection. By the eight minute mark, he had already worn Flash completely down, who never looked like he was in the match. An arrogant salute to the crowd and a crushing move he called Southern Comfort later, The Brotherhood got their point across to the veteran. Now they would have to wait to the main event to get their hands on Walker.


Jared Johnson wins at 8:33 by pinfall via “Southern Comfort” (Facebreaker DDT)





Remmington Remus: I hate to say it, but the newest member of The Brotherhood of Perfection just destroyed Steve Flash…Jared Johnson rolls in his debut!


Monty “The Python” Walker: (grimaces) It was tough to watch that, man. But Jared Johnson’s one of the highest rated rookies on the circuit right now. He lived up to the expectations.


Honey Golightly: Just like The Ever-Present Darkness, The Brotherhood of Perfection keeps getting stronger.


Remmington Remus: Speaking of The Darkness, Acid Reign is in action next…first title defense for the Campeones de Parejas, as they take on Fists of Furry!


Honey Golightly: Masked Cougar climbed the ladder and took home an automatic title shot for Fists of Furry last month at the Grand Prix, can he and Fox Mask make the most of it?


Monty “The Python” Walker: If the sight of Roboto Loco’s, ahem, departure is any testament…it’ll be a tough one for Fists of Furry.


Remmington Remus: Campeones de Parejas title match, our semi-main event…right now!






Acid Reign © vs. Fists of Furry

KANZEN Campeones de Parejas Match


Acid Reign has become a destructive tag team force in KANZEN, champions that will do anything and everything to keep the fear spread throughout the company. They had already shown earlier in the night that they will do anything to keep The Ever-Present Darkness on top…losing is not an option. With the thought of Roboto Loco getting caned and vanishing in the Black Reign storm still fresh on everyone’s minds, these mystic nightmares were ready to defend their straps.


Fists of Furry served as the happy go-lucky fan favorites in this match. These two, like The Parasites and the recently departed Fire Monkey, are the fun ones, the ones that make sure everyone’s having a good time at the KANZEN show. And what better way to have fun than winning the straps from everyone’s scariest enemies? They had the crowd behind them, and their spot-filled assaults kept them in it throughout the match.


But fun is the absolute contrast to The Ever-Present Darkness, and they were not going to stand for this nonsense any longer. At the fifteen minute mark, a dramatic turn of events rocked the Michigan crowd.


First, Masked Cougar’s High Rise Pounce didn’t quite connect, as Black Reign rolled out of the way, causing a violent meeting between Cougar and the mat…


After tagging in, Acid punted Cougar right in the temple, causing the fur to fly right off of his mask…


As Acid covered Cougar for the pin, Fox Mask came diving in to break the pin up. When Acid realized that the match wasn’t over, he targeted the flying fox. As Fox tried to scramble back to his corner, Acid clinched Fox Mask and busted him with the Heart Punch


Pure chaos has now erupted in the ring with the two legal men going after the other partner, as Black Reign had the still-legal Masked Cougar trapped following a dropkick. The Death Drop soon followed, and Wilson Carlisle was losing his mind in the ring…


Acid then kicked Fox Mask, rolling him out of the ring. Black Reign offered Masked Cougar to Acid as some sort of sick sacrifice, and Acid graciously devoured the opportunity. A lightning-fast Acidity Test was soon followed up by the legendary Acid Rain Bomb, and the pin…









Three. The hated duo of Acid Reign kept their terror intact, and their Campeones de Parejas belts.


Acid Reign win at 15:21 by pinfall via Acid’s “Acid Rain Bomb” (Senton Bomb). Acid Reign retain the KANZEN Campeones de Parjeas titles.




Remmington Remus: Out of the ashes and pure chaos in the ring, Acid Reign walks away with their Campeones de Parejas titles intact, continuing that dominance that we’ve come to expect from The Ever-Present Darkness.


Honey Golightly: Forget Roboto Loco’s two losses under the banner of The Darkness, those OBVIOUSLY didn’t count, or don’t count anymore. These masked destroyers proved once again why they wear the gold, and why they have everyone’s fear and respect.


Remmington Remus: Well, as our partner Monty “The Python” Walker makes his way to the back in final preparations for his Ultimate Submission match against The Brotherhood’s Matthew Keith, we want to get you hyped up again for next month’s Best of the Super Trios 2010!


Honey Golightly: (smiles) I get more and more excited for this tournament every time I watch this video, courtesy of jhd1 Studios. For those of you who haven’t seen in yet on Monty Walker’s Flying Podcast, here it is.


Remmington Remus: Before we get to the main event, let’s get you pumped for BotST 2010!



This segment begins with an interesting split-screen view where the right hand side of the screen is filled with a large logo KANZEN logo, and on the left is rolling footage from previous shows. The blue KANZEN logo that completes the right half of the screen is suddenly obstructed by three of the most laid back wrestlers in KANZEN – The Skye Club! While Remmy Skye begins to talk for his team we see shots of the 'King of the Ladder Match' doing just that – winning the KotLM tournament at last month's Grand Prix. We also see a fantastic replay of Jett DDT-ing Roboto Loco from a ladder and through a table from our last show.


Skye: Dudes, did you see me out there at the Ladder Grand Prix!? I was so high, couldn't even believe it myself. But that's in the past now, bros, and the next accolade for the Skye Club is the Super Trios. Skye, Jett, and Mainstream – our minds are connected dudes, we are almost psychic. Yep, believe it and weep, because the Skye's the limit!

Remmy cuts his trademark pose, before Jett and Mainstream follow. Suddenly the center of the screen explodes and when the flames have died down the screen has reversed, with the now yellow KANZEN badge on the left hand-side and a series of images of The Brotherhood of Perfection using their devastating Proton Lock finish. The Keith brothers and Nelson Callum step in front of the KANZEN logo looking as confident as ever, even without the presence of their manager Krissy Angelle.


Greg Keith: You are looking at the 2010 Super Trios champions. How do I know this? There is only ONE WAY that the Super Trios is going to end...


Matthew Keith: ...and that's with The Keith Brothers...


Nelson Callum: ...and Nelson Callum victorious. You see, when the three finest athletes in KANZEN simultaneously trap our victims in the Proton Lock...


Greg Keith: ...you will be watching Perfection!


Callum, the middle of this particular trio, grabs both Keiths by the shoulders and the three men stare into the camera with a knowing, c0cky smile. Once again the screen explodes and is rearranged in the process, this time returning with a black KANZEN logo – which can mean only one thing – The Ever-Present Darkness! Rather than walk on, the Darkness simply materialize out of thin air. Acid, Black Reign and OTA stare a hole through the camera, into your TV set and straight into the darkest recesses of your mind. At the same time we see the three up to their dastardly deeds, not least at the expense of Snap Dragon. Don't forget folks, The Ever-Present Darkness have a bye to the second round – they are going to be the team to beat at Super Trios!


With the silent, yet terrifying, entry from the Darkness is over the now familiar explosion returns a multi-colored KANZEN logo. Half orange and half green, the right-hand side of the screen is suddenly filled by Mr. Electricity, Snap Dragon and KANZEN newcomer Matt Sparrow – known collectively as The UnStable.


Mr. Electricity: Can you feel it!? The ELECTRICITY! That's what's going to make sure that I, the finest Indian wrestler slash film star in history, the mighty Snap Dragon and 'The Birdman' Matt Sparrow here, become the 2010 Championship winning Super Trio. We may have had...character issues...but together we are the most exciting...no, electrifying trio in sports ent...the sport. Wrestling.


Snap Dragon looks a little dazed, but Mr. Electricity and Matt Sparrow show an enthusiasm that should set them in good stead come tournament time. Next up we return from our CGI pyrotechnics to see a blue KANZEN logo partially hidden behind a Mexican flag – it's Viva La Lucha time! While Extraordinario talks beside Mr Lucha III and Angel de Mexico we see shots of the trio performing the outlandish high flying maneuvers that are typical of wrestling south of the border.

Extraordinario Jr: Extraordinario Jr y Mr. Lucha III y Angel de Mexico - we are Viva La Lucha! Lucha Libre is not just about wrestling, it is an art form mis amigos. In KANZEN, you can see that art form on every show, but los trios is a Mexican tradition - it is in our blood. That is why Viva La Lucha is going to become the next KANZEN Super Trios Campeons! Olé!


Our penultimate trio is a collection of workers that many KANZEN fans won't have seen before. Canadian's Jamie Lightning and Thrash Diablo are joined by the man we met at the Grand Prix, Mimic. Together the three – known as The Maple Leaf Mosh Pit - hide a grey KANZEN logo behind their leather jack-clad torsos, while brief highlights of Mimic's match last month play.


Jamie Lightning: KANZEN is wild, am I right!? We might be pretty far from the Canadian border, but The Maple Leaf Mosh Pit do one thing pretty darn well and that's rocking all night long, you know what I'm saying! I'm Jamie Lightning, this is Thrash Diablo and together with Mimic, we are going to bring a bit of rock 'n' roll to the 'ZEN. And when we do, you can bet we'll be taking the music right the way to the Super Trios Championship!


The trio sign off their addition to the podcast with the well known 'devil's horn' hand gesture and some over vigorous headbanging. The next explosion signifies that we have only one trio remaining, and that is the weird and wonderful Zoo Extreme. Joining Fox Mask and Masked Cougar is debutant Burning EAGLE who talks to us on behalf of his team with the help of a translator...


Burning EAGLE's Translator: Burning EAGLE says that Zoo Extreme are going to win the Super Trios because they can be as wild animals, stalking as the lion, or soaring like the eagle. They do not know fear, or shame, only the innate call for victory. No team shares a set of abilities so different as Zoo Extreme and that gives them the advantage over everyone else. Burning EAGLE says that at Super Trios 2010 you will all be witness to the greatest night of wrestling ever – the American debut of Burning EAGLE and a victory for Zoo Extreme!


When Zoo Extreme and translator move off-screen the blue KANZEN logo expands to fill the screen, reminding everyone the dates, times, cost and schedule for the 2010 Best of the Super Trios Tournament!



Matthew Keith w/Krissy Angelle vs. Monty “The Python” Walker

Ultimate Submission Match (30 Minutes)


So much bad blood is in this matchup.


Two months ago, Monty “The Python” Walker sent former Brotherhood of Perfection member Steven Parker out from KANZEN empty-handed, as he used the almighty Proton Lock, a move that was created by Matthew Keith’s father, TCW legend Sam. At the end of a brutal and epic match, Walker locked it in out of nowhere.


Since that match, Walker has been quiet about the Proton Lock despite hundreds of questions from KANZEN fans, roster members, and close friends. Matthew Keith, along with his twin brother Greg and the rest of The Brotherhood, have been furious. A cheap win over Walker and Steve Flash last month just added to the bubbling intensity of this showdown.


Technical excellence filled the ring, as these two men tried everything possible to wear down the other and lock in one of their many submission moves. With the time limit, the two were constantly forced to strategize and wait for their right opportunity to attack.


Walker, to the delight of the crowd, was the first one to lock in a hold, a Figure Four Leglock. Walker had constantly went to work on Keith’s legs, waiting for the right time to strike. After Keith tried to use Krissy Angelle to distract referee Ryan Holland to illegally get some more punishment on Walker—a move that was quickly stopped—Walker stunned Keith with the move. A ferocious lock, Keith was oh so close to tapping out…but Angelle grabbed Keith’s wrist and pulled him towards the ropes while Holland wasn’t looking. Holland called for rope break, not knowing how it truly happened.


Keith, who had focused on punishment everywhere, not just one particular area, got his first submission hold in a couple of minutes later. While the damage might not have been as severe than what he could’ve done if he focused on one body part, he now had more holds to choose from than Walker—and he would rely on his technique to make Walker tap out rather than pre-existing pain. A Boston Crab was chosen by Keith, and it was a good call. After a lengthy period of agonizing time, Walker decided that giving up a point would save some time in the long run. He tapped out first.


Matthew Keith: 1 (17:23), Monty “The Python” Walker: 0


Walker took some more time to focus on his battle plan: punishing the young Keith’s legs. Stomps, kicks, and twists made sure Keith’s legs were absolutely on fire. Keith, nevertheless, rose to his feet and decided to play a little stay-away, trying to run some clock down. Walker, pumping up the crowd, used the Shot of Venom to get Matthew back on the ground, quickly transitioning to a Kneebar. The prideful Keith refused to tap, staying in the hold for minutes before Walker tried something else, knowing his time was running short. Trying to break the will of this arrogant Brother—and possibly Keith’s foot from the rest of his leg—Walker yelled out something about “revenge for Extraordinario” and went for a terrorizing Ankle Lock. A move that The Brotherhood used to cripple a young luchador came back to bite one of them big time. Keith quickly tapped out with under five minutes remaining in the match.


Matthew Keith: 1 (17:23), Monty “The Python” Walker: 1 (25:29)


The crowd roared as Keith tapped out, and Walker released the hold and acknowledge all of the faithful in the KAN-base. Holland went to check on Keith and help him to his feet, but he was shoved away. Keith, knowing that he didn’t have much longer left, charged and speared Walker, crashing “The Python” into the turnbuckle. He wasn’t going to lose an Ultimate Submission match. There was too much family and Brotherhood pride at stake. He was supposed to be one of the greatest young technical wrestlers the world has ever seen. Perhaps he underestimated the smaller Walker?


Whether or not he did underestimate him, Keith had intentions of breaking him. He ripped Walker up and set him on top of the turnbuckle, setting up a electrifying Superplex! Cringes all around (except from Krissy Angelle), and Keith deflated everyone once more by locking Walker in a Surfboard. Holland rushed over, waiting for Walker to submit…


But he didn’t. Walker somehow, some way got out of the hold and was back on his feet, taking advantage of a shocked Keith, using another Ankle Lock, same ankle as before! The clock was now under a minute, and a submission here would cement a victory! Everyone was on their feet, even those in the Commentation Station, Remus shrieking for the last sixty seconds of the contest.


Keith was on the verge of tapping out to the hold again! Walker turned away from Keith, locking it in harder…when Krissy Angelle hopped up on the apron and SLAPPED Walker! “The Python” was stung, releasing the hold and turning to find…


Matthew Keith, primed and ready to finish the match. He grabbed Walker and punished him with a solo Son of Sam Slam, quickly going for the Proton Lock! This was a matter of pride! The seconds ticked down as Keith clenched as tightly as he could, Walker practically screaming in pain. No one in history has ever gotten out of this hold, people! Walker grit his teeth and slammed his head against the canvas in pure agony. He raised his arm, going to tap…


But the bell rang before he could submit! This would be a 1-1 draw! Time limit has been reached, and these two world-class masters of submission couldn’t best one another.


Draw at 30:00, tied 1-1 (Time Limit Reached)





Matthew Keith

Refusing to Relinquish


After the bell rang, with the crowd in Taylor going berserk, Ryan Holland couldn’t get Matthew Keith to release the hold. By this point, Walker was about to be completely broken, and Holland couldn’t break the iron-clad grip of Keith. Pure fury blazed in Keith’s eyes as he yelled out:


Matthew Keith: How does it feel, Walker? Huh? NO ONE MESSES WITH THE BROTHERHOOD!


Walker, now gripping the ropes, couldn’t manage to escape the grip of Keith at all. Tecnicos came running down the ramp, ready to make the save. The Skye Club, Fists of Furry, The Parasites, Steve Flash, Snap Dragon, even Maple Leaf Mosh Pit came charging dow—


Wait…SNAP DRAGON?!?!?!?!?



Snap Dragon

What the Heck's Going On?

This time in a green mask, shocking everyone following his turn tonight, Snap Dragon came running down the ramp. The other tecnicos froze in fear of this new member of The Ever-Present Darkness. Despite the green mask, no one wanted to get near Snap.


Snap Dragon slid into the ring, stomping on Keith until he released the hold. Krissy Angelle screamed and ran off, and Keith was frozen in fear.


Now a part of The Darkness, Snap Dragon was a living nightmare.


But he continued, helping an exhausted Walker to his feet. When “The Python” turned around to see who had rescued him, he jumped back. Snap looked at him, confused, wondering why Walker and everyone in the place was now scared of him.


The show ends with the entire roster escaping the ring area, until Snap Dragon is left alone in the middle of the ring.









Remmington Remus: Snap Dragon is back, and in his green mask…wondering why everyone is scared of him!!! Which Snap will be at Super Trios next month, and who will take home the top honor? Anyone is bound to win and anything is bound to happen. Good night from Taylor, Michigan!





©KANZEN Pro, 2010


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If I'd of got anymore of those wrong I'd be begining to think that the delay for the show was to make sure you completely blitzzed me haha.


Great show to read, Snap Dragon needs his own T-Shirt, like a two faces of dragon to go with the current storyline.


A non wedge cut? But perhaps the most talented? Brilliant choice in Johnson.


And urgh Jamie and Diablo...well it gives me someone to unmercifully hate at least, cannot stand these two at all in the game for some reason.


Brilliant show amigo :)

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If I'd of got anymore of those wrong I'd be begining to think that the delay for the show was to make sure you completely blitzzed me haha.


Great show to read, Snap Dragon needs his own T-Shirt, like a two faces of dragon to go with the current storyline.


A non wedge cut? But perhaps the most talented? Brilliant choice in Johnson.


And urgh Jamie and Diablo...well it gives me someone to unmercifully hate at least, cannot stand these two at all in the game for some reason.


Brilliant show amigo :)

Once again, Mr. KANZEN...and everyone...sorry for the delay. Just got bogged down with education and what-not. Should be good to go now.


And Snap's got his own t-shirt...remember? It was the first one! But, maybe a Darkness one is due up for him.


Jared Johnson is someone I've never signed in any of my previous games, but I stumbled upon him for a replacement. Was gonna be Bulldozer Brandon Smith, but I decided that Johnson fit the Brotherhood better. And, yes, the non-wedgecut thing is certainly odd.


Why must you hate the Mosh Pit? I kinda like them...never have seen a metalhead stable before. If you must hate them, that will drive me to push them harder! Bwahahahaha!!!


Gracias for those comments, Senor KANZEN.


I can't accept Jared Johnson as a member of the Brotherhood until he gets a Wedgecut, he's not even blonde :p


The Snap Dragon 'Bi Polar mask' storyline is a great twist on the often travelled road of 'whose side is he on?'


Fantastic show and well worth the wait :)

I know, blondeness was going to be a must-have, that's why Smith was considered...but I wasn't gonna pass this up. In fact, I have a wedgecut render of Johnson--but I wasn't too big on it. Liked the current one better and how it looked with the comic book filter.


Oh, you haven't seen anything yet. This Snap Dragon deal is just picking up steam. It'll be a great storyline, one that should run me to the end of the year almost.


Thanks, TK!




Now, onto the prediction contest. And, we have a prize for whoever wins, finally...keep your eyes and ears peeled for it. Everyone will get a chance to be involved in this new little twist in the dynasty, but the sole winner, following June's event, will get some power. Trust me, it'll be huge.


As always, thanks to all who predict and make this dynasty worthwhile. And for those of you who voted for me back in January. Still can't get over that, truly an amazing award.


thug saint oga: 1

Midnightnick: 4

smurphy1014: 3

SWF Fan: 2 (And the tide turns!)

Jingo: 4

Tigerkinney: 2

jesseewiak: 2

Purple Cowboy: 2

MichiganHero: 3

jhd1: 2


Nobody's perfect, even SWF Fan, this time around. Really tough show to predict, as will Best of the Super Trios. But Midnightnick and Jingo pull off the big upset here on Selection Sunday, great job, fellas.


So, to recap the overall standings:

1. SWF Fan (3)

T-2. MichiganHero, Tigerkinney, 20LEgend, jhd1, Midnightnick, Jingo (1)


SWF Fan needs one more win to clinch the victory for this six-month showcase, and you other six need to win for BotST and June's show to force a tie.


Since SWF Fan didn't win, everyone's a winner! The tyrannous streak of Mr. KANZEN is over, so everyone gets this brand spanking new t-shirt, courtesy of KANZENPro.com...



Mr. Electricity gets a shirt this time! Leader of the bizarre new UnStable, Mr. Electricity, "The Bollywood Big Shot", "The New Delhi Dream", the greatest Indian wrestler/movie star in history is now honored with his own apparel. In fact, since getting the shirt, he's been wearing it all the time! Even to TCW shows! (Yeah, he was the odd signing along with Fire Monkey and Matthew Keith.)



Feedback, people. We demand it around these parts. What did you think of April Showers? How ready are you for Best of the Super Trios? Responses from you guys are the lifeblood of this dynasty. It is always begged for and appreciated.


Well, I'm headed out. Gotta cry over North Carolina's loss to Duke today.



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Bracket preview for <i><b>Best of the Super Trios 2010 </b></i>is set to come within the next few days, so get ready. <br><br>Wanted to post this, as it seems the great brains behind <b>jhd1 Studios </b>has seemed to take up photography. I told you that Mr. Electricity is loving his new t-shirt...<br><br><div align="center"><img src="http://i878.photobucket.com/albums/ab345/TheLeviticalLawKid3/KANZEN/KashmirSingh_jhdTLLK.jpg"><br></div>
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KANZEN Best of the Super Trios 2010

Columbus, Ohio



KANZEN Campeones de Parejas Acid and Black Reign, with OTA


The Ever-Present Darkness has haunted KANZEN since its beginnings. For months now, this nightmarish trio has steamrolled through the competition in KANZEN Pro.


And as we saw with former member Roboto Loco last month, they do not tolerate defeat.


Brutality and pure evil are their weapons. Speed that surrounds you like the darkness. The team of Acid Reign proved that they are the best tag team in the company, and haven't let up since. And you know that OTA, The Warrior of Darkness himself, will do whatever it takes to win.


Thanks to Acid Reign's position as the possessors of the top belts in KANZEN, they have the only bye in this seven-team tournament. Automatic semifinalists, The Darkness are more powerful than ever and are truly the "trio to beat" in this year's Best of the Super Trios tourney.


They will face the winners of #4 The Skye Club and #5 The UnStable.


Whoever emerges from that first match better be ready.

"Outside of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling's Rip Chord Invitational, American wrestling doesn't really have tournaments. I mean, it's everywhere in Japan...Mexico, too. If you claim to be the best, you MUST back it up by winning it all. There's no better claim to the title of 'the best' than to be the last one standing in the end. That's when you can really be the best at what you do."


-Monty "The Python" Walker



KANZEN King of the Ladder Match Skye, with Jett and Mainstream


Skye has been crowned the King of the Ladder Match, but he must prove that he is as deadly without ladders as he is with them.


He leads a duo of young high-fliers, his aerial disciples, thirsty for more championships. The Club has been one of the most exciting groups in KANZEN, and they are great crowd favorites for this tournament.


Will The Club prove that blinding speed and reckless combat is the way to go? Or will the sky high ones crash and burn?






Mr. Electricity, "Birdman" Matt Sparrow, and (Possibly) Snap Dragon


KANZEN Pro Wrestling is the land of the bizarre. And none more echo that statement than the crew called The UnStable.


Started up by the world's greatest Indian wrestler/film star, Mr. Electricity, The UnStable has raised a bunch of eyebrows since their debut.


It started with a self-help lesson offering by Mr. Electricity to the torn between two natures Snap Dragon. Despite drastic turns back and forth from green tweener to a member of The Ever-Present Darkness, Snap Dragon is still a welcome member of The UnStable.


Mr. Electricity values Snap's innovative offense and championship legacy throughout North America. Teamed up with the recently debuted, "Half Bird, Half Amazing" Matt Sparrow, this crew is the dark horse for this year's trios titles.


But the questions on everyone's mind are: (1) Which Snap Dragon will show up for BotST? and (2) Why in the world does Mr. Electricity put so much stock in a wrestling bird?


"KANZEN's definitely a different type of place. But it's a drastic change from what mainstream wrestling is, and for the better. One of the ways that we do that is putting an emphasis on team wrestling. Too many wrestlers breaking into the business are egotistical, wanting the prize for themselves only. That's why the Campeones de Parejas is the top title in the company...and why Best of the Super Trios is our marquee event."


-Steve Flash



Matthew and Greg Keith, with KANZEN Young Guns Cup Champion Nelson Callum


KANZEN means perfection.


And these three men, young superstars that are representing a powerhouse stable in the company, want you to know that is what they are.


An obvious front-runner to the championship, The Brotherhood of Perfection comes into this month's tournament with a chip on their shoulder. The crew has racked up a bunch of wins since their formation, but are driven by the desire to be the dominant best and their hatred of Monty "The Python" Walker.


While Walker will be in the Commentation Station for the duration of the tournament, that will be on everyone's minds once these three step into the ring.


It's nothing personal, really. They just hate everyone.






Extraordinario Jr., Mr. Lucha III, and Angel de Mexico


The supreme underdog story in this year's tournament is Viva La Lucha! This trio will square off against The Brotherhood, which has an intense rivalry with Extraordinario Jr., in their first round matchup.


But these three luchadors wouldn't have it any other way. They love the odds being stacked against them. Extraordinario and Mr. Lucha III have been that way ever since stepping into the doors of this company.


Los Luchas de Viaje Escuela, as they are called, recruited Mexican sensation Angel de Mexico to help them in their quest for the titles. Upset-minded and more than capable of turning the tide in a match, Viva La Lucha! will fight for honor and glory in this tournament, making them a hot upset bid.


"I've been to Mexico...officiated a few times for SOTBPW...and I've seen what trios competition can be like. More variety, more action...it's better for the fans and the wrestlers themselves. When a good trio is clicking and firing on all cylinders, you've got something special on your hands."


-Ryan Holland



Fox Mask, Masked Cougar, and Burning EAGLE


The most talked about trio heading into the tournament is, of course, Zoo Extreme. With the team of Fists of Furry coming close to capturing the Campeones de Parejas titles last month, Fox Mask and Masked Cougar are primed and ready for some revenge.


Three straight wins could give them the greatest revenge of all: taking the inaugural tournament title.


What makes them stand out above the rest in this bracket is the wild card named Burning EAGLE. EAGLE, a Japanese freelancer known for his breath-taking style of junior wrestling and his reputation in the Far East as EXILE, will make his American debut this month is our tournament.


Quite simply one of the greatest Japanese juniors in the world today, Burning EAGLE gives this trio a ton of promise and fanfare heading into Best of the Super Trios 2010.






Jamie Lightning, Mimic, and Thrash Diablo


To the tune of thunderous double bass rhythms and electrifying guitar solos, Maple Leaf Mosh Pit has exploded into the KANZEN scene with authority. With a tag team win last month, The Pit looks to continue their streak with a great performance in this month's tournament.


Three Canadian lightweights that hit harder than the music they crave, Maple Leaf Mosh Pit has turned into an enigmatic group of fan favorites.


They will do whatever it takes to win, and they are here to prove that the frenzy up north of the border is ready to take over all the entire scope of North American wrestling.

"It's gonna be the only competition of its kind in the entire world. It'll be a worldwide showcase of the best three man groups in wrestling. Top to bottom, there are no advantages...any of these trios could walk away as the champions of the inaugural Best of the Super Trios tournament. Expect ANYTHING, KAN-base."


-Remmington Remus


KANZEN Best of the Super Trios 2010

Prediction Key



(4) The Skye Club vs. (5) The UnStable

(2) The Brotherhood of Perfection vs. (7) Viva La Lucha!

(3) Zoo Extreme vs. (6) Maple Leaf Mosh Pit



(1) The Ever-Present Darkness vs. (4) The Skye Club OR (5) The UnStable

(2) The Brotherhood of Perfection OR (7) Viva La Lucha! vs. (3) Zoo Extreme OR (6) Maple Leaf Mosh Pit



(1), (4), OR (5) vs. (2), (7), (3), OR (6)

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KANZEN Best of the Super Trios 2010

Prediction Key



(4) The Skye Club vs. (5) The UnStable

(2) The Brotherhood of Perfection vs. (7) Viva La Lucha!

(3) Zoo Extreme vs. (6) Maple Leaf Mosh Pit



(1) The Ever-Present Darkness vs. (4) The Skye Club OR (5) The UnStable

(2) The Brotherhood of Perfection OR (7) Viva La Lucha! vs. (3) Zoo Extreme OR (6) Maple Leaf Mosh Pit



(1), (4), OR (5) vs. (2), (7), (3), OR (6)



I'm going for a complete long shot.

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KANZEN Best of the Super Trios 2010

Prediction Key



(4) The Skye Club vs. (5) The UnStable

(2) The Brotherhood of Perfection vs. (7) Viva La Lucha!

(3) Zoo Extreme vs. (6) Maple Leaf Mosh Pit



(1) The Ever-Present Darkness vs. (4) The Skye Club OR (5) The UnStable

(2) The Brotherhood of Perfection OR (7) Viva La Lucha! vs. (3) Zoo Extreme OR (6) Maple Leaf Mosh Pit



(1), (4), OR (5) vs. (2), (7), (3), OR (6)

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(4) The Skye Club vs. (5) The UnStable- From storyline terms, having Snap turn up in his dark mask half way through their semi final would be awesome

(2) The Brotherhood of Perfection vs. (7) Viva La Lucha!- Doubt they can lose can see them making the final too

(3) Zoo Extreme vs. (6) Maple Leaf Mosh Pit- If Pit wins, I will riot



(1) The Ever-Present Darkness vs. (4) The Skye Club OR (5) The UnStable- The Unstable win again, Snap manages to stop the darkness for now

(2) The Brotherhood of Perfection OR (7) Viva La Lucha! vs. (3) Zoo Extreme OR (6) Maple Leaf Mosh Pit- Better all round team



(1), (4), OR (5) vs. (2), (7), (3), OR (6) - The Unstable will finally become unhinged by Snap Dragon's darkness taking over, the Perfection show their perfection by winning

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(4) The Skye Club vs. (5) The UnStable


Skye Club get through, when Bi-Polar Snap Dragon becomes consumed by 'the Ever Present Darkness' and turns on his partners. Besides the Skye Club in my opinion, are the top faces and provide the best hope to the fans that the gold won't fall into heel hands, despite the fact that they are seeded 4th.


(2) The Brotherhood of Perfection vs. (7) Viva La Lucha!


Brotherhood are getting a much stronger push right now


(3) Zoo Extreme vs. (6) Maple Leaf Mosh Pit


Zoo Extreme will provide a better match with the Brotherhood in the semi final than the still green Canadian's.



(1) The Ever-Present Darkness vs. (4) The Skye Club


In something of an upset The Skye Club move into the finals, when Bi-Polar Snap Dragon inteferes and attacks the Ever Present Darkness, costing them the match. Beside EPD already hold the Campeones de Parejas and don't really need the Trio's Trophy to remain looking dominant.


(2) The Brotherhood of Perfection vs. (3) Zoo Extreme


As I have the faces going through in the last semi, logice tells me the Brotherhood should go through in this one.



(1), (4), OR (5) vs. (2), (7), (3), OR (6)


The fans won't like it but The Brotherhood come out on top to become the first winners of the Best of the Trios tournament.

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Well, I was afraid of this.


It is with a heavy heart and a bunch of blank t-shirts that I say this: This dynasty is ending.


Why? Well, I have an insane amount of stuff to do in the coming months...up to the fall, really.


And I don't have the time to upkeep and update this dynasty like I want. Not enough free time right now. I loved this idea and wanted it to continue for, like, 100+ pages, but it won't ever reach that.


And it's not like I'm gonna start up a new dynasty next week. On the boards now, I am strictly going to be an avid reader/supporter of other works and continue writing through side projects like SWF Aftermath with jhd1 and Dry Erase Board Guy with angeldelayette. (Any other writer who would like some added input and extra segments, feel free to PM me.)


So, thanks finally to everyone who made this the best time I've had on the GDS boards and with TEW. The readers truly made KANZEN tick.


Adios for now and thanks again,


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As is life man, it was a great read and I hope whatever you do with the C-Verse in the future goes just as well :)


Many thanks man for a great dynasty



Well, Mr. KANZEN, many thanks to your for your original idea for this promotion and your continued support in being this dynasty's #1 fan.

Well, for the 10 pages we got, were a really good 10 pages.

That's awesome to hear, 20LEgend. And that's what I want this dynasty's legacy to be, and whatever I do writing-wise: no matter how much I write, I want it all to be really good. Thanks again.

Will we at least find out the future of Snap Dragon?

You will, and everyone else in KANZEN. I'm planning on doing a "What Should of Happened For The Rest of 2010" post sometime this afternoon or tomorrow. Everyone's storylines and even some new special signings will be revealed, all the way up to the final show in 2010.

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Shame to see this end, but completely understandable. Glad to hear you'll be sticking around for AFTERMATH though :p


In all seriousness, you've done a fantastic job at making KANZEN your own. I know it is a future promotion in-game, but few diaries that use a 'new' fed manage to gain the following that this has - a testament to your writing, and your booking. You have also formed an image of KANZEN, at least in my mind, that will be difficult to shake off, and I'm sure you will have inspired a few others to try the promotion out along the way.


Whenever you return, you know you'll have a reader in me.

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Shame to see this end, but completely understandable. Glad to hear you'll be sticking around for AFTERMATH though :p


In all seriousness, you've done a fantastic job at making KANZEN your own. I know it is a future promotion in-game, but few diaries that use a 'new' fed manage to gain the following that this has - a testament to your writing, and your booking. You have also formed an image of KANZEN, at least in my mind, that will be difficult to shake off, and I'm sure you will have inspired a few others to try the promotion out along the way.


Whenever you return, you know you'll have a reader in me.

Oh, so that's all you care about? Me selling myself for Aftermath? Hmm?


Well, I guess I'll stay...my salary's too great to leave SWF and you now.


But, seriously, I'm glad KANZEN has that spot in people's minds. I wanted it to be a more serious version of CHIKARA, with the in-ring talent coming first above all else. That, combined with Kam's logos for it, is what I want people to think about when they think about KANZEN.


And wedgecuts.



Storylines, characters, and more...this is the rest of the story. Let me know how you think about what the future of KANZEN was gonna be:


Best of the Super Trios 2010: Zoo Extreme was going to pull off a crazy upset win, beating Maple Leaf Mosh Pit (who would leave the company due to poor showings, bad chemistry, and CGC contracts/scheduling), The Brotherhood of Perfection (who disgraced the Luchas in Round 1 by winning in arrogant style), and finally The Ever-Present Darkness for it all.


Notable happenings in the tournament would be Snap Dragon getting yanked under the ring by...something...during the middle of The UnStable's match with The Skye Club and not returning. That is, until The Darkness distract the referee and Snap returns, dark mask, and helps Acid beat Skye. Also, the final would see Far East rivals Burning EAGLE and Acid finishing the title bout in epic fashion. EAGLE would eventually pin Acid, putting away some of the demons from Acid's wins over EAGLE in WLW.


The Ever-Present Darkness vs. Burning EAGLE: Green mask Snap Dragon turns around next month and beats Burning EAGLE without the help of the dark mask or The Darkness. But Acid would come and beat down EAGLE post-match, causing Monty to stop the chaos and announce cage match between EAGLE and Acid for the next show.


During the cage match, dark mask Snap Dragon would come out from under the ring, virtually out of nowhere, hit a Dragon Driver on EAGLE and help Acid win via Heart Punch. Snap Dragon would leave the cage post-match and lock EAGLE in there. The remaining members of The Darkness would join Acid in beating down EAGLE with him having nowhere to run. EAGLE would not be heard from for months (short term contract limits).


Monty "The Python" Walker vs. The Brotherhood of Perfection: Walker would call out The Brotherhood for their disrespectful win over Viva La Lucha! at BotST, and Jared Johnson would answer the call. In the match later that night, Walker would get blindsided by a Johnson chair shot, which Ryan Holland sees. The Keiths couldn't distract Holland enough and they would end up losing via DQ to Walker...but they didn't care. No, the beatdown continued in the ring until most of the other tecnicos on the roster come to the rescue.


The next month (July), a ticked off Python would challenge Greg Keith after the EAGLE vs. Acid cage match. The crew lifts the cage and we have an impromptu classic, with Walker winning via Proton Lock...which injures Keith! The Brotherhood are outraged, and several tag/trios matches over the next few months would set up a December career vs. career match between Matthew Keith and Walker. Walker would win the Ironman match and send Keith to TCW full-time. I was going to abuse the crazy nationwide overness that Keith was gaining until his scheduling conflicts were too much (the end of 2010).


Nelson Callum and Davis Wayne Newton vs. Extraordinario Jr.: Callum and Newton add salt to the wound following the luchas loss at BotST, continuing to disrespect the proud warrior. Extraordinario wants revenge, and he gets Mr. Lucha III to help him in a tag match. If the luchas win over Callum and Newton, Ex would get a Young Guns Cup shot. They would win, and Ex gets the shot, of course.


Before the match, though, Callum "grants" Newton a title shot. They mockingly have a title match and Newton gets the Cup. Since Ex's contract has him facing Callum, Ex can't get a title win over Callum. In rage, Ex beats Callum.


Every time Extraordinario would get close to the Cup, Newton and Callum would cheat him out of it. The two would even get Mr. Lucha III to turn on Extraordinario in jealousy...Extraordinario was just "using him" to get to the Cup, the two told him.


A new rivalry would form between Extraordinario and Mr. Lucha, leading to a Mask vs. Mask match in October. Extraordinario would win over the odds (Brotherhood interference throughout), and unmask his former friend.


In December, Extraordinario would finally get his shot, the match that started it all: Callum vs. Newton vs. Extraordinario for the Cup, no holds barred. A violent and wild match would give the ultimate underdog the Young Guns Cup.


This huge upset, combined with Walker's victories over the rest of The Brotherhood, would disband the group of arrogant hotshots, with some leaving the company. Jared Johnson would deliver the final kill shot to the life of the stable, as he would turn face, tired of being the low man compared to the Keiths.


The Skye Club: Skye would continue to hold the King of the Ladder Match title, defending it in December in "The Final Chapter" to the legendary rivalry between himself and Fox Mask. Throughout his runs, Skye would get more bitter and bizarre, becoming an edgy tweener. The reason behind that would be his losses (in non-KOTLM matches) and Jett and Mainstream's success (they would get in a great rivalry between Acid Reign later in the year that would see SEVERAL title changes).


The UnStable: Mr. Electricity was going to get a huge singles push, and even start monthly segments where he would film his own Bollywood-esque movie with "Birdman" Matt Sparrow. In it he would turn to a full-fledged comedic face.


The Snap Dragon Saga: A saga that would turn Snap Dragon from midcarder to main event machine, the Snap Dragon story would be EPIC.


Following the Acid vs. EAGLE cage match, Snap Dragon would continue splitting time between The UnStable (green mask) and The Darkness (dark mask).


Or we thought he was.


In his green mask, Snap Dragon silently was not understanding why he was being feared so much. It looked like he legitimately did not understand what was going on.


We would find out why.


Months later, green mask Snap Dragon would be in a trios match with his UnStable members and The Ever-Present Darkness. At the end of the match, The Darkness would win...via interference from dark mask Snap Dragon.


But green mask Snap Dragon was in the ring.


Turns out that dark mask Snap Dragon was a different person all along! The two would fight in an intense feud that would culminate in the December finale in a Mask vs. Mask match between Snap Dragon and who would now be called Dark Dragon. Snap Dragon would banish his demons and secure his win (and face-ness) with a win, unmasking Dark Dragon as...Frankie Perez.


Yes, jhd1, there was a place for your Cali Dragon alt, as Frankie would start 2011 as a Cali Dragon with new roster member Mikey James. These two would be members of The Darkness, and the crew would continue to haunt KANZEN well into 2011 and beyond.


Snap Dragon would become a more fun-loving, tail-kicking son of a gun, getting a leading role in Mr. Electricity's movie, which was scheduled to hit Mark Smart Video in early 2011. The movie would be a comedy co-starring India's most popular wrestler/movie star and a guy who acts like a bird.


The movie's title? The same as the last show of 2010, whose DVD would come as a combo pack with Electricity's movie: The Tail of Two Dragons.


Signings and Etc.: After six months, the plan was to have a Create-a-Tag Team contest, giving the winner of the prediction contest judging privileges. Every reader had a chance to create their own tag team, which would become the characters of debuting Kamikaze Christian Vars and his new mentor, Lee "Thrill Seeker" Riviera.


Other signings, besides the Create-a-Tag Team and Frankie "Cali/Dark Dragon" Perez, would be Joanne Rodriguez and Trent Shaffer. J-Ro would be an equality fighter, taking on everyone and everything in a "Women Can Fight, Too" manner. She would even get a shot at the King (Queen) of the Ladder Match title in the future. Shaffer would be a new trio member alongside Jett and Mainstream, who abandon Skye and Dharma after Skye continues his Charlie Sheen-like rants and bitterness.


Also, a CHIKARA-style Cibernetico tournament would be held in November. Not sure who would've won that...maybe Jared Johnson, starting his break from The Brotherhood. We'll go with that.



So, that's what I was planning on doing. Had huge plans, but not enough time. In my last request to the awesome readers of this dynasty, I would like you to answer this quick questionnaire for me:


1. What was your favorite part of KANZEN: Seriously Entertaining?


2. What did you think of the future ideas, as posted above?


3. What will be your lasting thought of this dynasty?

Thanks to all who read, posted, critiqued, and sniffed at this dynasty. Monty "The Python" Walker and all of his dysfunctional family, AKA the KANZEN roster, sends their thanks, too.


Adios, KAN-base.


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