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Mistico signs with WWE


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Mistico is awesome! But they have to keep his finisher and costume.


In the comments of one of the Mistico videos someone mentioned Kota Ibushi, who looks like Yoshi Tatsu and Evan Bourne rolled into one.




Wouldn't be a bad move for WWE to diversify. Hell, they could ditch NXT and have a third M rated brand with good technical wrestlers allowed to do their thing.

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He's spectacular.


I do think there should be some serious doubts asto how he'll 'translate' to the WWE.


One..his best stuff in the ring would probably be seen only in spots in the same way that Rey works.


And two.from what I know he's not a great talker and his English is rough (its been a while since I've heard him so that could be wrong) That's definitely not a good sign for a successful WWE run.


It would've been a bigger deal a few years back, but I tend to agree that he probably stayed because CMLL was the safer option. There are ways to work around visa issues, and unless he was 100% certain that going to the E was going to bea homerun, why leave when he was in such a good spot?


Looking forward to his run, but I'm also realistic enough to think it could be a major letdown.

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Like I mentioned with Sting earlier, money is a fairly big motivational tool... actually one of if not the biggest. I'm not saying he didn't, stating "he didn't want to give up being king" implies you've spoken with him though and from what I remember he publically said at the time he was interested in wrestling in the US (not WWE particularly, he didn't specify).


I'm being a bit of a tool here, but thought I'd just point out that popular human motivational theory regarding work is that money is actually quite a low motivator (assuming one has enough to be secure, that is). And that responsibility, potential for career advancement, a good working environment, and other such matters rate much more highly.


Of course, that's not to say that every single person would choose a $50k job over a $200k job when offered, because people are different and money is still a factor (especially when the options have big differences between them); just that there are believed to be much more important (and successful) motivational tools.



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- Former WWE writer Court Bauer wrote the following on his twitter about WWE's signing of Mistico:


"Mistico inking with WWE continues the trend of shaking things up - that's a good thing. But and it's a big but it's going to be a tough road for the silver masked sensation. In late 2006, I pushed for WWE to pursue bringing Mistico's talents to Stamford. Vince McMahon had mandated more Latin talent on the show (and rightfully so!) and at the time who fit the bill better than the KING of the Arena Mexico BO - Mistico! We brought him to our shows and there was a buzz amongst the boys. They knew this guy was legit as did many of us behind the scenes. Unfortunately, there were key people who found ways to ice a deal: "He doesn't speak English! How's he gonna draw?", "Dang (yes really) he's so SMALL!", "he's gotta work on those punches," "he can't sell because of that MASK?" and on and on. Here's thing about "change" and WWE - if you want to change things, it starts at the core of the operations, not the secondary, etc. for those very same people who 86'd Mistico in '06 are still there & are still big time players today & their vision remains the same. Will they back Mistico all the way? Will the champion him to WrestleMania 30? Time will tell but one thing is for sure: Given their underperformance, PPV buys, thin roster, etc WWE can't afford to NOT to change."


interesting insight from someone who worked behind the scenes. I think it echoes a lot of the doubts most fans have about this.

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"He's gotta work on those punches" Could apply to the entire WWE roster. I don't know if a single one of them has decent punches.

I think the only WWE guy who can throw a good punch is Lawler. From about the mid-90s onwards, punches in wrestling have become steadily worse to where they look comically bad.

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Judging from that vid, he sure does look like a shining star.


One question though... is it normal in Mexico to completely no-sell a guy's moves like several of his opponents does in that video? Maybe it's just me being used to American style wrestling, but I prefer when a guy at least pretends being kicked 3 times in the head mean something.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sin Cara joins WWE


Not sure about the name change. The new costume looks good, though. I hope they keep his entrance song ("Ameno" by Era) but you never know with the WWE. They gave the Corre a boring song, IMO.



I can't get enough of watching Mistico and there are no shortage of videos. His cross-arm breaker at 2:56 is insane and his "619" is way cooler than Rey's.


As to whether he makes it big in WWE - He's got the skill, he already said he's willing to learn English and he's got a better look than Kaval. So it will depend on whether his WWE opponents are good enough to sell him in-ring and whether WWE let him use his best moves.

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Judging from that vid, he sure does look like a shining star.


One question though... is it normal in Mexico to completely no-sell a guy's moves like several of his opponents does in that video? Maybe it's just me being used to American style wrestling, but I prefer when a guy at least pretends being kicked 3 times in the head mean something.


Everything in Mexico is slightly different, you have to watch it with lucha eyes. Also those kicks were not completely no sold, just not sold as strong enough to knock the dude off his feet. It's obviously bit of a david and goliath struggle with Mistico being the plucky babyface. Selling does tend to be a bit different in Mexico though, and they bump differently too.

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He was selling it. Didn't you see him stumbling around like a drunken buffoon? He was "rocked," as they say.


Now, the one I don't get is Puro selling of knife-edge chops. They chop each other back and forth, literally no-selling half the time so they can chop faster, and then out of nowhere one chop that's no different than any of the others sends a dude flying.

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Now, the one I don't get is Puro selling of knife-edge chops. They chop each other back and forth, literally no-selling half the time so they can chop faster, and then out of nowhere one chop that's no different than any of the others sends a dude flying.


It's a game of chicken; who can stand there and take it without being the first to go down. The chop that knocks them down might not look any different than those that came before it, but it's coming after so many that it finally knocks them off their feet. It's the same psychology behind the spot in American wrestling where the heel staggers off of the first two punches and then goes down on the third, even though it was no different to the first two.

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It's a game of chicken; who can stand there and take it without being the first to go down. The chop that knocks them down might not look any different than those that came before it, but it's coming after so many that it finally knocks them off their feet. It's the same psychology behind the spot in American wrestling where the heel staggers off of the first two punches and then goes down on the third, even though it was no different to the first two.


Right. Think of it like chopping down a tree. It's not the first blow of the axe that fells the tree. It's numerous blows in approximately the same spot that chip away at the tree that cause it to fall. Similiarly a single knife-edge might not do much to these guys. But it's about who can withstand more. Which tree is going to fall first?

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Everything in Mexico is slightly different, you have to watch it with lucha eyes. Also those kicks were not completely no sold, just not sold as strong enough to knock the dude off his feet. It's obviously bit of a david and goliath struggle with Mistico being the plucky babyface. Selling does tend to be a bit different in Mexico though, and they bump differently too.


Yeah lucha does seem different to me overall. I watched a match between Alberto Del Rio (as Dos Caras Jr.) against Shocker where they basically did one spot each, then went to each their corner to play to the audience, went back and did a couple of spots more, then back to the corners, and so on... was a very weird experience to me. And the selling seemed pretty weird in that match as well, and it had a very oddly slow pace. I recently saw a match between Typhoon and Kamala that went like 400 % faster. Scary.

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He looks great but I have two fears...


1) The WWE will dumb down his style. It's widely known that they've changed their in-ring product over the last decade and people like Sin Cara could be deemed as too risky given his more flashy lucha style. Not saying it's crazy by any means but certainly a contrast to the WWE's normal approach.


2) The WWE talent won't know how to work with him. Sure, Rey Mysterio Jr. may do well to keep up (well, kinda... he's slowed down a lot in the last 5 years or so), but, in reality, I don't know if everyone will know how to work with him. It could make for some awkward matches, etc.


Either way, I'm excited to see what comes of him.

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