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When you set in your product the length of matches like mainevent say to 20 minutes; when you go to book the match does the time to set up the match count like how on a regular match its set for 2 minutes for enterences and what not or whatever so would I set the match for 18 min to get the 20 or how does that work?
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When you set in your product the length of matches like mainevent say to 20 minutes; when you go to book the match does the time to set up the match count like how on a regular match its set for 2 minutes for enterences and what not or whatever so would I set the match for 18 min to get the 20 or how does that work?


Yes under the match length slider it will say how much time will be added to the match time. So for a one on one match if you were to have the slider say 18 minutes the match would be a total of twenty minutes.

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Yes under the match length slider it will say how much time will be added to the match time. So for a one on one match if you were to have the slider say 18 minutes the match would be a total of twenty minutes.


No. Check it. The match length in the promotion's product only counts IN-RING time. If you do as the OP suggests, you'll get dinged for match length in the dirt sheet.

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What counts as a "minor" and "medium" match?

I'm guessing that minor is for enhancement and openers?

and medium is lower to upper midcarders?


Close. In general terms:


Minor is lower midcarder and below or midcarder-opener/ET

Medium is Midcarder-Midcarder or Upper Mid-Midcarder or Midcarder-Lower midcarder

Major is ME-ME, ME-UM, ME-Mid


Tag team matches muddy the waters. But in general, if a main eventer and an upper midcarder are in a match together (regardless of who else is involved), the game sometimes considers it a major match. I've gotten dinged for match length by using 'medium' match length settings on a tag match with a ME-Midcarder team vs an Upper Mid-Midcarder team. I've also gotten dinged for match length for a preshow battle royale that had one main eventer, one upper midcarder and the rest as lower mid and below with one midcarder (it was a "training" match set to medium match length).

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Close. In general terms:


Minor is lower midcarder and below or midcarder-opener/ET

Medium is Midcarder-Midcarder or Upper Mid-Midcarder or Midcarder-Lower midcarder

Major is ME-ME, ME-UM, ME-Mid


Tag team matches muddy the waters. But in general, if a main eventer and an upper midcarder are in a match together (regardless of who else is involved), the game sometimes considers it a major match. I've gotten dinged for match length by using 'medium' match length settings on a tag match with a ME-Midcarder team vs an Upper Mid-Midcarder team. I've also gotten dinged for match length for a preshow battle royale that had one main eventer, one upper midcarder and the rest as lower mid and below with one midcarder (it was a "training" match set to medium match length).


so for a 18 min match with two min added do I set it at 16 minutes to get to 18?

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No, the match time specified on the product settings page is the minimum RING-TIME. So if your main events are set at a minimum of 18 minutes long, you'd need 18 minutes of actual wrestling. For a default 1vs1 match, the actual segment would need to be 20 minutes long because of the 2 minutes non-wrestling time automatically added.



Re: Major matches, I've also found that if a single main eventer is wrestling in it at all, no matter the level of his opponent(s) or the position on the card (which I'm pretty sure is irrelevent anyway), it's a Major match. Even if Rocky is squashing Funaki in a Smackdown opener. I've never gotten away with putting a main eventer in a medium-length match (that I've noticed, at least).

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Some people have taken to making all their match expectations 5 minutes just to get around that/not bother with it.


Can you get dinged for the match being too long? Like if you do as Eidenhoek says, make them all 5 minutes in your product, but book the main event to be 20 minutes?

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Can you get dinged for the match being too long? Like if you do as Eidenhoek says, make them all 5 minutes in your product, but book the main event to be 20 minutes?


Yes, and you can also get the "Wrestler was used too much" note at the end.


Random note, Womens division is a medium match.

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Can you get dinged for the match being too long? Like if you do as Eidenhoek says, make them all 5 minutes in your product, but book the main event to be 20 minutes?


Yes, and you can also get the "Wrestler was used too much" note at the end.


No, not really. If the main event is with main eventers who have the skills necessary to pull off a match of that length, you won't get dinged for it being too long just because the fans only expect 5 min long matches. I can tell you this unequivocally because I've done the 5 min across the board thing but my usual match lengths are 5/9/14 and 20-30 minute main event matches are fairly commonplace for me. I might get dinged for worker stamina, I might get dinged for worker psychology, but I've never been dinged for a match running too long.


Now the 'used too much' thing is card position related more than anything else. But if you've got main eventers in a main event match that exceeds your product's typical match length, you won't get dinged specifically for it being too long.

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