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Supreme Wrestling Federation: Under Pressure

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For me it doesnt matter which style you choose, I'll be reading it either way, I feel if the new way will help you get more shows out and not have this die then I'm all for it, I've really been enjoying this :)
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I enjoyed the show again We Like Seafood and the name mystery is intriguing, Brawl was good and touches like Keith being sent home add to it for me. Atlas staying strong is good and the quote belwo I have no clue, unless it's Zen: Art of Wrestling's Halloween Knight :p


A black-and-white, skull design lucha libre mask was laid across the metal door, the harrowing words 'Reap the Reaper' were scrawled beneath it.


Great show, I like this format, it is much easier to read in 1 go :D

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For me it doesnt matter which style you choose, I'll be reading it either way, I feel if the new way will help you get more shows out and not have this die then I'm all for it, I've really been enjoying this :)


Great show, I like this format, it is much easier to read in 1 go :D


Gotta be honest - I prefer the shorter layout by about 1000%. It stops me "skipping" parts, and it still gets across your characters and stories just fine.


Short layout please :)


Thanks for the comments. Obviously I know what I want to happen in the show, and I know what happens in the next show, but it can difficult to tell sometimes just how much is put across, especially know things are a lot shorter. I'm glad that you all like the new layout.


And Rathen4 - thanks for your honesty! I must admit, I'm someone who skips bits of shows too but when I'm writing the urge is to put it all down in one place! :D


I enjoyed the show again We Like Seafood and the name mystery is intriguing, Brawl was good and touches like Keith being sent home add to it for me. Atlas staying strong is good and the quote belwo I have no clue, unless it's Zen: Art of Wrestling's Halloween Knight :p


I'm not going to tell you who it is (because that would ruin the fun), but I can tell you he isn't Australian, or from New Zealand :D


It's simple...jhd just imported La Parka from a real world database.


That would be awesome. I didn't, but I should have done. :p

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Here's the much delayed prediction contest table. I did the scores a while ago but I haven't had chance to check through it. I'm certain it's up-to-date, but if anyone notices anything I've missed just let me know.


1. 20LEgend...42

2. Bigpapa42...40

3. Jingo...38

4. Sebsplex...37

5. Tigerkinney...36

6. Midnightnick...33

7. Liamo...32

8. angeldelayette...31

9. LoNdOn...30

10. Zergon...28

11. Angrhist, smurphy1014...23

12. Purple Cowboy...19

13. Anggur Merah...18

14. jesseewiak...17

15. James Casey, rdarnz...16

16. ChrisKid, Prophet, Trell...15

17. joehelmer...13

18. Woodsmeister...12

19. blewrider1980...8

20. Emark, funkyzafara...7

21. legendkiller13...6

22. BloodKnuckles...5

23. cmdrsam, Yuu Onuki...4

24. Eisen-verse, PeterHilton...3

25. DiablomanConQueso, KingJoel...2


Prediction card for the next show will be up sometime tonight. :)

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Top of the league, yay I normally suck at predicting, maybe it's jhd1's diaries, I remember angeldelayette and your joint work which I got 100% prediction rate until the last show when Major Disaster continued to be a jobber!
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Our first match is one of three featuring current SWF champions, all of which will be non-title affairs. Steve Frehley became North American champion just a fortnight ago, triumphing against the odds over Brandon James and Emma Chase. With a rematch lined up for Master of Puppets things are sure to be tense for the champion, especially with Kurt Laramee for an opponent. Despite being considered a tag team wrestler, Laramee's run as a singles competitor in DaVE was one of the company's most successful - he captured the Brass Knuckles title 5 times in 6 years. Laramee will surely want to prove that his glory days have not passed with an underdog victory over the champion here tonight.



Our second non-title match pits brand new Shooting Star champion Gregory Black against fellow high-flier Paul Huntingdon. A string of good performances has given Huntingdon another prominent match on TV, and the 'Blue Blood' will be going all out for victory given the lack of a clear #1 contender for the Shooting Star championship. Black, on the other hand, will want to begin his reign with a victory, especially given the 'help' he received in winning the belt in the first place.



Jungle Lord moves from one enormous figure in Runaway Train, to another in Everest. 'The Immovable Object' has been away from Supreme TV for too long and a solid performance from the enormous one might just put him in contention for a title shot. The much smaller Lord, however, will want to continue a fine start to the year with another win-against-the-odds. Whether Runaway Train will keep away long enough for this match to get into its swing is another matter entirely.



Marat Khoklov is fierce. Marat Khoklov is vicious. Marat Khoklov is usually angry. Does Robbie Retro stand a chance? Few in the audience will be putting any money on a Retro victory, but with one of the upsets of the year on the cards, Robbie is guaranteed to be fired up for this one. Marat Khoklov, meanwhile, will just be happy for something to destroy.



Lobster Warrior and Joe Sexy might not be able to decide on a name for their tag team - last week's We Like Seafood was never going to take off - but as a wrestling duo they have certainly started off strongly. sXe know how to win, and however hard the referee tries, Gilmore and McClean can find a way to trick him. With no title on the line, and a title match just nine days away, the real question on everyone's mind will be whether these two teams put on a wrestling classic, or will they hold something back for the big event in Houston?

Quick Picks

Steve Frehley vs Kurt Laramee (Non-Title Match)

Paul Huntingdon vs Gregory Black (Non-Title Match)

Jungle Lord vs Everest

Marat Khoklov vs Robbie Retro

Ladies Love Lobster vs sXe (Non-Title Match)

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Steve Frehley vs Kurt Laramee (Non-Title Match)

He's better

Paul Huntingdon vs Gregory Black (Non-Title Match)

Even non title he need to be booked strongly

Jungle Lord vs Everest

He has much more upside.

Marat Khoklov vs Robbie Retro

Unless it's a dance off

Ladies Love Lobster vs sXe (Non-Title Match)

Like the name :D I think they win here to set up a shot at the gold.

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Steve Frehley vs Kurt Laramee (Non-Title Match)

I don´t see Frehley losing here even though it´s non-title match.


Paul Huntingdon vs Gregory Black (Non-Title Match)

non-title makes this one harder to predict. I go with Huntington getting a win after DuBois makes his presense felt.


Jungle Lord vs Everest

Lord has more going on with his feud with Train


Marat Khoklov vs Robbie Retro

Retro doesn´t really have a change unless is going to be DQ win and I doubt even that.


Ladies Love Lobster vs sXe (Non-Title Match)

Another match where non-title stipulation makes it harder to guess... I go with sXe mainly because as much as I like Sexy and Lobster pairing I think that they just haven´t been a tag team long enough to go over champs even in non-title match.

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Marat is Russian. Of course he can dance. It gets better if he has consumed epic amounts of potato vodka first, though.


Steve Frehley vs Kurt Laramee (Non-Title Match)

Paul Huntingdon vs Gregory Black (Non-Title Match)

Jungle Lord vs Everest

Marat Khoklov vs Robbie Retro

Ladies Love Lobster vs sXe (Non-Title Match)

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I'm on painkillers so if my predictions are way-off, well, then, yeah. lol.


Steve Frehley vs Kurt Laramee (Non-Title Match)

Something tells me that Laramee is not quite up in Frehley's league.


Paul Huntingdon vs Gregory Black (Non-Title Match)

Momentum continues to build for Black. Always bet on black.


Jungle Lord vs Everest

Everest crush funny little man with leaves in hair.


Marat Khoklov vs Robbie Retro

Marat krush dancing man like ant dancing under the magnifying glass.


Ladies Love Lobster vs sXe (Non-Title Match)

Straight Edge means we're better than you.

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Steve Frehley vs Kurt Laramee (Non-Title Match) There's a reason it's non-title. Laramee is a small fish in a big pond.

Paul Huntingdon vs Gregory Black (Non-Title Match) I'm not even sure Huntingdon is frogspawn in the pond...

Jungle Lord vs Everest However long Evvy's been away, he's still a big blob

Marat Khoklov vs Robbie Retro Mmm, yeah. Sorry, Rob...

Ladies Love Lobster vs sXe (Non-Title Match) sXe will be on top until LLL settle on a name

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Back on the forums and really enjoying this still! The new style is fantastic in my eyes, it means I don't end up skipping over anything!


Anyhow, my predicitions:


Steve Frehley vs Kurt Laramee (Non-Title Match)

Maybe some sort of shenanigans condsidering the upcoming Master Of Puppets match, meaning Laramee takes the win.


Paul Huntingdon vs Gregory Black (Non-Title Match)

Huntingdon is gonna get out-done with Black recieving 'help' again, which in the long-term will lead to some sort of further angle with DuBois!


Jungle Lord vs Everest

I'm calling a disqualification with Runaway Train getting involved. In whose favour? Probably Everest.


Marat Khoklov vs Robbie Retro



Ladies Love Lobster vs sXe (Non-Title Match)

The team with the ever-changing name should take this one, with sXe distracted by the big match in Houston.

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Steve Frehley vs Kurt Laramee (Non-Title Match)


The King of the Ring and the new North American champ, isn't about to lose to Kurt Laramee.


Paul Huntingdon vs Gregory Black (Non-Title Match)


Whilst I wouldn't be too surprised to see Huntingdon pull out a sneaky upset, I think you'll want to continue to keep the new Shooting Star champ's momentum strong.


Jungle Lord vs Everest


Jungle Lord has more upside, and besides who doesn't book Everest as the world's fattest jobber?


Marat Khoklov vs Robbie Retro


Poor Robbie Retro.


Ladies Love Lobster vs sXe (Non-Title Match)


This is the hardest match of the night to call, as Ladies Love Lobster, even though they've just been thrown together recently look like a legit threat, and I can definitely see them strengthening their title claims with a non title win, but I just have this feeling that sXe pull out a cheap win here.

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Finally caught up! I really like the new style as well. :)


Steve Frehley vs Kurt Laramee (Non-Title Match)

Paul Huntingdon vs Gregory Black (Non-Title Match)

Jungle Lord vs Everest

Marat Khoklov vs Robbie Retro

Ladies Love Lobster vs sXe (Non-Title Match) - Come on Triple L, take the momentum while you have this awesome name! :)

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