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Supreme Wrestling Federation: Under Pressure

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I loved the look back in history - awesome addition to the diary.


As for this week...

The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Biggz Boyz

As much as I prefer The Biggz Boyz, I think The Amazing Bumfholes will continue with their stronger form and take the win here.


Jack Giedroyc vs Remo

I'm picking this one for some sort of Valiant run-in or distraction preventing his former partner from securing the singles victory.


Runaway Train vs Robbie Retro

Possible interference? That said, I think Runaway Train needs the win more. I'm expecting a tight match regardless.


Lobster Warrior vs Paul Huntingdon

Your description says it all. Huntingdon hasn't had half as much air-time - for that reason I'm going with one of my favourites, Lobster Warrior.


Eric Eisen & Sam Keith vs Rich Money & Christian Faith

A win to cement his return. I call shennanigans, but hopefully I'm right in my prediction!!

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The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Biggz Boyz

They are the younger better version of the same team

Jack Giedroyc vs Remo

Don't know about interference but Remo is a monster

Runaway Train vs Robbie Retro

Give him a win and then in a couple of weeks someone can beat him

Lobster Warrior vs Paul Huntingdon

Lobby is amazing

Eric Eisen & Sam Keith vs Rich Money & Christian Faith

Heels cheat although I am tempted for an SE finish

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The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Biggz Boyz

Biggz Boyz seem to be your resident jobbers.


Jack Giedroyc vs Remo

Remo is a beast and will kill the geordie.


Runaway Train vs Robbie Retro

Tough call this one but I think Retro will get the DQ win.


Lobster Warrior vs Paul Huntingdon

He may not have beaten Brandon James, but he is above Mr Huntingdon.


Eric Eisen & Sam Keith vs Rich Money & Christian Faith

Money and Faith were on the crap end of the stick at AI, too many losses will kill there momentum.

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The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Biggz Boyz

I'm pulling for what could be considered a major upset.


Jack Giedroyc vs Remo

Giedroyc's problems continue.


Runaway Train vs Robbie Retro

Push the Train! Choo choo!


Lobster Warrior vs Paul Huntingdon

The Deep Sea Ninja gets some momentum back.


Eric Eisen & Sam Keith vs Rich Money & Christian Faith

Keith can't lose here...can he?

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The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Biggz Boyz

The Bumfholes are taking this, the Biggz Boys are old news.


Jack Giedroyc vs Remo

Remo can't lose here, I suspect we may see some interference to prevent Giedroyc from losing cleanly though.


Runaway Train vs Robbie Retro

One last run?


Lobster Warrior vs Paul Huntingdon

Fingers crossed we're going to see the Caped Crustacean challenge for the World Championship before long...


Eric Eisen & Sam Keith vs Rich Money & Christian Faith

The odds are stacked against the faces here, it won't be clean, but Eisen and Keith are taking this one.

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The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Biggz Boyz

They are the younger better version of the same team

Jack Giedroyc vs Remo

Don't know about interference but Remo is a monster

Runaway Train vs Robbie Retro

Give him a win and then in a couple of weeks someone can beat him

Lobster Warrior vs Paul Huntingdon

Lobby is amazing

Eric Eisen & Sam Keith vs Rich Money & Christian Faith

Heels cheat although I am tempted for an SE finish


Going down the lazy route this time, as I agree with the picks.

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The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Biggz Boyz

Bumfholes seems to be more important right now


Jack Giedroyc vs Remo

Sorry Jack but your trouples will continues here.


Runaway Train vs Robbie Retro

Train needs the win more


Lobster Warrior vs Paul Huntingdon

Huntingdon has been somewhat invisible so far so I give this one to Lobster


Eric Eisen & Sam Keith vs Rich Money & Christian Faith

I go against majority here and say that Money and Faith get some momentum back after they where on the losing end in PPV.

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The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Biggz Boyz

The Biggz could get the upset if this is likely to develop into anything major, but sXe will soon need a new team to feud with given the way Valiant and Giedroyc seem to be going, so Bumfholes are stepping up.


Jack Giedroyc vs Remo

More woe for Giedroyc I suspect.


Runaway Train vs Robbie Retro

Not sure on this one. Normally Train would be an easy pick, but you've already had Jack of The Jungle go over him and Retro seems to get more TV exposure due to his segments.


Lobster Warrior vs Paul Huntingdon

Lobby needs some heat back.


Eric Eisen & Sam Keith vs Rich Money & Christian Faith

Money and Faith are due revenge from AI, but this is Keith's big TV return and unless the heels intentionally throw the match by way of a DQ beatdown deal, I think they'll pull the win here.

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The Supreme Wrestling Federation has come to terms on the release of SWF Announcer Duane Fry as of March 14, 2010. Everyone at the SWF wishes Duane the best in all future endeavors.



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...you canned Duane?


No barnstormer, man. No barnstormer.




Thought that'd get a reaction. :D


Oh, and technically he wasn't released (his contract expired). I don't think any of this would be considered a 'spoiler', so my thinking is/was...


a) Jerry Eisen is Acting General Manager. In other words, sooner or later he will have to be replaced. When that happens Jerry needs something to do.


b) Duane's popularity isn't exactly low and as a result, neither are his wage demands. To pay him that much money to be the announcer for a possible future B-show wouldn't make much sense in RL, or to me (even if I can easily afford it).


c) This is the SWF. Nepotism rules. :p


d) Suffice to say, TCW were willing to pay him more than I was (they have just jumped to International). At least he can talk with Jack Bruce about how much they both hate the Eisens...

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The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Biggz Boyz

One is amazing, while the other is bigg... which is not a word at all. :p


Jack Giedroyc vs Remo

Remo dominates, but Gied's loss is actually caused by Valiant. (big speculation here)


Runaway Train vs Robbie Retro

The train will hit Robbie so hard that he will be thrown from 70s into 60s. :p


Lobster Warrior vs Paul Huntingdon

Meh... Huntingdon doesn't even know how to cook a lobster. :p


Eric Eisen & Sam Keith vs Rich Money & Christian Faith

Sam Keith. New signing factor will be decisive. But the presence of Eric Eisen will make the winning dirty.

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The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Biggz Boyz

I love the Biggz Boyz, but I can't see it.


Jack Giedroyc vs Remo

I like Jack, but... yeah.


Runaway Train vs Robbie Retro

I'm going with heart over head for a change :p


Lobster Warrior vs Paul Huntingdon

WrestleCrap rules!


Eric Eisen & Sam Keith vs Rich Money & Christian Faith

Keith's big return to Supreme TV..? I smell a winning return.

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I have a couple of matches to write up and then I'm done so consider this a helpful 24 hour warning :)


I was planning to do the next Superstar of the Week tonight (Runaway Train) but I'm watching Wrestlemania I instead, so that'll come in a couple of days. :D

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It's Tuesday March 23rd 2010...

...Coming to you from Greensboro, NC...

...LIVE in front of 10,000 fans, this is...




Your Announce Team


Peter Michaels – Ana Garcia




MICHAELS: Hello and welcome! It has only been five days since the shocking events of Awesome Impact 2010, a night where the unthinkable happened - Sam Keith returned to the Supreme Wrestling Federation.

GARCIA: That's right Peter, but here in Greensboro, Sam Keith will get the reception he deserves!



...The Awesome Impact Continues...

With the usual pyrotechnics and announcer introductions over the sold-out Greensboro, North Carolina arena is on its feet as a famous three-chord riff signals the arrival of 'The Eternal' Christian Faith. Despite being excited to see their hero, many in the Supreme Galaxy are wondering how Faith will react to Sam Keith's extraordinary debut last Thursday night, an action which was surely designed to be as humiliating for Faith as it was for Money. Those fears are soon quashed when Faith jogs out of the Empire Gateway, a big smile on his face. As the Faith of old, Christian shakes hands with the fans nearest to the aisle, before handing a pair of sunglasses to a child on the front row. As he reaches the ring, Faith heads over to the announce table and after a brief, muted, conversation with Ana Garcia, Faith picks up a microphone and hops into the ring.


Christian Faith: Now February was not my greatest month. Hell, February was pretty close to be the worst month I've had in a long time. And to top it all off, a man I have hated for 15 years returns to this company and makes me look like a sap on cable television. Well first of all, I'd like to thank everyone in the Supreme Galaxy for stickin' by me.” The fans, as expected, light up at the fan favourite's gratitude, and his apparent return to form. “I'd also like to apologise to Rich Money. I didn't cost you the match, son, but I didn't see that comin' either. And finally...I'd like to thank Eric and Jerry Eisen.” The crowd erupt into boos at the mention of the Eisens. “Why? I believe that Jerry Eisen didn't know Sam Keith would interfere in that match. He ain't that stupid. But Eric Eisen knew exactly what he was doing...”


Suddenly the JumboTron sparks into action, filled with the entrance video of the World Champion Eric Eisen. Carrying his World title over his shoulder, Eric makes his way slowly down the aisle, refusing to avert his gaze for even a second from the man in the ring. After a few false starts, Eric finally climbs into the ring, making sure to keep as big a distance as possible between himself and Christian.



Eric Eisen: Sure I knew what I was doing, Faith. And it worked like a charm. You...Rich Money...you both looked like fools at Awesome Impact and, unless I'm mistaken, I am still your World Heavyweight Champion!”


Faith: You're right Eric, we did look like fools. And yes, you are still the champion. But I'm guessin' that your plan involved me quitting? Sulking? Well that' ain't happening, boy. The great people of Greensboro, North Carolina can tell you that! When you decided to join us, I was thanking you for bringing Sam Keith back to the SWF. Not because I like him, but because it gave me the kick up the butt I'd been needin' since your Russian friend broke me in half.”


Eisen: Yeah, and don't forget it...boy.”


Things are going to start looking a little crowded in the ring very soon – Rich Money is on his way to the ring! The dollar signs filling the Empire Gateway's JumboTron set Eric Eisen on edge, and as Money works his way down the aisle Eisen is visibly uneasy at being suddenly outnumbered, and with no place to run.



Money: Christian, sorry to interrupt, but what are you both talking about!? Someone seems to have forgotten that for three months in a row I have had the World title belt snatched from my hands. Three times! First, it's Marat Khoklov. Then it's someone else. Now it's Sam Keith. I don't give a damn about Sam Keith, I don't give a damn about Eric Eisen, I don't give a damn about Christian Faith's temperament. I want a shot at your title, Eric. Then, I want to take Sam Keith and drag his sorry ass back to LA.”


Eisen: Not. Going. To. Happen. Three strikes and you are out Money. You know full well that you are not eligible for a title shot for at least three months. So why don't you take your cheap suit, and sit in your knock-off limo and drive yourself home?”


Faith: Money, if I may? Sure, I'm not happy to see Eric win again, but it's not all bad you being out of shots, because it means one thing...Eric, I'm going to take that title belt from you at The World is Watching, and there ain't nothin' you, or anyone else, can do about it...”


If three is a crowd, what does four make!? Eric Eisen allows himself a smile as his theme tune plays again, only this time it is 'The Living Legend' Sam Keith making his way to the ring. Keith is wearing the matching Corporation suit, and if anything appears to be the most jovial of the four, despite the jeers aimed his way.



Sam Keith: It's been a long time Supreme Galaxy – did you miss me? How about you Christian? We all know Ana didn't, don't we honey?” Faith begins to lunge at Keith but Money holds him back, raising smiles from both Eisen and Keith. “It appears everytime we meet, Christian, you lose. And I win. And now that I'm in The Corporation, the most dominant group in professional wrestling, you can bet your bottom dollar that I'm going to keep on winning.”


Money: I may not be able to face Eric Eisen tonight. Or even at The World is Watching, but one thing I can do is kick your scrawny ass Keith!”


Money finally releases Faith and the two make a charge for The Corporation. The fans' cheers soon turn to boos as the two heels slide quickly out of the ring and head up the aisle towards the back. Security manage to keep Money and Faith in the ring, but the four trade insults and threats right up until Eisen and Keith disappear backwards through the gateway.


MICHAELS: Is that official!? Faith vs Eisen at The World Is Watching!? Seems a little too early to tell for sure but that would be one heck of a match!

GARCIA: I haven't seen hatred between four men like this in years! And what's more, they are all going to be in the same ring in our main event!




The comparisons between The Bumfholes and The Biggz Boyz are obvious to even the most casual member of the Supreme Galaxy. Both teams are comprised of brothers and both teams wrestle a quick, modern, high-flying style. In fact, the biggest difference is their age, and it is this difference that has seen The Bumfholes labelled 'the next Biggz Boyz.' That is perhaps a little unfair on Randy and Zimmy, who have carved a reputation for themselves since debuting back in 2005, and it could even be argued that the Floridians have already surpassed Brett and Bart in their in-ring skills. The match itself was a showcase of tag team wrestling, with slick change-overs and flowing action a stark contrast to the brawlers that populate much of the remaining division. Although time has slowed the Biggz down, the veteran duo went toe-to-toe with the youngsters for the full eight minutes. In the end Randy Bumfhole managed to hit Bart with a Bumfhole Buster (Whiplash Slam) to secure a hard fought win. In an unusual show of respect, the four celebrated together after the match, heading up to the Empire Gateway at the same time.



GARCIA: Nice to see that kind of sportsmanship - we don't see it often enough.

MICHAELS: And what a fantastic advert for tag team wrestling too, Ana.



...I'm Still Standing...

Having been effectively abandoned by his team-mate Valiant and their managers Dawn and Hannah, the Supreme Galaxy was watching with special closeness the entrance of young Englishman Jack Giedroyc. The Newcastle born superstar appeared, if anything, more chirpy than during the last month of his failed tag team on the way to the ring. Before the soundman has a chance to start his opponent's theme music, Giedroyc grabs a microphone and hops into the ring.


Jack Giedroyc: I know many of you were wondering how I would be acting tonight. Some thought I'd be miserable, some thought I'd be mad, someone even told me to call up John Greed. No. I have decided that this is the perfect opportunity for Jack Giedroyc to become the superstar that you believe I can be. I wish Valiant, and Dawn, and Hannah, all the best in the future, but from now on this is my time to thank you for all your support, and to set the Supreme Galaxy on fire!"




This match marks Jack Giedroyc's first foray into true singles wrestling since the formation of his team with Valiant almost twelve months ago. The young Englishman began steadily, taking on the 'Alpha Dog' at his own game – namely hitting your opponent as hard as possible. The result was a fairly even opening which suggests that Giedroyc's split from Valiant may not have been an entirely bad thing. Remo seemed impressed by the performance of Giedroyc, but he didn't look particularly worried and at the first opportunity he guided the match to the outside. A master of the steel steps, Remo caused serious damage with both them, and the steel barricades, and suddenly the tide was in his favour. Giedroyc managed to hold off the Corporation star for a couple of minutes more but in the end the damage caused outside of the ring proved too much for him to handle and a ninth minute Lumbar Puncture (High Release Double Underhook Backbreaker) proved to be the decider.



MICHAELS: Oh well Jack, it could have been worse...


MICHAELS: He could have been facing Marat Khoklov!





...The Real Stars of the Show...

As we return from the short advert break we are taken straight to the ring where the 'Aerial Ambassador' Gregory Black stands alone. Black is, as usual, pacing the ring and smiling at the fans. After a couple of moments, Greg addresses the Galaxy...


Gregory Black: Thank you all, are you having a good night!?” The crowd roar their answer back to the 'Aerial Ambassador'. “That's what I like to hear! Now I'm sure you all were watching Awesome Impact 2010 last Thursday night and, of course, it would have been money well spent. Some awesome matches. But surely, the most important match of the night, the opener, 'The Aerial Ambassador' against 'The Prodigy'...came close to stealing the show, right!? Marc DuBois, I know you're listening – how about you come out here?”


Sure enough, the soaring orchestral theme of Marc DuBois hits the Greensboro PA system and the first ever three-time Shooting Star Champion emerges from the Empire Gateway. DuBois excudes confidence, and more than a little ****iness, and seems almost oblivious to the fact that the fans really can't stand him. Never one to pass up an opportunity to remind an audience just how great he is, DuBois comes to the ring with not one Shooting Star title, but three – one on each shoulder and another around his waist. The result is a clumsy strut towards the ring but the grin on DuBois' face suggest he doesn't care in the slightest. When he has finally clambered into the ring, belt arrangement still intact, DuBois and Black begin to circle each other as the conversation continues.


Marc DuBois: There will be very few times that I agree with someone as...unrefined...as you, Gregory. But there is one thing I cannot deny, and that is that I lit up the Manhattan National Centre last Thursday night. It may be unusual to you to be the star of the show, but I? I was a Shooting Star champion at eighteen. I am a record three-time champion of the Shooting Star at age 22. I am 'The Prodigy', I am the future of this sport. Le prodigue est tout simplement étonnante. It is right that our match was the highlight of the show, but that was my doing. Not yours.”


Everytime DuBois slips into French the crowd boos, Gregory Black laughs, and Peter Michaels (with the aid of a dictionary) offers a hurried translation.


Black: Really, huh? Well then you won't be scared of a little rematch at The World is Watching next month then?”


DuBois: Scared? Non. 'The Prodigy' accepts your challenge, mon ami.”


The conversation over, DuBois throws his microphone across the ring to Black. Instinct takes over and 'Serious' reaches out for the flying instrument, only to catch a cheap shot to the cheek for his trouble. DuBois spins in delight as Black crashes to the mat, and the fans are incensed at DuBois' cheating ways.


GARCIA: That cheap, good for nothing...

MICHAELS: Shocking behaviour by that...kid...but he was right about one thing - they did light up the Manhattan Centre at Awesome Impact.




Awesome Impact 2010 was the first PPV event in thirteen months where Runaway Train didn't feature on the main card. He was not impressed. Unfortunately for Robbie Retro, 'The Unstoppable' chose this match to show the Supreme Galaxy just how angry he was. Retro may be a heavyweight, but Runaway Train threw him around the ring like a cruiserweight. After only six and a half minutes the demolition was complete, a Trainwreck (Spinning Elevated Powerbomb) was enough to keep the 'Disco Stud' down for three.



MICHAELS: Could this signal the return of the awesome Runaway Train?



...The Brotherhood's Punishment...

Suddenly the action cuts backstage where two huge men are in the midst of a chaotic brawl. After a few seconds the identities of the pair are revealed to be Joe Sexy and Atlas, and it is clear that Atlas has soon got the upper hand. Attacking Sexy continuously, Atlas drags the 'Ladies Man' through the corridors of the Greensboro arena, using any obstacle in his path as a weapon. A metal grating, an equipment box, and a handily placed foldable table are all used to inflict as much pain on Sexy as possible. As the brawl continues to become more one-sided, Atlas' destination is revealed – he's trying to take Sexy out through the Empire Gateway and down to the ring. Fortunately for Sexy an army of security guards manage to reach them before the Gateway can be breached, and after an almighty struggle, Atlas is prised away from his prey.


GARCIA: I guess Atlas didn't like Sexy's victory over Vengeance at Awesome Impact...

MICHAELS: Maybe he just doesn't like his success with the ladies...

GARCIA: You are joking, right!? Joe Sexy...success with the ladies...there's something you don't hear everyday!




Anyone looking at the match lineup for this evening would be forgiven for thinking that we were in for two consecutive squashes. They weren't far from the truth, although Johnny Martin did put up a decent fight against the 'Soviet Science Experiment' Marat Khoklov. In the end the size advantage proved too much for the veteran Martin and when Khoklov hit him with a Russian Legend Powerbomb this one was all over.




...The Dawn of a New King?...

We head backstage to Jerry Eisen's office. Jerry is in the midst of packing up his things having been replaced as General Manager thanks to his part in the Sam Keith debut. A large cardboard box labelled 'Jerry's Things' dominates his desk, alongside a number of smaller, but equally full, receptacles. As Jerry sits admiring his gold plated 'Acting General Manager' plaque the door flies open to reveal the trim figure of Emma Chase.


Emma Chase: Jerry...why does Brandon James not have a match tonight!? In fact, why does Brandon James not have a match next week either!?”


Jerry Eisen: Nothing to do with me Em. Sorry.”


Chase: You can stick your sorry right up your...”


Eisen: It's okay though, Emma. I hear that the new General Manager has a really prestigious match lined up in store for Brandon pretty soon. Something about the King of the Squared Circle tournament winner getting a guaranteed shot at the North American title...”


Chase: WHAT!? Since when are we holding a tournament!? Jerry...you idiot...”


Eisen: Hey! I'm no longer General Manager, this hasn't got anything to do with me. I only told him that we hadn't had one for a while...what?”


Chase pushes one of the smaller boxes off Jerry's desk, spilling it's contents all over the floor. Jerry winces, expecting Chase to turn on him, but instead she marches out of the office to look for James.


GARCIA: I love this new GM already! Clearly someone of high intelligence given his lack of admiration for Emma Chase!






Vengeance and Captain Atomic may not be the most technically adept wrestlers in the SWF but they certainly know how to put on a show. Both men slugged it out in an exciting seven minute brawl that saw only one pin attempt take place. For much of the match it looked as if the two would continue to throw punches until the end of the night, but as the match progressed Atomic was gradually worn down by the more powerful, more directed attacks of 'The Reaper'. In the end a Skull Krusher (Inverted Piledriver) from Vengeance was enough to keep Atomic down long enough for the victory pin.



MICHAELS: As much as I admire Captain Atomic, that was a fantastic performance by Vengeance.

GARCIA: I agree, but I can see Atomic hitting his stride sooner rather than later.



...A Hero's Return...

The lights go out once again, but this time it has nothing to do with Vengeance. Almost immediately the comet-like pyrotechnics begin and the Greensboro crowd jump to their feet to welcome Steve Frehley back to Supreme TV. His running entrance of five nights ago is replaced by a more leisurely stroll, interacting with the fans on his way down the aisle. 'The Destroyer' circles the ring and comes around to the announce table where the young ring announcer passes him a microphone...


Steve Frehley: All week the people of the Supreme Galaxy have been calling me, asking me why Steve Frehley came back when he did. Well it's like this. Steve Frehley was on the wrong end of a beatin' at Nothing To Lose and it's more than bones that ache after a night like that. But what better time to get a little revenge than by kicking Vengeance's butt on the next PPV? Now Steve Frehley isn't a 'vengeful' man, I'm happy to let bygones be bygones and as far as Vengeance is concerned, we're equal. Nope, Frehley's got his eye on something a little shinier than 'The Reaper', and I'm talkin' about the North American title. I can't be the only one that sits down to watch Supreme TV, sees Brandon James walk on screen with Emma Chase and think that the next six minutes is going to absolutely suck. Well when I wasn't spending my time thinking up a little more than payback for the Reaper, I've been laying down the plans for a new era for the North American championship. One where the fine people of Greensboro, and beyond, don't have to be bored to tears by their champion. So...”


The eerie, winding guitar riff of John Greed and the Brotherhood cuts Steve Frehley's promo short, and 'The Destroyer' doesn't look impressed in the slightest. The fans boo the moment Greed walks through the Empire Gateway, microphone in hand, but the 'Eighth Deadly Sin' just soaks up the hatred directed his way. Dressed in a leather jacket and torn jeans Greed looks more like a grunge rocker than a mysterious cult leader, but the mystical tattoos that run up his neck tell otherwise. When the boos of the fans have finally died down, the Texan addresses Frehley from across the arena...


John Greed: Steven Frehley...So many words, so little substance. When you made your reappearance at Awesome Impact you didn't just insult Vengeance. No, Steven, you insulted me and you insulted Atlas. Three men, three brothers.”


Frehley: Oh dear, did I make you cry, Greed?”


Greed: Do not try to be funny Frehley, it doesn't do your meagre intelligence justice. The Brotherhood do not take kindly to being mocked, we do not take kindly to being made fools of. But your appearance merely hastened the transition that was already under way, the new figurehead of the Brotherhood...Vengeance.”


Frehley: Ooh, so scared. Am I supposed to think you, Vengeance and Atlas are about to take over the world?”


Greed: Take over? No. But you Steve Frehley, have made an enormous mistake. Next week you will face me in the ring. Next week you will lose. So sayeth The Brotherhood. So Sayeth Greed.”


The crowd boo Greed's confident challenge, but the 'Eighth Deadly Sin' just laughs them off. In the ring, Frehley stares straight back at Greed, calling for him to come to the ring and fight here and now. This only seems to make Greed laugh harder and as he heads back through the Empire Gateway the crowd begin a Frehley chant, leaving 'The Destroyer' to go back to talking with the fans as we head to another commercial break.


MICHAELS: Frehley's back with a Vengeance!

GARCIA: That would have been funnier last Thursday, Pete...

MICHAELS: I know, I only just figured it out though...






This match did a great job of highlighting Lobster Warrior's hard fought position at the top of the SWF roster, and at the same time reminding fans that Paul Huntingdon is definitely one to watch for the future. Both Warrior and Huntingdon share a talent for quick wrestling and at times the match flowed magnificently from one hold to another. The crowd threw their support behind the 'Deep Sea Ninja' but even Huntingdon received applause on occasion for his participation in the exciting action. For ten minutes the match momentum swayed between the two competitors, but it would be Lobster Warrior's much greater experience that would prove to be the decider. Just after the ten minute mark a Lobster Trap (Fisherman's Suplex) kept the 'Blue Blood' down just long enough for Warrior to be declared the victor.



MICHAELS: If Paul Huntingdon is going to put on a show like that, then I think he should be on Supreme TV more often!

GARCIA: Great match, indeed Peter, and again Lobby proves that despite his humorous appearance, he's a star wrestler in the SWF.



...We Are Better Than You...

The arrival of our World Tag Team Champions sXe to ringside sees the Greensboro audience to rise to it's feet, presumably because it is easier to hurl abuse at someone upright than it is sat down! Despite the verbal onslaught they receive from the moment they emerge from beneath the Empire Gateway, Angry Gilmore and Squeeky McClean make their way confidently towards the ring, microphones by their sides, belts around their waists. The camera crew do a great job of showing the duo's biggest critics, largely those whose hands are filled with beer, or those signs extolling the virtues of their particular (PG) vice, and it does a great job of emphasising the position sXe have made for themselves in the SWF.


Angry Gilmore: People, please. Everything you hear us say, everything you see us do is for your own good. It is, really it is. Simply put, we are the greatest tag team champions you have ever seen and that is because our bodies, and more importantly our minds, are clear. Free from the evil influences that drive people away from who they truly are. In fact, looking around here in Greenwich this afternoon...we are probably the greatest people you have ever seen!”


Squeeky McClean: Too true. In fact, we are so awesome that, really quite unsurprisingly, we've beaten all the drug-addled, drink-fueled nobodies that we can think of. And we've only been champions for a month. Now, that's okay with us - we are trying to help you, to give you a pair of real role models, after all - but apparently we need to defend these titles every month or they will be vacated.”


Gilmore: Which is completely fine by us. We respect authority. We are more than willing to show the troubled masses what a straight edge lifestyle can do for your prospects. If anybody in the back wants a shot at the World Tag Team titles...ring our agent. She'll find a time that suits both us and your bartender.”


While the Supreme Galaxy waits in hope for a pair of 'drink-fuelled nobodies' to run to ringside and teach sXe a lesson, the straight edge duo make a quick exit, no doubt for the same reason, and manage to make it to the Gateway without interruption.




GARCIA: Yes...

MICHAELS: No...I mean why yes?

GARCIA: Eh!? Don't you know anything Peter? When the bad guy challenges all of the good guys he always loses in the end. Duh.

MICHAELS: I don't remember Marat Khoklov ever losing.

GARCIA: Shush! That doesn't count...




Our main event featured four of the hottest names in the Supreme Wrestling Federation in one match, and it more than lived up to it's billing. The history between both Rich Money and Eric Eisen, and between Christian Faith and Sam Keith, led to an inevitably feisty encounter that referee Ric Young could barely keep control of. Double-teaming, referee distractions and brawls outside of the ring were common place and when the action did stay in the ring, it was more a clumsy brawl than a technical masterpiece. But the Supreme Galaxy didn't expect to see one either, and the result was a thoroughly entertaining encounter. Sam Keith's expert knowledge stood out among the crowd, with some fantastic takedowns and holds keeping Rich Money at bay. On the other side, Faith used his experience to upset the usually meticulously planned tactics of Eric Eisen. It would be a mistake to forget the importance of the woman at ringside, and Miss Emily more than played her part in proceedings, employing her usual strategy of distraction, trips and the occasional kick to the ribs. In the end the reason for fighting - to beat up your opponent, rather than to win the match - would prove to be the deciding factor and when, for the umpteenth time, Eric Eisen and Rich Money tumbled over the top rope to the mats below all hell broke loose. Keith and Faith jumped in and a mass of flying fists and flailing legs really drove home the animosity between both teams. In fact, the hatred was so deep that neither of the four competitors paid any attention to Ric Young counting to ten, ringing the bell or declaring the match a no contest.




...The Battle Rages On...

The bell may have rung but in the minds of the four competitors it is far from over. Keith and Faith continue to throw stiff punches at each other, while Rich Money drags Eric Eisen around the ring towards the announce table. Eisen looks dazed and Money begins to search under the ring for a weapon. Faith takes a clothesline from Keith that sends him over the barricade and into the crowd – but even that isn't enough to stop 'The Living Legend' who begins to climb after him. But suddenly a wave of SWF officials, including famous agents Chief Two Eagles, Pat Deacon and Marcus McKing surround the superstars. Keith is dragged away from the crowd kicking and screaming, while Chief Two Eagles wrestles what appears to be a lead pipe from the hands of Rich Money. Despite the chaos it appears no one has been seriously hurt, thanks to the quick intervention of the SWF crew!

MICHAELS: Something tells me this isn't over, not by a long shot!

GARCIA: Can these four last until our next PPV!?

MICHAELS: Well, the best way to find out is to tune in same time, same place next week for another exciting episode of Supreme TV!




SHOW RATINGhttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/SWF%20Diary/Logos%20and%20Belts/grade_b.jpg


C.A.N.N. Rating: 6.10 (UP 0.43)

TCW Presents Total Wresting Rating: 6.11 (DOWN 0.17)


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Excellent show as always jhd1!


Really enjoy the Greed character and i just realised who he reminds me of; Sterling James Keenan. That is no slight either, Keenan was one of my favourite heels back in 2006/2007!


Keep up the great work. :)

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Nothing major to say about the show this week, other than I hope you all enjoyed it! No one managed 5/5 this week, although everyone scored either 3 or 4, so things are still looking mighty close in our predictions leaderboard...


1. Tigerkinney...24

2. 20LEgend, Liamo...23

3. Bigpapa42...21

4. Jingo, Sebsplex...20

5. Purple Cowboy...19

6. Midnightnick...18

7. smurphy1014...17

8. angeldelayette, rdarnz...16

9. Anghrist, ChrisKid, Prophet...15

10. LoNdOn...14

11. Anggur Merah...11

12. blewrider180, jesseewiak...8

13. Zergon...7

14. James Casey...6

15. joehelmer, Yuu Onuki...4

16. Eisen-verse, PeterHilton...3

17. DiablomanConQueso...2


Thanks for all the comments and predictions, as always, and a big welcome to joehelmer who managed 4/5 in his debut predictions. :)



Excellent show as always jhd1!


Really enjoy the Greed character and i just realised who he reminds me of; Sterling James Keenan. That is no slight either, Keenan was one of my favourite heels back in 2006/2007!


Keep up the great work. :)


Cheers LoNdOn! I must admit I've never seen anything of Keenan (I have heard of him, though) so I'll go and see how accurate you are! Greed's largely based on Jake Roberts, but that's much easier to do in a one-way promo than the argument he was placed in this week - hence the new catchphrase! :D

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'You Are Messing With The Wrong Girl' Written by TheLeviticalLawKid3


...You Are Messing With The Wrong Girl...


When this episode of Aftermath starts, our trusty cameraman focuses on a sign that reads: EMMA CHASE'S LOCKER ROOM.


Fellas, settle down. It's not going to be THAT kind of exclusive, online-only segment.




Anyway, the cameraman enters the locker room and we see Emma...fully dressed in her normal agent attire (I told you it's not gonna be that kind of segment already!)...and talking on her cell phone.


Her face shows us that she is not happy, as she continues to roll her eyes, huffing and puffing into the mouthpiece. We finally start hearing what she is saying, angry stomps punctuating her shrill demands.


Emma Chase: No, you listen to me! I've been here for far too long to start taking orders from someone like you...I don't care! Do you hear me? I. DON'T. CARE!" (furiously stomps out each word) "You don't have the RIGHT to come in this company and screw everything up!


My client hasn't had a match in weeks, and he's a champion! Brandon James is the greatest asset this company has--"(is interrupted, and isn't happy about it)


"That's my entire point! You're gonna make him wait even longer...and then give a title shot to some loser who emerges out of some lame tournament?" (puts a hand on her hips, ready to light into her caller) "He deserves better than that! I deserve better than that! And how would YOU know how to run this place, huh?"


Chase sighs loudly throughout the response, rolling her eyes. But then, all of a sudden, the caller says something that lights a fire in her.


Hell hath no fury like an Emma Chase rant.


(practically screaming) "HOW DARE YOU? You gutless, spineless, conniving snake! You haven't even shown your pathetic self to anyone in this company yet, and yet you DEMAND me to "shut up and know my place"? I am the greatest manager this business has ever seen! I have a client who is a future world champion in a place which you "general manage", or claim to!


But it doesn't matter! Because there is no way you will EVER see Brandon as a world champion, because you WILL NOT last here! You won't make it a week in SWF!!! You've got zero class, professionalism, or brains about you! You...you're INSANE in every sense of the word!"


(breathes deeply, calming slightly) "I KNOW my place in this company. This is my territory, and I suggest you back off and show me and my client the RESPECT we've earned here in this company. You've earned nothing, and deserve nothing.


You haven't had this job but for a few hours, and you're already screwing it up. This King of the Squared Circle nonsense?" (nods with a vicious, purely evil smile on her face) "Yeah, you think you're an expert. You've just messed up.


You have messed with the wrong people this early in your short-lived career, Mr. General Manager. My client and I will not stand for this. This conversation is OVER. Call me back when you're ready to apologize to your best talents, jerk."


Chase pounds the end call key on her phone and turns towards the cameraman.


"He's already on the hot seat. Emma Chase IS the SWF, not some cowardly GM."


She scoffs and briskly exits the locker room, ending the segment.

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