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Running GDS games on 64bit Windows 7

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I currently use a 64 bit Windows 7 OS and want to start playing these games again. I know the games themselves run on 64 bit by themselves but the ERM program does not. I have every intention of paying for these games but I am wondering if it is possible to run GDS games on a 64 bit OS. Either by changing settings on the game or on the system itself.
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I currently use a 64 bit Windows 7 OS and want to start playing these games again. I know the games themselves run on 64 bit by themselves but the ERM program does not. I have every intention of paying for these games but I am wondering if it is possible to run GDS games on a 64 bit OS. Either by changing settings on the game or on the system itself.


I have 64-bit Windows 7 and I'm playing TEW 2010 right now.


You can run most 32-bit programs on a 64-bit system.

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Don't suppose you'd be able to say if there's a significant boost in speed as opposed to 32bit, regarding TEW on it?


Well, I upgraded my computer as well as my operating system recently and it doesn't seem like either has made days advance any quicker. Perhaps I'm just unable to perceive a change.


If anything, when looking at workers and some other screens, occasionally there's a small delay when opening and closing menus that I didn't have on 32-bit. It's barely noticeable, but it's worth mentioning.


As long as you run the game in administrator mode, it works just fine. WMMA3 as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, I upgraded my computer as well as my operating system recently and it doesn't seem like either has made days advance any quicker. Perhaps I'm just unable to perceive a change.


If anything, when looking at workers and some other screens, occasionally there's a small delay when opening and closing menus that I didn't have on 32-bit. It's barely noticeable, but it's worth mentioning.


As long as you run the game in administrator mode, it works just fine. WMMA3 as well.


Well then there must be a problem with my computer because running 64 bit Windows 7 I get a 7 second delay just opening the roster screen (even in admin mode) and a 4 second delay going to the control room. Just about every screen and window has a 4-8 second delay for me. This is really strange since I never had this problem on a 32 bit Windows XP, but now my new quadcore computer with 4gb of DDR3 can't manage to get through this text based simulator. I seriously want to buy TEW2010, but these annoying lags are forcing me to reconsider.

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