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VWA Mayhem Preview

Saturday, Week 3, April 2010

Swedish veteran grappler, Griffin will be back in ring action tonight against last month’s defeated challenger, Acheron who went down at the hands of the VWA European champion. He’ll be seeking to bounce back from the loss immediately and keep himself in contention but surely if Griffin can beat him, the Swede will be right up there in regards to a title shot. Obviously, both these men will be giving it their all tonight in an attempt to push their case.


Landon Mallory, a star in the making will face off against the crazed individual that is Wild Child. Jasmine Perlot continues to struggle to keep him in check and she was the target of some rather questionable behaviour from the wild man’s long time rival, Matthew Macks only a couple of months ago. Will Wild Child’s temper boil over tonight or will the young Springbok continue his undefeated streak this year?


Following on from yet another successful title defence, Sebastian Koller won’t be getting the night off. Instead he’ll be competing against the man many people tip as a future champion himself, Cub Balowicz in a non-title match. Cub is looking to spring back following his shock defeat at the hands of Jasper January, but will he be able to overcome the champion?


Yet again we have a contest of two future big names with Matthew Macks and Gunther Kinski squaring off. Both are predicted to have very bright futures and the more wins they can rack up now, the more bright their future’s look. Macks is however somewhat distracted as of late, seemingly having a thing for his biggest rival, Wild Child’s manager, Jasmine Perlot. Will his heart ultimately lead him to distraction or will he channel those emotions into aggression tonight?


Moonsault Master has had a nightmare start to the year and is still without a win to his name. He’ll be hoping to turn it around tonight against Xavi who will also be looking to get some much-needed momentum back. Both men are seemingly struggling at the moment so no doubt they’ll both be giving it their all to score the victory in this match tonight.


Finally, Walker van Cleer and Randy Haute will face off in a re-match following their time-limit draw last time around. With the crowd giving them a standing ovation last time out, they will surely be out to impress them once more tonight with another showing of fine technical wrestling. Of course, the winner is going to place themselves firmly in the title picture with a strong showing here.


As always, a night of fast-paced, hard-hitting action is expected so don’t miss out on some more mayhem brought to you by the VWA!

Confirmed Card


Sebastian Koller vs Cub Balowicz



Randy Haute vs Walker van Cleer



Acheron vs Griffin



Wild Child vs Landon Mallory



Moonsault Master vs Xavi



Matthew Macks vs Gunther Kinski

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Sebastian Koller vs Cub Balowicz

The non-title stipulation makes me think Cub will edge this one. It does of course help that he's huge, bald and Polish.

Randy Haute vs Walker van Cleer

Time limit finish #2. I think we might be getting a run of draws before the big payoff, which hopefully will be a victory for Van Cleer.

Acheron vs Griffin

Tough one this, because Acheron has been up at the top since the beginning of the diary. That said, he's liable to stink up main events so a lesson from Griffin might not be a bad thing.

Wild Child vs Landon Mallory

Wild Child costs himself the victory by being, well, wild.

Moonsault Master vs Xavi

Another tough one, this time swayed by the 'fro.

Matthew Macks vs Gunther Kinski

Macks is the one in a storyline.


Out of interest rdarnz, what effect does VWA's product have on tainted wins/run-ins/cheap finishes etc? I'm never quite sure with these things.

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I'm not too sure actually - I tend to avoid tainted finishes/run-ins but one the occasions that I have used them with VWA I can't say there's been any road agent note or major difference in match rating. I think that having a key feature as Modern is possibly helping me, but I'm not 100% of how the game mechanics work.


The most frustrating element is being realistic and not having tag teams or alliances as is stated in the company's bio.

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I'm not too sure actually - I tend to avoid tainted finishes/run-ins but one the occasions that I have used them with VWA I can't say there's been any road agent note or major difference in match rating. I think that having a key feature as Modern is possibly helping me, but I'm not 100% of how the game mechanics work.


The most frustrating element is being realistic and not having tag teams or alliances as is stated in the company's bio.


Yeah I can imagine resisting the urge to swap things around with a tag match must be difficult. It does give VWA a nice twist on the other promotions, though.


I'm the same RE: finishes. I'm not very good at booking performance feds anyway, so I never really get much chance to find out. I think if it makes a difference then it'll say in the product description (where it tells you whether you can get certain TV slots, what the fans think of gimmicks etc.). Could be wrong though. The reason I ask is that the prevalence of Sports Entertainment has taught me that if in doubt, write By DQ in your predictions :p

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VWA Mayhem #4


Saturday, Week 3, April 2010

Bremen Hall, Central Europe

Attendance: 115 people


Griffin vs Acheron

Griffin opens the night against the burly Romanian, Acheron who takes control of the match early on after a couple of failed grappling attempts by the veteran Swede, Griffin. However, his size clearly makes a difference as he tires the further he goes into the match, and despite his utter dominance he is unable to capitalise allowing the Swede a route back into contention. That is the route the Swede takes, downing the big man with a leg sweep and this proves to be the turning point as from the ground, Griffin takes control. Griffin contorts the big man in ways people shouldn’t be contorted, twisting his arms and legs to his liking before taking to the top rope and dropping a flying elbow. He follows this up with a monstrous suplex as the big man stumbles back to a standing base and that was all she wrote, with the sheer force of the Romanian’s back on the canvas enough to stun him into a temporary dazed state and lose the encounter courtesy of a three count.

Griffin wins at 10:27 via pinfall

Rating: E


We follow on from the match going backstage to the parking lot, where Jasper January is seen entering the building. He quickly comes flying back out of the door he entered through though, followed by Cub Balowicz who is geared up for some action, clearly. Cub picks up his much smaller rival and quite easily tosses him into a parking garage door, leaving a human-shaped imprint in the corrugated metal. Cub laughs in a sadistic manner, before picking his young Belgian rival back up and dragging him back towards the doorway, whipping him not only through the door but into the wall on the other side of it. He quickly follows him in and lays some further boots down, leaving Jasper down and seemingly out in the entrance-way to the building.

Rating: E


Following his destruction of the young Belgian, Cub Balowicz kneels over the fallen January and gets right up into his face. He tells Jasper that he wants a re-match, regardless of the result tonight; he wants to set the record straight with January. He states that Jasper pulled off a fluke result and if it takes stepping back into the ring with him to prove it then so be it because he wants to set things right. Jasper merely grimaces, obviously still in pain from the assault but as Cub gets back to his feet a slight grin does emerge on the Belgian’s bruised face.

Rating: E-


Moonsault Master vs Xavi

Things continue to go from bad to worse for the dancing Dane, Moonsault Master who loses yet again, making it four on the trot. He did hold his own in the early going, dropping the smaller Spaniard to the mat on numerous occasions and using some clever offence, focusing on back breaker and neck breaker variations. This wasn’t enough though as Xavi found a way back into the match when the dancing buffoon decided he had time to please the crowd with a little jig. His comeuppance came courtesy of a devastating dropkick to the back of the his knee caps that allowed the coc*y young Spaniard to put him on the mat and deliver a leg drop to seal a victory and for Moonsault Master to suffer yet another loss.

Xavi wins at 5:40 via pinfall

Rating: F


Matthew Macks vs Gunther Kinski

Gunther Kinski once again is in the ring with a hot prospect, this time against ‘Irish Daredevil’ Matthew Macks. As always seems to be the case when two young guns encounter each other, it really is anyone’s game in the early going. However as it settles, Gunther’s stronger technical skills seem to be wearing down the high flyer. Every attack seems to be countered with a hold, with numerous sleeper holds applied and one of these nearly secures the victory for Kinski as Macks fades almost to the point of the referee calling for the bell. This however is the shift of momentum as he fights with all he’s got out of the hold and puts the ball back in his court with a series of forehand chops before downing Kinski with a drop sault. A few further powerful moves lead up to him ascending the turnbuckle and delivering his Red Lightning finish off the top rope and then closing the deal with a three count.

Matthew Macks wins at 7:52 via pinfall

Rating: E-


A video plays highlighting the rampage that burly Norwegian; Modern Day Warlord has been on since the start of the year. It recaps his brutal assaults one by one, starting with him using Wild Child’s head as a battering ram, followed by his choke slam on Matthew Macks through a car sunroof, his power bomb off the stage on Jason Dempsey, his stretcher attack on Night Spyder and finally ends with the question of who can is game enough to stand up and stop this one man’s streak of devastation.

Rating: E-


Landon Mallory vs Wild Child

To call this a walk in the park would be a little unfair to Wild Child, but to say Landon Mallory was rather dominant would probably be a bit of an understatement. From the opening bell, the young South African had Wild Child’s number with the lack of cohesion in his opponent’s attacks only serving to make it easier for him to dominate. He nailed suplex after suplex, clothesline after clothesline, and tackle after tackle leaving Wild Child on his back on numerous occasions. Wild Child quite simply couldn’t find a way into the match as hard as he tried and even distractions from Jasmine Perlot at ringside failed to prove useful as Mallory was completely focused on the match at hand. Eventually, the crazed German was put out of his misery as Landon Mallory delivered a final belly-to-back suplex before setting up for his Springbok Ram finish, which he absolutely nailed as Wild Child stumbled back to his feet. That was all she wrote as Mallory wrapped up an utterly dominant display with the pinfall.

Landon Mallory wins at 6:51 via pinfall

Rating: E-


Griffin is now shown back in is locker room and wry grin across his face, obviously still smarting from his earlier victory. He is removing the tape from his wrists and just warming down in general, when the door to the room comes flying open, leaving one hinge snapped and the door hanging in its frame. The rage is coming from the dominant Norwegian monster, Modern Day Warlord who is at first fought off by Griffin, the veteran Swede managing to react unlike most that went before. But he is soon overwhelmed by the burly Warlord, who capitalises on the damage to Griffin’s back from his match. He knocks the Swede down with a big boot before applying a wrench on his back, leaving Griffin grimacing and yelling in pain, before capping it with a back breaker to leave Griffin writhing in pain on the locker-room floor.

Rating: D-


Sebastian Koller vs Cub Balowicz

This non-title match seemed far from it with the tenacity and sheer exuberance shown from both competitors. Neither man was willing to stand back and let the chance of victory go and this showed with a mixture of brawling, mat combat and some out of ring action. Cub showed a lot of aggression in the early going, tossing Koller about and taking him to the outside where this aggression failed him, as he looked to nail the champion with a running knee, but ended up crashing knees-first into the ring steps after Sebastian stepped aside. This turned the match in Koller’s favour and he took Cub to the mat briefly focussing solely on the big Pole’s arms in an attempt to remove his killer left hook from his arsenal. Things soon swung back towards Balowicz though as he managed to rally back with a series of kick-boxing shots, landing several blows to Koller’s abdomen. The last laugh was to go to Sebastian Koller though as he caught one of these blows and rolled the Pole to the mat with a great sweep of his legs. He then capitalised with a series of stomps, leading into a trifecta of suplexes and the eventual finale that was the Hamburg Rock City. And that was that, as the champion notched another pinfall victory.

Sebastian Koller wins at 10:06 via pinfall

Rating: E


Following yet another win, Sebastian Koller grabs a microphone and proclaims himself firstly as a rock and roll icon before continuing to state that he is the people’s icon and their champion too. He then gets down to business, stating that one thing has been bothering him in the past few months and that is Randy Haute’s ongoing presence and persistence in trying to get a third shot at the title. Koller suggests that if he were any sort of challenger he wouldn’t need three attempts; in fact he’d have never lost the belt in the first place. That said he wants to give Randy Haute the chance once more to put his words into action and challenges the former champion to one more re-match.

Rating: E+


Randy Haute vs Walker van Cleer

The rematch had a lot to live up to following these two men’s previous encounter that featured some superb brawling and technical mat wrestling. This encounter followed much the same pattern and didn’t disappoint as the two once again put on a bit of a master class. For the second time in a matter of months, the two showed us some true psychology, each zoning in on specific weaknesses of their opponent with Haute attacking van Cleer’s legs and the Dutchman attacking Randy’s back and neck. A variety of stretches, holds, locks and various other brutal hits and jabs were thrown with no man really gaining any sort of advantage, just slogging away at each other for the crowd’s enjoyment. This was bound to eventually end sometime though, either that or another time limit draw would be called. This was not the case though as around the twelve minute mark, Randy Haute used his experience to draw a surge of energy and rally right back at van Cleer, serving several blows to the Dutchman’s head that rendered him somewhat dazed. Finally, as the match drew closer to a draw despite his flurry, Haute toppled van Cleer with a beautifully placed hammerlock takedown. This was followed by him lifting him back up with the Dutchman’s arms locked tightly above his head and tossing him back to the mat with a superbly placed Belly to Back Suplex that left him open for Haute to secure a three count and take a pinfall victory.

Randy Haute wins at 13:46 via pinfall

Rating: E+


Randy Haute is definitely in a fighting mood and grabs a microphone following an exhausting victory. Firstly, he proclaims that he is the biggest star the company has and he just proved this fact once more by putting on a true show of wrestling. He adds that he has proven his value as the true main event star and this is clear considering the champion wasn’t last on the show. He then promises that Koller won’t be getting lucky a third time and that his previous two defeats were unfortunate flukes in Koller’s favour. This time it’ll be different though as he knows Sebastian’s weaknesses and he promises the fans that he’ll be their true champion, which is met with a significant level of noise from the crowd and not exactly nice noise either consisting of boos, jeers and a number of expletives.

Rating: E


Show Rating: E

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You have just made Landon Mallory's character for me. I mean, I already thought he was great, but the former rugby player, big tackler is a nice extension of his default bio. And I nearly had a clean sweep on predictions - if I was going to get one wrong, having Van Cleer get a rub (even a draw) from Haute is one I'll quite happily take :D


I'm glad that these little columns are adding to the diary for you. I reckon with the way I write up shows you may not get the full feel of the character so adding extra stuff like this is helping me create a few more layers to characters.


1/6. I cannot get into your mind at all RD.


Is that a good thing or a bad thing - I guess it's the nature of the promotion month-to-month, whilst I have several over-arching story lines that are all gradually being built, each month I almost slap a card together.


Anyhow, I've finally gotten around to tallying the prediction scores thus far, and here they are:


Prediction Leaderboard

#1. jhd1 - 11 out of 17 predictions correct (65%)

#2. Midnightnick - 11 out of 23 predictions correct (48%)


Just wondering, does anyone have any feedback as to some of the stories that I've been building already or anything in general about the in-game promotion or this diary itself - I'd love for some constructive criticism or positive responses for that matter, either suits me!

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Other European Shows


EWA Changing History


Thursday, Week 1, April 2010

Bremen Hall (Central Europe)

Attendance: 300 people (SELL-OUT)


Hercules Johansson defeated Ronny de Veuster

ANGLE: Brawl involving Byron, Frank De Pain and Jase Cole

Karen Bilous defeated Geena The Warrior Princess

Poppa Punisher defeated Christopher Lister

ANGLE: Brawl involving Geena The Warrior Princess and Karen Bilous

Jase Cole defeated Bas Hagen

White Knight defeated Frank De Pain

Byron defeated Bam Bam Johansson to retain EWA Universal Title


Show Rating: D



UEW Battle For Europe

Saturday, Week 4, April 2010

Pireas Sports Hall (Mediterranean)

Attendance: 261 people


The Devil and The Beast defeated Leve and Paul Hughes to retain UEW Tag Team Titles

Inky The Squid Boy defeated Lars Brecher

Michael Moodie defeated Geoff Borne to retain UEW Nations Title

Ali Bloxsome defeated Stig Svensson

Joey Beauchamp defeated Sergei Kalashnov to retain UEW World Title


Show Rating: C

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In The Spotlight




Born: December 1985

From: Romania http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v205/rdarnz/Flags/ro.png

Signature Move: Acheron Drop


What Acheron lacks in the ring, he makes up for in his brutal raw aggression and incredibly menacing look. His raw power has resulted in many an opponent going home with permanent scars, damaged limbs, beaten black and blue. The burly Romanian towers over most of the roster and it really shows once he steps between the ropes and delivers from his arsenal of spine-crunching power moves. This monster definitely has a point to prove with those that question his in-ring abilities.


Acheron never aspired to wrestle or compete in any form of physical combat or competition, instead being completely geared towards body-building. He spent much of his high school life working out with his buddies in the gym, wasting away the harsh Romanian winter within the confines of his school’s gymnasium. When his buddies eventually decided to call it a day in their later teenage years, Acheron continued with his training and many say that he developed his menacing, bitter in-ring persona in the gym alone whilst his friends soaked up the joys of being teenagers.


As he hit twenty one, Acheron was left at a crossroads - he could continue with his body-building and struggle to gain a foothold in a world so wrought with corruption, especially in his home land or head to greener pastures offered by a different world of physical competition. Ultimately he decided on the latter, but nobody every pointed out to him that trained wrestlers are just that - trained. He entered the ring for his first match having bluffed his way through a meeting with a dubious independent booker and injured his opponent pretty severely. All was not lost though, and following two further years of training he was snapped up and since then has continued to develop his skills.

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VWA Mayhem Preview

Saturday, Week 3, May 2010

The young Dutchman, Walker van Cleer must surely be questioning where he went wrong at the start of this year with only one win and a draw out of his four matches. He'll be looking to take a quick victory this week as he challenges Jason Dempsey. The British brawler will certainly be no pushover here, but with van Cleer out to prove his worth, he may prove too strong.


Wild Child tangles in the ring with Moonsault Master, with the Dane hoping that maybe that elusive win he's searching for may come this week. Wild Child, meanwhile seems to have turned things around somewhat under the guidance of Jasmine Perlot but has she attracted some unwanted attention, at least in the eyes of her client from other superstars?


Randy Haute bounced back from his draw with a win in his second encounter with Walker van Cleer in as many months and has seemingly placed himself in contention for yet another title shot. With Sebastian Koller laying it all down for him last time out, Haute takes on Griffin in a match he must win to continue his momentum into this potential upcoming title match.


Meanwhile, the champion will also be in action against an as yet unannounced opponent. Could we finally be the arrival of some new blood or will it be a current star and will they be able to pull off a win against the reigning VWA European champion. Surely, if they do they'll be in the frame for a shot at the gold.


Xavi and Matthew Macks will also be in action tonight, the Irishman building some solid momentum in the past few months whilst the Spainiard is sturlggling to match up to his brashness. If he can take the win here, surely Xavi will have something to boast about but the Irish Daredevil is no pushover and will always put on an entertaining showing.


Finally, one must question whether the enraged Norwegian, Modern Day Warlord will ever step between the ropes. Having made hit and run attacks on large chunks of the roster, someone must surely stand up to him sooner or later. Whether or not that is tonight is anyone's guess though.


As always, a night of fast-paced, hard-hitting action is expected so don’t miss out on some more mayhem brought to you by the VWA!

Confirmed Card


Sebastian Koller vs Mystery Opponent



Randy Haute vs Griffin



Wild Child vs Moonsault Master



Matthew Macks vs Xavi



Walker van Cleer vs Jason Dempsey

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Just discovered this and like it so far. Im a sucker for obscure companies in the UK and Europe. i havent read it too carefully so bear with me...


Sebastian Koller vs Mystery Opponent

There was an alt of Seb in a spangly shirt kicking around.Super-amazing ja?


Randy Haute vs Griffin

Ive tried Griffina couple of times and he never did anything for me.


Wild Child vs Moonsault Master

Wild Child has a cool pic. MM is just weird.


Matthew Macks vs Xavi

Always liked Macks


Walker van Cleer vs Jason Dempsey

Dempsey seems badass to me

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Awesome recap on Acheron, and completes his aura of danger well I think :D


Another great show, really enjoyed the main event; even if Van Cleer lost! Warlord is starting to give Norwegians a bad name - can you imagine Nigel Svensson doing something like that!?


Sebastian Koller vs Mystery Opponent

I want The Snowman!!!! But I can't see why it would be him, so I'm going for a home victory for Koller. Svensson perhaps?

Randy Haute vs Griffin

Randy Haute would have been my pick for the mystery opponent if not for this match. I still think he is a worthy challenger for Koller though so he's my pick here.

Wild Child vs Moonsault Master

You've given Wild Child a great character (and storyline), and the Master just lost to Xavi...

Matthew Macks vs Xavi

Like Boltinho, I'm a bit of a fan of Macks and his role in the Wild Child storyline helps.

Walker van Cleer vs Jason Dempsey

I will support Van Cleer until he beats Cub Balowicz in the greatest title match of all time.

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  • 2 weeks later...


VWA Mayhem #5


Saturday, Week 3, May 2010

Bremen Hall, Central Europe

Attendance: 151 people


The night opens with the VWA European champion, Sebastian Koller in the centre of the ring, microphone in hand. He calmly speaks after the crowd’s appreciative cheers have died down. He says that he isn’t the sort of champion that sits back and rests on his laurels, but rather a champion who gives the fans a show every time he’s in the ring. That is the reason he’s out here tonight, he’s seeking an opponent to help him put on a spectacular show for the fans. He is laying down an open challenge for a non-title match tonight to the whole roster.

Rating: D-


Matthew Macks vs Xavi

Matthew Macks and Xavi competed in a fairly even match, each having spells of dominance. Macks showed off his high-flying skill set, hitting several moves that drew great response from the crowd, not least an impressive missile dropkick and moonsault to the outside. On the opposite side of the spectrum, Xavi showed some determined skill demonstrating his brawling and technical prowess, hitting a couple of impressive suplex variations amongst other moves. However, as the match approached the five minute mark, Xavi’s technical prowess became less than useful because he was countered attempting a suplex and hit with a reverse DDT. This was followed up by a dropsault and then Mack’s finishing move, Red Lightning to seal the victory for the young Irishman.

Matthew Macks wins at 5:54 via pinfall

Rating: F+


Following the match, we follow Matthew Macks as he wanders through the backstage area. On his walk, he encounters Jasmine Perlot and stops in his tracks, winking at the dazzling beauty. He looks all set to engage her in conversation as she grins back but is interrupted by the arrival on the scene of her client, Wild Child. His face is etched with jealousy as he stares at his long-time rival with a look of disdain and unrivalled malice. Matthew Macks sees the sense in moving away at this point, still grinning at Perlot, who is doing the same back despite the glare she continues to receive from her client.

Rating: E+


Walker van Cleer vs Jason Dempsey

The young English back alley brawler, Jason Dempsey looked to really take it to Dutchman, Walker van Cleer who seems to have stumbled a bit in the past few weeks. Early on, this match is anyone’s game with counter after counter, but as it settled down into a gripping fast-paced brawl it became clear that Dempsey couldn’t hold himself to van Cleer’s standard. The young Dutchman took control around four minutes in and wouldn’t relinquish it until the final bell, working over Dempsey’s legs in an attempt to ground him and prevent any upright brawling tactics. This ultimately worked as by the six and a half minute mark, Dempsey was truly struggling to get back to his feet, having to assist himself with the ropes. Walker capitalised on this eventually, locking in a figure four and taking the victory via submission.

Walker van Cleer wins at 7:18 via submission

Rating: E-


We head into a locker-room now, the camera focusing on Moonsault Master who is sitting alone in the corner pulling on his wrestling boots and then taping his wrists. He turns to the camera and quite simply states that tonight he hopes to be able to break his streak. He hopes that he can put it behind him and score the victory tonight against Wild Child.

Rating: F


The young Springbok, Landon Mallory emerges out into the arena next, stepping onto the ramp with a microphone in hand. He says that he’s been sitting in the back without a match planned for tonight and heard Sebastian Koller’s challenge. He states that he feels confident he can elevate his position by beating the champion. In saying this, he states that he is accepting the challenge that was laid out. He continues on to say that whilst Koller may currently be a great champion, everyone would much prefer to see gold around his Springbok waist. He proceeds to accept the cheers of the crowd before turning around and returning to the backstage area.

Rating: E+


Moonsault Master vs Wild Child

In a surprisingly fast-paced, high-flying affair Wild Child and Moonsault Master managed to get the crowd going with a great display of top rope antics. Moonsault Master looked all set to break his losing streak early on, dominating the affair early on with his size advantage allowing his offense to do more damage than the crazy German. However, it wasn’t to be as Wild Child launched a comeback hitting three dropkicks in a row before sweeping the bigger Dane’s legs from beneath him and going up top to add insult to injury and hitting a moonsault. He then wrapped it up by putting him out with the Wild Thing and rolling up Master to give him his fifth straight loss and finally a Wild Child victory.

Wild Child wins at 5:01 via pinfall

Rating: F


Landon Mallory is walking backstage; very pleased with himself having lined up a match with the reigning VWA European champion, Sebastian Koller when out of nowhere comes the angry Norwegian, Modern Day Warlord. Mallory isn’t a fool and has seen how Warlord has been dealing with people of late and looks to make a run for it, but is chased down like a lion hunting its prey. Mallory is soon down on the floor, as Warlord targets the ribs hammering away at the Springbok’s chest like a man possessed. As the burly Norwegian walks away the damage has clearly been done with Mallory on the floor gasping for air as medics rush to the scene.

Rating: E-


The young Belgian ‘Double J’ Jasper January enters into the arena, walking down the ramp to cheers from the crowd. Once in the ring, he makes his point immediately stating that Cub can make his challenges, call him out and sure thing he’ll accept. He states that Balowicz shouldn’t worry about last time they met because surely it was a fluke. Jasper states emphatically that he’ll prove to everyone that it was no fluke; in fact he’ll take great pleasure in pinning Cub’s shoulders to the mat one more time. Cub may get all the title shots, the big matches but he’s out to prove that he’s nothing more than an ugly, overrated Pole. At this point he’s interrupted as the lights go out, but instead of coming back on the screen lights p as a video of Cub Balowicz plays. It highlights all the times he’s delivered his devastating Knock Out blow. The video package ends with a line about Jasper having unleashed the true warrior inside of him. Jasper looks a little shaken in the ring following the return of the lights and drops the microphone and glances nervously around the building clearly fearing an imminent attack.

Rating: E-


Jasper January vs Acheron

In a match that definitely highlighted a clash in styles, Jasper January took to the air against the Romanian brawler, Acheron. January, still riding a wave of momentum from his victory against Polish hard man, Cub Balowicz a few weeks back was obviously looking to notch another victory up against a much larger man. This actually seemed that it could happen in the early going as he managed to avoid any major harm using his speed and agility, and used the same tactics in regards to offence darting at his opponent before backing away once more. Unfortunately this wasn’t a very sustainable tactic, especially when he was interrupted by the same video that had played during his earlier promo highlighting Balowicz as a monster. Acheron capitalised on the distraction, dropping him in one foul swoop with the Acheron Drop, but instead of pinning the challenger he pulled him back up and hit him a second time with the finisher to ensure the victory and ensure that the fans jeered loudly at him as he left the ring following the three count.

Acheron wins at 5:53 via pinfall

Rating: E-


Sebastian Koller vs Landon Mallory

This match definitely highlighted two of the hottest prospects to emerge from Europe in some time, as Koller and Mallory put it all on display in the ring and went all out to entertain the fans. The young Springbok, Mallory came down to the ring still clutching at his ribs following the assault he suffered earlier in the show. That said, he had the advantage early on, succeeding in locking up the champion with a series of manoeuvres targeting his arms, but this was countered and Koller took him to the mat focussing on his ribs which had obviously been dealt a blow or ten by the earlier attack. This would prove to be a very clever strategy as at several stages in the course of the match, Mallory couldn’t take full advantage of solid finishing situations due to being blown up and clutching at his ribs. This was his comeuppance in the end as Koller took him down, dealt a few further chest blows before hitting a leg drop and then picking him back up, the young Springbok leaning against the champion for support, an dropping him to the mat with the Hamburg Rock City for the pinfall victory.

Sebastian Koller wins at 11:54 via pinfall

Rating: E+


With the match having ended, the VWA European champion is standing on the turnbuckle soaking in the adulation of the fans. Behind him, Landon Mallory is starting to come out of his daze and is using the ropes to pull himself slowly to his feet. A hush descends upon the building with many fans expecting something to happen between the two. Mallory staggers towards Koller, who hops down from the turnbuckle and turns to him. Mallory, clutching at his ribs reaches out a hand and the building erupts in cheers as Koller extends his, shakes and then pulls the Springbok in to hug him. Koller turns and lifts Mallory’s hand up and the pair walks up the ramp together soaking in the wall of noise celebrating their sportsmanship.

Rating: E-


Randy Haute vs Griffin

This encounter highlighted once more Randy Haute’s status as a highly-talented technical wrestler as well as demonstrating that veteran Swede, Griffin can really still go. In a match that featured a lot of hold, counter hold action, the fans really rallied behind Griffin as he turned back the clock at one stage midway through the match even going up to the top rope and hitting a flying clothesline. However, it was much later into the bout where the true technical genius of both men started to become evident as Griffin worked over Haute’s legs, Randy swung him around and locked his legs around the neck of the Swede. Haute wasn’t going to let up either, using his legs to perform a sleeper hold but being the veteran he is Griffin managed to get to the ropes and despite Haute still refusing to let up he clambered to his feet and swung the American around, eventually releasing him, sending him tumbling across the canvas. This drew great appreciation from the crowd but ultimately it appeared the damage had been done as Griffin couldn’t capitalise, instead needing to take his time to get back his breath. Unfortunately, he took a fraction too long and Haute was able to get back on the counter attack eventually ending the match with a pinfall following his ever reliable Belly To Back Suplex finish.

Randy Haute wins at 14:17 via pinfall

Rating: E


Show Rating: E

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Other European Shows


EWA Writing On The Wall


Friday, Week 1, May 2010

Bremen Hall (Central Europe)

Attendance: 300 people (SELL-OUT)


The X Force defeated The Addams Family to retain EWA Tag Team Titles

Miss Information defeated Karen Bilous

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Miss Information and Elle

Poppa Punisher defeated Ruud Van Anger

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Byron, Karen Bilous and Jase Cole

Bam Bam Johansson defeated White Knight

Byron defeated Hercules Johansson to retain EWA Universal Title


Show Rating: D



UEW Battle For Europe

Thursday, Week 4, May 2010

Pireas Sports Hall (Mediterranean)

Attendance: 300 people (SELL-OUT)


Michael Moodie defeated Gordon Leve to retain UEW Nations Title

Beast Bantom defeated Greg Gauge

Geoff Borne defeated Inky The Squid Boy

Jamie Anderson defeated Punisher Paul Hughes

Sergei Kalashnov defeated Ali Bloxsome

Joey Beauchamp defeated Stig Svensson to retain UEW World Title


Show Rating: C

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Just discovered this and like it so far. Im a sucker for obscure companies in the UK and Europe. i havent read it too carefully so bear with me...


Glad to see you're interested. Obscure companies are always more fun than the mainstream ones. I've read too many USPW, TCW and SWF diaries that I struggle to move their characters in different directions to what has already been done by others. Feel free to drop any feedback, positive or negative - it's all useful regardless!


Awesome recap on Acheron, and completes his aura of danger well I think :D


Another great show, really enjoyed the main event; even if Van Cleer lost! Warlord is starting to give Norwegians a bad name - can you imagine Nigel Svensson doing something like that!?


Glad to see you're continuing to enjoy it - don't worry about van Cleer, I have some plans laid out for him that I'm sure you'll like. As for Nigel Svensson doing a thing like that - never. Swedish people are generally a lot nicer! Glad to see you're liking Modern Day Warlord's character though.


And finally, the prediction scoreboard - congrats to our newest responder Boltinho and long-time reader, jhd1 on their perfect scores this round:

Prediction Leaderboard

#1. Boltinho - 5 out of 5 predictions correct (100%)

#2. jhd1 - 16 out of 22 predictions correct (73%)

#3. Midnightnick - 13 out of 28 predictions correct (46%)


As per usual, any feedback whether it be good, bad or downright ugly is much appreciated as it all helps in regards to improving my diary.

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In The Spotlight


Matthew Macks


Born: October 1988

From: Ireland http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v205/rdarnz/Flags/ie.png

Signature Move: Red Lightning


Born and raised on the Emerald Isle, Matthew Macks lived a lucky life - he had a family that cared for him, lived in a decent house, went to a decent school. There was no reason for him to chase dreams of wrestling for money because he had very good grades. However, when he was left orphaned at age twelve and went to live further south on the island with his uncle that all changed. His grades still remained high and generally he enjoyed life, but his uncle taught him to ‘do what he wants and not what others want him to do.’


This motto has lived with the ‘Irish Daredevil’ and if you ask him why he jumps off ladders, why he’s willing to take death-defying leaps and dives in and out of the ring, he’ll quote his uncle’s motto. It’s almost become the mantra for his life. So, tremendous pain and sorrow were the driving force behind him joining the seedy world of wrestling after he’d finished college. There is no doubt he could’ve gone on to university, but instead he settled for scrapping for cash in the ring.


Since he arrived with the VWA, one man has constantly made his life painful and that is Wild Child and the two remain embroiled in their bitter feud, with Wild Child’s valet now seemingly catching the attention of the young Irishman. Whether the score will ever be truly settled between these two, we’ll maybe never know but once it has been put to rest, the fans would surely love for Macks to climb to the top and take the title for his parents.

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VWA Mayhem Preview

Saturday, Week 3, June 2010

This show marks the halfway point for our events this year and to celebrate it’ll be featuring some long awaited grudge matches - people seeking to settle old scores and no doubt some new rivalries will form over the course of the night’s events. It’ll all be on the line for some, for others it’ll be a chance to prove themselves, either way it’ll be entertaining.


The main focus of the show has to be the VWA European title match which will see Sebastian Koller take on long-time rival, Randy Haute. The American has been snapping at the young German’s heels ever since losing his belt back in December last year. After losing a rematch early on, he’s looked to re-establish himself as a threat and has succeeded in doing so with a number of impressive displays. Koller meanwhile has faced criticism from Haute, who claims he isn’t a ‘main event star’ but the champion has proven time and again that he can get it done in the ring. Both men will look to settle scores tonight especially with the gold on the line.


Meanwhile, Polish big man Cub Balowicz is still reeling from a shock loss a few months back to the plucky young Belgian, Jasper January. Jasper shocked the crowd when he pulled off the victory and has ridden a wave of momentum on the back of it in recent months. Balowicz meanwhile has stumbled through matches; his confidence obviously knocked but seems to have gained the upper hand with last month’s mind games. He’ll be hoping that the mind games have paid off whilst January will be looking to further elevate himself by pulling off a second shock victory.


Night Spyder hasn’t been a strong feature in recent months but he’ll seek to put himself into the spotlight tonight with his match against Moonsault Master. The big Dane hasn’t had any sort of luck on his side all year with a five match losing streak and will be looking to turn things around. Unfortunately for him, Night Spyder won’t be willing to roll over as he seeks to establish himself too.


In a match featuring two guys from the same corner of Europe, we’ll see Matthew Macks competing against Jason Dempsey. The Irishman remains unbeaten, but with obvious tension between him and Wild Child’s manager, Jasmine Perlot, will Macks be able to overcome Dempsey or will the distractions in his personal life prove too much. Dempsey must surely look to capitalise on this and carve out a victory for himself.


Burly Romanian brawler, Acheron will be looking to knock down another obstacle as he takes on wily Swedish veteran, Griffin. Griffin had the big man’s number last time out and after an unsuccessful shot at Sebastian Koller, the Romanian has set his target on the Swede once more. Griffin meanwhile will look to bounce straight back from defeat at the hands of Randy Haute last time out, though it must be said he put on a great display of wrestling against the American despite his eventual loss.


Finally, in a match billed as quite simply a wrestling match we’ll see two hot young prospects, Walker van Cleer and Landon Mallory square off. Neither man bears any grudge with the other, seeking purely to put on a great show for the crowd. A great match is expected of the pair who will both be looking to push themselves closer to the main event, but will seek to do so in a way that commands respect and not disapproval as is so often the case.


As always, a night of fast-paced, hard-hitting action is expected so don’t miss out on some more mayhem brought to you by the VWA!

Confirmed Card


Sebastian Koller vs Randy Haute

VWA European Title Match



Cub Balowicz vs Jasper January



Night Spyder vs Moonsault Master



Matthew Macks vs Jason Dempsey



Griffin vs Acheron



Walker van Cleer vs Landon Mallory

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Sebastian Koller vs Randy Haute

VWA European Title Match

I like Seb. A nasty heel US champ would be fun but why bother when you can have so much fun with European bad guys?


Cub Balowicz vs Jasper January

Up and comer boosts up the card


Night Spyder vs Moonsault Master

Noone called Moonsault Master can be pushed


Matthew Macks vs Jason Dempsey

breakout star alert


Griffin vs Acheron

Acheron is a proper monster. Griffin is a crap one


Walker van Cleer vs Landon Mallory

Only a matter of time until Seb vs Mallory. I cant wait

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Another awesome show! Your match write-ups are fantastic - I'm going to start studying them for ideas :p Mallory vs Koller was a great match, and it's good to see the shaking of hands afterwards.


Sebastian Koller vs Randy Haute

VWA European Title Match

Like Bolt, I'm a big fan of Koller. I can see it go either way but I don't think the big bad American needs the title as much.

Cub Balowicz vs Jasper January

I prefer Cub. That is all.

Night Spyder vs Moonsault Master

Respect the streak!

Matthew Macks vs Jason Dempsey

Macks, like Mallory, has the potential to be an enormous star in VWA.

Griffin vs Acheron

Griffin can teach Acheron a thing or two about wrestling, but the Romanian would benefit the most from a win.

Walker van Cleer vs Landon Mallory

As much as I think WvC is awesome, Mallory just edges it.

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