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TCW: The Never Ending Journey

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lol, so I'm the only one who thinks the New Wave might drop the titles and at least Guide getting a singles push?


I'm not saying you're right or wrong, but if either of The New Wave were to get a singles push I would have to believe it would be Scout as Guide can be a bit of a tool. :p

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Chance Fortune vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Montero bounces back from his defeat to Buffalo with a strong defence of the All Action Belt. Nice to see Axxis Jr join the all action division, these luchadores may not produce great grades from the start (due to lack of overness) but I think in time they will produce grades deserving of their talents.


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois


DuBois is going to win on his debut, no question about that. Ino's loss to Tornado also confirmed to me that you don't see him as being any higher than a Upper Midcarder at this moment in time.



TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Tag Team Specialists


This is a nice stop gap feud, whilst you build up other teams but putting the belts on the Tag Team Geriatrics would be a backwards step, unless you really are looking to do that one last run before retirement deal. And it's definitely not time to even contemplate breaking up the new wave, as the Tag Division isn't deep enough yet. Once you get to the depth of Phantom Strangers tag division then perhaps you can think about singles pushes.


Aaron Andrews & The Keith Brothers vs Wolf Hawkins & The Machines


Andrews and the Keith Brothers will reach the top at some point, and it could be within the next year but right now the syndicate trio will have too experience for them (kayfabe)/are way more over at this stage (non kayfabe).


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © vs Troy Tornado


I suspect this feud will run for a while yet, I think Bach will do the classic heel move of losing the match but keeping the belt.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota


DQ win for RDJ, Minnesota doesn't get to chalk up one up in the win column over his former partner, whilst RDJ fails to truly get revenge for Minnesota turning on him. Again this is another feud that has legs, and I'm sure this will head to something like a last man standing match down the road.


Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell


Not unfeasible for Keith to win, but I think your top heel needs to be kept stronger for another run at the World Title.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Eddie Peak


Rocky Golden survives Peak, perhaps Cornell will get his turn again next month?

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Chance Fortune vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois



TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Tag Team Specialists


Aaron Andrews & The Keith Brothers vs Wolf Hawkins & The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © vs Troy Tornado


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Eddie Peak

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Chance Fortune vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois



TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Tag Team Specialists


Aaron Andrews & The Keith Brothers vs Wolf Hawkins & The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © vs Troy Tornado


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell-I'll say The Syndicate does something to distract Tommy giving Sam a clean win


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Eddie Peak

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Thanks man......actually, based on your username I'm not sure of your gender so please don't take offence if I am wrong. This comment has really made my day. Hope you enjoy the upcoming show. :)


Lol don't worry I'm a guy. You are very welcome sir and I anticipate the next update. :)

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Chance Fortune vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois



TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Tag Team Specialists


Aaron Andrews & The Keith Brothers vs Wolf Hawkins & The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © vs Troy Tornado


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Eddie Peak

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TCW All-Action Championship

Gino Montero © vs Chance Fortune vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois



TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs The Tag Team Specialists


Aaron Andrews & The Keith Brothers vs Wolf Hawkins & The Machines

TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © vs Troy Tornado


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota


Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Eddie Peak

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TCW Just Another Day?

Sunday of Week 4, March 2010

Manhattan National Center

Attendance: 22,387

Pay-Per-View: 1.41





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes




TCW All-Action Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GinoMonteroALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ChanceFortuneALT2.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AxxisJrALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/FreddyHugginsALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/LauraHugginsALT.jpg

Gino Montero © vs Chance Fortune vs Axxis Jr. vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins

Certainly a showcase of what the All-Action division is all about; high flying, awe-inspiring, crisp, entertaining wrestling. All four men brought all they had to the table in an attempt to walk away as the best in the division and each had their moment to shine.


Fortune came out of the gates quickest and took control with quick snap suplexes on both Huggins and Montero before hitting a third on Axxis Jr., driving the luchador onto the other two competitors. The pace of the match slowed down slightly as Freddy Huggins, with the assist of Laura at ringside, took a modicum of control following a three man pile up in the corner that resulted in Huggins hitting a running dropkick into the heads of all three opponents as they jostled for position. Huggins picked Axxis Jr. out of the pack to focus his attacks on and for a moment looked to be doing well.


Axxis reversed a powerbomb attempt into a frankensteiner and hooked the leg. Fortune was there to break it up and began to pound on Axxis Jr. until he was backed into a corner. Fortune elevates him to the top rope and follows him up for a superplex, no; Huggins is there as well and joins the other two atop the ropes; a double team superplex perhaps? No; Montero runs across the ring and springs off the bottom rope to join them, throwing all three to the ground as he German suplexes Huggins and Fortune who in turn suplex Axxis Jr. along the way. Montero balance on the top rope and soars high into the air. The Montero Press connects on Freddy Huggins and Montero secures the following pinfall to retain the All-Action title.

Gino Montero defeated Freddy Huggins via pinfall to retain the All-Action title

Rating: C




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KoshiroInoALT5.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/MarcDuboisALT.jpg

Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois

DuBois clearly wanted to start his TCW in-ring career off as he means to continue and against Koshiro Ino, he proved that he should be taken as a legitimate competitor. The early exchanges were heavy and Ino took the edge with his pin point crushing blows that shook DuBois to the core. The Prodigy was on the back foot and found himself to be countering attacks rather than delivering meaningful offence of his own.


Ino drops DuBois with a Falcon’s Arrow, but DuBois pops the shoulder up before three. Ino picks the model up by his flowing locks but DuBois twists clear and hits a dropkick to the knee, dropping Ino. DuBois hits the ropes and hits a kneeling hurricanrana on the Japanese Warrior, driving him face first into the canvas. DuBois uses this opportunity to control the match from here on out. Whatever offence Ino manages to muster is soon cut down by his opponent and when Ino is dropped with the Marc Of Excellence, DuBois shifts into the Model Solution seamlessly and Ino is forced to submit.


The bell sounds and DuBois reverts to his usual vain demeanour as he repositions his hair. The Prodigy begins to laugh as he looks down upon Ino before rolling clear of the ring and heading backstage.

Marc DuBois defeated Koshiro Ino via submission

Rating: B





We travel backstage to the interview set where we see Tommy Cornell standing tall in front of the camera. He glares deep into the lens as he begins to speak.


Cornell: “Tommy Cornell vs Sam Keith; it’s a match that not many thought would ever happen. An opportunity for two of the sport’s greatest of all time to do battle to see who the better man is; to see who will go down in the history books as the ultimate professional wrestler (snorts). That’s what I would have thought myself five years ago but not now. Sam Keith is but a shadow of his former self; a man whose best days have long since passed. Here in 2010, Sam Keith just isn’t on my level. However, with that being said, I’m gonna do you a favour Sam, I’m gonna give you my all and beat you down to the point where there won’t be a soul out there who can argue the fact that Tommy Cornell is the pinnacle of this sport!”





The cameras take us to Sam Keith’s locker room where we see Greg and Matt warming up, exchanging holds and counters all the while being examined and corrected by their father. As Sam registers the camera’s arrival he turns to face the lens.


Keith: “Cornell likes to talk, we all know this too well by now. The man could sell sand in a desert and would laugh all the way to the bank. But if you listen, and I mean really listen to what he says, you’ll realise that he contradicts himself out of instinct to the point where he believes every word he is saying to be true. Now that’s a dangerous man and make no mistake I am aware of what lies in front of me.”


Greg and Matt have stopped grappling and rest on their haunches as they listen intently to their teacher, absorbing all the information they can, learning all the time.


Keith: “Tommy has said that I’m not in his league............interesting..............If that is the case then why did he see fit to try and bring me back into the Syndicate? I’ll tell you why; he saw what I was becoming, he realised that I was nearing my best form and that worries him. By putting me back in The Syndicate he could keep me in check, the same way he is doing with Brent, John and Wolf; he wanted to ensure that there was no way that any outshine himself; he knows that I can beat him and now that he has failed in drawing me in, he is acting as though he has nothing to fear when inside..........well, inside he knows that I am the true legend of professional wrestling and that I am the only man left who can bring him down!”




No Disqualification


TCW World Tag Team Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GuideALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ScoutALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoelBryantALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RobertOxfordALT.jpg

The New Wave © vs The Tag Team Specialists

The match started as all good tag team matches do, the faces getting the jump early on, with the heels using one or two dirty tricks to steal the advantage away and keep one opponent isolated from his corner. Oxford supplied the momentum shifter as he drove his left knee into the small of the back of Guide as he was Irish whipped into the ropes nearby. Scout having seen this entered the ring and the match kind of broke down from there.


Bryant and Oxford showed why they have been known as the Tag Team Specialists for many years as they systematically cut down the champions with good old fashioned brawling and this looked to be paying dividends. The New Wave are no slouches in this environment having learned their craft in the rings of Danger and Violence and began to open up as Oxford and Bryant began to wear down, their age clearly becoming a factor by this point. Oxford is sent out of the ring via the middle rope and moments later he found himself on the receiving end of a suicide dive that ended with a Guided Missile. This allowed Scout to hit a Danger Ahead on Robert Oxford onto a steel chair in the middle of the ring to secure the pinfall victory.

The New Wave defeated The Tag Team Specialists via pinfall to retain the tag team titles

Rating: B-





“Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” plays through the arena speakers and out comes Eric Tyler. He stands at the entranceway with a microphone in hand, allowing the crowd response to die down before beginning.


Tyler: “I announced via tcw.com that I wanted to make something crystal clear for the Tommy Cornell/Sam Keith match that we are going to see tonight. A match like this may well be a once in a lifetime occurrence and I will be damned if I’m gonna let anybody spoil it for the wrestling community. At the end of the day, I like everybody here in this arena including the boys in the back are fans of this sport and we want to see a classic. So here it is; if anybody and I mean anybody, interferes in this match, the perpetrators will need to look for employment elsewhere as they will no longer be under employment in TCW! With that being said, I won’t waste anymore PPV time by talking so enjoy the rest of the show; I know I will.”






Aaron Andrews & The Keith Brothers vs Wolf Hawkins & The Machines

This contest started with a bang as all six men began to brawl before the referee had chance to get a semblance of order established. Greg and Matthew go full throttle at The Machines who fight just as hard whilst Aaron Andrews takes the fight to Hawkins before the Syndicate youngster has had a chance to remove his sunglasses. This sets the tone for the match and the action doesn’t relent from this point onwards.


The Machines show their tag team experience as they manage to single Greg out and keep his isolated from his corner. As the tension builds, so does the fire inside Andrews and as he is tagged in, he looks to clean house on all three opponents. Hawkins seizes the opportunity after making a blind tag and rushes Andrews from behind to hit the Full Moon Rising. With both Keith boys occupied, Hawkins was able to secure the following pinfall.

Wolf Hawkins & The Machines defeated Aaron Andrews & The Keith Brothers via pinfall

Rating: B





The cameras take us backstage where we enter the locker room of The Outlaw, Ricky Dale Johnson. The man himself is pacing back and forth, clearly deep in thought, planning what he is going to do when he gets his hands on Joey Minnesota in one-on-one action. He stops and turns his attention to the camera.


RDJ: “The night is finally here; the night I get to put a whooping on Joey Minnesota. I’m like a kid at Christmas pestering their parents to wake up so they can open their presents. I just want to tear into the wrapping and enjoy the end result. Joey, this is the night where you realise that you made a grave error when you turned your back on me last month because when I’m through with you, it will be the only thing you will be able to lament. So enjoy these last few moments Joey, eat and be merry, because before too long your goose will be cooked.”





TCW International Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SammyBachALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TroyTornadoALT3.jpg

Sammy Bach © vs Troy Tornado

Engaging from start to end; Tornado and Bach compete in an even contest that sees both men deliver their signature manoeuvres and transitions as the action continues to build into near fall after near fall. The crowd are really into the match and ooh and ahh along with every kick out. Bach doesn’t appear to be any worse for wear without Karen Killer at ringside and is in control after countering a tilt-a-world backbreaker into a satellite headscissors takedown that sends Tornado face first into the middle turnbuckle. Troy staggers his way back to his feet and is met with a Bach To Reality superkick. Bach slides into the cover and arrogantly counts along with the referee but Tornado is too close to the ropes and a foot underneath breaks the count.


Bach jumps to his feet and pulls his opponent up after him but Tornado jumps up with everything he has left and hits the Star Maker. It takes a few moments but eventually he is able to make the cover but by this point Bach has recovered slightly and is able to just pop the shoulder up in time. Tornado rolls onto his stomach and looks forlorn and it is that which costs him the match. Bach clasps his hands around Tornado’s jaw and entwines his legs around his own; he arches his back and the submission hold is locked in. Tornado tries to fight it but with too little left in the gas tank, he is forced to submit to the Bach On Your Back.

Sammy Bach defeated Troy Tornado via submission to retain the International title

Rating: B+





“Twisted Transistor” hits the airwaves as the Hardcore Assassin bowls his way to ringside, his pale blue eyes make him appear as though he isn’t even human. A ringside assistant throws a microphone to him, not willing to step in the ring in case Peak loses his temper. Peak in a low rumbling voice begins to purr his words.


Peak: “I’m sick of waiting for my title! Just try and get me out of this ring, I will rip your arms off and beat you to death with them. The Great White is hungry and it’s feeding time! Rocky Golden, get out here so I can tear you apart!”


A crowd of security surround the ring but not one of them attempts to get in whilst Peak is beckoning them. There is a pause before “Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast”, plays through the arena speakers and Rocky Golden, adorned in the World Heavyweight championship, emerges at the top of the ramp to a warm reception. He raises a microphone to his lips before addressing the challenger.



Golden: “Now I was quite content to wait until the main event to defend this title, but if you want to go now big man and it’s alright with Eric Tyler, then I have no problem in beating your ass from pillar to post.”


Rocky Golden walks with a purpose to the ring and hands the World Heavyweight title to a ringside assistant before jumping into the ring and meeting the charging Eddie Peak head on.




TCW World Heavyweight Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RockyGoldenALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddiePeakALT.jpg

Rocky Golden © vs Eddie Peak

Golden narrowly sidesteps the onrushing Peak and the big man tumbles outside the ring. Rocky soon follows and begins to lay into the Hardcore Assassin and the match continues in this trend. Heavy offence by two behemoths sees Peak and Golden trade momentum back and forth throughout. Peak takes the advantage as Golden makes an unfamiliar move which proves to be costly. He ascends the top turnbuckle and takes a moment too long to ready himself for the flight.


Peak has seen this and is laying in wait as Golden jumps for a double axehandle. The Hardcore Assassin uses the situation to hit a Peak Of Perfection. The pin attempt soon follows, but no; Golden somehow manages to get the shoulder up in the nick of time. Peak heads outside and returns with a steel chair. Sam Sparrow furiously pleads with the deranged man before him but Peak isn’t listening. He holds the chair just in front of him as he yells at the referee. Golden is back on his feet and punches the chair, causing the metal to collide with Peak’s head, busting him open. As The Great White stumbled backwards his right elbow catches Sparrow in the ear, knocking him down. Peak is staggered and is unable to avoid the Rocky Road roaring elbow that collides into his jaw, finally flooring the monster. Golden flops into the cover and after a few moments, Sparrow is able to count the three which sees Rocky Golden successfully retain the title.

Rocky Golden defeated Eddie Peak via pinfall to retain the World Heavyweight title

Rating: C+




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SamKeith-1.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TommyCornellALT-1.jpg

Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell

A match between two legends of professional wrestling stole the show as Sam Keith and Tommy Cornell engaged in a technical showcase of both athletes’ abilities. The feeling out process was intense yet methodical, neither man wanting to slip up and give the other an early advantage. Hold to counter-hold to reversal and it looked as though both men were cancelling each other out at every turn.


Cornell eventually resorted to a thumb in the eye, but Keith was prepared and returned the favour in kind, much to the displeasure of Ray Johnson. Keith began to dominate, locking and stretching Cornell in ways the body was not designed to bend. Cornell was reliant upon the ropes to get him out of trouble on more than one occasion. The will of the Englishman refused to let him stay down for long however and Cornell managed to hit a Rough Ride out of nowhere to halt the momentum of his legendary opponent.


Both men rose to their feet at the same time and started to trade blows, the crowd cheered and booed in accordance with whoever was on the receiving end. The match continued for a further ten minutes, both men coming close to pulling off the win with near fall attempts.


Keith clasps his hands on Cornell in that all too familiar way and drags him to the canvas for the Proton Lock. Cornell has it scouted and uses leverage to slide out the back door and apply the Guilt Trip. He has it synched in and Keith is in dire trouble. He tries desperately to drag himself towards the ropes but just as he is a fingertip away, Cornell wrenches back harder. Keith rolls with the momentum and buries his weight down, trapping Cornell’s shoulders to the mat. Ray Johnson begins to count the three, Cornell’s eyes jump wide open when he realises the predicament he is in. The shoulder pops up but the three count has already been made and Sam Keith has pulled out the victory.


Cornell sits in the ring looking perplexed as Keith rolls out of harm’s way and heads backstage. The Syndicate leader is turning a deep shade of red as he fumes at referee Ray Johnson who is lucky to avoid a beating. Cornell eventually rolls out of the ring and marches his way up the aisle; this one may not be over just yet.

Sam Keith defeated Tommy Cornell via pinfall

Rating: B+




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickyDaleJohnsonALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Joey Minnesota

The heat between these two is apparent right from Jump Street as they collide with force before the bell to open the match has officially rung. Minnesota struggles to weather the early storm although it is noticeable that he is smiling during the periods where RDJ is clearly losing his temper and this is noted on commentary by the eagle eyed Kyle Rhodes.


Minnesota is playing the game that opponents often use against him, targeting his underlying rage in an attempt to make him lose temper and make mistakes. The inevitable mistake comes and Minnesota is quick to capitalise; he slips out the back door of a wild powerbomb attempt, kicks RDJ in the stomach and hits a spike DDT.


Joey keeps the pressure on and his offensive moves only grow in scale as the match continues, but he is still unable to keep The Outlaw down. RDJ is hurled into the turnbuckle and Minnesota is quick in pursuit, looking for an elbow smash but RDJ ducks under and returns fire with a clothesline and another, followed by eight more. Minnesota collapses forward and is caught and hit with Southern Justice but the impact of the move sends him to the floor outside. The referee begins to count and reaches eight as Minnesota has risen to his knees. RDJ stops Sam Sparrow from continuing the count, not wanting to win in that fashion. He ducks under the top rope and grabs Minnesota by the hair. Minnesota delivers a crushing right hand that turns RDJ limp and now draped over the middle rope, can do nothing about being dropped onto the floor outside with a Minnesota Salute. The brash youngster wearily drags himself back into the ring as the referee begins to count once more.


With no sign of movement from The Outlaw, Sam Sparrow reaches ten which leaves the exhausted Joey Minnesota the victor by countout. A thin trickle of blood runs down the chin of Minnesota and he wipes it clear, now smiling which reveals his blood stained teeth.

Joey Minnesota defeated Ricky Dale Johnson via countout

Rating: B




The show comes to an end as we see Ricky Dale Johnson lying on his back, staring at an object close to the apron of the ring. The camera follows his gaze and zooms in to examine the brass knuckles that have been discretely tossed aside following the punch that dimmed The Outlaw’s lights. The screen fades to black as the PPV comes to an end.



Show Rating: B

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Very good show. I'm just not fond of the Rocky Golden title reign and his so-so matches. I like the clean win for Sam Keith and the building of DuBois.


Yeah, not only does he have crap chemistry with Sam Keith, he has it with Eddie Peak as well. :mad:


I tried the two of them on a pre-show and found that out so I made sure not to put it in the main event although every fibre of my being told me to stick it out.

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Getting decent grades out of Golden is tough. It makes putting the other feuds as primary ones a pretty decent idea.


Good show, dude. Liked seeing Sam win clean and Joey win dirty.


I will say this, I do get consistantly get good grades out of him now, I just had a dreadful run of luck with chemistry for his first two opponents. Remember this, Golden won't be the champion forever.


Hopefully my story will counteract Rocky Golden's thriving crapness with his first two fueds.

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I will say this, I do get consistantly get good grades out of him now, I just had a dreadful run of luck with chemistry for his first two opponents. Remember this, Golden won't be the champion forever.


Thank goodness.


thriving crapness


Do I have permission to use this little diddie? :D

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I will say this, I do get consistantly get good grades out of him now, I just had a dreadful run of luck with chemistry for his first two opponents. Remember this, Golden won't be the champion forever.


Thank goodness.


thriving crapness


Do I have permission to use this little diddie? :D


Of course. My words are my tools and as such I remain unemployed. :p

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Prediction Results

Midnightnick: 5/8

Bigpapa42: 7/8

Phantom Stranger: 6/8

angeldelayette: 5/8

MJStark: 5/8

20LEgend: 6/8

jesseewiak: 6/8

CamillePunk: 5/8

Tigerkinney: 4/8

MorenoKing24: 5/8

Emark: 7/8

jgriff3029: 6/8

legendkiller13: 5/8



Congratulations Bigpapa42 and Emark. You have won this round.



Overall Standings

1st: jesseewiak = 7

1st: Bigpapa42 = 7

2nd: jgriff3029 = 5

2nd: Tigerkinney = 5

3rd: 20LEgend = 4

3rd: jhd1 = 4

3rd: Emark = 4

4th: angeldelayette = 3

5th: MJStark = 2

5th: Phantom Stranger = 2

5th: Midnightnick = 2

6th: smurphy1014 = 1

6th: ChrisKid = 1

7th: BHK1978 = 0

7th: Liamo = 0

7th: juggaloninjalee = 0

7th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

7th: QFresh = 0

7th: pauls07 = 0

7th: Boltinho = 0

7th: legendkiller13 = 0

7th: CamillePunk = 0

7th: MorenoKing24 = 0

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Tuesday of Week 1, April 2010

Following this Sunday’s PPV, Eric Tyler has let it be known via tcw.com that several of the matches this week have big implications with regards to the number one contender for the world heavyweight title and that all will be made clear at the beginning of the show. We certainly look forward to finding out more on this situation.


The card itself opens up with the UK Dragon taking on Edd Stone who will be accompanied by his newfound manager, Carl Batch. Will Edd Stone be able to turn his luck around or can the UK Dragon get his first big win in TCW?


The Keith Brothers will see tag team action once again as they go up against the duo of Harmonic Thunder. Neither team has really established themselves thus far and could both do with a big win to cement themselves as contenders for the tag team titles held by The New Wave.


The first of the matches that are affected by Eric Tyler’s announcement involves the product of the House of Stone, Owen Love against the young Mexican sensation, Gino Montero. Who will emerge the victor in this clash of styles and what will this mean to for both men?


Guide of The New Wave will be in singles action against Champagne Lover with the winner again perhaps competing for much more pending Tyler’s announcement. Guide is apparently particularly happy with this pairing as he is still looking for revenge against both members of Champagne Caviar. Will vengeance be his on this night?


The Japanese Warrior, Koshiro Ino will face the dominating Eddie Peak who is still furious over his loss at Just Another Day? Whether this means he will be slightly off his game is yet to be seen; he may be now more focused than ever and that spells danger for his opponent.


The final match of the night that will be affected by Tyler’s announcement sees the exciting Benny Benson go against The Prodigy, Marc DuBois. DuBois has made quite a splash since debuting in TCW last week and as such, Benny Benson will have a hell of a task in derailing the youngster’s train of momentum.


The main event of the night will be quite a treat for the TCW fans as the International champion and self-proclaimed Rock God, Sammy Bach goes in singles action against the TCW World Heavyweight champion, Rocky Golden. A lot of pride is on the line in this encounter with both men looking to prove that they are the best champion in TCW right now.


The Syndicate have been granted microphone time to explain their relationship with Marc DuBois and Joey Minnesota has promised a very special revelation for a certain Outlaw. Be sure to tune in this Tuesday on GNN Total Sports; you won’t want to miss out!



Prediction Key


UK Dragon vs Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


The Keith Brothers vs Harmonic Thunder


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Gino Montero vs Owen Love


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Guide vs Champagne Lover w/Cuervo


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Benny Benson vs Marc DuBois


Rocky Golden vs Sammy Bach

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UK Dragon vs Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


The Keith Brothers vs Harmonic Thunder


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Gino Montero vs Owen Love


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Guide vs Champagne Lover w/Cuervo


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Benny Benson vs Marc DuBois


Rocky Golden vs Sammy Bach

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UK Dragon vs Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


The Keith Brothers vs Harmonic Thunder


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Gino Montero vs Owen Love


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Guide vs Champagne Lover w/Cuervo


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Benny Benson vs Marc DuBois


Rocky Golden vs Sammy Bach

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UK Dragon vs Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


The Keith Brothers vs Harmonic Thunder


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Gino Montero vs Owen Love


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Guide vs Champagne Lover w/Cuervo


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Benny Benson vs Marc DuBois


Rocky Golden vs Sammy Bach

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UK Dragon vs Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


The Keith Brothers vs Harmonic Thunder


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Gino Montero vs Owen Love


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Guide vs Champagne Lover w/Cuervo


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Benny Benson vs Marc DuBois


Rocky Golden vs Sammy Bach

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Prediction Key


UK Dragon vs Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


The Keith Brothers vs Harmonic Thunder


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Gino Montero vs Owen Love


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Guide vs Champagne Lover w/Cuervo


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Benny Benson vs Marc DuBois


Rocky Golden vs Sammy Bach

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UK Dragon vs Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


The Keith Brothers vs Harmonic Thunder


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Gino Montero vs Owen Love


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Guide vs Champagne Lover w/Cuervo


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Benny Benson vs Marc DuBois


Rocky Golden vs Sammy Bach

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Prediction Key


UK Dragon vs Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


Edd Stone gets back on the winning track


The Keith Brothers vs Harmonic Thunder


Keith Brothers are gradually being built for a run towards the top, and I can't see Harmonic Thunder being much more than a glorifed jobber tandem.


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Gino Montero vs Owen Love


Ok lets begin with Tyler's announcement, I think it will be that the 8 men affected by the announcement will be competing in an 8 man tournament to earn a shot at the World Title.


The All action champ losing to a much larger powerhouse in Buffalo is one thing, losing to the slightly bigger and probably less over Owen Love is another thing.


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Guide vs Champagne Lover w/Cuervo


Lover wins this setting up an all Mexican showdown with the All action champ.


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Koshiro Ino vs Eddie Peak


I'll go with the slight upset here, Peak's had his shot and I think he loses his cool just enough for Ino to take advantage.


Match Affected By Eric Tyler Announcement

Benny Benson vs Marc DuBois


DuBois, the hot newcomer and it wouldn't surprise me if he's being lined up to challenge for Golden's belt.


Rocky Golden vs Sammy Bach


As much as Golden keeps stinking up the joint as World champ, you should at least attempt to keep your World Champ looking strong. Once he drops the belt then you bury him back to being the midcard hoss role, more deserving of his talent or lack there-of.

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Ok lets begin with Tyler's announcement, I think it will be that the 8 men affected by the announcement will be competing in an 8 man tournament to earn a shot at the World Title.



You're almost right. Well, about 50% correct. Leave a little mystery there, but you are certainly on the right lines. ;)

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