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TCW: The Never Ending Journey

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Good show and great to see you back. Interested to see who the "Physical Phenomen" will turn out to be.


Thanks BP. I'm really looking forward to debuting the Physical Phenom. Hopefully I can build the anticipation between now and then.


Hey now I got 6/7 too. :mad::D


Another great show!


My mistake. The prediction results have been rectified.:o

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Tuesday of Week 3, April 2010

With the opening round of the inaugural King Of Mayhem tournament concluding this past Tuesday, the eight successful combatants will be looking to continue their run of success by progressing through the quarter finals. The action promises to be relentless and the card of matches looks stellar.


Gino Montero, the All-Action champion will be up against it this week as the young luchador looks set to face the former All-Action champion with a new swagger, Edd Stone. Following last week’s taunts from both Stone and his manager, Carl Batch, Gino Montero will be looking once again to prove that he is one of the best high-flyers in the sport today.


Sam Keith’s boys will be in action shortly thereafter as Greg and Matthew will be in tag team competition against the duo known as Champagne Caviar. Having both fallen short in the King Of Mayhem tournament, Champagne Lover and Nicholas Lopez will be determined to change their luck by lodging a win against TCW’s youngest pairing.


The King Of Mayhem quarter finals kick off with Troy Tornado stepping in the ring against the durable Canadian, Owen Love. Which of these two rising stars will be the first to dip their toes in semi-final waters?


Scout of the New Wave will be looking to best Tommy Cornell’s prodigy in the second quarter final as he takes on Wolf Hawkins of The Syndicate. Despite being a tag team competitor by trade, Scout has proven that he has what it takes to compete in the singles ranks and a win over Wolf Hawkins would go a long way in establishing himself as a genuine threat in TCW. Whether he can achieve this or not is still very much in the balance.


The third quarter final sees Scout’s tag team partner, Guide go up against the devious Joey Minnesota in what some are predicting as a potential show stealer. Can Guide look to overcome the impressive Joey Minnesota and his devilishly intelligent manager, Dunton Hall? Will Ricky Dale Johnson look to interfere and finally get some retribution against his once tag team partner?


The fourth and final quarter final will see the Japanese Warrior, Koshiro Ino square off with the man whom defeated him at Just Another Day and the latest Syndicate member, Marc DuBois. Can The Model continue his impressive run of form or will the Kobra upset Tommy Cornell’s apple cart?


The main event of the evening will see six man tag team action as the TCW World Heavyweight champion, Rocky Golden teams with Sam Keith and Aaron Andrews to take on Tommy Cornell and The Machines. With Golden having fought to a draw with Cornell last Tuesday, can he go one better this time out? Also, questions have been flooding in about the mysterious “Physical Phenom”, who we can confirm, has a message for our champion.


All this and more this Tuesday on GNN Total Sports. Be sure to tune in; you won’t want to miss out!




Prediction Key

Gino Montero vs Edd Stone w/Dunton Hall


The Keith Brothers vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Scout vs Wolf Hawkins


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Guide vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois


Rocky Golden, Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines

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Gino Montero vs Edd Stone w/Dunton Hall


The Keith Brothers vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Scout vs Wolf Hawkins


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Guide vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois


Rocky Golden, Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines

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Prediction Key

Gino Montero vs Edd Stone w/Dunton Hall


The Keith Brothers vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

Tough one

King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Troy Tornado vs Owen Love

He's more established as a legit winner of the KOM

King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Scout vs Wolf Hawkins

Tag guy doesn't go over

King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Guide vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

Look up

King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois

Ino never stands out to me for some reason, DuBois does

Rocky Golden, Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines

Tommy tips it.

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Gino Montero vs Edd Stone w/Dunton Hall


The Keith Brothers vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Scout vs Wolf Hawkins


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Guide vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois


Rocky Golden, Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines

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Gino Montero vs Edd Stone w/Dunton Hall


The Keith Brothers vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Scout vs Wolf Hawkins


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Guide vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois


Rocky Golden, Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines

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Prediction Key

Gino Montero vs Edd Stone w/Dunton Hall


The Keith Brothers vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Scout vs Wolf Hawkins


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Guide vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois


Rocky Golden, Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines

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Gino Montero vs Edd Stone w/Dunton Hall


The Keith Brothers vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Scout vs Wolf Hawkins


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Guide vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois


Rocky Golden, Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines

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I have sorted out the roster post on the first page of this thread. I realised that it was a little outdated so I thought I would fix that. Also, as an aside, there is still time for predictions for those who want to participate.
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Gino Montero vs Edd Stone w/Dunton Hall


The Keith Brothers vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Troy Tornado vs Owen Love


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Scout vs Wolf Hawkins


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Guide vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


King Of Mayhem - Quarter Final

Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois


Rocky Golden, Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 3, April 2010

Wisconsin Gardens

Attendance: 9,018




Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes



http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GinoMonteroALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddStoneALT2.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/CarlBatchALT.jpg

Gino Montero vs Edd Stone w/Carl Batch

The harsh words of Stone and Batch last week had evidently gotten under the skin of the All-Action champion who uncharacteristically employed brawling tactics in the opening exchanges. Stone was taken by surprise and was on the back foot for the first few minutes. The problem with deviating from the regular game plan is that the likelihood of mistakes occurring is higher than what they would normally be and this was no different. Montero, in a blind rage became sloppy and careless. Stone being schooled in one of the most prestigious wrestling academies in the world knew when to seize the moment and did just that, connecting with a Party’s Over and securing the pin. Carl Batch at ringside is soon in the ring following the bell and the two men celebrate over the fallen Montero.

Edd Stone defeated Gino Montero via pinfall

Rating: C+




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GregKeithALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/MatthewKeithALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ChampagneLoverALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/NicolasLopezALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/CuervoALT.jpg

The Keith Brothers vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

Not the most attractive contest you will ever see, but the signs are still promising. Greg and Matthew display their ever improving repertoire of locks and holds that leave Champagne and Lopez scrambling for the ropes on more than one occasion. In this sport, veteran instinct counts for a lot and Champagne Caviar eventually fight their way into a lead. The Keiths refuse to give up so easily though and claw their way back time and time again. However, on this night, youth was finally overcome as Greg falls victim to a Champagne Sunrise courtesy of Lover and that is all she wrote in this one.

Champagne Caviar defeated The Keith Brothers via pinfall

Rating: D-





The cameras take us to the backstage interview area where Jasmine Saunders for the second week in a row is standing next to Edd Stone. Jasmine begins to speak when she is instantly interrupted by the young Canadian.


Stone: “What did I tell you Julia?! I said last week that Gino Montero isn’t on my level and tonight I proved my point once again. That little banjo playing, day labourer fell to defeat at the hands of wrestling royalty and now, now it’s time to party up in this biatch! I’m gonna go out to a few sweet ass bars, score a couple of fine lookin’ ladies; take them back to my hotel room to play a game I like to call ‘polish the stone’ and celebrate like a champion should babyyyyy!”


Edd Stone pumps his fist vigorously to the point where it is clear that both the camera crew and the interviewer feel extremely uncomfortable. Jasmine Saunders looks taken aback but her focus is soon trained on the familiar laughter of Carl Batch who saunters onto screen.




Batch: “Hahaaaaa.........Now you see what I was saying little lady. We gonna play this smart, ya feel me? Edd Stone is the future of this business and sooner rather than later, we gonna take the All-Action title back home to where it belongs! Peace Out.”




King Of Mayhem – Quarter Final Match

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TroyTornadoALT3.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/OwenLoveALT.jpg

Troy Tornado vs Owen Love

A really solid match opens the quarter final stage as Tornado and Love trade technical exchanges for the majority of the bouts’ duration. Love perhaps gaining an advantage in the technical department is somewhat more rigid and unwilling to deviate from the game plan and as a result, starts to struggle when Tornado mixes up his offence with more versatile attacks. A Star Maker is narrowly avoided by Love who looks to connect with a Love Gun of his own. No, Tornado manages to duck under the right arm and jumps up to connect with a Star Maker on the second time of asking. The pinfall follows shortly thereafter and sends Tornado into the final four.

Troy Tornado defeated Owen Love via pinfall

Rating: B





The cameras take us backstage where we see Eddie Peak on a rampage, storming down hallways and barging into rooms. The Great White is on the hunt and as he continues his path of destruction, he sends a table hurtling into a wall and it only narrowly misses a stage hand who dives to the right in the nick of time.


Peak: “Where is he?! Where is that son of a bitch?!”


Peak runs over to the man whom narrowly avoided decapitation and clasps the collar of his shirt before hoisting him up to his feet and trapping him against a wall. Peak is positively foaming at the mouth as he presses his face closer to the scared member of the crew.




The man cautiously lifts a finger and points further down the hall as Peak follows the gesticulation. He releases his grip and the man slumps to the floor before scuttling as far away as possible. Peak resumes his march and thunders towards the end of the hallway, turning left when he reaches the impasse. BANG!




Vessey clatters a stiff forearm to the back of Peak’s head, causing him to stumble forward. Vessey capitalises and jumps on Eddie Peak, throwing a barrage of rights and lefts that the big man can do little to block. Peak manages to kick Vessey off momentarily but the assault resumes for a moment before the security team dive on the two individuals, prizing them apart. Jason Azaria hastily provides a segue for the commercials as the struggle continues.





King Of Mayhem – Quarter Final Match

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ScoutALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/WolfHawkinsALT3.jpg

Scout vs Wolf Hawkins

An excellent match that starts fast with little in the way of a feeling out process. Hawkins surprisingly dips into the well of his former self by using signature moves that he utilised in his All-Action days including his infamous top rope enzugiri. Scout, for his part, fights hard and comes close to securing the win on several occasions including a Guided Missile counter to Hawkins running knee trembler.




Marc DuBois emerges from the entranceway and makes his way to ringside as Scout looks to apply the Special Forces cross armbreaker. DuBois jumps onto the apron and successfully distracts the referee, but as he does so, Hawkins loosens the grip of Scout and drops him with a Full Moon Rising. Wolf slides into the pin but Sam Sparrow is still distracted with DuBois. Hawkins jumps to his feet and makes his way towards the referee, spinning him around and demanding answers. Hawkins sees DuBois standing on the apron and the two begin a heated exchange resulting in Wolf shoving The Model off of the apron and to the floor. Scout tries to take advantage of the situation with a quick roll up but Hawkins rolls through and connects with a second Full Moon Rising for the winning pinfall. As the match ends, Hawkins storms up the ramp, shoulder barging DuBois out of the way in the process.

Wolf Hawkins defeated Scout via pinfall

Rating: B





The video screen flickers into life and the location depicted is the interior of Ricky Dale Johnson’s Texas ranch. The man himself is sitting in a plush leather chair, cowboy hat tilted slightly backwards. His gaze transfixed on the camera before him. His look is one of a man struggling to remain emotionally level as he begins to speak.


Johnson: “Tonight Joey Minnesota is able to breathe easy. After what transpired last week, I was advised to stay at home. No; I was told that for the safety of the King Of Mayhem participants, I was banned from the arena. Now I respect Eric Tyler and that fact alone is keeping me from whooping your ass from sea to shining sea tonight, but after this night is over, you won’t be so lucky Joey. So enjoy your freedom while it last son, because from this moment on, you have a bullseye on your back the size of my home state and boy; when I shoot, I aim to kill! See you soon partner. See you real soon.......”


The camera zooms out as The Outlaw doffs his 10 gallon hat towards the lens. The screen fades to black.




King Of Mayhem – Quarter Final Match

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GuideALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/DuntonHallALT.jpg

Guide vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

Dunton Hall plays a pivotal role in this match but he is not alone in his efforts. Guide proved to be an even match for Minnesota and had the devious one in peril following a Guided Missile from the top rope but a potential win was ruled out of the equation when Dunton Hall garnered the attention of referee Ray Johnson. The highly intelligent manager begins to extravagantly gesticulate and talk in a manner that would baffle most and Ray Johnson is no exception. This distraction provides Minnesota with an opportunity to hit a low blow on Guide, but the man from the New wave floats over and drops Minnesota with a kneeling DDT.




However, before a cover can be made, Champagne Caviar hit the ring and drop one half of the tag team champions with a tandem superkick. The Mexican duo roll out of the ring and exit through the crowd before the referee catches them in the act. Minnesota’s Empire Spiral ensures his advance into the King Of Mayhem semi-finals.

Joey Minnesota defeated Guide via pinfall

Rating: B




King Of Mayhem – Quarter Final Match

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KoshiroInoALT5.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/MarcDuboisALT.jpg

Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois

From the opening exchanges it is clear that DuBois is not fully focused on the task at hand. Whilst the action never dips below enjoyable, DuBois’s attention seems to waver and it is no doubt a result from the earlier incident involving his Syndicate stable associate, Wolf Hawkins. DuBois begins to drift in the match which allows Ino to take charge and deliver several heavy manoeuvres including a sweetly timed swinging neckbreaker over the knee.




Wolf Hawkins makes his way to ringside and like DuBois did earlier, Wolf distracts the referee in order for The Model to gain a foothold in the contest using nefarious means. DuBois flicks a thumb into the eye of the Japanese Warrior and follows it up with a swift kick to the testicles that only appears to be partially blocked, but still delivers ample impact to put Ino down. DuBois motions to the referee to check on the French-Canadian’s eye whilst Wolf moves to retrieve a chair. The weapon is deposited into the ring and Wolf once again collars the referee. Unfortunately for DuBois, as he approaches Ino ready to strike, the wily Japanese Warrior delivers a Kobra’s Bite to the chair which crashes into the forehead of The Model, dropping him like a bad habbit. Ino slides the chair out of the ring and makes the cover just as Sam Sparrow dismisses Wolf. The pinfall is academic.


As Wolf walks back up the entrance ramp, the cameras detect the faintest of smiles on the youngster’s face. Was he even trying to help DuBois at all?

Koshiro Ino defeated Marc DuBois via pinfall

Rating: B







Rocky Golden, Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines

Of the six men present in this match, one would have to single Aaron Andrews out as being a potential weak link. Now that isn’t to discredit Andrews or his abilities, but he does lack the main event experience and against the likes of The Syndicate, it more often than not proves costly. To give credit to Aaron, he fought hard and didn’t let his side down in the slightest. However, when The Syndicate isolated an opponent, it was Andrews that was the designated target.


Sam Keith had great exchanges with both John Anderson and Brent Hill, but Cornell kept his distance from the legendary Keith at all costs. Keith bated Cornell to try his luck but the Englishman was having none of it and decided that it was best to live and fight another day. In fact, The Syndicate leader decided to take his ball and go home and left the ringside area, leaving Hill and Anderson in a three on two handicap scenario.


From this moment onwards, Keith, Andrews and Golden took charge and the writing was on the wall. Golden eventually sealed the deal with a Rocky Road on Brent Hill and followed up with the cover shortly thereafter.

Rocky Golden, Sam Keith & Aaron Andrews defeated Tommy Cornell & The Machines via pinfall

Rating: B





Following the post match celebrations, Rocky Golden is left in the ring alone with a microphone in hand; ready to address the unknown Physical Phenom and the threatening videos that have aired over the past couple of weeks.


Golden: “I’m not going to be the target this week. I’m going to step up and be the one to call out the..............I guess he likes to be called the Physical Phenom. So enough of these workout videos, because quite frankly you aren’t intimidating me. If you’re such a big man, then why don’t you bring your ass out to the ring now and face me like a man.






The familiar laughter of Carl Batch signals the manager’s arrival at the top of the entranceway. The smile from ear to ear on his face indicates that he is extremely happy about something.


Batch: “You know that old sayin’ Rocky; be careful what you wish for because you just might get got! You see champ, I’m here on behalf of my client and he wanted me to personally deliver a message to you Rocky. Enjoy being champion while you can because at Where Angels Fear To Tread, you’ll be lucky if you can walk out of the arena at all. My client has had words with Eric Tyler and the match has been set. TCW World Heavyweight champion, Rocky Golden will defend the title for the last time against my client, the Physical Phenom!”


Golden: “That’s fine by me Carl. I got no problem defending my title against all comers. Now call me crazy, but I wouldn’t mind knowing the identity of my challenger.”


Batch’s smile reappears.


Batch: “You’ll find out soon enough playa. But if I were you, I wouldn’t be so quick to walk into a gun fight with a pocket knife. Peace Out! Hahaaaaaaaaaa!”


Golden looks agitated at being left in the dark and his gaze is fixed upon Carl Batch as he exits the stage. The TCW World Heavyweight champion raises the gold above his head to the cheers of the crowd as the show comes to an end and the screen fades to black.




Show Rating: B

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Prediction Results


Phantom Stranger: 4/7

20LEgend: 4/7

Midnightnick: 1/7

jesseewiak: 4/7

jgriff3029: 4/7

Bigpapa42: 5/7

Emark: 5/7



Congratulations Bigpapa42 and Emark. You have both won this round.



Overall Standings

1st: Bigpapa42 = 9

2nd: jesseewiak = 7

2nd: Emark = 7

3rd: jgriff3029 = 6

4th: Tigerkinney = 5

5th: 20LEgend = 4

5th: jhd1 = 4

5th: Phantom Stranger = 4

6th: angeldelayette = 3

7th: MJStark = 2

7th: Midnightnick = 2

8th: smurphy1014 = 1

8th: ChrisKid = 1

8th: legendkiller13 = 1

9th: BHK1978 = 0

9th: Liamo = 0

9th: juggaloninjalee = 0

9th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

9th: QFresh = 0

9th: pauls07 = 0

9th: Boltinho = 0

9th: CamillePunk = 0

9th: MorenoKing24 = 0

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Tuesday of Week 4, April 2010

Last week saw the culmination of the quarter final stage of the King Of Mayhem tournament and this Tuesday, we will bear witness to the semi-finals. Which two men will advance to Where Angels Fear To Tread to duke it out to crown the first ever King Of Mayhem? Total Wrestling will feature more than the tournament however, so let’s take a look at what is in store.


The opening contest of the evening will pit the TCW World Tag Team Champions, The New Wave in non title action against the resident tag team of The Syndicate in The Machines. Following last week’s attack on Guide, will The New Wave be able to keep their concentration, or will Hill and Anderson be facing unfocused opposition?


More tag team action is to follow as Bryan Vessey will partner All-Action champion, Gino Montero as they take on the duo of The Hardcore Assassin, Eddie Peak and the 24 Hour Party Animal, Edd Stone. With four distinctive styles it is anybody’s call as to who is going to emerge victorious.


The following match will be a triple threat number one contender’s match for the TCW International championship. The three participants will be Benny Benson who put on a fine display in an attempt to defeat Marc DuBois, The Renegade Officer, Rick Law who himself came close to advancing in the King Of Mayhem tournament and Owen Love who fell just short in the quarter final round. Which of these top competitors will face the self proclaimed Rock God at Where Angels Fear To Tread?


Clark Alexander will be set a big task in trying to defeat The Syndicate leader, Tommy Cornell in singles competition. Can the Hawaiian native provide an upset of mammoth proportions?


The first of the King Of Mayhem semi-finals will follow as Troy Tornado will go up against the sole remaining representative of The Syndicate, Wolf Hawkins. Both of these competitors have a bright future ahead of them but on this night, only one can advance to the finals.


Sam Keith feels as though he still has some unfinished business to settle with The Model and tonight he will get his chance to settle the score as Sam Keith goes one-on-one against the oh so vain, Marc DuBois. Can DuBois rebound following his exist last week in the King Of Mayhem tournament?


The main event of the evening will feature the second semi-final as the Japanese Warrior, Koshiro Ino squares off with Joey Minnesota. Can the fiery Minnesota reach the lofty heights of tournament success or will he be more concerned with a certain big Texan who is looking to take his head clean off?


We have been promised that this week the Physical Phenom will make an appearance and Tommy Cornell will be looking to smooth the tension that appears to be forming between Wolf Hawkins and Marc DuBois. We also have a feeling that Cornell will have some explaining to do with regards to his actions in the main event of last week. All this and more will be headed your way this coming Tuesday on GNN Total Sports. Be sure to tune in; you won’t want to miss out!




Prediction Key


The New Wave vs The Machines


Bryan Vessey & Gino Montero vs Eddie Peak & Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


No1 Contender's Match - TCW International championship

Benny Benson vs Rick Law vs Owen Love


Clark Alexander vs Tommy Cornell


King Of Mayhem - Semi-Final Match

Troy Tornado vs Wolf Hawkins


Sam Keith vs Marc DuBois


King Of Mayhem - Semi-Final Match

Koshiro Ino vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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A really good card but a tough break on the tag match.


Thanks. Yeah, it wasn't great, but when you consider that the Keith Brothers have only recently joined TCW and aren't big stars, coupled with Champagne Caviar and their relative limited exposure to an American audience, I suppose the grade was never going to be outstanding at this stage. Fortunately, the two teams overness are on the increase which is good for future storylines etc. :)

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Thanks. Yeah, it wasn't great, but when you consider that the Keith Brothers have only recently joined TCW and aren't big stars, coupled with Champagne Caviar and their relative limited exposure to an American audience, I suppose the grade was never going to be outstanding at this stage. Fortunately, the two teams overness are on the increase which is good for future storylines etc. :)


Build, build, build at the moment. Thing's'll get hectic as they go, but still.

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Even with the default TCW product, talent can only carry workers so far. Without any overness involved, the match isn't going to pull a strong grade. Give it some time, and that same match will be able to score an easy B or better.


The New Wave vs The Machines


Bryan Vessey & Gino Montero vs Eddie Peak & Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


No1 Contender's Match - TCW International championship

Benny Benson vs Rick Law vs Owen Love


Clark Alexander vs Tommy Cornell


King Of Mayhem - Semi-Final Match

Troy Tornado vs Wolf Hawkins


Sam Keith vs Marc DuBois


King Of Mayhem - Semi-Final Match

Koshiro Ino vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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The New Wave vs The Machines


Bryan Vessey & Gino Montero vs Eddie Peak & Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


No1 Contender's Match - TCW International championship

Benny Benson vs Rick Law vs Owen Love


Clark Alexander vs Tommy Cornell


King Of Mayhem - Semi-Final Match

Troy Tornado vs Wolf Hawkins - I see payback coming Wolf's way


Sam Keith vs Marc DuBois


King Of Mayhem - Semi-Final Match

Koshiro Ino vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hal

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The New Wave vs The Machines


Bryan Vessey & Gino Montero vs Eddie Peak & Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


No1 Contender's Match - TCW International championship

Benny Benson vs Rick Law vs Owen Love


Clark Alexander vs Tommy Cornell


King Of Mayhem - Semi-Final Match

Troy Tornado vs Wolf Hawkins


Sam Keith vs Marc DuBois


King Of Mayhem - Semi-Final Match

Koshiro Ino vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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Prediction Key


The New Wave vs The Machines Draw


Bryan Vessey & Gino Montero vs Eddie Peak & Edd Stone w/Carl Batch

No1 Contender's Match - TCW International championship

Benny Benson vs Rick Law vs Owen Love


Clark Alexander vs Tommy Cornell


King Of Mayhem - Semi-Final Match

Troy Tornado vs Wolf Hawkins


Sam Keith vs Marc DuBois


King Of Mayhem - Semi-Final Match

Koshiro Ino vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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Haven't predicted in a while but I have been reading, glad to see this back up and going.


The New Wave vs The Machines


Bryan Vessey & Gino Montero vs Eddie Peak & Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


No1 Contender's Match - TCW International championship

Benny Benson vs Rick Law vs Owen Love


Clark Alexander vs Tommy Cornell


King Of Mayhem - Semi-Final Match

Troy Tornado vs Wolf Hawkins


Sam Keith vs Marc DuBois


King Of Mayhem - Semi-Final Match

Koshiro Ino vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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Build, build, build at the moment. Thing's'll get hectic as they go, but still.


Absolutely and if anybody knows about that ethos and TCW it is you sir. :)


Even with the default TCW product, talent can only carry workers so far. Without any overness involved, the match isn't going to pull a strong grade. Give it some time, and that same match will be able to score an easy B or better.


Indeed. Keep in mind that I am currently in April 2012 in the actual game, the newer talent do in fact get over nicely. Not to the extent of a million A* matches that PS must be getting sick of at this stage :p, but good grades all the same.


Haven't predicted in a while but I have been reading, glad to see this back up and going.


Pleased to see that interest hasn't completely died in this diary since my short abscence. :)

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Prediction Key


The New Wave vs The Machines


Bryan Vessey & Gino Montero vs Eddie Peak & Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


No1 Contender's Match - TCW International championship

Benny Benson vs Rick Law vs Owen Love


Clark Alexander vs Tommy Cornell


King Of Mayhem - Semi-Final Match

Troy Tornado vs Wolf Hawkins


Sam Keith vs Marc DuBois


King Of Mayhem - Semi-Final Match

Koshiro Ino vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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The New Wave vs The Machines


Bryan Vessey & Gino Montero vs Eddie Peak & Edd Stone w/Carl Batch


No1 Contender's Match - TCW International championship

Benny Benson vs iRck Law vs Owen Love


Clark Alexander vs Tommy Cornell


King Of Mayhem - Semi-Final Match

Troy Tornado vs Wolf Hawkins


Sam Keith vs Marc DuBois


King Of Mayhem - Semi-Final Match

Koshiro Ino vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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