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Joey Minnesota: The More Things Change....


This writer doesn't particularly like taking the first person approach, explains things through personal experiences and such. Occasionally, it is simply the right approach.


Closing in on two decades as a wrestling journalist and wrestling fan, I have lost count of how many events I have attended live. It is rarely less than two shows per month, so its somewhere over 500 events. That is a conservative estimate, but I mention this not out of braggadocio, but rather to provide context. Given the number of shows I have seen, there is a tendency for things to blur together. Over time, it becomes more difficult for things to stand out in those memory banks of mine. Yet certain things are simply burned into there like scorch marks that won't wash away. Certain moments that stand out above all the others and don't really fade..


One such memory that stands out clearly is the first time I saw Joey Minnesota wrestle. It was at New York City Wrestling's annual Christmas show back in 2000. An 18 year old rookie, Minnesota was as green as grass... and yet not green at all. He was skinny but tall, already with the broad shoulders he would grow into. The look was already there – the short-clipped dark hair and the facial hair. The talent was already there. The intensity was already there. Minnesota's opponent that night was Whistler. The veteran went over, but the rookie made him look good. It was easily the best match of Whistler's career that I've ever seen. Simply put, that skinny kid was the most impressive young wrestler I had ever seen at that age... and I saw the likes of Tommy Cornell, Sean McFly, and even Dan Stone Jr when they were about that age.



The young Joey Minnesota showed signs early on of potential greatness


Ten years on, that kid is no longer kid. The rookie is a veteran. He doesn't look all that much different, just thicker and closer to burly than skinny, and he is obviously even better in the ring, That same intensity is there and has never left. The single-minded drive to succeeded and the determination to do it alone have always been there, too. It was the same Joey Minnesota who went from rookie to Empire champion in New York. The same intense and determined guy who conquered the hardcore environs of DaVE. And it is the same Joey Minnesota who is emerging as a major star for Total Championship Wrestling. In a rare way, Joey Minnesota's character has never really changed or evolved much from the very beginning.



Joey Minnesota climbed the ranks of NYCW, DaVE and moved on to the TCW stage


I find this particularly relevant. Since he first debuted for Total Championship Wrestling, Minnesota has been, nominally at least, a good guy. A few TCW fans have complained about his recent betrayal of Ricky Dale Johnson as a departure from the Minnesota they've seen so far in Total. In a sense, that's true. However, it is entirely fitting with Minnesota throughout his career. He has always remained focused and goal-driven, always keeping an eye on the prize and willing to do whatever was necessary. That has included turning on friends or working with foes – whatever it takes. The new alliance with Dunton Hall is a clear way for Minnesota to move toward his long-term goals in TCW.



Minnesota's recent pairing with Dunton Hall has the potential to take the youngster all the way to the top


Very few in the wrestling business manage to maintain any sort of consistency to character or gimmick throughout their careers. It takes trial and error to find something that fits just right, and many never manage that. Circumstance often won't allow for such – many wrestlers are put at the whim of the promoter in that regard.


So Joey Minnesota is a rarity, beyond the prodigy-level wrestling skills he showed even from a young age. When someone lodges a complaint about his antics or his new alliance, I just smile. I can't help but think “Minnesota is just being Minnesota”. And you apparently can't change that.

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A big thank you to the talented Mr. X for producing the fantastic Joey Minnesota article. Great read.


For those who are still interested, the prediction key for the upcoming show is available on the previous page.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 4, April 2010

Louisiana Auditorium

Attendance: 9,476





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes



http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GuideALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ScoutALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BrentHillALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JohnAndersonALT.jpg

The New Wave vs The Machines

A really great tag team opener sees all four men go at it hard and heavy almost from the opening bell onwards. Hill and Anderson look to take Guide and Scout off their game by goading the man on the outside into entering the ring whilst they commit double team acts. Guide realises the plan of The Syndicate duo and refuses to be baited into the match, instead running around the outside and swiping the legs of Hill and causing him to land heavy on the steel steps. Meanwhile, in the ring, Scout reverses an Ammo Dump and transitions into the Special Forces cross armbreaker.




Instead of witnessing the submission, Champagne Caviar interjects and boot Scout right to the side of the jaw. Sam Sparrow has to call for the disqualification as the chaos ensues.

The New Wave defeated The Machines via DQ

Rating: B





The Machines look visibly angered at being disqualified in the match and appear to be conflicted at whether or not to strike out at Champagne Caviar. The duo decides otherwise and trudge their way backstage as the beat down continues on Scout in the ring. Guide looks to make the save and he begins to tear into Nicholas Lopez as Lover slides out of the ring. Guide kicks the hell out of Lopez who is slumped in a corner. He turns around to target Lover but walks right into a belt shot to the temple courtesy of the man himself. Scout begins to rise to his knees and is aided to a vertical base by Lopez who connects with a Lopez Buster. The tag team champions are motionless on the canvas as Champagne Caviar stand above them; Lover raises the tag title high into the air as TCW go to commercials.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BryanVesseyALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GinoMonteroALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddiePeakALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddStoneALT2.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/CarlBatchALT.jpg

Bryan Vessey & Gino Montero vs Eddie Peak & Edd Stone w/Carl Batch

With a smorgasbord of components in this match, a few things are noticeable. Firstly, Peak and Vessey are two violent individuals who eagerly tear into each other at any given opportunity. Secondly, Carl Batch does not trust Eddie Peak in the slightest and is sure to keep out of the Great White’s reach. Perhaps their previous history in DaVE was not as sound as everybody believes it to be. The match itself is solid if unspectacular; the two feuds involved, more concerned at targeting their respective foes and the stability of order soon dissipates as a result.


Peak remains the dominant force in the match and he tosses Montero clean from the ring on a handful of occasions. Vessey charges Peak, but he too is manhandled more often than not. Montero on the fifth time of being hurled to the outside, lands a cross body on Stone who is conversing with Batch. Montero jumps to his feet and quickly slides into the ring to hit Peak in the back. The Hardcore Assassin turns to face the All-Action champion, annoyed more than injured from the blow. Peak clasps Montero around the chest and hurls him towards the ropes before returning to face Vessey. Montero however, uses the middle rope to spring back and hit a flying enzugiri to the back of Peak’s head. The big man stumbles forward, right into the grip of Vessey who connects with a Vessey Driver for the winning pinfall. Bryan Vessey finally registers a pinfall over the man who had tormented him for so long.

Bryan Vessey & Gino Montero defeated Eddie Peak & Edd Stone via pinfall

Rating: B-





“Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” plays through the arena speakers as the big screen flickers into life. Eric Tyler is standing in his office, leaning against his grand oak desk. Nobody would claim that Tyler is the tidiest individual, but he sure knows what he is doing and the smirk on his face says he has made decisions that he wishes to share with the viewing audience.


Tyler: “We’re only part way through the show and already we have seen some great action. Now whilst the matches have been enjoyable, the results have left me with a few more questions that I would like answering. This Sunday TCW will present Where Angels Fear To Tread and a few matches have already been announced for the PPV card. As Carl Batch said at the end of last week’s show, his client, the Physical Phenom will be facing Rocky Golden for the TCW World Heavyweight championship. The finals of the King Of Mayhem tournament will be decided as the winner of Troy Tornado and Wolf Hawkins will face the winner of Koshiro Ino and Joey Minnesota. Sammy Bach will be defending his International championship against the winner of the No1 contender’s match coming up shortly and Tommy Cornell will be granted his requested rematch against Sam Keith in the highest anticipated sequel of the past few years. I feel that based upon what I have seen tonight, I can officially announce another couple of matches for the card. The New Wave will be defending their TCW Tag Team titles against Champagne Caviar who have made their intentions clear. No doubt, Guide and Scout will be glad to get their hands on Lover and Lopez; you boys can thank me later. The second match that I am making official is Bryan Vessey against Eddie Peak. Now these two men have had some wars over the past few months and it is about time that this saga is brought to an end. That’s why I am making this match a Last Man Standing match! Now the card isn’t complete just yet and be assured that I will be watching the rest of the show to see if any other matches take my fancy.”




No1 Contender’s Match for the International Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BennyBensonALT2.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/OwenLoveALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickLawALT3.jpg

Benny Benson vs Owen Love vs Rick Law

Rick Law shows aggression and determination from the get go, levelling Benny Benson with a Long Arm Of The Law to the back of the head, flipping him completely over. This sets the tone for the rest of the match as Law looks to hit big, thudding offence, whilst the two smaller opponents use their size to counter with quick pinning attempts.


Benson uses his skill to pull out of a Love Gun stunner and counter it into a Shockwave From Next Year, but before he can hit it, Law drives a big boot into the shoulder of Benson, sending his flying across the ring. Law looks to capitalise with a powerbomb on Love, but the Canadian slips out of the move via the backdoor as Benson delivers a superkick to the jaw of the Renegade Officer, knocking him out of the ring. Love watches Law fall to the floor and it is this loss of concentration that costs him as Benson connects with the Shockwave From Next Year to secure the pinfall victory.

Benny Benson defeated Owen Love via pinfall

Rating: C-





The bell sounds and instantaneously “Holy Diver” rocks the arena speakers as Sammy Bach emerges at the top of the stage. The sunglasses and bedazzled leather jacket glistening in the Louisiana Auditorium lights. The self proclaimed Rock God raises a microphone to his lips as he trains his focus on Benny Benson.


Bach: “Congratulations Cookie Monster, you have stepped up your game and have earned an International title shot against the greatest superstar to ever lace up a pair of boots! This Sunday, Sammy Bach will rock you like a hurricane and send your albino ass back to Sesame Street!”


Benson refuses to just stay quiet as he is berated by the International champion and grabs a microphone from ringside.


Benson: “Now I’m not usually one for talking, but Sammy, I’ going to give you a warning; shut your egotistical mouth before a put my foot in it!”


Bach’s arrogant smile turns into a sneer.


Bach: “Be careful Benny; you should never interrupt a Rock God during a performance!.............Speaking of which, seeing as tonight appears to be one filled with announcements, I have one of my own. Since I kicked that wrinkled sack of ugly, Karen Killer to the curb; I have been looking for that niche; that quirk that sets the legendary figures of music apart from the pack...................I thought long and hard about it until I eventually had a brainwave. A pet!.......I needed a pet that signifies my awesomeness. A pet that is fearsome and strikes terror into the hearts of those he faces. A pet that was sent from the very depths of hell itself!................Benny..................turn around!”




The International champion points beyond Benson who is now standing in the ring. Benny although extremely confused, does indeed turn around where a masked figure is staring right back at him. Jason Azaria on commentary is excitedly talking about the man in the mask, his popularity in Japan and his hard hitting fighting style. Benson is frozen on the spot; the soulless eyes behind the mask glaring a hole through him. A rolling kick to the face drops Benny Benson as Hell Monkey connects with the Tumbling Monkey. Sammy Bach looks on from the top of the ramp, smiling like the cat that got the cream or more appropriately, the hunter that caught the silverback.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ClarkAlexanderALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TommyCornellALT-1.jpg

Clark Alexander vs Tommy Cornell

Cornell does not take Alexander lightly; he has made this mistake before and it almost cost him. Alexander fights like the proud Hawaiian that he is and does present the Englishman with several questions that The Syndicate leader struggles to answer, but answer them he does and after ten minutes of action, Cornell finishes his opponent with the Rough Ride.

Tommy Cornell defeated Clark Alexander via pinfall

Rating: B




King Of Mayhem – Semi-Final Match

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TroyTornadoALT3.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/WolfHawkinsALT3.jpg

Troy Tornado vs Wolf Hawkins

Unquestionably the match of the night up to this point; Wolf Hawkins and Troy Tornado know exactly what is at stake in this match and they trade throughout with their best offence. Hawkins takes the lead early on with a couple of dastardly tricks taught to him by his Syndicate brethren and begins to focus on the neck and head of Tornado, assumingly softening him for the Full Moon Rising.




A swinging neckbreaker is reversed by Tornado who connects with one of his own and both men are down. Hawkins is the first one to rise to his feet and as he does, DuBois’ music hits, shortly followed by the man himself who slowly approaches to the ring. Hawkins slides out of the ring and shoves DuBois in the chest before he reaches the ring. Hawkins makes his feelings clear; he does not want the help of The Model and tells him to go backstage. DuBois arrogantly smirks back at Wolf before blowing him a kiss and heading backstage.


Hawkins returns to the ring where he and Tornado exchange chops; Troy getting really fired up, delivers a kick to the gut followed by two rapid fire brainbusters. Wolf barely kicks out before three but is offered no respite from Tornado who follows up with a Star Maker that seals his place in the King Of Mayhem final. Had Marc DuBois not made an appearance during the match would Hawkins have finished the job?

Troy Tornado defeated Wolf Hawkins via pinfall

Rating: B





Wolf Hawkins storms his way backstage and into The Syndicate dressing room where he barges his way past Hill and Anderson before pushing DuBois back first into the metal lockers. DuBois holds his hands up in mock submission moments before Tommy Cornell separates the two men.


Cornell: “Stop this right now! Both of you!”


Hawkins is breathing heavily whilst DuBois straightens his jacket before placing his folded designer glasses into his chest pocket.


Cornell: “You two are on the same team so start acting like it!”


Dubois antagonises Wolf as he interjects; his think French accent rolling throughout his words.


DuBois: “Yeah Wolf; you couldn’t be the golden boy forever.”


Hawkins takes a step forward to The Model but is stopped by a hand on his chest from Cornell.


Hawkins: “This piece of French crap cost me my spot in the King Of Mayhem final!”


DuBois: “You did the same to me last week!”


Hawkins: “No. I tried to help! It’s not my fault you can’t tell your ass from your elbow!”


DuBois: “My ass and elbow are nothing short of perfection, but I can certainly tell them apart, you mangy mutt.”


Cornell: “Enough! Wolf, you are done for the night. Go home and cool down; I’ll talk to you later.”


Hawkins goes to protest.


Cornell: “I said go home Wolf!”


The anger in Hawkins is building and it looks like he is considering swinging at DuBois.


Hawkins: “Sure, I’ll go home. You have some explaining to do to Brent and John anyway, don’t you boss?”


The sneer on Cornell’s face is clear and he glares at Wolf as the youngster heads out of the room. His expression changes somewhat as he realises Brent and John are now standing before him, arms folded, waiting for an explanation for Cornell’s actions last week in the main event. TCW goes to commercials as Cornell begins to speak.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SamKeith-1.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/MarcDuboisALT.jpg

Sam Keith vs Marc DuBois

It is hard to argue against the success that Sam Keith has had throughout his career but what may have come as a surprise to many, Marc DuBois looked to be every inch the match of the elder statesman and no doubt some could argue, slightly superior. Keith looked to lock up and apply tendon and joint holds; manipulating his opponent’s body in ways it wasn’t meant to bend. DuBois discovered that where a technical counter could not be provided, a foot or hand on the ropes will do the job.


The Model fights his way into the match and shows the stamina that Keith may be lacking as his modern day take on traditional manoeuvres look to be effective against his veteran opponent. DuBois sinks in the Model Solution as Keith fights to break the hold which he eventually does via the bottom rope. The arrogance in DuBois is growing and he blows a kiss at Keith as he sets up for the Marc Of Excellence; the vain grappler pausing to study the crowd for a moment before striking. No, Keith ducks the kick and rolls DuBois up in a small package; clasping his fingers for extra leverage. The Model fights his hardest but cannot get his shoulders off the mat before the count of three. Sam Keith teaches The Syndicate’s newest member a valuable lesson; don’t gloat before your hand is raised.

Sam Keith defeated Marc DuBois via pinfall

Rating: B-




King Of Mayhem – Semi-Final Match

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KoshiroInoALT5.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/DuntonHallALT.jpg

Koshiro Ino vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

These two combatants employ wholly different tactics in trying to win this semi-final; Ino, uses the support of the crowd to deliver that extra oomph when delivering his powerful strikes whereas Minnesota feeds off the loathing boos to rile him up and counter the feisty Japanese Warrior. The match remains fairly even throughout and both men avoid near fall scenarios. Ino sets up for the thrust to the jugular with the Kobra’s Bite but Minnesota grabs the arm, slips under it, spins Ino around and drops him with the Minnesota Salute. Ino looks to still have a little life in him and Minnesota decides to inflict a little more damage to ensure the victory. He picks Ino up but Koshiro tries to pull out a small package like the match before, but Minnesota rolls through and stands back up, still clutching Ino. One Empire Spiral later and this semi-final is over.

Joey Minnesota defeated Koshiro Ino via pinfall

Rating: B





As the participants of the main event have left the ringside area, “Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast”, blares around the arena and out comes the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Rocky Golden, with the title belt draped over his muscular shoulder. He enters the ring with a look of determination on his face. He is handed a microphone and the arena falls silent to listen to what the champion has to say.


Golden: “OK Batch; I’ve been sitting backstage waiting for my opponent at Where Angels Fear To Tread to make himself known and so far, I haven’t heard a whisper from the guy. This show will not go off the air until the so called Physical Phenom comes down to this ring and faces me eye to eye and man to man!”


There is a long pause but nothing happens. Golden is getting frustrated and his voice begins to get louder.


Golden: “C’mon Batch. You said your boy was a tough son of a bitch. I don’t want to hear you do the speaking for him anymore, I want to hear the words come directly from the source!”


Another long pause, but still nothing happens.


Golden: “Fine. If you don’t want to come to me, I’LL COME TO YOU!”


Golden tosses the microphone to one side and makes to the ropes before a familiar noise sounds.




The unmistakable tones of Carl Batch.



Batch: “Just like I said; running into a gun fight with nothin’ but a pocket knife!”


Batch is nowhere to be seen as the arena lights dim and the video screen flickers into life. An imposing figure shrouded in darkness is standing in the distance facing the camera. Music begins to play with a thudding beat as the Physical Phenom walks with a purpose towards the camera; the music begins to build as he nears the lens. He stops a mere three feet away, his looming presence can be felt around the arena. The music reaches a crescendo as he punches the camera lens and the video screen turns to static. The arena lights fade in and out in accordance with the music “Mama Said Knock You Out”, and the Physical Phenom marches his way down the entrance aisle. The crowd begin to buzz with excitement in recognition of the individual. Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes also recognise the man but are careful as to not breach copyright infringement and refrain from saying his name.


Golden stands his ground as the man jumps in one bound onto the ring apron and enters to square off with the champ. The arena lights return to full strength and the atmosphere within the Louisiana Auditorium is positively rocking. The two men go nose to nose as the voice of Carl Batch is once again heard.


Batch: “Ladies, gentleman, pimps and playas, allow me to introduce to you all the Physical Phenom, Remo Richardson!”




With that Remo boots Golden in the stomach and hoist him above his shoulders; the ease at which he does so is frightening. He holds the TCW Champion there for a second as he glares into the hard camera before dropping him with The Destroyer.


Carl Batch walks down to ringside clapping his hands and heartily laughing. He enters the squared circle and pats Remo on the back as the challenger for the TCW World Heavyweight title stands resolute over the fallen body of the champion. The screen fades to black as the show comes to an end.



Show Rating: B-

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Prediction Results


Bigpapa42: 6/7

Emark: 5/7

Phantom Stranger: 4/7

jgriff3029: 4/7

CamillePunk: 5/7

20LEgend: 4/7

Midnightnick: 1/7



Congratulations Bigpapa42, you have won this round!



Overall Standings

1st: Bigpapa42 = 10

2nd: jesseewiak = 7

2nd: Emark = 7

3rd: jgriff3029 = 6

4th: Tigerkinney = 5

5th: 20LEgend = 4

5th: jhd1 = 4

5th: Phantom Stranger = 4

6th: angeldelayette = 3

7th: MJStark = 2

7th: Midnightnick = 2

8th: smurphy1014 = 1

8th: ChrisKid = 1

8th: legendkiller13 = 1

9th: BHK1978 = 0

9th: Liamo = 0

9th: juggaloninjalee = 0

9th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

9th: QFresh = 0

9th: pauls07 = 0

9th: Boltinho = 0

9th: CamillePunk = 0

9th: MorenoKing24 = 0

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The culmination of four weeks of tournament action will crown the first King Of Mayhem and that man will go on to face the TCW World Heavyweight champion at Total Mayhem XV. But Mayhem is four weeks away; tonight we go Where Angels Fear To Tread.


Eric Tyler stated on Tuesday that he would add matches to the PPV as he saw fit and following the show, Mr Tyler added three matches for this Sunday’s card. The first of which will see Double A, Aaron Andrews go one-on-one against The Syndicate’s Wolf Hawkins. Following the continued problems between Hawkins and DuBois, can the Cornell protégé derail the quick rising “Ace”?


The youngest tandem in TCW, The Keith Brothers, will once again do battle with the most experienced tag team on the roster in The Machines. Greg and Matthew have yet to really earn a significant win within the confines of a TCW ring, perhaps tonight is their night. On the other hand, The Machines are by no stretch of the imagination pushovers.


Tag team action will follow as The New Wave put their championship gold on the line against the two men that have been a thorn in their side for quite some time; Champagne Caviar. Which of these two teams will emerge victorious at the end of the night?


The final Eric Tyler late addition will see what can be considered the third encounter in an unofficial, best of three series as The Japanese Warrior, Koshiro Ino will face The Model, Marc DuBois. Having each earned a victory over the other in the past month, this match will decide who the better man well and truly is.


The TCW International title will be on the line next as defending champion Sammy Bach will be looking to retain against Benny Benson. Both of these competitors are no strangers to aerial warfare and are evenly matched in that department. The question is, what will separate them on the night? Perhaps a particular simian from the afterlife will have a say in the deciding outcome?


The following match we have been told, comes with parental discretion as Bryan Vessey will tangle with Eddie Peak in a Last Man Standing Match. The war between these two competitors has gone on for the better part of half a year and at Where Angels Fear To Tread, we will see the finale of this epic feud.


The final of the King Of Mayhem tournament will see Troy Tornado and Joey Minnesota compete to see who will go on to the TCW World Heavyweight championship match at Total Mayhem XV. The tournament has been full of exciting action and with the two combatants involved this Sunday, we are guaranteed one deserving winner. No doubt Dunton Hall will have devised a plan for Minnesota to follow. Can Tornado overcome the odds?


It has been labelled as the most anticipated rematch of the last few years. Tommy Cornell will step into the ring with Sam Keith. At Just Another Day?, Keith managed to emerge as the victor. Can the cerebral Brit level the score or will the living legend further cement his hall of fame status with another impressive win?


The main event of the night will see the TCW World Heavyweight championship on the line as Rocky Golden takes on the Physical Phenom, Remo Richardson. Both men are well put together specimens and as such we don’t expect any pretty technical exchanges, but instead, a hard hitting brawl. Can Remo make the biggest statement of all on his TCW debut, or will Rocky Golden once again prove his mettle?



Prediction Key


Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins


The Keith Brothers vs The Machines


TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Hell Monkey vs Benny Benson


Last Man Standing

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak


King Of Mayhem - Final

Troy Tornado vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


The Rematch

Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch

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Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins


The Keith Brothers vs The Machines


TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Hell Monkey vs Benny Benson


Last Man Standing

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak


King Of Mayhem - Final

Troy Tornado vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


The Rematch

Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


Kind of heel heavy predictions, but not taking chances seems to backfire for me predictions-wise.

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Prediction Key


Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins


The Keith Brothers vs The Machines


TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Hell Monkey vs Benny Benson


Last Man Standing

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak


King Of Mayhem - Final

Troy Tornado vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


The Rematch

Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch

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Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins

The Keith Brothers vs The Machines


TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Hell Monkey vs Benny Benson


Last Man Standing

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak


King Of Mayhem - Final

Troy Tornado vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


The Rematch

Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch

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Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins


The Keith Brothers vs The Machines


TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Hell Monkey vs Benny Benson


Last Man Standing

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak


King Of Mayhem - Final

Troy Tornado vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


The Rematch

Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch

-No Contest/Draw

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Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins


The Keith Brothers vs The Machines


TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Hell Monkey vs Benny Benson


Last Man Standing

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak


King Of Mayhem - Final

Troy Tornado vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall


The Rematch

Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch

-no title change

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Prediction Key


Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins

Just seems the bigger name even though you've done a great job with AA

The Keith Brothers vs The Machines

I want them to win

TCW World Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

I think it's time :eek:

Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois

Ino won on TV (That happened right :)) so Marc gets revenge

TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/Hell Monkey vs Benny Benson

Champ retains

Last Man Standing

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak

This suits Eddie

King Of Mayhem - Final

Troy Tornado vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

Dunno, though Troy would likely get more out of being King

The Rematch

Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell

I always pick TC

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rocky Golden © vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch

Putting it on Remo in TCW isn't what I think you'lldo

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TCW Where Angels Fear To Tread

Sunday of Week 4, April 2010

Nevada State Armoury

Attendance: 26,026

Pay-Per-View: 1.56





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AaronAndrewsALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/WolfHawkinsALT3.jpg

Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins

A great contest to open up the PPV sees Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins put on a show with their comparatively similar styles of offence. Both men know how to deal out the big blows and when necessary, both can take to the air. Wolf perhaps being a little better in the latter, decided that his best chances for victory was to quicken the pace.


Hawkins ascends the top rope and leaps with a missile dropkick which Andrews ducks under by rolling forward. As he reaches his feet, Double A turns and charges at a kneeling Hawkins to hit a Full Moon Rising of his own. Aware of the danger, Wolf crouches to avoid the collision and pushes Andrews in the back, sending him chest first into the ropes. As Andrews returns on the rebound, Hawkins connects with a Full Moon Rising to the back of his opponent’s head. Andrews drops to the mat with a thud and cannot kick out of the following cover.

Wolf Hawkins defeated Aaron Andrews via pinfall

Rating: B




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The Keith Brothers vs The Machines

Brent Hill and John Anderson wasted little time in taking the fight to the Keith Brothers, jumping them as they ascend the turnbuckles to pose for the crowd during their entrance routine. This sets the tone for the match and the four men hold little back in trying to destroy the other team. The Machines certainly seem to be getting the better of The Keiths in no small part due to their vast tag team experience. Hill is determined to lead his team to victory and looks to put an end to this outing with a King Of The Hill splash from the top rope on Greg. Before the Machine can take flight, Matthew is charging across the ring apron and thrusts Hill from atop his perch and he comes crashing down sternum first on the ringside barrier.


Anderson is quickly beside Matthew and smacks him upside the head with a forearm smash. He hooks the arms, potentially setting up the Ammo Dump but the manoeuvre is blocked and Matthew dumps Anderson back into the ring courtesy of a big back body drop. Greg has at this stage regained his vertical base and is quickly upon The Machine. A Neutron Plex sends Anderson across the ring right into a Proton Lock of Matthew. Anderson is far away from the sanctuary of the ropes and Hill is still wounded on the floor. After being locked in the hold made famous by their father, Anderson is forced to submit.

The Keith Brothers defeated The Machines via submission

Rating: C-





The cameras take us backstage where we see Jasmine Saunders standing in the designated interview area alongside Carl Batch and one of his two clients, Edd Stone. Jasmine looks slightly wary but begins her questions as planned.


Saunders: “So, Carl, tonight your client Remo will be going one on one against the TCW World Heavyweight champion, Rocky Golden. How do you and Remo feel going into this contest.”


Batch opens his mouth to respond but the bouncing Edd jumps in before he can say a word.


Stone: “About damn time Janis! You want to know how I feel; I feel just like I did the night that little sewer rat, Gino Montero, stole my All-Action title. Tonight the All-Action gold isn’t up for grabs and even if it was, who’s to say that I would be gunning for the belt just yet? I will absolutely do what I need to do at exactly the moment I need to do it and not a moment sooner. You understand where I’m coming from jezebel?”


Saunders once again looks offended by the comments of Edd Stone and shakes her head.


Stone: “No!? You think Gino Montero is even fit to lace my boots? The stupid lucha douche isn’t fit to clean my jockstrap you misguided ass-hat!”


Saunders is now going red with rage and is only stopped from lunging at Stone by the interruption of Carl Batch.


Batch: “Eddy, playa; now isn’t the time or place. We’ll address the All-Action title situation real soon, ya feel me?”


Edd Stone pounds fists with Batch before blowing it up.


Stone: “You know it dadio!”


Batch: “Remo has never been one for words. Hell, he has never had to be. Remo does his talking with his two fists and the path of destruction that the Physical Phenom leaves in his wake speaks louder than any words I can put forth little lady. Remo is ready for Rocky Golden; the real question you should be asking is whether or not Rocky Golden is ready for Remo! Peace Out. Hahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”





TCW World Tag Team Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GuideALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ScoutALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ChampagneLoverALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/NicolasLopezALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/CuervoALT.jpg

The New Wave © vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo

A feeling out process starts this tag team title match off as it is the first time that the two teams have ever faced one another in an official match. The duos seem evenly matched and neither team gain an advantage for a significant period of time. Technical exchanges are fast and furious and this is when Champagne Caviar, specifically Nicholas Lopez begin to shine. Lopez infuses his lucha background to keep Scout rocking and The New Wave are put on the back foot.


Scout is able to fight back against the rapid onslaught and tags in Guide who is eager to get into the fold but unfortunately, Cuervo has positioned herself in the corner of The New Wave and slyly picks the foot of Guide as he tries to enter the ring, causing him to trip and stumble into the path of a Champagne Sunrise. The bout continues for about ten minutes with momentum swinging between both teams as quickly as one could imagine until all four men end up in the ring.


A Guided Missile is leapfrogged by Lover who is caught out of mid-air by Scout and pulled down into the Special Forces. Lopez looks to hit a basement dropkick to break the hold but he is tackled by Guide and a Guided Missile sending both men out of the ring. Lover struggles mightily in the submission hold and eventually succumbs to defeat with a rapid tap of the canvas with his free arm.

The New Wave defeated Champagne Caviar via submission to retain the TCW Tag Team titles

Rating: B




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KoshiroInoALT5.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/MarcDuboisALT.jpg

Koshiro Ino vs Marc DuBois

As Marc DuBois makes his way to the ring, he passes Wolf Hawkins who is in deep conversation with a backstage hand. DuBois pauses for a moment as the two lock eyes. DuBois’ music begins to play and as it does, Hawkins gives overexaggerated double thumbs up to The Model who snorts in derision before continuing his journey.


The match is as even as their previous two outings. Ino uses the moments of a loss in focus on the part of DuBois to strike hard and strike often. A Kobra’s Bite almost earns Ino the victory but DuBois is close to the ropes and places a foot upon them to break up the pinfall. Ino is running out of ideas fast and looks dismayed in the direction of Ray Johnson. Ino rises to his feet and awaits DuBois to follow suit. A yakuza kick is narrowly avoided by DuBois who looks to have caught Ino in the testicles with the point of his elbow. Ray Johnson seems to have missed the low blow and as Marc DuBois pulls the Japanese Warrior into the Model Solution, rings the bell as Ino signals his submission.

Marc DuBois defeated Koshiro Ino via submission

Rating: B





Sammy Bach is backstage in his locker room, the TCW International championship gold secured around his waist. He hands his base guitar to Hell Monkey who rests it on its accompanying stand. Bach has a look of determination in his eyes as he begins to speak.


Bach: “Tonight is important Hell Monkey. Tonight I put the boots to the Sesame Street sad sack when I successfully retain the International title!”


Hell Monkey slowly nods his head in agreement.


Bach: “Now we both know I am superior to Benson is every single department, but just in case anything should happen, I want you to be at ringside. Do you understand?”


Monkey: “I’m not an idiot Sammy. I know what you are saying.”


Bach: “Pardon?”


Monkey: “I said I’m not an idiot!”


Bach: “It’s like something out of planet of the apes. Can anybody here speak Simian to translate?............You......come with me.........to ring tonight.......OK?”


Hell Monkey just stands there, staring at Bach who is patronisingly gesticulating what he is verbalising.


Bach: “One day Hell Monkey, I’ll get you a speech therapist and you will be able to talk like a real human being. C’mon, it’s time to go and rock the roof of another arena!”





TCW International Championship

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Sammy Bach © w/Hell Monkey vs Benny Benson

High-flying, quick paced action throughout; Benson and Bach never relent and the match is pretty enjoyable. The problem comes when Hell Monkey grows restless at ringside and interjects himself into the fray. Whenever it looks as though Bach is on the receiving end, Monkey moves to remain in the line of sight of Benson which understandably has him distracted. Benson fights through the adversity and delivers some pristine offence including a picture perfect satellite DDT, front choke combination. Bach is in trouble and Hell Monkey jumps up to the apron, causing Sam Sparrow to run interference. Benson releases his grip and makes his way towards Sammy Bach’s so-called pet.


The International champion slides out of the ring as the confrontation continues to retrieve the gold. Benson returns his attention back to the champion as the title belt is hurled in his direction. Benson catches the belt and prepares for Bach to re-enter the ring. Sam Sparrow sees Benson holding the gold and admonishes him as he takes the title away and returns it back to its rightful place outside the ring. This is all the opportunity Bach and Hell Monkey need and they hit stereo superkicks, trapping Benson’s head in the middle. By the time the referee has returned to the action, he is left with the task of counting the three as Bach retains the title.

Sammy Bach defeated Benny Benson via pinfall to retain the TCW International title

Rating: B-




Last Man Standing

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BryanVesseyALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddiePeakALT.jpg

Bryan Vessey vs Eddie Peak

Vessey and Peak are in no mood for pleasantries as both are attired in vests and jeans for this war. Peak has long been considered to be the most vicious dog in the yard and this type of environment should showcase exactly that. The match is an all out brawl with both men bleeding severely early on. A wide variety of weapons are utilised including chairs, tables, trash cans, kendo sticks, ladders and even a section of barbed wire wrapped guardrail. The Hardcore Assassin is determined to put an end to Bryan Vessey and time after time delivers blows and power moves that would leave most down for the count. But most people aren’t Bryan Vessey and the veteran instinct of the former six time TCW World Tag Team champion refuses to let him be beaten.


The crimson mask that Vessey displays is a gory sight and as he begins to wail away on The Great White, blood sprays in every which direction. Peak is reeling and collapses to the ground but returns to his feet by the count of eight. Vessey drags him out onto the ring apron and hits what some have described as the most amazing moves of the year. With the arms of Peak hooked, Vessey delivers a Vessey Driver onto the steel edge of the ring and both men slam to the floor. Vessey is the first to rise and incredibly is soon followed by Peak. Vessey slides under the bottom rope and back into the ring, the blood staining the canvas as he does so. Vessey propels himself into the ropes and charges back in the direction of Peak who is still outside the ring on one knee. Vessey goes for a suicide dive and it damn near proves to be just that as Peak catches him in mid-flight and delivers a brutal Peak Of Perfection on the ringside steel stairs.


The referee begins his count and moments before he reaches nine, Vessey begins to stir. The frustration on Peak’s face turns to one of desperation and he yells at his opponent, “Why won’t you just die!?” Peak looks at the announcers table and his mind begins to work overtime. He knows what he has to do and he places the barbed wire wrapped guardrail between the English and Spanish announce desks. Peak hurls a limp Vessey into the ring and follows him in. He drags the veteran to his feet by his hair and takes one last look before hoisting him into the powerbomb position and charging across the ring. In what is unquestionably the craziest moment in TCW this year, Vessey is vaulted through the air, through the barbed wire, through the guard rail, through the announce tables and to the floor. The referee begins the count as the crowd erupt into chants of “Holy S***!”, not for the first time during this match. Vessey is motionless and the count of ten is soon reached. As the bell sounds, Peak slumps to the canvas.


Minutes pass by as the two combatants are tended to by medics and physicians. Vessey is hoisted onto a stretcher and wheeled to the entrance aisle but he is having none of it and struggles free, returning to the ring. He and Peak are badly wounded and stare down face-to-face. Peak nods his head, perhaps as a sign of respect and Vessey returns the gesture. Vessey drops to the canvas face first and needs the aid of the zebra herd to exit the arena. What a war!

Eddie Peak defeated Bryan Vessey via knockout

Rating: A





A video package airs highlighting the King Of Mayhem tournament, the best moments of the previous three rounds are showcased including the turbulence between Wolf Hawkins and Marc DuBois, the disqualification of Ricky Dale Johnson in the opening round, the surprise package in Koshiro Ino who reached the semi-finals and many more. The focus understandably centres on the two finalists and their journey to Where Angels Fear To Tread and the struggles they had endure and the triumphs they celebrated. The final image of the clip sees a close up of the King Of Mayhem trophy with the faded images of Troy Tornado and Joey Minnesota on either side.





King Of Mayhem – Final

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TroyTornadoALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/DuntonHallALT.jpg

Troy Tornado vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

The two finalists leave everything on the table, both knowing exactly what is up for grabs; a guaranteed World Heavyweight title shot at Total Mayhem XV. Troy Tornado and Joey Minnesota trade their best signature moves and sequences in an attempt to be crowned the King Of Mayhem as the crowd gasp with every near fall scenario. Star Maker, blocked; Minnesota Salute, blocked; Lung Blower, blocked; Empire Spiral, blocked; twin head kicks, ducked; reset.


Hall is out of his usual ringside seat and pounding away on the ring canvas instructing Minnesota with what he needs to do to win. Joey’s anger issues threaten to surface after repeated slaps to the face. He swings wildly, Tornado stamps on his foot. He swings again, Tornado ducks under and smacks his ass. Minnesota is red with rage and screams as he thunders towards his opponent who rolls over Joey’s back, spins him and connects with a Star Maker. Minnesota narrowly kicks out before the three count. Hall whispers into the ear of his charge whilst Sam Sparrow readjusts a turnbuckle pad. Minnesota fights his way back into the match and counters a second Star Maker with a clutch Empire Spiral which results in an air tight fisherman grip pin that Tornado cannot muscle his way out of before the count of three. Joey Minnesota is the inaugural King Of Mayhem.

Joey Minnesota defeated Troy Tornado via pinfall

Rating: B





The stage is set as Dunton Hall and Joey Minnesota stand in the centre of the ring awaiting the award ceremony. The King Of Mayhem trophy is collected by Eric Tyler who hands it to the gleeful Joey Minnesota who in turn hoists the silverware high above his head in celebration. With a smile on his face, Minnesota knows that he will be facing the winner of Rocky Golden/Remo at Total Mayhem XV; now all he has to do is sit in the back with his feet up to scout his upcoming opponent.




A big right hand connects to the back of Minnesota’s head and it sends him tumbling into Dunton Hall who crashes through the ropes to the floor. Ricky Dale Johnson kneels over Minnesota and unloads with both fists into the skull of his foe. Minnesota struggles and eventually manages to shove The Outlaw off and make a hasty escape, dragging the groggy Dunton Hall as quick as his legs will carry him.


Ricky Dale Johnson is leaning on the top rope, barking at the fleeing Minnesota. This feud is far from over, RDJ will get his revenge.




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Sam Keith vs Tommy Cornell

A match that was every inch the peer of their encounter at Just Another Day?, Keith and Cornell build a good old fashioned showcase performance. The familiar feeling out process between two technical masters sees move and counter move continue invariably to a stalemate. Cornell being the man to lower the tone of proceedings four weeks ago is this time the victim of a bit of foul play courtesy of Keith who uses a thumb to the eye with deadly precision.


Cornell and Keith continue their battle of one ups-manship and both come close to winning on multiple occasions. Sam gains the advantage late on and looks to apply the Proton Lock that has won him countless matches and titles but Cornell rolls through. The Englishman follows up with an arm-wrench go behind, he sets up for the Guilt Trip but Keith counters out with an arm lock of his own, down into the Proton Lock. Cornell is trapped in the middle of the ring and is fading fast; he contemplates tapping but refuses to submit to his rival. Cornell goes limp and Keith uses the opportunity to loosen the grip slightly; a fatal mistake. The cerebral Cornell is playing possum and rolls back, pinning Keith’s shoulders to the mat in a rudimentary roll up. Keith is caught by surprise and the most anticipated rematch of the past few years is won by The Syndicate leader. As Cornell rolls out of the ring, the familiar sneer returns to his face as he taps the side of his temple with his forefinger. The dastardly Brit has evened the score.

Tommy Cornell defeated Sam Keith via pinfall

Rating: B+





TCW World Heavyweight Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RockyGoldenALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RemoRichardsonALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/CarlBatchALT.jpg

Rocky Golden © vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch

Two behemoths stand toe-to-toe in the middle of the ring as the opening bell sounds. Rocky Golden is flexing on the spot, coiled to strike as he is mere inches away from the Physical Phenom, the man whom manhandled him this past Tuesday. Golden strikes first but the blow barely moves Remo. Golden strikes again but Remo is little more than knocked back a pace or two. The Golden One takes a running start this time but Remo unleashes a clothesline that damn near drops Rocky on his head.


The match remains hard hitting throughout; Remo clearly the stronger of the two but as time wears on, Rocky’ blows do begin to take effect. Carl Batch laughs away at ringside every time Golden is dropped and soon the crowd begin to really get on his and the challenger’s cases. Remo, after fifteen minutes of action, slowly begins a military press on the TCW World Heavyweight champion, lifting him above his head and walking towards the ropes. Golden is fortunate to shift the balance and drop behind Remo. The Physical Phenom turns around just in time to taste a Rocky Road roaring elbow. The big man stumbles into the ropes before shaking his head and resuming his march. Golden hits another Rocky Road followed by a third before finally unleashing a fourth Rocky Road following a running start. Remo’s momentum sends him out of the ring via the middle rope and he lands with a thud on the floor. Remo stirs to his feet but by the time he clasps the middle rope to enter the ring, Ray Johnson has reached the count of ten. Remo looks to ignore the referee’s decision but is talked down by Carl Batch.


The TCW World Heavyweight champion makes another successful defence of his crown but came to a startling realisation in the process. The Rocky Road; a move that has defeated all opponents, was required four straight times to halt the juggernaut that is Remo Richardson. Rocky Golden may have etched a win in the history books, but let it be known that Remo Richardson was far from beaten.

Rocky Golden defeated Remo Richardson via count out to retain the TCW World Heavyweight title

Rating: B





A weary Rocky Golden is handed the TCW World Heavyweight gold that he gratefully drapes over his shoulder as he ascends the corner turnbuckle to celebrate with the Nevada State Armoury. After posing for the crowd, Golden returns to the centre of the ring having retrieved a microphone. He raises the instrument to his lips but before he can say a word, ‘Thunderstruck’ begins to play over the arena speakers as Joey Minnesota, flanked by arena security emerges at the top of the entrance ramp. The short tempered Minnesota points a finger towards Rocky Golden before signalling a championship belt around his own waist. The PPV comes to an end as the screen fades to black.



Show Rating: B

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Good pay per view. Liked the interaction beteen Bach and Hell Monkey. Nice vicious match between Vessey and Peak, which fits my perception of Peak quite nicely. Seems like you've set yourself up with three possible heel challengers for Golden's world title...
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I agree with BigPapa42, as I sit here in a Salt Lake City hotel, that it was a really good PPV. The Peak/Vessey match ceretainly deserved the A it got and I can see the way Bach is treating HM as having future ramifications down the line.
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Good pay per view. Liked the interaction beteen Bach and Hell Monkey. Nice vicious match between Vessey and Peak, which fits my perception of Peak quite nicely. Seems like you've set yourself up with three possible heel challengers for Golden's world title...


Thanks BP, lots of different promos and feuds going on in this PPV. One thing is for sure though; Joey Minnesota will be in the world heavyweight title match at TM15.


I agree with BigPapa42, as I sit here in a Salt Lake City hotel, that it was a really good PPV. The Peak/Vessey match ceretainly deserved the A it got and I can see the way Bach is treating HM as having future ramifications down the line.


Peak and Vessey although long, was fairly easy to write as I knew exactly what I wanted to happen. I'm really pleased that match in particular came across well. The relationship between Hell Monkey and Bach will have its ups and downs for sure. One would assume that there will be some ramifications down the road but who knows?........Well, I know but let's not ruin the moment :p

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Prediction Results


CamillePunk: 4/9

Midnightnick: 4/9

Phantom Stranger: 8/9

Emark: 7/9

Bigpapa42: 6/9

20LEgend: 8/9



Congratulations Phantom Stranger and 20LEgend, you have both won this round.



Overall Standings

1st: Bigpapa42 = 10

2nd: jesseewiak = 7

2nd: Emark = 7

3rd: jgriff3029 = 6

4th: Tigerkinney = 5

5th: 20LEgend = 4

5th: jhd1 = 4

5th: Phantom Stranger = 4

6th: angeldelayette = 3

7th: MJStark = 2

7th: Midnightnick = 2

8th: smurphy1014 = 1

8th: ChrisKid = 1

8th: legendkiller13 = 1

9th: BHK1978 = 0

9th: Liamo = 0

9th: juggaloninjalee = 0

9th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

9th: QFresh = 0

9th: pauls07 = 0

9th: Boltinho = 0

9th: CamillePunk = 0

9th: MorenoKing24 = 0

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Great PPV, real life keeps me from being around enough to predict as much as id like, but still reading, keep up the great writing, loved all your stuff all the way back to your GAMMA stuff


Thanks mate. I believe you are the sole member who has followed every WMMA/TEW diary I have produced.


I still greatly enjoy playing WMMA3 and although I would love to take a whirl on another GAMMA diary, TCW demands a lot of time, especially given the length of each show. Perhaps one day I will return to WMMA3 diary writing but for the time being, TCW is where my "loyalty" lies.


Glad you enjoyed the PPV, lord knows it took hours to write! Hopefully Total Mayhem XV at the end of next month will be even better.

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I have to agree with everyone else and say that this was a fantastic PPV, LoNdOn! The Peak - Vessey match was an absolute war, and you did a good job of making CC look like real Tag title material (even if they didn't win). I also liked the way you continued to build towards Total Mayhem but kept the show big enough to stand on its own at the same time.


Can't wait for the next show! :D

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I have to agree with everyone else and say that this was a fantastic PPV, LoNdOn! The Peak - Vessey match was an absolute war, and you did a good job of making CC look like real Tag title material (even if they didn't win). I also liked the way you continued to build towards Total Mayhem but kept the show big enough to stand on its own at the same time.


Can't wait for the next show! :D


Thank you friend. It was a challenge to give everything the right feel as there were multiple stories going on but I think I did them justice. I notice that nobody has mentioned the little nod at the end of the Peak/Vessey match. Does it mean anything or am I just stirring the pot? :p


I really suck at predicting these lol. Good show though. I'm too much of a Troy Tornado mark to predict against him. I've always pictured him as kind of a Stone Cold character.


I see Troy as being a charasmatic, smart talking kind of character. As both a heel and face he has a quick wit to belittle his opponents with a sense of humour that people find hard to hate. I was torn as to whether to give him the win in the tournament and when I initially made my shortlist he was one of the four I considered. The other two for those who are interested were Wolf Hawkins and Marc DuBois but I decided against the latter for various reasons that will become evident in the future.

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Tuesday of Week 1, May 2010

Following a thrilling PPV this past Sunday, TCW rolls into the month of May with lofty expectations from fans and critics alike. Will TCW be able to live up to these standards leading up to the biggest PPV of the year, Total Mayhem XV?


To open the show we will see the recently victorious Keith Brothers go in tag team action against The Canadian Animals. Having earned a hard fought victory over The Machines on Sunday, can Sam’s boys keep momentum on their side?


With rising tensions between Sammy Bach and Benny Benson, Eric Tyler has granted a match that should Benson win, would earn him an International championship match of his choice at Total Mayhem XV. Unfortunately for Benson, that may be easier said than done as his opponent will be Hell Monkey.


Perhaps our sympathy would be better placed with the L.A. Connection’s Chance Fortune as he has the unenviable task of taking on Remo Richardson in the Physical Phenom’s TCW television debut.


TCW’s resident love doctor, Danny Fonzarelli will go into what is sure to be a brutal singles encounter with Eddie Peak. The Great White is still going to be feeling the war of attrition from Where Angels Fear To Tread, but that alone may not be enough for The Fonz to usurp The Hardcore Assassin.


The TCW tag team champion will be in non-title action following as they face The Syndicate duo of Wolf Hawkins and Marc DuBois. Can the two stablemates coexist in this outing or will we see the cracks in their relationship deepen further?


The single biggest long term rivalry in TCW will take centre stage as Ricky Dale Johnson will take on The Syndicate leader, Tommy Cornell. Having seen these two tangle numerous times in the years gone by, we know for sure that we will see a great contest.


The main event of the night will see the King Of Mayhem, Joey Minnesota take on the legendary Sam Keith. Both of these competitors are ruthless in their attacks and the winner of this match may be the man who capitalises on the first mistake.


All this and much more, this coming Tuesday on GNN Total Sports. Be sure to tune in; you won’t want to miss out!



Prediction Key


The Keith Brothers vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins & Carl Batch


Benny Benson vs Hell Monkey


Chance Fortune vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


Danny Fonzarelli vs Eddie Peak


The New Wave vs Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Tommy Cornell


Sam Keith vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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The Keith Brothers vs The Canadian Animals w/Laura Huggins & Carl Batch


Benny Benson vs Hell Monkey


Chance Fortune vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


Danny Fonzarelli vs Eddie Peak


The New Wave vs Wolf Hawkins & Marc DuBois


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Tommy Cornell


Sam Keith vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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