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TCW: The Never Ending Journey

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The New Wave vs Harmonic Thunder

The New Wave comes crashing down with a Harmony of their own.


Benny Benson vs Rick Law

I fought the law and Rick Law won!


Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs UK Dragon

The Rock God continues his momentum.


Rocky Golden & Bryan Vessey vs Sam Keith & Eddie Peak

Keith and Peak take advantage of the good guys' injuries.


Joey Minnesota vs Tommy Cornell

A makeup win after the Syndicate lost on pay-per-view.


Great diary, LoNdOn! Truthfully am enjoying reading it.

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Great diary, LoNdOn! Truthfully am enjoying reading it.


Thank you sir, you are doing a fine job in yours as well. :)


p.s. The show should be up within the next 24 hours or so. For any late prediction makers this is your friendly notice. :)

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 1, February 2010

Connecticut Symphony Hall

Attendance: 8,740





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes



http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/GuideALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ScoutALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/DannyFonzarelliALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ClarkAlexanderALT.jpg

The New Wave vs Harmonic Thunder

Say what you want about the combination of Fonzarelli and Alexander, but you certainly can’t argue the fact that they put up one hell of a fight. Right off the bat Fonzarelli began to put some work in on both members of the Wave but unfortunately for Harmonic Thunder this success didn’t last as the tag team champions showed their metal and eventually Guide put Alexander away following a Guided Missile after a great opening contest.

The New Wave defeated Harmonic Thunder via pinfall

Rating: B






The bell sounds and that signals the arrival of The Machines who start to lay the boots into Guide and Scout but it isn’t enough to keep them down. The tag team champions fight their way back and the four men begin to brawl out of the ring and back up the entrance ramp. Chairs and bodies are flying everywhere, it is chaos and eventually the four men have to be separated and led backstage. Azaria on commentary notes, “This can’t keep happening, The Machines jumping The New Wave, brawling all over the arena. This eventually has to come to an end!”





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BennyBensonALT2.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickLawALT3.jpg

Benny Benson vs Rick Law

Benson and Law really go at it this one. The two of them seemed to have a point to prove and they exchange holds and strikes with vigour; Law trying to slow the pace to wear down the agile Benson who used speed and precision to keep the big man guessing.


Benson perched himself atop a turnbuckle and took flight at Law who countered and then some as he connected with a devastating Long Arm Of The Law as Benson was still in mid-air; the impact of which caused Benny to flip head over heels and land flat on his face on the canvas. The following pinfall was academic.

Rick Law defeated Benny Benson via pinfall

Rating: B






The heavy guitar opening of “Holy Diver” hits the arena speakers and the new TCW International champion, Sammy Bach and the Gothic Groupie, Karen Killer emerge at the entranceway; big smiles on both of their faces although Killer occasionally winces as her neck is still not 100% after her fall at the PPV. Bach marches to the ring with purpose, arrogantly swinging his head from side to side, clearly a man brimming with confidence. He removes the International title from around his waist and raises it to eye-level; transfixed on his own reflection. He breathes onto the gold before shining it with his jacket sleeve and finally draping it over his shoulder. Karen Killer hands Bach a microphone adoringly and appears to be disheartened when he doesn’t return her gaze.


Bach: “Ladies and gentlemen I stand here before you tonight with the International championship belt secure upon this exquisite shoulder of mine, just as I promised I would. You see this past Sunday I cured the disease named Joshua Taylor; a man so boring he would put anaesthetic to sleep. Now that I have fulfilled that promise I can now guarantee another. Being a Rock Star ain’t easy baby but believe me when I tell you all that I make it work! Being a champion is no different from being the cultural icon that I have been since the day I entered this business; you are rewarded with the fame, the money and the women and the list goes on and on and all of which I so richly deserve. My promise to you.......people is that I will hold onto this title for a long, long time because nobody........ and I mean nobody, deserves this title more than I do. Now if you’ll all kindly excuse me, I have a dragon to slay.”





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SammyBachALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KarenKillerALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/UKDragonALT2.jpg

Sammy Bach w/Karen Killer vs UK Dragon

The UK Dragon brought his well travelled and well versed style to a TCW ring for the first time in his career and seeing as the US is one of the countries in which he has attained the least amount of exposure, he and Sammy Bach can be proud of their showing on this night.


The match started with a nice technical stalemate where both men transitioned from move to counter as if it were second nature to them. The action picked up soon thereafter and as the pace increased, Sammy Bach began to take control and after 12 minutes of entertaining wrestling, a Bach To Reality superkick put the UK Dragon away after a surprisingly equal contest.

Sammy Bach defeated UK Dragon via pinfall

Rating: B-







Sammy Bach snatches his title away from referee Ray Johnson and secures it around his waist without hesitation. Karen Killer croons around her charge and once again hands him a microphone. As Bach raises the microphone to his lips he is swiftly cut off by “Rock You Like A Hurricane” and the appearance of Troy Tornado. The crowd seem to be buoyed by Tornado if not for making an appearance in and of itself, but for stopping Bach from taking up more mike time. Tornado has a smirk on his face and looks to be genuinely happy with the positive reception he is receiving from the crowd.




Tornado: “First of all Sammy I would like to congratulate you for winning that title at Malice In Wonderland, you did a fine job.”


Bach looks on suspiciously at Tornado as he continues to speak.


Tornado: “Beating Joshua Taylor is no mean feat and you did it all by your..........well, almost all by yourself. But credit where credit’s due, you posses the International title just as you promised you would. Now normally I wouldn’t come out here and interrupt a post-match celebration but I got thinking about what you were saying before your match began? Let me make sure I heard you correctly, you said that ‘nobody deserves that title more than you do’?”


Bach: “That’s what I said.”


Tornado: “Interesting; I see being a ‘Rock Star’ has clearly inflated your ego to the point where you are having delusions of self grandeur. You see, I’ve been watching you for a while Sammy, like last month when we were involved in that six-man tag; I saw you come to the ring singing and strumming your air guitar like a drunk uncle at a wedding reception and it reminded me of a time not too long ago when I myself was part of a band...........a real band. You may have heard of us before, we were called “Painful Procedure” and we rocked for real. All you are is a kid who played Guitar Hero once in their parents’ basement and thought that they were qualified to call themselves a “Rock God”. Well this isn’t a video game so let me bring you ‘Bach To Reality’ Sammy; you are a poser who couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket. You say that nobody deserves to hold that title more than you? Sammy, you are just a poor imitation of me from 2008 and I will be glad to take that International title off you before you tarnish it.”






We enter The Alliance locker room; Joey Minnesota is putting items of clothing in his locker, already dressed for his singles match later on. RDJ meanwhile is offering words of wisdom to the youngster, teaching him about some of Cornell’s tendencies in preparation for their main event confrontation. If anybody is in a position to give advice on how best to tackle Tommy Cornell, you would have to believe it is the elder statesman of The Alliance and Minnesota looks to be absorbing as much information as he can when they finally realise that the camera is in the room. RDJ gives Joey a reassuring pat on the back before turning his attention to the lens.


RDJ: “I told you Tommy. I told you that your days of tyranny were numbered and Sunday proved that. You tried to break us down, you tried to injure both of us but you didn’t take into consideration the power of recovery when fuelled by hatred.”


Minnesota smiles at these comments as he continues to apply tape to his wrists before adjusting the bandages on his arm.


RDJ: “Joey and I proved that we can back up what we say and that the Syndicate’s word is not gospel. Joey showed me a lot at Malice In Wonderland and I’m glad to have him by my side. Had I been partnered with any other man, I’m not so sure the outcome would have been the same.”


RDJ signals for Joey to step up.


Minnesota: “My arm may not be 100% but that is irrelevant. Even if I had only one arm I would still fight to slap the p*** out of you Tommy and every single one of your entourage. Tonight I get to make a statement and believe me Tommy, I will make a statement by beating you in the middle of that ring and not a man woman or child will be able to stop me; so bring whoever the hell you want with you, because when I get you in that ring you will have to recruit a small army to drag me away from beating the creases out of that tailored suit you parade around in.”


The rage in Minnesota’s voice rises to a level where he is cut off by RDJ to give him time to collect himself. After a few heavy breaths he composes himself and glares into the camera with intent.


Minnesota: “This is the month that the Syndicate dies!”





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RockyGoldenALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BryanVesseyALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SamKeith-1.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddiePeakALT.jpg

Rocky Golden & Bryan Vessey vs Sam Keith & Eddie Peak

A hard-hitting affair where all four competitors brought their best to the table. Despite injured ribs, Bryan Vessey showed little in the way of caution and at every possible opportunity targeted the Hardcore Assassin. The action was relentless with the levels of emotion between the two teams at fever pitch; Rocky Golden looked to relish any opportunity he had in the ring with Keith, looking wherever possible to gain a measure of revenge for the actions of the challenger at Malice In Wonderland.


Golden and Keith began to exchange holds in the ring as Eddie Peak and Bryan Vessey bellowed insults at one another from across the ring. Eventually the words exploded into violent behaviour as Peak and Vessey grabbed steel chairs from ringside and made a bee-line for each other and began to swing. The action broke down further following this as Golden and Keith brawled out of the ring and backstage. With no chance of reprieve, referee Sam Sparrow had to declare the match a draw.

Rocky Golden & Bryan Vessey drew with Sam Keith & Eddie Peak

Rating: C+







We enter the familiar surroundings of the Syndicate locker room where we see Brent Hill and John Anderson exchanging holds and counters to further develop their skills. Hawkins is throwing a tennis ball against a wall whilst lounging back on a plush leather settee; Cornell staring at the massive flat screen television upon the wall that is playing the ending of The Syndicate’s tag team match from Sunday’s PPV on loop. Cornell’s expression is firm and he turns this gaze to the camera before beginning.


Cornell: “Luck......................a concept that is adored by the weak. Last Sunday luck was what cost The Syndicate our match. Make no mistakes about it, The Alliance didn’t win; we simply threw the match away. This has given Ricky and Minnesota hope (derisive snort). Well hope and two quid can buy you a cup of coffee, but it is far from enough to bring The Syndicate down. Sunday was a blip, nothing more. The Alliance has claimed that this is the month that The Syndicate will die...................Well don’t forget who holds the power in this company. I can make your lives even more miserable than they already are. At first I found your sense of honour and morality amusing. I assumed you thought you were living in the movies. There is no honour in this business; money talks, power talks. You backstab and plot to get where you want; take with one hand and strike with the other. If somebody stands in your way you kick them square in the balls and spit on them as they fall. Now the charm of your actions has worn off and consequentially I am not willing to tolerate your behaviour any longer. If either of you interfere in Syndicate business from this point forward I promise you, there will be grave consequences. Remember, The Syndicate’s word is gospel and we have spoken.”






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoeyMinnesotaALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TommyCornellALT-1.jpg

Joey Minnesota vs Tommy Cornell

A fantastic match between two of the top competitors in the promotion; Tommy Cornell used his invaluable experience and knowledge to catch Minnesota off guard whenever possible. For his part, Minnesota used his underlying aggression to forcefully keep Cornell at bay. Joey Minnesota used a more diverse move set that he learned during his time in DAVE and this meant that Cornell had to be at the top of his game and indeed he was.


Cornell looked to apply the Rough Ride crossface and take his opponent to the ground but Joey instinctively rolled through and upon turning around, grabbed Cornell in a front headlock and signalled for the Minnesota Salute (Spinning Fisherman suplex). He lifted Cornell in the air but the seasoned veteran still had one more trick up his sleeve and after a raking of the eyes went unnoticed, The Syndicate leader connected with the Guilt Trip (Cross Roads) after slipping out the backdoor. The pin attempt that followed signalled a Syndicate victory.

Tommy Cornell defeated Joey Minnesota via pinfall

Rating: B+






Cornell looks exhausted from the contest and he quickly scrambles to a corner to help pull himself up to a vertical base. Cornell glances to the entrance ramp and waves in request of assistance.




The titan-tron flickers into life and we see Wolf Hawkins writhing on the floor in pain, RDJ is standing over him with a big smile on his face. He waves at the camera which is clearly directed towards The Syndicate leader. Cornell looks alarmed having seen his protégé in such a situation and waves frantically again towards the entranceway.




Brent Hill and John Anderson emerge from backstage and begin to make their way to ringside, the relief on Cornell’s face is evident and he returns his attention to Minnesota if only for a moment as the sound of chair connecting with bone causes him to look back at the down and out Machines who are motionless at ringside. The New Wave are standing with chairs in hand over their bodies.



Cornell is caught in two minds whether or not to run or fight and in confusion turns right into a Minnesota Salute.


Minnesota signals a sign of gratitude towards Guide and Scout with all four members of The Syndicate laid out around the arena. The screen fades to black as the show comes to an end.



Show Rating: B

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Prediction Results


jgriff3029: 4/5

Emark: 4/5

Midnightnick: 4/5

20LEgend: 4/5

MJStark: 2/5

Tigerkinney: 4/5

jhd1: 4/5

jessewiak: 4/5

angeldelayette: 4/5

Bigpapa42: 4/5


Somehow I don't think MJStark will see the irony in light of his recent comments that he is the only prediction maker to not get a win this round. Whilst I do feel your pain and your participation is greatly appreciated, I have to admit that I did chuckle slightly after this realisation. :o



Overall Standings


1st: Bigpapa42 = 4

2nd: jesseewiak = 3

3rd: 20LEgend = 2

3rd: jgriff3029 = 2

3rd: jhd1 = 2

3rd: Tigerkinney = 2

4th: Midnightnick = 1

4th: Emark = 1

4th: smurphy1014 = 1

4th: ChrisKid = 1

4th: angeldelayette = 1

5th: MJStark = 0

5th: BHK1978 = 0

5th: Liamo = 0

5th: juggaloninjalee = 0

5th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

5th: QFresh = 0

5th: pauls07 = 0

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Post-Show Thoughts


- It was really fun writing Troy Tornado's promo as it felt like his character would have genuine gripes with a 'poser' like Sammy Bach. Hopefully their future confrontations will be as entertaining to write on my part and equally enjoyable to read for you guys and gals.


- With the Syndicate seemingly jumping the Alliance and The New Wave at every opportunity this show allowed the faces to prove that they are no pushovers. It also set up something special for the next show, the card of which will soon be posted.


- Benny Benson is proving a bit difficult for me at present. He is a solid worker and is more than capable of producing good matches with most opponents but there is a struggle at times with his creative direction. Hopefully he won't languish for too long and will find himself in a meaningful feud sooner rather than later.


- The chemistry between Keith and Golden was one of the main reasons that their tag team match didn't headline (the other reason being I wanted The Syndicate/Alliance-New Wave ending to conclude the show). I don't want to devalue the prestige of the Heavyweight championship but allowances for bad chemistry will have to be made when required.



I hope you all enjoyed the show. Any comments/thoughts etc are more than welcome. The next post from me will be the card for the following Total Wrestling. :)

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***** *** ******** ******* ********** *** ******* ******** *** **** **** ******* **** **** ******* *** ***********************!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!!


Damn. That is all


EDIT: I think I'm doing that second guessing thing again. *Must not over-complicate my working out* lol

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Total Wrestling starts off another Tuesday night showcase of the finest wrestling in the world.


The show will kick off with tag team action as The L.A. Connection will take on The Syndicate representatives of Brent Hill and John Anderson aka The Machines. A lot went down last week for the Syndicate and they will likely still be reeling. If ever there was a time to get a win over the Machines, now would be a good time.


The TCW International title will be up for grabs as defending champion Sammy Bach will look to retain against the man who he beat for the title a little over a week ago, Joshua Taylor. Troy Tornado has made it clear that he wants to take the title of Sammy Bach but a sizeable spanner will be thrown into the works should Taylor emerge as the victor. Does that mean Tornado will switch his focus to Taylor or are his sights firmly set on the “Rock God”?


Following this encounter we will see some six-man tag team action as the Japanese Warrior teams up with The New Wave to take on the Renegade Officer, Rick Law and the Tag Team Specialists. We don’t doubt that the tag team champions will have one eye over their shoulder as they have had less than cordial meetings with The Machines and we wouldn’t be surprised to see the duo make an appearance in this match.


Next up is a match between two champions as TCW World Heavyweight champion Rocky Golden goes against the All-Action champion Edd Stone is singles competition (neither title is on the line). The considerable size advantage lies with Golden but don’t count out the ultra-quick Edd Stone who is capable of causing an upset if an opportunity reveals itself.


Speaking of Canadian Animals, Freddy Huggins will follow his occasional tag team partner in singles action as he will be squaring off against Troy Tornado in what promises to be an entertaining contest.


The main event of the night will see the outlaw, Ricky Dale Johnson go in one-on-one action against Wolf Hawkins. Having incapacitated the youngster in an act of revenge, RDJ seems hell bent on inflicting further punishment on the brash Hawkins. Whether this comes to pass is an entirely different question when the Syndicate are involved.


Also Sam Keith has been granted some microphone time and rumour has it that a video is scheduled to be aired of a soon to debut tag team. Be sure to tune in this Tuesday on GNN Total Sports. You won’t want to miss out.



Prediction Key


L.A. Connection vs The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/ Karen Killer vs Joshua Taylor


Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs Rick Law & The Tag Team Specialists


Rocky Golden vs Edd Stone


Troy Tornado vs Freddy Huggins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

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I'll try my luck again :o


L.A. Connection vs The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/ Karen Killer vs Joshua Taylor


Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs Rick Law & The Tag Team Specialists


Rocky Golden vs Edd Stone


Troy Tornado vs Freddy Huggins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

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L.A. Connection vs The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/ Karen Killer vs Joshua Taylor


Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs Rick Law & The Tag Team Specialists


Rocky Golden vs Edd Stone


Troy Tornado vs Freddy Huggins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

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L.A. Connection vs The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/ Karen Killer vs Joshua Taylor


Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs Rick Law & The Tag Team Specialists


Rocky Golden vs Edd Stone


Troy Tornado vs Freddy Huggins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

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L.A. Connection vs The Machines


The Machines are higher up the rankings, and I suspect that their never ending tag team war with the New Wave is far from over.


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/ Karen Killer vs Joshua Taylor


Bach isn't dropping this belt back to Taylor, especially as a feud with Tornado is already brewing on the horizon.


Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs Rick Law & The Tag Team Specialists


A bit more star power on the face side, one of the Old Duffers will do the job here, probably Bob Oxford because Bryant has more years left in the tank.


Rocky Golden vs Edd Stone


I'd love for Edd Stone to pull out the upset here, but I don't see any chance of that happening. I'm no fan of Golden and would be one of those 'Golden Sucks' fans :p But you want to keep your champion strong.


Troy Tornado vs Freddy Huggins


Bad night for the Canadian Animals, Tornado isn't dropping this with a feud brewing against Sammy Bach for the International belt.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins


Hawkins hasn't quite got to the level of established main eventer yet and beating RDJ one on one would still be seen as a pretty big deal, I suspect you ain't going to throw away that moment on free TV.

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L.A. Connection vs The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/ Karen Killer vs Joshua Taylor


Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs Rick Law & The Tag Team Specialists


Rocky Golden vs Edd Stone


Troy Tornado vs Freddy Huggins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

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L.A. Connection vs The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/ Karen Killer vs Joshua Taylor


Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs Rick Law & The Tag Team Specialists


Rocky Golden vs Edd Stone


Troy Tornado vs Freddy Huggins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

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L.A. Connection vs The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/ Karen Killer vs Joshua Taylor


Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs Rick Law & The Tag Team Specialists


Rocky Golden vs Edd Stone


Troy Tornado vs Freddy Huggins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

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L.A. Connection vs The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/ Karen Killer vs Joshua Taylor


Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs Rick Law & The Tag Team Specialists


Rocky Golden vs Edd Stone


Troy Tornado vs Freddy Huggins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

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L.A. Connection vs The Machines

The Machines get a needed win for the Syndicate.


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/ Karen Killer vs Joshua Taylor

The Rock God walks away with this win.


Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs Rick Law & The Tag Team Specialists

A close match but Ino picks up the win here.


Rocky Golden vs Edd Stone

Should make for a good match but it would make more sense for Rocky to get the win here.


Troy Tornado vs Freddy Huggins

It's a whirlwind of a tornado here.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

Let's call it a draw.

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L.A. Connection vs The Machines


TCW International Championship

Sammy Bach © w/ Karen Killer vs Joshua Taylor


Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs Rick Law & The Tag Team Specialists


Rocky Golden vs Edd Stone


Troy Tornado vs Freddy Huggins


Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday of Week 2, February 2010

Evanovich Riverside

Attendance: 8,729





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/AaronAndrewsALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/ChanceFortuneALT2.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/BrentHillALT.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JohnAndersonALT.jpg

The L.A. Connection vs The Machines

A solid tag team encounter to kick off the show saw four men really go at it in an attempt to better their opponents. Chance Fortune surprised many with the amount of offence he managed to get in as usually it is his partner who carries the workload, but on this night, Fortune countered the technical repertoire of The Machines by landing on his feet and striking with precise dropkicks. Had the experience factor been on the side of the L.A. Connection they may have won when all was said and done, but the like-mindedness of Hill and Anderson saw them triumph after a King Of The Hill Splash ended Fortune’s run of success.

The Machines defeated The L.A. Connection via pinfall

Rating: B-







We see Jasmine Saunders backstage with a microphone in hand, a coy smile on her face as she nods to the camera ready to begin.


Saunders: “Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jasmine Saunders and tonight I am joined by a very special guest. The man I am joined by is the son of a legendary Mexican wrestler known throughout the world. He is a man who has already captured the interest and support of the Mexican fans and is now set to show exactly what he is capable of here in TCW. The man standing beside me may be new to many of our fans, but soon enough everybody will remember his name. I am joined tonight by none other than Gino Montero.”




The camera zooms out until the figure of young Gino Montero is in shot, broadly smiling at Jasmine Saunders and then the camera, flicking his attention between the two.


Saunders: “Gino welcome to TCW, do you have a message for the fans watching at home and in the arena?”


Gino nods respectfully as the microphone is presented to him.


Montero: “Yes I do. My name is Gino Montero; I am the son of the legendary luchador Luis Montero, the brother of Luis Jr. and I am extremely proud of my Mexican heritage. I am here in TCW to show that I am capable of competing with the best. I am here to prove that my style of wrestling is not only entertaining but effective also. I look forward to competing in front of the TCW fans and I only hope that you support me on my journey. Thank you for listening and remember, ‘to succeed is to believe’. Thank you.”


Montero shakes the hand of Saunders before leaving and as he does so, Jasmine wraps proceedings up before sending it back to ringside.







TCW International Championship

http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/SammyBachALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/KarenKillerALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/JoshuaTaylorALT3.jpg

Sammy Bach © w/Karen Killer vs Joshua Taylor

An evenly contested affair between two solid competitors; Sammy Bach and Joshua Taylor showed why they are two of the brightest prospects in TCW. Bach played the cowardly heel, slinking out of the way at every opportunity which only aggravated Taylor further. Karen Killer was wise enough this time to keep well away from the apron seeing as she was knocked clean off it after a mix up at Malice In Wonderland. Her shrieks of encouragement however seemed to wash over Taylor who trained his focus entirely on the International champ.


Bach’s cowardly antics eventually caught up to him and as he attempted to squirm out of the ring he was caught by Taylor in the Butterfly Lock and this was quickly used to launch Bach almost completely across the ring as the Butterfly Suplex connected. The self proclaimed Rock God could not stop his momentum from taking him completely out of the ring and the referee began the ten count. Taylor, realising that a count out would mean that the title would not change hands, approached the ropes to pull Bach into the ring when he was suddenly cracked in the forehead with a steel chair from his opponent. Referee Ray Johnson was not shielded from the occurrence and subsequently rang for the disqualification. Sammy Bach may not have won the match but he still left with the title belt.

Joshua Taylor defeated Sammy Bach via DQ

Rating: B






A video appears on the arena screen depicting a pristine white mansion by a golden sandy beach. For all intents and purposes the video begins like a commercial for a luxury holiday. We zoom into a closer shot of the house and we see that it is just as exquisite from close up as it is from a distance. The front door opens and we see a pair of elegant tanned legs emerge; the camera angle hiding the identity of the woman. We follow these legs to a vast garage where a red convertible Ferrari is situated on the gravel drive. The camera pans up and we see that the woman in question is Cuervo, a beautiful Mexican valet but no sooner have we registered who she is, the camera tracks another two pairs of suited legs marching towards the car.




The two men are clearly wearing expensive designer clothes and we get to see them from head to toe although their faces are never seen in shot. Cuervo hands the keys to one of the two gentlemen and they enter the car accordingly. The camera is now situated behind the vehicle and as the cherry red Ferrari pulls out of the drive we see the personalised license plate that reads “Champagne Caviar”. The screen fades to black and the sound of screeching tires pulling into the distance is all we can hear. The message on the screen reads “Coming soon.........”









Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs Rick Law & The Tag Team Specialists

A solid if not overly entertaining contest saw Rick Law dominate Ino for the majority of the bout. Law used bullying tactics to keep the Japanese Warrior isolated from his corner and wore him down with methodical slams and backbreakers, seemingly revelling with every cry of pain from his foe. Very rarely did either man look to tag in one of their partners and it began to resemble a lumberjack match after a while.


The New Wave began to get the crowd clapping in support of Ino who looked to be on his last legs and the anticipation of a hot tag started to build. Guide and Scout were positively bouncing at the prospect of being tagged in but unfortunately the match came to an abrupt halt after an all too familiar appearance of Brent Hill and John Anderson. Sam Sparrow had the unenviable task of calling for the second disqualification of the night.

Koshiro Ino & The New Wave defeated Rick Law & The Tag Team Specialists via DQ

Rating: B







The New Wave are unceremoniously pulled from the ring apron and dumped on the floor. The Machines begin to lay in the boots as Guide and Scout try to gain a sense of what is happening. The four men once again begin to brawl and the fight this time spills into the crowd. Chairs, drinks bottles and even one fan’s crutches are used as weapons until the brawl eventually disappears backstage and out of sight. This war needs to be settled soon before these two teams take themselves out of competitive action.






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RockyGoldenALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/EddStoneALT2.jpg

Rocky Golden vs Edd Stone

Two TCW champions on this night displayed why they deserve the title belts that they walk around so proudly with. What the audience bears witness to is the converging of two very different styles and the match tells an intriguing story as a result.


Golden started off the stronger as many would expect as he was able to swat the ephemeral attacks of Stone to one side and stalk the smaller man. However, as the match grew in length the young Canadian turned up the pressure and his multitude of various kicks and flips began to take effect. Stone looked to be having things going his way and even managed to hit The Party’s Over flip kick on his opponent but luckily for the TCW World Champion he fell close enough to the bottom rope to secure his foot upon it before the referee’s hand could hit the canvas for the decisive third time. Stone looked disheartened but refused to slow the pace and so ascended the turnbuckle as quickly as any man has ever done before him. An attempted corkscrew press was caught however and Golden threw the All-Action champion into the ropes before connecting with the Rocky Road roaring elbow that sealed the deal.

Rocky Golden defeated Edd Stone via pinfall

Rating: B-







The unmistakable opening chords of “All Along The Wachtower” echoes around the arena as Sam Keith makes his way down to the ring. A look of indifference to the crowd’s mixed reaction towards him is now trademark, his gaze unwavering from the TCW World Heavyweight champion. Upon entering the ring he raises a microphone to his lips as he begins to address Rocky Golden.


Keith: “Rocky................I want a rematch for the title. You didn’t beat me at Malice In Wonderland, but you also didn’t submit from the Proton Lock - which I have to admit came as a bit of a surprise - you won the match on a technicality and you know as well as I do that you have to actually beat me to prove your worth; to prove that you deserve to be called champion. You showed to me at Malice that you had more intestinal fortitude than I originally had assumed but that alone does not make you better than me. Had there been no disqualifications it would be me standing in the ring with that World Heavyweight title around my waist and there isn’t a soul who could argue otherwise. Rocky, I deserve another shot at that title and now you know that I can knock you unconscious, the question is do you have the same belief in your own abilities that you did before?”


Keith shoves the microphone into the muscular chest of Rocky Golden and waits for a response. Rocky takes a moment to survey the crowd and listen to their chants. He slowly raises the mike to his lips before pausing and staring right into the eyes of Keith. He looks at the gold around his waist before returning his gaze to the man before him. He lowers the microphone.................and drops it at the feet of Keith. The crowd mumble in confusion as they watch the TCW World Heavyweight champion walk past Keith and head backstage.






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TroyTornadoALT3.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/FreddyHugginsALT.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/LauraHugginsALT.jpg

Troy Tornado vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Huggins

A match that appeared somewhat underwhelming based on the crowd’s reaction to the events that preceded it; Huggins and Tornado put on a really enjoyable and fundamentally sound contest but the crowd just didn’t seem to be into it which is a shame in many respects as neither man put on a bad performance.


Huggins and Tornado exchanged technical holds and even displayed their high-flying capabilities, surprisingly Laura Huggins remained uninvolved and as a result, the match proceeded with very few hiccups. After a valiant display from Huggins he eventually succumbed to the Star Maker of Troy Tornado who secured the winning pinfall shortly thereafter.

Troy Tornado defeated Freddy Huggins via pinfall

Rating: B







The bell sounds and immediately Sammy Bach is in the ring behind Troy Tornado. Bach is in position and connects with the Bach To Reality superkick, knocking Tornado to the ground with a thud. The enigmatic one parades around the ring with his International title raised high in the air but the celebration is a bit premature as a steel chair swung by Joshua Taylor knocks Sammy Bach from atop the middle rope all the way to floor outside. Joshua Taylor looks really fired up and Bach is lucky to escape before further damage can be inflicted.






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/RickyDaleJohnsonALT.jpg vs http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/WolfHawkinsALT3.jpg

Ricky Dale Johnson vs Wolf Hawkins

RDJ was intent on taking his young adversary to school in this contest and for a large portion he succeeded. Hawkins tried to employ some of his mentor’s dirtier tactics but without that experience edge, many a move was thwarted by the Outlaw RDJ.


Hawkins did show moments of excellence including a nice reversal of a Leaping Lariat into what would have to be described as a variant of a Japanese armdrag. Hawkins and RDJ began a striking battle which is a war that Hawkins was never going to win. After a few heavy duty right hands, RDJ sealed the victory with a dose of Southern Comfort that enabled the pinfall victory.

Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Wolf Hawkins via pinfall

Rating: B







“A Country Boy Can Survive” plays through the arena speakers as RDJ celebrates his victory with his fans. The music abruptly comes to a halt as it is replaced by the dominating orchestral tones of “Come With Me” as Tommy Cornell emerges at the top of the entrance ramp.




Cornell is slow clapping RDJ and the look on his face is one of pure distain.


Cornell: “You know Ricky, I spent a lot of time thinking of a way to make you suffer, to make you pay for all the times you have gotten in my way over the years and suddenly it came to me Rick. I don’t need to stand for you behaviour. Your actions can and will be punished. Tonight is the night I finally rid the thorn in my side.”


RDJ and Cornell stare unblinkingly at one another; the hatred between the two is palpable.


Cornell: “Ricky it gives me great pleasure to inform you...........................YOU ARE FIRED!”


The look of disbelief on RDJ’s face says it all. For years Cornell has had the power to make such decisions but despite his less than friendly ways, he has never seen fit to enforce it. It would appear that this has now changed. RDJ looks dejected as Cornell begins a sinister chuckle that sends the crowd into a frenzy of boos. Cornell raises the mike to his lips to continue but is swiftly cut off by unfamiliar music. “Dirty Deeds Done Cheap” blares across the arena and the look of confusion can be seen on both Cornell and RDJ’s expressions.




Eric Tyler slowly walks down the ramp to stand next to Cornell who looks stunned to say the least. With a firm grip he takes the microphone from the Syndicate leader’s hand and begins to speak.


Tyler: “You’ve done it Tommy; you have finally gone too far. You know full well what the board said to you last month. If you wish to remain an active competitor you cannot flaunt your power as you see fit. You were handed a written warning after you booked yourself and Wolf against Ricky in a handicap match. But no, being the big-headed dimwit you are, you refused to heed their warnings, so now I’m here!”


Cornell’s look of shock has now transformed into a snarl and a clenched fist suggests that he may take a swing at Tyler at any moment.


Tyler: “If you even think about taking a swing, you had better hope to put me out because if you don’t, I will shove this microphone so far up your ass that any thoughts you have will be broadcast electronically!”


Cornell takes a moment to consider his options before grudgingly releasing his grip.


Tyler: “That’s what I thought. Now I’m here to inform you that the board of directors have seen fit to instate me as your superior. Any decisions you make have to go through me first. So no, Ricky isn’t fired. In fact, I have thought of an idea that will settle this feud of yours. In two weeks time at The War To Settle The Score, we will have an 8 man tag team elimination match between the team of Tommy Cornell, Wolf Hawkins and The Machines against the combination of The Aliance and The New Wave.”


The smile on RDJ’s face could likely be seen from space it is that big. Cornell meanwhile looks ready to explode with rage.


Tyler: “Now here’s where it gets interesting. This match will have stipulations. If your team wins Tommy, The Alliance of Ricky Dale Johnson and Joey Minnesota will be forced to separate and will not be allowed to interfere in your business any longer.”


Cornell’s expression softens and we see the infamous smirk of the Brit.


Tyler: “But if your team should lose Tommy, The Syndicate will dissolve!”


Tyler’s music airs one more time as the show comes to an end and he heads backstage. We are left with the image of RDJ pointing at Cornell as the leader of The Syndicate paces around, not knowing quite what to do with himself. After more than two years of power with the Syndicate, is this to be the month that it all comes crumbling down? The screen fades to black.



Show Rating: B-

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Prediction Results

MJStark: 5/6

jgriff3029: 5/6

Bigpapa42: 4/6

Tigerkinney: 5/6

20LEgend: 4/6

jesseewiak: 5/6

Midnightnick: 4/6

Emark: 4/6

angeldelayette: 4/6

Boltinho: 3/6


Thank you to everyone who predicted and left comments. It really does make diary writing worthwhile :). Congratulations to this round's winners MJStark, jgriff3029, Tigerkinney and jesseewiak




Overall Standings


1st: Bigpapa42 = 4

1st: jesseewiak = 4

2nd: Tigerkinney = 3

2nd: jgriff3029 = 3

3rd: jhd1 = 2

3rd: 20LEgend = 2

4th: Midnightnick = 1

4th: Emark = 1

4th: smurphy1014 = 1

4th: ChrisKid = 1

4th: angeldelayette = 1

4th: MJStark = 1

5th: BHK1978 = 0

5th: Liamo = 0

5th: juggaloninjalee = 0

5th: TheLeveticalLawKid = 0

5th: QFresh = 0

5th: pauls07 = 0

5th: Boltinho = 0

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Post-Show Thoughts

- One of the first things I wanted to do was instate a figurehead of authority who would be able to step in whenever Cornell tried to throw his creative weight around and I think I found the right guy in Eric Tyler. Not only is he a fairly recognisable face, but seeing as he is not long since retired, he presents a physical threat to Tommy as well who in theory should not be able to manipulate Tyler through threatening behaviour.


- I spent quite a while trying to get the Sam Keith/Rocky Golden confrontation how I wanted it to come across. I would be interested to hear what others thought of that particular segment.


- Any ideas on who Champagne Caviar are?


- Gino Montero is the first of the workers to get called up from development (UK Dragon came right to the main roster) and the future looks bright for the young man.



Hope everybody enjoyed the show. :)

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TCW: The Ethos On Building Stars


Total Championship Wrestling has been around since 1996 and whilst the name may have changed over time, one thing the promotion has always prided themselves on is creating home-grown stars that symbolise their promotion, and whilst owners, bookers and the product has evolved, the competitive hard work ethic has been one thing that has remained a constant and has contributed largely to the company securing a reputation as a national powerhouse.




The original cast of HGC had a mixture of established stars and up and comers


Many look back on the early days of TCW (then Hollyweird Grappling Company) and see the likes of Sam Strong and Rip Chord reigning at the top of the ladder and assume the promotion was an "SWF Lite" and although it is inarguable that stars and concepts were borrowed from the Land of Supreme, one thing HGC set out to do from day one was to create their own stars and their own faces of the promotion. This is clearly evident and this vision can still be appreciated by fans today who witnessed the rise of little known workers Ricky Dale Johnson, Liberty, Jack Bruce, BLZ Bubb, Genghis Rahn, American Buffalo and most notably Tommy Cornell; several of whom are still with the promotion today.


While the HGC years did create many a new star in North American wrestling, many see the day the man widely attributed as the best in the world, Tommy Cornell took the reign at the promotion he had been working with, as a catalyst for the philosophy to take a move up to the next gear and the now renamed Total Championship Wrestling, began displaying a much more performance based product with in ring ability and hard work being recognised in the promotion more than ever before. With the signings of Rick Law, Jay Darkness (Now Danny Fonzarelli), Koshiro Ino, Brent Hill and John Anderson in the years immediately after Cornell took over; showing the change in TCW and the rise of these men, played a huge role in redefining the company as lots of the pre-made stars left the promotion. However, one example shows the difference Cornell made more than any and that is the rise of Wolf Hawkins...



Wrestlers such as Fonzarelli, Law and Ino were given the stage to shine in TCW


Wolf was a worker on the independent scene, like many others struggling to find a break, when Tommy Cornell, seeing potential in Hawkins decided to invite the youngster into the family training facility and turned his raw potential into something special, and in the process created a star who has enjoyed a meteoric rise to national fame performing weekly on TV. This is just one example of many stars TCW have created in recent years, and one event which largely contributed to this was the downfall of Danger and Violence Extreme.


The promotion’s crash hit many hard with lots of workers not knowing where their future lay; TCW however turned the time of chaos into an opportunity and attempted to sign DAVE's best talent. The result was 5 new competitors; the tag team The New Wave, Joey Minnesota, Sammy Bach and Eddie Peak who they turned into stars in the wrestling business, helping them ascend to heights that only a few promotions on the planet can take a worker to. TCW appear to have a talent for creating stars and the addition of Sam Keith was a great move for those hoping to be the next breakout star as the legendary Keith brings not only invaluable teaching credentials to the table, but is also a man who the younger roster members will be looking to make a name for themselves against.



The fall of DAVE was TCW's gain as 5 of the bigger names found a new home on Tuesday nights


This 13 year journey brings us to the current state of TCW, with Rocky Golden taking pole position within the promotion many feel that this is a push too far from Cornell and Rocky isn't up to the standard of the previous break out TCW stars. However, one thing that is clear is the drastic improvements he has made since being involved in The Syndicate stable storyline and all the signs are pointing to Rocky becoming at least a good in ring talent even if he will never be a Keith or Cornell. One thing for sure is that TCW is currently at a point when not only do they have a vast array of veterans to help the youngsters (Keith, Bryant, Hill, Vessey, Oxford and Cornell) but the future looks bright for those looking to take the next step up the TCW ladder and on to super stardom with many in the frame.


With Aaron Andrews, Edd Stone, Freddy Huggins, Chance Fortune, Joshua Taylor, UK Dragon and Benny Benson as well as many other young talents, the future is clearly bright for TCW to continue their proud tradition of creating new stars. From Liberty to Wolf Hawkins all the way to Aaron Andrews, Total Championship Wrestling has always had an array of talent who are ready to step it up when TCW are in need and many say with recent injuries and reported financial issues over the past year it seems now is as good a time as ever for younger workers to really make their mark!



The future still looks bright for TCW with a bevy of young talent ready to make the leap

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