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What do you see the Verse looking like in 2011?

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*sims game forward a year*




I'll assume no new continents are added or anything.



SWF poses a difficult problem, I think. It'd be odd for it to have collapsed, but...how could it not be global in a year (and certainly in two)? I think that it might somehow be split into two promotions: Eric-run and Jerry-run. Just like the failed storyline.


This at least mitigates the infeasiblity of having the largest promotion in the world fail and the issue of having a global power in the default data.


As for TCW, it be interesting if it finally became International and the number one promotion in America, if not the world. I'd expect something like TCW > SWF1 ~= SWF2.


Unsure about USPW. It exists for Strong'n'Co., so to speak. Would they be retired? Perhaps not, but...for the sake of the series, I imagine that the company would have changed (something like DaVE -> PSW, for example). So there you go. Maybe Alicia takes over.


It'd be interesting if, as some have recommended, a promotion have a choice between male or female as the "dominant" division (by that I mean having a "Men's Division" in a primarily female product). I'd throw USPW under Alicia to do that.


What's sad, I suppose, is that some of my favorite women will (be soon) retired in a couple years, I think.


Over in Japan, I'd expect the Burning Hammer/Pride Glory feud to continue over who's on first top. We already have Japanese Garbage, so...isn't there a Japanese entertainment thread, too? Hrm...unsure what happens here.


I think Mexico should have at least one National promotion at this point. That and surely more promotions other than the big three. Perhaps something non-lucha...uh...I don't want garbage Mexican, but something like...whatever.


Australia should actually mean something in the next iteration. Something tells me it'll be RAW at the very least.


UK/Europe...This might be the place to have some sort of general location alliance, with promotions all working together to produce the best for the country/continent.


Oh, and Big Smack Scott takes over BSC.

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*sims game forward a year*




Going by previous editions and changes to the C-verse, how things unfold in a game rarely have anything to do with the changes that Ryland makes. If that was how things could be gauged, DAVE never would have died, NOTBPW would be global along with WLW and the SWF would be Cult.

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Going by previous editions and changes to the C-verse, how things unfold in a game rarely have anything to do with the changes that Ryland makes. If that was how things could be gauged, DAVE never would have died, NOTBPW would be global along with WLW and the SWF would be Cult.


And every main eventer would have engaged in Best of 97 series.

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It's anti-comic book time.


Hence why Lobster Warrior has aged seven years but is still playing a gimmick with a shelf life of about a year, two at the top end.


I don't think there'll be any major revolutions in the next version of the game. Maybe something in Europe, although there were some big changes in the last version, I think?


Mexico had the big change between 04 and 05, I believe - the switcheroo with the contracts

Between 05 and 07 INSPIRE formed in Japan

DaVE went under between 07 and 08 - the big change in that game effected the US, plus the deput of APW and Australia as a whole. Also Sam Keith went to TCW and made them into real contenders.

From 08 to 10 CGC and NOTBPW lost several names (didn't a couple leave after 07?) plus Australia exploded.


If anything, the UK could be in line for some work, although 21CW formed for 07, I think, so maybe not.


Africa, anyone? :p

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It's anti-comic book time.


Hence why Lobster Warrior has aged seven years but is still playing a gimmick with a shelf life of about a year, two at the top end.


I don't think there'll be any major revolutions in the next version of the game. Maybe something in Europe, although there were some big changes in the last version, I think?


Mexico had the big change between 04 and 05, I believe - the switcheroo with the contracts

Between 05 and 07 INSPIRE formed in Japan

DaVE went under between 07 and 08 - the big change in that game effected the US, plus the deput of APW and Australia as a whole. Also Sam Keith went to TCW and made them into real contenders.

From 08 to 10 CGC and NOTBPW lost several names (didn't a couple leave after 07?) plus Australia exploded.


If anything, the UK could be in line for some work, although 21CW formed for 07, I think, so maybe not.


Africa, anyone? :p

I'm thinking South Africa. According to Wikipedia, they have two promotions, one monster one with almost worldwide coverage (come to think of it, that company would be like the All-Stars of everyone outside of the major regions), and one regional one.


It looks like they garner a roster from all over the world, so you could have a promotion that has indy talent from America and Japan all the way down to the obscure countries that are in the game.

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I'm thinking South Africa. According to Wikipedia, they have two promotions, one monster one with almost worldwide coverage (come to think of it, that company would be like the All-Stars of everyone outside of the major regions), and one regional one.


It looks like they garner a roster from all over the world, so you could have a promotion that has indy talent from America and Japan all the way down to the obscure countries that are in the game.


:confused: "Almost worldwide coverage"? Then why haven't I ever heard of any major South African pro wrestling companies? Do they just not broadcast in America?

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:confused: "Almost worldwide coverage"? Then why haven't I ever heard of any major South African pro wrestling companies? Do they just not broadcast in America?


I assume if it's worldwide, it is on tiny networks/providers. There's an incredible amount of random stuff on channels you've never heard of if you flick through enough.

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Got some time, so here are some extended thoughts... I would look for evolutionary changes, rather than revolutionary ones. No major promotions dying off or combining to form super-promotions.


I would have the SWF at about the same level. Boring, but I think they just keep on keeping on with the same level of quality, just like they always have. I would probably have Khoklov as champion, having won the belt from Rich Money, who won it from Eisen. Khoklov has improved a bit, but he still needs to be protected in the ring, but as the most over member of the roster and someone who has creative control, its a bit of a challenge to do well with him as champion. Jack Bruce starts out unavailable for 2-3 months - filming a movie. I would have one or two of their talented midcard be gone - guys like Morrisette, Gilmore, McClean, etc. Maybe have the Biggz move on as well. Not major changes, but enough that they have to elevate a few lower card guys and have some developmental talent moved onto the main roster.


TCW is stable and doing okay. When this question has come up before, I know some people thought that their money troubles should result in them either dying or being sold, but I think the money issues are a temporary thing (given the reason they happened) and that Total should be fine in the long run. I'd have them about Mid-level national, so still a step behind the SWF. Keith has retired and taken over the book. The Machines are gone, with Brent Hill nearing retirement and wanting a run in Japan - maybe touring with GCG. Their replacements are the DeColt boys - Jack and Ricky. For most of 2010, Cornell has been feuding with his former protege, Wolf Hawkins, turning the youngster into a megastar as he has hung with the legend in some great matches. While that was going on, the likes of Golden, Tornado, Law, and Ino feuded over the world title. One of things that kept TCW from catching the SWF was an early-summer steroid-related arrest for Bryan Vessey. The company kept him on, but he was missing for a few months while the situation was sorted out and he returned in late 2010 with an utter lack of momentum.


USPW would be the primary beneficiary of at least one of the midcarders who left the SWF. While its a bit of a repeat of Enygma, the opposite happens. The worker - maybe Morrisette - debuts in the late summer under an event goofier gimmick than he had in Supreme, leading to the fans rejecting him somewhat. So he's quickly repackaged but the damage is done and he has taken a popularity hit and has no momentum. In the meantime, USPW has closed in only a little on national, but they are benefitting from a worker really catching fire. My pick would be Des Davids, but it could be Darryl Devine, T-Rex, or someone they picked up like Bulldozer Brandon. The worker has improved over the year, but they've become a huge star. One of the most over workers in America, in fact. They start the year as USPW champion, but their popularity significantly outstrips that of the promotion. So the question is whether USPW can grow fast enough to keep them when their deal comes up, as both TCW and the SWF are very very interested.


For the smaller American companies, I would have the Biggz land in CZCW. They are too big, but they get to be stars there. One of two of the workers from there end up in Japan full-time (likely helping WLW rebuild). Someone relatively notable from a bigger promotion ends in MAW, helping Jay carry on his father's legacy there - could be McClean, Runaway Train, Oxford, etc.


In Canada, NOTPW's explosion toward global has been slowed by some injuries - for the first time in his career, Dan Jr. had to take significant time off due to an injury. Dark Angel has gone back to Japan to have one last run in Burning Hammer before he retires, as he's in declining shape. The DeColt's ended up elevating some talent that may not be ready to perform at that level - Erik Strong, maybe Ryan Powell. Despite the loss of two more DeColt brothers, at least for the time being, things look grim for CGC... but the promotion is actually thriving under the booking of Vibert. Deeley has become a star, winning their world title. His battles against the improving Gargantuan have delighted all of Canada. Davis Wayne Newton is become a fairly over heel, guided by manager Eric Tyler. After raiding 4C and ACPW, CGC also has built a hard-hitting cruiserweight division that no one saw coming. CGC would be even with or slightly ahead of NOTBPW.


Things are relatively status quo in Japan. Burning Hammer retains its stop spot with some simple yet effective booking of the Inspire rebels throughout 2010. As 2011 kicks off, two "invaders" have joined up - Shingen Miyazaki and Rhino Umaga from GCG. PGHW have regained National status, but they have become even more dependent on their new generation after two of their true borns (I thinking Miwa and Kunomasu, but any of them would work) leave the promotion. With Seiji Jimbo taking over from his father but maintaining the promotions epic levels of match intensity, the pair decide they have had enough. Its more a quiet departure than an epic rebellion, but they start up a small promotion mid-year, Exodus 2010, which does well on its first tour. WLW continues to do well, trading the #3 spot with GCG throughout the year. GCG continues to stay true to its traditional roots, but they become heavily reliant on gaijin talent - Hill and Anderson are joined by Joel Bryant (left TCW Keith was given the book) and maybe even a "on his last knee" Bruce the Giant.


Just some random thoughts....

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I assume if it's worldwide, it is on tiny networks/providers. There's an incredible amount of random stuff on channels you've never heard of if you flick through enough.

This. They broadcast on obscure sports channels in different countries. I'm sure it's on some satellite providers' channels if you search hard enough.

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I think that TCW's financial problems continue, they lose a few more guys, one to USPW, one to SWF, some smaller level promotions or japan pick up a few guys but they continue to thrive signing cheap alternatives. I think when the game starts they should have less then a million dollars but it should be known that they've just started to make money again. Tommy Cornell's personality changes a little bit and he's now more interested in the bottom line then success (as the owner).


USPW have moved up but still remain 3rd in the battle as Sam Strong continues to be a star ****er signing up all the talentless, over stars of tomorrow while still building his talented mid card. I think either Peter Valentine or Giant Redwood get repackaged with a new gimmick and catch fire, starting the game off as either the USPW World Champion or the top contender. Danny Jillefski finally leaves and Sam Strong replaces him at the booth becoming like a Jerry "The King" Lawler. Getting into a fued or special guest spots every once in a while. The woman division adds one or two more credible stars including a monster female heel who hasn't lost in USPW yet and is terrorizing Alicia Strong. Darryl Devine has a new girlfriend, one who can wrestle! Oh yeah its a family affair with Brett Star, Larry and Cameron Vessey and Peter Valentines nephew also joining.


SWF remains at the top of the world, I think it would be cool if they were the first promotion to tap into a different country! Most logically Canada. I think the Rich Money lone wolf character actually fails and he's back to being the same old not quite main eventer Rich Money. He should have a bad relationship with Richard Eisen so that when his contract is up he's forced to leave. I could see Captain Atomic getting a huge push and put into a fued with Eric Eisen just as the game starts as they gauge if he can reach the highest points on the card. Lobster Warrior is STILL Lobster warrior. Runaway Train is now a comedy face character fueding with whoever his daughter manages.


Surprisingly I think NYCW should be the number 4 promotion, I think that they should be the place that USPW was as in signing up all the old timers, well the ones that aren't stars that USPW doesn't want. It should give you that nastaglic feel to the promotion that yesterdays heroes are still around today.


PSW: Nothing changes with their roster except Mitch Ness is no longer able to go work for other companys and they hire one wrestler and new announcers! He's now the heel manager of the only signing, Evil Spirit! Spirit is a dangerous character lighting anything he can on fire and throwing people through them. The announcers are the two clown midgets as PSW tries to leach off of them and bring in their rabid fan base off the radio.

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