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USPW: The Great American Spectacle!

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Random Thoughts:

I have quite some more to write for Episode #5, as I still have 6 segments (bigger ones) to flesh-out, but I felt the urge to post my "Random Thoughts" a little early. Realistically, the actual results are probably a good ways away from behind done but, following in the tone I've personally set for myself at the start of this project, I want to keep true to my 'post what you want... when you feel you want to' kind of approach (ie: character development reviews, backstage write-ups, random thoughts, etc.).


All in all, here we go:


  • This episode is bound to be a gigantic one from an entertainment value perspective. That said, there were many things that I wanted to do; yet, had to fit it all into a 90 minute broadcast. I guess that’s the challenge of a good booker; trying to get everything done without it seeming overdone. Sadly, with this in mind, I was unable to get some of my favorite workers on the show; as there were more pressing things that came along from a broader storyline perspective.

  • It’s at times like this where I wish I had a “B-Show” to book as well; giving my undercard a chance to really shine. Plus, being able to give more time to the Women’s, and Tag, Division. Going forward, this will be my greatest challenge…

  • This show entirely feels like a ‘PPV Fallout’ show.

  • I like the idea of Bruce & Chris as Tag Team Champions; two babyfaces who aren’t entirely locked-in on their alliance with one another. To me, in a way, it screams SCSA/HBK back in the late 90’s as they won the Tag Championships together. That said, the reason for their pairing is something we will learn of with time (When I find the time on a show to do so I guess. Ha).

  • When I write Peter Valentine the image of a much older Chris Masters shows up in my head; maybe I should get that checked out.

  • James Justice’s segment this week brings back my love for Kayfabe.

  • The Main Event is going to be a crazy one; however, not how you might imagine though…

  • This show will further evolve Enygma’s character; adding a new tone/perspective to his image.

  • Funny enough, this show should be called a show for the ‘Modern Attention Span’. Ha. Sadly, with all that I wanted to accomplish, most entertainment segments had to run around the 4-5 minute range (where they tend to range from 5-10 in a normal show).

As I said above, Episode #5 may not be up for a bit; but, I do have a backstage post coming in the next few days stemming from an 'incident' taking place during the taping of "American Wrestling". As in my previous projects, I'll flesh it out in which to give an idea of what happened at the time; bringing a greater sense of the backstage USPW culture!








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"American Wrestling": Episode #5

Anger vs. Randall Hopkirk

The People’s Team vs. The Towers of Power

Alicia Strong and Andre Jones vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Darryl Devine

Jumbo Jackson vs. Tribal Warrior

Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex

Bruce the Giant vs. Enygma


Question: Although not booked to wrestle, WHO is Peter Valentine gunning for on "American Wrestling"? [+1 Point]

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Anger vs. Randall Hopkirk

He gets the win and is immediately assaulted by Peter Valentine.


The People’s Team vs. The Towers of Power

The break-up of The People's Team right here.


Alicia Strong and Andre Jones vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Darryl Devine

Devine scores the pinfall on Jones.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Tribal Warrior

Jumbo trumps the tag-teamer.


Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex

By DQ when T-Rex destroys him.


Bruce the Giant vs. Enygma

Shocking people by choosing Bruce to actually win this match but his creative control can be no fun.


Question: Although not booked to wrestle, WHO is Peter Valentine gunning for on "American Wrestling"?


Randall Hopkirk

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+ Oh Sebs, This is why I love you.... :D

You're a writer's dream.


Less love, more money. :p


@Tag Team Dilemma: I knew this would add much difficultly going forward; however, I felt that something was needed to be done to bring some pizazz to the division as a whole. In reality, there aren't much for teams who could really topple them, at least from a popularity standpoint, but, for now, the decision to place the tag titles on them was more to show unity between two loyalists; also turning Bruce back to a babyface following the Sneer Corp's vicious attack on him a few weeks back. That said, it's not like they'll be 'buddy-buddy'.... Giving room for them to possibly lose with time...[/indent]


True, although according to Bruce's contract, he may be the one who decides when to lose. ;)



Anger vs. Randall Hopkirk

Going out on a limb here, but I think Anger gets a stay if execution here, although albeit a brief one.


The People’s Team vs. The Towers of Power

Seems logical to give some heat back to TTOP given the current champions allegience and The People's Team don't seem to be going anywhere right now.


Alicia Strong and Andre Jones vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Darryl Devine

Heels here.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Tribal Warrior

Tribal Warrior... which one is he again? Nevermind.


Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex

RAR! T-Rex chomps on a nice piece of momentum steak, perhaps with Tyler getting involved.


Bruce the Giant vs. Enygma

Either this, or a big mash-up with Sneer Corp for the tie I'm guessing. I'll go for this.


Question: Although not booked to wrestle, WHO is Peter Valentine gunning for on "American Wrestling"? [+1 Point]


Andre Jones? I dunno, just going against the common theme of guys from the ppv fourway.

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Anger vs.Randall Hopkirk

The People’s Team vs. The Towers of Power - SCREWJOB!

Alicia Strong and Andre Jones vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Darryl Devine - HEEL MOMENTUM~!

Jumbo Jackson vs. Tribal Warrior

Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex

Bruce the Giant vs. Enygma

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"American Wrestling": Episode #5

Anger vs. Randall Hopkirk

The People’s Team vs. The Towers of Power

Alicia Strong and Andre Jones vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Darryl Devine

Jumbo Jackson vs. Tribal Warrior

Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex

Bruce the Giant vs. Enygma


Question: Although not booked to wrestle, WHO is Peter Valentine gunning for on "American Wrestling"? [+1 Point]

"The Animal"

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Post-Match Footage: "Frigid Fight Night"!


[A, somewhat, shaky camera angle captures the newfound USPW World Tag Team Champions, Chris Caulfield and Bruce the Giant, as they step through the black curtain; exiting the ringside area and, now, taking their first steps backstage. In a rare-collection of footage, seemingly slightly like a kayfabe-breaking moment, when in reality it certainly was not due to the overarching ‘Civil War’ storyline pitting internal factions against one another, we witness a slew of USPW babyfaces standing there in a crowd; cheering wildly for the newly decorated champs.]


[straight away, it’s rather obvious that Bruce & Chris don’t seem to be on the same page entirely. While they walk as one, carrying golden straps in their arms as a symbol of their newly-minted alliance, their body language tells of a tense undercurrent between the two. Without locking eyes, without even seeming that they were on speaking terms totally, the two ‘USPW loyalists’ enter into the sea of distinguishable faces.]


[With a smirk upon his face, something that isn’t shared by Bruce, “The Hardcore American” raises his trademark steel chair high into the air; celebrating the resounding victory just seconds ago. Meanwhile, as Caulfield stops to embrace those joining in his celebration, the Giant continues to forge forward; shuffling his enormous feet in painful fashion.]



Outwardly confused by Bruce the Giant!


Andre Jones:
Yo, what’s up with the big-man?


[A small collection within the celebrating crowd looks upon the gigantic tag champion as he notably staggers down the hallway; showing the subtle signs of injury. In reality, such a gingerly walk shouldn’t come as much shock, as Bruce has been known to be injured quite often at this point in his career; however, the absolute unwillingness to celebrate his victory seems rather odd. Sure, he’s not much for the party-mentality but he still is often perceived as cordial.]


Chris Caulfield:
Hell if I know…


[With that, the segment comes to a faded close as we see Chris Caulfield, and a number of his ‘friends’, watching on in confusion. Meanwhile, the Giant entirely exits the scene shortly thereafter; escaping into a nearby locker room with no focus being directed at the enthusiastic crowd that once stood before him.]


[More or less, even shortly after coming away with a golden victory, this exclusive backstage footage shows that the newfound champions are far from cohesive.]




<hr color="black">
What we learned

This exclusive USPW.com video is utilized in which to portray a general tone for the newfound USPW World Tag Team Champions. The 'footage' itself is made to appear as a kayfabe breaking moment, ie: babyfaces celebrating as one over Bruce & Chris's victory, happy that it did not fall into the hands of the Sneer Corporation's Tower of Power; however, in reality, it actually does further a kayfabe narrative that there really IS a 'Civil War' taking place in the company; so much so that these men are THAT excited to see 'one of their own' come away with the win.


The exclusive, backstage look-in, approach is there in which to further the notion that it was taken without their knowledge.

"American Wrestling": Episode #5

Anger vs. Randall Hopkirk

The People’s Team vs. The Towers of Power

Alicia Strong and Andre Jones vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Darryl Devine

Jumbo Jackson vs. Tribal Warrior

Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex

Bruce the Giant vs. Enygma


Although not booked to wrestle,
is Peter Valentine gunning for on "American Wrestling"? [+1 Point]
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For those wanting to take part in the first prediction challenge, announced
, I just wanted to give a friendly update that you have
24-48 hours before "American Wrestling" [Episode #5] goes up


The show has proven to be a really time-consuming show to write, as I kind of booked a number of segments more than I normally do; so, it's forced me to slow down the writing process. That said, I'm only 2 segments away so I'm thinking either Thursday or Friday night will be when it's finally up for everyone to read!


Either way, just wanted to graciously thank those who have predicted thus far & wanted to relay a quick announcement about the show's impending release; so that those who want to take part have a chance in doing so!





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Guest cmdrsam

Anger vs. Randall Hopkirk


The People’s Team vs. The Towers of Power


Alicia Strong and Andre Jones vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Darryl Devine


Jumbo Jackson vs. Tribal Warrior


Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex


Bruce the Giant vs. Enygma


Question: Although not booked to wrestle, WHO is Peter Valentine gunning for on "American Wrestling"?


Randall Hopkirk

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Episode #5

Wednesday, 1st Week of February 2010

Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)








Danny Jillefski:
“Frigid Fight Night” came, and went, in a blizzard of fury; leaving behind a ‘frigid fall-out’ if you will. Tonight, as we move into February of 2010, the Sneer Corporation appears to be at a cross-roads… What did Shane Sneer mean when he said ‘Heads will Roll’? Will we witness an evolution of his menacing organization? With them down-and-out, can the USPW finally crush their presence as they scurry to find some ground to stand upon once again?
[Looks to Belle; who looks disinterested]
What do you think, Belle? Can the USPW finally topple the Sneer Corporation for good now that “Frigid Fight Night” proved them to be, well, rather soft?

[belle chews her gum like a cow; rolling her eyes at Danny as she plays with her hair]

Belle Bryden:
Do I look like I care?
[shakes her head; annoyed]

Danny Jillefski:
Well ladies and gentlemen, despite Belle Bryden being complacent, as always, we know that YOU ALL care quite a bit! So, to bring you in on the action, we’re going to join Shane Sneer, and his corporate employees, already standing in the middle of the ring!! Buckle your seat belts, Folks, we’re in for a bumpy ride!

[Danny playfully moves along as Belle rolls her eyes; looking away as she smacks her gum continually like a brain-dead cow]




Shane Sneer + The Sneer Corporation

… Corporate Evaluations …


[The inebriated, often ruckus, southern crowd roars with simpleton glee as a number of denim-bib wearing ‘rasslin fans boo robustly toward the Sneer Corporation; who already stands in a single-file line in the center of the ring. Before them is none other than their snarling, vindictive, always manipulative, corporate CEO, Shane Sneer, as it looks like he’s unapologetically surveying his employees; staring deep into their eyes as they continue to stare forward like army cadets; fearful of their barking master. After a brief moment of watching Sneer analyze his ‘corporate cadets’, the scrawny little napoleon figure slowly begins to speak into his microphone with a hardened sense of force.]


Shane Sneer:
I hate to make bad business deals.
[Pauses; looks over his grouping as the crowd boos]
There are some who say that perfection in a corporate-setting is impossible; I say…
[Looks out to the crowd; they boo]
those who say such a thing are just bad businessmen. Take Sam Strong for instance, the so-called ‘LEGEND’ bought USPW some 5-years ago now. At the time, It was seen as a great buy; an asset that could, eventually, catapult his already inflated legacy even wider. Now, fast forward to today, what do we have?
A bloated company just like every one of you here tonight…


[The crowd boos wildly; Strong stands strong while looking out upon the crowd.]


Shane Sneer:
Sam Strong has ungratefully unraveled 5-years of my masterful planning in only a month’s time.
[shakes his head; snarling]
So, now, I must do what any great leader does when faced with such a devastating decision…
[Looks out onto the crowd]
I must KILL the very thing I helped to shape… It is MY RESPONSIBILITY to DESTROY… United States Pro Wrestling!


[The crowd boos wildly again; meanwhile, following a short statuesque stare upon the crowd, Sneer now turns his attention toward his menacing motley crew.]


Shane Sneer:
To do so, I need only the best-and-the-brightest that our industry has to offer. I simply don’t have any time for failure and won’t accept anything LESS than absolute… Perfection.
[Pauses; survey’s his grouping some more]
That is why, tonight, I am leaving it up to you…
[Pauses; continues to stare upon his ‘corporate cadets’]
If you win, then you’re in… if you lose… Then you’re chastised as the failure that you are… FIRED from MY Corporation. Do you understand me?


[sneer marches past his employees; staring them in their eyes as they continue to look forward like well-trained soldiers.]


Shane Sneer:
You ALL showed your hand at “Frigid Fight Night” and, to be honest, I wasn’t impressed…
[Continues to stroll sternly]
and you know what happens to those who don’t impress me…
[Looks straight into Anger’s face; meanwhile, the “Ancient Demon” stares forward]
So, let’s start your corporate evaluations…
[Continues to stare into Anger’s ice-cold eyes]
Anger… You’re up first…


[With that, Shane Sneer physically slaps the “Ancient Demon” across his weathered face; inciting a sense of full-on rage from the aging veteran. In reality, it’s not like he was on the verge of striking back; however, it appears as though Sneer’s ‘tough-love’ approach has awakened a violent streak from deep within the long-serving Demon. None the less, as they await Randall Hopkirk’s arrival, the rest of the Sneer Corporation exits the squared circle one at a time; meanwhile, Anger is shown practically exploding within rage within the ropes… slapping himself in the face, chest, and anywhere reachable, in which to outwardly display his surging rage.]


Grade: C


Danny Jillefski:
As it seems, it looks like we’re in for a crazy night, Folks. We could be on the verge of sweeping change in the Sneer Corporation; all in 90 minutes! Crazy; simply crazy! Right, Belle?

[bryden continues to chew loudly; looking away as if not amused.]

Belle Bryden:
Yea, whatever. Can someone get me a water? I thought there’d be water at the table.

[belle continues to look around; bored almost. Meanwhile, Danny just ignores her; moves forward.]

Danny Jillefski:
Let’s see if Anger has what it takes to remain on Sneer’s payroll…

Belle Bryden:
Do you think they make a lot of money in the Sneer Corporation?

Danny Jillefski:
Well, Uh, I don’t know, Belle. I mean…

Belle Bryden:
Hmm… Mamma needs a new pair of shoes…
[Motions toward Shane]
Yoo-hoooo… Shaney…
[bats her eyes; winks and then playfully smiles]
lookin’ good!

[sneer looks back; snarls]




“The Ancient Demon” Anger vs.

[if Anger loses, he’s FIRED from the Sneer Corporation]


Awoken physically by a firm slap from his boss, Shane Sneer, the “Ancient Demon” looks like a man possessed straight away. For an aging veteran, most known for his tempered pace in the ring, Anger looks as though he’s discovered a time-machine of sorts; truly wrestling like he has turned the hands of time back a good 20-30 years. Hopkirk does his best to hold his own, landing a few crowd-igniting strikes, but, more or less, the match looks to be pretty cemented in Anger’s corner. That was, until Shane Sneer decided to rear his ugly mug once again; grabbing a microphone nearby and proclaiming:




Shane Sneer:
[Dramatically yawning]
I’m bored…
[Looks into the ring; snarls]
Let’s ‘heat’ things up a bit…
[Looks to his right]
Baine… Get in there!


With Eugene Williams confused as to what’s going on, a thought shared by everyone in the ring as well, Tyson Baine is shown entering the ring; physically destroying everyone in his path… even Anger. With time, Mr. Williams gives up on policing the scenario, knowing that this match was, in a sense, a Shane Sneer developed match; giving in to the new situation at hand.



“The Ancient Demon” Anger vs.

[if Anger or Tyson Baine lose, they’re FIRED from the Sneer Corporation]


A good 3 minutes into the match and everything has been overhauled with the shocking addition of Tyson Baine into the mix. With that said, while Anger looked like he was on a roll toward a potential, employment-saving, victory, that all comes to a crashing halt as the new generation of “Demon” silence his predecessor, and supposed team-mate, flooring both Anger & Randall in the process. In a matter of 30 seconds, Baine has entirely demolished both competitors; finally bringing the match to a shocking end as Tyson drops BOTH the “Ancient Demon” and “The Animal” with back-to-back “Hades Bomb” (Powerbomb). Seconds later, Baine is shown pinning his former stable-mate for a 1..2..3; officially FIRING Anger from the Sneer Corporation in the process.


Tyson Baine defeated Anger and Randall Hopkirk in 4:17 via a “Hades Bomb” (Powerbomb) on Anger. With this, Anger is FIRED from the Sneer Corporation.

Grade: D+


Danny Jillefski:
After all of that, after wrestling his way up to a feverish pitch, Anger loses his spot in the Sneer Corporation due to Tyson Baine being added into the match halfway through. I’m not one to really care whether they remain in-tact or not but… seriously?
[shakes his head]
Why would ANYONE want to work for Shane Sneer when he does stuff like THAT?

[belle rolls her eyes at Danny]

Belle Bryden:
Take a chill-pill…
[Laughs; dismissively]
Don’t get your panties up in a bunch!
[smacks her lips]
Anger got what was coming to him. Plus, he’s like a zillion years old! He was just put out of his misery!

Danny Jillefski:
Look!! She’s alive, ladies and gentlemen!

Belle Bryden:
Blah… Blah… Blah… I’m bored. Where’s my water?




Des Davids, Freddie Datsun, + Danny Jillefski

… Interview: WHY did Davids Leave? …


[Long after the Sneer Corporation has left ringside, and their former member, Anger, learns what it feels like to exit the stage all by his lonesome, we are presented the sight of the USPW’s head announcer, Danny Jillefski, standing in the center of the ring. With a microphone in hand, the “voice of the USPW” addresses the lightly buzzing crowd with an air of professionalism to his overriding tone.]


Danny Jillefski:
For a select few, “Frigid Fight Night” this past Sunday was a glorious affair. Sadly, for the former USPW World Tag Team Champions, such glory wasn’t on display as one-half of their ‘golden pairing’ left the other high-and-dry. Tonight, I search for the answer as to WHY Des Davids would walk-out on a man he’s recently called ‘his brother’.
Without further ado, let’s get straight to the situation at hand, allow me to introduce the FORMER USPW World Tag Team Champions, Des Davids… Freddie Datsun… The People’s Team!!


[Their body language tells of a relationship strained; awkwardly walking out together as both appear to have A LOT on their minds. With that, their usual bouncing step feels more subdued; more somber if you will. Meanwhile, as their theme song blares in the background, the USPW faithful continue to shower the once-decorated tandem with a respectable response; holding strong to their love for ‘their team’ (People’s Team). With time, the two enter the ring, standing across from one another, as Danny Jillefski stands between the two of them; in perfect position to get an audio-bite from both Davids & Datsun.]


Danny Jillefski:
Gentlemen, this past Sunday was probably the lowest point in your teams history; we all know that… even you know that. You were once on top of the mountain, carrying the straps proudly around your waists, and now you’ve been left to wander in the unknown. Tonight, I want to get to the bottom of WHY you
[Looks at Des]
would walk out on your own partner; practically giving up on ‘The People’s Team’! I mean, in the end, you not only turned your back on Freddie Datsun but also these people as well… We ALL deserve answers…


[Des shakes his head; rolling his eyes as he quickly grabs the microphone straight from Danny’s hand. Shortly following, the crowd is heard lightly peppering the ringside area with boos; reacting to Des’s heelish maneuver in the process.]


Des Davids:
I turned my back on these people?
[Looks out at the crowd]
Did you HEAR the reaction they gave Chris & Bruce?
[Looks Danny in the eyes; annoyed]
In one second, we went from being the ‘People’s Team’ to ‘chopped-liver’.
[Paces; looks overtly annoyed]
If ANYONE turned on ANYONE it was YOU PEOPLE doing the devious deed…


[The crowd boos like crazy as Davids forcibly slams the microphone square on Jillefski’s chest; startling him in the process.]


Danny Jillefski:
Des, you can’t really believe that, can you?


[Des rolls his eyes; barking something in the direction of Danny Jillefski. Seconds later, Freddie Datsun is seen grabbing the microphone, as well, from the unsuspecting announcer. With a fortified stance, Datsun looks Des square in the eyes, exploding with an underlying fiery sense of rage.]


Freddie Datsun:
Enough with the games, Des; look me in the eyes like a man and tell me WHY you decided to jab a knife in my back?
[stares down Davids; growing with aggression]
Where I come from, when people do stuff like that, you best cover your tracks… or else…


[Datsun doesn’t finish his statement; instead, leaving it somewhat ambiguous. Meanwhile, Davids doesn’t really appear to be all that annoyed with his partner. Accepting the microphone yet again, the muscular collegiate athlete looks upon his partner in more of a pleading fashion; still manly in nature though.]


Des Davids:
I don’t get it, Freddie; you heard the response!! We were pushed aside; made unimportant when standing across from those hacks!
[Looks Freddie in his eyes]
How can you stand by these fans? They don’t care for you… None of them do!
Join me; do what these fans did to us on Sunday and turn your back on EACH and EVERY one of them!


[The crowd boos like crazy; meanwhile, Freddie Datsun slowly starts to shake his head in disgust. As one may expect, this doesn’t sit very well with Des. Regardless of this, as Davids body language becomes increasingly aggressive, his former partner, Freddie Datsun, is shown grabbing the microphone from him yet again; keeping a fiery sense of eye contact with Davids in the process.]


Freddie Datsun:
I… will…NEVER… Turn my back… on THESE people! If you’re walking down THAT road… You’re walkin’ it alone…


[The crowd pops in Datsun’s favor pretty heftily as the two lock in a fiery exchange. Seconds later, as Freddie goes to hand the microphone back to Danny Jillefski, doing what’s ‘right’ by giving him control of the scenario again, Des Davids is shown quickly landing his massive boot square into the stomach of his former partner. It only takes a matter of a few seconds for Davids to viciously floor Datsun; finally planting him on the unforgiving canvas with a forceful Spinebuster.]


[As Davids slowly returns to his feet, watching over his fallen victim in an unsettling, methodical, fashion, the crowd continues to boo like crazy as it’s rather obvious, especially with such a strike, that Davids has gone sour. In the end, as the USPW faithful continue to shower the turned brawler with a response fit for “public enemy #1”, the former ‘Man of the People’ slowly exits the squared circle; cold-heartedly staring upon his, former, fallen friend in a manner that ultimately screams ‘You should have listened to me’.]


Grade: D


[Danny Jillefski returns to the commentary table; somewhat shaken]

Danny Jillefski:
I can’t believe my own eyes… The People’s Team is no more…
[shakes his head; in shock]
What a punk, Des Davids is! First, he has a tizzy-fit and leaves Freddie Datsun alone to fend for himself at “Frigid Fight Night”. Now, tonight, he blames all of his problems on the fans & ultimately floors Datsun when he wouldn’t buy into his psycho-babble! This is just ridiculous!!

Belle Bryden:
You actually agree with that slob, Datsun?
[Rolls her eyes]
Davids was right; these fans are pathetic! The only thing MORE pathetic than them is those who ACTUALLY pander to these fools!

Danny Jillefski:
Sure, cause you’ve been on such a ‘hot-streak’ without the fans on your side, huh?

[bryden laughs to herself; dismissively]

Belle Bryden:
I had a foot thing; an injury that kept me from the top of my game. Whether the fans were on my side or not is irreverent…

Danny Jillefski:
You mean irrelevant?

Belle Bryden:
That’s what I said; check your ears grandpa…




Freddie Datsun vs. The Towers of Power

[2-on-1 Handicap Match]

[if the Towers of Power lose, they’re FIRED from the Sneer Corporation]


Freddie Datsun would come back too, following Des Davids’ ring-rattling Spinebuster, in just enough time to throw a wayward punch in the direction of his opponents. Sadly, despite showing a lot of gumption, looking for a fight regardless of his physical strength, or lack there-of, his chances of ever walking away with a win tonight fell by the wayside when his partner, again, left his side; cementing the fact that he is NOW his former partner in-deed. Shortly after it starts, Datsun is eventually knocked-silly by the Towers of Power’s joint finishing maneuver – “The Long Way Down” (double face-busting Suplex). Motionless, and face down on the canvas, having to compete, once again, by his lonesome, Datsun is subjected to the sad truth of staring up at the fairground lights; unconscious from the heavy beating laid down by his, much, fresher opponents.


The Towers of Power defeat Freddie Datsun in 3:52 via a “Long Way Down” (double face-busting Suplex); Danny Rushmore scores the winning pinfall.

Grade: D+


Danny Jillefski:
He really had no chance in winning this one, folks. Truthfully, as tough as Freddie Datsun is, this Brooklyn Brawler had a snowball’s chance tonight…

Belle Bryden:
Goons from Brooklyn are all alike; smelly slobs without a CLUE!
[Rolls her eyes; smacks on her gum]
Take ya-self back to the city, you goon!

[Danny forges forward; pretending he didn’t hear Bryden just call Datsun, and Tri-State area men, in relation, a goon.]

Danny Jillefski:
He may have lost tonight but it was certainly not his fault. Something tells me, going forward, that Datsun will be looking to put Des Davids’ head on a stick!




… Promo: Coming for YOU; T-Rex! …


[We now transition to a taped vignette depicting an old-west Saloon of sorts. As
plays lightly in the background, creating an undertone throughout the segment, the camera lens passes by a number of nameless individuals; all dressed in typical western garb. With time, the camera finally comes to a halt as we approach a Light Heavyweighted man standing at the bar; his Ten Gallon Cowboy hat keeping his identity somewhat ambiguous.]


[Dressed in a long, leather, trench coat, partnered with a pair of black denim jeans and a Justice T-Shirt of the same collar, the darkened cowboy takes a quick shot of something; flinging his head back while still keeping his identity rather mysterious in the process. In the end, with his brim lowered across the top-half of his face, the stubbly “Outlaw” begins to speak; all the while his theme music continues to play softly underneath the scenario at hand.]


James Justice:
They say… What doesn’t kill ya… Only makes ya stronger…


[Justice pauses as he rolls his trademark toothpick around his chapped lips; allowing the moment to truly sink in.]


James Justice:
Well, Boy, I be the strongest bronco you’d ever see…
A man ya ‘aint ever goin’ to kill…
[Pauses again; rolling his toothpick between his weathered lips]
I’m comin’ for ya… tonight…


[With that, Justice slowly raises his head in which to lift the brim from his face; now leaving just a light shadow across the upper-half of his face.]


James Justice:
With guns-a-blazin’, I’ma bout to rope me a Dinosaur…


[With that, Justice’s theme music begins to overtake the background; surging explosively now as we witness the rugged “Outlaw” staring square into the camera lens with sheer determination to his tone. From there, as the camera man fades to black, we witness one final vision of ‘the man of Justice’ standing at the crackling wooden bar; rolling his trademark toothpick between his lips of the same consistency.]


Grade: B-


Danny Jillefski:
The Outlaw is COMIN’ for T-REX; HERE TONIGHT!!
[Laughs with excitement]
You couldn’t ‘kill’ the man, Rex; so, now you must meet the WRATH of Justice!

Belle Bryden:
Are you 5 or something? Really? Cowboys? You’re trusting the word of a grown man who plays dress-up on a weekly basis? That’s just mormonic…

Danny Jillefski:
Again, do you mean moronic?

Belle Bryden:
I don’t have time to help you brush up on your American language.
[Rolls her eyes]
We’ll just agree to disengage…

[Danny places his head into his hands; sighs slightly. Meanwhile, Bryden is seen flirting with a production techie off camera.; waving playfully while batting her eyes in an alluring fashion.




Alicia Strong and Andre Jones vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Darryl Devine

[Mixed-gender Tag Match]


Within seconds of entering the ring, far before the bell can be rung, Alicia Strong is shown speeding toward her hated rival; landing a spear-like takedown upon the lady of “High Fashion”. With fists of fury, the youthful Strong appears to be hell-bent on bruising every inch of her porcelain face. While ,eventually, her takedown is broken-up; the overall narrative between these two remains the same: Alicia very aggressive in looking for revenge while Joanne continues to arrogantly put Alicia down in every way she can. Meanwhile, both Jones & Devine war back and forth with the hopes of going over the other; most certainly to prove that THEY were more apt to carry the TV Strap going forward. In reality, while their rivalry has been rather tense as of late, everything pales in comparison to the Alicia/Joanne scenario; as a hefty sense of raw emotion appears to be oozing from within the “Blue Collar Beauty”. In the end, despite looking for such revenge, Alicia is unable to really gain any ground; as she is tripped up from behind by the guest commentator, Belle Bryden.




Grabbing at her ankles, Bryden is able to slow-down Alicia enough, pulling her attention away, for “High Fashion” to quickly slide in; rolling the mentally deterred Strong up into a school-girl-roll-up. With all of her minimal frame pressing down, also utilizing Bryden’s hand as an added sense of leverage, holding hands with her, supposed, newfound ally, Ms. Rodriguez is able to keep Alicia’s shoulders down on the mat for long enough to constitute a victory for the heel tandem (even if by dubious means). Sadly, if the count was just one second late then the match would have continued though; as Alicia is shown kicking out of the pinfall attempt literally a second after the last slam of Eugene Williams’ hand.


Joanne Rodriguez and Darryl Devine defeats Alicia Strong and Andre Jones in 10:15 via a school-girl-roll-up by Ms. Rodriguez upon Strong; following a brief distraction from Belle Bryden.

Grade: C-


Danny Jillefski:
[shakes his head in disgust; sighs after]
This is NOT what we had in mind when announcing Belle Bryden as tonight’s special guest commentator. To get up from this table, to actively become involved in a match, is just… just… Terrible!
[Continues to show that he’s annoyed]
Alicia was looking for revenge and now, all of a sudden, that’s all taken away by someone out of the match. Ladies and Gentlemen, Belle’s actions are NOT acceptable! Not acceptable at all!




Belle Bryden, Joanne Rodriguez, Darryl Devine + Seduction

… A budding alliance becomes known …


[As the ringside bell is rung authoritatively, signaling a hard close to tonight’s mixed-gender tag match, the overtly pompous foursome of Belle Bryden, Joanne Rodriguez, Darryl Devine, and Seduction, are shown standing comfortably as one; as if they possessed an iron-clad friendship much before this moment alone. With an overtly arrogant tone to their stance, the devilishly smirking trio now joins hands; raising one another’s arms in a victorious fashion. All in all, as the USPW faithful shower them with a swallowing sense of disdain, Bryden, Rodriguez, Devine, and Seduction, stand as a unified bunch; an arrogant, self-absorbed, yet truly beautiful, bunch.]


Grade: C+


Danny Jillefski:
Are we supposed to be basking in their glory?
[Laughs; shocked]
This isn’t a modeling TV Show; this is “American Wrestling”!
Arrogance can get you noticed, it’s sad but true, but these four look like they THINK they own the place; and for WHAT? Because they’re supposedly beautiful?
Sometimes I wonder about this generation, folks… Sometimes I wonder…



Sam Strong, Bruce the Giant, and Enygma

… Backstage meeting …


[We seamlessly transition backstage in which to see Sam Strong sitting behind a large, oak, executive desk; resonating a stern demeanor as he sinks into a grand leather chair. Meanwhile, as the camera man pans out slightly, we witness the USPW World Champion, Enygma, standing alongside his opponent for tonight, Bruce the Giant; all within, what appears to be, a traveling office for Strong. As a small, desk-sized, American flag stands upon the corner of his masterfully crafted desk, the company’s proud owner, and widely known Wrestling LEGEND, Sam Strong engages with tonight’s main eventers; maintaining order sternly as the two men before him are on the verge of clashing in close to 30 minutes (a fact that would drive most to detest standing alongside that man knowing such an altercation was inevitable).]


Sam Strong:
There are those out there who think I made a mistake by booking you two in our Main Event; saying that I should wait until “Red, White, Black, and Blue” to have you settle your score.
I don’t see it as a mistake at all.
[Pauses; looks over the men before him]
That’s not the ‘Strong-way’; never has been and never will be. Tonight, you two are going to walk down to that ring, look each other in the eye like men, and war until the last person stands. Title, or no title, THIS is what United States Pro Wrestling is all about…
[Pauses; looks over Bruce & Enygma some more]
puttin’ aside the glitz, breakin’ your knuckles in, and beating the snot out of each-other…


Bruce the Giant:
I give this runt 5 minutes… After that, he’ll be begging me to stop…


You cannot destroy what lingers in the darkness; all that can come of it is your own demise…


[The two turn to look at one another; aggressively staring each-other down as the tension begins to rise within Strong’s office. That said, Sam quickly halts such an exchange; authoritatively dropping ‘the hammer’ verbally.]


Sam Strong:
Keep it for the ring…
[stares sternly; Bruce & Enygma slightly break their stare-down tentatively]
I won’t have the two of ya swingin’ like sailors in here; you will respect this office!


[slowly, Bruce and Enygma slightly subdue their brewing aggression for one another. However, despite this, the lightening environment is quickly cast back into chaos as the sound of Shane Sneer’s voice appears from off-camera.]



Shane Sneer and Tyson Baine

… Crashing the meeting …


Shane Sneer:
Respect? You’re asking for Respect?
You may wear a suit, talk a big game, pretend like you carry a big stick, but you’re nothing more than a weasel, Strong…


[With that, Shane Sneer walks onto the scene with an already enraged Tyson Baine at his side. Almost instantly, “The Demon” storms past Sneer; directing his attention entirely upon the seated Sam Strong before him. Regardless of this, and despite their choice words earlier, Bruce and Enygma develop a ‘hard-wall’ before the USPW’s beloved owner; working as one, potentially out of respect for Strong.]


Shane Sneer:
Heal, Baine.
[Grabs Tyson by the arm]
You’ll have your vengeance; however, that’s for another time-and-place.
[speaks, now, to the ‘wall’ before him]
Move aside you mindless fools…


[Tyson Baine slowly steps backward, joining Shane Sneer at his side, as the menacing sight of Bruce the Giant snarling in Sneer’s direction is only out-done by “The Demon’s” fiery stare. With time, tonight’s Main Eventers move aside slightly in which to allow Strong to meet eyes with a seated Strong.]


Shane Sneer:
I should have you arrested for what you did to my employee last week. In case you forgot, Baine doesn’t work for you anymore; he works for the Sneer Corporation. So, the second that you laid your dirty hands on him is the very second that you crossed-the-line. But you won’t ever admit to that, will you, Strong? You’ve got to be seen as the ‘Hero’ at all times, Right?
[scoffs in Strong’s direction]
You’re no hero… you’re just a no-good, fame-hungry, sorry excuse for a human-being.


Sam Strong:
Tough words from a man whose own corporation can’t get the job done… Then again… Why would they? They’re tied to you aren’t they?


[strong cracks a slight, arrogant, smirk as Sneer grows with intensity.]


Shane Sneer:
Mark my words, Strong, I will make good on my promise… I WILL… KILL… USPW… In one way or another…


Bruce the Giant:
Not if I crush you first…


[Tyson Baine moves forward in a threatening fashion; Bruce doesn’t even flinch. Meanwhile, Sneer firmly extends his arm out; keeping Baine at bay in an authoritative fashion of his own.]


Sam Strong:
You can scheme, dream, and plot, all you want, Sneer, but it ‘aint happenin’; especially not tonight.
If you, or any of your boys, interfere in tonight’s main event, the ENTIRE Sneer Corporation will be cast from USPW property; never to see the light of “American Wrestling” again.


Shane Sneer:
You can’t do that… You don’t…


[sam unapologetically cuts Shane Sneer off in an authoritative fashion.]


Sam Strong:
I don’t care if you claim to have your own employees, or that you don’t actually belong to MY company; at the end of the day, it’s USPW that runs this broadcast… Not the Sneer Corporation. If any of you interfere, you’ll never be welcome in this company again. You hear me? You’re little flappin’ is getting’ old, Sneer. I won’t stand aside and watch you topple my empire; not today, not tomorrow, not ever…


[Knowing he’s outnumbered, and feeling rather anxious, Sneer slowly starts to back-peddle; meanwhile, Tyson Baine continues to snarl at his side.]


Shane Sneer:
You’re no hero, Strong. Soon, all of these pathetic, brainwashed, fools will see you just as I do…
[shakes his fist in anger]
When that time comes, and no one stands at your side any longer, I will gain control of United States Pro Wrestling… Just you wait and see… You’ll be SORRY!! You’ll ALL be SORRY!!


[With that, Shane Sneer back-peddles off-camera; leaving the room along with “The Demon” at his side. In reality, Baine looked as though he could have thrown down at any point; however, for some reason, most likely due to the leash theoretically around his neck, put there by Sneer, nothing came to happen in a physical manner. In the end, as the segment starts to transition to a close, Strong looks to both of tonight’s main eventers; relaying one last message in a stern fashion as he peers through the silence.]


Sam Strong:
Gear up…
[Pauses; looks over the two competitors again]
I expect nothing but your best tonight…


[With that, the segment comes to a close as the in-room tension grows even stronger following Sneer’s exit; pushing Bruce and Enygma to, once again, stare each other down in a heated fashion. All in all, as the USPW World Championship gleams over his shoulder, Enygma looks drastically upward; relaying a mysterious calm despite standing inches from the BIGGEST MAN in Pro Wrestling history; his opponent tonight, and the #1 contender to his championship, Bruce the Giant!]


Grade: B-


Danny Jillefski:
Folks, I cannot WAIT for tonight’s main-event… Enygma… Bruce the Giant… A non-title cage match!
[shakes with excitement]
It’s going to be a monumental affair!

Belle Bryden:
Yea… I guess…

Danny Jillefski:
you guess? You’ve GOT to be Joking; Belle.

Belle Bryden:
I never joke; it hurts my head.

Danny Jillefski:
Makes sense… it makes sense…




Jumbo Jackson vs. Tribal Warrior


With Shane Sneer watching from the comfort of a personal waiting room backstage, continually given this image in short bursts on the screen, Jumbo Jackson came out like a man possessed. In reality, Tribal Warrior is a savage beast in his own right; however, tonight, it looks like the Sneer Corp’s enforcer is simply competing on another level. As the Warrior mounts his offense, slamming his massive frame upon an equally large opponent, Jackson eventually shows himself to be the bigger, and the stronger, of the two. In the end, as if from nowhere, Jumbo brings the match to a climactic end; utilizing a newfound finisher “Jumbo Backbreaker” (Spinning sidewalk slam) in which to keep his opponent at bay. While Tribal Warrior looked like a volatile foe; in the end, Jumbo Jackson came through the black entrance curtain with an intensity unseen before; knowing that he was fighting for his JOB in the Sneer Corporation.


Jumbo Jackson defeated Tribal Warrior in 5:09 via a “Jumbo Backbreaker” (Spinning Backbreaker).

Grade: D+


Danny Jillefski:
Another Sneer Corporation member comes away with a job-saving victory! Truthfully, this is, definitely, the only ‘clean’ match brought forward by a Sneer Corp member tonight. Shouldn’t come as any shock really though; Jumbo Jackson is an absolute monster in the ring! Regardless of whose side he’s on.

Belle Bryden:
He needs to start tanning though; then he’d be a force to be reckoned with!

Danny Jillefski:
So, you think having a tan makes you a force?

[belle looks over her fingernail paint; ignoring Danny to a point]

Belle Bryden:
Wouldn’t hurt…

Danny Jillefski:
Well, Folks, if you ascribe to Belle Bryden’s thoughts on Pro Wrestling then I guess… well… You may be brain-dead. Back here on earth, in the world of Pro Wrestling, Jumbo Jackson just proved his worth to the Sneer Corporation with one resounding victory. Now, we’ll see where this takes the big-man from here…




Peter Valentine ©



[The USPW faithful formulate a ruckus environment as they loudly boo firmly in the direction of the National Champion. With his championship belt gleaming over his shoulder, the rest of his body doing so as well via the usage of body-building oils, the self-proclaimed “Greatest of All-Time” slowly shuffles toward the ringside area; forcibly deflecting the crowd’s response with his typical, tough-guy, hot-headed, manner. Every step, every glance, tells of a man who doesn’t care in the slightest; rather relying solely on his own perception of himself.]


[As the livid, potentially drunk, Huntsville Fairground fans shower the ‘Adonis’ with a response fit for a truly hated man, Valentine looks out upon the crowd with a stern sense of arrogance; slowly raising a USPW microphone up to his mouth in the process.]


Peter Valentine:
For 30-days now, I have stood before you as a giving man… a caring man…
[Pauses; crowd boos]
I could walk around this place like others at my status level, those who share in MY space atop the USPW mountain, but I decided to… give back… To offer the lowly, the beaten, the hasbeens, and the never-will-be’s, the opportunity to make a name for themselves.
Do they stand a chance?
[scoffs; shakes his head slightly]
Not a snow-ball’s chance… but… that isn’t my problem. You see, I show up, each and every week, practically handing out a golden opportunity, and I have YET to find someone worthy of my time. This week is no different…


[The crowd boos loudly as Valentine pauses for a second; looking down toward the canvas in a dramatic moment (allowing the statement to take hold). Seconds later, after the tone has been set, the National Champion pulls his head back upward; looking into the camera lens before him.]


Peter Valentine:
There’s a man amongst us who continues to write his own eulogy. Each, and every week, he stands on his ‘high horse’, pretending that his words actually mean something, that his name warrants some sort of given right to criticize; when in reality, he’s nothing more than a punk… a little ant in need of squashing…
[Pauses; looks around the crowd]
That man… is YOU… Jillefski…



Danny Jillefski

… Valentine’s target …


[Valentine’s head dramatically swings in a direction where he’s able to look directly at the long-time USPW announcer. His bulging bicep lifts into the air as his extended hand begins to point in Danny’s direction; a fact that drives the well-respected staff member to flinch backward slightly. While Valentine pauses, still being showered by the very same hatred he’s been met with all along, we hear Danny Jillefski speaking from the commentary table.]


Danny Jillefski:
Now, Peter, you know that I’m no threat to you…


[With that, as he slowly brings his microphone back up to his mouth, Valentine is shown exiting the squared circle in a methodical fashion; keeping his eyes on Danny the entire way.]


Peter Valentine:
There’s no running from your mouth, Jillefski; you dug your own grave…


[The menacing sight of the bulging heavyweight standing before the commentary table, hovering over the, somewhat, shaken USPW announcer, continues to create a vibe of complete fear; not knowing what may come next. With every step, the USPW faithful grow louder in their booing; hoping that it may deter the attack from happening all together.]


Peter Valentine:
This week… It’s YOU Jillefski who will be challenging the great…
[Pauses; moves closer to Danny]
and Believe me, I’ll enjoy snapping that neck of yours more than any other I’ve snapped before…


[With that, Valentine reaches out and grabs Danny by the collar; jostling him around a bit. The push, and pull, is so strong, so abrasive, that Jillefski’s company-issued headset flies entirely off is head; practically exploding into the crowd in the process. With a forceful pull at his disposal, Valentine now pulls Jillefski off his seat; throwing him down onto the ground before the commentary desk; a fact that has driven the Huntsville crowd to boo even more crazily. Luckily, for Danny, unsuspecting cavalry is on it’s way.]



Chris Caulfield ©

… “The Hardcore Calvary” …


[Without his music being played, furthering a feel that this is all impromptu, the decorated tag team wrestler, and dubbed “Hardcore American”, Chris Caulfield comes storming out of the back; carrying his trademark steel chair in hand straight away. Upon the sight of this speeding cavalry, the crowd collectively erupts with excitement; showering the impeding Caulfield with a grand show of support.]


[speeding around the squared circle, Caulfield now comes upon the scenario at hand just in-time; as Valentine is only seconds away from locking in his neck-wrenching “Legendary Lock” (Full Nelson Submission) following a lengthy waiting process (gesturing for such a hold far before Jillefski was able to return to his feet). Now, at the situation at hand, Caulfield quickly tugs at Valentine’s arm; pulling him around in which to stare at one another face-to-face. After some choice words, not really picked up by the nearby TV cameras, the scenario turns slightly more chaotic; as Valentine and Caulfield began to brawl around the ringside area (all started by the first blow from the National Champion).]


[Punch after punch, both competitors lose their championship gold; falling to the ground at independent moments in the fight. Meanwhile, the steel chair that Caulfield once carried has now been removed from his hands as well; forced to the ground following a strong-armed punch from “The Greatest of All-Time”.]


[As Danny Jillefski crawls back to the commentary desk, continually being laughed at by his special guest host for tonight, Belle Bryden, Caulfield’s altruistic save eventually turns rather negative for his own fortunes. After brawling back and forth, both men wailing into one another as if this wasn’t the first time they’ve stepped toe-to-toe with each other, Valentine ultimately lands the ‘final shot’ in their altercation; flooring Caulfield with a pressed drop onto the nearby guardrail.]


[As Caulfield lays face down upon the ground, holding his throat in pain, Valentine is shown standing over the top of him; posing in a powerhouse like fashion as his adrenaline appears to be jumping rather strong within. In the end, while Danny may have been the first initial target of Peter Valentine’s, Chris Caulfield became the final victim; subjected to such a beating simply because he was looking to save Jillefski from a one-sided, unfair, beatdown.]


Grade: C


[Danny stomps back into his seat; forcibly grabbing his headset in an irritable fashion.]

Belle Bryden:
You should have seen your face…
[Laughs hysterically]
I thought you wet yourself…

[Danny re-adjusts his sports coat; attempting to look uniform again.]

Danny Jillefski:
Peter Valentine is a bully; a BIG Bully! So, I say some things you don’t like? I get that; that’s bound to happen with my line of work. How about we talk about it like men before you forcibly throw me to the ground? He’s just a big meat-heated bully!




Nicky Champion vs. “The Jurassic Power” T-Rex
w/ Sheik Mustafa & Eric Tyler


In a move that can only be described as a ploy for psychological mind-games in favor of the Sneer Corporation’s powerhouse, Eric Tyler follows closely behind T-Rex & Sheik Mustafa as they overtake the ringside area. While there is little interaction whatsoever between the two, T-Rex and Eric Tyler, it’s expected that Tyler’s presence was strategically implanted in which get under Champion’s skin; a fact that proves to be rather true. Keeping an eye on both his opponent, and the man who shockingly assaulted him at “Frigid Fight Night”, bringing on his official removal as the USPW’s resident color commentator, the young Champion appears to be fighting battles on two-fronts. While he does rather well keeping up with both, truthfully, it’s known that it would only be a matter of time before it all became too much to meet.


Their in-ring exchange, T-Rex and Nicky Champion, is that of practical equals. While, in most cases, T-Rex is booked like a dangerous, uncontrollable, monster, such a tone doesn’t seem to really take hold in this match-up. Sure, Rex is often projected as an enraged physical specimen, devoid of all respects for the ‘rules of wrestling’; however, in the end, the slightly altered tone shows “Hawkeye” to be a powerful match; creating an ‘open’ feeling to the proceedings.


With a power game of his own, Nicky looks, and feels, like a hee-man-esque persona; able to withstand the overrunning onslaught of the “Jurassic Power” yet continually bringing forth his own, warrior-like, offensive as well.


In the end, as both men continue to war in a heavy-handed fashion, the match ultimately comes to a close in crooked fashion.


Following a major closeline from his tree-trunk like arms, sending Nicky Champion over the top rope & crashing to the ringside floor, T-Rex is shown beating his chest like a wild, primal, animal. In this time, as anyone could expect, Eugene Williams finds himself unable to look away; turning his attention toward the roaring big-man in fear of his own life through proximity alone. Sadly, with his attention turned, this gives Eric Tyler enough time to grab the ascending Champion from behind; slamming his head straight into the nearby turnbuckle pole in the process.




With his head connecting at a speedy pace, the young Champion ultimately crashes, again, to the floor; semi-motionless on his back as he appears to have had his ‘bell rung’ seconds before. With time, as Mr. Williams now turns back to survey the situation, unaware of the damage levied by Tyler moments ago, the USPW’s head referee is heard counting all the way up to 10; officially counting “Hawkeye” out of the ring as he slowly staggers his way back to his feet. In the end, while he tried to regain his composure, and his footing, in enough time, it was just too late. He had put forth a valiant effort but his unraveling just so happened to be because of Eric Tyler.


All in all, knowing that he has lost, shocked by such a scenario, Champion slowly crashes into the nearby guardrail; utilizing it as a way to stay upright while still reeling from the strike levied by Tyler.


T-Rex defeats Nicky Champion in 8:24 via a count-out; aided by Eric Tyler’s attack.

Grade: C-


Danny Jillefski:
What is Eric Tyler’s problem with Nicky Champion? I mean, Honestly? Sunday, he attacks him in a shocking post-match assault; now he pretty much costs him a win against T-Rex. There HAS to be something there; I just can’t put my finger on it.

Belle Bryden:
The same things that drive all of these fights… Money, Fame, Greed…
[Devilish Smirk]
The things that actually make life worth-while!

Danny Jillefski:
While I don’t doubt that you ACTUALLY believe that to be true, there seems to be something else underlying here, Belle. All we know, so far, is that Eric called him ‘lucky’ at “Frigid Fight Night”. What he means by that; I don’t think anyone knows? Now, tonight, he practically cracks his skull open with a dastardly shove, head-first, into the turnbuckle pole!

Belle Bryden:
Look at him…
[Laughs; making fun]
He can’t even stand… What a weirdo!

Danny Jillefski:
He had his head slammed into a pole!!!!!

[After Danny explodes, Belle rolls her eyes and smacks on her gum]

Belle Bryden:
You don’t have to be so dramatic…





… The Jurassic Roar …


[With Nicky Champion struggling to stay upright, obviously woozy from his forced collision with the nearby turnbuckle pole, an assault delivered unexcitingly by Eric Tyler, the winner of the match, T-Rex, stands within the ring roaring like a burly lion forcibly claiming his environment. As his arms extend outward, his hairy chest pointing to the sky with pride, the “Jurassic Power” lets forth a robust battle-cry; looking out upon the booing masses before him.]


[seconds later, his celebration becomes short-lived…]



… Looking for Revenge …


blares in the background, “The Outlaw” methodically steps through the black entrance curtain; stopping for a second in which to allow his long, leather, trench coat to flap in the wind. After a short stare-down from afar, one that has Justice point in Rex’s direction proclaiming “I reckon it’s time…” off-microphone, the gritty cowboy stomps his way toward the squared circle. With the crowd watching on, cheering wildly with anticipation, the “Outlaw” eventually enters the ring; never taking his eyes off of T-Rex in the process.]


[seconds later, the two finally clash in the center of the ring; throwing fists of furry in either direction as the USPW faithful chant Justice’s name in the background. Within a short moment, this heated scenario has gone from a tense stare-down into a full-fledged fist-to-cuff battle! As expected, when it comes to brawling, T-Rex appears to be the more dominant of the two; however, Justice seems to be no slouch either; his crackling fists landing more deadly than ever.]


[After a short back-and-forth, “The Outlaw” eventually inspires the Huntsville Fairground into mass-excitement; delivered within Justice’s signature maneuver – “Hard Justice” (Flatliner). The impact practically shakes the USPW ring to it’s core; leaving both men laying on their backs soon thereafter. For Justice, a slow yet explosive return to his feet is met with a tremendous show of support from the USPW faithful. For T-Rex, it looks like he may be out cold… or is he?...]


[As Justice looks out upon the crowd, sternly basking in the glory of flooring his gigantic rival, it becomes impossible for him to see what comes next.]


[T-Rex has already returned to his feet; snarling, huffing and puffing, like a bull surveying the color red. Seconds later, spinning around as he’s heard something behind him, Justice comes to realize that his hated rival is no longer on the canvas but now awaiting his destruction. Sadly, he has no chance to really defend himself as, the second he spins around and takes notice, “The Jurassic Power” is shown executing his own signature maneuver “The Extinction” (Running Big Boot) square across Justice’s jaw.]


[Within a matter of 15 seconds, we’ve gone from Justice triumphantly flooring the hair-infested behemoth to the alarming sight of T-Rex, potentially, shattering “The Outlaw’s” jaw. As one would expect, as T-Rex stands over his fallen victim, again, the USPW faithful shower the big-man with absolute disdain.]


Grade: B-


Danny Jillefski:
GOOD GOD!! Did you see that?!?! T-Rex practically shrugged off “Hard Justice”!!! Not only that but…
[shocked; pauses]
James Justice may have had his jaw shattered with “The Extinction”!
[shakes his head; shocked still]
Folks, I don’t know if we’ve EVER seen someone as dominant as “The Jurassic Power”… and it scares me…

Belle Bryden:
It should… He could crush you… Just like Peter Valentine wanted to crush you earlier…

[Danny rolls his eyes at Belle]

Danny Jillefski:
But he didn’t; and he won’t…

Belle Bryden:
We’ll see about that…
[snarky smirk]




Bruce the Giant vs.

[Non-Title Match]

[steel Cage Match]


One would expect that anyone would be afraid of stepping into the unforgiving confines of a steel cage when standing across from an overpowering behemoth such as Bruce the Giant. As we’ve come to know; however, the mysterious, dark hero, himself, Enygma is not like most men. While standing across the ring from the knuckle-cracking Giant, the steel cage door slamming forcibly behind them, the USPW World Champion appears to be steadfast; intensely focused on the proceedings at hand as he stares upon his challenger in a, shockingly, calm manner. Regardless of the toll that’s bound to ravage the champ’s body, it seems as though the mysterious one is unafraid of what lies ahead of him. Meanwhile, the towering Giant looks as though he’s ready for a fight; as if such tragic confines are nothing to fear whatsoever.


Their exchange is rather tentative at first as the much smaller Enygma attempts to ‘chop down the three’ that is Bruce the Giant; utilizing an array of swift kicks to potentially weaken the big-man’s legs. While this approach works pretty well at first, with time, it all unravels once the gigantic challenger is able to force his power upon the champ; swinging his club-like arms square upon Enygma at all turns.


An Axe-Handle Strike here…

An over-the-back clubbing there…

Even a number of towering closelines follow…


Early on, it looks as though Enygma is on the verge of a quick-and-rather-steady loss. That is, until the triumphant champion slowly begins to gain ground once again; utilizing a speedier pace in which to, eventually, bring the match back to an ‘open’ stalemate of sorts.


A running back-elbow strike here…

A flying cross body there…

Even a top-rope leg-drop is utilized…


With time, Enygma’s incessant badgering of the Giant continues to show signs of wearing him down. In reality, everyone knows that, by sheer force, Bruce could always return to prominence within the cage; however, at this point, it’s rather obvious that the Champion is employing an intense fighting spirit without much of a mental break. That is, until HE came out…




The crowd boos like crazy as Tyson Baine slowly stomps his way toward the ringside area; methodically staring upon the action in the ring as a devilish smirk runs firmly across his face. With his body slightly contorted, looking somewhat like the hunchback of Notre Dame, “The Demon” eventually stands outside of the steel cage; leering aggressively at both competitors in the process. With the knowledge that, under Strong’s mandate, anyone could be FIRED if interfering in tonight’s match, Baine’s presence makes this whole scenario seem far more intense; everyone wondering if he would RISK his job just to attack tonight’s Main Eventers (IN reality, the reason why they wonder is because this is EXACTLY the kind of reckless actions that “The Demon” often embarks upon).


In the end, Baine doesn’t actually interfere; rather, delivers a round of mind-games to those in the ring; staring upon them with vile intent raging within his veins.


As Enygma climbs the steel cage wall, his eyes locked on Tyson Baine in the process, Bruce the Giant is shown returning to his feet; recently cast to the canvas by a guided head-slam into the nearby cage wall. The mysterious hero finds himself, now, in a dire situation as the ascending Giant grabs harshly upon Enygma’s legs; pulling him down slightly. In reality, it would probably be best if he would have let go all together; however, that’s not what came to happen. Instead, Engyma still holds onto the cage wall; now dangling slightly.


In an overpowering move, Bruce is shown forcibly removing Enygma from the cage wall; slamming him down to the canvas with his signature “Giant Chokeslam”. In most cases, this would result in Enygma being knocked unconscious; looking much like a car-wrecked victim. However, in this case, shockingly,
Enygma’s middleweight frame SLAMS through the canvas; disappearing in a hole leading under the ring.


The crowd is in a state of shock as Eugene Williams has the very same reaction; not knowing WHAT he’s just witnessed. As the seconds continue to pass, eventually looking into said hole, Mr. Williams makes a quick judgment call; knowing that such a fall could have literally ‘killed’ the USPW World Champion in the process.


With a gaping hole in the center of the ring, and Bruce the Giant standing a few feet away with a stone-cold look upon his face, Mr. Williams frantically waves his hands in a pre-designed motion; applying an authoritative call to END the match in result of a knock-out. Truthfully, surveying the damage, Eugene knows that nothing good can come of this; wanting, instead, to call paramedics to the squared circle instead of waiting for a 10 count to decide the matter.


The crowd is stunned… Eugene Williams is shocked… Bruce the Giant… is… unapologetic…


Bruce the Giant defeats Enygma in 12:40 via knock-out; as Eugene Williams made a judgment call following Enygma’s descent through the ring’s floor.

Grade: C


[silence is heard for a good 15 seconds; shock overtaking the broadcast]

Danny Jillefski:
Oh… my…
[stares blankly toward the ring; shocked]
Ladies and Gentlemen… the USPW World Champion… Enygma… Has plummeted through the squared circle’s floor…
[Continues to stare blankly]
I don’t believe my own eyes… All we can do right now, in this moment, is to hope & pray for the masked-man… His identity may be unknown but the pain he feels right now is something we all can imagine…

Belle Bryden:
Meh, who cares… The REAL story tonight is the formation of the hottest, most glamorous, faction in USPW History; “The Alluring Elite”. Now THAT’s a big moment. This?
No one cares, Jerk-fesky…

[Danny ignores Belle; still shocked by what he just saw]

Danny Jillefski:
We need paramedics out here; NOW!! Someone get out here… There’s NO TIME to waste!




Bruce the Giant, Tyson Baine, and Enygma

… The Giant and the Demon lock horns …


[As the shocking sight of Engyma’s decent through the ring floor continues to overtake the greater Huntsville Fairgrounds, Bruce the Giant, the man who buried the USPW World Champion within the hole we now see, doesn’t appear to be all that worried. Instead, the mountainous Bruce is shown staggering toward the cage wall; looking down upon Tyson Baine as the two exchange in a truly heated stare-down. Leaning his entire body weight upon the top rope, pushing it down with his tree-trunk like arms, creating a real fear that the top rope may actually SNAP due to the immense pressure, the Giant grows with intensity; almost as if he were challenging Baine to enter… if he dares.]


[Not so shockingly, “The Demon” does exactly that… Methodically climbing up the steel steps; entering the caged squared circle through an open door (left open by Eugene Williams; hoping paramedics were on their way).]


[staring across the ring from one another, these two gigantic warriors engage in a feverish stare-down; one that inspires both to roll their fingers in a manner of cracking their knuckles (keeping their hands fresh for action). However, before they could ever clash truly… Everything comes to a momentary, and overtly mysterious, halt…]


... The Lights go out! ...


[For close to 10 seconds the Huntsville Fairgrounds is cast into darkness; igniting a roaring response from the crowd. In time, as the lights return to full capacity, we now witness a truly menacing sight. A heavy, truly thick, plume of smoke is seen being expelled from the hole that Enygma now lays within; a number of flashes coming from within the darkened hole as well. This grand development pulls Bruce’s attention slightly away for a second; as he is the closest to the mysterious hole. Seconds later though, expecting that such has happened, “the Demon” quickly springs into action…]


... SPEAR!!! ...


[baine connects with absolute force; slamming Bruce square upon the canvas below in the process. In reality, such a strike would be the talk of the night; however, seconds after impact, that all comes unraveling once again…]


... The Lights go out; Again! ...


[This time, as the lights go out, simulated lightning fills the space above as the sound of dead-air (TV) fills the ringside area. Underneath it all, it almost sounds like a voice whispering amongst the dead-air noise; however, it’s far too faint to really make any sense of it. Just as before, 10 seconds later, the lights come back up; however, this time, BOTH Bruce the Giant and Tyson Baine are lying on their backs upon the canvas!]


[Even though “The Demon” had floored Bruce with a spear moments ago, even he now lays motionless on his back; mysteriously made a victim by an unseen attacker.]


[All in all, in the end, “American Wrestling” comes to a close with the sight of Bruce the Giant, and Tyson Baine, lying as fallen victims in their respective corners of the ring. Meanwhile, the menacing hole that Enygma once crashed through continues to spew forth a heavy expulsion of thick, black, smoke; a truly menacing sight when matched with the continuation of light-based theatrics (ie: the lights flickering, sounds of power loss, and an occasional crack of thunder, overtaking the ringside area).]


Grade: B


[Again, silence is heard on the air-waves; both are in shock now]

Danny Jilelfski:
I… I don’t know what to tell you folks… It appears… I can’t even believe I’m saying this…

[belle looks visibly shaken; grabbing her purse as she is on the verge of storming off.]

Belle Bryden:
Enough of this craziness… I’ve got things to do; I’m a VERY important person… I… I gotta go…

[With that, Bryden storms off the set; awkwardly moving past the steel cage as she looks highly concerned for her own health.]

Danny Jillefski:
Folks… I’m lost for words…









Overall Show Grade:

Show Attendance:
5,000 people

TV Show Rating:
1.30 (+ 0.35) on Sports America!

<hr color="black">
Quick “American Wrestling” Results

Tyson Baine defeated Anger and Randall Hopkirk via pinfall. (D+)

The Towers of Power defeated Freddie Datsun via pinfall. (D+)

Joanne Rodriguez and Daryl Devine defeat Alicia Strong and Andre Jones via flash-pinfall. (C-)

Jumbo Jackson defeated Tribal Warrior via pinfall. (D+)

T-Rex defeated Nicky Champion via count-out. (C-)

Bruce the Giant defeated Enygma via knock-out. ©
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”American Wrestling” – Episode #5 Prediction Points

Emark – 5.5/5

jesseewiak – 5/5

cmdrsam – 4/5

Tigerkinney – 4/5

Greggyb – 4/5

angeldelayette – 4/5

sebsplex – 4/5

bgbuff – 4/5

20LEgend – 3/5

Midnightnick – 3/5

Zergon – 3/5

Hashasheen – 2/5


Congratulations to Emark for a beyond perfect prediction sheet for Episode #5!


It should be noted that, while there were 6 matches booked for “American Wrestling”, I am only counting 5 matches into the prediction contest this week. While this certainly won’t happen again, as I found later that I had booked the opening match in a way that made it impossible for anyone to get it right, I felt that this would be the best way to keep everything fair.


As you all know, the opening match was booked to be Anger vs. Randall Hopkirk. During the booking process, wanting to add a level of shock to the moment, I decided to have Shane Sneer interject Tyson Baine into the match as well; making it a three-way dance. Without the pre-notion that Baine would be in the match, everyone made their predictions based upon the original singles match. Going forward, while there may be some shock moments coming up, I’m going to find a way to keep things rather easy from a prediction standpoint.


Also, no one got the additional question challenge right (as I thought may happen due to the difficulty of knowing where I was going with this segment). That said, I decided to give .5 points to those who guessed Chris Caulfield. While he wasn’t the initial target, in the end, he did end up as the final target (put in that place as he tried to save Danny from a one-sided, bully-like, attack).


* Emark has 5.5 out of 5 points because he got .5 extra points for guessing Chris Caulfield for the question of WHO Peter Valentine was targeting on “AM”. See the paragraph above to find out WHY it was only .5 points.
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Post-Show Footage: "American Wrestling" - Episode #5!


[The shaky, unfocused, camera comes into clarity as we see the backside of Eric Tyler methodically, albeit in a swift manner, maneuvering himself toward the back-exit of the Huntsville Fairgrounds. He has no bags with him, just the dapper suit on his weathered frame, as he steps in a determined fashion. Meanwhile, adding to the exclusivity of this footage, we witness Danny Jillefski, no longer at the commentary table as the show has ended long ago, walking quickly behind him; carrying a microphone the entire time.]


Danny Jillefski:
[Huffing and puffing from moving so quick]


[still nothing from Eric Tyler as he continues to maneuvering his way toward the back-exit; oblivious, by his own nature, of Danny in the background.]


Danny Jillefski:
Why Nicky [Champion]? I’ve run it over in my head a million times and I still don’t get it…


[still nothing from Tyler; continually moving in a methodical fashion.]


Danny Jillefski:
So, you’re going to give us NOTHING? Not even a HINT as to why you’ve made him some sort of target?


[Regardless of the questioning, the man they call “The Traditionalist” continues to storm off into the distance; exiting the Huntsville Fairgrounds without ever spinning around to engage Danny’s line of questioning. Instead, as Jillefski stands there, breathing heavily after attempting to run down his former commentary partner, there appears to be just as much, if not MORE, mystery circulating around Eric Tyler these days; especially when it comes to WHY he has attacked Nicky on two occasions now.]




<hr color="black">
What we learned

This exclusive USPW.com video is utilized in which to further the mysterious storyline between Eric Tyler and his recent attacks on Nicky Champion. As you know, Tyler was brought in, seemingly, as a color commentator for "American Wrestling"; however, ever since "Frigid Fight Night", the aging veteran has attacked Champion on 2 separate occasions; even costing him his match against T-Rex on this past episode of "AM".


As we found in this exclusive video, Tyler doesn't want to speak on the matter... Stone walling Danny Jillefski's line of questioning.
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Visual question:

While I jumped onto the thread on my parents computer I found that the indents had forced images to fall where they weren't suppose to (or at least where I intended them to be). So, I was wondering, as a good example of this, in the first segment of Episode #5, does the entire Sneer Corp pictures line up in one line or is Anger on a line of his own? The same thing for the moment where Baine was added into the first match; is he on the same line as the others or does he fall underneath?


I just want to make sure that, while I looks right on my computer that I typically write/post on, that it looks right to those who are reading within the thread. If it does't then I'll have to tink around with the layout.


Thank you in advance!





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For me all on the same line


All on the same line for me as well...


Might be because your parents computer use a lower resolution than yours, no ? It sure looks fine here.




I just wanted to make sure that it looked good for those reading; versus just looking good on my computer. Framing, and layout-based branding, is something that I try to utilize a lot in which to create a general look that I'm happy with. That said, it's good to hear that it works for all of you.








<hr color="black">

Episode #5 of "American Wrestling" can be found on the previous page! I posted it late last night and wanted to make sure that people knew it was there; since we moved onto the next page in the thread with this post.

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During the taping of "American Wrestling" - Episode #5

... "A giant pain in the..." ...





The Clash finally takes place...



The dirt-sheets were ablaze late Wednesday night with varying stories of what had taken place. Truthfully, being a wrestling fan myself since childhood, there was often camp-fire-like narratives that would come along; so-and-so hated so-and-so, someone was looking for a new contract, and various ribbing scenarios gone wrong. While such stories would eventually make themselves known after months of circulating the spoken internet community when I was a child, nowadays it only takes a matter of 20 minutes for one backstage scenario to explode; causing a world-wise firestorm in need of constant tempering.


The headlines ran the gambit of emotions:
Giant Redwood on ‘last straw’, Redwood causes backstage stir, USPW Great to be shown the door, Strong grows tired of Redwood’s antics, ‘new sheriff’ in USPW means Redwood is out.


While they were not basic carbon-copies of one another, the overall story appeared to really take hold: that I, and Strong, were on the verge of firing Giant Redwood for his recent backstage antics during our 5th taping of “American Wrestling” in 2010.


The rumors, while bloated for entertainment values, were exactly right...


Jethro Jonas was inching his way toward the door; forced there by his own douche-baggian ways.


The situation in question accelerated to a feverish pace backstage as I, and the rest of the production brass, were focusing our attention entirely on our closing theatrics. For most of the night, I found myself darting around the crowded over-sized tent given to us by the Huntsville Fairgrounds administrative staff. The towering, enclosed, glorified camping tent is something that most USPW employees have come to expect; however, this night, the relatively close confines ultimately added in the situation’s hectic nature.


It started with a few lower-level employees; however, by the end of the night, even the top-tier talent were at odds with the long-time USPW personality. It almost felt as though, as one person later put it, that Jethro came into the tent looking for a fight; he was irritable, short-tempered, and rather bullyish, from the very open of our taping.


While in ‘Hollywood’ we’re often asked to kiss-up to problematic talent, hoping to keep their ever-faltering focus in-check in which to garner the best Box-Office performance possible, here in United States Pro Wrestling, all is very different.


Knowing of his polarizing presence in our locker room, finding this knowledge far before I ever stepped foot on a USPW event, I made the decision to come down hard on the veteran. Hell, if he was going to pull me away from producing the show, a fact that burns my flame more than anything else, especially given the complexity of our final theatrics of the night, then Jonas was going to get the brunt of my annoyance.


It only took a matter of 5 minutes; however, the message was very clear… Shape up, get your act together, play nice, or else you’ll be gone in no time.


Was it harsh? I don’t believe so. Honestly, I’ve heard worst said by directors before; however, normally it was BEHIND one’s back instead of in-front of it. That said, I knew that Jethro was a ticking time-bomb waiting to blow; one that I needed to deal with now or run the risk of losing respect amongst the boys.


In the end, the towering red-head stormed off leaving behind a simple “whatever” as his response; a phrase I wasn’t expecting a grown-man to really convey. I’ve heard the very same response given by 13 year-old girls to their, equally, snotty friends; why would I ever expect for anyone to use the phrase outside of that.


Skating on thin-ice; yes he is. Am I waiting for his next slip-up so I can finally do Strong’s dirty work; ridding the USPW of the man that should have, for personality reasons, been removed LONG ago? I’ll keep that to myself.





<hr color="black">
Disciplinary Details


Giant Redwood continued his polarizing presence in the USPW locker room; causing a stir amongst the boys during the taping of "American Wrestling" - Episode #5!


Dealt with:
"Last Chance" Discipline; 'do it again... you're out'.


His response:
"Whatever"; irritated with how things are going.


Backstage effect:
The locker room morale is still at 77%; which is what it was before the incident (so no negative effect overall).
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Post-Match Footage: "American Wrestling" - 5th Episode!


[There is a sense of chaos circulating around the ringside area as a plethora of company-supplied medical, production, and company, staff circulating around the ringside area; piling into the squared circle at a determined pace. With time, the menacing plume of continual smoke roaring from within the man-made hole once torn by a descending Enygma, has slowly come to a close; forced to that point by a number of fire extinguishers which, at first, looked like they wouldn’t be able to do the trick.]


[As the medical staff survey’s both Tyson Baine and Bruce the Giant, a fact that has both shrugging off any sort of treatment, appearing slightly concuss yet not willing to endure any help from others, the real scenario appears to be taking place around the gaping hole in the center of the ring. After a lengthy search, at one point even having a USPW staff member jumping into the actual hole to continue their search, a number of people are heard relaying that
‘He’s not here’


[As they continue to scramble, entirely shocked that there is NO sign of Enygma whatsoever amongst the rubble under the ring, Bruce and Baine are both shown brashly pushing past those trying to assist them; staggering their ways to the back as it looks as though both are suffering from some sort of head injury.]

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Guest codey
I just want you to know that I get super excited every time I see that this thread is at the top of the list, just hoping that you've posted an update. Someday, I hope that my stuff'll be as beloved as yours so that people feel the same way about it. :p
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I just want you to know that I get super excited every time I see that this thread is at the top of the list, just hoping that you've posted an update. Someday, I hope that my stuff'll be as beloved as yours so that people feel the same way about it. :p


First and foremost, thank you for what you said codey; and for looking out for my posts. There are times where you feel like you're writing in a vacuum, getting 3-4 posts in before you hear anything from anyone, but, as I've said before, I'm more so writing for myself these days than anyone else. I hope that doesn't sound bad; as it's not meant to be. In a sense, I now write when I have the chance & when I hear from people Great! If I don't then life goes on.


That said, you are well on your way as a writer here Codey. Not only did you pull down a major award this last year but you've got a real sense of drive to you. To be honest, It's a REALLY hard 'market' right now in the GDS-world. When I first started, and then moved into PSW which eventually made me 'known', there was much more traffic from readers on the boards. These days it seems like there are more non-members on the boards than actual members.


I guess, deep down, pour your heart out and eventually your work will speak for itself in the long run. Whether it's with this project, or another one, or another one from that, just know that the way you achieve a sense of status is by really putting love into what you do.


All the best.





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Episode #6

Wednesday, 2nd Week of February 2010

Huntsville Fairground (South East)



Andre “Da Freak” Jones © vs. Darryl “Mighty Fine” Devine

[uSPW Television Championship Match]

For over a month, Andre Jones and Darryl Devine have found themselves intertwined; one attempting to achieve a ‘golden status’ while the other impressively holds him at a standby. As time has gone on; however, Mr. “Mighty Fine” has certainly made a case for another championship opportunity; even if done via dubious means. Can the speedy, athletically gifted, “Freak” come away with another legacy-building victory? – OR – Will his recent arch-nemesis, the man who recently aligned with the polarizing duo of Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez, cheat his way toward another victory; this time coming away with the TV Championship Gold? In the end, it may come down to the action outside of the ring as the final decider; as both have shown themselves to be rather equal within the ring ropes.


Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

[Grudge Match]

Just one week removed from Des’ shocking assault on his former tag partner, the newfound villain must stand before the very man he wronged. After a lengthy alliance, even holding the USPW World Tag Team Championships a matter of a few weeks ago, the once heralded “People’s Team” now finds themselves on the opposite side of the tracks; staring across from one another with a fresh wound between the two of them. Can Freddie Datsun gain a sense of revenge for Davids’ attack last week? – OR – Will the vengeful Des Davids explosively prove that HE was the strength in their team all along? Either way, it’s expected that the USPW faithful, the fans that once cheered them to collective success, will meet their former ‘hero’, Davids, with a response so heated, so hateful, that his blackening heart must take notice.


Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

[Tag Team Match; Strong to announce a mystery partner]

It was just one week ago that Belle Bryden, Joanne Rodriguez, Darryl Devine, and Seduction, forced the wrestling world upside down; forming as one at the expense of the “Blue Collar Beauty” herself, Alicia Strong. If as though the youthful Strong didn’t have enough reasons to seek out Rodriguez, a beautiful, yet psychologically ugly, now there lies much, much, more for inspiration. Can the beloved Alicia FINALLY find revenge against her bullying attacker; Joanne Rodriguez? How well will the newfound tandem of Bryden and Rodriguez meld together? In the end, the real question underneath it all appears to be… Who is Alicia Strong bringing to the ‘table’ as her partner this week?


The Force vs. “The Enforcer” Jumbo Jackson

Despite being THE most decorated USPW figure of all-time, even someone as thunderous as The Force appears to have the ability to slip-up from time-to-time; as made evident by his recent lackluster win/loss record (1-2 since the start of 2010). This week the face-painted powerhouse steps toe-to-toe with an equally brutal force in the Sneer Corporation’s own enforcer, Jumbo Jackson. In the end, will the electric Force continue to rebound in 2010; finding new ground to stand-on as he moves forward? – OR – Will the Sneer Corp’s Enforcer crush one of the most beloved, most accomplished, figures in USPW History? Join us as we witness a PPV-worthy affair within the challenging squared circle of “American Wrestling”!


Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine

[3 vs. 3; First Elimination Match]

Six men; one wrestling ring. Whether it was recent, as is the case with Valentine/Caulfield and Bruce/Baine, or it’s been a long-term scenario, as with Justice/T-Rex, these are the rivalries that most come up in USPW circles. Their exchanges have been explosive, their bodies continually weakened, and their minds often challenged; however, for one night only, all will compile into one ring; warring for bragging rights of sorts. In the end, even though there are a number or rivalries amongst this match, the REAL question comes down to… Which team can function better as a unit? That’s where the winner will lie…






The victim of a hideous fall, crashing through the canvas floor of the squared circle, the USPW World Champion,
has been M.I.A. since last week’s episode of “American Wrestling”. While a number of company officials were present, looking to free the darkened hero from the menacing hole he was forced through, it came as quite a shock when they realized that he was, actually, not there; disappearing into the great unknown. Will the champ return this week on “American Wrestling”? Have we seen the END of Enygma? Tune in this Wednesday to find out…


Plus, the Animal himself,
Randall Hopkirk
will join Danny Jillefski at the commentary table this week on “American Wrestling”!





<hr color="black">
"American Wrestling": Episode #6

Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine


Who will Alicia Strong announce as her tag partner? [+1 Point]

HINT: They are NOT on the USPW roster right now…
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Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine


I think Devine takes this and the title, through some form of cheating. I know I said I do not wish to see a megapush for Devine, but I'm fine with him holding gold at this level.


Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun


DQ win for Datsun, which won't really satisfy either guy...Davids chalks up a notch in the loss column but Datsun will be aggravated he didn't really avenge his partners attack.


Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez


Despite Strong and her new pal's best efforts, I still see the 'mean girls' coming out on top here.


The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson


With Sneer still breathing down his back, Jumbo will get the job done in fear of his boss not tolerating failure.


Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine


This really could go either way,but I think the faces will come out on top with Bruce The Giant showing dominance at the end.


Question: Who will Alicia Strong announce as her tag partner? [+1 Point]


I'm going to guess someone who captures that same girl next door spirit Alicia has, and go for AAA's Sara Marie York.

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"American Wrestling": Episode #6

Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine


Question: Who will Alicia Strong announce as her tag partner? [+1 Point]

HINT: They are NOT on the USPW roster right now…


Suzanne Brazzle

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"American Wrestling": Episode #6

Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids vs. Freddie Datsun

Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine


Question: Who will Alicia Strong announce as her tag partner? [+1 Point]

HINT: They are NOT on the USPW roster right now… Grace Harper

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Andre Jones © vs. Darryl Devine

Des Davids vs.Freddie Datsun

Alicia Strong and ????? vs. Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez

The Force vs. Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, and James Justice vs. Peter Valentine, T-Rex, and Tyson Baine


Question: Who will Alicia Strong announce as her tag partner? [+1 Point]

HINT: They are NOT on the USPW roster right now… SMYork

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