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USPW: The Great American Spectacle!

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Freddie Datsun vs. Mick Muscles

Muscles picks up the win via cheating.


Java vs. T-Rex

T-Rex is higher on the ladders


Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

Bomb has been dominant so far but I see faces getting a win here by pinning Bryden


CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

This angle will still continue for little while.


Enygma and Nicky Champion vs. Jumbo Jackson and Tyson Baine

Jackson is currently the top guy in Sneer´s group so he needs to look strong right now and Enygma losing to Baine here would nicely further their feud as Enygma would surely want to fight with Baine even more.


Bruce the Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Draw, maybe Baine (or Sneer Corporation) comes to the ring and destroys both guys just to sent a message to Strong.

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Freddie Datsun vs. Mick Muscles

Muscles picks up the win via cheating.


Java vs. T-Rex

T-Rex is higher on the ladders


Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

Bomb has been dominant so far but I see faces getting a win here by pinning Bryden


CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

This angle will still continue for little while.


Enygma and Nicky Champion vs. Jumbo Jackson and Tyson Baine

Jackson is currently the top guy in Sneer´s group so he needs to look strong right now and Enygma losing to Baine here would nicely further their feud as Enygma would surely want to fight with Baine even more.


Bruce the Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

Draw, maybe Baine (or Sneer Corporation) comes to the ring and destroys both guys just to sent a message to Strong.


Going along with the picks and the reasons here.

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Saturday, 2nd Week of January 2010

... "Roger on that good buddy" ...




“Roger [Cage] decided against our final offer; he’s off to Eisen. He didn’t say much but did allude to the need for job security; outside of working for the largest company in the world.”


I knew we were fighting an uphill battle but such a challenge was needed when talking about a young talent such as
Roger Cage
. He had everything we wanted in a wrestler… Entertaining, steady in the ring, and a great look; the trinity if you will.


In the end, our inability to offer a written contract really hurt us in the end. Some blame my unproven skills as a negotiator, a realm that I’m quite new too coming from ‘Hollywood’, but, at the end of the day, such an excuse isn’t really needed. We lost out on a man who could have done wonders for our undercard. While I know to never really buy into an idea, or a person, too early, Cage was bound to clash rather quickly with TV Champion, Andre Jones; becoming a figure of the roster while potentially teaming with fellow ‘blue chipper’… Darryl Devine.


I guess it’s back to the drawing board.


Damn you, Eisen.




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What we learned

We attempted to hire Roger Cage, of NYCW fame, hoping to add some entertainment depth to our undercard. When stepping into negotiations, I was told that we were currently in a 'bidding war' with SWF over who would sign the 27-year old entertainer. In the end, we lost out because we could not give him a written deal (as my negotiating levels must be low).


"American Wrestling": Episode #3

Freddie Datsun vs. Mick Muscles

Java vs. T-Rex

Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

Enygma and Nicky Champion vs. Jumbo Jackson and Tyson Baine

Bruce the Giant vs. Chris Caulfield
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Isn't USPW a Cult company to start anyway? Maybe that's why you couldn't get Cage; not because of your negotiation level.


Quite true; however, I thought cult companies could actually gain written contracts if the headbooker had high enough of a negotiation skill-set. When speaking to Angeldelayette in the past, I feel he said that he was able to offer such contracts since he had his level at sky-high.


I could be wrong though.

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Quite true; however, I thought cult companies could actually gain written contracts if the headbooker had high enough of a negotiation skill-set. When speaking to Angeldelayette in the past, I feel he said that he was able to offer such contracts since he had his level at sky-high.


I could be wrong though.


Indeed that is true. With the negotiating skill at a high level and over 10,000,000 in the bank cult companies are able to sign wrestlers to written contracts. This is a new addition to TEW 2010. I was able to do so in my 'What? This Again?' diary. But I also used the 'sophie' cheat to raise my negotiating to the highest level.

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Indeed that is true. With the negotiating skill at a high level and over 10,000,000 in the bank cult companies are able to sign wrestlers to written contracts. This is a new addition to TEW 2010. I was able to do so in my 'What? This Again?' diary. But I also used the 'sophie' cheat to raise my negotiating to the highest level.


That's what I thought. Thanks for the clarification, Angel.


In the end, not getting Roger Cage was somewhat of a let down; as I had some concrete ideas in mind for him. Sadly, I wasn't expecting the SWF to come swooping in (even though I probably should have given the starting WAR).


All in all, I don't think I'll really add much more male wrestlers going forward; at least until I maybe add a second show or lengthen "American Wrestling". Cage was just one of those guys I was planning on making the jump for!





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That's what I thought. Thanks for the clarification, Angel.


In the end, not getting Roger Cage was somewhat of a let down; as I had some concrete ideas in mind for him. Sadly, I wasn't expecting the SWF to come swooping in (even though I probably should have given the starting WAR).


All in all, I don't think I'll really add much more male wrestlers going forward; at least until I maybe add a second show or lengthen "American Wrestling". Cage was just one of those guys I was planning on making the jump for!






Unfortunately, Roger Cage gets grabbed by SWF nearly every game I've played that I've seen. It's one reason why I never go for him. lol. I'll definitely be interested in seeing what kind of talent that you do bring in when the time comes, though. But it is definitely fun focusing on the original USPW talent.

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Unfortunately, Roger Cage gets grabbed by SWF nearly every game I've played that I've seen. It's one reason why I never go for him. lol. I'll definitely be interested in seeing what kind of talent that you do bring in when the time comes, though. But it is definitely fun focusing on the original USPW talent.


Yea, thus are the things I'm learning while booking my first dynasty under the USPW banner. That's why I love this project more so than any other I've done in.. wow.. probably back to my first DOA project a full year ago. New characters, new outlook, new booking style, new writing approach... Just riveting stuff for me creatively.


As for the 'new breed', I don't really plan on bringing in very many people at first. Mostly, as you put it, the original USPW talent is far more interesting to me than anything I could gain on the indy scene right now. Sure, Champagne Lover would be nice but I think I remember hearing that he's been vastly overused in USPW projects. That said, I'm staying away from him; at least for now. Outside of that, I've only added a few new faces; however, at least from the new male competitors, they fit in with the 'older age veteran' feel that USPW has come to utilize so much since it's inception.


The women's division is probably the place where we'll see more faces popping up; as I really want to give the division a strong go. I don't want to over hire as then I'll have too many people; however, I'm picking my additions based upon the characters that I could have them play. All in all, the first newbie for the Women's Division will be brought to light sooner than later....





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While writing Episode #3 of "American Wrestling", I had a few thoughts in mind about the project as a whole. I'm not really sure If I'll continue to do stuff like this in the future but I felt compelled to convey what I was thinking currently. In most cases, I want the reader to think of me (Eisen-verse) as Erik Vincent within the thread as it's a first person presentation. That said, I couldn't help but give a little insight from me as the writer...


  • Enygma is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters to ever write for. I have this image in my head with him; how he looks, acts, reacts, etc. When you fuse that with his iconic music, grand supernatural-like entrance, and the fact that he's the USPW World Champion, there's much to celebrate right now with my 'central character'.
  • In case you haven't noticed yet, I'm trying to write USPW as more of a throwback promotion; one much like WCW before the later 90's muckied everything up. With this in mind, the product is very heavily placed upon characters and how they interact with one another. In the end, I'm trying my best to make a number of larger-than-life characters out of this project; I hope, at least so far, you can already paint a picture of a number of these guys going forward.
  • I love the idea of USPW being about honor, pride, hard-as-nails, blue collar type wrestling. While the Americana tones are certainly there, I'm not really looking to create a gimmicky love-fest for all things America (like someone could take USPW). In reality, I'm looking to create a product that's centered on tradition; one that even sees themselves as 'rasslers' more than entertainers.
  • I think I underestimated the talent on USPW's roster.
  • Unlike previous projects, I've actually mapped out what will happen for the next month or so. This is a huge contrast to previous projects as I often booked on the fly; feeling it was more organic. In this case, I have a number of things that I really want to accomplish from a storyline perspective. Plus, I have a number of wrestlers that I want to get over with time (so, a plan is needed).
  • I don't know if it's possible BUT I would love to get a second show for USPW. Truthfully, is that possible for a cult company? If not, I may have to look into a 2 hour broadcast (which I don't really want to w/o shortening up my writing style). If it's possible, which I hope it is, then I already have an idea of how to bring it in.


I've only just begun to write Episode #3 so I wouldn't expect it up anytime soon really. With work, the year end awards, an upcoming show, and life in general, I only really find time at the end of the night; after my wife has gone to sleep. With this in mind, my time is quite limited. All in all, though, I'm excited to get this one up with time!





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I liked what I have read so far EV. Keep up the good work.


As far as getting a second show at cult I don't think its possible. If you are still looking to add more time to your A show it may depend on the tv network and possibly the economy and wrestling industry levels in your game. When I was playing as USPW awhile ago the tv network would not allow me to add more time to the A Show.

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I don't know if it's possible BUT I would love to get a second show for USPW. Truthfully, is that possible for a cult company? If not, I may have to look into a 2 hour broadcast (which I don't really want to w/o shortening up my writing style). If it's possible, which I hope it is, then I already have an idea of how to bring it in.


Only national sized promotions can have a second TV show, unfortunately. I actually think that a second show for a company of USPW's size would be extremely difficult to run - there are only so many main event matches that won't completely wreck the rating and you'd end up running into a few problems in that sense.


I found that 90 minutes for American Wrestling was enough for me, but I can understand you wanting more time for storylines. That's really why I came up with the 'Davis Ditterich in the USPW Media Centre' angle. It's a very old-school thing to do (just watch any episode of Prime Time Wrestling) and it always seemed to go down quite well with the readers. Something to consider, perhaps?

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I liked what I have read so far EV. Keep up the good work.


As far as getting a second show at cult I don't think its possible. If you are still looking to add more time to your A show it may depend on the tv network and possibly the economy and wrestling industry levels in your game. When I was playing as USPW awhile ago the tv network would not allow me to add more time to the A Show.


Only national sized promotions can have a second TV show, unfortunately. I actually think that a second show for a company of USPW's size would be extremely difficult to run - there are only so many main event matches that won't completely wreck the rating and you'd end up running into a few problems in that sense.


I found that 90 minutes for American Wrestling was enough for me, but I can understand you wanting more time for storylines. That's really why I came up with the 'Davis Ditterich in the USPW Media Centre' angle. It's a very old-school thing to do (just watch any episode of Prime Time Wrestling) and it always seemed to go down quite well with the readers. Something to consider, perhaps?


Thank you both. I thought it was impossible to gain another show but I thought I'd ask. In reality, it would run me somewhat thin when it comes to booking shows but I was more so planning on creating a "B" show of sorts (at least that's what I had in mind). The hard part, based upon the talent I already have, and the small number of guys that I really want to bring in, I find it really hard to fit everyone into a 90 minute show without leaving some big names out every once in awhile. All in all, though, I would rather book a 90 minute show, and write one that long, as adding 30 more minutes would add a lot more work for me. ha.


All in all, thanks guys!





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Just wanted to give a friendly 24-hour warning for those who still would like to put in their predictions for "American Wrestling" [Episode #3]!


I know, at this point, there may not be much pulling people in to predict, seeing how I don't have a 'prediction challenge' of sorts, but I'm thinking through some possibilities for such in the coming future.


I thought the results would be farther off then this but I found a lot of free time today as my wife was at work for a chunk of the afternoon. 8 segments later, I only have 4 left to write; a fact that should place the results as finished sometime tomorrow I would believe. There's a chance that it could stretch into Monday but I don't really think so.


All in all, Just thought I'd give everyone a heads up!








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"American Wrestling": Episode #3

Freddie Datsun vs. Mick Muscles

Java vs. T-Rex

Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ??????

Enygma and Nicky Champion vs. Jumbo Jackson and Tyson Baine

Bruce the Giant vs. Chris Caulfield

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Pfh, Sammy The Shark > Roger Cage for me, but that's just personal preference.


And yeah, Enygma has been central to any USPW game I've ran. He's one of those rare characters who I've been able to book equally well whether he's holding the strap (there are a bunch of classic and maasive heel challengers for him in USPW) or chasing it. He just seems ultra-easy to plug into storylines.

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Pfh, Sammy The Shark > Roger Cage for me, but that's just personal preference.

And yeah, Enygma has been central to any USPW game I've ran. He's one of those rare characters who I've been able to book equally well whether he's holding the strap (there are a bunch of classic and maasive heel challengers for him in USPW) or chasing it. He just seems ultra-easy to plug into storylines.


Definitely agree!

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Pfh, Sammy The Shark > Roger Cage for me, but that's just personal preference.


And yeah, Enygma has been central to any USPW game I've ran. He's one of those rare characters who I've been able to book equally well whether he's holding the strap (there are a bunch of classic and maasive heel challengers for him in USPW) or chasing it. He just seems ultra-easy to plug into storylines.


Sammy the Shark is certainly an interesting character but Cage has the entertainment skills which pulled me in. With such a heavy entertainment product, I wanted to pull in a young 'talker' so that I could build him up in which to better USPW long-term. Sadly, at this point, we have very few who can actually carry a great promo (at least on the under-card; youth of USPW). I may have to look at Shark in the future though as his character would be fun to write (a more gimmicky Nathaniel Ca$ino from my 4C diary I'm feeling).


As for Enygma, I agree with you 100%. I'm playing him as a batman/sting combo with an array of the theatrics to his entrance; so, he just feels very 'grand' to me (in that way that the Undertaker once did or, at points, Sting does today). It does make it easier though that there are much more big time heels on the roster in which to challenge him... There's countless ways to take him after the first, initial, storyline with Baine.








<hr color="black">

"American Wrestling" [Episode #3] due up later today!


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Sadly, at this point, we have very few who can actually carry a great promo (at least on the under-card; youth of USPW).


Old school promotions lend themselves well to the use of managers and USPW is no exception.


To me, the two most important stats in USPW are entertainment and menace - the rest can work itself out. For example, I had The Guru play manager to Hell's Bouncer and Man Mountain Cahill and they shot up the card in no time. Equally, Shane Sneer is invaluable for the Corporation.


In terms of new signings, off the top of my head you could always try Cat Jemson, Katie Cameron, Sara Silver, Carl Batch, Queen Emily, The Lords of War or Captain USA (when he retires). I even planned a 'Baby Jamie becomes a manager' storyline, given his decent entertainment skills. You can always pair up your male and female workers. Your women's division has pretty good entertainment to start off with and there are a lot of other female competitors who can be useful in a managerial role (the BSC girls for example).

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I did this with Ryan Holland who is now a C rated manager / colour commentator


Without wanting to derail E-V's thread, when I was playing a game this morning (as NYCW) I saw a news article that said Cherry Bomb and Baby Jamie had started dating. Apart from being an odd couple, it could lead to a great storyline and another way of getting Jamie into the managerial role.

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Old school promotions lend themselves well to the use of managers and USPW is no exception.


To me, the two most important stats in USPW are entertainment and menace - the rest can work itself out. For example, I had The Guru play manager to Hell's Bouncer and Man Mountain Cahill and they shot up the card in no time. Equally, Shane Sneer is invaluable for the Corporation.


In terms of new signings, off the top of my head you could always try Cat Jemson, Katie Cameron, Sara Silver, Carl Batch, Queen Emily, The Lords of War or Captain USA (when he retires). I even planned a 'Baby Jamie becomes a manager' storyline, given his decent entertainment skills. You can always pair up your male and female workers. Your women's division has pretty good entertainment to start off with and there are a lot of other female competitors who can be useful in a managerial role (the BSC girls for example).


I think this is why USPW has become so intriguing for me; as I've had to look for a new kind of wrestler. Honestly, while I want them to be 'good in the ring', I'm more so looking for people with: entertainment skills, star quality, and menace. It makes for a more interesting hiring process as I'm not relying on the old things that I use to.


As for managers, I am definitely looking to add some in the future; however, only want to do so in a manner where they make sense. Right now, I do have a few additional manager-types laying around the company that I recently hired but will probably wait until it feels right & I have a storyline in place. For now, Shane Sneer is becoming a 'busy man' as it pertains to speaking on behalf of his 'Giants'.


Great insight, jhd1!





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I think this is why USPW has become so intriguing for me; as I've had to look for a new kind of wrestler. Honestly, while I want them to be 'good in the ring', I'm more so looking for people with: entertainment skills, star quality, and menace. It makes for a more interesting hiring process as I'm not relying on the old things that I use to.


As for managers, I am definitely looking to add some in the future; however, only want to do so in a manner where they make sense. Right now, I do have a few additional manager-types laying around the company that I recently hired but will probably wait until it feels right & I have a storyline in place. For now, Shane Sneer is becoming a 'busy man' as it pertains to speaking on behalf of his 'Giants'.


Great insight, jhd1!






I agree completely, my friend. USPW is fun because you can hire pretty much anybody regardless of their in-ring talent. Whereas with the SWF you are desperately trying to go one better than TCW (and vice-versa), and at the same time keep yourself from falling to Cult, with USPW you are far enough behind that you can allow yourself to push the Giant Redwoods and the Peter Valentines while still striving for that top spot with a few choice moves (like keeping Enygma relevant).


As for managers, it is definitely easier to add them from the beginning (i.e. hiring new workers and debuting them with their new managers). The old 'I have just bought your contract' is always a good way in as well :D

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Episode #3

Wednesday, 3rd week of January 2010

War Memorial Auditorium (Mid West)








Danny Jillefski:
The mice may be out to play tonight as the cat, sadly, has gone away. Wrestling LEGEND, and our beloved leader, Sam Strong, has not been cleared to take part in tonight’s broadcast of “American Wrestling”.

Eric Tyler:
That’s right, Danny. Just a week ago, Sam Strong was the victim of a heinous assault at the hands of his own employees. While violence often rears its ugly head in our sport, what happened after last week’s broadcast was simply disgusting. What ever happened to the ‘Wrestler’s Code’? Do none of you have any respect for the elders who paved the way for you?

Danny Jillefski:
Respect? I don’t even think they know what that means anymore…. Tyson Baine, for one, has already far passed that line.

Eric Tyler:
A ruthless monster he is…

Danny Jillefski:
Speaking of heinous individuals… I’m getting word that… yep… The Sneer Corporation is on their way to the ringside area. Now what? I’m sure there are some fans at ringside you can rough up; further your little vicious path of destruction…

Eric Tyler:
You know what’s sad? In today’s culture, I’m starting to feel like something along those lines is possible. Ridiculous…




The Sneer Corporation

… Gloating over Sam Strong’s absence …


[The frenzied USPW masses explodes with sheer negativity as the controversial former headbooker himself, Shane Sneer, is shown engaging the ringside area as the Sneer Corporation’s theme music blares over the War Memorial Auditorium’s sound system. While his mug contorts, twisting with a vile snarl, his dominance appears even more menacing as the monstrous wall behind him is none other than the overpowering members of his viciously designed faction; the Sneer Corporation]


[in the feel of actually ‘taking over’ the squared circle, the Sneer-led stable arrogantly claims the canvas as their own. While standing before a wall of vocal hatred, Mr. Sneer now overtakes another frontier; brashly meeting their disdain with the very same tone. All in all, with a microphone in hand, and a menacing motley crew behind him, the vindictive CEO of the Sneer Corporation continues to send verbal jabs toward the injured wrestling LEGEND Sam Strong, the frenzied fans before him, and the USPW company as a whole.]


Shane Sneer:
So much hatred… and for what? Because I’ve pointed out Sam Strong’s hypocrisy?
[shakes his head; annoyed]
Listen here, Strong, tell the nurse nearby to spin that volume dial of yours because I want you to hear this loud and clear.
[Looks into the camera; growing with aggression]
You brought this upon yourself; you brought this upon the USPW.


[The crowd boos like crazy as Shane continues to look straight into the camera lens before him; sending a message exclusively to Sam Strong in the process. Meanwhile, his glorified ‘hired-guns’ behind him stand much like a proud militia; confident in their war-torn leader.]


Shane Sneer:
You’ve become a broken record lately; however, only these idiots actually believe that junk you’re spewing.
[Pauses; looks into lens sternly]
You say that you want to push USPW to the heights of our industry and yet… You did the one thing that will keep you from EVER getting there… You removed ME as the headbooker of USPW.
For years, I’ve slaved at your feet; breaking my back for his company. Where does it get me? What do you do to show your gratefulness? You make ME the scape-goat! You string me out to dry like a wet t-shirt; making a mockery of my tenure at the top of this great company.
You can fool the idiots… You can even fool the ill-informed… But you can’t fool the truth…
[Looks into the camera]
I am the only man for the job… Without me… USPW is nothing more than a second-rate company filled with misguided talent.


[shane pauses once again; looking out upon the crowd now as he breaks his focus away from the camera lens all together. Instead of sending a message to Sam Strong, it now appears as though Shane is turning his attention entirely on the USPW fanbase; a fact that only ignites their collective hatred that much more.]


Shane Sneer:
You’ve all been brainwashed… Every last one of you!
[Pauses; crowd boos]
You’re just as clueless as your ‘beloved’ leader, Sam Strong.
[Pauses; more booing]
In return, just like your fallen ‘LEGEND’, if you’re not going to show me the respect that is due… then I’ll force you into doing so.


[The crowd boos heavily as Shane simply stands in the center of the ring; a small statured man yet seeming like an overpowering fiend none the less. With this in mind, a bevy of trash is seen littering the ringside area as it appears that the USPW faithful are drastically unhappy over Sneer’s aggressive declaration; vowing to ‘force their respect’ if they do not oblige. All in all, there is much disdain for Mr. Sneer at this point; a fact that makes our next scenario even more dramatic.]


[Out of nowhere, Sam Strong’s theme music is heard blaring over the War Memorial Auditorium; a fact that drives the sold-out USPW fanbase to aggressively leap into action as they cheer on their beloved leader. With that said, the Sneer Corporation looks to fortify themselves within the squared circle; ready for a fight if there need be. An even more drastic snarl forms upon Shane’s face as his head slowly turns to look at the entrance ramp; overtly annoyed by such a moment.]


[shockingly, an
appears as if from nowhere; backing up from a side-slot positioned aside the entrance display. With it’s lights working frantically, occasionally even relaying a siren noise occasionally, the presence of such a vehicle sends shivers down the spines of many; excited by the grandeur of Sam Strong’s return to “American Wrestling”! Sadly, the outcome is not what they expected…]


[Within seconds, the back doors of the ambulance forcibly slams open; showing Tyson Baine to be standing within the back-end of the vehicle. Flexing, and outwardly roaring like a lion, Baine quickly shifts the overall feeling of the segment as
overtakes Sam Strong’s in the process.]



… Sneer pulls a fast one on the USPW fans …


[As Baine exits the back of the Ambulance, storming toward the ringside area like an aggressive predator, we now catch a glimpse of Shane Sneer devilishly smirking within the ring. Bringing the microphone back up to his mouth, Sneer officially announces the arrival of Baine; signifying that he was part of the ruse the whole time.]


Shane Sneer:
I give to you… THE man who put Sam Strong in the hospital… and THE newest member of the Sneer Corporation… TYSON… BAAAAAINNNEEEE!!


[The crowd overshadows Baine’s iconic theme music in which to show their absolute hatred for the bruising big-man. With that in mind, such a response doesn’t even seem to faze the proclaimed “Demon”; as the vicious behemoth is shown brutishly entering the ring in which to exchange a round of hand-shakes with several Sneer Corp members. In the end, coming to meet Shane Sneer in the middle of the ring, the two embrace with a firm handshake; one that could really signal a ‘deal with the devil’. In the end, with his latest ally now at his side, Sneer, again, addresses the USPW; however, this time, with an even greater sense of wicked arrogance to his demeanor.]


Shane Sneer:
I told Strong that he made a mistake… Did he listen? Oh no. Instead, he did the very thing I expected him to do; it’s what he’s pre-programed to always do: act in a hard-headed manner and ultimately get himself hurt.
[smirk/Snarl combo; crowd boos]
I know you were some sort of ‘LEGEND’ 20 years ago, Strong, but we’re in the 21st century now… People like this man at my side, Tyson Baine, are the NEW ICONS of this sport. If you, honestly, think that you can keep me down then you’re even more senile than I had first thought.
[Pauses; crowd boos]
When you have a monster like Baine, and an army like the men behind me, there’s no telling what I can accomplish.
You, and the USPW, will soon be under MY control… and there isn’t ANYTHING YOU, or anyone else, can DO about it!


[breaking up Sneer’s orchestrated spectacle, the lights begin to flicker frantically; ultimately shutting completely off as a smattering of lightning bolt images are seen flashing across the video tron. As smoke generates from the floor, overtaking the entrance ramp all together, the image of man atop the rampway begins to take form. In the end, this mysterious figure is only illuminated by a single purple spotlight from above; weak in it’s power; however, strong enough to show that this figure is none other than the USPW World Champion himself, Enygma!]



… The ‘Supernatural Showstopper’ cometh …


[As the lightning bolts continually to waywardly flash in the background, and the plume of mist like smoke overtakes the bottom half of his body, the USPW World Champion dramatically points down upon the ringside area with his free hand; the other holding a microphone firmly]


[Pauses; continues to point in their direction amongst the smoke and lightning]
You will reap what you’ve sown, Sneer…


[The crowd erupts with excitement as Enygma pauses for a brief second; adding more drama to the moment at hand. Truthfully, with such a display surrounding the USPW World Champion, there is this air of pure grandeur; one of a supernatural tone.]


Sam Strong lays in a hospital bed tonight because of your vicious actions. You may think of his injuries as a badge of pride… I see them as reasoning for your destruction…


[Again, the crowd erupts. Meanwhile, Shane doesn’t seem to be buying it all that much; rolling his eyes in the process.]


Shane Sneer:
MY destruction?
[Phrasing it differently]
MY destruction? You ACTUALLY think that I am the one who will fall when this WAR has finished?
[shakes his head; snarls in his trademark fashion]
If I can’t stand at the helm of USPW then NO ONE can; at least not THIS version!
When it’s all said and done, and the dust has settled, USPW will no longer stand for what you believe it to be… It WILL be…
nited in


[The crowd boos like crazy at the sound of this.]


Shane Sneer:
Sam Strong will be no more…
[Pauses; portraying a devilish look upon his face]
… YOU… Will be… no more…
[Pauses; crowd boos]
the USPW, as you fools know it, will be nothing but an afterthought… A footnote in the creation of MY OWN USPW… The REAL USPW… The ONLY one that matters…


[The crowd boos again as Enygma continues to stare down his newfound rival; engaging him due to his alliance with his long-standing rival, Tyson Baine, but also standing up for USPW as a whole.]


When you live by the sword… You’ll die…by the sword…
[Pauses; points again at the Sneer Corporation]
You, Shane Sneer, and the rest of your vile goons, will meet your end at the fist of the resistance…
Until then… wherever you go, whatever you conspire, I will always be there to stop you… For I stand in the darkness… In the places that you run and hide… Forever to defend the USPW from the vile, the wicked, and the deadly. I am Enygma… I am… Your worst nightmare…


[With that,
starts to blare throughout the arena; bringing the Sneer Corporation’s victorious spectacle to an end. All in all, as we fade to a commercial break, some 10 minutes into tonight’s broadcast, we are treated with the sight of the USPW World Champion standing amongst a plume of cloaking mist; a supernatural being who appears to inspire nothing short of a grand entrance. Meanwhile, Shane Sneer, along with his newfound ally, Tyson Baine, look to be ferociously hell-bent on Enygma’s destruction; knowing that HE stands as their greatest challenger as he defends the honor of USPW whole heartedly.]


Grade: C+


Danny Jillefski:
You want a WAR Shane Sneer? Then You’ve got one!! You may have put Sam Strong out of business tonight but you forgot about one man… the USPW World Champion… Enygma!!

Eric Tyler:
I don’t know how the Sneer Corporation expects to match-up with someone like Enygma… I mean… What we just saw there… The lightning, the menacing mist,… This is NOT your ordinary wrestler; or even man for that fact. This being… How can ANYONE ever expect to overcome him?

Danny Jillefski:
That’s the thing, Eric…. They can’t! Sure, they may get a good shot in here or there but, at the end of the day, I have YET to see our World Champion EVER crumble!
[Laughs with excitement]
The WAR has begun, ladies and gentlemen… You know certainly well that Sam Strong is watching this tonight; proud of the man he brought to USPW… Proud of his champion…




Freddie Datsun
w/ Des Davids
vs. Mick Muscles
w/ Danny Rushmore


Despite his rugged look, Freddie Datsun appears to be somewhat like a child when stacked up against the large muscle-man that is Mick Muscles. Playing off of reality, this is exactly how the match feels from the very start: Datsun showing off a sense of ruggedness that keeps him afloat; however, often ‘crushed’ by the overwhelming power of his opponent. In the end, it’s not necessarily their size difference than turns the match in a certain way; it’s Des Davids.


In an accidental attempt to ‘even the score’ once Danny Rushmore becomes more aggressive, Davids looks to land a heavy-handed punch across Muscles face. Sadly, Datsun is, instead, reversed into this position and is ultimately floored by a haymaker of sorts; straight from his partner. Seconds later, as Eugene Williams turns back around, recently trying to keep Danny Rushmore at bay, Muscles is shown brutishly shoving Des Davids off the apron; sending him crashing to the floor. Meanwhile, awaiting Datsun’s return to his feet, Muscles ends up forcing his opponent into his signature running Powerslam; pinning him shortly thereafter much to the crowd’s dismay.


Mick Muscles defeats Freddie Datsun in 8:17 via a running Powerslam. It should be noted that Des Davids accidentally botched his interference; hitting his partner in the process.

Grade: D+


Danny Jillefski:
‘Great’… Now we have to start the night off with a Sneer Corp victory; I’m sure we won’t hear the end of this one…

Eric Tyler:
Not only that, It looks like there could be some trouble within the “People’s Team”. If these two want to retain the Tag Championships at “Frigid Fight Night”, as I’m sure they’ll be booked to defend there, they’ll have to find a way to come together and get back on the same page.

Danny Jillefski:
This is the second week in a row that Mick Muscles has beat Freddie Datsun. Sadly, as you put it, this time is even more damaging as it seems that Des Davids and his partner are no longer on the same page.




Andre Jones © and Darryl Devine

… Argument; match is made …


[We transition backstage in which to see the USPW Television Champion, Andre Jones, standing at alert as his recent challenger, Darryl “Mighty Fine” Devine, stands across from him; radiating a kind of arrogance only known in USPW to that of the “Devine One”. Needless to say, with the mysterious beauty of Seduction at his side, it seems that Devine may be hassling the Champion for whatever reason; at least that’s what it seems from their collective body language.]


Darryl Devine:
Well… if it isn’t “Da Bore” himself…
[Laughs; looks to Seduction who follows meekly]
Planning another ‘snooze-fest’ for next week? Oh, wait, that’s right… You’re supposed to be ‘entertaining’, right? “Da Freak”; is that what they call you?
[Laughs; shakes his head in disapproval]
The only thing that’s freaky about you is that you’ve, somehow, managed to obtain the one championship that CALLS for you to be entertaining…


[Darryl Devine laughs some more, obviously in a demeaning fashion, as it appears Andre Jones certainly isn’t having any of it; changing his body language slightly more aggressive in nature.]


Andre Jones:
‘Funny’ …
[Pauses; stares down Devine]
How about I knock ya off your block like last week; maybe you’ll remember why I’m the one with the gold and you’re nothing but an afterthought…


[instead of matching his aggression, Devine continues to laugh off Jones’s presence; sending an even more dismissive tone toward the champ.]


Darryl Devine:
Afterthought? I’m sure that’s where you’d love to keep me, right?
Well, Jones-ie, how about you put that confidence to the test; next week… “American Wrestling”… you and me.
[Pauses; smirks as he looks at the TV Championship]
Just to prove to you how last week was a fluke, you can keep that tainted gold of yours out of it. Just remember, after I beat you next week, making you out to be the failure that you are, I’m coming for the TV Title…
[Pauses; moves in closer to Andre as he speaks more quietly]
The gold needs a REAL champion; someone whose actually cut-out for TV broadcasts… Not some lame, overhyped, underperforming, robot like you…


[A brief staredown exists between the two as Devine actually drops his ‘funny man’ persona for a moment; matching Jones’s aggressive stare in the process. In return, Jones responds in his typical, shortened, fashion.]


Andre Jones:
You’re on… I want nothing more than to knock ya out… again…


[in the end, such seriousness comes to a close as Devine, again, cracks an arrogant smirk upon his face; slowly stepping away from the TV Champion as he mutters something to Seduction in which to show that Jones isn’t worth his focus entirely.]


Darryl Devine:
Do you think ‘boring’ is contagious?
[smirks; looks at Jones as he walks away]
I’d hate to end up like this…
[Looks Andre up and down; seconds from exiting the room]


[With that, Devine has now exited the room; arrogantly back-peddling through the door frame as his mysterious love, Seduction, follows closely behind. Meanwhile, in return, Andre Jones continues to hold his prized TV Championship over his right shoulder; growing with aggression yet still somewhat calm in his delivery (a tag that has many feeling though he’s exactly as Devine put it… Uninteresting)]


Grade: D


Danny Jillefski:
Whoa… We’ve got ourselves a match set for next week: Andre Jones… Darryl Devine… a re-match from last week! I can’t wait for this one, Eric; these two really seem to be on a collision course as of late!

Eric Tyler:
They are the perfect example of opposites, Danny. For that alone, I’m sure we’ll be in for a treat when they meet up again; next week.

Danny Jillefski:
Let’s hope that Andre can show Devine exactly how ‘boring’ he really is… Maybe a swift kick to the head will end that notion?

Eric Tyler:
While it’s true, Andre Jones will not win any personality contests here in USPW, Devine is going a little too far in saying that he’s a bore. Jones, from what I’ve seen, is a gifted athlete with a knack for speedy impacts in the ring. He may not match Devine’s charisma but he certainly can match his in-ring excitement!

Danny Jillefski:
Well put, Eric. I guess we’ll see, next week, on “American Wrestling” who the better man may be… The Charismatic pretty-boy or the athletic race-horse?




Java vs. T-Rex
w/ Sheik Mustafa


The second match of the night was exactly what we were expecting: two gigantic warriors, both known for their destructive mean streaks, squaring off in a prehistoric like battle. With this in mind, it should be noted that the action was pretty ‘open’; both men getting their shots in all together. Sadly, in the end, one ‘monster’ must fall; in this case, it was the long-term USPW juggernaut, Java. While he looked rather dangerous in his own right throughout the match, T-Rex’s onslaught seemed more hefty in nature; often sending his equally large opponent flying across the ring with an eventual epic fall. In the end, as Java attempted to strike with a hardened lariat, T-Rex was shown overtaking the situation; landing his secondary impact finisher “The Extinction” (Big Boot) square across his opponent’s jaw. Within seconds, Java is shown toppling to the canvas; vaguely motionless as T-Rex forcibly lands atop him for a successful three count.


T-Rex defeats Java in 5:39 via “The Extinction” (Big Boot).

Grade: D+


Danny Jillefski:
I’m surprised the squared circle was able to keep upright with these two gigantic men in the center of it. Either way, huge win for T-Rex here tonight. While I dislike the man, even I cannot deny the immense power that he possesses!

Eric Tyler:
He’s one bad man, Danny; reminds me a lot of Eddie Peak back many years ago. Well, with more body hair though…




James Justice

… Backstage promo …


[We, again, transition backstage in which to see a tight shot of “The Outlaw” James Justice standing before a USPW backdrop. As you would expect, such a sight, projected on the video tron located above the entrance ramp, inspires the USPW faithful to explode with excitement; showering “The Outlaw” with a wave of excitement from afar.]


[With a stern look upon his face, holding a toothpick in the left corner of his mouth, this bonafide cowboy absolutely looks the part. Funny enough, he’s been playing this persona for so long now that his previous ‘surfer due-like’ persona from TCW is nothing but an afterthought. In reality, at this point, many come to believe this persona to be the closest thing to his actual personality; a fact made even more concrete by the sheer ease that comes with the “Western Outlaw” character he’s come to perfect.]


James Justice:
I reckon you’re all lookin’ for me to make my allegiance clear; right? These days, we’re hearin’ nothin’ but a simple question: Whose side are you on?
Strong… or… Sneer?
If you know “the Outlaw” you know that I don’t take kindly to alliances; they’ll always burn ya on the backside in the end… but this is different…


[James takes a slight break; peering sternly into the camera as he rotates his toothpick across his lips in a trademark fashion.]


James Justice:
When I was on hell’s path just a few years back it was Strong who unearthed me. I was told I was a wash-up, a has been,… a nobody; now that the big guns didn’t want me anymore in Cali-forn-yi-ay (TCW). For that, I owe my footin’ to Strong and you know well that I don’t break my word. You boys opened the door last week with your attack on Sam… I reckon I’ll be the one to close it in your face. USPW ‘aint no playground for the likes of you; I’ll see to…


[before he can finish his phrase, James Justice all of a sudden is cast out of the camera’s view; a fact that’s pretty easy given the tight camera angle. As the lens begins to pan out, we now see T-Rex stomping viciously upon the back of Justice; making it very clear why “the Outlaw’s” promo had come to an eruptive end.]




… Unexpected Attacker …


[While the attack is rather short in nature, the brutality of the event appears to be long-lasting as James Justice is shown motionless on the cement floor below. As a parting gift, the “Jurassic Power” lands one final heavy-footed stomp to the back of Justice’s head; permanently keeping Justice without movement from the assault. In the end, while it’s a rather simple attack, not overtly deadly in sight, the overpowering strength of T-Rex’s strikes appears to be the reason for such a ‘floored ending’.]


[The segment comes to a close with the sight of T-Rex stomping off the scene; meanwhile, James Justice is shown laying face down on the cement; motionless as his cowboy hat lay a good 4 feet away from his head.]


Grade: B+


Danny Jillefski:
Good God… James Justice may be hurt…

Eric Tyler:
He doesn’t appear to be moving, Danny. There’s a good chance that T-Rex may have just put Justice ‘on the shelf’ with that attack.
[shakes his head]
Where’s the respect these days? In my day, an attack like this wouldn’t be celebrated… It’d be almost criminal!

Danny Jillefski:
Respect isn’t important to Shane Sneer; never has been. His Sneer Corp has started the winds of change here in USPW with this attack being more of an example of that. Honestly, I wouldn’t be shocked to see T-Rex join Sneer at some point here. I mean, his partner, Tyson Baine, already belongs… It’s only a matter of time…

Eric Tyler:
Especially if he continues to dominate like this…

Danny Jillefski:
Sadly enough… Exactly… This is Sneer’s brand of violence…




Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden and


The ‘USPW Women’s Wrestling Czar’, Mick Starr, himself, has to be overjoyed (well, I guess we would never know it due to his ‘never to thrill’ demeanor) as the four women of the division put on a great show. Four different personalities; however, when placing them all in one ring, there’s a level of combustion that can only come with such pairings. With this in mind, the match-up appears to be the perfect example of parity; both teams gaining momentum back-and-forth throughout. In contrast, though, in typical heel fashion, the team of USPW Women’s Champion, Cherry Bomb, and Belle Bryden appears to be more dubious in their nature than their opponents; often banking on classic heel maneuvers in which to potentially ‘cheat their way into a win’. In the end; however, no such thing comes to pass.


With the roaring USPW faithful at their back, the pairing of Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson eventually gain the upper-hand at the right moment. As Cherry Bomb and Belle look to double-team Raven Robinson behind Eugene Williams’ back, as he attempts to keep Alicia from coming in as he thinks she is actually the ‘cheating one’ in this scenario, Strong is shown exploding past Eugene; closelining her bitter rival, Belle Bryden, over the top rope with a hangman’s closeline. Now, alone, Raven Robinson quickly springs back to her feet; catching Cherry Bomb off-guard with her signature “Night Faller” (Diamond Cutter) upon the unsuspecting Women’s Champion. Seconds later, as the crowd chants along with Mr. Williams’ count, Raven Robinson is dubbed as the victor for her team; scoring a HUGE pinfall over the lady who most recently took the belt from her in Cherry Bomb.


Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong defeat Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb in 10:28 via a “Night Faller” (Diamond Cutter) from Raven Robinson upon Cherry Bomb.

Grade: C


Danny Jillefski:
RAVEN!! RAVEN!! RAVEN ROBINSON GETS THE WIN!! This is HUGE for the “Dark Angel” going into “Frigid Fight Night” in a few weeks!

Eric Tyler:
If she can do that in a few weeks, as you said, then we may have a new champion once again!

Danny Jillefski:
All of her ‘lil Angels’ can go to bed happy tonight; the ‘Dark Angel’ has won!




Peter Valentine ©

… “Challenge the GREAT” …


[We return from a short commercial break to hear Peter Valentine’s grand theme music blaring throughout the War Memorial Auditorium; a fact that inspires many of the mid-west USPW fans to boo wildly in defiance. Regardless of their general hatred for the man, Valentine looks as menacing as ever; walking slowly toward the ring with his aging frame glistening with body-builder lotion much like the National Championship belt that gleams within the same light. In the end, as he slowly, yet brashly, enters the ring, there is an air of hope within the air; not as one would normally ‘wish for something’ but in the manner of hoping that Valentine would FINALLY get his tonight.]


[As his music slowly drains out in the background, now masked by the negativity being projected at him by the USPW faithful, Valentine looks out upon the sea of disapproving fans with a concrete-sense of confidence; appearing much like a Greek Adonis standing on display.]


Peter Valentine:
For weeks, I have given you the opportunity to Challenge the GREAT…
and for weeks you’ve all fallen before my wrath.
[Pauses; crowd boos]
What makes any of you think that tonight will be ANY different?
[Looks out at the crowd; they boo louder]
Send out the next clown... I’m in the mood of crushing some dreams tonight…


[Peter now drops the microphone onto the canvas next to him; stepping back slightly as he looks toward the entrance ramp. In the end, what was awaiting him on the other side of the black curtain is not what many were expecting; him included…]



… USPW Debut …


[While the USPW faithful originally pop with excitement at the first sound of his music, it isn’t until Randall actually storms out of the back that their excitement turns to pure bliss. The tattooed, former bass player of “Painful Procedure”, practically explodes through the curtain as he appears to already be fixated within a pure-party-mentality. Thrusting his fist, jumping around like a mad man, and overtly playing ‘his part’, Hopkirk looks to be a gross gimmicky development of his previous ‘rock star’ persona; now looking, and feeling, more like a ‘party animal’ than anything else.]


[All in all, as Peter Valentine watches on with disgust, rolling his eyes in defiance of Hopkirk’s exciting debut, his opponent for tonight appears to be quickly winning the hearts of the USPW faithful. With this in mind, with a grand sense of support at his back, buying into the ‘crazy partier’ persona, “The Party Starter” looks as though he’s ready to start the match from the very second his feet touch the canvas; bouncing around like a 10 year old on a case of red-bull.]


Grade: C-


Danny Jillefski:
I heard the rumors all week but didn’t know if they were true until now… Randall Hopkirk has come to USPW!!!

Eric Tyler:
It looks like he brought a 24/7 party with him…

Danny Jillefski:
That it seems, Eric! Either way, let’s hope that Randall is the man to topple the so-called ‘Adonis’!




“The Greatest of All-Time” Peter Valentine vs.


Randall, in all of his excitable glory, quickly rushes the USPW National Champion straight away; catching Peter Valentine off-guard from the onset of the match. Every strike, every frantic-like maneuver, is quickly followed by a thunderous roar from the crowd as it’s rather obvious who they’re pulling for in this one. Sadly, while coming forth with an initial burst, Valentine’s overwhelming power becomes too much with time. Now, this is not to say that Randall didn’t look impressive; he did actually. In realty though, even as he tried to push himself of the top rope while in the throws of the “Legendary Lock” (Full Nelson Submission), such a fact only helped the USPW National Champion to wrench in stronger; especially since the push-off was a desperation move gone wrong. In the end, now laying on the canvas with the “Legendary Lock” still in use, the party eventually comes to an end. Seconds later, the challenger calls for submission; unable to take the brunt of the hold for much longer.


Peter Valentine defeats Randall Hopkirk in 8:10 via the “Legendary Lock” (Full Nelson Submission).

Grade: D-


Danny Jillfeski:
How the… does he keep winning?

Eric Tyler:
It’s easy to see why people would hate this guy, I mean he’s pretty much a self-promoting A-hole, but you can’t deny him of his wins… He’s one of the hottest competitors in the USPW right now!

Danny Jillefski:
I still can’t give him his due… I can’t stand this guy!




… Hype Video; the history of their rivalry …


[At this point, as we transition away from watching Peter Valentine celebrate like the great egotist that he is, we are now shown a pre-developed hype video centered around the tumultuous rivalry between Chris Caulfield and Bruce the Giant. While the segment is rather short, it highlights several ‘key moments’ between these two bitter rivals; stemming back to September of last year. In the end, the everlasting narrative appears to be: No matter how much brutality he took, no matter how much it seemed like Bruce had crushed him previously, “The Hardcore American” always got back up.]


[As the video package finally comes to a close, we are left with one question:
Will Chris Caulfield survive tonight? – OR – will this be the moment where he finally stays down…?


Grade: B-


Danny Jillefski:
After 4 ½ months, we’re on the verge of a final resolution here tonight… Caulfield… Bruce the Giant… #1 Contendership match for the USPW World Championship!

Eric Tyler:
Bruce is one bad giant but I know Caulfield; I’ve been in the ring with this man countless of times. You can throw everything at him, practically break him in half, and he’ll get back up. Honestly, I don’t know if Bruce has what it takes to keep him down. I mean, if he hasn’t done so in 4 months… I don’t know what could be different tonight?

Danny Jillefski:
You know that Bruce the Giant is mulling over that very same thought right now; how can I keep him down for good? As you said, and I believe you totally, I don’t know if it’s possible? I guess we’ll find out tonight as you KNOW both men will bring their “A-Game” no doubt!




and Nicky Champion vs. Jumbo Jackson and


The War Memorial Auditorium is practically shaking with excitement as our secondary main event finally comes together. Following an array of extravagant entrances, much like what we saw from Enygma at the opening of the broadcast, we are now left with four men intertwined in their hatred for one another. With this in mind, as one may expect, there’s a hefty sense of anticipation circulating in the air; wondering WHAT team would eventually walk away with the victory.


The actual in-ring action is rather expected. Jumbo Jackson and Tyson Baine, being the bigger of the two tandems, play their roles perfectly; viciously flooring everyone in their sights in overtly overpowering fashion. At one point, Eugene Williams even looked as if he was on the verge of receiving a beatdown; only to have the situation ceremoniously averted as the USPW World Champion, Enygma, ultimately ‘saves the day’. In return, standing before such gigantic fury, the team of Champion and Enygma do their very best to stand toe-to-toe with their rivals; looking somewhat overpowered; however, never truly ‘out of it’ all together.


In the end, after close to ten minutes of warring back-and-forth, the match eventually comes to a close with the menacing sight of
storming out of the back; v-lining for the USPW World Champion in the process. While standing on the apron, watching his partner, Nicky Champion, war with Jumbo Jackson, T-Rex is shown viciously pulling the champ down to the floor; a fact that is followed up by an intense beating at the hands of the “Jurassic Power”. Enygma does quite well, turning the altercation into a two-way brawl; however, the situation eventually pulls him away from the action. Meanwhile,
Shane Sneer
does his best to manipulate the outcome at the very same moment; arguing with the referee over a recent ‘blown call’ as he put it.


With Eugene Williams’ focus set on Sneer’s aggressive ranting, Tyson Baine is shown climbing into the ring; eventually hitting Nicky Champion with his signature “Hades Bomb” (Powerbomb) as Jumbo Jackson struggles to regain his own footing (recently floored by Nicky Champion moments before the powerbomb from Baine). Rolling out of the ring after the impact, Baine opens the door for his partner, and fellow Sneer Corp member, to lazily roll-over onto the semi-conscious Champion; ultimately gaining a standard 3-count from Mr. Williams (who is no longer being occupied by the manipulative Shane Sneer).


Tyson Baine and Jumbo Jackson defeat Enygma and Nicky Champion in 10:02 after Tyson Baine executed his signature “Hades Bomb” (powerbomb) illegally upon Nicky Champion; Jumbo Jackson gets the pinfall.

Grade: C-


Danny Jillefski:
Are you kidding me?
[stares off with disgust]
THIS is how it ends? T-Rex attacks Enygma from behind, Sneer distracts the referee, and Tyson Baine illegally plants Nicky Champion with a “Hades Bomb” behind Mr. Williams’ back? Good god, I think I’m going to be sick!

Eric Tyler:
It may seem cheap but yea… This is how it all ends, Danny. Maybe the USPW should start employing two referees during every match?
I mean, it almost looks like our referees are incapable of EVER seeing what’s REALLY going on!

Danny Jillefski:
It’s safe to say, at this point, that the Sneer Corporation’s official M-O is to cheat. Am I right?
[shakes his head; disgusted]
Every match-up, every altercation, every moment here on “American Wrestling”, for these guys is a moment to screw another over. It… makes… me… sick!

Eric Tyler:
Oh, I agree, Danny. It makes me sick to see these guys continually break the ‘code’. Honestly, I hate to sound like a broken record but what ever happened to respect for others; doing the right thing in the throws of action? I just can’t get behind all of this…well… blatant cheating!

Danny Jillefski:
First we had Baby Jamie, then Sam Strong last week. Now, tonight, we’ve already seen James Justice, Enygma, and Nicky Champion all fall as a result of back-handed sneak attacks by the Sneer Corporation! Again… When will it end?

Eric Tyler:
Possibly never if Shane gets his way. This could be the norm if the Sneer Corporation finally overtakes USPW… United in Sneer Pro Wrestling… It’s a scary thought…




Tyson Baine, T-Rex, and Enygma

… Two-on-one attack …


[As the ringside bell chimes, signifying the end of the secondary main event in favor of the Sneer Corporation, Tyson Baine is shown exiting the ring in a swift, yet brutish, manner. It was only a matter of a few seconds ago that he had just planted Nicky Champion with an illegal “Hades Bomb”, as he wasn’t the legal man, and now he’s already moved onto another victim of choice. With T-Rex already brawling with the USPW World Champion, throwing punches back and forth like hell-bent mad-men, Baine ultimately swings the altercation in his partner’s direction; slamming his tree-trunk like arms into the back of Enygma in the process. The strike, while simple, is so strong that it sends the champ reeling; staggering to his knee shortly thereafter.]


[Following a vile glance between the two, both monstrous “Titans” now grab at the back of the USPW World Champion; throwing him violently against a nearby guardrail with a double-team Irish whip! While such a throw would typically only leave another motionless for a second or two, the sheer force that comes with Baine & Rex makes the whip that much more deadly. All it takes is one overpowering throw, displaying power previously unseen, to completely knock Enygma out cold; laying motionless in a heap before the guardrail.]



Shane Sneer and Jumbo Jackson

… Joining their allies in the ring; T-Rex joins the Sneer Corp …


[After snarling at a few nearby fans, booing them aggressively for their destruction of the champ, the “Titans” now enter the ring in which to meet up with Shane Sneer & Jumbo Jackson. In the end, as trash continues to fly into the ring at reckless speeds, showering the 4 of them with a ‘dirty disdain’, T-Rex is shown shaking Shane Sneer’s hand; officially signifying that he’s joined the Sneer Corporation. While it was expected to happen sooner or later, the immense size of Jackson, Rex, and Banie, all together, brings a sense of real menace to the faction for the first time in it’s 5 year history. Not to mention, the path of destruction before them currently, both Enygma and Nicky Champion laying motionless in their respective areas, only adds to such a notion: The Sneer Corporation has evolved; becoming unstoppable it seems through sheer, mountainous, force.]


Grade: C-


Danny Jillefski:
Oh my…

Eric Tyler:
This doesn’t look good for the USPW right now…
[Pauses; stares]
Jumbo Jackson, Tyson Baine, and T-Rex? Who can stop that? I don’t know if it’s possible…

Danny Jillefski:
That’s not even counting the likes of Danny Rushmore, Mick Muscles, and Anger…
[stares; in shock]
I knew this day was coming the second we saw Baine join forces earlier tonight but… Oh my…




Bruce the Giant vs.

[uSPW World Championship #1 contendership match]


There is an air of grandeur circulating around the ringside area as these long-time rivals aggressively forge the squared circle; preparing themselves for, what many believe to be, an epic battle fit for PPV. With that said, neither man failed to live up to such a lofty standard.


Crazily enough, what many thought was impossible actually came to pass. No matter what Bruce the Giant did to the “Hardcore American”, no matter how vicious he became in his onslaught, Caulfield always found a way to kick-out of his pinfall attempt.


Leg drop? Kick out.


Bear-hug crash? Kick out.


Standing Powerslam? Kick out.


Everything Bruce threw at him, Caulfield would eventually kick out; even if it were only a millisecond before Eugene could count to three. With this in mind, as the former DaVE standout continues to heroically pull himself back to his feet, barely able to hold his own body weight, Bruce continues to grow more-and-more agitated. Then again, could you blame him? After 4 ½ months of this very thing, a man many perceive to be the most powerful figure in Pro Wrestling history is unable to keep a scrawny, unimposing, man from getting back up; a fact that almost tests whether or not Bruce has ‘lost it’ from a power perspective.


With this resonating around the ringside area, the overwhelming thought began to form that maybe… just maybe… Chris Caulfield could outlast his opponent; walking away with a victory once thought impossible. Sadly, this is not what happened.


Swinging like a madman, barely able to open his eyes, hardly able to stay on his own two feet, Caulfield attempts to connect with a desperate haymaker or two. While one does actually land, it only enrages Bruce that much more; inspiring him to clasp his hand aggressively around the “Hardcore American’s” throat while lifting him up for his signature “Giant Chokeslam”. Within seconds, slamming viciously upon the unforgiving canvas below, Bruce has finally done what had taken him almost 5 months to do so… Keeping Caulfield down for enough time in which to gain a 3 count; a fact that now places him as the #1 contender to Enygma’s USPW World Championship!


Bruce the Giant defeats Chris Caulfield in 9:39 via a “Giant Chokeslam”.

Grade: C


Danny Jillefski:
After 5 long months, this epic rivalry has seemingly found it’s end-point. Bruce the Giant did exactly what he said he would do: putting Caulfield down ‘for good’.

Eric Tyler:
Now, with this win, we’re going to see Bruce the Giant and Enygma at “Frigid Fight Night”. Can you imagine what we’ll see there? I mean, if Bruce can finally put Caulfield down, the most indestructible madman that I’ve ever known, how can Enygma fair? We may be on the verge of a new USPW World Champion!

Danny Jillefski:
While true, I would never put my money against Enygma… I mean…
[stops and stares; confused]
Wait… Why is the Sneer Corporation on their way out to the ring?
This isn’t… He hasn’t… No… Has Bruce the Giant joined the Sneer Corporation?

Eric Tyler:
Shane Sneer appears to be clapping; even smiling. He may have…




The Sneer Corporation

… Walking to the ring …


[The crowd begins to boo wildly as the Sneer Corporation, again, makes their presence known; however, this time, things appear to be somewhat different. In a night where we’ve seen Tyson Baine, and T-Rex, join the Corporation ranks, it looks as though we may be witnessing a shocking third addition tonight; at least from what it seems like. Smirking like a vindictive bad-boy, Sneer claps in a lazy, yet arrogant, fashion; continuing this fact as he and his faction of giants enter the squared circle.]



Bruce the Giant

… Joining the Sneer Corporation? …


[it happened so very quick; Sneer confidently stomping in his direction, Bruce overlooking the sea of warriors before him with a stern response, and the crowd watching on in horror. Stepping over Caulfield’s semi-motionless body, the conniving Sneer extends his right hand outward in which to shake Bruce’s gigantic club of a hand; the official symbol that one has accepted the business deal that is the Sneer Corporation alliance.]


[For a few seconds, both men stand across from one another; neither really moving from their place. Shockingly, though, this seemingly cordial exchange would quickly come to an end as it seems that Bruce was never expected to JOIN the Sneer Corporation. Instead, Shane was simply standing before him as a ruse; to keep his attention focused on him. Before Bruce could even make a decision, he’s forced to his knees with a cheap-shot from Danny Rushmore; a simple clipping of Bruce’s previously injured knee from behind.]


[The crowd begins to boo like crazy as Bruce attempts to pull himself back to his feet, showing that his knee has not fully healed yet, which makes this initial strike even more destructive, but such a fact never really comes to pass. Instead, the Sneer Corporation descends upon the towering giant like a pack of hyena’s; aggressively circling it’s prey.]



Chris Caulfield

… Attacked as well …


[Caulfield would eventually rise to his feet, and even connects with a punch across Mick Muscle’s chiseled jaw, only to be viciously cast back to the canvas with an “Extinction” (Big Boot) from T-Rex. In time, as Bruce is being picked apart by the remaining members of the group, the “Towers of Power” are eventually shown lifting Caulfield back up; slamming him back down with their signature “Long way down” (Double Front-face Suplex). The impact is so devastating that, for the first time in awhile, Caulfield is completely motionless; appearing as if he were ‘out cold’.]


[in the end, as Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield lay side-by-side, both victims of the Sneer Corporation, Shane Sneer seemingly made good on a plan set earlier: to destroy both top-contenders to Enygma’s World Championship. Why was this his plan? We’re not entirely sure but it certainly seemed to be his agenda.]


[Holding his previously injured knee in immense pain, Bruce roars outward like a wounded lion; mad, hurt, and exhausted all at the same time. Meanwhile, the man who ‘never stays down’ appears to finally be down… possibly for good?]


[This is what see at the close of “American Wrestling” as the Sneer Corporation arrogantly stands over their victims; celebrating as one cohesive unit. Meanwhile, the livid USPW faithful are showering them with a hurricane of trash; the final image being that of an actual trash can cast into the ring by an enraged group of fans at ringside.]


Grade: C-


[both are silent; in shock]

Danny Jillefski:
Baby Jamie, Sam Strong, James Justice, Nicky Champion, Enygma, and now Chris Caulfield and Bruce the Giant…
[Pauses; in shock still]
I’ve never seen a single group stand THIS dominate before. The Sneer Corporation is…
[Pauses; staring at the ring]
I don’t even know… Who can stop these guys? Honestly? Who?

Eric Tyler:
It’s less about one person saving the day, I’m afraid, Danny. The USPW needs to find a group of avengers or else run the risk of falling apart. What we’ve seen tonight, this blatant sense of destruction, cannot be stopped by a single figure; it’s impossible as we’ve seen tonight.

Danny Jillefski:
Ladies and gentlemen… I’m speechless… the USPW is in a full-on civil war…
I don’t know if we can survive this…










Overall Show Grade:

Show Attendance:
[sell Out!]

TV Show Rating:
1.02 (+ 0.08) on the Sports America Network

<hr color="black">
Quick “American Wrestling” Results

Mick Muscles defeated Freddie Datsun via pinfall. (D+)

T-Rex defeated Java via pinfall. (D+)

Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson defeated Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb via pinfall. ©

Peter Valentine defeated Randall Hopkirk via submission. (D-)

Jumbo Jackson and Tyson Baine defeated Enygma and Nicky Champion via pinfall. (C-)

Bruce the Giant defeated Chris Caulfield via pinfall. ©
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EV I have been a fan of yours forever and as you know I always read any diary you write. This is a great start to a diary. I have never really been a huge fan of USPW. Although J Silver had an incredible USPW. This diary has an old school feel to it and I love it. It's great to see you switch up your wrestling style. You always had a darker tone to your diaries but this is old school greatness.


I apologize for not predicting at all for this diary run but I'm going to start on the next show. I'm not going to lie but reading this diary has made me want to start a USPW game. Most likely a private game but I've always been in a comfort zone with NOTBPW and TCW so maybe I'll break my comfort zone and try a little old school USPW. Again great diary man glad to see you back.

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