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USPW: The Great American Spectacle!

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Really good show and whilst it is all really good, I have to say the intention of Sneer and co. to be the main role is coming through amazingly, especially that promo at the start. In game ratings look too low to be right in a way, really strange but it's not about that, had a bit of a spoiler as too Hopkirk's debut in the rerender thread but all in all I enjoyed it and the taking people out bit list is looking really good.
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Guest codey
Really dug the show, EV. And now that I'm all caught up, you can expect me to be getting in on all this EV goodness. Mmmmm.
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Bare with me, I'm in a mood to respond... :D


EV I have been a fan of yours forever and as you know I always read any diary you write. This is a great start to a diary. I have never really been a huge fan of USPW. Although J Silver had an incredible USPW. This diary has an old school feel to it and I love it.


Thank you, TDubs!


As I've been pretty open about, I've never really been that much of a USPW fan in the past either. I often thought of the product as rather gimmicky and overtly childish. With that in mind though, I came to realize that my perception of the company was actually somewhat off. Sure, it's family friendly in the fact that there isn't an intense amount of violence, blood, and adult content, but, at the end of the day, it's STILL wrestling. Wrestling itself is somewhat of a brutish presentation; so, as time went on, I began to envision USPW as more of an old-school product (much like that of WCW and WWF in the early to mid 90's).


In the end, I want to project USPW as everything 'American Wrestling'. What I mean by that is this, while SWF and TCW are the benchmarks for international popularity, I'm looking to create USPW as homage to the American wrestling scene. They're brutish, hard-as-nails, blue-collar, mentality not only coincides with the 'American Narrative' but also goes a long way as a product. Sure, there are a lot of gimmicky things about this presentation but, in the end, think more Old-School, Southern-inspired, Pro Wrestling. In a sense, think of a cross between the WWF and WCW of the early to mid 90's (the cusp of the nWo).


It's great to see you switch up your wrestling style. You always had a darker tone to your diaries but this is old school greatness.


Switching up my style is the main reason why I'm absolutely loving this project. Sure, most here know me as the 'hardcore guy' or the 'gritty dark guy' but, in reality, that's not my personality outright. I tend to have a flare for the darker toned movies, consistently in love with a gritty presentation, but I'm actually quite a simple guy.


I grew up on ECW and fell in love with their product in the 90's; however, part of me wonders if I would be as avid of a fan now in my later 20's (if it were still here). My idea of a 'good product' has become less about absolute violence and more about good storytelling. With hardcore products, sure you can have a great story still but I often think people look MORE for the 'shock and awe' violence than they do the actual story. I mean, look at ECW for instance, Dreamer and Raven had an amazing storyline for quite some time; however, the image we tend to remember of them is the most violent spots they had during that time; not the story really.


All in all, USPW, while not my perfect product (as I'm often more of a modern guy than a slow-paced guy), has become a great journey for me as a writer, a booker, and a storyteller. I hope, in the end, that the 'change up' will eventually show myself to be more than a 'one trick pony' as a creator here on the GDS boards.


I apologize for not predicting at all for this diary run but I'm going to start on the next show. I'm not going to lie but reading this diary has made me want to start a USPW game. Most likely a private game but I've always been in a comfort zone with NOTBPW and TCW so maybe I'll break my comfort zone and try a little old school USPW. Again great diary man glad to see you back.


Predicting is a nice addition but not necessarily overly important. I mean, it's great to know that people are following along, and in most cases predicting shows this, but I would be more happy knowing that people were reading than getting a simple bolding of a couple names for an upcoming card.


The wayward 'hey, E-V, I'm enjoying this' is certainly enough for me. Why? USPW is THAT much fun to write for that I actually find myself, for the first time in a long while, writing out of excitement versus gaining attention. I'm not going to lie, for awhile there attention was my main focus as a writer. Now, while it's nice, and I freely love to see avid readers out there, it's not necessarily the most important factor.


That said, It'll be great to see you within the thread coming up here; you've been a long-time supporter and I really appreciate that (through out my projects).


Really good show and whilst it is all really good, I have to say the intention of Sneer and co. to be the main role is coming through amazingly, especially that promo at the start.


Thank you, 20LEgend!


With the Sneer Corporation, I'm attempting to create the vibe that's often needed with big time heel factions; especially those based upon domination. They have to seem unstoppable; almost reckless. This way, it makes you, the reader or the 'watcher', actually want to see them get punched in the face. ha. Without the build up, it just becomes a boring back and forth where no one really ever generates any heat either way.


That's really the focus of this project more so than any in my past. I really want you to hate the heels of USPW; especially the Sneer Corporation. As the booker, and writer, I'm hoping to have you side with USPW vs. the Sneer Corp; however, I do know that bad guys often come across as 'cool' (as that often happens with me; cheering the bad guys). It's a challenge I eagerly accept. :D


In game ratings look too low to be right in a way, really strange but it's not about that.


I'd be lying if I said that the lackluster grades don't suck at times but, to be honest, I feel i've become the Vince Russo of the Cornellverse. What I mean by that is this...


I look at it this way. I use the TEW game to set up what I want the show to look, feel, and sound like. At the end, I add characters where I want them to be, add storylines that I feel are interesting, and put people over others in which to better tell those stories. In the end, the 'grade' the game gives me is what I expect the crowd's response to be. So, I could think something is an amazing idea in my head, book it and watch it unfold, only to have the crowd go "Meh.... What's next?". In reality, this is how pro wrestling booking actually unfolds.


The fans may crap on a Valentine promo but, in my mind, I feel I have a story to tell there. I guess, it's just how I look at the game; a vice that allows me to feel as though I'm actually a booker in a real company. To be honest, I would get bored if everything were A's. ha. I know that sounds weird but it would mean that everything had become too easy. This past episode's segment with James Justice and T-Rex, for this reason, was amazing; as it pulled a B+. That's the highest segment I've pulled and it came out as well as I thought it would in my head; while also pushing forward the storyline building up to their match at "Frigid Fight Night".


So, I guess what I'm rambling about is... The grades don't sting all that much. In the end, I book things as I would want to see things unfold and then sit back to see how the 'fans take my approach' (that being the Grades that the game gives me).


Really dug the show, EV. And now that I'm all caught up, you can expect me to be getting in on all this EV goodness. Mmmmm.


Great to hear, codey!


There is plenty more where that came from! :D At this point, we're only scratching the surface of what's to come.... ;)

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Nice show there. All of it was well-written and pretty much on-point. Glad I took the time to read all of it and loved the Bruce/Chris main event. The aftermath with both men getting attacked pretty much was a good call made by you.


Keep that good stuff up. :D

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Nice show there. All of it was well-written and pretty much on-point. Glad I took the time to read all of it and loved the Bruce/Chris main event. The aftermath with both men getting attacked pretty much was a good call made by you.


Keep that good stuff up. :D


Thank you, KingJoel!


Awesome to hear that you gave the entire show a good read. Honestly, it's a great thing to hear as a writer. So, Thank you for that!


Also, the main event took some time to craft; as I went back and forth on what I wanted to happen. In the end, I feel this was the best way to go given what's coming next for the 'Civil War' Storyline.


All in all, great to have you 'on board'!





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Bruce the Giant injured; Alicia Strong speaks-out!.


In a tasteless trend as of late, another big-time USPW figure has been injured at the hands of the controversial, power-hungry, faction:
The Sneer Corporation
. Last week, word was given that the company’s owner himself, and beloved LEGEND,
Sam Strong
, was severely injured following a post-show assault at the hands of the Sneer-led grouping. This week, it’s none other than Strong’s long-time friend, and fellow LEGEND,
Bruce the Giant
, who now finds himself physically depleted.


The assault levied by the Sneer Corporation left
Bruce unable to leave the arena on his own footing
; a situation that was difficult for the former USPW World Champion as it took an army of sorts to
help him stagger to an awaiting ambulance
. Initial reports claim that Bruce will miss extensive time due to the re-injuring of his right knee. At this point, it’s unknown whether or not he’ll need surgery. If so, it could be a
potential career-halting scenario


As we all know, this is the same knee
originally injured by Chris Caulfield
just one month ago. Sadly, it appears that Bruce wasn’t really 100% ready to return from the previous strain; making this most recent attack even more destructive.


Alicia Strong
, a longtime family friend of Bruce, and the well-known daughter of Sam Strong, was visibly shaken at the close of “American Wrestling” this week; turning to friends as she grew emotional after seeing both her father and the man she calls ‘Uncle Bruce’ leaving the arena via Ambulance for two-weeks straight. In a short statement,
Alicia held no punches in her hatred for Shane Sneer
and his band of villainous monsters:


“What they
[The Sneer Corporation]
are doing is just plain sick; I can’t even recognize Shane
anymore. We had Christmas dinners with this man; his daughter is one of my personal best friends. How could he do this to us; attacking daddy and Uncle Bruce? I’m heartbroken… Lost for words…”

+ Alicia Strong


The state of the USPW appears to be in shock tonight as a good number of our most beloved figures are hurting. What will be the final outcome of all of this? Have we seen Bruce the Giant’s final match of his career? Will Sam Strong ever be cleared by his doctors to return to “American Wrestling”? Only time will tell…

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Friday, 3rd Week of January 2010

... "Brainstorming for the sake of PPV buys" ...




Crafting the 'Civil War' to a new level...



“This is a great unknown for us, Erik.”


Shane [sneer] interjects in somewhat of a subdued, yet fearful, tone. Meanwhile, pacing around the room like a presidential candidate on the verge of a major speech of sorts, I find myself rather antsy today; speedily glancing around the self-proclaimed ‘war room’ as my predecessor and I conjure up a ‘battle-plan’.


He’s entirely right; the Pay-Per-View avenue is new ground for all of us at this point. That said; however, our theoretical bunker had become a place to brainstorm potential booking ideas.


Then it happened…


“I got it, Shane. Let’s really push this ‘war’ to the next level on this week’s broadcast. We’ll have you, and the Sneer Corp, overtake the show like a rebel faction looking to overthrow it’s government. We can keep Sam off TV for one more week, hyping the injury that much more, and ultimately have the Corp forcibly ‘run the joint’.”


I continue to pace; thinking out loud more so than really having a conversation in the end.


“It’ll drive interest for the PPV as everyone wonders whether or not the company has officially fallen into disarray. Also, we can hype that Strong will be back just in time for the PPV; leading to a stand-off at ‘Frigid Fight Night’. It’s crazy, I know, but this could be the real ‘kick in the butt’ that pushes this storyline to another level.”


I look over at Shane; growing with excitement. In return, Shane gives me nothing more than a blank stare; most certainly listening but not really giving me any cues as to whether or not he likes the notion.


“Enough with this whole ‘I’m annoyed with you Strong’ stuff. It’s time that we have the Sneer Corp go into action. It’s time the plan finally unfolds.”


A momentary sense of silence fills the room. At first, as always, I start to wonder whether or not I’ve thought too far out of the box for such a traditionalist company but, with time, his demeanor tells of his ‘coming around’. Seconds later, Shane begins to nod his head in approval; slowly but all the backing I needed.


“If we can keep Strong off TV for one more show then I like it; putting him into the mix this early may end up mucking everything up.”


He pauses; then smirks a little as he seemingly grows with excitement as well.


“You’re onto something here, Erik. Now, We just need to formulate how all of this would take part…”


Standing before him like a proud general, chest puffed out within my white oxford shirt, I crack a smirk of my own; one that often gets me the reputation for being rather sly altogether.


“I’ve got that under control, Shane… It’ll be a broadcast that will never be forgotten… I promise you that…”


With a cigar positioned in both of our respective mouths, we continue to speak for hours; formulating a plan that would make our upcoming broadcast a memorable one. In reality, this is always my focus as a booker/writer; it’s the reason why I accepted this position as ‘Hollywood’ had become rather formulaic to me. In pro wrestling, and in life really, I’m often pulled to that of grandeur; to spectacles if you will. What time would ever be better to generate such a spectacle than days before our first ever PPV event? In the end, in this business as I’ve come to find, it’s all about buy-rates; so, why would we pull any punches so close to the goal-line?


It’s time to pull the cover off of the ‘Civil War’; to push it to a whole new level…





<hr color="black">
What we learned

The plan for this next episode of "American Wrestling" is to have the Sneer Corporation overtake the broadcast; somewhat in the same tone as the nWo did back in it's early days. With that said; however, this won't be a blatant copy of such a scenario & will have it's own process (one that seems more realistic to me at this point).


The overall card won't have this notion, as it's going to unfold during the broadcast itself, adding more 'shock' to everything, but the vibe will change considerably once the results come up (ie: watching the show). Why am I telling you this? While you may already know the notion, seeing how we're following Erik Vincent from a backstage perspective as the new headbooker of USPW, the actual carrying out is still a mystery. Plus, there will be more to this scenario than what it looks like on paper.


This is being done not only to evolve the 'Civil War' storyline going forward, adding a slight reason behind their destructive ways thus far, but will also add some excitement going into the companies first PPV event in history - "Frigid Fight Night" (taking place on the last sunday of the month; a few days after this broadcast of "American Wrestling").


Crazy excited for this one; not going to lie.
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There is a new addition to the USPW marketplace as, earlier today,
Shane Sneer unveiled the official threads of his controversial faction, The Sneer Corporation.
In a short press conference, Mr. Sneer proclaimed that the newfound branding of his menacing organization was due, in large part, to it’s recent shift in focus; crediting Sam Strong’s ‘incompetence’ as the ultimate culprit of their vicious tone as of late.


In the end, when asked how much the shirt would cost, the villainous CEO proclaimed
“your undying, unquestioned, allegiance to the Sneer Way”
as his answer; delivered in a brash fashion.


We are still attempting to negotiate with Mr. Sneer’s personal lawyers in which to officially bring the hot new T-shirt to USPW.com. In the end, it’s availability will ultimately come down to whether or not a deal can be struck between the two warring organizations; that being the USPW and the Sneer Corporation.

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Love the new Sneer Corps shirt, E-V! Am definitely headed to my local USPW store to pick one up. :D Yeah, Being a Ric Flair fan, I always have had a thing for the bad guys. lol.


I'm the same way, Angel. ha. Actually, it goes as deep as, in most movies growing up, I always cheered for the 'bad guy' secretly. Why? They just always seemed to have more fun. haha.


That said, Ric Flair makes it impossible not to like him; heel or face. Realistically though, I'm talking about pre-2000 Flair. ;)





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Episode #4

Wednesday, 4th week of January 2010

Perry Hall (Great Lakes)



“Da Freak”
Jones vs. Darryl
“Mighty Fine”
w/ Seduction

It was just two weeks ago that “Da Freak” first defeated “The Mighty One” on “American Wrestling”. At the time, it looked like a normal, run-of-the-mill title defense; however, ever since this last broadcast, it’s become apparent that Devine hasn’t given up on his TV Championship dreams. Labeling him ‘a bore’, ‘not fit for TV’, “The Mighty One” will look to make his case for a re-shot. If he’s unsuccessful, if Jones is able to add a 2-0 deficit, there’s a good chance that this newfound rivalry will be a short-term one.


Anger vs. The Force

While both of these men have been part of USPW for quite some time, they’ve had very little interaction with one another. Crazily, despite all they’ve done for the company, they both appear to be potentially on a ‘down-slope’; struggling to find victories from all comers. In the end, which USPW Icon will have what it takes to turn around their fortunes? Will it be the aging “Ancient Demon”, under the Sneer Corp banner, who re-legitimatizes his place in USPW? – OR – Will the most decorated wrestler in USPW history, and a man many believe to be the very soul of it’s 9-year-existence, who eventually makes a loud-and-proud statement of still being relevant? Time will tell who’s got it… and who’s…lost it.


“The Vile Vixxen”
Belle Bryden vs.
“The Dark Angel”
Raven Robinson

Raven Robinson is hungry. She’s hungry for what she has lost in previous weeks; the USPW Women’s Championship. With that in mind, ever since the first broadcast of “American Wrestling” in 2010, “The Dark Angel” has sped around USPW with reckless abandon; hell-bent on regaining her status atop the division. Before she get’s her chance, given to her by the new USPW ‘Women’s Wrestling Czar’, Micky Starr, she must go through “The Vile Vixxen” first. Oh, and it should be noted that the Women’s Champion herself, Cherry Bomb, has been asked to partake in the broadcast as a special guest color commentator for this match… What will it mean? Knowing the Champ, and knowing her borderline psychotic outbursts, there’s a good chance that she won’t stay seated at the table…


“The Hardcore American”
Chris Caulfield vs. Danny Rushmore

Last week, the seemingly unbreakable Caulfield was unable to return to his feet following the main event. While a match with Bruce the Giant would be enough to slow anyone down, the actual culprit was none other than the vicious hand of “The Towers of Power”; within a post-match attack that was levied upon he and Bruce altogether. This week, Caulfield has a chance at revenge; stepping within the ropes with one-half of his previous attackers, Danny Rushmore. Can the “Hardcore American” survive despite staggering, from injuries, as always? – OR – Will the Sneer Corp’s long-time tag team specialist, Danny Rushmore, overpower his way toward a career-altering victory? Regardless of the outcome, it’s bound to be a heated affair.


Des Davids vs.
“The Demon”
Tyson Baine

It should come as no surprise that Tyson Baine is widely considered to be the Sneer Corporation’s “Franchise Employee”. His mean, vicious, uncontrollable, and entirely a ‘hot-head’, which are all things that Mr. Sneer celebrates extensively. With this in mind, can one-half of the USPW Tag Team Champions, the up-and-coming, Des Davids, stand toe-to-toe with such a brutish behemoth? – OR – Will the proclaimed “Demon” reap another soul with his unforgiving hand of destruction? In the end, Des Davids will have to rely heavily upon the people, known as a beloved member of the “People’s Team”, if he EVER wishes to climb this menacing mountain. Is it possible? Sure. Can it be expected? Never.


Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

Since their tumultuous rise, Enygma has often been the darkened figure on the other side of the tracks; standing in opposition to their wicked ways. Obviously, this, and the fact that he’s the reigning USPW World Champion, has placed quite the bulls-eye on his back for such opposition. Recently, with “The Demon” now working for Mr. Sneer, the budding rivalry between the Champ & Baine appears to be raging out of control; costing one man, Baby Jamie, his health in relation to the events. This week, Enygma gets a chance to go toe-to-toe with one of Baine’s newfound allies, Jumbo Jackson. In the end, will the crushing strength of one, Jumbo Jackson, be enough to slow down the mysterious Champion? – OR- will Enygma continue to stand as the great opposition to Sneer, and Baine’s, hellish ways? In reality, no one at USPW.com believes this match will end up as a clean victory either way; knowing that, whenever Enygma is involved, “The Demon” will always be close behind…




USPW owner, and celebrated LEGEND of the sport,
Sam Strong
, will address the USPW-Nation via satellite from his Florida home; still unable to attend “American Wrestling” due to his diminished health. Without being medically cleared by his doctors, Strong has been literally forced away from the company; a fact that is certainly driving him mad. This week; however, we’ll finally hear from the “Alpha American” for the first time since his un-televised assault at the hands of Tyson Baine & the Sneer Corporation.




<hr color="black">
"American Wrestling": Episode #4

Andre Jones vs. Darryl Devine

Anger vs. The Force

Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson

Chris Caulfield vs. Danny Rushmore

Des Davids vs. Tyson Baine

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson
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Andre Jones vs. Darryl Devine

non-title so I say that Devine gets this one.


Anger vs. The Force

Anger is in the top storyline right now while Force´s only appearance is him jobbing to Valentine so right now Anger is the more important guy.


Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson

Raven gets some momentum before the PPV match.


Chris Caulfield vs.Danny Rushmore

Usually I would go with Caulfield but right now Sneer Corporation seems to be quite dominant and that will likely continue here.


Des Davids vs. Tyson Baine

Baine is feuding with Enygma so he needs to get past Davids here


Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

Champ is kept strong, though DQ win is very likely, unless of course this becomes non-dq match when Sneer´s group takes the lead. :p

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Andre Jones vs. Darryl Devine

I've always like Devine for some reason. Not sure why I just have


Anger vs. The Force

Feel like the Force is going to take this one


Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson

Think the former champ is gonna take this one


Chris Caulfield vs. Danny Rushmore

This is a toss up to me but I'll go with Chris


Des Davids vs. Tyson Baine

Tyson is gonna win this one and keep dominating


Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

I was debating on picking Jumbo Jackson but I think Enygma is gonna take this one

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Chris Caulfield

“Hardcore American”

Chris is my ‘Rocky Balboa figure’; an undying hero with a knack for the dramatic. When the chips seem stacked against him, when it looks like he can barely stand, when it appears as though he’s suffering through intense pain, he always seems to find a way to keep fighting. In reality, it would be much easier to just ‘stay down’ but, either through moxy or stupidity, he continues to push forward; risking further injury in the process.


To his opponents, this fact often becomes rather infuriating; how can you beat someone who doesn’t know when to quit? With this in mind, tempers flare regularly when Caulfield competes within USPW’s ring ropes. While some look at it as a challenge, steadily becoming more vicious in their attacks, others appear to ‘lose their cool’, when faced with such a unique fighter.


Pro Wrestling is just like ‘Hollywood’ in a lot of ways; however, the most pressing connection stands where the money lies. Just like in ‘Hollywood’, Wrestling entertainment relies heavily upon the brands that bookers, and writers, create. If you can create a marketable character then you’re bound to have a strong money trail following behind. In Caulfield’s case, it’s less of newfound branding and more of re-branding…


I knew of DaVE when they were in existence, seeing how I was an avid wrestling fan from afar, and the culture there was absolutely riveting. The extreme lengths that these men put their bodies through was nothing short of mind-blowing; all for the love of what they do. In this case, as it pertains to USPW, we will NEVER be known for such action (ie: hardcore) but we can re-brand the ‘hardcore’ wording to A) play off of what we know of Caulfield up until now and B) give USPW a working ability to utilize such a word without feeling as though we are talking about something we can’t back up.


While in DaVe hardcore meant weapons, violence, blood, and mayhem, in USPW it means that you’re unbreakable. In reality, it still resides within the same undertone (that someone would willingly put themselves through ‘hell’ and keep on coming for more); however, in USPW’s case, without the ability for grotesque violence, the word can be softened in which carry the same ‘reckless’ approach without teetering on the old definition.


In the end, The “Hardcore American” gimmick is not to utilize the wording as it meant in DaVE. In this case, we are simply speaking to his ability to withstand pain while still coming back for more. In a way, it becomes more about a sense of shock more so than anything; shock as to how much he can take before finally breaking.


Character Buzzwords:
Unbreakable, 'Never-say-die', Fearless, Determined, Crazy.


Fun Fact:
While Caulfield’s steel chair has become synonymous with his USPW persona, connecting him loosely with his DaVE roots just by having it with him, the weapon itself is more like a storytelling prop. Since joining USPW, he has yet to actually strike another with said chair. Instead, it’s often used as a ‘equalizer’ of sorts; more about presence than usage.



<hr color="black">
These posts will be done as if you were listening to Erik Vincent speak exclusively about his character creations in USPW. The fun thing for me is, now, I have a better chance of getting across exactly how I would like these characters to be seen/heard/felt. In writing, I'm trying my best to convey each character but know that things can get lost in translation. With this in mind, I will occasionally post write-ups much like the one above in which to better describe the gimmick's for those characters important enough to have such a focus.


I hope you enjoyed reading it! Also, I hope this brings you, the reader, closer to the project as a whole; as you may now have a more vested interest the characters if you feel like you 'know them'.


"American Wrestling": Episode #4

Andre Jones vs. Darryl Devine

Anger vs. The Force

Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson

Chris Caulfield vs. Danny Rushmore

Des Davids vs. Tyson Baine

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson
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The insights we are getting are awesome, the storyline plans and then the character breakdown feel really different to anything I've read before :)


Andre Jones vs. Darryl Devine

Tie it up a 1-1

Anger vs. The Force

The blurb for this match made me less sure of this but IMO, Demon is more relevant

Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson

Better to face the champ, so I can see her being built up to be fed to the bomb

Chris Caulfield vs. Danny Rushmore

He is Unbreakable, 'Never-say-die', Fearless, Determined, he is Crazy, Danny isn't

Des Davids vs. Tyson Baine

Don't think these needs reasoning

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

As much as I'm a fan of Jackson, the champ has to win... doesn't he? But ANYTHING can happen in USPW

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Andre Jones vs. Darryl Devine


It doesn't actually say non-title in the preview, but I'm assuming that it is, and in that case I'm tipping Devine to get a win back and continue this feud and get another shot at the TV Title. I don't mind Devine being a challenger or even holding the TV Belt, I just don't want to see another 'God Push' for him, where he's challenging for the world title in under six months.


Anger vs. The Force


Anger has the backing of Sneer Corp, so at this moment in time feels more relevant.


Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson


Right now the belt is on a heel, so it's better to keep the former champ and top face (beside's Alicia Strong) strong and in line for another title shot.


Chris Caulfield vs. Danny Rushmore


You want the Sneer Corp to look strong, but not so strong that the fans think there is no hope of a fightback. Caulfield's one of the babyfaces who can give the fans hope that not all is lost.


Des Davids vs. Tyson Baine


Unlike Caulfield, David's isn't really over enough to go over Baine and besides Baine's being built as an unstoppable monster.


Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson


I predict a DQ win for the World Champ , when the rest of the Sneer Corp storm the ring just as Engyma's going to make Jumbo tap out to the Engyma Variation.

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The insights we are getting are awesome, the storyline plans and then the character breakdown feel really different to anything I've read before :)


Thank you, 20LEgend! It's much appreciated to hear your sentiments. It appears, sadly, that not everyone agrees with you though (as I think I'm the only 'four star' diary going right now. ha) that said, I've had a lot of fun with crafting my image of USPW thus far.


It's great to know that I can still bring something new to the table after some 3-years of doing GDS Dynasty's. :D It's a great thing to continue to strive for; innovating versus safe-playing.


Also, thank you to everyone who has left predictions thus far! It's great to read your insight into the show as well; giving me a window into your experience thus far within this project! Very cool!





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Thank you, 20LEgend! It's much appreciated to hear your sentiments. It appears, sadly, that not everyone agrees with you though (as I think I'm the only 'four star' diary going right now. ha) that said, I've had a lot of fun with crafting my image of USPW thus far.




Aww fooey! You got an awesome fan base, so screw the ratings. We know what you can bring to the table and USPW seems to be a perfect fit for you so far. Only thing missing. . .? Jared Johnson :p

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Aww fooey! You got an awesome fan base, so screw the ratings. We know what you can bring to the table and USPW seems to be a perfect fit for you so far. Only thing missing. . .? Jared Johnson :p


Thank you, Critical-23. I know that such a rating doesn't really mean anything in the end but I found myself slightly disheartened following another show write-up (all of them have been around 18-20 pages on Word). I guess, I was hoping that, even if I'm not your 'cup of tea', that there would be those out there that would respect the time that goes into the planning, booking, writing, and post-writing, production.


Also, I'm not totally sure when Jared makes his debut, but when he does, I'll certainly look into the chance of having him on board. :D I know he's 'your guy' and I wouldn't mind giving him a go (as this diary is, in some ways, about using new characters I've never used before; outside of Tyler).





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Thank you, Critical-23. I know that such a rating doesn't really mean anything in the end but I found myself slightly disheartened following another show write-up (all of them have been around 18-20 pages on Word). I guess, I was hoping that, even if I'm not your 'cup of tea', that there would be those out there that would respect the time that goes into the planning, booking, writing, and post-writing, production.


Also, I'm not totally sure when Jared makes his debut, but when he does, I'll certainly look into the chance of having him on boar :D I know he's 'your guy' and I wouldn't mind giving him a go (as this diary is, in some ways, about using new characters I've never used before; outside of Tyler).






March of 2010 I think is Johnson's debut. Great technical worker right off the bat AND trained by Johnny Bloodstone.

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March of 2010 I think is Johnson's debut. Great technical worker right off the bat AND trained by Johnny Bloodstone.


That's not that far off; as I'm at the end of January right now. He probably comes at a pretty low level of overness though, right? That may be the difficult part of it all (given that USPW is so heavily popularity based).


I've thought through some ideas with some less than over babyfaces though; possibly putting together a simple faction of sorts. Realistically, he could fall in that space if everything turns out as I have planned over time (probably by March).


Thanks for the heads up, Critical-23!





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Mid-writing thoughts:

As I did recently, just thought I'd relay some internal thoughts as I continue to write through "American Wrestling" (Episode #4). I don't know if this will become a normal thing for me, as I typically don't relay such thoughts in this manner, but I've come to accept one thing about this project above all: Do what I feel I want to do in that very moment. If it means something like this; great. If not, then I'll just continue to add little flavorful posts in which to better get my focus across. This is what will keep things 'fresh' as I look to find A) What works for me B) change things up to keep me focused and C) see what you enjoy most about various approaches.


Here we go:


  • I actually quite like USPW's brand. Sure, there is very different from what you typically expect from me (being the 'gritty guy') but I'm really enjoying the crafting of a company built around solid, old-school, wrestling principals.

  • Does anyone listen to the songs that I post as links under the wrestlers names? Not really going to change much, as I really enjoy doing this from a character development perspective, but just wanted to know if people were doing such a thing or not?

  • This dynasty, while first person, is going to be written drastically different than the Greed-Saga (my other first person approach). What I mean by this is, while I add-libbed with Greed's experience, I plan to ONLY write backstage posts when I feel it's needed to tell a story. In this case, the stories will be based solely off of what I find in my game. Why am I doing this? To be honest, I've grown tired of putting a lot of effort into creating feuds behind the scenes; when my focus should be on the weekly TV show product. With this notion, I've been able to pump out 3 shows in a matter of a month or so (pretty good given the length of my shows). So, while you may get snapshots of Erik's experience, their probably won't be an extreme focus on this (where it was with Greed).

  • I'm starting to envision Shane Sneer as the dubious super-villain that he is. Unlike Tyler, who was known for being quite dark and gritty, Sneer is more of a comic book villain of sorts; menacing laughter, bone-chilling snarling, and always hell-bent on 'world domination' (in this case; the world of USPW). It's a major goal of mine to make Sneer his own persona; not just "The Voice of Reason"-lite form.

  • Soon enough, the Sneer Corporation won't be the only 'stable' in USPW...

  • I have a great, at least I think so, new character on the horizon; however, need to find the best way to debut him. Thus far, he's been on the roster for a week & I hope to find a way to work him into the 'Civil War' with due time. When he does, I'm excited to get him out into the forefront; creating a future star for USPW hopefully.

  • Despite putting Sneer in big angles with Sam Strong, I can't seem to get his popularity higher than "D+". I'm afraid he's already hit a wall (jumping after the first show; however, staying the same since).

  • A prediction contest will be announced following the USPW's upcoming PPV - "Frigid Fight Night". While I'm still working out the kinks, it's going to run up until the next PPV (giving everyone 4 shows to predict between each contest)! Each month, they will range in grandeur; not always being major but sometimes to that point. I hope that, in the end, this will give readers/viewers more of a connection with the dynasty as a whole!


I'm about halfway through the results for "American Wrestling" (Episode #4) thus far. While things have gone along rather smoothly from a writing perspective, I've been slowed down a bit by the usual subjects in life (work, family life, etc.). All is great; just need to find the time amongst all of that (while also writing out the 'Year End Awards'). Realistically, the results may not see the light of day until after the award write-ups are down (only 3 more left; with some honorable mentions in there too). So, I guess we'll see when it all comes together. As always, I'll give you a friendly 24 hour warning before hand so that everyone can get their predictions in if they feel so inclined to do so.


In closing, I just want to thank you all for your support on this one. I know that I'm going up against some lofty competition right now; however, I pride myself in trying to create an entertaining product for you all to read (making choices in which to deliver upon that hope).





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