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USPW: The Great American Spectacle!

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LIVE on Pay-per-view!!

Sunday, 4th week of January 2010

Brooklyn Boxing Arena (Tri-State)



Alicia Strong vs. “High Fashion” Joanne Rodriguez

The debut of “High Fashion” comes to “Frigid Fight Night” as the richly clad, Joanne Rodriguez, looks to make-good on her unsettling goal:
to prove to Alicia Strong, and her fans, that the ‘ugly duckling’ never gets ahead.
Can the newly signed Fashionista do exactly that; making an example of the most beloved female figure on the USPW roster in Alicia Strong? – OR – Will the consummate professional, ‘blue collar beauty’ herself, Alicia Strong, put another arrogant diva in her place? Either way, “Frigid Fight Night” is bound to open in a heated fashion as these two budding rivals look to make an example out of the other!


CHALLENGE THE GREAT: Peter Valentine © vs. ????

[uSPW National Championship Match]

After close to a month of open challenges, the self-proclaimed “Greatest of All-Time” will, once again, dare those brave enough to step into the ring with him. So far, 3 have attempted to take him down; only to eventually fall victim to the “Legendary Lock” soon thereafter. Now, on the grandest stage of them all, will a challenging foe finally have what it takes to rip the USPW National Championship from his crushing grip? Realistically, History says no…


The People’s Team © vs. The Towers of Power

[uSPW World Tag Team Championship Match]

For the first time in 2010, the USPW World Tag Team Championships will be on the line as the much heralded People’s Team defends their tandem crown against the Sneer-led, Towers of Power! As one would expect, this altercation is bound to be viewed under the lens of a theoretical microscope; potentially setting the tone for the rest of “Frigid Fight Night” as it pertains to the bruising feud between the Sneer Corp & the rest of the USPW. Can the People’s Team not only retain, keeping their promise of never backing down, but also carry the entire USPW on their backs by defeating Sneer’s boys? – OR – Will Shane Sneer receive a late Christmas present in the form of the USPW Tag Team Championship gold joining his controversial ranks? Either way, the ‘Civil War’ comes to “Frigid Fight Night” starting with THIS match!


Cherry Bomb © vs. “The Dark Angel” Raven Robinson

[uSPW Women’s Championship Match]

The confrontation continues this Sunday as the former Women’s Champion, “The Dark Angel” Raven Robinson, attempts to regain what appears to be an undying obsession of hers; the Women’s Championship. Marked as the shortest reigning champion in USPW history, Robinson appears as if she’s buckling under the pressure of the limelight; emotionally ‘on edge’ ever since she was cast out of the top-spot by the combustible, Cherry Bomb! Now, coming off of a recent victory over her fiery rival, “The Dark Angel” looks to ride the wave of momentum; hoping to defeat the crazed firecracker herself to, once again, ride high atop the Women’s Division. Can the Raven regain her prized possession? – OR – Will Cherry Bomb continue to overwhelm with her explosive, overtly intense, in-ring outbursts? If it means anything, Vegas has Cherry Bomb as the odds on favorite to prevail…


Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

What will happen when Sam Strong’s own ‘golden boy’, his well-documented protégé, stands toe-to-toe with Shane Sneer’s long-time enforcer? In reality, this isn’t the first time these two have crossed paths, not even the first moment these two have warred this month, but all of their previous battles have not come on such a grand stage as Pay-Per-View! Tempers will flare, muscles will be torn, and bones will be crushed, when these two brutes collide, for the first time, in New York City! Will Strong’s budding warrior steamroll the competition; gaining revenge for Jackson’s previous domination? – OR – Will Shane Sneer, again, gain the upper-hand through the unforgiving force of his ice-cold enforcer? Realistically, given their previous altercations, it’s best to expect that BOTH men may leave the famed Brooklyn Boxing Arena on stretchers…


“The Outlaw” James Justice vs. “The Jurassic Power” T-Rex

Having an incessant, irritable, and overtly aggressive, rival is one thing; however, for James Justice, he’s seemingly been dealt an even more difficult hand. Defeating the towering big-man in December, a victory that came as a shock to many, T-Rex included, “The Outlaw” went ahead with business as usual; T-Rex did not. From that point on, “The Jurassic Power” became obviously obsessed with re-gaining the upper-hand; continually attacking Justice in hopes of proving his dominance once-and-for-all. Whether he’ll be successful in doing so, or “The Outlaw” will brand another red-eyed ‘steer’, it’s widely expected that these two men are bound for a chaotic altercation…


Enygma vs. "The Demon" Tyson Baine

[Non-Title Match]

[brooklyn Back-Alley Brawl]

[special Appointed Referee: Sam Strong]

The company-wide struggle that dares to viciously split the USPW in-half has no better representation than the unforgiving rivalry between “The Demon” Tyson Baine & The USPW World Champion, Enygma. Wearing a theoretical banner for their respective factions, these two ‘larger than life’ competitors have practically torn apart “American Wrestling” in the last few months; always returning to a state of continual hatred for one another. Now, with Sam Strong as the appointed referee, ensuring that another USPW referee isn’t wrongfully injured when caught in the middle once again, this heated rivalry will find it’s way to the mean streets of Brooklyn, New York; administering a level of concrete justice to their tumultuous affair. Can Tyson Baine further his case as a potential World Championship contender; inflicting a serious amount of damage upon the shadowed avenger? – OR – Will Enygma close “Frigid Fight Night” with a resounding victory for the USPW; proving his ability to be a unwavering leader in the face of much terror? In the end, only one man can come away with the win… in reality, though, even the winner may sadly shorten their career as well; certainly facing great injury in such a feverish altercation.




<hr color="black">
"Frigid Fight Night" - LIVE on Pay-per-view!!

Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Peter Valentine © vs. ????

The People’s Team © vs. The Towers of Power

Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Robinson

Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. T-Rex

Enygma vs. Tyson Baine
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"Frigid Fight Night" - LIVE on Pay-per-view!!

Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Go w. the debutant

Peter Valentine © vs. ????

Backstage segment would say he wins

The People’s Team © vs. The Towers of Power

Extremely tempted to go with the towers. Could change this hmmm...

Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Robinson

Cherry is a favourite of yours

Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

Dunno, seems like the bigger name but I imagine they're both UM

James Justice vs. T-Rex

More over

Enygma vs. Tyson Baine

Gone for faces for the last two so I'll switch it up here, even though I could see the outside chance of a draw, only the fact it's a PPV make me not do it tbh

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"Frigid Fight Night" - LIVE on Pay-per-view!!


Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez


Peter Valentine © vs. ????


The People’s Team © vs. The Towers of Power


Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Robinson


Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion


James Justice vs. T-Rex


Enygma vs. Tyson Baine

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Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez


J-Ro makes a huge impact on her debut


Peter Valentine © vs. ????


Valentine's vanity belt run continues


The People’s Team © vs. The Towers of Power


I see at least one belt changing hands, and this seems the most likely, especially with Towers being part of Sneer Corp.


Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Robinson


I don't see you hot-shotting belt back to Raven


Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion


I'll go against the grain here, and tip Jumbo to pull out the win, Champion's time will come, just not on this night.


James Justice vs. T-Rex


Can't have it being a totally hopeless night for the USPW loyalists so Justice strikes a blow for the 'home team' by taking down T-Rex.


Enygma vs. Tyson Baine


Non title and with a chaotic stip that suits the heel challenger, makes me think this wil go the way of Baine.

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Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Make her look strong in the debut with a victory over a premier women's wrestler. I don't know how this'll go, it could swing any way, but man this is going to be a good 'un.


Peter Valentine © vs. ????

Whoever the hell it is, Peter ain't gonna be putting them over.


The People’s Team © vs. The Towers of Power

Sneer's men take the gold thanks to Sneer ****ing around. I expect a ref-bump of some sort...


Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Robinson

Much like Strong and Rodriguez, this could swing either way.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

More talented and pretty much the future of the company.


James Justice vs. T-Rex

Random ass guess.


Enygma vs. Tyson Baine

I expect sick bumps. I expect tables. I expect chairs. I expect blood. I expect Sam Strong to get involved but get knocked on his old ass. Goddamn it, make all of this come true!


Anyway, as I said earlier in the thread, you're doing well -- keep up the good work my friend and let's hope you can stay with this one, because it's mighty interesting.

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Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

A debut victory has to be on the cards, but by nefarious means.

Peter Valentine © vs. ????

That title makes no sense on anyone else. Can't see PV losing here, his opponent? Not sure, prehaps a debuting superstar? Not sure to be honest.

The People’s Team © vs. The Towers of Power

Some gold around the waist of the Sneer Corporation will show that they're serious.

Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Robinson

Can't see you taking the title of The Bomb this quickly.

Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

USPW fights back? A loss for The People's Team means Nicky get's a win here to even the score?

James Justice vs. T-Rex

T-Rex dominates but loses by DQ? Maybe going a little too far in the match, bullying a referee or trying to use a weapon?

Enygma vs. Tyson Baine

Rule of thumb? Non-Title the challanger normally wins. This would put the Sneer Corporation back on a 2-2 score for the night but with a moral victory as they walk away with a title, a win over the champion, and a message being sent to The Outlaw.


Can't wait to see how USPW's first PPV pans out; sometimes I think people fail to make the distinction between USPW's monthly shows and the PPV's that you can start; I love that you've done that and not gone for the same old show names. It leaves a distinctive line in the sand between what was (Shows for the fans in attendence) and what is (The PPV's as they are)


What I always found ironic, and a little strange about USPW is that their TV Shows would be seen nation-wide but their monthly shows where titles were defended were only seen by those who could attend.


Prehaps I'm looking at it wrong, but a PPV deal gives USPW a great starting point financially.

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Thank you to all of those who have predicted thus far! The show has been booked within the last few days and I plan on starting the writing process sometime in the next few. In reality, it may not be as long of a process as I had first thought; seeing how a typical "American Wrestling" broadcast has 12-13 segments and "Frigid Fight Night" has 15.


All in all, it may take slightly longer; however, I'm not expecting a huge gap in time. Plus, along the way, I plan on adding some new character reviews. Plus, a backstory or two in which to better shape the vibe going into "Frigid Fight Night"!


Anyway, as I said earlier in the thread, you're doing well -- keep up the good work my friend and let's hope you can stay with this one, because it's mighty interesting.


I certainly will keep with this one, KingJoel. Honestly, I feel as though a change of pace was needed for myself as a writer. Also, the ability to take time away from my projects was something that I needed to embrace; as It gives me a greater ability to stay focused on one dynasty instead of getting bored. In the end, you can expect this one to go for quite some time. It may not always run at such a fast pace as it does now; however, I know that I will continually come back to this thread as I'm excited to move forward with plans that I have in mind.


Can't wait to see how USPW's first PPV pans out; sometimes I think people fail to make the distinction between USPW's monthly shows and the PPV's that you can start; I love that you've done that and not gone for the same old show names. It leaves a distinctive line in the sand between what was (Shows for the fans in attendence) and what is (The PPV's as they are)


Exactly. I plan on keeping some original PPV/Event names, also slightly changing several names to balance the new & old, but will, most certainly, look to carve a new niche for USPW events going forward. In a sense, the Americana vibe will still exists; however, now, as an undertone. Also, the latest form of Americanism will be more touching upon the underlying narratives that we've come to expect as blatantly American (ie: pick yourself up by your boot straps, a hard days work, blue collar, grit your teeth and bare it, traditional values are strong as oak, etc.).


What I always found ironic, and a little strange about USPW is that their TV Shows would be seen nation-wide but their monthly shows where titles were defended were only seen by those who could attend.


Prehaps I'm looking at it wrong, but a PPV deal gives USPW a great starting point financially.


I think it came down to the fact that, up until now, they weren't really able to garner a PPV deal; as that's the real next frontier of a budding wrestling promotion. Adam could have had USPW already with a PPV contract in the fold; however, I think, and this is just me, he wanted that to be a big moment for the booker; as adding a PPV presence is seen as a big-time jump for the fastest rising promotion in US history.


Sam Strong brought with him a slew of big names, veteran Icons, and a TV deal; however, the last, real, opportunity in waiting was establishing a PPV presence. I guess, in the end, it seemed weird to have their events off-broadcast but, I guess, up until now that was how they had to function; seeing how they were unable to really score a PPV deal.


That's just me though; someone with more experience with USPW may have a different view on the whole ordeal.


Great insight though, mike!
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Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

A debut victory has to be on the cards, but by nefarious means.

Peter Valentine © vs. ????

That title makes no sense on anyone else. Can't see PV losing here, his opponent? Not sure, prehaps a debuting superstar? Not sure to be honest.

The People’s Team © vs. The Towers of Power

Some gold around the waist of the Sneer Corporation will show that they're serious.

Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Robinson

Can't see you taking the title of The Bomb this quickly.

Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

USPW fights back? A loss for The People's Team means Nicky get's a win here to even the score?

James Justice vs. T-Rex

T-Rex dominates but loses by DQ? Maybe going a little too far in the match, bullying a referee or trying to use a weapon?

Enygma vs. Tyson Baine

Rule of thumb? Non-Title the challanger normally wins. This would put the Sneer Corporation back on a 2-2 score for the night but with a moral victory as they walk away with a title, a win over the champion, and a message being sent to The Outlaw.


Can't wait to see how USPW's first PPV pans out; sometimes I think people fail to make the distinction between USPW's monthly shows and the PPV's that you can start; I love that you've done that and not gone for the same old show names. It leaves a distinctive line in the sand between what was (Shows for the fans in attendence) and what is (The PPV's as they are)


What I always found ironic, and a little strange about USPW is that their TV Shows would be seen nation-wide but their monthly shows where titles were defended were only seen by those who could attend.


Prehaps I'm looking at it wrong, but a PPV deal gives USPW a great starting point financially.


I like Mike's picks except the Alicia Strong match. I always picks a weird pick and thats my weird one. Think Alicia wins.

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Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Peter Valentine © vs. ????-another win for this POS

The People’s Team © vs. The Towers of Power

Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Robinson

Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. T-Rex

Enygma vs. Tyson Baine

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Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

High fashion J-Rocks into victory!


Peter Valentine © vs. ????

But by countout when Peter Valentine takes a powder outside the ring. I expect a bit of a bigger name on pay-per-view.


The People’s Team © vs. The Towers of Power

My title change of the evening. The Towers give the Sneer Corps a belt to build around.


Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Robinson

Cherry Bomb continues her dominance in the women's division.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

Nicky wins by DQ when Sneer Corps come out to destroy him.


James Justice vs. T-Rex

The Civil War is not necessarily about wins and losses but about domination of the company. T-Rex loses but gets his heat back afterward.


Enygma vs. Tyson Baine

This environment definitely suits the Demon. I expect Baine to get the win during a bit of a schmozz with Sneer Corps and USPW loyalists doing battle all around them. Though Bruce the Giant might play a role in this match.

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"Frigid Fight Night" - LIVE on Pay-per-view!!

Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Like other´s have said this is going to be huge debut win for Rodriguez


Peter Valentine © vs. ????

Two words: Creative control


The People’s Team © vs. The Towers of Power

First ever PPV so at least a single title change is likely and People´s Team had communication issues last time we saw them.


Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Robinson

Bomb isn´t losing her title on first defense.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

This and the next one feels harders to me but I go with 2-2 theory between the two groups and that means that Nicky takes this one...


James Justice vs. T-Rex

...and Justice gets the win here.


Enygma vs. Tyson Baine

Non-title so Baine wins

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Sam Strong

“Alpha American”

Sam Strong is a tough guy’s tough guy.


What I mean by that is rather simple, envision a weathered, blue collar, steel worker. He lives just outside of Chicago in a quaint, 2 bedroom, home that was, most likely, the home in which he grew up in; buying it shortly after his parent’s passed away. The reasoning of the purchase? His Father, much like him, had personally built the home from the ground-up; projecting the intense hardwork mantra that later became an unspoken truth about their immediate family. He goes to church every Sunday; however, makes no frills about it. A hard-nosed, no-nonsense, tough-as-nails, man’s man with little need for talking; to speak of one’s emotion is not even a thought of his… at any point.


Married for decades, He and his wife still inhabit the same space; however, do very little to show any sense of outward love. With that said though, he would practically die for her. It’s unspoken, and un-carried out, but his everlasting bond with her is impenetrable.


He’ll probably die in silence; followed by a modest Irish Catholic funeral service for the nearby community. Morbid, I know, but it all makes sense.


Now, in reality, this is not Sam Strong’s actual personal life. There are parallels with his long-time ‘Alpha American’ persona; however, the details are rather different. With that said, the reason for laying out such a blueprint is not to necessarily tell of Strong’s personal existence; rather to give a snapshot into his on-screen persona. The above framework is what you, the viewer, have in mind when you see Strong; the vibe he puts out... The Traditional ‘blue collar’, tough as nails, narrative.


Sam Strong’s ‘Alpha American’ persona is exactly that… A heightened blue-collar character.


He’s understated; yet overworked.

Speaks in a limited fashion; yet understood.

Bruised, physically broken, and noticeably weathered; yet unwilling to ever call that to attention.


More or less, He’s the great American narrative… The tireless, blue-collar, worker literally carrying his experience upon his deteriorating back; doing so with no want for attention… No need for frills.


Character Buzzwords:
Blue-Collar, Hardened, Brutish, Weathered, Reserved, Prideful, Humble, Stern, Authoritative.


Fun Fact:
Since purchasing USPW in 2005, Sam Strong has only competed within the ring a handful of times; often as a surprise tag team partner. With that said; however, he's typically portrayed as an Authoritative Father-like figure; sometimes scuffling with 'problematic employees' in an attempt at discipline.



<hr color="black">
These posts will be done as if you were listening to Erik Vincent speak exclusively about his character creations in USPW. The fun thing for me is, now, I have a better chance of getting across exactly how I would like these characters to be seen/heard/felt. In writing, I'm trying my best to convey each character but know that things can get lost in translation. With this in mind, I will occasionally post write-ups much like the one above in which to better describe the gimmick's for those characters important enough to have such a focus.


I hope you enjoyed reading it! Also, I hope this brings you, the reader, closer to the project as a whole; as you may now have a more vested interest the characters if you feel like you 'know them'.


"Frigid Fight Night" - LIVE on Pay-per-view!!

Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Peter Valentine © vs. ????

The People’s Team © vs. The Towers of Power

Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Robinson

Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. T-Rex

Enygma vs. Tyson Baine
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Still reading, but fallen a little behind due to not being able to sit at a PC for as long as I'd like to recently (herniated disc FTW!). I pretty much echo the general positive feedback you've had from your last two shows, but there is one thing that struck me as perhaps a big departure from USPW's history of old into this new incarnation; and that's acknowledging the headbooker role on TV. Unfortunately my knowledge of old-school wrestling is limited to late 80's WWF, but that sort of 'behind the curtain' reference struck me, because as best as I can remember, Sneer's previous role would have been assigned as 'commissioner' or 'president'. Assuming it's intended, it's one of the little details I love about this diary.


I'm not sure what real point I'm making here, just thinking aloud really. :rolleyes:


Anyway, predictions.


Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

J-Ro debuts and Alicia has already marked her card against Sneer Corp, so a win via dubious means seems highly possible here, unless Alicia goes over and J-Ro gets her heat from post-match shenanigans.


Peter Valentine © vs. ????

I still think there's mileage in this one yet to hold off pulling the trigger on somebody ending Valentine's run.


The People’s Team © vs. The Towers of Power

I've seen nothing from TPT that suggests having them hold the titles would add anything to your story.


Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Robinson

Seems too soon for the new champ to drop her belt.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

Toss up.


James Justice vs. T-Rex

Initially I saw these last two picks going one of two combinations...


Enygma vs. Tyson Baine

but then, I thought, just because the strap isn't on the line, Baine doesn't HAVE to go over here, although it seems the most logical and obvious conclusion. So I'm plumping Enygma, perhaps with some unwanted assistance that inadvertantly lends more credibility to Baine obtaining a title match or could there even be a surprise 'turn' in the works for a certain hat-wearing Floridian?

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Still reading, but fallen a little behind due to not being able to sit at a PC for as long as I'd like to recently (herniated disc FTW!). I pretty much echo the general positive feedback you've had from your last two shows, but there is one thing that struck me as perhaps a big departure from USPW's history of old into this new incarnation; and that's acknowledging the headbooker role on TV. Unfortunately my knowledge of old-school wrestling is limited to late 80's WWF, but that sort of 'behind the curtain' reference struck me, because as best as I can remember, Sneer's previous role would have been assigned as 'commissioner' or 'president'. Assuming it's intended, it's one of the little details I love about this diary.


It was certainly intended, Sebs. While my view on USPW tends to be more old-school, traditional-based, Professional 'Rasslin', I wanted to capitalize on the much publicized addition of Erik Vincent as the new headbooker of USPW. This does stray away from the kayfabe notion that most expect with USPW; however, it felt most organic to run with such a storyline; giving Sneer an inspired sense of hatred for Sam Strong & the USPW as a whole.


By way of the Stable section, The Sneer Corporation has been around for some 5 years now. With this in mind, something needed to change in which to make them seem more focused in their goals; or run the risk of just being a boring, overplayed, faction. Now, with revenge on the brain, Sneer has broken a slight 'kayfabe' mask (a ala being a former headbooker; mad at the current one) in which to add a new level of kayfabe to the forefront; speaking as though he's mad at the USPW (when in reality, he's Erik's greatest asset off-screen).


While it's rather anti-traditional to bring the headbooker name into the fold, it's used not as how we perceive the position. In this case, the headbooker role is being treated as a 'Commish' kind of approach; booking matches from behind the curtain but not avidly choosing who wins, etc. Does that make sense? ha.


Either way, Thanks for the positive sentiments, Sebs. You've always been such a great source of feedback; not to mention an amazing writer yourself. It's much appreciated!





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Thoughts as I write "Frigid Fight Night":

With what's become tradition for me within this project, I've come to uncover some additional thoughts about the booking/writing process of my experience with USPW. As I've said before, I don't know if this is a full-fledged thing that I'll continue to do but it does make for good conversation pieces (plus, it helps me to speak from my own voice for once; seeing how most other posts are in character with Erik Vincent, USPW, 3rd party websites, etc.).


With that said, here are somethings that began to arise as I write through "Frigid Fight Night"...


  • PPV’s really drain you as a writer. Originally, I was going to only write things out as much as I do during a TV broadcast; however, later, found myself over-writing in which to really get the point across. That said, this show will feel a little more ‘classic’ to my writing style; much more fleshed out than I had originally thought. All in all, I plan on going back to more of a subdued, well slightly, approach for the proceeding episodes of “American Wrestling”; for my sanity and your own. Ha.

  • I was unaware why before; however, now I’ve finally realized why I love Cherry Bomb so much. The more, and more, that I write for her, the more I visualize ECW’s Taz as a great sense of influence. Of course, it’s not a carbon copy development but I’ve come to find a lot of similarities in the two. She’s easily billed, booked, and written, as a steamrolling fighter; conquering everyone before her in a brash, unapologetic, unforgiving, ultra-stiff, way. I typically don’t like to give out influences, as I’m afraid that it will cloud the character, but, in this case, I think it’s possible without hindering her growth as her own character (given her gimmicky connections as well; Cherry Bomb-esque).

  • I still seem to have troubles with gaining any major grades in matches. Enygma & Baine can typically pull out a good “C+” here and there, but, I’ve found that, even with my big guns, I tend to come away with lackluster grades. In reality, it’s probably because I’m trying to ‘rub over’ some of the not-so-popular workers in the process (ie: members of the Sneer Corp, etc.).

  • The way I write the Sneer Corporation, or really perceive them, continues to change with every event…

  • There are some surprises coming during “Frigid Fight Night”…

  • I don’t know if it really affects my buyrate but I totally spaced on the fact that I was going toe-to-toe with TCW’s “Malice in Wonderland”. I wanted to book my events for the last Sunday of the month; however, it looks like that’s what TCW does as well. I guess it’s something I’ll have to re-think possibly… or… Just continually place my feet to the fire.

  • Joanne Rodriguez’s persona is going to be a fun one to write for; especially when paired against Alicia Strong. Their characters are strengthened by the fact that the other is a blatant example of their opposite…


At this point, I'm halfway through the show (8 segments written; 8 left to write). Realistically, given my schedule coming up, it may be a bit before everything sees the light of day. That said, though, as I say this, there's a chance I could always catch fire at some point and pump out a chunk over the next few days (if my free time comes together).





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Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Peter Valentine © vs. ????

The People’s Team © vs. The Towers of Power

Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Robinson

Jumbo Jackson vs. Nicky Champion

James Justice vs. T-Rex

Enygma vs. Tyson Baine

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Guest cmdrsam
Thoughts as I write "Frigid Fight Night":

With what's become tradition for me within this project, I've come to uncover some additional thoughts about the booking/writing process of my experience with USPW. As I've said before, I don't know if this is a full-fledged thing that I'll continue to do but it does make for good conversation pieces (plus, it helps me to speak from my own voice for once; seeing how most other posts are in character with Erik Vincent, USPW, 3rd party websites, etc.).


With that said, here are somethings that began to arise as I write through "Frigid Fight Night"...




At this point, I'm halfway through the show (8 segments written; 8 left to write). Realistically, given my schedule coming up, it may be a bit before everything sees the light of day. That said, though, as I say this, there's a chance I could always catch fire at some point and pump out a chunk over the next few days (if my free time comes together).






You are not the only one where it seems like PPV take something out of you. I feel the same way sometimes. But everything comes with a price tag right?



Sometimes you find a charactor that you really didnt care to much for and you write something about him/her then find that charactor fun. It just happend to me on my current one I am in the process of writing. Now I hope it transfers well to the reader, guess we will see.

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You are not the only one where it seems like PPV take something out of you. I feel the same way sometimes. But everything comes with a price tag right?


It's pretty common for us all to add a little extra to the PPV write-ups. I mean, in reality, PPV's always carry this sense of grandeur in real-life; so, why not here? Either way, it's a tough go at times; however, something that I freely accept.


At this point, I'm sitting with 4 segments left to write. What does that mean for time-frame? I have no idea really. Sadly, my Wife's family dog of 14 years, someone she affectionately refers to as her 'son' since she was much younger, is having some major health issues & may be looking at some tough roads ahead. That said, we're heading back into our hometown to go see him & be with family. That's not until Thursday though, so, there's a good chance that the show could be up sometime on Wednesday if I play my cards right.


Sometimes you find a charactor that you really didnt care to much for and you write something about him/her then find that charactor fun. It just happend to me on my current one I am in the process of writing. Now I hope it transfers well to the reader, guess we will see.


Having your overall vision transfer over to the readers is, 110%, the hardest thing about being a text-based booker. In the real world, sight is a HUGE part about a character, about a moment, and about all that goes into both. Sadly, we miss out on the subtle nuances there; so, we have to work extra hard to try to get these notions over (without becoming too wordy I've found).


Take Peter Valentine for instance, I REALLY want to get him over as a hated heel; the kind where you just can't stand the sight of him. That said, it's hard to really convey this without actually being able to hear & see him on a weekly basis. With that in mind, I created the "CHALLENGE THE GREAT" series in which to A) make it look like HE believes he's an Icon who cannot be stopped and B) to give him a dominant win-streak in which to set him apart as a 'big deal'. Slap the 'Greatest of All-Time' nickname on top and I'm hoping that, in time, people will grow to hate him. ha.


All in all, good talking with you, cmdrsam!





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While it's not a 24-hour warning, "Frigid Fight Night" is due up late tonight (probably around 12 AM CST). I work rather late tonight; so, I don't expect it anytime sooner. That said, I only have the last segment in which to write. In reality, that shouldn't take me all that long to flesh out; despite being a big moment for the whole 'Civil War' scenario.


So, I guess, expect to see the results late tonight!


Ouch, good luck with the dog and wife. Pray for the best, plan for the worst.


Thank you, cmdrsam. It's been a tough week thus far but we're trucking along. At this point, things are seeming better but you never really know what may come of it. We both treat our pets as family members; so, it's been a trying situation. That said, we're remaining hopeful.





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LIVE on Pay-per-view; U-Demand!!

Sunday, 4th week of January 2010

Brooklyn Boxing Arena (Tri-State)








Danny Jillefski:
The day has finally come, ladies and gentlemen; “Frigid Fight Night”… The first Pay-per-view in USPW history and boy do we have a show in-store for you!

Eric Tyler:
As the snow falls wildly outside the historic Brooklyn Boxing Arena, inside, the temperature is about to rise a boiling point; the men, and women, of the USPW are only seconds away from going to battle with one another. I don’t know about you, Danny, but I’m feeling the heat as we speak!

Danny Jillefski:
It’s a mess out there, isn’t it?
This may be the first night in Pro Wrestling history that two men will be forced to compete within the throws of a blizzard!
[Laughs again; shakes his head in disbelief]
Our Main Event may just go on forever; the visibility may keep Baine & Enygma from ever connecting one punch let alone a maneuver strong enough to land a pinning predicament.

Eric Tyler:
Not to mention, they may end up with frostbite far before a decision could be made…
[Chuckles lightly]
That can wait though as it looks like the show is speeding ahead…

Danny Jillefski:
That’s right, Eric; we’ve got singles action between Alicia Strong and the debuting Fashionista, Joanne Rodriguez! When push comes to shove, who will come away with our inaugural PPV victory; the ‘blue collar beauty’ or the lady of ‘High Fashion’?

Eric Tyler:
Good question; we’ll find the answer… Right now…




Alicia Strong vs. “High Fashion” Joanne Rodriguez


From the onset, this altercation felt more like a playground bullying session than anything else. Joanne Rodriguez, playing the role as the pretty, popular, girl, practically raises her nose in disgust over her opponent, Alicia Strong, as she plays the bullied, naturally pretty, yet somewhat bland, girl. This narrative continues to unfold throughout the duration of the match, inspiring “High Fashion” to typically add insult to injury following a number of maneuvers; toying with Alicia, making fun of her subtly, and all together flaunting her own beauty in the process. After close to ten minutes of action, Alicia starts to regain control of the match-up; slowly imposing her own will upon Joanne as it appears that the debuting debutant was slowly dwindling toward an inevitable loss. Knowing this, and seeing the ‘blue collar beauty’ rising to the occasion, Rodriguez is shown speeding toward her purse located in the corner of the ring. As Joanne riffles through her bag, the trusted USPW referee, Eugene Williams, slowly comes up to survey the situation; asking “High Fashion” to remove her bag from the squared circle.


With time, Mr. Williams actually does so; however, doesn’t realize that the Fashionista actually possesses an untraditional weapon within her hands; pulling it from the purse before Mr. Williams could remove it. All in all, as Eugene goes through the action of passing Ms. Rodriguez’s purse to a ringside attendant, “High Fashion” is shown spinning around rather quickly;
spraying Alicia Strong in the face with a can of hair-spray!


A hefty cloud of hair-spray slams straight into Alicia’s face; forcing her to claw at her own eyes while staggering away in immense pain. With a simple throw thereafter, Ms. Rodriguez hides the fact that the can had ever been used seconds before Eugene Williams has spun back around to officiate. All in all, as Alicia staggers around the ring blindly, still clawing at her face in pain, Joanne quickly takes action as she sees her window of opportunity wide open. With a devilish grin upon her face, Joanne connects with her newfound signature move, “Beauty Prevails” (Bulldog), upon the unsuspecting Strong. Within seconds, the match has finally come to an end; a dubious end but an end none the less.


Joanne Rodriguez defeats Alicia Strong in 11:45 via “Beauty Prevails” (Bulldog).

Grade: C


Danny Jillefski:
That was just disgusting…
[shakes his head; ruffles his papers]
Alicia Strong may be blinded for life but I doubt she really cares… It’s women like Joanne…
[shakes his head]
They think beauty gives them everything… That they can just do whatever they want because their strikingly gorgeous. It’s a terrible, terrible, message to send to the kids… Just terrible…

Eric Tyler:
I don’t think I’ve ever seen hair-spray used as a weapon before…

Danny Jillefski:
Why was her purse even allowed in the ring? This is a wrestling ring not a runway; okay? Someone needs to make sure this doesn’t happen again. I mean, Alicia looks like she’s really in a lot of pain. Someone needs to call out the paramedics; flush her eyes out or something…

Eric Tyler:
Well, Danny, I don’t know if she’s done quite yet…

Danny Jillefski:
Wait… Are you kidding me? Leave her alone! Don’t you have ANY decency? She needs medical treatment!!!!




Joanne Rodriguez and Alicia Strong

… Post Match; degrading Ms. Strong …


[shortly following their match, as Alicia lay quasi-motionless upon the canvas, still seemingly blinded by the hair-spray incident just moments ago, Ms. Rodriguez is shown swiftly exiting the squared circle; continually projecting a high sense of arrogance the entire way. Instead of walking away though, basking in her own glory, Joanne quickly searches through her purse; pulling out a small stick of red lipstick in the end.]


[All in all, as Alicia continue to lay upon her back in the center of the ring, Joanne, once again, returns to the squared circle; kneeling over her fallen victim and exploding with an array of forceful fists to Alicia’s forehead. Seconds later, as it looks like Alicia has, once again, slipped into an unconscious state, the diva-herself slowly erects her ruby-red lipstick; writing all over Alicia’s face soon thereafter.]


[in the end, as the segment comes to a close, Joanne is shown back peddling away from her victim; laughing the entire time in an act of degradation toward ‘the blue collar beauty’. Meanwhile, as the Fashionista exits the squared circle, still projecting the very same arrogance seen throughout, a nearby camera man zooms in on Alicia’s face in which to see the word
written across Ms. Strong’s forehead. This unsettling sight only furthers the bully-like notion that comes with Ms. Rodriguez; feeling that she’s better than all due to her jaw-dropping beauty.]


Grade: D


Danny Jillefski:
Come on!! This is just NOT right!! Not right AT ALL!!

Eric Tyler:
That WAS pretty nasty on Ms. Rodriguez’s part…

Danny Jillefski:
Is this how you’re going to act here in USPW, Joanne? Honestly? Do you have respect for ANYONE but yourself?
[shakes his head; saddened]
I just hope no little girl looks up to you… Bullying others is NOT acceptable… No matter HOW old you are…

Eric Tyler:
Something tells me Joanne just brought a world of hurt on herself tonight… After all of this, the hair-spray attack, the lipstick writing, you know damn well that the ‘blue collar beauty’ will be looking for a hefty dose of revenge!
[Nods his head; firm]
You may have won the battle tonight, Ms. Rodriguez, but, very soon, you will reap what you’ve sown…

Danny Jillefski:
Enough of talking about her; she doesn’t deserve our time… What’s next?
[Looks down at his papers; quickly reading]
A-HA! We have the infamous ‘Challenge the Great’ series coming up next!! Who will step into the ring with the USPW’s National Champion? Will they have what it takes to stop his unstoppable streak since the start of 2010?

Eric Tyler:
Sitting at 3-0, Peter Valentine is the winningest figure in the USPW since the turn of the year. Eventually, he’ll have to fall; will it be tonight?

Danny Jillefski:
We can only hope so…




Peter Valentine ©

… ‘Challenge the GREAT’ …


[it comes as no shock that the fans in attendance truly hate the self-proclaimed “Greatest of All-Time”. While there are certainly pockets of knowledgeable fans located around the country, the Tri-State area has always been praised for their no-nonsense, ‘tell ya like it is’, approach to fandom. With this in mind, as the physically gleaming National Champion strolls through the entrance curtain, shinning dramatically from the over usage of physique-promoting oils, the New Yorkers meet the controversial muscle-man with an impenetrable wall of disdain; booing wildly in his direction throughout his arrival.]


[Once in the ring, Valentine brutishly nabs a company-branded microphone from the nearby ring announcer; a fact that sends said announcer to exit the ring in a bout of fearful shame. None the less, as the former bodybuilder stands proudly within the ring ropes, projecting himself as an Adonis of sorts, the USPW faithful continue to shower the big-man with a never-ending wall of sheer disgust.]


Peter Valentine:
They keep coming... I keep breakin’ them down…
[Pauses; crowd boos]
You’d like to see someone beat me, wouldn’t you?
[Looks out to the crowd; they cheer loudly in response]
Well, TOO BAD…
[Crowd boos; Valentine pauses]
It’s not possible; I’m unbeatable…
[Pauses; crowd boos some more]
Who dare challenge the Great, All-Powerful, Peter Valentine? Huh? Who is STUPID enough…


[With that, before he can finish his sentence, Captain USA, The Force, and “The Animal” Randy Hopkirk, are all seen proudly walking through the black entrance curtain as one; a fact that drives the USPW faithful to cheer wildly for their arrival. While no music plays in the background, signifying that this situation is truly unplanned in a way, the motley crew appears to be individualistically fixated on the National Champion. With this in mind, The Force stands slightly ahead of the other two; holding a microphone in his hand in a ungraceful kind of fashion.]


The Force:


[Following his typical psycho-babble, The Force is shown throwing his microphone firmly upon the cement below; storming toward the ringside area with “The Animal” and Captain USA not shortly behind. Meanwhile, the USPW National Champion has already passed his strap to the nearby referee, never breaking his focus from the impending three the entire time; wrenching his taped fists as he prepares for war.]


Grade: D+


Danny Jillefski:

Eric Tyler:
At points over January, these three men have all fallen victim to Peter Valentine; one week after another. Now, it looks like they’ve returned for revenge!

Danny Jillefski:
I can’t believe my eyes, Eric; this HAS to be the moment where Valentine finally loses the National Championship! I mean, he may have beaten all three in the past but never at once. There’s NO WAY he walks out of “Frigid Fight Night” with the strap… NO WAY!

Eric Tyler:
Until that bell rings, anything is possible…

Danny Jillefski:
Possible-schmossible… GO GET ‘EM BOYS!!




Peter Valentine © vs.

[uSPW National Championship Match]



While they once stood unified in a way, tonight’s three challengers do very little to work as one shortly following the start of their match-up; in their defense, though, they never really looked entirely unified but more so all stepping up to the challenge set before them. With this in mind, it’s not like everyone ganged up on Valentine. In reality, maybe they should have…


It’s true, Peter Valentine isn’t the most talented individuals this industry has ever seen but that’s not necessarily needed. In the end, his sheer strength becomes his ultimate equalizer; flooring each one of his opponents throughout the match. An axe-handle strike here, charging closeline there, is all it takes to keep most at bay… Everyone but The Force…


On numerous occasions, it looked like Valentine was on the verge of winning; only to have The Force eventually foil his plans. With time, this notion seemingly drives the National Champion somewhat insane; the confident cracks of Mr. Valentine starting to show as frustration takes hold. Then, as The Force actually began to match the Champ’s onslaught, his frustration turns to pure aggression…


In the end, as it feels like The Force is on a roll, practically unstoppable as he speeds around the ring with a number of high-energy diving closelines, this exciting notion comes to a screeching halt as the self-proclaimed “Greatest of All-Time”, Peter Valentine, is shown killing his opponent’s rush of energy; flooring him with a running high-knee strike to the face. Within seconds from impact, The Force looks to be barely conscious; giving Valentine the ability to pull his semi-motionless body off the canvas…


As it looks like he’s about to wrench in the “Legendary Lock” (Full Nelson Submission), “The Animal” quickly springs back into action; speeding toward the National Champion in the process. Seeing his rush, Valentine aptly shoves Force in Hopkirk’s direction; forcing the two men to collide in an unforgiving fashion. Seconds later, as Captain USA then tries his hand at the scenario, Valentine quickly forces him into a match-ending scenario; locking in his “Legendary Lock” (Full Nelson Submission) following a failed punch by a wayward Captain. With no one to help break the hold, Captain USA eventually taps out for the second time in a month to the “Legendary Lock”.


Peter Valentine retains the USPW National Championship in 6:55 via a “Legendary Lock” (Full Nelson Submission) upon Captain USA.

Grade: D-


Danny Jillefski:

Eric Tyler:
“Greatest of All-Time”? I’m not really sure if I can go there BUT he’s shown to be an unstoppable force in 2010!

Danny Jillefski:
I need some aspirin… Peter Valentine gives me a headache…




The People’s Team & The Towers of Power w/ Shane Sneer

… Seconds from their Tag Team Championship Match …


[The two competing tag teams stand within the squared circle as Eugene Williams collects the USPW World Tag Team Championships from their respective holders; The People’s Team. Shortly after showing them off high and proud, making it glaringly obvious that tonight’s match-up is a ‘golden affair’, Mr. Williams eventually looks as though he’s about to call for the bell… When all of a sudden…]



Sam Strong

… Calling an Audible …


[The ‘Alpha American’ is shown shuffling through the black entrance curtain; inspiring the USPW faithful to roar with excitement as this is the FIRST TIME they’ve seen Strong LIVE since the injury he suffered a few weeks prior. With a stern, obviously irritable, look upon his face, the Wrestling LEGEND appears to be theoretically out ‘for blood’; creating this vibe through the brutish demeanor he possesses straight away. All in all, as he stands atop the rampway, looking down upon his bitter enemy in Shane Sneer, who is snarling in return, as always, the USPW’s beloved owner makes a triumphant return; still showing signs of lingering injury.]


Sam Strong:
[strong barks; pausing afterward as the crowd pops with excitement]
It’s about damn time you learn a lesson. You think you can just push your weight around here; that everyone’s just goin’ to lie down on the tracks?
[shakes his head; slowly in a gruff fashion]
You thought wrong; dead… wrong. I’ve got two boys in the back who are MORE than willing to beat some sense into you, and your goons, here tonight…
You see, the difference between you and I is that I actually have the power to make a change; and you can’t do jack-squat about it. I give to you… the THIRD team in tonight’s World Tag Team Championship match…


[strong stands his ground proudly as, all of a sudden, Bruce the Giant & Chris Caulfield stroll out of the back; joining the ‘Alpha American’ atop the rampway. Adding to the shocking nature of their arrival, they are shown exploding through the blackened curtain without the grand blowing horn that is a room-rattling theme song. Instead, walking out in silence, the real backdrop of their arrival comes from the adoring fans screaming in absolute excitement.]



Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield

… Surprising Tag Team Addition …


[The crowd erupts with a frenzied state of excitement; staring upon the unexpected tandem with a hefty dose of confusion. Since September, these two men have practically torn eachother apart limb-from-limb; however, now, here tonight, it looks like they’ve formed as one; joined by their hatred for Shane Sneer. All in all, as they eagerly stroll toward the ringside area, making it quite obvious that they’re gunning for Sneer, the corporate CEO himself, Shane Sneer, quickly begins to bark his own set of orders directly at The Towers of Power; positioning them before him as a shield in the process. Meanwhile, the People’s Team appear to be in just as much shock as anyone else; conversing with one another as they look down to Sam Strong in a questioning manner. Despite the craziness circulating the ringside area, seemingly creating an excitably confused environment none the less, Sam Strong is shown slowly retreating through the backstage curtain yet again; exiting the ringside area with little fanfare as all appear to be more-so focused on tonight’s addition.]


Grade: B-


Danny Jillefski:

Eric Tyler:
From toes to partners? It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve ever seen this. I guess, who better to trust than the man you warred with for so long? Especially when you both are looking for revenge with one man…

Danny Jillefski:
I hope they get their hands on Sneer; ring that punk’s neck!!

Eric Tyler:
Well ladies and gentlemen, We have a new tandem added to tonight’s World Tag Team Championship match… Sam Strong, in his return, has made way for Bruce the Giant & Chris Caulfield to officially via for the gold! You may not be able to believe your eyes, as Danny finds himself, but it’s the truth… The Giant & “The Hardcore American” are working as one!!








The People’s Team © vs. The Towers of Power vs. Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield

[uSPW World Tag Team Championships Match]



The USPW faithful start out rather hot as Sam Strong’s apparent audible seems to have enraged the often snarling Sneer; heightening his aggressive nature as someone in Sneer’s shoes hates to be surprised. None the less, as he barks orders sporadically from the sidelines, his menacing goons rise in an alphiatic manner; huffing and puffing like warlords fixated on another’s destruction.


The in-ring interaction of the three tandems appears to be somewhat shocking; truthfully. While the People’s Team is, well, exactly that, the People’s Team, it looks as though the USPW faithful are moreso behind the newest addition of Bruce & Chris. While it may only be subtle, the awkward truth appears to be permeating within the mind of one man, Des Davids. Throughout the match, it almost looks as though Des is more focused on the fans reaction to Strong’s addition than anyone else.




As bodies continue to fly, everyone looking to prove their more overpowering than the next,
the real ‘break’ in the match comes as Des Davids is shown leaving his post upon the apron; outwardly annoyed with something.
Freddie, who lay upon the canvas, only seconds from trying to tag out, looks upon his partner in a complete state of confusion; going as far as to yell out ‘What are you doing’? With only one half of the Tag Team Champions actually present, as Des is now completely gone from the ringside area, it becomes rather obvious that we’re bound to see a new champion here tonight. In reality, even with Datsun’s ability, there’s no way that he could come away with the win… right?


Datsun, Bruce the Giant, and Mick Muscles, are all the legal men when all of a sudden the winds of change swiftly turn in the newfound tandem’s direction. As Caulfield and Danny Rushmore brawl outside of the ring, pulling their focus away, Bruce the Giant is shown toppling both of his opponents; finally landing a big-time ‘Giant Chokeslam’ upon a staggering Datsun. Without anyone to break the count, his partner included, who is most certainly already out of the building for whatever confusing reason, the “Everyday American” has little chance to stave off the loss; eventually falling victim to standard three count!


Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield win the USPW World Tag Team Championship in 9:44 via a Giant Chokeslam from Bruce upon Freddie Datsun.

Grade: D+


Danny Jillefski:

Eric Tyler:
I guess it goes to show you that rivals can often make the best partners? Especially when they both are as prominent as these two…

Danny Jillefski:
The question that keeps lingering though is… Where did Des Davids go? He literally walked out on his partner here tonight; for whatever reason. I mean, it looked like he finally ‘snapped’ or something; walking away in a fit of rage…

Eric Tyler:
I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough, Danny. For now, though, it’s best to focus on those who ACTUALLY DO their job; not just run and hide at the first real challenge.

Danny Jillefski:
I guess you’re right, Eric. Let this not take away from the amazing moment we all just witnessed ladies and gentlemen… Two men, two men who once hated eachother, who once tore eachother apart, are NOW joined by Championship Gold!
[Laughs; in disbelief]
I’ve NOW seen everything in the USPW…




Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield

… Celebrating their win …


[shortly following their win, signified by a triumphant final toll of the ringside bell, the former heated rivals now find themselves combined by a ‘golden unifier’; the USPW World Tag Team Championship. With the roaring crowd at their backs, screaming joyfully for their newfound champions, the head referee of tonight’s event, Eugene Williams, is shown happily presenting the newly minted tandem with their glorious prize. That said, before they can truly celebrate their victory, the souring tandem, and former champions themselves, the Towers of Power look to unravel the scenario at hand…]



The Towers of Power + Shane Sneer

… Staging an Attack …


[With Shane Sneer, still, heard barking orders in the background, standing along the sidelines in a way of protection, the Towers of Power quickly arise into action; engaging the newfound Tag Champions in an explosive brawl. While the initial tone feels rather chaotic, eventually, it all comes to an overpowering halt as The Giant & “The Hardcore American” are able to crush the competition; once again.]


[With a Chokeslam from Bruce, sending Danny Rushmore crashing to the canvas in a thunderous heap, and a “Danger Drop” (Double Arm DDT) from Caulfield, forcing Mick Muscles into a concuss state soon thereafter, the celebratory vibe, once again, returns. All in all, as the newfound Tag Champions reignite their ‘golden celebration’, furthered by the vibrant wave of excitement coming from the USPW faithful, Shane Sneer is shown, in the end, practically throwing a temper tantrum; slamming his fists down upon the apron before him. In closing, Sneer locks a truly dramatic, and overtly intense, stare directed at the two rivals before him; one that is matched by a, slightly, arrogant return from Strong’s victorious allies.]


Grade: C


Danny Jillefski:
You wanted a war, Shane? Well, you GOT one!
If you ask me, it looks like the Sneer Corporation just doesn’t have what it takes to take down the ‘big guns’ in the USPW!

Eric Tyler:
There has been a trend as of late, hasn’t there? I mean, they’re one hell of a force; often flattening the competition in informal settings. That said, when it comes to an actual match, it almost looks like they can’t keep up?

Danny Jillefski:
That’s because Sneer made the worst mistake possible when forming his, supposed, Corporation…

Eric Tyler:
What’s that?

Danny Jillefski:
He didn’t employ the best and the brightest… Only the dubious and the devious…




vs. “The Dark Angel” Raven Robinson

[uSPW Women’s Championship Match]



You can almost taste the desperation radiating off of Raven Robinson as she characteristically leans into a nearby turnbuckle; fixating her focus on the opponent set before her. With that said, uncharacteristically, Raven practically explodes with fury as the opening bell is finally rung; crashing atop Cherry Bomb with a thez press followed by a round of heavy-handed strikes. As you may expect, such a dive ignites the USPW faithful to cheer wildly in favor of the former Women’s Champion. Sadly, though, such an overpowering onset is quickly tempered; as Cherry Bomb, eventually, evens out their altercation with a combustible onslaught of her own.


Back-and-forth, they war at an inspired pace. Raven, utilizing her unorthodox approach, stays true to her “Dark Angel” persona; matching her array of unique strikes with a, slightly, off-beat demeanor to her step. Meanwhile, in her typical fashion, Cherry Bomb looks to physically own her opponent; incessantly barraging Raven in which to consistently overwhelm her with an overtly stiff approach. When combined, the flow of the match feels very much so like this: Cherry Bomb practically steamrolling Raven as the former Women’s Champion uses anything at her disposal to slow down such a process; Back-handed strikes, reversal predicaments, and ‘high risk’ strikes, all being utilized in hopes of doing so.


In the end, as the match continues to take on such an intense tone, it becomes rather apparent that Raven’s body simply cannot keep up. This all stems back to one moment, really, as Raven stood atop a towering turnbuckle; reading to dive desperately upon her opponent. Sadly, before she could even spring her dive into action, Cherry Bomb is shown regaining her composure; speeding toward said turnbuckle and connecting with a fiery dropkick to Raven’s right knee. Shortly following the strike, Raven is shown collapsing off the top rope; safely landing upon the apron as she slowly scales her way downward. Here she now lays; holding her knee in immense pain as it’s rather obvious that THIS would, potentially, be what unravels her…


It was.


As the match continues, Raven increasingly shows that said strike, and subsequent fall, was too much for her body to bounce back from.


With her maneuvering rather awkward, staggering in pain, Raven eventually falls victim to Cherry Bomb’s vicious onslaught; no longer able to keep up with the steamrolling nature of her opponent. Moments later, as “The Dark Angel” tries, again, to connect with a desperate Superkick; Cherry Bomb is shown halting such a strike with a heavy-footed kick to the stomach. Soon there after, stunned, and depleted, Raven is planted upon the canvas with a ring-rattling “Cherry Bomb” (Sit-Down Powerbomb). From there, there was no expectations of going forward; the former Women’s Champion was simply too run-down to consider further action.


Cherry Bomb retains the USPW Women’s Championship in 9:53 via a “Cherry Bomb” (Sit-Down Powerbomb).

Grade: D+


Danny Jillefski:
This girl has some attitude on her but, damn, does she get the job done…

Eric Tyler:
Week in, and week out, Cherry Bomb continues to prove that she is the unquestioned leader of the Women’s Division. Don’t get me wrong, “The Dark Angel” is one great athlete but, tonight, we saw exactly why Cherry Bomb may hold onto the strap for quite some time. While others compete, Cherry Bomb steamrolls…

Danny Jillefski:
She’s one fiery little machine, Cherry Bomb.
[shakes his head; shocked]
To beat her, you’ll have to bring your “A+ game”. Without that, if you bring anything less, you’re bound to take a nap on the canvas when the smoke clears.




Sam Strong, Alicia Strong, and Nicky Champion

… A LEGENDARY Psyche-up …


[We transition backstage in which to see the USPW’s profound leader, Sam Strong, standing in company with his well-documented protégé, Nicky Champion, and his beloved daughter, Alicia Strong, within an undisclosed hallway; backstage at the Historic Brooklyn Boxing Arena. While Alicia is shown sitting upon a large, black, production box, leaning her back up against the wall that positions behind her, still reeling from the obvious bullying she received earlier (that being small strokes of remaining lipstick upon her face), her Father, in all of his hardened glory, stands within inches from the young, up-and-coming, Nicky Champion. Their posture tells entirely of their known situation; that being Sam Strong as the dominant figure; meanwhile, Nicky as the wide-eyed youngster. With that said, though, it’s not like the young Champion appears weak in anyway; quite the contrary actually. Standing much like his mentor, Champion stares directly into Strong’s eyes; making it quote obvious that we are cutting in on an existing conversation.]


Sam Strong:
You learn the most about a man when he’s backed against a wall, Nicky. You find out how he thinks, how he reacts, based upon the decisions that he makes in the moment.
[Pauses; stares Nicky in the eyes]
This goes for both of you…
[Looks over at Alicia as well]
When push comes to shove, when times become more difficult, is when you can show the depth of your character. They pushed you down? Pick yourself up by your boot-straps, look em in the eye, and do the same.
They slam a steel chair across your back? Shrug off the pain, look em in the eye, and show them that you can’t be broken.
[Pauses; again]
Put your shoulders down to the mat?....
[Long Pause]
Roll out of that ring, step out of the lights, work your tail off in the week leading up to the next broadcast, and come back out to the ring; prove that you won’t accept failure.


[The area seems rather silent; however, for good reason. Strong, most recently known for his heart-driving inspirational speeches, especially with these two, has seemingly done the trick once again as Nicky’s posture becomes slightly more straight in nature.]


Sam Strong:
You want my advice?
[Looks Nicky deep into his eyes]
Step into that ring a just man. Compete as an honorable man. Walk out of the ring as a victorious man…


[With that, as the two stare deep into each other’s eyes, sharing in a true moment of fatherhood (even if Nicky isn’t his biological father), the inspiring scenario comes to an unsettling close as a familiar voice peers from off-camera.]



Shane Sneer and Jumbo Jackson

… Crashing the party …


Shane Sneer:
Honor, Pride, Respect, Blah… Blah… Blah… Are you still feeding that garbage?
[Chuckles shallowly to himself]
This ‘aint the 80’s anymore, Sammy.
[Pauses; shows a dark smirk]
Taking advice like that can get you killed these days…


[Nicky spins around in which to stand at Strong’s side; fortifying himself as his body language tells of a man ready for a good, knuckle-crushing, fight. Meanwhile, as extra back-up, Alicia is shown hopping down from the black production box as well; taking to her Father’s other side as a show of support.]


[With that, the camera man slowly pans out in which to see Shane Sneer standing alongside his bruising muscle-man of the last 3-years, Jumbo Jackson. The immense size, and general un-kept nature, brings a level of extreme menace to Jumbo’s presence; a fact that Sneer has continually utilized since his debut with the Sneer Corporation in 2007. None the less, as Sneer stands before his giant, snarling like a devilish mastermind, the overall tone of the scene has drastically shifted to that of tense aggression.]


Nicky Champion:
You should talk…


[Knowing that Nicky’s statement is directed at him, Sneer bursts out into laughter for a brief second; slowly shaking his head following in a devilish manner.]


Shane Sneer:
So feisty, yet so clueless…
[shakes his head]
You look to this man
[Points to Sam]
like a Father, right? Well, Alicia knows this pretty well by now, he’ll do nothing but let you down in the end; always have and always will.


Alicia Strong:
Shove-it, Sneer!


[Looking over at Alicia, the person who knocked him unconscious just a few days ago on “American Wrestling” with a swift standing sidekick, Sneer’s tone turns slightly more aggressive; turning his head slightly in a cracking fashion as he runs his hands across his forehead lightly.]


Shane Sneer:
Quite pumpkin, I’ll ask your opinion if I have some cookies to bake…


[Cracking a devilish grin, Sneer knows he landed the exact statement to get under Alicia’s skin; a fact that becomes rather obvious as Sam actually has to put his arm out to stop her from jumping Shane again. None the less, sensing more of an aggressive moment, Jumbo Jackson steps before his vile leader. Seconds later, Nicky has stepped forward as well; meeting his opponent toe-to-toe in the middle of the wide-spread altercation.]


Sam Strong:
It’s best that you disappear… Before I make you…


[sam looks directly at Shane as the two embrace in a feverish stare-down; much like Nicky and Jumbo are currently locked within.]


Shane Sneer:
Harsh words from a man who can barely walk these days…
Let’s go, Jumbo,
[Evil Grin]
Save it for the ring; then you can beat the ‘pride’ out of this snot nosed brat…


Nicky Champion:
I dare you to try…


[Nicky and Jumbo continue to lock themselves within a cold-hearted stare-down; inches from eachother in the process. With time; however, Sneer’s call finally pulls Jackson to slowly back-pedal away; never taking his eyes off of Champion whatsoever.]


Shane Sneer:
You’re going to wish you never brought me here, Sam. You may have blinded me for years but I’ve had the wool removed from my eyes. You call me wicked?
[shakes his head; devilish grin]
At least I actually live by my code…


[With that, Shane Sneer and Jumbo Jackson are shown completely exiting the scene; leaving the trio of Sam Strong, Alicia Strong, and Nicky Champion certainly on edge. While Sam still holds the same ice-cold veins, standing his ground confidently, Nicky appears to be the one most affected by this little rendezvous; his body language elevated with an aggressive tone entirely.]


Grade: C+


Danny Jillefski:
A code? Shane Sneer has a code? Maybe a code of evil!!

Eric Tyler:
Did you see how Sam never really loosed his cool there? Stone-wall; he didn’t even blink it seemed. Even after all of that, the “Alpha American” stood his ground. Sadly, it looks like Nicky, and Alicia, have a long-way to go if they ever want to resemble Sam.

Danny Jillefski:
What do you mean by that?

Eric Tyler:
While Sam was ice-cold, unaffected by Sneer, Nicky and Alicia looked like they were ready to throw down that exact second. Restraint is often a virtuous trait of those great warriors in history. Tonight, It looks like those two may have a ways to go before they totally understand it’s strength.

Danny Jillefski:
Honestly, I don’t care about virtuous right now; I want to see Nicky Champion stomp the holy-habadash out of Jumbo Jackson! Send a message to Sneer in the process!

Eric Tyler:
Well, he has his chance… Right now!




Jumbo Jackson
w/ Shane Sneer
vs. Nicky Champion


With their recent run-in, literally minutes before, the tone between these two was already at a heightened state. When you add close to 10,000 screaming fans in the mix, administering camera flashes at an alarming rate, the overall feeling only appears to maximize that much more; a fact that quickly becomes obvious in the body language between these two. Straight away, their actions mirror what they, most certainly, wanted to do only minutes before; leveling into one another in a ‘big fight’ boxing mentality. In reality, such an approach rings rather fitting; seeing how we are actually in an aging boxing arena altogether. That said, their fist-to-cuffs creates a stiff atmosphere between the two; landing haymakers like they were simple jabs in the end.


In reality, the entire match rings true to this boxing mentality. While both are known for having a wider array of power moves to their arsenal, their altercation never seems to break free from the brawling mentality; marking their bitter disdain perfectly. Back-and-forth they go, swinging like drunken sailors; neither backing down as it appears that they both possess the much-wanted ‘iron jaw’ ability.


All in all, as their match continues to rage forward in a brutally open manner, their altercation eventually speeds toward a defining decision.


With Shane Sneer barking orders, as always, in the background, Jumbo Jackson eventually falls victim to Champion’s growing momentum. In almost a supernatural, I will not be held back, kind of way, Champion starts to slowly overcome all that’s thrown at him; leveling Jumbo Jackson repeatedly and ultimately proving himself to be a force above all. In the end, as Jackson staggers to his feet following a string of power strikes from Champion, Strong’s protégé quickly brings the match to an explosive end; executing his signature “Hawkeye Hammer” (Piledriver) in the process.


Shane Sneer can only watch on in fury, slamming his fists upon the apron as he did earlier with the Towers of Power, as it becomes rather obvious that Jumbo will not be pushing this match any farther. In reality, he now lays semi-motionless on the canvas; looking up at the bright lights as Nicky Champion gains a standard three count from Eugene Williams.


Nicky Champion defeats Jumbo Jackson in 10:13 via a “Hawkeye Hammer” (Piledriver).

Grade: C-


Danny Jillefski:
He came, he saw, he conquered… Nicky Champion has just defeated Jumbo Jackson! What a HUGE victory for the up-and-coming protégé!

Eric Tyler:
I think the world wants to know what’s running through Champion’s mind right now…
[starts to get up from his post; placing his hands on his headset as well]
I’m going to head to the ring; get an official statement from the “Hawkeye” after putting Jackson in his place! Excuse me, Danny…

[Eric Tyler places his headset on the commentary table below as he slowly walks toward the squared circle; obtaining a microphone in the process.]

Danny Jillefski:
Well, ladies and gentlemen, we weren’t planning on hearing from Nicky following the match but it looks like Eric Tyler sees something in the moment. Let’s go to the squared circle for Nicky’s response to tonight’s victory!




Nicky Champion and Eric Tyler

… Post-match interview …


[As Shane Sneer physically elevates toward an uncontrollable, feverish, pitch, literally convulsing with rage on the outside of the squared circle, the USPW’s recent color commentator, and respected veteran, Eric Tyler, is shown entering the squared circle rather executively. With a microphone in hand, all the while displaying a stern sense of authority, the aging traditionalist extends his right hand outward; connecting with Nicky’s as they embrace in a cordial handshake. Seconds later, as Nicky’s theme music comes to an unceremonious close, Mr. Tyler quickly gains the attention of the USPW faithful; bringing Champion’s post-match interview to a head.]


Eric Tyler:
Ladies and Gentlemen, Tonight, in this very ring, our beloved “Hawkeye”, the man we all deem as the FUTURE of this company, came away with a resounding victory!
[Crowd pops; Tyler pauses]
Through grit, and sheer determination, this surging powerhouse defied the odds; pinning an absolute monster beneath his weight. Now Nicky…
[Eric turns to Champion; looking him in the eye]
The only question that’s left on everyone’s mind is…
[Pauses; continues to look him in the eye]
How can you be sooooo...


[With that, before confusion can entirely paint itself upon Nicky’s face, Eric Tyler is shown springing into action; slamming his black loafer square into the stomach of USPW’s beloved “Hawkeye”. Knowing that such a strike wouldn’t ‘floor’ someone of Champion’s stature, Tyler quickly follows up the former kick with a stiff kick to Nicky’s right knee; repeatedly until the Strong protégé staggers to his ‘good knee’.]


[The crowd boos wildly as Tyler lands one final kick straight across Nicky’s jaw as he wavers on one knee; the strike being, again, overtly stiff in nature as if to say there was an immense level of passion behind it all. With Nicky lying on his back, upon the canvas, as he slowly tries to regain his composure, the hardened traditionalist methodically removes his sports-coat, loosening his tie, and even rolling his sleeves up in a ‘down and dirty’ executive fashion.]


[Methodically, following his slight undressing, Tyler slowly stomps stiffly upon his fallen victim; each strike sending a loud thud high into the Brooklyn Boxing Arena. The shock of the event at hand continually drives the USPW faithful to roar with hatred; showering the aging veteran with a level of disdain only left for Shane Sneer at most cases. With that said, Sneer looks as though such a strike is even a shock to him; standing outside of the ring with a level of shock upon his face. With time, said shock turns more into a dubious smirk as the villainous Sneer Corp leader knows, regardless of his relationship with Tyler, that such an attack bodes well for his long-term plans.]


[in the end, after one last kick to Nicky’s skull, Tyler slowly exits the squared circle; walking up the ramp without ever looking back upon the ring. In a way, it almost looks as though Mr. Tyler is irritable about it all; like such a shocking attack was ‘needed’ more so than what he WANTED to do. None the less, just like Champion’s music had been cut earlier, Eric Tyler exits the ringside area in an unceremonious fashion; never gloating, never basking in his heelish ways, but rather exiting through the black entrance curtain in a swift fashion. Meanwhile, a ringside camera has caught Nicky Champion struggling to regain his footing; literally leaning his entire bodyweight into a nearby ring rope as his right knee looks to be tweaked from Tyler’s previous assault.]


Grade: C+


Danny Jillefski:

[silence is heard; shock overtakes Danny Jillefski and most of the Brooklyn Boxing Arena]

Danny Jillefski:
Folks, I have NO IDEA why Eric Tyler would do such a thing! I mean, from the second he came on board here, a little over 3 weeks ago, he’s been nothing but great to work with; a standup guy really. Sadly, I’m afraid I came to know a falsehood…
[shakes his head; disappointed]
That was just… Argh! I don’t even want to talk about it… This is just ridiculous behavior on the part of Eric Tyler… Simply ridiculous!




Shane Sneer

… Rejoining the commentary team; for now …


[shortly after Eric Tyler left the ringside area, Shane Sneer is shown slowly shuffling toward the commentary table with a devilish grin upon his face. With every step, the USPW faithful appear to grow more and more annoyed with the situation at hand; witnessing Nicky Champion hobble his way backstage as Shane Sneer overtakes the commentary table once again. As expected, Shane’s arrival is met with a less than favorable response from Danny Jillefski.]


[slowly, Shane returns the commentary headset, a tool he once used on a weekly basis, back to where it belongs; all the while displaying a purely evil smirk upon his face (one that says “I’m BAAAAAACK”). Seconds later, Sneer, once again, sits down behind the desk; even kicking his feet up onto the desk in an overtly arrogant fashion.]


Grade: D+


Shane Sneer:
Did ya miss me, Ole’ Danny-Boy?

[Danny Jillefski physically reacts in a dramatic fashion]

Danny Jillefski:
[stares into Sneer’s eyes; inches away from him]
This was PART of your Takeover, Right? To have Eric Tyler attack Nicky Champion? YOU MAKE ME SICK!!

Shane Sneer:
Eric acts on his own accord; I had nothing to do with that. Would I have liked to be behind all of that? You’re damn right, Danny. Nicky Champion is a snot-nosed brat; a punk who needs to be unearthed as the glaring JOKE that he is! So, NO, I didn’t have anything to do with that but damn…
was it a thing of beauty!

Danny Jillefski:
You’ll never win this war, Shane… NEVER!

[shane pulls his feet from atop the commentary table; turning his chair in which to look straight into Danny’s eyes. All in all, he responds in a purely intense fashion.]

Danny Jillefski:
Never is a mighty harsh word, Dan-O…
I’d watch my tone before I have you physically removed from this broadcast…

[The two stare eachother down in an intense fashion; possibly bringing to light an underlying sense of tension between the two set long ago.]




vs. “The Jurassic Power” T-Rex
w/ Sheik Mustafa


The USPW faithful shower the ringside area with a high level of anticipation as these two bitter rivals stare across from one another. The floor itself even shakes with excitement as, some, 10,000 people slam their feet rhythmically upon the ground; chanting in favor of James Justice. While T-Rex doesn’t seem to care, more so snarling toward his adversary, huffing and puffing like a big bad wolf, Sheik Mustafa is shown engaging the fans; yelling harshly in their direction (however, impossible to EVER understand what he’s saying realistically).


From the very onset, we are force-fed the age-old narrative of:
The tough-as-nails brawler and the giant who dares to break the mystique; crushing the cowboy in the process.
Straight away, T-Rex relies heavily upon his power-game; swinging his tree-trunk like arms with intense force. Sadly, for his sake, not every strike seems to land; missing more so than landing. Meanwhile, “The Outlaw” makes no mistakes about it; he’s coming in for a fight. Back-and-forth they swing; connecting with so much force that one has to wonder how either can survive their bout.


As in most cases, with time, T-Rex’s power proves to be somewhat of an ultimate equalizer; gradually wearing down his smaller opponent with an array of heavy-handed strikes. At one point, following a ring-rattling sidewalk slam, Justice looks as though he may be slipping consciously; his gaze becoming rather blank as he lay upon his back. Luckily, such a maneuver doesn’t keep “The Outlaw” down for good; kicking out following a drawn-out pinfall attempt from “The Jurassic Power”.


Justice eventually has a 2nd, and even 3rd, wind; coming back at Rex in a thunderous fashion. At this point, the fans appear even livelier; hoping, wishing, and praying, that THIS would be the moment where “The Outlaw” finally subdues the beast before him. Sadly, Justice’s haymaker-like punches don’t seem to really phase the big-man. Sure, it sends him reeling from time to time; however, all it takes is one well-placed hip strike to the stomach for T-Rex to eventually breakdown his bitter rival. With this in mind, a form of desperation from the fans begins to permeate; fearful that THEIR guy may end up losing his stride.


With Justice starting to dwindle physically, the writing on the wall begins to form…
T-Rex looks to be absolutely unstoppable tonight…


Locking in his rib-crushing “Jurassic Crush” (Bear Hug), catching James Justice as he attempted to leap in Rex’s direction with a closeline, everything looked to be on the verge of an end.


Justice fights…




His consciousness seems to be dipping…


His punches, hoping to break free, become less and less powerful…


His body wavering…


Still Fighting…




“The Outlaw” has grabbed the ropes after a lengthy battle of remaining conscious; however, T-Rex doesn’t appear to be willing to break his back-breaking hold. Seconds pass… Still nothing from T-Rex; still locking Justice in the “Jurassic Crush” like a mad-man.


Eugene Williams counts…








His hands flail at a frantic pace as the ringside bell is rung at the very same speed. The match has come to an end; yet, T-Rex doesn’t seem to really care; still holding the “Jurassic Crush” in an unforgiving manner. At this point, Justice is barely conscious; bending backward as his head dips, bounces, showing he’s in-and-out at this point. He attempts to throw a punch to break the hold but his body is so weak at this point that he practically passes out in the process due to the pain.


The bell continues to ring… James Justice is obviously out-cold… Yet, T-Rex continues to wrench in his hold; a fact that drives the fans to boo wildly against him. In one night, T-Rex has seemingly done exactly what he said he was going to do…
Crush James Justice!


James Justice defeats T-Rex in 13:21 via DQ; T-Rex wouldn’t break the “Jurassic Crush” despite Justice gaining a rope-break.

Grade: C-


Danny Jillefski:
Oh good Lord… I don’t know if Justice is even breathing at this point…

Shane Sneer:
That mangy little mutt needed to be put out of his misery! ‘Atta boy, Rexy, THIS is why you’re a valued employee in the Sneer Corporation!
[Evil chuckle]

Danny Jillefski:
Are you KIDDING? You condone this?

Shane Sneer:
Condone? I LOVE this! Brutality is our brand, Dan; it’s what we do. It’s not my fault that you’re so-called ‘Loyalists’ are a soft bunch of pansies!

Danny Jillefski:
You’re a snake, Sneer… A damned Snake!




James Justice, T-Rex + Sheik Mustafa

… The domination continues …


[With time, T-Rex does, finally, release the hold; however, at this point, it’s far too late. Physically depleted, Justice lays semi-motionless on the canvas; brutally placed there by a herculean throw from his Jurassic counterpart.]


[With the crowd booing wildly in his direction, T-Rex stops for a brief second; looking out upon said crowd with a vicious snarl plastered across his face. This unsettling vision sends shivers down the fans collective spine as it’s pretty obvious that this monster of a man cares NOT for anyone; even for himself in reality.]


[soon thereafter, he turns back toward his fallen victim; staring upon him with his menacing stare turning more wide-eyed in nature…]


[Again, as the crowd boos like crazy in the background, and Sheik Mustafa barks aggressively from outside of the ring, T-Rex is shown forcibly lifting his rival off the canvas once again; harshly whipping his depleted frame into a nearby rope. Upon his return… BAM… “The Extinction” (Big Boot) slams square into his face; pushing the celebrated cowboy crashing to the canvas in a thunderous heap.]


[seconds later, the segment comes to an eerie ending as T-Rex eventually stands over his fallen victim; his legs on either side of “The Outlaw”. In the end, as the menacing winds circulate above the ringside area, T-Rex is shown looking down in a vile fashion; enjoying his complete domination of one, James Justice!]


Grade: B


Danny Jillefski:
How can you embrace this, Sneer? Do you EVEN have a SLIVER of decency under that snake-skin of yours?

Shane Sneer:
Decency is just a word created by the weak, Dan. My company is not about ‘fair play’, loyalty, and respect; it’s about crushing some heads in which to get what you want! That’s REALLY the American Dream; dominating others in which to PROVE your greatness!

Danny Jillefski:
That’s not the America I live in…

Shane Sneer:
Then you’re living under a rock, Dan. We [The Sneer Corporation] are simply living the American-way; destruction over diplomacy.

Danny Jillefski:
You’re a bad, bad, man…

Shane Sneer:
A successful… bad… bad… man…





[Non-Title: ‘Unsanctioned’ Brooklyn Back-Alley Brawl]

[special Appointed Referee: Sam Strong]



Snow blankets the Back-Alley behind the Historic Brooklyn Boxing Arena as countless orbs of snow shower incessantly upon the landscape. With every step, every turning glance, one’s vision takes a drastic dip; attempting to relocate their vantage point amongst the cloaking precipitation before them. Meanwhile, every breathe, escaping their mythical frames, generates a hefty cloud of oxygen; visible to the human-eye due to the intensely frigid temperature gripping the urban oasis.


Despite all of that, the potentially torturous conditions that could claim their careers in the process, both Enygma and Tyson Baine appear fiery in their demeanors; hell-bent on clashing violently with one another after a lengthy, drawn-out, feud.


With Sam Strong standing to the side, verbally barking the conditions of tonight ‘unsanctioned match’, making it VERY obvious that any, and all, injuries, are not of the company’s fault by agreeing to such an altercation, the grandiose nature of tonight’s main event grows even stronger.
Why would these men risk their health to war within such heinous conditions?
The answer is quite easy… They
one another; as has been made obvious over the month of January.


Their altercation starts off as chaotic as one would expect; Tyson Baine speeding toward Enygma and slamming his body up against the brick-wall of the Arena. The thud tells of a man who has lost every breathe available to him; attempting to swing back but physically unable to slow-down Baine’s aggressive onslaught. In reality, such a start was rather dubious in nature, well as dubious as a street fight could be, given no real rule-set, as “The Demon” made quick work of his opponent before Strong could even finish his opening statement of no-liability.


From there, everything, and anything, would be used around the Back-Alley:


Enygma slams Baine’s head upon a nearby car hood.

Baine Irish-Whips the USPW Champion forcibly into a chain-link fence.

Baine guerilla press slams Enygma into a large dumpster.

Enygma dives from atop a collection of creates; landing a cross-body block upon his rival.

Baine throws Enygma like a dart into the Brick-wall of the Arena.

Enygma clocks Baine over the head with an awaiting trash can.

Baine powerslams Enygma onto the trunk of a car.

Engyma slams the back-door of the Arena square into “The Demon’s” head.


As you can see, nothing too ‘extreme’; but a good level of classic, brawl-based, wrestling from the two mythical ICONS. As this all unfolds, Sam Strong continues to stand to the side; doing nothing to really ‘police’ the action but being present in which to oversee the action altogether. Never does he even tempt to ‘get into the war’; rather taking a stand-off approach from the very start.


With time, the warring rivals appear to slow down drastically; showing potential injuries starting to arise. In reality, neither man really tempers their assault; however, it’s obvious that their frames are unable to carry their own weight after a while.


In the end, as both men are barely able to stand on their own two feet, throwing punches back and forth like reeling boxers looking for a final, desperation, Knock-out at the end of a classic bout, the final ‘KO’ shot comes at the expense of… Tyson Baine.


In an act of superhuman strength, within their depleted brawl, Enygma musters up whatever is left within his staggering frame; kicking Baine in the stomach and landing his signature “From the Darkness…” square upon a fluffy snow-bank directly before the Arena wall. Upon impact, a massive cloud of snow practically explodes into the air as Baine lays face-down in the snow.


It takes a good 10 seconds for Enygma to regain his own composure, again, mustering up the strength to put his body into action. In this case, he uses his entire middleweight frame to push Baine onto his back; pinning him in the process. All the while, as snow is practically caked onto “The Demon’s” entire body, Strong counts to three; officially giving the USPW World Champion a resounding victory over his bitter rival!


Enygma defeats Tyson Baine in 19:33 via “From the Darkness” (Leaping DDT).

Grade: C+


Danny Jillefski:
[Turns to Sneer; gloating with excitement]

[shane Sneer snarls with aggression; entirely pissed off]

Danny Jillefski:
How does it feel, Sneer? You’re ‘prized warrior’ wasn’t able to get the job done?

[sneer slowly turns to look Danny in the eyes; growing with aggression even more]

Shane Sneer:
Shutup! SHUTUP!! SHUT-UP!!!
[Pauses; looks Danny in the eyes before turning back to the lens]

Shane Sneer:

Danny Jillefski:
Can’t take the loss, huh?
I guess you really DO need to interfere for your employees to win?
[shakes his head]
You’re brand is brutality? Well, ours is winning!

Shane Sneer:
[Having a tizzy]




Enygma and Sam Strong

… Short celebration; conversation …


[As the snow continues to whirl downward in an incessant fashion, adding to the winter wonderland feel of tonight’s main event, Sam Strong is shown sternly extending his right hand down to the victor; Enygma. In return, Enygma accepts his gesture; rising to his feet rather quickly as it’s pretty obvious that the USPW World Champion is certainly depleted following such a match. With his right arm draped across his stomach, and his face telling of a man trying desperately to show ‘no pain’, despite undoubtedly feeling exactly that, the mysterious hero now has his available arm raised on high as the official winner. Their breathe continues to fill the night air, escaping their bodies like weakened plumes of smoke, as, despite their frozen frames, the two proud USPW loyalists embrace the moment for a short second; neither looking as though they are really enjoying the process all that much though.]


[Just then, after releasing Enygma’s hand, the Wrestling LEGEND, Sam Strong, turns to look Enygma straight in his eyes.]


Sam Strong:
You did good, Kid… but now… I’ve got some personal matters to tend to…


[With that, Strong glances over at Tyson Baine; who appears to be slowly drifting back to consciousness within the diminished snow-bank below his immense size. Without saying anything further, Enygma begins to nod his head; knowing what that means without needing much more information. With that, Enygma slowly staggers toward the doorway of the Brooklyn Boxing Arena; Strong following short behind him in the process. Once Enygma has entered the building, leaving Strong and Baine alone in the snow-filled back alley, Strong is shown grabbing a nearby 2x4 of wood; sliding it in between the extended handles of the door….]


[The crowd roars with excitement as they watch this entire situation unfold upon the video-tron located at the head of the ringside area; knowing what’s coming next.]


[With the door locked in an archaic fashion, Strong slowly spins back around; walking toward his former attacker with a truly gruff look plastered upon his face.]


Sam Strong:
You brought this on yourself, Boy…



Tyson Baine

… Semi-conscious; reeling from tonight’s main event …


[With that, Strong lifts the semi-conscious Baine off the cement alley floor; throwing him viciously into the nearby brick wall. Baine’s collision sends him shoulder first into said wall; keeping him upright but barely in the process. Seconds later, Strong is seen landing a few choice, severely heavy-handed, punches square to his victim’s jaw; a fact that practically takes “The Demon” off of his feet once again]


Sam Strong:
Didn’t no-one tell ya?
[Picks up Baine once again; holding him by the back of his hair]
You better damn near kill Sam Strong if you don’t want an ass-whoopin’ of your own…


[Again, Strong Irish-whips the Sneer Corporation member into a nearby dumpster; his massive frame slamming brutally up against the severely cold metal in the process. Slowly, Baine slumps to the ground once again; barely conscious as he breathes large plumes of air into the frigid night sky.]


Sam Strong:
Get up…
[Kicks Baine’s right leg]
Get up…
[Kicks Baine on the right shoulder]
… Don’t make me tell ya again…


[After forcibly pulling him to his feet once again, Strong flings Baine across the alleyway this time; his body slamming, once again, unforgivingly, against a parked car. Again, unable to really stand, Baine starts to slowly slump downward; however, before he can truly crash to the floor, Strong is seen swiftly running toward his fallen victim, or at least as ‘swiftly’ as a 63 year-old-legend with bad knees can run; executing his signature “Strong Arm Tactic” (Charging elbow to the temple) square upon Baine’s head. The strike is so forceful that “The Demon” finally crashes to the cement floor for good; motionless and face down in the show.]


[All in all, “Frigid Fight Night” comes to a close with a zoomed in sight of the fallen Baine; shocking as it may be to see a man of his size, a man known as “The Demon”, motionless in a back alleyway. Meanwhile, the Wrestling LEGEND, and hardened brawler, Sam Strong is shown slowly walking away from the scene; his back to the camera as he exits the alleyway (entering the snowy streets of Brooklyn).]


Grade: B


Danny Jillefski:
You want a war, Sneer? Do you REALLY want a war?

Shane Sneer:

Danny Jillefski:
Well, here’s your war; your guys all LOST in the BIGGEST EVENT in USPW HISTORY!! On top of that, Strong made mince-meat out of your so-called “Demon”! That’s gotta sting… Huh? Gotta sting real bad!

Shane Sneer:
I don’t have to take this; I’m a multi-millionaire with a fortune 500 company!

[sneer stands up; slamming his fists down on the table in a forceful fashion]

Shane Sneer:
I promise you, Heads are going to roll!! It doesn’t matter WHO you ARE… WHERE you’ve come from… WHAT allegiance you may have… HEADS…WILL…ROLL!!!

[With that Sneer tears his headset off; storming his way toward the backstage area as the fans excessively boo him in the process.]

Danny Jillefski:
We will NOT stand by and watch you take over, we will NOT simply lay down and play dead, we will NOT give into your demands… WE are United States Pro Wrestling; the greatest ‘rasslin’ company in all of America! You want a fight Shane Sneer? Well, you’ve GOT your fight!! WE… WILL…NEVER…STAND…DOWN!!!









Overall Show Grade:

Show Attendance:

PPV Buy-rate:
0.62 on U-Demand!

<hr color="black">
Quick “Frigid Fight Night” Results

Joanne Rodriguez defeated Alicia Strong via pinfall. ©

Peter Valentine © defeated Captain USA, The Force, and Randall Hopkirk via submission. (D-)

Bruce the Giant & Chris Caulfield © win the USPW World Tag Team Championships via pinfall. (D+)

Cherry Bomb © defeated Raven Robinson via pinfall. (D+)

Nicky Champion defeated Jumbo Jackson via pinfall. (C-)

James Justice defeated T-Rex via DQ. (C-)

Enygma defeated Tyson Baine via pinfall. (C+)
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