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Ring of Honor - Wrestling's Real Alternative

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Steve Corino & Christopher Daniels Vs AJ Styles and Low Ki

Bryan Danielson Vs Homicide

Samoa Joe Vs Xavier

The Briscoe Brothers vs CM Punk & "Classic" Colt Cabana

Super Dragon Vs Scoot Andrews

James Maritato Vs Tony Mamaluke

Da Hit Squad Vs York & Matthews

Kendrick & London Vs Divine Storm

Michael Shane Vs Ace Steel

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Ring of Honor presents

This is Wrestling

March 1st Pal Building

Attendance 300 (Sellout)


"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Ring of Honor as we bring to you our second event This is Wrestling. I'm Dave Prazak and our show tonight is packed with talent sure to impress no matter what kind of wrestling you prefer. From high fliers to brawls from strikers to grapplers you're going to find it all here in ROH but we won't waste anymore of your time lets go to the ring for out opening contest."


James Maritato Vs Tony Mamaluke

one fall match with a 20 minute time limit


Tony Mamaluke tired to convince his former partner to just end the match before it even began. Mamaluke wanted to reform the FBI and team with Maritato but he showed no interest in listing as the match got underway. Maritato took control for most of the early going after a quick take down but Mamaluke managed some offensive when he was able to utilize his quickness. Maritato was eventually able to work over the right arm of Tony Mamluke enough to force a submission with his fujiwara armbar.


Winner James Maritato by submission at 12:37

Rating D+


Kendrick & London Vs Divine Storm

one fall match with a 20 minute time limit


Spanky and Paul London showed even better teamwork and cohesion in this fast paced high flying match. Both team had the accelerator to the floor trying to get their first win taking chances left and right with multiple dives to the floor and all four men in the ring at once. The referee could barley keep things under control during the match with the bodies going everywhere. Spanky managed to get the three count after hitting sliced bread #2 in this wild match.


Winners Kendrick & London by pinfall at 14:56

Rating D


Michael Shane Vs Ace Steel

one fall match with a 20 minute time limit

The rookie and the veteran was the flavor of this match as Ace used his experience to either keep or gain the advantage over Michael Shane. Shane was able to gain the advantage for a little while after a thumb to the eye but his inexperience was again the key. Shane took to much time climbing the ropes looking to hit the picture perfect elbow drop and Ace was able to catch him on the top with a superplex. Ace followed that up with the twist of cain for the win.

Winner Ace Steel by pinfall at 13:11

Rating D


Da Hit Squad Vs York & Matthews

one fall match with a 20 minute time limit


DHS were eager to start their ROH careers strong and came out of the gates on fire taking the fight to their opponents early. York and Matthews were able to weather the initial storm and took control once things settled down into a regular tag match. Dan Maff was very impressive in this match and nearly one it himself after hitting Joey Matthews with the burning hammer. Matthews and Maff were not the legal men however and Christian York was able to sneak in the quick roll up victory on Monsta Mack.


Winners York & Matthews by pinfall at 14:02

Rating D-




Backstage during intermission CM Punk and Colt Cabana have requested camera time to deliver a message. Punk stares into the camera while Cabana stands behind him stretching and warming up for their match later as Punk starts to speak.

"After the Era of Honor Begins you should all know by now who we are and that in 20 minutes we took each other to our limits. Now we're a team and were going to focus our efforts on eventually becoming Champions here in Ring of Honor. Tonight we've been given the Briscoe Brothers as our first step in that quest, Jay, Mark I hope you boys brought your working boots cause Cabana and I are gonna chew you up and spit you out. I don't know about Cabana but I'm hungry..."Cabana jumps in front of the camera


"He's hungry like the WOOOLLLFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's what you were gonna say right Punk? Man I've been listing to that song all day its so awesome huh Punk? I wonder what ever happened to....Cabana notices the look on Punk's face Punk? Whats wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

" What the hell is that matter with you? Get serious we have a match coming up and your acting like this ... Punk looks at the camera Turn that damn thing off!"


Rating F


Super Dragon Vs Scoot Andrews

one fall match with a 15 minute time limit


Scoot looked determined to pick up a win here and managed to catch Super Dragon off guard at the onset of the match. Scoot's advantage was short lived though as Super Dragon quickly recovered and began a brutal offensive. Super Dragon was utterly dominate throughout the remainder off the match hitting three consecutive curb stomps before the referee declared Scoot uncontentious and awarded the match to Super Dragon.


Winner Super Dragon by TKO at 9:09

Rating E+


Samoa Joe Vs Xavier

one fall match with a 20 minute time limit


Joe looked to keep his momentum going in this match while Xavier was looking to build some of his own. Joe took the advantage early and looked poised to pick up the quick win but Xavier showed incredible heart refusing to stay down. Xavier kept fighting back frustrating Joe and eventually Xavier was able to obtain the advantage holding it for a few minutes until Joe connected with a tope to the floor. Xavier continued to fight but Joe was just too much and he locked in the choke forcing Xavier to tap out.


Winner Samoa Joe by submission at 16:24

Rating D

Briscoe Brothers Vs CM Punk & Colt Cabana

one fall match with a 25 minute time limit


Punk and Cabana made a solid case for being future champions in Ring of Honor during this match. Both men worked together very well despite constant verbal assaults from Punk telling Cabana to stop playing around and get serious. The Briscoes put in an impressive performance but were just no match for Punk and Cabana as Cabana hit the colt 45 on Mark Briscoe for the win.


Winners CM Punk & Colt Cabana by pinfall at 19:25

Rating D+


Bryan Danielson Vs Homicide

one fall match with a 30 minute time limit


Homicide and Danielson didn't waste any time in this match as Danielson surprisingly opened up the match with a barrage of strikes to push the shocked Homicide into the corner. Visibly annoyed Homicide looked to return the favor but Danielson took him down right away. It seemed that Danielson was trying to make Homicide mad to take advantage of the mistakes made in anger. Homicide was able to figure out the plan after awhile and worked to maintain his composer and sustain his offense. Danielson was able to get under Homicides skin one more time however after repeatedly slapping him across the face while holding him in and indian death lock. This move back fired thou as homicide seemed to get more fired up each time as he broke free from the hold and took Danielson's head off with the west brooklyn lariat before finally finishing him off with the cop killa.


Winner Homicide by pinfall at 21:09

Rating D


Steve Corino & Christopher Daniels Vs Low Ki & AJ Styles

one fall match with a 45 minute time limit


The main story of this match was Low Ki trying to get his hands on Daniels however the developing story was the verbal assaults of Steve Corino to both AJ and Ki. At one point in the match after Corino failed to knock AJ down with a shoulder block Corino motioned for AJ to hit the ropes which AJ refused to do. Corino yelled out "I'm the veteran so do as I say boy!" and slapped AJ across the face which was answered by a right hand. Towards the end of the match Aj was going for the styles clash on Steve Corino but it looked like Corino was trying to fight his way out of it and ended up taking a nasty landing mostly on his neck. The referee immediately went to check on Corino and before AJ could do anything Daniels rushed in and attacked AJ. Daniels eventually hit AJ with the last rites but Low Ki was able to reach for a tag and quickly went after the fallen angel. Daniels and Ki went back and forth until Low Ki knocked Daniels to the floor with a kick to the head. Low Ki turned around into Steve Corino who tried to pick up Low Ki for the northern lights bomb but Ki reversed it into the dragon clutch. With his neck obviously injured Corino had no choice but to tap out.

Winners Low Ki & AJ Styles by submission at 28:46

Rating C-


The match is barley over and Christopher Daniels already has the microphone at ringside.


"How honorable was that Low Ki? Taking advantage of Steve's neck that is obviously been hurt. That just shows to me that when push comes to shove you toss that warrior code of honor crap out the window to get the win. The difference between you and I Low Ki is that I've never hid the fact that I'll do whatever it takes to win. Your nothing but a hypocrite Low Ki and I've had enough of you the only way you will get to face me in the ring is if the Ring of Honor title is on the line."


Low Ki and AJ stares down Daniels as he makes his way to the back while medical trainers check on Corino

Rating E


Backstage Steve Corino is being helped into a car as Dave Prazak runs up to him with a mic in hand.

"Steve you took a really nasty landing hows your neck?"


Cornio looks at Prazak and the camera a look of disgust and pain etched on his face.


" You really just asked that? You think that sometime between wrestling all over the world and having a kid that I found the time to become a doctor? All I can tell you is what you already know that AJ Styles dropped me on my neck. I could have a broken neck I may not wrestle after tonight thanks to AJ. I'm Steve Corino former ECW and NWA world champion you don't do that to me and get away with it. AJ there will be hell to pay I'll see to that. I'm going to make you regret ever becoming a professional wrestler mark my words. AJ you better hope this doesn't end my career cause if it dose your as good as dead."


Corino pushes Prazak away and shuts the car door driving off to the hospital.


Rating E-


Pick Results

Nest - 7/9

The Final Countdown - 5/9

BHK1978 - 5/9

Nobby_McDonald - 5/9

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After a fantastic show the first issue ROH officials need to address is the condition of Steve Corino. After landing almost entirely on his neck during the main event Corino was taken to a local hospital and evaluated. Corino contacted ROH Sunday morning stating aside from some choice words for ROH officials and AJ Styles that he had suffered a stinger but that he will not miss any ROH shows.


The second issue was what was mentioned by Christopher Daniels just after the tag team main event and was the Ring of Honor title. ROH officials were holding off on the announcement until after the show but Daniels decided to spoiled that. What Daniels did not know however were the details of the tournament to crown the first Ring of Honor champion which we are happy to announce in this newswire.


The quarter and semi-finals of this 8 man tournament will take place at our next show to be titled Road to the Title. ROH is also going to announce the first 5 competitors in this tournament and they are all individuals with perfect 2-0 records. Those 5 men include Low Ki, Homicide, Super Dragon, AJ Styles, and Samoa Joe.


Also since The Fallen Angel spoiled the announcement of the title we will make up for that announcement by announcing the first quarter final match signed. Low Ki has defiantly been the man to beat and is arguably the favorite to win the title but his opponent has been just as dominate and impressive. The man signed to face Low Ki in the first round is non other than Samoa Joe.


After their victory on Friday CM Punk and Colt Cabana who wish to now be referred to as the Second City Saints showed that they will be a force to be reckoned with in the tag team division. They will look to take the next step forward at the expense of the returning SAT at Road to the Title.


Ring of Honor officials have put Scoot Andrews on notice that his next lackluster showing could be his last. Scoot has been utterly outclassed in both his matches and has stated himself that he doesn't feel like he's been as competitive as he should be.

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Ring of Honor has finalized the first round of the ROH title tournament and has unfortunately been forced to make a change. Due to unforeseen circumstances Samoa Joe will not be able to appear as originally announced Ring of Honor apologizes for the inconvenience to the fans.


Taking the place of Samoa Joe will be The Black Nature Boy Scoot Andrews. After reading the last newswire Andrews called ROH officials and guaranteed victory against anyone on the roster that officials decide to match him up against. ROH officials have decided to if Scoot wants to impress the best way to do it is against the man favored to win the whole tournament.


Super Dragon's opponent has been named and it will be The American Dragon Bryan Danielson. Danielson may technically be 0-2 however he didn't take the fall in the first match and nearly had Homicide beat last time out. The winner of this match will face the winner of Low Ki Vs Scoot Andrews.


Speaking of Homicide His opponent will be The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels. Homicide trained Low Ki an will be looking to help him out in getting rid of Daniels from this tournament. Daniels is continuing on his journey to take control of ROH by winning the title.


Finally AJ Styles will face off with Steve Corino. Corino has made it very clear he wants at AJ after the stinger he suffered and could also go on to win the ROH title with a victory here. AJ has been very Impressive thus far and could be the dark horse of the tournament.


2 non tournament matches have also been added as Xavier will face Brian XL. Also the tag team of Spanky and Paul London will face The Briscoe Brothers.



Final Card

Homicide Vs Christopher Daniels

AJ Styles Vs Steve Corino

Low Ki Vs Scoot Andrews

Super Dragon Vs Bryan Danielson

Briscoe Brothers Vs Kendrick & London

Second City Saints Vs The SAT

Xavier Vs Brian XL

winner of Ki/Andrews Vs winner of Dragon/Danielson

winner of Homicide/Daniels Vs winner of AJ/Corino

I should have the show up on Tuesday

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Homicide Vs Christopher Daniels


AJ Styles Vs Steve Corino


Low Ki Vs Scoot Andrews


Super Dragon Vs Bryan Danielson


Briscoe Brothers Vs Kendrick & London


Second City Saints Vs The SAT


Xavier Vs Brian XL


winner of Ki/Andrews Vs winner of Dragon/Danielson


winner of Homicide/Daniels Vs winner of AJ/Corino

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Homicide Vs Christopher Daniels

AJ Styles Vs Steve Corino

Low Ki Vs Scoot Andrews

Super Dragon Vs Bryan Danielson

Briscoe Brothers Vs Kendrick & London

Second City Saints Vs The SAT

Xavier Vs Brian XL

winner of Ki/Andrews Vs winner of Dragon/Danielson

winner of Homicide/Daniels Vs winner of AJ/Corino

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Ring of Honor presents

Road to the Title

March 16th Hammerstein Ballroom

2000 people (Sellout)

"Welcome wrestling fans to Ring of Honor’s Road to the Title featuring the first two rounds of the Ring of Honor title tournament. Tonight AJ Styles, Super Dragon, Homicide, Low Ki, Bryan Danielson, Steve Corino, Christopher Daniels, and Scoot Andrews will all look to make history as the first ROH champion. With all of this talent we can’t waste anymore time let’s get this tournament started right now in the ring."

AJ Styles Vs Steve Corino

ROH Title quarter-final match

One fall match with a 25 minute time limit


Corino jumps AJ at the onset of the match taking control of the match. Corino began working over the neck of AJ telling him payback is coming. AJ managed to get some offense in after escaping a cravat hitting Corino hard with a variety of athletic moves and forcing him to the floor. AJ went for a big dive to the outside but Corino managed to move at the last second causing AJ to crash on the floor. Corino punished AJ on the outside for a short period before bringing the action back into the ring. Corino had AJ set up for what looked to be a piledriver when AJ managed to pull the legs out from under Corino and flip over him for a jackknife pin and managed to get the pin. Corino is in shock and begins arguing with the referee before storming to the back while AJ celebrates his advancement to the semi-finals.


Winner AJ Styles by pinfall at 17:49

Rating C


Super Dragon Vs Bryan Danielson

ROH Title quarter-final match

One fall match with a 25 minute time limit


Danielson lures Super Dragon in with a greco roman knuckle lock but before the two can fully lock up Danielson drops down and takes Super Dragon down while floating over and grabbing a front chancery. Danielson maintained the advantage on the mat working over various parts of the body but Super Dragon manages to fight his way out of an armlock and began unleashing on Danielson with a barge of kicks and forearms forcing him into the corner. Super Dragon continued his assault hitting the UFO and curb stomp in succession but only managed a 2 count. Super Dragon went for the psycho driver but Danielson managed to slip out and get Super Dragons arms forcing him to the mat and flipping over for cattle mutilation. Super Dragon refused to tap thou and Danielson flipped back over and rolled Super dragon on to his shoulders forcing them down and the referee counted the 1, 2, 3.


Winner Bryan Danielson by pinfall at 17:39

Rating C


Super Dragon is not happy about losing and goes after Danielson when his back is turned. Super Dragon beats down Danielson with vicious kicks to the back and head before picking him up and delivering the Barry White driver.


Rating F+


Low Ki Vs Scoot Andrews

ROH Title quarter-final match

One fall match with a 25 minute time limit


Low Ki showed no mercy on Scoot who had guaranteed victory before finding out that Low Ki would be his opponent. Scoot was again outclassed as Low Ki destroyed him with kicks in the corner and beat him all over the ring. Low Ki finally put scoot out of his misery with the dragon clutch.

Winner Low Ki by submission at 11:06

Rating D+


Homicide Vs Christopher Daniels

ROH Title quarter-final match

One fall match with a 25 minute time limit


Homicide brought a ton of intensity to this match wanting to take out Daniels for his friend and student Low Ki. Daniels was well prepared and was able to survive the initial storm of Homicides offense and found the opportunity to counter an attempted ace crusher by holding onto the ropes. Daniels took control from there working over Homicide and going for the pin at every opportunity as Daniels was obviously trying to advance with as much energy and as little damage done to him as possible. Daniels went for his double spring moonsault but Homicide moved out of the way and took the fight to a stunned Daniels eventually hitting the west brooklyn lariat. AT this point a woman from the back ran down to ringside and took the attention of referee Paul Turner saving the match for Christopher Daniels. Homicide turned his attention to the woman and when she retreated homicide turned around only to be met with angels wings as Daniels got the win to advance.

Winner Christopher Daniels by pinfall at 14:41

Rating D-

The Briscoe Brothers Vs Kendrick & London

One fall match with a 20 minute time limit


Both teams showed just how much the last 2 shows have improved them and put on an exciting match as a result. Jay and Mark Briscoe were still looking to get their first win here in ROH and nearly had it after hitting Paul London with a spike jay driller. It wasn’t enough thou as Spanky was able to make the save and turn the tides as he hit Jay with sliced bread #2 allowing Paul to get the cover and the win.

Winners Kendrick & London by pinfall at 13:49

Rating D+


Xavier Vs Brian XL

One fall match with a 20 minute time limit


Brian XL demanded a match from ROH after being left off the first 2 shows and was given Xavier who has looked very good against top level talent but has yet to get a win. Brian XL looked impressive with his array of high flying moves but Xavier would not be denied in this match. Xavier took the fight to XL and used his size and strength to secure the win after hitting his own high flying move the 450 splash.

Winner Xavier by pinfall at 13:05

Rating E+


The Second City Saints Vs The S.A.T.

One fall match with a 20 minute time limit


Jose and Joel got things started early diving over the ropes onto Punk and Cabana before they could even get into the ring. The saints were on the defensive for awhile as neither Punk nor Cabana could keep up with the speed of the Maximo brothers. Cabana caught a break thou as he managed to connect with a springboard moonsault that took out both the Maximos and made the tag to Punk who slowed the match down. The saints separated Joel from his brother and delivered quite the beating until Joel found some room to make the tag to Jose and the match broke down into chaos that saw all 4 men hit big moves leaving everyone laid out. Cabana and Joel were the first t their feet and traded blows until Cabana hit Joel with the colt 45 while Punk held onto Jose as the Saints picked up the win.

Winners The Second City Saints by pinfall at 18:53

Rating D+


Low Ki Vs Bryan Danielson

ROH Title semi-final match

One fall match with a 45 minute time limit


Danielson’s neck was obviously bothering him as he locked up with Low Ki in a collar and elbow tie up, Ki easily forced Danielson into the corner but gave a clean break as Danielson was left trying to rub out some of the pain from his neck. Danielson tried to take control of the match to make up for his injury and forced the match to the mat. Danielson managed to maintain his advantage for a sometime but once Low Ki managed to land a kick to the head everything changed. Ki worked to quicken the pace and focused on strikes landing numerous chops and some incredible kicks. Danielson nearly shocked everyone with a small package that got him a very close 2 count that brought many in the crowd to their feet thinking that Danielson won. That close call was all it took as Low Ki unleashed a brutal assault of Kawada kicks before locking in the dragon clutch forcing Danielson to tap out.


Winner Low Ki by submission at 24:37

Rating C-


Christopher Daniels Vs AJ Styles

ROH Title semi-final match

One fall match with a 45 minute time limit


The Fans were firmly behind AJ in this match as he looked to maintain his perfect record and punch his ticket to the finals. Daniels tried to dictate the pace but AJ used his incredible athleticism to stay one step ahead of the fallen angel and take the early advantage. Daniels mystery woman made her presence know again in this match whit Daniels knocked to the floor she pulled Daniels out of the way when AJ went for a big dive on the outside. With AJ hurt from that missed dive Daniels took control of the match working over AJ on the outside for short time before taking the action back in the ring. After working over AJ for a few minutes Daniels tried to end the match with the last rites but AJ countered with an incredible jumping kick to Daniels head. With the fallen angel reeling from that shot AJ started making a comeback until Daniels countered a discuss clothesline with his patent STO, with AJ down Daniels went for his double jump moonsault connecting with AJ and picking up the win to face Low Ki in the finals.

Winner Christopher Daniels by pinfall at 24:26

Rating C-


Backstage in a thoroughly ransacked dressing room sits Steve Corino holding a book in his hands, Corino looks into the camera before opening up the book to a saved page and speaks in a surprisingly calm voice.


“AJ plain and simple what you did out there tonight was a fluke. Now since you’re from Georgia I know you don’t know what that means so since that also means your illiterate…sorry AJ let me say that in a way you can understand. Since you don’t read good, I’m going to read to you the definition of fluke is from this dictionary, Fluke – A lucky or improbable occurrence, with the implication that the occurrence could not be repeated. What that means AJ is that you could never do what you did tonight ever again and so we’re going to start from scratch you and me AJ next show in a tag team match you find somebody to lose with and me and my friend CW Anderson are going to show you how much of a fluke you really are.”


Rating E-

The Camera cuts to Dave Prazak in the locker room of Christopher Daniels and his mystery woman. Prazak begins his questioning.


“Chris first of all who is this woman and what is her relation to you?”


Daniels looks at Prazak with a devilish grin on his face tossing a quick glance at the camera before speaking.


“Dave this is my insurance policy and her name is Allison Danger. If you ask me she paid dividends tonight you see the fallen angel knew that ROH was trying to stack the deck against placing him against Homicide in the first round because of his relation to Low Ki so I went out and found somebody to help watch my back, to look out for my interests. Now Low Ki the time is coming in 2 weeks time the whole world will find out that I am the better man because I know who I am and I don’t pretend to be somebody else like you. I will take the Ring of Honor title and all the power that comes with it and begin to forge my legacy. And that’s the gospel according to the fallen angel.”


Rating E



Pick Results

Nest 8/9

BHK1978 7/9

The Final Countdown 7/9

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Good show. I particularly liked the ending to Danielson/Super Dragon. SD would be a tough guy to submit, so I like how Danielson modified it into a pin.


Also...how in the hell did you draw 2,000? I didn't draw 2,000 until June 2003!


Actually, in the version of the 2002 mod I played, the Hammerstein only seated 1,000 max. You sure that wasn't a typo?

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Good show. I particularly liked the ending to Danielson/Super Dragon. SD would be a tough guy to submit, so I like how Danielson modified it into a pin.


Also...how in the hell did you draw 2,000? I didn't draw 2,000 until June 2003!


Actually, in the version of the 2002 mod I played, the Hammerstein only seated 1,000 max. You sure that wasn't a typo?


Thanks I don't think I've ever seen Danielson actually get the win that way but I've seen him use that pinning maneuver a few times and always thought is very realistic way to get the pin so I decided to include it here for this match.


How I drew 2000 is beyond me yes I did alter the Hammerstein strictly because I know ROH in real life has drawn more then 2000 there so to me that was an acceptable tweak. I also adjusted the Frontier Fieldhouse to hold I think it was 1500 I'll have to check maybe it was 1800 but that was based off my trips there and being part of about 1300 people for the 9th Anniversary show. Like I said I don't know how I got 2000 people when I booked EoHB my expected draw was i think 1140 something but I went from a E+ to a D- thanks to the show so my next expected draw was low 1200. How I got an extra 800 is crazy I've run another show at the Hammerstein and also got 2000 so maybe when I changed it something glitched in game.

I also have a C in momentum so I don't know if that plays a role in it or not but I think I'm going to either changed them back or just run shows other places until I'm closer to really getting 2000.

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After six incredible matches the finals of the tournament to crown the first ever Ring of Honor champion are now set. Christopher Daniels defeated Homicide and AJ Styles to earn his way into the title match with the help of his associate Allison Danger while Low Ki defeated Scoot Andrews and Bryan Danielson in his matches. Daniels was quick to point out that he had the tougher opponents as Danielson was attacked by Super Dragon after their match and Scoot Andrews has had very poor performances in his ROH outings. Despite there different paths to this match one thing is certain and that is that only one man can walk away from this match as champion.


ROH would like to quickly address the Scoot Andrews situation after failing to make competitive showing in three separate matches as well as failing on his guarantee of victory Scoot Andrews has been let go from ROH. We wish Scoot the best and will welcome back The Black Nature Boy should he preform better in the future.


After a late scheduling conflict forced him to miss the last show Samoa Joe WILL be in action at our next show and has signed to face Homicide. Joe missed out on becoming the first ROH champion but a win over Homicide would defiantly put him in the running for a title shot at the futre champ. Homicide was on a roll until Christopher Daniels stoped him with the help of Allison Danger but looks to get back in the thick of things with this match against Joe.


AJ Styles pulled off what Steve Corino seems to think was a fluke win against The King of Old School after tearing his lockeroom apart Corino challanged AJ to a tag team match which AJ has accepted. Corino has already stated the CW Anderson will be his partner but the question remains who will AJ's partner be. At the time he accepted AJ did not have a partner but said he had somebody in mind. If AJ contacts ROH officials with who his partner is we will anounce it but he may keep everyone in the dark until match time.


Bryan Danielson was in a close contact with ROH officials Sunday and has issued a challange to Low Ki. Danielson wants a fair one on one match against Ki weather he wins the title or not. Danielson knows that the post match attack from Super Dragon in the opening round played a big factor in their smei-final match and wants a chance to redeme himself. Danielson would not comment on the issue with Super Dragon but has signed to face Xavier. Xavier has been matched up against ROH's best talent and been very impressive despite not getting winsin those matches Will Xavier score his first big win at the expense of Bryan Danileson?

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Ring of Honor Officials have signed a huge and historic match up for Crowning a Champion next Saturday night. The Second City Saints will go up against the team of York & Matthews and as both teams are undefeated ROH officials have deemed that this match will be for the new Ring of Honor tag team titles. Now with two championship matches this show is shaping up to be a sure fire can't miss event.


The new tag champs will have challengers waiting in the wings as a three team elimination match has also been signed. The SAT will face the Briscoe Brothers and the team of Kendrick & London. All three teams have history with each other and with the competitors involved this match is guaranteed to be fast and exciting.


ROH officials have a slew of matches to add to the already stacked card of for Crowning a Champion. Brian XL will face Michael Shane while Ace Steel will go one on one with James Maritato and Super Dragon will go up against Tony Mamaluke. Many of these competitors where absent form the last show due to the ROH title tournament and some are none to happy about it.


Adding another layer of intrigue to the highly anticipated show down between Low Ki and Christopher Daniels the winner of the match will decide upon the future guidelines of the company. With both mens very different views on what the company should be about ROH officials have decided that the winner will decide exactly that with this stipulation.


Who will be the first Ring of Honor champions? What will be the company guidelines? Who will be the first challengers to the new tag camps? Find out at The Hammerstein next Saturday night a select few tickets are still available.


Final Card

ROH Title Match

Christopher Daniels Vs Low Ki

ROH Tag Team Title Match

Secound City Saints Vs York & Matthews

Samoa Joe Vs Homicide

Bryan Danielson Vs Xavier

Steve Corino & CW Anderson Vs AJ Styles & ?????

#1 Contenders Elimination Match

Briscoe Brothers Vs Kendrick & London Vs S.A.T.

Ace Steel Vs James Maritato

Tony Mamaluke Vs Super Dragon

Brian XL Vs Michael Shane


Bounus Point Who will AJ's partner be?

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ROH Title Match

Christopher Daniels Vs Low Ki


ROH Tag Team Title Match

Secound City Saints Vs York & Matthews


Samoa Joe Vs Homicide


Bryan Danielson Vs Xavier


Steve Corino & CW Anderson Vs AJ Styles & ?????


#1 Contenders Elimination Match

Briscoe Brothers Vs Kendrick & London Vs S.A.T.


Ace Steel Vs James Maritato


Tony Mamaluke Vs Super Dragon


Brian XL Vs Michael Shane


Bounus Point Who will AJ's partner be?


I shall go with Air Paris.

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ROH Title Match

Christopher Daniels Vs Low Ki

ROH Tag Team Title Match

Secound City Saints Vs York & Matthews

Samoa Joe Vs Homicide

Bryan Danielson Vs Xavier

Steve Corino & CW Anderson Vs AJ Styles & ?????

#1 Contenders Elimination Match

Briscoe Brothers Vs Kendrick & London Vs S.A.T.

Ace Steel Vs James Maritato

Tony Mamaluke Vs Super Dragon

Brian XL Vs Michael Shane


Bounus Point Who will AJ's partner be? I'll go out on a limb and say Rey Mysterio Jr.

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ROH Title Match

Christopher Daniels Vs Low Ki

ROH Tag Team Title Match

Secound City Saints Vs York & Matthews

Samoa Joe Vs Homicide

Bryan Danielson Vs Xavier

Steve Corino & CW Anderson Vs AJ Styles & ?????

#1 Contenders Elimination Match

Briscoe Brothers Vs Kendrick & London Vs S.A.T.

Ace Steel Vs James Maritato

Tony Mamaluke Vs Super Dragon

Brian XL Vs Michael Shane


Bounus Point Who will AJ's partner be? : Jerry Lynn

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ok bad news readers it looks like my computer is on its last legs as I've lost pretty much everything on my computer however TEW and my saves were NOT among those things lost. I've moved the game to a USB drive and am using my wife's laptop for the time being. I can't get my computer to unlicense TEW but I'm working on that so that I can keep going. The good news however is that I'm about 4 shows ahead of where this diary is so I can keep it going for a while and hopefully have the license problem fixed before I run through those shows. As a result of these computer issues I've had to retype most of the show as I only had 4 matches left to type out but the show will be up as soon as possible.
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Ring of Honor Presents

Crowning a Champion

March 30th Hammerstien Ballroom

1,519 people (sellout)


“Hello wrestling fans I’m Dave Prazak and tonight Ring of Honor is back in the Hammerstein to crown our first Ring of Honor champions. First the team of York & Matthews will square off with The Second City Saints to decide the ROH tag team titles and in our main event Christopher Daniels will battle Low Ki for the Ring of Honor title. We have a lot of great action for you fans tonight so let’s get it started with our opening contest.”


Tony Mamaluke Vs Super Dragon

One fall match with a 20 minute time limit

Super Dragon brought his unique brand of brutality to this match as he looked to still be upset about his loss last show and took out his frustrations on Mamaluke. Super Dragon was dominate in this match but also methodical taking his time in punishing his opponent. After a few minutes of action Bryan Danielson appeared at the entrance ramp apparently to get a better view of the match. The match continued until Super Dragon finally noticed Danielson at the entrance way and turned his attention to the man who defeated him at Road to the Title. Tony Mamaluke wasn’t one to simply sit back during this opening and went for a school boy roll up. Super Dragon was too preoccupied with Danielson and was caught completely off guard as Mamaluke scored what many would call a big upset much to the amusement of Bryan Danielson.


Winner Tony Mamaluke by pinfall at 13:28

Rating D-


Brian XL Vs Michael Shane

One fall match with a 20 minute time limit


The fans weren’t sure who to support in this match as neither man is very much loved by the fans. Michael Shane took the advantage early on with his superior size and strength and a thumb to the eye was also pretty helpful. Brian XL may have been on the receiving end of the punishment for a few minutes but got back into the match after pulling the hair of Shane and connecting with a springboard corkscrew senton. Brian XL went on the offensive with numerous high flying maneuvers but he ended up going to the well to much as his attempted a springboard shooting star press was met with a pair of knees to the gut from Michael Shane. Wit Brian XL reeling Michael Shane wasted no time ending the match with sweet shane music.


Winner Michael Shane by pinfall at 13:14

Rating D-


Ace Steel Vs James Maritato

One fall match with a 20 minute time limit


Steel and Maritato appered pretty evenly matched here as neither man could maintain a decided advantage for very long. The match was very back and forth as both men gave it all they had and showed a lot of heart and resilience as the match drew to its end. Ace managed to plant Maritato with the twist of cain but James still had the wherewithal to get a foot on the bottom rope before the 3 count. Ace picked up his opponent and tried to pull him to the center of the ring but Maritato surprised him with the fujiwara armbar but again the ropes made the difference this time for Ace Steel. After baking the hold James dusted off an old move catching Steel with the arrivederci to get the win.


Winner James Maritato by pinfall at 14:02

Rating C


Briscoe Brothers Vs Kendrick & London Vs S.A.T.

Tag team #1 contender elimination match with a 30 minute time limit


All 3 teams were anxious to get the first crack at the new tag champs and were ready to pull out all the stops in this match. The Briscoe Brothers had faced both teams already and showed what they had learned from those matches here countering many of their opponents moves and keeping control of the early going. The first elimination came around the 9 minute mark as Joel Maximo fell victim to the spike jay driller while his brother was busy fighting Spanky on the outside. After scoring their first pinfall both Jay and Mark went all out trying to get the win but in his haste to stay on the offensive Mark missed a shooting star press to Paul London on the outside. Jay’s concern for his brother allowed Spanky to get the drop on him and nail sliced bread #2 and he and Paul London were named the #1 contenders to the future tag team champions.


Winners and #1 contenders to the ROH tag team titles Kendrick & London by pinfall at 14:40

Rating D+



Backstage during Intermission Samoa Joe is taping up his hands as the camera looks on. Joe glances at the camera for a moment before going back to his hands as he begins to speak.


“Homicide you were on quite a roll up until last show. I was suppose to face your buddy your student Low Ki but things didn’t work out that way and now he is in the finals tonight to become the first ROH champion. I hope that he understands that should he win the title he owes me a shot seeing as he wouldn’t have made it to tonight if he HAD faced me. And Just in case he doesn’t understand that I’m going to make sure to send him a little message by choking…..you ……OUT!”


Rating E


Steve Corino & CW Anderson Vs AJ Styles & ????????

One fall match with a 20 minute time limit


Corino and Anderson made their way out first while AJ came out by himself but stopped half way to the ring as AJ stood presumably waiting for his partner Corino and CW stood waiting in the center of the ring. Suddenly out from the crowd came the Amazing Red who surprised Corino and CW Anderson with a springboard dropkick to their backs. With the surprise from Red he and AJ controlled things in the beginning minutes but a vicious lariat from CW on Red changed that. Corino and CW spent a good amount of time working over Red on their side of the ring while Corino continuously yelled at AJ that this was his entire fault for dragging Red into this. Red showed a ton of heart taking such a beating and still trying to fight back and managed to turn things around surprising CW with the code red and finally tagging in AJ. AJ cleaned house sending Corino to the floor where Red further took him out of the match with an asai moonsault. AJ looked to finish things off with the styles clash on CW Anderson but while holding him up AJ looked out to the floor where Corino was beginning to stand and yell to him “This is for you Steve.” Before planting CW and going for the pin. Corino was irate on the outside but Red kept him from making the save as the ref counted the 1,2,3.


Winners AJ Styles & The Amazing Red

Rating D+


Bryan Danielson Vs Xavier

One fall match with a 20 minute time limit


If Danielson seemed worried about Super Dragon seeking revenge he didn’t show it in this match as Xavier had his full focus. Xavier tried to keep the match going at a quicker pace to keep things in his favor and suceded much to the surprise of many in the crowd. Xavier and Danielson went toe to toe the whole match and Danielson had a clear look of surprise at how much of a fight Xavier was giving him. Xavier nearly pulled off the upset after hitting the X breaker and many fans thought that the ref had counted 3 but Danielson just barely managed to get a shoulder up. Xavier went for Kiss your x goodbye but Danielson managed to counter with a tiger suplex for a close 2 count. Despite managing to get a shoulder up before the 3 Xavier was too groggy to fight of Danielson’s regalplex or the ensuing pinfall as Danielson picked up the win in a tremendous match.


Winner Bryan Danielson by pinfall at 17:43

Rating C-


Samoa Joe Vs Homicide

One fall match with a 30 minute time limit


In a sort of continuation of the last match Joe and Homicide beat the holy hell out of each other in possibly the stiffest match so far in ROH. Joe had the decided size and power advantage as usual but Homicide had the home town crowd urging him on despite taking some brutal shots during the match that would have beaten lesser men. Homicide threw everything he had at Joe but not even the west brooklyn lariat could keep Joe down for 3. Homicide tried again for the lariat but Joe countered with a big lariat of his own that turned Homicide inside out but again only got a 2 count. Joe picked Homicide up and fired up unleashing a barrage of strikes to push Homicide into the corner where Joe set him up for the muscle buster which finally put Homicide down for 3.


Winner Samoa Joe by pinfall at 14:39

Rating C-


Second City Saints Vs York & Matthews

One fall match for the ROH Tag Team Titles with a 45 minute time limit


Both teams looked confident coming into the match however both teams were very cautious in the early going as each team knew that the one mistake could spell the end. The feeling out process came to an end when Christian York changed gears into a very aggressive attack that succeeded in separating Punk from Cabana. York and Matthews began to work Punk over on their side of the ring making frequent tags and drawing Cabana into the ring to distract the ref while they took cheap shots at Punk. Cabana had to jump in and break up a few pinfalls as Punk took more and more of a beating. CM Punk did manage to turn things around after avoiding a leg drop from Joey Matthews and firing back with a shinning wizard that lead to both men crawling to their corners to make the tag to their partners. Once Cabana was made the legal man he came into the match at full speed taking on both his opponents until Punk had recovered enough to get back into the fight when Punk took Joey Matthews to the floor while Cabana and York continued to go battle in out in the ring. While on the floor Punk gave Matthews a suplex on the floor before tossing him into the crowd and climbing the apron calling for Cabana. Colt pulled York over to the nearest corner where Punk came over to assist in setting York on the top rope where Punk brought him down to the canvas with the pepsi plunge. Cabana made the cover as Punk kept Matthews from making the save as the ref counted 1,2,3 and Ring of Honor crowned its first tag team champions.


Winners and firt ROH tag team champions The Secound City Saints by pinfall at 20:47

Rating D


Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger Vs Low Ki

One fall match for the ROH title with a 60 minute time limit


Christopher Daniels looked incredibly confident as he made his way to the ring no doubt because of having Allison Danger in his corner. Low Ki had a much more palpable aura of intensity about him as he stared a hole through Daniels before the bell rang. Low Ki charged Daniels at the sound of the bell but Daniels had anticipated that and quickly baled out of the ring taking his time before slowly reentering. Low Ki refused to be baited into chasing he fallen angel around and took the center of the ring daring Daniels to face him. Daniels was cautious but as Low Ki came at him Daniels caught him with a thumb in the eye and quickly pressed his advantage taking Low Ki down with a dragon screw leg whip. Daniels went to cinch in a side leg lock but Low Ki fought free of it and answered with a series of chops but Daniels didn’t waste time going back to the leg he began working on with a dropkick right to the kneecap. Daniels maintained control of the match for long periods but Low Ki would manage to mount some offense in short bursts before Daniels would cut him off. Low Ki turned things around when he managed to catch Daniels with a rolling koppo kick to the head that stunned Daniels long enough for Ki to hit a DDT that left both men down as the ref started his 10 count. Both men managed to beat the count and Low Ki seemed to gain his second wind as he went on an offensive tear hitting a long series of kawada kicks and a shining wizard for a near fall. Low Ki tried to lift Daniels for the ki krusher but his leg couldn’t support the weight but he changed the move to a swinging neck breaker before climbing the turnbuckle. Low Ki was possibly looking for the phoenix splash but Allison Danger made her presence know trying to distract Ki but he quickly put an end to her with a kick to the head. Ki continued to the top rope but Daniels had recovered some and managed to shake the ropes and crotch Ki on the top. Daniels turned Ki around and climbed up looking for a superplex but Low Ki started fighting back with chops and headbutts to Daniels. Low Ki surprised Daniels by lifting him up over his head and coming of the second rope with ki krusher that brought thee crowd to their feet as Low Ki made the cover the refree counted





Winner and First ROH champion Low Ki by pinfall at 32:07

Rating C


Referee Todd Sinclar raised Low Ki’s arm into the air and walked over to the timekeepers table to present Low Ki with the ROH title belt. Low Ki hugged the title as he collapsed to the mat while Allison Danger and Christopher Daniels slowly made their way to the back. Low Ki climbed the ropes with the title in each corner as the fans showed their appreciation and respect of the match they just saw.


Rating C


Pick Results

The Final Countdown 7/9

Nest 6/9

BHK1978 5/9


-Crowning a Champion had to be rerun and some match rating ended up being different so I have made the changes in this write up also I got the attendance problem fixed and it to has been adjusted.-

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The dust from Crowning a Champion has now settled and to those who couldn’t be there live Ring of Honor has its first champions. The Second City Saints defeated the team of York& Matthews while Low Ki came out victorious against Christopher Daniels. ROH officials would like to congratulate all three men on their hard fought victories.


.Also at Crowning a Champion the team on Kendrick & London out lasted the Briscoe Brothers and S.A.T. to be named the #1 contenders to the Saints tag titles. ROH officials were eager to schedule the match and it will take place at our next show Honor Invades Boston in a few weeks time. Kendrick and London have showed impressive teamwork since being thrown together back at Era of Honor Begins and look to spoil the champ’s victory by taking the belts in their first defense.


When contacted about possible title defenses by ROH officials Low Ki has stated that he wishes to be a fighting champion and will defend the title against all comers. As such Low Ki has his first pair of defenses set in AJ Styles and Bryan Danielson. Officials could not ignore the considerable roll AJ has been on and that he could very well have been the man to face Low Ki for the title had it not been for Allison Danger’s assistance of Christopher Daniels. AJ will get the first shot at Honor Invades Boston, Bryan Danielson on the other hand had already challenged Low Ki to a match even if the title wasn’t on the line but Low Ki was insistent on defending the title against him should he defeat AJ in Boston.


Speaking of Danielson his Issue with Super Dragon seems far from over after being distracted by Danielson lead to Super Dragon getting beaten by Tony Mamaluke. Super Dragon will look to take out his frustrations on Dan Maff of Da Hit Squad. Maff is a big hard hitting man in his own right but can he stand up to Super Dragon?


Brian XL spoke with officials after his last outing and was none to happy with is 0-2 start in ROH competition. XL will be getting some help from his friends Deranged and Dixie next show as the trio calling themselves Special K will be in 6-man action against the S.A.T. and their cousin the Amazing Red. if Brian Xl’s partners are anything like himself then the match promises to be full of high flying action from start to finish. Will the newcomers from Special K be a match for the established S.A.T.?

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Ring of Honor officials have signed a huge match for our next show Honor Invades Boston that could have major title implications as four of ROH’s top talents battle it out. Homicide has been beaten in his last few outings but even in those losses he was very close to getting the win, Homicide will look to regain some of his lost momentum in this match. Steve Corino has a very well known history with AJ Styles but with AJ getting a title shot Corino will get a bit of a reprieve as Styles has seemed to have Corino’s number. Christopher Daniels was very quick to call ROH officials about wanting a rematch against Low Ki after hearing about his next two matches. Daniels will have to make due with this match but a win here would defiantly help make his case for a title hot. Finally Bryan Danielson has a potential world title shot coming up and would love to have some extra momentum going into that match however some wonder if the issues with Super Dragon could be a distraction.


Fresh off his upset win over Super Dragon Tony Mamaluke will look to further climb the ROH ladder as he takes on Samoa Joe. Joe is none too happy about not only not getting a title shot but being unable to choke out Homicide. Joe is still unbeaten in ROH and if he continues rolling then a shot at the title won’t be too far off.


James Maritato has been quietly climbing the ladder of competition in ROH with his recent win over Ace Steel in a match that nearly stole the show. Maritato will face a many would consider the best wrestler on the roster with the worst record in Xavier. Stuck with a 1-3 record Xavier has faced some of Ring of Honor’s best talent and shown tremendous skill but skill can only save you for so long before you need to back it up with wins and Xavier is getting more and more desperate for that big win.


After taking the fall in his ROH debut CW Anderson is looking to make p for that loss as he takes on Ace Steel. Ace is coming off a tremendous match with James Maritato and will look to deny CW his first ROH win and get back in the win column himself.


Christian York and Joey Matthews were both disappointed with their loss to the Saints and want another shot at the tag titles. ROH officials have matched them up with the Briscoe Brothers who recently scored their first pinfall when they eliminated the SAT from the #1 contenders match at Crowning a Champion. An impressive win from either team could go a long way towards securing them a future title shot.


Ring of Honor will invade the Boston area in just a week’s time and tickets are selling fast don’t miss out on seeing the first title defenses not to mention the blockbuster 4 corner survival match.


Final Card

ROH Tile Match

AJ Styles Vs Low Ki

ROH Tag Title Match

Kendrick & London Vs The Second City Saints

4-Corner Survival

Bryan Danielson Vs Christopher Daniels Vs Homicide Vs Steve Corino

Tony Mamaluke Vs Samoa Joe

James Maritato Vs Xavier

York & Matthews Vs Briscoe Brothers

Super Dragon Vs Dan Maff

Special K Vs The S.A.T. & Amazing Red

Ace Steel Vs CW Anderson

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Final Card

ROH Tile Match

AJ Styles Vs Low Ki


As much as I am a fan of AJ, there is just no way this title changes hands this soon.


ROH Tag Title Match

Kendrick & London Vs The Second City Saints


See what I wrote for the ROH title.


4-Corner Survival

Bryan Danielson Vs Christopher Daniels Vs Homicide Vs Steve Corino


This is a tough call because I could seen any of these guys winning.


Tony Mamaluke Vs Samoa Joe


Joe's gonna kill ya!


James Maritato Vs Xavier


York & Matthews Vs Briscoe Brothers


Super Dragon Vs Dan Maff


Special K Vs The S.A.T. & Amazing Red


Ace Steel Vs CW Anderson

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AJ Styles Vs Low Ki

Kendrick & London Vs The Second City Saints

Bryan Danielson Vs Christopher Daniels Vs Homicide Vs Steve Corino

Tony Mamaluke Vs Samoa Joe

James Maritato Vs Xavier

York & Matthews Vs Briscoe Brothers

Super Dragon Vs Dan Maff

Special K Vs The S.A.T. & Amazing Red

Ace Steel Vs CW Anderson

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