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HGC The Rise and Fall of Hollyweird (Cverse '97)

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Brent Hill vs. Rick Sanders

Liberty & Dusty Streets vs. Team Strength Rush

Ed Monton vs. Grunt

Masked Rebel II vs. Paul Steadyfast

Straight Edge Samurai vs. Don Juan Escalera & Pablo Rodriguez

Jack Marlowe vs Larry Wood


Really enjoying this diary, especially the interview segments inbetween shows.

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Tuesday, Week 1, October 1997


Louisiana Auditorium (South East) – 8,014 people






Rip Chord leads the Entourage down the ramp, the Wrecking Crew walking side-by-side with Charlie Thatcher. They climb into the ring, Thatcher collecting a microphone for his boss.


Chord kicks his promo off with two words: "Still Champion."


He grins at the crowd and shows off the World Heavyweight Championship belt, letting the crowd vent their irritation.


"Those are two words you should get you used to hearing," he says. "They sent a monster after me, and I finished that match as champion. They sent a lucha legend after me, I came out of it still champion. They sent a second-generation legend after me, I beat him and stayed champion. I am Rip Chord, I am your World Heavyweight Champion, and I am the new golden age of professional wrestling.


"And I'm the man behind the future golden age of wrestling, the man who brought the Dallas Wrecking Crew into this company, and after last night there can be no doubt - no doubt! - that they're one of the best tag-teams in this company. Which is why I'm out here to tell Commissioner Future that it's time for the Wrecking Crew to add gold to--"



Get On Up interrupts Chord's promo and Frankie Future dances his way onto the stage, Miss Farrah at his side. The Commissioner's presence it met with some enthusiasm from the crowd, particularly when he looks down at the ring and grins.


"Really, Rip? One win?" he says. "That's all it takes for you the Wrecking Crew to become the number one contenders? In the words of a great philosopher, 'I don't think so, brother.' Ricky Dale and Eagle are a great tag-team and beating them is impressive, but if you want more gold for the Entourage, they're going to need more momentum than that.


"Fortunately, I'm a nice guy, so I'm going to give your boys a chance, Rip. Tonight, in our main event, we're going to see Rick Sanders in action against a guy whose looking to get some momentum back of his own, a guy you're pretty familiar with, Rip, cause he took you to the limit a few weeks back - a guy we like to call Brent Hill."


The news is met with cheers from the crowd, but less enthusiasm from the Entourage.


"Really, though," Future says, forging on, "I didn't come out here to talk about the Tag-Team Championship. I came out here tonight to talk about the belt around your waist, Rip.


"You see, there's a bunch of guys on our roster who have been getting a bit…rambunctious…of late. They've been obsessing over whose the toughest team in Hollyweird, getting involved in one-another's matches, brawling backstage. It's been a headache to deal with, brother, I'll tell you that.


"I planned on letting them sort things out at Destructive Energy, but I don't like rewarding that sort of behavior with a winner's purse that size. So I gave their match to two teams who deserved it and told them to sit at home Sunday night.


"Then, after watching your match with Baine, I had myself a brainwave.


"Y'see Chord, there's plenty of champions among those eight guys who keep fighting each other. All of 'em have held belts in companies before they got here – Hollyweird prides itself on bringing in the best of the best – so instead of punishing them for causing a ruckus I'm going to entice them into behaving.


"Starting right now, I'm putting together an eight-man tournament to determine whose going to be facing you, Rip, for that belt at our next pay-per-view, Hardcore Halloween. They can face each other one-on-one, no partners at ringside, no interference, no backstage attacks. If they want to prove they're tough, one of 'em can prove it against the toughest man we've got – the Great One, the World Heavyweight Champion, The New Golden Age of wrestling.


"Best case scenario, this'll keep 'em busy til the pay-per-view. Worst case scenario, they'll turn their aggression on you.


"With that in mind, Rip, I'd clear out of the ring, 'cause that tournament kicks off with Marlowe and Larry Wood in just a few seconds."

Rating: C+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JackMarlowe.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpg


Jack Marlowe vs. Larry Wood


A solid, hard-hitting match to kick off the show and lend some credence to Future's boast that the various tag-team competitors he's put into this tournament are deserving of a shot at the belt. Marlowe and Wood prove to be natural opponents, willing to make their match look realistic by the simple expedient of hammering one another with all they've got. In the end, Marlowe goes for a spear, misses, and gets caught by Larry Wood's deadly Running Big Foot.

Larry Wood defeated Jack Marlowe in 8:12 by pinfall.

Rating: C-






We return from a commercial and Emma Chase is waiting backstage, leaning against a wall outside a locker room. Monty Walker steps into shot, his face a mask of cold anger.


"Emma," he says.


She starts, turns, and subtly backs up a step. "Monty," she says. "Listen, you've gotta understand—"


"Calvin," Walker says. "You're going to send him home. I don't want him here, I don't want him in Dread's corner. You may be a witch, and worse than that, but you're not cruel, Emma. Keeping him here…"


Walker chokes up a little, unable to get the words out. Chase's face softens, just for a moment, before she shakes her head. "No," she says. "It's not going to happen."


Walker responds with a right hand that connects with the wall just inches from Chase's face. "You don't understand me, Emma. That wasn't a request. I don't want to hit a woman, least of all someone I used to date, but Calvin's my little brother and—"




That's as far as he gets before Dread steps out of the locker room, staring down at the duo.


"I think it's you who doesn't understand, Walker," Dread says. "Your brother is a kid with a dream. A dream of becoming a professional wrestler. I made that happen for him, even if you couldn't.


"Think of me like Santa Clause, 'cause I promise you he does."


Walker doesn't back down. "He's not well, Dread. He's not well, and someone will get hurt."


Dread grins. "Kid, that's just what I'm counting on."




Walker goes down as he takes a chair-shot to the back of the head, and Calvin Walker steps into shot. He looks up at Dread like a puppy waiting for praise, and Dread offers him a nod of approval.


"Come on," he says. "We've got training to do."


The Human Juggernaut turns and walks away, Calvin hurrying after him. Chase lingers a moment, looking at the downed Walker brother, before sighing and following her client.


Rating: B-






The camera cuts to the interview stage, where Kit Hatoyama stands alongside the Dark Angel.


"Dark Angel fought Kane on a matter of honor," Hatoyama says, "and in that battle he fought with pride, but did not emerge victorious. It took three men to defeat him, two of whom were not supposed to interfere in the battle, and even then the Dark Angel fought well enough to bring pride to his ancestors.


"In the ancient code of Bushido, a samurai who was defeated and dishonored would reclaim that honor by committing sepukku. My client chooses a similar path – if he cannot defeat the hated Ethan Kane in an ordinary match, then he shall gather allies and fight another battle, a battle where the threat of death looms ever closer.


"He will not bow to the Army of Darkness. He will not allow himself to be shamed by demons."

Rating: D+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ScarletSamurai.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AngryGilmore.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DonJuan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PabloRodriguez.jpg

Straight Edge Samurai vs. Don Juan Escalera & Pablo Rodriguez


Speed is the by-word for this one. Quick tags, fast moves, no-one staying on the mat for longer than a few seconds. It's also relatively short, lasting just long enough for the S.E.S to put up a strong showing before Pablo Rodriguez catches Samurai with the Sinner's Salvation.


Don Juan Escalera and Pablo Rodriguez defeated Straight Edge Samurai in 6:19 by pinfall.

Rating: C-





The camera cuts to the interview stage, where the Blazing Flames are standing by.


"You know something?" Teddy Flame says, "it seems to me that everyone in this company is getting hung-up on certain tag-teams. It seems to me that when they talk about tag-team greatness, the teams they're talking about are the Vessey Brothers…Backbreakers Inc…The Demons of Rage…"


"The Ontario Kings," Joey says, taking over from his brother. "The Shooters, The Tag-Team Specialists, Liberty and Streets..."


He pauses after that one, letting the crowd cheer.


"What they've forgotten," Joey continues, "is The Blazing F---kin' Flames, man."


"We're eight-time tag-team champions," Teddy says. "One of the best teams in the world, innovators in the field of tag-team wrestling, and somehow it seems we're never being mentioned when people start talking title shots."


"It's time we corrected that," Joey says. "From this moment on, we're letting it be known – if you want to be taken seriously as a tag-team in this company, you go through the Blazing Flames. If you want a shot at the belts, you go through the Blazing Flames. If you want to even talk about great tag-teams in this company…"




He trails off as the Army of Darkness walk into shot. The Demons of Rage lead the way, looming over the Blazing Flames. Ethan Kane walks between the two monsters, evil grin in place.


"There is nothing I love more," Kane says, "than men who place themselves on a pedestal. They make such a lovely sound when you knock them off and they shatter, splintered on the hard ground of their own self-importance.


"The two of you are gnats buzzing in my ear, and I recommend you leave before you find out how precarious your pedestal truly is."


Kane turns towards the camera, seemingly convinced the matter is settled. "Now," he says, "I have a message for the Dark Angel, who—"


Kane takes a forearm to the side of his head from Teddy Flame, who doesn't seem to be intimidated by Kane and his cronies. The Demons respond immediately, swinging fists, and the Flames respond in kind.


It's a furious brawl, but a short one, ending when Kane recovers and joins the fray, laying both Flame brothers out.


Rating: C




Killing in the Name rocks the Louisiana Auditorium and the Masked Rebel bursts out onto the stage, dressed to compete for the first time in his HGC tenure. He makes his way down to the ring, claiming a microphone as he goes.


"In case you haven't been watching," Rebel says, "I'm the new Masked Rebel, and I live by a simple code."


He holds the microphone out to the audience, who once again fill in the missing phrase: F--k you, I won't do what you tell me.


"Damn right," Rebel says. "It seems the people in charge of this company have finally realised they can't hold me back, so tonight I get to make my Hollyweird debut. So bring out my opponent, man, and lets get the revolution started."


Rating: C-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MaskedRebel.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PaulSteadyfast.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/WandaFish.jpg

Masked Rebel II vs. Paul Steadyfast w/Wanda Fish


There's nothing subtle about Rebel – he starts the match throwing punches, prompting Steadyfast to start complaining to the referee about the closed fists. Sam Sparrow gives Rebel a warning, who merely grins and nods…then gets Steadyfast in a headlock, turns away from the referee, and uses a few more closed fists for good measure.


It's a nice moment, but the rest of the match is marred by a lack of chemistry between the two men, which means things get awkward as the action finds its way to the mat.




The biggest response from the match is actually generated when Spanish Superfly and Miss Mexico make their appearance at ringside, with Mexico hitting Wanda Fish with a dropkick.


The attack grabs Steadyfast's attention, which costs him the match. Rebel nails him with a high knee, then applies a figure four to pick up the submission.


Masked Rebel II defeated Paul Steadyfast in 7:57 by submission.

Rating: D-




Cannonball begins to play as Liberty and Dusty Streets make their way down the ring, high-fiving fans the entire way down the ramp. Liberty gets the mic first.


"Sunday night," he says, rueful grin at the ready. "Well, lets say Sunday night wasn't my finest hour. I fought Sam Strong, I expected trouble, but it seems I didn't expect enough. Lee Wright and Raymond Diaz showed up to kick my ass, and it looks like they were hired to do so."


Liberty shakes his head, upset, and hands the microphone over to Streets.


"Right now," Streets says, "I'm not sure who hates Sam Strong more – me, my friend Liberty here, or all you folks he turned his back on."


The fans roar, making a good case for their hatred being the worst.


"One thing you can't deny about Strong, though," Streets says. "He may be a son-of-a-bitch, but he's always been smart about it. He took two guys everyone in this company has been overlooking and brought them into his camp, formed himself a nice little posse that'll watch his back.


"Thing is, Sam, good as Team Strength Rush are, there's no such thing as a perfect tag-team. I should know – I've been in teams that have come closer to perfection than most. Raymond Diaz may be big, he may have a kick that shatters concrete blocks, but he's young and he's learning and he doesn't know all the tricks.


"Lee Wright may be as good as anyone who ever stepped into the ring, a veteran whose made his career working against Japan's toughest, but Japan's a mighty small country, brother, and I've faced the best in the world.


"Me and Liberty, we both want a piece of you, Sam, each for our own reasons…and in case you haven't noticed, we've made a pretty good team every time we joined forces. If we've gotta team up and go through your Strong Style Army, you can bet your bottom dollar, brother, that's what we're going to do."



Voodoo Child starts to play and Sam Strong strides out onto the stage, the Strong Style Army at his back.


"Streets, brother, I'd shut your damn mouth," Strong says. "For all his bravado, your friend Liberty is damn lucky to be walking tonight, brother, 'cause if Ray Diaz had his way the American Outlaw would have been broken in two.


"The only reason he didn't…the only reason I didn't let him do it, brother…is because the Strength Rush recognise the same thing I do – there's more money in beating you two again and again than there is in eliminating you once and for all.


"I may have given up the winner's purse last night, but that was done purely for long-term gain, brother. It got people talking about Ray Diaz and Lee Wright. It got people wanting to fight them in the ring.


"And it got them a match with you two tonight, so I suggest you go backstage and get yourselves ready, 'cause you've got no idea the kind of ass-kicking that's coming your way."


Rating: B




The camera goes backstage, where Mr Lucha has found Tommy Cornell seated in the dining area. "Evening guv," Cornell says. "Saw your match on Sunday. Nice work."


Lucha lowers his head, accepting the compliment, and gestures towards the empty seat.


"All yours," Tommy says. "Not like I'm meant to be lurking here anyway."


"Then why stay, esse?" Lucha asks, settling into the spare seat. "Surely there's many places willing to offer you a chance to wrestle."


"A few." Cornell's smile isn't shy. "I don't want to wrestle anywhere, though. I want to wrestle the best. Plenty of talent here, including present company."


Lucha grins. "Should you get a contract, it would be an honor to wrestle you."


"Should I get a contract," Cornell says, "I'll take you up on that."




"Geez, ladies, you going to hug now?" Eddie Chandler steps into shot, cocky grin in place. "It's nice that you have this mutual appreciation thing going, but by the time Cornell gets into this company – if he gets into this company – that International title is going to be in better hands."


"You had your shot," Lucha says.


"Then I'll earn myself another one," Chandler says. "They don't call me the Fabulous One because I look good, Lucha. I've learned to wrestle at the feet of some of Canada's best, and I've only gotten better since joining forces with men like Dundee and Tyler.


"The talent of the Global Elite will note be denied and one day - one day very soon - the Fabulous Stretch is going to make you say the words I quit and ensure I walk away that title you prize."


"Confident," Cornell says.


"Cocky," Lucha corrects. "And utterly wrong." He turns to Chandler. "For a man whose here to win titles and take spots, esse, you're doing a very poor job of both. You want another shot at the title, you earn it. Prove that you wrestle as good as you talk, and I'll give you as many shots as you want."

Rating: C




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EdMonton.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Grunt.jpg


Ed Monton vs. Grunt


Grunt may be the bigger man, but this match is all about Monton. The commentary team has been putting Ed over as a legitimate tough-guy for months now, citing his history in the Canadian military and boxing ring, but this is the first time he really gets show it. Monton takes all of Grunt's biggest shots, fires back with hard strikes of his own, and showcases the kind of footwork and positioning it takes a veteran of Professor Nero's calibre to highlight.


Monton finally picks up the victory with the double-tap – a one-two combination of strikes that rattles Grunt and leaves him easy prey for the cover.


Ed Monton defeated Grunt in 7:46 by pinfall.

Rating: D





Backstage again, and Emma Chase is emerging from a ladies bathroom to find herself confronted by Alex Braun and Tayler Morton. Morton places a foot on the opposite wall, blocking her path, while Alex Braun falls in beside Emma and puts an arm around her shoulder.


"I want to make something very clear," Braun says. "I'm not Monty and I'm not afraid to hit a woman. Keep that in mind, Chase, while we have this conversation, 'cause right now one of my students is getting the back of his head stitched up, and it's all 'cause you and Dread brought his psychotic little brother into this company."


"In case you haven't noticed," Emma says, "Monty isn't a student anymore."


"In case you haven't noticed," Braun responds, "I don't give a damn. I trained him, I sent him out into the world, that means he's still one of mine. Same is true of Tayler here, and it's sure as hell true of Calvin, 'cept in Calvin's case it would have been a kindness if he'd never stepped into a wrestling ring.


"I ain't happy that you and Dread have changed that."


"I had nothing to do—"


"Shut it," Braun says. "I'm not Monty, Chase. I never slept with you, never wanted to, and I don't buy your act. Someone told Dread about Dylan Sidle. Someone told him about Calvin too. There was a real small circle who knew about those two. Real damn small. In fact--"




That's as far as Braun gets before a chair connects with the back of his head, and Calvin Walker steps into shot. He looks down at Bruan, giggling insanely, while Dylan Sidle flies across the camera shot to catch Tayler Morton with a rising knee.


Chase takes a moment to straighten her jacket, looking down at Braun.


"Guess Monty isn't the only one whose going to need a trip to the medics," she says.


Then she leads Sidle and Walker off-screen while the backstage crew come rushing in to take care of the injured.


Rating: D





We come back from a commercial and Captain USA is in the ring. He smiles as he lifts the microphone to his lips.


"So the boss-man made the match," he says. "Ota versus USA, plenty of money in the winner's purse to satisfy a ninja's more mercenary impulses. Seems there were a whole lot of phone-calls to the Hollyweird offices Sunday evening, letting Future now exactly how much you wanted to see the match.


"I owe you all thanks for that.


"Which brings us to the next order of business – the rest of the Shadow Clan. Ota was pretty adamant that I take down his ninja boys fore we tangled, I don't want to give him any excuses to wriggle out of our match, so I figure it's best I get started right here tonight. Ota, send out your flunkies, 'cause we're going to get this done."




The Japanese flutes of the Shadow Clan's theme music play, and all three ninja walk out onto the stage. Ronin has a microphone in hand.


"This honored one has been tasked with delivering a message from Master Ota," he says. "He who wishes the wage war must first count the cost, and as yet the Master is not convinced that it is worthy committing his forces.


"You are beneath us, as is your country, and Ota will not fight you."

Rating: D



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DustyStreets.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RaymondDiaz.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LeeWright.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SuzueKatayama.jpg

Liberty & Dusty Streets vs. Team Strength Rush w/Suzue Katayama


Lee Wright spends much of this match in the corner, letting his powerhouse partner do the majority of the work, unleashing the arsenal of lethal kick-boxing strikes that give pause to both faces. Dusty gets his bell rung when he takes a round-house kick to the head, leaving Liberty to weather the storm for several minutes.


Diaz succeeds in throwing Liberty from the ring, a move that sees Katayama nail the American Outlaw with a knee strike prior to rolling him back in. There's a tag, and that's when Wright finally gets to work, taking the battered Liberty and applying submission after submission.


If Liberty has a strength, it's retaining the crowd while taking a beating, and it comes to the fore here. Dusty recovers and gets people chanting, bolstering his partner until they get the hot tag, and from there the match is two straight minutes of chaos. The second-generation wrestler sacrifices himself to get Diaz out of the ring, hitting the big man with a mad-man clothesline, and Liberty fires up long enough to hit the Liberation Slam on Wright.


Liberty & Dusty Streets defeated Team Strength Rush in 12:09 by pinfall.

Rating: B-





Sam Strong blindsides Liberty as he rises, crashing into his former protégé with a shoulder block that knocks him off his feet. Liberty's already taken a beating, so his attempt to rise isn't fast enough to avoid the leg Strong drops across the back of his neck, nor the application of Lee Wright's Wright Stuff (arm-trap sleeper). Liberty struggles, but can't free himself, face turning an ugly colour as Wright cinches the hold even tighter.




There's a thundering crack outside the ring, and the camera angle shifts to see the aftermath of Dusty Streets hammering Raymond Diaz with a chair. Diaz hasn't gone down, but the big man is staggered back against the guard rails, creating an opening for Dusty to dive into the ring.


One wild chair-shot convinces Strong to depart the ring, even if it doesn't connect, while a second breaks Wright's hold on Liberty. The American Outlaw immediately starts heaving in deep breaths.


The Strong Style Army abandons the field, retreating up the ramp, but there's no disguising the broad smile on Sam Strong's face.


Rating: B+




The camera goes backstage, where Backbreakers Inc are waiting.


"In the last forty-eight hours," Eric Tyler says, "the question I've heard more than any other is 'when will you give the Vessey Brother's a re-match'. I swear, it's like a plague of stupidity swept through the damn country, so we wanted to lay it out for you here on national television.


"There's not going to be a rematch."


Dundee's grin shows through the wild tangle of beard. "What everyone seems to be forgetting is that the Vesseys – hell, the entire All-Star Team – gave up any claim to future matches in order to get their last shot. For as long as we're the damn champions, they don't gate to challenge us again.


"The fact that they didn't win isn't our fault; the rules of the game say in a draw that the advantage goes to the champions, and last I checked that was me and Eric.


"It's time to move on to new opponents, new challenges, new matches. It's time to leave the past behind and focus on what we are."


"The best tag-team in the world," Eric Tyler says, patting the title belt, "with the shiny gold trinkets around our waist to prove it. If you think you've got what it takes to beat the Global Elite, then it's time to step up and find out just how wrong you are."


Rating: C+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickSanders.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg

Brent Hill vs. Rick Sanders w/Rip Chord


This is what happens when you put two hungry young talents in the ring and tell them to go hard. Neither man has the kind of fan recognition normally associated with our main event – they're far short of the overness possessed by a Chord, Liberty, or Strong – but they make up for it with an in-ring performance that delivers well-above expectations.


It's a fine display of mat-work. Hill spends the match looking for the heel hook, Sanders the figure four, which means there's an unprecedented amount of time spent on the mat, working over one another's lower extremities. Chord yells advice from the corner, but it seems almost unnecessary – Sanders is taking the opportunity to prove that he can perform on the main event level.


For all that Nero refers to this as Sander's coming out party, especially when he catches his opponent in the Figure Four, Hill is a mat technician and wrestling machine. He counters the hold, gets free, and smoothly works his way towards the Heel Hook to claim the submission victory.


Brent Hill defeated Rick Sanders in 17:57 by submission.

Rating: B





Rip Chord goes nuts, ripping off his jacket as he threatens to get into the ring and assault Hill.




He never gets the chance. Larry Wood comes tearing down the ramp and Chord narrowly avoids the Running Big Boot as the hardcore monster tries to tag the champ. For a moment Chord thinks about staying to fight, but the appearance of Billy Wood with a lump of two-by-four convinces his otherwise.




Chord retreats, heading up the ramp, and finds his escape cut off from Nation of Filth. Grunt and Stink grin, bump fists, and charge the champion. Chord leaps off the ramp toe escape them, and gets a moment of respite when the Woods and the Filth collide with one another, their enmity spilling over into a wall.




The respite is short lived. Black Rebel Fight Club and Ed Monton make their appearance, chasing Chord backstage as the Hollyweird TV credits roll.


Rating: B-


Overall: C+

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Show Notes


- So upper midcarder Brent Hill with his C overness and Rick Sanders with his borderline C+ overness produce one of our top ten matches on free TV. This should be a warning to the non-Rip Chord members of my main event who consistently deliver me C+ to B- matches when pitted against each other on pay per view despite having B+ to A overness.


- On the other hand, I had plans for the Masked Rebel/Steadyfast feud. Those have officially been shelved now.


- I'm probably going to have a short haitus while I finish off the work project that's been slowly eating away at my free time for the last few months. All things going well, I should be back in mid-November and start getting back to a twice-a-week schedule in an effort to finish the 1997 part of this diary before TEW2013 comes out.

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Thanks PS. Given the stylistic debt this owes to Philly Pro, I'm glad you enjoyed it.


I'm really looking forward to kicking off the 1998 portion of the diary. I've got some rough plans sketched out based on the info Derek B's been dropping in the 2013 C-Verse '97 thread, plus some long-term plans for the current roster.

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"EAGLE had been working for the Burning Hammer the entire way through his run," Ricky Dale says. "It's one of the reasons Rip avoided putting the belts on us - he didn't want the tag straps un-represented at the house shows. He did it - briefly - with Eric, but I figure that was just part of the plan to get Eric Tyler to sign with Hollyweird full-time.


"I've got no doubts the same discussions were going constantly happening with EAGLE, but he wasn't big on relocating to the states. His life was in Japan, you know? That was true of guys like Narita as well - and shoot, brother, that one surprised everyone. Not that it was a bad thing - there ain't no-one who thinks having Awesome goddamn Thunder on your roster is a bad thing - but that was the one, you know? Narita always liked the idea of travel, guys like Eagle and Joshuya, they were just marking time and getting experience 'til they could move up the card back home.


"Plus, when you get down to it, Eagle was tight with the Hammer guys. By the end of '97 they'd made him head booker for a stretch, and I know that made things harder for him when it came to all the travel."






"The uphill battle of any company that's not number one is figuring out which talent you invest in." Rip Chord pauses, spits tobacco into his can, and chews over what to say next. "It's a problem for MAW, but it's one we welcome - I want these kids to go on to bigger and better things, so it's a good sign when one of them gets picked up. It means I'm doing my job, and there's one more place at the company for the next kid who needs to develop a little.


"In a place like Hollyweird, where we constantly teetered between success and failure, making those decisions was a lot tougher. We had the money to sign everyone to written contracts, but we didn't seem like a solid deal for most of them - there was always a chance we'd lose our TV deal, there was more money to be made working the indies and jumping from promotion to promotion in the east coast war, more money in Japan and Canada and Mexico even.


"That meant there were plenty of guys who should have been getting more screen time than they did. Brent Hill for one - the man was just a workhorse and one of the easiest men you'd ever wrestle - but if you gave 'em too much exposure there was always a chance they'd get picked up by the Eisens or the Hammer or Golden Canvas in Japan."






"Rip overstates it a bit," Joel Bryant says, "but then, I wasn't the guy signing contracts back then. Ever since I've had the book here in Tee-Cee-Dub, we've been in a pretty good position. Occasionally we'll lose someone to the Eisens, but it's never really been an issue - Jack was probably the only one we struggled to replace on short notice, and even the..." he spreads his hands wide "...well, take a look at what Troy's done in the ring lately and tell me it didn't work out okay.


"That's the reality of being number two, you know? You expect to lose people, you line up people to take their place. "

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents


- Episode 42 Preview -


Coming up on our latest HGC Archive Installment:


We kick off with the next match in the qualifier to determine the number one contender – this time it'll be East Coast Sensation Freddie Datsun versus the Canadian Lunatic, Billy Wood.


Phoenix II has been sent to Hollyweird in order to learn from Mr Lucha and face a range of wrestling styles from around the globe. He'll get his first taste of the English catch style when he faces JD Morgan of the Shooters.


On our last show The Blazing Flames held themselves up as the standard to beat in tag-team wrestling. They'll get a chance to prove it when they take on Dread's protégés, Dylan Sidle and Calvin Walker.


Another match in the contender's tournament follows, when the former hockey goon Bob Casey fights Stink of the Nation of Filth.


Brent Hill steps into the ring against Ramon Paez, a young wrestler whose taken any chance to make it onto the main show. A win over the King of the Hill would definitely earn Paez a regular spot, but Hill's not an easy man to beat.


Captain USA may be hunting ninja at present, but since they're unwilling to face him in the ring he'll be taking on one of Canada's most exciting young cruiserweights – "Bad News" Ted Brady – in his HGC debut.


And then, the main event: Baine. Dread. Two men whose very names strike fear into the hearts of the HGC roster, but they've never been in the same ring until this night. It's unstoppable force meets immovable object, and one of them has to give.


Matches Featured on this Streaming Video:


Baine vs. Dread

Captain USA vs. Ted Brady

Brent Hill vs. Ramon Paez

Bob Casey vs. Stink

The Blazing Flames vs. Sidle & Walker

Phoenix II vs. JD Walker

Freddie Datsun vs. Billy Wood

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Tuesday, Week 2, October 1997

The V. Thompson Arena (South West) – 6,097 people






http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FreddieDatsun.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlysianScottsfield.jpg


Freddie Datsun vs. Billy Wood


The show kicks off with a hard-hitting brawl, pitting the veteran member of the Black Label Fight Club against the wilder Wood brother. The two men seem pretty evenly matched, able to go blow for blow, but as Jason Azaria notes, the Black Label Fight Club won't stay down.


Wood hits his opponent with everything he's got, and Freddie Datsun keeps getting up.


In this match, at least, that's all Datsun needs. He holds out long enough to find the Patriot Press and scores the three-count to advance in the tournament.

Freddie Datsun defeated Billy Wood in 8:54 by pinfall.

Rating: C-





Datsun grabs a microphone. "One match down," he says, "two matches to go. Anyone who thinks they're getting in my way better think twice. I'm not much for talking - I say what needs saying in the ring - but the first rule of fight club is don't talk about fight club.


"The second rule of fight club is go out there and win."


Rating: B-




Backstage, and Frankie Future is holding a short meeting with the ring crew, laying out instructions for the evening.




Liberty shows up and the ring crew make themselves scarce. Frankie Future raises an eyebrow. "Liberty."


"Boss man." Liberty's customary good humor is gone. "I'm going to make this clear - I want Sam Strong in the ring. I want you to throw out the rules. I want to beat him...hell, man, I need to beat him."


"Yeah," Future says, "yeah, I get that, but in case you haven't noticed, man, you're hardly the only one to be making that request, and Strong's turned you down once before. I can make the match, kid, but Strong's contract says he can turn down any match he wants. Call it--" here the Commissioner makes a sour face "--call it a perk of signing on when you're a legend.


"I'll meet with him. I'll propose the match. But until he says yes, brother, you're s--t out of luck."


Rating: B+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Phoenix2.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JDMorgan.jpg

Phoenix II vs. JD Morgan


If Phoenix is here to learn from wrestlers around the globe, he's sure as hell getting an education in this one. JD Morgan takes the masked rookie to the mat, showcasing the infamous British style.


Phoenix impresses everyone by hanging with the UK veteran for over eight minutes before he finally makes a mistake and finds himself caught in the Cross Atlantic Stretch. Phoenix fights it, looking for an escape, but when he can't find one he's forced to submit.


JD Morgan defeated Phoenix II in 8:17 by submission.

Rating: D+




Phoenix is barely off the mat before Final Judgement connects, Pablo Rodriguez spearheading the three-man assault. It's promptly followed by Escalera dragging Phoenix off the mat and hitting the Tijuana twist, after which Ruiz applies the Lockjaw, putting more pressure on the youngsters neck.

Rating: E+





We go to the interview stage, where Action Jackson is standing by with Dread, Chase, and the duo of Dylan Sidle and Calvin Walker. Walker is already giggling, cradling a steel chair in his arms, distracting Jackson as he says, "I'm here with Dread, who'll be stepping into the ring with Baine later tonight. Dread, I have to ask you, are you confident about this match?"


Dread snorts, obviously irritated by the question. "I have things to do," he says. "Chase, take care of this."


The Human Juggernaut walks off, leaving Chase to claim the microphone. "You shouldn't ask stupid questions, AJ," she says. "Dread ready. Dread's always ready. It's one of the things that makes him Dread.


"But let's not talk about that. Instead, let's talk about Deadly Dylan Sidle and the Dark Heart, Calvin Walker. They're about to walk out into that ring and face two men who have held themselves up as the standard bearers for tag-team wrestling, the eight-time championship team the Blazing Flames.


"We all know what Dread can do. We've seen it in this ring, time and again, and we all know the only reason he doesn't hold a world championship is simply because he chooses not to chase it.


"Tonight you're going to see a new force in this company. A force that's Dark and Deadly...and every bit as dangerous as the human juggernaut."

Rating: B-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoeyFlame.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TeddyFlame.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CalvinWalker.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DylanSidle.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpg

The Blazing Flames vs. Dark & Deadly w/Emma Chase


One thing becomes immediately obvious in this match: Calvin Walker is kind of crazy. Emma Chase has to physically tear the steel chair from the small man's hands to keep him from using it in the ring, and Walker's response is half-way between crying and giggling like a manic. He makes his way to the centre of the ring, locking up with Teddy Flame...and immediately proves he can wrestle, despite his small stature, by taking the veteran to the mat and applying a body scissor.


Flame makes it to the rope, but Walker is reluctant to break the hold. He snaps at Eugene Williams when the referee tries to pull him away, shouting something about the five-count, and gives Flame a thumb to the eye for good measure as he lets go.


Training and a crazy attitude carry him a long way, but at 5' 3" and barely breaking 150 pounds, Walker is small enough that even the relatively lightweight Flames can throw him around with ease. One the fast tags and double-teams start, Calvin gets thrown around the ring and it's only the intervention of Dylan Sidle that keeps the match live.


The Flames build momentum, hitting many of their old stand-bys on Sidle in the minutes of that follow: the double-corkscrew forearm smash; high-velocity hip toss; the double knees followed by assisted flying leg-lariat to the corner. They're setting up for the Blaze of Glory when Calvin Walker reclaims his chair from Emma Chase and climbs back into the ring, drawing the DQ as he goes to town on Teddy Flame.


The Blazing Flames defeated Dark & Deadly in 12:21 when Dylan Sidle was disqualified.

Rating: C




The Blazing Flames are make their way up the ramp, Joey supporting Teddy as the elder Flame brother tries to shake off the effects of the chair shot. The fans give them a round of applause, always supportive of the charismatic veterans.




They reach the stage and the Demons of Rage step out, both of them grinning evilly as they cut off the Flames. The Flames try to prepare for what's coming, but with Teddy out of it there's no real chance. The Demons catch both brothers and chokeslam them into the steel stage floor.


Rating: C-




Ethan Kane walks out onto the stage, resplendent in black and purple gothic finery, Karen Killer at his side. Kane has his arms spread wide and a smile on his face as he poses between the Demons.


"You do not...strike...me," Kane says, sneering at the limp form of the Flame brothers. "That was your crucial mistake. The two of you were beneath our notice, has-beens of no concern to the Army of Darkness, and in my magnanimous moment, I allowed you the chance to leave unharmed.


"And you chose to strike me. That was a mistake.


"I am the embodiment of darkness, the father of all evil that exists in this company. I am the man who commands demons and eliminates Angels of Vengeance. You did not want to turn my gaze upon you.


"You, Flames, should not have tried to burn brighter than the dim sparks you were.






His rant is cut off by the crowd cheering, and the camera cuts to the ring where, unnoticed, Dark Angel and Kit Hatoyma have found their way. Dark Angel is kneeling, kendo stick held point-first towards the ground, while Hatoyama has a microphone of her own.


"There is still a matter of honor to settle," Hatoyama says. "The Dark Angel stands ready, Kane. Are you willing to face him?"


Angel rises, slicing the kendo stick through the air like a samurai sword, grinning at the prospect of using it against Kane.


Ethan Kane smiles and steps back a few steps. "I have left the Dark Angel behind me," he says. "I have no intention of revisiting the matter."

Rating: D+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BobCasey.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Stink.jpg


Bob Casey vs. Stink


Short and almost brutally bad, even considering Bob Casey is working through a hip injury that hampers his performance. The two men put together a lack-luster brawl...




...that's eventually interrupted by Grunt appearing at ringside, tossing off a foul-mouthed litany of curses that distract Casey from the matter at hand. Stink seizes on the distraction and hits the Stink Bomb to progress in the tournament.

Stink defeated Bob Casey in 4:28 by pinfall.

Rating: E





Backstage, and JD Morgan is walking through the corridors, freshly showered and ready to leave after his match earlier in the evening.




He turns a corner and finds himself standing between the Ontario Kings, barely getting a chance to realise the situation he's in before the King Breaker Combination takes him down.




There's a shout as John Maverick comes tearing into shot, chasing off the Kings, but the damage is done. JD Morgan lies on the concrete, moaning, while Maverick kneels down to check on him.


"Figures," Rhodes says. "Future gets the Woods, the Fight Club and the rest to stop attacking each other, and all of sudden everyone else gets in on the act."


"He rewarded those boys with a chance to face the World Champion," Nero responds. "Wrestlers aren't idiots, Rhodes. If something gets rewarded, it'll happen far more often."

Rating: E+





Speaking of the Commissioner, Get On Up starts playing and Frankie Future heads down to the ring, Miss Farrah at his side. He high-fives a few fans, collects a microphone, and climbs into the centre of the ring.


"Alright," he says, "Farrah, take a note."


Farrah nods, pulling out a notepad and pencil.


"Tonight's first order of business is finding a number-one contender for Lucha's International Title," Future says. "I've got some thoughts, but--"




As if on queue, Eddie Chandler makes his way out to the ring, Grace Harper at his side. He squares off opposite the Commissioner, leaving Harper to glare at Miss Farrah.


"You've got some thoughts," Chandler says, "but you've realised there's only one choice that's truly Elite. We both know it's only a matter of time before gold finds its way around my belt, Future, so do what we both know you came out here to do and announce me as the number one contender."


Chandler poses, eyes closed, waiting expectantly. His expression changes rapidly when the All-Star Team's fanfare starts playing and Chris Storm makes his way down to the ring.




"So here's the thing, Chandler. In the last three months," Storm says, "I've made fifteen separate requests to the manager's office to give me a re-match against you. Fifteen separate requests, and each time the thing I've heard back is 'Chandler turned you down.' If you won't face me willingly, Eddie, then I'm going to do it the hard way – by winning the belt you covet and making you come to me."


"Storm, you're a green kid," Chandler says, "and maybe you don't understand the way—"




His condescending explanation is cut off by I'm Too Sexy, and Romeo Heartthrob makes his way down to the ring. The veteran struts his stiff, doing a short bump-and-grind before climbing into the ring.


"You think you're being ignored, Storm?" Heartthrob shakes his head theatrically, pacing back and forth in the ring. "I'm one of the finest specimens of manhood in this company and I've been nothing but disrespected since day one. I'm sick and tired of being overlooked when it comes to opportunities around here – I fought Lucha in his first title defence and, were it not for incompetent refereeing, it would have been his only defence. I made the masked man quit to the Cupid's Kiss and I can do it again. All I need—"




Killing in the Name rocks the V. Thompson arena, drawing a louder crowd response than anyone since Future emerged. Masked Rebel II comes tearing down to the ring, all smiles beneath his mask, and he plays to the crowd before turning towards the general manager.


"Hey," he says. "How's it hanging?"


Future raises an eyebrow. "You want in on this conversation?"


Rebel shrugs. "Figured it couldn't hurt."


"You've only had one match," Future says.


"Sure," Rebel says. "But unlike these three, I won my last match on Hollyweird TV. If they're coming out here talking about title shots, I figure I'm good to make my case."


"Listen, Rebel, there are rules about this sort of thing," Future says. "I can't just—"


Rebel holds his microphone out to the crowd, who immediately tell the Commissioner what they think of the rules.


Future waits for them to calm and starts again. "It's just—"


Rebel holds the mic out again. F—k you, I won't do what you tell me.


Future: "It's not that—"


F—k you, I won't do what you tell me.


Future: "Come on, man—"


F—k you, I won't do what you tell me.


Storm seems vaguely amused by this. Chandler and Heartthrob are vaguely apoplectic. Frankie Future just grins, willing to play along with the joke, and motions for the crowd to simmer down.


"Okay, okay," he says, "I know when I'm done. The people want you here, that's good enough for me, rules or no rules."


He turns back to Storm, Chandler, and Heartthrob. "Rebel's also got something of a point," he says. "I can't deny the talent gathered down here in the ring, but none of you have been racking up the wins of late, so here's how it's going to go.


"Next week we're going to have ourselves a four way fray – Eddie Chandler versus Chris Storm versus Romeo Heartthrob versus Masked Rebel II. One of you is going to pick up the pinfall, and he's the one getting a title shot. Nothing comes free, gentlemen, not even if the crowds are like you—" the last comment is directed at Rebel, who meets it with good humour. "Think of it like poker, folks, you're all in and its winner take all.


"I just hope you're all as good as you seem to think you are."

Rating: C




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RamonPaez.jpg

Brent Hill vs. Ramon Paez


This one's just a showcase for Hill, allowing him to pick up some momentum. He throws Paez around with relative ease, finally putting him away with the King of the Hill.

Brent Hill defeated Ramon Paez in 4:02 by pinfall.

Rating: D





"Have you heard anything?"




We go backstage, where Spanish Superfly has joined the group of HGC luchadors. Jason Azaria helpfully provides an update – Phoenix II has been taken to a nearby emergency room after the beating he took at the hands of Rodriguez, Escalera, and Ruiz.


"They think it's his neck, esse," El Bandido says. "Me and 'Trico are on our way to see him. Lucha's coming after the show. You coming or staying."


Superfly hesitates, momentary torn. "Coming," he says. "Let me get my gear, si?"


He jogs off, heading for the Luchador locker room, the camera following behind him until he reaches the corner.




When he rounds the corner he encounters the Untouchables, all four members gathered together.


"Sorry to hear about your friend," Fish says.


Steadyfast and the Specialists immediately jump the young luchador, and the camera is knocked to the ground during the tussle.

Rating: D





The camera cuts back to the ring, where Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE are waiting. They're both in street clothes, which only heightens the contrast between the pair – Ricky Dale is all threadbare jeans, cowboy boots, and tight t-shirts; Dark EAGLE wears a black suit with a deep blue collared shirt, easily mistaken for a fashionably-dressed businessman where it not for his mask.


"I've been walking funny for the last two weeks," Ricky Dale says, "largely 'cause some big, mean hombre hit me from behind and took out my knee. It's the kind of injury that gets the doctors worried, so they've had me on the injury list while they made sure it was nothing permanent.


"Seems that while I was away, Rip Chord tried to sneak his boys into a title match for the World Tag-Team Titles, using the fact that they beat me and EAGLE as justification.


"Now don't get me wrong, it's real flattering that they see the two of us as team that good, but it seems to me that Chord's boys are playing the same game he does – they cheat to win and walk around like it means something.


"It's been nearly twelve months since I first lost a match to Rip Chord, and it wouldn't stick in my craw if he'd only won the match clean. I'll be damned if I'm going to let the Dallas Wrecking crew get away with the same thing."


"Wah, wah, wah, wah, wha."




Rip Chord walks out onto the stage, The Entourage with him. "Did anyone ever tell you, Ricky, that you whine like a spoiled baby? Ever since we first met in the ring you've been coming out here and playing the same old song. 'I lost a match to Rip Chord and I don't like it,' as if everyone in this company didn't lose matches against me. I'm the World Heavyweight Champion, brother, and if I didn't win matches then I wouldn't be able to keep making that boast.


"When are you going to get it, Cowboy? I am The Great One, the Golden Age of Wrestling, and the men you're out here whining about are the generation of greatness that will rise up behind me. You only need to look at the match your buddy Hill had with Rick Sanders last week to realise that you're outclassed, Ricky Dale. You only need to look back to Destructive Energy to know what'll happen if you pursue this any further.


"I won't lie, brother, you and EAGLE are a hell of a team. You just seem to think you're one of the best, and that just ain't true.


"But since I know you've been medically cleared to wrestle despite you coming out here and talking about injuries, why don't I give you a little opportunity to find out exactly how out-classed you are. Next week we're back in Texas, at the Ranch of San Antonio, and as you like to say the Ranch is your house.


"Well, Cowboy, I propose Rick Sanders walks into your house next week and puts the kind of beating on you that'll remind you of your place. You're not in my league, Cowboy, and you're not in his either, and I guarantee you Rick Sanders will take care of that little delusion you've got going."

Rating: C


http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CaptainUSA.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TedBrady.jpg


Captain USA vs. Ted Brady


An old-school brawler. A cocky, flashy cruiserweight who is more than willing to cheat. Brady starts strong, but Captain USA catches the young Canadian with a running shoulder block while Brady is airborn, ensuring that the most memorable thing about Brady's debut is the horrible, ugly landing he takes when he tumbles head-first into the canvas. One Hail to the Chief later and the match is done.


Captain USA defeated Ted Brady in 6:35 by pinfall.

Rating: D






The Shadow Clan rush the ring, seeming to appear out of nowhere. USA meets Ronin's charge with a forearm shot, but he's caught by the simultaneous kicks of Thunder and Ota, leading into a combination of quick running strikes by the two men that Jason Azaria dubs the Shadow Rush.


Ronin struggles back to his feet, recovering from the blow he took in the early stages of the assault. He makes his way over to the downed Captain. "This honored one is pleased to say he will meet your challenge next week."


Rating: D-





Backstage, Future's office, and the Commissioner is sitting around a coffee table with Sam Strong and the Strong Style Army. Miss Farrah is pouring coffee and handing it around.


"Alright," Future says, "you know why we're here, Sam. Your contract says I can't force you take a match, but Liberty wants a rematch and I want him to get it.


"Not just because you're a son-of-a-bitch who deserves to get his ass whipped - although that's reason enough according to Stallings – but I want it 'cause it'll be good business. People want to see the two of you fight, and they want to see it no-holds-barred.


"So you tell me, brother, what's it going to take get this done?"


Strong takes his coffee and considers the question, sharing a sideways glance with his new cohort.


"Well, brother," he says, "I ain't saying for sure that I'll do it, but I think we could put together a package that offers the right incentives to make it worth my while. My friend Lee here has done the initial numbers, just to give us a starting point."


Lee Wright takes a sheet of paper out of the pocket of his leather jacket and slides it across the coffee table. Future reaches out and picks it up…then nearly chokes when he sees the figure.


"That…" he adjusts his collar. "That's a lot of zeroes."


"That's my appearance fee," Strong says. "I would expect the winners purse to be double that, when I beat him, and I want your guarantee that this matter with Liberty is done."


Future's face has gone pale, but he nods. "Alright," he says. "The money and a guarantee – once you and Liberty have fought, neither of you will be in a match against the other for a period of…three months?"


"Twelve," Strong says.


"Six," Future counters. "You know how the business goes, Sam. Six months apart and the fans will be howling for a rematch, and anything the fans howl for is worth a lot of money."


Strong mulls that over. "Fine," he says. "Six months, but I want something in return."


Future waits, eyebrows raised.


"I want title shot," Strong says, "for me and my crew, brother. Guaranteed shots that we can cash in at the time and place of our choosing."


"Sure," Future says, "if you win—"


"No," Strong says. "We get the shots regardless, time and place of our choosing." He sips his tea and smiles. "Think of the money, brother. Six months until the rematch will make the fans hungry, but it'll be worth even more if we're fighting over the title."


"Deal," Future says. "I'll have Farrah draw up the papers."

Rating: B+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TysonBaine.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Dread.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpg

Baine vs. Dread w/Emma Chase


The crowd, it must be said, are expecting far more of this match than either men is able to deliver. The big men crash into one another, brawling, two bulls who refuse to back down. Worse, both men are grinning as they take each other's hardest shots.




Monty Walker appears about ten minutes in. He takes advantage of Emma Chase distracting the referee to tag Dread with the Last Waltz superkick. Dread doesn't go down, but he's woozy.




Calvin Walker is hot on his brother's heels, steel chair in hand, and he makes sure that Monty won't have a second chance to interfere. Not content with merely putting his brother down, Calvin starts assaulting him with the chair while Monty is laying limp at ringisde.




Tayler Morton and Alex Braun come charging down to make the save, although Morton is cut-off by Dylan Sidle. Braun ducks the chairshot that Calvin Walker first attempts, lunging forward to fire a double-fist into Calvin's solar plexus.


Sam Sparrow's forced to break away from the match to take care of the four-man brawl at ringside, which means he misses the cover following Baine's uppercut to the woozy Dread. By the time the referee notices Dread is able to kick out.




On the plus side, he's got security to swarm the ringside area, hustling the four-man brawl away and getting medical help to Monty Walker. Which means Sparrow is in perfect position to call for the DQ when Charlie Thatcher hits the ring with a length of steel chain and loops it around Baine's neck from behind.

Baine defeated Dread in 14:29 when Dread was disqualified.

Rating: C






Thatcher continues to choke Baine after the bell is rung, using the chain's leverage to force the Demon Seed to kneel. The big enforcer transfers the chain to one hand, proceeding to pummel Baine with a series of cross-face blows.


The referees swarm over them, trying to separate the pair, but Thatcher's grip is far to strong. Baine's face is busted open before Thatcher lets go, the show ending on the unlikely sight of Baine lying limp in the ring while Thatcher raises a bloodied fist in the air.

Rating: B+



Overall: C

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"October 15th, 1997," Keith says. "That's the day Hollyweird officially appeared on Richard Eisen's radar. It should have happened earlier, any sane person would have thought that, but Eisen doesn't think that way.


"At Supreme we were selling out ten, fifteen-thousand seat arenas for shows like Supreme TV and Elite; they were lucky to pull that in for a pay-per-view. Never mind that they were growing, or they had talent locked up to written contracts, or they had the kind of cash-reserves behind them that Eisen could only dream of.


"In the end, the thing that got Richard off-side wasn't even Hollyweirds fault."







"Sid Streets did an interview with a UK TV show," Dundee says, "and the topic of being of being one of Supreme's biggest stars came up. I don't know what he was thinking - I've never really gotten to know Sid and, after meeting Dusty, I'm not sure I'd want too - but for whatever reason he starts running mouth.


"The money quote went something like 'Richard Eisen likes to say he made wrestling, but it's the wrestler's industry. Sam Strong made Supreme a big deal, Rip Chord made Supreme a big deal, my father made Supreme a big deal, and now I'm the guy who brings in the fans. Take me out the equation - put me over in a company like Hollyweird where my brother is tearing things up these days - and they'd be the biggest wrestling company in the world.'


Somewhere off-camera, Mark Smart says, "that's kinda...exact."


Dundee grins through the tangled thatch of beard. "I got asked about it a whole lot, mate," he says. "It kinda got stuck in my memory."






"It was an interview," Dusty says. "They asked him a question, he gave them an answer, and the only damn crime he committed was trying to help out a company that was giving me a paycheck. He's caught no end of grief for that over the years, and so did I. People in the locker room started acting like I was a leper, for gods sake, when all my brother did is give us some publicity.


"Idiots, the lot of them, when you consider guys like Spite were doing the same thing in every interview they gave to the wrestling mags and TEW.com. Hell, Spite put himself over more than any son-of-a-bitch I ever met, and he did it sneaky.


"So yeah, ask me again why I don't have fond memories of working for Hollyweird. Bunch of damn hypocrites, the lot of them."







"Yeah, I put myself over," Spite says. "I'm not an idiot. We were headliners who became a mid-card act, 'cause that's what happens when you're the biggest tag-team on the card. You don't stay at the top - you get built up and built up, then you make the other guys.


"In the old days that wasn't a big deal. You did you stint, you made the faces, you moved on to a new territory and started the cycle over again. These days --" he shrugs "--where you going to go? Everyone just cycles around and around in the same company, 'less they're heading to Supreme or back again.


"Lots of guys didn't see that change coming. I did. That's why I worked to keep our stock high.


"Thing is, I didn't say I was going to make Supreme. I didn't even tell people I'd carry Hollyweird on my back. I put myself over 'cause that's good business, but I didn't s--t on the company to do it."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents


- Episode 43 Preview -


Coming up on our latest HGC Archive Installment:


Hollyweird TV returns to the Ranch of San Antonio with a match that's sure to please the live crowd - local boy Cowboy Ricky Dale will take on Rick Sanders in our main event. A victory for Sanders will earn the Dallas Wrecking Crew a shot at the tag-team titles at Hardcore Halloween, but a loss will see the Wrecking Crew face Cowboy Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE one more time.


There's plenty of other high-stakes matches on the card as well, including the Four Way Fray to determine who'll be facing the International Champion on pay-per-view. There's plenty of talent on display in this one: Eddie Chandler, Chris Storm, Romeo Heartthrob, and the newly debuted Masked Rebel II will meet in the squared circle and the man who picks up the pinfall is on his way to Hardcore Halloween.


There's also the semi-finals of the Hardcore Halloween tournament that'll determine the man who gets a shot at the World Heavyweight Champion. This week will see two big matches - Freddie Datsun will take on Stink from the Nation of Filth, while Ed Monton takes on the monstrous Larry Wood in our opening match.


The Blazing Flames are also in action, continuing their quest to hold themselves up as the team to beat in the tag division. This week they'll be challenged by the fledgling duo of Nathan Coleman and Stuart Ferdinand, a hard-hitting pair well-versed in the Japanese style.


Finally, Captain USA has elected to starting taking out members of the Shadow Clan. He starts with a match against Ronin and a victory will surely put him one step closer to the match against Ota the Captain has been chasing for the last few months.


Matches features in streaming video include:


Cowboy Ricky Dale vs. Rick Sanders

Masked Rebel II vs. Eddie Chandler vs. Romeo Heartthrob vs. Chris Storm

Freddie Datsun vs. Stink

The Blazing Flames vs. Coleman & Ferdinand

Captain USA vs. Ronin

Ed Monton vs. Larry Wood

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Tuesday, Week 3, October 1997

The Ranch of San Antonio (Mid South) – 6,630 people





Ricky Dale is down in the ring as the show starts, and once again we're reminded of just how beloved the Cowboy is in the Ranch of San Antonio. People go slightly crazy for him here in a way that they don't in the rest of the country, and it all it takes his is easy-going "How y'all doin' tonight?" to set of another storm of cheers.


"So y'all may have heard last week," he say, continuing on, "I've got myself a match tonight. Just like the old days, it's going to be Ricky Dale in the main event here at the Ranch of San Antonio. I'm going to be facing a fella named Rick Sanders whose gearing up to be the next Rip Chord - and I don't mind tellin' ya, after scouting Rick's matches for the last week, I can see where Rip's coming from with the comparison.


"I don't want to talk about tonight's match, though. Right now I want to have a word with the man in charge about what happens after tonight's match is done. Frankie Future, if you're back there, I'd like to have a word, son."




Get On Up accompanies Frankie Future down to the ring, the Commissioner looking dapper, as ever, in his suit.


"Alright," Frankie says, "you called and I answered, so how about you tell exactly what I'm down here for, Ricky?"


"Well, son," Ricky says, "it goes a little something like this - I don't much hold with the idea of the Dallas Wrecking Crew earning themselves a title shot right now, especially at Hardcore Halloween. I know they got the win me and Eagle, but it weren't exactly clean, and there's a part of me that still remembers what it was like to be a sheriff 'round these parts."


He pauses and grins for the crowd, who respond with enthusiasm. "The thought of the bein' rewarded for being a couple of no-good cheats doesn't sit right me, and I wanted to have a conversation about maybe giving them another match on Halloween instead. Y'see, me and Eagle, we've been talking about what it means to be a team of late, as much as the two of us can without an interpreter to help out. We're very different men with very different styles, but what makes us work as a team is the way we think about wrestling. We believe in playing fair, we believe in righting wrongs, and we believe in bringing grief to sons-of-bitches like Chord and the Wrecking Crew.


"A-huh," Future says, "I get what you're saying. I'm assuming you have said match in mind already?"


"Well, when you put it like that," Ricky says, "I guess I rightly do. I was thinking a little something like the Dallas Wrecking Crew versus Me and Eagle, having ourselves a little rematch. That way I can have the discussion about my problems with their cheatin' all up close and personal-like."


Future goes to respond, but his first attempt is cut off by the cheers of the crowd. "Well, Sheriff, it's like this - I'd like to accommodate you," he says, slipping into a faint mimicry of Ricky Dale's drawl. "I'd like to accommodate you, I really would, but I've got a World Heavyweight Champion to keep happy, and in case you haven't noticed, he doesn't exactly like you. Giving you a match just 'cause you asked for it is liable to piss him off, and that leads me down a road of grief I just don't feel like walkin'. After all, you and EAGLE are great together, but you were beat in your last match, and it's all about the wins here in Hollyweird."


Ricky Dale's face grows dark, but Future holds up a hand.


"Hold on," he says, "hold on, no need to get ugly. I'm just pointing out that the Wrecking Crew have momentum right now, and they stand a good chance of picking up more momentum tonight. Now maybe - maybe - if that weren't the case...if, say, Rick Sanders were to come out here and lose his match...then maybe I'd have a good case for making a match at Halloween Havoc stick.


"In fact, I think if you won the match tonight, it'd open up a whole range of possibilities that Rip Chord may not be too fond of seeing opened up.


"Just a little something for you to think on," Future says, "while you go get yourself warmed up and ready for our main event."

Rating: B




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EdMonton.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpg


Ed Monton vs. Larry Wood


Big hits. Big moves. Wood plays the aggressor, countering much of Monton's offense with raw power, shaking off many of the big shots that Monton uses to batter his opponent. Monton gets a late run of form, eventually nailing Wood with a flying forearm, but Wood shakes it off and finishes things with a Running Big Boot.

Larry Wood defeated Ed Monton in 10:23 by pinfall.

Rating: D+






The camera goes back to the interview session, where the Ontario Kings are standing by with Action Jackson. "I'm here with the Ontario Kings," Jackson says, "a duo whose issues with the Shooters have been drawing a lot of eyeballs in recent weeks. Boys, last week you ambushed JD Morgan and took him down with the King Breaker Combination.


"I also hear you've been fined five thousand dollars each for the attack - was it really worth it?


"Totally." Thomas Morgan breaks a grin as he leans towards the microphone. "In the House of Stone dojo you learn about respect the hard way - in the ring and on the mat, day after day. You learn to give it, you learn to expect it.


"Bryan and I aren't just a tag-team - we're standard bearers for one of the greatest wrestling families on the globe. To disrespect us is to disrespect the men who trained us, and that's not something we're wiling to endure."




"What you're willing to endure, mate, doesn't much interest me." JD Morgan and John Maverick walk into shot, facing off against the Kings.


"You like to claim the Stone name means something," JD says, "but it ain't a name we're familiar with over in London, and it sure as hell ain't a name that Maverick is fond of hearing. In fact, it's one of those names that makes him see red, and when Mav sees red then someone's going to get their arm pulled out of its socket.


"You know what earns respect, sunshine? It isn't skill, it's instinct. The kind of instinct that separates the hunter from the prey. We have it, you don't. That's just the way it is."

Rating: D-





The camera cuts backstage, where the members of the Untouchables are gathered. Paul Steadyfast is glaring at Wanda Fish, who is steadily ignoring her charge while running through some plans with the Tag-Team Specialists.


"Plans," Steadyfast says. "You're good with plans, Wanda. I'll give you that."


The huddled conference ceases as Fish rises. "You were fine with my plans last week, Paul."


"I didn't want any part of this fight," Steadyfast says. "I still don't, but Superfly needs to learn that when you touch the Untouchable, there's going to be consequences. That's done, Wanda. We hired you to make us money, not embroil us in pointless wars. If you want to keep fighting the luchadors, go ask your friend Don Juan to stand in your corner.


"What I want to know is how you're going to do what we hired you to do - make the Untouchable's money? There's another pay-per-view on the horizon and none of us are booked. I try to get a title shot, and Future shoots me down. How exactly does this fit into your master plan?"


To Steadyfast's surprise, Fish bursts out laughing.


"You know what your problem is, Paul? You think short-term," Fish says. "Preparing for the kind of domination you're looking for takes times and sacrifice. The Specialists understand that, even if you don't.


"You want to make money, Paul? You want to wear a title? Then stop complaining and sit your ass down."


The two of them engage in a stare-down, but it's Fish who comes up the winner. Steadyfast joins his partners, grumbling all the way.

Rating: D+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CaptainUSA.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TroyTornado.jpg

Captain USA vs. Ronin


Some solid, if unspectacular, match that's livened up by Ronin connecting with his flying forearm from the top turnbuckle. USA sells the big move, but eventually rallies and takes Ronin down with a series of running shoulder blocks, softening the ninja up until he's easy prey for the Hail to the Chief.

Captain USA defeated Ronin in 7:17 by pinfall.

Rating: D






Ota appears on the ramp, eyes focused on USA. The Captain eyes the ninja, then calls for a microphone. "It looks like your spokesman had a bad night," The Captain says. "If you've got something to say, Ota, you'll have to say it yourself."


Ota responds with a single gesture, slicing a finger across his throat.



The Captain knows what that means, but he's not quite fast enough to avoid it. Awesome Thunder hits the ring and nails the patriot with a quick enziguri, dropping the big veteran to the mat.


Rating: D






The camera cuts to the Crippler position where the Blazing Flames are warming up for their up-coming match. They're approached by Dark Angel and Kit Hayotama, the latter bowing low to the tag-team veterans.




"You have angered Ethan Kane," Hatoyama says. "We wish to offer you assistance in the battle to come."


The Flames exchange a long glance. "Battle?" Joey says. "We hit the guy, he hit us back. That isn't exactly the stuff of battles."


"Besides, the Demons caught us by surprise," Teddy says. "It won't happen again. The Blazing Flames are the standard bearers of tag-team excellence - the next time he comes for us, Kane and the Demons are going to learn exactly what two men can do."


Hayotama looks towards Dark Angel, who nods once.


"You're brave men," she says, "and skilled warriors. We can respect your decision."


She turns and starts to head off, pausing for one final moment to add: "When you change your mind, you know where to find us."

Rating: D



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoeyFlame.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TeddyFlame.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/NathanColeman.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/StuartFerdinand.jpg

The Blazing Flames vs. Coleman & Ferdinand


Coleman and Ferdinand are a hungry young team with a high pedigree, with tours of Japan beneath their belts. But the Flames have held themselves up as the standard bearers for the tag-team division and they've got decades of experience on the newly formed tag-team. The two veterans out-maneuver their opponents, picking up the victory when Teddy Flame applies Feel the Burn on Nathan Coleman.


The Blazing Flames defeated Coleman & Ferdinand in 6:50 by submission.

Rating: C-






Action Jackson is on the interview stage for the second time. ""This is Action Jackson back again, and I'm meant to be here with the trio of Walker, Morgon, and Braun, but they appear to be one man down. Gentlemen, is everything okay with Monty Walker?"


Morton looks towards his mentor, who takes a deep breath before answering. "Jackson, I hate to say it, but Monty Walker's gone off the reservation," Braun says. "This thing with Dread bringing Calvin in...well, I can't say I blame him.


"I've known Calvin and Monty Walker for a long time and I'm not going to sugar-coat things. They're tough kids because the world made them tough, 'cause they dealt with things no kid should deal. They've both learned to deal with that in the own way...and Calvin's way has never been healthy. When I first trained them they were a tag-team...and then Monty realised Calvin wasn't interested in wrestling. What he wanted was more sadistic.


"Getting the kid help was one of the hardest things Monty Walker ever did, and now Dread's throwing it in his face.


"Well, that's fine. Monty's not a student anymore- he a grown man and he's made it clear he wants to take of his own problems. But he's still a friend, no matter what, so me and Morton are going to have his back. If he wants Dread, we're going to make sure he gets Dread...and we'll run interference on the Dread Dojo for as long as it takes to make that happen."

Rating: D






Bad to the Bone plays and Charlie Thatcher makes his way down to the ring, alone and unsupported by the rest of the Entourage. He grabs a microphone and climbs into the ring.


"I'm out here," Thatcher says, "'cause I've been asked to explain my actions last week. Chord's done with Baine, so no-one understands why I wrapped a chain around Baine's throat and started hitting him in the face until I felt blood on my fist.


"So let me make this clear - Rip Chord didn't ask me to do s--t to Baine last week. The Great One looks towards the next challenger, not back at the defeated men he's left in his wake.


"When I came out and made Baine bleed, I did it for me. If you can't understand that, let me show you some footage."


The Silver Screen comes to life, showing a clip of Baine powering Thatcher over the top rope and into the announce table. This time around the camera focuses on Thatcher laying amid the wreckage, clutching at his shoulder.

"Doctors say the impact 'cause a subluxation of the shoulder," Thatcher says. "I call it two weeks of being unable to do my job while I recover and rehab my injury. Last week Baine learned that no-one costs me mon--"




Pantera's Walk echoes throughout the arena and the HGC fans go crazy, welcoming the arrival of the Demon Seed. There's a bandage around Baine's forehead where he was busted open, and his right eye has turned black, but he's grinning as he lopes down to the ring. He rips the microphone out of Thatcher's hands.


"I cost you money," Baine says. "Guess what, Thatcher? I'm about to cost you more."


Thatcher takes a big boot to the stomach, which is immediately followed by Baine grabbing him around the throat. The Enforcer struggles in the Demon Seed's grip, but he frees himself by clubbing Baine on the injured side of his face, leaving a red stain on the bandages as the stitches underneath come loose.


Security swarms the ring after that, despite both men trying to continue the brawl, and the show goes to a break as they separated and hustled back up the ramp.


Rating: B+






Backstage again, but this time Action Jackson is standing by at the entrance, ambushing Sam Strong and the Strong Style army as they inter the building. "Sam Strong," Jackson says, "if I can have a moment? Can I get a few words about your upcoming match with Liberty?"


Strong sneers and walked straight past the interviewer, but after getting halfway down the corridor he turns and comes back. "Alright, brother," he says, "here's a few words. Facing Liberty is going to be worth a lot of money to me, but it's going to be worth considerably more once I pin him to the canvas and walk home with the winner's purse. Once that happens, once I've got momentum behind me, we're going to stop talking Rip Chord's golden age and start talking about World Champion Sam Strong."


"But Sam, what about Dusty Streets? He's been chasing you for--"


Strong holds up a hand, indicting the interview is over, and walks off.

Rating: B




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FreddieDatsun.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Stink.jpg


Freddie Datsun vs. Stink


This is a contrast to the Wood/Monton bout - fewer big moves, more feeling one-another out, searching for weaknesses. Stink picks up the first real advantage - the big man hits the ropes, then shows some surprising agility as he hits a leaping elbow.


Datsun gets a leg to the rope, breaking up the cover, and Stink takes a cheap shot. Eugene Williams hustles the Stink away from his victim, then goes to check on Datsun.




And that's when Bob Casey hits the ring, shoulder-blocking Stink and stomping him once he's on the mat. Stink and Datsun struggle to their feet at about the same time, but Datsun is the one with the wherewithal to hit the Patriot Press and pick up the victory.


Freddie Datsun defeated Stink in 5:28 by pinfall.

Rating: D




The camera cuts to the backstage area, where Emma Chase has just walked into the Dread Dojo locker room and discovered the camera crew there. "What are you--"




Dread appears behind her. "I asked them to be here."


"You should have told me. I would have prepared Dylan and Cal--"


"No," Dread says. "Sit."


Chase hesitates a moment, studying Dread's face. Whatever she sees in the Juggernaut's impassive expression convinces her. She sits.


"I watch tapes of this show," Dread says. "Every week. You realise this. You've seen me do it."


"Sure, I--"


Dread shakes his head. "I speak," he says. "You do not."


Emma Chase opens her mouth to argue, then thinks better of it.


"I watch the tapes," Dread says, "so I have seen your moments of...inconsistency. Moments when you empathise with Walker. You agree with him, I think, when he claims I have crossed a line."


"What I think doesn't matter," Chase says. "I'm a professional, same as you. We have a contract and I've lived up to every part of it."


"You have," Dread says. "Which is why I've given you free reign. Your moments of empathy have been...convenient to my purposes.


"No longer, however. This will be your sole war--"




Monty Walker flies into the locker room, baseball bat in hand, and immediately starts assaulting the Human Juggernaut. It takes three or four shots to put the big man down, another half-dozen follow while he's on the concrete, and Emma Chase is screaming the entire time.


Walker swings the baseball bat one final time, then spits on the downed Dread.


"When you're done healing," Walker says, "you and me are going to fight one more time.


"I promise you, Dread, you're not going to enjoy that experience."


Rating: B




"Ladies and gentleman," Jason Azaria says, "last week we saw two separate assaults take out Spanish Superfly and Phoenix II, respectively. As a result of the injuries these men suffered during the attacks, they are unable to be here in the arena tonight.


"We here at Hollyweird TV extend our condolences to both these great wrestlers, and we look forward to seeing them return to television in the coming weeks. We--"


Azaria pauses, putting one hand to his earpeice. "Oh, hell no," he says. "Quick, cut to the back."

Rating: E






The Crippler position is a flurry of action as the Global Elite are beating the hell out of Chris Storm and Coach Dick Pangrazzio. Azaria notes that the number one contenders match for the International Championship is coming up. "Smart move by the elite," Nero comments. "Thinning out the herd before the match begins."




It only takes a few moments for the Vesseys to make an appearance, the two of them charging in with chairs to clear house, and the Elite quickly give ground. Bryan kneels and checks on their manager and teammate, while Larry glares at the departing Elite, refusing to take his eyes of the source of potential danger.

Rating: C-





http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MaskedRebel.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EddieChandler.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg


Masked Rebel II vs. Eddie Chandler vs. Romeo Heartthrob


The match starts with only three of the four men in the ring, the commentary team noting that Chris Storm is getting treated for possible broken ribs as a result of the pre-match attack.


Chandler's obviously feeling confident as a result of that - he struts a little as the match begins, only to get hit with a double-leg takedown by Masked Rebel, who immediately mounts and pummels the Fabulous One. Heartthrob lets the beating continue until Rebel makes a cover, then breaks things up.


The action that follows is short and fast-paced, a constant dance of takedowns and pin-fall attempts. The heels double-team Masked Rebel time and again, but he keeps finding his way back.




Then, five minutes into the match, there's a cheer as Chris Storm fights his way through the curtain, ignoring the members of the backstage crew trying to prevent him from joining the match. He makes his way to the ring, teeth clenched against the pain as he starts throwing punches, and even Nero is impressed by the kids toughness as he wrestles the match in obvious pain. "It's stupid," Nero admits, "but you can't deny the kid's guts."


Heartthrob gets the first close two-count of the match, nailing Chandler with a neckbreaker and making the cover. To everyone's surprise Masked Rebel comes soaring in from the top turnbuckle, dropping a leg on the pair to break the cover.


Heartthrob and Rebel both rise to their feet, groggy but trading punches, and eventually their brawl spills into the ringside area. That leaves Chandler and Storm in the ring, and with Storm's injuries the results are almost a foregone conclusion. Chandler locks on the Fabulous Stretch and Storm is in agony, having no choice but submit.

Eddie Chandler defeated Chris Storm, Masked Rebel II and Romeo Heartthrob in 9:53 by submission.

Rating: C






The camera cuts backstage, where Lucha is watching the in-ring action on a monitor, shaking his head at the results of the match. He turns, and immediately his expression changes to one of extreme displeasure.




The camera pulls back, showing Escalera, Rodriguez, and Ruiz standing by, watching Lucha. Escalera looks pleased with himself, broad grin on his face. Rodriguez's expression is spookily eager. Ruiz just looks angry, as Ruiz always days.


"So," Don Juan says. "How's the young Phoenix?"


Mr Lucha takes a few steps forward, looking to get into it, but the trio simply back away while Escalera's mocking laughter fills the room.


Rating: D-




Back to the ring, where Frankie Future and Miss Farrah are already in place, soaking up the enthusiasm of the crowd. Future already has the microphone.


"Last week," he says, "I negotiated the details of a match for Hardcore Halloween. There's no title at stake, but it's easily one of the most expensive matches we've ever had in this company...and possibly one of the biggest matches we've advertised, given the way you've all been ringing the office and asking questions.


"Right now, I want to get the two competitors involved in this match to come down here, so we can make sure they both agree to the terms. And boys? Leave your seconds backstage. There's no need for this to get messy, not with everything at stake right now."




Liberty, then Sam Strong, both make their way to the ring. The two men glare daggers at one another.


"Alright," Future says. "We're doing this out here, in front of the crowd, so that no-one makes any mistake. Let's set aside the money for the moment and focus on the conditions of this match being made.


"One: this match ends things between the two of you. Regardless of who wins and who loses, the contract stipulates that there will be no rematches. In fact, the contract stipulates that neither of you can be in the ring together for a period of six months. Do you agree to this stipulation?"


"Agreed," Strong says.


"Sure," says Liberty.


Future nods. "Okay, point two. Given the first stipulation, I want to be real certain that the two of you get this out of your system. That means we're going until there's only one man standing, boys. No disqualifications, no count-outs, you keep on fighting until one man puts the other down for a ten-count. Make no mistake, this is the kind of match that can shorten your career, and I want you both to be real sure this is what you want."


"Bring it on," Liberty says.


Strong, however, hesitates a moment before nodding. "So long as the contract stipulates to the money and conditions we agreed..."


"It does," Future says. "Now I want you both to agree to the final point - there's a lot of money riding on this match, in every respect of the word. The winner will make a lot, Sam gets a lot regardless...and I don't want anything to stop this match from happens. If either of you attacks the other before your match, if anyone gets physically involved in the match itself that's allied with one of the competitors, if either of you do a damn thing to try and stop this match happening...well, boys, your descendents will still be paying off the breach of contract fee Hollyweird will be hitting you with. Do you understand what I'm saying here?"


Both competitor's nod.


"Alright, lets get this done. Farrah, love, if you'd bring out the contracts."


Miss Farrah steps forward, handing each man a clipboard and a pen. Liberty signs without looking at the paperwork. Sam Strong checks everything before finally adding his name.


"Then it's on," Future says. "Strong versus Liberty, Last Man Standing.


He shakes his head.


"God help you both."


Rating: A



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickSanders.jpg

Cowboy Ricky Dale vs. Rick Sanders


Even Ricky Dale struggles to draw a response from the San Antonio crowd after the emotionally charged contract signing, but the young Cowboy takes his time with the match, easing the fans into it, and soon they've realised why they love the young Texan native and start roaring their support.


It helps that he's matched with Sanders, whose gradually adding more and more of Rip Chord's playbook to his in-ring repertoire. He may not have the veterans talent for promos, but Sanders draws heat in the ring like very few others, cutting of Ricky Dale's offense with carefully times thumbs to the eyes and other illegal tactics.





The result is an even contest that stretches out into a prolonged war, and like most wars allies start getting involved. It begins with the Punisher hitting the ring, climbing up onto the ring apron where he's promptly met by Sam Sparrow and his refusal to allow interference. Sanders promptly takes advantage of the distraction, kicking Ricky Dale in the crotch, quickly applying the figure-four in the aftermath.


Ricky Dale may be hurting, but he's rapidly developing as a ring-general and his awareness of where he is at all times means he quickly reaches the ropes. He curls one arm around the rope after the break, recovering from the low blow, and Sam Sparrow kneels down to check what's going on.




This is Dark EAGLE's signal to get involved, and the cruiserweight is far more direct than the Punisher, nailing him with a series of roundhouse kicks. The Punisher dives into the ring, making the save for his partner, and the ruckus they cause is enough for Sam Sparrow to send them both back to the backstage area.


Several furious minutes of action follow ask both Ricky Dale and Sanders find their way back into the match, hitting their bigger moves in an attempt to put their opponent away, and eventually it's the Southern Justice that proves to be decisive.

Cowboy Ricky Dale defeated Rick Sanders in 20:12 by pinfall.

Rating: B-


Overall: B-

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"Two weeks, two main events." Rick Sanders leans back on the couch, looking pretty pleased with himself. "Both of them on nationally syndicated television. That's what working with Rip Chord will do for your career.


"I'm not just talking about the exposure, although that was pretty nice. Me and Punisher were both still working the East Coast scene at that point and all of sudden we started appearing in main events, figuring out what it takes to carry a show. Maybe that would have happened if Rip hadn't picked us, maybe it wouldn't, I don't want to theorise.


"The real advantage was...well, lets just say there's no real line between the Rip Chord you see on camera and the Rip Chord you meet behind the ring. Back in the day he was the kind of guy who partied hard in ever sense of the word, which meant anyone in his entourage had to keep up with him outside the ring.


"By the time we worked with him that wasn't what he did anymore, but he still lived the gimmick. That meant we travelled as a team between shows and spent a lot of time listening to Rip tell us about the way wrestling worked. We learned why he wanted me and Punisher working for Barber down in Philly and Charlie working for Hollyweird twenty-four seven.


"Chord getting is over with the fans, that was good. Listening to him made us better workers, though, and that's the real value of what we did."






"Rip took care of us." Charlie Thatcher smiles a bit at that, belying his normally intense character. "Really took care of us, actually. I was still young and green at the time, making good money, and I kinda...enjoyed myself. I mean, I came up in the business with Ricky Dale, man, and that bar has been in Ricky's family for years. If you worked in Texas Wrestling in the early nineties, you learned how to drink.


"I'm not saying I had a problem, just...you know, that makes it sound bad, and I sure as s--t ain't trying to suggest that I had anything like Rip's problems. I liked a drink, sure, but to suggest what I was doing and what he did just trivialises exactly how hard Rip worked to stay sober. Rip ain't shy about telling you he had a problem, and there's a difference between liking a drink and having a drinking problem.


"What I'm trying to say is that I kinda put a little more effort into having a good time than I was putting into my wrestling career. I could do that 'cause I was big, 'cause it was easy to pick up a paycheque without doing much in the ring.


"Rip saw that and he gave me another direction. He showed me how to put wrestling first and moderate the partying a bit.


"You can't avoid doing that when you work with Rip Chord. There's something about the man that rubs off on you."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents


- Episode 44 Preview -


Coming up on our latest HGC Archive Installment:


We kick our show off with a three way fray, pitting indie cruiserweight sensation Eclipse against Ultimate Phoenix and Paul Steadyfast of the Untouchables. Every man in this match is looking to improve his stock in HGC - whether it's just earning a shot in the main show for Eclipse and Phoenix, or earning the respect and title shots Steadyfast thinks he deserves.


Next up, the masked patriot known as Captain USA will be in action against Awesome Thunder of the Shadow Clan. It's another match where the Captain seeks to take out Ota's allies in order to force the ninja's hand and secure a match.


The Number One contenders to the tag-team titles will be determined when two in-form teams - The Blazing Flames and The Ontario Kings - meet in the squared circle. Ordinarily the Flames experience would make them favourites in this one, despite the King's vaunted Stone Dojo training, but with Joey and Teddy looking over their shoulders in case the Army of Darkness it's anyone's match.


The war between Team Walker and Team Dread continues to be fought in the wrestling ring, with Tayler Morton issuing a challenge against Dylan Sidle. It promises to be a blink-and-you'll miss it kind of bout, with both men known for their innovative high-flying moves.

The Hardcore Halloween tournament reaches its ultimate match, with two of HGC's hardest men - Larry Wood and Freddie Datsun - fighting it out for the chance to go up against the World Heavyweight Champion. It's going to be a hell of a fight, with Frankie Future telling the referees to let the rules slide as much as possible - one way or another, someone in this match needs to be pinned or submit.


Last week the Global Elite attacked and injured Chris Storm, costing him the shot at the International Champion in a four-way fray that was eventually won by Eddie Chandler. It's an action that doesn't sit well with Storm's allies, and while the Vesseys can't fight the Backbreakers in tag-team competition, there's no such prohibition against taking his vengeance in a singles bouts. Larry Vessey has issued a challenge that's been answered by the Elite's Eric Tyler, with both men meeting in our main event.


Matches features in streaming video include:


Larry Vessey vs. Eric Tyler

Freddie Datsun vs. Larry Wood

Tayler Morton vs. Dylan Sidle

The Blazing Flames vs. The Ontario Kings

Captain USA vs. Awesome Thunder

Eclipse vs. Ultimate Phoenix vs. Paul Steadyfast

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