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anybody else ever been there? happy st. patty's day to me right? lol


Just get out ASAP. Try not to get in a predicament that can lead you back to it. I know... easier said then done sometimes, but it can be done. At least on your part.... You can do everything right and end up right back in there, but there are ways to try to avoid it.


I was in a situation when I was around 16 or 17, and was feeling very down. A cop told me something that I remember to this day, because it proved to be so terribly true. He said "I'm going to tell you this like I'm talking to my own son. This here, this is NOTHING. You would have to force yourself to remember this 20 years from now. Compared to all the things your going to face in your life, this is just a wrong turn is all. Don't let this get you down, this is NOTHING."


Well, bassically that's what he said. It come off very fatherly and wise when he said it. I only remember the incident because of that cop though.... if not for him I don't think I would ever think about it.... almost 30 years later now.

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Well, I almost went. Someone called the cops saying I was going to kill myself. The cops showed up with their guns aimed at me. Me being a smart ass I remark "Supposedly I'm suicidal and you're aiming guns at me?" and then I busted out laughing. They didn't appreciate that too much.


I was so angry. I wasn't suicidal, nor was I going to do anything of that nature. I was given the choice of being taken to the hospital or the police station. I chose the hospital, and I wasn't supposed to leave. But, I was finally able to convince them to let me go home. They had a condition though, that I see a shrink once a week.


All because I told my friend I wanted to be left alone...Yeah, I'm not friends with her anymore.

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