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The Story Of Timothy Hawk - Cornellverse

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OOC Notes:


I am going to begin this diary with a few ooc notes to explain where I am coming from with this one.


1. This is a Cornellverse diary. As I have stated before, I realize now that I cannot do real world diaries so sticking to the Cornellverse is my best bet.


2. 'The Flying Nightmare' Timothy Hawk is a created character based on the template for Jack Avatar with certain changes which will be addressed soon enough with IC posts.


3. I am not planning on this to have any effect on my USPW diary.


4. This is something that I know I have been wanting to do for a very long time. I finally made the decision to do it. This may come as a shock to some due to my focus on USPW but the promotion that this diary will be based on is Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Yes, I know that it is very much different from the family-based USPW that I have typically run with and that is what is going to make it so much fun. But there are some who I've spoken with that know I have been wanting to run a hardcore promotion for quite some time.


5. Expect some definite backstory posts in this one, including several leading up to the arrival of Timothy Hawk at PSW and others leading up to the first card of the new year.


6. Thank you for reading thus far and I hope you all truly enjoy what I have to offer in a much different environment than I have generally written for.


So come on in and enjoy the party of:



{{*Thanks to jhd1 for the render*}}

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[October 2009

Sally Jesse Talk Show Stage]


"I will be completely honest with you: I can only remember less than half of my very last match inside the ring." For the moment, my eyes glazed over as I tried to think back to that very last match. I shook my head as I looked across at the talk show host. "The last thing that I can remember is seeing my opponent outside the ring and then my entire memory goes blank. I've seen a hand-cam footage of the match and it wasn't my finest hour. It wasn't my best match even before the accident. But when you're facing someone who doesn't know what the word 'safety' means, you have to do your best to protect yourself. But at the time giving them a better match would mean a better paycheck. Apparently, I bounced off the ropes and went to fly over on top of Extreme Deluxe but the coward moved out of the way and my head went crashing against the guardrail with no protection. Now, the match should have ended right then and there, I have no doubt."


I shook my head for a moment again. I ran my fingers back through my hair for a moment. Yeah, I was probably dishing too much about the 'secrets' of professional wrestling on this talk show but I had a right to be bitter. "These backyarders think that they are gonna be the next Christian Faith or Jack Bruce. The whole lot of them, though, need to learn safety before putting their opponents at risk."


I ran my fingers back through my hair again and then shook my head. "I'm sorry. I've said too much."


I rose from the stage and walked away from the talk show deciding that my continued career is much more important than my bitterness. I left the building and got into my old, small car and drove away from there without even asking for the money that I was owed. They would send it to me at the address I left with them or they would be sued. Ever since I got the official announcement from the doctor that this major concussion would end my pro wrestling career, I have been working as a manager on the independent scene. Granted, I am very selective in who I choose to manage but it pays the bills, right? It's almost funny. I spent two years in DaVE before it closed working closely with Phil Vibert and Mitch Naess and I only got the usual injuries. A year on the independent scene and I lose my entire career as The Flying Nightmare to a major concussion.

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[November 2009

Timothy's Apartment]


It has been a month since I was on that talk show that resulted in my not getting booked for several different independent shows. Why? Because I opened my big mouth and said too much. I have a tendency to do that when I get upset and I am guessing that they knew that. I wasn't the first bitter ex pro wrestler on the show and I'm sure I won't be the last. On the bright side, I did get my payment for that show and it paid for a couple of months worth of rent.


Of course guys like Extreme Deluxe are getting jobs because they can still work in the ring as well as they ever could. But I know I won't be the last wrestler injured by him or some of his friends on their 'Quest.'


As I came back to my apartment from the second job I have taken to make ends meet, I noticed that there was a voicemail on my landline telephone answering machine. That got my attention right away. Not too many people have been calling me since the talk show. I hit the button and listened, recognizing the voice almost immediately.


"Tim? Hey, it's Mitch. I hoped you were in tonight but I guess you're off making somebody else look better than they should be just like you used to back in DaVE. Here, let me leave you my number, let's get in touch."


I was definitely surprised to hear from Mitch Naess, owner of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Though I shouldn't have been as surprised, should I? Mitch and I used to talk at every DaVE taping. We developed a pretty good relationship until DaVE closed and we both went our seperate ways. I hadn't seen him since he opened PSW. I wrote down the number he left on the answering machine and I had to smile. Maybe I could convince him to let me manage in Pittsburgh.

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[November 2009

Pennsylvania Park]


As it turns out, the conversation with Mitch Naess was rather interesting. He wanted to fly me up to Pittsburgh and have me in the audience. It would be a short little stunt that would move me up within the public eye some. Of course I accepted.


It was at the end of the month, the PSW November To Remember show live at Pennsylvania Park in Pittsburgh. I was given a front row seat. As I watched and enjoyed the show, I was finally approached by Mitch Naess for an interview. I stood up and talked about Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling and how it was the greatest show around and how much I was enjoying myself.


Then I was interrupted. I was interrupted by the presence of Frankie Future, JD Morgan and Steven Parker. All three men known as The Untouchables came down to have a few words, asking why the focus was on me, a has-been.


I spoke directly to Steven Parker and told him that I was just like him at one time. I was the young up and coming wrestler that was going to take the world by storm. But one injury changed that. One injury ended my career. A small fight broke out between Parker and myself that was interrupted by the other Untouchables and then by Alex Braun, Johnny Martin and Grandmaster Phunk. A six man tag was booked for the main event that evening and that was the last they heard of me on that night.

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[December 2009

Timothy's Apartment]


It was only a few days before I heard from Mitch again over the telephone. I picked up on the second ring. "Hey Mitch. What's doing?"


"Look, I'm not one to simply beat around the bush so I'm going to come right out and say this. Alex is looking to focus on his wrestling duties as his career winds down. He doesn't want to take as much of a backstage focus. So that leaves an opening on my roster for a brand new head booker. You interested?"


I was glad that this was done over the phone rather than in person. This way he couldn't see my jaw drop on the ground. Become the head booker of PSW? That is definitely ten steps up from working as a manager on the independent scene. I drew in a deep breath and replied. "Yeah, I'm interested. When do you need me?"


"Alex's last show is at the end of the month. I need you up here as soon as I can get you so that you can go over the roster and get prepared for our show PSW Hardcore Heaven in January."


Wow. I had a bit of a lease problem but I did pay last month's rent, security deposit and all and this is an opportunity I just cannot pass up. "I need to get a few things done but I'll be up there in a few days, Mitch. Thanks for the opportunity."


The phone clicked off and I just leaned back against the couch I was sitting on. What a break and what a friend I have. One thing is certain: I won't let him down.

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PSW + angeldelayette = color me interested! :D


It's good to see you here, critical! I just might look toward signing Jared Johnson in the future. :D


Sweet back story. Push Steven Parker and hopefully SWF won't come calling so you can get some good use out of him.


I am glad you're enjoying the back story so far. One of my big concerns with guys like Steven Parker is SWF and TCW coming after them. I know I'm gonna lose wrestlers from time to time, though. It's one of the interesting things about booking for a company like this.

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Replacement for Steven Parker and Matty Keith? Jared Johnson :p


In all seriousness, I am deadly interested in this project AD. Please please tell me that Timothy Hawk is gonna be a pretty boy heel.


That sounds like a fair trade to me, right? lol.


Am glad that you are very interested in this diary and without giving too much away as we head toward the first card that I actually run Timothy Hawk is not planned to be on-screen on the first card.

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[December 2009



I had a little bit of a problem when speaking with my landlady about leaving the lease early. Some of that problem was a hearing problem on her part. She just didn't seem to hear that I was leaving one way or another. Eventually, she got the picture when I walked out with my bags in my hands and got into my car to head up for Pittsburgh. I expect to be hearing from her sometime or maybe she'll just let me go. One can never tell with some people, right?


When I got to Pittsburgh, I found that my good friend Mitch had set up a furnished apartment for me and paid for the first month's rent. There was a note left within a drawer stating that the rent would come out of my first paycheck. Hey, if this job pays enough for my rent and more then I'm a happy guy, right?


I tossed a couple of duffel bags on the bed and then started looking around again. I focused in on a desk where I found several pieces of information Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. One of the most important things that I found was a roster listing with each wrestler and their current gimmicks plus the results that they are planning for the December To Dismember show at the end of the month.


Things are about to get interesting.

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[January 2010



The December To Dismember show went very well indeed. The crowd was hot as they normally are. Our main event was a major battle royal pitting every single wrestler in PSW aside from Frankie Future with the winner getting a PSW World title shot at Future at PSW Hardcore Heaven. The surprise winner? Grandmaster Phunk. Phunk celebrated with a couple of ladies who were brought in from a local strip club to end the show. So at my first show the main event is obvious: Frankie Future defends the PSW Championship against Grandmaster Phunk in what should be an excellent match.


We set up a big match for the upcoming Hardcore Heaven show. One of the major PSW feuds to end the year has been Steven Parker and Ash Campbell battling over the favor of Nicole Kiss. Parker has not been treating Nicole in a favorable manner so Ash Campbell has come to her rescue many times. The fight for Nicole Kiss will be on at my first show.


I sat in front of my desk knowing that my first evening, my first show will be very important. That show is at the end of this month. I have a lot of professional WRESTLERS who are ready to fight and ready to believe in what I have to tell them. This month, we don't begin the revolution, we continue it.

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No Rules, Just Fights


PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Dead Bolt

Dead Bolt is normally seen in tag team action with his partner Primal Rage. But last month the team known as Dead Rage both attacked the straight edge wrestler Matthew Keith. This month, Dead Bolt gets the shot.


PSW Tag Team Titles: The Deadly Alliance defends vs. The Good Ol' Boys

The Deadly Alliance just became the first ever 2 time PSW tag team champions last month when they defeated Dead Rage. This team was also the first ever PSW tag team champions but there is no rest for the weary. The Good Ol' Boys are looking to prove that the south shall rise again. The two redneck rebels look to take back the gold that they lost back in May.


Fight For Nicole Kiss: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell

This match is known as the Fight For Nicole Kiss. Nicole has been Steven Parker's girlfriend for several months but he has been abusing and assaulting her at every turn. Finally someone came to her rescue in second generation wrestler Ash Campbell. Parker and Campbell battled last month to no true conclusion. But what will happen this time?


Alex Braun vs. Tank Bradley

These two men are former 3 time DaVE tag team Champions but last month at December To Dismember Tank Bradley took some exception to Alex Braun's comments about being the best wrestler from New Jersey. The two met in the center of the ring and decided to see just who he is the best. These two men will meet at PSW Hardcore Heaven.


JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin

JD Morgan has been the enforcer of the Untouchables since their formation back in 2007. Morgan is one of the best technical wrestlers but he is facing a man who has been the heart and soul of both DaVE and PSW in Johnny Martin. Martin is known as being an Icon but he's not Untouchable. Which of these men will survive?


PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. Grandmaster Phunk

Our main event is a match that was set up last month when Grandmaster Phunk won a battle royal to determine a new number one contender to 'The Franchise' Frankie Future. Future has held the PSW Championship since July of last year. He has truly proven himself as being 'Untouchable.' But will Grandmaster Phunk shock the world two months in a row and become the new PSW Champion?


Quick Picks

PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Dead Bolt

PSW Tag Team Titles: The Deadly Alliance defends vs. The Good Ol' Boys

Fight For Nicole Kiss: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell

Alex Braun vs. Tank Bradley

JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin

PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. Grandmaster Phunk

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PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Dead Bolt

PSW Tag Team Titles: The Deadly Alliance defends vs. The Good Ol' Boys

Fight For Nicole Kiss: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell

Alex Braun vs. Tank Bradley

JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin

PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. Grandmaster Phunk

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PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Dead Bolt

PSW Tag Team Titles: The Deadly Alliance defends vs. The Good Ol' Boys

Fight For Nicole Kiss: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell

Alex Braun vs. Tank Bradley

JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin

PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. Grandmaster Phunk

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PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Dead Bolt

There's no world in which Dead Bolt gets the title.


PSW Tag Team Titles: The Deadly Alliance defends vs. The Good Ol' Boys


There are few teams I mark out for more than Langton and Fitzpaine.


Fight For Nicole Kiss: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell


I know PSW is all about pushing the limits of taste, but if this feud is as you describe it, there is no question at all that Campbell has to win the blowoff.


Alex Braun vs. Tank Bradley


Best wrestler from New Jersey? I think Black Eagle might have something to say about that. I also think Tank Bradley has nothing to say in his defense.


JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin


Customarily, Martin is higher up than Morgan. I see no reason to believe that's any different here.


PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. Grandmaster Phunk


Phunk's a good candidate for the belt. He's one of the top stars in the company, a little more popular than Frankie, and at this point your most talented main eventer. And Frankie's held the belt for the while. I say pull the trigger.

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PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Dead Bolt

ummm... don't put the belt on Dead Bolt. Just not a good idea.


PSW Tag Team Titles: The Deadly Alliance defends vs. The Good Ol' Boys

The Deadly Alliance won the best last month, they'll retain here.


Fight For Nicole Kiss: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell

With the feud as it is, Ash needs the blowoff win. Plus Parker is usually in SWF by the beginning of March in my games.


Alex Braun vs. Tank Bradley

Tank Bradley has no claim to be the best wrestler in the ring, let alone New Jersey.


JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin

Everyone else is going with it. Why not me too?


PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. Grandmaster Phunk

Phunk is also usually raided by SWF pretty early on as well. Might as well keep the title on Frankie since he's a lot more likely to stick around.

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PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Dead Bolt

If Dead Bolt ever beats a Keith I may cry

PSW Tag Team Titles: The Deadly Alliance defends vs. The Good Ol' Boys

Fight For Nicole Kiss: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell

Alex Braun vs. Tank Bradley

Tank is just awful

JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin

Much prefer Johnny

PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. Grandmaster Phunk

Phunk will likely get stolen before long, so Frankie should retain

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PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Dead Bolt

SWF/TCW shouldn't be calling yet.

PSW Tag Team Titles: The Deadly Alliance defends vs. The Good Ol' Boys

Unsure who they are, but title defence on first show is always a good bet.

Fight For Nicole Kiss: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell

Alex Braun vs. Tank Bradley

JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin

PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. Grandmaster Phunk

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Well, this threw me for a loop. Ah, well, it turns out that Dry-Erase Board Guy gets his hardcore fixes up in Pittsburgh quite a bit, so...he's waiting for the first "Fans Bring The Weapons" match. Because he will break out the madness.


PSW National Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Dead Bolt

Um...yeah...Dead Bolt. He...isn't...good.


PSW Tag Team Titles: The Deadly Alliance defends vs. The Good Ol' Boys

Title defense, even though I'm not sure who The Deadly Alliance consists of.


Fight For Nicole Kiss: Steven Parker vs. Ash Campbell

Ash, Ash, he's our man, when Steven Parker defects to the SWF, he'll have Nicole's hand!


Alex Braun vs. Tank Bradley

Iceman slows Tank down even more. So, like, the speed of an iceberg.


JD Morgan vs. Johnny Martin

Ah, a battle of DaVE vets. Always go with Johnny.


PSW Championship Match: Frankie Future defends vs. Grandmaster Phunk

He's the future, after all.


On My Dry-Erase Board This Month:

- Dead Bolt: A Failure At Life

- Just Some Good Ol' Boys, Always Meaning Some Harm...

- Quit Fighting, You Two. I Have The Right To Nicole Kiss!

- If I Was From New Jersey, I'd Be Ranked Higher Than Tank

- Blast(s) From The Past!

- I Came To See Phunk...and His "Assistants"!

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