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TOURNAMENT: Justin Sane vs. Jennifer Chen

TOURNAMENT: John Thompson vs. Kevin Morris

TOURNAMENT: Moth-Man vs. Father Spencer

TOURNAMENT: Black Sheep vs. Elemental XL


Elemental XL may have size, but he's not a pretty cool dude like Black Sheep

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  • Replies 143
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Thanks for the predictions again fellas. Always interesting to see who you're pulling for etc.


TOURNAMENT: Justin Sane vs. Jennifer Chen

TOURNAMENT: John Thompson vs. Kevin Morris

TOURNAMENT: Moth-Man vs. Father Spencer

TOURNAMENT: Black Sheep vs. Elemental XL


Don't know if you picked your match in purpose as a draw?


TOURNAMENT: Justin Sane vs. Jennifer Chen

TOURNAMENT: John Thompson vs. Kevin Morris

TOURNAMENT: Moth-Man vs. Father Spencer

TOURNAMENT: Black Sheep vs. Elemental XL


Elemental XL may have size, but he's not a pretty cool dude like Black Sheep


This here is excellent. It should be Sheep's personal tagline; "Black Sheep. Pretty cool dude." Sheep for president!

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Internet stopped working last night as I was posting this: Good stuff with the promos guys.. I'll put the show up today. Still missing a few segments, but thats all right I guess.


Also, while I am at it. The prizes.. The prediction contest winner can create an NPC if they want for the project. For the players a small point system shall take place:


  • CONTRIBUTION - 1 point
  • SEGMENT OF THE NIGHT - 4 points


Once you have collected 10 points, you can get a skill increase of 10% to any skill you choose. This is to encourage players to contribute to the project and to encourage quality segments.


The winners of the SEGMENT OF THE NIGHT #1 Trophy are... LEX STAR & ELEMENTAL XL. That means both get 4 points + 1 point (contribution), adding to a total of 5 points. Everyone else who contributed for the first show receive one point. Hope thats not too confusing :)

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Internet stopped working last night as I was posting this: Good stuff with the promos guys.. I'll put the show up today. Still missing a few segments, but thats all right I guess.


Also, while I am at it. The prizes.. The prediction contest winner can create an NPC if they want for the project. For the players a small point system shall take place:


  • CONTRIBUTION - 1 point
  • SEGMENT OF THE NIGHT - 4 points


Once you have collected 10 points, you can get a skill increase of 10% to any skill you choose. This is to encourage players to contribute to the project and to encourage quality segments.


The winners of the SEGMENT OF THE NIGHT #1 Trophy are... LEX STAR & ELEMENTAL XL. That means both get 4 points + 1 point (contribution), adding to a total of 5 points. Everyone else who contributed for the first show receive one point. Hope thats not too confusing :)

That's awesome. Segment of the night...hope to make that much of an impact in my in-ring debut.

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The Dog Pound proudly presents.. OOOOHH YEEAAHH!

In front of 106 (+55) people in attendance in the Synthesis Mall

6th of February 2010






Beethovens Fifth plays over the speakers as Gladiator makes his way to the ring, a microphone in hand.


GLADIATOR: Hellloooooooooooooo Dogpound! Lets hear some noise.


The audience start clapping their hands, quite quietly as if they dont really care.


GLADIATOR: Thank you, thank you. My name is Gladiator. From the day I was born, I knew I was born in the wrong time. My whole life to me combat was the only thing that got my adrenaline going. Especially life or death situations. I have punched bears in the face. I have made sharks tap out to sleeper holds. I have hit the colloseum driver on alligators... and now im here. I dont care about a fancy golden belt, you see, the reason I have come to the dog pound is im looking for the ultimate challenge. A rival who can, on any given day, equal me in combat, maybe even defeat me. That is my one true goal, in the dog pound, and in life. The ultimate enemy. I need to know... how it would end. Would I win? Would I lose? I was born to compete in great battles. I always knew that batle was the one thing in life that I needed to calm my restless soul. I have but one fear. Knowing that their is no equal. My name is Gladiator.


He stops for a moment to look at the entrance ramp.


GLADIATOR: ...and if you can provide me the challenge my spirit seeks, then I welcome it.


Gladiator drops the microphone and heads to the back to an even smaller amount of clapping than before.





FLOGGSON: Hello I am Graham Floggson and I am the interviwer on the ground and I am about to get an exclusive interview with The Dog Pound newest star Jennifer Chen


(Graham opens door to Jennifer's rather spacious Locker room)


FLOGGSON: Hello Jennifer

Jennifer-(upon noticing Graham staring at her) the rest of me is up here or do you have some kind of neck problem


FLOGGSON: sorry, sorry, I need to ask what is your opinion on the tourtement for the title


CHEN: at first I wasn't going to enter but Ben here( she is pointing to a wooden figurine) told me to aim high ,aim to be a winner or end up a loser.


FLOGGSON: uh... all right what is your opinion on your opponent Justin Sane.


CHEN: (face contoring in rage) I will destory that agent of Chaos and all those who break the rules of society.


FLOGGSON: are you sure your okay


CHEN: Your just like the rest no every understands only Jake understands, only Jake.




Jennifer hits Graham with a steel chair then throws Graham out of the locker room.


CHEN: almost forgot


Jennifer destroys the camera




Justin Sane VS. Jennifer Chen

Debut time for JenChen, who obviously received a few whistles from the male parts of the audience. She wasn't too happy to hear those though, and even tried to smack a few males who tried to touch her on her way to the ring. Justin Sane came to the ring as bright as ever, and just wanted to get straight to business.


Even though Chen tried to match up her skills with Sane, Sane was just better in every aspect: quicker, more powerful, more skilled. Chen managed to keep him in bay with a few MMA manouvres in the mid parts though, but then Sane rushed with a combo of enzuigiri, bulldog and tornado ddt. Following that series of moves was the visually beautiful Insane Manoeuvre; a text book shooting star press. 1..2..3, Sane sent the Chinagirl back to her roots.


Justin Sane with
The Insane Manoeuvre
@ 12:01




MORRIS: Some of you may know me, some may not, I am Kevin "The War Machine" Morris and I am the living proof that only the best can make something of themselves. Look at football, you might make it to the Superbowl, undeafeted, and lose that one game to prove who is best, you will be forgotten. Some cheat, some have massive strenght, and some others escaped from a mental institution and are passing off as a excited wrestler. They are the best at what they do, and that is how they are here with the very best, me. I am better than the "best" and I will raise the standered of being "the best" and no one will be better then me. How will I prove I am the best? I will become champion and no Sheep, mustle bound moron, moth, or anyone else will stop me from doing just that!




John Thompson VS. Kevin Morris

After witnessing John Thompson being brutally beaten last month, there wasn't a person in the attendance who thought he could hold a candle to the debuting "War Machine". Thompson himself looked like he thought that was going to happen as well, and when Kevin Morris made his entrance with a focused look behind his shades, the English Machine Gun started to re-think his strategy.


The match itself was pretty much a Kevin Morris showcase. Everytime Thompson tried to hit a move, Morris reversed it with his fine array of chain wrestling manouvers, and usually turned it into a painful submission. The crowd was pretty much dead from seeing "War Machine" dominate his opponent, but gladly it was a short bout, with Morris locking his "Machine Line" finisher to seal the deal. After he was announced the winner, he just put his shades back on and walked out of the arena without an emotion shown.


Kevin Morris with
The Machine Line
@ 7:23




Douglas Kritch and the monsterous ABH are in the ring


KRITCH: Ladies & gentlemen, last month saw the domination, the violence, the ACTUAL BODILY HARM my client can produce. Poor John Thompson, I heard he spent a week in hospital, what a shame




KRITCH: This month the management here in The Dog Pound have paid my client to NOT wrestle a match, for fear that he might actually KILL someone to take hold of the top prize, the Dog Pound Top Dog Championship. Such is the fear he inspires, such is the dread of his foes. So tonight, you will have no match from the almighty, the devestating, the dominating Actual Bodily Harm.




KRITCH: Instead, I offer an open challenge. If any man is brave or stupid enough to step out here and last 20 seconds against the man-monster ABH he will forfeit his shot at The Top Dog Title.


We wait about 30 seconds, then some music hits and Nils Østergaard walks down the ramp and gets into the ring


KRITCH: Well, you sure got some balls boy.


ØSTERGAARD: I'm not afraid of anyone. I'm the top gun of The Dog Pound, the best of the best. I don't even need to showcase my abilities, not to anyone of you. But, I want to change the stakes a little, since I don't give a rat's ass about ABH's title shot. If I win, you'll manage me old man. Deal?


KRITCH: HAHAHAHA! OK kid, you got a deal.


Kritch pulls out a stopwatch.


KRITCH: Ready? Set? GO!


Østergaard charges straight at ABH but eats a big boot to the face. ABH picks him up, whips him into the ropes, runs the ropes himself and hits a massive spear on the poor Dane who is left completely knocked out. Kritch shows the stopwatch to the camera, it reads 11 seconds.


KRITCH: Tut tut tut, not even close kid. All of you wrestlers in the back, you best be watching, this is the fate that awaits you all.


ABH picks up the unconcious Østergaard, lifts him high in the air and delivers a massive powerbomb to the catatonic Dane. And another. And another. Officials and road agents run to the ring while Kritch and his monster stand and watch before slowly walking up the ramp. As they leave Kritch has one parting phrase






Moth-Man VS. Father Spencer

This match is full of emotion. First one to come out behind the curtains was Father Spencer, with cold look in his eyes. He walked to the ring without moving his eyes from the ring once. Once it was time for Moth-Man's entrance, the lights went out. Again the tiny orange light started buzzing out the arena. As Spencer focused to the match, somebody jumped him from above: it's Moth-Man coming from the roof!


Moth-Man obviously tried to get the revenge for Spencer, because he caused mental pain for his dear friend, Disco Fever, whom he met last month. But Spencer managed to take control after an adrenaline rush of Moth-Man, using his experience, good basics and brawling ability to his advantage. Whenever the resident superhero was about to take control, the Father flattened him out with some dastardly tactic. The final nail to the coffin came when Spencer told the referee to spot out the large spider in the corner, which allowed him to hit a low blow and his Crucifix Powerbomb finisher. Lights out butterfly man.


Father Spencer with a
Crucifix Powerbomb
@ 12:15




Merchandise tables have been set up, manned by Dog Pound staff members and a handful of wrestling stars. A couple of dozen wrestling fans both young and old excitedly flock to buy the merchandise of their favourites. BLACK SHEEP watches from a quiet corner, in conversation with 9-year old BJORN JOHANSON.


BLACK SHEEP: … and that’s why I never eat vegetables.


ELEMENTAL XL walks by, a box of authentic replica masks under his mighty arm. Bjorn’s eyes light up. He’s so excited! He fumbles into his pockets and pulls out a 20 euro note.


BLACK SHEEP: Woah woah woah. Billy, what are you doing?


BJORN JOHANSSON: I’m gonna buy an Elemental mask. My friends are going to be sooo jealous.


BLACK SHEEP: Sure, but… you’re going to pay for it? Billy. Dude. Only suckers pay. Cool kids know how to get things for free. Pirated DVDs. Downloaded music. Some other third thing. If you want to really make your friends jealous you should keep your money AND get the mask on a “five fingered discount“.


BJORN JOHANSON: You mean… steal?


BLACK SHEEP: Absolutely. Look at these jeans I’m wearing. You think I paid for these? Fat chance. Besides, Elemental is a big wrestling star. He’s not going to miss one little mask. He’s probably got a million of them back in his mansion or whatever. Come on, Billy. We were having a good time. Don’t be part of that lame “pay for things” flock. Be cool. Be like Black Sheep.




BLACK SHEEP: Awesome. I’ll go create a distraction.


Before Bjorn can protest, Black Sheep has leapt onto a table, almost falling over in the process.


BLACK SHEEP: Ladies! Gentlemen! Especially Kids! Tonight, the greatest tournament of all time begins! We are gonna find out who the true top Dog is in this Pound. Spoiler alert! It’s gonna be me. Black Sheep! You adults may not like me because I tell your kids the truth (that’s right, Santa is a lie) but I am a true role model for children everywhere, and their support will help me win. Elemental XL! You may be huge. You may be strong. You may be surprisingly athletic, but… um… I forgot where I was going with this. Elemental XL! You’re my first hurdle on the road to greatness. Your ass is grass, and I eat grass for breakfast!


With all the attention on Black Sheep, little Bjorn Johanson sneaks up to the merchandise table and inches his hand closer and closer to the coveted Elemental mask until… A member of the Dog Pound staff grabs his hand.


STAFF MEMBER: Hey! What do you think you’re doing?


Everyone turns around to see the little boy with his hand caught in the cookie jar.


BJORN JOHANSON: I… but… Black Sheep! Help?


Black Sheep flees.






We cut backstage, and we are greeted by Lex Star. He smirks, and looks directly at the camera.


LEX STAR: I would like to thank everyone for their time. I am here of course, to talk about the BIG baby, Elemental Xtra Large. I think we all remember what happend when we last saw the pathetic child who thinks he's a real professional wrestler. Just in case you all have forgotten, let me refresh your memory.


The camera pans over to the right a bit, showing a small-screen, it replays Elemental XL's breakdown, him crying, but when Elemental begins his rant about how he's tired of all the bullies and him vowing to take out Lex Star, you and everyone else can clearly tell that he's been dubbed, courtesy of yours truly. All you hear is Lex Star making mocking crying sounds, dubbing Elemental XL's serious comeback. You can clearly hear Lex Star in the background laughing.


LEX STAR: There you have it folks, I have just proven that he does not belong anywhere near a wrestling ring, he's nothing but a joke. Everything about him is a big joke, his girly flower mask, the fact he thinks he's an Elemental, the fact he thinks he's a high-flyer! Hah, that's one of the best jokes I've heard in my entire life.


Lex Star just smiles and begins to laugh, he removes his amazing star glasses, and pretends to wipe away a tear. He keeps the glasses off and looks at the camera, his expression has changed, he now looks dead serious.


LEX STAR: If I can be serious for a minute. Elemental XL, last time we talked, you threatened me with a so-called Hawaiian Punch. Let me tell you one thing, I do not take threats lightly. I'm gonna tell you this one time and one time only, you better watch your back, because when you least expect it, my boot is going to meet your face. The same goes for everyone else in the Dog Pound. I am the top dog here, and I am going to prove it by winning the Championship tournament, and there's not a single person here that can stop me.




Black Sheep VS. Elemental XL

Black Sheep's music hits first, and the Welsh sheep walks down the isle for a fair amount of boo's. Some parents try to slap the poor Sheep, but he dodges the bullets and walks to the ring with confidence dripping from him. Elemental XL's entrance was met with a mixed reaction, but the giant didn't care: he was happy to have atleast some support behind him. Before the bell could ring, the referee checked the contestants for weapons, and finds a massive sheep bell in Black Sheep's crotch. What he was checking for there is quite a different topic.


After losing his weapon Sheep's confidence dropped down to zero, and that allowed the Hawaiian to take control. He managed to chain a few basic moves together, but then tried to hit a flying crossbody on the oncoming Black Sheep. Sheep managed to dodge, and XL crashed down to the mat. Sheep then took control with his sheep pun manouvers, especially the submissions. The Sheeper Hold almost put the big man down, but Elemental managed to mash him with a couple of elbows, that took Sheep flying, also taking down the referee. This allowed the opportunist that is Lex Star to come and smash XL's skull in half with a thuddin' chair shot. Needless to say, Black Sheep was more than pleased to steal the victory with a one two three.


Black Sheep via a pinfall @ 13:27

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Guest codey
Righteousness will soon reign supreme in this backwoods company as I, Father Spencer, advance one step closer to being the Top Dog. Ha ha!
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Guest codey
"Cheating" is just one extreme measure I must take in order to rid this world of the truly wicked. Moths are annoyances that must be dealt with by any means necessary!
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Internet stopped working last night as I was posting this: Good stuff with the promos guys.. I'll put the show up today. Still missing a few segments, but thats all right I guess.


Also, while I am at it. The prizes.. The prediction contest winner can create an NPC if they want for the project. For the players a small point system shall take place:


  • CONTRIBUTION - 1 point
  • SEGMENT OF THE NIGHT - 4 points


Once you have collected 10 points, you can get a skill increase of 10% to any skill you choose. This is to encourage players to contribute to the project and to encourage quality segments.


The winners of the SEGMENT OF THE NIGHT #1 Trophy are... LEX STAR & ELEMENTAL XL. That means both get 4 points + 1 point (contribution), adding to a total of 5 points. Everyone else who contributed for the first show receive one point. Hope thats not too confusing :)


Nice. :)


Show #2 was fun.

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JUSTIN SANE def. JENNIFER CHEN to advance in the DOG POUND TOP DOG tournament E+


KEVIN MORRIS def. JOHN THOMPSON to advance in the DOG POUND TOP DOG tournament : F+


FATHER SPENCER def. MOTH-MAN to advance in the DOG POUND TOP DOG tournament : D-



BLACK SHEEP def. ELEMENTAL XL to advance in the DOG POUND TOP DOG tournament : E



  • First D- Match! Yay!
  • A nice attendance increase




Show #2 Prediction Results:


bgbuff.................4 / 4

crayon.......'.........4 / 4

Self.....................4 / 4

20LEgend..............3 / 4

MJStark...............''3 / 4

Synticha...............3 / 4

ChrisKid................'2 / 4

CJAlex.................''2 / 4

TheOmniWarrior......2 / 4

Clp605..................1 / 3

Boltinho................'1 / 4

funkyzafara...........'1 / 4

MichiganHero.........'1 / 4

mtimmins...............1 / 4


Congratulations to bgbuff, crayon & Self for a perfect score. You're one step closer for the magnificent prize announcer few posts above.




Overall Standings:


crayon.......'.........6 / 8

bgbuff..................5 / 7

MJStark................5 / 8

Self...................'..5 / 8

Synticha...............5 / 8

TheOmniWarrior......4 / 8

ChrisKid...............'.4 / 8

CJAlex.................'.4 / 8

funkyzafara..........'.4 / 8

20LEgend............'..4 / 8

Clp605...............'...3 / 7

mtimmins..............'.3 / 8

Boltinho...............''.3 / 8

MichiganHero.......''..2 / 8

TheLeviticalLawKid3''3 / 4

TheEffect.............'.1 / 3

Derek_B.................1 / 4

moon_lit_tears.....'.'.0 / 4

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Guest codey
Once again, Father Spencer demonstrates to all you heathens and sinners the power that faith in MY God can provide. The results speak for themselves, but if you still feel otherwise, then you surely are on a path to damnation, and I can do nothing to help your poor, wretched soul.
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Once again, Father Spencer demonstrates to all you heathens and sinners the power that faith in MY God can provide. The results speak for themselves, but if you still feel otherwise, then you surely are on a path to damnation, and I can do nothing to help your poor, wretched soul.


Chillax Father dude! No need to be so righteous. Let the good times flow through you like magic!

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Dog Pound III proudly presents.. Road to Gold Continues | (6.3.2010) | Synthesis Mall

TOP DOG TOURNAMENT ~ ROUND 1: Actual Bodily Harm [1-0] /w Douglas Kritch VS. Disco Fever [0-0-1] /w Moth-Man

TOP DOG TOURNAMENT ~ ROUND 1: Pat Paladin [0-1] VS. Nils Østergaard [0-1]

TOP DOG TOURNAMENT ~ ROUND 1: Lex Star [0-0] VS. Chris Slaughter [1-0]

Father Spencer [1-0] & Jennifer Chen [0-1] VS. The Gladiator [1-0] & Elemental XL [0-1]




TOURNAMENT: ABH vs. Disco Fever

TOURNAMENT: Pat Paladin vs. Nils Østergaard

TOURNAMENT: Lex Star vs. Chris Slaughter

Father Spencer & Jennifer Chen vs. The Gladiator & Elemental XL

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TOURNAMENT: ABH vs. Disco Fever

Surely ABH is unstoppable?


TOURNAMENT: Pat Paladin vs. Nils Østergaard

loss for random Scandy


TOURNAMENT: Lex Star vs. Chris Slaughter

Lex has been good so far


Father Spencer & Jennifer Chen vs. The Gladiator & Elemental XL

Not sure here but I like the Low Flier

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