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4 Corners of Chaos: TNA

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Good Show...Nice to see "The Ultimate Warrior" in action (He's the third one right? 'cause the first guy died and the second one is in WWF?...'ya lost me)


Who's counting these days anyway?


@ Road Warriors vs The Dudleys...D*** I wish these two teams paths woulda crossed in real life, a prolonged feud between these teams would have been EPIC


Yeah that feud could have been good irl. I was actually surprised to see just how well this match went, consdering that Team 3D still aren't all that over and Animal still has low momentum after coming back from a long injury. It was pretty much just a "let's see how this match goes and then run from there" type of match, and it exceeded expectations.


Seems you got the same problem I do...Final grade seems like it shoulda been higher based on the main event/semi main event ratings


I think perhaps Vader's attack on Guerrero and Jericho, which got a surprising C, bombed me down one notch on the final grade. I was pretty shocked to see how poorly that segment ran.

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TNA Impact!


Pre-show match:

The Hearbreakers vs. Bobby Blaze and Bart Sawyer

Ruiz pins Sawyer after a Broken Heart.

Winners: The Heartbreakers

Match length: 5:23

Rating: D-


The Apocalypse is in the ring with belts in hands, talking about how they "dismantled" Harlem Heat at Destination X and sarcastically ask "who's next?" while declaring themselves to be a unstopable force of nature. The Road Warriors then appear and demands a shot at taking back the belt they lost without ever being pinned themselves, but Team 3D comes out as well, claiming that they deserve a shot just as much, and reminds Animal and Hawk that their match at Destination X went unresolved. One thing leads to another, and a ref comes out to start a 3-way for the TNA World Tag Team Championship!

Rating: C+


TNA World Tag Team Championship match:

The Road Warriors /w. Paul Ellering vs. Team 3D vs. The Apocalypse ©

Yet another strong and exciting tag team bout from TNA here. Brother Ray actually looked set to pin Animal after a 3D, but Ellering pulled him halfway out of the ring without the ref directly seeing it. Abyss then took advantage and pinned an enraged and distracted Ray after a brutal Chokeslam.

Winners, and still champions: The Apocalypse

Match length: 12:40

Rating: B


Chris Jericho comes out, calling out Guerrero as well. He says that the big blob that as Vader holding the TNA X Division Championship is a travesty and one they must unite to end, in spite of their differences. An immobile mountain like Vader is not what the belt stands for, and the way he retained his title at Destination X was a disgrace. Guerrero agrees but assures Jericho that he will win the belt, but he will win it cleanly - and will not stoop to Jericho's level and use cheats and lies! The champion, Vader, then appears and says that if these two tiny bugs wants to be crushed again so hard, he will gladly do so... again. Because tonight, it's time, it's Vader time!!!

Rating: C


Harlem Heat are discussing their title match loss at Destination X when two new wrestlers comes over and presents themselves as Mike Enos and Wayne Bloom respectively, collectively known as The Destruction Crew. They present themselves as a veteran tag team who are former AWA World Tag Team Champions and tell Booker T and Stevie Ray that they plan on and look forward to capturing the much-coveted TNA World Tag Team Championship belts as well. Booker and Stevie mocks them and calls them suckas, after which an enraged Enos and Bloom walks away... only to come back to assault The Heat, laying them out!

Rating: D+


Two on one handicap match:

Bobby Eaton vs. The Heavenly Bodies /w. Bruce Prichard

A perhaps over-confident Eaton seeks revenge against both Lane and Tom Prichard after what happened at Destination X. But although he's absolutely fired up, the numbers advantage for his opponents is too much and Tom pins him after a Superkick. He did manage to dominate most of the match prior to that, however.

Winners: The Heavenly Bodies

Match length: 6:52

Rating: C+


Jeff Jarrett comes out with... a belt around his waist...? JR recognizes it, being the human wrestling encyclopedia that he is, as the defunct (or at least, that's what we all thought) USWA World Heavyweight Championship. Jarrett speaks: "At least Impact, I vowed to step out here today as a world champion... and behold, that's exactly what I have done!" The crowd boos as they had expected him to come out with a resignation speech. "I have decided that I don't even want the TNA World Heavyweight Championship anymore, as it is a soulless belt with no proud history - unlike this fine and honourable belt right here. So I will let Sting and Nash and whoever else wants to run around like jackasses chase that other thing, as THIS belt right here is the only meaningful world championship now in TNA!"

Rating: C+


James Mitchell is doing a promo in favor of his client, Rhino, declaring that his loss to The Ultimate Warrior at Destination X should be removed from the records as it shouldn't count on the basis of being unfair since Rhino had no way of knowing that Warrior had joined TNA and thus no way to proper prepare for such an opponent. He also vows that this does not signify another unlucky losing streak for Rhino and that he will, in fact, get straight back up on the horse right now!

Rating: D-


Rhino /w. James Mitchell vs. One Man Gang

Mitchell's promise came true as Rhino defeated the equally powerfull OMG after a Gore.

Winner: Rhino

Match length: 6:43

Rating: C+


DDP is in the ring, talking smack about Davey Boy. He refuses to admit defeat against him in spite of having lost two consecutive PPV matches to him cleanly, and wants a re-match right now! But Davey Boy does not come out, instead Kevin Nash does... Nash tells DDP that he lost and that he should forget about it and move on, as Davey Boy is a nobody and not worth bothering with. DDP does not look at all pleased with Nash's words, but before he can say anything Nash continues: "You see, old friend... you lost two PPVs in a row - And I lost two PPVs in a row. And that made me start thinking... we need each other. You and I were much better when we were a team, when we had each others' backs. Back then, no way would either of us had suffered two such humiliating losses in a row! Therefore... I propose that we once again unite to stand a common ground! DDP hesitates a bit... but then agrees and shakes Nash's hand and they share a hug while the crowd boos.

Rating: B-


Christian Cage /w. Bob Backlund, Sean Waltman and The Latin-American Connection vs. The Quebecers and PG-13

And open match ends when Backlund decides to poke J.C. Ice in the yes, after which Cage hesitantly pinned him after an Unprettier. He did however berate Backlund for interfering afterwards.

Winners: Christian Cage, Sean Waltman and The Latin-American Connection

Match length: 8:31

Rating: C


The Ultimate Warrior is backstage huffing and puffing when Sting comes by and welcomes him to TNA, declaring himself to be pleased to see his old tag team partner again. Yes, apparantly the two tagged together long time ago as "The Blade Runners". They talk a bit about old days untill Warrior switches from being partially incoherent to being fully incoherent, rambling about a golden goose being emperor of the land of the Smurfs or something equally weird, which prompts Sting to leave and let Warrior have the camera for himself. In spite of Warrior's usual weirdness, the crowd ate it all and loved it.

Rating: B+


Kevin Nash /w. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Jim Neidhart

DDP distracted Neidhart a few times during the match, but did not directly interfer - and Nash took care of business himself when pinning Neidhart cleanly after a Jackknife Powerbomb.

Winner: Kevin Nash

Match length: 8:07

Rating: C


A video is hyping Sting, showing highlights from his TNA run so far.

Rating: A


TNA X Division Championship match:

Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Vader ©

Another great match between these 3, in which Jericho and Guererro both gave it their all in vain to end Vader's reign, ended when Vader first Vaderbombed Jericho and then brutally Vaderbombed Guerrero on top of him, after which he pinned Jericho. Is this monster unstopable...?

Winner, and still champion: Vader

Match length: 14:35

Rating: B


Show rating: B-

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Wrestling Spectator Newsletter

- by Dale Speltzer


Interview with a <S>vampire</S> booker


We here at the WSN are proud to present an exclusive interview with the mysterious and handsome TNA booker, 'Hive'. We sat down with him and asked him a serious of questions which he answered with brutal honesty. Without further ado, let's get this thing started!


Dale: Thank you so much for meeting with us, it's a great honor to meet what is probably the greatest mind in wrestling right now!


Hive: The pleasure is all mine, glad to be here.


D: First of all let me congratulate you on your success with TNA so far, giving us critically acclaimed shows such as show of the year TNA vs. AWA, which was a brilliant and innovative idea, as well as the Japan Supershow which was fresh and different - not to mention all the many many other highly entertaining shows you have provided us with so far.


H: Well, thank you very much. I'm just happy you enjoy our product. Stay tuned, as we're only just getting started. :)


D: Oh I definately will, as will millions of fans all over the globe. Now, my curiosity forces me to ask this... we've all heard the rumors, but is there any truth to the lovely Dawn Marie being let go because she made you feel uncomfortable with constant sexual advanced and an outright obsession with you? Several sources from within TNA have confirmed this rumor already...


H: Haha. Well, you know... I'm not one to kiss and tell, so let me just say that Dawn Marie is a sweet young woman who simply got carried away by her emotions. I think 'obsession' is a strong word, you just simply can't help what the heart wants. Her departure was a mutual decision due to both her and TNA agreeing that at this point in her life, TNA was not the right place to be for her.


D: You're a class act for sure. I hope Dawn Marie gets back on her feet soon. Back to your highly successfull TNA vs. AWA show, which I definately agree was the best show of 1995 by far; it was a brilliant and, I must say, very surprising move to see that cross-promotion between you and AWA. Not only with the event itself, but in the time leading up to it as well. How did you come up with such an idea, and can we expect to see more of the same in the future?


H: Thanks again for the praise. Well the idea simply came to me one night when I was thinking to myself about ways to surprise and excite the audience in a way noone else was doing at the time while at the same time advancing our company. As the arguably smallest of the "big four" companies, we needed something that could put us on the map. And I'm proud to say that I think this did the trick. Will we do something like this again in the future? Hmm... while it of course wouldn't have the same effect and shock as the first time, I most certainly cannot rule it out. We already did something similar with our Japan Supershow, and whenever we encounter an opportunity to give our fans something different we think they'd enjoy, we'll of course pursue it. So while we have no such events or happenings layed out as we speak, I most certainly won't rule it out somewhere in the future.


D: That sounds great, I personally wouldn't mind seeing a Sting vs. Bret Hart II - which was my personal favourite of 1995. You've been in business for nearly 6 months now, and has been established as a big player. What does the future look like, what's your plans going forward?


H: As you suggest yourself, our first roughly half year has mostly been about getting established and creating a loyal fanbase. We have tried to feature both established stars as well as fairly unknown but very talented prospects, but in the future - now that we are already established - I think we will probably push the lesser known prospects a bit more, to ensure that we constantly bring something new and exciting and won't just get stale featuring nothing but 80's stars. Not to say that there's anything wrong with all the great veterans out there, but I believe in looking to the future and, more importantly, making sure the audience won't get bored with the same 5 main eventers for 10 years straight.


D: Oooh that's good to hear, I do love some of your younger talents and will definately be following their future careers in TNA. Especially the X division stands out to me as having several workers who could easily blossom into a world champion within long. Would you say the X division is in part what makes TNA so special?


H: I'd say that the X Division certainly is a major factor for us, but not the only factor. We're all very proud of it, but we're proud of our entire organisation. All our workers be it X division, tag division or singles wrestlers work very hard week after week and are all integral to our success.


D: Speaking of your tag division, we're all in awe of the talent you have there. Not only do you have some of the best veteran teams in the business, you also have some of the best rookie teams to boot. I'm sure all objective onlookers will agree that TNA has the best tag team action in North America, possibly even the world, right now - but at the same time, you seem to have had problems with teams leaving and having to constantly replace them. What does the future hold for the tag division?


H: As you have noticed, we've lost some teams and new teams have come to replace them. Some have left for other promotions, others were let go. I think our tag division is the one with the most change so far, but it has proven to be a strength for us I think. Yes, we've lost some established teams... but it has only forced us to be creative and bring in some new and very exciting teams for our established teams to spar with, and I'm very excited to see where these rookie teams will go in the future. The sky is the limit for several of them. And you can expect more teams to be brought in in the future.


D: That's exciting to hear. Now with such a huge and talented roster as that of TNA, do you ever feel that you could use more time to elevate them? There are stars such as Sean Waltman that we very rarely see.


H: Oh it's definately true that there are many workers - Sean being one of them - that we would love to feature more than we're currently able to. Unfortunately, we only have 2 hours to do with... and only so much can fit in there while advancing the storylines we have. We'd love to have a B-show as well, but I can frankly tell you that's not an option right now. Unfortunately. The fact that all our divisions, be it heavyweight, x division or tag, all have equal quality is both a blessing and a burden, as we want to feature them all much more than we're currently able to. But hopefully in the future, we'll get more tv time.


D: I'll keep my fingers crossed for that as well, as Impact! is hands down the best wrestling show out there right now. And who wouldn't love seeing more of that? Anyway, I can see that our time is up... once again thank you for coming, it's been a real honor and pleasure. Good luck to both yourself and TNA in the future, I for one cannot wait to see what it will bring!


H: Thank you very much, the pleasure has been all mine. And thanks to all our many fans for supporting us and helping make TNA something special. We love you all!

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  • 3 weeks later...

TNA Impact!


Pre-show match:

Kaz Hayashi vs. Matt Hardy

Kaz pins Hardy after a Senton Back Splash.

Winner: Kaz Hayashi

Match length: 4:15

Rating: C-


As a result of Team 3D being the team getting pinned in the 3-way for the TNA World Tag Team Championship match last week, a new title match is announced for the main event tonight between the two other teams in that match: The Road Warriors and the champions, The Apocalypse!

Rating: B-


Bob Backlund is talking to his client, Christian Cage, backstage. He says that later tonight, a 6-way match for #1 contendership for Vader's TNA X Division Championship will take place - and that he has managed to talk Bockwinkel into putting Cage into the match! Therefore, he warns Cage not to hummiliate him by failing to win...

Rating: C


Rhino /w. James Mitchell vs. Shannon Moore

An outmatched Moore faced a man with newfound confidence in Rhino, who easily disposed of Moore after a short match that could have been even shorter had Rhino not decided to play with his food.

Winner: Rhino

Match length: 3:06

Rating: D


Tony Schiavone is interviewing Vader. He suggests Vader to forfeit the X Division Championship and leave it to the cruiserweights instead, but Vader refuses angrily and states that the belt is his to keep! He furthermore says that all those puny, tiny losers in the X division can have as many #1 contendership matches as they wish, because they'll never find anyone strong enough to defeat him. But as long as they wish to send lamb to the slaugther, it's fine by him... because it's time, it's Vader time!

Rating: C-


Team 3D vs. The Heartbreakers

'Chippendale' Tom Brandi and 'Latin Lover' Victor Ruiz faced their first major opponents here in TNA and succumbed to defeat as a result, though only because Brother Devon used dirty tactics and hit Brandi with a chair before pinning him.

Winners: Team 3D

Match length: 5:51

Rating: C


After the match, Ray and Devon grab a couple of mics and starts complaining about The Road Warriors getting a title shot tonight, as the only reason Team 3D did not win the belts last week - according to Ray and Devon - is because Paul Ellering, the "scumbag lowlife manager" of Animal and Hawk, interfered! But they promise that this isn't over yet...

Rating: C+


The Ultimate Warrior vs. Julio Sanchez

Sanchez did his best, but nothing looked able to stop the Warrior today. A Big Splash and this is all over!

Winner: The Ultimate Warrior

Match length: 3:42

Rating: D


After the match, Warrior celebrates with the fans - untill Jeff Jarrett comes out to interrupt. He mocks Warrior and orders him out of the ring, because he has something to say now. Warrior stares him down a bit before finally complying, and Jarrett proceeds to issue an open challenge to anyone daring to fight him for the most coveted belt in professional wrestling today: his USWA World Heavyweight Championship! Jim Neidhart steps out to challenge him...

Rating: B-


...but before Neidhart even reaches the ring, Jarrett assaults him with his belt! He beats him several times mercilessly and throws him back in the ring, ordering a reluctant referee to start the match!

Rating: C+


USWA World Heavyweight Championship match:

Jim Neidhart vs. Jeff Jarrett ©

Neidhart never stood a chance in this match due to Jarrett's pre-match assault, and a Stroke ends this in less than a minute. Jarrett receives loud boos.

Winner, and still champion: Jeff Jarrett

Match length: 0:57

Rating: C-


As if Jarrett's despicable behaviour before the match was not enough, he continues beating on Neidhart after it as well! Untill... The Ultimate Warrior returns to run Jarrett off! Jarrett quickly flees as he wants nothing of Warrior's high-octane power.

Rating: B-


TNA X Division Championship #1 contendership elimination match:

Chris Jericho vs. Misterioso vs. Skayde vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Christian Cage vs. Sean Waltman

Skayde was the first man to be eliminated after a Flying Armbar. Jericho then looked set to get the same treatment also after a Flying Armbar, but Abismo Negro, whom we saw mysteriously attack Misterioso a few weeks ago, interveened and dragged Misterioso out of the ring - where he beat him up a bit and threw him back into the ring, where Jericho finished him with a Lionsault. Next up we saw Waltman nearly pin Cage after a 1-2-3 Kick, but Backlund jumped up on the apron to distract the ref. An angered Waltman knocked Backlund off the apron, but Jericho used the distraction to roll-up Waltman. Guerrero then eliminted first Cage and then later Jericho, both following huge Frog Splashes.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero

Match length: 14:55

Rating: C+


Chris Jericho is not happy with the loss, and starts berating Guerrero, Cage, Waltman, Misterioso, Skayde, Abismo Negro, Bob Backlund, Nick Bockwinkel, the fans... pretty much everyone but himself. He especially lashes out against the fans, who boo and mock him heavily. He states that the crowd's intense uglyness is what distracted him and made him lose, and that he haven't seen teeth this hideous since his last trip to England. He then proceeds to compare the crowd to Englishmen and mocks both the crowd and, especially, the people of England in the process... untill an enraged "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith runs out to confront Jericho! ...at which point Jericho bails through the crowd.

Rating: B-


Kevin Nash, accompanied by DDP, is in the ring now with a mic. He says that he only reason he's not standing here with the TNA World Heavyweight Championship belt right now is because Sting was saved by that idiotic fool that is Jeff Jarrett; first when he interfered directly in a title match between Nash and Sting and later when the dumbass got pinned in their 3-way title match. And so now, Nash demands a new - much more fair - shot at the title in a Jarrett-free match at TNA Genesis! Sting comes out and says that he's tired of hearing excuses for this and that and everything, and that he will take on Nash NOW! Nash however says that he's not prepared right now, but that right next to him is a man who would be more than happy to kick Sting around a bit. And so...

Rating: B+


Sting accepts and proceeds to high-five several audience members and provides us with several signature "wooo!"'s.

Rating: B+


Non-title match:

Sting © vs. Diamond Dallas Page /w. Kevin Nash

In an awesome preliminary match of the year candidate, Sting had DDP submit to the Scorpion Deathlock after having issued a Scorpion Deathdrop to a constantly meddling Nash first. DDP was certainly no walkover however, and really showed his worth in this matchup.

Winner: Sting

Match length: 14:04

Rating: A


As Sting tries to celebrate, Nash assaults him and hits him with a Jackknife Powerbomb.

Rating: B+


TNA World Tag Team Championship match:

The Road Warriors /w. Paul Ellering vs. The Apocalypse ©

A good and even tag team bout was cut short when Team 3D, not completely unexpected, decided to interfer and give Animal and Hawk a beating. The Road Warriors wins by DQ, with Abyss and Doomsday thusly retaining their title.

Winners: The Road Warriors

Match length: 14:05

Rating: B-


Show rating: B-

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  • 2 weeks later...

TNA Impact!


Pre-show match:

Jim Neidhart vs. Julio Sanchez

Neidhart got the pin after a big Powerslam in this contest of big men.

Winner: Jim Neidhart

Match length: 4:22

Rating: D+


The Destruction Crew vs. Bart Sawyer and Bobby Blaze

Bloom and Enos won their debut match in TNA with ease as Bloom pinned Blaze after a Wrecking Ball. The crowd was completely flat for this matchup however.

Winners: The Destruction Crew

Match length: 4:04

Rating: E+


The Road Warriors cut a promo lashing out against Team 3D for costing them the chance to win the coveted TNA World Tag Team Championship belts last week. They say that they are getting really tired of Devon and Ray, and before you know it Team 3D are out with mics of their own, lashing back at Animal and Hawk... reminding them that their manager, Paul Ellering, cost THEM the belts the week before. It all ends with the two teams agreeing to a street fight match at TNA Genesis before giving the audience a preview by brawling like crazy untill security seperated them.

Rating: C


Rhino /w. James Mitchell vs. Jinsei Shinzaki

Another dominant and short affair by the now really confident Rhino, who only a few weeks ago was on the bad end of a long losing streak. A Gore ends it all.

Winner: Rhino

Match length: 2:46

Rating: D+


Nick Bockwinkel announces that tonight's main event will be Davey Boy Smith vs. Kevin Nash... with Sting as special guest referee!

Rating: B


A hype video is showing the reigning TNA World Tag Team Champions, the monsters known as Abyss and Doomsday, respectively.


Rating: C+


Christian Cage vs. Skayde

Backlund interfers and distracts while the referee and Cage aren't looking as usual when Sean Waltman suddenly appears and takes Backlund down. Cage begings arguing with Waltman as a result, leading to Cage slapping Waltman and then Waltman slapping Cage - resulting in Cage getting the win by DQ, with Skayde being but a bystander in the endgame.

Winner: Christian Cage

Match length: 4:35

Rating: D+


The announcers talk about Eddie Guerrero vs. Vader © 1 on 1 for the TNA X Division Championship at TNA Genesis having been just announced.

Rating: C+


Following last weeks debacle, Chris Jericho decides to have some more fun on Davey Boy Smith's expense and does another routine comparing the audience to the British while really laying into both parties and the latter especially. Davey Boy's music hits and Jericho is getting ready to bail through the crowd, but Davey Boy does not appear. After a while, a smirking Jericho bashes the British, the crowd and Davey Boy some more before finally going back up the ramp. On his way back he turns around to mock the crowd some more when suddenly Davey Boy appears from behind and lays into Jericho while the crowd cheers, untill Jericho manages to rake Davey Boy in the eyes and escape.

Rating: B-


A shot at the TNA World Tag Team Championship at TNA Genesis match:

Harlem Heat vs. The Quebecers vs. The Latin-American Connection vs. The Heavenly Bodies

A good and competitive match decends into chaos when The Wrecking Crew decides to hit the ring and assault Harlem Heat in a situation that already had most competitors in the ring. The ref, unable to control the match at this point, calls for a no-contest.

Winners: Draw

Match length: 7:43

Rating: C-


With some help from some of the other angered competitors in the match, Booker T and Stevie Ray manages to evict Bloom and Enos from the ring, and decide to chase them backstage. The ref then, after advisement from Bockwinkel, restarts the match with the remaining 3 teams.

Rating: D+



A shot at the TNA World Tag Team Championship at TNA Genesis match:

The Quebecers vs. The Latin-American Connection vs. The Heavenly Bodies

This time, we got a winner as Santana made Prichard submit to a Figure Four Leglock.

Winners: The Latin-American Connection

Match length: 7:55

Rating: C+


Jeff Jarrett is in the ring, boasting about his dishonest title defense last week against Jim Neidhart, following an open challenge. He scolds The Ultimate Warrior for interfering, and warns him not to cross Jarrett's path again. He then issues another open challenge for his belt when the Warrior quite predictably appears and runs to the ring. Lucky for Jarrett however, he managed to ran even faster in the opposite direction.

Rating: B-


The announcers talk about The Latin American Connection vs. The Apocalypse © for TNA Genesis being a promising title match.

Rating: C


Eddie Guerrero and Misterioso vs. Vader and Abismo Negro

A decent match here between 3 fine X Division workers and... well, the reigning X Division champion. Negro blasted a chair towards Misterioso, who ducked it... resulting in Guerrero being hit instead. Misterioso managed to de-arm Negro and took the fight with him outside, but Vader exploited the situation to pin an otherwise fierce Guerrero.

Winners: Vader and Abismo Negro

Match length: 10:07

Rating: C+


Sting cuts a promo on Nash, saying that he's not much better than his former employer, Jarrett, and vowing to defend his title against him at Genesis.

Rating: B+


Nick Bockwinkel bumps into Jarrett backstage and informs him - much to Jarrett's displeasure - that he'll have to defend his USWA World Heavyweight Championship at Genisis... against The Ultimate Warrior! Jarrett objects but Bockwinkel doesn't seem to care much.

Rating: B-


When Sting comes out, the crowd really pops. He proceeds to high-five several audience members and provides us with several signature "wooo!"'s.

Rating: B+


Davey Boy Smith vs. Kevin Nash /w. Diamond Dallas Page

The match had great heat but still lacked something to be really good... with "something" being motivation from Nash. After both DDP and then Jericho decided to interfer, Sting joined the frey in a 2 vs. 3 brawl. With no conclusion to the match, it ends in a no-contest.

Winner: Draw

Match length: 16:42

Rating: C+


Being 3 against 2 helped the heels get the upper hand, and Sting's valiant efforts to save Davey Boy only ended in them both being on the bad end of the punishment stick. That is, untill Davey Boy's old friend, Jim Neidhart, surprisingly appears to even the odds... with a chair in hand! The heels flee as a result.

Rating: B


Show rating: C+

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TNA Impact!


Pre-show match:

The Quebecers vs. Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore

Oullet pins Moore after a Quebecers Crash.

Match length: 3:40

Rating: D+


Nick Bockwinkel opens the show with an announcement that following the brawl ending last week's Impact, in addition to Kevin Nash clashing with Sting at Genesis there will be the following two matches as well: Chris Jericho vs. Davey Boy Smith and Diamond Dallas Page vs. Jim Neidhart! And all six will fight tonight in a 3 vs 3 main event! But not only that, we will additionally see two more 3 vs 3 matches tonight featuring competitors set to face off at Genesis! He also takes time to inform Jeff Jarrett, who has complained about Bockwinkel setting up a match involving the USWA World Heavyweight Championship, a title which Jarrett feels ownership over due to it stemming fom his fathers former company, that Jerry Jarrett signed over all property of USWA to TNA when TNA was created...and since Bockwinkel rules all of TNA surpreme, Jarrett can either defend his title against The Ultimate Warrior - or forfeit it! The crowd loves this.

Rating: B-


Rhino /w. James Mitchell vs. Tim Horner

Another short affair from a dominant Rhino as Horner suffers from a Gore.

Winner: Rhino

Match length: 2:30

Rating: C-


Tony Schiavone stops Abismo Negro and tries to find out why he seems to hate Misterioso so much, but he's ignored.

Rating: E-


Instead, DDP offers himself to be interviewed instead - and he keeps talking so much and long about his own 'greatnes' that Schiavone multiple times attempt to end the interview.

Rating: B-


The Heartbreakers vs. The Destruction Crew

Harlem Heat decides to pay back in kind and assaults Bloom and Enos during the match, thus giving them the win by DQ.

Winners: The Destruction Crew

Match length: 6:43

Rating: D+


After the ensuing brawl ends, the announcers then say that they have just been told that Harlem Heat will be facing The Destruction Crew at Genesis!

Rating: C-


...they also mention that we'll get Abismo Negro vs. Misterioso, but the crowd found it hard to care.

Rating: F+


Sean Waltman then interrupts a Christian Cage/Bob Backlund promo in the ring when he complains about Backlunds actions a couple of weeks ago costing him a shot at the TNA X Division Championship and warning Cage to stay out of this, saying that he wants a go at Backlund! Backlund however pushes Cage forward and says that Waltman will get a match with him at Genesis... if he can defeat Cage tonight!

Rating: C-


Sean Waltman vs. Christian Cage

Backlund apparantly does not want to face Waltman and does what he can to prevent it. However, a botched interference hitting Cage lands the victory to Waltman. There seemed to lack chemistry between Waltman and Cage.

Winner: Sean Waltman

Match length: 7:46

Rating: D


The Ultimate Warrior has one of his usual bizzarre interviews, this time in a rant against Jeff Jarrett whom he claims is an intergalactic spaceworm. Or something.

Rating: B-


Vader and The Apocalypse vs. Eddie Guerrero and The Latin-American Connection

An exciting matchup between 3 title holders and their opponents for Genesis. The all-latin crew, in what could be viewed as somewhat of a surprise, got the win after a quick roll-up from Guerrero on Vader.

Winners: Eddie Guerrero and The Latin-American Connection

Match length: 13:54

Rating: C+


Sting, Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart are then seen talking strategi for their match tonight.

Rating: B+


The Ultimate Warrior and The Road Warriors /w. Paul Ellering vs. Jeff Jarrett and Team 3D

3 fierce face painted warriors seemed more than Jarrett and Team 3D could handle, and Warrior got the pin on Jarrett after a Warrior Splash.

Winners: The Ultimate Warrior and The Road Warriors

Match length: 11:49

Rating: C+


Kevin Nash, doing an in-ring promo before the main event, vows to take Sting down at Genesis, proclaiming that he WILL be getting possesion over the TNA World Heavyweight Championship... and that he won't rest untill it happens, and nor will Sting...

Rating: B+



When Sting comes out, the crowd really pops. He proceeds to high-five several audience members and provides us with several signature "wooo!"'s.

Rating: B+


Sting, Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart vs. Kevin Nash, Diamond Dallas Page and Chris Jericho

A really great match here tonight (a bit surprisingly)! Awesome action and the crowd could be hand fed. It all ends when a frustrated Nash goes outside for a chair; Sting sees this and goes outside for a chair of his own. They both slide back in the ring at the same time, and they have a stand-off with each their chair. The ref cannot get either man to let go of his chair and is ultimately forced to call the bell for a no-contest.

Winners: Draw

Match length: 17:14

Rating: A


Show rating: B-

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TNA Genesis 1996 card



TNA World Heavyweight Championship match:

Kevin Nash vs. Sting ©


Chris Jericho vs. Davey Boy Smith


The Road Warriors vs. Team 3D


TNA X Division Championship match:

Eddie Guerrero vs. Vader ©


Abismo Negro vs. Misterioso


TNA World Tag Team Championship match:

The Latin-American Connection vs. The Apocalypse ©


USWA World Heavyweight Championship match:

The Ultimate Warrior vs. Jeff Jarrett ©


Sean Waltman vs. Bob Backlund


Harlem Heat vs. The Destruction Crew


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Jim Neidhart

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship match:

Kevin Nash vs. Sting ©


Chris Jericho vs. Davey Boy Smith


The Road Warriors vs. Team 3D


TNA X Division Championship match:

Eddie Guerrero vs. Vader ©


Abismo Negro vs. Misterioso


TNA World Tag Team Championship match:

The Latin-American Connection vs. The Apocalypse ©


USWA World Heavyweight Championship match:

The Ultimate Warrior vs. Jeff Jarrett ©


Sean Waltman vs. Bob Backlund


Harlem Heat vs. The Destruction Crew


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Jim Neidhart

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  • 2 weeks later...

TNA Genesis 1996





Pre-show match:

The Quebecers vs. The Heartbreakers vs. PG-13

In a pretty darn decent dark match, PG-13 got the win when JC Ice Ruiz after a Flying Leg Drop.

Winners: PG-13

Match length: 7:43

Rating: C+


The announcers talk about Kevin Nash taking on Sting tonight for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship... and that it has been decided to make it a cage match!

Rating: B+


Diamond Dallas Page /w. Kevin Nash vs. Jim Neidhart

DDP pinned Neidhart after distraction from Nash allowed him to catch his breath after a fierce Neidhart offensive and set up a Diamond Cutter.

Winner: Diamond Dallas Page

Match length: 13:38

Rating: C+


Rhino is seen backstage, with his manager James Mitchell. Mitchell calls it a disgrace and a loss for the fans that his client is not in a match tonight, as he's currently the hottest asset in all of TNA and fresh in the middle of an unstopable winning streak - but that he'll be sure to make notice of himself otherwise, then...

Rating: D-


Harlem Heat vs. The Destruction Crew

A good match ends when Booker T pins Bloom cleanly after a Heat Seeker.

Winners: Harlem Heat

Match length: 11:10

Rating: B-


Sean Waltman vs. Bob Backlund /w. Christian Cage

Waltman looked set to win this pretty fine match when he got into an argument with Cage due to Waltman throwing Backlind out of the ring and onto Cage. Backlund then exploited the situation and hit Waltman from behind, after which he appplied the Crossface Chickenwing for the win.

Winner: Bob Backlund

Match length: 11:53

Rating: B-


USWA World Heavyweight Championship match:

The Ultimate Warrior vs. Jeff Jarrett ©

Jarrett stalled starting the match as he did not look all too pleased facing Warrior. When the match started, and after initial control by Warrior, Jarrett took control through sneaky cheating tactics. The control did not last though, and after Warrior broke a pin attempt after a Stroke and instead started a fierce offensive, Jarrett chose to flee the ring, thus losing by countout - but retaining his title.

Winner: The Ultimate Warrior

Match length: 9:52

Rating: C


TNA World Tag Team Championship match:

The Latin-American Connection vs. The Apocalypse ©

The LAC came up short in an even match after Abyss pinned Vega following a giant Chokeslam.

Winners, and still champions: The Apocalypse

Match length: 11:45

Rating: C+


Abismo Negro vs. Misterioso

This match, in spite of quite decent action, completely BOMBED with the crowd. Apparantly, Rhino was also unhappy watching this match, and decided to cut it short by viciously assaulting and Gore-ing both men - leaving them out and forcing the ref to call it a no-contest.

Winners: Draw

Match length: 7:27

Rating: E+


TNA X Division Championship match:

Eddie Guerrero vs. Vader ©

An exciting match here between David and Goliath. Guerrero constantly fought against the odds, but his fighting spirit, willpower and amazing speed and agility kept the mmonstruous Vader at bay. Eventually, after an unfortunate ref bump, Vader got tired of Guerrero prolonging the match and went for a chair to end it with, after first hitting Guerrero with a Vader Bomb. But as he was about to use the chair, Christian Cage jumped into the ring from the audience and attacked Vader from behind! Vader then dropped the chair... and Cage decided to hit an Unprettier on him face first onto the chair before leaving! Guerrero and the ref then woke up and Guerrero hit a giant Frog Splash on an already downed Vader and got the pin! Guerrero is new champion after a good match!

Winner, and new champion: Eddie Guerrero

Match length: 22:28

Rating: B


Street fight match:

The Road Warriors /w. Paul Ellering vs. Team 3D

In a slightly overbooked but action-rich match, Hawk pinned Devon after a Doomsday Device in a strong showing by both teams.

Winners: The Road Warriors

Match length: 13:56

Rating: B-


Kevin Nash, flanked by DDP, calmly explains to the fans exactly how much damage he'll issue to Sting and how he'll do it before walking out as new TNA World Heavyweight Champion tonight.

Rating: B+


Chris Jericho vs. Davey Boy Smith

Jericho plays the cowardly heel (perhaps quite wisely, against a stronger and bigger opponent) but still manages to put on a surprisingly good fight. In the end however, it is Davey Boy who - after some close calls on either side - gets the pin, following a Running Powerslam.

Winner: Davey Boy Smith

Match length: 11:19


When Sting comes out, the crowd really pops. He proceeds to high-five several audience members and provides us with several signature "wooo!"'s.

Rating: B+


TNA World Heavyweight Championship cage match:

Kevin Nash vs. Sting ©

This match had it all: great excitement, excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience. It was a completely even affair, to boot, but after a ref bump (those refs are pretty fragile, apparantly!) DDP stormed down to the ring and opened the cage... and then proceeded to help Nash beat on an outmatched Sting! It definately looks bleak for Sting's chances now... untill The Ultimate Warrior storms down to the ring! He enters the ring and takes out DDP! He then takes out Nash! He then beats some more on both of them, shakes the ropes for a bit, beats on them some more, before chasing DDP backstage! His intervention allows for Sting to get control of the match and hit a Scorpion Deathdrop on Nash! The groggy ref is slowly getting back up and slowly makes the count... 1...... 2..... Nash kicks out! The ref was too slow! Nash hits a low blow and sets up a Jackknife Powerbomb! But no, Sting wrestles out of it! And hits a Bulldog instead! He goes for the pin! 1... 2.... 3! Sting retains!

Winner, and still champion: Sting

Match length: Match length: 28:26

Rating: B+


Sting celebrates his win and poses for the crowd.

Rating: B+


Show rating: B

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship match:

Kevin Nash vs. Sting ©


Chris Jericho vs. Davey Boy Smith


The Road Warriors vs. Team 3D


TNA X Division Championship match:

Eddie Guerrero vs. Vader ©


Abismo Negro vs. Misterioso


TNA World Tag Team Championship match:

The Latin-American Connection vs. The Apocalypse ©


USWA World Heavyweight Championship match:

The Ultimate Warrior vs. Jeff Jarrett ©


Sean Waltman vs. Bob Backlund


Harlem Heat vs. The Destruction Crew


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Jim Neidhart


The bad news is that you only guessed 4/10 matches right - the good news is that since you're the only one who did predictions, you're still #1! :D

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TNA Impact!


Pre-show match:

The Heartbreakers vs. Brickhouse Brown and Barry Horowitz

Brandi pinned Horowitz after a Broken Heart.

Winners: The Heartbreakers

Match length: 4:35

Rating: D


The TNA World Tag Team Champions, The Apocalypse, are in the ring. They proclaim that TNA holds no worthy opponents for them, as they proved at Genesis when they - according to themselves - defeated yet another inferior team with ease. In fact, TNA is simply not worthy to have such a great and unstopable team... and why should they stay, really? As they speak right now, they reveal, their old manager, Jim Cornette, is actually trying to find a loophole in their contracts so that they can soon join him again! And they plan on taking the belts with them!!!

Rating: C+


Sean Waltman vs. Kaz Hayashi

Waltman pins Hayashi after a 1-2-3 Kick.

Winner: Sean Waltman

Match length: 4:38

Rating: C


After the match, Waltman rants against Bob Backlund and his protege Christian Cage, who unfortunately has managed to come between Backlund and Waltman, and vows that their "thing" is not over.

Rating: C-


Jeff Jarrett is being interviewed by Tony Schiavone. He rants at Bockwinkel for trying to plot against him and make him lose a belt that has been owned by his family since it's inception, the USWA World Heavyweight Championship, but also laughs at Bockwinkel for thinking that a brute like The Ultimate Warrior would be able to outsmart him.

Rating: C+


The Latin-American Connection vs. The Heavenly Bodies

Savio Vega had Prichard submit to a Cobra Clutch to secure the win for the LAC.

Winners: The Latin-American Connection

Match length: 7:15

Rating: C-


After the match, the LAC scolds Abyss and Doomsday for their words earlier tonight and vows to end their title reign before they can succeed in taking those belts anywhere else!

Rating: C-


The Ultimate Warrior vs. Diamond Dallas Page /w. Kevin Nash

After colliding at Genesis, these two now get a chance to fight it out. Of course, Nash gets involved - and Sting quickly comes out to even it up! The match quickly becomes one big chaos and the ref calls a no-contest.

Winner: Draw

Match length: 6:06

Rating: C


Nick Bockwinkel comes out to announce that as a result of this mess, tonight's main event will be Sting and The Ultimate Warrior vs. Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page!

Rating: B


The Road Warriors and Harlem Heat vs. Team 3D and The Destruction Crew

Time for a chance for vengeance from Genesis, as the two heel teams team up to try to defeat the men who defeated them there. They fail, however, when Stevie Ray pins Bloom after a double-team move with Animal.

Winners: The Road Warriors and Harlem Heat

Match length: 12:40

Rating: C


Eddie Guerrero is in the ring, talking about how proud he is to once again be TNA X Division Champion... but that he would have rather won it on his own, and not as the result of interference by Christian Cage. Cage then comes out and explains that he only interfered because Vader was about to cheat to retain his belt, and that Cage did it because of the integrity of the X Division; he felt Vader holding the belt was against what the division stands for and certainly did not want to see him retain through cheating. He is happy that the belt is now once again with someone who respects and honors both the belt and the division, and that he's sure Guerrero would have won it cleanly had Vader not gone for that chair. A pissed Vader then comes out and declares that he has no beef with Guerrero... at the time being... but that he wants a piece of Cage! NOW!

Rating: C+


Vader vs. Christian Cage /w. Bob Backlund

Cage was clearly not prepared for a match, and the angered Vader was an unstopable juggernaut. Backlund tried to intefer, but got a Vader Bomb onto the concrete as a result. So did Cage, as he was distracted while checking to see whether Backlund was okay, and Vader managed to pin him hereafter.

Winner: Vader

Match length: 8:29

Rating: B


Rhino, flanked by James Mitchell, is doing an in-ring promo. He explains that he interrupted and assaulted the match between "those two nobody flyweights (Misterioso and Abismo Negro) at Genesis to make a point and prove that he should be taken serious. He has now for several weeks beaten one lemming after another, and now it is time for him to be given a proper opponent on which he can test his skills. And as such, he demands a main event match against a main event opponent! Davey Boy Smith then comes out to accept the challenge!

Rating: B-


Davey Boy Smith vs. Rhino /w. James Mitchell

Rhino is certainly not handed as easy a match here as he has gotten used to in prior weeks, and Davey Boy is looking set to pin Rhino after knocking Mitchell off the apron and delivering not one, but TWO Running Powerslams to Rhino! However, as the ref is doing the count, Chris Jericho has sneaked down to ringside and pulls Davey Boy out of the ring by the legs at the count of two! Davey Boy then chases Jericho around the ring for a bit before Rhino intercepts him and hits him with a Gore on the outside! He then rolls him back into the ring... and hits another Gore when he gets back up! 1... 2... 3! As a result of Jericho's interference, Rhino gets the upset win!

Winner: Rhino

Match length: 11:06

Rating: B


A hype video featuring Sting airs. It's good stuff.

Rating: B


When Sting comes out, the crowd really pops. He proceeds to high-five several audience members and provides us with several signature "wooo!"'s.

Rating: B+


Sting and The Ultimate Warrior vs. Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page

Sting and DDP starts in the ring, with Sting getting the upper hand - untill Nash interfers illegally and gives DDP the advantage, with DDP and Nash exchanging tags hereafter to constantly keep Sting in the ropes. Unable to get the hot tag for Warrior for quite a while, Sting takes a heavy beating and barely avoids being pinned a few times... untill he finally manages a last desperate comeback! He knocks DDP out of the ring! Then Nash! He then crawls for the tag... but Warrior refuses to reach out his hand! He just stares at Sting! And then leaves! A confused and exhausted Sting is then left for the wolves, as Nash hits him with a Jackknife Powerbomb and pins him.

Winners: Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page

Match length: 12:20

Rating: A


Show rating: B

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TNA Impact!


Pre-show match:

The Heartbreakers vs. Chris Kanyon and Shannon Moore

Brandi pins Moore after a Broken Heart.

Winners: The Heartbreakers

Match length: 5:06

Rating: D


The Ultimate Warrior opens the main show with an in-ring promo, to a mixed reaction. In an uncharacteristic coherent (at least compared to his usual promos) fashion, he explains his recent actions: at Genesis, he saved Sting from losing the belt because he himself wants to challenge Sting for it - and last week, he abandoned Sting in their match vs. Nash and DDP to prove to Sting that he, The Warrior, is the stronger of the two and that Sting is nothing but a scared and helpless sheep without him. Once tag team partners, it is now finally time to test their strengths against each other in no less than a match for the most coveted belt in wrestling today: the TNA World Heavyweight Championship! Nash and DDP interrupts him however, stating that they are both more deserving at a title shot against Sting than him, and that being a no-good has-been from that ridiculous panda-federation up north does not qualify him for anything. Suddenly Vader hits the stage, talking about his past merits and his recent run as X Division Championship holder and how it reminded him that he belongs in the race for the biggest title in the world, and that he deserves a title shot more than any of these jerks. It's time... it's Vader time! Nick Bockwinkel then appears and sets up a 4-way between these 4 men later tonight, with Sting as special referee, for a title shot against Sting at Against All Odds! Vader is then about to leave as Nash and DDP circle around Warrior, about to jump him... but Vader then surprisingly turns around and backs up Warrior, telling Nash and DDP to save it for later! A surprised Nash and DDP then backs off.

Rating: B-


The Apocalypse cuts a promo before a non-title match against PG-13 and once again declares themselves superior comparede to all the rag-tag teams in TNA. They repeat that noone in TNA are worthy foes and once again threatens to leave and re-join their former manager Cornette, taking their belts with them! And to prove their superiority, they want to make this next match a title match - just to prove that they are unstopable and fear noone!

Rating: B-


TNA World Tag Team Championship match:

The Apocalypse © vs. PG-13

True to their word, The Apocalypse dispose of PG-13 without much hassle. Abyss pins Wolfie D after a Chokeslam.

Winners, and still champions: The Apocalypse

Length: 4:58

Rating: C-


Tito Santana and Savio Vega then appears and scolds Abyss and Doomsday, stating that they are wrong and promising to rid them off their belts. The Apocalypse then dares Santana and Vega to prove their might by defeating PG-13 in more impressive fashion than they just did! Poor PG-13, as if they didn't suffer enough beating already...

Rating: C


The Latin-American Connection vs. PG-13

Abyss and Doomsday obviously didn't plan on seeing this match to the end, and quickly into the match decided to assault Santana and Vega, with the ref calling the bell for a DQ as a result.

Winners: The Latin-American Connection

Match length: 2:04

Rating: D


Backstage, The Road Warriors and Team 3D bump into each other. They exchanged words, then they exchange heated words and finally they exchange punches - untill several other wrestlers pull them apart.

Rating: C


USWA World Heavyweight Championship match:

Jeff Jarrett © vs. Skayde

Apparantly, Jarrett has hand-picked the "most worthy opponent available" to face him for his title. Obviously, arrogant Jarrett did so believing that Skayde would be no match for him - but the match was not as one-sided as he had hoped, and Skayde nearly got a surprise pinfall even. Jarrett did win however, as he held the ropes illegally while submitting Skayde to a Figure Four Leglock.

Winner, and still champion: Jeff Jarrett

Match length: 5:45

Rating: C


Bobby Eaten then appears to call Jarrett a dishonest scumbag who should show more respect holding what is left of his fathers proud legacy, and challenges Jarrett to a match at Against All Odds. Jarrett hesitantly accepts and offers to shakes Eatons hand. Eaton is not too eager to trust Jarrett, but does shake his hand. But of course, as he walks away Jarrett blasts him from behind with his title belt.

Rating: C


Abysmo Negro and The Destruction Crew vs. Misterioso and Harlem Heat

Stevie Ray pinned Enos after a Heat Seeker. Much animosity on both sides in this match.

Winners: Misterioso and Harlem Heat

Match length: 7:32

Rating: D+


Rhino, with James Mitchell by his side, is being interviewed by Tony Schiavone. He boasts about his dominance lately, saying that big things are to come and that he is an unstopable force. When Schiavone suggests that Rhino only won his match against Davey Boy last week due to interference by Jericho, he angers and chases Schiavone off.

Rating: B-


Bob Backlund and Christian Cage vs. Sean Waltman and Jim Neidhart

Cage does a fast pin on Neidhart after Backlund had poked him in the eyes. Cage did not appear to notice that.

Winners: Bob Backlund and Christian Cage

Match length: 8:32

Rating: C


Sting is cutting a backstage promo, stating that it doesn't matter which man will win the main event tonight to face him at Against All Odds, as he can beat any one of them. He talks about their individual merits but states that his preperation and, skill, strength and willpower is more than a match for either of those 4.

Rating: B


TNA X Division Championship match:

Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Guerrero ©

In a really good match showing what the x division is all about, Guerrero pins Jericho after a Frog Splash in a match where Jericho was constantly distracted by a Davey Boy watching from ringisde. Jericho was obviously anxious that he would be attacked during the match, but Davey Boy only watched.

Winner, and still champion: Eddie Guerrero

Match length: 9:14

Rating: B


After the match, Guerrero grabs a mic and states that he's very proud to be X Division Champion - but that he's saddened to have won the belt after outside interference and not, again, defends it partially due to outside influence. He would much rather fight clean and honest matches, as all that lying, cheating and stealing is far from his hard-working character. Christian Cage then comes out and apologizes for his hand in this when interfering on Guerrero's behalf against Vader at Genesis and offers Guerrero exactly what he's after: a straight up clean match between two worthy opponents for the belt at Against All Odds.... and he swears that he will make sure his forced manager, Bob Backlund, will lay no hand on Guerrero in any way. After some thought, Guerrero accepts.

Rating: C+


When Sting comes out, the crowd really pops. He proceeds to high-five several audience members and provides us with several signature "wooo!"'s.

Rating: A


A shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Against All Odds match:

Kevin Nash vs. Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Ultimate Warrior vs. Vader

In a match with no clear babyfaces, but Warrior and Vader still getting the most positive pops, Warrior comes out victoriously in spite of Nash and DDP teaming up for great lengths of the match; after many near-falls, Warrior manages to pin DDP after Vader hit a Vader Bomb on him but was himself thrown out of the ring by Warrior, who showed incredibly strength.

Winner: The Ultimate Warrior

Match length: 14:40

Rating: B


The announcers talk about how The Ultimate Warior vs. Sting, a first-time ever, should be a really exciting match.

Rating: B


Sting and Warrior has a post-match staredown. If looks could kill...

Rating: B


Show rating: B-

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TNA Impact!


Pre-show match:

Sean Waltman vs. Shannon Moore

Waltman pins Moore after a Moonsault.

Winner: Sean Waltman

Match length: 3:52

Rating: D+


The one, the only, the Ultimate Warrior is in the ring with a mic. He talks about Sting being a unicorn which Warrior will harvest for it's horn, which is presumably some weird Warrior-metafor for him wanting to take the TNA World Heavyweight Championship belt off Sting. He says that he has once before dethroned a living legend, and that he will do so once again. Sting comes out to address Warrior, with Nick Bockwinkel following him. Bockwinkel declares that the two will face off for the title at Against All Odds, but before that, later tonight, the two former tag team partners will team up once again... and if they win the match, the man getting the win will decide the rules for their title match!

Rating: B


Bobby Eaton vs. Abismo Negro

Eaton wins by DQ when Jeff Jarrett attacks him with his USWA belt.

Winner: Bobby Eaton

Match length: 5:44

Rating: D


After the match, Jarrett pummels a bit on Eaton and poses for a booing crowd with his title.

Rating: C


Tony Schiavone is interviewing Sean Waltman, who says that the TNA fans haven't really seen the true Waltman yet, and that they have good things to come from him.

Rating: D


Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Heartbreakers

DDP pins Ruiz after a Discus Lariat.

Winners: Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page

Match length: 6:23

Rating: B-


After the match, Nash and DDP are slow to leave the ring as they rant against the next man about to step into action: Vader. They accuse him of being responsible for that "ridiculous painted chippendale with half a brain and even less wrestling skills" (The Ultimate Warrior) getting a title shot against Sting, and goes on to mock Vader and call him a "washed-up has-been" (which is about the nicest thing they call him).



Vader vs. Disco Inferno

Nash and DDP stays around the ring, and tries to effect the outcome of the match. While Nash distracts the ref, DDP tries to attack Vader - but is countered and thrown out of the ring instead, after which a Vader Bomb hits the debuting disco stud for the pin. A glum Nash grabs DDP and leaves with him, while Vader just stares at them both.

Winner: Vader

Match length: 4:08

Rating: C


The Road Warriors rant a bit against Team 3D, who they do not think have learned their lesson about respect yet. They're probably right.

Rating: C+


TNA World Tag Team Championship match:

The Latin-American Connection vs. The Apocalypse ©

Abyss pinned Santana after a Chokeslam, but had to use the ropes for leverage in order to do so.

Winners, and still champions: The Apocalypse

Match length: 9:34

Rating: C


Chris Jericho cuts an extremely mocking promo against Davey Boy Smith, who he is about to face in a multi-tag match. He ridicules his skills, his looks, his heritage, his accent... pretty much everything about him except the color of his boots.

Rating: B


Davey Boy Smith and Harlem Heat vs. Chris Jericho and The Destruction Crew

Jericho fails to follow up on his mocking of Davey Boy when he loses to him by DQ as he refuses to let go of his Liontamer hold even though Davey Boy held on to the ropes.

Winners: Davey Boy Smith and Harlem Heat

Match length: 10:06

Rating: C


Rhino, with James Mitchell, is in the ring. He blurts out the usual "I'm an unstopable force" stuff before declaring that he wants rematches against everyone who defeated him (or, as he calls it, "was given unfair and unreasonable victories against him), through no fault of his own of course, while he was in his losing streak. He declares himself far, far superior to all of them and vows to dismember them all in turn. Eddie Guerrero, being one of those defeating Rhino in his losing streak, comes out to accept the challenge!

Rating: B


Non-title match:

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Rhino /w. James Mitchell

A pretty good match that saw Rhino's raw force evenly matched by Guerrero's wrestling knowledge and agility. At one point, Bob Backlund came down to the ring, apparantly wanting to attack Guerrero and soft him up for his client, Christian Cage's title match at Against All Odds - but Cage followed him and grabbed him just as he was about to enter the ring with a chair. They then began arguing at ringside, which ironically distracted Guerrero long enough for Rhino to hit a Gore and get the pinfall.

Winner: Rhino

Match length: 11:10

Rating: B


When Sting comes out, the crowd really pops. He proceeds to high-five several audience members and provides us with several signature "wooo!"'s.

Rating: B+


Sting and The Ultimate Warrior vs. Team 3D

A much more open match than what was to be expected here. Sting would have gotten the pin on Devon had Ray not interfered, leading to Warrior interfering as well and instead getting the pin on Ray after a big Warrior Splash. Warrior thus gets to decide the stipulations of the Against All Odds title match!

Winners: Sting and The Ultimate Warrior

Match length: 12:35

Rating: B-


Just like last week, the show ends with a Sting/Warrior staredown...

Rating: B+


Show rating: C+ (awww....)

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Good show, seems the Ultimate Warrior is doing better in TNA than he did in the WWF...and he's such a pleasure to be around too :D


...Wierd how this show only scored a C+, not sure how that happens, I've had that before...although I've had a few shows that I expected a C+ or B- and got a B so C'est La Vie


...oh and Jeff Jarrett got demoted to a mid card feud with Bobby Eaton? :eek: OUCH

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Good show, seems the Ultimate Warrior is doing better in TNA than he did in the WWF...and he's such a pleasure to be around too :D


I'm not so sure he's doing better at all. Getting a B- match when partnering the most over guy i the company against a team with excellent chemistry that has had several B- matches against much less impressive opponents... I blame Warrior for this match not being B or above.


...Wierd how this show only scored a C+, not sure how that happens, I've had that before...although I've had a few shows that I expected a C+ or B- and got a B so C'est La Vie


Yeah I don't really get the grading system always.


...oh and Jeff Jarrett got demoted to a mid card feud with Bobby Eaton? :eek: OUCH


After his lazy and unspectacular run as TNA World Champion, he doesn't deserve feuding with anyone above Eaton's pop level. Though might I remind you that he's still holding a world title belt which some of your current top names have previously held as well, and that what Eaton lacks in name he sure compensates for with in-ring skills.


But yes, it is meant as a demotion to punish Jarrett. :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

TNA Impact!


Pre-show match:

Shannon Moore and One Man Gang vs. Chris Kanyon and C.W. Anderson

OMG pins Kanyon after a 747 Splash.

Winners: Shannon Moore and One Man Gang

Match length: 4:44

Rating: D


Kevin Nash opens the show by cutting a promo against Vader, who he still blames for Warrior getting the title shot against Sting. Vader comes out, and argument ensues, and they agree to a match at Against All Odds! But before that, Vader will square off against DDP later tonight!

Rating: C+


Abysmo Negro vs. Matt Hardy

Negro cheated his way to a win here. For which the crowd seemed rather thankful, as they really wanted this match to be over with.

Winner: Abysmo Negro

Match length: 3:09

Rating: E+


Road Warrior Hawk and Brother Ray bump into each other backstage, leading to an argument. Heat is cranked up and before anyone knows what's going on, it has somehow developed into a huge brawl involving not only their respective tag team partners but the teams of Harlem Heat and The Destruction Crew as well. Chaos ensues.

Rating: D+


The Quebecers vs. The Latin-American Connection

During the match, The Apocalypse attempted to enter the ring - but was knocked right off the apron from simultaneos drop kicks by Santana and Vega. Afterwards, Vega landed a perfectly timed Carribean Kick on Rougeau and picked up the win.

Winners: The Latin-American Connection

Match length: 8:21

Rating: C


After the match, The LAC vs. The Apocalypse © is announced as a TNA World Tag Team Championship match for Against All Odds.

Rating: C+


Also announced is a 4-way #1 contendership match for the tag team titles against whoever wins the aforementioned match, between our brawlers from earlier tonight: The Road Warriors vs. Team 3D vs. Harlem Heat vs. The Destruction Crew.

Rating: C


Rhino menacingly demands a match with another one of the people who defeated him earlier this year, and Jim Neidhart steps out to accept the challenge.

Rating: B+


Rhino /w. James Mitchell vs. Jim Neidhart

Distraction from Mitchell was all Rhino needed to land a Gore on Neidhart to pick up the win here.

Winner: Rhino

Match length: 6:48

Rating: C+


Davey Boy cuts a promo on Jericho, berating him for his offending attitude lately. He says that he doesn't understand why first DDP and now Jericho so badly wants to measure themselves up against him, but still won't call it a day when they are defeated - but that if Jericho wants another defeat so badly, he will gladly give it to him. Jericho then comes out to offend Davey Boy, his nationality and the crowd, before saying that he will be more than pleased to show everyone that Davey Boy is not the fierce bulldog he wants people to believe, but instead a weak and scared little poodle... only with a worse haircut. But it will have to be at Against All Odds... and it will be a submission match, so he can make Davey Boy wither in pain!

Rating: B-


Jeff Jarrett, Christian Cage and Bob Backlund vs. Bobby Eaton, Eddie Guerrero and Sean Waltman

Backlund pins Waltman after using the ropes as leverage following a roll-up. Cage shakes his head in disapprovement.

Winners: Jeff Jarrett, Christian Cage and Bob Backlund

Match length: 12:57

Rating: C+


Tony Schiavone asks The Ultimate Warrior some questions about his upcoming PPV title match against Sting, but is unable to get any coherent answers. He does get some fascinating ramblings instead however, and the crowd seemed to dig it.

Rating: B-


Sting and Davey Boy vs. Warrior and Jericho is announced as the main event tonight!

Rating: B-


Vader vs. Diamond Dallas Page /w. Kevin Nash

Sneaky interference by Nash when the ref was not looking was not enough to prevent Vader from winning, even though he surely seemed to prolong the fight. A determined Vader ended up pinning DDP after a Vader Bomb.

Winner: Vader

Match length: 13:47

Rating: B-


After the match however, Nash and DDP put the boot to Vader and leaves the big man down and out. It was no easy task for them though, and they both seemed shocked when seeing exactly how much punishment Vader could take.

Rating: B-


When Sting comes out, the crowd really pops. He proceeds to high-five several audience members and provides us with several signature "wooo!"'s.

Rating: B+


Sting and Davey Boy Smith vs. The Ultimate Warrior and Chris Jericho

Great action and a good crowd here. After a couple of unsuccessful pin attempts by Jericho, he decided to bring a chair to the mix - but before being able to use it, Warrior stopped him and an argument began that quickly descended into pushing and then punches between the two. Not wanting to take advantage of the confusing situation, Sting and Davey just stood there watching untill the ref, equally confused, decided to call the match a no-contest, prompting Jericho to bail.

Winners: Draw

Match length: 14:35

Rating: B


After the match, Sting and Warrior have another one of their intense staredowns. What is it with these two...?

Rating: B+


Show rating: B-

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TNA Against All Odds 1996 card





TNA World Heavyweight Championship no DQ match:

The Ultimate Warrior vs. Sting ©


Kevin Nash vs. Vader


Submission match:

Davey Boy Smith vs. Chris Jericho


TNA World Tag Team Championship match:

The Latin-American Connection vs. The Apocalypse ©


TNA X Division Championship match:

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Christian Cage


TNA World Tag Team Championship #1 contendership match:

The Road Warriors vs. Team 3D vs. Harlem Heat vs. The Destruction Crew


USWA World Heavyweight Championship match:

Bobby Eaton vs. Jeff Jarrett ©


...plus Rhino seeks continues his "revenge tour", and more! Don't miss it!

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TNA Against All Odds 1996



Pre-show match:

Jim Neidhart and Shannon Moore vs. Skayde and One Man Gang vs. Chris Kanyon and Julio Sanchez

Neidhart pins Kanyon after an Anvil Flatenner.

Winners: Jim Neidhart and Shannon Moore

Match length: 7:34

Rating: C-


Rhino /w. James Mitchell vs. Sean Waltman

Challenging another one of the men who defeated him earlier this year, Rhino got another revenge win after help from his manager and a well-placed Gore.

Winner: Rhino

Match length: 9:02

Rating: C


Submission match:

Davey Boy Smith vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho suffered the humiliation of being defeated by his own finishing move, the Liontamer.

Winner: Davey Boy Smith

Match length: 13:36

Rating: C+


We see clips of The Ultimate Warrior training hard for his title match tonight. Sting, beware!

Rating: B


TNA World Tag Team Championship match:

The Latin-American Connection vs. The Apocalypse ©

After a hard-fought match in which neither Abyss nor Doomsday could be kept down long enough, Abyss pins Santana after a Chokeslam.

Winners, and still champions: The Apocalypse

Match length: 17:42

Rating: C+


USWA World Heavyweight Championship match:

Bobby Eaton vs. Jeff Jarrett ©

Eaton nearly defeated Jarrett on several occations in a fairly long and good match, but ended up submitting to a Figure Four Leglock as Jarrett held on to the ropes for balance.

Winner, and still champion: Jeff Jarrett

Match length: 17:23

Rating: B-


Kevin Nash cuts a promo on Sting, warning him not to rest and that he *will* be coming for that belt... soon!

Rating: B+


TNA World Tag Team Championship #1 contendership elimination match:

The Road Warriors vs. Team 3D vs. Harlem Heat vs. The Destruction Crew

Stevie Ray first eliminated Mike Enos with Hawk eliminating Brother Ray shortly after. The match did not see a winner however, as the two remaining teams both got counted out after a long 4-man brawl at ringside.

Winners: Draw

Match length: 22:59

Rating: B-


TNA X Division Championship match:

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Christian Cage /w. Bob Backlund

A good match here untill the ref, extremely unfortunately, got knocked out. Backlund entered the ring with a chair, wanting to hit Guerrero with it - but Cage stopped him, took the chair from him and ordered him out of the ring... only to use it himself to hit Guerrero with in a shocking turn of events! He then pinned him, as timing, unfortunately for Guerrero, would have it that the ref got back up shortly after. 1...2... 3! New champion after a shocking turn!

Winner, and new champion: Christian Cage

Match length: 15:27

Rating: B-


Sting is being interviewed by Tony Schiavone and says that if Warrior has something to prove, he won't be proving it tonight. Amongst other things.

Rating: A


Kevin Nash /w. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Vader

Hard-fought match here between two massive superstars. Vader had Nash on the ropes, so to speak, more than once - but Nash was saved by subtle interference by DDP every time. As Nash was arguing with the ref, DDP sneaked up on Vader and delivered a Diamond Cutter out of the blue! Nash went for the pin, but Vader got up at 2½! However, Nash soon after managed to hit a massive Jackknife Powerbomb, from which Vader did not have enough strength left to escape. 1..2...3!

Winner: Kevin Nash

Match length: 25:36

Rating B


When Sting comes out, the crowd really pops. He proceeds to high-five several audience members and provides us with several signature "wooo!"'s.

Rating: B+


TNA World Heavyweight Championship no DQ match:

The Ultimate Warrior vs. Sting ©

This first-time ever meeting between two major superstars and world championship winners, once allies, was not quite the exciting match some might have expected it to be. Still some pretty good back-and-forth action, though. Being a no-DQ match, Nash and DDP suddenly decided to interfere and attack Sting; Sting managed to counter DDP and get the better of him, throwing him out of the ring, was unable to avoid Nash - who hit him with a Jackknife Powerbomb. Nash then told Warrior to pin Sting! But Warrior refused! Apparantly, he wanted to win cleanly... so after some arguing, Nash shakes his head and leaves with DDP. The match continues, and after each man escaped the other's finisher and following pin attempt by half a second, Sting finally manages to make the 3-count after two Stinger Splashes and a Bulldog. Sting retains!

Winner, and still champion: Sting

Match length: 14:50

Rating: B-


Show rating: B

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TNA Impact!


Pre-show match:

One Man Gang and Jim Neidhart vs. Shannon Moore and Kaz Hayashi

Neidhart pinned Moore after an Anvil Flatenner.

Winners: One Man Gang and Jim Neidhart

Match length: 5:43

Rating: C


The Apocalypse is in the ring, boasting about their dominance and vowing that their "manager" is working non-stop to ensure that soon enough, they can leave TNA... and take the TNA World Tag Team Championship with them! Both The Road Warriors and Harlem Heat comes out to challenge them, but end up arguing which team has the greater claim... since their #1 contendership match at Against All Odds ended in a countout when those two teams were the only teams left. Nick Bockwinkel then comes out to announce that they are both #1 contenders, without specifying exactly what that will entail.

Rating: C+


Sean Waltman vs. The Gambler

In a short match, Waltman gets the pin after a Moonsault.

Winner: Sean Waltman

Match length: 3:02

Rating: D+


The Ultimate Warrior and Vader vs. Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page is announced as the main event tonight!

Rating: B


Davey Boy smith is being interviewed by Tony Schiavone. A fairly uneventful and pretty standart hype interview.

Rating: B


Team 3D vs. The Heartbreakers

Devon pinned Ruiz after a 3D.

Winners: Team 3D

Match length: 5:40

Rating: C+


Jeff Jarrett is in the ring with his USWA World Heavyweight Championship, talking smack about Bobby Eaton. Eaton then appears and demands a rematch, but Rhino then out of the blue storms out and hits him with a Gore into a ringpost! Rhino then proceeds to demand that Jarrett fights *him* instead, as he is next on Rhino's "revenge" list! Jarrett refuses to put his title on the line, but Rhino says he doesn't care about that - only about payback... so Jarrett reluctantly accepts!

Rating: B


Non-title match:

Rhino /w. James Mitchell vs. Jeff Jarrett ©

The crowd found it hard to cheer for either man here, and none of the two fought especially sympathetically - and were both prone to dirty tricks. Jarrett was close to getting another victory over Rhino when, behind the ref's back, he held onto the ropes while he had locked on a Figure Four Leglock on Rhino. Mitchell managed to disrupt it however, which prompted Jarrett to ironically complain to the ref about Mitchell's, to the ref unseen, involvement - which allowed Rhino to get back on his feet and use the opportunity to hit a vicious Gore on a distracted Jarrett, followed by a 3-count.

Winner: Rhino

Match length: 11:57

Rating: C+


Tony Schiavone is asking Warrior questions about his title match at Against All Odds, were he refused to pick up the win after Nash and DDP got involved, instead losing the match later on. Warrior explains that he wants to defeat Sting clean and fair, to prove that he is the better man. And then some stuff about purple men from the dark side of the moon chanting a song that will give him strength to defeat his opponents.

Rating: C+


The Latin-American Connection vs. The Destruction Crew

Santana pins Bloom after a Flying Forearm.

Winners: The Latin-American Connection

Match length: 6:37

Rating: C-


Christian Cage, accompanied by his manager Bob Backlund, walks to the ring amidst loud boos. He boasts about winning the X Division Championship and states that while it took him quite some time, Backlund finally managed to teach him that the nice guy always finishes last - and that you have to make sacrifices to win. Guerrero then comes out and says that Cage turned on not only him but, more importantly, the fans, and demands a rematch!

Rating: C+


TNA X Division Championship match:

Eddie Guerrero vs. Christian Cage © /w. Bob Backlund

A fine match here which Guerrero was extremely close to win after a Frog Splash - but Backlund managed to break it up just in time, thereby giving Guerrero the win by DQ. Cage retains.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero

Match length: 14:37

Rating: B-


When Sting comes out, the crowd really pops. He proceeds to high-five several audience members and provides us with several signature "wooo!"'s.

Rating: A


Non-title match:

Sting © vs. Chris Jericho

This great match saw Sting win by submission with a Scorpion Deathlock. Jericho made a fine showing against the world champion, though.

Winner: Sting

Match length: 11:46

Rating: B+


Kevin Nash, accompanied by DDP, mocks Warrior and calls him an "old-fashioned and misguided loser who needs to leave 'Planet Weirdass' and get his sorry feet back on earth".

Rating: B-


The Ultimate Warrior and Vader vs. Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page

A good match between two even forces ended as DDP got DQed when hitting Warrior with a chair as frustrated retribution for kicking out of his third pin attempt.

Winners: The Ultimate Warrior and Vader

Match length: 13:32

Rating: B-


Show rating: B-

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<p><strong>TNA Impact!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Pre-show match:</p><p>

<strong>Jim Neidhart and One Man Gang vs. The Quebecers</strong></p><p>

OMG pins Rougeau after a 747 Splash.</p><p>

Winners: <strong>Jim Neidhart and One Man Gang</strong></p><p>

Match length: 6:42</p><p>

Rating: B-</p><p> </p><p>

The Ultimate Warrior cuts a promo on Nash, Nash comes out to confront him and a match between the two is arranged for later to determine which man is superior, as they both feel they should be challenging Sting for his title at Sacrifice. Pretty standard opening.</p><p>

Rating: B-</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sean Waltman vs. Abismo Negro</strong></p><p>

Waltman pins Negro in a decent match after a 1-2-3 Kick.</p><p>

Winner: <strong>Sean Waltman</strong></p><p>

Match length: 8:08</p><p>

Rating: C</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Jericho comes down to rant against Davey Boy Smith. Again. He admits that his consecutive defeats against Davey Boy does not speak in his favor, but he is still determined to prove himself the better man in one last glorious attempt... and what better place than TNA Sacrifice? In fact, in spirit of the name of the PPV, Jericho has a suggestion, an idea inspired by his time in Mexico: a Luchas de Apuestas match where the loser... loses his hair!!! One last match with big stakes! Davey Boy comes out... and accepts!</p><p>

Rating: B</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Latin-American Connection vs. The Heavenly Bodies /w. Bruce Prichard</strong></p><p>

Vega pinned Lane after a Carribean Kick.</p><p>

Winners: <strong>The Latin-American Connection</strong></p><p>

Match length: 8:30</p><p>

Rating: C+</p><p> </p><p>

It is announced that we will see an exciting 3-way for the World Tag Team Championship at Sacrifice: The Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat vs. The Apocalypse ©!</p><p>

Rating: C+</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Road Warrior Animal /w. Road Warrior Hawk and Paul Ellering vs. Booker T /w. Stevie Ray vs. Abyss /w. Doomsday</strong></p><p>

In a match that unexpectably saw lots of interference by team mates, Booker T managed to pick up the win after a Harlem Hangover on Animal.</p><p>

Winner: <strong>Booker T</strong></p><p>

Match length: 12:52</p><p>

Rating: B-</p><p> </p><p>

Rhino comes down to the ring to challenge Vader for a match as a continuation of his ongoing efforts to get revenge against anyone who have previously defeated him. Vader eventually comes out and... refuses to fight him. He says he has better stuff to do than to waste time with Rhino's vain little games, and walks away. Which angers Rhino endlessly.</p><p>

Rating: B-</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jeff Jarrett and Christian Cage /w. Bob Backlund vs. Bobby Eaton and Eddie Guerrero</strong></p><p>

Guerrero was about to pin Jarrett after a Frog Splash - but like last week, Backlund enters the ring and breaks it up, leaving Guerrero victor once again by DQ. Jarrett and Guerrero ends up arguing.</p><p>

Winners: <strong>Bobby Eaton and Eddie Guerrero</strong></p><p>

Match length: 12:34</p><p>

Rating: B</p><p> </p><p>

DDP is being interviewed by Tony Schiavone. He praises himself and his partner, Kevin Nash, and pretty much bashes everyone else in TNA. Especially Sting, Warrior, Vader and Davey Boy, whom he all mentions by name.</p><p>

Rating: C</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Ultimate Warrior vs. Kevin Nash /w. Diamond Dallas Page</strong></p><p>

DDP was banished from ringside by the ref quite early in the match, so Nash had to go at it on his own for most of the match. These two powerful men fought an even match with lost of devastating moves, but the match ended in a double countout after Warrior hit a crazy suicide dive to the outside that went wrong for both of them and left them lying for a while.</p><p>

Winner: <strong>Draw</strong></p><p>

Match length: 13:32</p><p>

Rating: B-</p><p> </p><p>

When Sting comes out, the crowd really pops. He proceeds to high-five several audience members and provides us with several signature "wooo!"'s.</p><p>

Rating: B+</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sting and Davey Boy Smith vs. Team 3D</strong></p><p>

Good show by Devon and Ray, but not enough to defeat these two top faces. Sting pins Devon after a Diving Crossbody as Davey Boy had worked on him first.</p><p>

Winners: <strong>Sting and Davey Boy Smith</strong></p><p>

Match length: 15:23</p><p>

Rating: B-</p><p> </p><p>

Sting and Davey Boy spends some time celebrating and posing for the fans in the ring and hi-fives some lucky audience members at ringside.</p><p>

Rating: B+</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Show rating: B</strong></p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

TNA Impact!


Pre-show match:

The Heartbreakers vs. Tim Horner and Bobby Blaze

Brandi pinned Blaze after a Broken Heart.

Winners: The Heartbreakers

Match length: 4:01

Rating: D+


Sean Waltman vs. Jinzei Shinzaki

A 1-2-3 Kick sends Shinzaki down and Waltman victorious.

Winner: Sean Waltman

Match length: 4:39

Rating: D+


Waltman grabs a mic after the match and rants against Bob Backlund and Christian Cage, stating that the latter is in no way fit to hold the TNA X Division Championship.

Rating: D+


A hype video presentation is introducing us to a new tag team in the world of wrestling; the powerful, big and strong duo of Jim Neidhart and One Man Gang... The Anvil Gang!

Rating: C


Following the events of recent weeks, it is hardly shocking news when the announcers... well, announce that the main event at TNA Sacrifice will be a triple threat match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship between Kevin Nash, The Ultimate Warrior and Sting ©! But not only that... tonight, all 3 men will be in the main event as Sting, Warrior and Davey Boy takes on Nash, DDP and Jericho!

Rating: B


The Anvil Gang vs. The Destruction Crew

Debuting on tv, Neidhart and OMG shows that they are a force to be reckoned with as OMG pins Enos after a 747 Splash.

Winners: The Anvil Gang

Match length: 7:17

Rating: C+


The Latin-American Connection are being interviewed by Tony Schiavone, who asks them their thoughts on The Apocalypse and the fact that they are TNA World Tag Team Champions. Santana and Vega state that they are still determined to strip them of those titles, but are interrupted by Team 3D - who rant against The LAC for having been given plenty of opportunities but failed, and that they should be given title shots instead... but that they are always overlooked and disrespected, that they are tired of walking in the shadows of no-good has-beens like Santana and no-good never-has-beens (ouch!) like Vega! The discussion quickly evolves into a brawl that has to be broken up by staff.

Rating: C-


Davey Boy Smith talks about how he looks forward to becoming Chris Jericho's barber for one evening when he plans to beat him at Sacrifice, and urges him to wash his hair for the occation.

Rating: B-


USWA World Heavyweight Championship match:

Bobby Eaton vs. Jeff Jarrett ©

Jarrett wins as he made Eaton submit to a Figure Four Leglock as he used the ropes for leverage. Deja-vú...?

Winner, and still champion: Jeff Jarrett

Match length: 9:57

Rating: C+


After the match, Jarrett continues to lay a beating to Eaton, wanting to teach him a lesson... or something. Eaton is saved, however, when Eddie Guerrero rushes out to chase Jarrett away! Guerrero and Jarrett exchanges angry looks and heated words, and it is obvious that their tag match last week has left some unfinished business between the two.

Rating: C+


The Apocalypse is in the ring and are joined by... Jim Cornette! What on earth...? Jim Cornette is back! But not as a TNA-employee... but representing the evil WWF!!! He starts by showing everyone a ticket for tonight's show as proof of him being allowed in the arena, and goes on to explain that his lawyers has finally found loopholes in Abyss and Doomsday's contracts that allows them to compete in WWF while still being under contract here in TNA... but that it won't last for long, as they are looking for ways still to break them from their TNA-obligations! And hopefully sooner rather than later, so they can stop being forced to entertain all these lazy bums (Cornette points out towards the audience while being boo'd)... and of course, they will be taking their TNA World Tag Team Championship belts with them - so those belts may be defended in a proper promotion against proper opponents... REALLY loud boos now. Some security are out and are contemplating removing Cornette, but as The Apocalypse protect him they decide that it's probably not worth the hassle. Seems like a good call.

Rating: C+


Stevie Ray /w. Booker T vs. Road Warrior Hawk /w. Road Warrior Animal and Paul Ellering vs. Doomsday /w. Abyss and Jim Cornette

Lots of interference again this week, as could be expected - both from tag partners and managers. Hawk ends up pinning Stevie Ray after him and Animal hit a Doomsday Device.

Winner: Road Warrior Hawk

Match length: 10:35

Rating: C


Nash and DDP are mocking The Ultimate Warrior and Sting, really laying into them. Nash is wearing a Warrior mask and DDP a Sting mask as they mockingly do a fake conversation between the two. Not too bad parodies, actually, and the crowd seemed entertained.

Rating: B


Vader vs. Bob Backlund /w. Christian Cage

Vader was attacked by Christian Cage during this match, but didn't seem too bothered about it. He managed to see Cage coming, after a ref bump, and countered - only to get hit with a chair from behind by Backlund. Vader managed to disarm Backlund but not before Cage was back at it, about to hit his finisher on Vader - when Waltman ran to the ring and took out Cage! Vader them hit a Vader Bomb on Backlund and looked set to finish him off, only to get hit by a huge Gore from Rhino, who had stormed into the ring! Rhino then left the ring again as Backlund took advantage of the situation and locked a Crossface Chickenwing on Vader, who ultimately submitted.

Winner: Bob Backlund

Match length: 11:06

Rating: B


Sting and The Ultimate Warrior briefly meet and talk backstage before the main event of the night, with Sting dismissing Nash and DDP as a couple of clowns who have it all in their big mouths - and Warrior starts rambling about their 3-way at Sacrifice being the ultimate test of manhood and starts doing some weird Indian-ish dance with accompanying sounds. Kinda strange... but eh, it's Warrior. So the crowd digs it!

Rating: B+


When Sting comes out, the crowd really pops. He proceeds to high-five several audience members and provides us with several signature "wooo!"'s.

Rating: B+


Sting, Davey Boy Smith and The Ultimate Warrior vs. Kevin Nash, Diamond Dallas Page and Chris Jericho

A really good match here with lots of action and excitement saw the heels nearly cheat their way to victory a couple of times before Warrior ended the match after a big and mean Warrior Splash on DDP.

Winners: Sting, Davey Boy Smith and The Ultimate Warrior

Match length: 15:58

Rating: B+


After the match, Sting and Davey Boy hugs and Sting offers his hand to Warrior as a sign of respect... but Warrior just stares at him, goes to shake the ropes, stares at him again and leaves. That crazy Warrior, eh?

Rating: B


Show rating: B-

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I'm amped for sacrifice. I'm a HUGE mark for The Apocalypse and loved the Planet Weirdass line. That totally sounded like something Nash would say.


Thanks for the kind words. :)


I'm pretty happy with The Apocalypse myself, just too bad those damn buggers are so unruly and insist on trying to leave us for that big and cold corporation to the north!


Stay tuned as another big match for Sacrifice will be revealed at the next episode of Impact...

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  • 1 month later...

<p><strong>TNA Impact!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Pre-show match:</p><p>

<strong>Team 3D vs. The Heartbreakers</strong></p><p>

Devon pinned Ruiz after a 3D.</p><p>

Winners: <strong>Team 3D</strong></p><p>

Match length: 5:40</p><p>

Rating: C+</p><p> </p><p>

Tony Schiavone is interviewing The Ultimate Warrior, who says that all the animals in the jungle, from the lion at the top to the scared little possum at the bottom, are howling tonight.... and they will be howling untill Sacrifice, when Warrior will stand victorious after his match against Sting and Kevin Nash as the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion! Just ask all the howling animals!!! Warrior then howls and growls before leaving a puzzled Schiavone. The crowd didn't quite dig Warrior as much as usually... perhaps he should have growled some more.</p><p>

Rating: C+</p><p> </p><p>

TNA X Division Championship #1 contendership elimination match:</p><p>

<strong>Misterioso vs. Abismo Negro vs. Sean Waltman vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Skayde</strong></p><p>

In a solid match which the crowd didn't quite seem in the mood for, Waltman emerged as the victor after eliminating Hayashi last.</p><p>

Winner: <strong>Sean Waltman</strong></p><p>

Match length: 11:43</p><p>

Rating: D+</p><p> </p><p>

The announcers talk about this meaning that we'll be seeing Sean Waltman take on Christian Cage © for the title at Sacrifice.</p><p>

Rating: C</p><p> </p><p>

Harlem Heat and The Road Warriors bump into each other backstage, both teams seeming rather upset. They have each an extremely insulting letter, supposedly from the opposing team, mocking them and daring them to meet them where they stand. Some yelling and pushing ensues while both teams angrily complains about the insulting letters while also denying having written the opposing team's letter, and a huge brawl almost ensues... untill both teams realize that they have probably been set up. As it becomes obvious that they won't fight, they are all attacked by The Apocalypse, Doomsday and Abyss, who are equipped with chairs and lays out all 4. Out from the shadows them steps a laughing Jim Cornette, who says it's unfortunate that they did not appreciate his letters. Cornette and The Apocalypse then leaves Harlem Heat and The Road Warriors down and out.</p><p>

Rating: C</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Anvil Gang vs. PG-13</strong></p><p>

Neidhart pins JC Ice after an Anvil Flattener.</p><p>

Winners: <strong>The Anvil Gang</strong></p><p>

Match length: 5:54</p><p>

Rating: C+</p><p> </p><p>

Kevin Nash, with DDP, laughs at Warrior's interview from earlier tonight and says he can't wait to kick his ridiculous ass out of the ring and into the circus where it belongs... in fact, why wait? He's ready to challenge the "Dingo Warrior" for a match later tonight, he says!</p><p>

Rating: B-</p><p> </p><p>

It's now, after a short commercial, Nash's former stablemate, Jeff Jarrett, who is in the ring being obnoxious. He proclaims his own greatness and boasts about being the holder of the USWA World Heavyweight Championship, having brushed off all challengers with ease. He's then interrupted by none other than Vader, who demands a title shot... right here, right now! A startled Jarrett naturally refuses, saying that he's unprepared and wouldn't want to overshadow Nash vs. Warrior later on. Vader says that if Jarrett is as great as he claims, it shouldn't be a problem to face him even unprepared. Jarrett then says that it would be unfair to allow Vader to step ahead of all the other many challengers for this prestigeous title, but Vader cuts him off and tells him that he can either go into that ring and beat him up without it being a proper match and without any rules to curb the monster inside, after which he *will* be taking the title from Jarrett's bloody hands... or he can do it in a proper match, in which Jarrett will get a chance to defend it. Jarrett then reluctantly agrees...</p><p>

Rating: C+</p><p> </p><p>

USWA World Heavyweight Championship match:</p><p>

<strong>Vader vs. Jeff Jarrett ©</strong></p><p>

The two had a pretty good match that Vader mostly dominated. Jarrett had already escaped a pin attempt after a vicious Vader Bomb by getting his foot on the ropes at the last minute, but after Vader hit him with another one in the middle of the ring he looked poised to get the win and the title... untill Rhino suddenly stormed into the ring and hit a Gore on Vader! The ref then awarded Vader with the win, but by DQ!</p><p>

Winner: <strong>Vader</strong></p><p>

Match length: 13:40</p><p>

Rating: B</p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Guerrero then comes out and says that Jarrett, as usual, got off too easy... and that he want him one on one at Sacrifice! Jarrett comments that he's still champion after a match with Vader and that a match against an illegal immigrant like Guerrero won't change that, and thus accepts the challenge.</p><p>

Rating: C+</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Jericho comes out dressed up as Davey Boy Smith, added fake ugly teeth (to look "British"). He sings the British national anthem mockingly, replacing several worlds with less flattering words of his own, untill an upset Davey Boy storm out and chases Jericho out through the crowd, though without catching him.</p><p>

Rating: B+</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kevin Nash /w. Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Ultimate Warrior</strong></p><p>

An open match, but not exactly main event worthy, as these two big men showed off the full extent of their technical abilities. As Nash distracted the referee after being upset with an after his opinion too slow count, DDP tried to sneak up on Warrior to hit a Diamond Cutter... but Warrior saw him coming and hit him with a huge Clothesline that sent him over the top rope. Unfortunately, DDP's stunt did act as a distraction that allowed Nash to put a boot to his stomach and hit a huuuuge Jackknife Powerbomb on Warrior - and got the pinfall as a result.</p><p>

Winner: <strong>Kevin Nash</strong></p><p>

Match length: 14:18</p><p>

Rating: C+</p><p> </p><p>

An angry Vader, having been unable to find Rhino backstage, grabs a mic and yells into it that if Rhino wants to be torn apart so badly and put on Vader's wall as a safari trophy, then so be it... because come Sacrifice, it will be time... it will be Vader time!!!</p><p>

Rating: B</p><p> </p><p>

When Sting comes out, the crowd really pops. He proceeds to high-five several audience members and provides us with several signature "wooo!"'s.</p><p>

Rating: B+</p><p> </p><p>

Non-title match:</p><p>

<strong>Bob Backlund /w. Christian Cage vs. Sting ©</strong></p><p>

A great match here as Backlund showed that he's still got it, even against the best! It was not quite enough, however, and even multiple attempts at interference by Christian Cage was not enough to prevent Sting from pinning Backlund after a Diving Crossbody.</p><p>

Winner: <strong>Sting</strong></p><p>

Match length: 18:10</p><p>

Rating: A</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Show rating: B</strong></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:36px;">TNA Sacrifice 1996 card:</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;">TNA World Heavyweight Championship match:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

</span><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Kevin Nash vs. The Ultimate Warrior vs. Sting ©</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

Hair vs. Hair match:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

</span><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Chris Jericho vs. Davey Boy Smith</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

TNA World Tag Team Championship match:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

</span><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>The Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat vs. The Apocalypse ©</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

TNA X Division Championship match:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

</span><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Sean Waltman vs. Christian Cage ©</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

</span><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Vader vs. Rhino</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

USWA World Heavyweight Championship match:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

</span><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett ©</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

</span><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Team 3D vs. The Latin-American Connection</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

...and more!</span></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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