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~ The Golden Age: 1987 Official Release ~

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Sounds like you aren't advance booking anything. Either that or you're running really poor shows which will result in much bigger problems very soon. Speaking of which, you didn't drop to Cult did you? You get that note all the time when you drop to Cult. If that's the case, pray they drop you when you can negotiate for one of the national deals.
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Sounds like you aren't advance booking anything. Either that or you're running really poor shows which will result in much bigger problems very soon. Speaking of which, you didn't drop to Cult did you? You get that note all the time when you drop to Cult. If that's the case, pray they drop you when you can negotiate for one of the national deals.



i would drop the deals before they drop you, as you don't want the prestige damage that comes from them dropping you.

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Got to ask you Genadi, do you think anyone will ever get the pleasure of booking Johnny Maivia?


Very evil putting someone in to debut 46 years after the mod starts :p


Surely that just makes Genadi even more of a legend by setting that up as pretty much a challenge to see if anyone can/will do it?!

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Surely that just makes Genadi even more of a legend by setting that up as pretty much a challenge to see if anyone can/will do it?!


When I found out about the future (I.e past 2011) that Genadi had put in, I was on a mission to sim up to 2011 to see what the wrestling world looks like with everyone debuted. By finding Johnny Maivia my sim has been extended by another 22 years :p

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Guest cmdrsam
I know the first page has been updated to 1.1 I have downloaded twice the link that is listed and unziped. Copied those files and overwrote the old ones. And in the editor it still says 1.0. Any ideas?
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Oh and just quickly... another big thank you to all those who've sung this mods praises. As most who followed the progress know it wasn't an easy task and it's rewarding to see so many people enjoying it :)


Oh and I'm already working on my next mod. It will be June 2006, no ETA yet.

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Guest cmdrsam
So let me get this right. I did curse at my laptop and flip it off for a reason then right? :). Ok, guess I'll wait for you to upload the newer version. Thanks for all of your hard work Genadi. I have always enjoyed your mods.
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So let me get this right. I did curse at my laptop and flip it off for a reason then right? :). Ok, guess I'll wait for you to upload the newer version. Thanks for all of your hard work Genadi. I have always enjoyed your mods.


No, he did upload 1.1. He just didn't change "1.0" to "1.1" in the mod itself.

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Oh and just quickly... another big thank you to all those who've sung this mods praises. As most who followed the progress know it wasn't an easy task and it's rewarding to see so many people enjoying it :)


Oh and I'm already working on my next mod. It will be June 2006, no ETA yet.


You shouldn't be thanking us. We should be thanking you!


I enjoy this mod so much it cuts into my time to work on my own original mod (needs tons of work) but I am ok with it.


I want to see what I can do with the WWF from 87 until present day... if I can survive.

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The mod looks great so far.. I'm a month in with a user created promotion.


One odd thing, though, is WWF booked WrestleMania 3 in Hawaii.


... in a 2,400 seat gym. lol


Unfortunate flaw in the game's design... There should be a touring schedule you can select just like house shows, so the AI won't bother holding shows in certain areas.... Or special events should be barred from the touring rotation and they should pick 1 of 5 of the most lucrative locations available to them. Oh well!



Good news: it sold out

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The mod looks great so far.. I'm a month in with a user created promotion.


One odd thing, though, is WWF booked WrestleMania 3 in Hawaii.


... in a 2,400 seat gym. lol


Unfortunate flaw in the game's design... There should be a touring schedule you can select just like house shows, so the AI won't bother holding shows in certain areas.... Or special events should be barred from the touring rotation and they should pick 1 of 5 of the most lucrative locations available to them. Oh well!



Good news: it sold out


I was there for that show to.:p

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Why is Ricky Steamboat basically a mercenary? I think if anything there should be a narrative sometime after Wrestlemania before Survivor Series where he decides to step away from wrestling while his son is born. According to the WWE dvd that was the only reason he asked to be released for awhile in 87.


In the 90s he asked for a release because he was unhappy with the lack of push and being stagnant. Again this is all according to the dvd.


I don't think he should be considered loyal but he shouldn't be a mercenary either. If his son wasn't born that summer he could have been in the WWF for many years if pushed well I think.

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Sounds like you aren't advance booking anything. Either that or you're running really poor shows which will result in much bigger problems very soon. Speaking of which, you didn't drop to Cult did you? You get that note all the time when you drop to Cult. If that's the case, pray they drop you when you can negotiate for one of the national deals.


It does sound like that's what happened, I discounted the effect advance booking can have. I had rectified it a bit and my shows were starting to get a lot better(Randy Savage was in a squash with Tommy Jammer and it got a 75! Still, Jammer was Savage's protege). My hard drive went south though and it's looking like I've lost this save when I was beginning to book Savage/Steamboat II at Wrestlemania IV. I don't mind starting over if that's what I'm gonna have to do.


This is a great mod, but how can you forget Mario Mancini! He was one of the greatest job guys ever :(

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I've never heard of Mario Mancini. Who is he? Post a picture if you can.




Active from around 1984-the early 1990s, though had wrestled a while back.


He looked like he was older than he actually was.


There are a couple of other guys missing(Jerry Allen and Mancini stand out), but for the most part this mod is rather comprehensive, and I like it!


EDIT: Oh yea, question for anyone else that uses the WWF: Does Paul Roma explode in popularity in your games too? He's become my 5th biggest face behind Hogan, Steamboat, Duggan, and Beefcake.

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Active from around 1984-the early 1990s, though had wrestled a while back.


He looked like he was older than he actually was.


There are a couple of other guys missing(Jerry Allen and Mancini stand out), but for the most part this mod is rather comprehensive, and I like it!


EDIT: Oh yea, question for anyone else that uses the WWF: Does Paul Roma explode in popularity in your games too? He's become my 5th biggest face behind Hogan, Steamboat, Duggan, and Beefcake.


Paula Roma does find a way to get over but he did have the look and charisma needed to get over.


Who else should be in this mod? Maybe compile a list and post it so it may happen in the next update. If not we can always add them to our games. I know I'd like to.

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Paula Roma does find a way to get over but he did have the look and charisma needed to get over.


Who else should be in this mod? Maybe compile a list and post it so it may happen in the next update. If not we can always add them to our games. I know I'd like to.


I can put together a small list later, there isn't a whole lot, but I grew up with mid-80s WWF so a few jobbers being missing might stand out a bit. Starting over gives me a chance to help look through the database to see what's missing.


Another bummer about losing the save was that Steve Lombardi benefited from having Harley Race as his mentor and became a solid mid-card act. I even took a risk and had Race and Lombardi win the tag titles(with Heenan as manager of course) for a brief period. it turned out okay! Randy Savage turned into a good egg and had taken young Tommy Jammer under his wing, and Savage's squash of Jammer even rated a 75!

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Okay, again, this list is just WWF TV jobbers of the era, but they were usually pretty good at their jobs. If these guys are in there already, let me know. I couldn't find any of their aliases in the database:


Jerry Allen - In the mold of Jim Powers and Paul Roma, but not as solid in ring as either of them, yet. Had a great look and good in ring charisma, though. Probably would have been a decent midcard hand if his ring work developed a bit. http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/j/jerry-oski.html - hard to find information for him.


Mario Mancini - Pudgy and didn't have much of a look, but was a great seller for his age. Seemed to bring out the best in his opponents with his selling ability. http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/m/mario-mancini.html


Rusty Brooks - claim to fame was wrestling Hulk Hogan on TV. Rotund, has decent menace. Seemed like a generic big man worker. Lost a lot of weight in recent years. http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/r/rusty-brooks.html


Johnny K9 - Generic strong man with little charisma and mic skills. Decent menace though. Later came to be known as Bruiser Bedlam and Taras Bulba, but not the Taras Bulba who beat Kerry Von Erich with a claw. Has had a history of legal trouble and is currently in prison: http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/b/bruiser-bedlam.html


A.J. Petrucci - Another strong man, with good menace that helped later in his career. Trained Hillbilly Jim and had a run in early 90s ECW as the Super Destroyers. http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/a/a-j-petrucci.html


Steve Gatorwolf - At the time, a large native American jobber Worked mostly as a face in the WWF. Seemed to sell okay, but got little offense so couldn't really evaluate. http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/s/steve-gatorwolf.html


David Stoudamire - Lightweight jobber. Good seller, probably could have had a decent high flying offense. Only really saw him in the WWF, there seems to be a lack of information if he did anything outside of the WWF. Don't have a OWW profile for him, unfortunately.


Red Tyler - Early 90s equivalent of Mario Mancini. Well regarded jobber, got little offense so couldn't really tell you how good he was in that regard. OWW surprisingly doesn't have a page for him, but I'd like to think he debuted around 1988, since this link: http://www.profightdb.com/wrestlers/red-tyler-7204.html shows him in a match with Bad News Brown.


Riki Ataki - Asian jobber, great seller, seemed like he had good generic kung fu offense when he used it in Herb Abrahms' UWF. Can't find an OWW page on him, oddly enough.


Fun story about Ataki: I ran a hockey league and one season in a draft I included 80s/90s TV jobbers in the draft. Ataki turned into a good defensemen in the league, and a few months after this draft I receive an email from Mr. Ataki himself saying 'holy cow, someone I knew gave me the link to your league, and I'm amazed someone remembers me! I see a lot of the guys I worked with!' We had exchanged a few emails and talked hockey. He was a pretty good guy.


Oh yeah: Jumpin' Jeff Farmer and Motley Cruz(aka David Price) aren't in this either. However, I'm not even sure when those legendary promos/match took place. They do look like they take place sometime in the 80s, but I can't find a date. I know it'd probably be a little bit silly to add those guys, though. There is a Jeff Farmer in the database but it's obviously not Jumpin' Jeff Farmer

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Okay, again, this list is just WWF TV jobbers of the era, but they were usually pretty good at their jobs. If these guys are in there already, let me know. I couldn't find any of their aliases in the database:


Jerry Allen - In the mold of Jim Powers and Paul Roma, but not as solid in ring as either of them, yet. Had a great look and good in ring charisma, though. Probably would have been a decent midcard hand if his ring work developed a bit. http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/j/jerry-oski.html - hard to find information for him.


Mario Mancini - Pudgy and didn't have much of a look, but was a great seller for his age. Seemed to bring out the best in his opponents with his selling ability. http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/m/mario-mancini.html


Rusty Brooks - claim to fame was wrestling Hulk Hogan on TV. Rotund, has decent menace. Seemed like a generic big man worker. Lost a lot of weight in recent years. http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/r/rusty-brooks.html


Johnny K9 - Generic strong man with little charisma and mic skills. Decent menace though. Later came to be known as Bruiser Bedlam and Taras Bulba, but not the Taras Bulba who beat Kerry Von Erich with a claw. Has had a history of legal trouble and is currently in prison: http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/b/bruiser-bedlam.html


A.J. Petrucci - Another strong man, with good menace that helped later in his career. Trained Hillbilly Jim and had a run in early 90s ECW as the Super Destroyers. http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/a/a-j-petrucci.html


Steve Gatorwolf - At the time, a large native American jobber Worked mostly as a face in the WWF. Seemed to sell okay, but got little offense so couldn't really evaluate. http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/s/steve-gatorwolf.html


David Stoudamire - Lightweight jobber. Good seller, probably could have had a decent high flying offense. Only really saw him in the WWF, there seems to be a lack of information if he did anything outside of the WWF. Don't have a OWW profile for him, unfortunately.


Red Tyler - Early 90s equivalent of Mario Mancini. Well regarded jobber, got little offense so couldn't really tell you how good he was in that regard. OWW surprisingly doesn't have a page for him, but I'd like to think he debuted around 1988, since this link: http://www.profightdb.com/wrestlers/red-tyler-7204.html shows him in a match with Bad News Brown.


Riki Ataki - Asian jobber, great seller, seemed like he had good generic kung fu offense when he used it in Herb Abrahms' UWF. Can't find an OWW page on him, oddly enough.


Fun story about Ataki: I ran a hockey league and one season in a draft I included 80s/90s TV jobbers in the draft. Ataki turned into a good defensemen in the league, and a few months after this draft I receive an email from Mr. Ataki himself saying 'holy cow, someone I knew gave me the link to your league, and I'm amazed someone remembers me! I see a lot of the guys I worked with!' We had exchanged a few emails and talked hockey. He was a pretty good guy.


Oh yeah: Jumpin' Jeff Farmer and Motley Cruz(aka David Price) aren't in this either. However, I'm not even sure when those legendary promos/match took place. They do look like they take place sometime in the 80s, but I can't find a date. I know it'd probably be a little bit silly to add those guys, though. There is a Jeff Farmer in the database but it's obviously not Jumpin' Jeff Farmer


Wow you really know your 80s WWF jobbers. I'm very impressed. I want to make all of these guys and add them to the WWF on Pay Per Appearance deals now.

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I mainly grew up on WWF because we didn't get cable until around late 1989, so I saw plenty of WWF jobbers, but my mind is a little fuzzy on WCW/NWA/AWA jobbers. This mod seems to have the WCW/NWA/AWA jobbers covered though :)


Funny thing is: I did add the jobbers when I restarted the game, only signing Allen and Mancini, and at my creative meeting the game's picked Mancini to be my #2 hot prospect. Also, Harley Race has taken Allen under his wing so that can only be a good thing for him.

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