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Let's Play NYCW 101: A Guided Tour of TEW2010

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Also, a lot of my roster can't deal with going all out. Whatever.


Remember when I predicted a 30 for DWN/Higa? Yeah, I was totally accurate. 47 WITH HEEL/HEEL MATCHUP PENALTY. God. Love them so much.


Flash/Machine/Vessey was pretty good, considering Vessey's hurt and Machine, by that point, should have lost...maybe 6 or so points of overness.


That first angle sucked. Expected Avatar to carry it a hell of a lot better than he actually did. Also, Keith and Wright get nervous as they're pushed up the card. That's the only negative motivation note that would make sense. Which, y'know, is fantastic given that Matthew Keith is obscenely awesome and Lee Wright's in for a title run (well, tourney win).


On that note as well, I cannot book ebbs and flows at all. Perfect Show Theory and me do not get along; I'll keep it on for posterity's sake, though.



Ignore the first and last sentences. Now lol (or choke, as it were) with me.


As to why I booked me for the title win? Well, first, I'm awesome. And I mean it; I'm the best worker on the roster, ergo I'll have the best matches. Secondly, I wanted myself and *spoilers* to have a great match; the title should help that.


YAY DAZZLING DAVE DIAMOND DOESN'T HAVE A CRAP MANAGER NOW. Also, that's a decent angle. Still going to get dinged due to the main event, but...



I read through about 10 pages of this diary. Good stuff. Also good notes for me, like I need to show you merch notes later to see if Conservative or whatever did anything.

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The most fun I have had in any game ever is throwing a Spadone into a guy's face at point-blank range.







Their name should be, by the way, "WHAT THE HELL I NEVER PAIRED THOSE TWO GUYS TOGETHER IN MY GAME?". Yeah, a bit of a long name, sure, but...eh.


Interesting part's that at National (might just be Global), they won't be able to call in the ring. Sad, given the otherwise talent they have (I do know they met each other, and it got mid-70s I believe. Remember that Steve's god-level popular, right? Yeah...)







B. I can't remember whether or not I actually started his firing, or if he's walking out. Notably:


Happy with contract, angry at three matches. And would be mad if I kept him, then he'd love his push. Meh.


Wait a second. Insane Machine has a "Machine" gimmick at 77 (cool), and momentum at 51?




Annnnnyway, let's check his popularity:



That's a 9-point drop from one show. Amusing. And he's still Upper-midcard.


For the record, Canadian Executioner gained 10 points of popularity (making the burial worth it), J-Ro got 2 points (impressive, given that makes her 44 pop), Donte Dunn gained 5, Roger Monteiro gained 5, Running Wolf gained 5, and K-Squared gained 5.


As noted, the burial was superfluous and only served to piss off Machine more (making him "angry" at the matches rather than "annoyed", for example). Still, losing 9 points from one person and having 39 points gained for the roster is fantastic. I'm happy. Also, we now have another burial show.


How are our finances?





Remember a few things:


A. We don't have any sponsorship money yet. We would be on course for about a $2,000 gain this month, which would be great.


B. We have another show this month because I'm insane (LOLPUN). Ergo, we are screeeeeeewwwwweeeed.





There was the spoiler wrestler under him at 27.5%, btw. Anyway, this is what happens when you have a relatively-strenuous product and throw a guy into some 40 minutes of wrestling in a show. Machine had a 74 stamina(now 75), so...I'm actually a touch surprised at him being fatigued. Toughness 58, Resilience 86...eh, I didn't expect upper-40s.





Aw, it was me. Oh well. Bye.



Tag team feud ideas:


D-Generation X vs. Cali Dragons (two of my upper-midcard at least teams going at it. Should be excellent if THE DRAGONS DON'T HAVE BAD CHEMISTRY AGAIN)


Ring Generals vs. Old School Principals (because that one's happening)


Island Attitude vs. Native America vs. The Big Execution (Island Attitude gets experience to match their chemistry, Native America gets squashed, the menacing guys get popularity)


Americans vs. CrotchPunch (Admittedly, I have a feeling this feud will technically keep going by having DWN and Frank in the same segment, but I doubt I'm going to keep actually moving the feud along.)




So, up soon we got the NTCW DGM. Thoughts on the roster so far?


  1. With no opponent chemistry, I'll have to rely on he raw skills of my matchups to save the show.
  2. That said, Lee Wright vs. Jack Avatar (the most likely finale) won't be so good due to Wright's hurt body.
  3. Then again, I was going to have Jack face my mystery guy in a non-tournament semi-main event, so...
  4. Provided I'm okay with repeating matchups, here are viable contenders (and I learn if I can imbed a list inside a numbered list):
    • Joanne Rodriguez vs. Matthew Keith: got a 58 last time; putting her against Matt or Greg would be a fine choice, an excellent match, and hey, J-Ro can lose in the finale. Strong contender for the semi-finals.
    • Steve Flash vs. DWN: 59 last time; similar to above, it's a perfect semi-final. However, I then would have to choose between the Flash match or the J-Ro match with Wright, since he has to win it. So...got some decisions to make there.
    • DWN vs. Fuyuko Higa: 47 last time, in a draw. This has opener written all over it.
    • Flash vs. BHB: 57. A high-profile match for an opener, I'd imagine, since both have the skills to net at least a semi-final bid.

[*]We're set to hit Regional by...May, if not April here. With the double-up in March (this month), we should show 28 popularity. I'd expect to hit a true 29 in one-to-two shows (hence my predictions >_>)

[*]Our tag division is actually really nice, compared to most of my games. D-Generation X is a high-profile team of two popular, good workers. We then have a couple of jobber teams (one with chemistry), the good midcard presence (Old School), two veteran/rookie duos in SockPunch and Americans, a menacing team, the midcard prospects, and our high-caliber face team (The Cali Dragons). That's real nice. And, of course, Wright and Vessey as an occasional team for the lulz. Seriously, though, we have top card, midcard, and low card covered. A+ for me.


THE TOURNAMENT BRACKET (with the opening matches the only ones advanced booked, of course:)


Davis Wayne Newton vs. Fuyuko Higa


Steve Flash vs. Black Hat Bailey


Lee Wright vs. Sara Marie York


Larry Vessey vs. Hell Monkey



Steve Flash vs. Davis Wayne Newton


Lee Wright vs. Larry Vessey




Lee Wright vs. Steve Flash


and Jack Avatar vs. OH GOD I'M SO HAPPY

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Beat Brotherhood. Got all the Romulus keys, which was cool. Did all assassin guild challenges (not contracts...), yet no unlock. Dunno where the Crests are (like the Thieve's Guild Crest) in the hideout. *shrug* It's a great game made frustratingly difficult by some weird jumping.


Also I accidentally dropkicked my dog and proved to my dad that no, I cannot put him in a triangle choke. Well...I can, but it's not easy at all.




We're a bit over a week out (9 days) from the grand tournament. I want to talk about a few things.


  1. Do not run two shows in a month.
    I know I'm doing it, but it's a bad idea. Given that I'm only making $1-3k each month by sponsorship, running a second show is going to kill me. As in...about $15k loss this month. So that's 5 months of shows minimum to get back to square one. Admittedly I'm a ways off from dropping below $30,000 as per the owner goal, so I can take the hit. And now I looked at my owner goals and there's nothing about $30,000 in it. Huh. So I can run us into the ground...
    Money aside, why would running two shows in a month help? True, it gives us twice the popularity gains, but...well, we're two points off from Regional. Running two shows this month (or next) actually isn't a bad idea just so I can get to the money-making land of Regional faster. Temporary losses that get easily remedied? Hell, now I'm considering doing two shows next month as well.
    That said, Regional will give me more sponsorship (and higher production costs), but I still won't make money from shows for awhile. So early regional isn't the time to go crazy on bi-monthly shows. So I'll leave March as the outlier.
  2. I need to fire more people.
    Remianen has a good RtG diary that looks to make this diary useless, as he's actually coherent. So spam him with PMs with viruses so I remain king.
    I mean...in it, he does talk about hiring cheap and the value of a worker. I think he multiplied cost instead of divided, but he's making the type of point I've complained about with J-Ro and company: at this size, they're too expensive. Now I'm not going to fire them, because I'd have to wait at least 6 months to get them back. I'm farily certain I can hit Regional before then; their $1,500 would be much more managable at that point.
    I am, however, going to nuke a lot of people in the upper card/cost after the show.
  3. Tournaments are cheap.
    A standard 8-man tourney has 8 people wrestling 7 matches (4 quarters, 2 semi, 1 final). Ordinarily 14 wrestlers are needed for 7 matches, thus I'm saving ~6 workers worth of money. Admittedly, that's probably 6 undercard guys, but getting a thousand more in a month doesn't hurt.
  4. Tournaments can hurt worker morale.
    Only 8 workers are in the tournament-and thereby, on the show. 6 guys aren't getting used. In my case, I have a lot of main eventers not wrestling that I shouldn't have in angles (due to cost). I can get away with not having them on one show (maybe), but do that a few times and they get pissed with me.


Ending the list here, but I want to talk about the story of tournaments:




And that I love Shingen Miyazaki; even without Hidekazu as the inemitable "Shingekazu" team, he is a great worker at 28 and likely to be a world champion, as his character says. Similarly, I love William Hayes, who is 30 and ridiculously charismatic (for a company, PGHW, with no angles).


Right, tournaments.


I love tournaments in theory because there are story archetypes that can be developed throughout them, many at the same time. It's similar to a battle royal of the Royal Rumble variety, but tournaments can actually grade well in-game.


  1. Dominant: typically a heel, but there's a guy who's shown to be dominant in the tournament, winning the prelims easily and taking out his quarterfinal opponent with no issue. He could cement his persona by winning the whole thing, but typically the guy comes up short in the semis to either the plucky, resilient face or the dastardly heel. Gives the winner some strong momentum, and keeps the dominant guy ready to move on with his life. Er...the next show. Thing.
  2. Underdog: typically a face, though we could say someone like...pre-title Miz could fit here. He's the guy just squeeking by via rollups and distractions. Like...if Hurricane beat the Rock in the quarterfinals like he actually beat the Rock (via distraction). Or Heath Slater...being on-screen. Something like that.
    As a face, it gives the crowd someone to get behind and an allure of mystery; can the 1-2-3 Kid win it all? He beat Razor Ramon; anything is possible!
    As a heel, it gives the crowd a measure of anger; why the hell does Miz keep winning?
    By and large these guys drop out in the semis, possibly in the quarterfinals. Given that they're a weak character, it'd be odd to have them keep getting quickfalls over and over. Though you could have a stable get its weakest contender the belt via swarm tactics, have them hoist him as their worst guy, yet the best in the company. That's cool. Then he's rejected, face turn, real skills, so on.
  3. Interference etc.: Given that every tournament match matters, (being behind a title match in importance) the guy a person's feuding with has a strong incentive to screw the guy over. This is how a dominant person can lose/a weakling can win, or the fan favorite gets hit, etc. I'm putting it in here because it's a component of a story that very easily combines with the others. Also because SUCK IT
  4. Face winner: If a face wins the tournament, they've bested 3 people in a night. That's an accomplishment. And to do things right, the odds have to have been stacked against them. Give them the tough opponents, the monster heel in the semis, make him work harder than that heel finalist. Makes the face that much more (in)credible.
  5. Heel winner: If a heel wins the tournament, true, they could be backing up their claims of excellence. Or, more likely, and more fun for stories, the heel had an easy road to the finale. Automatic qualifying due to GM preference, maybe a squash match with a jobber in the quarters, I suppose he can have a real, if easy, match in the semis. But it's the finals where things shine. The fans want to see the heel lose. He didn't work to get there; the face did. It's unfair. If the heel wins, the whole thing's a sham. And then he does. PISSED. OFF. And the face gets sympathy heat.


One of my favorite (caveat: only one I remember) tournaments? King of the Ring 2008. CM Punk as a fan-favorite going through tough matches with...I believe Finlay was first in a hard, even contest, then I think Khali got beaten by countout or something, then Punk loses to Regal. Regal, btw, had Hornswoggle and...somebody else as his opponents. His combined matches were shorter than either of Punk's. Oh, and he's the GM, meaning he put the matches together.


Regal and Punk go on to have a great match, long match, and Punk looks to win it multiple times. I knew Regal would win because DAMMIT HE'S THE GM, but I really, really wanted Punk to come through. And, sadly, he didn't; I think it was a Regal Stretch that ended it, though it could have been the 'plex. Point being, now the GM is King of the Ring. And he'll get a title shot. It was beautiful; the main heel in power as, possibly, a future champion, and Punk gets to say, rightly, the tourney was a sham and almost beat Regal anyway.


The aftermath? LOL DRUGS SUSPENSION .______.


So we had a heel victory story with an easy road for the bad guy and a tough one for the good guy. Also, we had Khali, who ordinarily couldn't be beaten in a situation like this. Punk (or Regal? I can't remember the match) had to outwit the giant to win. Good going.


I say all that more for the diary writers; a tournament in-game is 7 matches. Woo. Thinking about it, though...it's a great chance to have some fun.

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No, no he isn't. Now Tim Westybrook? That guy's a beast. Aside from ridiculous physical stats (98 stamina), the guy has green performance skills. Carryable at Cult, and...possibly callable at National, but not above. He's essentially a face R.K. Hayes; both are older guys with solid performance that can be nice gatekeepers to the main event.


Actually, I'm checking my version of the two in NOTBPW. For me, Westybrook's psych is low, but his safety and selling are unbelievable. 92 and 93. HE'S A HEAVYWEIGHT THAT CAN SELL. If I didn't have...however hundred many guys, I would use him. 68 brawling is decent; the fact that no top row is under 40 is cool.


Hayes is...well. Older, for one. Less Star Quality (which matters for me, as his cap is around 70). Similar top row, lower physical skills (71 stamina is fine). Lower entertainment. 82 psych, which is great. Sadly, 59 and 53 for safety and selling.


So I'd say...well, Westybrook still Hayes-ish at the start in the sense that he's not the top face of the company, but still valuable at the top of the card. And if you're lucky, that guy can be a beast. Hayes is in a similar boat (and developed, though has a pop cap). Westybrook likely has more years and a bigger upside.


Remember how I was talking about Shingen Miyazaki earlier? Amusingly, he has yellow chest and body (starts with none), while Hidekazu's still just got the legs. But Miyazaki by far carries the team:




Love that guy.


Oh, right, I'm NYCW. ...


So the annoying thing I learned is that, with 8 days to the show, American Elemental wants to explore other options. i.e. a bidding war (or worse, a written contract). I'm not using him in the tourney, admittedly, so if I do go into a war, I can renegotiate with no problems.




He's 29, btw. For reference, here's Elemental III, at 22:




Better technician, worse performer, better star quality. With 7 years...could easily beat out AmEl.


Oh, and for the reference, here's Elemental IV, at 31:




Admittedly, this is late March, so there could be some improvements from default.


In a tenuously-related note, Lobster Warrior/Rich Money/Angry Gilmore would be a fantastic match for the SWF. It includes the gamut of styles, callable psych (with Warrior being carried), superb promos...man. That's the Styles/Daniels/Joe of the C-Verse.


Aside from, y'know, SWF not being TNA.


And those three being extremely popular.







He's 25, yet not a Young Lion. lololol. Oh right, you don't know his name.


What's his worth, and where would he fit in the company?


What if I told you he had a 35-experience team?


And 17 popularity?


I'd put him at...let's see. He's a high-flier, and he'll probably hit 70 or so "soon". Entertainment's great, as is the star quality. That stamina means I can have fun with him. But the psychology kills him for me. That's not really carryable, not easily anyway. He's a talented midcarder, then. So...$500.






and travel, so I'll reneg with him.




...That could be bad.








Do I expect Keith to sign with them? Yes. Is he in the tournament?




I didn't advance book the tournament. Great.




Ironically enough, leaving us gives Keith a spot on the show. Albeit, he'll be losing to Vessey in a squash-type match, but...


Oh, and I love how that first match listed will steal the show. And that, with 52 popularity, I get 46 heat. /shrug



Edit: 52 pop, not 50, for Avatar. Fixed.





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Ugly show is ugly.






Soledad los muerte I am going to ****ing punch something. AUGH I CHOSE MY LEFT BICEP


And now it hurts still. *sigh*


Keith's going to leave, I bet for the developmental contract. AmPat...would be smart to go, as much as MAW would love to keep him.




Remember how he gained 9 popularity? And how I hae a bunch of guys at $1,500 now? I'm not going to renegotiate until after the show (and, hell, I could bury him in April, then re-sign) and firings begin.




AmEl's easily worth $1,000, but I'm not even going to entertain the war. I'll negotiate again.


Got this from the loading screen, but guess who the C-Verse's Kelly Kelly is?




49 skill, btw.












Well...granted, he's going to be exhausted on Saturday (or, definitely, on Sunday), but that works.




I have 7 days (tomorrow is the show) to bury him or whatever, which I will not because I like the guy. And don't have the room. Goodbye feud and team; now I can get rid of Whistler as well.


In other news, Shaffer is at $600/month. Woo.


[Day of the Show:]




YAY KEITH BURIAL MEMORIAL and he gets to work with his dad. Yay.


I'm checking to see if we get any incidents, then I'll stop for now.


Nope. CRAP I LOSE MY RELATIONSHIP BONUS GREG GAUGE HAS NOOOO NO MORE 100.0% LOCKER ROOM (highly unlikely that that would do it, though >_>) Gauge is a positive influence, anyway.








Also, I paired Keith and BHB to form my eponymous tag team. Yay!

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That's the show so far. Admittedly, probably going to drop the final match from a 90-minute Ironman to a 60-minute. Or whatever I need to fill the void on match time, to be honest. :rolleyes:


I want to note that DWN is in a 2/3 falls match and a 30-minute Ironman, respectively, with Vessey and Wright in a Dog Collar match. Also, Flash is the resident Road Agent, with Vessey picking up the slack in Flash's matches.


I'd like you to note that Lee Wright is wrestling for 52 minutes tonight. That is far too much for his stamina; if his Vessey match doesn't start getting dinged for exhaustion, the Flash match certainly will. Larry, on the other hand, just has 30 minutes, so he should be fine, with maybe a touch of fatigue.


Steve Flash has 62 minutes (well, less due to non-match time, same with Lee) in there, with DWN at 54. Flash is going to have problems in the finals, though DWN will be fine.


And Avatar, with the current setup...should be able to go 90 minutes with 89 stamina. 60 minutes would be no problem whatsoever, though, and his opponent should be able to handle an hour fine.


Also, yes, the finals for the tourney are for the Memorial Title, and the exhibition is for the Empire championship. I actually don't know whether to have Avatar win or lose; we have 11 faces and 11 heel in the upper-midcard, so it doesn't matter either way. :eek:


Oh, and as to why the exhibition is last?


1. Jack Avatar is a ratings god; his match with a competent opponent (Steve Flash) is guaranteed a 50, if not in the 60s. I'll take that guarantee in the main event.


2. Wright/Flash, however, will definitely have fatigue issues on one side, possibly on both. Lee also has a yellow chest. And he's just a brawler to Steve's...mainly brawling, low charisma and star quality on both. Sure, I should be able to still get a 40 or so, but...not as good a guarantee.

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Main Show













































D-Generation X vs. Cali Dragons (two of my upper-midcard at least teams going at it. Should be excellent if THE DRAGONS DON'T HAVE BAD CHEMISTRY AGAIN)








And yes, that is officially our highest rated show, being listed above the 56 we got earlier in March. I am astounded.

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Got Skyrim. Most annoying part?


Possibly the three minutes it takes after starting a new game to make a new character. Yeah, there's a save just before that point, but GUESS WHO FOUND THAT OUT A LITTLE LATE.


Most annoying? Going through a whole dungeon encumbered due to grabbing everything. I think I actually went through two in a row that way. Go go lunging strike.




So that 56 is ridiculous. I expected, maybe, 40s-ish. I expected it to be a show doomed to fail. It didn't; I got lucky. Let's do a rundown of the good and bad.



This show is a perfect example of the effect the main event has on the show.


With a 66 in the main event, we get 66 * .7 = 46.2. That's the contribution the main event had on the show's overall rating. If it had been one match back (which makes sense for the story of a tournament), then that's 66 * .2 = 13.2. Huge drop in impact.


Our 54 in the co-main gives us 54 * .2 = 10.8. In the ME that's 54 * .7 = 37.8. So we would have lost almost ten points to the overall show had we switched matches, with under 3 points gained in the co-main. So with this setup, we benefit about...7 points total.


More importantly? Our score, without any other matches, is 57.




Guess what? Perfect Show Theory and our poor angles and Higa/DWN overexposure dropped us by more than 10%.


For the record, that other 10% was 3.6+5.6+4.6+3.8+3.2+4.4 = 25.2.


Which gives us a grand total of 82.2.




Wait a second; my math is accurate, but obviously not correct. I'll be back in a minute.

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Found it: when I divided those show values by ten, I ended up with 150% of the show's pre-angle rating, not 100%.


25.2 (.1 * all the other matches) / 6 (the number of matches) = 4.3. That's the contribution of the other matches.


57 + 4.3 = 61.3.




All those things resulted in a -5 points. It's possible PST actually affects the ratings of every segment, so I'm more looking at just overexposure and angles; given that I hate PST, I'll ignore it for the moment anyway.


-5 points. 5 angles were 10 or more points under the main event; those are the ones that [i think] incur the penalty. We also had two overexposures. Looks like...hell, let's say -.7 for each incursion.


As a very rough estimation, each angle that scores 10 or more points under the main event incurs half a point penalty to the overall show rating. This is also true for any people that get overexposed.


Yay math lesson. That's the good part (aside from CitX getting more popular, I hope, and other notes blah blah blah).



Every angle was going to fail and I knew it.


I'm surprised the first showdown did so well; I expected Citizen X to be too unpopular to do well; see his note with the next angle. That's Avatar, J-Ro, and Frank; three people with over 40 popularity(ish?). Yeah, the dude's going to be overwhelmed. And it followed a hot segment, dragging it down farther. And it only got worse.


Problem and Monkey did as well as expected, honestly; that angle performed fine.


Dave Diamond, Perez, CamVes, Larry Vessey. Diamond is middling in popularity; his entertainment skills can prop him up. Vessey's over. Perez is over. Cameron is not. I think that's what most screwed his segment.








As for the matches?


DWN/Higa underperformed, but that's my fault for booking them too long. Also, it's an opener, so I didn't really care what the rating was going to be anyway.


Flash/BHB hit Bailey's stamina cap, which sucks, but it stole the show. A match that good (second-best) that early? Hell, it's the third best segment of the show, following the fourth best! I'm incredibly proud for the two; this match was a great example of a storyline (Black Hat Flash Back) inside of the overall story of the tournament.


Wright vs. SMY...did as well as expected. Wright's not good; SMY is excellent. Given the popularity Wright has...and the fact that he can't go all out...yeah, it went after a great match. That's the major part, I feel of the lower rating. I'd expect SMY to be able to hit a 50 due to skill, and Lee has the popularity to boost it on his side. Stamina and condition hurt Wright, sure, but whatever.

I also want to point out that yes, I knew Lee Wright was going to suck. This was a respect push. So I'm knowingly going to have two more matches that suck due to the story I want to tell. (co-main actually did well) This is a bad idea if you care about ratings.


Vessey/Keith was a domination; still a bit low for what I wanted, but I can't complain about the match. Er...can't complain like I have in this rundown.


Flash/Newton pissed me off. 38? Dude, this should have been in the area of Flash/BHB. Yeah, DWN isn't pushed high enough for it. That alone would make this worth a reset in any other game, because this just isn't worth that. Also, I hate that DWN gets inconsistency notes. I laugh at Flash's note on the same thing, though. Also note that I'm hitting his stamina cap as well; as with my note on Wright, I knew that Flash wasn't the best choice for a finalist.


Vessey/Wright did...better than expected. I expected Wright to get gassed and was certain Larry would. They're popular, but not too good. Mid-40s is solid enough.


Flash/Wright was amazing. Third best match; fifth best segment. Cold crowd, both men fatigued...still put on a stellar performance. Well done; Wright's still carryable.


Maverick/Avatar gets a cold crowd, John's inconsistent, Maverick either doesn't like being pushed (****!) or doesn't like smaller opponents (****!), poor gimmick...and yet we almost got match of the promotion thus far. More than happy (though I wanted a 70 >_>).


WHAT THE **** @ CALI DRAGONS HAVING NEGATIVE CHEMISTRY NOTES AGAIN. That's third time I've found it when I've had them on my roster. ****. I am very mad because sure, experience will make up for it, but WHAT THE HELL.


Next post is a popularity update on some guys and a great revelation.

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We have 1.6 Popularity/Importance until Regional.


We will lose ~$15,000 this month.




Wright is 31.0% fatigued. Flash is 30.8%.


Larry Vessey lost 4 points of overness this month.


Davis Wayne Newton gained 2 points of overness this month.


I'm still at 52.

Flash still at 38.

Citizen X still at 24.


Maverick appears to have gained 1 point of overness.


The Memorial Title gained 1 point of prestige.


Empire Title has, I believed, gotten 4 points from start of game.


Canadian Executioner is up 10 points of pop this month; I think that was the earlier show.


The Big Problem is still at 35.


Synopsis for the show:

We really didn't do much of anything to anyone's popularity. Given that only Flash had a dominant performance, this was expected.

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Update on my life:


Apparently, after beating Bubsy 3D and playing some weird platform coin-grabbing game, or in it, there's a secret area with vines to swing on where the Rock layeth the verbal smacketh down on you.


And then the dream turns into Spanish, without actually knowing Spanish, and you get to date Sexy Star. Who, by the way, has a pink face persona and a black heel persona. And has a butterfly mask.


I am both perplexed and extremely happy. Namely because SEXY STAR IS THE BEST RING NAME EVER.


Oh, and I killed a dragon in Skyrim. Interestingly enough, I have yet to kill a Mammoth.

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Oh well. The best announcer in the game (or Fry) doesn't join, and what would be our champion for...forever doesn't join.


I'm waiting on AmEl to, hopefully, decide to negotiate with us. Also, hopefully, the bidding war won't be too bad. As I've said, though, I'll just reneg if necessary.


Also bringing aboard Jonnie Perez to make Frankie happy. Given that I really want to bury and fire The Cali Dragons-who, btw, are one of my favorite named tag teams-for being stupid, maybe that's not the best idea.


I want Acid Dragon soooo bad, btw; I never use UK Dragon as much as I want, and Acid's awesome. And, of course, there's Snap Dragon to make Acid Dragon II and Double Dragon.




More seriously for a moment, tentative list of cuts:

Mikey James ($1,500 is a lot; my other guys in that pay-grade do better)

Whistler ($1,000 is a lot; with AmPat gone, he's just a charismatic guy)

Burning EXILE ($900; I haven't used him since signing him to the short term contract)

AmPat (gone)

Matthew Keith (gone)

Hugh de Aske (I really want to keep him, but he's a $600 jobber. I need fewer guys on the roster.)

Nina ($500, but she has crap basics. What the hell; again, I'm like 30 guys over the roster minimum.)

Elijah Harris (Not too great in the ring; he's a good manager, but...I don't need those. When he retires I might pull him back)


That's 8 people, 6 I'd be cutting. I need to double that. Problem is...well, the cool thing is that I'm seeing much of our roster being below, say, $700, thus they aren't expensive. I do need to use them, however, lest they get angry/rusty. That's the problem.


I have too many great talents (for my size). Like Melody; callable psych, top line with a few 60s, good entertainment...that's like about 7 other people. Why do I have them? Problem is, why would I cut them if they're good? We gonna have some fun next month with a BATTLE ROYAL YAYYYYY

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1. Killed two mammoths, same way I did the giants. Except I had to kill other people who tried to kill my horse.




3. My WLW diary is about to have the problem I always have with touring companies; namely, too many people on touring contracts. /joy


I suppose I could feed them to...Dark Eagle? I wanted to push him, so that works. See who's good and who's not carryable.






That'd be PSW, by the way, who are at Regional. Granted, I don't think that message is always accurate, but regardless they they pulled a 45 in March. Interestingly, PSW had Matthew Keith (the guy who is leaving them) retain his title. Also interestingly, Honest Frank aka Frankie Future retained his title. Might need to mirror that >_>.


Oh, and Honest Frank is 39. Wow. And I thought he was...33 or so.


Getting into April to see the damage to our bank and...maybe debuts? Not sure on that one...anyway, waiting until April to fire people.




lol one person from sellout. Come on, there was one guy, one guy in Vegas, thinking about going, and he was all, "Nah, they ain't gonna show me dere titties. I ain't gonna see no titty show with no titties."


I hate that man.




Considering his options? Meh. I'd go up to $900 for him.


And I get him for $700+travel, i.e. $800 max. And for 15 months.




He's only at 91 popularity. SWF is jobbing him out. I think he'll jump.




YES UK DRAGON $700 + TRAVEL YES YES YES also AmPat is, ironically given who I just signed, leaving tomorrow. Aw, April he's gone...


Annnnnd now I see Acid's touring. i.e. I'm an idiot.


I'll post tomorrow, but those of you that know what happens in February are in for a treat. Or imagespam, I suppose...

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Anyone else just happen to have the Kim Possible theme pop into their head?






Guess who graduated from a dojo? On that note, when I set the debuts to start in 2010, I seem to get a fair number from dojos. Weird, given that others don't have that experience.


White Colt is Mexico-only, so we'll just look at Syd and Fly.






Also has 3 pop and (very?) positive backstage.


Syd's a nice enough rookie. He's got the personality that lifts a locker room, and he's unlikely to have an off night. DWN...


Thing is, I'm trying to lower my wrestlers by ~10. "Decent rookie" doesn't cut it. Though I could trade for him if I really wanted, but I might as well outright hire him in that case.


Fire Fly:




Okay, now wait a second...


How do Fire Fly and Mustang, the two not from a dojo, have fatigue, and Syd doesn't?


Amazing Fire Fly is a guy to watch. His chain wrestling is nice, but his Aerial skills at 19 imply that he's going to be in the running for "Best High Flier in Wrestling Today" very soon. Got great charisma and star quality as well, but...the guy sucks. In NOTBPW he got stuck at 53 psychology. I tried to push him; I had him in 5 teams, development, better workers...got sooo pissed. Anyway, while he shouldn't be hired because he's horrible, **** you he's great backstage.


And way to pick the mentor; Axxis Jr. isn't the best backstage, but:



He's a slightly worse Angry Gilmore (especially the top row, duh). But Angry Gilmore is top 25 in the game. Axxis Jr....dude, he's...100 STAMINA 90 MINUTE IRONMAN I DON'T CARE BUWAAHAHHAHAHAHAH


Anyway, don't hire Fire Fly unless you're hard up for jobbers/really want to see him grow. I should pass on him for a few months, but eh, whatever.


Current roster change: +1




Current roster change: 0


btw, anyone else get Brandon Smith and Brandon James mixed up? Especially since he's James Brandon <____<


Unless he's "Big Money" Brandon James. So Bulldozer or Big Money...and there's Bull Wrecker, a guy who sucks. Yay...




Change: -1




Change: 0


That is, if I hire him. He's nothing special aside from being the brother to Frankie Perez. So if I hire him, his brother is happy. However, if I hire him, I can't fire either or them; the other will get really pissed. Given Frankie's high price...I dunno. Frankie needs a few more performance bumps to be ridiculously good; Mikey James, meanwhile, has a worse top row, but callable psych. And $500/month more...


Y'know, if the Cali Dragons had neutral, neutral chemistry, no-brainer I keep them. But they're negative. With their talent, sure, but...there's a strong case for dropping the quarter-five-figure duo.




Change: +1


AmEl and Fire Fly are also pending with UK Dragon, btw. Aside from the Acid Dragon team, (which, btw, is a huge reason I want to hire him) UK Dragon is...not as good as I keep expecting. 54 safety and 53 selling isn't good for a guy who's been wrestling around 18 years. And 70 psychology? That's indy-level. He's going to be a midcard gatekeeper at best, sadly.


So now we're down to...one more than when I started. Yay...


People I'm dropping (and why):



At 48, that's...no. He's meh backstage and has slid from a great 40 popularity to a nice 33 pop in 3 months. He's got great entertainment skills, but he's to be carried in matches. He's 48. And his top row sucks. There's really no reason to keep the guy aside from popularity or maybe as a manager, but...screw that.


Burning EXILE:

71 psych and 63 consistency aren't great for a 34-year-old, but EXILE's got everything to be a huge star. Aside from being a cancer backstage and my never having used him. He'd be great, but I'm not using him, so that's an easy drop for me. And $900 isn't bad hypothetical savings.


Elijah Harris:

I got him for some reason, but looking at him...why? Crap psych for a guy who's been around forever. Sure, manager, but $500? Screw it.


Change: -2


Mario Heroic is bisexual.




Change: -3 I'm going to laugh when I grow to Regional and am under the minimum roster size.


Sara Marie York:

I'm mainly doing this because I had her in a storyline with Matthew Keith, and...might as well. She's phenomenal, absolutely worth a spot, but we're too big and J-Ro does the role better (and more costly, yes...)


Nina the Psycho Ballerina:

38 Basics.


Richie Riggins:



Animal Harker:

I think I said I was going to use him once. I looked at his stats. No.


Change: -7


On the bubble:

Mean Machine:

Yeah, the pre-eminent MAW heel. I know, he's solid all-round, impeccably consistent, good tech, crap selling. I might cut him due to lack of use; I've only put him in one match so far.



I'm happy with -7. It's hard for me to cut people; this was full of some hard decisions (and a few easy ones). A few guys were saved due to just joining (Roger Monteiro and Running Wolf); Ekuma and Apollo got DAT CHEMISTRY; K-Squared's in a team with Shaffer, who I want to keep (and just hired).


Oh, and I was looking for a DAT CHEMISTRY pic. Turns out that's actually a real thing or something. So then I looked up DAT RACK. Turns out that is actually a thing. And also, y'know, breasts.

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<p><strong>Note: it is currently 4...well, </strong><strong><em>now</em></strong><strong> it's 4:14AM my time. Just fyi that I'm insane right now.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

I want to talk about Hugh de Aske for a minute, as he's an ideal candidate for an example of what I am about to discuss. Yes, this means I am <em>still</em> talking about firing people. It <em>is</em> an important part of the gam, but I do apologize for digging it into the ground.</p><p> </p><p>

Here are his current stats:</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836333/9152221" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7616142232.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

As I've said before, he's not bad for a 21-year-old. Those aren't the stats of some crazy god-mod character; they <em>are</em> stats for a fantastic prospect.</p><p> </p><p>

Upper 50s average in the top row, maybe mid 50s for entertainment, okay SQ, main issues are consistency and psychology. If he stays as-is for his career? Yeah, he'll suck. Maybe some jobbery role, but...eh. However, odds are he's <em>not</em> going to stay where he is.</p><p> </p><p>

It's not unheard-of to have, say, 4 points of psychology growth in a year. <em>Especially</em> at 21 where his stats should rise naturally. 3 months/point. After 2.5 years, he's at 62. That's callable at my size. After 5 years total (he's 26 now), 72. That's great; hell, that will call all the way to National. <em>And</em> it's carryable beyond there. Do I think he could get 20 points in 5 years? Absolutely. What's great is that <em>he'll likely gain 20 points in the other skills, too.</em> Psychology's harder to improve than the top row, and <em>much</em> harder than entertainment skills. So look ahead 5 years:</p><p> </p><p>

Barring stat caps, he's looking at a rough average of 78 for his top row. That's certainly in "competent" territory, likely "good" or "great". And he'd have that <em>in each style.</em> 70-80 entertainment is high enough to be carried in a segment (or, if he's popular already, cut a promo solo). 70 consistency is good enough, I'd say, and that'd be one of his lowest performance skills. Hugh+5 years is looking like an upper-midcarder if not multi-time champion.</p><p> </p><p>

Problem is...well, <strong>the</strong> problem is that I'm not using him. Doesn't matter if he'll be a god later; I'm not using him. He's not getting stat growth through experience. That's not helpful. He's just sitting here getting pissed that he's not used. That's going to hurt the backstage environment. If I had him with a downside or written, I'd be draining money.</p><p> </p><p>

Admittedly, this game <em>probably</em> won't last more than a year-ish, and he <em>probably</em> has stat caps below 80 for the top row. But guys, there are a lot of young wrestlers with some decent potential. Those are the ones you want to hire for current jobbers and future champions.</p><p> </p><p>

So why bring up Hugh? Bias aside, with all the good things I've said, he's useless to me <em>tacitly</em> because <em>he's not being used.</em> I wanted to make a point that potential is a good reason to hire someone, but lack of use is a decent reason to let them go.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>List of reasons to fire someone:</strong></p><p>

1. They suck in any role. (ex. Land Mass: only thing he <em>could</em> do was be menacing, and he couldn't get over doing that. Ergo, he's useless)</p><p> </p><p>

2. They cost too much. (see the main event or most people with downside agreements at Small)</p><p> </p><p>

3. Lack of use. (Essentially, they aren't paying their own contract)</p><p> </p><p>

4. Backstage cancer. (Talented guys tend to stay aboard, of course)</p>

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<p>Recap on life:</p><p> </p><p>

WWE'12 is borked; Universe Mode won't go past WMXX...IX? 28? w/e; the first one.</p><p>

AC:B is...well, fine, but gathering dust.</p><p>

Skyrim is...eh. Whatever. Though killing dragons is cool.</p><p>

GOT THE BLU RAY TO CONNECT TO THE INTERWEBS YEAH HULU+ oh wait I hate typing with a remote.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, read my WLW diary. It's the weirdest format I've seen on the boards. And totally not a horrible format.</p><p> </p><p>

<_<</p><p> </p><p>

Also, I'm really jonesing for an "MMA Spirit" game.</p><p>

~~~</p><p> </p><p>

I got Jonnie Perez for 15 months at $500. 22 pop, horrible wrestler. HOWEVER GREATST STABLE EVER:</p><p> </p><p>


Frankie Perez</p><p>

Mikey James</p><p>

Jonnie Perez</p><p> </p><p>

The Cali Dragons: Frankie and Mikey</p><p>

The Cali Dragons II: Mikey and Jonnie</p><p>

The Cali Dogs: Frankie and Jonnie</p><p> </p><p>

Yeah, short update, but...shut up!</p>

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<p>Might work at Gamestop; got Fight Night Champions. Story Mode wasn't too bad; screwed myself in Legacy Mode. And KTFO a middleweight as a heavyweight, because...<_<</p><p> </p><p> ~~</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/854649/1496427" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8317202295.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31256" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>We will lose ~$15,000 this month.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> I'm going forward a day to lose Keith and fire the people I'm firing, then I'll take a look at the future card.</p><p> </p><p> ~</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/854652/9744713" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8317214956.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> People who win tournaments three times in a row make me happy. However, he's in Japan <em>and</em> will re-sign, so...</p><p> </p><p> I'm simming forward until I get to sign the new guys.</p><p> </p><p> ~</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/854656/1867803" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8317244232.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> <_<</p><p> </p><p> Also, Jack Bruce stays with SWF <em>and</em> Yosuke Narita stays with WLW.</p><p> </p><p> AmEl's now 15months/$800. And I got the perfect name for our next event; it's even better that we have an agreement with NYCW, actually...</p><p> </p><p> YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME (also I have to re-sign Frank now ;_<img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/854659/925835" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8317265452.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> YES YES YES Now I can have NYCW Americana on the same day!</p><p> </p><p> And I'm giving AmEl (aka Americana, btw) the Undertaker/Wrestlemania push at that event. Since, y'know...they're eponymous.</p><p> </p><p> I <em>would</em> have my show earlier or later to trade him with MAW and have him on both shows, but...screw that.</p><p> </p><p> ~</p><p> </p><p> Amazing Fire Fly's on for $100+travel ($100) for 24 months.</p><p> </p><p> ~</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/854663/5090061" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8317331043.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> <em>looks @ WLW diary...</em></p><p> </p><p> ~</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/854673/1878835" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8317373740.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> There's a small chance he'll take the $1,000, which is fine. $1,500 is probably going to be what he wants.</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/854674/2421025" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8317382642.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> 24 months <em>was</em> a bit much; I'm pissed that he'd have taken $1,000 were it not for other guys on the roster...</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/854676/4201208" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8317392226.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> Okay, <em>now</em> I'm jobbing your ass to Flash and Avatar and someone else, then renegotiating. Travel? **** you.</p><p> </p><p> Tentative, non-final schedule (complete with "I've given away the winners of the matches already"):</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/854685/5724756" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8317424340.jpg</span></a></p>
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I'll try to figure out the rest of the card here with some talk about the thought behind it.


I've set Americana to be 2.5 hours, giving me 30 extra minutes compared to most shows. That's another longer match or two jobbery matches. The card so far?


Americana vs. John Maverick can hit 18 minutes easily. As a midcard/main event match, I don't think it needs to hit the full 30. I'm considering it being the co-main with a title match in the main event; that said, we have two other matches that should go well, so this could work as an opener.


Jack Avatar vs. Honest Frank is the main event until further notice. Jack delivers; Frank is freaking popular and competent. This could hit a record high.


Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank is competing for the co-main with Maverick; the two can deliver slightly less than Jack only because Jack has a better top row and better charisma. And star qualtiy. So...everything.


Sammy the Shark vs. Honest Frank is...well, with a title shot in there...it might fit the main show, but having it as a pre-match would be better on ratings, I think. Oh well.


So far we're at ~90 minutes of wrestling; we should have ~105 minutes. So we need another jobbery match...


Sands/Mauler vs. Ekuma/Apollo vs. UK/Snap vs. LuchaIII/Velocidad


I was planning on putting Monteiro/Wolf or Lucha/ExJr. in the last spot; given no chemistry, might as well take the opportunity to fish a little.


Might give Ring Generals a match with...BHB and...The Mean Machine as a dark match. /shrug

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It's been awhile since I've posted something relevant.

It's been awhile since I've played this save.

It's been awhile since I've looked at this company.

It's been awhile since I've given this a wave.









Remember that whole merchandising thing I talked about? We made $900 more in February than March; more importantly, we made the same, roughly, in March as in January. I'm switching back to Conservative (not Just in Time) for the month.


Five matches currently booked for a 150 minute event. 70% ratio gives us 105 minutes of matches, averaging to 21 minutes per match.


Remember that we have a 10/18/30 match expectation; Avatar and Flash have bonafide main event matches, so they'll probably go the full 30 (if not more). That leaves us 45 for three matches i.e. 15 minutes per match. Perfect. 4-way tag goes 10, so we're at 35 for the last two matches. 18*2 is 36.






Fun fact: why do I hate that button WHAT IS MAPH?




Apparently I shot a negotiation for "Human Arsenal" aka John Anderson. I...whatever. I'm waiting to negotiate with Mainstream Hernandez so I can get to the show more quickly.


Owen Love's contract is up, so I sent out a feeler. I then checked out him vs. The Natural. I'd rather have Natural; Love has a slight edge in performance and about 10 points on tech skills, but Natural's much more well-rounded.


I apparently have 34 more wrestlers than necessary.


DANG IT I PROMISED HONEST FRANK A LOW-LEVEL TITLE CRAP CRAP CRAP well guess who's ending Sammy's title run >_> I am so jobbing his ass out in the post-show back to Sammy.






Eh...I liked Panda Mask; don't really like II. But hell, I'll hire for the backstage bonus. Though...did I geT Greg second? He's going to be dark green happy for awhile...




Tamara...sucks. She's another midcarder. With whom I accidentally entered into negotiations.


I checked Burning Hammer's money; they're actually a couple hundred thousand above where they start. I then looked at their profile. That message is saying BHOTWG hit Cult. I have yet to see that happen by April of year 1, so that's kind of cool. And neutral, given that we're in the USA.

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I know you're going with your own style, but if you're trying to be instructive, why do you keep trying to negotiate with people that are never going to come to the table? It's a little pointless, to be honest.


Oh, because it's a habit. That's more me saying something in passing, much like how I go on about my dad spilling coffee on my pants while he's driving down the freeway. Just little gems of information.


You make a good point; I should get back on-topic.




Apparently Saturday, Week 2 is when we usually hold events. I say that because the alert I added to the diary just went off telling me to negotiate with Honest Frank (I've already done that, obviously). To make a note, though...




Hit Diary, then Add Alert, and you'll see that little box. I suggest you use it when...well, similar to how I used it. I wanted to negotiate with Honest Frank after the show where I'd lower his popularity. Sure, I could have waited until the last week of his contract (the Extreme Eye notifies you of that date), but...eh. Alerts are also useful for...I don't know. Most stuff I'd care about shows up elsewhere, like debuts and so on. You can use alerts however you want. Note: I think multi-advance will stop at an alert, but full advance will not. I don't have to negotiate with Frank; I just told myself to do that. Who cares?




I wanted to talk about my thoughts about booking NYCW Americana. Yes, that's meta-booking; it means I rock.


Since this is supposed to be a tenuously-instructive diary, (though mainly a let's play showing you my lack of sanity) I ought to have some goal or goals I want to accomplish each show/month. One goal is to see if Conservative merchandising does better, worse, or the same as Just In Time. I'll then switch to the more efficacious one, obviously.


But what is my goal for Americana? Eponymously, I want Americana the wrestler to have a solid debut. He needs to wreslte, of course, but this is going to be the starting point of his career with us. Therefore, I want this event to have the best debut possible for Americana without adversely affecting the show. I'd also like to not get that angles sucked note after the show. So that's two rules, one with a caveat. Let's talk.


  1. Before I put Americana in any segment, I need him to have a good gimmick. We'll go more in-depth later (during the show), but essentially I want his gimmick to be risky, subtle, and difficult or not in accordance with my fans' desires:
    Note: since fans don't want gimmicks, I could leave him without one and get a rating in the 60s. Any gimmick I do give him, then, should DAMMIT MOTH I'M GOING TO KILL YOU do at least as well as that.
  2. How do I want to debut him? We could run straight into the match; given his opponent, (which I'll run down the hypothetical list in a moment) the match should rate well, early 60s I imagine. With a win, he might pull upwards of 70 starting momentum (if I'm lucky). That's tough to beat. However, Jack Avatar rated on Entertainment with AmEl onscreen and not rated will hit a 60 at least. That's guaranteed. So he could get some solid momentum from the angle as well. I don't know which one I'll do yet; those are my options.
  3. He has a good gimmick, I have a plan to give himi good momentum with an angle, perhaps, so let's talk the match itself. I want the match to do at least one of three things:

    1. Give him a popularity boost.
    2. Improve his momentum.
    3. Rate highly.

I could do all three, of course, but...

[*]Have him win a match against a top-tier opponent. This is the safest way to have the match rate highly; if he squashed the guy in a dominant fashion, he'd get some crazy popularity and momentum. A clean, open win, however, still gives pop/momentum benefits (potentially) while not, quite likely, ruining the show. So we need a top-tier opponent. AmEl's going to be a face, also, because I like him and I like faces. If he was a heel, I'd be picking the opposite alignment of people (obviously).


My current options are BHB, Frank, or Maverick in the main event push. Given that I want AmEl to win, I might not necessarily want him to beat a main eventer, given that I also want them to look strong. Yes, I know I chose Maverick, but we're thinking here.


Other good candidates are Citizen X, Hell Monkey, Rick Sanders, Snap Dragon, or Mean Machine. i.e. my Upper-midcard minus Masked Mauler-that said, Mauler has great jobber skills. His psych sucks.


Gauge, Ruiz, DWN, and Higa are midcard-and-below guys who I'd think could give a good match. They also are guys who could get dominated and not hurt future plans too much.


I think the best choice is Snap Dragon for American Elemental; Dragon has fantastic performance stats, barring a SUCK IT MOTH great-at-my-level psych, and good flashiness. Give me 15 minutes of all-out action and that's the best I could ask for. I went with John Maverick because I want him to lose his way to the top for awhile.


So...I guess those are my plans. Woo?

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