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Let's Play NYCW 101: A Guided Tour of TEW2010

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I would have peed myself had I gotten him. Well, I kinda have to pee right now anyway, so whatever.


Arthur Dexter Bradley is actually a nice snag, btw, if you're looking for a young high-flyer. Physically he's got great skills, solid star quality, and nice aerial abilities. He's 19 as well. Sure, his other skills aren't stellar, but..he'd be a decent enough enhancement talent for the time being.


However, I'm going with Mr. Lucha III.




He's 22, great aerial, nice tech, quite nice charisma, solid stamina, high star quality, and his performance skills are, for my size, great. Put him with Steve Flash (or BHB or J-Ro or a Keith or...) and we got ourselves a 50.




Or, y'know, the fun world of bidding wars.


If your show is at least a week away (19 days for us), then don't bother with the war unless they're getting signed to a written contract. Then again, that's for a hell of a longer time than now, and it requires you to be more influential than the other company offering a written contract...


Anyway, since he has one PPA under him, he'll accept my negotiation again. Had he been at three, probably wouldn't have cared about me (again, low influence). Oh well.


If the show is closer than a week and you need him, sure, pop the bidding war. But he'll be hella overpaid for that show and you'll want to renegotiate asap. Which isn't possible (well...technically it is, but...) on a written. So I tend to not go into wars with written contracts (unless I'm editing them cough cough NOTBPW).


Anyway, I'm now going through the Mexican promotions looking for guys who can work in the USA. Some of them suck, some of them are too good to be fiscally sound, but there's a few that fit my budget and are worth it (like Mr. Lucha III). I think this guy here will go for $1,000-$1,500, but I want to talk about him:








Badass. Or:




He's 42, guys. Nice tech skills, phenomenal performance...this guy is a poor man's Sam Keith. And a hell of a lot cheaper. Hence...poor man's Sam Keith...oh.


Anyway, he's somewhere like my fifth favorite Mexican wrestler (Lover, Leon, Flores, Axxis Jr., Soul Taker, and Sunburst for the awesome mask)-apparently seventh-and a guy I like to use as a gatekeeper in my larger American games. If I can get him for under a thousand this save, I'll use him to boost up Gauge and company to more acceptable levels. Or I should probably have him fight some of my more-likely-to-not-be-stolen folk (like the ladies).


Oh, and fun fact: the next post I make will contain three things which make me cry. Well...one of them less so, and definitely will not make my MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of fans cry.


I should probably use the restroom now.

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Well that went well. Lost my work. Shorthand:


-Bidding wars happen when two or more companies negotiate with a person at the same time. Negotiating with a PPA guy before his contract comes up avoids this.


-Bidding wars between National companies and those sub-National are largely pointless; Written trumps PPA.


-A worker might refuse to negotiate with you for a number of reasons, chief among them being your lack of size. Familial loyalty tends to be forgotten at National (might be International).


-Promotion loyalty is forever. I hate Japan.


-If you get into a bidding war, there's not a guarantee you have the ability to win it. Aside from their patience (their personality and your negotiating skill), you have another obstacle: the other compan/ies. Once you reach an offer the worker would accept outside of the war, his patience won't go down (unless you undercut yourself). So it's just you and the big boys now.


--As said before, if you can't offer them a written and another promotion will, you lose.


--You will always have to beat the price of any Written contracts if you're offering a Written. You'll have to beat the price of any PPA contracts if you're offering PPA. Technically, yes, you'll need to beat a PPA if you're offering a Written, but that's easy.


--However, there's a fun little thing if you're the smaller promotion (as well as when you're National and talking to, for example, a popular owner or otherwise-tied-up worker):




Let me restate: at a certain size (National, typically), certain workers (I'd imagine it's around midcard-ish, but I'm not precise on that at all) will want a written contract. That makes sense. You can offer them a written, writtens are the norm, why the hell should they be any different?




Workers will not move, exclusively, from a more influential promotion to a less influential promotion.






Unless you're the bigger company, in which case you still have to beat the smaller company's offer. This is why SWF hates TCW.


Or maybe it's Tommy Cornell becoming a traitor. That too. I hate Tommy.


Sometimes your guys (as SWF, speaking, and in the first 6 months or so where you're all-but-guaranteed to be ahead still) will turn down TCW's (or anyone else's) offers due to your size or prestige or pants or something. But sure as hell not always, and they definitely will jump ship.


In effect, being the big guy means, at times, paying a hell of a lot of money to keep your guys.


Being the smaller guy? You can't steal a written worker until after their contract is up. Which isn't stealing so much as, "taking what you can get."


Some workers (for bigger companies/owners) will not want to be exclusive to you. However, and this is with the programming of the game, they also view your company as large enough where you should offer them a written contract.


This is not a bug. At all. It's entirely intended by the way the game was programmed. It will not ever be fixed in an update, nor will it be fixed in TEW 20XX (-Revenge of the Megaman). It won't be fixed because it can't be fixed because THE PROGRAMMING IS WORKING ENTIRELY AS INTENDED.


Yes, it's confusing/stupid/prevents a person from signing certain workers. And yes, it advantages the computer at times. But the code is still running properly.


There are certain workers you cannot sign until/after you reach certain sizes. They want a written; they don't want to give up their other contract.


Too bad.



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1. SWF just hit Global. That means they need more workers. MMM needs to be pulled up by...well, it needs to happen within a week. Ha ha, watch as I rant about people being stolen.


2. Danger Kumasaka is ****ing badass. He looks awesome and he is one of the few reasons I would want to play as PGHW over BHOTWG (and as a Japanese fed at all). I am pissed.


3. LOL LEE WRIGHT IS GOING TO BE USELESS IN A FEW DAYS. See, what pissed me off about this when I first saw the notice is that Lee Wright and Raymond Diaz are the two best gaijin to ever tear up Japan/PGHW. And that's not opinion:







So I love Lee Wright because he's part of the most ****ing badass quartet of wrestlers in the world. Yet he's also, by far, the lamest in 2010. Diaz can still tear it up (and has, in NOTBPW, numerous times, having a particularly outstanding series with Jack Avatar). Team Toronto still hit it up a lot (and, sadly, are loyal, so haven't been seen in NOTBPW. Ironically).


But Lee Wright's old and broken, so now he's retiring. That's not the worst part, though:







For the record, Diaz is as 78, Robinson 66, and Bennett 64. So part of the BEST tag team (and not just foreign; read Diaz and Wright's profile again) in THE HISTORY OF PGHW is at 62? The ****?


This is why Japan confuses me:


-Certain people should be very, very popular. Yet they aren't.

-Certain titles should be very, very prestigious. Yet they aren't.


Former? Look at the above 4. Latter? How the hell are Elemental/II and Optimus in the HoI? They never won a major title. Best of the Super Juniors isn't ME.


And they definitely never headlined a Historic (much less Legendary) event.




Yes, I get that it's pre-set, and they should be in. I know. Just like Richard Eisen's in when he's done nothing in the ring. But it's confusing...




Oh, fun fact: April's show is going to be a yearly tribute to Kumasaka and Wright. Not sure on the name; any suggestions?

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With all 0 votes tabulated, the April show will be called:



Spoilers: Lee Wright will win the tournament title the day before he (and Danger) retires.


With that said, I'll spend a little time talking about Tournament Titles, with my thoughts on tournaments themselves coming later (spoilers: I like the idea of tournaments and the idea of booking tournaments, but I cannot book them in practice. Two reasons why at both small and large sizes).


Tournament titles indicate to the computer that a tournament should be scheduled sometime that month. I believe this will always be the [biggest] event of the month. Examples: Rip Chord Invitational, Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Tournament, Best of the Super Juniors, Something of the Something Something Heavyweights.


I had a long rant here about the Best of the Super Juniors. Was going to go into the fact that, for some reason, Super Juniors aren't respected in Japan. Also going into the impossibility of Elemental and Optimus of ever getting into the HoI. Turns out tournament titles don't count for the Hall regardless, but the fact remains that when THEY ARE THE REASON YOU CAME TO PROMINENCE they should probably have more than a midcard push.


Then I'd talk about Sensational Ogiwara being the best Aerial wrestler in the data, period. How, game balance notwithstanding, 5SSW deserved to hit Cult, easily, on the back of her alone. How her and Rip Chord actually did a passable match in default MAW. That's given the penalties for being a woman, physical status, too long for push, too long for push, and physical status.


Then I'd talk about Super Joshuya (or is it the Incredible Koyama?) that won the BotSJ three times in a row and how I can't see his picture for some reason edit: it's actually The Awesome Kiyaru. And I'd mention Angry Gilmore aka ELEMENTAL IV MOTHERsomewhere.


Then I'd talk about renders, namely Kiyaru's, and how I can't see them. Mention Lee Bennett having one of the best renders in the default data. Mull about thinking about my top pick, then probably settle on Belle Bryden's for default (so stunningly beautiful) and Patriot Fox for the alt renders (incredibly well done).


Of course, all that would have been tangential to the actual topic of discussion, so I won't mention that here.


As for tournaments, the computer has one during that month. Do you have to? No. You'll get a reminder that it's "meant" to be scheduled this month, but you neither have to book a tournament nor have the title on the line that month. You could have it on the line every other show than any show that month, in fact, and that'd be fine. Weird, but alright.


More on that later, though, and why I hate booking. And losing one of the little rubbery feet things on my laptop. D:

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So we got some fun stuff and not as fun stuff:




He won't go to them on a Written contract, but this does mean that my road agent might be unavailable for some events. Given that I have some solid secondaries (Avatar, Bailey, Flash), that's not too bad.




The current schedule. March is going to kill me moneywise...




Bet you didn't know I made belts. Yeah, that's not...Generic WorldHeavy04...




I bagged Exile for $900 (from $800+travel) and passed on Fumihiro Ota ($1k + $600 downside...).


I don't like downside agreements. They're a guarantee that a worker gets paid their downside every month (show?) that they don't make more than it. i.e. if I had hired Ota, he'd be either a $1k/show drain (and he's good, but I have younger and cheaper and better wrestlers) or a $600/month drain with no benefit.


As smaller companies, the money hurts. As a larger company...psh, w/e. Give me Written. Or, y'know, they will be used anyway so the downside doesn't matter.

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That's the NOTBPW everyone knows and hates. Have no clue how that 50 didn't kill their overall rating, but whatever.




If you want to be like everyone else, get Hell/Death/BURNING!!!1 Monkey on your squad.




A solid all-rounder that can call it in all but the largest of promotions. Selling and Safety are a touch suspect, but he and Jack can (and will) have a 90-minute Ironman match.


Oh, fun fact: He's from New York. So this isn't me gaming the system.





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Keep up the good work. I find it all funny and packed with infio. Don't let the haters get you down. I'm still reading.


Agree...and kinda feel the same about downside agreements, steer clear of them most of the time (especially with smaller promos). I was wondering what your thinking on contract lengths are. When I played 05' most workers wouldn't sign for anything other than what was suggested. I've not really messed around to much with contract lengths in 10'. If or when you get a chance to answer. Thanks again...lots of tips here and there, and the most entertaining learn to play of any game I've ever played.

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Agree...and kinda feel the same about downside agreements, steer clear of them most of the time (especially with smaller promos). I was wondering what your thinking on contract lengths are. When I played 05' most workers wouldn't sign for anything other than what was suggested. I've not really messed around to much with contract lengths in 10'. If or when you get a chance to answer. Thanks again...lots of tips here and there, and the most entertaining learn to play of any game I've ever played.


Longest I've gotten was...I think I pulled 30+ months with someone. I might not have explicitly mentioned this yet, but the lengths come in sets. For example, a person that is fine with 14 months will always be fine with 15. Same with 13. 12, however, is one length shorter, so a twelver might not tolerate 15.


I've found 15 is a typical max length, especially with smaller companies. Maybe in actuality it's around 18, but at least in my RtG game (with auto-save), I don't take chances like that.

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Why would you pick a fight with him? And I'm talking to either guy; boss's son or MARAT KHOLOV? Yeah...




Marv Statler is done with MAW. Tagged with Findlay and lost to Generation X.


I sent Statler and Waldorf back over to MAW for Jay Chord and Keith Vegas. The former's the real catch; Chord's one of the best young talents in the game. Vegas...sucks. Oh, and Jay's a huge jerk. I will not let him win in my company.




Oh no whatever will I *renegotiates*


I got Rafael for 900+travel. Admittedly...not really worth it. Great guy, but...that's a lot of money.


Got Jennifer Heat. She's a great manager and not that expensive. I might fire Fern Hathaway finally :rolleyes:


Genio Verde (why not go through my list) wanted at least $1,000/appearance. Being a glorified colour commentator:




No. A decent candidate, though, and if I hadn't busted out money for J-Ro and company, not a bad choice for a main event in a company the size of NYCW.


Cannonball Logan Sam Pratt/The Cannonball Kid (aka CALAMARI KID) was in a similar boat:




Not worth it. At my size those are excellent stats, but...eh, nothing there worth main eventing in my eyes.




Let's play a game: you tell me how much a guy is worth. Contestant one:




Mario Heroic, age 31.


For those that didn't highlight the text, let's think about this.


-If he was a rookie (he isn't), those are fantastic stats. Stellar charisma coupled with great Star Quality allows this guy to get over quickly. Talk himself up, lose to better workers (Steve Flash). A solid foil to, say, Sammy the Shark.

-As a 30-something (the real case), they're decent stats. The performance skills are less than ideal, certainly; 73 psychology or so would make me happier. Nonetheless, the guy can get over, and while he's certainly a high-flier, he's passable in all aspects of the game. Good enough physical skills as well.


I paid 600+travel for him, which means he'll be ~$650/appearance in a week. I'd say he's worth closer to $500/appearance; without the youth upside, he's something of a poor worker. I don't want to pay a midcard gatekeeper too much.




Spanish Superfly, age 41.


-If this was a rookie (nope), I don't think I would be able to hire him at this point. Those performance stats are obscene for a youngster. Instant hire.

-If he was in his 30s (nope), still a good pick. Up into the Cult level, this guy could call in the ring (I think). A safe worker, too, which helps for a good upper-midcard presence. Even though he's not the greatest wrestler, he more than passes for a great upper-midcard rock.

-This guy is 40. He's a veteran. That means his top row is only going to fall, and that stamina will probably fight to stay level as well. This means he's stuck probably a bit lower, around midcard level.


For what he is, I could see $700-$800/appearance. He can't get over like Mario, but he's a far better worker where it counts (performance), so he won't kill a match with the kids. He wanted $1,000. Lolno; he's no main eventer.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Now why would I mention him?








He is, in essence, the Steve Flash of Mexico.






1. Dwayne Dark. Poor him. Never gets picked up...

2. March is the most important month for UK wrestling. Go go 21CW school grads!

3. Jared Johnson = Jeff Jarrett. What? Double J? Jeff. Jarrett.

4. War Machine + Pit Bull Brown = AWESOME






Note: $3k more costs for workers, $2k for the venue, yet almost $6k more money from tickets. And a profit that month. Woo!




I'm going to cut...10 people. Not right now, but I'll go through the process and do that before our first show.

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Cutting people from one's roster is one of the most important decisions a booker has to make. Furthermore, it's a prevalent, recurring issue; for a company my size, every month I might consider balancing the roster. With larger companies, such a restructuring might be appropriate after every weekly show.


Nonetheless, the decision to cut-or not cut-certain roster members is tied upon two separate axes:


1. The axis of worth.

2. The axis of potential.


Those are the only two parts to consider in this process and I have done intense research so as to conclude, resolutely, with no dissenting opinions, that the quadrants I am about to describe fully and succinctly dissect the renegotiation process.


spoils i was thinking about this while going to sleep and it sounded good


  • One extreme is to focus entirely on the "value-added" by a worker with no intangible concepts like "that guy has cool masks" or "dear god why the hell are you on crack Vessey" being determinants in the decision. The more one trends toward this extreme, the easier the decision becomes; if the added cost of having a person on the roster exceeds the money they can make for you (in terms of increased popularity, presumably), then cut them.
    For clarification, this means that sometimes Steve Flash isn't worth it. He's a thousand bucks; if you can't afford that per month, then it doesn't matter how good he is; you're going bankrupt. It means that the Bob Casey workers are valuable; solid, low popularity hands tend to cost less and allow you to have a nice base for main events (to increase your popularity).
    Remember that you only need 10 points (mas o menos) more than your current popularity to grow at all. Spending $2k/month to hit 30 points more than your popularity? Probably not worth it (until raking in double digit thousands/month is common).
    Also, this means that sometimes written contracts are better (or worse) than ppa; if you're Cult with one show/month, a pay-per-appearance (ignoring a person getting stolen and/or house shows-which, admittedly, are almost-free money) is a written contract. Five shows/month? Hell, get a main eventer on a written contract.
    When I said the decision easy, I didn't mean it wasn't complex
  • On the other extreme, "worth" might mean "enjoyment". I love Hell Monkey due to his masks. And Koki Ishibashi. Both are good workers. I love Angry Gilmore (who is awesome) from back in TEW2005. I hate Cornell. I like Hugh de Aske (who doesn't always develop well) and dislike Donnie J. Hell, I keep wanting to push Lee Wright!
    My point is that the closer one gets to this extreme, the simpler the decision becomes. If you have to cut someone for money, cut your least-favorite guy.
    Admittedly, at certain levels of "fun-having," there's a strong potential to tank your company due to crap shows and/or a strong potential to "cheat" (that is, edit the company/money/whatever). So...yeah.
    Also note that people can have fun while gaming the system/do well with their favorites.
    Unless you like Blackjack Robins. Robinson. RobinSHUT YO CANDY ASS
  • Switching axes, things get quite fun and complex and shady here. Consider a person who values potential presently. That is, who values actualized potential, kinetic awesomeness. They would like, say...Robert Oxford at game start. Fantastic performer, but a guy who has maybe three months in him. Conversely, someone like the aforementioned de Aske, or...Rocky Golden, maybe, would be of little value. Currently, they aren't good enough.
    This means that, typically, a person more oriented in the present will cut aged main eventers (whose skills are dropped) or much of the relatively-untalented (and perhaps young) midcard.
  • The opposite? Complete potential-focus. Being that I'm speaking of extremes, this type of person will likely not keep anyone over 35 on their roster (for then their skills decline). Rather, the "Time Decline" list would indicate a revolving door of exiting characters.
    If one focuses too much potential, the new wave of talent (which, after all, might not live to expectation), will be unable to grow necessary skills (psychology) from the current veterans.


So let's talk of quadrants.


  1. Value-Current: People that tend toward focusing on the value of their roster in its current state and near-future have the easiest (yet still a bit complex) decision to make. Understanding a person's added value at the current time requires looking at their stats and popularity, perhaps noting recent increases. If a person is popular, they are worth more. If an expensive person has led to vast increases in show ratings, they allow the company to pay for their paycheck. If not, fire them.
  2. Value-Potential: This is complex as hell. Sure, identifying the value of a worker is easy enough (heh...not really). This guy is popular, this guy calls in ring, there is some chemistry, this tag team is experienced...but look to the future. An expensive main eventer better be able to stay on top for awhile. That young upstart who's going to be a future star had better start pulling his weight, or the price he's asking is too high.
    And, of course, then Wolf Hawkins gets a low psych cap and sucks hard. lololol best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray. Or, y'know, the best laid men have plans to...mice...themselves.
  3. Favorite-Current: Easy. Like the guy? Yay. Don't? Boo.
  4. Favorite-Potential: Impossible. "I will like this guy in the future." Lolz that doesn't exist.


In short, I wish I was drunk. In-depth analysis soon.

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love the tutorial and its helping me find a few new insights into the game.

Couple questions though if I may:


Remember that you only need 10 points (mas o menos) more than your current popularity to grow at all. Spending $2k/month to hit 30 points more than your popularity? Probably not worth it (until raking in double digit thousands/month is common).


I'm been experimenting with a small regional fed. 35 popularity. First two shows rated out a 45 and 56 - yet the fed's popularity did not move a bit. So the comment above confused me a bit, unless something is amiss (other areas moved .2, maybe due to the internet broadcasting our tv shows out).


2nd, in a nutshell, what are the key stats to focus on for decisions (who to hire, push, etc). Maybe its different depending on style (mine is popularity based, so what helps get the wrestlers above the important 35 line).


In your "game" you listed 2 contestants and "how much is he worth" - what is the factor that decides that. Likewise, you often mention what the match rating should be....is that strictly off their performance rating or popularity rating. I've tended to run my shows void of the "math" and formulas behind the ratings, but that info could help improve the overall results without taking away from the real feel and fun of it all. thanks.

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I have an excess of 22 people. Is that a problem?


In looking at my previous shows, I use ~24 people per show. I'm sure I double-counted; I got 21 show one and 30 show 2.


Regardless, somewhere in the 20s. Admittedly, that's a bit high, but we'll run with it. What's my soft maximum roster size?




Why 40? It's a little under twice the amount of people I use each month/each show. And why is that important?


Main eventers (and down the chain) want to be on ever other show. Or every show. Or if you're Jay Chord shut up and get kicked in the nuts. Point being, if I had 20 people, I'd use them every show. If I encroach above 40, I start being unable to use everybody uniquely in 2 shows; I begin to require a third show.


Why is that a problem? Someone, inevitably, gets left behind. Want to see a fun screencap?




Amusingly, he's happy with me. Lots of money and some vacations (and hiring Harry >_>) went into that.




And one from June.


I think he's the one with the most notes; he's only at orange displeasure, though.


Oh, right:




And monthlies in Nov. and Dec.


Big roster = people get pissed.

Lots of shows = people get pissed.






So yeah, be mindful. That's why I'm cutting around half my excess; 10 people.




As far as my "theory" goes, I tend toward booking for results over favorites, with a ridiculous habit of hiring anyone with an inch of potential. Hence...well:




Recall that even if I fired 5 main eventers, I'd probably end with 2-3 more main eventers than needed as other people fill the relative gaps. The game auto-pushes top-down, not bottom-up. So in, say, NOTBPW...


While I'm looking: I'm also obsessively predatory in my hiring.



^That's main eventer Davis Wayne Newton.


I looked for my most over guy and spat all over my screen:




For the record, Steve DeColt became one of my favorite workers due to the injury that kept him out of action for two months. Incidentally, it was around then that I switched to an 80% match ratio.


Oh, and guess where I have tv coverage <_<


Where was I?

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I'm been experimenting with a small regional fed. 35 popularity. First two shows rated out a 45 and 56 - yet the fed's popularity did not move a bit. So the comment above confused me a bit, unless something is amiss (other areas moved .2, maybe due to the internet broadcasting our tv shows out).


Check the editor. If it didn't move at all, (that 45 might not have counted if it was a 44.6 and you're at 35.4, for example) check your trends. Negative trending...well, that 56 still should have gotten you at least .1.


2nd, in a nutshell, what are the key stats to focus on for decisions (who to hire, push, etc). Maybe its different depending on style (mine is popularity based, so what helps get the wrestlers above the important 35 line).


As others have noted:

1. A good announcer will boost all your matches. Same with a good colour commentator (although, technically, anyone with charisma would work). Same with a ref. Same with a road agent. Given that they're used every match, paying them twice what a midcarder (or, hell, a main eventer) makes isn't an entirely bad decision (well, $2k/appearance is a bit much, but anyway...)


2. HIRE THE CHEAPEST (good) PEOPLE YOU CAN FIND. The Big Problem sucks hard. Why? $1,000. Sure, he's got 100 menace and...not good other skills. 35 pop across the US. As a 29-year-old, he's a nice shot for a larger company (USPW or Japan, for example). For NYCW? Dude, take Land Mass (don't; fire him fire him fire him), Hell's Bouncer (he's 23), Jesus Chavez, Larry Wood (who actually is worth $1k or close to it with that psychology), hell, Murderous Mikey is a hoss with high menace. If you want an actual good worker, sure, they get more expensive. You want a steamrolling machine? Get a cheap guy. If he sucks in the ring...get the cheapest sucker in the ring.


That's also why you should hire women. They tend to be cheaper than a male counterpart.


As for the wrestlers? Star Quality and Charisma can give bonuses to any match a person is in (I think it's at 67 or so...). Those are nice to have. For people you expect to push, somewhere in the 70s for SQ is helpful; not only do they get bonuses to their segments, but they also should have a fairly decent popularity cap. Admittedly, R.K. Hayes' 70 popularity cap wasn't detrimental (nor discovered) until I hit Global, so...


PUSH A GUY WITH PSYCHOLOGY. At least one main eventer should be able to hold up a match. Sure, you could have a solid upper-mid, but make it a dang main eventer. This could be a veteran (Christian Faith and Bryan Vessey in SWF and TCW) or a current star (Rich Money and Tommy Cornell). Have a good, bankable worker.


PUSH A GUY WITH ENTERTAINMENT SKILLS. Hell, you could have a roster of mute wrestlers and have them in unchained storylines with your managers. Fine. But entertainment is a solid way to get popularity (through angles), so don't ignore it.


As for who to hire? Aside from prospects for the future (young guys with...I'd say solid star quality and/or psychology and/or something in the top row worth noting [Oleg Dorosklov]), get someone at every level who can teach. Steve Flash is great for the top card in a small company or the midcard for a larger one. JD Morgan as well. Wood, as noted previously. These are guys who, if they aren't main event quality, will be able to supplement the guys who are. For Marat Kholov/Rocky Golden to be a success, they need a guy like Christian Faith/Sam Keith/Enforcer Roberts/Robert Oxford.


Get people who can lose well. Bob Casey has poor psychology but it otherwise a great performer. That's a solid enough jobber. Sam Keith isn't that great of a worker aside from his obscene performance stats; he's a great pick to pair with, say, Wolf Hawkins or dare-I-say-it Rocky Golden.


Oh, and if you're in the US/Canada, get people from the other region. The DeColts are fairly cheap US workers for their stats (and the other way).


In your "game" you listed 2 contestants and "how much is he worth" - what is the factor that decides that. Likewise, you often mention what the match rating should be....is that strictly off their performance rating or popularity rating. I've tended to run my shows void of the "math" and formulas behind the ratings, but that info could help improve the overall results without taking away from the real feel and fun of it all. thanks.


It's not "a" factor, and I go a bit more in-depth on this in my above post (well...sorta...ish). What I was talking about there was strictly the value added by having a worker on the roster; that's dependent on who is currently on the roster.


Steve Flash is, honestly, almost useless to me right now. I've noted numerous times that Jack Avatar is better than Steve Flash (aside from performance, where the lack of psychology isn't noticeable) in every way. Aside from preventing repetitive match penalties, Steve Flash doesn't do me any good (or potential chemistry, come to think of it). He's $1,500/month that goes to a solid match and locker room morale boosts. Is that worth it? Eh...


Look at Greg Gauge. Granted, he's only now costing me anything at all (I hate Japan), but look at his stats. He's like Jack Avatar (OR MATTHEW KEITH LOLZ) statistically and he's younger. AND he's really cheap. So I don't need to get much out of Greg. I think, I'm just guessing, that I could pull something similar with him to what I did with Fuyuko Higa. $500 for matches 30 points above my popularity? Yes, that's an easy buy.


Take a look at Hugh de Aske. Not too good, but he's only 21. In...7 years, I expect most of his stats to have improved by...at least 10 points. At least. At that point...the 62 psych would be a bit low, but he'd be carryable in a Cult company, I think, and very good in all other aspects. Is he worth keeping around? Well, he's not too expensive, so...yeah, maybe.


How about Land Mass? He's 46. No. He sucks ass in the ring. No. He's given me complete and utter **** in his segments EVEN WITH 91 FREAKING MENACE. He's not worth anything to me.




No, I'm serious. I could change any angle and put someone else that I want to drain popularity from (EXTRAORDINARIO JUNIOR WOULD DO FINE WITH ENTERTAINMENT AND HE'S 21 AND ACTUALLY IS OKAY IN THE RING GOD I HATE YOU LAND MASS) in his place and do better for myself.


So it's...it's imprecise. What job is that worker doing? Mitch Naess in PSW is invaluable due to his ridiculous announcing (well, he's the owner, so...). Get a really good referee, and...yeah, pay him a bit because you now don't need another one and he helps every match. Get a real big menace guy for quick (very quick) popularity and high angle ratings. Some solid talkers for good angles and boosts to matches. Some psych guys to call in the ring/not have a match be scripted.


However, having two people that do the same thing lessens the value of both of them. If I got two menacing hosses...what good is that? Why not fire one and just use the better/cheaper guy? Well, more hosses allows for more people to feed off their popularity. But wait, I can only pay for 3 people per show. Well then...FIRE HIS ASS.




  1. A = Take the most popular guy's popularity.
  2. B = The less popular guy's popularity.
  3. C = (A+B)/2 = the average of their popularity = the "base" rating.
  4. If the match can be legit called in ring, add...hell, 5 points to the base.
  5. If it's scripted...I don't think there's a penalty, but I do tend to think the match rating ceiling is lower. And that you shouldn't be running the match.
  6. +2 for high SQ/Charisma/momentum/gimmick. Yes, cumulative for each worker.
  7. -2 for low momentum/gimmick (again, cumulative.)
  8. D = rough match rating = C + bonuses + penalties.
  9. Match rating = [D-x, D+x] where x = I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE **** THIS RANDOMNESS IS.


In essence...Jack Avatar is at 50 pop. Fine, he could, by himself (and Yoshihiko) pull a 50, let's say. Plus some stuff for charisma, star quality, a solid gimmick, maybe good psych (which I think requires it to be called in ring to get that bonus)...yeah, a 60 is doable.


Steve Flash is at 42 pop. Doesn't have the SQ nor charisma, but great psych, so...eh, 50's possible.


I'd expect, roughly as hell, for their match to get a 55 or so. Why? Popularity plays a huge part, but these guys can actually wrestle. Whistler has 33 popularity (which has gone down, btw, since he joined) in Tri State. He has a bonus for charisma, but not enough psychology for me to be comfortable with him. I set his match at ~35. Now let's look at the empiral data:

52 w/ AmPat vs. Honest and DWN

46 w/ AmPat vs. CamVes and CasVal


What does this mean?




2. Davis Wayne Newton is a god. His crap popularity pulls him down, but he's fantastic in every way. Lots of bonuses. And Honest Frank is very popular, and American Patriot is a good (yet injured-penalty!) worker. We got a 35 from Whistler, maybe around that much for AmPat (better SQ, but the injury and less popularity hurts a bit), maybe something in the 50 range for Frank, and DWN being something of a wildcard. I'd expect that first tag to have hit mid-40s with no chemsitry notes.


3. Second match? Again...the opposition isn't as popular nor as talented as the previous team, so...upper 30s.


In essence, I tend to under-predict my midcard and get a bit closer on my top guys (the 57 from BHB/Flash fits; I give either of them something in the 50s, get a little from title prestige...yeah, it works).


I also ignore the top row almost entirely; I feel it's more of a "bonus", else guys like Sam Keith/Christian Faith/Robert Oxford couldn't have an A match (the match being a sexual six way with Gilmore, Money, Cornell, Peak, and Vessey notwithstanding).


It's...just imprecise. I guess, expect something near their popularity, then cry/spit on my computer when I'm wrong.


And/or get really ****ing pissed when Bloodstone/DeColt scores a...wait...75. 75! That was in February WHEN THEY WERE BOTH AT 90-PLUS OVERNESS AOISDJ;OFAIJDS;LKFJAS;LDKJF;LI hate people who can't call in ring. A LOT.

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Pre-Show Notes:


1. It's not before the show, exactly, but before the firings.


2. Yes, I realize I went from heralding Steve DeColt as awesome to, in the very next post, declaring that I hated him. Technically, as Bloodstone was the invader, I despised him for it.




3. Yes, I realize that calling BloodSTONE the invader of NOTBPW is ironic. So was his jump to TCW. Or something.




I'll start the cuts with the non-wrestlers.


1. Do I have any personalities? No. If I did, I probably should make them a manager or something else and/or fire them. Sometimes managers/commentators become "personalities" when you hire better people.


2. Do I have any road agents? Yes. 1. The Stomper. As my boss, he is exempt from being fired; as well, given that he's my only road agent, I probably shouldn't fire him. However, I have other guys that could fill in (and probably one day will be) road agents:

Jack Avatar

Larry Vessey

Matthew Keith

Steve Flash

if I needed money, (and could fire and/or GET HIM OFF A ****ING WRITTEN CONTRA-wait a second. If SWF is hiring him...oh, he's only $1,200/appearance) I could potentially remove him and just use myself (free!) or a guy I'll already have in another match.


3. Authority Figure? No. These are like managers, except they take steroids and blow out their quads. Three guesses who I'm


wait, which diary am I posting


4. Referees? I have 1. Ergo, I'm keeping him. To note, his 60 refereeing is higher than most of my matches (especially the midcard), so he gives me a bonus. Nice.


5. Colour? Herb Stately kinda sucks as a commentator; I'd get more use out a cheap pair of speakers. I mean Extraordinario Jr. Where's Steph's ass to distract people-WRONG DIARY

Anyway, I'll keep him just so I don't have to keep switching who's on first. Dammit, second. Wait, who is on fi


6. Announcer? Yes, only one, and he's good enough for any match I've done so far. 70 announcing is far more valuable and less common that 70 charisma.


7. Managers? Yes, I have 4. Krissy Angelle stays for a number of reasons: first, she's $150/appearance. Second, she's hot like ice on a cold afternoon. Wait Third, she's got a nice mouth. And fourth, she actually does have a nice mouth, http://rlv.zcache.com/do_you_know_what_i_mean_tshirt-p235375726628579339z850c_400.jpg


Jennifer Heat is $500, but again, a good manager. More well-rounded in entertainment than Krissy, as well. Although, Krissy probably was more well-rounded in entertainment http://rlv.zcache.com/do_you_know_what_i_mean_tshirt-p235375726628579339z850c_400.jpg


Fern Hathaway (who I should fire for being useless and a jerk backstage) and Cheerleader Nicki get a bye for being bicheap, ergo no real need to fire them (and no real benefits to firing them).


8. The real-deal time (next poast)

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Mom deleted my post :mad:


I'll go down the non-wrestlers first:





Personalities are typically managers, colour commentators, and announcers that suck. Barring extraneous circumstances (chemistry, backstage atmosphere), they aren't necessary.


Road Agent:

The Stomper (60; 86 psych) at $1,200/show.


Aside from the fact that I can't fire him due to his status as my boss, Stomper's not a bad road agent. He's got a high level of psychology, meaning that he might actually give my matches bonuses (he does). That's what I want from an RA. That said, technically I could use Steve Flash as a road agent for every match in which he is not a participant and get similar results (also, Flash likely will be an RA if he retires). And Avatar in Flash matches, or BHB. Or...uh...J-Ro I guess if the others are taken? My point is that while I won't do this, I could easily cut $1,200/show from my costs by not using a dedicated road agent.


Authority Figure:



I still don't know what the hell this is, aside from being used in a few angles. Sure, I know what an Authority figure is GOD DAMMIT I ALREADY MADE THIS POST

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Occasional Wrestler:

Larry Vessey (51; 38 pop; great psych; hurt; good menace) at $1,200.


Vessey's a main eventer, essentially. He has the psychology to carry people, yet...he's probably got a low popularity cap, he doesn't get a charisma bonus, and he's injured (rather, got yellow legs/body). That means not only will pushing him get fruitless, but his matches will suffer. That said, he's fine as a gatekeeper, (obvious choice) and I might as well keep him on for canon-y reasons (he takes over, apparently). That and he and Wright are going to team together for epix Japan nostalgia kawaii.


Women's Division:



The women's divisions is roughly lower-midcard. This means that it sucks hard and will never have long matches that people don't hate for being too long. Ergo, I don't use them typically. Let me rephrase that: remember my NOTBPW game where I hired everyone on the ****ing planet? I did that with my ladies. Wanna know the most popular? Well, it's Emma Chase, so I probably need to check the wrestlers...Alicia Strong, at ~45 popularity across Canada. Remember that this is the land of OH GOD A* SHOW EVERY MONTH LOLOLOLOLOL. Her best match? Holy **** when did she get an 81?


Huh. Admittedly, she did hit an 80 and upper-70s with Belle Bryden in USPW, so...yeah. A division, while giving them their own title, only hurts them.


Enhancement Talent:



If your enhancement talent cost more than...$200 (at small sizes, of course), they better not be enhancement talent for long. Anyone who stays here (note that Higa has risen from this position, for example) is here to job. They are here to get buried. They need no overness nor should they gain any. At larger sizes...well, I'm not a larger size. Though since I mentioned it...oh. Wow. NOTBPW has 5 enhancement talents, none of which have more than 2 overness. Well nevermind then; the point holds true for large promotions as well. (and yes, I've used them in 2012 >_>)



Donte Dunn (19; 0 pop; crap psych; great SQ; BEST NICKNAME EVER) at $100.


Dunn is fine as an opener. He's young, so his stats will improve; I'd be surprised if by 2016 he's not at 50 psych; that'd be ~3 points per year. That's an easy gamble given that young workers tend to get a point or so every month. Including sporadic matches and squashes by BHB, and Dunn's sitting pretty at the lower midcard, perhaps. The point is that he's young, so he's an investment. And $100 isn't much of an investment.


Extraordinario Jr. (21; 0 pop; good backstage; nice bonuses) at $150.


ExJr. is a fantastic buy at $150. Not only is he great backstage, but he's carryable to a decent match. Maybe not a called match, but with a strong hand...those psych and star quality lend him to a nice all out/worked crowd match. He's young, as well, meaning he only goes up. Get this guy if you're in USA, Canada, or Japan (in Mexico his popularity means that he might actually get pushed, where his middling psychology hurts him).


Velocidad (23; 0 pop; horrible psych; great high-flyer; RAYMOND STEREO) at $150.


Velocidad is a tragic case; were it not for abysmal psychology, he'd be a great worker. He's better than ExJr. stat-wise (aside from Jr.'s psych and more balanced entertainment skills), but...he's a career jobber. Eh, he's a fine one, though.



Angel de Mexico (28; 14 pop; solid worker with poor brawling; HORRIBLE NAME TO TYPE) at $500.


This guy is overpriced for his push. I'd accept an opener for $200, maybe, which means that $400 is a rough cap on the lower-card. He's, obviously, above that. However, Angel is a great case study in "obvious future midcarder". His psychology is on the cusp of calling in the ring; against the right opponent, he can be carried to one. With his good star quality, he can get a match bonus, and if I put some time into developing his entertainment skills, his charisma will rise to match. With a decent destiny, he's young enough that time's on his side wherein his psychology should at least hit 70. If he hits 70 by the time he's 30, the guy's set. 70 is quite solid even for a Regional company, and his top row ensures that the match won't disappoint. That's what I want from a midcarder; a guy who won't disappoint. Can he hit midcard by the time his contract comes up in a little over 10 months? Sure; I can probably manage in two more shows/months. So that's a majority of his time being a midcarder, where $500 isn't prohibitive. I'll keep him. (I also had him squash Roger Cage, so...)


Animal Harker (24; 16 popularity; consistently crap) at $350.


He's...well, $350 is cheap. And he better stay there in his two months to come. He's...crap. He deserves to be an opener. Sure, he's 24, he'll improve, but...the guy sucks. Hard. He's...maybe going to improve enough to merit his current push, but even then...he's a bubble guy. I might fire him.


Burning EXILE (34; 17 pop; canonically a jerk; great worker) at $900.


I won't fire him mainly because I purposely hired him for a reason (to show off short term contracts, I guess). That said, $900 is main event territory, and certainly at least upper-midcard. If I didn't give him a free pass, would he be worth it? Well, his charisma is pretty much the only thing slightly lacking from an otherwise, for my size, perfect guy. 70 psych is call in ring territory, and everything else is awesome. This guy, if I wanted, could probably pull a 70 with Jack Avatar. Even then...he'd need to be a main eventer, and I don't think 3 months is long enough for him to get the popularity to necessitate that type of a push. So no, even with his skills, he's not worth it.


Davis Wayne Newton (22; 10 pop; obscenely good) at $250.


This guy...his consistency needs work, but my god that selling. There's a reason everybody gets this guy (and he gets stolen). He's absolutely fantastic (and my least popular main eventer in NOTBPW). But even if he wasn't good, he only costs me $250! That's fine for his push-which, btw, is the biggest in the company with 8 points in his first month with us. He's able to call in the ring and even with his poor popularity got with Steve Flash to make main event performances. And, y'know, he's a Next Big Thing. Never, ever, fire those guys.




Mr. Lucha III (22; 0 pop; future locker room leader; good all-rounder) at $300.


This guy should get pushed over Angel, to be honest. Not only is he cheaper, but he's better. Better attitude, better stats, better payoff. Like Extraordinario Jr., definitely one to hire in any promotion that can (and is even worth it in Mexico). Could possibly call in ring, as well.


Randy Maxx (26; 17 pop; sucks) at $500.


If I had Ace Youngblood, his tag experience would make him possibly an alright opener-level tag team worker. But $500? That's $300 too high, easily. If Harker's on the bubble, this guy is probably beyond it. I'll actually start the firing now.


Regular Joe (20; 13 pop; decent rookie performance skills) at $400.


Not bad backstage, and a shoe-in for FCW where he has the protege relationship to Shawn Gonzalez and a decent team with Matt Hocking. As it stands...12 months is a bit short, maybe, for this price. He's not bad, he's just...not too good. And right now...$400 is a bit much. He'd be a great opener, though, and has enough selling to be a fine jobbery guy. I'll keep him, but he's slightly on the bubble.






Seriously, I hate him. If his menace would actually get him some overness, I'd consider his $500 ass worth it. Consider it, mind you. Because all he'd be is popularity waiting to get pushed to someone else. As it stands, why not use, say, ANY OF THE TALENTED AND/OR CHEAPER MEMBERS OF THE UNDERCARD? (Note: even bringing in The Big Problem, who's overpriced but at least passable in the ring, probably wouldn't make Land Mass worth it even with 55 tag experience. Well...)

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Midcarders pt. 2:

American Patriot (27; 20 pop; bum leg; solid skills; no mask) at $700.


Seriously, no mask in NYCW. Fun oversight on my part. Anyway, this guy is tragic; the fact that he has physical problems already means every match will be a few points lower because of him. That said, he's certainly a midcarder for the future. He has enough psychology to get carried, and probably will gain enough to carry others soon. At that, maybe he'll hit Upper-Midcard; he's got the charisma and star quality to gain overness easily enough, and his matches are certainly good. But, as I keep harping, that injury makes me not want to put all my faith in him. He'll be a great Tri-State Regional (is that the midcard title?) champ, and if Whistler will last, their team will likely get a few tag titles in there.


Cameron Vessey (22; 22 pop; tags with CasVal; son of Larry) at $600.


CamVes is a decent guy. Young enough to improve, and with his starting psych he'll likely hit decent numbers. Solid all-rounder for the future; he's another good midcarder. Worth the $600 in a couple months, I think.


Citizen X (30; 24 pop; solid high flyer) at $700.


If I wanted themed matches, X here would be the guy to take my undercard luchas to the top. At least...to the workable midcard. His lack of excellent star quality means he's a perfect fit for the gatekeeper role. Hopefully I'll make him a face of the midcard title and have him dabble in the upper-midcard. Well worth $700 I think.


Greg Gauge (20; 17 pop; Matthew's brother; excellent worker) at $600.


I like Matthew more due to his better psychology. I'll double check his star quality; 71 isn't bad, and it will increase, but for as much as this guy is a god, it almost seems low. Oh, and he's an NBT as well. Yeah, a definite keeper.


Hugh de Aske (21; 19 pop; all-rounder) at $600.


Hugh is overpriced. Admittedly I'm keeping him because I like him, but if I didn't...stat-wise, he's not worth $600. Certainly not over Gauge, of course, but...his popularity is nice, I guess, but he's just on the cusp of being good. Instead he's...passable. Forgettable. $400? Sure, for a rookie with his skills, no problem. But he's not a midcard worker, and this...is his lucky day, essentially. Probably a bubble worker.


Land Mass (46; 20 pop; menacing; crap) at $500.


I'll tell you why this guy would be worth, maybe, $200 to me: 1. He hasn't gained any overness despite my angles with him utilizing his good menace. 2. He sucks. He is the prototype of an important member of a roster: the untalented hoss/talker. They're designed to get masses of popularity only to bleed it to the rest of the roster. Let them talk/look scary, give them dominant wins perhaps, then have them get beaten. Everyone wins. Thing is, if they can't go in the ring, they aren't worth as much. Their popularity should help balance their poor skills, but that's where Mass has a big problem: he can't get over for some reason. No popularity = horrible matches and no overness to bleed. I already started to fire him yesterday, as I said...yesterday. So that'd be Sunday I fired him. Started to fire him.


Mario Heroic (31; 22 pop; JYYYEEEEEEFFFF HAIRRRRDAYYYY) at $600.


Actually, Remmy Skye is Jeff Hardy, but I digress. Heroic is a guy who needs a little more psychology to be on his way. A series with him and X would be beautiful, I think, and then him helping his fellow Mexicans would be a nice effort on his part. He's not bad backstage, either, so he's an easy push. Maybe worth $500 now, but I could easily pop him to upper-midcard with little effort. A keeper.


Rafael Ruiz (42; 17 pop; godlike safety) at $900.


Rafael is obviously overpaid; that said, I love him. I like those light-blue basics and safety stats; give me two more psychology and five more selling and he'd be perfect. Ruiz is an old veteran. Maybe the old is redundant, but the veteran part sure as hell isn't. He's not menacing, but he's excellent in the ring. Psychology to spare, safe as hell, and can teach some guys a bit of technical skill. I love guys like that. Sure, he doesn't have any way to get over aside from in the ring-and at that, he probably has a low popularity cap. But I like his style; he's like Sam Keith and Steve Flash. That said, is he worth the $900? No. In Mexico, maybe, (well, he might be worth what he costs there) but he'd need somewhere in the 30, 35 region to warrant $900. Could I get him there? Sure, but it'd take work, and it'd take exposure. I'm using a $900 guy to try to get him exposed enough to be worth the $900. Bad game plan, given that I'm fighting about $300 per appearance as a loss.


Richie Riggins (19; 16 pop; charismatic star crap) at $450.


God I hate this guy. Problem is that he's...eh, he's young, definitely going to improve, but really, he's probably my Land Mass replacement. Going to get some bonuses to matches soon, but the matches will still suck. At $450, if I can get him to...22 popularity, that'd be an achievement. That'd make him worth it, then I can bury his ass over and over. I think he's closer to the $200-300 range, though. But I keep the newbies anyway...


Sammy the Shark (23; Tri-State Regional Champ; good team with Roger Cage; decent worker) at $500.


Sammy's not great. He's consistent, which is good, and with some solid work, he could be carryable. But his Star Quality is a bit low for someone who's supposed to be a champion. With Cage, shoot, that was one of the best teams we had. Solo...he's losing that title, and I think $400 is a much better paycheck to suit him.


The New York Doll (23; 18 pop; good gimmick; good backstage; a better Sammy) at $350.


Aside from entertainment skills (and not by much), Sammy the Shark's position is better filled by The New York Doll. Hell, switch their paychecks and I wouldn't mind. The kid's not worth $500, but with a name like that, this promotion, and with him having a bit of potential, the kid's going to be rocking that Tri-State belt a lot.




I'm cutting it off for the night here. I'll do the UM and ME in the same post (maybe?). Right now I think I've cut...three people? Two people? We'll see if I cut some guys from the top. Discussion to follow, btw, on why I cut who, and the theory behind my general...theory. I need sleep.



^Apparently that is a "sexy mattress". The dog is cute, at least.

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