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Let's Play NYCW 101: A Guided Tour of TEW2010

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I don't really create my own angles so much as clone them. I have a couple of basic angles (titled _2 ent or _3 ent) that I run off of. The cloning feature makes creating custom angles a breeze. The only problem with it I've run into is that all of my angles read out as (blank) came to the ring and caned (blank), because that's the original angle I cloned and I've never customized the text.
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Awesome, still have readers. While I'd like comments on the show (and I need comments where my comments are actually false), an occasional remark that you're reading, for one, breaks up my massive walls of text. Also, it lets me know you are reading, that you're not just click-and-leaving.


Cool. Actually...I don't know where to go from here. Diary over *runz*


But seriously...Ah, end-of-month synopsis. Talk about money and such. That's coming up.

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Back from Texas. Totally had hot torrid makeouts with a chick back at the house.


Huh. That's what torrid means.


So apparently I

Totally had hot hot makeouts with a chick at the house.
Yeah, that doesn't sound redundant. OR FALSE. AT ALL.


We teamed up in Mario Party 6 and are at...I think 44/50 turns. We got...25 stars? Over 20, definitely. On the...pavilion level? The one where you can purchase 5 stars at once if you have the money. With lucky night rolls (5 and two 10s), stars come in easy. And the game's on easy, which, since she hasn't played on the 'cube before, is nice.


And she's beaten me a few times so I punched her and snapped her neck. She punched me back though. And the dog gave her kisses :3 I'm so happy. The dog also asked her to go outside, but we thought the dog wanted pets. So it was, Aww, cute *pet pet pet* okay the ga-aww, cute *pet pet pet* okay the-seriously? You're pawing her again? *pet pet pet* let's do thi-aww, this is funny *pet pet pet* roll the di-you know, maybe she wants outside (she did).


And then the torridly torrid makeouts happened in her car. Car? I think it was a car. Yeah, a car. It has a higher back than mine...doesn't slope down in the back, I mean. So like..well, it's obviously a sedan, but I guess more of what I think when I think of a sedan.


tl;dr: Torrid = hot, particularly regarding sexual lust and such. Also, I was on vacation. Also also...uh...



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Just saw this and got caught up. It's funny and insightful. I've learned a few things and it's been quite entertaining. Hope you keep it up for a while longer. Can always use some humor and tips for the the game.


I know that when i started as MAW(as that's my fav promotion) i would raid BSC all the time for valets and announcers. They work for cheap and i get to use the manager bonus should it crop up and if not, then they get the sex angles or the boot.



A few questions though:

1. Did you alter the gimmicks at the start of the game?

(i find that i have to tweak them some before i start to get them right.)


2. Major/minor angles, how do you determine which you want to use.

(as major pops the show grade and minor just helps the guys, i think)


3. I'm a fan of Tag Teams, is putting random people into tag teams helpful to boost their stats or do you only use dedicated teams?


4. How long do you stay in one spot before moving to another area?

(i mostly run small promotions, just easier on me so i don't move around much for shows)


I'm sure i'll have more questions later.



Oh, and i suppose Cage should have known he was getting the squash.

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I need to say that I appreciate the feedback. Moreso, I actually need feedback for this type of diary. Since I'm not playing this save for my enjoyment, chiefly-I'm playing it to hopefully teach new people-I need to know if my style of prose is working. I also need to know if I'm giving out useful or false information.


So again, thanks. Let's keep going.






To update, I'm a day removed from NYCW Rush Hour. Highlighting the only important email; guess we won't get CamVes.




I'm going to delete all the emails. I know we have owner goals, and there's nothing to do with that information. I know about Cage, and he's gone. Similarly, Valentine can't be modified, so...no reason to keep them.


I tend to (for some reason) save my show ratings and house show moneys-basically, stuff to do with my shows-in either the saved or misc slot, with everything else important going in the other. Important things being discovered chemistry via house shows (INCLUDING NOTES ABOUT NEUTRAL CHEMISTRY, BECAUSE YOU DON'T GET THAT ELSEWHERE) and...birthdays? I think I did promotions relationships in there too, but...whatever.


Apparently Brett Starr and...Casey Valentine...have one appearance left on their contracts. Right, loans. I might as well use them, right? So I'll go ahead and advance book them for my show.


WAIT REMOVE DAZZLING DAVE DIAMOND'S MANAGER I HAVE A VERY POOR CHEMISTRY NOTE AND I NEVER HEED THOSE (I found it while checking tag chemistry, then expanding to all notes).


Huh. Cheerleader Nicki's a face like he is. Okay.


I'm not going to do a full-blown roster update because, as I think I already said, I'm lazy. Furthermore, I'm not at the end of the month, so there's nothing to easily compare to, anyway.








*face...uh...oh my phone is blinking...*


My dad sent me a picture of the cake I made for his birthday, iced by myself, my sister, and my mom. It was totally awesome and now horribly built, given that I refused to cut the tops of the four layers, making the cake actually flat and not breaking the top layer due to the relative height of the center compared to the edge.


And, of course, not because I made a four-layer cake from a mix that was supposed to become two layers, thus...not exacerbating the previously-noted relative height difference and not causing the top layer, the non-problem layer, to be weaker in the first place.


Anyway, the point of the picture-this picture:






You know that debate I had about moving up to a 1,000 venue instead of a 300 venue? A medium show would have drawn at least 500 people. There goes...well...maybe a couple hundred dollars. *shrug*


Speaking of finances...




You'll notice we're currently in the red for the month. That will always be the case up until about Cult if one checks during the middle of the month. Sponsorship monies and the like take effect at the end of the month. Or...it might be the first of the next, whatever. And it might actually be the last Saturday or something weird...


My point is that I don't know if I'm actually doing poorly fiscally just yet. Won't know for a couple weeks. And that's good enough for an update until next month/that couple of weeks.




1. Did you alter the gimmicks at the start of the game?

(i find that i have to tweak them some before i start to get them right.)


2. Major/minor angles, how do you determine which you want to use.

(as major pops the show grade and minor just helps the guys, i think)


3. I'm a fan of Tag Teams, is putting random people into tag teams helpful to boost their stats or do you only use dedicated teams?


4. How long do you stay in one spot before moving to another area?

(i mostly run small promotions, just easier on me so i don't move around much for shows)


1. No. Everyone had their default gimmicks. I believe defaultly people's gimmick ratings and momentum are randomized, so I probably got lucky with some and unlucky with others. Got quite a few upper-70s with pleny of 60s and below. I did make the "Bluer Chipper" gimmick for Jack Avatar, which is "Blue Chipper" with 1 risk instead of 0. Got an 80 rating.


I usually don't mess with gimmicks for awhile, which is bad when I forget to set any gimmick with a worker. If I can get 6 months in (when I can change a guy's gimmick), then this will be a bigger conversation.


2. In this diary I'm pretty sure I'll only use major angles for a few reasons:


A. Not a lot of default angles are Minor.

A.i. I don't want to use the angle writer, even though copying an existing angle isn't hard.

B. Minor angles are 'cheating' :rolleyes:

C. I want to show the impact of booking a crap angle. If it's minor, I just hurt the workers' popularity/momentum, but not so much the show. I want my mistakes known.


That said, it's easy, if a touch time-consuming, to figure out the difference:


A. Make the angle minor.

B. See how it grades.

C. If it grades well, re-load and make it major. If not, minor.

D. General rule? Midcarders and below make the angle minor, while the presence of an uppercard worker lends to a major angle.

E. Go go powergaming?




Once I find chemistry, I'll tend to keep a worker in that dedicated tag team. Slight problem in NOTBPW where Owen Love and Shigen Miyazaki have chemistry, because both are part of other teams that can grade well (and Shingen has chemistry in his other one).


But otherwise...I don't like to use non-named teams/inactive teams, just because I'm missing out on an experience bonus or gathering experience. But throwing AmPat and Flash together for a one-off? Why the hell not? He's not going to do better with another team (currently no chemistry), so I'm not hurting him.


4. I don't move until Cult (or high Regional). That is, I don't move until I'm forced. Heck, in NOTBPW-yeah, the GLOBAL COMPANY THAT IS THE MOST INFLUENTIAL IN THE WORLD-I made it two years and two months without running a house show out of Canada nor holding any event-television or PPV-outside of Canada.


Did I take a hit to my attendance? Turns out, yes I did. That's why I've since expanded my house shows to non-Canada regions (and might have done away with running Canada altogether) and recently did a show in the USA (where my workers are similarly over and I'd get more attendance than...Maritimes? Wherever else I considered).


Then again, with 21 shows per month...saturation is a bit more of an issue than with, say, any other game I've seen on the boards.


I'm pretty sure I might actually be out-doing most touring companies...

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You'll notice we're currently in the red for the month. That will always be the case up until about Cult if one checks during the middle of the month. Sponsorship monies and the like take effect at the end of the month. Or...it might be the first of the next, whatever. And it might actually be the last Saturday or something weird...


Not to nitpick, but in my experience, you'll be able to cover costs just through ticket sales somewhere at Regional level (if you concentrate on building up the home area, I don't push for Cult at 41% home importance). I don't remember the exact tipping point, but it's entirely possible at Regional.

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Point taken. Should have specified.


*warps to the end of the month*




Huh, apparently I didn't do/save my changes (which were, I believe, deleting my inbox and changing D3's manager)


*warps to the end of the month*


Fun fact: when you're changing the multi-advance settings to partial to warp to the end of the month, SAVE THE DANG CHANGES. That's two days now I haven't skipped >_>


*warps to the end of the month*


While I'm waiting, I would like to note that I have a new laptop charger. Now I don't have to sit in weird positions and such to charge my laptop. In other news, I have gas and it hurts my tummy. Stupid dairy. STUPID LACTOSE INTOLERANCE THAT WENT AWAY AFTER ABOUT 7 YEARS OR 12 OR SOMETHING OF HAVING IT BUT FOR SOME REASON STILL MILDLY AFFECTS ME SOMETIMES POSSIBLY.


There are videos of me fat. Like, balloon somehow inflated in my stomach fat. Granted, that's because I pretty much had a balloon of...methane? Methane...what are burps made of...


Oh, Mean Jean Cattley won the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge V. I like that; him or AmPat should win it the first year (I mean I want them to; I've seen...Citizen X, CamVes [last year's winner], I'm sure Chord...and that's it?) It's the last Saturday of January, for reference.




(For the record, he was Cattley's first round win. Cattley vs. CamVes in the finals. Cattley > Waldorf, AmPat. CamVes > Findlay, Ricky Douglas, Cattley. Ricky > Chord. AmPat > Citizen X)


...Yes, that does mean the finals was heel/heel in a company with a strong divide. Would explain why the semi-main (Cattley > AmPat) was 9 points higher.

Aw, burps are made of air. That's right. The stuff that comes out the butt is methane.


Anyway...wait, what? Oh, right. So my stomach was bloated due to my allergy to milk. Which we didn't know about. And by "we" I mean "WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU HAVE ME TESTED EARLIER PARENTS I'M A ****ING FLOATIE. I AM. A FLOATIE. I CANNOT SINK."


Riiiight, so...ah, I was checking to see when sponsorship money came in, hence stopping at Saturday.


Oh god, I just noticed Kathy Neptune won the title off Tamara McFly. McFly is the undoubted star of the roster. Hopefully they'll have her keep challenging for the title, or we're screwed. Speaking of, too bad Dharma Gregg is considered a wrestler...




Y'alls are ****s.


Okay, just confirmed that sponsorship money does come at the first of the next month. Must have been thinking of Wrestling Spirit 2...


Predictions: Will Fuyuko Higa be hired by 5SSW?



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Okay, triple-post time.


The reason why I'm happy about Fuyuko Higa being unemployed is because that means I can attempt to hire her. Granted, I don't have a women's division.




Higa is the female Jay Chord; exceptionally talented


and exceptionally a jerk.


Who, apparently, is willing to do crazy bumps, it seems.


I'll go ahead and post Chord, who's a year younger:





Huh. Higa might actually be worse backstage and a slightly poorer performer.


That said, Higa is leagues better than pretty much everyone (that isn't Jack Avatar) on the roster. And for a female? Dude...she's 20 and already one of...got to be the top ten women in the game, currently. With even one year, I bet that psychology is around 73.




Yes, she's a jerk. And she'll probably just get worse. It doesn't matter. She can and will carry the company from day 1. She is your best talent, she is your best prospect. Period. I love it when they don't hire her because that means she isn't loyal to them, meaning I can hire her.


And yes, I'll offer her $1,500 if she wants it. Why? Because I'm an idiot (she isn't worth that much to a company of my size). Well...I guess I could trade her to AAA for J-Ro or USPW for the fine-as-hell Belle Bryden. Hottest default render, period. PERIOD.








So close! So close to making profit...


<1k deficit is fine. That's barely bleeding anything; hell, it's a paper cut. Granted, I need to modify some things, but WHY THE HELL ARE TICKET PRICES AT THEIR DEFAULT I WILL KILL SOMEBODY.




Don't tell me it's because earlier I said I'd keep it default to show you the effects. I will shoot you in the face if you say that. IN.






I lost...yep, 300 people * $4 = $1,200 HEY LOOK I'M SOLVENT NOW (or something)


I am going to punch something.


And yes, I saved, can't go back and edit that show, blah blah blah can't change anything. I'll wait on the merchandise stuff until next month, by the way, which I'm pretty sure I did say something about.


Read this carefully:



It's in the lower-right. Do it once (the first price should now be 6).


You're done here. Go any higher and you start affecting your attendance.




Huh. Apparently I didn't save my changes and/or I'm an idiot.


I hear that "Just in Time" is best at smaller levels, while "Custom", if you understand it (>___________>) is best at larger levels. I'll leave it at "Conservative" for now and compare it to "JiT" next month. Quality = Standard because we suck.


And there's that. Well.




Ah, my favorite email (well, next to Belle Bryden or someone posing in a men's magazine, I guess). Let's see...




:D *Close*







With all the preliminary ass-hattery out of the way, time to begin my least favorite part of the game due to the inability to do it right: finding all the new guys.


The problem with this is that THERE'S NO WAY TO SEARCH FOR A NEW DEBUT.








Well, I just found my new favorite section of the game. Remember when I said...oh, let me find it...


If you click the yellow "NEWS" button, this is what you'll see. I've ignored this...forever, but I just realized this is where you can go to check old stories about signings, promotions, events, deaths, blah blah blah and all sorts of stuff. So...ranges from mildly handy to pointless, I suppose. Won't be showing you that screen again, I think.




ohy aowuwww




That hurt. Punched my chin, didn't hurt, punched it harder, now it hurts. Okay, that's a headache. Owowowowow...whoa dude this screen is bright.




Things to do:






Without looking, I'm negotiating with all of them (Omezo only works in Japan). If they're expensive...too bad for me. Ordinarily I'd check their stats, but...


And I already have Regular Joe on the roster. Good for me.


Well, that wraps up this session a bit earlier than I expected. Good night and seriously, my jaw still hurts and I think I concussed myself.


4. When seraching "hot chicks" to post at the end of this, DO NOT SEARCH WITH SAFETY FILTER OFF. I saw a penis. Well, most of a penis. Do not want.




Well, I suppose I want what he's having, but GOD STOP THE TALKING POST IT POST IT NOW





Okay, posting this so Obama can see it. Seriously, give us a billion dollars worth of those and I'm pretty **** sure America will be happy. Didn't I already say something about everyone liking breasts? wait, that must be in my other diary...


Here's sebsplex quoting the relevent part.

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...I dont think I've ever seen Higa not get signed before.


And you have no idea how fun this is to read. Every post seems like you're having a great time, and I love it!

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Every post seems like you're having a great time, and I love it!


On that note, TCW pisses me off. Rather, Tommy putting a Charisma restriction. And them not growing fast enough so I lost Angry Gilmore in ANOTHER game. *sigh*


I actually was really mad until I saw the Time Warp Kitty. It's too...perfect not to laugh.


Rule...8: If you get an owner goal about charisma, ragequit. RAGEQUIT NOW.


Rule 9: As TCW, run as many shows in Mexico as are profitable that don't hinder your Canadian/USA popularity. Getting to global before SWF is probably impossible, but it's a hell of a lot easier to spam...South Mexico to 51%was that a spider on my blanket? Huh... Importance faster than getting Japan there. Get yourself a Mexico TV show, you're good to go.


And it's actually possible to pull solid grades down there (as in, upper-80s).


Rule 10: When slapping your blanket to check for bugs, do NOT whip the tip of your index finger into the bookcase corner.

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Two things to start this post:


1. If you turn off owner goals then turn them back on, you do not immediately start with your old ones. Instead, after a day, you get new owner goals. These are randomized (so sometimes I get no Cult and above, sometimes don't drop in size, sometimes 71 MINIMUM BASICS. Sometimes 7 goals, sometimes only 5). And you have to abide by the owner goals for a day after you turn them off (the day you turn them off, I think).


2. You don't have to use the workers that have been traded to you. I think they get pissed off (red angry face), but since they aren't on contract to you, they can't walk. So that's fun to abuse if you, say, hate Harry Wilson (which I do).






I changed the Women's Wrestling to "Division". If I can, I'll get it to "Integrated" and remove the gender restrictiosn on the belts.


Why did I make a women's division? If I put a female in a match, it won't get dinged for people not wanting to see women wrestle. Even if it's inter-gender. Granted, the division is ~Lower Midcard, but that's certainly workable.


If anything else has changed, I didn't do it.






Once you have female wrestling enabled in any capacity, you can have female hidden gems, if applicable. This means Joanne Rodriguez and Alicia Strong, if they're available. And Fuyuko Higa, apparently. I'll negotiate with J-Ro, though she'll be too expensive.


And I might get Zoe Ammis and marry her in the editor because I have a soft spot for her.






m i?




._______________. This is why my girlfriend broke up with me (actually it isn't).






The new event: NYCW Apples and Apples. Because of the Big Apple. I set it to Medium because duh, why not. I also set my other events to medium. Again, I hope, though that begs the question of why they reset themselves...


Audience participation time:


What female wrestler should I hire and then woo?

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This is an example of why people hate NOTBPW. Not even two months in and they're already putting out an 89 show. TCW and SWF will probably have some trouble beating that. Yep, TCW's top is an 87, and SWF's is an 86.


Granted, in my game an 89 is passable, but I'd like to hop at least on a 90. If not a 96, which I can't seem to pull recently :(


By the way, might be able to make out Nichiren Amagawa on the top right side; I'll check him out in a year. He's fantastic and loyal to WLW. Him, Kobe, and Angel are a destructive force of awesome in that little company. Well, that and a destructive force of egos in a year because they almost have to be pushed :rolleyes:




Like, apparently, everyone in the 2005 dynasties, Hell Monkey is one of my favorite wrestlers. Great all-around worker. If his psych goes up a bit, can easily anchor a national promotion.




...What's my highest contract that isn't Stomper? Is it 1k? OF COURSE IT IS LET'S DO IT!




My bad, I just really wanted you. Apologies.









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