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Let's Play NYCW 101: A Guided Tour of TEW2010

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What? People care? PEOPLE CARE???


Great, now to stop my SWF game for a moment...




Now we begin the slow process of working through a match. It only takes like...a minute in-game, if that, but here? God...


That said, I'm IMing with a totally hot chick that supports me making babies with another totally hot chick who is her friend. Did someone say AWESOME THREESOME POTENTIAL?


Because I sure as hell didn't.


Er, another segment break...






I'll cover the buttons on the bottom first.


Create Match: Technically, from here it clones the current match. I...fine, I'll show you the page.




There is one situation where I'd suggest a newbie go to this page:

If you're running a hardcore promotion, you will need matches with Average or better content risk. Amusingly, that's not a "1v1 Hardcore Match". So choose that match, "create" a hardcore match, and make the Content Risk higher.


Other than that...Well, you can make whatever match you want, but I'm not touching it here.


And that's Create Match. Do remember to name your matches something meaningful. Like, for me, "1v1 Hardcore Ave/Ave" refers to the number of people, type of match, and the injury/content risk.


Storylines Recap: This is of importance if you have non-unchained storylines. So...chained...storylines.




That said, unless it's a poor feud, you might as well advance book the match. In which case...well, this panel won't help you much either. Oh well.


This is here to give you a recap of your storylines, including the next step (like a tag match with this guy on one side and that guy on the other).


Select: Same as a double-click. This selects the selected match. Which is the blue one on the screen. I think I have the first one in the picture, though in my game I'm on...1 v 1 Hardcore. Right.


Back: Don't want to book a match? There you go. Back to the earlier page.




I've covered the four buttons that are of least use in this section. Now I'll go over "Filter" and those blue buttons...next post. Which will be nows-ish.

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Oh, go read PS's Quiet Retirement and NoNeck's Guest Booker diaries if you aren't. The former is ridiculously long (and good), whereas the latter is a very, very obvious inspiration for the ELITE diary.


And they're prolly my favorite, I guess, though by no means the only diaries I'm reading. BUT THE OTHERS GET NO PLUGS IN THIS DIARY HAHAHAHaha...




"Filter" does everything the blue buttons do, so I'll only show you the "Other" blue button, then talk about filtering.




The blue buttons are filters according to the text under them. Singles will only show you 1 v 1 matches; tag is tag, multi-singles contains 3-6 competitors; multi-tag is 3-4 tag teams. Other? Other's everything else.


I'll also say that you can Filter, then use the blue buttons if you want. Now that's not necessary (you can sort by 1v1, six-way, etc.), but nice to do if you want, I guess.





For the record, that turns up no matches.


The match type determines how many people are in the match and in what way. 3 teams, 2 three-man teams, and a sexual six-way...uh, all of those use 6 people, but in different manners.


Sexual? That can't be right...Sexy? Sexy Sextuple Match? Shoulda played as BSC...


Match Style...that's the fun one. I'd suggest you use "Regular" here. If all the workers have really high brawling (or technical, hardcore, aerial, sex appeal, or...dunno about Comedy), then you can consider basing the match accordingly. But if it's brawler v. high flyer, you'll want it regular based. You get a bonus (I think; I rarely use those matches outside a hardcore product) if everyone's suited to the match, but a penalty if not. And I don't know any of the parameters, so...yeah.


The next option is pointless! Match Prestige has no bearing on anything. ANYTHING. It's just there to refine your searching. I suppose if you're working on a mod, you aren't reading this reality implies that a ladder match be high prestige, HiaC Very High...Ciberneticos are...Very High? Stupid lucha libre. Making me think. And speaking languages. LANGUAGESSSSSS


Injury and Content Risk refer to the maximum levels allowed for the match for which you are searching. Yes, that's obvious. Why is this important?


Conservative workers (and non-risky networks) will not want to work in/show high-content matches. Same with the risk in angles *spoilers*. Furthermore, certain product types (PSW, WEXXV...every promotion that ELITE is allied with, actually...) require their matches to have a certain level of content risk. I think it's "Average", though I'm not sure.


If you want to meta-game, (which you do, btw. Everyone who doesn't, like Remianen, sucks at the game.


Wait, Remi's the one that uses women. So who the hell am I [jokingly] mocking? Derek_B? Maybe...) use the matches with the lowest injury risk allowed by product. This includes, if you want to be TOTALLY AWESOME (cheat, and in a way that I don't really like) creating hardcore matches with, say, high content and low (can't get very low) injury risk. YAY LESS INJURIES!


Match Length, as in, "Can Run For", is a bit more useful for angles in my eyes. This filter eliminates matches that are too short (or long, in the case of certain battle royales and Ironman matches, especially) for your search. So you want a jobber-ific squash? What match can run for, say, 6 minutes? Need a main event? Let's search for 20.




God I'm screwed. That's the match page. Next post? The...real match page?

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Note: I'll be walking through the Steve Flash/Black Hat Bailey main event. This is in part because I know what I want to do with the match (aside from the winner), and because I know what notes I can give to the guys, so this will go faster. I'll be posting the match list after this.




If one "auto-names" a match before making the participants, the match name becomes the type of match (1 v 1, 2 v 2 Hardcore, etc.) Certain matches (the battle royales) will not change the name to accommodate all the workers in it.




Length should be set to the appropriate level given the pushes of the workers and the intent of a match. Squashes are short. A main event-level match should be long. Do I want Flash to squash Bailey? No. So I set it (begrudgingly) to 30.


Do note the yellow text under the length. That means that this 30-minute-match takes up 32 minutes of our show.




Is this in the pre- or post-show? Yes, because IT'S THE MAIN EVENT. So yes, it should be on the part of the show where IT'S NOT ON THE PPV/TV.


Granted, yes, this show isn't on either method of media. So what's the pre-/post-show for? A match here does not affect the rating of the show. So for that Cage/Avatar match, I might put it on here if I think it will suck. Which...won't be the case with Jack. Also, post-show matches, by nature, suck, so only use them for training or something (like to improve tag experience).


More importantly, the pre- and post-show are only seen by the region in which you are holding the event. So for TV/PPV, workers will only gain overness in that specific region (Tri State for us). Again, since that's the only area we're shown in...not a big deal here.


Do note, however, that the pre-show can affect the rest of the show via warming/cooling the crowd. So if you want to work the crowd, this is a good spot. IF YOU'RE NOT POPULAR THERE. For SWF? The crowd will already be hot (giving your pre-show boosted ratings :D). So don't work them then.


I also learned about PST, so I should turn it off. Oh well *shrug*


In short: pre- and post-show, for us, is used the same way a B-show is: training.




Titles: Do I want a title on the line in the match? Yes, for this match. If the champion isn't in the match, you get a little reminder once you try to save. This is amusing if the new champion-from earlier in the night-is in the match.


Oh, do I want TWO titles on the line? No, no I don't.




TITLES: I skipped to the bottom-right. See that "titles" button? It shows you what your titles are (along with the champs). For the record, "NYCW Empire" is the main event title.




With announcers, there's little reason to do editing, in general. You can set this up earlier (and easier, I think) from the other page (like...6 posts ago? -ish?). That said, if you have a worker in the match, they can't announce.


Fun fact: using Jack Avatar on commentary helps him learn charisma. Is that cheap? Not much cheaper than using Jack in the first place. He'll be the third man in all the matches that don't feature him. Woo!




Road Agent and Referee follow the logic of the "announcers" section-you can't set these before-hand, though. If you have a guy pushed to Road Agent, he'll show up (The Stomper). Same with Michael Bull, our referee. If you want someone to improve in psychology, (and respect?) you can use them as a road agent (or refereeing with being a referee). Is that a good idea? Almost always not. If Jack gets better psych than Stomper, I guess I could make him the RA in matches, but...


Oh, you can get a penalty on the show for too many guest referees. I've done that before in the KYR 2010 mod where I was based in Australia. Nidia had refereeing ability (wtf?) but was a wrestler. So...yeah...




I'm skipping the match history for a second (because I'm an idiot; read later). Storylines recap is the same as earlier (though since you set the winner here, more important than earlier).




Skip to Match Details. This shows you information about the match, INCLUDING THE WAYS IT CAN END.





First show with SWF in my (old) SWF diary. I still laugh.




Save books the match and puts it in the show (which I'll show [LOL] later). Important.




Back takes you alllll the way back to the show. Annoying if you didn't want, say, a 1 v 1 Tables match, not a Submissions match. Oh well.




ADVANCE BOOKING: bolded for importance.


Which match am I going to book?




The bad part is that it shows you the bookings for every show, not just the one you're currently at. So be careful you don't use the main event for next show this show.


I might as well lt you see the match-making interface...




Get here by clicking in the blank black area in the first match picture. Don't click on a worker's picture; that takes you to their profile. So I go for the big VS. in the middle.


If the match is complete advance booked (Jack Avatar vs. ??? isn't), then this section is pointless. For throwing together a match...


Drag a name over to one of the worker slots and you'll put them there. Alternatively, scroll through the drop down until you get their name. Dragging's faster, especially once you've sorted, but I sometimes don't grab the name right.


Look at the top. See the red guy, red/blue arrow, blue team? IF YOU'RE BOOKING A TAG MATCH CLICK THAT BUTTON. It switches to the named teams, which is much easier to drag to a team slot. Also handy if you're using, say, Statler/Waldorf/Avatar as a three-man team; drag the Ring Generals, scroll to Avatar. Or click the drop down and type "Jack" to go to him. That's easier.




Chemistry is a useful button; need a solid semi-main? Find positive chemsitry and let it rip.




Include Booked: Use this button. It eliminates from the list (not the drop down) workers THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN BOOKED IN A MATCH. This way you don't over-expose/exhaust certain workers. Also, with the next button, it allows you to use main eventers so that they don't get pissed for not being used.




Filter: Next to Include Booked, the button I use the most. Also, conveniently located next to Include(/Exclude) Booked.


This is a filter just like all the other worker filters. I think there are some boxes missing, but for the sake of not having a lot of pictures, I won't show it.


Why's it important? If you need a midcarder, this will only show midcarder names. Then you can click the "Include Booked" button and only have the unused midcarders.




BIG NOTE: The "_____ Booked" button shows you the current setting, hence why it automatically is at "Include" Booked.




Save saves, back goes back.




Hey, what's that...GOD WHY DO I NEVER SEE BUTTONS I NEED? See in the way upper left, the "Filter: Active Roster" button? Click that to show the whole roster. Useful if you want to use a retired worker in a match. Sensational Ogiwara and Rip Chord can still wrestle, if impeded by their physical condition. Not a bad idea with the right booking.




Back to the main match area. Remember match history?




It's blank for now; I'll show this the next show if I repeat-book to see how far back it goes. THIS BUTTON LETS YOU PREVENT REPETITIVE MATCH PENALTIES. As does the "Save" button if the penalty will apply, so this is more for a preventative measure.




That's the match screen, minus the road agent notes. Yes, you can change intensity or danger from here, but don't. Just...don't. Not now. So next stop, "Change"~!!!






I think this has got to be a record for the longest a diary has gone without posting a show.

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*clicks Change*




I suppose I should (have said) say that the road agent, referee, and announcers can all give bonuses to a match. Hey random out-of-place comment!


This, this is a massively important section. Everything that can happen within the match can get adjusted here. Well, aside from eliminations and the actual moves done, I guess, so...Most of the stuff that happens in a match can be modified here.


Will I show you all of the options? Uh...57 options. Then again, there are a lot of single/draw ending conditions, so...WHY THE HELL NOT?


Note: You can only use ten notes maximum. So be frugal.




Victor: Determines who wins the match. You have to have a victor if you have a loser. This means that you can't just decide who takes the fall in a tag match; you have to tell the agent who gets the pin as well. Incredibly important if you care about the winner of a match (I do, here, but I won't show you who I chose. HA! Or any of my notes, I guess...)


Draw: No one wins. No one loses. Best used if you want a good match grade without hurting anyone's popularity. That said, some workers will refuse to lose certain matches because it looks bad. They might prefer to lose rather than draw. I call these people "food for the massive _____ Avatar push".


Loser: In a singles match, pointless. In a team match? Very useful if you want to protect a monster teamed with another guy, or a main eventer teamed with a lower-midcarder. Just because their partner takes the fall, though, workers might not be happy with losing the match. They'll tell you once you hit "Save".


Domination: One half of the "Monster/Goldberg/Daniel****ingBryan Push". Have a worker (or all members of a team, or everyone but the one chump that's leaving HA HA HA CAGE!) dominate the match and they'll get boosted overness/momentum gains at the expense of the other guys in the match. Bes used with shorter matches (for a squash), but can still give a bonus to a guy in an 18-minute match (or longer, I guess).


Keep Strong: Domination-light. Keep strong doesn't adversely affect (much?) the other workers' overness. This is a good note to use with, say, a loser midcarder that you want to push up the card. Or use it on the main eventer to really show that he can beat a midcarder without killing the guy's chances at climbing up the card.


Protect: If a guy sucks, "protect" him. If everyone in the match sucks...don't run the match. This note should be used with low psychology workers-especially those monster guys-and, possibly, the non-pinned person on a tag team. Use it with workers that need help. There.


Open Match: ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS DEFAULT TO THIS NOTE. An "open" match gets a "well booked" bonus. Domination, keeping strong, does not. Open match helps the rating of the match, making it incredibly important for main events. As well, the overness losses (and gains) from the match are mitigated to an extent, so the loser doesn't look as bad. Fun fact: BHB/Flash? Open match. Avatar/Cage? Not so much.


Burial: Also not part of a well-booked match. This is the other half of the squash; victor dominates, loser is buried. Bury a guy if you want him to lose overness. Typically that's due to their contract coming up (so you can lower the price they want) or they're leaving the company (HMMMM...). This is part of a way you can help a midcarder go over a crotchety main eventer; bury the main eventer, dominate on the midcarder, but let the main eventer win. They sometimes allow that, even though the midcarder gains a bit.


Decisive Win: Use this if your fans want "Clean Finishes". This refers to a pinfall/submission/whatever with no hijinks. There can be interference everywhere, twelve weapons, but that doesn't mean the finish isn't clean. Use this with a babyface victory if you want the face to guarantee not to be heelish. Also gives a bonus in overness to the victor/loss to the loser. Should be used in a feud-ender or matches that you want higher ratings. My main event? Not sure...


Tainted Win: Holding tights/foreign object/interference/blah blah blah. This means the victory is legit (title changes hands), but not clean. Use for the heel beating the face, making the face more pissed off. Also, if you want interference or something to be part of the finish, use the appropriate note (covered later).


Cheap Finish: Count out/DQ finishes fall here. A victory where the victor hasn't proven himself better than the loser. Although, that said, powerbombing a guy on the outside and having him counted out is a hell of a lot longer than a 3-count pin. *shrug*


Call In Ring: HOPEFULLY USE THIS IN ALL MAIN EVENTS. I've talked a lot about psychology; this is why. Matches properly called in the ring receive a bonus to their rating. If the workers can't call it, then you'll get a penalty with this note. It's fun (painful) trying to find the minimum psych to use this note against certain opponents. I said 64 was the threshhold in MAW, but Steve Flash probably could call it with a 60, given Flash's expertise. This is also where a worker can be "carried" in a match, I suppose. Steve DeColt and Johnny Bloodstone in my NOTBPW game are examples; against a Stone/Avatar, they can call in ring. Against each other? Nope.


Script: Opposite of the above. There is a middle ground; workers a touch below the CiR threshold might not need the match scripted. But with Peter Valentine? Script it. Scripting lowers the rating a match can get, but it's better to take that penalty than taking the "blah psychology sucked blah" penalty. Oh, and that middle ground? I haven't found it in NOTBPW. DeColt/Bloodstone should be it. Nope.


All Out Match: Use with matches 15 minutes or less, only. I believe this also works best with flashy workers. It can give you a bonus to the rating (useful for midcard v. midcard), but some workers can't deal with the pressure (which is random). Also, don't use this before the main event, lest you burn out the crowd. So it's a nice opener choice, for example.


Work the Crowd: You take a penalty on the match (bigger if the crowd is already hot) with the benefit of warming up the crowd. Workers with low charisma (I think that's the only criteria) take a penalty for not engaging the crowd. And I think the match gets a bonus for the workers that do, so...how is there a penalty...


Slow Build: Only use with matches 16 minutes or longer. As in, EVERY MAIN EVENT MATCH. If the match is 16 minutes or longer, probably want to use the note (barring a burial, I guess). It might make the match more or less strenuous, I'm not sure, so stamina might be something to watch.


Overbook: I actually only use this in situations where I'd consider scripting the match, which sounds really weird. Use it with untalented workers or if you just want...craziness. Better in hardcore feds, I'd imagine.


Interference: Oh noez someone is attacked! Fun for feuds (I believe), since the attacker and the attacked (or maybe anyone in the match?) can count as the two-person minimum to advance the storyline.




Distraction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKf-jLkZ55s&feature=related




You can look but you can't touch~~


Turn: If you don't want to turn someone in an angle, this is the only way. It works like interference does, except usually the attacker and attackee are of different alignments. Well...that's true of interference...I think this note can still be used with "Outside Interference Finish", by the way.


Also by the way, a turned worker is still considered their earlier alignement for the match, so a face/face or heel/heel penalty still applies.


______ Finish: How do you want the match to end? If the match can't end that way, the note is ignored (HAI DQ IN A THREE-WAY)


Double _____ Finish: This is for a draw. Also, if a worker doesn't want to draw, you might be able to manage one of these and have them draw anyway. Time Limit's a popular one.


And yes, I agree that "Double Strip Finish" is a horrible omission.


Manager Interference Finish: Interference by a manager. I don't think you have to add the person with the interference note.


Outside Interference Finish: Here, however, you do. This is interference that directly leads to the finish; somebody punching a dude in the balls in the first five minutes is not OIF. Unless, y'know, the match was five minutes long, I guess.


Sports Entertainment Finish: Have 8 run-ins with various guys and such? You can use this to make it a messy draw. And take a penalty to the match rating.


Screwy Referee Finish: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u74i7IkMcSw&feature=related


Overwrite Title Change Rules: Title will change hands on a Cheap Finish. Kind of pointless if you can't have a cheap finish, but...


Crazy Bump: In most, but not all, products, a crazy bump will increase the match rating (it gave a penalty in...USPW?). A worker has to be fairly liberal to agree, and the bigger the show, the better the chances.


Except the user character. They don't care.


Will cause injury sometimes.








Oh, and btw, those white buttons next to the announcer/ref/road agent? Click them. When they're red, only workers that are pushed to ref/RA/CCorAnnouncer show up in the drop down. Handy.

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If you guys wanted more stuff tonight...yeah, too bad. I just spent...probably an hour (maybe?) adding in 30 or so pictures to the ELITE diary. Which was made difficult because my internet sucks and I put the workers in alphabetical order by push, whereas it was fastest just going through the roster alphabetically to screencap.


In short: I hate life. Also, I will credit them (I have to), but go to the re-render thread. Search for Larry Wood, Big Smack Scott, and Joanne Rodriguez. That should give you those pictures.





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I wasn't bothered to look up the guy's name. Who the hell is Dunton Hall and why can't I get him out of my head?


Is that a gentle nod to my TCW diary, or is that just a coincidence? :p


Very good stuff in here Eidenhoek, I practically spat my water at my laptop when I read the opening line for your ROF analysis! Great entertainment. :)

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Prolly coincidence. I don't remember your diary (rather, I might remember the diary, but not the name, etc.). Maybe got his face mixed up with someone; I dunno.


Point is? He's helping Troy Tornado in my NOTBPW game, making his segments gold. GOLD I SAY!


Expect...well, expect the card to be made tonight. Unsure if I'll get to angles yet. Prolly...oh god, so many things to sort. Hell no.






By the way, I already had the card made. Weird.


I will go into more detail during and after my explanation of angles, but note that the card starts from the top and moves downward. Or, the show follows the numerical order of the segments. This is important because 70% of the show rating is based on the last match, and 20% of the rating based on the penultimate match.


From that statement, one can assume (correctly) that I believe Steve Flash vs. Black Hat Bailey to be my best match. Second-best is the tag match between my makeshift tag teams.


Why do I think that? I will go into that thought process after the show, where I explain what I thought and what went wrong. Though if anything tops Flash/BHB, I will be incredibly surprised.

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<p>Edited: Thanks Blake. Unless you're wrong. Oh right, you're that chick on here. LOLOLOL I MIGHT INSULT HER READ AND SEE.</p><p>

Well, insult indirectly.</p><p> </p><p>

Back. Let's get to angles.</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/428095/9384799" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/8/22917164834.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

You'll notice that there are a lot of angles. A lot, of angles. Let's have fun, shall we?</p><p> </p><p>

If you're power-booking...hell, if you're booking according to how someone should be rated, then there are a few things you should note:</p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li><strong>POPULARITY IS KING.</strong> Seriously. Jack Bruce is a <em>god</em> because his overness or entertainment angles can't bomb. He's too popular. Hell, rating him on menace probably wouldn't score less than a...70 (his menace is like...50s? 30s?). Use your popular workers in a segment to boost ratings.<br /></li><li>Rating on Sex Appeal caps the angle at ~70. -ish. Somewhere around there. Useful at low popularity; not good at middle and above popularity.<br /></li><li>Major Angles affect the show rating; minor angles do not. They still contribute to the ebb and flow of the show, mind, and they still affect popularity and all that. Just not the show. So if you want...Matt Keith to start blasting his father, <em>probably</em> want that to be a minor angle.<br /></li><li>4 minutes affects popularity; 6 minutes affects stat growth. A three-minute The Big Problem monster unleashed is just as effective as the full ten minutes (well, aside from short length penalty, but...).<br /></li><li>Apparently, less than 5 minutes doesn't affect the crowd with regards to Perfect Show Theory. *shrug*<br /></li><li>A ten-minute angle rated on Overness and Entertainment, respectively, will grade out exactly the same as another ten-minute Overness/Entertainment angle in the same spot. Doesn't matter if it's heel/heel, face/face, if the face is powerboming an old man off a scaffolding. The game only cares how long the angle is, major or minor, who's being used and how they're rated.<br /></li><li>Re-running the show <em>can</em> affect the angle ratings, just like match ratings.<br /></li><li>Pre- and Post- show angles count toward the match ratio. Which pisses me off/is totally awesome, depending on my needs.<br /></li><li>Post-show angles do not have a penalty to them (like post-show matches).<br /></li><li>A worker has to be "On Screen" to recieve the effects of the angle. This includes being used for the show, stat growth, momentum change, popularity, etc.<br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

If you're booking storylines, I'll go over how to filter for stuff. Just take note of what type of angle and with what kind of people you need for the next step. Since there's a "Storyline Recap" button down there, not too hard to do.</p><p> </p><p>

~</p><p> </p><p>

Look at the top-right. Those are key-word searches. Useful if you want to find, say, all the angles with a manager. Not as useful as the actual filter if you need a particular type of angle (wait a second). I will say that the "Turn" search category is nice, as it seems to contain all angles where a worker can turn. Useful, since...well, I need those sometimes.</p><p> </p><p>

Use the search categories if you're booking for speed. Filter's more precise, but hey, I need manager...done! Much like the match searches for 1v1, 2v2, etc.</p><p> </p><p>

~</p><p> </p><p>

Clone Angle I've already covered (I think). Here's what it looks like:</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/428103/7827594" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/8/22917320971.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

A few notes:</p><p>

<strong>Type:</strong> This is what a storyline needs. Action, Hype, etc.</p><p>

<strong>Impact:</strong> Major or Minor.</p><p>

<strong>Risk:</strong> Matches have "Content Risk"; this is the analogue for angles. Conservative workers/networks won't like these (as well as certain types of fans). I <em>think</em> you can get away with "Low" risk if your fans don't like risky angles, but don't push it any higher.</p><p>

<strong>Role:</strong> If you need participant 1 to be a catalyst, there you go. Or an attacker, victim, etc. These don't affect the angle rating.</p><p>

<strong>After Used:</strong> If it's a one-off angle, have it deleted. Want to keep it? Then save it. I made a "Talk Off" angle similar to the "Face Off" angle, rated on entertainment. GO GO POWER TRAINING!</p><p> </p><p>

~</p><p> </p><p>

Select takes you to the...booking? screen, and back takes you back. Let's make a...hrm.</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/428109/7334783" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/8/22917374218.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

I have 28 minutes left to book on the main show. With 120 minutes total, I need at <em>least</em> 24 minutes and at <em>most</em> 48 minutes of angles. I'm in that range (20%-40%).</p><p> </p><p>

Now here's the fun part. Do I make four shorter angles, intending to use/train a lot of workers? Do I do my new favorite "Ringside Scouting", taking all 28 minutes and, hopefully, getting a highly-rated segment?</p><p> </p><p>

These are questions that all men must answer at some point in their lives. But not women. Women aren't on the internet, ergo women cannot purchase this game. Therefore, women cannot play this game.</p><p> </p><p>

Or, more succinctly, there are no women gamers.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://somethingaboutmelly.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/girlgamer1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

See, that's a <em>real</em> gun. She's not a gamer; she's a killer. QUEEEEEEN *shot*</p><p> </p><p>


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<p><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/428113/6359519" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/8/22917423690.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

That's a list of my roster with above 30 popularity in the US. Should have sorted to Tri State, but anyway...</p><p> </p><p>

Why 30? My promotion's at 25, and Lee Wright, the only main eventer I have yet to use, has 32. So I figured 30 was nice.</p><p> </p><p>

Good things:</p><p>

1. There are 8 people. That's the max allowed in an angle.</p><p>

2. Vessey, Wright, and Stomper have yet to be used. Stomper's the RA, so he doesn't count. So that's Vessey and Wright yet to be used. Since those are the guys most likely to complain about not being used, only have 2 of them is pretty nice.</p><p> </p><p>

Bad things:</p><p>

1. WHY IS MY ROSTER SO OLD and where is Raymond Diaz :'(</p><p> </p><p>

~</p><p> </p><p>

Let's search for an angle:</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/428117/101587" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/8/22917454671.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

I'm not actually using those parameters; for the record, no angles are found if I <em>do</em> use them.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Type</strong> is the same as in the "Clone Angle" section; I don't care about it, and the computer, since I'm unchained storyline only, doesn't care. So I'll leave it blank. Rather, "Any".</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Participants:</strong> Let's use Lee Wright, Larry Vessey, and Jack Avatar. So, three.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Max Risk:</strong> I <em>should</em> put this at...low? I don't care; I just won't choose a risky angle. Or I'll clone a non-risky angle...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rated On:</strong> <em>In this search, what do I want at least one of the participants to be rated on?</em> Overness, Entertainment, Microphone, Acting, Sex Appeal, or Menace. I want Avatar rated on Entertainment and the other two on Overness. I'll pick entertainment, then. Hint: overness is by <em>far</em> the most common rating.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Turns:</strong> Any. I'm not turning anyone (OR AM I no I'm not).</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Can Run For:</strong> I want Jack to be an entertainment masterpiece, so I'll hit at least 6 minutes. This excludes all angles that run a max of 5 or lower, as well as angles requiring 7 or more minutes at minimum.</p><p> </p><p>

btw, reset changes everything back to the default. So, let's search!</p><p> </p><p>

*clicks "Close"*</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/428122/2961372" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/8/22917522359.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

I <em>believe</em> Wright, Vessey, and Avatar are faces. If I was writing out the angles, I wouldn't want them doing heelish things. However, since I just care about the angle rating (what it's rated on), something where Jack berates the veterans would work; Entertainment/Overness/Overness. I'd write that he did...something else. Whatever.</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/428124/9375858" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/8/22917550310.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

That works; Jack's on Entertainment, the other two on Overness. I <em>probably</em> wouldn't have Jack do this (or the others), but again, it fits the rating scheme. Double-check that everyone's on-screen (yes), not risky (yes), Major (yes) and, for fun, no injury risk (yes).</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/428127/8083666" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/8/22917572074.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

Auto-name the segment. Unless you have something the same name (Bruce and Dread have a faceoff...god, I used that so much a couple of months in NOTBPW), the automatic one is fine. Or if you want to confuse/hide things from people. <em>Or</em> if you made this angle and you forgot to set a name. You can have no text for the angle itself (blah beats down blah), but not the name of the segment.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm making the segment 10 minutes; let's me play with another 18 (3*6), and I also allow everyone to really...get ambushed. *shrug*</p><p> </p><p>

I want this on the main show; it should grade out to a...36, so that will help the show rating I think.</p><p> </p><p>

Jack's on Entertainment, other two on Overness.</p><p> </p><p>

Oh, the Roster Overview shows you who's a main eventer, contracts, blah blah blah. Useful if you're looking for a popular (main event) worker or, say, someone solid on entertainment (entertain).</p><p> </p><p>

*save*</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/428130/6658262" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/8/22918023467.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

There's the current card. I'll add in everything else, upload it, then...next post (in eight weeks >_><_<>_><_<) will be the show (a lot of pictures). And synopsis, I guess?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>THE CARD:</strong></p><p>

<a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/428133/3514401" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/8/22918083669.jpg</span></a></p>

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I'm particularly excited to see how 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 plays out.


I actually have no idea who's in that match. Huh.


Well, I think it's people not elsewhere on the card, but...that'd be really stupid for me, cost-wise.


That makes me think Avatar's in the match. Am I using him too much? No doubt that I'll get a note of that after the show. But he's free. FREEEEEEEEEEEEEand a god.


I'll check and tell if it's not super special or anything.


Edit: Remember what I said about chemistry?




Yeah, love that managerial stuffs. Incidentally, they don't have an effect on matches. /cry


Edit 2: Stupid 80-rated show. Went from an 87 to an 80 now. *sigh*. Actually, that's standard for that show; Saturday Night Showcase is the one that's excellent, apparently. *shrug*


Oh, right, the six-way:


DAMMIT NOT "BURNING FING" *backs out of game*


Sammy the Shark v. The New York Doll v. Hugh de Aske v. Dazzling Dave Diamond v. Citizen X v. Animal Harker


Yep, it's a match to get them on the show (aside from Sammy). I'm a moron.

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Turns out Greg Gauge, Matthew Keith, and Jack Avatar have no gimmicks. I'm pretty sure the fans want some, so I'll change that.


And I don't think I've shown this page, so...




On the far left are a worker's character details. Click "Alter Ego" to see if the person has any alternate characters/outfits. I like _____ Monkey (Burning, Death, or Hell) along with Koki Ishibashi's...5 masks?


Arrows are the push that a worker is assigned. I auto-push unless I want a manager to be colour commentator or something. I don't use divisions; they aren't necessary and don't change anything in the game. They are useful for separating one's roster, but...


Circle-arrow is the alignment section. Choose a worker to be face or heel. Pre-debut, you can change it instantly. Post-debut, you can set them to turn. You then need to use an angle/match to turn them. Next to *that* is the gimmick page.


If you don't need gimmicks/fans don't want them, you can do alright with a worker having no gimmick. Else, go here, search for what you want...




See that "Exclude Gimmicks that don't work" thing? Check it. Amusingly, some workers are auto-set to gimmicks that don't work for them (Thrill Seeker with a Thrill Seeker gimmick, for example). Also, you can only search by face/heel and risk. If you need high risk, set the minimum at, say, 50. If you need low risk, set max at, say, 30. And ideally, base a gimmick on something a worker's good at (Jack Avatar has ridiculous good Wholesome gimmick stats).


Oh, and Jack Avatar is a "Bluer Chipper", a Blue Chipper gimmick with 1 risk instead of 0. I hear that 0 risk screws up the game or something (rather, the gimmick might rate lower than it should). *shrug*


The face thing is the manager screen. You can have the game only show managers here, which is pretty sweet (unless I want, say, Avatar to manage his tag partner). I'd stick any low charisma guys with a manager. *shrug*

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I said,
















For the-screw it, here's a pbp of the show:






unless i reload the save

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Quick notes version (I want to play WLW :D! I got a Black Eagle just starting his decline. He's 44. I love love love love him anyway, and now I got him for awhile.):


  1. Roger Cage's Tri State popularity went from 30 to 25.
  2. Mexico's popularity did not move. Stupid post-show...
  3. Jack's "Bluer Chipper" gimmick is an 80. Woo bonus!
  4. Jack's Tri State popularity went up by 2, now a 52.
  5. Sammy the Shark, somehow, did not have a popularity change.
    That's actually enough to make me want to reset the game. He's going to be in quite a few shorter matches, matches which will be improved by going all out. And now he gets a penalty for it.
    Whatever. Slow build main events it is...
  7. Land Mass did not have a popularity change. Weird. I'll talk about my plans for him later.
  8. 51, 52, 57. That's the last three matches; one tag with some experience, one tag with good workers (and Whistler), and the main event being my two top talents. That is awesome for my popularity level.
  9. I gained .6% popularity/importance in the Tri State from that match (and .1% in Canada?)
  10. 7 months, with the same gains, and we're Regional.
  11. Am Pat went from 25 popularity to 18 in the Tri State. Uh...oops?
  12. If you want a full shakedown, I'll post it, but I'm not going to track every worker's popularity/stat gains.


Will talk about pushes, match organization, all other fun things later.

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Huh. No one cares about the diary anymore? Rather...one person cares?




Let's go in-depth:


1. First segment, the pre-show match. It's a bad idea to do that with a promotion where you don't know if it's making money. Of the six workers, five were not involved on the rest of the card; in effect, I had to pay 5 more guys that I needed.


That might not be crushing, but it's easily $1,000 essentially wasted. It did nothing to help the show. It's like...spending money on a band for an event. That might raise attendance/rating, but not enough to offset the cost.


How about the good parts? We got a note about managerial chemistry (negative, but we know not to pair Hathaway and Diamond). Three guys got notes about skills improving; Hugh and Diamond especially. It's likely that the other three guys improved as well; give them six months and let's take a look.


I like these multi-man matches. I use them to train people. Put in a 30-man battle royal...that's a lot of guys that will improve. Sure, it's a huge waste of money (unless they're on written contracts). And yes, it's not really using someone with a solid purpose.


But, eh, it gets them noticed. So they'll get mad more slowly. Good.


2. Why'd I start the show with an angle?


I like separating matches with angles. It...it seems...right, for some reason. Give the crowd something different to watch.


Speaking in PST terms, an angle can allow the crowd to heat up or cool down to have that nice ebb and flow effect.


Even without PST, a hot angle after a poor match can get the crowd back into the main event. So that's nice.


Here, I expected a low 40 (close), which hopefully would bring Sammy the Shark's popularity up. Why him? He was in a tag team, and now he isn't. He had an easy method of use; now he doesn't. So I want to give him a leg up before I knock him down.


Note that Sammy improved his entertainment skills. That's good.


3. I'm an idiot for putting two faces in a match together; that 40 could have been a 43 or so. Yeah, it wasn't going to rate highly (domination note), but I had hoped for the "well booked squash" note. Oh well.


This match was obvious; I bury the guy who's leaving and push the guy who will never leave. Jack Avatar can make popularity pretty easily; the higher I get him, the easier I can put someone over (by having them beat Jack).


And note Jack can't deal with "all out"'s pressure. Problematic, but with the matches he puts on, not a huge deal (right now).


4. Ah, Land Mass. Why am I using him?


It's true that Land Mass sucks. Hard. The only reason he's not total trash is his solid menace. That means that, by using angles like "Monster Unleashed," I can quickly have him gain popularity.


He will then lose it to someone, much like Avatar will lose his overness to someone.


Land Mass is a popularity machine. He's the opposite of Steve Flash, who's a training machine. Menace guys are quite valuable to small promotions, even if their matches suck.


5. I'm lucky that my matches graded well, particularly that from opening to closing they rose in rating.


I expected this match to do well (mid-to-upper 40s well) due to the two tag teams. Look at the notes about tag experience; that's two bonuses. So even though the workers aren't great (particularly The Ring Generals have poor gimmicks), that bonus will probably outweigh the smaller penalties.


Ring Generals have poor gimmicks, but their chemistry probably erases that. Sanders should pick up some momentum soon, so the rematch (in two months?) might hit 55.


6. Another angle. I've stopped spamming Cage and continued spamming Avatar (who is my most popular guy). I noticed that Larry and Lee weren't yet on the card; given their popularity, they might have gotten mad at this exception. I used them this month in hopes I wouldn't have to next month. Furthermore, they might have learned a bit of entertainment from Jack.


For some reason, Wright doesn't like being here. It might be nerves due to being pushed; if we see a news item about it, there you go.


7. I expected good things from this match. True, no experience bonuses, but the workers are better overall.


DWN might like debuting for a promotion (motivation), and Frank might like being pushed (motivation). Again, watch the news items.


The biggest issues are Whistler's lack of psychology (oops) and AmPat's physical condition (his legs/knees). Those are two penalties that won't go away (Whistler's too old to learn). Sadface.




Notice that this segment "fell slightly flat". It might have been closer to a 50, but the semi-main overshadowed it. Not sure how this note happens, precisely, but it's a potential indicator that I might need to re-order the show.


9. A 57. Hell yeah. A few things, though:


BHB has condition issues (perhaps his legs?). Both have stamina issues, so around 20 minutes would be better for them. Question: is the penalty for match length worse than their stamina penalties? Answer: CHANGE THE MATCH LENGTHS DAMMIT.


As a general rule, I like main events to be set at 20 minutes. More than that and it's hard to use some guys. Less, and...eh. I like 20 minutes.




Also, does not affect the show at all. Woo!


11. wtf? Why did I put this here? Apparently I decided to give AmPat a little more popularity/entertainment skills. *shrug*


Note that this is fine; one of the better angles of the night utilizing talent that have already appeared. So this cost me nothing.


12. I got a 50. I am extremely happy with that.


DWN got overused far too much. He was in that...wait...


DWN must be someone's manager, because he wasn't in any match. If a manager isn't very popular, their managed...their client? The guy they manage can't be used too much. *shrug*


Yeah, the angles sucked (compared to a 57!). Take out the Sammy/Cage one and we might have avoided this note; I probably won't get it next show.


Increasing popularity: Very, very good. Hope we make money this month.

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You're using Mass exactly how I did. He's since been replaced with Giant Brody (Otherwise known as LEEEEEEEEEE-ON THE GIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAANT!) who's much more talented after some SWF development time. I also ran Black Hat/Flash on my first show, and checking it...got a 62 with Black Hat retaining. Show wound up being a 53 with Mean Jean Cattley beating Roger Cage in the semi main event.


One thing I'd suggest it to make the angles you know are gonna score poorly minor since this seems like a power game. Helps me beat out PSW every month and Impact New York (Essentially a New York based CZCW) most of the time.

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