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Let's Play NYCW 101: A Guided Tour of TEW2010

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I suppose I might as well make a 3-man tournament title for this show. I'm thinking of calling it the "Gangbanger Tournament Championship." I'm also distracted by what I fortunately did not miss through partial advancing two days:




Ha ha, you're a jerk. But what's the injury?






Also, I'm going to make a Quote Great Unquote Hisato Memorial set for Saturday 3 of July after that's passed this month. Because why the hell not he's a huge jerk. Okay, he's not Burning EXILE, (who is canonically probably the worst human being in the database. Seriously, check him out. Peter Valentine's an untalented sack of **** who has the right friends. Big Smack Scott has an ego. But seriously, check out Burning EXILE.) but he "hasn't put his ego behind him." Shut up WLW.


ANYWAYZ, here are the teams:


I'm making them officially stables for organization/name purposes. Oh, and here's a hell of a lol:




First person to post in this topic who the three members of that stable were gets to set up the tourney bracket via PM (just in case I have questions/suggestions/threats to kill you).


  • Team Kirby: King DeDeDe/Extraordinario Jr./Alex Braun
  • Pure Talent: Hell Monkey/John Maverick/Steve Flash
  • Love Angel ²: Owen Love, Angel de Mexico, K-Squared (w/ Krissy Angelle)
  • From Parts Unknown: Donte Dunn, Island Boy Apollo, and Ekuma
  • Balcony Express AA: Marv Statler, Dean Waldorf, Amber Allen hai Phantom Stranger
  • JAHR: Jack Avatar, Hugh De Aske, and J. Rodriguez (w/ Jennifer Heat)
  • RPM: Rafael Ruiz, Princepessa, and Mr. Lucha III
  • The Animals: UK Dragon/Amazing Fire Fly/Sammy The Shark

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Apparently I am not an admin on this computer. That's...weird? Okay then.


Let's see if I can recover this guy from backup (since I already duped the save, there's no harm in doing this. I think. >________>)


Wait wait wait. If I've already duped the save, then...I should be able to continue playing this save, and if/when things go to hell, I say screw it, let's jump to a Cult company and go on from there.


Actually, no, y'know what? Well...no, I have to do this show. Already had it booked...sorta, so I can't stop here. Dammit.


For my own sanity, I'm not going to do the massive copy-paste to which you are accustomed. Given that I have 6 wrestlers in each match, that'd be a hell of a lot of copying and pasting. I will, however, note any chemistries I find.


Also, the order of third chair commentators is Joanne Rodriguez, Extraordinario Jr., Mainstream Hernandez. If one's in a match, we move down the line.


Ohhhhh. Maybe I booked it, then didn't save before exiting? That could have happened.






-J-Heat helped J-Ro in opening segment.

-Krissy helped Angel in his first match.

-The final quarterfinal match had a lot of "cannot deal with going all-out" notes.

-I apparently have a storyline calld "Bring on the NOTBPW!" Go me for paying attention...


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1. Worst show so far.


3. Owen Love and Steve Flash are fatigued after the show; they'll be fine in...probably two days (so long as Love isn't booked in NOTBPW).

4. I have two storylines ;'(


And let's see where we are financially...





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I never went over the debuts:


  • Morgan Malone: 17, Can/US, comes from the 4C dojo. Not great backstage, but not terrible. His stats see a lot of browns, a lot of stuff around the 40s. Given that he's seventeen, I'd say sign him to development. Easily should have a year to grow down there, if not 2 or 3. His selling is 38; that does actually trouble me; if it doesn't grow much, you're looking at potential penalties in his matches even in his prime.
  • Mashashi Urogataya: 22, Japan, PGHW dojo. Also probably neutral backstage. Guy has fantastic physical skills (sans a 52 power) and great performance skills. The 50 psychology sucks, of course, but 74 selling and 90 consistency is excellent. Perfect setup for a jobber. He's got strong tech skills as well, which is nice if you monster over him with a brawler (he can teach them something). Camera skills suck, so it looks like the guy's ideal position will be a midcard technician.
  • Buzz Reid: 24, Can/US, DA TAOOMINAHTAH. Might not get a positive backstage bonus, but he doesn't have any negatives. Guy is crap. 68 menace isn't that good, 42 stamina requires a lot of babying, psychology under 20...this guy has maybe, with a hell of a lot of luck, stats of a 17-year-old that turns into decency. He's 24. Probably not going to go well.
  • Remmy Honeyman: 22, Can/US. Glorious backstage. 64 psych and 56 safety are the lowest of an otherwise-excellent performance row. Decent technician with 70 stamina, this kid's one to prop up the midcard. Which...eh, why not hire him...oh. Less than 35 charisma and less than 35 toughness. That's why.

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Another example of how good workers can do great things with a little help. In this case, three chemistry bonuses (two managers and one opponent chemistry). That's even with Azaria being crap, too. :D


As to what this has to do with NYCW...well...it's an example of chemistry. Pretty sure I already showed that before, but...






Oh, and I think Joel's in the 60s popularity and Troy in the 80s, so that's fun too. Sure, TCW's performance > popularity, but still, a 99's freaking awesome.




THen me vs. Wolf Hawkins for the title, a match that had previously hit 99 due to great chemistry (and great workers) gets a 92.


Then my post-show angle got a 77, dragging down the show from...prolly a 94, I think, to an 89. FFFFFFFFFF I only have one A* show now :'(

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Just wanted to say I stumbled across your diary after not playing TEW for awhile and you got me back off (or is it on?) the wagon. I have been having tons of fun playing as NYCW when I was always a TCW guy in the past.


Great read, keep up the good work!

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<p>Looking back on this diary, I'm proud of my work. I kept at it through periods of low posts, I came back through haiti, (that'd be the plural of hiatus, by the way, not the country) and I put together some decent shows.</p><p> </p><p>

However, this diary was meant to be part guide, part watch a guy make stupid decisions. An introduction into gameplay, if you will. I think I've covered a lot of the scenarios smaller companies will face. (aside from replacing top talent, but I <em>did</em> fire some of them) In effect, the purpose of this diary is done.</p><p> </p><p>

I <strong>would</strong> push to Cult, but that's years away and I don't want to drag on posting shows for...well, for years, with no real poitn to them aside from filler.</p><p> </p><p>

Given that this is for you guys, here's a poll:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Poll: How should I continue this diary/series?</span></strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><ol style="list-style-type:decimal;"><li><strong>Push to Cult; screw your beliefs!</strong><br /></li><li><strong>Pick a new high-regional company </strong><strong><em>and post its efforts in this topic.</em></strong><br /></li><li><strong>Pick a new high-regional company </strong><strong><em>and start a new topic.</em></strong><br /></li><li><strong>Screw Cult; we want to see you fail with TCW!</strong><br /></li><li><strong>Other: Please list that other option aside from trolling and picking 5 with no explanation.</strong><br /></li></ol>

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Seeing as Cult is the 6th level of hell in TEW, starting with a high level regional company would be the best thing to do. I'd suggest starting a game as a new fed with the Easy option somewhere as that gives you 40 pop across the home area to start with and having to start looking for a TV show. Just to make it interesting don't sign DWN or either Keith brother either.
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I "appreciate" the votes. I've tabulated them and, to a degree, ignored them entirely. Here's what I'm going to (attempt to) do:


  1. Figure out roughly how much popularity I'm gaining per show.
  2. Figure out how long it would take me to get to 41% popularity/importance in the Tri-State with constant gains, then round down a year or something.
  3. Make a new save (a new database, actually) of the world in that X years ahead.
  4. Start a game with that company and hopefully get a TV deal so I can show you guys how that goes at Regional.
  5. Probably go bankrupt or something; if it works for like three months, then I'll still abandon that save, as it implies I could survive indefinitely.
  6. TV or not, I'll show you a few shows in a secondary region so that you can understand how difficult/easy it is to start raising your popularity outside the home region.
  7. Make an Easy company with...a million dollars in the bank, then hit Cult in a month (asap). Then see how long it takes for me to go bankrupt.
  8. Do things the right/safer way by starting again with the 41% company and push in my home area. I might skip this and jump myself another year ahead and another 10 points of popularity or something; I'll play that by ear.
  9. Show how being obscenely popular at home can benefit you if you have the time.
  10. Skip ahead to when I'm 40.9999% Important in a second region.
  11. Hit Cult, ideally with a nice bankroll.
  12. Continue playing until I reliably profit each month at Cult.
  13. *sigh* Then get at least one person to a Written deal. Recall that I won't, probably, have 7 points in Negotiating. In fact, I won't, purposely. If you don't understand why that matters, I'll cover that in...something like 20 in-game years, from what it looks like here...


I think that's pretty accurate. One more thing:

-I will be adding/dropping some members from the roster. Obviously I'll focus on the main event, since scrubs are scrubs are scrubs. I'll have to figure out expected stat growth in order to make the two years later (or whatever) mod I need, but I'll probably end up winging it.


So yeah. Cult NYCW. Greaaaaat...




Looks like I was hitting near .5 popularity growth/month according to the tracked progress of popularity. 25-26-26-27-28-29-29-30.


From 30, I need 11 more popularity, so that's 22 months. Two years, let's say, or...sure.


41% POPULARITY WILL BE ACHIEVED IN AUGUST 2012. (I can negotiate for TV at that time :D)

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Who has moved to where, and why?


  • The Stomper->Out of the Business. He could last for four more years at game start, but I've decided he calls it quits halfway through that. While this means that I could become owner of the company, I'll instead be putting someone else in that position. This allows me to have different types of owner goals and different promotional relationships. Being the owner means I could do what I want.
  • Steve Flash->USPW. I really want to keep him, which means I shouldn't. Would be a fantastic owner I imagine...Anyway, why USPW? I figure that since he's old, he might as well go to the official old-folk's-home of TEW. Other obvious candidates would be CGC and NOTBPW, where he canonically formerly worked. Or MAW. God, Chord would probably give up the booze (or take it up again, whatever) for a guy like Flash to help out.
  • Rick Sanders->Retired. The guy's 41 as I look at my game; not unreasonable for him to be out at 43. He also won't be with the company, probably, since he's a bad commentator and poor road agent.
  • Rafael Ruiz->OLLIE. Ruiz is my Spanish Steve Flash, (actually, that's Cique Jr., but...) so I keep him active. Yes, he's already with OLLIE, but I'll do something to keep him only there. Written contact seems unlikely, as I doubt they'd be large enough for one.
  • Alex Braun->PSW/NYCW/USPW. He'll still be with us, but I'll let him join up with USPW in addition to us and PSW. Great commentator, and not a terrible road agent.
  • Principessa->NOTBPW. Though she's not that good, she's been there before. Wait, does NOTBPW even have a Women's Division? Yes. They do. CGC doesn't. Dammit Poison...
  • Jennifer Rodriguez->NOTBPW. Now realize that not only am I losing an excellent performer, SHE HAD FREAKING CHEMISTRY WITH BOTH OF MY OTHER ANNOUNCERS. I don't think she typically leaves for NOTBPW, but she probably should if/when they hit National. If I'm dropping 'pessa, I really have to drop her.
  • Hell Monkey->BHOTWG. And he'll have won Best of the Super Juniors some year. Because he deserves it. Well..actually, Black Cobra probably does based on stats alone, but...
  • Ekuma The Hawaiian Strong Man->NYCW/FCW. To replace Hell's Bouncer. Plus, they're the closest promotion to Hawaii. Fun fact: Screw debuting HIW.
  • Dazzling Dave Diamond->NYCW/USPW. Yeah, I know, if Flash is on a written, so should the King. Flash is going to have the book over there, so...JUST SHUT UP I HATE YOU
  • Americana->NYCW/WLW/SOTBPW. By the way, he's currently with us, CZCW, and touring with EX2010. Players of this game will know why I'm chuckling, but here are my thoughts. First, I'm keeping him. Could he go to Burning Hammer or elsewhere? Yes. Am I going to gut myself of one of my future (and will be current by this time, hopefully) stars? No. And I had that whole streak thing, remember? WLW because he really, really fits there. I'll give him a tour, maybe, with Burning Hammer, but he doesn't deserve the perma-midcard treatment. Neither does Monkey, either, but he gets the best title in the game. Fun fact: Guess who won the Best of the Super Juniors tournament in...wait, what? Oh. Guess who won the Burning Junior Championship in 2000? Er, the beginning of 2000? Man, I thought he won the tournament and/or...
    Oh, and why SOTBPW? I don't think I've ever seen him head south, yet he's available there. SOTBPW are the biggest and probably will continue to be the biggest, so give him a shot there.
  • Greg Gauge->SWF. DUH.JPG. TCW over SWF because I'll give SWF Matthew Keith. Wait...they already have him in development, idiot. Wait, no. Matt's in TCW. REWIND THEN I SAID SWF FROM THE BEGINNING FOR GREG.
  • Island Boy Apollo->NYCW/FCW. I want them to team up as much as possible, as that will benefit me. Plus, he does kinda fit the flavor. No HIW. Stoppit.
  • Mainstream Hernandez->SWF. Surprised I still have him, actually. I think he goes there often. James Prudence definitely does, but anyway, guy's too talented for me.


As for who I'm receiving? I have very few clues at the moment. I haven't even started creating the new database nor the much-important task of boosting stats. So...yeah. I'll probably get New York Red for the lulz or something.


Edit: As I learned while making a topic in the main forum, I could just start a new game and sim ahead a couple years. And 6 months. 2.5 years. MATHS R GUD.


Edit: Just finished one year. It takes about an hour and a half.

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Probably around the same time as the average for your RTG diaries...:p




Dammit. They beat me.




Tommy Cornell is in time decline. HE'S 32!




Year 2 pictures next. Think of these as an intermission, since what I'm showing doesn't affect the database that I'll be using.


Here's a note to start the new year:



For the record...



By the way, I checked the editor: USPW HAS ALMOST 18 MILLIONS DOLLARS.


Wait...OH MY GOD USPW JUST FELL TO CULT. THEY WERE NATIONAL. I have never seen that in my games! Obviously National Battles knocked them down (cover that later)...


Looking at their shows, it's the inflated AI growth that got them to National. (more on that later, possibly. Doesn't matter too much to you. Possibly...) Ha a 78-rated show, though, and multiple upper-seventies as well.


BHOTWG also fell and rose back to National. Weird.


Might be wrong about the Cornell thing; he appears to be near his cap in some skills, leading to some bouncing up and down. /shrug


Anyway, I'll update with some half-year stuff tomorrow (well, today for me, admittedly, since it's nearly 4AM). Again, this post is filler/teaser-ish stuffs.

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