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MJStark's Title Render Requests

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You're quite welcome :D


So that's your lot folks until I get back from Glastonbury, then I'll re-open for a limited time (probably the first three-five people to get their requests in will get them done) until I head off to the Lake District with work for a month on the 12th July

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sweet, can I have based from this logo: http://i837.photobucket.com/albums/zz295/The_Institute/GWELogo2.jpg


GWE Global Championship - don't really know but I want it to look like a main event title, with a globe on it. Maybe like this one - http://img860.imageshack.us/img860/6991/sswaw.jpg Maybe a bit bigger (or more zoomed in?) ans since 2 of the side plats show could a Japan Flag be on one and the Union Jack Flag on the other side


GWE Tag Team - Pretty much exactly like this http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/4425/uspwtt.jpg but a with GWE on it :)and possibly a glob on it somwhre.


p.s the e key on my computr is being weird hence the typos :D

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My requests:


"Marvel Universe"

MDC2 (The Marvel/DC Coalition)



A generous use of reds to reflect the Marvel'ess of it

It's the main level title for a promotion rooted in comics. I've given you the logo, but I don't know how usable it'll be so feel free to do something different if you want. Also, while I'm not asking for a variant, I'll likely request a DC Universe belt that shares similarities with this one at a later stage, so that may be something to keep in mind


"FYWF Champion"

F*ck Your Wrestling Federation (without the asterisk)


Gold (plating), dirty brown (or black) strap

It's a crappy garbage fed. If possible I'd love it if it looked like it had random crap stuck to it, like broken glass, a teddy bear, signage, etc. I haven't really got a logo for it at the moment, but it'll likely involve a fist flipping the bird


"Kryptonite Title"

(No, seriously, none. It'll go to whoever wants to use it)

(Very) Modern


It's a title where kryptonite can be inserted into it, giving the title holder bonus powers (yep, for comic promotions again). I'd love it if there's not a lot of strap showing (as in it looks mostly metal, we can assume it's mechanical or whatever), and it has areas where it looks like chunks of kryptonite have been inserted into it (don't worry, I'll provide some images which can be used later
). If possible, it'd be great if it's done in a way so that that I can later alter the kryptonite's color in photoshop to represent all the different kinds of kryptonite (maybe that means not applying any glowing effects and leaving that part for me, I dunno?)


If this one is too difficult to do within the time constraints, I don't mind waiting until you come back for it. No need to rush it



  • Outside of FYWF, none of my requests will need "Champion/ship" or other typical wrestling stuff printed on them.
  • Could you put them on transparent .png files if possible? I'll be using my own backgrounds.
  • You don't need to use any logos provided. If something else will work better, then you be the judge

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Three request from me (thanks in advance).


(1) - Next Generation Wrestling World Championship

-I have had an NGW belt done by Nok Su Kau for NGW, but this time I want something a bit more generic (this one is for a different version of the promotion). So no logo or anything to work off, just a generic type belt with 'Next Generation Wrestling' written somewhere on it.


If possible with a few flags on sideplates (UK/Japan/Mexico/USA are the ones on my mind). Something similar to the outer-plates on the ROH title.



(2) - Next Generation Wrestling UK Title

-Again no logo or anything, just a generic sort of title with 'Next Generation Wrestling' written on it, preferably with a Union Jack somewhere on it.


(3) - Next Generation Wrestling Tag Team Title

-Same as others, absolutely no ideas here. Just another generic title.

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Hey man, could I ask for three belts please?


1 - TRW World Heavyweight Championship (based on This)

2 - TRW Women's Championship (based on This)

3 - TRW North American Championship (based on This)


My logo is below if that could be included in some way that would be grand.





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Three Belt request sir.


Promotion: WCW

1. WCW Women's Championship (Based on This)

2. WCW International Championship (Based on This)

3. WCW Undisputed Championship (I love that GWE Championship so if I could get something regal and really awesome similar to that I'm good. WCW is the biggest promotion in my game so thing big!)





Thanks in advance

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The Logo



Promotion is modern cutting edge type with plenty of flying.


The Title Requests...


uPw Championship- Main Event title of the promotion


uPw Tag Team Championship- Tag Titles for uPw


uPw So-Cal Championship- The Midcard title for uPw.



Don't really have any clear ideas of what they look like but would appreciate them for my mod for the promotion and for the diary I'm currently doing as well. Thank you sir.

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GWE Global Championship - don't really know but I want it to look like a main event title, with a globe on it.


Hope this will do


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GWE Tag Team - Pretty much exactly like this http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/4425/uspwtt.jpg but with GWE on it :)and possibly a globe on it somwhere.



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Hope this will do





Beautiful :D


Thank you love the Global Title. I know have a huge decision to make in my USPW 2014 game :D

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"Marvel Universe"

MDC2 (The Marvel/DC Coalition)



A generous use of reds to reflect the Marvel'ess of it

It's the main level title for a promotion rooted in comics. I've given you the logo, but I don't know how usable it'll be so feel free to do something different if you want. Also, while I'm not asking for a variant, I'll likely request a DC Universe belt that shares similarities with this one at a later stage, so that may be something to keep in mind



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Man, you are working fast MJ! Like a man on a mission :p

Awesome belt too, btw. The simple red and black really makes it pop, and the star plating is a great touch


(Still trying to find you some decent kryptonite images for my last belt btw)

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"FYWF Champion"

F*ck Your Wrestling Federation (without the asterisk)


Gold (plating), dirty brown (or black) strap

It's a crappy garbage fed. If possible I'd love it if it looked like it had random crap stuck to it, like broken glass, a teddy bear, signage, etc. I haven't really got a logo for it at the moment, but it'll likely involve a fist flipping the bird


Decided to coat the strap in broken glass, hope you dont mind


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Nice! Any chance I could get the writing on it on a slight tilt just to make it look extra budget? (And a strap coated in broken glass works a hundred percent for me - you know I don't mind if the belts aren't practical :D)


And here's some images for Kryptonite for my last title




and also >>THIS<<


I'm not really keen on the CGI ones, but figured maybe they'd look better against your titles, so they're there as an option

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