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Forum problems?

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I purchased new hardware for our server and the hosting company did an upgrade last night. They had said there would be no downtime - and while that was technically correct - the IP address changed. So, there was a period where the "old hardware" IP was getting some forum traffic after they had exported and imported the database to the new hardware.


I'm sorry about the loss of some posts, but Adam was able to get his Dev Journal posts back so that's good. Moving forward, this should really help our forum stability. I've doubled the CPU power and upgraded a ton of spam-related enhancements.

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FYI, all day today (Saturday, December 1) when I try to sign in I get a:

Wrong username or password. You have used up your failed login quota! Please wait 15 minutes before trying again. Don't forget that the password is case sensitive. Forgotten your password? Click here!
I got this the first time I tried to sign in today, and every subsequent attempt. However if I click the "click here" and go to the lost password recovery page, and then try to sign in, it then works fine. It wont work if on any other page of the forums but that one.
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Moving these to the right place...


And if the problem of disappearing posts is still ongoing since I just had the majority of posts from the last few hours disappear.


Either that or the forums have an overactive moderator. :p


The entire "Total Extreme Wrestling 2010 Mods" section was reset to 4 hours ago.


I wasn't online as it happened but as of the time of the first of those two quotes which was about the time I got on, I don't see any posts for about 45 minutes on the site. Hopefully someone else can confirm because I wasn't on to be able to do so.


While I'm here, I've still had a couple of the blank pages load up, but there hasn't been many of them since the server switchover.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How many do I need?


I don't know. Unless you've got an especially wacky error, a description will suffice (screen shots rarely help), so it shouldn't matter anyway.


Isn't it about 5 posts? I remember when most of the long time mafia players got their post counts slashed they needed 5 posts to post pics.

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