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All Canadian Pro Wrestling... Never heard of it? Well, you're not alone. To say it's a small promotion in the snowy north is an overstatement. Most times they usually have more workers involved in the show than people in the crowd. Formed in August of 2009, they set out to deliver a new style of wrestling to Canada, a more daredevil version of 4C's fast paced, hard hitting style. They have a handful of really talented workers right out of the gate, including Jayson Van Pelt, Jamie Atherton, El Diablo, Mario da Silva, The Nest of Vipers and more. They have some rookies too, none of which who appear to have a great future ahead of them, but who knows, right?


So that's all well and good, but by now I'm sure you're starting to wonder “Who cares? Why are you telling me this? And better yet who are you?” All great questions. I'm the new guy. Brought in by the big guy, Mr. Daedalus Buchinsky himself, to help grow the promotion into something marketable that can actually make a run against the other companies in Canada. So there's that. Sounds easy enough, right? Well it would be, but we have a shoestring budget (50,000 dollars) and an average attendance of roughly 8 people per show. So remind me why I got myself into this? Why not, I like a good challenge. Here goes nothing!




EDIT: There are a ton of pictures and scrolling, so I'm adding links to all the shows here in the first post for everyone's convenience. Enjoy :)



January 2010

February 2010

March 2010

April 2010

May 2010

June 2010

July 2010

August 2010

September 2010

October 2010 (Part 1/Part 2/Part 3)

November 2010

December 2010



January 2011

February 2011

March 2011

April 2011

May 2011

June 2011

July 2011

August 2011

September 2011

October 2011

November 2011

December 2011



January 2012

February 2012

March 2012

April 2012

May 2012

June 2012

The Mid-Summer Classic (Part 1/Part 2/Part 3)

July 2012

August 2012

September 2012

October 2012

November 2012

December 2012

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Day one, I arrived at the warehouse, shook some hands, sat down and talked to “Dad” (Daedalus). We spoke about what he was looking for out of me and what he wanted from me performance-wise the first year. I have to say, his demands weren't insane by any means. I need to abide by the following mandates:


1. ACPW must never fall below $20,000 at any point in the first two years.


2. ACPW must never be less than the 36th largest promotion.


So looking at this I can think of a few things: Growing the size of the company won't be easy, especially with how poor our financial means are. That being said, we're currently are the smallest promotion, so we can't have anyone pass us. The main thing we'll have to worry about is having any new promotions open ahead of us.


After discussions with Dad, I learned we'll only be getting about $3,000 a month from our limited sponsors. We'll definitely need to cut some costs, and if we want to bring in some new talent, it can't be anyone who's asking for serious money. But therein lies the fun of being able to build our own talent, right?


Speaking of talent, here's the roster:





Alistair Shufflebottom

A young wrestler who's only been on the circuit for a year, joined the company when they debuted, appears to have the best future of the youngsters.




One of two Americans on the roster, Dagger is a well rounded worker who can both brawl and take to the skies. The Nest of Vipers, his team with Mimic, appears to be one of the strongest points going towards the future.



Dermott Ayers

A young wrestler from French Canada, he doesn't go to the skies unlike the majority of the roster, rather takes to the ground and as such is one of the best technical wrestlers on the roster. He formed a style-clashing team with fellow Montreal-based wrestler Marc Raisin.




El Diablo

Our top star, one of the top talents on the roster, our inaugural champion. This man is “the franchise” of ACPW at the moment. All great matches go through him for the foreseeable future.



Jamie Atherton

Only slightly below Diablo in the terms of talent, Jamie has the advantage of being the most charismatic worker on the entire roster, and appears to have the most superstar potential of anyone we have under contract.




Jay Becker

Half of the tag team champion with Malik Cash, their team The Inner City Express is an exciting combination, if not inexperienced. They were the first tag champions, winning within three months of being in the company. Lacks basic skills that will keep him from getting pushed.



Jayson Van Pelt

The dark horse of our main event. Behind the star power of Atherton and the franchise status of Diablo, “JVP” is silently one of the best workers on the roster, just needs the right situation to push him through the congestion at the top.



Kirk Drury

Another young green wrestler, Kirk is a technical based wrestler, who has good basic skills, but his performance skill show how young and inexperienced he is. However with the proper training he appears to be one for the future.




Malik Cash

The other half of our tag champions, Cash and Becker form the Inner City Express. Cash has more skill than Jay, and if worse comes to worse it's not out of the realm of possibility for Malik to get a solo push if Jay can't improve his basic skills.



Marc Raisin

The aerial half of The Montreal Mafia, the blend of Dermott's ground work and Marc's high flying add a unique dichotomy that make this young duo a team to keep your eyes on.




Mario da Silva

A true foreigner within the group, Mario comes to us all the way from Brazil, bringing a legitimate history of jiu-jitsu with him. As such he's the best technical wrestler in the company, and has some of the best basic skills of anyone. He currently holds the Canadian Regional Championship and appears to be on the road towards the top of the card.




One of the best workers in the company, he looks like he could be in the main event right now, but instead is half of the best tag team in the promotion, The Nest of Vipers with Dagger. Mimic mixes aerial and technical ability the way Dagger mixes striking and aerial, leading them to have a completely rounded team.



Ricochet Ramone

The Puerto Rican Rocket, Ricochet is a young wrestler who came to Canada to work with ACPW as a stepping stone into major promotions. Inconsistent, he had limited experience in the Puerto Rican local circuit, so there is a chance for him improving down the road.



Sky King

The cornerstone of the promotion, workrate-wise. His basic skills are unreal, completely eclipsing every other worker he faces. A true “ring general”, he's also the veteran voice in the locker room, being the ripe age of thirty, compared to the early twenties of everyone else in the company. Unfortunately, his skill level comes with a rather large price tag, and we'll have to debate on whether he's worth the asking price or not.



Taylor Kidd

A small rookie who's main training appears to be on trampolines in backyards. He wrestles a high-flying style, but he appears to have minimal basic skills, and limited performance skills. He's young and has a chance to grow, but has a long way to go.



Topher Smith

Coming from a similar background as Taylor, Topher is a few steps ahead of Taylor in their development. He also has a fair amount of charisma, pair that with his trademark mohawk, Topher might have a better chance at making it in the long run.






Art Lawson

Road agent, is quite skilled and respected by all the boys in the locker room.



Daedalus Buchinsky

Our owner, he could double as a color commentator if we really wanted to cut back on costs.



Face Nelson

The current color commentator, and former booker before I came in, I can only hope we can be civil.



Heather B

The only girl in the room, Heather adds to the superstar aura of Jamie Atherton, eye candy who's always attached at the arm to the charismatic youngster.



Royce Greig

Our head referee, he moved up to Canada from the Tri-state area in America to join the company at it's inception.



Tony Marsh

Based in Montreal, Tony is the head announcer, and it was a no-brainer to bring him in after the company opened given his ability and professionalism.

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Day two, didn't work from the headquarters, instead I sat at home, notebook in front of me, my office littered with discarded sheets of paper, half-full with booking ideas that seemed destined for gold prior to me hitting a brick wall and ripping the page out in frustration. I've been crunching numbers all morning, and noticed that we could save a significant amount of money if we changed our non-wrestling staff.


Tony Marsh, Face Nelson, and Royce Greig were all making $400 an appearance, Art Lawson is making $800 an appearance, and Heather B is making $100 for nothing really. I've contacted announcers and referees and we had a slew that were willing to work from $150 to $200 per show, and while I've never been able to get in the ring myself I know the ins and outs enough to cover road agent duties.


I called up Dad and had to run everything by him. Being the savvy businessman he is, he had no issues with it, and was even willing to do the phone calls, thank goodness. A massive weight fell off my shoulders realizing I wouldn't have to have that conversation with Face. First taking over for him, and then firing him? I'm guessing I won't be getting a Christmas card from the Nelson family. The next step was to finalize the deals with their replacements, and there were no issues for anyone.


Unfortunately, due to budget constraints, we also had to let go of Sky King. His $800 a show asking cost was far too much for us to have to deal with at the moment. He was a bit upset, but I told him he'd be the first hiring when we could afford him again, which softened the blow.


I spent the rest of the day hitting up every one of my contacts, trying to get a feel for free agents that we could bring in to beef up the work rate of our under card, taking the pressure off of the youngsters like Alistair, Kirk, Ricochet, Taylor, and Topher. There were definitely a bevvy of workers out there, so we had to make choices. I knew I wanted to beef up our tag team division from the scant three teams we have now. I also wanted to bring in one or two more workers for the top of the card at a reasonable price.


At the end of the day, we came to agreement with twelve workers. Between the new staff and the new workers, here are the new faces in ACPW:



Arthur Dexter Bradley

'The Flying Samoan', ADB is a member of the famous Samoan wrestling family, being the younger brother of Rhino Umaga and Akima Brave. He grew up in Mexico and as such wrestles a distinct lucha style. He currently works in FCW.



Brendan Idol

A good looking young wrestler from the west coast, Brendan came to recognition when SWF noticed him and brought him into RIPW. The plan is to have him work in a tag team with another heart throb and fellow RIPW worker Justin Sensitive as 'The Teen Dreams'.



California Love Machine

A CZCW graduate, CLM is one of the best prospects that the 'Zone has produced. He wrestles in the expected high-flying style that they're known for at the Coastal Zone. On top of that he has overwhelming amounts of charisma and a star look. There's a good chance he could become a big star.



Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr

A son of the original Dragon Del Arco Iris, his father had a good career in OLLIE and MPWF in the 70s. However, the original had never won a world title, something junior is hoping to take care of and bring new levels of prestige to his family's name. Currently works for FCW, will be teaming with Extraordinaro Jr.



Extraordinario Jr

Another second generation luchadore, the original Extraordinario was a global name, wrestling for OLLIE, SWF, and had a series of title matches against Elemental in BHOTWG. Junior joined OLLIE in hopes to pick up where his father left off. He will begin his global expansion by coming to ACPW, and will be teaming with Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr.



Jefferson Stardust

Stardust is a young worker out of Las Vegas, who was brought to attention by Rip Chord's MAW promotion. He's still raw, but many are under the belief that he has some great upside. He currently teams with Huey Cannonball as a tag team called “The Awesomeness”, who currently hold MAW's tag titles.



John Heizenger

The worker known by many as 'Ant-Man' for his freakish amounts of strength for his size, 'The Pocket Hercules' is a graduate of the Piledriver School of Wrestling. He wrestles a very different style than the rest of the ACPW roster, employing a power style. He'll team with Matt Hocking as 'The All-American Boys'.



Justin Sensitive

One of the top prospects in the SWF development system, he's currently working in RIPW as half of a tag team with Raphael known as 'The Heartbreakers'. They look to move onto the main roster soon, joining such teams as the Biggz Boys or The Amazing Bumfholes. He'll be teaming with RIPW co-worker Brendan Idol as 'The Teen Dreams'.



Matt Hocking

'Shocking' Matt Hocking is one of the key pieces of the future for FCW. He was trained by their head booker and former DAVE star Shawn Gonzalez, and wrestles an all-round style, being able to brawl, wrestler, and take to the air if needed. Started as a tag wrestler being going solo, he'll be joining the tag ranks again, joining John Heizenger as 'The All-American Boys'.



Mr Lucha III

The nephew of the legend Manuel Prieto, the most successful luchadore of all time. Following the disaster that was Swarm I/Mr. Lucha II, Manuel found a family member to take over the family's lucha lineage, and the Mr Lucha name looks to continue to shine bright, with the third man to don the mask having great superstar potential.



Remmy Skye

The biggest name of the wrestlers we've brought in, he's a CZCW Triple Crown Champion, and is one of the faces of the promotion since his 2008 Championship win. As big as he is in California though, he's practically an unknown in Canada, and was willing to come in on the cheap to help spread his name to a new area.



Roger Monteiro

A young American wrestler who's proud of his Native America heritage, and displays it whenever he gets in the ring. He's still very young, but is a hard worker, and will do his best to improve as his career goes on.



Martin Theocott

An announcer from Detroit, his main calling is basketball, but he's a big wrestling fan who hopes to make a career in the industry.



Tim Weightman

One of the few people in the world to have ever taken out an insurance policy on his hair, Tim has worked in the independents of America to build his experience.



Chad Brent

An experienced referee from New York, was excited to be able to take the trip across the border to work with ACPW.

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Day three, now that we have the roster locked down and sorted out, it's time to start figuring out booking and story lines and the like. Due to financial constraints, the show format will be a one hour monthly show with five matches. Each champion will have a match, preferably a title defense. And for my first actual piece of booking, I've signed Alistair Shufflebottom, Ricochet Ramone, Topher Smith, and Tyler Kidd into a four-man Memorial Cup-style round robin tournament, with one match each month. After all the matches are finished, the two with the best records will face each other with the winner getting a shot at the Canadian Regional Champion.


Oh and the big thing, I almost forgot. I talked to Dad about the elephant in the room: Relocation. Nothing against The Maritimes, but we're doomed if we stay in here for the long run. I explained to him the increased media exposure we'd have if we moved our shows to Ontario or Quebec, and he wasn't completely against the notion. We discussed the pros and cons, with the main issue being Daedalus' reluctance to leave the area they'd been building up since the company's debut in August. I talked him off the ledge though, and so it came to a decision of Ontario or Quebec, and in the end we decided on Ontario, mainly because I don't trust the French.


All that being said, I plugged in the pieces, got my ideas together, and after days of crunching numbers and analyzing potential match ups I finally had a card I was happy with. I present to you the ACPW Power Hour for January.


ACPW Power Hour

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario


Rookie Round Robin Match

Topher Smith vs. Taylor Kidd


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Inner City Express vs. The All-American Boys


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario de Silva vs. Kirk Drury


Jamie Atherton vs. California Love Machine


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

El Diablo vs. Remmy Skye

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Gotta say, you're steering a completely different direction to the way I envisage the company. However, not to knock it I'm looking forward to seeing how it all pans out. The starting roster is actually reasonably strong and the guys you're bringing in look fantastic for complimenting what's already there.


Anyhow, my predictions:


Rookie Round Robin Match

Topher Smith vs. Taylor Kidd - seems slightly further on in his development.


ACPW Tag Team Title Match

The Inner City Express vs. The All-American Boys - not a big fan of the current holders.


ACPW Canadian Regional Title Match

Mario de Silva vs. Kirk Drury - he only recently won the belt.


Jamie Atherton vs. California Love Machine - personal preference for the guy.


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title Match

El Diablo vs. Remmy Skye - Remmy is more well-known.

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Rookie Round Robin Match

Topher Smith vs. Taylor Kidd


ACPW Tag Team Title Match

The Inner City Express vs. The All-American Boys


ACPW Canadian Regional Title Match

Mario de Silva vs. Kirk Drury


Jamie Atherton vs. California Love Machine


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title Match

El Diablo vs. Remmy Skye

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The influx of guys and changed location sure makes for a different experience - will be very interested to see how you get on!


Rookie Round Robin Match

Topher Smith vs. Taylor Kidd - I mark for Taylor but Topher has more long term potential.


ACPW Tag Team Title Match

The Inner City Express vs. The All-American Boys - I HATE Hocking. Seriously. More than Big Smack Scott. (More than I hate Big Smack Scott, I mean. Not more than Big Smack Scott hates Hocking.)


ACPW Canadian Regional Title Match

Mario de Silva vs. Kirk Drury - I THINK you'll have a title change and this makes more sense than either of the other 2, allowing de Silva to move up the card and giving a belt to an established guy.


Jamie Atherton vs. California Love Machine - I love Atherton, but this looks like the most likely place for an 'incomer' to get a victory.


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title Match

El Diablo vs. Remmy Skye - I love Remmy, but PLEASE don't give him the title first match in. Apart from anything else you're practically asking for him to turn into an egomaniac if you do that.

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Very different looking...


Rookie Round Robin Match

Topher Smith vs. Taylor Kidd


ACPW Tag Team Title Match

The Inner City Express vs. The All-American Boys


ACPW Canadian Regional Title Match

Mario de Silva vs. Kirk Drury


Jamie Atherton vs. California Love Machine

Best pic at the company


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title Match

El Diablo vs. Remmy Skye

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January 2010


ACPW Power Hour

Monday, Week 3, January 2010

Windsor Arena Hall



Rookie Round Robin Match

Topher Smith vs. Taylor Kidd

Topher won this match with relative ease, beating Taylor in a short match to protect their weaknesses to advance to 1-0 in the round robin series.

Winner: Topher Smith

Rating: 18




ACPW Tag Title Match

The Inner City Express vs. The All-American Boys

Man, ICE are either really on or really off. They were closer to on tonight, but they also benefited from he lack of tag team experience between Hocking and Heizenger. Malik put this one away after putting down Matt Hocking for a three count.

Winner: The Inner City Express

Rating: 26




ACPW Canadian Regional Title Match

Mario de Silva vs. Kirk Drury

A match-up between our top technical wrestler and our top technical-based rookie was made better by surprising chemistry. Drury held his own, almost due to the fact that Mario de Silva came in overconfident. The Brazilian almost got caught in a STF which would have surely ended the match, but he reversed the hold, and caught Drury in a Kimura which finished the match seconds later.

Winner: Mario de Silva

Rating: 38



Jamie Atherton vs. California Love Machine

Our co-main event featured an exciting match featuring some of the top talent in the company right now. Atherton seemed to perform well in his first match without Heather B at his side. The perennial showman, Jamie could have put this match away a couple of times, but wasted too much time playing to the crowd. This allowed CLM to get back into the match, finishing it with his patented LAX Departure.

Winner: California Love Machine

Rating: 32




ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title Match

El Diablo vs. Remmy Skye

Our main event was for all the marbles, and featured the franchise, El Diablo defending his belt against the newcomer, American phenom Remmy Skye. “Psyche Out” showed why he was brought in to ACPW, bringing the fight to the champ. The two went back and forth for roughly fifteen minutes before Diablo had the match seemingly won, setting up for the Diablo Driver II. However Skye slipped over his back, dropped him with a backdrop, and took to the skies with a Skye Diver. The ref counted to three and on our first show of the year and in his first match in the company, Remmy Skye has become the ACPW Junior Heavyweight Champion!

Winner, and NEW ACPW Junior Heavyweight Champion: Remmy Skye

Rating: 37


Show Rating: 35



rdarnz 3/5

Midnightnick 1/5

Jaded 3/5

Boltinho 3/5


Thanks for checking this out guys! I've tried my hand at a bunch diaries in the past, but I usually get bored and just give up. But I'm already in February of 2012 in this game, so even if I stop playing now, I have plenty of shows for you guys! If you guys have any feedback at all let me know. From booking to formatting, anything you think I could do better let me know! Except for match write-ups. Any longer than what I have for the first one and I'll get burnt out after the third show :)

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I really like the formatting. People's taste in match write-ups varies hugely and personally I tend to prefer the shorter ones so I enjoyed yours a lot - it's quick and easy to read and as you said makes you less likely to get burnt out.


Keep up the good work!

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One show, one month down, and I think we're in pretty good shape. We lost a bit under $2,000, but that was expected. There wound up being 13 people at our big Ontario debut, an amount that was comparable to what we would have expected had we stayed in New Brunswick. Our growth was surprising as well, growing to 1.1% awareness within the wrestling consciousness in Ontario after just one show.


After being tipped off that CGC, SWF, and TCW all had eyes on some of our wrestlers, I began calling around to all the promotions to try to strike agreements to keep other promotions from poaching our talents. We came to working or non-aggression deals with all the major promotions, which allowed me to breath a sigh of relief. We also struck a deal to bring in two promising international talent, though we can't say who it is just yet.


That being said, here's the card for February's Power Hour


ACPW Power Hour

Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario

Rookie Round Robin Match

Alistair Shufflebottom vs. Ricochet Ramone

ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. Kirk Drury


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Inner City Express vs. The Montreal Mafia


Jayson Van Pelt vs. California Love Machine


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Remmy Skye vs. El Diablo

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Rookie Round Robin Match

Alistair Shufflebottom vs. Ricochet Ramone - Big fan of Shufflebottom's, less keen on Ricochet.


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. Kirk Drury - Seems weird to have a rematch straight away, will seem even weirder if he jobs again.


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Inner City Express vs. The Montreal Mafia - Liking the ICE.


Jayson Van Pelt vs. California Love Machine - If he can beat Atherton, Van Pelt should be comparatively easy.


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Remmy Skye vs. El Diablo - No sense changing this back straight away.

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Re you letting people go at the same time as signing them? You must have a huge roster if not.


Liked the formatting - very easy to read. I would have dragged out Remmy going for the belt a bit but Im sure you have a plan



Rookie Round Robin Match

Alistair Shufflebottom vs. Ricochet Ramone


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. Kirk Drury


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Inner City Express vs. The Montreal Mafia


Jayson Van Pelt vs. California Love Machine


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Remmy Skye vs. El Diablo

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How did you go money-wise after that show, 'cause I'm losing money every month and considering the talent you had wrestling surely it cost a substantial amount?


Anyhow, my picks:


Rookie Round Robin Match

Alistair Shufflebottom vs. Ricochet Ramone - Alistair has greater long-term potential.


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. Kirk Drury - Considering their chemistry I can see a win for Drury followed by another re-match.


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Inner City Express vs. The Montreal Mafia - I don't think they should be losing the belts yet, well at least not to The Montreal Mafia anyway.


Jayson Van Pelt vs. California Love Machine - He's the newer arrival and Van Pelt isn't that great!


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Remmy Skye vs. El Diablo - No point in hot-shotting the title about, I reckon Remmy will retain.

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ACPW Power Hour

Monday, Week 3, February 2010

Windsor Arena Hall



Rookie Round Robin Match

Alistair Shufflebottom vs. Ricochet Ramone

Alistair has been touted by many as the top of the rookie 'class' within ACPW, and he definitely showed that in this match, finishing Ricochet with a Shuffle the Deck.

Winner: Alistair Shufflebottom

Rating: 18




ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. Kirk Drury

Kirk felt he had the champ finished off last month, and was furious with himself for not winning. He pleaded for a second match, and considering their first matchup got match of the night awards, we had no problem in letting them go at at one more time. Drury seemed to learn a few things from their first match up, as he pulled out a few counters that had da Silva reeling. Kirk went for a STF again, and Mario countered with a Kimura again. This time though, Drury countered with an arm bar that sent the champ into a frenzy trying to break the hold before having to tap. He managed to get to the ropes though, and after another series of submissions, Drury got caught up in another Kimura, this one he had no answer for, and was forced to tap for the second show in a row.

Winner: Mario da Silva

Rating: 39




ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Inner City Express vs. The Montreal Mafia

Ouch. This match showed why it was a good investment to bring in new tag teams to bolster the division. ICE weren't on their game tonight, while Dermott and Marc gave it their best, they're not ready yet to have to carry bad opponents through a match. Malik scored the pinfall again, and mercifully ended a sub-par match.

Winner: The Inner City Express

Rating: 23



Jayson Van Pelt vs. California Love Machine

'JVP' wasn't on the first card for no particular reason outside of time restrains, so this was my first chance to see him go in person. CLM is coming off a big win against Jamie Atherton last month, and looks to pick up another big victory to earn himself a title shot at some point. This match was slightly better than CLM's match last month, and was a very good lead-up to the main event. These two gave it their best, but in the end CLM avoided an Axe Kick, took JVP down with a leg sweep, and down him with a Standing Star Press for the three count. The two shook hands following the contest, a notion the crowd got behind.

Winner: California Love Machine

Rating: 34




ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Remmy Skye vs. El Diablo

Every champion is allowed a re-match, and El Diablo let it be known that he wanted his title back asap, so it was a no-brainer for this to be our main event following the match they put on last month. And for those that enjoyed January's offering, they hadn't seen anything yet. These two tore the house down, going non-stop from opening to closing bells. Diablo looked determined to win his belt back, and Remmy was not willing to give up the strap in his first defense. Diablo gave it his all, but Remmy showed why he is the big league star, finishing off his opponent with a Skye Diver to make his first successful title defense.

Winner: Remmy Skye

Rating: 42


Show Rating: 39



Jaded 4/5

Boltinho 4/5

rdarnz 4/5


Thanks for following this guys! It really means a lot that I'm only two shows in and this is probably my most successful journal yet. And to answer your questions:


Boltinho 1) Yeah I have a pretty big roster, a ton of people I won't use quite yet, but none of them have any guaranteed money owed to them and a lot of them have other jobs so they won't get rust. I'd rather have them on my roster sooner than later and have them get signed. 2) Yeah the main plan was to get the belt on someone who costs about 200 less a show, and who had a higher skill set haha


rdarnz I can't remember the exact value, and I'm into 2012 so I can't go back and look at the numbers, but I always spent about 3500-5000 per show on workers. I lost between 1500-2500 a month. I got lucky a few months and only lost a few hundred due to a massive increase in merchandise sold, and that kept me going without having to take a month off a little longer.

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Our second show had an increase in quality from our first month, but a slight decline in attendance, featuring but 11 members in the audience. Given there were twelve wrestlers on the card, that was a little discerning. But there will be ebb and flow with the attendance, so there's nothing to really worry about there.


We didn't sign anyone new this month, and the duo we signed last month still weren't ready yet due to visa issues. One of them in returning to Canada after a long absence, but the other one has never left his native land, and that's the hold up. We expect they should be good to go any day now though. Mario da Silva's contract was coming to an end, and we easily came to an agreement on a new deal, considering how key he is to our future plans.


Onto the next show!


ACPW Power Hour

Windsor Hall Arena, Ontario


Rookie Round Robin Match

Alistair Shufflebottom vs. Taylor Kidd

The third match of the rookie round robin, Alistair won his first match last month, and Taylor fell at the hands of Topher in the first match under my watch so look for him to rebound in this match.


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Inner City Express vs. The Nest of Vipers

ICE will have their most daunting challenge yet, as they go head to head with what many argue are the best tag team in ACPW at the moment, the duo of Mimic and Dagger. Will they roll through into another defense or will this be the end of the road for our champions?


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. Mr. Lucha III

Our Champion has expressed his interest in defending his belt internationally, since he himself is a product of a foreign land. So tonight we'll see the debut of a couple new talents, the first one being the newest in line of one of the proudest wrestling lineages of all time, Mr Lucha. Prieto's nephew will try to start gathering up the fame that his uncle was known for for decades.


El Diablo vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley

Fresh off his title loss, El Diablo will be looking for revenge, for someone to take out his anger and frustration on. And this month, that man will be no other than the debuting 'ABD', the flying Samoan. Bradley's family is lined with marquee wrestlers, and Arthur will make his first step towards that level if we wins here.


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Remmy Skye vs. California Love Machine

Interestingly enough, this is an all CZCW match for the title, but it's sure to be a barn-burner. Remmy is flying high after his first defense of his championship, and CLM is surfing in on a wave of momentum, having knocked off two of the top talents in ACPW to earn this title shot. Both men are undefeated in ACPW, who will take a fall for the first time? Be here, at the Windsor Arena Hall to find out!

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Rookie Round Robin Match

Alistair Shufflebottom vs. Taylor Kidd - Push Alistair!


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Inner City Express vs. The Nest of Vipers - Dagger Kick!!


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. Mr. Lucha III - This international challenge angle could be fun - just not if he loses the first match.


El Diablo vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley - ADB kinda sucks. El Diablo is nearly as awesome as Dagger.


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Remmy Skye vs. California Love Machine - Gotta give the belt SOME stability here.

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Rookie Round Robin Match

Alistair Shufflebottom vs. Taylor Kidd - Way more upside to Alistair at this point in time.


ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Inner City Express vs. The Nest of Vipers - Easily the better team, just depends what direction you have planned for your tag division.


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. Mr. Lucha III - The Brazilian has massive potential and this international story could be dragged out way more.


El Diablo vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley - El Diablo is way more popular in Canada, but I'm a fan of the upset win.


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Remmy Skye vs. California Love Machine - I don't think hot shotting the belt is a smart move.


Once again, I'm in awe of your financial management, 'cause running cards like this month to month would bankrupt me!

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ACPW Power Hour

Monday, Week 3, March 2010

Windsor Hall Arena



Rookie Round Robin Match

Alistair Shufflebottom vs. Taylor Kidd

The difference in the talent level between these two is substancial, with Alistair being far away the better. In a fairly short match, a Shuffle the Deck was enough to do in Taylor, moving him to 2-0 in the round robin challenge while Kidd fell to 0-2.

Winner: Alistair Shufflebottom

Rating: 16




ACPW Tag Team Championship Match

The Inner City Express vs. The Nest of Vipers

A wild back and forth match that was ICE's best match to date. Part of that might have to do with the level of skill their opponents featured. The Vipers really shined in their first match of the year, bringing the fight to the champs as no one else has to date. Dagger had Malik lined up for a Dagger Kick, when all of a sudden the lights in the building went out. In the chaos, two people ran into the ring, each blew a stream of fire into the air, and then each threw a fireball at a unified target, which appeared to be Malik Cash due to his blood-curdling scream. The lights came back on and Cash was rolling back and forth on the ground holding his face. A baffled Dagger climbed on top of him for the three count and ref Brent had no choice but to count it, awarding new champions.

Winner, and NEW ACPW Tag Team Champions: The Nest of Vipers

Rating: 33


Mimic and Dagger celebrating their newly-won belts while the staff ran out from the back to tend to Malik, while Jay was feverishly trying to find out who had assaulted his partner under the veil of darkness. Suddenly the perpetrators stepped out from the back. Two people in dark-red ninja outfits stood calmly as all the attention in the room turned to them. The staff restrained Jay Becker who immediately tried to go after them while The Vipers stared at them in confusion. The ninjas pointed at the new champions and made the traditional “belts around waist” motion before making their way to the back.




ACPW Canadian Regional Championship Match

Mario da Silva vs. Mr. Lucha III

After the chaos following the last match was cleared out of the ring we were onto our second title match of the evening. Mr. Lucha III had a great showing, and these two put on a great match, with da Silva using his technical prowess to slow down Lucha's aerial assault. The ending came when Lucha tried a hurricanrana but Mario countered by slamming him to the ground and locking in a Kimura for the submission.

Winner: Mario da Silva

Rating: 43



El Diablo vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley

What was supposed to be a rebound match for Diablo and the ACPW debut of ADB turned out to be one of the best matches of the night. The two had fantastic chemistry, and really pulled out a heck of a fight, with ADB often resorting to mocking Diablo's recent title loss. This infuriated Diablo which both made him fight harder, but it also made him lose focus which helped the less experienced ADB stay in the match. Unfortunately for Arthur though, Diablo dropped Bradley with a Diablo Driver II and finally ended his losing streak.

Winner: El Diablo

Rating: 41




ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Remmy Skye vs. California Love Machine

The main event and the match of the night, these two went all out, surpassing last month's main event as the best match held under my watch. Both of these guys spent most of the match flying through the air, amazing our small crowd. CLM had this match won, with Skye out on the mat as he made his way up the turnbuckle for a LAX Departure, but at the last second Remmy rolled out of the way. The rough landing spelled the end for our challenger, as Remmy climbed the turnbuckle himself and landed the Skye Diver for the three count. The two shook hands and the crowd cheered for the best ACPW match of the year thus far.

Winner: Remmy Skye

Rating: 46


Show Rating: 44



Jaded 5/5

rdarnz 4/5


Well, it took three shows before someone had a perfect predictions. I hope that's a sign of good booking? Again, thanks for following this guys, feel free to comment on anything, questions, critiques, whatever, let me hear it. Your feedback only helps me get better at this!

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<p>Another slide in attendance last month, having <strong>9</strong> people showing up for what has been our best show this year. That's a little concerning, but I look at it this way: You can't get much lower, so I'm sure it's going to rebound sooner rather than later. No new signings, and no re-signings either, so onto the next show!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">ACPW Power Hour</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Windsor Hall Arena, Ontario</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Rookie Round Robin Match</em></p><p>

<strong>Ricochet Ramone vs. Topher Smith</strong></p><p>

Going into this match, Topher is 1-0, and Ricochet is 0-1. This may be the closest match of the round robin series, keep your eyes on this one.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>California Love Machine vs. Mr. Lucha III</strong></p><p>

Both men fell in title challenges at our last show, but are looking to rebound in this match. Lucha is also looking to record his first victory in ACPW, will he succeed? Be here to find out!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>ACPW Tag Team Championship Match</em></p><p>

<strong>The Nest of Vipers vs. ???</strong></p><p>

While the ACPW titles all have a rematch clause, following the violent assault of Malik Cash there was no way the Inner City Express would be physically capable of competing in this match, or any match for the next handful of months. So instead the Vipers will make their first title defense against the mysterious team of “ninjas” that affected the end of last month's title match. Who are these unknown fighters? What challenge will they bring to our new champions? Only those at the Windsor Hall Arena will know! (Sensing a theme here? haha)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>El Diablo vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley</strong></p><p>

While Diablo did come out victorious last week, the relentless taunting by ADB got under his skin, he has spent the last month furious at the lack of respect that Bradley showed him in their match last month, and he wants a rematch to in his words “beat the respect” into him. Given how good their chemistry is I had no problem issuing the rematch.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Remmy Skye vs. Mario da Silva</strong></p><p>

A non-title match-up between our two champions, Mario feels like he's ready to hang with the ACPW elite, and hopes to show it in this match. Remmy is looking to continue his roll of momentum through this match.</p>

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<p>I have only one criticism. Where the heck is Jefferson Stardust? I love that guy (John Morrison lookalike? SUPERSTAR). My own bias aside Im enjoying this diary. Guess I'll get on board with the predictions</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ricochet Ramone</strong> vs. Topher Smith</p><p>

<em>Ricochet needs a win back</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>California Love Machine</strong> vs. Mr. Lucha III</p><p>

<em>My mind says Lucha picks up a win sooner rather than later but my heart says CLM</em></p><p> </p><p>

ACPW Tag Team Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The Nest of Vipers</strong> vs. ???</p><p>

<em>For the first time EVAH I break my cast-iron "always pick ???" rule. I don't see the new champs going down to a team of unknowns in their first defence</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>El Diablo</strong> vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley</p><p>

<em>Tough call. I don't really see ADB going down twice in a row but also Diablo's just getting some momentum going. I predict a DQ win for Diablo, keeping both men strong and allowing for a third match to get some more mileage out of the great chemistry</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Remmy Skye</strong> vs. Mario da Silva</p><p>

<em>The possibility of a draw crosses my mind. Ultimately though Remmy's the franchise player here so I gotta go with him</em></p><p> </p><p>

*realises he's backed the participants on the left in every match*</p><p>

It could happen</p><p> </p><p>

A crowd of 9? Thats rough. It makes my early crowds of 30+ in my ROF game look respectable</p>

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