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DOA: Victor's Rebellion

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Guest codey

I could care less if your diaries don't last all that long. The quality of the writing you put out more than makes up for it, and I've said that a few times before, too. As far as the "bumping" goes, I could care less. Yes, I do get excited when I see this show up on the first page again, but I'm not annoyed at the bumping (Unless The Johnny Heizenger Story gets knocked down. In that case...Damn you, EV!). Your posts are rarely ever just "Shows coming along well." For the most part, you're always engaging your readers, replying to them, which is the most important part of being a writer. Interacting with your fans is the best way to find out what they want, and you can work from there.


I'll be the first to apologize for not leaving comments as much as I feel I should. Not that I'm obligated to do so or anything, but I'll be the first to admit that I crave reader feedback in my own diary, and I'm not leaving giving it out to others in turn. A lot of people say the board is far from its heyday as far as the user base goes, but I don't think that's true. There are a bunch of quality diaries here right now that get a ton of views. The only problem is that we're not leaving the comments that we should. The writers are here, the readers are here, it's only the comments that aren't.

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Thank you; everyone.


I'm unaware whether or not my detractors, or those who simply don't buy into my work, see me any different; however, it's great to know that there are a number of you who are interested in my work. I guess, in the end, it was nice to speak my peace; to relay who I am, what I'm trying to do here, and how that may be different. I would love to have a new show for you everyday; however, I love, more, to create a well-rounded show with thoughtout storylines & characters. With a schedule like mine, this means less time to actually put in the grunt work; however, still focused on the overall goal of things.


None the less, I couldn't move on without saying 'thank you'. As it pertains to the dynasty itself, I had a huge day of productivity!


From here, onward with Deadly Overloaded Action...





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First off, I want to say that I really enjoy this diary and your USPW one before that. The quality is top-notch, and it comes off as something completely different from most other diaries on here. I love the backstage/"extra" stuff. It is definitely not fluff. I've seen some definite fluff in other diaries, and this stuff isn't even close. Glad to know you're continuing this.


Now, onto the philosophical things (and I've mentioned these before). I despise the prediction contests that are rampant on here. Frankly, they're too much of a bumping/view boosting thing that adds absolutely nothing to any diary, and honestly, the readers are too smart for them anyways. I've always held that anyone who follows a diary regularly, after 2-3 shows, should get at least 70-80% of them right consistently. If you, the diary writer, are not getting that, then you're being "too cute for school", using way too many goofy endings to matches, purposefully changing your booking to counter the results, or you're just not getting your booking across to your readers.


So, why does everybody have them? Honestly, if you just eliminated prediction contests, then people adding comments after the show would go UP. I would suggest that most people don't leave them because they think "I'll add something when I pick", then they forget about it when making their picks for whatever reason.


Frankly, that is why I DON'T comment in diaries. I don't predict, and you, meaning any diary writer, definitely don't need my bumping because someone(s) else will come along after to predict the card so why bother. And honestly, too much attention is given to the people in the prediction contest so it adds to my irrelevance to the diary imo. I agree wholeheartedly with the Like suggestion more like the comment sections on Facebook or even Yahoo stories. If everyone would stop chasing page views, I would bet commenting would go up.


As an aside, this is probably close to 80% of why I haven't started my own diary on here. I wouldn't run a prediction contest or even list the card to prevent it, but I know that would mean I'd be on Page 3 in a day meaning almost no one would be able to view it so why bother?


Now, back to our regularly scheduled DOA action on Arcadia.

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Variety of reasons why I've not gone into this one yet:


First off I will admit to be a little frustrated at you suddenly dropping the USPW diary, which I felt was a really interesting take on that promotion...evolving it from the cartoony 'semi retirement home' into a more realistic grittier product that felt as though it would be ready to take that next step and truly take on SWF/TCW.


Secondly this one popped up whilst my general interest in even writing my own diary was waning somewhat. I admit that I should be reading more diaries, but this may come as shock....I do have other interests. :p


That being said, I do want to get into this again, as I realise that DOA is your first love, at least it appears that way. But I'm the sort of reader who has to really be fully immersed in something, rather than skimming over about twenty diaries, and right now I'm not just finding the time for this one.


There might be only about five diaries that I read regularly on here, but the one's I do read...I give my full attention to.


In response to Smartman....


Diary writers such as Eisen-verse (and myself for that matter)really appreciate those who do bother to show appreciation for our work whether it is someone simply making predictions, someone saying 'great show' or even someone questioning the direction of your booking. Interaction helps keep the diary writer motivated.


Noticed in that last sentence I said helps keep the diary writer motivated. As the reason someone should start a diary in the first place, is because they enjoy writing a diary. But there will be those times, where writing a diary can start to feel like something of a burden, especially if it is one where clearly the writer has put a lot of time, effort and creative passion into it; that's where feedback in any form can help pick a writer back up again.


So it's really great to know that you take such delight in being someone who DON'T comment in diaries. :rolleyes:


I don't think eliminating prediction contests would result in comments going up, neither do I think they really make much difference to comments being made. If someone is going to make comments on your diary, they'll make comments...but that being said a prediction 'contest' provides an easy/convenient way for people to make comments on your diary if they wish to do so.

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Uh, I don't take delight in not posting on diaries. I just listed why I don't usually do so. Heck, as frequently as I'm on here, the diaries I follow probably get 5 or 6 more page views from me than most people due to the bleeping predictions. So, you are getting something from me even if I'm not commenting. Honestly, I'm way more likely to PM somebody if I feel like I need to say something than clutter up their diary with another post. Again, that's just me, and all I listed were my opinions.


And I didn't even mention that a big detraction of prediction contests is the "serial effect" meaning if someone misses a prediction, how likely are they to continue reading? They're essentially out of the contest so unless the diary is extremely gripping they'll leave. Maybe they come back when the next cycle starts, maybe they don't. As you said Tiger, people do have other interests.

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Just to add my unsolicited two cents in, as a writer of several long term diaries, I can honestly say, the ones that got the most activity and comments of any kind were ones that had prediction contests or just cards. I find that most readers enjoy having some actual participation with the diary through these prediction cards, even if most dont actually provide extra commentary. And as a writer I can definitely agree that feedback and participation from the readers is a motivating factor in continuing to try and churn out a diary over the long term. It is hard work doing a diary, especially if you intend to go beyond a simple rewriting of the results. Thinking up storylines and characters for your roster, providing a backstory, however slim, trying to keep some storyline continuity going, especially over a long haul, and then writing up shows that can be upwards of 20+ segments for promotions Cult size and larger, and a good 15-20 for others that run angles and such. It is a large commitment of time and energy, and anything that can add to the motivation, like reader feedback, response, or even just an acknowledgement of activity like posting their predictions of a card go a long way for the writers, at least it does for me.


Now, hopefully to get this back on thread for what the discussion should be, Eisen-Verse's dynasty. I admire the detail and dedication you put into your works, even if they don't have the longevity I would prefer, and the prose style is not as I would do it. These aren't negative things, just a difference in writing style and personality. The quality of your works is definitely not in question. I guess what I am trying to say is that write however works best for you. If people like and enjoy it, as it seems obvious several do, then fantastic, if some don't, then not every diary is everyones cup of tea. Diversity is one of the great things about this board and the writers on it. Each is able to find their own niche with readers who respond.


Well thats the end of my rambling thoughts at almost 2am my time. Now back to your regularly scheduled diary. :)

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Please don't look at this as a man looking to stroke his ego; I honestly am not looking for it. As a writer, though, especially one whose avenue is so 'hands-on' and interactive with it's readers, I just wanted to see where Season #2 lies right now... Especially as it's just about to start getting really good... ;)


Well without wanting to delve into the discussion over commenting, predictions, bumping, etc, my own 2 cents...


In all honesty E-V, I don't think your readership's changed a great deal and as you can probably tell from the recent flurry of discussion, it seems people don't have any trouble finding the thread. I think the cause of your lacking feedback stems more from your choice of concept for this diary.


DOA is incredibly well-established as your work and as such the vibe, themes, many of the characters being used here aren't exactly new - so there isn't much reason for people reposting how much they like Johnny Vicious's character, how sweet Greg Black's new act and look is, etc, after the first show because most of it's already been said. Secondly, this is Season 2, take 2. Your approach this time is far less radical, the storylines kicking things off are more subtle/slow burning (or continuations of Season 1) and there isn't the same level of landscape reshaping. Decisions like using Nemesis, parachuting several new and diverse characters, prompted more response because they were big, dramatic acts. I'm sure if Phil Vibert suddenly showed up on the next episode of Rapid Assault, you'd find more comments pop up than the first two shows received combined.


It's a change of pace that should pay off in the long term, but that's the thing. You're only two shows in. You're still laying starting out and showing early signs of where this diary and the characters are headed. That's where Season 2 lies right now, it's solid, well written, but thus far leaned towards being consistent and subtle rather than loud and spectacular. I don't think there's any cause for concern at such an early stage.

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I'm not trying to come in and really rehash what a lot of others have already said. However, I've skimmed over a few of the comments and all and just thought I'd say my peace on things.


First of all, your attention to detail is absolutely amazing. When I see a card posted, I know that I am going to get quality. I know that what I am going to read is going to be both better than watching a wrestling show and better than reading any book IMO.


Secondly, I Love your characters as I am sure you probably know already from the pm's we've shared. My favorites being Eric Tyler and The Moral Majority. They are just some of my favorite types of heels.


As far as your interaction with the readers goes? I absolutely love knowing I can post on here and you are going to reply. I enjoy going right to the source of the work. It's like being able to discuss topics with one of your favorite authors while they write their new book. And maybe being able to have some of your input included.


All in all, keep it up, my friend. And I am honored to be on your writing staff, so to speak, with the Aftershock show. I am glad that everyone has seemed to enjoy the first show as it is something that I hope continues.


Oh, and one last thing, I am really enjoying the between show posts. The thoughts from Victor, etc. It is something that I brought into my USPW diary some because I have enjoyed it so much.

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As far as your interaction with the readers goes? I absolutely love knowing I can post on here and you are going to reply. I enjoy going right to the source of the work. It's like being able to discuss topics with one of your favorite authors while they write their new book. And maybe being able to have some of your input included.


This is
my thoughts exactly when it comes to interacting with readers. Like I've said, my goal in life is to write a book before my dying day. While I could start that at any time, as I love to write and create stories, I'm currently fixated on the notion that I could both write and interact with my readers in real-time. To me, that doesn't seem like bumping (as nothing I do, whether responding, storyline posts, or dynasty posts in general, are focused on simply bumping me up the line).


Overall, I wasn't planning on responding, simply saying 'thank you' via PM's to those who left their feedback, but couldn't help myself with this one.


As others have said, though,
... onto our regularly scheduled Arcadia program... "Rapid Assault"!


Episode #3 coming early this week...
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[“Rapid Assault” opens with the low-rumbling of ear-ravaging church organ blaring thunderously in the background as a tight shot of an oversized image of Mainstream Hernandez resides on the screen. The occasional whimper, followed by the infrequent sound of hefty nose-blowing smattered about, fills the space before us as it appears that an overtly somber tone has encompassed all in attendance]


[slowly, the camera lens pans outward; displaying the knowledge that we are currently in the midst of a funeral service at an undisclosed church. Flowers are sprawled about everywhere, small pictures positioned within the grandiose space, and an oversized picture of a former DOA warrior standing in connection to a gigantic, jet-black, casket only inches from the presiding podium. There, at said podium, stands none other than the intensely-wound moralist, and partner of the supposed deceased, Citizen X.]



Citizen X

… Delivering the eulogy of Mainstream Hernandez …


[His suit is neatly pressed, as it always is, and his hair gelled as if he were a 1950’s bible-thumper; an image predicated by the wholesome demeanor that most certainly houses the ills of his own psyche. Meanwhile, it’s almost impossible to generate a sense of distraction from his obvious psychological pain; seeping outwardly in the sight of his watering eyes.]


[Following a deep breath, one that almost expels the very tears once thought visible outward for all to see, Citizen X addresses the congregation of the unknown church; his eyes looking out yet still appearing as though he could be looking solely into the camera lens before him.]


Citizen X:
James “Mainstream” Hernandez was a simple man. He cared for his family, his sport, and, most importantly, his faith. A devout follower of THE most high, Hernandez was the kind of man you would strive to be…
[Pauses; looks down as the tears begin to roll]
… only to fall short.
[Pauses; eyes watering heftily at this point]
I STILL cannot believe he’s gone; however, I know that he is exactly where he needs to be now; with his creator… basking in the glory of his personal mission here on earth.
Some say that morality is dead in the 21st century... That we are too far past decency, so far past what is right, what is just, that we’re all simply left for the devil’s picking…
Whether it’s true or not, I will not live in a world where the wicked are awarded; where the soulless are celebrated.
If I learned ONE thing from you, my brother,…
[looks up a the ceiling; as if he were looking to the heavens]
… it’s that we should NEVER cease in our journey; never retreat in our war.
[Looks back down; a fury is shown within his tears now as he grabs at the podium mightily]
I will not cease… I will not retreat… If it’s the last thing that I do, I will see to it that morality is restored, here, in this godforsaken world…


[Overtly emotional, and struggling to remain upright, Citizen X storms off the stage in a roaring fashion; exiting the scene as it’s expected he’s returned to the congregation in which to sit down by the remainder of his faction (Prudence and Grace). After administering such a somber, yet focused, eulogy, it appears as though Citizen X is not even contemplating ‘slowing down’ after such a terrible incident as what happened to Mainstream Hernandez. In theory, it seems as though he’s become even more obsessed with his cause; utilizing his own emotional fury to fuel the new fire within.]


[As it seems like the segment may come to a close, the overpowering church organ again roars into full-force; it’s tone rather dark in it’s creation. Seconds later, a door, moments ago unseen, swings open with much force as a slender-framed man comes walking out of the shadows. As he grows closer, stepping with a sense of fluid confidence, the darkened figure now comes into the lights that overhang above.]



Father Griffith

… Presiding over the service …


[His hair is matted down, somewhat greasy, as it’s pitch-black color, for some reason, feels rather unsettling. Meanwhile, his sunken, overtly hardened, face, equip with a forest of a 5’o clock shadow, stands in direction opposition of the very priestly white neck band that signifies his place within the church. Truthfully, from head-to-toe, all the way up to the inner workings of his brain, this man feels projects nothing but an unsettling nature; even with the priesthood apparently part of his existence.]


[After a slow stare around the congregation, the intensely stoic, powerfully gestured, priest opens his chapped lips; expelling a breath of confidence as he addresses the very same congregation as X once did.]


Father Griffith:
My children… Hear me now and find my word to be one in the LORD’S. Brother X has asked me to stand before you today; to speak of Brother Hernandez and his life’s work… their life’s mission… That of restoring… morality…


[With a cold, intense, stare, Father Griffith stands before the congregation with a sense of fury bubbling within. In the end, said fury is entirely evident in the forceful, rafter-shaking, power that comes within his preacher-like tone. Stereotypical, in a way, but housing more fervor than your run-of-the-mill southern preacher none the less.]


Father Griffith:
It should come as NO surprise to ANY of YOU that we are currently at war; at war with the wicked… at war with the heartless… at war with the GODLESS.
[Pauses; intense stare follows]
These HEATHENS, these messengers from HELL, are polluting our land, polluting our neighborhoods, and aiding in the DESTRUCTION of our VERY world; the world that HE…
[Dramatic point upward]
… created for US!


[Another long stare follows; intensely staring upon the congregation as if he felt that even THEY were sinners alike.]


Father Griffith:
A week ago, in Hell-e-wood, the City of Demons, one of our very own was viciously assaulted, and put to rest, by one of those very HEATHENS. A GODLESS demon who defied HE who created us all; HE who created Brother Hernandez. It sickens me, it physically sickens me, to see our world, this beautiful creation of HIS, crumbling underneath the weight of such wickedness… of such… ugliness. For that, I have decided to take drastic measures in which to SEE TO IT that the DEVIL does NOT WIN!


[A light gasp fills the congregation as a number of faceless voices are heard rumbling underneath; within the pews of the congregation. With his nose slightly raised in a sign of arrogance, the cloaked priest continues to pause; defying their call for answers as a single ray of light shines in through a nearby window… connecting with the sunken priest’s face at this point.]


Father Griffith:
I will NOT stand-by and watch the wicked prevail… I will become a soldier for HIM; standing on the frontlines in which to smite the EVIL of this world!
Effective today, right now, I am stepping down from my podium here at our beloved congregation…


[The light wave of whispering voices turns to an all-out gasp of sorts; loud conversation heard roaring within the walls of the congregation upon such a statement. In connection, Father Griffith’s body language becomes much more aggressive in tone right now; leaning forward more as he intensely grips the podium head before him.]


Father Griffith:
… and will accept my life’s calling; brandishing the sword of our CREATOR in which to FIGHT for his cause; to FIGHT for morality.
[Pauses; stern stare follows]
I will NOT leave the priesthood, or turn my back on the very man who PUT me here, but will be doing quite the opposite. Today, I will take my sermon, my LOVE for HIM, and my SWORD of DESTRUCTION, with me to Hell-e-wood… There… I will LEAD the moral cause and BURY the wicked… Leading THEM to their Judgment day... and US… toward everlasting bliss.
I WILL put them ALL in their final resting place here on earth… or die fighting for HIS cause…


[Looking out upon the congregation, proudly puffing his chest out in defiance of such a ‘dangerous’ thought, the fervid Father finishes his emotionally-laced sermon in the only way he knows how; the phrase that would continually close all of his sermons in DOA from here on out.]


Father Griffith:
You may all go in peace…


[The contradiction of such a positive phrase, when intertwined with such a fervid statement, leaves an overtly unsettling tone within the congregation. Here lies a man, a man of GOD as it seems, who is roaring with such violent rhetoric, who feels more like a mentally unstable serial killer than a man of the cloth. None the less, extremely menacing as it may be, it appears as though the fervid zealot is on his way, as he puts it, to hell-e-wood; looking to form his OWN church of morality within the confines of the DOA Dungeon.]




Davis Ditterich:
Ladies and gentlemen, we open “Rapid Assault”, this 3rd Thursday of October 2010, with the unsettling truth that pure evil may be on it’s way to DOA’s doorstep… In all of my years, all of my professional avenues, even all of my personal ones, I have NEVER seen something like this before. I can honestly say… I’m afraid for what we may be on the verge of…

Carl Batch:
Oh quit your whinin’, Dee. What’s there to be afraid of? A little old priest?
[Laughs heartily; shakes his head]
You’re too dramatic; stuck in that head of yours. This cat may have a strong tongue but he ‘aint some superhero of sorts. I know Griffith. He came into DaVE when we were on the way out. Is he a twisted soul? Hell yea. Is he, as you said, ‘pure evil’?
[scoffs; laughs some more]
that’s a little steep there… even for you…

Davis Ditterich:
I’m telling you, Carl. I don’t like the look, or sound, of ANY of this…

Carl Batch:
Then run off to mommy…
[shakes his head; laughs]
This is Deadly Overloaded Action; the land of crazed fools looking to put their bodies on the line every night. Why is Griffith any different? He just so happens to have the tag ‘Father’ before his name…

Davis Ditterich:
That’s what scares me…




“Reckless Aggression” Antonio Marquez vs. Snap Dragon


Escorted, in menacing fashion, bringing forth confusion as to WHY these four are intertwined, by the scraggly combination of Teddy Powell, The Dreamweaver, and Violet, it’s rather obvious that Snap Dragon quickly controls the numbers game; a fact that often bodes well for any stepping into the dreaded confines of the DOA squared circle. While their connection has yet to be defined, the undertone of their collective misfit-like nature appears to be the unspoken truth that binds their existence.


The action itself carries the same outnumbered feel as Antonio Marquez looks to take-on all comers. While Snap Dragon is certainly enough to pull all attention, made known by his explosive in-ring approach, Marquez truly has his hands full as he’s also forced to deal with the presence of both Dreamweaver & Powell. As they grab at his heels, push at his back, and verbally berate him from ringside, the misfit faction continues to forge a psychological war with the newfound “Reckless Aggressor”.


At one point, sensing his patience had been lost long ago, Marquez is shown executing a breath-taking asai Moonsault square upon Teddy Powell; crashing violently into his long-time rival in a thunderous heap. Upon jumping back to his feet; however, Antonio is quickly cast BACK to the ground by a speedy Dreamweaver; slamming a double-armed closeline square across Marquez’s chest. With such a collision, feeling much like a speeding train destroying a close onlooker, it feels as though the reckless flier (Marquez) is only seconds from defeat…


Slid back into the ring by his rival, Marquez is barely able to stand as Snap Dragon takes to a nearby turnbuckle; squatting in a Japanese-inspired fashion as he looks to take flight. Shockingly, as unexpected as possible, given that Marquez appeared to be BARELY holding on seconds before, Antonio quickly erupts into action; speeding toward the perched Dragon in the process.


In one swift move, seamless really, Antonio Marquez displays his unrivaled sense of athleticism; leaping off of the middle rope, cementing on the top rope for a matter of a second, and then executing a top-rope Hurricanrana as the fiery Dragon still stands perched. Their dual impact is so impressive, so powerful, that it feels as though the squared circle shifts with their canvas collision. Seconds later, in a sign of great ring understanding, that or just sheer second-nature, Marquez is able to grab hold of one of Dragon’s legs upon impact; rolling up his opponent in the process.


To say that the Dungeon was shocked would be an understatement.


In a split second, it’s all said and done… Antonio Marquez had gone from depleted into full-on explosive action; ending their altercation with an unseen level of masterful athleticism.


Antonio Marquez in 10:03 via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Top-rope standing Hurricanrana; flash pinfall



Davis Ditterich:
In control at one moment, flat on his back only seconds later. THIS is the kind of action you can expect here in Deadly Overloaded Action!
[Excited; shown on his face]
WOW! Snap Dragon thought he had everything in his corner, even his mysterious allies were able to get involved, and YET, in one gusting wind of change, Antonio Marquez showed himself to be one HELL of an athlete! Did you see that? One jump and he was on the top rope; then a dive like no other!

Carl Batch:
It ain’t nothin’ but luck, Dee. He’s the same man; the same masked fool who allowed ‘the right thing’ to always hold him down. He ain’t NO different. He’s got you fooled, thinking he’s a ‘new man’, but he’s bound to fall behind yet again…

Davis Ditterich:
I just don’t see that happening, Carl. Antonio Marquez has become a new man, a man possessed, since he lost his mask.
[Looks to the ring; pauses with silence]
Wait a minute… What the HELL is THIS all about?




Antonio Marquez, Teddy Powell, The Dreamweaver, Snap Dragon, and Violet

… A 3-on-1 assault on Marquez …


[seconds after the matchup has come to a close, the terrifying tandem of Teddy Powell & The Dreamweaver are shown side-swiping Antonio Marquez as he rests his weight upon his knees; unaware that his attackers were impeding. Exhausted, the agent of recklessness is unable to put up much of a fight; succumbing to the onslaught brought forth by his rivals. In the end, Antonio Marquez is eventually left unconscious in the center of the squared circle; the victim of a 3-on-1 attack orchestrated by Teddy Powell, The Dreamweaver, and Snap Dragon. The lasting image being Teddy Powell planting his long-time rival with his dreaded finisher, “The Path to Redemption” (Sit-down Tombestone Piledriver), upon the already motionless Marquez.]




Davis Ditterich:
After all of that, putting forth one HELL of a show, Antonio Marquez is being gang-beaten by a bunch of… of… Misfits!

Carl Batch:
That’s professional wrestling… It’s a cruel… cruel… world…

Davis Ditterich:
None of these guys have been able to get it done one-on-one with Marquez so, now, they’ve resorted to a 3-on-1 beating. They should be ashamed of themselves…

Carl Batch:
I promise you they won’t; they’ll be too busy celebrating the destruction of Antonio Marquez… One way or another…




“All the Kings Men”

… Cracks forming …


[We transition backstage in which to witness the sight of the embattled DOA faction, “All the Kings Men”, standing within a darkened board room. Despite the gleaming oak executive table, equip with a number of black leather chairs neatly pressed about, no one appears interested in sitting; rather sprawled about the room in a way of keeping distance.]


[While cold, and somewhat alarming, such a collective environment is certainly not common within such a one-man-led faction. Since their inception, “All the Kings Men” have always been known as a whose-who of hitman. Their allegiance is certainly not with one another; in truth, their existence was entirely predicated by one man’s direction… that being “The Voice of Reason”. Without said voice present, cast off into a suspension by Arcadia, the ragtag collection of coldhearted warriors seemed, at least by their body language, physically unwilling to work with one another; made evident by the vast space between them all.]


[silence is all that is heard as each member stares down the other; snarling as if a fight could break out at any second. None the less, feeling that now may be HIS moment, HIS defining place in the sun now that his fearless leader is no longer present, the long-time aide of Eric Tyler, The Elder Statesman, slowly shuffles out into the middle of their shared space. With his right hand placed upon his chin, in a thinking like, philosophical manner, the profound statesman begins to speak to those faction-mates before him.]


The Elder Statesman:
The truth of the matter gentlemen is that Mr. Tyler is not coming back; at least not for quite some time. His drive, his determination, his destiny, is what brought us to this place; this alliance. Now, without his present, it seems rather foolish for us all to continue our unity; to push forward into a new day, a new era, of “All the Kings Men”. But you see, that’s exactly what THEY…
[slowly points behind him; keeping his focus on the men before him]
… That’s exactly what Arcadia wants from us; to crumble under our own weight. I say nay… I say we fight… I say… we make Mr. Tyler proud… So if you’ll follow me…


[before he can even finish such a phrasing, Rayne, the feared ‘muscle’ of the group, steps out from his stance against a nearby wall; pushing past Torment in the process. With a loud, roaring, tone, the brutish fighter quickly succumbs to his internal aggression as he explodes square in his faction-mates face.]


Are you f*cking kidding me? Follow… You?
[shakes his head; in disbelief]
Why the HELL would we EVER follow you?


[Dipping his head slightly, knowing such a statement may come, The Elder Statesman begins to speak once again; however, in a much more tempered tone than that of Rayne’s. In a way, the statesman feels much more like a gentlemen, in a way, even if vile in his focus, than that of the brutish Rayne.]


The Elder Statesman:
Arcadia has cut our head off by removing Mr. Tyler; there’s no denying that. However, why must we cower in fear now that we’ve seen him go? There are entities out there who can survive long past having their heads cut-off… We can be…


[Rayne interjects; throwing his hands up aggressively]


Right… Right… and follow you to our graves as well?
[shakes his head]
What the HELL have you EVER done for this group anyways; other than spout off about some ‘agenda’ that you’ve had with the next wave?


The Elder Statesman:
Well, young Rayne, I’ve…


: I don’t want to hear it… If you haven’t pulled your weight where it matters, in the ring, then I don’t think you know the FIRST THING about leading men; about crushing the competition. I, on the other hand, know EXACTLY what it takes to crush skulls; to get what I want when I want it. If ANYONE is going to follow ANYONE now that Tyler is gone… It’s going to be me…


[After saying such a statement, alpha in his tone as he puffs his chest out in a manly fashion, his grandiose stance is met by that of a snarling Torment; locking eyes with the loudly roaring Rayne.]


What the HELL do you want?


[A brief, yet intense, staredown follows as the two men lock eyes in a furious fashion. Meanwhile, sensing such carnage could unfold, The Elder Statesman steps forward; placing his hand on both Rayne & Torment as a way of cooling them down. Bad decision. With a violent shove, pushing the Elder Statesman off of his frame, Rayne shoves him square to the unforgiving floor. From there, everyone within the room, Torment, Acid ©, Mr. Morgan, and Rayne himself, all perk up in an aggressive manner in connection; sensing that the overall tone is turning rather violent in nature. With that said, Rayne begins to speak once again; however, while doing so, is met with the roaring eyes of the rest of his stable-mates; even the Elder Statesman as he slowly pulls himself back up while adjusting his suit once again.]


WHAT?!?! HUH?!?!
[Looks around]


[With that, shockingly, no one seems to inspire themselves into action. Instead, they all lock themselves within an overly intense staredown; one that leaves the feeling that ANYTHING could happen at ANY second. In the end, as the scene begins to fade to black, it’s rather obvious that the DOA faction, “All the Kings Men”, are severely treading toward the grounds of implosion; their own lack of direction as the ultimate culprit.]


[The final shot is that of every member of “All the Kings Men” staring down one another intensely; clenching their fists, their jaws, and their bodies, as it appears that a faction-wide fight may be on the verge of taking place.]




Davis Ditterich:
Trouble in paradise it seems…

Carl Batch:
It’s expected now that Mr. Tyler was wrongfully suspended by the dictators at Arcadia. I’ll tell ya though, I’d get behind that Rayne-cat… You see the fury in his eyes? Now THAT’S one bad a** fella…

Davis Ditterich:
He’s one hell of a competitor BUT I can’t see anyone following orders from that punk. I mean, honestly, he’d drive them all into the ground before they even had a chance to come up for air. Also, do you REALLY think that people like ACID, or TORMENT for that matter, will listen to someone OTHER than Tyler? Those guys are not like you and I; they don’t think with a rationale-like pattern. For some reason, they were willing to align with Tyler; however, I just don’t see it without him here… He WAS the glue to keep them together…

Carl Batch:
People will do crazy things when their backs are against the wall… I’ve seen it before and I’m sure I’ll see it again… It aint pretty…

Davis Ditterich:
I guess we’ll see what happens tonight: whether or not they can function as a unit against Johnny Vicious, Donte Dunn, and their mystery partner.




Mystery trio partner

… Who could it be? …


[A silhouette of a short, somewhat stocky, individual stands before the camera lens as presence is entirely shroud in mystery. Wrenching at his wrists, and bending his neck around in which to crack it, it appears as though said unknown figure is gearing up for a sense of action; a thought predicated further by the notion that our upcoming match holds a mysterious trio partner within it’s space. None the less, as we all frantically attempt to place the figure in motion, his long hair being his most obvious clue when stacked against the history of Deadly Overloaded Action, a faceless narrator begins to set the stage through the medium of his low, movie-production-like, voice.]


Video Narrator:
Cast from Deadly Overloaded Action by the manipulative hand of a once impenetrable authority, HE returns to the Dungeon, here tonight, to spark a triumphant return. Writing the wrongs set forth by the former “Voice of Reason”, Arcadia vows to ‘make things right’… Starting… with him…


[With that the shadowed silhouette becomes unmistakable as a powerful explosion of light overtakes the tight-shot scene. There, standing in his black and gold wrestling garb, stands the 2nd generation technition who was wrongfully forced into being fired during Season One; forced by the, once, manipulative hand of Eric Tyler. Here stands… Matthew Keith.]



Matthew Keith

… Brought back by Arcadia; teaming with Dunn & Vicious …


[Once trapped in a lose-lose situation, one that led to his inevitable firing, Matthew Keith has returned to Deadly Overloaded Action; thanks to the Arcadia network. All in all, with this in mind, the smirking youngster wrenches his wrist for the last time as he walks straight toward the camera lens; passing by as it’s expected that he’s walking toward the ring.]




Davis Ditterich:
[Laughs; claps his hands once in excitement]
Mathew Keith has RETURNED to Deadly Overloaded Action; thanks to Arcadia! What a HUGE surprise!

Carl Batch:
Huge? You call THAT huge?
[shakes his head]
This prissy, long-haired, little p*ssy-cat stands NO CHANCE in DOA. Truthfully, Eric did him a SERVICE by forcing him into being fired: I don’t think he’ll last a week here. I promise you that!

Davis Ditterich:
We’ll just see about that! Even with Tyler gone, for now, I’m sure Keith will be focused on gaining his revenge from “All the Kings Men”; as I would be as well. There’s no holding this guy back. He’s got the ability, the pedigree, and the smarts, to go a LONG WAY here in DOA. A REALLY long way!

Carl Batch:
Yea… All the way to the BACK of the unemployment line once he loses his job AGAIN…




Donte Dunn, Johnny Vicious, and Matthew Keith vs. Jeff Morgan, Rayne, and Torment

[3 vs 3 – First Pinfall Match]


It’s glaringly obvious that the members of “All the Kings Men” are loosely attached to one another; it’s apparent in their off-standish mannerisms. A group that was always cemented around one man, a man who is no longer present due to an indefinite suspension, these bruising three continue their tone set earlier in the night as they look just as much like budding rivals than lock-solid allies. None the less, it’s not like their opponents are all that aligned either…


Straight away, it feels much like a continuous tale we’ve come to expect here in Deadly Overloaded Action:
Johnny Vicious versus “All the Kings Men”.
The fiery, brutishly abusive, overtly animalistic warrior that is “The Blazing Red Demon” feels much like a one-man wrecking crew; snarling intensely as he accepts all comers to a vicious beatdown. More or less, the dysfunction within “All the Kings Men” plays heftily into Johnny’s hands; giving him the ability to standout like a whirlwind of violence.


The returning Matthew Keith, being showered with a moderate pop from the Deadheads in attendance, holds his own rather well; however, quickly becomes entrapped into war with the DOA Chokeout Champion; Torment. With this in mind, knowing his rival as he already does, Keith continually loses sight of the overall picture as he almost forms blinders much like a trained horse; only laying his eyes on one this (or in this case person) at a time. Despite a heroic return, one that is met rather gleefully by those within the Dungeon, Keith eventually finds his resurgence tempered by the equally destructive hand of Torment.


As for the infamous winner of the FIRST season of “So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?”, Donte Dunn finds himself locked in battle with Jeff Morgan most notably; attempting to regain his composure after a submission loss earlier this season. Sadly, though, despite possessing all of the natural athleticism in the world, the young Dunn still feels rather green in his approach. Bouncing, flinging, flying, and crashing, the “Barbadian Barbarian” eventually becomes nothing more than an example of Jeff Morgan’s masterful focus. With time, Dunn is immobilized by a string of maneuvers focused solely on Donte’s knee. Without his ability to fly, the young athlete becomes nothing more than easy prey.


In the end, one would think that Johnny Vicious’ rage-filled fury would be enough to slowdown an already tempered “All the Kings Men”…


In reality, they were their OWN undoing…


Stemming from their earlier altercation, Torment and Rayne continue to butt heads throughout the entire match. Without a glance, without a sign of working as one, the two, supposed, allies feel much more like a warring married couple of sorts. In the end, their growing psychological discomfort with one another practically explodes with chaos as Torment, the DOA Chokeout Champion, is shown decking Rayne square in the jaw; landing a furious haymaker that would send even the biggest heavyweight to the canvas.


The strike sends Rayne reeling, not expecting such a strike despite getting in Torment’s face, fighting over WHO would attempt a pinfall on Donte Dunn, as Johnny Vicious is able to tag himself in in a DOA Dungeon-rocking manner. Staggering, Rayne walks right into Vicious’ grasp; lifting him up and executing his signature “Vicious Circle” (360 Death Valley Driver) square in the center of the ring.


As the Dungeon explodes with excitement, Vicious quickly goes for a dramatic pinfall attempt.


With Jeff Morgan gripping the bottom rope; laying on the apron after being floored by a desperation Enziguri kick from a depleted Donte Dunn…


Also, with Torment steaming over his heated argument with Rayne, the vile champion is quickly subdued as well; knocked from the ring in his furious stupor by an unseen hangman’s closeline from the returning Matthew Keith… (A fact that has both men crashing heftily onto the cement floor below)…


The stage is set for Johnny Vicious to obtain a standard three count from the overtly dramatic hand of Eugene Williams. With every count, every strike, the referees body bounces off of the canvas with excitement as the DOA Deadheads quickly follow in return.


Johnny Vicious, Donte Dunn, and Matthew Keith in 8:14 via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Vicious Circle” (360 Death Valley Driver); with help from a shocking strike from Torment upon his partner, Rayne (following an argument).



Davis Ditterich:
If “All the Kings Men” are planning on STAYING as a faction, A LOT of work has yet to be done. Did you see these guys? The second Mr. Tyler is gone is the very second they seem to implode rather rapidly.

Carl Batch:
Therein lies the problem of “All the Kings Men”. These warriors are powerful on their own, some of the VERY BEST in the world, but as a faction they were always tied around their allegiance to “The Voice of Reason”. It’s obvious that they’ve NEVER been on the same page with one another; Tyler was the glue that kept them together… The iron-clad hand that held them as one. Without him, even I doubt they’ll be around for much longer…

Davis Ditterich:
I don’t know HOW you could with an outcome like tonight… Did you see that haymaker from Torment?
[Laughs; shocked as he shakes his head]
I thought Rayne’s head was going to fly off of his shoulders… Either way, BIG WIN for Vicious, Dunn, and the returning Keith! Signs of TROUBLE for “All the Kings Men”…







“The Motha-Funkers”

… A meeting of the minds; errr… a meeting …


[We transition backstage, once again, in which to see the highly-beloved “Motha-Funkers” standing in tandem in an undisclosed backstage hallway of the DOA Dungeon. While their pairing is still rather fresh, taking place in the opening episodes of Season Two, it seems as though they’ve assimilated quite well; seeming rather comfortable with one another.]


[Gleaming from head-to-toe with a hefty lathering of body-oils, the often controversial “Pecker-Wrecker” stands with his flowing white shirt unbuttoned from top-to-bottom; exposing his lean chest in the process. While he doesn’t necessarily possess the world’s greatest physique, Sparrow continues to project a sense of true comfort with wearing as little clothes as possible. In the end, I guess that just comes with the trade; being an adult-film star.]


[Opposite of Sparrow stands the Funkster himself in his typical, over-the-top, garb; looking like the cornellverse’s image of George Clinton. With his body seemingly energized, much like a coke-addict riling up with excitement, the dread-lock-wearing Funkster appears to be in rare-form; strutting in place as he appears to be humming, rather loudly, some ambiguous funk track.]


[Watching his newfound partner gyrate around their shared space, Sparrow cracks a lofty smirk in connection; eyeing up what’s before him as he slowly begins to speak in his typical, sly, manner.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow:
Are you singing….
[Listens in closer; smirking]
is that ‘Mary had a little lamb’?


[sparrow leans back; somewhat shocked as he laughs the fact off. Meanwhile, The funkster continues to gyrate around the deserted hallway with crazed pride… humming in a grandiose manner the entire time. Almost like you would expect from a wirey homeless man.]


Cannonball Funk:
[singing; gyrating around]
His fleece was white as snow…


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow:
I could tell ya something that’s as white as snow… It comes from my pants…


[Without skipping a beat, the gyrating Funkster yells out in response; speaking within a line or two of his humming. Meanwhile, Sparrow continues to lean back on a nearby wall; almost begging for people to stare at his crotch. Then again, it’s hard not to when he wears nothing but black leather shorts everywhere he goes.]


Cannonball Funk:
That aint an accomplishment, Brotha,.. That’s an STD…


[C*cking his head to the side as if to say “Well, I guess you’re right”, Sparrow smirks in his typical smug-fashion. Meanwhile, his partner continues to dance around their space; not skipping a beat following his last statement.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow:
Oh, believe me, it WAS an accomplishment… Did I ever tell you about my weekend in Singapore?


[Matty smirks devilishly; thinking back on that time in a comical fashion.]


Cannonball Funk:
Ya didn’t have too… It’s all over the internet…


[The Funkster continues to dance around like a madman as his dread-locks slam into his body from every which way. Meanwhile, still smirking like a jack-a$$, Sparrow continues forward with the real meat of their segment.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow:
Speaking of ON the internet… Tonight… After I slap around Mr. Black like 2-dollar wh*re that he is, I plan on celebrating my win with a number of nice ladies…
[smirks; knocks his sunglasses back down over his head in a ‘I’m cool’ kind of fashion.]
Ringing in my winning ways with the taping of my LATEST film… “Pretty-Pretty-Bang-Bang”… It should go down… in history…


“Peerless” Greg Black:
Just like you’re career…



“Peerless” Greg Black

… Crashing the party …


[With that, the camera lens pans out slightly to see Matty Sparrow’s opponent for tonight, “Peerless” Greg Black, walking onto the scene; strolling rather lazily in the process. The sheer site of Mr. Black inspires Matty to step away from the wall he once leaned upon; flipping his sunglasses upward in which to lock-eye-to-eye with his long-time rival over Season one. In this moment, it’s almost as if these two never stepped away from one another. Visions of their warring past fills our collective mind as Sparrow & Black create a short staredown exchange; one that leaves a devilish smirk upon Sparrow’s face throughout.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow:
My career is quite… engorged… Thank you… YOU on the other hand…
[Tisk-Tisk noise is heard]
… It looks like you’re having some troubles… staying erect on your feet with Acid…


“Peerless” Greg Black:
Funny, coming from a greasy weasel who hasn’t even sniffed the main event in some time…
[smirks in return; sending a jab in the process]
You can fantasize about tonight all you want but the truth of the matter is… You aint peerless… and you never will be…


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow:
Oh, but neither are you… Mr… Black…
[Looks him up and down; smirks]
And there’s no need for fantasy with me... I ALWAYS get mine…


[A heated staredown, filled with an underlying sense of intensity, follows as the two appear to be ready for an all-out brawl here tonight; one that’s in-line with their previous altercations. Staring, smirking in defiance, and creating a tone that neither like one another, the scene is quickly broken of it’s intensity as we realize that the Funkster hasn’t stopped dancing the entire time. In the background, he’s seen gyrating around their shared space with a sense of pure-joy radiating from his every move.]


Cannonball Funk:
Damn you, Marry… I’m diggin’ on your jam!


[The scene is slowly fading to black with the sight of Cannonball Funk dancing around like a mad-man; his typical trademark. Meanwhile, Greg Black has slowly pulled himself away from his long-time rival in Matty Sparrow. However, as he slowly back peddles away, it appears that both are unwilling to take their eyes off of one another. That said, their intensity is slightly masked by the overtly greasy smile radiating off of Sparrow’s face; the kind that makes you distrust who ever utilizes it in the process.]


[Almost fading to black, we now witness a far vision off in the distance; all the way down to the end of the hall. While it’s almost impossible to see, as the vision is rather blurred due to the sheer distance from the initial shot, it appears that said vision is none other than the DOA Champion himself, Acid.]



Acid ©

… In the distance …


[standing in a hunched, predatory, kind of fashion, the DOA Champion snarls from afar; watching his prey gyrate around like an injured fawn. His body rising, and falling, with his every breath, Acid looks much like a mythical beast than anything else; a man who appears to be completely removed from the realities of this world. Instead, standing much like savage beast; fixated on his prey from afar.]




Davis Ditterich:
The stage is set… Sparrow… Black! While we’ve seen this matchup before, as these two spent most of last season ripping into one another, tonight’s altercation is bound to bring with it the one thing most professional wrestlers covet… Bragging rights!

Carl Batch:
I just hope they both knock eachother out… these cats, with their petty, married-like, bickering is getting on my last nerve…

[silence is heard for a second; witnessing the sight of Acid in the background]

Davis Ditterich:
is that?

Carl Batch:
It looks like Acid is stalking his prey from afar…

Davis Ditterich:
Tonight is a HUGE NIGHT for the “Motha-Funkers”; it’s rather obvious! Which, if either, can come away with a big-time singles victory tonight? I can’t WAIT to see what happens…




Citizen X
w/ The Moral Majority
w/ OTA


The sheer hatred on Citizen X’s face tells of a man whose been ‘re-born’; not in the way you would think though. Constantly seen as a comedic figure within “The Moral Majority” during season one, X has found himself becoming increasingly aggressive as the episodes have gone forth in Season Two. Now, with his former moralist no longer present in DOA, freakishly injured during a previous matchup with KAZUMA, and the fact that a new, more hardlined, voice has taken over the Moral cause, X looks, and feels, like an emotionally charged man with an axe to grind.


In contrast, KAZUMA appears to be STILL suffering psychologically from what happened last week; putting Mainstream Hernandez, accidentally, through the ringside commentary table at the close of their altercation. His mannerisms are much more meek; his demeanor much more sunken. A man once known for his grand tranquility looks like a broken figure on the verge of losing it all.


After attempting to, again, like last week, apologize for his actions, psychologically scarred from what happened, KAZUMA is instantly met with a heavy-handed punch square to the jaw; one that leaves KAZ reeling as he dramatically stumbles into a nearby turnbuckle corner. With one simple “There’s your so-called ‘KARMA’” statement, demeaning in it’s tone, X stands afar; shaking his head in defiance as a look of pure hatred still resides upon his face. KAZUMA, slowly pulling himself up, knows that it’s time to get back into the ‘game of it’; however, still shows that he is mentally on shaken ground after what transpired last week. He attempts to apologize yet again, more subdued in nature this time; however, is quickly met, again, with the same fate. After this strike, as KAZUMA slowly looks up at his striker, pain residing upon his face, X aggressively shouts square in his direction: “You will BURN for your SIN!”


As you can expect, this kind of nature continues throughout the match: Citizen X exploding both physically and verbally as KAZUMA attempts to engage in their exchange in a tempered fashion (Obviously not all ‘there’ as he continues to struggle with the sight of his actions last week).


With time, as their heated altercation continues to administer a level of aggression unseen by X in the past, the actual in-ring action becomes much more standard in the process; utilizing a fast-paced, in-your-face, modern-based approach all together. That said, while their exchange is entirely something to applaud, it’s the heated words from X that ultimately leave an unsettling tone within it all.


Then again, not as unsettling as what is to come…


Aggressively ripping a microphone from the nearby ring announcer, the newfound leader of the Moral Cause, Father Griffith, is shown pacing back toward the ringside area; gearing himself up for a heated sermon by the looks of his face. Snarling, crunching his face, and pacing, this viciously uncensored hell-fire-and-brimstone preacher lays directly into KAZUMA from outside of the ring ropes; creating a distraction as the match continues to unfold.




Father Griffith:
… And he said to the LORD… “Why must I vanquish the heathens of this world”? “Why must I risk harm in which to protect the almighty when HE is powerful enough to SMITE them all”? … “Why MUST I cast those sinners to the burning flames of their own making”? “Is that not YOUR job?” He waited many nights, many evenings, even grew tired, grew weary, but in the end was given this message…
[Looks to KAZUMA; straight in his eye as he lay on the canvas to get up]
“You smite the heathens, you force them to the flames of hell, because YOU are a soldier of GOD…”. You see, KAZUMA, WE are soldiers of GOD… Last week, you gravely injured one of HIS soldiers… For that… YOU… WILL… BURN…”


With that statement, KAZUMA stops in his tracks, as most would under such a statement, regardless of your religion/philosophy; however, such a fact only gives Citizen X the ultimate opportunity to floor his opponent; landing a hard jab to the back of KAZUMA’s body and flinging him backward with a suspended reverse Suplex. The impact is so destructive, so body-jolting, that KAZUMA quickly goes limp. Saddened, yet not one to overtly exercise his frustrations, OTA simply shakes his head in silence; staring upon the final outcome as Citizen X scores a controversial pinfall due to the help of his vile prophet, Father Griffith.


Citizen X in 7:43 via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Reverse Suplex; distraction from Father Griffith on the microphone



Davis Ditterich:
Why didn’t someone cut his microphone? I believe in free speech; however, that was simply uncalled for. People like Jack Griffith are truly the reason why this world has become as disgusting these days…

Carl Batch:
That’s FATHER Griffith…

Davis Ditterich:
I refuse to call him under that name; he doesn’t deserve the title…

Carl Batch:
Better watch ya self, Dee, or you’ll be the NEXT one to Burn…
[smirks arrogantly]

Davis Ditterich:
I’m not afraid of him; or any of his so-called ‘Moralists’. Their cause, while maybe sound in basic form, has become an uncomfortable call for extinction of anyone NOT under their ‘ideal’. I SIMPLY will NOT stand for it… Arcadia, you know what you have to do! I don’t care if he JUST came onto the scene… Release Jack Griffith, silence the Moralists, or potentially lose ALL decency here in Deadly Overloaded Action…

Carl Batch:
Arcadia can’t stop divine projection…
[smirks; kicks back in his seat a little]
They’ll have a lawsuit waiting on their desks so fast that the network will be forced to shut themselves down. I promise you, Dee, these cats aint goin nowhere… I, for one, can’t WAIT to see what they do here in Deadly Overloaded Action. Hernandez was dead-weight… With him gone, the Moral Majority WILL be the DOA Death Defying Duo Champions in NO-TIME… You can COUNT on that…

Davis Ditterich:
The scary thing is… I think they ARE the #1 contenders still… even with Hernandez gone…
[shivers with frustration]
GOD, I hope not…




The Moral Majority

… Post-match celebration …


[back-peddling up the steel-grated rampway, keeping their eyes fixated on KAZUMA & OTA within the torture-chamber that is the DOA squared circle, the Moral Majority projects a sense of profound arrogance within their every step. With Father Griffith in the center, c*cking his head backward slightly in a wise kind of manner, arching his eyebrows in a tempered fashion, the foursome continually administers further psychological jabs directed solely upon the DOA Death Defying Duo Champions; their long-time, and recently re-inspired, rivals.]


[As the sadly submissive pairing of Grace and Prudence practically hide within the background, entirely overtaken by the powerful display of arrogant grandeur before them, the intensely-wound zealot faction exits the DOA Dungeon just as they entered it: projecting nothing but an unsettling tone of divinity-inspired persecution.]




Davis Ditterich:
These guys really think they ARE holier than thou…

Carl Batch:
Shouldn’t they? I mean, these cats have a priest in their midst; can’t get much holier than that.

Davis Ditterich:
Are you really THAT blind to what’s going on?

Carl Batch:
Nah, I just ‘aint as quick to jump to the drama as you are…

Davis Ditterich:
I’m keeping my eyes on these guys; as you would say… I promise you that…

Carl Batch:
Watch yaself… I’ll have my lawyers on you’re a$$ in no time if you keep rippin’ my stuff…




“Peerless” Greg Black
w/ The Arcadia Security Team
vs. Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow

[season One Grudge Match Revisited]


Their stare seems rather comfortable; yet entirely focused on the task at hand. No strangers to one another, laying into each other rapidly during Season One, these two long-time rivals stretched, jaw-jacked, and posed their way through the opening presentation. While it may seem like neither took the other seriously, in a sense as a serious threat, their grandiose showing actually projects quite the opposite; both want this win and they want it bad. Their paths have been intertwined for quite some time and, at this point, both men are looking for a momentum-surging victory in tonight’s secondary main event.


After the initial showmanship scenarios subside, the action came straight down to business; exploding into existence with a collar-and-elbow-tie-up that would later inspire the DOA warriors to utilize the nearby ring ropes as catapults of sorts; flinging themselves, and the other, in the process of speeding up their altercation to a feverish pitch. Back-and-forth they collide with one another, employing anything in their arsenal to keep the other at bay, as everything feels rather ‘brawl-based’; at least in theory. More punches, closelines, kicks, and high impact strikes, are used than chain-combinations of sorts. In reality, it should really come as no shock though as, when faced with such a rival, one often resorts to brawling in hopes of pummeling the other into submission.


Not to mention, as much of a colorful character that he is, constantly jaw-jacking as he makes sexual gestures/statements to all involved, the knock on Matty Sparrow has always been his inability to really ‘wrestle’. He’s a strong flier, and plays a generic porn-star rather well, but, truthfully, when faced with someone like Greg Black, a striking based approach is entirely his best bet at victory. Strike and dive; that’s his motto.


Despite seeming like the less oiled machine of the two, the infamous “Pecker-Wrecker” truly DOES hold his own in their altercation; putting forth a great deal of effort as he’s well aware that he’s NEVER defeated his rival in action before. That said, even with that in mind, the constant degenerate is barely able to remove his mind from the gutter for very long; leaving room for error as his deterred focus is often his most consistent undoing.


Even with his lingering focus, Matty Sparrow ultimately finds himself in the driver’s seat toward the waning seconds of the matchup.


Rushing a staggering Greg Black, put in such a condition by a full-body-swinging European Uppercut, Sparrow quickly steps in his opponents direction; signaling his signature move (“Testicular Thrashing”) seconds before he explodes into motion.






Sparrow goes for the first strike of his signature combination; that being a straight kick to the groin…




Greg Black sidesteps Sparrow’s strike; turning his momentum into a twisting side-russian-leg-sweep!


The impact is so fluid that, for a second, everyone in attendance questions what really just happened. Meanwhile, sucking for air, put in such a position by the hefty blow upon his back by the Russian leg sweep, Sparrow coughs like a medical patient; slowly pulling himself back to his feet. Within seconds, as Black springs back upward onto his feet, restoring that continual spring in his step, the match ultimately comes to a climactic close…


Sparrow’s up…

Staggers back around to face Black; still coughing…


“Black Out”! (Standing Suplex/Stunner Combo)


In a matter of a few seconds, it was all said and done. Sparrow put forth an inspired effort; however, was simply not enough for the man many claim to be “Peerless”. Tonight, as he slowly pulls himself from the canvas, at least when stacked against his opponent, Matty Sparrow, Mr. Black remains exactly that… “Peerless”.


Greg Black in 9:06 via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Black Out” (Standing Suplex/Stunner Combo)



Davis Ditterich:
So it continues; Tonight. Matty Sparrow wanted nothing more than to beat his long-time rival; to finally put a win in his column. However, it was his own inability to play the match ‘straight’ that ultimately was his great downfall; as always. This guy NEEDS to take his head out of his pants if he EVER wants to climb past the point he’s at now…

Carl Batch:
He can’t and he won’t. Sparrow’s a ‘gutter rat’; he aint movin’ any closer to the top of the singles ranks as he once was. His best bet is with Funk; however, even that’s a shot in the dark with these two clowns…

Davis Ditterich:
While your tone, I don’t agree with, I DO agree with you on one thing… Funk and Sparrow have both tried the singles ranks and both have shown that there is something MORE that they need to get to the top. With that said, I’m mighty shocked by how well they’ve meshed as “The Motha-Funkers”. As singles stars they may be in need of work but as a Death Defying Duo; they seem to be well on their way…




Greg Black + The Arcadia Security Team

… Sending a message; post-match …


[With Matty Sparrow laying heftily upon his back, dead-weight if you will, Greg Black is shown slowly pulling himself back to his feet; doing so in a determined manner. His every mannerism, even down to his confident stare into the nearby camera lens positioned outside of the ring, speaks of a man who is intensely picking up steam in every fashion possible. Gone is the, almost, comical arrogance that he once portrayed; still present but now shown with a more determined streak. Here is a man, once embarrassed, once fearful of what a loss meant to his tag (“peerless”), now standing before us with a sense of true focus; almost hell-bent on something…]


[While looking deep into the nearby camera lens, Mr. Black gives the universal motion for ‘title belt’ as he seamlessly projects his message in an uncharacteristic fiery kind of fashion. Meanwhile, while said statement is delivered, a slew of black-shirt-wearing Arcadia security members begin to pile into the squared circle; standing behind him as they cross their arms while on duty.]


[Why are they present? No one really knows; even Greg Black. That said, the “Peerless One” doesn’t seem to bat an eye at their presence in this very moment (as he normally does). Instead, he seems entirely focused on the camera lens before him; speaking, in what seems like, an impromptu statement of sorts.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
Your reign of terror is coming to an end, Acid… Your belt, your undefeated streak, will all be mine… All of it…


[With that, Greg Black administers a long staredown with the camera lens; almost as if he were envisioning his rival, Acid, directly before him. This intensely-wound, entirely determined, tone would continue for quite some time before “Rapid Assault” fades into a well-designed commercial break. The final image being that of Greg Black setting a more determined tone for himself; meanwhile, the mysterious presence of the Arcadia Security team continues to reside in the background… always in the background with, and with only, Black…]




Davis Ditterich:
I’ve never seen Greg Black like this before. There’s no smirk, no pop to his step, he looks like a man whose hell-bent on something… focused to a “T”…

Carl Batch:
It’s Acid… He wants Acid, and his belt,… but he should be careful what he wishes for! I’m sure he remembers what happened last time they came together; we all remember. He couldn’t get the job done. What makes him think he can do it now?

Davis Ditterich:
It’s a fair question; given Black’s recent history with Acid. Either way, though, I wouldn’t mind seeing another go-around… Free of Eric Tyler. Acid… Greg Black… DOA Championship… It’s become a common theme as of late but one that I’m entirely okay with…

Carl Batch:
It’ll end the same exact way, Dee… This cat doesn’t have what it takes…







Acid vs. Cannonball Funk


The Funkster has a gift. Well, maybe not a ‘gift-gift’, as some would think, but he certainly obtains the ability to distance himself from reality. Here he is, decked out flamboyantly like a 70’s Funk Rocker, right down to the psychedelic gaze upon his over-animated face, and it’s almost as if he carries no fear in his frame; even with someone as menacing, as hellish, as truly violent, as the DOA Champion standing before him. More or less, despite the obvious carnage that potentially lay at his dancing feet, The Funkster continues forth in his typical manner; over-joyed, loud, and gyrating like a comedic showman as he projects a ‘larger than life’ persona.


Across from him, there’s no such showman…

No such gyration…

No such pure happiness…


In reality, there’s nothing there but a deeply cold-hearted, intensely vile, rabidus monster on the verge of sinking it’s predatory grasp upon another, unlucky, victim…


Straight away, from the very start of our Main Event, this narrative slams violently on the TV screen as if it were impossible to deny. Funk, the consummate crowd-pleaser, fused a celebratory approach with a smile-inspiring sense of flashiness; feeling much larger than he really is in the process. In contrast, the brutal DOA Champion projected an air of savage aggression at every turn; slamming his body, his arms, legs, and body-crushing maneuvers, square into Funk’s gyrating frame. As one would expect, given such a layout, while the fans would quickly stand behind Funk, cheering along with his crazed antics, it was Acid’s uber-violent approach that ultimately set the tone throughout.


Even with that in mind, though, Funk holds his own rather explosively. Sadly, as time moved forward, his sudden bursts of excitement would almost instantly temper due to his wandering focus; always looking to celebrate post-maneuver. A dance, while humorous to say the least, can certainly gain you attention; however, will hardly ever leave a savage opponent guessing.


For those who expected The Funkster to simply roll over, you certainly had another thing coming. At a number of given moments, it looked as though the depleted funk-rocker was on the verge of an absolutely shocking victory. That said, after each attempt all thoughts of victory would come crashing to a halt; quickly thrown out of thought as the undefeated Champion continued to show why he’s held with such grandeur in Deadly Overloaded Action.


Top rope elbow drop from Funk… Not enough; kick out at 2.

Top rope Tornado DDT from Funk… Still not enough; Kick out at 2.

An attempted “Funk You” (Top Rope Legdrop)… Missed as Acid rolls out of the way at the last second.


No matter what he attempted, The Funkster was simply unable to subdue the beast. In turn; however, the grandiose challenger was able to inspire much the same…


Top rope fireman’s carry from Acid… Not enough; kick out at 2.

Top rope Moonsault from Acid… Not enough as Funk’s leg is draped on the bottom rope; kick out at 2 ½

Triple DDT combo from Acid… Not enough; kick out at 2 ½


It felt as though NO ONE would walk away with the victory, a shocking feat for the often comical Cannonball Funk, as Acid is truly the ‘benchmark’, or beyond, in DOA,…


That was until then…


With Acid staggering in the ring, slowly pulling himself to his feet after a dance-laced striking combination from Funk, the gyrating challenger found himself stepping out onto the apron; practically bouncing with absolute excitement as he awaits his chance ‘to fly’.


The Dungeon is rocking with the potential of a Funkster win…


Cannonball Funk buys into the notion that much more, with the crowd at his back as much as they are, as he looks back and celebrates such a notion…


Acid is now on his feet; however, appearing as if he’s on his last leg… entirely depleted.


Cannonball Funk leaps from the apron onto the top rope ring; diving outward for what appears to be a Hurricanrana attempt…


“ACID RAIN BOMB”!!!!!!! (Sit-down powerbomb)


As Funk connects with the savage DOA Champion, wrapping his legs around his head in a Hurricanrana-like fashion, Acid is shown quickly regaining his full composure; slamming his opponent downward in a match-shifting reversal into his finishing maneuver.


The DOA Dungeon, once shaking with excitement, quickly gasps for air in connection as it truly feels as though the air has been sucked from the room…


A simple three count later and it was all said and done.


The DOA Deadheads are booing like mad; a small smattering of said fans actually clapping for either A) the match itself or B) crossover fans cheering for Acid (Heel).


The DOA Dungeon is locked in a sense of shock.


Cannonball Funk is motionless in the center of the ring.


Meanwhile, the DOA Champion, and STILL undefeated DOA warrior (in singles competition), Acid, is shown slowly dragging himself to his feet; looking out upon the booing masses with a menacing snarl that would turn even the most alpha of men leery. Hunched, in an animalistic manner, the Savage champion practically bites at Eugene’s hand as he attempts to raise his hand; forcing the DOA’s head referee to quickly stammer away in shock.


Acid in 12:02 via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Acid Rain Bomb” (Sit-down powerbomb)



Davis Ditterich:
What… A… Match!! To be honest, I didn’t think the Funkster had that in him…

Carl Batch:
Had WHAT in him? He lost!
[Laughs; shakes his head]
You people and your ‘moral victories’. This cat got his ass-kicked here tonight… He may have scored a pinfall or two here and there but he wasn’t CLOSE to picking up the win. In the end, all the matters is the last 3 seconds of the match… Who is on top… who is on the bottom… That’s it…

Davis Ditterich:
Are you meaning to tell me that Funk didn’t impress you AT ALL? Not even a bit?

Carl Batch:
Oh sure… The cat can dance…
[smirks; rolls his eyes lazily for a second]

Davis Ditterich:
Some people you just can NEVER win over I guess…
[Changes pace]
No matter what, though, the DOA Champion is STILL undefeated; a feat that is certainly in need of applause regardless of how you feel about the man… err… whatever it is that he is…

Carl Batch:
Put it in the record books, Acid will NEVER lose a match here in Deadly Overloaded Action… I promise you that…

Davis Ditterich:
At this rate, beating all the best of the best up until now, one has to wonder if you’re right…




Acid © + Eugene Williams

… Post-match celebration …


[With Cannonball Funk lying motionless below, broken, bruised, and potentially bleeding internally from his deadly descent, his vile attacker slowly rises from the canvas floor. Vicious in his stare, primal in his stance, the DOA Champion stands before the booing DOA Deadheads with a predatory snarl still, as always, residing upon his face. Meanwhile, fearful of the victor, knowing the vile hell he can bestow upon any man, Eugene Williams is shown attempting to raise Acid’s hand in a careful fashion. In the end, no such action happens as, as Williams goes to raise the victor’s hand, Acid practically snaps back at him in a show of fear-driving manipulation; staring directly upon him as he practically roars in his face. With such taking place, such a unsettling snap of nature, Mr. Williams quickly staggers backward; diving out of the ring in a “I need to protect myself” kind of manner. With his descent, that leaves Acid, the animalistic gladiator himself, standing all by his lonesome within the ring; snarling as he looks out upon the booing DOA Deadhead masses.]


[Feeling much like a scene based out of ancient Rome, the blood-thirsty Deadheads shower the victor with a level of extreme disdain; unhappy with the outcome of tonight’s gladiator-like affair. None the less, their hatred, their disdain, only seems to fuel the DOA Champion that much more. Hearing, feeling, and sensing such despise, Acid soaks it all inward; as if it were granting him extra strength from tonight’s outcome.]


[As Acid extends his arms outward in a warrior-like fashion, roaring to the heavens like a predator, the closing segment takes an unseen turn; as many felt that this image would be the last thing seen on this episode.]



“Peerless” Greg Black + The Arcadia Security Team

… Interrupting Acid; wanting a re-shot …


[With the bumping sound of a darker-toned rap theme overtaking the DOA Dungeon, one that speaks of ‘crushing the haters’, “The Peerless One” himself, Greg Black, is shown shuffling through the DOA Dungeon gateway equip with a smug expression upon his face; almost as if to say “bravo” in a dismissive fashion. Meanwhile, as he takes his final steps outward, staying a far distance from his rival, the sight of the mysterious Arcadia Security Team makes their presence known. While it’s obvious that Black knows they are there, it looks like he doesn’t have any sort of affiliation with them; as if they had shown up shortly before he stepped through the curtain. None the less, as he stands atop the steel-grated rampway, the unsung #1 contender to Acid’s DOA Championship stands in defiance of his long-time rival; weirdly protected, it seems, by the network’s own security team in the process.]


[Microphone in hand, Greg slowly begins to address the champion himself as his theme begins to subside in the background; lost behind the Deadhead’s reaction. Meanwhile, Acid has already turned his full-attention toward the impeding Black. With an intense snarl upon his face, much like many of his DOA brethren hold, the DOA Champion appears to be on the verge of exploding with rage; not entirely done with his violence for tonight it seems…]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
Bravo… Bravo…
[Nods his head; claps a few times as he holds the very smug look upon his face]
You know, I knew you had it in you, as I’ve seen it first hand, but that…
[Nods his head; looking down for a second]
… that was a wrestling clinic there… Bravo you damn freak…


[black smirks slightly as Acid seems to roar slightly more with aggression; stemming from such a backhanded sense of props. None the less, with a bounce in his step, Mr. Black looks back upon his long-time rival in which to continue his address.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
But, you see, I’m not out here to float your ego; I’m not here to ‘bask’ in what you’ve accomplished here in Deadly Overloaded Action. It’s true, you’re the ONLY DOA Champion we’ve ever known. You’re sitting at, what, 14-15-17-0? That’s quite the feat BUT there’s one thing that I just can’t get past… throughout all of that, through the wins, the dominations, the hell you’ve created, there is ONE MAN who has pinned you in the past… That man… is me…


[The Deadheads roar with excitement as Greg Black relays an arrogant smirk; an “I got you” kind of fashion. Meanwhile, Acid, not entirely happy by such, is seen practically tearing the ring rope before him apart in a show of absolute aggression.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
Now, it wasn’t in singles competition but it was a legit… 1…2…3… There’s no way around that. So, as everyone has called my “Peerless” nature into question, pointing toward our cage match as the reason they’ve lost faith, we all must keep something in mind… and that’s that I can beat this motha-f*cking-beast!


[The DOA Dungeon roars with excitement. Meanwhile, Acid and Black engage in a heated staredown thereafter. Fixated on one another, Black knows that he’s getting under Acid’s skin with every passing statement; which is exactly his motive.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
I’m sick and damn tired of being told that I’ve lost it… that you took the “Peerless” from my name. I know, these people know, and you sure as hell know, deep down in that cavern of evil that you call your heart, that I… can…beat…you; and I will NOT REST until I’ve made that point very… clear! You may have a snarling mug that would scare most girl-scouts but it doesn’t scare me; not in the slightest. You may have crushed others in the past, leaving them as a walking shell of their former selves, but you didn’t break me… I’m still standing. So, lets cut the crap… let’s cut the bull-sh*t… let’s cut the ‘cute crap’ and just get straight to the point…


[The crowd is practically eating out of Black’s hand as he stands in a broad manner; staring down his rival in an alpha-kind of fashion. Everything about his stance tells of a man whose rolling rather strongly. Meanwhile, in contrast, Acid appears as though he may be violently exploding from within; snarling, roaring, and yelling in Black’s direction.]


“Peerless” Greg Black:
I want you, for the title, NEXT WEEK on DOA “Rapid Assault”…
[Crowd pops]
If you win then I’ll be forced to accept that I am no longer “Peerless”; that I am no longer the man I think that I am. However, if I beat you, taking the gold, and that streak of yours with me, then there will be no doubt in anyone’s mind that I am THE greatest figure in Deadly Overloaded Action history. Not you, not Tyler, not Vicious, no one… but… ME! So what do you say? Huh? What do you say you creepy, crawling, little monster-b*tch?


[before Acid could even respond, as the Deadheads roar with excitement, the scene is quickly interrupted by the vision of the shadowed Arcadia executive projected on the video tron above Black’s head.]



Unknown Arcadia Executive

… Laying down the law …


[shadowed, and disguised, both physically and vocally, the unknown Arcadia Executive appears to be seated behind a lark oak desk; one that screams of self-importance. Meanwhile, the only thing that can be seen is their hands positioned politely on said desk below; calm in their sight but ominous all together. Although disguised by the blanketing darkness, it becomes rather obvious, in this moment, that these are the hands of a female. With that in mind, as said female executive begins to address the situation, a fact that both startles Acid & Black by the sheer fact that they didn’t know such was about to happen, it seems rather shocking that the new, unknown, executive stepping in to fill the void of “The Voice of Reason” appears to be that of a female; not the brutish male figure we often envision when it comes to Professional Wrestling.]


Unknown Arcadia Executive:
Gentlemen, before you go too far, I must first inform you that neither of you have the power to dictate such a match. With the suspension of Mr. Tyler, Arcadia is making more of a concerted effort to police Deadly Overloaded Action; to ensure that we no longer suffer from the ‘wild-wild-west’ mentality that once plagued our program. It is our belief that, while we applaud your zest for a challenge, Mr. Black, that it is in your best interest if WE [Arcadia] set the playing field. This way, things are done fairly, accurately, and at their fullest potential.


[shocked, Greg Black appears to be outwardly unhappy with what’s being said by the ominous Arcadia Executive; showing his distaste rather easily in his agitated mannerisms. After practically pouring his heart out, riling up Acid in the process, “The Peerless One” looks as though he’s quickly losing his ease; fearing that his championship opportunity may be derailing at every passing second.]


Unknown Arcadia Executive:
This is why we have decided to implement a one-night tournament entitled
“Survival of the Fearless”.




In DOA’s first-ever pay-per-view event, shown LIVE on the Saturday following next week’s broadcast of “Rapid Assault”, we will all witness the crowning of a sound, unrivaled, #1 contender to Acid’s DOA Championship. At that point, there will be no denying who the rightful challenger will be as they would have torn through 15 other DOA Warriors to accept such a wonderful right. Now, Mr. Black, we know that you believe yourself to be the #1 contender at this point, and while you HAVE shown us greatness up until now, we must inform you that, in which to via for the title you so desperately want, against the man you so desperately want to defeat, you’ll have to come away with nothing short of victory in 2 weeks… Truthfully, we have nothing but the utmost belief that you will, certainly, be the front-runner as to WHO may walk out in victory!


[Even while receiving a complement of sorts, Greg is unable to hide the extreme annoyance running throughout his slender frame. Shaking his head, mouthing to himself “this is ridiculous”, and starting to pace, “The Peerless One” shows every sign of discontent as the Arcadia Executive sits in a stoic manner within the darkness; all projected above on the video tron. Meanwhile, with no real difference in his demeanor, the DOA Champion, Acid, continues to rage outwardly; a sign that, no matter what the situation is, he’s most certainly going to carry out his life as such.]


Unknown Arcadia Executive:
At the end of the day, we here at Arcadia are focused on delivering THE greatest wrestling action this industry has EVER seen. While our competitors speak of change, we are giving it to you, every week, on a silver platter; giving you change, giving you evolution, giving you… overloaded action.
With our employed “Voice of Reason” on the sidelines, placed there by his own selfish destruction, it is imperative that we, Arcadia, keep Deadly Overloaded Action sailing strongly through rough seas. In the end, this tournament is only phase 1 of our changes as we dedicate ourselves to all things DOA. Gentlemen, allow me to apologize for interfering with your little moment but… As you may expect now, we couldn’t have you move any further for the “Survival of the Fearless” tournament is coming, live on Pay-Per-View, one week from this Saturday… That is all. Thank you.


[With that, just as she mysteriously appeared on the video screen, the unknown Arcadia Executive disappears into the darkness for which blankets her; leaving a stunned DOA Dungeon in which to pick up the pieces of what just happened. Not so crazily, the overlying shock doesn’t appear to ONLY be affecting the DOA Deadheads in attendance but also the very man who attempted to gain a re-shot only seconds ago, “Peerless” Greg Black.]


[storming off the set, obviously unhappy about the decision, “Peerless” practically tears through the DOA Dungeon Gateway; exploding into the back in the process. In connection, the mysteriously employed Arcadia Security Team soon follows close behind as the also exit the scene; most certainly to catch back up with Mr. Black (as they have been exclusively recently).]


[The final images of “Rapid Assault” is that of Acid standing in the center of the ring as he holds the DOA Championship firmly in his right hand. The strap lays limp, the gold gleaming off of the shining lights from above, as the symbol of his dominance fuses quite well with his consistent celebratory stance; arms wide open as he roars to the heavens in a gladiator-esque kind of manner. Meanwhile, there is no Greg Black, no unknown Arcadia Executive, to be seen. Just Acid defying the chorus of boos before him; flexing aggressively as he holds the very crown that everyone covets… The DOA Championship.]




Davis Ditterich:
The man who continues to be followed by Arcadia’s own security team just had his dream of a DOA Championship re-shot squashed by the very entity that seems to be mysteriously protecting him. If THAT isn’t confusing then I don’t know what is…

Carl Batch:
The real world is confusing, Dee; that little bubble of yours doesn’t prepare you for how things REALLY work around here. One week the proud “Voice of Reason” is silenced for no good reason and now, this week, there’s a tournament announced to name a new #1 contender to the DOA Championship; sh*t be changing here in Deadly Overloaded Action… Some for the better… some for the worst…

Davis Ditterich:
I’m quite fluent on the real-world, thank you. BUT BIG NEWS… Deadly Overloaded Action will be making it’s Pay-per-view debut in a week from this Saturday (after Episode #4) with an event aptly entitled – “Survival of the Fearless”. Within the show we will ALL Witness the dawning of a new tournament; one that will change the course of DOA forever! 16 men, one night, the winner is the new #1 contender to the DOA Championship! I can’t wait!!

Carl Batch:
How fitting that it’s called “Survival of the Fearless”. It’s tried and true, to succeed here in Deadly Overloaded Action you need to have no fear, no remorse, nothing to hold you back in the slightest. In one night, some cat is going to defy all; bringing his destiny closer to finally taking place. Without knowing the roster, I’m putting my finger on Torment for a winner. Arcadia would be a fool, even more than they already are, for not putting the man in there…

Davis Ditterich:
Wouldn’t that just ruin your whole “All the Kings Men” fanfare; Acid vs. Torment?

Carl Batch:
Even I, a fan of their work, can see that they are on their death-bed… Might as well shake some things up…

Davis Ditterich:
Well folks, tune into “Rapid Assault” next week as we prepare for “Survival of the Fearless”; who will gain the upper-hand moving into the PPV? How will Greg Black respond to Arcadia’s decision for such? Can the Death Defying Duo Champions keep themselves together enough to fend off their moralist foes? This, and much, much, more… Next week… on DOA “R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-RAAAAAPID ASSAULT”!!!! Goodnight Folks!








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Show Details

Overall Show Grade:

DOA Dungeon Attendance:

TV Rating:

Viewer Feedback:
" The feedback from viewers has been decent, although hardly spectacular."

Company Info/Product:

DOA Dungeon:

"Rapid Assault" [season One]:
"Rapid Assault" Quick Results

Antonio Marquez defeated Snap Dragon via pinfall. (C-)

Donte Dunn, Johnny Vicious, and Matthew Keith defeated Mr. Morgan, Rayne, and Torment via pinfall. (D+)

Citizen X defeated KAZUMA via pinfall. (D+)

Greg Black defeated Matty Sparrow via pinfall. (D+)

Acid defeated Cannonball Funk via pinfall. (C+)
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Beautiful read Eisen-verse. It took me a bit but it was well worth it. Jack Griffith's debut was iconic and really send shivers down my spine. Sorry for being away these days but whenever I do get a chance to come on I try to see what you may be working on.
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I've spoken via PM casually to other diary writers, and this tactic has come up time and time again as something that is not well regarded around here.


Agreed, but I don't think it applies to him. Next part will respond to the criticism.

It's the constant, constant self bumping in the guise of responding individually to every comment. I'm not sure if it's intentional, but it seems that every time this slips you respond to someone, then wait and do it again (even if you could have responded to both in one post).

I think you are assuming too much. You are assuming that he's doing to bump his diary up. I think it has more to do him responding to each post, but making them into several posts. Is this intentional? Probably not. I think you are assuming the worst of what he's doing here. In short, I agree that he should consider condensing his posts, if they are responses to others, but I disagree that he's intentionally or purposefully doing it, or even the possiblity that he's intentionally or purposefully doing it.


Also, it seems to take you an awful lot of posts before you even get to a show or close to one - so many times your thread reappears at the top with your name on it and I think "ooh, maybe it's show time". And it's not. It's just a bump in the form of a comment from you.


Your characters are good, and I'm sure I've posted this before - but it's the constant self bumping that is turning a lot of people off, me included.


What do you mean by "comment"? Do you mean side stories? If it's side stories... which I don't think you are complaining about, then it's his choice to go into side stories. But if you mean "hey, diary entry soon" posts... well, it can be annoying, but he's hardly the only person doing this, and he isn't the first and won't be the last. I can see why this might peeve and annoy you, but some people don't mind, or even want such posts.


Not trying to start an argument, I'm sure someone will jump in and tell me to **** off, but that's just how I feel (and a few other writers too).


That's interesting. :) Will these other writers please state their points of view on the issue as well? I'm quite interested in seeing what their take is on this situation. :)

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I think you are assuming the worst of what he's doing here. In short, I agree that he should consider condensing his posts, if they are responses to others, but I disagree that he's intentionally or purposefully doing it, or even the possiblity that he's intentionally or purposefully doing it.


That's interesting. :) Will these other writers please state their points of view on the issue as well? I'm quite interested in seeing what their take is on this situation. :)


All good points, not sure my post needed picking apart like that, several pages on, but here's hoping I won't be the only one voicing these issues. I assure you I'm not just making things up, which is what I think your last paragraph is getting at.

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I lurk this bad boy too much.


Stuff like this has to be commented on.


Awesome show, as always, E-V.


Jack Griffith was a way out in left field choice for Mainstream's replacement, I would think...but it was amazing.


I just have one problem: He should be a Southern preacher. Fire n' Brimstone, call 'em down the aisle..."LORD!!!!!! Heal this man from his sinnin' ways and bring him to the liiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!"


That would be better. But, hey, who am I to argue with success like this?

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All good points, not sure my post needed picking apart like that, several pages on, but here's hoping I won't be the only one voicing these issues. I assure you I'm not just making things up, which is what I think your last paragraph is getting at.

That's not what I'm implying. :) What I want is others to speak up about issues they have. That's all. :)

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The man, the myth, and the monster, himself, could anyone really obtain the #1 spot more than the DOA Champion,
? Standing at an astounding 11-0 in singles competition, this overtly savage beast is unlike anything ever seen in professional wrestling history. Primal in his demeanor, ultra-violent in his approach, there is a good chance that this DOA Warrior will continue to reside at #1 for quite some time.



Flashy in every sense of the word,
Greg Black
has been, arguably, THE most talked about DOA Warrior since his debut halfway through Season One. A consummate show-stealer, the man they call “The Peerless One” is certainly one of those aerial kings that can keep up with the very best; night-in-and-night-out. That’s why, when his body gave out during a DOA Championship match with Acid weeks ago, there was much uproar whether or not Black had ‘lost a step’. Hell-bent on proving that notion as a falsehood, Greg continues to impress ever since; most recently toppling his long time rival in Matty Sparrow. A strong possibility at breaking Acid’s streak, taking the DOA Championship with him, “Peerless” Greg Black is a strong #2 with the chance of moving up.



“The Blazing Red Demon” Johnny Vicious
has always been a force to be reckoned with; especially when enticed. Recently, the one doing said enticing is none other than Mr. Tyler’s newfound henchman, Mr. Morgan. While the cold-hearted hitman no longer has his leader physically present, his bone-crushing hands have come to seek out Vicious at every turn; attempting to break the fiery animal at every turn. Sadly, for Mr. Morgan, if there’s one thing we know about Johnny Vicious it’s that he will never… die. No matter how hard he tries, no matter how many bones he may break, “The Blazing Red Demon” doesn’t know the meaning of tempering one’s approach. He’s explosive, rage-filled, and, pretty much, a ticking-time-bomb waiting to explode; taking everyone with him.



In the first shock of the “DOA Fatal Five”, our 4th spot is ceremoniously granted to the recently unmasked,
“Reckless Aggression” Antonio Marquez
. While wrestling under the banner of Mexico, portraying “El Dragon Dorado”, a simple heroic being looking to do right for the sake of doing so, this young flier felt rather hollow; as if there was something more underneath the blanketing mask. Now, forced before the world by Teddy Powell during Season One’s finale, ripping the mask from his very face, this reckless youngster with a death-wish has come away with an astounding 3-0 record; all of his victories coming over the newfound misfit faction forming in Deadly Overloaded Action. Can he continue to make his ascent up the ranks? We think so. The only thing holding him back is himself…



Despite losing his long-time tag team partner, Mainstream Hernandez, to sickening accident at the hands of KAZUMA,
Citizen X
appears to be feverishly fixated on a mission of mass destruction. Even with Hernandez gone, Citizen X remains the right to maintain his number one Contendership to the Death Defying Duo Championships; putting he and the Tokyo Express on a path toward inevitable violence. It’s expected, now that his moral cause has found a new leader, that X will via for said championship in the next coming weeks and will most certainly name the intensely unsettling Father Griffith as his new confidant. While others may have filled this spot (ie: Torment, Cannonball Funk, or Matty Sparrow), Citizen X appears to be the best choice for #5 of the “Fatal Five”; a man who has a shocking 2-0 win/loss record in Season Two & staring down a championship opportunity in the near future.


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While I am grateful for those leaving their feedback behind, as it pertains to my post on Saturday, I hope all can respect that I would like to move forward with the dynasty itself. I'm very thankful to those who gave me food for thought & I am hoping to make some changes in which to take those thoughts into mind. I know I am who I am because of what I put into my work; so, I don't plan on scaling back any on the shows; however, may try to keep in mind, more often, that it may take awhile for others to really 'buy into what I'm selling' before they see some storylines unfold. But boy... Do I have some storylines for you... ;)


Onto some responses...


Brilliant episode, but you'll hear more from me at another time :)


Why thank you, Mr.20LEgend! I'm excited to see what you come up with for "Aftershock"! If it has anything to do with your question via PM then I'm certainly interested in seeing where you go from there. It will only add so much more depth to a HUGE part of this past episode.


Beautiful read Eisen-verse. It took me a bit but it was well worth it. Jack Griffith's debut was iconic and really send shivers down my spine. Sorry for being away these days but whenever I do get a chance to come on I try to see what you may be working on.


It's been quite some time since I've seen your name, Oracle, but it's great to see it none the less. Griffith has been my most exciting addition to DOA this season as I'm really interested in his character. With his past problems factoring in, the idea of him being a zealot-like priest, lets say 'born again', really intrigues me greatly. All I can say is, the Moral cause is certainly in for quite the evolution...


I lurk this bad boy too much.


Stuff like this has to be commented on.


Awesome show, as always, E-V.


Thank you, Levitical! It means a lot to me for you to give it a read; especially with your surging dynasty taking up much of your time I'm sure. That said, I've been reading, keeping up with what you're doing with CZCW/Bach, and I'm crazy excited to see where you go!


Jack Griffith was a way out in left field choice for Mainstream's replacement, I would think...but it was amazing.


I just have one problem: He should be a Southern preacher. Fire n' Brimstone, call 'em down the aisle..."LORD!!!!!! Heal this man from his sinnin' ways and bring him to the liiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!"


That would be better. But, hey, who am I to argue with success like this?


I thought of going the Southern-preacher route; however, didn't want to make him into a stereotype. In wrestling, we often go toward that, giving a stereotype rendition in which to make them 'larger than life', but I'm looking for a more subtle approach with Griffith. He's got the southern accent, and he certainly is hell-fire-and-brimestone, but he's less charismatic and more eerie with his fervor. It's this tone that will ultimately evolve the Moral cause; so, I wanted to get his tone just right...


Also, with his polarizing background with alcohol, I believe he can become one of the most believable zealots of sorts. His fervor, his past, his sunken face, hardened features, and the look of a man whose 'gone through it all' (Addict), all make him someone to fear... and fear they will...

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Competing with Episode #3 of "Rapid Assault"


Freddie Datsun defeated Darryl Devine

Belle Bryden defeated Cherry Bomb

Des Davids defeated Anger

Chris Caulfield defeated Tyson Baine

James Justice defeated Bruce the Giant



DOA "Rapid Assault" (Episode #2):

USPW "American Wrestling":



DOA "Rapid Assault" (Episode #2):
0.70 (+ 0.05)

USPW "American Wrestling":
1.50 (+ 0.33)



“They are nowhere near our league; period.”


I wish I could say he was wrong; that he was just another grumpy a$$hole looking to get his jollies off by rubbing our face in the dirt. Sadly, he’s right; at least for right now. In reality, we stand no real chance of trouncing them in our current position. They have a better time slot, a longer standing brand, and, as much as it pains me to float his already bloated ego, THE wrestling name in the past 20-30 years of our business, on their side. While I believe MORE in our men, in our product, and our brand as a whole, it’s going to be quite some time before this WAR feels like an actual sense of competition. Right now, it feels like we’re the david figure; flinging our rocks around at the overwhelming goliath before us. To think otherwise would only be childish; idiotic.


Would Arcadia ever give us a better time-slot; one that would give us a better shot of competition? That’s for a later date. For the time being, we must keep our heads high, pushing forward to a new era, all the while taking our fight to the media; making it seem like there’s an actual war to be fought here. Cultural clash, product warring, or brand opposition, it doesn’t really matter. Hell, we could sell it anyway we need to… just so we get the numbers in our favor over time.


For now, it’s back to the drawing board; keeping our eyes on the long-term and hoping that Arcadia gives us enough rope, length-wise, to actually compete in the near future. Only time will tell… God knows, though, I’ll be the one with the lead sword, standing before my men, as we look to topple the laugh-fest that is ‘Jurassic Hour’ on Sports America (which, in reality, is hilarious that they are even housed by such a network seeing how there is NOTHING sports-like with USPW; at all).

+ Sam Strong, owner of USPW
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Just checked the thread and saw the next Rapid Assault was up. I've saved it to read later when I've got time to do it in one sitting... but I did just catch the Father Griffith alt and already, I know I'm going to enjoy what follows. A very different Jack Griffith to the one who briefly emerged in ELITE I suspect.
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Guest codey
I've got some comments for this one, but they're going to have to wait until I get off of work. Expect them!
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="sebsplex" data-cite="sebsplex" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31395" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just checked the thread and saw the next Rapid Assault was up. I've saved it to read later when I've got time to do it in one sitting... but I did just catch the Father Griffith alt and already, I know I'm going to enjoy what follows. A very different Jack Griffith to the one who briefly emerged in ELITE I suspect.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><em>It's certainly better to read it all in one swoop; however, that said, I totally understand why one would need to break it up if need be (Given that it was 25 pages on word to write). That said, I'm hoping that you come away with something on Episode #3. As for Griffith, I am </em></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><em><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">SO</span></strong></em></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><em> thankful to jhd1 for his abilities in making Griffith into my new vision for him. He certainly will be played differently then I've ever played him before; however, this version is, by far, my most favorite thus far. Actually, I've been counting down the days for when Father Griffith would finally become a public figure in DOA; needing to write of Mainstream first and then go from there. All in all, DOA has NEVER seen someone like Father Griffith... ever before...</em></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="codey" data-cite="codey" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31395" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've got some comments for this one, but they're going to have to wait until I get off of work. Expect them!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><em>Sounds great, codey! You know that I always love to hear from you; your feedback, thoughts, etc. You've really come a long way since your early days here in the GDS. Truly, after your End of the Year award win, best new writer I believe, you've really 'arrived' on the scene. That in mind, I'm excited to see what a mind like yours pulls from Episode #3. I'll be looking forward to what you say & will most certainly respond at that point (as I always do).</em></div><p></p>
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<p>Great stuff as normal. Glad to see Griffith getting a run in DOA here as well, although yours and mine are going to be very, very different.</p><p> </p><p>

Peerless reminds me of Hollywood Rock, and that is a very good thing.</p><p> </p><p>

Is it possible to put the angles in the show wrap up?</p>

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Great stuff as normal. Glad to see Griffith getting a run in DOA here as well, although yours and mine are going to be very, very different.


There are so many ways you can write Jack Griffith; especially given his background. That said, I'm exploring the born-again zealot who used his 'demons' in the past to find a new life within Morality. As you'll see, the more he speaks, the more we'll come to know this version of Jack... or shall I say Father Griffith... The more we find out the more he'll come to look even more menacing than first thought.


Peerless reminds me of Hollywood Rock, and that is a very good thing.


That's how I've always seen him in my eyes. Actually, insider tip, when I looked for the alt from the master that is jhd1, I actually gave him a picture of Hollywood Rock. In no way is he as charismatic, and I attempt to keep that in mind when I write him; however, I do play him from an athletic-kind of perspective. In a way, while the Hollywood Rock was one of those initial looks that I wanted, he's certainly written quite different.

Is it possible to put the angles in the show wrap up?


I'm not totally sure what you mean? On the bottom of the shows (general wrap up of the action)? With USPW's show run-down in the WAR breakdown? Whatever it is, I can certainly look into adding them in there.





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