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USPW: You Can Go Home Again

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Wednesday Week 3 February 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.44




[Danny Jillefski and Timothy Hawk welcome everyone to USPW American Wrestling where Danny announces that this will be his last USPW American Wrestling announcing. Next week, a new announce team will be here on American Wrestling.]


[The crowd boos as Shane Sneer and his ever-present bodyguard Jumbo Jackson walk out to the ring. Sneer gets on the microphone and begins discussing the future of the Sneer Corporation. He talks about the past wrestlers and the present and the future. Who will belong there in the future? Well, that remains to be seen. But right now he would like to call out a man who is going to be facing one of his Sneer Corporation members. He is calling out 'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield.]




[The crowd cheers as Shane Sneer and Jumbo Jackson look on while the patriotic music of Chris Caulfield begins to play. The curtains part and out walks the #1 contender Chris Caulfield himself. Caulfield is carrying a large American flag and begins waving it back and forth as he walks down toward the ring. The crowd begins a 'USA' chant in the background. Caulfield stops about one-fourth of the way down toward the ring and begins waving the flag back and forth. But the cheers turn to boos as the crowd tries to warn Chris Caulfield.]




[The warning is because of the arrival of The Titans! T-Rex and Tyson Baine attack Caulfield from behind, knocking the flag out of his hand. Baine grabs Caulfield and rams his forehead against the guardrail, grinding his head against the steel before tossing him to the floor. Baine and T-Rex begin putting the boots to the number one contender when more music begins to play.]




[it's the USPW National Champion Nicky Champion! Champion comes running down and gets drilled by T-Rex with a clothesline! So much for that! Champion crawls over and covers up Caulfield, taking the attention from the Hardcore American. T-Rex yanks him up and drops him with a gutwrench suplex! The crowd boos as Champion holds his back. Shane Sneer and Jumbo Jackson join The Titans outside the ring, raising their arms in victory. Later on tonight, we're going to see tag team action with these four men. Will Caulfield and Champion be able to recover?]




[As officials come out to check on Caulfield and Champion, we head backstage. In the parking lot, a trash can can be seen thrown across the view of the camera. Three men begin walking up from the background toward the foreground. These three men are slowly revealed.]




[it's Painful Procedure! Randall Hopkirk, Man Mountain Cahill and Billy Jack Shearer all head toward the arena. Hopkirk opens the door, talking to the other two about the city of Huntsville. So this is USPW? Hopkirk says he can remember playing in dumps like this when they were first getting started. The three men enter the building. Is this the start of the working agreement between USPW and TCW?]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/DarrylDevine_jsilver.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/Seduction_jsilver.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/DesDavids-1-1.jpg

Darryl Devine vs. Des Davids


[Two of our youngest wrestlers on the roster do battle in this opening match here on USPW American Wrestling. One half of the USPW World Tag Team Champions, Davids started the match strong against Devine, sending him outside the ring three straight times as Devine started getting frustrated. Devine managed to make a comeback after ducking a clothesline and catching Davids with an enzuigiri kick. The match continues forward with Devine getting several near falls before Davids moved into his comeback. Davids sets up Devine for the Quarterback Sack but Seduction climbs on the apron. Seduction distracts both Davids and the referee. Devine manages to get to his feet and nails Davids with a low blow. He rolls up Davids as the referee turns around: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 10:16)

Match Rating: C


[Darryl Devine exits the ring quickly, moving with Seduction toward the back as he basically stole this one. The referee steps over to help Davids, who complains about the low blow. Davids argues with the referee but then gets attacked from behind!]




[Painful Procedure, who we saw earlier, attack Davids from behind. Randall Hopkirk drops Davids with a Randallism, while the crowd boos the three TCW members. All three men put the boots to the fallen Des Davids. As Man Mountain Cahill picks up Davids for another shot, the crowd cheers someone running down to the ring.]




['The American Everyman' Freddie Datsun comes running down with the USPW World Tag Team title belt in his hand. He slides in and throws a punch to Shearer! Hopkirk blocks a punch and kicks a low blow to Datsun! The crowd boos as Hopkirk grabs Datsun -- Randallism! The USPW World Tag Team Champions are hurting with this attack by Painful Procedure! Des Davids manages to break free from the hold by Cahill and he's throwing punches, trying to get some momentum. The numbers game, though, begins to come into play. The crowd gives a mixed reaction as another man comes down to the ring.]




[Andre Jones? The USPW Television Champion comes down to the ring and climbs the turnbuckles -- Blast From The Past on Man Mountain Cahill! Des Davids clotheslines down Billy Jack Shearer. Randall Hopkirk exits the ring, calling off Painful Procedure. Des Davids turns to look at Andre Jones. The Television Champion extends his hand toward Des Davids. Freddie Datsun is helped slowly to his feet. Davids shakes the hand of Andre Jones! All three men look toward Painful Procedure as a 'USPW' chant breaks out through the crowd. Randall Hopkirk shakes his head and writes 'T C W' in the air with his finger. But he and the rest of Painful Procedure are slowly backing up the ramp.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/giantredwood.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/RobertOxford.jpg

Streak Match

Giant Redwood vs. TCW Wrestler Robert Oxford


[This is definitely a match with two different styles going at it. It is definitely odd to see the crowd get behind Giant Redwood but with him being the USPW wrestler in this match he definitely got the crowd on his side. But this match was by no means a classic, except perhaps in the fact that Robert Oxford carried Giant Redwood a lot in this match. Oxford was taken down with a body slam and then Redwood shouted out 'TIMBER!' He dropped on top of Oxford with a Standing Splash and hooked the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3! The streak continues!]


Winner: Giant Redwood (Via Pinfall @ 7:23)

Match Rating: D






[The former USPW World Champion Enygma is shown within the back banging his green baseball bat against a locker. His mask is slightly lopsided, as is his smile. He talks briefly about his match with Hell's Bouncer at USPW Red, White And Blue. His words are definitely a little off. "Riddle me this, riddle me that, Hell's Bouncer will be out because of this big green bat." Enygma bangs the bat against the locker again and releases a maniacal laughter as we head back to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/EmmaBitch_Self1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/JoanneRodriguez_JSilver.jpg

Emma Stone vs. Joanne Rodriguez


[Our big womens bout here tonight that is definitely that much better than the Redwood/Oxford match we just witnessed. Emma Stone shows some strength of her own in this match, surprising some of the fans as she gets multiple two counts on the fan favourite J-Ro! But Rodriguez was not to be denied in this match. Following a handspring elbow in the corner, she nails Stone with the J-Rocker and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Joanne Rodriguez (Via Pinfall @ 8:40)

Match Rating: C-






[We are taken backstage where medical staff are looking at both Chris Caulfield and Nicky Champion in the same locker room. They check their eyes with the lights and let both men know that they probably shouldn't be wrestling tonight. Caulfield and Champion exchange a single glance before Champion lets the doctor know that they have to do the right thing and wrestle those two bullies tonight. They have to show the world that the Sneer Corporation cannot get away with their bullying tactics. Caulfield adds in that the USA doesn't stand for these things and that tonight they are going to show them why.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/AirAttackWeasel.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/Liberty_dse81.jpg

Dave Wallace vs. James Justice


[Our semi main event is a bit of an average match here on American Wrestling. Wallace continues to learn how to perform inside the ring here against a veteran in James Justice. Wallace manages a two count on Justice following a brainbuster. As Wallace continues his control, Steve Flash and Eric Tyler come down to the ringside area. The crowd gets into the match and Justice moves toward his comeback as Tyler and Flash look on from ringside. Justice takes down Wallace with a spinebuster and then he heads to the ropes -- tripped by Eric Tyler -- flying elbowdrop to the back of the head from Steve Flash! The referee calls for the bell.]


Winner: James Justice (Via Disqualification @ 9:47)

Match Rating: C




[Flash picks up Justice -- Flash Bang! Justice is down and out as Eric Tyler applauds the effort by Steve Flash. Flash isn't done there, though. No, he picks up Justice and hooks him around the waist from behind -- German Suplex! He holds tight and begins the train -- a second German Suplex! He still holds tight -- a THIRD German Suplex! Justice is laid out! Flash raises his arms in the center of the ring with Eric Tyler standing beside him. The crowd boos as Flash just looks arrogant with his smirk inside the ring.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/T-Rex_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/TysonBaine_alt4.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ShaneSneer.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/JumboJackson_alt4.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/NickyChampion_jhd2-1.jpg

The Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and Nicky Champion


[Our main event contest and what a matchup this turns out to be between these hated rivals. The match was classic back and forth style with all four men being able to show their skills inside the ring and outside the ring. Caulfield took a shot into the ring post and he was kept within the corner of the Titans for a good five minutes without Champion being able to tag in. Shane Sneer and Jumbo Jackson interfered liberally, including making sure a tag by Caulfield wasn't seen.]


[The momentum shifted when Caulfield fought his way out of a reverse chinlock, bringing Tyson Baine down to the mat with a belly to back suplex. Caulfield managed to tag in his partner, the USPW National Champion Nicky Champion! T-Rex was also tagged in. Champion went on a tear, bringing down both Baine and T-Rex with several technical wrestling holds. The referee took a bump late in the match, leading all four men to get involved. Jumbo Jackson got the odds in the Titans favor, though, when he climbed in the ring. He brings down Champion with a chair shot! He exits before the referee wakes up and T-Rex hooks Champion -- Jurassic Crush! No one breaks free of this hold, right? Shane Sneer revives the official and he lifts Champion's arm once, twice, three times! He calls for the bell!]


Winners: The Titans (Via Submission @ 11:33)

Match Rating: B


[Tyson Baine kept Chris Caulfield from saving his partner while Champion was in that hold. Baine rams Caulfield into the ring post again! T-Rex continues to put the pressure on that swinging full nelson even as the bell sounds again and again. Finally, the referee restores some order but The Titans are the team standing tall at the end of this evening. Will it be the same at USPW Red, White And Blue?]

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


Several people got perfect scores this week. Congratulations to Bigpapa42, Rayelek, 20LEgend and jhd1!


1. 20LEgend=7 Wins

2. Emark=6 Wins

Zergon=6 Wins

4. flaviooooo=4 Wins

jhd1=4 Wins

6. Rayelek=3 Wins

7. Huntman=2 Wins

Lexa90=2 Wins

Midnightnick=2 Wins

Bigpapa42=2 Wins

11. CamillePunk=0 Wins

LoNdOn=0 Wins

Astil=0 Wins

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USPW American Wrestling


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Dave Wallace

Andre Jones surprised everyone last week when he came out to fend off the challenge of Painful Procedure and stand up for USPW. Will the fans be able to get behind the so-called legitimate athlete? He defends his USPW Television title in a match against the local wrestler known as Dave Wallace, who has impressed though he has been on the losing end of most matches.


Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield

Giant Redwood is looking for win number 50 in his streak this week. But in order to get that win he is going to have to go through the number one contender Chris Caulfield. Will the streak come to an end or will Redwood cement his place as one of the top wrestlers in USPW? This match was set up through Commissioner Doom and Shane Sneer as a test as we head toward USPW Red, White And Blue.


The Big Problem vs. The Force

The Big Problem debuted here in USPW attacking The Force's tag team partner Captain USA. As we head toward USPW Red, White And Blue where The Big Problem matches up with Captain USA, he must first take on the other member of The Forces of America. Will the power of The Force be enough to solve The Big Problem?


TCW Wrestler Freddy Huggins vs. James Justice

Another of our matches pitting the best of TCW against the best of USPW. This week, Teen Idol Freddy Huggins comes over from TCW where he recently lost in a big to unseat TCW International Champion Rick Law. James Justice has been on a slight losing streak which stopped somewhat last week when he won by DQ. Will USPW pride be able to put James Justice back over the top?


Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma

Enygma has been on a slight roller coaster and a definite change of identity with his new green baseball bat in hand. At USPW Red, White And Blue, he will be facing a man who he thinks cost him the USPW World title in Hell's Bouncer. This week, though, he has to get past the challenge of the bodyguard of the Sneer Corporation: Jumbo Jackson.


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

Another match set up between Shane Sneer and Commissioner Doom gives Tyson Baine and T-Rex the opportunity to add belts that neither of them have held in the USPW World Tag Team Titles. The People's Team definitely won't be taking this lying down, though. They are ready to defend each and every week and tonight won't be any different.


All this and more on USPW American Wrestling.


Prediction Key:

USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Dave Wallace



Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield



The Big Problem vs. The Force



TCW Wrestler Freddy Huggins vs. James Justice



Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans




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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Dave Wallace

-Air Attack Wallace is still a jobber

Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield

-If this wasn't a streak match, Caulfield gets the win without question.

The Big Problem vs. The Force


TCW Wrestler Freddy Huggins vs. James Justice

-The imported wrestler doesn't get to win here.

Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma

-Enygma by DQ via Hell's Bouncer attack.

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

-I can't figure out how the Titans lose here without being really really angry.

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Dave Wallace



Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield



The Big Problem vs. The Force



TCW Wrestler Freddy Huggins vs. James Justice



Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans


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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Dave Wallace


Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield


The Big Problem vs. The Force


TCW Wrestler Freddy Huggins vs. James Justice


Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Dave Wallace

Comment: I hate the volleyball man but hes not losing this


Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: DQ maybe? Interference?


The Big Problem vs. The Force



TCW Wrestler Freddy Huggins vs. James Justice

Comment: Fred is one of those guys whose pic bugs me


Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma

Comment: If it was Jumbo Squid things would be different...


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

Comment: DQ win. Id prefer a title change on TV though


Signs: "The prawn is my porn"

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Dave Wallace

Comment: The new fan favourite won't lose this one


Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Probably by a Baine-interference


The Big Problem vs. The Force

Comment: The new guy gets the win to get some steam for the PPV


TCW Wrestler Freddy Huggins vs. James Justice

Comment: The import won't win here


Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma

Comment: Enygma all the way


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

Comment: Probably DQ due to interference of Caulfield, who wants retribution for his earlier loss


Signs: Giant Redwood is my daddy!

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Dave Wallace

Comment: Wallece is just another jobber


Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: I agree with Boltinho and flaviooooo, there will likely be interferense in this one.


The Big Problem vs. The Force

Comment: I doubt that Problem has enough overness to get a win over Force.


TCW Wrestler Freddy Huggins vs. James Justice

Comment: I don´t see why TCW guy should go over one of your top guys.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma

Comment: Sadly I just don´t see Jackson winning here.


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

Comment: Another interefence or possibly DQ win.

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Thursday Week 3 February 2010

Rainbow Bar & Grill (South East)

Attendance: 46

Show Rating: D+


Miss Sara defeated Power Girl...D

Fumihiro Ota defeated Remmy Skye...C-

Ford Gumble defeated Anger...D+

Peter Valentine defeated Tribal Warrior...D

Bruce The Giant defeated Java...C-



Saturday Week 3 February 2010

The Den (New England)

Attendance: 2,000

Show Rating: C-


Shady K defeated Cheetah Boy...D

John Greed defeated Akima Brave...D+

The Amazing Bumfholes defeated The Pain Alliance...C

Robbie Retro defeated Paul Huntingdon...C-



Saturday Week 3 February 2010

Rainbow Bar & Grill (South East)

Attendance: 37

Show Rating: D


Remmy Skye defeated American Patriot...C-

Cherry Bomb defeated Grace Harper...C-

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Grace Harper, Fumihiro Ota and Nicole Kiss...C-

The Gambler defeated Ant-Man for the AWA Wrestling Spirit title...D-

Fumihiro Ota defeated Ford Gumble...D+

Peter Valentine defeated Anger...D



Sunday Week 3 February 2010

Rainbow Bar & Grill (South East)

Attendance: 42

Show Rating: C-


The Gambler defeated Ford Gumble to retain the AWA Wrestling Spirit title...D

Anger defeated Al The Hillbilly...D-

Ernie Turner defeated Ant-Man...E

Peter Valentine, Fumihiro Ota and Bruce The Giant defeated American Patriot, Tribal Warrior and Pete The Hillbilly...C-

Java defeated Remmy Skye...C-



Tuesday Week 4 February 2010

Clover Fields (Mid South)

Attendance: 13,825

Show Rating: B


Bart Biggz defeated James Prudence...C-

ANGLE: Brawl involving Jack Bruce and Marat Khoklov...A

Frederique Antonio Garcia defeated Kid Toma...C

ANGLE: Skit involving Eric Eisen and Vengeance...A

Angry Gilmore and Jack Giedroyc defeated The Pain Alliance...C+

Remo defeated Jack Bruce...B

Vengeance and Eric Eisen defeated Christian Faith and Rich Money...B



Tuesday Week 4 February 2010

Wisconsin Gardens (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 10,000

Show Rating: B+


Texas Pete, Joel Bryant and American Buffalo defeated John Anderson, Clark Alexander and Flying Jimmy Foxx...C+

Brent Hill defeated Sammy Bach...B

Joshua Taylor defeated Guide...C

Charlie Thatcher defeated James Justice...D+

Freedom Fighters defeated The Syndicate...A

Bryan Vessey defeated Troy Tornado...B+


OOC Note: Hope everyone is doing well. Things are looking like I might be able to get the show posted tomorrow if all things continue to go well. So this is your warning. :)

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Dave Wallace


Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: HATE to go with Giant here, but Chris will lose :(


The Big Problem vs. The Force

Comment: DQ


TCW Wrestler Freddy Huggins vs. James Justice


Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Dave Wallace

Streak Match: Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield

The Big Problem vs. The Force

TCW Wrestler Freddy Huggins vs. James Justice

Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

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Wednesday Week 4 February 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.42




[We are less than one week away from USPW Red, White And Blue live and on pay-per-view. Only the second USPW offering on pay-per-view. We are welcomed to the show by brand new head announcer Steve Smith and colour commentator Timothy Hawk. As they begin to speak about tonight's broadcast, including the main event tonight where The People's Team will put the USPW World Tag Team titles on the line against The Titans, they are interrupted by music that some here may or may not be familiar with.]


[The crowd here in Huntsville boos as out walks 'The Teen Idol' Freddy Huggins. Freddy comes down to the ring and steps inside with a microphone in hand. The first words out of his mouth this evening are 'What a dump.' That draws the boos even louder throughout this sold-out crowd. He begins to drone on about how someone of his looks shouldn't be in such a place. He talks about how he is better than everyone here. He said the IQ of everyone here combined is still in single digits. Before he can continue, though, he is interrupted by some music that all of the fans here are VERY familiar with.]




[A chant of 'DUDE, DUDE, DUDE' breaks out as James Justice walks out from the back. Justice doesn't hesitate as he climbs into the ring and goes nose to nose with Freddy Huggins. Justice steps back and is given a microphone. Justice begins his own interview by saying that at least he isn't carried around by his own sister. He questions whether or not there is an incest thing going on between Laura and Freddy, though subtely of course. Freddy is slowly beginning to blow his top. He yells at Justice that he is going to tell his sister if Justice doesn't shut up! Justice says that he better tell his sister to watch tonight because when he is finished with one Huggins then maybe he'll get started with the other one! This causes a fist fight to break out between Justice and Huggins! Security and road agents come out to bust things up but we definitely have some heat for this match later on.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/AirAttackWeasel.jpg


USPW Television Title Match

Andre Jones defends vs. Dave Wallace


[Another solid showing in this match from both men. The match is fairly open with Wallace showing he can hang with Andre Jones inside the ring, which is a very good feat. Wallace takes to the air whenever he can during the bout, including hitting a suicide dive on Jones when Jones was outside the ring. The fans got into the up-tempo pace of this match. They did get into the former volleyball player some with chants of 'Wilson,' the name of the Volleyball on the movie Castaway. Jones made his comeback and headed to the top turnbuckle. He leaped from there and nailed Wallace with the Blast From The Past! Jones made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 9:02; Andre Jones retains the USPW Television title)

Match Rating: C-






[Following the sounding of the bell, we are taken to the parking lot where bodies are completely laid out. The camera zooms in on the face of Brendan Idol. Then Davis Wayne Newton and Mick Muscles are shown lying face-down on the ground so it is hard to make out who either of them are. As the camera pans back, three more men are shown.]




[it's Painful Procedure! Randall Hopkirk, Man Mountain Cahill and Billy Jack Shearer all have baseball bats in their hands as the crowd boos in the background. Randall sneers and asks if this is all that USPW has. If it is, then it's pretty pathetic by anyone's standards. The sound of the baseball bats hitting concrete can be heard as all three drop their bats. Shearer gets in another kick to the gut of Mick Muscles, laughing. Cahill says that he's eaten meals bigger than Brendan Idol. The three men turn and walk off as their victims all seem to be pretty much unconcious at this point. But announcer Steve Smith is yelling for some EMTs to get back there and check on these wrestlers!]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/giantredwood.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

Streak Match

Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield


[Our second match this evening and it is one of the biggest matches of the night. This is one that the fans paid to see this evening. A battle between two outright brawlers as Giant Redwood's win streak is on the line. This is a back and forth match with Redwood sticking with the #1 contender and Hardcore American. One fan near the front row holds up a sign reading: 'Giant Redwood is my daddy!' Redwood takes down Caulfield with a body slam and yells 'TIMBER!' Then comes the Standing Splash by Redwood! He hooks the leg as he turns it into a pin attempt: 1 -- 2 -- KICKOUT! The crowd roars at the kickout by Caulfield! 'USA' chants blast through the crowd and they work their magic on Chris Caulfield. He goes into his comeback here and manages to avoid Redwood when the Giant goes for a corner splash. Caulfield works on the knees of Redwood and then finally grabs him -- Danger Drop! Caulfield drops the large Redwood with the Danger Drop! Caulfield crawls over onto a cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Pinfall @ 5:44; Giant Redwood's win streak ends at 49)

Match Rating: C+


[Giant Redwood's win streak is stopped at 49! The crowd cheers, showing their support for Chris Caulfield as the Hardcore American slowly gets his arm raised. But he doesn't get to celebrate this momentous victory as he is nailed from behind with a double sledge to the back.]




[The USPW World Champion Tyson Baine is in the ring! Baine whips Caulfield to the ropes -- leaping clothesline! Down goes Caulfield! Baine slowly picks up the #1 contender and grabs him around the throat -- Hades Bomb! The crowd boos as Tyson Baine stands above his number one contender. But Chris Caulfield is still moving! He is twitching on the mat and he slowly turns his body. He grabs Tyson Baine by the ankles, pulling himself up. The never-say-die attitude of Chris Caulfield shows here. But that may be his downfall as Tyson Baine pulls him up by the throat -- Hades Bomb! A second Hades Bomb and Caulfield is laid out in the center of the ring. Is this a foreshadowing of things to -- oh my word! Caulfield is wincing in pain but he is trying to get up again! He is willing his body to move! Tyson Baine doesn't know what to do! Baine turns and exits the ring, staring at Caulfield with his dead eyes. Caulfield is using the ropes to pull himself up at least a little bit, staring right back into the eyes of Tyson Baine.]






[We head backstage this time to a locker room where Eric Tyler and Steve Flash are standing by. Tyler looks into the camera and he talks about tradition. Tradition is something that becomes that because it works. If it didn't work, then it would be a fad and fade out. Traditional wrestling works and it will work even here in the environment that USPW has created. Steve Flash has bought into his vision. Others can and will soon enough. But in less than a week, James Justice is going to see that losing streak continue. He is going to fail because he doesn't have that tradition. He doesn't have the skills to keep up with The Remarkable One. In the end, everyone will learn that wrestling matters. As a matter of fact, it's the only thing that does.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/TheBigProblem_jsilver.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/JimForce_dse81.jpg

The Big Problem vs. The Force


[it seems like all of the matches this evening are big or have major connotations. This one is no different as The Big Problem steps inside the ring with The Force. The Big Problem has yet to be really taken off his feet by anyone but if anyone can do it then it's someone with the strength of The Force. The match itself is pretty standard brawling fare. At one point, The Force tries to lift The Big Problem for a body slam but The Big Problem falls on top for a two count. Since that moment, The Force sells some back issues. This causes him to be unable to try for the Full Force later on in the match. As he grabs his back, The Big Problem wraps his hand around The Force's throat -- Choke Slam! The Big Problem makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: The Big Problem (Via Pinfall @ 6:08)

Match Rating: D+


[The crowd boos the victory by The Big Problem. The Big Problem doesn't seem to care what they think. He picks up The Force and prepares to give him another Choke Slam! The Big Problem milks it from the crowd as they boo his effort. He raises The Force high into the air and then turns and comes face to face with another wrestler.]




[it's Captain USA! The masked Captain USA yanks The Force back down and motions him out of the ring. Then the over 50 year old man comes face to face with the 29 year old Big Problem. The two men begin to exchange blows face to face! The crowd cheers for the Captain and boos The Big Problem! Captain USA blocks a punch and throws another! Another! Another! Captain USA clotheslines The Big Problem over the top rope! The Big Problem lands on his feet but Captain USA stands tall inside the ring! What a match these two should have at Red, White And Blue!]






[We head backstage once again. This time it's to a different locker room, the Sneer Corporation locker room. Standing by are Shane Sneer and Hell's Bouncer. Sneer begins by talking about the history of the Sneer Corporation. One of the long time standards of the Sneer Corporation has been that they never back down. That is going to continue to be their credo throughout the year of 2010. That means that this man, one of Shane Sneer's top acquisitions in 2010, is not going to back down from Enygma. Even though Enygma has a baseball bat. And even though Enygma has gone a little nuts with the baseball bat. But the question is going to be, will Enygma survive until Saturday?]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/FreddyHuggins.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/Liberty_dse81.jpg

TCW Wrestler Freddy Huggins vs. James Justice


[After what happened earlier, the crowd is really excited for this match as they want a USPW wrestler to take a TCW wrestler down a few notches. James Justice gets that opportunity this evening. This match is actually a fairly open match between these two with both men having opportunities early on to get the victory only to be thwarted by the other wrestler. One of the major turning points in the match came as Steve Flash and Eric Tyler walked down to the ringside area. These two prove to be a great distraction to James Justice. They nearly cause him to be pinned by a rollup by Huggins as Justice was distracted by their presence. Justice, though, kicked out of that rollup and went on the offensive. He sets up Huggins for the Dude Knee Drop. During the stall, Steve Flash climbs onto the apron! Justice turns, seeing this. He walks over to Flash and the two jaw for a moment back and forth. Huggins begins to recover behind Justice. The crowd screams, trying to warn the fan favorite. Justice turns back to Huggins -- Huggins Kiss! Justice takes that Superkick right to the chin as Flash drops off the apron. Huggins makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Freddy Huggins (Via Pinfall @ 8:51)

Match Rating: C+


[The crowd boos wildly! A win for TCW right here on our home turf! James Justice continues his downward slide. Steve Flash and Eric Tyler look satisfied as they head to the back while Justice bangs his palms on the mat in frustration. A major loss for Justice as it's not only a loss for him but a loss for USPW.]






[As the crowd boos their disapproval of the way Freddy Huggins won, we head backstage where the USPW Womens Champion Alicia Strong has paused in front of a drink machine. She gets out the water bottle she selected and then turns, accidentally splashing the water on the white shirt of the former USPW Womens Champion Raven Robinson! The two exchange a look with Strong apologizing to Robinson. The tone of Strong's voice doesn't sound very apologetic, though. Robinson does accept the apology and wishes Strong good luck on Saturday in their match. Strong explains that she doesn't need luck. She's the USPW Womens Champion. The two exchange another look with Robinson getting a little angry with that comment but we head back to the ring before things can get physical.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/JumboJackson_alt4.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg

Jumbo Jackson vs. Enygma


[Our semi main event and also a rematch from the very first USPW American Wrestling show of the year. Both of these men are adept at brawling, with Enygma holding a slight edge. Though he is definitely off-kilter and that plays a little against the masked former USPW World Champion. Enygma focuses on the leg and ankle of Jackson throughout the match. Though there is a liberal dose of interference by Shane Sneer to give Jackson control at times. It is after one of these interferences that Jackson starts to really hold control. Jackson brawls with Enygma outside the ring, sending Enygma into the steel steps and the ring post. Back inside the ring, Jackson hooks on a camel clutch. Enygma won't give it up though! The camera focuses briefly on a sign in the crowd: 'The prawn is my porn!' as Enygma struggles in the hold. The masked man draws on the cheers of the crowd to fight free of the camel clutch and go right back to the ankle of the bodyguard of the Sneer Corporation. Even Shane Sneer isn't enough to stop Enygma as the masked man knocks Sneer off the apron with a single punch! Jackson tries to take advantage by charging Enygma. Enygma dodges and Jackson hits chest-first in the corner. Enygma rolls him up: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Enygma (Via Pinfall @ 10:02)

Match Rating: C+




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/FreddieDatsun_alt3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/DesDavids-1-1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/TysonBaine_alt4.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ShaneSneer.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/JumboJackson_alt4.jpg


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The People's Team defend vs. The Titans


[Our huge main event matchup that really has the fans talking. The big question is just how Freddie Datsun and Des Davids are going to match up with the sheer power and size of The Titans. Early on, the answer is that they cannot. Tyson Baine and T-Rex dominate the first few minutes of the match against both Datsun and Davids. Datsun is the man that is forced into the corner of The Titans and prevented from tagging in Davids. Very brief spurts of offense come from Datsun but he is mostly manhandled by the large size of Baine and T-Rex. T-Rex levels Datsun with a Power Bomb in the center of the ring and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Davids breaks things up! It was when Tyson Baine went for the Hades Bomb that momentum shifted. Datsun fought free of the hold of Baine with punches and manages to clothesline the USPW World Champion to the mat! Datsun crawls to his corner and finally makes the hot tag to Des Davids!]


[Davids, the most well-rested man in the match, comes in like a house on fire! He is throwing punches and clotheslines to both Baine and T-Rex! He knocks T-Rex into a corner and then whips Baine right into him! He takes down the USPW World Champion with a German Suplex! Then he turns his attention back to T-Rex! He climbs the turnbuckles and begins throwing punches down to the head of the Jurassic Power! Tyson Baine sits up behind him and walks over to him, yanking him off T-Rex and power bombing him to the mat! Datsun reaches in and makes the tag! Datsun charges Tyson Baine and a clothesline sends them both over the top to the floor! Inside the ring, Des Davids levels T-Rex with a Quarterback Sack! But they aren't legal! The two legal men are outside the ring. Baine sends Datsun into the guardrail and then over the top and into the first row! Baine slides inside the ring to beat the count but Datsun cannot recover in time.]


Winners: The Titans (Via Countout @ 11:27; The People's Team retain the USPW World Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: C


[The Titans win the match but not the titles as the titles cannot change hands on a countout or DQ. The USPW World Champion Tyson Baine begins brawling with Des Davids inside the ring. Davids is going toe to toe with the USPW World Champion! But that changes when T-Rex comes in from behind! T-Rex hooks Des Davids in the Jurassic Crush! The crowd boos the hold as Davids struggles and tries to break free. The boos turn to cheers as two men come running down to the ring!]




[The #1 Contender Chris Caulfield and the USPW National Champion Nicky Champion slide into the ring and go right to work on Tyson Baine! A double clothesline brings him down! Champion turns his attention to T-Rex! T-Rex has to release the hold he has on Des Davids as he gets nailed in the head with the USPW National title belt! Nicky Champion throws some punches to the Jurassic Power! Chris Caulfield sends Tyson Baine over the top rope with a clothesline as Nicky Champion does the same to T-Rex! How is Caulfield standing after the assault by Tyson Baine earlier? Caulfield and Champion stand back to back in the center of the ring with their hands curled in fists, ready and waiting for a fight. The crowd is mixed with 'Caulfield' and 'Champion' cheers! Tyson Baine turns and grabs Freddie Datsun, slamming him head-first into the guardrail before he walks to the bottom of the ramp with T-Rex, Shane Sneer and Jumbo Jackson. Chris Caulfield and Nicky Champion stare down at the four men outside the ring as the crowd cheers their efforts! We'll see you Saturday for USPW Red, White And Blue!]

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


A fairly unpredictable card this week. No one got a perfect score. We did have several get 4/6. Congratulations to Emark, flaviooooo, Hashasheen and jhd1!


A special welcome to Boltinho and Hashasheen for their first predictions in this diary!


1. 20LEgend=7 Wins

Emark=7 Wins

3. Zergon=6 Wins

4. flaviooooo=5 Wins

jhd1=5 Wins

6. Rayelek=3 Wins

7. Huntman=2 Wins

Lexa90=2 Wins

Midnightnick=2 Wins

Bigpapa42=2 Wins

11. Hashasheen=1 Win

12. CamillePunk=0 Wins

LoNdOn=0 Wins

Astil=0 Wins

Boltinho=0 Wins

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USPW Red, White And Blue


Steve Flash vs. James Justice

Things have not been going very well for the veteran James Justice here lately. He has been on a slight losing streak, including losing to Freddy Huggins at the last USPW American Wrestling. Some of this streak can be attributed to the interference and distraction of Steve Flash. Here at Red, White And Blue, Justice will get the opportunity to turn things around against the man who has been a thorn in his side. On the other end of things, Steve Flash is looking to continue his winning ways here in USPW and prove that wrestling does, indeed, matter.


USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. T-Rex

Ever since the Jurassic Power won the #1 contendership at the beginning of the month, he has looked to destroy the USPW National Champion Nicky Champion at every turn. Champion knows what it feels like to be held in the tight grip of T-Rex's Jurassic Crush. However, last Wednesday, Nicky Champion proved his heart when he came out and took down the mighty T-Rex. These two meet at Red, White And Blue for the USPW National title where anything can and will happen.


The Big Problem vs. Captain USA

The Big Problem debuted last month, attacking Captain USA as the Captain was preparing to come out and recite the pledge of allegiance for the fans. The two men went face to face last Wednesday night and tonight they will step foot in the ring one on one for the first time.


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Darryl Devine and ???

The man known as Mighty Fine came out toward the beginning of this month and challenged The People's Team to a match for their tag team titles. He said he will reveal his partner at USPW Red, White And Blue. Who will that partner be? And more importantly will it be enough to take back the challenge of the USPW World Tag Team Champions?


Hell's Bouncer vs. Enygma

Enygma is on a bit of a hot streak right now, especially considering his recent victory over Jumbo Jackson. But now he will be facing one of the men who were responsible for putting him in a casket last month. Since his return from the casket, Enygma has not been himself, even speaking where he hadn't spoken before. Will Enygma be in the right frame of mind to win this match? Or will Hell's Bouncer drive him right back down to Hell?


USPW Womens Title Match: Alicia Strong defends vs. Raven Robinson

Raven is looking to regain the USPW Womens title that she lost last month in a four way match where she was never pinned. Alicia is looking to prove that she is worthy of being the Champion. These two got into a confrontation last Wednesday night that really heated things up. But who will step out of the ring with the title?


USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield

Tyson Baine came away with the USPW World title last month in a casket match with Enygma. The same night, Chris Caulfield defeated Bruce The Giant in a brutal Last Man Standing match to win the #1 contendership. These two forces are due to collide at USPW Red, White And Blue. What will happen when they meet? Tune in and find out!


All this and more on USPW Red, White And Blue live and on pay-per-view!


Prediction Key:

Steve Flash vs. James Justice



USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. T-Rex



The Big Problem vs. Captain USA



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Darryl Devine and ???



Hell's Bouncer vs. Enygma



USPW Womens Title Match: Alicia Strong defends vs. Raven Robinson



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield




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Steve Flash vs. James Justice

Comment: The Dude needs his mojo back after the TCW loss


USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. T-Rex

Comment: T-Rex is my absolute favourite USPW man.


The Big Problem vs. Captain USA

Comment: Poor Cap. How many wins has he got in anyones TEW10?


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Darryl Devine and ???

Comment: I always like Mr ?? but not for the belt. William Hayes please


Hell's Bouncer vs. Enygma

Comment: Enygma isnt getting the love and Sneer is


USPW Womens Title Match: Alicia Strong defends vs. Raven Robinson

Comment: Cant go against Little Miss here


USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Hades-bomb!


Signs: T-Rex is dino-mite!!!

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Steve Flash vs. James Justice



USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. T-Rex



The Big Problem vs. Captain USA



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Darryl Devine and ???



Hell's Bouncer vs. Enygma



USPW Womens Title Match: Alicia Strong defends vs. Raven Robinson



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield


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Steve Flash vs. James Justice

Comment:Time to break the losing streak


USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. T-Rex

Comment: As much as I love T-Rex, Champion will retain


The Big Problem vs. Captain USA

Comment: Hehe, the Captain is going to get demolished


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Darryl Devine and ???

Comment: Mr ??? is always a good gamble


Hell's Bouncer vs. Enygma

Comment: Tough call, but I'll go with Enygma here


USPW Womens Title Match: Alicia Strong defends vs. Raven Robinson

Comment: Too soon to switch the title again


USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Same point as with the womens title, plus Baine is a freak!


Signs: Captain Usa has a Big Problem tonight!

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Steve Flash vs. James Justice

Comment: This one looks like the harders to predict, normally I would go with Justice but storylines seems to be going on other way so I give this one to Flash.


USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. T-Rex

Comment:Champion just won the title so he aren´t losing it yet.


The Big Problem vs. Captain USA

Comment:I really don´t see Captain USA winning anywhere.


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Darryl Devine and ???

Comment: Mr. ???? is tempting but I doubt you would put tag titles on a new pair without testing their tag chemistry first.


Hell's Bouncer vs. Enygma

Comment:I think that going over Enygma would be too much too soon for Hell´s Bouncer.


USPW Womens Title Match: Alicia Strong defends vs. Raven Robinson

Comment: Too early for a title change


USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: I don´t see Baine dropping the belt on first defense.

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Steve Flash vs. James Justice

Comment: Tough one to call because of the Flash build and Justice's tough loss to Huggins. Going with the heel on this one.


USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. T-Rex

Comment: I prefer not to see T-Rex with the belt.


The Big Problem vs. Captain USA



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Darryl Devine and ???



Hell's Bouncer vs. Enygma



USPW Womens Title Match: Alicia Strong defends vs. Raven Robinson



USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield


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Thursday Week 4 February 2010

Rainbow Bar & Grill (South East)

Attendance: 75

Show Rating: C-


Al The Hillbilly defeated Ant-Man...E

The Gambler defeated Ernie Turner to retain the AWA Wrestling Spirit title...D-

Ford Gumble and Anger (Morning Express) defeated Java and Tribal Warrior for the AWA National Tag titles...D

ANGLE: Skit involving Bruce The Giant and Nicole Kiss...B-

Bruce The Giant defeated Teddy Powell...C-

Fumihiro Ota defeated Peter Valentine...C-



Friday Week 4 February 2010

Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 115

Show Rating: D+


Riley McManus defeated Huey Cannonball...E

Jefferson Stardust defeated Keith Vegas...E

ANGLE: Confrontation involving American Patriot, Jay Chord and Cameron Vessey...D

Ace Youngblood defeated Casey Valentine...E+

ANGLE: Skit involving Rip Chord and Lisa Bowen...C

Findlay O'Farraday defeated Brett Starr...D-

Citizen X defeated Cameron Vessey...D

American Patriot defeated Jay Chord to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship title...C-


OOC Note: Hope everyone is doing well. I just finished the writeup for USPW Red, White And Blue. I still have a little proofreading and other things to get done before I get it posted. But it could be posted as soon as tomorrow or as late as Saturday or Sunday. So make sure you get your predictions in. :)

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Steve Flash vs. James Justice


USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. T-Rex


The Big Problem vs. Captain USA


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. Darryl Devine and ???


Hell's Bouncer vs. Enygma


USPW Womens Title Match: Alicia Strong defends vs. Raven Robinson


USPW World Title Match: Tyson Baine defends vs. Chris Caulfield

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