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WWE: SmackDown! Into The Blue Wonder

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Women's Title Tourny: AJ vs. Tamina


Kane & Johnny Curtis vs. Mark Henry & Tyson Kidd w/Matt Striker & Brodus Clay


Sin Cara vs. Ted DiBiase


Daniel Bryan vs. Cody Rhodes


Randy Orton & Ezekiel Jackson vs. Sheamus & Wade Barrett

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Friday Night SmackDown!

Date: Week 4, June 2011

Location: NE Eihusen Arena

Commentators: Josh Mathews & Booker T


In familiar fashion we open with World Heavyweight champion, Randy Orton, making his way to the ring. Mic in hand he simply tells the production guys to show the footage. We see Orton interfering in the #1 contender's match last week RKOing both Christian and Sheamus. The fans go crazy as Orton has a smile on his face. He goes on to say that to him its starting to get a little old. Guys run their mouth, he RKO's them and stands tall. He's beaten Christian, he's beaten Sheamus, and he'll beat them as many times as it takes to prove he isnt only the World Heavyweight champion, but the Apex Predator in all of wrestling. And cue Sheamus. Listen FELLA! Sheamus says any boy can attack a man from behind, but it takes a true man and champion to come out here and stare into his enemies eyes and give him fair warning. Orton says it also takes a man to back up those words and he's heard it all before. Sheamus laughs it off and turns his back on Orton, asking if it makes him more comfortable. Orton responds that it would make it easier to kick his ass red and finally add some colour to Sheamus' skin (PG!). Sheamus gets mad and gets face to face with Orton who is egging Sheamus to do something. Of course here comes Christian now, who has mic and hand and stay on the stage. He tells the "kids" to be quiet as a proven star has something to say. Big heat for that. Christian goes into the speel of being a veteran, saying he's attacked more people from behind, and more people face-to-face then Orton or Sheamus put together. He mentions how in the end of it all, it doesnt matter, and all that matters is holding the World Heavyweight belt. Sheamus and Orton agree. Christian then says its about time he gets the respect he deserves and demands Orton give him a title shot on Sunday. Sheamus interrupts and says Christian doesnt know when its time to move on, and be put down like Old Yeller. He implores Orton to give him a title shot and be part of history as Sheamus is the future of the WWE, and Orton will be his stepping stone. It's a Mack-Militant! General Manager Theodore Long is out. He agrees that Christian has accomplished a lot in the industry, and despite his attitide, does deserve the respect of the WWE Universe. He also agrees that Sheamus is the jewel of the new era of wrestlers on SmackDown! and has proven he is worthy of being amongst the best. But he also says that no matter who you are, you have to earn Championships. That is why Theodore Long is giving everyone what they want. Long says Christian will get his title shot at Money In The Bank. Orton will get his opportunity to prove he's the top dog again by defending his championship, and he'll have to prove it with Sheamus in the ring as well as it will be a Triple Threat. Holla. 9.1/10


Kane & Johnny Curtis vs. Mark Henry & Tyson Kidd w/Matt Striker & Brodus Clay

Johnny Curtis goes to start with Tyson Kidd, but Kane tags in instead. Instead of doing the smart thing, Kidd plays to the crowd before he charges in and eats a big boot. Kane powers him up and whips him into the corner following with some big elbows and shots to the sterdum. Toss into the other corner and Kane follows him in with a big clothesline followed by a sidewalk slam, and gets to a 2-count when Mark Henry comes in to break up the pin. The ref is getting Henry out of the ring which allows Kidd to nail Kane with a low blow causing the Big Red Machine to hunch over. Kidd goes in with some leg kicks but Kane powers him back into the corner and lands a big elbow. Striker jumps onto the apron and the ref gets distracted allowing Kidd to hit another low blow! Kane is hunched over and Kidd gets on the middle rope and comes flying off with a dropkick and Kane only has the ropes to hold him up. With the ref still distracted, Brodus Clay jumps on the apron and then levels Kane with a clothesline, quickly jumping down as the ref turns around. Kidd gets a 2 count but Kane kicks out with authority. Kidd now quickly tags in Henry who comes in and intercepts Kane who is starting to stand up with a big axe handle to his back. Henry whips Kane into the corner and follows in with a big splash. Some corner pounding by Henry on Kane, followed by another splash eventually leads to a 2-count. Henry signals for the World's Strongest Slam, but Kane counters and hits an impressive scoop slam of his own. Both men are down and looking for a tag. Henry gets it first and Kidd cuts of the tag, keeping Curtis out of the match. Some ground and pound from Kidd with stomps, elbows, and eventually mounted punches and he gets a 2-count and Kane is in trouble. Kidd goes up top, but before he can jump off, Kane makes it to his feet. Kidd improvises and goes for a double axe handle but is caught with a goozle! Chokeslam to Kidd and Kane falls back towards his corner allowing Curtis to tag himself in. Curtis immediately heads up top and hits a big Flying Leg Drop on Kidd. He goes for the pin, but Striker and Clay jump on the apron to break the count. Henry comes in and hits Curtis from behind before he lifts him up and hits a World's Strongest Slam. He throws Kidd on top of Curtis and then drills a still groggy Kane off the ring apron and the referee counts 3 giving Kidd the pin!


Rating: 7.3/10 - Kane did a really good job quaterbacking this match. Kidd managed to actually look like a viable threat, even with the assists of Striker & Clay and his little entorage actually looks like a decent enough group despite also looking kind of thrown together. The only weak point was Curtis who the fans still dont really know what to make of, but his Leg Drop did look impressive and get a good pop.


We get a video package highlighting the Money In The Bank ladder match. We get quick clips of every participant hitting some big moves. 6.6/10


WWE Women's Title Tournament: AJ vs. Tamina

AJ's music sounds like that stupid tween stuff but it fits her well. Tamina is starting to look more and more like her father which I'm not sure is a good thing. Typical speed vs. power match here with AJ trying her damnedest to sneak in shots and then scurry away (MOUSE JOKE!). After sticking to this strategy for a bit, AJ makes the mistake of going for a headlock which Tamina easily powers out of lifting AJ and tossing her off. AJ turns right around into a big clothesline that gets 2. Tamina takes her time and scoops up AJ taking a second to turn to the hard camera and raise an eyebrow before slamming AJ down. One footed pin gets 2. A handful of hair causes AJ to rise to her feet and Tamina lifts her up again, but this time AJ is kicking and thrashing eventually slipping out the back. A dropkick to Tamina's lower back sends her into the ropes 619 style. AJ quickly scurries out (MOUSE JOKEx2!) onto the apron and then hits a nice looking kick to Tamina's exposed face. She now heads up top as Tamina struggles to her feet and goes for a crossbody, but Tamina catches her. She hits a real impressive Samoan Drop, tossing AJ over her head! That looked cool! 1-2-AJ counters into a crucifix pin, 1-2-3! AJ ADVANCES OUT OF NO WHERE!


Rating: 6.2/10 - If this is a sign of things to come then the Women's division might not be as lost as I thought in previous weeks. Tamina really impessed me this week and I'm now almost sad Alicia Fox got into the finals instead of her. Given more solid in-ring performances like this its only a matter of time until the fans begin to get into it.


We now get a video package hyping the history of the Women's title that is put together really nice. It even has statements from Natalya, AJ, & Alicia Fox saying how much winning the belt would mean to them. 5.5/10


Backstage we see Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes argueing in their dressing room. DiBiase is upset about Cody striking out on his own and says now he knows why he didnt follow him out of Theodore Longs office 2 weeks ago (CONTINUALITY!). Rhodes says Ted isnt giving him enough credit and he hasnt lost his perspective. He promises next week to walk into SmackDown! a World Tag Team champion and Mr. Money in the Bank! DiBiase still seems upset. 6.9/10


Sin Cara w/Daniel Bryan vs. Ted DiBiase

Interesting that Bryan is out with Cara and DiBiase is alone. Cara is going for his speed early but is quickly cut off by DiBiase who begins to beat down the lucha star with big punches and boots into the corner. He relies on this for a while and then hits a big suplex for a 2. He picks up Cara and sends him into the ropes, but Cara comes back with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Sending DiBiase out of the ring. Cara looks to be going for a dive and leaps up to the top rope, but DiBiase quickly slides back into the ring. Cara compensates quickly and hits a flying rana to DiBiase on the inside. DiBiase looks more dizzy then hurt though as he spins around the ring. He turns around and goes for a clothesline, but Cara ducks and comes back with a handspring elbow off the ropes. Cara gets 2-count. Cara is waiting for DiBiase to stand up and is setting up for something and runs in. This time though, DiBiase simply takes his head off with a clothesline and both men are down. Ref starts counting to 10 but both men get up around 7. They start to slug it out, and DiBiase gets the better of this exchange. He eventually ties up Cara and is looking for Dream Street! Cara flips right over though landing behind DiBiase. Off the ropes goes Cara and Ted turns and misses a clothesline, he quickly springs off the middle rope and turns into another hurricarana and slides onto the apron. DiBiase gets up slowly, only to eat a Springboard Crossbody from Cara which gets 3!


Rating: 6.8/10 - This match was mediocre on both scales. The fans slightly cared and besides some good spots it was just a bunch of basic offense from DiBiase between Sin Cara highlight clips. Cara needs to still learn a bit more of a North American style before he can be taken seriously.


Backstage Wade Barrett is with Todd Grisham. He runs down Jackson saying he was no one until Barrett accepted him into The Corre. He blames Jackson for "ruining his plans" and says he now has new plans that involve beating Jackson for that Intercontinental title on Sunday, and humbling him tonight. 7.5/10


Daniel Bryan w/Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes w/Ted DiBiase

No entance for Bryan. Rhodes comes out and meets DiBiase half way down the ramp as both DiBiase and Cara are still out from earlier. Nice grappling sequence to start that ends with a standoff. Bryan goes in again, but Cody simply punches him in the head. Cody slowing the pace down now forcing Bryan against the ropes. Irish whip and Bryan comes back ducking a clothesline, off again and this time Bryan leaves his feet to take Cody down with a clothesline of his own. Cody rolls outside to regroup with DiBiase, but Bryan charges and takes out both men with a suicide dive taking us to commercial.


We're back and Rhodes has taken control. During the break, DiBiase tripped up Bryan to allow Cody to take control, but Sin Cara hit him with a kick using the ring post to spin around. Rhodes is in control with an armbar variation, driving his elbow into Bryan's shoulder. The WWE Universe gets behind Bryan who starts to fight back. To his feet he starts through headbutts to break the hold. Bryan hits a nice suplex and both men are down. They get up before the ref can get to 5 though and begin exchanging forearms in the middle of the ring. Cody ducks one and springs off the ropes looking for his rebound kick, but Bryan ducks and when Cody lands Bryan nails him with a high kick. Only a 2 on the cover. Rhodes crawls to the corner trying to make it to his feet, Bryan runs in and nearly decapitates him with a running dropkick! Bryan up top looking for a missile dropkick, but DiBiase gets on the apron and shakes the ropes causing Bryan to lose his balance and fall. Instead of a DQ, the referee simply kicks out DiBiase to the fans delight. Bryan has fallen onto the canvas and Rhodes cant believe the ref kicked out his partner. He argues for a bit but then turns right into Bryan who grabs the arm and drags Rhodes to the mat locking in the LeBell Lock! Rhodes has no choice to tap as DiBiase is still on the top of the ramp in disbelief!


Rating: 7.8/10 - Good match from these two which is becoming the norm of any Daniel Bryan match, but that is to be expected. Obvious tension between Rhodes & DiBiase has me thinking a split is coming soon.


They show anther video package this time highlighting Ezekiel Jackson. It has a bit of interview in it and even mentions Zeke's ECW title win. 7.1/10


Randy Orton & Ezekiel Jackson vs. Sheamus & Wade Barrett

Orton and Barrett start this one off. Barrett gets the early advantage using a slight strength advantage, driving Orton to the mat several times. Orton quickly goes and tags in Big Zeke and we have a preview for Sunday. Barrett feigns squaring off with Jackson but then tags Sheamus in to a chorus of boos. Lock up by the two big men and its a stand off. They go again and no one gets the upper hand again. Sheamus and Zeke stand nose to nose until Sheamus slaps him right in the mouth. Zeke looks pissed and they lock up again but Zeke ends up throwing Sheamus across the ring like he was a cruiserweight and flexes as the fans erupt. Sheamus comes charging in but gets shoulder blocked down for his troubles. He gets back up and Zeke waves him on, they go in for a lock up, but Sheamus instead kicks Zeke right in the knee stumbling him. A elbow to the back of the head has Zeke dazzed. Sheamus off the ropes and going for a shoulder tackle, but Zeke still doesnt go down. Sheamus goes for another one but gets scoop slammed over and Zeke gets a quick 2 count. Sheamus pops back up and gets whipped into the corner. Zeke charges in but eats boots. Sheamus up to the second rope and he comes off with a shoulder block finally taking Jackson off his feet. Sheamus gets up and goes crazy with stomps forcing Zeke towards his corner. Barrett finally wants in the match and Sheamus reluctantly tags him in. Barrett drops one or two elbows and goes for a pin but only gets a 1. He lifts up Zeke and bounces off the ropes going for a clothesline, but Zeke flies forward taking Barrett down with a huge clothesline instead, sending the former Intercontinental champion to the outside as we head to commercial.


During the break, Barrett finally got he upper hand on Jackson on the outside when he managed to send him into the ringsteps and we go back to LIVE action where Barrett has Zeke tied up with an abdominal stretch in the middle of the ring. The fans get behind Zeke who manages to power up and then toss Barrett over with a modified hip toss. Barrett pops up and goes after Zeke but the two collide heads and both go down. Hot tags happen and Orton comes in hotter, hitting a series of clotheslines on Sheamus and Barrett and eventually a vintage Orton backbreaker on Sheamus for a 2. Orton signaling for the RKO, but Sheamus bails into the ropes seeing it coming. Referee Jack Doan has to back up Orton before Sheamus finally engages again. Both men go back and forth trading blows for a while until Sheamus ends up ducking a wild haymaker and hitting The Irish Curse backbreaker. Barrett gets tagged in and hits his own backbreaker, lifting Orton into a back suplex postion before using the ropes for a slingshot and dropping him across his knee. Nice. 2-count. Zeke is dieing to get in. Orton is trying to fight back but Barrett and Sheamus are keeping him isolated. Barrett in again and getting too confident setting up for a suplex when he gets RKOed out of no where, but he's too beat to make a pin. Going for hot tags, and just as Orton is about to reach Zeke, Christian comes running out and distracts Jackson. With no one to tag, Orton turns right into a Brogue Kick from Sheamus who has managed to tag in, and Sheamus gets the three. Zeke notices what happens and looks pissed off as Christian stands at the top of the ramp laughing. The final shot is of a beaten Orton laying in the middle of the ring.


Rating: 8.1/10 - Decent match here, and just when I was starting to forget about Christian when he finally came out. Zeke looked like he could hang with the big boys in this one, but possibly at the expense of Barrett which inst a good thing.


Overall Rating: 7.6/10 - As much as people can appreciate SmackDown! trying to give newer guys a shot, the last two SmackDown!'s show how important star power can be as when watching Johnny Curtis, no matter how decent he is, its hard to care. But you cant blame them for trying as they stay in the decent-to-good area here since their split from RAW.


Quick Results

Mark Henry & Tyson Kidd defeated Kane & Johnny Curtis

AJ defeated Tamina

Sin Cara defeated Ted DiBiase

Daniel Bryan defeated Cody Rhdoes

Sheamus & Wade Barrett defeated Randy Orton & Ezekiel Jackson

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WWE SmackDown! News and Notes: Wednesday, Week 2, July 2011


- WWE SmackDown! did a 4.42 rating on SyFy on Friday. This is up from last weeks 4.26.


- In a dark match before SmackDown! Chavo Guerrero defeated Trent Barreta. A random fan named Nathers7 said "It was a 6.5/10 I think. What happened to Caylen Croft? Sounds likea girls name anyway."


- Apparentley there is really strong debate about what SmackDown! should be focusing on going forward. While some thing they should stay the course with a the current crop of talent, with only new/young guys being brought in, there is a very vocal group who believe their should be more star power. Some expect people like Kane & Mark Henry to become bigger parts of the show going forward and the reason for some of the newer talent getting so much time was the World Tag Title tournament taking up a good deal of TV time.


- All signs right now point to a big surprise debut at Money In The Bank of a tag team. However lips are sealed tight as to who the new team is. Some have speculated that the Motor City Machine Guns could possibly be jumping as TNA has been featuring mainly new tag teams of late and somewhat re-booting their tag division.


Other News and Notes:


- Low-Ki's (Kaval/Senshi) won the FIP World Heavyweight title on Saturday.





WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Randy Orton © vs. Christian vs. Sheamus


WWE Intercontinental Championship

Ezekiel Jackson © vs. Wade Barrett


WWE World Tag Team Championship

Daniel Bryan & Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase


WWE Women's Championship

Natalya vs. AJ vs. Alicia Fox


Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Kane vs. Johnny Curtis vs. Mark Henry vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Tyson Kidd w/Matt Striker & Brodus Clay



Predictions for Week 3, July 2011 Money In The Bank

WWE Women's Title: Natalya vs. AJ vs. Alicia Fox

WWE World Tag Team Titles: Daniel Bryan & Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

WWE Intercontinental Title: Ezekiel Jackson © vs. Wade Barrett

Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Kane vs. Johnny Curtis vs. Mark Henry vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Tyson Kidd w/Matt Striker & Brodus Clay

WWE World Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton © vs. Christian vs. Sheamus


REALITY CHECK: I'm completely aware thats not a big PPV card. As I've said before I like to keep rosters smaller which limits how big I can make them. I also feel 4 shows simply isnt enough to effectivley really build 8 matches with 1 TV show. If you watch pre-brand split WWE or old WWF/WCW usually 2 matches on every PPV were random lower card matches anyway. I have been toying with the idea of doing 6 weeks between PPV's to warrant a bigger roster. Also I'm hoping to maybe get WWE Velocity on SyFy as I could also do some more feuds for the lower cards on the 'B' show.

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Predictions for Week 3, July 2011 Money In The Bank

WWE Women's Title: Natalya vs. AJ vs. Alicia Fox

WWE World Tag Team Titles: Daniel Bryan & Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

WWE Intercontinental Title: Ezekiel Jackson © vs. Wade Barrett

Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Kane vs. Johnny Curtis vs. Mark Henry vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Tyson Kidd w/Matt Striker & Brodus Clay

WWE World Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton © vs. Christian vs. Sheamus


Mystery team: Da Hit Squad.

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WWE Women's Title: Natalya vs. AJ vs. Alicia Fox

WWE World Tag Team Titles: Daniel Bryan & Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

WWE Intercontinental Title: Ezekiel Jackson © vs. Wade Barrett

Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Kane vs. Johnny Curtis vs. Mark Henry vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Tyson Kidd w/Matt Striker & Brodus Clay

WWE World Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton © vs. Christian vs. Sheamus


Mystery team: The World's Greatest Tag Team

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WWE Women's Title: Natalya vs. AJ vs. Alicia Fox

WWE World Tag Team Titles: Daniel Bryan & Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

WWE Intercontinental Title: Ezekiel Jackson © vs. Wade Barrett

Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Kane vs. Johnny Curtis vs. Mark Henry vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Tyson Kidd w/Matt Striker & Brodus Clay

WWE World Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton © vs. Christian vs. Sheamus


Mystery team: Generation Me

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WWE Women's Title: Natalya vs. AJ vs. Alicia Fox

WWE World Tag Team Titles: Daniel Bryan & Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

WWE Intercontinental Title: Ezekiel Jackson © vs. Wade Barrett

Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Kane vs. Johnny Curtis vs. Mark Henry vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Tyson Kidd w/Matt Striker & Brodus Clay

WWE World Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton © vs. Christian vs. Sheamus


Mystery team: World's Greatest Tag Team

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WWE Women's Title: Natalya vs. AJ vs. Alicia Fox

WWE World Tag Team Titles: Daniel Bryan & Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase - Cody walks out on Ted, they fued for the briefcase.

WWE Intercontinental Title: Ezekiel Jackson © vs. Wade Barrett

Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Kane vs. Johnny Curtis vs. Mark Henry vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Tyson Kidd w/Matt Striker & Brodus Clay

WWE World Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton © vs. Christian vs. Sheamus

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WWE Women's Title: Natalya vs. AJ vs. Alicia Fox

WWE World Tag Team Titles: Daniel Bryan & Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

WWE Intercontinental Title: Ezekiel Jackson © vs. Wade Barrett

Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Kane vs. Johnny Curtis vs. Mark Henry vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Tyson Kidd w/Matt Striker & Brodus Clay

WWE World Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton © vs. Christian vs. Sheamus


Mystery Team: World's Greatest Tag Team

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What are you going to do about the Royal Rumble, draft and Wrestlemania?


Well the Rumble is a couple months away so I'm not to concerned about it. A lot of guys will be working double duty is all. I imagine I will flesh out the match with random bring ins of former stars.

And Mania, I already have a card in mind for what I want to do, so I dont know what you are wondering about. It will likely be larger and have more people on it, but it will be the same as a general PPV just bigger and such.


I will likely also bring Undertaker back for Mania so there's one big match.

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Well the Rumble is a couple months away so I'm not to concerned about it. A lot of guys will be working double duty is all. I imagine I will flesh out the match with random bring ins of former stars.

And Mania, I already have a card in mind for what I want to do, so I dont know what you are wondering about. It will likely be larger and have more people on it, but it will be the same as a general PPV just bigger and such.


I will likely also bring Undertaker back for Mania so there's one big match.


No I meant would you have Wrestlemania with RAW some how, if you'd even have the royal rumble, I just assumed you'd be doing World War III instead and holding Starrcade.

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WWE Women's Title: Natalya vs. AJ vs. Alicia Fox

WWE World Tag Team Titles: Daniel Bryan & Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

WWE Intercontinental Title: Ezekiel Jackson © vs. Wade Barrett

Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Kane vs. Johnny Curtis vs. Mark Henry vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Tyson Kidd w/Matt Striker & Brodus Clay

WWE World Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton © vs. Christian vs. Sheamus


Mystery team: Chase Haxton and Lucky Cannon AKA Team Steal Your Girl


Keep up the good work!

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