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WWF 1989: Kayfabe Returns

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<p>Ronnie Garvin and The Mighty Hercules vs. <strong>The Twin Towers</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jake 'The Snake' Roberts </strong>vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>© Demolition</strong> vs. The Hart Foundation</p><p> </p><p>


Tito Santana vs. <strong>'Macho Man' Randy Savage</strong></p>

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<p>Ronnie Garvin and The Mighty Hercules vs. <strong>The Twin Towers</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jake 'The Snake' Roberts</strong> vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan</p><p> </p><p>


© Demolition vs. <strong>The Hart Foundation</strong></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Tito Santana</strong> vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage</p>

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<p>Ronnie Garvin and The Mighty Hercules vs. <strong>The Twin Towers</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jake 'The Snake' Roberts</strong> vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>© Demolition</strong> vs. The Hart Foundation</p><p> </p><p>


Tito Santana vs. <strong>'Macho Man' Randy Savage</strong></p>

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Ronnie Garvin and The Mighty Hercules vs. The Twin Towers

The Towers seem on their way up, which isn't a bad thing because Bossman can use the push. Akeem is rather whatever, but it gets Bossman ahead so great.


Jake 'The Snake' Roberts vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Duggan is really falling into line as your main event jobber, and I'm okay with that.



© Demolition vs. The Hart Foundation

Absolute toughest match to call... I'm going double DQ due to the Brainbusters making their return.



Tito Santana vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

Yeah, pretty well no chance here for Chico in Savage's comeback.

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Ronnie Garvin and The Mighty Hercules vs. The Twin Towers

Regular team takes out makeshift team


Jake 'The Snake' Roberts vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

like others have said, no reason for Roberts to lose here



© Demolition vs. The Hart Foundation

Will go with Demolition retaining as Harts win by CO or DQ



Tito Santana vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage


Would love to see one more push for Tito, but not happening here

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Ronnie Garvin and The Mighty Hercules vs. The Twin Towers

They should be the Number One Contenders by now!


Jake 'The Snake' Roberts vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Hacksaw Jim Jobber.



© Demolition vs. The Hart Foundation

Double count-out . .



Tito Santana vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

Lights out, chico.

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WWF SUPERSTARS - Week 4, Oct. 1989



- We cut in and see Vince McMahon and Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura standing on the stage with the ring in the backdrop.


Vince McMahon - Welcome everyone to WWF Superstars! And tonight is one of the biggest nights in recent memory here in the World Wrestling Federation, as we’ve got a huge Tag Team Title match set to take place, with Demolition defending against the Hart Foundation!


Jesse Ventura - That’s gonna be a great match, McMahon. But let’s not forget about the return to action for the Macho Man!


VM - Certainly not, Jesse. It’ll be the Macho Man Randy Savage making his in-ring return as he takes on Tito Santana. And let’s also not forget about what Hulk Hogan had to say on Prime Time earlier in the week.


JV - Hogan can make all the threats that he wants, McMahon. He’s just wondering around aimlessly right now, because like the rest of us, he still has no idea who attacked him.


VM - Well he’s certainly trying to beat it out of them. But we’ve got a big night of action on tap, so let’s go ahead and head to the ring for our first match!

Ronnie Garvin and The Mighty Hercules vs. The Twin Towers


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Match Notes: Garvin and Hercules simply didn’t have any answer in this one, as the more focused and determined Twin Towers were on display again in this match. Slick was barking out orders in a more serious tone throughout the match, and Bossman and Akeem were following the gameplan to perfection. After isolating Hercules and sending him to the outside with a massive double clothesline, Bossman then hit the Sidewalk Slam, and Akeem hit a splash off the second rope to pick up the victory.


WINNERS: Twin Towers at 6:01 (53)


VM - I don’t know about you, Jesse, but the Twin Towers look like a team that could be making a serious push for the Tag Team Titles in the near future.


JV - There’s no doubt about it, McMahon. Slick has them at a level that I’ve never seen them at before. He knows what it’s gonna take for them to knock off the champs.


VM - And it still remains to be seen who the champs will be after tonight, as we’ve still got our big title match coming up a little later on.


JV - If Akeem and Bossman keep wrestling like this, I could easily see them beating Demolition or the Hart Foundation.


VM - It’s hard to argue with that. But let’s talk about another tag team here in the World Wrestling Federation, and that’s the Rockers, who had a little bit of a mishap last week when Marty Jannetty accidentally cost Shawn Michaels his match against Jacques Rougeau. Let’s head backstage where these two are standing by!


- We cut to the back where see Jannetty and Michaels standing, and both seem to be in a relaxed mood.



Shawn Michaels - “We wanted to take this time to address some of the rumors going around here in the World Wrestling Federation. Specifically, the rumors of some trouble within the Rockers. Well guess what everybody? They are just that…..rumors. Did I want to win my match last week? You bet I did. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. But I know good and well that Marty wasn’t trying to cost me that match. We’re one of the greatest tag teams in the wrestling world today, and we know each other very well. We aren’t gonna jeopardize what we ultimately want to do over one small accident. We’re in the World Wrestling Federation to become the tag team champions, and that’s still our goal. We’re working every day to try and reach that goal. So let’s go ahead and put those rumors to rest. The Rockers are still kicking and will continue to do so until we get those belts around our waist!”


Marty Jannetty - “That’s right, Shawn. You see, we couldn’t have made it this far without a great deal of respect and understanding. Shawn knows that I didn’t mean to knock Raymond Rougeau into him. But that was just a little bump in the road. Because you see, we know that we have to be on the same page if we want to reach the top of the mountain. We know that we have to be clicking on all cylinders if we want our names to be in the running for top contenders for the WWF Tag Team Titles. We’ve seen what teams like the Hart Foundation and the Twin Towers have been doing lately. We had our chance to meet Demolition here tonight, but just couldn’t get the win that we needed. But fans, don’t you worry. Because we’re more focused than ever, and we’re going to find a way to get a shot at whoever walks out of here tonight with those title belts.” (73)


- We cut immediately to the ring, where we see Rick Martel standing in the ring with a smirk on his face as he points and laughs at some of the fans in the audience.



Rick Martel - “I look out in the audience and see some of you people…..and I just shake my head. Ya see, all you men out there think you’ve got a shot with all the beautiful women, but the fact of the matter is, YOU DON’T! And you don’t because they’re all too busy looking at ‘The Model’ Rick Martel. I am the model of what a man should be. I’ve got the looks, I’ve got the ability, and soon enough, I’ll have the gold to prove that. But as everyone knows, when you look as good as I do, it’s not hard to find a woman. And folks, I only deal with the best of the best. With that being said, I’ve managed to acquire the services of one of the most beautiful women on the planet. There’s been plenty of rumors about certain managers making me their client. Well, none of those managers looked like this woman does. So ladies and gentlemen, without any further ado, let me introduce to you to the woman that will be by my side from now on…..MISSY HYATT!!!!!”



- There are plenty of “ooohhs” and “aahhhhs” in the crowd as Hyatt makes her way down the aisle, sporting a lovely dress that reveals plenty of leg. Martel holds the rope for her as she makes her way into the ring. They both then go to the center of the ring, and Hyatt holds up Martel’s hand as he continues to taunt the crowd with an evil smile on his face. (70)


VM - A big announcement by the Model, as Missy Hyatt has officially arrived in the World Wrestling Federation!


JV - A nice acquisition for Martel. Not too mention that it’ll certainly be more easier on the eyes when we watch his matches now.


VM - You do have a point there.


JV - I mean, I say we get the Model an opponent out there right now so that she doesn’t have to leave so soon.


VM - Calm down there, Jesse. We can’t do that because we’ve got another match coming up next, as that maniac Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts goes one on one with Hacksaw Jim Duggan!


Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan


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Match Notes: A typical Hacksaw start to the match, as Duggan tried to rally the crowd behind him after the bell rung, with Jake just smirking over in the opposite corner. Duggan then came at Jake with some hard punches and clotheslines, but it didn’t really affect Jake too much as he slowly made his way back up with an evil smile each time. Duggan then decided to take it up to another level, but Jake ducked a clothesline and then went on the attack. Duggan never really had any control of the match after this, as the demented Jake just kept pounding away at Duggan. The referee almost stopped the match late, however, Jake hit the DDT and went for the cover….1-2.…before the three, Jake pulled Duggan up and smiled once again. He then picked him up and hit another DDT, this time scoring the three.


WINNER: Jake Roberts at 7:34 (62)


- After picking Duggan up and throwing him out of the ring, Jake asked for a mic and began to speak.



Jake Roberts - “Dusty Rhodes…..haha…..you really wanna do this? You aren‘t this dumb, are you? I‘ve obliterated every single person in my path, and to me, you‘re just another number. You‘re no important than Hercules or Piper. No Dusty, you‘re just another person. A piece of crumbled paper being thrown into the trash. I take great pleasure in the pain of others. The pain that I cause them. Everyone has wanted me to speak…..well, I‘m speaking. All of you self-righteous people aren’t gonna like what you hear though. I look out there and see all the kids holding their mommy or daddy‘s hand. They‘re scared of the “new“ Jake Roberts. They‘re scared of what I‘ve become. But they‘re even more scared of what I‘m capable of. And then I look at the mommy’s and the daddy’s. Your kid is squeezing your hand looking for safety. But you can’t offer them any because you know that you want no part of me. You know that you’re no match for the new label that everyone seems to be giving me…..“the maniac.“ So then what do we have? We have a whole lot of people scared to death of Jake Roberts…..hahahaha. And that’s exactly where I want you to be. If all of you think what I did to Piper was bad…..you ain‘t seen nothing yet. Rhodes…..you‘re next. And when I‘m done with him…..(pointing to the crowd)…..any of you could be next.” (84)


VM - I don’t even know how to respond to that, Jesse. That is one sadistic man. We need to get some extra security out here.


JV - Very chilling words from Roberts. I wouldn’t want to be on his bad side, that’s for sure.


VM - I thought it was brave of Dusty to stand up to him last week, but after seeing the look Jake’s face during that…..Dusty might want to rethink this.


JV - You bet he does, McMahon. I don’t think there’s anyone in the World Wrestling Federation that wants a piece of Roberts right now. The man’s crazy.


VM - Well ladies and gentlemen, let’s move away from that and talk about the Intercontinental Title, as standing by in the back is the number one contender for the belt…..The Ulllllltimate Warrior!


- We cut to the back where we see the Warrior huffing and puffing and in a very energetic mood.


Ultimate Warrior - “WARRIORS! The time is official and the date is set…..SURVIVOR SERIES!!!! That will be the day that the Warriors become one once again. And that will be the day that YOU RICK RUDE…..YOU WILL MEET YOUR ULTIMATE DEMISE! You thought that you were done with me at Saturday Night’s Main Event…..but no RICK RUDE! It will be you and me once again in that ring…..but this time…..YOU WILL FAIL…..AND I WILL become the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion once again! Three weeks……three weeks until the Warriors reunite and take you by storm RICK RUDE! The clock is ticking…..TICK…..TOCK…..TICK…..TOCK!” (92)


VM - The Warrior certainly sounds ready for the big match at Survivor Series, which will break the Survivor Series mold for the first time ever, Jesse!


JV - That’s right, McMahon. Usually we have nothing but the elimination matches, but this is too big of a match not to put on the card. Although we already know who will be victorious.


VM - Who is that?


JV - ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude, of course. I mean, how many times does Rude have to beat the Warrior. It’s ridiculous, McMahon.


VM - Well I only recall him doing it once. And he used the tights to get that win!


JV - Nobody mentioned how he won the match. But he won it. And once is all that matters. He’s proven that he’s the better man.


VM - You can argue all you want, but the Warrior is gonna get another shot at that title at Survivor Series. But folks, the time has come. Coming up next is our huge WWF Tag Team Title match between the champions, Demolition, and the challengers, The Hart Foundation. Let’s send it down to Howard Finkel in the ring!


© Demolition vs. The Hart Foundation


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Match Notes: A good match with a lot of back and forth action. The crowd seemed to be split, as there were a lot of cheers for both teams as the match progressed. Every time one team would gain an advantage, the other would mount a comeback, which really made the outcome of this match seem in doubt the entire way. Towards the end, Bret and Anvil had Ax isolated in the ring, with Smash recovering on the outside after Anvil sent him reeling after a huge bodyslam. There was a buzz throughout the crowd, as the fans seemed certain that this was the chance for the Foundation to capitalize and win the titles. They set Ax up in anticipation to hit the Hart Attack on him, but before they could execute the move, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard hit the ring, and pulled Ax away. Arn and Tully then proceeded to stomp on him, causing referee Earl Hebner to call for the bell and rule the match a disqualification.


WINNERS: Demolition via disqualification at 10:49 to retain the WWF Tag Team Titles (73)


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- After the bell had rung, the Brainbusters continued their attack on Ax. Smash eventually hit the ring, and they sent him back to the outside after Arn hit a low blow on him. Meanwhile, Bret and Anvil were absolutely furious, and the fans caught on that Arn and Tully had just cost them the titles. Bret and Anvil charged over and went at Arn and Tully with fists of fury, sending them reeling to the outside. Anvil kicked the ropes in anger, while the Arn and Tully regrouped on the outside, and started smiling as they nursed their wounds and made their way up the aisle. The fans continued to boo like crazy, clearly unhappy at the way the huge title match ended, while the Foundation tried to continue to plead their case inside to Hebner. (77)


VM - What a crock! The Brainbusters just cost the Hart Foundation the titles!


JV - Now how do you know that, McMahon? How do you know that Hart would have pinned Ax? They hadn’t even hit a big move on him yet!


VM - They had him reeling though. And the fact of the matter is, I highly doubt Ax and Smash wanted that match to end that way.


JV - I don’t believe that one bit. Ax and Smash should be thanking Arn and Tully right now. They just saved their belts!


VM - But I thought you said there was no guarantee that Hart would have scored the pin!


JV - There wasn’t. But I’m not an idiot. The Foundation were clearly in control of the match. So the way I see it, the Brainbusters helped Demolition retain.


VM - Well I sure don’t think you’ll hear those words coming out of Ax and Smash’s mouth.


JV - Maybe not. But it’s the truth.


VM - I cannot believe that our big title match ended like that. Surely President Jack Tunney will have something to say about this in the coming days.


JV - I’m sure he will, McMahon.


VM - Well folks, nonetheless, we’ve still got our main event to go here, as the Macho Man Randy Savage makes his in-ring return here in the World Wrestling Federation, going up against Tito Santana. Let’s take it back down to the ring!

Tito Santana vs. ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage


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Match Notes: Fantastic affair here, with the story being that Tito was injured early in the match, and officials came out to check on him to see if he could continue. Although they tried to rule him out with a leg injury, Tito valiantly pushed on, and kept playing the underdog role throughout. Savage continually tried to capitalize as he worked on the leg, but kept coming up short in his effort to score the three count. Savage frustrated himself to the point of grabbing a chair, but referee Dave Hebner made him think better of it, and he threw it down on the outside before pressing on in his attack on Santana. After a few more near falls, Savage pounded the mat in disgust, and then went up top to deliver his patented Double Axe Handle off the top, but Santana caught him with a right to the gut as he came down. The fans were going bananas, thinking that Santana was about to score a huge upset. Santana struggled to bounce off the ropes due to the injured leg, and went for the Flying Crossbody, but Savage managed to move out of the way. Savage then immediately dove right at his knee as he slowly made his way off the mat, sending Santana down in a world of hurt. Savage then quickly climbed the ropes once again, and delivered the Flying Elbow to get the win.


WINNER: Macho Man Randy Savage at 14:01 (89)


- After the match, Savage played the crowd in celebrating his victory when all of a sudden, a familiar song hit…..




- Hogan slowly makes his way down the ramp pointing his finger, while Savage stands inside the ring bracing for the encounter. Hogan slides into the ring and Savage goes on the offensive, but Hogan eventually counters and starts to make his move. Hogan uses an aggressive irish whip that sends Savage into the corner, and he bounces off right into the Big Boot. But before any further damage is done, these two hit the ring…..



- The Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect attack Hogan from behind and go to work on him, while Savage continues to be down on the mat from the boot. DiBiase and Perfect continue to wear down Hogan, with DiBiase locking on the Million Dollar Dream, as Hogan is clearly out of it. He then throws him over to Perfect who delivers the Perfect Plex to him. Both men stand over Hogan in the ring, while Savage recovers in the corner and takes a look at the damage. DiBiase and Perfect celebrate when we hear the voice of this man…..



Jack Tunney - “(making his way from behind the curtain) Stop it right there! Perfect, DiBiase, I see that you’ve had your fun here tonight…..and that’s good. Because gentlemen, the fun ends here. We have continued to pursue the man who attacked Hulk Hogan in that parking lot last month, however, we are still unable to pinpoint the one man who did it. With that said, all World Wrestling Federation officials have come to an agreement that all the evidence that we have gathered points to three men. And that is the three of you…..Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, and Macho Man Randy Savage. Now, since we can’t officially put the blame on one of you, we see fit that we put the blame on all three of you. Which is why we have signed the contract for the main event of Survivor Series. That main event will feature the team of the Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, and Macho Man Randy Savage against the team captained by the World Wrestling Federation Champion, Hulk Hogan. Joining him on that team will be the current WWF Tag Team Champions, Demolition Ax and Smash…..and the largest athlete to ever grace the World Wrestling Federation…..Andre the Giant! (DiBiase and Perfect throw a fit in the ring, holding up fingers to indicate 4 vs. 3, as Savage starts hitting the turnbuckle) That’s right gentlemen, a tradition Survivor Series elimination match, except that it’s four against three. You already had your advantage last month and here tonight. Now it’s time for you to get what you rightfully deserve after attacking our WWF champion in a parking lot. Thank you for your time, and good luck at Survivor Series.”


- The three men continue to show their anger in the ring, with Macho particularly upset at Perfect and DiBiase for seemingly dragging him into this. Meanwhile, Hogan had rolled out of the ring and recovered while pointing up at the three men. (100)

VM - OH MY! What a blockbuster main event for Survivor Series! A 4 on 3 showdown between Hogan’s team and the three suspects!


JV - It’s not fair at all, McMahon! These three are innocent until proven guilty! They don’t deserve this.


VM - Why sure they do, Jesse! And they’ve got more to worry about than just the WWF champion! There’s Andre and Demolition as well!


JV - I know it, McMahon. No need to drag those three into it. Hogan’s the one that started all of this by attacking innocent men!


VM - I don’t buy that for one second. But ladies and gentlemen, our main event is set for Thanksgiving night! Thanks for joining us!



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Predictions - Superstars (Week 4, Oct. 1989)


Zergon - 4/4

Harmor - 4/4

Jingo - 4/4

infinitekillz - 4/4

smwilliams - 4/4

Dead Jester - 4/4

oldschool - 3/4

Beejus - 3/4

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 3/4

Destiny - 2/4


Overall (16 shows)


Harmor - 58

Jingo - 57

oldschool - 49

Zergon - 49

Dead Jester - 48

Beejus - 33

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 30

PoisonedSuperman - 27

Destiny - 18

infinitekillz - 12

dudeamis - 12

smwilliams - 9

DarthXaos - 9

olympia - 8

Ritchardo - 7

Hulkamaniac85 - 4

soxfan93 - 4

lazorbeak - 2

totti - 2


I've said this before, but wanna say it again.....I REALLY appreciate all the feedback and predictions, guys. I know this was kind of a predictable era TV-wise in terms of match outcomes, but I'm glad to see that you guys are still enjoying this and picking away! Thanks again.


We're about to hit November, which means that we're getting closer and closer to Survivor Series! Card for Prime Time Wrestling should be up later tonight.

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From the offices of the World Wrestling Federation:



Card subject to change


'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Barry Windham


Greg Valentine and The Warlord vs. The Rockers


Jacques Rougeau vs. Tito Santana


Haku vs. The Ultimate Warrior



Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake and Hacksaw Jim Duggan


*Plus, we'll hear from The Hart Foundation concerning the outcome of the Tag Team Title Match on Superstars!


Alright gentlemen, start the predictions! Show should be up Friday or Saturday.

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'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Barry Windham

This is one of the tougher match-ups to call. But Martel just landed Missy Hyatt so I give the win to him.


Greg Valentine and The Warlord vs. The Rockers

Hello Heartbreak Kid?


Jacques Rougeau vs. Tito Santana

Santana's the more talented of the 2.


Haku vs. The Ultimate Warrior

Be shocked if Haku wins this.



Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake and Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Followed by appearances of Hogan and the Macho Man.

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'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Barry Windham

Martel is doing more.


Greg Valentine and The Warlord vs. The Rockers

Named team over random pairing


Jacques Rougeau vs. Tito Santana

Rougeau seems to have more going on right now.


Haku vs. The Ultimate Warrior

Warrior stays strong



Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake and Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Heels are simply higher on ladders.

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'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Barry Windham


Greg Valentine and The Warlord vs. The Rockers

Jacques Rougeau vs. Tito Santana

Haku vs. The Ultimate Warrior


Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake and Hacksaw Jim Duggan

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'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Barry Windham


Greg Valentine and The Warlord vs. The Rockers


Jacques Rougeau vs. Tito Santana


Haku vs. The Ultimate Warrior



Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake and Hacksaw Jim Duggan

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'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Barry Windham

-After recently adding Hyatt as his manager Martel will need to make a good impression here.


Greg Valentine and The Warlord vs. The Rockers

-Even if the Rockers are going to split i just don't see them losing to a makeshift team.


Jacques Rougeau vs. Tito Santana

-Tough to call but went with Rougeau based on Tito's recent record.


Haku vs. The Ultimate Warrior

-Haku's definately not going over in this one.



Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake and Hacksaw Jim Duggan

-Ted and Perfect have way to much going on to lose here.

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From the offices of the World Wrestling Federation:



Card subject to change


'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Barry Windham


Greg Valentine and The Warlord vs. The Rockers


Jacques Rougeau vs. Tito Santana


Haku vs. The Ultimate Warrior



Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake and Hacksaw Jim Duggan[/center]


*Plus, we'll hear from The Hart Foundation concerning the outcome of the Tag Team Title Match on Superstars!


Alright gentlemen, start the predictions! Show should be up Friday or Saturday.


If Rockers don't win, I predict someone may be jumping through a barbership window soon!


Also prediction for Hogan's Mystery Attacker: D) None Of The Above


It's not any of the three main suspects, it's either: 1) Zeus 2) A major face turning heel, although the only guy on that level right now would be Warrior and I don't think it would fit, especially as this wasn't the "shocking swerve" era and most heel turns tended to be somewhat foreshadowed, or 3) A surprise star signing from the competition (A certain platinum blonde "Real World's Champion", maybe)


Or maybe this is how Barry Horowitz begins his push to the moon

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Or maybe this is how Barry Horowitz begins his push to the moon


Ya know, I'm almost tempted to do a test save on this just to see how horrendous of a rating that it gets.....and see how many seconds it takes for the Hulkster to ask for his release after (because of his moon push) 'ASTRONAUT' Barry Horowitz beats him for the title.

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Oh, and in another comedic note, some of you may have wondered why Honky Tonk Mania suddenly stopped running wild several weeks ago. Your answer, sponsored by:




A new book detailing the terror of seeing your own frying pan jump off the counter and knock you out cold. Some people thought this only happened in movies.....but those people are sadly mistaken. With the Thanksgiving season upon us, you'll want to take all the proper precautions to keep your family safe. Have you ever thought about attacking one of your kitchen utensils? Maybe. But have you ever thought about one of your kitchen utensils attacking YOU?! Well you better, because they will. When Frying Pans Attack.....in stores next Thursday.



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'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Barry Windham


Greg Valentine and The Warlord vs. The Rockers


Jacques Rougeau vs. Tito Santana


Haku vs. The Ultimate Warrior



Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake and Hacksaw Jim Duggan

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Card subject to change


'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Barry Windham


Greg Valentine and The Warlord vs. The Rockers


Jacques Rougeau vs. Tito Santana


Haku vs. The Ultimate Warrior


Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake and Hacksaw Jim Duggan

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'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Barry Windham

Hopefully Windham stops treading water soon... personally I mark for the guy, and while I know you can't push everyone, he'd make for a decent hand.


Greg Valentine and The Warlord vs. The Rockers

While others see the end coming, I don't, and if I'm right there, then I commend you for not going the obvious "break up the Rockers" route with the shenanigans that went on a few shows ago.


Jacques Rougeau vs. Tito Santana

I can see a quick win here as a thanks for doing a good job as JTTS the past few shows.


Haku vs. The Ultimate Warrior

Maybe one of these days someone will beat Warrior. But it will not be on this day.



Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake and Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Top heels looking strong is win.

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'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Barry Windham

The Model keeps rollin.


Greg Valentine and The Warlord vs. The Rockers

The boys get back on track here.... for now.


Jacques Rougeau vs. Tito Santana

Jacques uses THE CATTLE PROD on Chico !!!!


Haku vs. The Ultimate Warrior

Warrior runs right through Haku.... and straight into the "Ravishing" Brick Wall come Survivor Series.



Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect vs. Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake and Hacksaw Jim Duggan


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- We cut in and see Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan sitting behind the desk in the Prime Time studios.


Gorilla Monsoon - Welcome everyone to Prime Time Wrestling! As always, I’m joined by Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan, who I’m sure had a hand in the conclusion of the WWF Tag Team Title match last week on Superstars. Isn’t that right, Brain?


Bobby Heenan - Did you see me at ringside, Monsoon?


GM - Well no, but…..


BH - Exactly. So how did I have a hand in that match?


GM - Oh give me a break! You’re telling me you didn’t consult with the Brainbusters before they went out there and ruined a great title match?


BH - Of course I consulted with them, Monsoon. They’re my clients. But the decision is ultimately in their hands. I don’t really see anything wrong with what they did.


GM - Boy, that’s a shocker. But we’ll talk more about that in just a little bit, as well as the blockbuster announcement by President Jack Tunney concerning the main event of Survivor Series. Let’s go to our first match, which features ‘The Model’ Rick Martel’s first match with his new companion, Missy Hyatt, by his side.


‘The Model’ Rick Martel vs. Barry Windham

Match Notes: Martel was at the height of his arrogance in this one, as the presence of Hyatt at ringside seemed to encourage him to showboat a little more than usual. But the big man Windham did not back down, and stayed focused throughout, although Hyatt was certainly a distracting figure on the outside. Martel used plenty of cheap tactics in the match, as when Windham would try to gain an advantage, a poke to the eye or a low blow out of referee Dave Hebner’s view would change the course of the match. Late in the match, Windham was on the offensive when Martel motioned for Hyatt, and she slowly made her way onto the apron. Windham looked over but kept his attention on Martel, but Hebner was forced to go over and try to get Hyatt off of the apron. During this, Martel hit a low blow, and then crawled over to the corner where the atomizer was laying, and sprayed Windham right in the face. He threw the atomizer out of the ring, and went over and used the small package as Hyatt left the apron and Hebner turned around to count…1-2-3!


WINNER: Rick Martel at 9:14 (78)


- After the match, Martel joined Hyatt on the outside, while Windham was still trying to improve his vision on the inside, clearly in a foul mood after the tactics from Martel.


GM - Well Brain, we knew Missy Hyatt would change the entire game for Martel, as she certainly made her assets known in that match.


BH - Enough about the match, Monsoon. Ya know, I’m still a little upset that Martel didn’t call me back concerning the Warrior’s circus career.


GM - That obviously wasn’t his big announcement, Brain.


BH - I guess your right. But I still think he knows something. I’ve put in a call to the local touring circus in this “Parts Unknown” where the Warrior is from. Ever heard of that place, Monsoon?


GM - You have got to be kidding me.


BH - Of course I am. But I’m not kidding about putting a call into every circus this side of the Mississippi. I want video of the Warrior in his natural habitat.


GM - Simply head-scratching. Well Brain, you might want to focus your attention on this first, as we’ve got video of an interview with the Hart Foundation following the title match on Superstars. Let’s take a look at what they had to say!


- We cut to a video where we see a frustrated Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart standing in the locker room with Sean Mooney.



Sean Mooney - “Gentlemen…..”


Bret Hart - “Can it, Sean! We don’t care what you have to say. We only care about one man has to say, and that man is WWF President Jack Tunney! We just got cheated out of the Tag Team Titles, and the Anvil and I want to know what is gonna be done about it! Ax, Smash, if that‘s the way that you want to keep your titles, then so be it! But the fact is, we earned our title shots, and we didn‘t get a fair match because of those bitter losers, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard!”


Jim Neidhart - “Brainbusters! We’ve been working our tails off to get our hands on the WWF Tag Team Titles…..and you two decide to ruin it! Well let me tell ya somethin’ Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard! You think your business is only with Demolition? Well that’s where you’re wrong now! Because boys, you’ve brought the Hart Foundation into your business. And that’s the WORST mistake you’ve ever made BABAAAY!” (69)


GM - It sure sounds like the Hart Foundation might throw a wrench in your plans, Brain.


BH - Those two morons have no idea what our plans are. We didn’t cost them the titles. Had they beat Demolition before Arn and Tully got out there, this wouldn’t have happened. So that’s not our faults.

GM - Well it looked like they were about to finish off Ax when your guys ran in.


BH - So what? We don’t care about The Hart Foundation. We care about the Tag Team Titles, which are rightful property of the Brainbusters and The Heenan Family. Hart and Neidhart can cry all they want. But we all know who the true number one challengers are for those belts.


GM - You might want to stop underestimating the Foundation, Brain. They sound like one angry group right now.


BH - I’m not worried about them. Tunney will do what’s right and name the Brainbusters as the top challengers now.


GM - We’ll have to see about that. But speaking of another potential team who could wear tag gold in the near future, here’s the Rockers in our next match!


Greg Valentine and The Warlord vs. The Rockers


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Match Notes: A very good match, with the Rockers really shining throughout. After the rumors of their demise, Michaels and Jannetty were clearly trying to prove that they were on the same page here, and the Hammer and Warlord just caught them at the wrong time. The Rockers used their speed to combat the aggressive, powerful style of their opponents, and Michaels and Jannetty used their agility to slide out of moves that could have otherwise been big trouble. Towards the end, the Rockers were on a hot streak, and all four men were in the ring going at each other. After Jannetty sent Valentine down in the corner, he then went over and used a double team with Michaels to push Warlord into the ropes. In doing this, Warlord got caught in the ropes and dropped to the ground with his arms tied in the ropes. The crowd went crazy as they knew the big man had been isolated. Michaels and Jannetty then went over and hit the Rocker-Plex on Valentine to score the pinfall.


WINNERS: The Rockers at 7:28 (77)


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- After the match, the Rockers celebrated in the ring, clearly ecstatic after such a great effort. But the cheers began turning to boos, as Akeem and Big Bossman made their way down the aisle, and the Rockers saw them and were ready for a fight. The Twin Towers slid into the ring and took advantage of the fatigued Rockers, using their overwhelming power to sling them around the ring. But the “Rockers” chants from the crowd energized the young duo, and they started to fight back, once again using their speed and agility to counter the power. After they started to mount some momentum, Slick ordered Akeem and Bossman out of the ring, with the crowd in a frenzy. Akeem and Bossman pointed angrily, while the Rockers nursed their wounds inside the ring and played to the crowd. (69)


GM - A big victory for the Rockers, Brain, as it looks like they’ve bounced back nicely from that mishap a few weeks ago. But what about the post-match antics from Slick’s crew, Akeem and Bossman?


BH - Slick’s a smart man, Monsoon. He knew that the best time to attack them was after the match.


GM - Taking a page out of your book, huh?


BH - I wouldn’t say that.


GM - Well there’s no doubt that the Rockers and the Twin Towers are both trying to make a claim to become the top challengers for the titles, but that will all depend on what Jack Tunney decides to do with this whole mess that the Brainbusters started.


BH - Again, Monsoon, you’re way out there on this one. Arn and Tully were simply trying to acquire their rightful property. So you and all the humanoids out there can shut it.


GM - I’ve got a feeling your two men will get what they’ve got coming to them from either Demolition or the Hart Foundation…..sooner rather than later. But it’s time for another big match, as we’ve a showdown between Tito Santana and Jacques Rougeau. Tito is coming off of a valiant effort against Macho Man Randy Savage, and is clearly still nursing that leg injury in this one. Let’s take a look.


Jacques Rougeau vs. Tito Santana



Match Notes: A good match that was based around Jacques trying to take advantage from the still shaken up Tito. Jacques went at the left leg every chance that he got, as Raymond cheered him on outside the ring. But Tito was relentless and never gave up at point, despite being in obvious pain throughout the match. The fans were more vocal than usual in support of Tito, and it fueled him late in the match when Jacques seemed to be in complete control. Tito blocked a few moves, and started to battle back, as Raymond started to tense up outside of the ring. Raymond quickly jumped up on the apron to try and do something, but as soon as he saw this, Tito countered an irish whip from Jacques and threw him directly into Raymond, who went flying off the apron onto the floor. Tito then bounced off of the ropes and hit the Flying Crossbody and covered Jacques for the victory.


WINNER: Tito Santana at 7:10 (62)


GM - A great win for Tito Santana, especially coming off of tough loss but outstanding performance against the Macho Man on Superstars.


BH - Performance doesn’t matter, Monsoon. Winning matters. What’s that….one win for Santna in the last couple of months?


GM - I think he’s got a few more than that, Brain.


BH - Well not against the Heenan Family. And that’s all I care about.


GM - Trust me, we already knew that. That’s no secret.


BH - I just wanted to make sure it was clear.


GM - Oh it’s loud and clear, Brain. But ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to switch gears and take a look at the resident lunatic in the World Wrestling Federation, Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts, who had some very strong words for ‘The American Dream’ Dusty Rhodes this past week on Superstars. Folks, if you have a small child near the set right now, you may want to pull him out of the room during this upcoming video. The recent actions and words from Jake Roberts may not be suitable for young children.

BH - It may not be suitable for grown men either, Monsoon.



- We cut to a video showing Roberts’ post-match speech following his win against Hacksaw Jim Duggan. The cameras focus on the people in the audience who seem scared of what Roberts is saying, and the little kids holding their parent’s hand. (78)


GM - Folks, I’m not sure I’ve seen a scarier individual in the World Wrestling Federation in quite some time. I know the American Dream has a big heart, but I’m not sure he wants any part of this maniac right now.


BH - Yeah, you be the one that calls Jake a maniac, Monsoon. Because I’m certainly not dumb enough to do that. After he wipes the floor with Rhodes, he’ll be after you next!

GM - To be honest with you, Brain, I’m not sure anyone in the WWF is safe from this man right now. That goes for wrestlers, announcers, the time keeper…..anyone.


BH - You may be right about that.


GM - Perhaps you should approach him about dealing with the Warrior.


BH - Are you crazy? I wanna send the Warrior back to the circus more than anybody. But I don’t want to get this luna…..wait…..I mean, this nice gentlemen involved in our affairs. He’s got other things to worry about. Like scaring the daylights out of infants.


GM - Well President Jack Tunney might have to do something about this guy before he gets too over the top.


BH - Enough about that though. Let’s get to our next match.


GM - Oh, so you’re curious to watch this upcoming match between the Warrior and Heenan Family member, Haku?


BH - You bet I am, Monsoon. Roll the tape!


Haku vs. The Ultimate Warrior



Match Notes: Not much of a match here, as this one never got going due to Heenan’s stalling strategy with Haku. As soon as the bell rung, Haku dropped to the outside as Heenan applauded his antics. Warrior was furious at this and went to the outside to chase after him, but Haku slid back in and gained an advantage when Warrior got back in the ring. After Warrior was down in the corner, Haku got back out of the ring again, with the booing from the fans getting louder and louder. Haku and Heenan slowly made their way opposite of the aisle on the other side of the ring, and Warrior was pointing at them on the outside, clearly enraged at the cowardly antics. From out of nowhere, The Barbarian hit the ring and clocked the Warrior right in the back with a steel chair. Referee Joey Marella quickly called for the bell.


WINNER: The Ultimate Warrior via disqualification at 5:31 (62)


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- After the bell had rang, Haku joined Barbarian in the ring, as they began stomping on Warrior unmercifully. Before long, Rick Rude made his way down the aisle with a huge smirk on his face and mic in hand, and joined Haku, Barbarian, and Heenan in the ring after a minute or so of the double team on the Warrior.



Rick Rude - “Ya see Warrior, not only do you keep underestimating me…..but you keep underestimating the entire Heenan Family. Unlike you Warrior, I have people that I trust. We got rid of the one man in the family that we couldn’t trust. And wouldn’t you know…..that was the same man that handed you your rematch. Oh…..but where is he now, Warrior? Huh? Where is he? He’s not here to help you. He’s not here to have your back. No, because no one has your back. And where you continue to get this whole wrong is that it’s not just you against me. No, no, no. It’s you against me…..and Bobby…..and Haku…..and The Barbarian…..and Arn…..and Tully. Simply put Warrior, you have no chance at Survivor Series. I’ve got the most powerful family in wrestling on my side. And trust me Warrior, there is no way that we will allow you to walk out with my Intercontinental Title.”


- Rude throws the mic down on the Warrior as Heenan, Haku, and Barbarian smile and watch Rude as he taunts the Warrior and the crowd by holding the Intercontinental Title high in the air. (92)


GM - ……….


BH - Cat got your tongue, Monsoon? I figured you had some type of sarcastic remark to make after that display of brilliance by the Heenan Family.


GM - That was one of the most cowardly displays I’ve seen by the family in quite some time. And that’s saying something.


BH - Cowardly? We let the Warrior win his match with Haku. Wasn’t that nice of us?


GM - Oh would you stop! He won by disqualification after your guy, The Barbarian, hit him in the back with a steel chair!


BH - Yes, but he still won the match, didn’t he? Remember what I said, Monsoon. It’s all about winning. Nice win for the Warrior. (in a sarcastic tone) Hopefully Haku can bounce back from this…..hahahaha.


GM - I hope you remember what kind of tricks the Warrior outsmarted Rude with last month. Because I’ve got a feeling you’re gonna be seeing some more of them after that.


BH - Please. Did you hear a word Rude said? The Warrior is no match for Rude by himself. So what makes you think he can do anything with the ENTIRE Heenan Family?


GM - I don’t know, Brain. But the Warrior isn’t gonna take this lying down. I think you know that.


BH - I’m not the least bit worried, Monsoon.


GM - Alright then. Just offering my opinion. But folks, we talked earlier about the huge announcement by Jack Tunney on Superstars concerning the main event for Survivor Series. Let’s take a look.

<a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=hulkhogan5.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/hulkhogan5.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=randysavage5.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/randysavage5.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=teddibease3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/teddibease3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=CurtHennig3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/CurtHennig3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=jacktunney.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/jacktunney.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


- A video is shown of Hulk Hogan and Macho Man squaring off in the ring following the Macho/Tito match on Superstars. We then see the attack by the Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect on Hogan while Savage regroups in the corner. And then we see Tunney make the announcement of the Survivor Series main event between the team of Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ax, and Smash and the team of the Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, and the Macho Man. (82)


GM - What a main event that’s set up for Survivor Series, Brain, as we have for the first time ever, a 4 on 3 elimination match instead of the tradition 4 on 4 match.


BH - It’s pretty unfair for Perfect, DiBiase, and Savage if you ask me. But then again, let’s keep in mind that the total IQ of Hogan’s team is about 37.


GM - I’d say it’s considerably higher than that.


BH - You’re right. 42 is probably more like it.


GM - Well Brain, all I know is that the match should have the crowd in a frenzy as Hogan tries to go for his revenge against these three men.

BH - He just better watch out for Andre. He’ll forget what team he’s on and clock Hogan right upside the head. And Ax and Smash will probably have trouble finding the ring.


GM - I highly doubt that, Brain. All I know is that this is gonna be a blockbuster, and World Wrestling Federation fans have been wanting to see Hogan get his hands on these three men in a match for some time now. But we’re gonna take a look at two of these men in action, as the team of the Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect are in action against Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake and Hacksaw Jim Duggan.


Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect vs. Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake and Hacksaw Jim Duggan


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http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=teddibease3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/teddibease3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=CurtHennig3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/CurtHennig3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=brutusbeefcake3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/brutusbeefcake3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=jimduggan3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/jimduggan3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: The crowd was hot for this match, as they were booing DiBiase and Perfect every single time they made a move. The bad guys were pretty much in control for most of the match, as they were wearing down Duggan for a lot of the time. Duggan kept trying to make the tag in to Beefcake, but any time he would get close, Perfect or DiBiase would pull him away and continue the attack. The chemistry between Perfect and DiBiase really shined, as they were tagging in and out like crazy to keep each man fresh as the match progressed. Late in the match, DiBiase had a miscue, and Duggan managed to crawl over and tag in Beefcake. Beefcake came in on fire and dropped DiBiase and then Perfect who made his way into the ring. Beefcake continued to be on a roll, and Hacksaw came back in to go to work on Perfect. But Perfect eventually turned the tide on him, and sent him to the outside. Perfect went outside and threw Duggan into the steel barricade, while Beefcake continued to go at DiBiase. Beefcake bounced off the ropes, but Perfect pulled his leg, sending him to the ground. Perfect hopped back on the apron, and a winded DiBiase tagged him in. Perfect ran quickly over to Beefcake before he could recover, picked him up, and hit the Perfect Plex to score the victory.


WINNERS: Million Dollar Man and Mr. Perfect at 11:50 (76)


- After the match, Perfect and DiBiase celebrated in the ring, and then DiBiase called for a mic.


Million Dollar Man - “So Jack Tunney has decided that the conspiracy will continue here in the World Wrestling Federation. The conspiracy of blaming innocent men for their part in something that they were not a part of. Mr. Perfect and I weren’t on the same page a while back. We didn’t know if there was anyone that we could trust. Well, now we realize that we can only trust each other…..because at the top of the WWF, there’s a mass conspiracy going on to try and pin the attack on one of us. But ya know what? They’ve got it a little bit right. Because you see, from day one I knew who attacked Hulk Hogan. And that man was the Macho Man! He tried to play like he didn’t want to get in there and deliver a beating to Hogan like we did on Superstars. But it was all an act. Savage, you’re trying to pin this on one of us. You’re trying to make the fans think that you’re above attacking someone in a parking lot. But we all know that you’re not. So let me go ahead and tell you this…..Mr. Perfect and I are out to prove ourselves at Survivor Series. Even though neither one of us attacked Hogan, you can bet that we’re going to try and inflict a whole lot of pain on him. Because we both want a shot at the World Wrestling Federation Title down the line. So if you’re going to play the card about thinking you’re above teaming with us, or above being discussed as a possible suspect, then you better stay out of our way. Because neither of us have a problem taking you out like we did Hogan on Superstars…..HAHAHAHAHAHA!”


Mr. Perfect - “You better listen to the man, Savage, because if you know what’s good for you, you’ll do everything we ask you to do in the match and stop trying to prove your innocence. Everyone knows that you did it. And honestly, both of us thank you for doing it. But enough about you, Savage. Hey Hulk Hogan, how did it feel, huh? How did it feel to be lying face down on the mat after we came down and showed you exactly what we’re capable of. You’ve been attacking us after matches because you know you can’t beat us when it really counts. You can’t beat us in an actual wrestling match. And at Survivor Series, you, and Andre, and those painted freaks Demolition are gonna find out exactly why they call me perfect. So Hogan, you better be ready for the fight of your life on Thanksgiving night. Because the Million Dollar Man, myself, and if decides to drop all of the games, the Macho Man, are going to defeat your team. And that will be…..perfect.”


- Perfect and DiBiase raise their arms high in the air as DiBiase laughs uncontrollably. (100)


GM - Well it might be 4 against 2 at Survivor Series, Brain, as it sure sounds like Perfect and DiBiase are already claiming that the Macho Man can’t be trusted.


BH - I don’t see how you could trust a guy like Savage. I’m not saying he’s guilty, but as I’ve said before, there’s no way Perfect or DiBiase would attack a man in a parking lot.


GM - And I’m still not buying into that claim.


BH - So.


GM - Your bluntness never ceases to amaze me. But Brain, before we go off the air, we just got a very important phone call from the World Wrestling Federation headquarters, and boy what an announcement this is. They have informed us that Hulk Hogan will be in action Friday on Superstars. How about that one?!


BH - Who is his opponent?


GM - They haven’t announced that yet.


BH - Well it can’t be Rude because he’s got an evening at the spa planned…..and it can’t be Barbarian or Haku because they’ve gotta eat dinner…..and it can’t be…..

GM - Thanks for joining us folks. We’ll see you next week!


SHOW RATING: 77 (not the greatest rating, but anytime Warlord and Duggan are in matches above 75, it's hard to be upset)

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Predictions - Prime Time Wrestling (Week 1, Nov. 1989)


Destiny - 5/5

DarthXaos - 5/5

Jingo - 5/5

Beejus - 5/5

Zergon - 4/5

Harmor - 4/5

infinitekillz - 4/5

smwilliams - 4/5

Dead Jester - 4/5

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 4/5


Overall (17 shows)


Harmor - 62

Jingo - 62

Zergon - 53

Dead Jester - 52

oldschool - 49

Beejus - 38

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 34

PoisonedSuperman - 27

Destiny - 23

infinitekillz - 16

DarthXaos - 14

smwilliams - 13

dudeamis - 12

olympia - 8

Ritchardo - 7

Hulkamaniac85 - 4

soxfan93 - 4

lazorbeak - 2

totti - 2


We've got a tie atop the leaderboard! Oh, and for those of you who are currently back a bit in the predictions standings, I'm going to be adding bonus point opportunities for all my big shows, starting with Survivor Series. I am also thinking ideas for prizes (Wrestling Challenge main event, pushing someone, etc.) for those who win each show. Anyways, card for Superstars will be up later tonight. Only three TV shows away from Survivor Series!

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