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WWF 1989: Kayfabe Returns

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WWF SUPERSTARS - Week 2, Nov. 1989



- We cut in to see Vince McMahon and Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura standing on the stage, with the ring in the backdrop.


Vince McMahon - Welcome everyone to WWF Superstars! As always, I’m joined by Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura, and Jesse, the roof is about to blow off of this place in anticipation for our huge main event, which will pit the Million Dollar Man and Macho Man Randy Savage in a non-title match against the WWF Tag Team Champions, Demolition!


Jesse Ventura - That’s right, McMahon. We’ve got a little preview of Survivor Series here tonight. But I think Demolition should be putting the belts on the line!


JV - Well it is a non-title match, so you’ll have to get over that. But what about the teamwork dynamic for the two guys who will be on “The Suspects” team at Survivor Series?


JV - Don’t worry about DiBiase and Savage. They’ll get it figured out. Savage knows that his ticket to the WWF Title is to stay on the same page with the Million Dollar Man.


VM - Well it certainly be interesting to see how that whole dynamic plays out. But let’s get it down to the ring where we’ve got a special return here in the World Wrestling Federation…..it’s the Honky Tonk Man!


- We cut to the ring where we see Honky dancing around. He requests a mic and begins to speak.


Honky Tonk Man - “Ladies and gentlemen…..Honky Tonk Mania has offically returned! I see all you cool people out there who want to see the Honky Tonk Man do what he does best. But before I get to that, I wanna thank all 73 of you who sent me get well wishes after I picked up an injury playing my guitar. It meant a lot. But let me give you a little preview of my new hit I’ve been working on during my absence. Hit it…..”


- We all of a sudden hear “HOOOOOO” and Honky gets angry as Hacksaw Jim Duggan makes his way down the aisle for their match. (72)


Honky Tonk Man vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan


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Match Notes: Hacksaw was pretty much in control when the two were actually engaged, as Honky spent most of his time playing to the crowd and making sure his hair wasn’t messed up. This one never really got going, with Honky trying to weasel his way out of every move by Duggan. Late in the match, Honky finally landed a big move, hitting a bodyslam on Duggan before turning his back and taunting his greatness to the crowd. But as soon as Duggan hit the mat, he got right back up and went down in the three-point stance. Duggan then charged at him hard and Honky went down hard. Duggan then held the thumb up and covered Honky for the 1-2-3.


WINNER: Hacksaw Jim Duggan at 4:42 (64)


VM - It looks like Hacksaw sent the Honky Tonk train on a little detour!


JV - Absolutely hilarious, McMahon. It was Honky’s first match back. He was just shaking off the rust.


VM - He’ll probably be shaking out the cobwebs if you ask me. Hacksaw hit him hard with that tackle.


JV - What do you expect? Besides a punch, it’s the only move in Duggan’s arsenal. It better be good if he’s gonna be successful here in the World Wrestling Federation.


VM - Oh give me a break! But folks, it’s time to head backstage where Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with ‘The Model’ Rick Martel!


- We cut to the back where we see Mean Gene alongside Martel and Missy Hyatt.


Mean Gene Oklerund - “Rick Martel, given the events that have went down in the last few weeks, we now know that it will be you captaining a team at Survivor Series, with your former tag team partner, Tito Santana, captaining the other side. And a certain man that you’ve had some run-ins with lately, Barry Windham, will be on that team as well. What are your thoughts on that match?"


Rick Martel - “Gene, my thoughts are pretty simple. I’m ’The Model’ Rick Martel and that’s all anyone needs to know. I’m the best looking wrestler in the World Wrestling Federation. I’m the smartest wrestler in the World Wrestling Federation. And I’ve got the most beautiful woman in the World Wrestling Federation by my side. I’ve beaten Santana more times than I can even count, and I’m 2-0 against Barry Windham. With the all-star team that I’ve assembled of Greg ’The Hammer’ Valentine, and Jacques and Raymond Rougeau, there is no doubt in my mind that we will be victorious team come next Thursday. Gene, I would tell you more, but I‘ve got a tanning appointment to get to.”


MGO - “The Model is certainly not shy on confidence. Let‘s head back down to the ring!” (83)


Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts vs. The Mighty Hercules


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Match Notes: In a match that was requested by Roberts, he immediately went on the offensive and took it to Hercules for most of the match. Hercules seemed intent on getting revenge on Roberts from their match from several weeks ago, but it was clear that Roberts was the more angry one of the two in this one. The Snake seemed to be toying with Hercules at several points, and towards the end, he toyed a little too much and Hercules reversed a move into the Full Nelson. The crowd popped big time in anticipation of someone finally stopping Roberts. It was too good to be true, however, when Roberts snapped and broke out of the hold, and then sent Hercules hard into the corner. Roberts then hit three straight hard clotheslines in the corner, and hit the DDT to pick up the win.


WINNER: Jake Roberts at 5:48 (69)


- After the match, Roberts immediately picked up Hercules and threw him back into the corner. He hit three more running clotheslines on him, sending Hercules down to the mat. Roberts then went over and slowly started loosening the padding off of the top turnbuckle. But before he just as he got the padding taken off…..



- The fans started going wild as Dusty Rhodes rolled into the ring and started delivering rapid fists right to Roberts. Roberts countered after a few and tried to throw a few punches of his own, but Rhodes blocked every one of them and came back with one of his own. With the crowd completely behind Rhodes, before any further damage could be done, Roberts slid out of the ring to regroup. Rhodes was fired up inside the ring as Roberts slowly made his way down the aisle with a smirk on his face. (79)


VM - I never thought I’d say this, Jesse, but it looks like someone has finally gotten somewhat of an upper hand on that psychotic Jake Roberts!


JV - Now hang on there, McMahon. Let’s not get too carried away. The Dream got a few punches in. But he hardly gained any type of advantage from that.


VM - Well he sent Roberts out of the ring, and given what Roberts has been doing to everyone else here in the World Wrestling Federation, I’d say Rhodes has to be happy after that exchange.


JV - He might be. But if he heads into Survivor Series thinking that it’s gonna be that easy to take out The Snake, he better think again.


VM - I admit that he’s far from eliminating Roberts. But no one else has been able to even get a shot in on this man.


JV - Like I said, Dusty’s got a long way to go before he can be deemed the guy who took out this maniac.


VM - But let’s now move on to one of the most anticipated matches in quite some time here in the WWF, especially after President Jack Tunney ruled that the Intercontinental Title match at Survivor Series would now be held inside of a steel cage! We heard from the champion, ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude on Prime Time, but now it’s time to hear from the challenger…..The ULLLLLTIMATE WARRIOR!


- We cut to the back where we see The Ultimate Warrior standing with his head down.

Ultimate Warrior - “RICK RUDE! The time is almost upon us! In six days, I will meet you inside of that ring for the WWF Intercontinental Championship. And RICK RUDE, THIS WILL BE YOUR ULTIMATE CHALLENGE! Because…..now…..it’s just gonna be you and me. You and me inside of a 15 FOOT HIGH STEEL CAGE! It’s only fitting RICK RUDE, because for the longest time, you have been trying to escape me! But you will not escape me next Thursday night at Survivor Series. YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE THAT CAGE WITH THE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE! WARRIORS…..the time is almost here. WE WILL GET OUR REVENGE!” (92)


VM - What a strong statement from the challenger!


JV - They’re just words, McMahon. The Warrior’s gotta back it up in the ring. And he didn’t do that the last time he stepped in the ring with the Ravishing one.


VM - That’s true, Jesse……but last time it wasn’t inside of a steel cage.

JV - Ya know, I still don’t get that. Jack Tunney’s grudge against The Brain has gone too far. Rude doesn’t deserve to be locked in a cage.


VM - Well all he has to do is escape the cage and he won’t have to worry about that for too long.


JV - Well I still don’t like it one bit. Rude’s a champion of integrity, of wrestling ability. Not an animal.


VM - All I know is that everyone can’t wait to see what happens on Thanksgiving night when those two meet up at Madison Square Garden! Let’s send it back down to the ring!


Tully Blanchard vs. Shawn Michaels


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Match Notes: Not a long match, but some good technical wrestling moves throughout. Both partners were at ringside, and referee Dave Hebner was clearly keeping his eye on what was going on outside just as much as what was going on inside. Neither man seemed to take control during the match, and after Michaels started to find a little momentum late in the match, Anderson decided to go after Jannetty to provide somewhat of a distraction. Hebner turned and started yelling at those two on the outside, and Blanchard gained the upper hand with a low blow. But before Blanchard could get any more offense in, Bret Hart came running down the aisle and hopped on the apron. Blanchard went running at him, but Hart dropped his neck on the ropes, sending him tumbling back. Hebner turned back to the in-ring action, and Michaels put Blanchard right into the small package…..1.…2.…3!


WINNER: Shawn Michaels at 5:53 (71)


- After the match, the Rockers and Hart made their way down the aisle as Anderson rolled into the ring and started kicking the ropes along with Blanchard.


JV - What a bunch of cheaters, McMahon!


VM - Cheaters? What about what the Brainbusters did in the title match a few weeks ago? A little justice was served here tonight!


JV - Oh give me a break, McMahon. I don’t wanna hear about justice. The Brainbusters should still be the Tag Team champions.


VM - Demolition beat them fair and square in a no-holds barred match! What are you talking about?


JV - They don’t deserve the belts. The Brainbusters do. And when they team up with the Twin Towers at Survivor Series in the 8-man tag team showcase, they’ll prove that.


VM - Well they better. Because it’s clear that Jack Tunney and the officials in the World Wrestling Federation are going to have a close eye on that match, and perhaps we’ll know a little more about who the top challengers are on Superstars the night after Survivor Series.


JV - And it’ll be Arn and Tully who get named the top challengers. No doubt about it.


VM - That remains to be seen. But speaking of the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team champions, it’s time for a little Survivor Series preview, as Demolition will take on the team of the Million Dollar Man and the Macho Man in a non-title match. Let’s send it to Howard Finkel!


Million Dollar Man and Macho Man vs. Demolition


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Match Notes: Excellent tag team bout, with both teams really shining chemistry-wise throughout. DiBiase seemed to be surprised by the help that he was getting from Savage, as the bad guys took control of the match in the early-going. Perfect was applauding on the outside, and kept cheering on his two Survivor Series teammates as they continued to have the advantage. But after a double team miscue, Ax was able to crawl over and tag in Smash, who came in firing and cleaned house. He quickly sent Savage to the outside, and then hit DiBiase over the ropes and onto the apron. Smash then went running at him to knock him off, but DiBiase pulled down the top rope and Smash fell over to the outside. DiBiase went after him but Smash countered, and both men started exchanging punches. Savage and Ax began going at it in the aisle, and DiBiase and Smash continued to fight near the guardrail on the outside. The men were so engaged that neither were paying attention to referee Earl Hebner’s count, and he eventually counted the ten, with both teams being counted out.


WINNERS: Double countout at 9:37 (86)


- After the match, the brouhaha eventually made its’ way into the ring, with Savage going at Ax, while DiBiase and Perfect were doing a number on Smash. When it looked like the champs were going to be seriously injured…..



- Hogan came running down the aisle and slid into the ring, only to have DiBiase and Perfect go at him immediately. By this point, Savage had sent Ax to the outside, and Smash was still recovering in the corner. It turned into a 3-on-1, with the bad guys sending vicious kicks to the champ’s body. But then, the crowd went absolutely ballistic at the sight of this man…..


- Andre made his way down the aisle and into the ring, with Perfect and DiBiase getting out of dodge, although Savage had other plans. Savage came running at the Giant as hard as he could, but Andre picked him up and threw him onto Perfect and DiBiase on the outside. Ax and Smash rolled into the ring and joined Hogan and Andre, as the 4-on-3 staredown took place, with Hogan still nursing his wounds. (100)


VM - Andre wasn’t gonna let this turn into a travesty, Jesse! The big man is here and looks ready for the main event at Madison Square Garden!


JV - It’s a good thing Andre made it down there, or we might have had Savage/Perfect/DiBiase vs. Andre on Thanksgiving night!


VM - Those three were clearly trying to gain the upper hand heading into the huge pay-per-view in six days, but Andre didn’t let that go on for too long.


JV - Yeah but let’s not overlook the biggest part of this, McMahon. It sure looked like “The Suspects” were certainly on the same page tonight. Even though it’s 3-on-4, don’t underestimate these three as a unit.


VM - Oh I don’t think the Hulkster, Andre, and Demolition are gonna be overlooking them at all. What a main event it should be at the most famous arena in the world! Thanks for joining us everyone!



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I was wondering if you were going to go by how the game simulates the elimination or if you was going against the game and having your own survivors.


Anyways good show.


Thanks man! But nah, they'll be booked according to how I want them to play out. The winner(s) will be chosen in the notes, but how the eliminations go will be my choice.

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Predictions - Superstars (Week 2, Nov. 1989)


Beejus - 2/4

Zergon - 2/4

smwilliams - 2/4

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 2/4

Tweek It - 2/4

infinitekillz - 2/4

Harmor - 2/4

Dead Jester - 1/4

DarthXaos - 1/4

BoomKing - 1/4


Overall (20 shows)


Harmor - 70

Jingo - 69

Zergon - 62

Dead Jester - 60

oldschool - 49

Beejus - 47

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 43

PoisonedSuperman - 27

Destiny - 25

infinitekillz - 23

smwilliams - 22

DarthXaos - 18

dudeamis - 12

Tweek It - 8

olympia - 8

Ritchardo - 7

Hulkamaniac85 - 4

soxfan93 - 4

lazorbeak - 2

totti - 2

BoomKing - 1


Alright fellas, Survivor Series is upon us! As I mentioned, schedule-wise, there is a Prime Time Wrestling before Survivor Series on Thursday. I am using that Prime Time as a glorified house show, so that I can experiment with a few things. That card will not be posted, but in it's place will be a "Prime Time Survivor Series Special" which will pretty much just be a simple press-release type preview of the matches. I'll have the predictions key at the bottom of that preview, which should be up tonight or tomorrow.

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Survivor Series Preview



Wrestling fans, the World Wrestling Federation proudly presents WWF SURVIVOR SERIES, which will be held Thanksgiving night at the most famous arena in the world.....Madison Square Garden! The show is already sold-out, as 19,000 screaming fans will be eating their turkey during the day, and then packing the Garden for what should be a very memorable edition of the WWF's Thanksgiving tradition!


The card is as follows, and as always, is subject to change:


The Fabulous Ones - Rick Martel (Captain), Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Greg Valentine

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The Underdogs - Tito Santana (Captain), Barry Windham, Koko B. Ware, Ronnie Garvin


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'The Model' Rick Martel has been on an impressive streak in the World Wrestling Federation as of late, and has chosen his former Strike Force partner, Tito Santana, and the newcomer Barry Windham as his objects of ridicule. Martel has aligned himself with the Rougeaus, who are a perfect fit due to their overconfident nature as well. But can Martel stay on a roll, or will the experience of the birdman, Koko B. Ware, and 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin aid "The Underdogs" to victory?




Jake's Snakes - Jake Roberts (Captain), Haku, The Barbarian, Honky Tonk Man

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The Dream Team - Dusty Rhodes (Captain), Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, The Mighty Hercules


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The man that Jake 'The Snake' Roberts has become is a man that no one in the World Wrestling Federation wants to mess with. After already putting Rowdy Roddy Piper out of action for quite some team, Roberts now has his sights set on Piper's close friend, 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes. Rhodes has assembled a team of fearless competitors, but will they be enough to overpower not only Roberts himself, but his very talented teammates as well?




Power and Brains - Arn Anderson (Captain), Tully Blanchard, Akeem, Big Bossman

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The Avengers - Bret Hart (Captain), Jim Neidhart, Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels

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With no clear team set as the top challengers for Demolition's WWF Tag Team Titles, President Jack Tunney announced that he would discuss with the championship committee the best way to decide the top challengers. So he decided to put all four of these teams in the same ring together at Survivor Series, to see if there was perhaps one team that stood out above the rest. Will one of these teams outperform the rest, and give Jack Tunney no choice but to name them the top challengers?






© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude




The Ultimate Warrior


After using cheap tactics to defeat The Ultimate Warrior for the Intercontinental Title at Saturday Night's Main Event in September, 'Ravishing' Rick Rude thought he was done with the Warrior. But that all changed when Andre the Giant decided he was tired of the Heenan Family way, and socked Rude to give the Warrior another shot at the belt. But little did Rude know that the Heenan strategy would backfire when Jack Tunney got tired of watching interference after interference. So what did Tunney do? He ordered this match to take place inside of a 15 foot high steel cage! Will the Warrior finally get his revenge and take back the Intercontinental Title, or will Rude have another trick up his sleeve in order to retain the belt?




The Suspects - Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man Randy Savage




The Hulkamaniacs - Hulk Hogan (Captain), Andre the Giant, Ax, Smash

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The World Wrestling Federation was turned upside down when Hulk Hogan was attacked in a parking lot a few months ago. As new information was revealed, all signs eventually pointed to three men as potential suspects in the attack: The Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, and Macho Man Randy Savage. Without knowing for sure who the man was that attacked him, Jack Tunney decided to make them all guilty until proven innocent, and put them in this 4-on-3 handicap elimination match so that the Hulkster could try to get his revenge. With the numbers game against them, is there any way that "The Suspects" could walk out victorious? Or will the 1989 edition of Survivor Series be forever titled "Hogan's Revenge?"






- Alright gentlemen, I told you that I was going to try and add a little more intrigue to predictions for big shows, so below is how the scoring will go. Whoever gets the most points will most likely get to book a future Wrestling Challenge main event and semi-main event or something of that nature. Show should be up Saturday or Sunday. Enjoy!


1 Point - Choose the winning team (or wrestler in the case of the Rude vs. Warrior)

3 Points - Choose the correct survivor(s) (Note: It has to be that exact outcome, so if Wrestler A survives, you would not get points for selecting Wrestler A and Wrestler C)

Special 3 Point Bonus - The match with the highest rating (saw this in someone else's diary, who I will try to remember and give them credit, and love it)


The Fabulous Ones (Rick Martel, Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Greg Valentine) vs. The Underdogs (Tito Santana, Barry Windham, Koko B. Ware, Ronnie Garvin)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick:


Jake's Snakes (Jake Roberts, Haku, The Barbarian, Honky Tonk Man) vs. The Dream Team (Dusty Rhodes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, The Mighty Hercules)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick:


Power and Brains (Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Akeem, Big Bossman) vs. The Avengers (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick:


© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior - Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship

1 Point Bonus - Will There Be Outside Interference?:


The Suspects (Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man Randy Savage) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ax, Smash)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick:


SPECIAL 3 POINT BONUS PICK - Highest Rated Match:

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Love the write up for Survivor Series, reminds me so much for the old school Survivor Series intros where a voice over of Vince McMahon would name each team and it's members before the show started.


Now on with the predictions:


The Fabulous Ones (Rick Martel, Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Greg Valentine) vs. The Underdogs (Tito Santana, Barry Windham, Koko B. Ware, Ronnie Garvin)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Rick Martel


Jake's Snakes (Jake Roberts, Haku, The Barbarian, Honky Tonk Man) vs. The Dream Team (Dusty Rhodes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, The Mighty Hercules)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Jake Roberts & Honky Tonk Man.


Power and Brains (Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Akeem, Big Bossman) vs. The Avengers (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels.


© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior - Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship

1 Point Bonus - Will There Be Outside Interference?: Yes


The Suspects (Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man Randy Savage) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ax, Smash)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Hogan


SPECIAL 3 POINT BONUS PICK - Highest Rated Match: Warrior vs Rude.

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The Fabulous Ones (Rick Martel, Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Greg Valentine) vs. The Underdogs (Tito Santana, Barry Windham, Koko B. Ware, Ronnie Garvin)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Rick Martel, Jacques Rougeau & Raymond Rougeau


Jake's Snakes (Jake Roberts, Haku, The Barbarian, Honky Tonk Man) vs. The Dream Team (Dusty Rhodes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, The Mighty Hercules)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Jake Roberts & Honky Tonk Man


Power and Brains (Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Akeem, Big Bossman) vs. The Avengers (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Bret Hart. I'm going for a punt here on the Rougeaus wanting number one contenders nod by not being in this match... and getting embroiled in a Hart Foundation feud... while the Towers sneak in a match or two with Demolition.


© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior - Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship

1 Point Bonus - Will There Be Outside Interference?: No


The Suspects (Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man Randy Savage) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ax, Smash)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Hogan & Andre


SPECIAL 3 POINT BONUS PICK - Highest Rated Match: Supsects v Hulkamaniacs

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Love the write up for Survivor Series, reminds me so much for the old school Survivor Series intros where a voice over of Vince McMahon would name each team and it's members before the show started.


McMahon's voice overs were just awesome! I loved the Rumble ones as well. The way he said some of the names was just great. Two of my favorites were The ULLLLLLLLLTIMATE WARRIOR and HAKUUUUUUUUUUU. He definitely dragged out the l and u for those two haha.

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The Fabulous Ones (Rick Martel, Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Greg Valentine) vs. The Underdogs (Tito Santana, Barry Windham, Koko B. Ware, Ronnie Garvin)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick:Rick Martel

Underdogs just dosen´t impress me so I go with Martel.


Jake's Snakes (Jake Roberts, Haku, The Barbarian, Honky Tonk Man) vs. The Dream Team (Dusty Rhodes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, The Mighty Hercules)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick:Jake Roberts, The Barbarian

Roberts team looks stronger overall.


Power and Brains (Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Akeem, Big Bossman) vs. The Avengers (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick:Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart

Could go either way but I go with Hart Foundation getting clear win.

© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior - Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship

1 Point Bonus - Will There Be Outside Interference?:No

Rude won´t lose the title and in order to end the feud I think that clear win would be the best option.


The Suspects (Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man Randy Savage) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ax, Smash)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick:Hulk Hogan

If Suspects had a 4th member I would go with them but now I don´t see Hogan losing unless you plan to do a run-in with some big name guy.


SPECIAL 3 POINT BONUS PICK - Highest Rated Match:Power and Brains vs. The Avengers

Probably won´t be this one but it´s the one I would be waiting to see.

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Tough Calls


The Fabulous Ones (Rick Martel, Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Greg Valentine) vs. The Underdogs (Tito Santana, Barry Windham, Koko B. Ware, Ronnie Garvin)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Rick Martel


Jake's Snakes (Jake Roberts, Haku, The Barbarian, Honky Tonk Man) vs. The Dream Team (Dusty Rhodes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, The Mighty Hercules)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Jake Roberts, Haku


Power and Brains (Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Akeem, Big Bossman) vs. The Avengers (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels


© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior - Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship

1 Point Bonus - Will There Be Outside Interference?: Yes


The Suspects (Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man Randy Savage) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ax, Smash)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: "The Fourth Man"


SPECIAL 3 POINT BONUS PICK - Highest Rated Match: Rude vs Warrior

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The Fabulous Ones (Rick Martel, Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Greg Valentine) vs. The Underdogs (Tito Santana, Barry Windham, Koko B. Ware, Ronnie Garvin)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Martel, Jacques, Raymond


Jake's Snakes (Jake Roberts, Haku, The Barbarian, Honky Tonk Man) vs. The Dream Team (Dusty Rhodes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, The Mighty Hercules)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Rhodes, Beefcake


Power and Brains (Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Akeem, Big Bossman) vs. The Avengers (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Bret, HBK


© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior - Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship

1 Point Bonus - Will There Be Outside Interference?: Yes


The Suspects (Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man Randy Savage) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ax, Smash)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Hogan, Andre


SPECIAL 3 POINT BONUS PICK - Highest Rated Match:

Suspects vs. Hulkamaniacs

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The Fabulous Ones (Rick Martel, Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Greg Valentine) vs. The Underdogs (Tito Santana, Barry Windham, Koko B. Ware, Ronnie Garvin)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Martel & Jacques


Jake's Snakes (Jake Roberts, Haku, The Barbarian, Honky Tonk Man) vs. The Dream Team (Dusty Rhodes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, The Mighty Hercules)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: The Snake & Haku


Power and Brains (Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Akeem, Big Bossman) vs. The Avengers (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: The Hart Foundation


© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior - Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship

1 Point Bonus - Will There Be Outside Interference?: Yes


The Suspects (Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man Randy Savage) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ax, Smash)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Hogan & Andre


SPECIAL 3 POINT BONUS PICK - Highest Rated Match:

Suspects vs. Hulkamaniacs

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The Fabulous Ones (Rick Martel, Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Greg Valentine) vs. The Underdogs (Tito Santana, Barry Windham, Koko B. Ware, Ronnie Garvin)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Rick Martel


Jake's Snakes (Jake Roberts, Haku, The Barbarian, Honky Tonk Man) vs. The Dream Team (Dusty Rhodes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, The Mighty Hercules)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Dusty Rhodes & Hacksaw Jim Duggan


Power and Brains (Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Akeem, Big Bossman) vs. The Avengers (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels


© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior - Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship

1 Point Bonus - Will There Be Outside Interference?: No


The Suspects (Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man Randy Savage) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ax, Smash)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Hulk Hogan


SPECIAL 3 POINT BONUS PICK - Highest Rated Match:

Suspects vs. Hulkamaniacs

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The Fabulous Ones (Rick Martel, Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Greg Valentine) vs. The Underdogs (Tito Santana, Barry Windham, Koko B. Ware, Ronnie Garvin)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Rick Martel, Jacques and Raymond.

I think Martel definitely survives here, as the opposing team seems fairly weaker. I'm gonna throw The Rougeaus in too, cause I can see them pleading their case to Tunney as being the only actual tag-team that survived their match, hence they should be declared the No1 conetenders. Valentine however is the weak link, and will go down early on imo.


Jake's Snakes (Jake Roberts, Haku, The Barbarian, Honky Tonk Man) vs. The Dream Team (Dusty Rhodes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, The Mighty Hercules)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Jake Roberts.

Jake stays strong here, as I THINK he could be next for The Warrior. Or even Hogan heading into the Rumble.


Power and Brains (Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Akeem, Big Bossman) vs. The Avengers (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels.

This could actually be my favorite match on the whole card, and much like the main event... could go a myriad of different ways. I think there will be some clunkyness within The Rockers at some point. Perhaps The Towers get DQ'ed or something to stay strong. Or maybe even a 'Busters split. God I cant wait for this one.


© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior - Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship

1 Point Bonus - Will There Be Outside Interference?: Yes.

Though the Warrior winning the title back would not surprise me here either. Really tough one to call... but I think Rude hangs on for the sole purpose that they didnt hot potato titles all that much during this era and you're doing a great job of staying true to it. Not that they didnt every once and again though.


The Suspects (Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man Randy Savage) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ax, Smash)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Mr. Perfect.

I once said I would NEVER pick against Perfect in this diary and yes, this is me staying true to my words! I really have no idea with this one, as I dont think anybody does. I will say this though... something HUGE is gonna happen here. And more importantly, the perfect record stays in tact. :D


SPECIAL 3 POINT BONUS PICK - Highest Rated Match: Warrior/Rude.


I also have a strange feeling we will see the debut of The Undertaker at some point throughout this historic night.

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The Fabulous Ones (Rick Martel, Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Greg Valentine) vs. The Underdogs (Tito Santana, Barry Windham, Koko B. Ware, Ronnie Garvin)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Santana & Windham


Jake's Snakes (Jake Roberts, Haku, The Barbarian, Honky Tonk Man) vs. The Dream Team (Dusty Rhodes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, The Mighty Hercules)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Jake the Snake


Power and Brains (Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Akeem, Big Bossman) vs. The Avengers (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Bret, Anvil & HBK


© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior - Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship

1 Point Bonus - Will There Be Outside Interference?: Nope.


The Suspects (Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man Randy Savage) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ax, Smash)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Perfect.


SPECIAL 3 POINT BONUS PICK - Highest Rated Match: Hulkamaniacs vs Suspects


New follower. =D

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The Fabulous Ones (Rick Martel, Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Greg Valentine) vs. The Underdogs (Tito Santana, Barry Windham, Koko B. Ware, Ronnie Garvin)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Martel


Jake's Snakes (Jake Roberts, Haku, The Barbarian, Honky Tonk Man) vs. The Dream Team (Dusty Rhodes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, The Mighty Hercules)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Roberts


Power and Brains (Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Akeem, Big Bossman) vs. The Avengers (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: The Brainbusters


© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior - Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship

1 Point Bonus - Will There Be Outside Interference?: Yes.


The Suspects (Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man Randy Savage) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ax, Smash)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Hogan & Andre


SPECIAL 3 POINT BONUS PICK - Highest Rated Match: Warrior vs. Rude

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The Fabulous Ones (Rick Martel, Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Greg Valentine) vs. The Underdogs (Tito Santana, Barry Windham, Koko B. Ware, Ronnie Garvin)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Sole survivor Martel


Jake's Snakes (Jake Roberts, Haku, The Barbarian, Honky Tonk Man) vs. The Dream Team (Dusty Rhodes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, The Mighty Hercules)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Sole survivor Jake


Power and Brains (Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Akeem, Big Bossman) vs. The Avengers (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Rockers survive and become #1 contenders.


© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior - Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship

1 Point Bonus - Will There Be Outside Interference?: Depends what you mean by outside. I see Heenan handing Rude brass knucks through the bars of the cage (they tended to use those blue cages with the giant holes back then).


The Suspects (Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man Randy Savage) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ax, Smash)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Perfect sole survivor. I'm also predicting an appearance by "the real attacker"


SPECIAL 3 POINT BONUS PICK - Highest Rated Match: Warrior vs Rude

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New follower. =D


Thanks, Kijar! Hope you enjoy reading!


1 Point Bonus - Will There Be Outside Interference?: Depends what you mean by outside. I see Heenan handing Rude brass knucks through the bars of the cage (they tended to use those blue cages with the giant holes back then).


Yeah, I just mean anyone getting involved in any way other than the two wrestlers. So this would qualify as interference. And yes, Rude vs. Warrior will totally be held inside the classic blue cage! I actually threw in WrestleMania 2 last night and watched Hogan-Bundy in the cage. Obviously, a cage like that now would never work, but I've always had a soft spot for the blue cage.

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The Fabulous Ones (Rick Martel, Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Greg Valentine) vs. The Underdogs (Tito Santana, Barry Windham, Koko B. Ware, Ronnie Garvin)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Rick Martel


Jake's Snakes (Jake Roberts, Haku, The Barbarian, Honky Tonk Man) vs. The Dream Team (Dusty Rhodes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, The Mighty Hercules)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Jake Roberts


Power and Brains (Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Akeem, Big Bossman) vs. The Avengers (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Shawn Michaels


© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior - Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship

1 Point Bonus - Will There Be Outside Interference?: Yes


The Suspects (Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man Randy Savage) vs. The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ax, Smash)

Remaining Survivor(s) Bonus Pick: Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant


SPECIAL 3 POINT BONUS PICK - Highest Rated Match: The Suspects vs. The Hulkamaniacs

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OK gentlemen, show should be up tomorrow. And one quick note: for obvious reasons, this show will be somewhat long. Since I only have four big pay-per-views per year, I figured I might as well go all out and make sure that I get the stories across the way that I want to. It takes up about 10 pages in my Word document, so it's not ridiculously long, but clearly more in-depth than usual in terms of the matches. Hope you enjoy the show!
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WWF SURVIVOR SERIES - Thanksgiving Night, Nov. 1989


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- We cut in and hear the roar of the crowd as we pan out to see a jam-packed Madison Square Garden in New York City.


Gorilla Monsoon - Hello everyone and welcome to Madison Square Garden for the Thanksgiving extravaganza that is Survivor Series! I’m Gorilla Monsoon, and I’m joined by Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura, and Jess, there’s some excitement in the air for this one!


Jesse Ventura - No doubt about it, Gorilla. This atmosphere is fitting considering the big matches we’ve got here tonight!


GM - Oh you’ve got that right! Four huge Survivor Series elimination matches will take place, and of course, for the first time ever here at Survivor Series, we’ll have a 1-on-1 matchup. The Intercontinental Title will be on the line as ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude defends against The Ultimate Warrior inside of a 15 ft. high steel cage!


JV - Well I still don’t think that’s fair. But let’s talk about our main event…..the super team that is undeservedly being deemed “The Suspects” go up against “The Hulkamaniacs” and I can’t wait to see DiBiase, Perfect, and Savage take care of business against the Hulkster and his cronies.


GM - You’re calling Andre the Giant and the World Wrestling Federation tag team champions….cronies? That’s not accurate at all.


JV - Well we’ll see about that.


GM - We most certainly will. But let’s get ready for our opening bout of the evening!




The Fabulous Ones - Rick Martel (Captain), Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Greg Valentine

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The Underdogs - Tito Santana (Captain), Barry Windham, Koko B. Ware, Ronnie Garvin


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Elimination #1: Ronnie Garvin eliminated Raymond Rougeau via pinfall at 3:30 with the Hands of Stone Punch, after Raymond had turned around to celebrate to his fellow teammates, and turned right back around into the huge punch from Garvin.


Elimination #2: Greg Valentine eliminated Koko B. Ware via submission at 6:02 with the Figure Four Leg Lock after Koko missed the Missile Dropkick off the top rope.

Elimination #3: Rick Martel eliminated Ronnie Garvin via pinfall at 7:24 after a low blow, with referee Tim White focused on getting Windham out of the ring.


Elimination #4: Tito Santana eliminated Jacques Rougeau via painfall at 9:15 after the Flying Crossbody.

Elimination #5: Barry Windham eliminated Greg Valentine via pinfall at 15:49 after the Running Bulldog.

Elimination #6: After Valentine went over and engaged Windham on the apron following his elimination, Tito became distracted and Martel rolled up with a handful of tights at 16:50.


Final Elimination: With Martel turning around and celebrating as though he had won the match, Windham rolled back into the ring and did a roll up of his own without the tights to pin Martel for the victory at 17:27.


WINNERS: “The Underdogs” at 17:27, Sole Survivor - Barry Windham (75)




- After the match, Martel jumped up quickly and began pleading with the referee. The crowd popped big time for Windham, who got out of the ring and backed down the aisle with his hand raised high in the air, as Tito joined him to celebrate.


GM - What a victory for “The Underdogs” here at Survivor Series. Martel got what he had coming to him after two cheap falls during the match!


JV - What do you mean “cheap”, Gorilla? The referee counted to three! What’s cheap about that?


GM - Well he clearly hit the low blow when he eliminated Ronnie Garvin, and the tights when he pinned Santana.


JV - Did the referee see it? Because if he did, he probably would have done something about it, don’t ya think? Therefore it’s a clean pinfall if you ask me.


GM - Say what you will, but that doesn’t change the fact that Barry Windham is the remaining survivor, and he finally gets some revenge on ‘The Model’ here tonight.


JV - Don’t think Martel is gonna let this one go away that easily. The beautiful Missy Hyatt won’t let him. I guarantee that.


GM - We’ll see about that, Jess, but right now, let’s send it to Mean Gene Okerlund, who is standing by with ‘The American Dream’ Dusty Rhodes!

- We cut to the back where we see Mean Gene Okerlund standing alongside Dusty Rhodes.


Mean Gene Okerlund - “Dusty Rhodes, tonight, you and the rest of the ’Dream Team’ will step into the ring with perhaps the most dangerous man in the World Wrestling Federation….”


Dusty Rhodes - “Let me stop ya right there, Mean Gene! You don’t have to say anything else. Because everyone out there knows that Jake ’The Snake Roberts is a dangerous man. Everybody knows that he’s 100% evil! But Gene, me and Brutus ’The Barber’ Beefcake, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and The Mighty Hercules can’t worry about that. Because ya see Mean Gene, we’ve got a duty tonight. And no matter how worried or how scared everybody thinks we should be…..well, we’re not. Because we owe all the fans here in the World Wrestling Federation much more than that. All the fans out there deserve to be able to watch people like ’The American Dream’ without having to worry about a maniac like Jake Roberts running around the place. Snake, you put my buddy Rowdy Roddy Piper on the shelf, baby. Tonight, ’The Dream Team’ gets revenge!” (100)




Jake's Snakes - Jake Roberts (Captain), Haku, The Barbarian, Honky Tonk Man

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The Dream Team - Dusty Rhodes (Captain), Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, The Mighty Hercules


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Elimination #1: Brutus Beefcake eliminated Honky Tonk Man via submission at 0:35 after Honky did some strutting, and then Brutus ducked his first punch and locked in the Sleeper Hold on him to score the quick elimination.


Elimination #2: The Barbarian eliminated The Mighty Hercules via pinfall at 5:59 after Hacksaw Jim Duggan accidentally hit him with the 2x4 after Barbarian moved out of the way.


Elimination #3: Hacksaw Jim Duggan was eliminated via countout at 6:50 after Hercules recovered from the 2x4 shot, and pulled Duggan to the outside and the two brawled near the ring.


Elimination #4: Dusty Rhodes eliminated Haku via pinfall at 9:01 with the Bionic Elbow after Haku missed the Falling Headbutt off the top rope.


Elimination #5: Jake Roberts eliminated Brutus Beefcake via pinfall at 11:15 with the DDT. Beefcake made the mistake of messing with the brown snake bag, as after Beefcake dropped to the outside and started messing with it, Roberts became absolutely furious and threw Beefcake into the ringpost. Roberts then slid the bag under the ring, and continued the extremely aggressive attack on Beefcake before hitting the finisher for the pin.

Final Elimination: After Roberts eliminated Beefcake, neither or Rhodes or Roberts even acknowledged that Barbarian was still in the match. Both men had their eyes on each other and locked into an aggressive battle. Rhodes started off hot and the crowd was going crazy after he sent Roberts down with a few big moves. But Roberts regrouped and came back with his tenacious attack, only stopping to turn an evil smile towards the crowd. Once the onslaught began, it was almost like the crowd knew that Dusty wouldn’t be able to overcome the vicious Roberts. After it was evident that Rhodes was completely out of it, Roberts rolled him to the outside. Roberts watched Dusty struggle to pull himself up using the guardrail and then proceeded to pull up the padded mat on the outside. Roberts then grabbed Rhodes and held him under his for a few seconds, before delivering a massive DDT right onto the exposed floor. Roberts then sat up with an evil smile on his face, and rolled into the ring as referee Joey Marella had no choice but to count Rhodes out.


WINNERS: “Jake's Snakes” at 14:17, Survivors - Jake Roberts, The Barbarian (57)




- After the match, Barbarian and Heenan got out of Jake’s way and went walking to the back. Meanwhile, Roberts’ eyes were still fixated on Rhodes on the outside, who was being tended to by the medical staff, and eventually put onto a stretcher. Roberts slowly rolled to the outside and officials turned towards him to keep him away, but Roberts only gave an evil smirk and turned his back and walked down the aisle, with both arms raised in celebration of his successful attack.


GM - I don’t even know how to describe what we just saw, Jess. It looks like the psychotic Snake has just added The Dream to his list of victims. When is this madness gonna end?


JV - You’re guess is as good as mine, Monsoon. I’m not sure we’ve ever seen someone wreak havoc like this in the World Wrestling Federation!


GM - It certainly doesn’t look like we’ll be seeing Dusty Rhodes in action for a while after that DDT on the hard floor. He’s gotta have a concussion!


JV - There’s no about it, Gorilla. Given what we’ve seen from Roberts here the last couple of months, I’m surprised he didn’t go back out there and give him another one. Perhaps he’s letting up a little bit.


GM - I don’t know about that, Jess, as it sure looks like The Snake is continuing to take joy in the pain of others. The man is sick!


JV - Just don’t let him hear you say that. I don’t want him coming over here near me. That’s for sure.


GM - Well nonetheless, Roberts takes out another man, and you’ve gotta wonder if there’s anything that President Jack Tunney can do to stop this man.


JV - The only way to stop him is to suspend him. But unfortunately, Monsoon, what he did tonight was within the confines of the match. I’m not saying it’s right, but I’m not sure how you stop something like that.


GM - I hate to agree with you, but you do have a point there. But ladies and gentlemen, we’ll keep you updated if we hear anything on Rhodes’ condition tonight. Let’s send it back to Mean Gene who is with The Brainbusters!


- We cut to the back where we see Bobby Heenan standing behind Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, and looking both ways for something.


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Mean Gene Okerlund - “Well it looks like Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan is looking for that sick and sadistic Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts, but gentlemen, let’s turn our attention to the next elimination match here tonight. Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, you two gentlemen have certainly caused quite the stir since returning to action following your title loss at Saturday Night’s Main Event. Everyone is wondering what you two have planned for the big tag team elimination showcase here tonight!"


Arn Anderson - “Mean Gene, I’ll tell ya what we’ve got planned for tonight. Pinning those little punks shoulders to the mat for the 1-2-3! Jack Tunney says that he and the championship committee are trying to decide who the top challengers are for OUR WWF title belts. Well tonight, we’re gonna show everyone why we’ve done what we’ve done since our return!”


Tully Blanchard - “Bret Hart…..you cost me my match against Shawn Michaels…..and let me tell ya somethin! I’m coming for you first! But you’re not the only one we’re coming for. Rockers, we’re coming for you…..and Twin Towers, if you two decide to get in the way of our strategy, then we’ll have no problem coming for you either!”


MGO - “What a matchup this one should be! Let’s send it to Howard Finkel in the ring!” (82)




Power and Brains - Arn Anderson (Captain), Tully Blanchard, Akeem, Big Bossman

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The Avengers - Bret Hart (Captain), Jim Neidhart, Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels

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Elimination #1: Arn Anderson eliminated Marty Jannetty at 6:27 with the Spinebuster after Jannetty dove off the top rope and Anderson caught him and slammed him to the mat.


Elimination #2: Jim Neidhart eliminated Akeem via pinfall at 8:59 after Akeem stumbled into the wrong corner, and Hart and Michaels gave him hard punches, and then Akeem turned right into a power slam from the Anvil to score the three count.


Elimination #3: Big Bossman eliminated Jim Neidhart via pinfall at 9:36 after Bossman came in with a fury and hit a huge running clothesline on Anvil before giving him a massive sidewalk slam for the pin.


Elimination #4: Bret Hart eliminated Tully Blanchard via pinfall at 16:13 with the Victory Roll after Blanchard was showboating after a nice suplex.


Eliminations #5 and #6: Bret Hart and Arn Anderson were eliminated via disqualification at 17:10 after Arn threw Bret to the outside after he pinned Tully. The two men fought on the outside, and were engaged in back and forth punches. But this satisfied neither man, and Arn went over to grab the ringbell. However, Bret saw Arn's acquisition, and grabbed a steel folding chair of his own. Both men swung at the same time but didn't get much contact on each other, although it was enough for the referee to disqualify both men for the use of weapons.

Final Elimination: After the chaos subsided on the outside, Bossman gained the advantage on Michaels, and was on a mission to try and destroy one half of the Rockers. Bossman used his strength to continue to wear down Michaels, and it seemingly looked like Michaels had nothing left. Bossman picked him up above his head and started yelling at the crowd, showing off his great power. But Michaels managed to squirm out and fell to his feet behind Bossman. Bossman ran over to hit him with a clothesline, but Michaels ducked and then delivered a superkick which hit Bossman right on the cheek. Bossman fell like a big tree, and Michaels quickly made the cover for get the victory.


WINNERS: "The Avengers" at 21:37, Sole Survivor - Shawn Michaels (80)




GM - What an impressive performance put on by Shawn Michaels here at Survivor Series! I don’t think anyone thought he had a shot one-on-one against the Bossman!


JV - Well I sure didn’t think he would last five minutes in there by himself, much less win the match. It seemed academic when Arn and Hart got counted out.


GM - That’s why they have the matches, Jess, and this certainly has to be a huge boost of confidence for the Rockers, especially considering the rift they’ve had with the Twin Towers as of late.


JV - Jack Tunney said he’d be watching this match very closely, Gorilla, and even though I still think the Brainbusters deserve another shot at the titles, the championship committee may have different ideas now given what just what down in the ring.


GM - That’s certainly a possibility, although all four teams looked pretty strong at one point or another during the match.


JV - They did, Gorilla, but like I’ve said so many times, winning is the only thing that matters. And even though I think Michaels and Jannetty are a bunch of young punks, I can’t argue the fact that a Rockers representative won the match.


GM - Wow, it seems like Jesse is finally standing up for what’s right. What a shocker!


JV - I’ve always stood for what’s right. Did you ever think that what you think is right might be what everyone else thinks is wrong?


GM - I don’t even know how to answer that. But ladies and gentlemen, as Shawn Michaels makes his way back behind the curtain, we’re inching closer and closer towards our huge Intercontinental Title match between ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude and the Ultimate Warrior. The ring crew is starting to construct the massive 15 ft. high steel cage, and we’re only minutes away from this huge encounter.

JV - Speaking of wrong, Gorilla, this is as wrong as it gets. Rude doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment. No one belongs in a cage with the Warrior.


GM - Belongs or not belongs, he’s gonna be in there shortly. Let’s take a look back at the events leading up to this matchup!


- We cut to a video showing the highlights of the last few months, with Rude winning the title at Saturday Night’s Main Event with the handful of tights. Then we see the Warrior’s head games that he played in route to getting a 2 on 1 handicap match against Rude and Andre. We then see Andre’s turn, which allowed Warrior another shot at the title. Highlights are shown of Heenan Family interference and then Tunney’s announcement of the stipulation before the video package comes to a close. (96)


GM - Oh I’m getting goosebumps for this one, Jess. What a match this should be!


JV - I’m sure it’ll be a good match, Gorilla. But no matter what happens in there, Rude is walking out with that Intercontinental Title. I guarantee it.


GM - We will see about that. But folks, take a look at that steel structure that looks locked in and ready for these two. Let’s go back down to ringside!






© 'Ravishing' Rick Rude


The Ultimate Warrior

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Match Notes: A classic encounter for the belt here, as Warrior seemed to be in top form throughout this one. The match started with Rude looking around at the steel structure, and then trying to climb up the cage as quickly as possible. But Warrior pulled him down immediately, and Warrior was on the offensive for a little while, slinging Rude back and forth across the ring. Rude stopped the momentum with a low blow, which Jesse pointed out was “clearly legal in a match like this.” Rude then went to work on the Warrior, with his strategy one that was trying to wear down the Warrior and suck the energy out of him. Rude used a series of rest holds, with a few headlocks and leglocks on the mat, and the crowd tried to cheer on the Warrior to break out. Warrior eventually powered up, and both men were back on their feet, with Warrior bouncing off the ropes and hitting five straight clotheslines on Rude, which sent the champ down reeling. Warrior then started climbing the cage, but Rude managed to crawl up in enough time to pull the Warrior down and rack him on the ropes. Rude then grabbed Warrior’s head and started hitting it against the steel structure, and eventually threw Warrior down to the mat. Rude began taunting the crowd and doing his little dance, and then he went in for what was seemingly going to be the end of the match. Rude picked up Warrior and went for the Rude Awakening, but Warrior got out of it and hit another clothesline, sending Rude to the mat. Warrior then started pumping his arms to raise the roof, and Rude got up quickly, and Warrior picked him up for the Gorilla Press Slam. Warrior tossed him down, and then bounced off the ropes to deliver the splash, but Rude moved out of the way, leaving both men down on the mat. Rude was the first to start slowly making his way over to climb the cage, with Warrior only a few seconds behind him. Both men climbed the cage side by side, trading elbow jabs as both men made it to the top of the cage. Rude got the upperhand, hitting Warrior with a hard punch that winded him momentarily, and Rude began to climb over the top of the cage. But Warrior hit a hard right of his own to Rude’s ribs, and kept Rude on the top of the cage. But immediately, Rude came back with a rake to the eyes, and then smashed Warrior’s head into the steel, which almost sent Warrior falling over the cage and onto the floor, but Rude held him up to make sure that didn't happen. Rude then reached for the orange armbands wrapped around Warrior’s biceps. Rude ripped the string off and proceeded to wrap it around Warrior’s forearm, placing the other part around the steel cage. With Warrior still slumped down and trying to regain himself, Rude successfully had his arm tied and slowly started his descent towards the floor. Warrior regrouped and raced to untie it. Warrior got it untied, but Rude slipped out of Warrior’s last-grasped effort, and dropped to the floor to pick up the victory.

WINNER: Rick Rude at 23:33 to retain the WWF Intercontinental Title (83)




- After the match, Heenan grabbed the belt from the timekeeper, and raced over to deliver it to a staggering Rude, who slowly backed his way down the aisle, as Warrior had made it to the floor and was beating the cage with his hands.

JV - I told you, Gorilla! I told you Rude would find a way to retain the Intercontinental Title!


GM - I don’t believe it, Jess. Rude used one of the Ultimate Warrior’s patented armbands against him, and got him tied up long enough to drop to the floor for the victory.


JV - Brilliant, I tell ya! Absolutely brilliant! That’s why he’s the champ!


GM - An unfortunate sequence for the Warrior, who was intent on finally getting his revenge against the Ravishing one. And it looks like he’s not too happy about it!


JV - He can sit down there and hit the cage all he wants. But he’s the one that bragged about getting Rude in the cage. And it turns out that Rude was smart enough to use the cage against him! Masterful work by the champion!


GM - It certainly didn’t look like either man was going to gain an advantage as they reached the top of the cage, but it’s Rude who finds a way to make it over the top to retain the Intercontinental Championship.


JV - Yeah, what about all the Warriors out there now, huh? You think those silly armbands will be selling out tomorrow? I don’t think so, Gorilla!


GM - Would you stop!


JV - What? I’m simply speaking the truth. All the Warrior talked about was he was gonna revenge. But in the end, the better wrestler always wins, regardless of what type of match it is. And the better wrestler won tonight!


GM - Well Rude is still the Intercontinental Champion, and that’s one fact that I cannot argue with you about. But with that said, let’s send it once again to Mean Gene Okerlund who is standing by with “The Hulkamaniacs!”


- We cut to the back where we see Mean Gene Oklerund surrounded by Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ax and Smash.


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Mean Gene Okerlund - “Alright Gorilla, I’m standing here with “The Hulkamaniacs,” led by the World Wrestling Federation Champion, Hulk Hogan, and Hulk, tonight you finally get to get in the ring with “The Suspects” made up the Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, and the Macho Man Randy Savage. What are your thoughts heading into tonight’s big match?”


Hulk Hogan - “Well ya know somethin, Mean Gene! The Hulkster knows that tonight is the night! You see brother, me and all the Hulkamaniacs out there finally get our hands on those three dudes. And we’re gonna see how those cowards react when they stare over at the other side of the ring and see the WWF Tag Team Champions, the Ax and the Smash brother. And then we’ll see how they react when they stare over at the 7’4” Andre the Giant! With these guys on my side, that means that there’s more punishment to dish out! One of you dudes on “The Suspects” deserves more punishment than the others. But that doesn’t change the fact that all three of you are enemies of the Hulkamanics, and all I’ve got left to say is…..WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN THE HULKAMANICS RUN WILD ON YOU?! (89)


MGO - “Oh my! I wouldn’t wanna be those three out there! Let’s send it down to the ring!




The Suspects - Million Dollar Man, Mr. Perfect, Macho Man Randy Savage




The Hulkamaniacs - Hulk Hogan (Captain), Andre the Giant, Ax, Smash

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Elimination #1: Mr. Perfect eliminated Ax at 6:49 via pinfall after Ax missed on an elbow drop, and Perfect quickly got to his feet and waited for Ax, who walked right into the Perfect Plex.


Elimination #2: Andre the Giant was eliminated at 11:15 via countout after all three men sent Andre over the top rope with a clothesline. Savage then went back out onto the apron, while Perfect and DiBiase went outside after Andre. Hogan and Smash eventually came over to stop the double team, but Macho dropped down and threw Hogan into the post. And DiBiase and Perfect fought off Smash. Seeing that referee Earl Hebner was counting, Perfect quickly rolled back into the ring, and when Andre went to get back in the ring, DiBiase dropped down and held onto his leg. Andre tried to kick him off, but it was too late, as Hebner had already counted him out.


Elimination #3: Million Dollar Man eliminated Smash at 15:01 via submission after Smash came off the second rope with a double axehandle, but DiBiase punched him in the gut, and then locked on the Million Dollar Dream. Afterwards, the bad guys played up the 3-on-1 scenario by pointing over at Hogan as the crowd was buzzing at this turn of events. The trio began to wear down Hogan after this point.


Elimination #4: Hulk Hogan eliminated Randy Savage at via pinfall at 21:05 after Perfect and Savage were double-teaming Hogan in the corner with hard kicks. Savage was a little more eager than Perfect, and Perfect nudged him to the side a little, and Savage nudged him back. The two then got in each other’s face and exchanged words. Savage clearly had enough and nailed Perfect with a right hand, which drew a lot of cheers from the crowd. But by the time this scuffle had ended, with DiBiase going crazy on the apron, Savage turned right into a clothesline from Hogan, who then hit the Big Boot and leg drop on him for the pin.


Elimination #5: Mr. Perfect was eliminated via countout at 22:14 after Perfect hit the ring and instead of going after Hogan, was enraged to the point that he went over and started taunting Savage after he slowly started to make his way up. Savage then came at Perfect full steam ahead, sending both men over the top and to the outside. DiBiase dropped down and tried to get between the two men, but Savage shoved him out of the way, and Savage and Perfect continued brawling into the aisleway. They continued their exchange up the aisleway, and before long, Hebner had reached ten, counting out Perfect.


Final Elimination: After those two fought their way behind the curtain, DiBiase turned around and realized that it was just him and Hogan remaining, and Hogan played to the crowd inside the ring. DiBiase had no choice to get into the ring before he was counted out, and as soon as he did, Hogan got the upperhand and started going to work on him. But DiBiase eventually slowed down the attack with a knee to the midsection, and went on an attack of his own. DiBiase seemed to be in complete control of the match when he sent Hogan off the ropes, and went for the Million Dollar Dream. However, Hogan didn’t let him get it completely locked in, and Hogan went for a hard right, but DiBiase blocked it and pushed him right into Hebner, sending both of them to the mat. DiBiase then went over to go after Hogan, and delivered a few punches to the champion. On the third punch though, Hogan started hulking up, and he blocked the punch and started his attack. Hogan sent DiBiase off the rope and hit the Big Boot, and then ran off the rope and hit the leg drop. Hogan then went for the pin, but Hebner was still down. Hogan was frustrated and got up complaining, when from out of nowhere, a masked man hopped the guard rail near the time keeper’s table, and grabbed the WWF title belt. Still unaware of what was going on Hogan walked over to Hebner who was still down but couldn’t get him up. The masked man had hit the ring by the time Hogan turned around, and he clocked Hogan with the belt right in the head. The man then picked up Hogan, looked around for a second and then hit a DDT on him, before leaving the ring in a hurry and rolling underneath the ring. DiBiase crawled over and laid on top of Hogan, as Hebner began to recover, and he slowly counted to three as the fans booed like crazy.


WINNERS: “The Suspects” at 26:39, Sole Survivor - Million Dollar Man (77)




- After the match, Hebner raised DiBiase’s arm in victory, and the Million Dollar Man rolled out of the ring and staggered down the aisle, and Hebner left ringside as well and headed to the back. Hogan slowly started to gather himself, when the masked man came back from underneath the ring, with a brown bag in his hand and rolled back inside. The man waited for Hogan to finally regain his feet, and he turned around right into another DDT. The man then furiously started a series of mounted punches on Hogan, leaving him out cold. The masked man then rose to his feet and stood over Hogan, before untying the bag and releasing a massive snake, which started crawling around on Hogan. The oooohs and ahhhhs from the crowd were confirmed when he slowly removed his mask…..



- The crowd seemed terrified at the sight of Roberts in the ring, as Roberts scowled at Hogan, and called for a microphone. Roberts then walked over to Hogan and dropped to his knees before saying only three simple words:


“It was me.”



GM - What a despicable act just on display here by Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts! The Snake with a Pearl Harbor job on the World Wrestling Federation champion, and I just don't believe it! Does he mean what I think he means, Jess?


JV - I’d say so, Gorilla. It looks like we finally know who attacked the Hulkster in that parking lot!


GM - I shutter to think of what this means for the champion, and the entire World Wrestling Federation for that matter!


JV - I simply don’t believe it, Gorilla! After months of speculation, it was right in front of our eyes! It looks like this has been The Snake’s master plan all along! The gradual change from a simple hard-working man to a man whose become thrilled with the thought of causing someone else pain culminates with this right here. Simple unbelievable, Gorilla!


GM - I’m afraid you’re right, Jesse! Folks, I never thought I would say this but given what has went down here tonight, ladies and gentlemen,we might just be looking at the end of Hulkamania as we know it.



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