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No pressure right? :cool: Hell, worse case scenario if IWA goes under, I'll just join a company for two years then split and re-create IWA, back from the grave!


But what are the odds of that happening right? A seriously, a Local backyard company with no money, popularity, direction or backstage control could ever be in danger right? Sounds like a solid investment to me.

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Ok, my completely new character. (So Honda can be deleted)


Basic Info


Name: Tora

Short Name: Tora

Alter Ego(s): N/A


Age: 31

Mask: N

Hair: Yes

Picture (Not Required):


Gender: M

Race: Asian

Nationality: Japanese


Wrestling Style (Pick One):Puroresu


Finishing Move: 'Tora Tora Tora' (Spear, shouting "Tora Tora Tora" whilst charging) & 'Death Sentence' (Triple Powerbomb)



• Heavyweights (Between 290 – 320lbs eg. Batista, Brock Lesnar )


Areas Active:

Which of the following additional wrestling areas (If any) will your wrestler be active in (Be able to work in). USA is automatically active by default, as it is the base country of IWA.

• Japan

• Australia


Personal Information

Tora (not his real name, which is unknown) is an ex-Japanese criminal, who appears to have turned his back on his criminal ways to become a professional wrestler, however many claim this was just a story made up to get into the USA. The problem is he was roped in to signing for backyard fed IWA.


Tora had a troubled life in Japan, he was born without a tongue which has led him to leading a life of silence. He became involved in organised crime at a young age, and has spent a large amount of time in jail. He recently left the country for the US, but has not ruled out the possibility of returning to his homeland.


Personal History

Does your wrestler have any history, problems, reforms or current use of the following list? If so, fill out either (Very Low/Low/Average/ High/ Very High/ Extreme) according to how much it is/was/now is a part of your wrestler’s life.

• Excessive Drinking - Average

• Hard Drug Use - High

• Soft Drug Use - Average

• Law Problems - Very High (Bets on how long before he goes to jail?)



Which of the following personalities suits your wrestler? (Select One)

• Jerk




Which is your wrestler’s preferred role to play? (Select one)

- Heel


Which of the following gimmick categories is your wrestler’s preferred/least preferred gimmicks? (Pick two, one prefer and another not)

- Comedy (The character is used for laughs or comic relief eg. Clowns, Cartoon Characters) - Least Preferred


- Brute (Usually used for characters that use their size and their power to dominate others eg. Bully, Giant, Bodyguard, Biker) - Favourite




Each skill has a value between 0 and 100, with 0 being absolutely no skill and 100 being mastering a skill. I have broken up all of the important skills that are needed and have placed them into several separate groups, based on how they interact.



“Group A”

The Specialist Group

The following eight skills can help define your wrestler’s style and are the main “skill-wise” impact on a match’s rating.

Each wrestler will be given up to 450 points to distribute in the following skills. Any points that are unwanted to be used in this category can be added to the next.


Brawling: 80

Puroresu: 90

Hardcore: 85

Aerial: 10

Flashiness: 20

Mat Work: 30

Chain Wrestling: 15

Submissions: 55


385/450 (65 carried over)


“Group B”

The Entertainment Skills


In the wrestling world, much like any other form of entertainment business, popularity is king and these next seven skills can help your wrestler get popular faster than others. For example Wrestler A is considered to be the best technical wrestler in the world, but he may never become a star as he may not have the charisma, menace or star quality need to gain and retain popularity easily so it may take him significantly longer (Chris Benoit, Bryan Danielson). Wrestler B however may be barely passable in the ring, yet is a superstar due to his sheer charisma and skills to connect with the crowd in a short amount of time (Hulk Hogan, The Rock).

Of course in the perfect world, it would be ideal to have both great in-ring skills and entertainment skills, but this is rarely achieved straight away (Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho).

Each wrestler will be given 400 points to distribute between the following skills. As before any points that are unwanted to be used in this category can be added to the next.


Microphone: 0

Charisma: 20

Acting: 10

Announcing: 0

Sex Appeal: 15

Star Quality: 75

Menace: 90


Used - 210/400 (190 carried over. Carried over total = 255)


Group “C”

The Physical Skills


These final 14 skills are your physical skills, these include stats such as your skill in basic training to how much stamina your wrestler has in the tank. Each wrestler will be given 800 points to spend on these skills, along with any additional points that have been carried over from the previous two groups. There will be no further carry over points after this group, so spend them wisely.


Athleticism: 30

Toughness: 100

Stamina: 65

Power: 95

Basics: 60

Psychology: 55

Safety: 60

Consistency: 80

Selling: 40

Intensity: 90

Stiffness: 90 (IWA is going down with injuries :p)

Resilience: 80

Refereeing: 0

MMA: 60


Used - 905 (Left over 255 - 105 = 150)




Edit - Forgot the picture, if anyone knows whether this guy has a cut on the blue background let me know.



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At least he is safer than half the roster:p


Oh,BTW I am willing to be that he would probably OD first before going to jail.


I am willing to bet he goes jail first.


If I win I get a title run once I am out of jail. If I OD first, well one less backstage annoyance for you :p

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If I win I get a title run once I am out of jail. If I OD first, well one less backstage annoyance for you :p


Title run, pah that's if he ever gets out. BTW, if Tora were to return from jail, win the World Title and then proceed to OD on the night of his victory, the irony would be immense and hilarious.



BTW what's with all the religion hate :p? I would find it funny if the religious wrestlers were looked down upon as the minority by all of these drug addicted, alcoholic wrestlers. Again the irony would be great

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Title run, pah that's if he ever gets out. BTW, if Tora were to return from jail, win the World Title and then proceed to OD on the night of his victory, the irony would be immense and hilarious.


Well you have to celebrate the title victory, and Tora parties hard.

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By the way, I'm using the "Simmering Tension" to represent the fact that Gaius's lifestyle is very much atypical, to the point that there is some awkwardness. Not that there's a disliking or anything.


Think of it like...if there was a nudist wrestler. People might not hate the person, but until there's an adjustment period, there's going to be backstage issues.


Speaking of nudist wrestlers, we need some women on the roster.

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IWA Begins


Sorry about the late response. New job + bad internet + finalising everything kind of put back IWA's beginning, BUT regardless of all this, I present IWA's Day One roster and details!







Just a quick look at the initial roster. There are several other wrestlers that you probably won' know from the Extreme Warefare Battleground Forum that also signed up.






The infamous IWA backstage, merely a 42% though I was expecting worse - Hell just wait for drug testing to come into place ;). BTW Eidenhoek, Gaius is fairly responsible for 60% of this so hopefully it goes after after six months.......



User Character




Pretty straight forward this one.







Just the product that IWA is running. (Subject to change through-out the diary)





Creative Meeting



















Further Updates + the 1st week to come later

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Murlough of all people is the 'Lead Babyface' in the company? xD. I knew the charisma and star quality would give him a boost, but I didn't think it'd make him THAT high profile.


...Seriously though, there are going to be SO many fights early on in this.

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BTW Eidenhoek, Gaius is fairly responsible for 60% of this so hopefully it goes after after six months.......


What the hell? I only see like 7 relationships! Your morale should be at 30% *glar*


Huh. I guess my psychology sucks hard enough for me to not be a ring general...

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