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WWE 2011: Bragging Rights!

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Hey, I'll do one with you if you want.

That might be a bit difficult to manage, seeing as I'm still stuck on TEW2008. :o Still, if you've got any ideas for a multiplayer dynasty, feel free to share them with me via pm. Maybe you can get me so excited that I'll stop being a cheapskate and finally buy 2010!


Kane vs. R-Truth

Melina vs. Beth Phoenix

Tyson Kidd vs. Randy Orton

Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

CM Punk vs. John Morrison

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Kane vs. R-Truth

-Re-build the monster.


Melina vs. Beth Phoenix

-If I remember right Phoenix was more relevant at this point.


Tyson Kidd vs. Randy Orton

-Easy pick.


Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

-Don't see Bryan winning the first match between these two, could be a long running fued.


CM Punk vs. John Morrison

-Punk is awesome.

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That might be a bit difficult to manage, seeing as I'm still stuck on TEW2008. :o Still, if you've got any ideas for a multiplayer dynasty, feel free to share them with me via pm. Maybe you can get me so excited that I'll stop being a cheapskate and finally buy 2010!


Haha, alright man.


I just really, really, really wanna do a multiplayer dynasty. xP

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First of all, thank you to everyone who has predicted so far. It is truly appreciated more than you might know.


Secondly, I wanted to let everyone know that the Raw show itself should be posted on Monday barring anything happening to prevent it. So that gives you still at least around a day and a half if you are looking to make predictions.


Again, thank you to everyone for the predictions and the comments. I hope that this lives up to the hype.

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Kane vs. R-Truth

Prefer Kane to be honest.


Melina vs. Beth Phoenix

Beth has more talent.


Tyson Kidd vs. Randy Orton

Kidd is never beating Orton.


Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

This match depends on how relevent you want to make Regal.


CM Punk vs. John Morrison

"I am the best on the mic, in that ring, even on commentary. Nobody can touch me."

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Interting to see where this one is going, I will definitely be on board.:)


Kane vs. R-Truth

Personal preference


Melina vs. Beth Phoenix



Tyson Kidd vs. Randy Orton

Orton is way more over.


Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

Younger guy gets the win here


CM Punk vs. John Morrison

Again personal preference.

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Heh, I felt stupid because I forgot to check pages 2 and 3 and predicted, but I got lucky in that there wasn't a show yet. :p


Kane vs. R-Truth

Melina vs. Beth Phoenix

Tyson Kidd vs. Randy Orton

Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

CM Punk vs. John Morrison

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Monday Week 1 January 2011

Location: NY Blue Cross Arena Rochester, New York (Tri State)

Attendance: 9,572

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 7.93




[Over 9,000 fans paid attendance to see this edition of WWE Monday Night Raw! The fans knew that they were in for some surprises and the first surprise came early on as sitting beside Jerry Lawler at the commentary desk is NOT Michael Cole. Instead, Jerry Lawler is joined on commentary by the legendary Joey Styles! Joey welcomes everyone to WWE Monday Night Raw amidst a few chants of 'Welcome Back' from this Rochester New York crowd. They talk about the main event as fans get prepared for the first show in the year 2011.]


[The fans begin to boo heavily as from the back comes one of the more hated wrestlers in the WWE: CM Punk. CM Punk walks down to the ring looking as arrogant as ever. He slips inside the ring and lets everyone know that the angry bunch of rookies has been drafted over to Smackdown so he won't need that Nexus armband anymore. He won't need anyone riding on his coattails to success. Speaking of individual performances, he lets everyone know that in a few weeks at the Royal Rumble he is going to go into that ring and walk out with a title shot at WrestleMania against whoever the champion might be. Why? Because he has faith in himself and really that's all he needs. The crowd erupts when he gets interrupted by some music.]




[Not only by some music but by the presence of John Morrison! Morrison pauses and lets the slow motion cut in on him as he makes his way down to the ring. He slips inside and looks across at a smirking CM Punk. They meet eyes and Morrison lets CM Punk know that he is NOT going to be the winner at the Royal Rumble. Why? Because that belongs to John Morrison. That belongs to the Palace of Wisdom where Morrison lives. CM Punk asks Morrison if he's so smart then why didn't he see this coming. And a punch is thrown by Punk! Morrison fires back! Punk with a punch! Morrison! Punk! Morrison! Morrison! Morrison! Morrison with a clothesline, sending Punk over the top rope to the outside of the ring. Morrison has the crowd into it and yells at CM Punk that he'll see him later tonight.]




Match #1

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/Kane.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/PaulBearer.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/R-Truth.jpg

Kane vs. R-Truth


[Our first bout of the evening gives another surprise. No, it's not R-Truth singing 'What's Up' and getting the crowd going. It's the return of the Father of Destruction. It's the return of Paul Bearer by Kane's side. Paul Bearer has the mystical urn in hand as he leads Kane down to the ring. R-Truth gets in a few shots early on but this match is mostly dominated by the Big Red Machine both inside and outside the ring. Kane sends R-Truth into the steel steps and then rams his head against the guardrail. He tosses R-Truth back inside the ring and sets him up as Paul Bearer smiles at ringside -- Choke Slam! R-Truth's body contorts like he was in a car wreck and Kane makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Kane (Via Pinfall @ 5:34)

Match Rating: B-






[Following the commercial break, Alberto Del Rio comes out from the back in another of his vintage automobiles. He steps out and walks right down to the ring, sliding inside. He is handed a microphone and he stands in the center of the ring, accepting the boos from the crowd. He lets the fans know that his name is Alberto Del Rrrrrrrioooo! But you already know that. What you also know is that in a few weeks is the Royal Rumble match. It is written in the stars. It is my destiny to win the Royal Rumble and go on to WrestleMania to defeat the WWE Champion, proclaims Del Rio. According to Alberto, it doesn't matter whether he picks the first number in the Royal Rumble or the last number. What does matter is that he will be the last man standing at the Royal Rumble and you can bet on it. The crowd boos that prospect as Del Rio heads to the back.]






[We are taken backstage where Ted DiBiase is standing by alone in the interview area. DiBiase looks up at the camera and lets everyone know just how shallow they are. At the end of the day, each and every member of the WWE Universe has a price for Ted DiBiase. At the end of the day, every single person in this arena and watching on television can be bought. One thing that cannot be bought, though, is a victory at the WWE Royal Rumble. Or can it? DiBiase smirks and walks off, looking like he has truly thought of something wonderful.]




Match #2


Melina vs. Beth Phoenix


[Our Womens bout here on Raw is a bit of a focused domination by Beth Phoenix. Though some in the crowd seemed to have used this as more of a bathroom break than anything else. Phoenix seemed determined and a lot more vicious than we might have seen from her recently. Phoenix takes down Melina with a hard vertical suplex and then calls for it to be over, dropping her with the Glam Slam. She turns her over so her shoulders are down: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Beth Phoenix (Via Pinfall @ 4:44)

Match Rating: C






[We head backstage to the locker room where The Miz and Alex Riley are discussing exactly what happened at Tables, Ladders and Chairs. The Miz put Randy Orton through a table and retained the WWE Championship. But, now, Randy Orton has found some kind of loophole and the decision was made to give Orton another title shot at Royal Rumble. Really? Really? But at the end of the day it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter because Randy Orton is nothing. He is a blip on the Miz's radar. He will be run over by the greatest, most must-see WWE Champion of all time. Why? The Miz explains "Because I'm the Miz and I'm AWESOME!"]






[A video begins to play hyping the upcoming Royal Rumble event at the end of the month. We are just a few short weeks away from seeing who will be going on to WrestleMania to face either the WWE Champion or the WWE World Champion. The Road To WrestleMania begins at the WWE Royal Rumble!]




Match #3


Tyson Kidd vs. Randy Orton


[This is perhaps the most surprising match of the evening as Tyson Kidd steps in the ring with the number one contender Randy Orton. Kidd gives this match everything he has and there is a lot to his arsenal. He frustrates Orton at times during the match, even going so far as to hit a shooting star press outside the ring onto a standing Randy Orton! Kidd gets a two count in the center of the ring. Orton fights back, though, and eventually draws Kidd over that middle rope and hits the snap DDT. Then he's going to that place where he hears voices in his head. He drops down and begins pounding his fists on the mat. The crowd gets excited as Tyson Kidd is slow to get to his feet and Randy Orton stalks his younger opponent -- RKO! Orton fells Kidd with the RKO and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Randy Orton (Via Pinfall @ 7:43)

Match Rating: B+


[This was definitely the surprise match of perhaps 2011! Tyson Kidd very nearly got the win over Randy Orton but in the end it was an RKO that sealed the deal. As Orton begins to celebrate, we get two people running into the ring.]




[Orton faces the Miz and Alex Riley head on! Punches and clotheslines are thrown. Orton is battling back against both The Miz and Alex Riley! Orton floors the Miz and then turns on A-Ri -- RKO! Alex Riley goes down with the RKO and Orton celebrates but he forgot about the Miz! The Miz slams into Orton from behind with the WWE Heavyweight Championship belt! Orton goes down and The Miz picks him up -- Skull-Crushing Finale! Orton is down! The Miz picks up his belt, glances at the fallen Alex Riley and shrugs, raising the belt to boos from the crowd.]






[We head backstage once again. This time we see the Big Show stretching in the back. Big Show raises a brow as he is approached by Paul Bearer, who is holding up the urn. Bearer lets the Big Show know that he is being given the opportunity of a lifetime. He is being given the opportunity to once again wear gold in World Wrestling Entertainment. He is being given the opportunity to team with the Big Red Machine Kane. Big Show doesn't answer these words in the positive or the negative. He lets Paul know that he will think about it and he seems to really be doing so as Paul Bearer walks away.]




Match #4


Non Title

William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan


[Our semi main event this evening is one that has high expectations written all over it. Both of these wrestlers are marvels at technical wrestling and this match has the makings of a masterpiece that doesn't disappoint. There are several near falls within the beginning of the match by both men. It's a little cheating by William Regal that draws him into control for the middle section of the match. This is perhaps one of the very few matches in WWE history that does not spill outside the ring as both men look to prove they are the best on the mat. Regal places Bryan in a bow and arrow submission hold but Bryan refuses to give. The crowd gets into it during a Regal abdominal stretch and that gives Bryan the ability to flip over Regal with a hip toss.]


[Daniel Bryan gains control and brings Regal back into a corner with a few European Uppercuts. He lifts Regal up on the turnbuckles and climbs up to join him. He hooks Regal -- Double Underhook Superplex! What a move by Daniel Bryan! He makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Regal showing some staying power of his own! Daniel Bryan gets up and waits for Regal to start getting up before firing those heavy hitting kicks to the chest of Regal and then one to the head that sends Regal right back down to the mat. Daniel Bryan moves in quickly and locks in the LeBell Lock! Regal struggles, trying to reach the ropes or do something that will cause the hold to be broken. But at the end of the day, Regal has to tap out. But what a match between these two!]


Winner: Daniel Bryan (Via Submission @ 10:39)

Match Rating: B




Match #5


CM Punk vs. John Morrison


[Our main event and this match promises to be a good one with two relatively young talents going one on one. CM Punk does a lot of stalling at the beginning of the match, going outside the ring and using the ropes to get into the head of John Morrison. Punk goes outside the ring one too many times early on, though, and Morrison catches him with a suicide dive! The action moves back inside the ring fairly quickly with Morrison still in control. Morrison catches CM Punk with a russian legsweep and makes another cover, getting a near fall. The momentum shifted when Morrison went to the top turnbuckle and leaped off only to be caught by CM Punk with a dropkick!]


[CM Punk's advantage turned from inside the ring to outside the ring as the battle drew to the ringside area. Fans were surprised to see The Miz and Alex Riley come out from the back. Though The Miz definitely has some history with John Morrison. CM Punk sent Morrison into the guardrail and then used the ring steps as a springboard into an enzuigiri! Punk entered the ring and distracted the official as The Miz sent John Morrison head-first into the ring post! The Miz tosses Morrison back into the ring where Punk makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Foot on the ropes! Punk moves to his feet and says it's over. He picks up Morrison and lifts him on his shoulders for the Go-To-Sleep! Elbow strike! Elbow strike! Elbow strike! Morrison breaks free of the hold!]


[Morrison brings down CM Punk with a faceplant and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Morrison gets back to his feet and he has the crowd solidly in his corner! Morrison looks out toward The Miz and Alex Riley, pointing at them before turning his attention back to CM Punk. Morrison catches CM Punk with a Superkick and Punk falls right down to the mat. Morrison climbs the turnbuckles. It looks like he's setting up for Starship Pain! Alex Riley distracts the official and The Miz moves Punk at the last moment! Morrison misses the Starship Pain! The Miz slaps Punk, getting him woken up! Punk sees Morrison and gets to his feet. He lifts up Morrison and moves to the center of the ring -- Go-To-Sleep! CM Punk makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: CM Punk (Via Pinfall @ 20:04)

Match Rating: B-




[This is a big win for CM Punk. In comes The Miz and Alex Riley! The Miz sets up behind John Morrison. Riley steps in and pulls Morrison up, pushing him back into The Miz. The Miz gets Morrison set into position --






[The crowd goes absolutely wild! Randy Orton comes running in from the back. CM Punk leaps out of the ring, leaving The Miz and Alex Riley. The Miz tosses John Morrison out of the way and Alex Riley goes after Orton. After about thirty seconds -- RKO! A-Ri goes down and The Miz exits the ring. Then the sound everybody has been dreading all night goes off. Jerry Lawler tells Joey Styles that he (Joey) has to read the announcement from the Anonymous Raw General Manager. The announcement is that due to what has happened tonight, next week The Miz will team with CM Punk to take on John Morrison and Randy Orton! The Miz does NOT look happy about that! But it's official! What a way to end Raw!]

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time (basically ends after WrestleMania).


We had several people score a perfect 5/5 correct this week. Congratulations to Harmor, CharlieCornell, pauls07, smurphy1014, Nathers7 and Zergon!


1. Harmor=1 Win

CharlieCornell=1 Win

pauls07=1 Win

smurphy1014=1 Win

Nathers7=1 Win

Zergon=1 Win

7. Jaysin=0 Wins

Jingo=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=0 Wins

Huntman=0 Wins

Destiny=0 Wins

ChrisKid=0 Wins

The Final Countdown=0 Wins

1234=0 Wins

Trell=0 Wins

Rayelek=0 Wins

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Confirmed Matches 5/1/11

INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Team LayCool vs. Gail Kim & Eve

#1 CONTENDER: Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

NON-TITLE: Jack Swagger vs. Edge

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INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Team LayCool vs. Gail Kim & Eve

#1 CONTENDER: Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

NON-TITLE: Jack Swagger vs. Edge

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INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Team LayCool vs. Gail Kim & Eve

#1 CONTENDER: Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

NON-TITLE: Jack Swagger vs. Edge

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INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Team LayCool vs. Gail Kim & Eve

#1 CONTENDER: Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

NON-TITLE: Jack Swagger vs. Edge

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INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston

Can't see a first show title change.


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Toughest match to call, going with Rey though.


Team LayCool vs. Gail Kim & Eve

More legitimate at this point.


#1 CONTENDER: Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

The Champion (Edge) is face therefore I can't see Cena getting the win so it was personal preference from there.


NON-TITLE: Jack Swagger vs. Edge

If Swagger was going to beat Edge he would be in the number 1 contenders match. Might see a DQ or something along those lines.

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NTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Team LayCool vs. Gail Kim & Eve

#1 CONTENDER: Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

NON-TITLE: Jack Swagger vs. Edge

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INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston

-Bit early to hotshot a title

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

-Mysterio's in for a beautiful disaster

Team LayCool vs. Gail Kim & Eve

-Team LayCool dominates the women

#1 CONTENDER: Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

-Cena is the golden boy, he wins here

NON-TITLE: Jack Swagger vs. Edge


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INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston

No title change in first show


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Personal preferense


Team LayCool vs. Gail Kim & Eve

Named team over random pairing


#1 CONTENDER: Sheamus vs. John Cenavs. Wade Barrett

Biggest name here.


NON-TITLE: Jack Swagger vs. Edge

Again just going with who I like more.

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INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Team LayCool vs. Gail Kim & Eve

#1 CONTENDER: Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

NON-TITLE: Jack Swagger vs. Edge

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INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston

Ziggler is the man.


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Cody is all kinds of awesome.


Team LayCool vs. Gail Kim & Eve

I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee LayCool.


#1 CONTENDER: Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

Want to pick Sheamus, but Cena seems like the right choice.


NON-TITLE: Jack Swagger vs. Edge

Swagger over Edge? Yeah, no.

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INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston

-While you may stamp your own mark on the title, I don't see the title changing here.


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

-Rhodes didn't have much momentum here, maybe Mysterio will break Cody's nose again.


Team LayCool vs. Gail Kim & Eve

-Team with a name defeat random pairing.


#1 CONTENDER: Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

-Can't see Cena vs Edge yet, so a heel has to win, and considering Barrett was just beat by Cena at TLC, Sheamus is the better choice.


NON-TITLE: Jack Swagger vs. Edge

-Champion should stay strong.

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