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WWE 2011: Bragging Rights!

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"Dashing" Cody Rhodes & Team LayCool vs Rey Mysterio, Eve & Gail Kim

LayCool are the dominant divas at the minute.

David Otunga vs JTG

Otunga gets the win because the Nexus have alot more going on than JTG lol.


Zack Ryder vs David Hart Smith



The Nexus (Slater & Gabriel) vs Barretta & Tatsu

Nexus beats the random pairing.


Edge vs Sheamus

The Champ keeps his momentum going.

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"Dashing" Cody Rhodes & Team LayCool vs Rey Mysterio, Eve & Gail Kim

It´s time to give a win to good girls.


David Otunga vs JTG

Otunga has more going on.

Zack Ryder vs David Hart Smith

Ditto here Ryder is doing more.


The Nexus (Slater & Gabriel) vs Barretta & Tatsu

Named team over random pairing.


Edge vs Sheamus

Sheamus isn´t challenger right now so I see Edge taking this one.

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Thursday Week 3 January 2011

Location: VI Stuart C. Siegel Center; Richmond, Virginia (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 7,361

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: .56




[A pretty long Raw recap began the show highlighting all that happened on the last edition of Raw, including the main event match between Randy Orton, CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio!]


Match #1


Curt Hawkins and Jackson Andrews vs. Mark Henry and Ezekiel Jackson


[in a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Mark Henry and Ezekiel Jackson defeated Curt Hawkins and Jackson Andrews in 5:41 when Mark Henry defeated Jackson Andrews by pinfall with a Big Splash.]


Winners: Mark Henry and Ezekiel Jackson (Via Pinfall @ 5:41)

Match Rating: D




[Daniel Bryan cuts a backstage promo where he hypes his upcoming match with The Miz on this coming Raw. Then he turns his attention to the Royal Rumble, stating that he is going to be the one walking away from that match with the title shot.]


Match #2

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/JoeHennig.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VickieGuerrero.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/DarrenYoung.jpg

Joe Hennig vs. Darren Young


[in a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Joe Hennig defeated Darren Young in 8:08 by pinfall with an One-Armed Swinging Neckbreaker.]


Winner: Joe Hennig (Via Pinfall @ 8:08)

Match Rating: C


Match #3


Alex Riley vs. R-Truth


[in a match that had some good action and average heat, Alex Riley defeated R-Truth in 9:40 by pinfall with a Hit The Showers.]


Winner: Alex Riley (Via Pinfall @ 9:40)

Match Rating: B-




[The show ends with a preview of WWE Raw this coming week, including several signed matches. The Miz will take on Daniel Bryan in non title action. Also, a ten man battle royal is signed to preview the Royal Rumble!]


After the show finished a graphic appeared on the screen, the logos of the WWE's two brands flicking between each other indicated that the winner of this week's Bragging Rights would be revealed....




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Another huge thanks to angeldelayette for this week's Superstars. Just to let you all know that Smackdown will be up tomorrow evening in case anyone wants to get some last minute picks in. Thanks for the comments and predictions and votes so far.


This week's vote was a close one - only 2 votes in it! There will be another vote this weekend, so I hope you all take part once again. :)

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Dorton Arena, Raleigh, NC


Your Announce Team


Michael Cole - Matt Striker



...The Return of a Legend...

This week's Smackdown action began as it did in the previous two iterations, with a superstar in the centre of the ring with a microphone in hand. This week's opening guest was Wade Barrett – number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship. Barrett informed the audience that earlier in the day Teddy Long ordered him to choose an opponent for Edge and, in return, Edge would pick an opponent for him. Barrett complained that Long's silly games were not only a waste of time, but a distraction from his upcoming title match. However, he had chose an opponent for the WHC...


[You think you know me...]


Suddenly Edge's music hit the Dorton Arena! The crowd went wild at the sight of the 10-time World Champion and when he jumped into the ring the chants of 'spear him' echoed around the 8,000 seater. Edge explained that he had interrupted for one simple reason – he wanted to see the expression on Barrett's face when he found out who his match was against. But, as Edge was the one to interrupt the Englishman's promo, the Champion wanted to allow Barrett to reveal his 'surpise contestant' first. Barrett mocked Edge, saying that this ridiculous charade was clearly designed to benefit the “Rated-R Superstar”, and that if he needs Teddy Long to fight his battles then he might as well just hand over the belt now. The crowd's boos brought a smirk to the Englishman's face as he announces his chosen match...Edge vs Sheamus! Cheers greeted the announcement – what a match that should be! Edge merely smiled, before revealing his own surpise contest...Wade Barrett....vs.....



* * * * *


...The Phenom Is Back!...

The Undertaker is a member of the Smackdown roster! The “Phenom” hasn't been seen for a month or two and the crowd nearly blew the roof from Raleigh, NC to Columbia, SC when the lights dimmed to blue and the gong sounded. The “Deadman's” appearance hadn't changed one bit and although The Undertaker remained at the top of the ramp staring at Wade Barrett the fans were soon anxiously awaiting tonight's main event!

* * * * *



An unusual mixed gender, six-person tag team match -
“Dashing” Cody Rhodes & Team LayCool vs Rey Mysterio, Eve and Gail Kim
– was our first match of the night and it didn't disappoint. The rules were well respected, for the most part at least, and whenever a member of the opposite sex was tagged in a free tag was allowed. The match continued two feuds and the interactions between the six left the fans in no doubt how much the competitors have invested in their respective rivalries. Rhodes and Mysterio in particular appear to have quickly become worst enemies and Rhodes spent much of the match trying to rip the luchador's mask off. He failed, but his team-mates fared better, once again teaming up to rob Eve and Gail Kim of a victory. An
Eat Defeat
from Gail Kim should have been enough to put Michelle McCool away, but Layla's interference quickly put paid to the pin. Instead, while the referee was busy trying to stop Rey Mysterio entering, Rhodes tripped up the running Kim, leaving her wide open to a double-team from LayCool. McCool's
Faith Buster
kept Kim down for the count, leaving the fan favourites on the losing side once again, despite another excellent performance from Mysterio, Kim and Eve.

* * * * *


...The Mystery of the Mask...

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes jumped straight over the top rope and charged across the ring towards Mysterio as soon as the referee's hand hit the mat for a third time. The “Dashing One” tried to drag the luchador into the ring but the Mexican was too quick. As Mysterio ran around the outside of the ring Rhodes managed to grab hold of his mask, pulling the Mexican up towards the ring! As Mysterio was lifted up the mask appeared to be coming off but a timely intervention from the referee distracted Rhodes just long enough for Mysterio to break free. This one isn't over by a long shot!



A match one might think more suited to Superstars next, but in actual fact it rivalled our opening match for entertainment value, providing a pleasant surprise for viewers and those in attendance in Raleigh.
David Otunga vs JTG
might not have been DVD material, but it was a solid bout between two individuals fighting to make themselves relevant in this busy wrestling promotion. David Otunga, in his role as 'sort-of-but-not-quite leader of The Nexus is definitely the most often seen of the pair and he would ride that wave of momentum to victory here. Using the ropes as leverage ensured that Otunga won with the expected heelish theatrics, but in actual fact his performance was fully deserving of the victory.

* * * * *


...A Challenge, Accepted?...

[The Champ is here!]

The match had hardly finished when out came John Cena! The biggest name on the Smackdown roster had the crowd on their feet and when he began to cut an amusing promo about David Otunga the fans were in their element. Cena said that not only did Otunga steal the #1 contendership from him, but he robbed the fans of an opportunity to see a classic – Edge vs John Cena at the Royal Rumble. So instead, the fans are going to see a good old-fashioned brawl next week on Smackdown and it will be John Cena vs David Otunga!




...I Want a Match!...

Our second commercial break complete, we were taken to the office of Smackdown General Manager Teddy Long who was deep in conversation with Jack Swagger. The “All-American American” was again complaining about his lack of match while Hornswoggle ran circles around his legs. Teddy Long reminded Swagger that he had a non-title match with Edge two weeks ago but Swagger still wasn't happy, demanding a match on next week's show. Long, however, wasn't too sure and as the GM sat contemplating Swagger's request Hornswoggle jumped up onto the desk and whispered something in Long's ear. A grin spread across his face – whatever Hornswoggle said Teddy Long liked the sound of! The GM nodded, granting Swagger his match next week, in the main event no less, against a mystery opponent! Swagger seemed happy with the result, and the former collegiate stand-out left with an equally big smile on his face.

* * * * *



A quick match was next as another two wrestlers usually reserved for Superstars took to the ring for
David Hart Smith vs Zack Ryder
. Both youngsters have had a few years in the business and the result was a decent, open match that the crowd enjoyed for its novelty rather than its fantastic action. On this occasion David Hart Smith would edge the contest, a
Saito Suplex
putting away the “Long Island Loudmouth” for three.

* * * * *


...We Are Just As Good As The Natural Disasters...

We were treated to a bit of comedy next as unlikely Tag Team Champions Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov cut a promo about the various tag teams they have beaten in their 6 week long reign. Santino compared his duo with Kozlov to the great tag team champions of the past...the likes of The Natural Disasters, The Yukon Lumberjacks and Men on a Mission. Kozlov appears to have no idea what Santino is talking about, but thanks to a helpful pop-up image of the respective former champions the crowd 'laugh' along with the former Miss Wrestlemania.

* * * * *



Our next match –
The Nexus vs Yoshi Tatsu & Trent Barreta
– was a bit of a disappointment. The short seven minutes gave the team of Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater a win, but the thrown together nature of their opponents meant that there was no real flow to the contest. Although not terrible by any means, the lull of the night ended when Heath Slater hit Trent Barreta with a
Leaping Chinlock Slam
for the victory.



...A Royal Rumble Promise...

We returned from our final commercial break to the backstage area where Dolph Ziggler was stood alongside Smackdown interviewer Rosa Mendes. Ziggler cut a short promo about Kofi Kingston, recapping their recent feud over the Intercontinental title – which Kofi won from Ziggler on our first Smackdown of the year – before claiming that he, Dolph Ziggler, was about to put an end to their rivalry. When Ziggler throws Kofi Kingston over the top rope at the Royal Rumble to become the #1 Contender that's when “The Perfection” will finally wash his hands of the Jamaican!

* * * * *



Our semi-main event –
Edge vs Sheamus
– was picked by Wade Barrett, no doubt thanks to Sheamus' reputation for destroying his opponents. The Irishman set about living up to that reputation in style, attacking Edge with his big power moves almost from the word go and consequently he had several near falls in the first five minutes. Slowly but surely Edge fought back and with the help of the crowd began to get on the front foot. At the top of the card, where skill levels are so similar it is often experience that decides a match and as Sheamus felt the momentum switching to his opponent his lack of big match experience saw him become nervous, reckless and careless. The result was a missed
Brogue Kick
that saw him jar his knee on the top turnbuckle. The hobbling Irishman was a perfect target for the
and despite a solid performance from the “Celtic Warrior” Edge was soon declared victorious.

* * * * *



Our main event –
Wade Barrett vs The Undertaker
– was really overshadowed by the “Phenom's” return. However, the wrestling itself was excellent and Wade Barrett continues to impress the WWE Universe (even if they don't like to admit it), while The Undertaker showed just why he had been at the top of this sport for so long. The match itself was extremely tight, neither man willing to take the risk that could put them ahead for fear of a mistake. The cagey start soon evolved into a more free-flowing match that emphasised both men's strengths, although it would be the Undertaker that would take the lead first. A flying clothesline took the Englishman off his feet, an Old School saw Barrett hold his arm in pain. But as the “Deadman” continued his assault he soon went for one of the most feared moves in wrestling...the
Tombstone Piledriver!
But wait...Barrett wasn't hurt enough – he slipped out of the back. The crowd booed, while The Undertaker readied himself for a renewed offensive from his opponent...only it never came. Having averted disaster, Wade Barrett chose to leave the ring! He headed straight up the aisle! The Undertaker couldn't believe it – Barrett had quit! As the referee counted him out, Barrett headed to a camera in the aisle, shouting
“I don't need this crap – I'm the #1 contender!”
several times before exiting through the entrance way. As the bell rang to award the match to The Undertaker the crowd booed at the show of disrespect from his counted out opponent.

* * * * *


...Just Nine Days Away...

This week's episode of Smackdown comes to a close with a short video plays hyping the Royal Rumble just nine days away. The video not only includes a preview for Edge and Wade Barrett's World Heavyweight Title Match, but also the Smackdown roster members who will be taking part in the Rumble itself, including Dolph Ziggler, “Dashing” Cody Rhodes, John Cena and The Undertaker!






SyFy Rating: 3.60





"Dashing Cody Rhodes & Team LayCool def. Rey Mysterio, Eve & Gail Kim

David Otunga def. JTG

David Hart Smith def. Zack Ryder

The Nexus def. Yoshi Tatsu & Trent Barreta

Edge def. Sheamus in a Non-Title Match

The Undertaker def. Wade Barrett via Count-Out

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Confirmed Matches



10 Man Battle Royal: Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Kane, Roddy Piper, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd and William Regal

Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly

CM Punk vs. Mark Henry

Alex Riley vs. Randy Orton

Non Title: The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

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10 Man Battle Royal: Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Kane, Roddy Piper, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd and William Regal

Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly

CM Punk vs. Mark Henry

Alex Riley vs. Randy Orton

Non Title: The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

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10 Man Battle Royal: Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Kane, Roddy Piper, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd and William Regal

Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly

CM Punk vs. Mark Henry

Alex Riley vs. Randy Orton

Non Title: The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

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10 Man Battle Royal: Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Kane, Roddy Piper, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd and William Regal

Oh God, let it be McIntyre. Am I the only person that actually rates McIntyre?


Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly


CM Punk vs. Mark Henry


Alex Riley vs. Randy Orton


Non Title: The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

Tough one, but as it is non-title I can see Bryan sneaking a win.

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10 Man Battle Royal: Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Kane, Roddy Piper, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd and William Regal

Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly

CM Punk vs. Mark Henry

Alex Riley vs. Randy Orton

Non Title: The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time (basically ends after WrestleMania).


No perfect scores from Smackdown this week. However, we did have several people get 4/5 correct. Congratulations to Rayelek, pauls07, Huntman, ChrisKid and Nathers7!


1. Nathers7=6 Wins

2. pauls07=5 Wins

3. Zergon=4 Wins

4. ChrisKid=3 Wins

Rayelek=3 Wins

6. smurphy1014=2 Wins

7. Harmor=1 Win

CharlieCornell=1 Win

Jingo=1 Win

Kijar=1 Win

1234=1 Win

Trell=1 Win

Fear=1 Win

Destiny=1 Win

Huntman=1 Win

16. Jaysin=0 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=0 Wins

The Final Countdown=0 Wins

KingAj=0 Wins

sebsplex=0 Wins

TDubRaiders=0 Wins

nimo34=0 Wins

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10 Man Battle Royal: Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Kane, Roddy Piper, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd and William Regal

Can only see 2 winners, Morrison or Del Rio. Seeing as this is just a random battle royal I'm not sure at all, taking a guess at Morrison. Plus am I the only one that found it strange that Roddy Piper is in this match lol?

Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly

I hate Kelly Kelly lol, seriously Barbie should be buried, no talent whatsoever.


CM Punk vs. Mark Henry

Punk is God.


Alex Riley vs. Randy Orton

Number 1 Contender is not going to lose to Alex Riley.


Non Title: The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

Can't see any reason for Bryan to go over Miz yet.

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10 Man Battle Royal: Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Kane, Roddy Piper, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd and William Regal

Oh God, let it be McIntyre. Am I the only person that actually rates McIntyre?


I will say that McIntyre definitely has a future in this diary. Is the future now? Tune in and find out.


10 Man Battle Royal: Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Kane, Roddy Piper, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd and William Regal

Can only see 2 winners, Morrison or Del Rio. Seeing as this is just a random battle royal I'm not sure at all, taking a guess at Morrison. Plus am I the only one that found it strange that Roddy Piper is in this match lol?


This is actually a 'get ready for the Royal Rumble' battle royal since we are on the last Raw show before the Royal Rumble. ;)


And the Piper thing is a little bit strange but at the same time he did mention last week during Piper's Pit that he will be competing in the 2011 Royal Rumble.

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10 Man Battle Royal: Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Kane, Roddy Piper, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd and William Regal

Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly

CM Punk vs. Mark Henry

Alex Riley vs. Randy Orton

Non Title: The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

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10 Man Battle Royal: Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Kane, Roddy Piper, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd and William Regal

Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly

CM Punk vs. Mark Henry

Alex Riley vs. Randy Orton

Non Title: The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

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I will say that McIntyre definitely has a future in this diary. Is the future now? Tune in and find out.


Haha, how cryptic :D I'll also throw my support behind McIntyre, even if he did abandom me for RAW!


In RL, he's another roster member who had a big early push and then creative seemed to lose faith and/or interest. Hopefully he'll get that momentum back, much like Sheamus has recently.


The Bragging Rights voting for week 3 will begin tonight, so keep an eye out for that :)

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10 Man Battle Royal: Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Kane, Roddy Piper, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd and William Regal

I can dream...


Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly



CM Punk vs. Mark Henry

Not today Marky Mark.


Alex Riley vs. Randy Orton

Not today A-Ry.


Non Title: The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan


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10 Man Battle Royal: Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Kane, Roddy Piper, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd and William Regal

Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly

CM Punk vs. Mark Henry

Alex Riley vs. Randy Orton

Non Title: The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

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10 Man Battle Royal: Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Kane, Roddy Piper, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd and William Regal

Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly

CM Punk vs. Mark Henry

Alex Riley vs. Randy Orton

Non Title: The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

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10 Man Battle Royal: Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Kane, Roddy Piper, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd and William Regal

Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly

CM Punk vs. Mark Henry

Alex Riley vs. Randy Orton

Non Title: The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

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10 Man Battle Royal: Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Kane, Roddy Piper, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd and William Regal

I was thinking about going with Big Show or Kane but that would be quite easy solution so I go with Del Rio instead.


Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly

Only one of these girls can wrestle and it isn´t Kelly.


CM Punk vs. Mark Henry

I do somewhat like Henry but I still have to hope that he doesn´t go over Punk.


Alex Riley vs. Randy Orton

Orton should go over Riley as he is feuding with Miz.


Non Title: The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

I know Miz isn´t exactly strong champion but I still would give him a win over Bryan.

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Monday Week 4 January 2011

Location: NC Asheville Civic Center (South East)

Attendance: 7,654

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 7.88


Match #1



10 Man Battle Royal

Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, Kane,

Roddy Piper, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd and William Regal


[WWE Raw opens with almost all of the wrestlers already in the ring as Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler welcome everyone to WWE Raw! The last entrance is that of the Mexican Aristocrat Alberto Del Rio. He comes down in his vintage car and then enters the ring and the match begins. Big Show and Kane work together early on, eliminating Roddy Piper and Ted DiBiase quickly. The match ends up coming down to Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Kane and John Morrison. Big Show and Kane go to work on John Morrison while Alberto Del Rio remains in the background. The two large athletes eliminate Morrison and then Big Show turns and eliminates Kane! So the two men are NOT working together! Kane looks shocked at ringside and he grabs the arm of the Big Show. He holds it and Del Rio moves in, using that momentum to shove Show over the top rope and to the floor for the final elimination!]


Winner: Alberto Del Rio (Via Over The Top Rope @ 9:48)

Match Rating: B-


[As his music begins to play, Alberto Del Rio is given a microphone. He gets on and tells everyone that he is just proving it is his destiny to win the Royal Rumble. Tonight is only the beginning of what will be the best hall of fame career of Alberto Del Rio. But you already know that.]






[We head backstage where CM Punk is standing by within the interview area. Punk focuses his interview on the upcoming Royal Rumble. There are 29 other men entering the Royal Rumble but there is only one of them that is your saviour. There is only one man in the coming Royal Rumble who has the endurance to outlast everyone else. There is only one man who is straight edge and that means that he is better than you. That one man is CM Punk.]




Match #2


Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly


[Our next match is a fairly short Divas match with Beth Phoenix taking on Kelly Kelly. The match is a bit of an average match here tonight. It was dominated by the imposing presence of Beth Phoenix. Joey Styles informs everyone that Beth Phoenix will take part in a four way match at the Royal Rumble for the WWE Divas title. Kelly Kelly only got a few shots in during the match. Phoenix catches her with a slingshot suplex and then drops her with the Glam Slam. Phoenix turns it into a pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Beth Phoenix (Via Pinfall @ 4:44)

Match Rating: C






[We head backstage where The Miz and Alex Riley are talking within the locker room. The Miz tells Alex that tonight he wants him to take Randy Orton out. He doesn't care how he does it. He wants Orton out of commission by Sunday. A-Ri begins to argue slightly, saying he can beat Orton. The Miz says he doesn't want Orton beaten. He wants Orton out of commission. The two men go eye to eye and A-Ri backs down, just nodding.]






[We head elsewhere backstage where Big Show and Kane are shown throwing thunderous blows against each other. Officials are trying to step in and break it up but could you break up a fight between Big Show and Kane? The Big Red Monster starts to get some control when Paul Bearer shows up and hits Show in the back with the urn! Kane sends Show face-first into the wall and officials finally get things seperated.]






[We are taken to Eric Bischoff's office where the WWE Raw General Manager is having a conversation with CM Punk. Punk can be heard joking about how Bischoff doesn't have anything in control around here with the case in point being Big Show and Kane backstage. Bischoff begins to reply but then he stands and closes the door, locking the cameraman out. A moment later, CM Punk comes out of the office with a smile on his face.]




Match #3


CM Punk vs. Mark Henry


[This match could be considered a shocker by anyone watching the show. The crowd really gets into the match as both men stepped up their games. Mark Henry uses his size advantage throughout this match against Punk. Punk tries a strike and move tactic, trying not to get caught by Henry. When he eventually did, Henry took Punk to the mat and kept him down there with stomps and an elbowdrop. The crowd really gets behind Henry. Henry picks up Punk and goes for the World's Strongest Slam but Punk manages to pull himself free. Punk sends Henry to the turnbuckles and runs in with a knee strike to the head and then a bulldog. The crowd boos the Straight Edge Saviour. Punk picks up Henry and shows some amazing strength as he pulls Henry up on his shoulders -- Go To Sleep! Henry is down and out as Punk makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: CM Punk (Via Pinfall @ 7:18)

Match Rating: A






[As the crowd marvels at that Go To Sleep, we head backstage where WWE Tag Team Champions Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov are walking. Santino is trying to explain thumb-wrestling to Kozlov but Kozlov just doesn't seem to be getting it. With one hand used up, they cannot deflect the oncoming assault from behind.]




[Vickie Guerrero leads Ted DiBiase, Joe Hennig, Husky Harris and Primo in an assault on the WWE Tag Team Champions! Kozlov manages to fight them off for a moment before DiBiase catches him in the ribs with a chair shot. DiBiase sets up Kozlov and nails Dream Street on the floor! DiBiase offers his hand out to Vickie Guerrero and she hands him a one hundred dollar bill. He stuffs it in the mouth of Santino before everyone walks off, having had a good laugh at the expense of the WWE Tag Team Champions.]






[We head to another area backstage where Roddy Piper is standing within the interview area. He begins the interview saying that there have been many people in his life who have questioned his decision to enter the Royal Rumble. He main evented the first ever WrestleMania and now he is being given the opportunity to main event WrestleMania XXVII. He says that he needs this. He needs this victory and he is going to have it. Why? Because he is Roddy Piper! He is the man who put Hulkamania in his place! He is the man who slapped Mr. T. He is the man who beat cancer! There is nothing that the Rowdy Scot cannot do! At the Royal Rumble, 29 other wrestlers are going to fall and the one man who will be left is Rowdy Roddy Piper!]






[Randy Orton is shown within his locker room next. He bangs his head against the locker and is mostly quiet as he seems to be getting himself ready for his match tonight. He finally turns to the camera and says that HE is not going to be the one who is taken out tonight.]




Match #4


Alex Riley vs. Randy Orton


[Our semi main event here and the crowd went absolutely wild for Randy Orton. Orton seemed ready to end the match quickly as he went for several pinfalls early on. When Riley began taking control, he focused on the leg of Randy Orton. He did everything he could to hurt and injure the leg, including banging the knee against the ring post and hooking in a figure 4 leglock. It was during the figure 4 that things began to change around for Orton. He flipped the figure 4 over and then Riley broke that move quickly. Orton slammed several punches to the gut of Riley and moved him over to the ropes. He slid him over the middle rope and dropped him with a DDT! Orton grabbed his knee but he shook his head when the referee asked him if he wanted to give it up. Orton began punching the mat and slowly began getting to his feet as Alex Riley did the same. Riley steps in and Orton does the same -- RKO! Orton drops Riley with the RKO. Orton grabs his knee for a moment, wincing in pain. He crawls over and covers Riley: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Randy Orton wins but what shape will his knee be in on Sunday?]


Winner: Randy Orton (Via Pinfall @ 10:16)

Match Rating: B




Match #5

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/TheMiz.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/AlexRiley.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/DanielBryan.jpg

Non Title

The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan


[Our main event shows exactly why both of these men are Champions in our brand. The first few minutes are wrestled back and forth with neither man willing to take that big risk and lose momentum to the other. The first big risk move taken is around the five minute mark when Daniel Bryan hits The Miz with a suicide dive outside the ring! Bryan gets the crowd into it as he pulls The Miz up and tosses him back inside the ring. Daniel Bryan is distracted by the presence of Alex Riley and then climbs into the ring on a waiting Miz, who drives several knees to the head of Bryan. The match continues to be back and forth for the majority of the time here. The Miz hits Bryan with his swinging corner clothesline and then makes a cover to get a near fall. Later on, Daniel Bryan begins his comeback with the crowd firmly in his corner. He swings those hard kicks to the chest of The Miz and then one to the head. But it's the presence of Alex Riley that once again lets The Miz off the hook. Daniel Bryan punches Riley off the apron but The Miz rises behind Bryan and hooks him -- Skull Crushing Finale! Bryan is down and The Miz makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: The Miz (Via Pinfall @ 15:09)

Match Rating: B+


[The Miz and Alex Riley make a quick escape with the belt. But as they are leaving, other wrestlers are fighting down toward the ring!]





[Wrestlers like Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, Kane, Drew McIntyre and others begin brawling inside the ring! Finishers are hit all over the place, including Daniel Bryan hooking the Bridging Grounded Double Chickenwing known on the indy scene as the Cattle Mutilation on William Regal! Wrestlers start getting chucked over the top rope to the floor, including the winner of the battle royal earlier: Alberto Del Rio! The fight continues until there's only one man left in the ring: Drew McIntyre! Drew points toward the WrestleMania sign as the show comes to a close.]

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time (basically ends after WrestleMania).


We had many people get either 4/5 or 3/5 this week. However, we did have one perfect score this week! Congratulations to Zergon!


1. Nathers7=6 Wins

2. pauls07=5 Wins

Zergon=5 Wins

4. ChrisKid=3 Wins

Rayelek=3 Wins

6. smurphy1014=2 Wins

7. Harmor=1 Win

CharlieCornell=1 Win

Jingo=1 Win

Kijar=1 Win

1234=1 Win

Trell=1 Win

Fear=1 Win

Destiny=1 Win

Huntman=1 Win

16. Jaysin=0 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=0 Wins

The Final Countdown=0 Wins

KingAj=0 Wins

sebsplex=0 Wins

TDubRaiders=0 Wins

nimo34=0 Wins

jonnycosmic=0 Wins

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